A Feat Per Level List

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A Feat Per Level List

Post by Koumei »

Here is my grand list for "a feat per level", which will probably grow over time. Let's start with some waffle and caveats:
1. Yes they're still stronger than PHB ones despite you getting just shy of 3 times as many of them. That's fine. They're not "You have an at-will Stunning attack" and any scaling/advancement is pretty basic.
2. Minions pretend they were still only getting 1 at level 1, then another at level 3, they don't have an effective BAB of +2 per level.
3. Throw in weird specific feats like "Hot Weather Adaptation" or "You have 1000' Tremorsense specifically for creatures that are actively Burrowing/Tunnelling/Mining/Earth Gliding right now" for per-session or per-story-segment or whatever. Generally present three such things, and not things from this list, and let them choose from those three.
4. Monsters smart enough to take feats should probably pick from these as well. However, they only get a number of these equal to their hit dice or challenge rating, whichever is lower. 30HD CR 12 undead things don't just take 30 feats. They should also take a few bullshit feats that don't do much for their combat prowess, or even take some Monster Manual "this natural weapon is a d8 instead of a d6" things.
5. Everyone still has Power Attack and Combat Expertise for free.

General Feats for anyone
Acquirer's Eye
You know quality when you see it.
You gain a +3 Bonus to Appraise checks, and Appraise is always a Class Skill for you. You automatically know if something is ordinary, masterwork, magical, or of legendary craft or origins just by looking at it. Additionally, with ten minutes of appraisal and an Appraise check, you can attempt to learn all the properties of a magical item. The DC is 10 plus the item's Caster Level.

Animal Affinity
Animals consider you a friend of nature.
You gain a +3 Bonus to Handle Animal checks, and Handle Animal is always a Class Skill for you. You can handle an animal as a Free Action, and push it as a Move-Equivalent Action, and the DC and time taken to rear and train a creature is halved (other than actual physical growth time). When you raise an animal that is smart enough to have Skills and Feats, you may choose them.

Aura of Courage
You are as brave as a Paladin.
You are Immune to all [Fear] effects. Additionally, you radiate a 10' radius aura. Allies in the area gain a +4 Morale Bonus to saving throws against [Fear] effects.

Aura of Fear
You like to just terrify those around you.
You radiate a 30' radius [Fear] effect as an aura. You may suppress or resume this at will with a Swift Action. Any creature of a lower level than you in the area must pass a Will Save or be Frightened for one minute. The Save DC is 10 + half your level + your Charisma Bonus.

Aura of Menace
You are good at oppressing people like an archon.
You have a 10' aura that oppresses enemies: they must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus) or suffer a -2 Penalty on attack rolls against you and skill checks made to affect you, for the next 24 hours or until they successfully hit you. Once they resist or break the effect, they are immune to your Aura until the next sunrise.

Battlefield Surgeon
You patch people together even without magic.
You gain a +3 Bonus to Heal checks, and Heal is always a Class Skill for you. You can make First Aid, Treat Poison and Treat Wound checks as Move Actions. Additionally, if you spend a full minute and the contents of an entire first aid kit, operating on/treating someone, you may make a Heal check and they regain hit points equal to the result. When performing long-term care, for every 5 points your Heal check exceeds the base DC the patient recovers another 100% faster. For instance, if your Heal check result is 23, the patients would heal at three times the normal rate.

Blank Thoughts
The hardest book to read is an empty one.
As long as you are not maintaining Concentration on anything, you are Immune to Possession and your thoughts cannot be read. The best people can do is detect your presence, not your intentions, Alignment or memories.

Blind Sense
Just because you can't see someone, doesn't mean you can't hurt them.
You gain Blind Sense out to 30 feet. At level six, this improves to 60 feet and you gain Blind Sight to 30 feet.

Construct Manipulation
Golems are just really big and expensive magic devices.
You may use the Disable Device skill against an adjacent Construct as a Full Round Action. The DC equals the hit dice of the construct plus ten, and if successful you shut it down for 1d6 rounds. If you beat the DC by ten or more points, you instead deactivate it for 1d6 minutes.
You may use the Use Magic Device skill against an adjacent Construct as a Full Round Action, with a DC equal to the hit dice of the construct plus fifteen. If successful, you seize control of the construct for 1d6 rounds, plus another 2 rounds for every five points by which you beat the DC.
You can only successfully use each of these once per day against a given Construct.

Deathly Gift
You are particularly weird, like an Undead. Maybe you were born on a graveyard or something.
You are healed by Negative Energy and harmed by Positive Energy like an Undead. This does not confer the usual immunities and weaknesses of Undead, however, and doesn't mean you can be Turned or Rebuked like one.

Elemental Resistance
For whatever reason, one type of damage just doesn't bother you much.
Select one energy type, even obscure stuff like Dehydration or Light, but not Untyped. You gain Energy Resistance against that equal to five times your level.
You may not select an energy type that bypasses any Regeneration you have, nor against which you are Vulnerable.

You avoid harm easily.
You gain the Evasion Extraordinary Ability: if you ever succeed on a Reflex Save for half damage, you instead take no damage. If you later gain Evasion from another source, you instead get Improved Evasion: on a failed Reflex Save for half damage, you still only take half damage. If you later gain Improved Evasion, you may exchange this for another Feat.

Expanded Aura
Your influence reaches further than normal.
Requirements: one or more Auras
Any Aura you have expands out to twice as far.

Faerie Gift
You were swapped by faeries at birth or born in a mushroom circle or something.
You are treated as a Fey as well as your normal type for the purpose of meeting requirements, using items, and things like Favoured Enemy. Additionally, you have a +3 Bonus on Will Saves against Enchantment effects, Damage Reduction 1/Cold Iron, and a bonus Skill Point per hit die (retroactive).
At level 5, the Damage Reduction increases to 2/Cold Iron and you can cast Deep Slumber and Disguise Self once each per day.
At level 10, the Damage Reduction increases to 3/Cold Iron and you can also cast Confusion and Dimension Door once each per day.
The Caster Level equals your hit dice for these, and any Save DC is 10 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus.

Great Fortitude
You are big and tough.
You gain a +3 Bonus to Fortitude Saves, and a number of Bonus Hit Points equal to your level. Each level, you gain another bonus hit point in this manner.
You additionally gain Damage Reduction 1/Adamantium, increasing to 2/Adamantium at level 5, and 3/Adamantium at level 10.

Healthy Lifestyle
You eat properly or exercise or something. You never get sick.
You are Immune to Diseases, even magical ones. This also includes the "Diseases that we aren't calling Diseases" from the Book of Exalted Deeds, and similar things.

Hidden Hand
Whether a wand or a blade, nobody can be sure what you're holding until it's too late.
You can cast a spell without revealing that you are doing so, by making a Sleight of Hand check opposed by the Spot checks of onlookers. Those fooled cannot make an Attack of Opportunity or attempt to Counter the spell.
After you use the Sleight of Hand skill to successfully conceal a weapon, you can draw that weapon as a Move-Equivalent Action and as long as you attack with it in the same turn as you draw it, the victim is considered flat-footed against it.
Finally, if an opponent provokes an Attack of Opportunity from you, you can draw a concealed weapon as an Immediate Action to deliver that attack. They are treated as flat-footed against that attack the first time per day you use this against them.

You leave people tied up in a neat little package.
As long as you are holding a rope, chain or similar, you may hog-tie an opponent if you successfully Pin them in a grapple. You make one Use Rope check, which must be enough to beat their initial grapple check, and any of their future attempts to escape are made against the result of that check. A bound opponent is considered Helpless for the purpose of being targeted by others and Pinned for the purpose of their own actions. By taking a -4 Penalty on the initial check, you may also gag them as part of the same action, or you can do so with a Move-Equivalent Action later on separately.

Iron Will
Your mind is well protected.
You gain a +3 Bonus to Will Saves and Concentration checks.
If you are ever Dazed, Confused, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned at the start of your turn, you may attempt to break free as a non-action that does not require you to be in control. You make your choice of a Concentration check or Will Save against the original Save DC of the effect. If successful, you may take no actions that turn but immediately snap out of it. This attempt may only be made once per affliction - if the second attempt fails, you're stuck with it.

You receive word that you have in fact inherited some kind of land to oversee, probably related to events in the story.
Requirements: level 6
You gain a plot of land and some form of building on it - effectively gaining 25,000GP to spend only on this. Any money you spend out of pocket is also matched with bonus money to spend on this.
At level ten, you gain another 25,000GP to spend on it.
At level fifteen, you gain another 200,000GP to spend on it, and then another 100,000GP every level thereafter.
This probably becomes your base of operations, but is also a responsibility and potential plot hook.

Lightning Reflexes
You react fast.
You gain a +3 Bonus on Reflex Saves and Initiative checks. Additionally, whenever you act in a Surprise Round, you gain a full turn instead of just a single action.

Master of Devices
You are tricky and skillful at manipulating objects - or ignoring them entirely.
When making a Disable Device check without proper tools, you ignore the usual penalty.
You may make a Disable Device check as a Swift Action with a -10 Penalty, just giving the object a firm tap in the right exact place.
Any time you stabilise a dying character with a Heal check, they also regain 1d6 points of damage, plus one for every point by which you defeat the base DC.
Finally, you never suffer mishaps for catastrophic failures of Use Magic Device checks.

Master of Poisons.
You are highly trained and adept in the use of toxins.
You can apply poison or oil to a weapon with a Swift Action, without provoking Attacks of Opportunity.
Additionally, you never risk accidentally poisoning yourself.

Nimble Scoundrel
Thanks to trickery, you are great with movement skills.
If you succeed on a Tumble check to move through an enemy's space, you can treat them as flat-footed against the next attack you make against them in your current turn. Once you do this, they are sufficiently aware of your tricks to not fall for this again until the next sunrise.
When you escape a grapple, you can make a single melee attack with a Light or Natural Weapon as a Swift Action against the grappler you escaped. They are considered flat-footed against this attack. In the case of a weapon attack, you must have the weapon in hand at the beginning of your turn.
Finally, you can use a Swift Action to ignore the extra movement cost and penalties to AC and attack rolls for squeezing through a narrow space, until the start of your next turn.

If a language exists, you can speak it.
You speak literally every language in existence, even secret ones. Ranks in Speak Language are refunded.

Preternatural Senses
You have a good idea of what is real and what is not.
For the purpose of Disbelieving illusions, you treat "hearing" or "seeing" them as interacting with them.

Rapid Burglary
It's important to move fast when Breaking and Entering.
You can move at your full normal speed when using Balance, Climb, Swim and Tumble, and suffer no penalty for doing so. You can also use the Search skill as a Free Action once per round. Disable Device checks only require a Swift Action for you.

Social Adept
Your grace is the saving grace in social situations.
When impersonating a particular individual, those familiar with the individual do not get the standard bonus to Spot checks.
If an observer sees through your disguise with a Spot check, you can use an Immediate Action to attempt a Bluff check. If you beat their initial Spot check, you convince them they were mistaken. You must be aware of their discovery in order to use the trick.
When you use the Bluff skill to Feint in combat, you may do so against a group of people all at once.
If your Diplomacy check to influence attitudes fails, you can spend another full round talking and make a Bluff check at a -10 penalty. This can only improve their attitude a maximum of one step, and can only be used once per individual per day.
Finally, if you successfully Bluff against someone, then in addition to the normal effects, they cannot make Attacks of Opportunity against you until the start of their next turn.

You are a friend of the earth. Less in a hippy way, more in a Ludo way.
You gain Tremorsense out to 100 feet, and the Stonecunning feature of a Dwarf.
At level 5, you gain the ability to throw rocks as though you were a Hill Giant.
At level 10, you can throw rocks as though you were a Stone Giant.

When you speak, people listen, even if they shouldn't.
When another individual attempts to give an account of an event, you may make an opposed Diplomacy attempt to deftly interject comments or statements, "correcting" the story and details. If this is successful, this can cause the individual to muddle his ability to recall specific details and can turn a story to your favour - negating or "stealing" any change in attitude that would be caused by this. For instance, if they tried to implicate you in a crime, you can avoid suspicion and prevent a shift towards Unfriendliness. If they tried to claim the glory for a successful deed, you can either negate this or become the target of praise and reward. The target will also, if you succeed, take a penalty on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks equal to your Charisma Bonus (if positive) against anyone who heard the tale, until they can repair their reputation.
Additionally, once per community per week, you can attempt to spread a rumour through a community by making a Bluff check. It takes a week overall, but only an hour per day for the week, spending time going to places and mentioning things. The DC to succeed at this is 18 for a Small Town, 23 for a Large Town, 30 for a Small City, 35 for a Large City, and 45 for a Metropolis.

Summon Familiar
You can summon a little pal who helps you out in a minor way.
You gain a Familiar, like a Wizard. It is treated the same, except for the following:
*Use your total level in place of Wizard Level
*If it dies, you are Stunned for one round, but take no other effects
*If it dies or you release it, you can summon another at the following Sunrise or Sunset
*You are also treated as having Improved Familiar, so can choose other types as you gain levels

Toxin Immunity
Poison is no big deal to you.
You are Immune to Poison. Even magical ones. This includes "Poisons but we don't call them Poisons" from the Book of Exalted Deeds.

You can track creatures, as per the Track feat in the PHB, but can also track across water (base DC 30), underwater (base DC 40) or through the air (base DC 50). You take no Penalty to your Tracking when moving at normal speed, and only -10 when moving at double speed. You can attempt to identify creatures based solely on their tracks, using Survival in place of the Knowledge check.

Upwards Mobility
High altitudes are home to you.
You gain a Climb Speed equal to half your base speed (round down to the next 5' increment), plus 5' for every 5 ranks of Climb you possess.
This grants the usual benefits for having a Climb Speed, and you can freely use your hands if you brace yourself against the wall, though doing this increases the DC to not slide down by 5.
Finally, if you begin a climb by making a Jump check as a Swift Action, you can add the vertical distance of your jump to the distance climbed that round. Treat the Jump check as being made with a running start.

Wild Empathy
You get along really well with animals.
You can make Wild Empathy checks instead of Handle Animal checks.
This uses 1d20 + your level + Charisma Bonus, plus any bonuses that apply to "all skill checks".
It allows you to influence animals in the same manner as Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate apply against other creatures.
Combat Feats also for anyone, but sometimes you're supposed to take "a combat feat"
Weapon Focus:
You have a favourite weapon to use.
Select up to three weapons, such as "Short Sword, Battle Axe, Halberd". You gain a +2 bonus to hit and damage with them, and +4 to resist being deprived of these through Disarm or Sunder attempts.
At level ten, your threat range with such weapons is doubled.

Armour Focus:
You have a favourite armour type to use.
Select up to three vaguely related types of armour or shield, such as "Scale Mail, Dragonscale Shirt, Dragonscale Suit" (made of scales) or "Breastplate, Half Plate, Full Plate" (solid plates) or "Leather, Hide, Demon Plate" (made of dead things). For you, the selected armour/shield types have a Maximum Dex Bonus 2 points higher, and an ACP reduced by 2, and for armour, can be donned in half the time, for shields, have a +4 bonus to resist Disarm or Sunder attempts.

Sometimes it's best to just duck and cover.
When you take a Full Defense Action or use the Combat Expertise option, the bonus to Armour Class applies to your Fortitude Saves as well, and you also gain that same amount as Damage Reduction X/-.

Arrow in the Knee
When you shoot someone in the kneecap, they cease being an adventurer and become a guard.
You may use a Standard Action to make an attack with a ranged weapon. If it hits, the target suffers 1 point of Dexterity damage for every 5 points of damage (round down), and their movement speed is reduced by an amount equal to the damage (round down to a 5' increment). The speed reduction heals as the Dexterity damage heals.

Art of War
Stabbing people is actually a transferrable skill if you put your mind to it.
You may substitute your Base Attack Bonus for ranks in any of the following skills, providing you have at least one rank in them already: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Any), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowlege (Any), Sense Motive
Additionally, if somebody has a lower Base Attack Bonus than you and attempts to use the Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate or Perform skill to influence you, you may reactively counter with a Base Attack Bonus + Charisma or Intelligence (your choice) check. If your roll is higher, then not only does their attempt fail, but you also overawe them and they cannot attempt to influence you further until the next time you meet.

Battlefield Controller
You know the importance of location.
If you hit with an Attack of Opportunity provoked by movement, the target ceases moving, and remains in the threatened square.
If you hit a creature no larger than yourself with an Attack of Opportunity, you may elect to swap places with them as an Immediate Action, providing you can each legally occupy the new area (so an Incorporeal creature inside a wall can't swap with a corporeal creature).
With a Standard Action you may make a single melee attack that, if it hits, allows a free Bullrush attempt. This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity, and the result equals your damage roll. You do not have to move with the target to push them further than 5 feet.

Bload-Soaked Charger
You are often covered in metal spikes, in turn covered in bits of other people.
You become proficient with Armour Spikes, Shield Spikes and Spiked Gauntlets, as well as any natural weapons you have that do Piercing damage.
On a successful Bullrush, you may make a free attack with your Armour Spikes (assuming you are wearing spiked armour) and a free attack with either your Shield Spikes (assuming you have a spiked shield equipped) or one Spiked Gauntlet (assuming you are wearing one).
If, during your turn, you deal damage with at least two of the above weapons to the same target (whether through a Bullrush or attacking normally), you gain a bonus Rend attack that automatically hits for 1d8 damage (for a Medium creature) plus your Strength Bonus, plus the highest Enhancement Bonus any of the above has.
Special: you may substitute things like "Bladed Armour" or armour that is naturally sharp and "counts as having armour spikes or blades", or the Nekode or Razor Shield or Eagle Claw.

Brutal Crush
You pulverise foes.
Any time you use the Power Attack option to deal Bludgeoning damage to an enemy, they must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Strength Bonus) or be Sickened with pain for one minute. If they succeed on the saving throw, they are immune to the effects of your brutal crush until the next sunrise. If the attack kills a foe, you may use a Swift Action to make a Demoralise attempt against all of the victim's allies within fifteen feet of you that have Line of Sight to what just happened. This skill check gains a bonus equal to the Penalty you took from Power Attack.

Bulette Charge
When you're in the Bulette Club, it's for-for-for life. Except AJ.
You may add the unmitigated Armour Check Penalty of your armour as a bonus to any Overrun attempts you make, including when mounted.
You may also attempt to Overrun multiple foes in a straight line, taking a cumulative -2 Penalty on each successive attempt. If an attempt fails, you cannot make any further attempts on that round. You may make Jump checks to move over obstacles and allies in the path, that still counts as moving in the straight line.
Every time you Overrun someone, they suffer damage equal to 1d8 (for a Medium creature, or a mounted Small creature) plus one and a half times your Strength Bonus plus the unmitigated Armour Check Penalty of your armour.

Bullying Supremacy
You take advantage of others being overawed or weakened.
If a foe is Cowering, Fatigued, Shaken or Exhausted, they are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against your attacks.

Cleanse Evil
You are meant to wipe demons out, and you'll do it one at a time if you have to.
You always have The Edge against creatures with any Demonic subtype (ie Tanar'ri, Obyrith etc) as long as you recognise them as such, and gain a +2 Bonus on Spot, Listen, Bluff and Sense Motive checks and damage rolls against them. If a Demon takes on a different form, you are allowed an instinctive Sense Motive check opposed by their Bluff check. Success allows you to see through the disguise and see them for what they are, gaining the other benefit of this feat.

Combat Focus
When you're in the zone, there's no stopping you.
Once you successfully hit an opponent in combat, you enter your combat focus, which lasts for ten rounds. In the meantime, you have a +2 Insight Bonus to Will Saves, a +1 Insight Bonus to Armour Class, and a +4 Bonus to resist Disarm, Trip, Bullrush and Sunder attempts. Once this ends, you cannot regain combat focus for ten minutes.
At level 5, your combat focus also grants Fast Healing 2 and 5' Blindsight.

Combat Looting
Other people's things tend to become your things.
You get a +3 Bonus on Disarm attempts, and can disarm accessories (rings, belts, bracers, amulets, hats) at no penalty. You can sheathe or store an object as a Free Action as well, and do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity when picking items up off the ground.

Combat Tactician
You utilise a variety of tricks and tactics in combat.
You may use an Immediate Action to Charge a foe who performs a Charge of their own, with a maximum movement of your Base Speed. If you were the target of their charge, you still both Charge each other with the full benefits and drawbacks. Doing this reduces you to making only a Standard or Move Action on your next turn.
If a foe begins their turn in a square you threaten and does not move at all, this leaves them in a bad place: At the end of their turn they provoke an Attack of Opportunity from you.
Finally, whenever you use a Reach weapon, you may select at the start of your turn whether to treat it as Reach or not.

Crashing Wave Style
Just as the ocean slams into people and drags them under, so too can you drag people around.
On a successful Trip attempt, you may move away from the opponent, dragging them along with you. You move one square away, pulling the foe into the square you previously occupied, and for every 5 points your Trip attempt beat their roll, you can drag them another five feet. Your movement provokes Attacks of Opportunity from others except for the target being dragged, and the target's movement provokes Attacks of Opportunity but not from you. For every five feet you drag them, they suffer 1d2 points of damage, or 1d4 for Difficult Terrain. Damage Reduction applies separately against each die. At the end of this, they must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your hit dice + 2 per 5 feet moved) or become disoriented, partially blinded and sufficiently hurt to count as Sickened for three rounds.

Defensive Stance
You are good at standing your ground and being a solid guardian.
You may use a Move-Equivalent Action to enter a Defensive Stance at will. This lasts a number of rounds equal to your level plus three, or until you move any distance. While in effect, you gain a +2 Morale Bonus to Strength, Saving Throws and Armour Class.
Your adjacent allies also gain the Bonus to Armour Class.
When activating this, you may elect to forego the AC bonus yourself, and double the Bonus to allies.

Deceptive Fighter
You're good at making people lower their guard so you can punch them in the kidney.
You may Feint as part of a Move Action, or as a Move-Equivalent Action of its own if you don't want to move.
Additionally, your Feint attempt may be applied against every adjacent enemy if you so wish.
The effects of your Feint last until the targets next act.

Devious Trickster
Like a lot of fey creatures, you harass and confound your foes in combat.
As an Attack Action, including a Charge or an Attack of Opportunity, you may attempt a dirty trick much like in Pathfinder.
This requires a melee Touch Attack that does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, and you then roll 1d20 + your Base Attack Bonus plus your choice of either Strength or Dexterity Bonus. This is opposed by your target rolling the same, though they have to use the same Ability Score you used. If you choose Strength, it is modified by Size the same way Grapple checks are. If you choose Dexterity, it is inversely modified by Size, as with Hide checks.
If successful, you may bestow one of the following conditions for 1d4 rounds: Blinded, Dazzled, Deafened, Entangled, Shaken, Sickened. If they are already Dazzled you may upgrade this to Dazed. If they are already Entangled you may upgrade this to Pinned. If they are already Shaken you may upgrade this to Frightened. If they are already Sickened you may upgrade this to Nauseated.
For every five points by which you beat their roll, the condition lasts for another round, though they may use a Standard Action to negate the effects.

Double Weapon Specialist
You become proficient with all Double Weapons.
Additionally, when wielding a Double Weapon normally, foes do not get bonuses on attack rolls against you for Flanking you or having a height advantage. You also get a further +1 Bonus to hit those at a height disadvantage or that are Prone.
Alternatively, you may alter your grip with a Move-Equivalent Action and treat the weapon as a Two-Handed Reach weapon - no longer as a Double Weapon in this instance. It is a Move-Equivalent Action to change back to the "normal" grip.

Dreadful Demeanour
You are scary.
You gain a +3 Bonus to Intimidate checks. Any time you successfully Demoralise a foe, they Cower in fear for one round, and then are Shaken in the following round.

You put the weakened out of their misery. And your misery.
Performing a Coup de Grace is only a Standard Action for you, and may be performed on opponents who are merely Stunned. Killing an opponent grants you a +2 Morale Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to the hit dice of the target.

Exotic Weapon Master
You focus in fancy weapons used by monks and ninjas.
You become proficient with the kama, nunchaku, sai and shuriken. You also gain access to special techniques with these.
As a Standard Action, you may throw shuriken out in a 30' Cone. Make one attack roll, and apply the results against everyone in the area, keeping in mind that some may have Cover thanks to others. You must actually have enough shuriken to throw at everyone, and if you use different types of shuriken, you use the lowest attack and damage bonus of them all.
Any time you use a sai to hit an armed foe, you may make a Disarm attempt as a free action. If you are dual-wielding sai and hit with both of them, you gain a +4 Bonus to this attempt.
The nunchaku becomes a Tripping weapon for you. When wielding nunchaku, if you attack and then make a Trip attempt with your next attack in the same turn, you gain a +2 Bonus to the Trip attempt, or +4 if dual-wielding nunchaku. If you successfully trip them, the foe is flat-footed against all further nunchaku attacks on that turn.
With a Standard Action, you may make an attack with a kama that deals an extra 1d6 points of damage, and leaves the target bleeding for 2 damage per round. If you are dual-wielding kama, you may attack with both, each gaining this effect. The ongoing bleeding stacks, however all bleeding is stopped by a single DC 20 Heal check or any amount of magical healing.

Final Stand
You keep fighting even when you shouldn't be.
Whenever you would die for any reason or collapse from damage, you may continue to act for one full turn before taking the effects. This doesn't help if you are turned to stone or something.

Fly-By Attack
You can fly, attack someone, then fly some more.
Whenever you fly, whether by wings, spells, items or a flying steed, you can split your movement around your actions. When making a Standard (or Move-Equivalent) Action and a Move Action, you may move some amount, then pause it to take the action, and then finish your movement.

Ghost Hunter
You hit ghosts in the face pretty much as well as anyone else.
All of your non-magical weapons and attacks have a 50% chance to hit Incorporeal beings. Magic weapons and other effects that already have this chance can re-roll the miss chance.
You can hear Incorporeal things as though they lacked the trait - they need to try being stealthy.
You retain your full Armour Bonus (but not Natural Armour or Shield) against Incorporeal Touch Attacks.

Guardian Angel
You protect your friends from harm.
With a Move-Equivalent Action, you may protect your adjacent allies. They all gain a +2 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class, but you take a -2 Penalty to Armour Class as you throw yourself in the way of attacks. Your Penalty lasts until the start of your next turn, and the Dodge Bonus lasts until the start of your next turn, though an ally loses the bonus earlier if they move away from you. Once per round, when you have taken this penalty, you may use an Immediate Action to deliberately step in the way and become the target of an attack aimed at an adjacent ally. After the attack is resolved, the targeted ally may make an Attack of Opportunity against the opponent (assuming they threaten the attacker's square). You must choose to divert the attack after the attack is declared but before the attack roll is made.

Horde Breaker
You hack lesser enemies apart wildly.
The number of Attacks of Opportunity you may make each round is equal to the number of attacks allowed by your BAB, plus your Dexterity Bonus (if positive). Additionally, any time you slay a foe with a melee attack, you may spend an Attack of Opportunity to "cleave" to another foe within reach, making an attack at the same attack bonus and with the same options and modifiers. Once per round you may take a 5' step before making a Cleave attack.

Karmic Strike
Warn foes that it hurts them more than it hurts you.
At the end of your turn, you may take a -4 Penalty to Armour Class as a Free Action, lasting until your next turn starts. Until then, any time an enemy hits you with a melee attack, they provoke an Attack of Opportunity from you.

Kyton Style
You take to spiked chains naturally. Or supernaturally.
You become proficient with the Spiked Chain, and may also elect to wield it as a Double Weapon. Doing so reduces the base damage by one step, removes the Reach property, and any magical enhancements or qualities are added to both ends. This also gives you a Shield Bonus to Armour Class equal to 1 plus half the weapon's Enhancement Bonus. You may also choose to take 1d6 points of damage when you attack with a Spiked Chain, as the barbs slice into you. If the attack hits, the opponent takes an additional 1d6 points of damage, and leaves them bleeding for 2 damage per round. Multiple hits in this manner will stack the bleeding, however all bleeding is stopped by a single DC 20 Heal check or any amount of magical healing.

Legendary Wrestler
You do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity for entering someone's square to begin a grapple, and against an opponent who is larger than you or is treated as being larger than you, you may consider yourself to be one size larger than normal - thus gaining a +4 Bonus to help offset their own, and allowing you to grapple immensely larger targets at all.
Additionally, whenever you choose to damage someone in a grapple, you may elect to render them Prone if they are not already prone. Doing this adds the Hardness of the ground or an adjacent wall or piece of furniture to the damage as you slam them into it. You can threaten a critical hit when trying to injure someone in a grapple, even though it isn't an attack as such. The Critical Value is 19-20/x3.
Finally, grappling someone does not deny you your Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against others.

Mage Slayer
You stab wizards in the face.
Opponents cannot cast defensively within your threatened area, they just have to hope you don't hit them. Additionally, all damage from your attacks is considered ongoing damage for the purpose of Concentration checks.

Marshal's Aura
Everyone around you just knows what to do.
Requirement: level 3
You gain two Minor Auras and one Major Aura as a Marshal (Miniatures Handbook).
You can choose them as normal and swap them in the normal way.
The Bonus of the Major Aura is the same as a Marshal of equal level would receive.
You may take this Feat multiple times, each time selecting new Auras to gain, and you can even take Draconic Auras (Dragon Shaman, PHB2).

Master of Manoeuvres
Combat is more than just stabbing.
You do not Provoke an Attack of Opportunity when attempting a Grapple, Trip, Bullrush, Overrun or Disarm check. Additionally, you gain a +4 Bonus on all of the above checks, including to resist the same being done to you.

Mind of Combat
When you put your mind to it, you can do crazy tricks.
With a DC 20 Concentration check as a Move-Equivalent Action, you may become focused. Whenever you are focused, you gain the following benefits:
You may re-roll any Miss Chance, or lose your focus as part of an attack to simply ignore the Miss chance. This only applies to weapons and natural weapons, not spells.
You gain a +1 Insight Bonus to Armour Class, or may lose your focus as an Immediate Action to gain a 50% Miss Chance against attacks until the start of your next turn.
You are always treated as having a run-up for your jump checks, and your jumping is not limited by your own height.
You have a +10' Insight Bonus to your Movement Speed, and can move on any surface, even up walls or along a ceiling or across water, although you don't stick to these surfaces at the end of your movement - you must end standing on top of a solid surface or fall/sink.
You may lose your focus as part of an attack to add +2d6 to its damage roll. This only applies to weapons and natural weapons, not spells.

Mounted Archery
You like to ride on a horsey and shoot people.
You may always take 10 on Ride checks, and if your mount is hit in combat, you may make a Ride check as an Immediate Action. If you roll higher than the attack roll, you negate the hit entirely.
When your mount moves or takes a double-move action, you suffer no penalty to your ranged attack rolls, and you only suffer a -4 penalty when it runs.
When using a ranged weapon to make a Full Attack, you may make an additional attack at your highest attack bonus, though all your attacks that round suffer a -2 Penalty to the attack roll.

Mounted Combat
When you are riding something else, you are better than on foot.
You may always take 10 on Ride checks, and if your mount is hit in combat, you may make a Ride check as an Immediate Action. If you roll higher than the attack roll, you negate the hit entirely.
When you are mounted and make a Charge, you may also move after finishing the charge, as long as the total movement for the turn is no more than double the standard Movement Speed. This movement does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity from the target of your charge. Your mounted charge attacks deal double damage (or triple for a lance). As long as you are mounted and your target is not, your target may not attempt to avoid your Overrun attempts, and if you succeed, your mount may make a free Hoof (or Slam or Claw or other relevant natural weapon) attack against the target, keeping in mind that the foe is now prone.

On Point
Charging you is a dumb idea, because it's hard to fight at the end of someone else's spear.
Enemies who declare a Charge against you still provoke Attacks of Opportunity from you for leaving squares you threaten, and you are considered to have "set" your weapon against the charge if relevant for the weapon type. When a foe is in a square you threaten but not adjacent to you, then against their attacks you can use any Enhancement Bonus of your weapon as a Shield Bonus.

Net and Trident
You use the net and trident, weapons of the gladiator and fisherman.
You are Proficient with the Trident and the Net. With a Full Round Action, you may make a special full attack: first attempt to ensnare a foe with the net. If this is successful, you then make a Full Attack with the trident as though you had not spent any time using a net.

Perfect Aim
You're really good at shooting people, no matter the range.
Against foes within 30', you gain a +2 Bonus to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons.
For projectile weapons, multiply Range increments by 1.5, and for thrown weapons, double the Range increments.
You suffer no penalty for making ranged attacks against foes engaged in melee.
Reloading a Crossbow other than Heavy is a Free Action for you, and a Heavy Crossbow is a Move-Equivalent Action.

Point-Blank Perfection
You are really good at shooting people who are close.
You threaten squares out to 15 feet when using a Ranged Weapon, and can make Attacks of Opportunity into those squares. You also do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for using ranged weapons.

Power Throw
You like to hurl heavy objects at people.
You can effectively "charge" with a thrown weapon. For every ten feet you move, you can throw it up to one extra range increment and your penalty for range increments is reduced by one. You can also use the Power Attack option with thrown weapons in this manner, and may use your Strength Bonus for the attack roll in place of your Dexterity Bonus if doing so would be advantageous. You do not have to move adjacent to your target for this "charge", merely at least ten feet closer.

Rallying Cry
When you shout, it makes your friends braver.
At will, you may use a Move-Equivalent Action to shout out and end all [Fear] effects in allies who can hear you. They then gain a +4 Bonus on Will Saves against [Fear] effects for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma Bonus (minimum 1).

Reckless Charge
You're fine with hurling yourself headfirst into danger.
Whenever you charge, you deal bonus damage equal to the Penalty you receive to Armour Class. You may choose to take a larger penalty fo AC than the usual -2 in order to deal more damage, with a maximum equal to your level +2.

Retributive Attack
When your friends suffer, you strike back with righteous anger.
Requirement: level 3
If an enemy is in a square you threaten, and renders one of your allies dead or Helpless, they provoke an Attack of Opportunity from you. You may add your Charisma Bonus (if positive) to the attack and damage rolls. If you have a Rage or Frenzy ability, you may also enter it as a Free Action before making this Attack of Opportunity.

Shield Mastery
You fight best when behind a metal wall.
When Fighting Defensively and using a Shield, you do not take the -4 Penalty to attack rolls for Attacks of Opportunity. When taking a Full Defense action and using a Shield, you still threaten squares and can make Attacks of Opportunity, at a -4 Penalty.
You may also make a Shield Bash as a Charge attack, gaining a free Trip attack if you hit.
Any time you stand adjacent to an ally who also wields a shield, you both gain a +1 Competence Bonus to Armour Class.
You may use an Immediate Action to deflect a single projectile without needing to roll. Siege weapons and thrown boulders cannot be deflected in this way, and weapon-like spells can only be deflected if the Spell Level is less than half the Shield Bonus.

Perhaps the most humble of weapons, the sling is surprisingly good in your hand.
Loading a sling is part of the same action as attacking with it for you, so you don't need to spend separate actions loading it.
You may also hurl alchemical weapons from slings. This works as normal for a sling bullet - including damage and range - with the item having its own effects upon hitting. As such, an acid flask would hit like a bullet as the glass slams into the foe, and then deals acid damage on top of it, but on a critical hit, the acid damage would not be multiplied.

When you hit people hard enough, they fall over.
When you hit a foe with a melee weapon and deal at least 10 points of damage, you may make a free Trip attempt against them. This does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity. It does not function against foes who are already Prone, including those in the process of standing up.

Spider Rider
You ride giant spiders around. I recommend a saddle.
When riding monstrous vermin, you do not need to make any checks to remain mounted if your mount travels across walls or ceilings. If you take damage when on a wall or ceiling, the DC to remain mounted is 10 rather than 5.
When your monstrous vermin mount makes a charge attack, you can spend a Standard Action to grant it a bonus on the attack and damage rolls equal to half your own Base Attack Bonus (round up).
If you are allowed an Animal Companion, Fiendish Companion, or Special Mount, you may instead have a Tiny, Small or Medium Monstrous Spider.
At level 5 you may have a Large Monstrous Spider, and at level 10 you may have a Huge Monstrous Spider.
You may also use Handle Animal and Wild Empathy on vermin as though they were Animals with an Intelligence of 1.

Spring Attack
Run, stab, run.
You do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity for moving. Additionally, when Charging a foe, you may withdraw after the attack - using any Movement left over after the Charge. When Charging, you may also attempt a Jump check with a DC of 20. If you fail, you fall prone in front of the target and don't attack. If you succeed, you deal an extra 2d6 points of damage.

Staff Specialist
You hit people with magic sticks
When using a Quarterstaff, you are treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. Additionally, if the staff is a magic staff that contains spells, then when you hit a target with both ends of the staff in the same turn, you may activate the staff as a Swift Action to cast one of its spells. It has to be a spell that targets the foe you struck with the staff, but it automatically succeeds on any attack rolls for the spell itself.

Stand Tough
You scare people so much they can't even bring their full might to bear.
When suffering damage from something that isn't [Mindless] or Immune to Fear, you may make an Intimidate check. This is an Immediate Action, and the DC equals the damage dealt (after Damage Reduction and so on). If successful, you reduce the remaining damage to half, and if the roll is also enough to Demoralise the foe, it does that. Once you do this, anybody who witnessed it is immune to you using it against them until the sun next sets.

Submission Master
You can grapple a number of people at the same time equal to the number of limbs you have, divided by two. So that's two for a normal human and four for a Mind Flayer and $ERROR_QUERY for Cthulhu, for instance. Wings don't count but if you have a Bite attack then your head does, so dragons with this can squeeze up to three people at once. You do not suffer a penalty for this. Any time you Pin someone in a grapple, you also deal your normal unarmed damage (or the closest relevant natural weapon such as a Claw or Slam if holding them in your hands, a Bite if holding them in your mouth and so on), though this is separate from "dealing damage with a grapple".
If they do not resist all the damage, they also suffer 2 points of temporary damage to your choice of Strength, Dexterity or Constitution.

You are particularly good at Kung-Fuing people in the face.
Your unarmed attacks are instead resolved as a Slam Attack. You are Proficient with this, and it functions as normal like a Natural Weapon. The base damage is 1d6 for a Medium creature, and is treated as a Magic Weapon.
At level 5 it is also treated as steel when convenient, then at level 10 as Adamantium.

Tactical Soldier
You are used to fighting alongside friends on the battlefield.
If you and an ally are both adjacent to the same enemy, the ally is treated as Flanking them even if not actually doing so.
Any time you Fight Defensively or take a Full Defense, adjacent allies gain the same AC Bonus that you do.
Finally, you may use a Standard Action to attack an enemy and leave them unbalanced.
If it hits, they provoke an Attack of Opportunity from all of their enemies except you.

Throw Absolutely Anything
If it exists, it is a weapon that can be thrown at people.
You gain the Really Throw Anything ability of the Hulking Hurler (complete Warrior).
At level five, you also gain the Meteor Strike ability (same).

Throw Anyone
You like to powerbomb people around the place. Well, who wouldn't?
You can use the Mighty Throw Setting Sun Maneuver.
At level three, you can use Devastating Throw.
At level five, you can use Comet Throw.
At level seven, you can use Soaring Throw.
At level nine, you can use Ballista Throw.
The newest maneuver you have renders you Fatigued after using it, until level 15 where not even Ballista Throw renders you Fatigued. You cannot use any of these if Fatigued or Exhausted.

Trophy Hunter
People freak out when you hold part of their friend's face.
When you are wearing or holding various bits of an enemy, you have a terrifying Gaze Attack against other enemies of the same Type that are within Line of Sight. You automatically make a free Demoralise Attempt against them when caught in your gaze, taking 10 on the check. This is a [Fear] effect. Once a given creature passes the same, they are immune to your frightening gaze until the sun next sets.

Two Weapon Fighting
You are really good at fighting with a pair of weapons.
You do not take a penalty for fighting with two weapons, although weapon sizes can still bestow their own penalties. You can also make as many off-hand attacks as on-hand ones during your own turn, so when charging that's one of each, and when standing still it's a Full Attack with each, and when it's not your turn you don't get extra Attacks of Opportunity.

Underdark Warrior
You use the traditional weapons of the Drow.
You are proficient with the Rapier and Hand Crossbow, and are treated as having Two Weapon Fighting when specifically wielding a Rapier and a Hand Crossbow. Additionally, you do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity when you make ranged attacks with a Hand Crossbow, and can reload one as a Free Action, even if you are holding a weapon with your other hand.

Universal Proficiency
If it exists, you can fight with it.
You are proficient with all Weapons (including Natural Weapons), Armour and Shields. You don't even take a penalty for using Improvised weapons. You still take penalties for using weapons one size too large, and can't use weapons beyond that.

Weapon Finesse
Sometimes it isn't how hard you hit someone, it's how carefully you aim where to hit them.
You can use your Dexterity Bonus in place of your Strength Bonus for melee attack rolls if it is advantageous to do so.
This even applies to things like two-handed axes, not just Light weapons.

Whip it Good
You are the envy of Indiana Jones, Catwoman and Zorro.
You are proficient with the whip, scourge and variants of the above like the nagaika and whip-dagger. Additionally, you do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity for using these in melee, can elect to do regular damage with a whip, and the damage is not negated by Armour or Natural Armour.
You can also use any of the above weapons or even a length of rope as a "third arm", allowing you to manipulate basic objects such as levers, grab things to pull yourself up to or swing from or pick an item up, anywhere within the reach of the weapon.

Zen Archery
You think about shooting people, and then they have been shot.
You may use your Wisdom Bonus in place of your Dexterity Bonus when making ranged attack rolls if it is advantageous to do so, even with spells.
Crafting and Item Creation Feats not just for Wizards
Beyond the Pale
Sometimes you don't even need a body in order to have undead.
Requirements: Body Assembly, level 10
By performing a ritual through the night (requiring at least six hours of uninterrupted work without being touched by sunlight), you may call forth a Shadow or Wraith. If your level is 15 or more, you may also call forth a Spectre, Dread Wraith, or Greater Shadow. It is Indifferent to you, but you may make a Spellcraft or Knowledge (Religion) check as though making a Diplomacy check to change the attitude of an NPC. If this succeeds in making it Loyal or Helpful, and there is room in your control pool, then it is created under your control. You cannot control an undead in this way if its CR is more than half your level.
Special: At Mister Cavern's discretion, you may also sacrifice a living creature to grant it the Spectral, Umbral or Wraith template.

Body Assembly
The dead walk amongst the living and it might be your fault.
With an hour of work and a chunk of onyx worth at least 100 GP, you may give the gift of undeath to a corpse. It must be a valid target to be turned into a Skeleton or Zombie. This ritual must not take place in the sun's light, and cannot be interrupted, otherwise it fails. Otherwise, it rises as a Zombie (if it has enough flesh) or Skeleton (if it doesn't), and is Indifferent to you but you may make a Spellcraft or Knowledge (Religion) check as though making a Diplomacy check to change the attitude of an NPC. If this succeeds in making it Loyal or Helpful, and there is room in your control pool, then you do control it. The final creature's CR must be no higher than half your level, unless you actually Attune it as a magic item (in which case it may be up to your level minus two).
Special: At Mister Cavern's discretion, you may apply the Corpse Creature or Skeletal Creature template instead, if they could apply.

Corpse Crafter
You make the best undead, even more un and less dead than anyone else's undead.
Any Undead creature you create, with the exception of turning yourself into an Undead, gains certain benefits. They gain one extra hit point per level you possess, as well as a +2 Bonus to Turn Resistance, Saving Throws, Armour Class and attack rolls. Their natural weapons also deal an extra 1d6 points of Cold damage.

Craft Golem
You can construct golems. Laws of robotics do not apply.
You can create Golems. This doesn't require XP or Spells, but still requires plenty of money and a piece of Magical Currency to power. You may sell them, leave them barely sentient and with basic commands as labourers and guards, or attune them as magic items to have them follow you around and squash people for you.

Craft Magical Arms and Armour
You can make weapons and armour and shields that are magical.
You can enhance weapons, armour and shields so that they are magical, or even make them more magical. This works like the PHB Feat, but uses your level in place of a Caster Level. It does not require the expenditure of experience, nor the casting of specific spells aside from spells the equipment can actually cast.

Craft Magic Sticks
Some sticks are magical. You can make them.
You can create magical Rods, Staves, Wands and Spellstaves, as per the various PHB feats that cover these items. You use your level in place of a Caster Level, and need not spend experience to make them. You do need to know any spells that the magic stick can actually cast, but not other ones listed.

Craft Wondrous Item
There are a lot of magic items that are sort of "misc". You can make them.
You can create and enhance magical items that aren't weapons, armour, shields, wands, potions, scrolls or golems. Unlike the PHB feats, you do not need to spend experience or cast specific spells beyond those actually cast by an item. Your level is used in place of the Caster Level. This can be used to make rings because they're pretty wondrous.

Create Grafts
You gift your friends with extra bits.
You may create and apply grafts from the various books. You should probably replace static bonuses with scaling ones and treat them as actual Magic Items that are always Attuned - they can't be Unattuned or unequipped, but they also can't be Disarmed or Disjoined. In any case, you still need to spend time and money, but not experience, and you can use your ranks in Heal in place of a Caster Level.

Dragon Crafter
Many tools, weapons and pieces of armour were forged from pieces of dragons, and thus it was known as the Dragon Age.
You can craft Dweomered Dragon Scales (Dragon Magic) as well as Dragoncraft items (Draconomicon), and for this you use your highest Craft skill, as though you actually had an equal number of ranks in the relevant specific Craft skill, along with whatever bonuses apply to it.

Feast of Flesh
Your new friends are Humanitarian. In a manner of speaking.
Requirements: Body Assembly, level 3, Evil alignment
With an hour of work and the flesh of a recently slain (or still living) intelligent creature, you may give the gift of undeath to the corpse of a Humanoid. This ritual must not take place in the sun's light, and cannot be interrupted, otherwise it fails. Otherwise, it rises as a Ghoul or, if it has sufficient hit dice, a Ghast, consuming the flesh as it arises. It is Indifferent to you, but you may make a Spellcraft or Knowledge (Religion) check as though making a Diplomacy check to change the attitude of an NPC. If this succeeds in making it Loyal or Helpful, and there is room in your control pool, then you do control it. You cannot control an undead in this way if its CR is more than half your level.
Special: At Mister Cavern's discretion, you may apply the Gravetouched Ghoul template to an appliccable creature instead.
Note that as ghouls hunger for the flesh of the living, creating them is always going to be an Evil act.

Killed With Care
It's important that when you wear dead things, you know they didn't suffer too much.
If armour (or a shield) is made primarily out of animal parts (or for that matter, dragons, humanoids or other living creatures) and you personally kill or oversee the killing of it without causing undue suffering, you can wear it with greater ease. You treat the Maximum Dexterity as two higher, and the Armour Check Penalty as four lower (to a minimum of zero).
For the purpose of this, an acceptable death is typically anything where the entire killing happened with a single attack roll or Coup de Gras and you did not already cause it to fear for its life (whether because it was unaware or willing).
Spellcaster Feats including users of Spell-Like Abilities
Any reference to "able to cast X Spells" includes Spell-Like Abilities. Any reference to "whenever you cast an X Spell" includes by Spell-Like Ability. So if you can cast Colour Spray 1/day as an SLA, congratulations, you can cast 1st level Illusion spells for the purpose of these.

Some feats refer to a "Meta-Level". This is basically Meta-Magic: if you cast a level 2 spell but apply a feat that adds 2 Meta-Levels, it is effectively a level 4 spell and you must be able to cast 4th level spells in order to cast it in that way. Likewise if you apply two different feats that each add 1 meta-Level. However, it does not actually take up the higher level spell slot, you just have to be able to cast spells of that level (even if you have run out of them for the day).

Abjurer's Mettle
You feel safer whenever you cast protective spells.
Requirement: able to cast Abjuration Spells
Whenever you cast an Abjuration Spell, for three rounds you have the Mettle ability: Succeeding on a Fort or Will Save for Partial effect or half damage instead makes you immune to the effect entirely.

Accursed Necromancy
Cursing people can be for both fun and profit.
Requirement: able to cast Necromancy Spells
Whenever you cast a Necromancy Spell on another creature, you may elect to Curse them. This applies even if they pass their Saving Throw or are immune to the normal effects. Spell Resistance still works. The Curse causes them to suffer a -2 Penalty on all Saving Throws against your Necromancy effects and [Fear] effects, and on attack and damage rolls against you, for one hour. Multiple uses of this do not stack on the same target. The effects can be ended by anything that removes the effects of Bestow Curse.

Apprentice of Shadow
You have learned the basic fundamentals of shadow magic
Requirements: level 3
Select an Apprentice Path of Shadow Magic (Tome of Magic), and can cast each of the Mysteries in it once per day as an Arcane Spell. The Caster Level equals your level and any Save DC is 10 + half your level + your Intelligence Bonus.
At level nine you may take this feat again, becoming an Initiate of Shadow, Your Apprentice Path is upgraded to Spell-Like Abilities, each used twice per day, and you gain the ability to cast the Mysteries of one Initiate Path as Spells once each per day.
At level fifteen you may take this feat a third time, becoming a Master of Shadow. Your Apprentice Path is upgraded to Supernatural Abilities each used three times per day. Your Initiate Path is upgraded to Spell-Like Abilities twice each per day. You can then cast each Mystery of a single Master Path once per day as a Spell.

As a blessing from Lolth, you can call upon spiders to aid you.
Requirements: ability to cast some form of Summon Monster, Summon Nature's Ally or Summon Swarm
When you cast Summon Swarm, you may choose to summon a Tomb Spider Broodswarm.
You may summon the following creatures with a Summon Monster spell: Hairy Spider (SM1), Fiendish Sword Spider (SM5), Tomb Spider (SM6), Inferno Spider (SM7), Chwidencha (SM8), Shadow Spider (SM9)
You may summon the following creatures with a Summon Nature's Ally spell: Tiny Monstrous Spider (SNA1), Small or Medium Monstrous Spider (SNA2), Large Monstrous Spider (SNA3), Spitting Spider or Large Monstrous Spider (SNA5), Tomb Spider or Huge Monstrous Spider (SNA6), Tangle Terror (SNA7), Widowmaker or Gargantuan Monstrous Spider (SNA8), Shadow Spider or Colossal Monstrous Spider (SNA9)

Armoured Mage
You're used to wearing armour and also casting spells. The two go well together.
You do not suffer Arcane Spell Failure from any Armour or Shield with which you are Proficient.

Augmented Summon
Friends you summon are better than others.
Requirement: able to cast Conjuration spells
Any creature you summon via a Conjuration Spell gains extra Temporary Hit Points equal to your level. They also gain a +2 Bonus on attack and damage rolls, and to Armour Class, for the duration of the summon.

Battle Enchantments
Sometimes the best time to charm someone is when they're about to stab you.
Requirement: able to cast Enchantment spells
Targets of your Enchantment Spells do not get a Bonus to their Saving Throw for being in combat. They also don't get the bonus for witnessing combat, being threatened by enemies and so on.

Chosen of the Water's Blessing
Your time spent in the wastelands helps you bring forth magic to survive in it.
You may empty a prepared, uncast spell to spontaneously cast any of the following spells of equal or lower level: Cloak of Shade (1), Control Weather (7), Create Food and Water (3), Create Water (1), Endure Elements (1), Flashflood (8), Heroes' Feast (6), Hydrate (2), Protection From Dessication (3), Protection From Energy (3), Resist Energy (2). These are the regular PHB (and It's Hot Outside) spells.

Cloudy Conjuration
Requirement: able to cast Conjuration spells
Whenever you cast a Conjuration Spell, you can choose to have a 5' radius cloud manifest. It can either appear in your space, in the target's space, or adjacent to you.
It lasts until the end of your next turn, providing Concealment like a very small Fog Cloud. Additionally, anyone in the area is Sickened while inside it, except for you and anything you summon.

Concealing Illusions
Illusions can be the best form of protection. You double down on that.
Requirement: able to cast Illusion spells
Whenever you cast an Illusion Spell, you can choose to gain Concealment. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level.

Concussive Spell
You leave peoples' ears ringing with your spells.
You can modify any Instantaneous damaging spell with an Area of Effect, other than the highest-level available, to be concussive. Anyone caught in the area who fails any saving throw is Deafened for one minute, and launched out of the area: they are ejected out away from the caster (in the case of an effect that is projected from the caster like Lightning Bolt) or from the centre of the effect (in the case of an effect that is not projected from the caster, like a Fireball) until they are out of the area or until they hit a solid object. If they hit an object, they simply fall Prone. This has a Meta-Level of +1.

Diviner's Elusiveness
You often see attacks before they arrive.
Requirement: able to cast Divination spells
Any time you cast a Divination Spell, you gain glimpses of insight that protect you. For a number of minutes equal to the Spell Level, you gain both Evasion and Improved Uncanny Dodge like a Rogue of your level.

Elemental Spell Mixture
If enemies are immune to fiery death, use icy death instead.
Requirement: able to cast Evocation spells
With a Swift Action, you can adjust the energy types of your damaging spells for the rest of the round - Evocation or otherwise.
Any spell can completely change all of its damage to either Cold, Electricity, or Fire without adding a Meta-Level.
It can be changed to deal Acid or Sonic damage, or split to deal one half of its normal type and the other half as Cold, Electricity or Fire, for +1 Meta-Level.
It may alternatively be modified to deal both full normal damage, and also full damage of Cold, Electricity, Fire, Acid or Sonic, for +4 Meta-Levels.

Energy Gestalt
You blend your energy spells together for greater effect.
The abilities of this involve casting a Spell that deals one type of damage on one round,
then casting another that deals a different type on the following turn, or both within the same turn in that order.
If you cast an Acid spell and then a Fire spell, the lingering acidic fumes burn into choking smoke. Any living creature damaged by both effects is Nauseated for one round unless they pass a Fortitude Save, in which case they are merely Sickened for one round. This is a [Poison] effect.
If you cast a Cold spell and then a Sonic spell, certain things shatter, having become particularly brittle. Objects, Constructs, Oozes, [Water] creatures and Corporeal Undead hit by both suffer an extra 50% Sonic damage.
If you cast a Cold spell and then an Electricity spell, the cold conducts the electricity particularly well. Living creatures affected by both are Slowed for one round, unless they pass a Fortitude Save.
Any Save DC from this is 10 + half your level + the Ability Bonus used for your spell casting.

You can explode things all day long if that is your desire. It should be.
Requirement: able to cast Evocation spells
As long as you have a damaging Evocation Spell of 3rd level or higher available to cast,
you may use a fraction of its power to unleash an explosive blast anywhere within Close Range, at will. This requires a Standard Action, and creates a Blast with a radius of 5', for 1d10 damage per Spell Level. The damage is the same type as that of the spell in question, and there is no Saving Throw against this.

Extend Spell
Take this for longer-lasting spells. If spells last more than 24 hours, seek medical attention.
You may increase the Duration of certain spells you cast. For +1 Meta-Level, you may double the Duration. For +6 Meta-Levels, you can set the Duration to "until Sunrise".
This cannot be applied to Spells with a Duration of Instantaneous, Concentration, Concentration plus some amount, or Permanent.

Fearsome Grasp
You got the touch! You got the power! ...of the grave
Requirement: able to cast Necromancy spells
As long as you have a Necromancy Spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can use a fraction of its power at will. With a Standard Action that does not Provoke Attacks of Opportunity, you attempt a Melee Touch Attack.
If this hits, the target must then attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half your level + your spellcasting Ability Bonus).
On a successful save, the target is Shaken for one round. On a failed save, they are shaken for a number of rounds equal to the highest level Necromancy Spell you have available to cast.
If it is 4th level or higher, they are instead Frightened for the duration.
If it is 8th level or higher, they instead Panic for the duration.

Gift of the Spider Queen
Your innate Drow magic is even better.
Requirements: Drow
You may cast Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Deeper Darkness (4 hour duration) and Faerie Fire 3 times each per day, and Levitate once per day.
Additionally, by expending a use of both Faerie Fire and Deeper Darkness, you may instead cast See Invisibility.
By expending a use of both Dancing Lights and Faerie Fire, you may instead cast Mirror Image (1d4 images only).
By expending a use of both Deeper Darkness and Dancing Lights, you may instead cast Silent Image with a duration of Concentration + 3 rounds.
Finally, by expending a use of Deeper Darkness, Faerie Fire and Dancing Lights, you may instead cast Blinding Colour Surge.

Gnomish Deep Magic
You're extra good at the magic of gnomes.
Requirements: Gnome
You may cast Light, Darkness, Silence and a single first level Sorcerer/Wizard spell of the Illusion spell, each once per day. This is in addition to your other Spell-Like Abilities. When you are underground, the Dispel DC for these increases by 4 and any duration other than Concentration, Instantaneous or Permanent is doubled.
Finally, when standing adjacent to or within an Illusion you have created, you have Concealment.

Heavenly Radiance
Powerful light rains harshly upon your foes.
Requirements: Aasimar
You may cast Light a number of times per day equal to your hit dice, and can spend two uses to instead cast Daylight or Light of Lunia (your choice). At level three, you may expend two uses to cast Light of Mercuria. At level five, you may expend three uses to cast Searing Light or Light of Venya. At level seven, you may expend four uses to cast Blistering Radiance, at level nine you may expend five uses to cast Bolt of Glory and at level fifteen, you may expend eight uses to cast Sunbeam.

Infernal Terror
You wield darkness and fear in roughly equal measures.
Requirements: Tiefling
You may cast Darkness a number of times per day equal to your hit dice, and can spend two uses to instead cast Deeper Darkness with a duration of four hours. At level three, you may expend two uses to cast Vision of Entropy. At level five, you may expend three uses to cast Blacklight or Wall of Gloom. At level seven, you may expend four uses to cast Shadow Well or Shadow Hand, at level nine you may expend five uses to cast Shadowfade or Spiritwall, and at level fifteen, you may expend eight uses to cast Fiendish Clarity.

Lasting Concentration
You concentrate hard enough that things last even when you're distracted.
You can maintain concentration on your spells as a Swift Action - and if something disrupts your concentration you can regain it with an Immediate Action, though you would then have to concentrate normally on the next turn due to not having a Swift Action available. While concentrating in this manner, you can cast other spells that do not deny you your Swift Action.

Lord of the Uttercold
The ice you wield is imbued with the numbing touch of undeath
Requirements: ability to cast [Cold] spells
Any time you cast a spell that deals Cold damage, you may elect to make it Uttercold. This is half Cold, half Negative Energy, so it deals no damage to Undead and indeed heals Undead that are resistant or immune to Cold.

Major of Minions
You can order around little men that you summon.
Requirements: ability to Summon other creatures
As long as you and a creature you summoned threaten the same foe, you both are considered to be flanking the foe even if you actually aren't. In addition, once per turn you can declare an attack against a foe you flank to be designed to open the defences. If it hits, all of your Summoned creatures gain a +2 Morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against that foe until the start of your next turn.

Might and Magic
Magic sticks and magic swords are basically the same.
Requirements: ability to apply the Enhancement Bonus of a type of equipped weapon to your Caster Level, Spell Penetration, Spell Duration, spell attack roll, spell damage or Save DC
You can apply the Enhancement Bonus of any single weapon you wield to your spells - the same benefits that the class feature applies, whether that be to the Save DC for effects, your Caster Level (generally or for specific things), or just attack or damage rolls. You still only get to apply an existing bonus with any weapon, you don't get a new bonus.

Mystic Backlash
People pay for it when they cast spells at you.
Requirement: able to cast Abjuration spells
As long as you have an Abjuration Spell of 3rd level or higher available to cast, you can use a fraction of its power at will. With a Standard Action, you may raise a ward without using a Spell Slot. For a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level, any time somebody else completes the casting of a non-Harmless Spell (or Spell-Like Ability) that targets you,
or includes you in the area of effect, they suffer magic damage equal to the Spell Level.

Natural Spell
You can cast spells even without arms or a mouth.
It doesn't matter what form or shape you are in, you can still cast your Spells and Spell-Like Abilities providing you can move.

Necromancer's Resilience
You really like the Undead, and sometimes take after them.
Requirement: able to cast Necromancy spells
Whenever you cast a Necromancy Spell, you gain certain Undead traits for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level. You are Immune to Critical Hits, Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Negative Levels and Energy Drain. If someone can bypass an Undead creature's Immunity, they can bypass yours the same way.

Nightmare Phantasm
You have really scary Illusions.
Requirement: able to cast Illusion spells
Whenever you cast a [Figment] or [Glamer] you can choose to weave nightmare phantasms into it. Any enemy who attempts a Will Save to Disbelieve the effect automatically becomes Shaken for one round. They also suffer 1d6 points of non-lethal damage, regardless of whether or not they successfully disbelieve. If they don't try to Disbelieve, they aren't actually affected by these as they don't notice the nightmare phantasm.

Oracle of Ghosts and Dreams
You know a thing or two about things that aren't quite entirely real.
You can use Knowledge (The Planes) to interpret dreams, as per the Dreamtelling feat in Heroes of Horror.
When you cast spells in a nightmare realm, your spells always work as normal without risk of mishap. When in a dreamscape, your Illusions and Enchantments have +1 to the Save DC. Against creatures that can dream, you may change any spell damage to non-lethal, just targeting their dreams. When in a dreamscape, you also suffer a -1 Penalty to Saving Throws against Illusions and Enchantments, and if slain in the dreamscape, you die in real life.
You also learn a number of new spells, which are added to your class list as well as your spells known: Restful Slumber (1st), Manifest Desire (3rd), Manifest Nightmare (3rd), Dream Walk (4th), Dreaming Puppet (5th), Dream Sight (7th)
Finally, you can see the spirits of creatures who have died within a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom score. You can speak to them, but do not gain any special ability to command them, nor to translate if they don't share a language with you.

Powerful Spell
You can make spells even stronger.
Any time you cast a damaging Spell, you may add +2 Meta-Levels to increase the damage. Any randomly rolled amount of damage is multiplied by one and a half.
For the cost of +4 Meta-Levels, you may instead maximise all damage.
For +6 Meta-Levels, you may maximise AND multiply by one and a half.

Rapid Casting
Faster, Faster, Faster! The first to run out of spell slots wins the race to nap time!
For +4 Meta-Levels, you may use a Swift Action to cast a spell. This does not apply to any spell with a Casting Time greater than One Round.

Rapid Diviner
You don't make people stop and wait half an hour for you to know things.
Requirements: ability to cast Divination spells
When you cast a Divination spell with a casting time longer than one round, it instead is reduced to one full round, with the effects happening at the beginning of your next turn.

Realistic Shadows
Your unreal things are nonetheless more real than otherwise.
Requirement: able to cast Illusion spells
Any time you cast a spell that is partially real when disbelieved, the percentage of "realness" is 10 higher. For instance, a spell that is normally 30% real on a successful save becomes 40% real.

Scaled Summoner
Through whatever means, your link to serpents allows you to call upon them for aid.
Requirements: ability to cast some form of Summon Monster, Summon Nature's Ally or Summon Swarm
You may summon the following creatures: Flying Snake (SM1 and SNA1), Reed Snake (SM1 and SNA1), Mlarraun (SM2 and SNA2), Minor Flamesnake (SM2), Shadow Snake (SM2), Whipsnake (SM3 and SNA3), Sewerm (SM3 and SNA3), Tree Python (SM3 and SNA3), Glacier Snake (SM3 and SNA3), Dung Snake (SM3 and SNA3), Jaculi (SM4 and SNA4), Amphisbaena (SM5 and SNA5), Lesser Flamesnake (SM7), and Deathcoils (SM7 and SNA7). You may summon a Viper Swarm with Summon Swarm.

Shaped Spell
When friends get in the way of your spellcasting, you don't have to explode them.
Whenever you cast a Spell or Spell-Like Ability with an Area of Effect, you can exempt up to one square per two levels (round up). These squares are somehow just not included in the area, making it safer to cast in close spaces.

Shifting Form
Your body is constantly changing and adjusting, humming away with alteration magic.
Requirement: able to cast Transmutation spells
As long as you have a Transmutation spell available to cast, you may use a fraction of the power to adjust your shape.
With a Swift Action, you may grant yourself a +1 Enhancement Bonus to Natural Armour or +2 Bonus to Strength and Dexterity based skill checks, for the Spell Level in rounds.
If the Spell Level is 2 or more, you may instead grow a single Claw, Bite or Slam for the duration.
If the Spell Level is 3 or more, the Enhancement Bonus is instead +2 (+4 for skills), or you may increase your Speed by 10'.
If the Spell Level is 4 or more, you may instead grow two natural weapons as above, or gain a Climb or Swim Speed equal to half your land speed.
If the Spell Level is 5 or more, the Enhancement Bonus is instead +3 (+6 for skills), or +20' Speed.

Silent Spell
You don't have to shout Abrakadabra at people.
You do not need Verbal Components in order to cast spells. You can cast them just fine even when Silenced. You also create no noise casting them - although the spells themselves might make plenty of noise.

Toughening Transmutation
Alteration magic is one of the best ways to toughen up.
Requirement: able to cast Transmutation spells
Any time you cast a Transmutation Spell, you can grant Damage Reduction to yourself or the target. Whichever one is chosen, they gain DR 5/magic until the end of your next turn.
If the recipient already has Damage Reduction, it instead increases this by 5 for the duration.

Wand Specialist
You are good at using small magic sticks
You can wield a Rod or Wand in each hand, activating two at once with the same action. Additionally, you may use a Wand as a weapon (treated as a Dagger), and once per turn may activate a Wand with a Free Action after successfully stabbing someone with it. As long as the attack deals damage, you need not make an attack roll with the spell unleashed from the Wand, and it bypasses the target's Spell Resistance.
Special: this only works with shitty normal wands and rods using the rules as presented in the SRD, so like a Wand of Fireballs being all of 5d6 damage with a Save DC of 14 or a Wand of Hold Person having a Save DC of 13. This doesn't work with super-rad Tome Wands.
Specific Class Feature Feats things that actually have Class-based requirements
Air Domain Focus
You are tied to the Air domain especially well.
Requirements: Air Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast an Air Domain spell, you may use an Immediate Action at will to activate a Featherfall effect for one round. You may also float a foot above the ground when moving, thus not triggering certain traps and ignoring certain impediments. You may share this with a number of allies equal to the Spell Level. If the Spell Level is 5th or more, you may use a Standard Action at will to wreath yourself in clouds, granting yourself Concealment for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level.

Anger of the Frostfell
You have a terrifying icy rage that carries boreal winds from the frozen regions.
Requirements: Rage or Frenzy ability, cannot be Vulnerable to Cold damage or already have Burning Rage
Any time you are in a Rage or Frenzy, you have the [Cold] Subtype. Additionally, adjacent enemies suffer 1d6 Cold damage at the start of each of your turns as the air seems to freeze around you.

Animal Domain Focus
You are tied to the Animal domain especially well.
Requirements: Animal Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast an Animal Domain spell, you may use a Swift Action at will to take on an animalistic form resembling a lycanthrope. For a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level, you gain the Scent Special Ability and either two Claw attacks (1d4 damage if Medium) or a Bite attack (1d6 damage if Medium). If the Spell Level is fifth or more, you also gain Damage Reduction 3/Silver for the duration.

Bear Form
You kill people with your bear hands.
Requirement: Rage or Frenzy or Stance or Fighting Style ability, and level 3 or more
Whenever you enter a Rage or Frenzy or Stance or Fighting Style, you may also turn into a Bear at the same time. This lasts for as long as the initial effect lasts.
At first, you can turn into a Black Bear. At level 5, it may be a Brown or Polar Bear. At level 7, a Dire Bear. Transforming lets you retain your memories and personality, but no abilities or equipment except the ability that triggered the change.
At level 9, you retain any of your Immunities, Fast Healing, Regeneration, Damage Reduction and Energy Resistances, including ones that only apply when in the ability that has triggered this change.
At level 11, you also keep any of the following Feats that you have:
Aura of Fear, Defensive Stance, Final Stand, Karmic Strike, Retributive Attack, Shield Other, Stand Tough.

Burning Rage
When you get angry, your blood actually turns to fire, but fortunately this doesn't hurt you.
Requirements: Rage or Frenzy ability, cannot be Vulnerable to Fire damage or already have Anger of the Frostfell
Any time you are in a Rage or Frenzy, you have the [Fire] Subtype. Additionally, adjacent enemies who deal damage to you suffer Fire damage equal to 1d6 plus your Constitution Bonus as literal flames spray from the wounds.

Cold Domain Focus
You are tied to the Cold domain especially well.
Requirements: Cold Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Cold Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action at will to attempt to freeze an opponent solid. A craeture within Close Range must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or be Anchored in place for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level, and for the duration they have a Penalty to Dexterity equal to the Spell Level. A flying creature will plummet towards the ground if frozen in this way.

Combat Insight
Focusing on the spirits within your ancestral blade, you gain useful insights.
Requirements: Ancestral Weapon
When wielding your Ancestral Weapon, you gain various benefits that change as your fighting style changes.
If you take a Total Defence, you gain Spell Resistance equal to your level plus 8 for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1) or until you activate a different benefit of this feat.
If you make a Full Attack, then you can see Invisible foes and ignore Concealment for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1) or until you activate a different use of this feat, starting before your first attack. This does not work when charging even if you can Pounce.
If you instead Charge a foe, you ignore any Shield Bonus to Armour Class.

Death Domain Focus
You are tied to the Death domain especially well.
Requirements: Death Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Death Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action at will to infuse death energy into an adjacent corpse. The corpse rises as a Zombie or Skeleton (whichever is relevant), providing they fit within the hit dice limits and so on. This cannot create an undead with a Challenge Rating higher than the Spell Level, however if you have enough hit dice of control remaining, it is instantly under your control for a number of days equal to the spell level.

Destruction Domain Focus
You are tied to the Destruction domain especially well.
Requirements: Destruction Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Destruction Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action to unleash a 30' Cone of destruction. Everything in the area suffers a number of d6 of Untyped damage equal to the Spell Level plus your Charisma Bonus, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Wisdom Bonus). This affects Constructs, objects and Undead, and ignores Hardness. It will also shatter any Wall of Force in the area created by anyone with a Caster Level lower than your own.

Earth Domain Focus
You are tied to the Earth domain especially well.
Requirements: Earth Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Earth Domain spell, you can use a Standard Action at will to gain the Earth Glide ability and 60' Tremorsense for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level plus two. For the duration, you also have Hardness equal to the Spell Level, and anybody who moves adjacent to you must pass a Balance check (DC equal to your caster level + 10) or fall Prone.

Extra Style
You are particularly stylish. Fighting Stylish.
Requirements: Fighting Style class feature
You gain one extra Fighting Style. When you gain access to Master Fighting Styles, it upgrades, adding a single Master Fighting Style ability to the two standard Fighting Style abilities. When you gain access to Grand Master Fighting Styles, it upgrades further, adding a single Grand Master Fighting Style ability.

Fire Domain Focus
You are tied to the Fire domain especially well.
Requirements: Fire Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Fire Domain spell, you can use a Standard Action to radiate flames for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level. The flames reach out a number of 5' squares equal to the Spell Level. When activated, and then at the beginning of each of your turns for the duration, all enemies in the area suffer 1d6 Fire damage per Spell Level, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus). Anyone who enters the area instantly suffers damage with no saving throw.

From the Shadows
It isn't just attacks that are best used against the unsuspecting.
Requirementss: Sneak Attack class feature
Whenever your Sneak Attack would apply against a given foe, you gain a bonus to Trip, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Bullrush and other similar maneuvers against that foe. The bonus is equal to the number of Sneak Attack dice you have. If the attempt succeeds, the target also suffers a penalty to attack and damage rolls against you until the start of your next turn. The penalty is also equal to your Sneak Attack dice.

Greater Trapmaking
The fools just activated your trap card!
Requirements: Trapmaking class feature
You can use your Trapmaking class feature to create traps from the CR 2 and 3 lists as well, though you still have the limitations on not involving pits (unless there is already a pit and you're just turning it into a spiked pit or whatever) or magic. If a trap specifically involves poison, you have to provide the poison and it still dries up in an hour. You may now also make magic traps, as long as you provide the spell(s) used - this uses up one casting of each of the used spells as part of the creation of the trap. A Brown Mold trap requires you to actually provide the brown mold yourself.
Special: you may take this feat again at tenth level, allowing the creation of CR 4 and 5 traps that meet the above requirements and do not require major changes to a room (such as the water-filled room, or a statue or column that isn't already there). You may then take it a third time at level fifteen to allow for any poison-based trap up to CR 10 if you provide the poison, and any magical trap up to CR 10 providing you cast the spells in question.

Healing Domain Focus
You are tied to the Healing domain especially well.
Requirements: Healing Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Healing Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action to grant an adjacent ally Fast Healing equal to the Spell Level. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level.

Hellscarred Ninja
You went to Hell and back. At least one of these trips was not by choice.
Requirements: Jutsu Points, actually travel to a Lower Plane at some point
Your head can just be a fiery skull if you want. More importantly, you can allocate a Jutsu Point into this Feat, which grants you Fire Resistance equal to twice your Base Attack Bonus and the ability to walk from fire to fire at will: you enter one that is at least the size of a bonfire, then Dimension Door to another of similar size within one mile. At level five, if the Jutsu Point is invested in this Feat, you are Invisible whenever you are on fire or standing within a fire at least the size of a bonfire, and are Immune to [Fear] effects and the Intimidate skill, whether on fire or not.

Inspire Frenzy
Your furious rage is contagious.
Requirement: able to enter a Rage or Frenzy
A number of times per day equal to your Charisma Bonus (minimum 1), you may inspire your allies with a Swift Action, or as part of the action of entering a Rage/Frenzy yourself.
All allies within 10 feet of you gain the following Rage effect:
+2 Morale Bonus to melee attack rolls, Grapple and Trip attempts
+6 Morale Bonus to melee damage
10 Temporary HP
+2 Morale Bonus to Fort and Will Saves
-2 Penalty to Armour Class
These effects last for five rounds. You do not gain the effects - you have to just use your own Rage or Frenzy.

Knowledge Domain Focus
You are tied to the Knowledge domain especially well.
Requirements: Knowledge Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Knowledge Domain spell, you may use a Swift Action at will to learn of your surroundings: for two rounds per Spell Level, you know the Types and Subtypes of all creatures you can see (blocked by Nondetection), along with their Alignments (as though through Detect Alignment spells), and their relative power (which can be fooled by Alter Aura). For this duration, you also instantly identify any Spells, Spell-Like Abilities and Supernatural Abilities that are cast within your line of sight.

Luck Domain Focus
You are tied to the Luck domain especially well.
Requirements: Luck Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Luck Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action at will to grant good fortune to a single creature within Close Range. For a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level plus one, the target gains one of the following features: Slippery Mind, Evasion, Mettle, Uncanny Dodge. Alternatively, you may curse them with failure for the same duration, causing a Miss Chance and Spell Failure equal to the Spell Level times 5%, with no saving throw. This can be ended early via Remove Curse and stronger.

Magic Domain Focus
You are tied to the Magic domain especially well.
Requirements: Magic Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Magic Domain spell, you may attempt to grasp magical effects from others and harness them for yourself. You spend a Full Round Action, and may make a Dispel check (with no limit to the bonus) which is applied to every Targeted effect within 10' per Spell Level (of your Magic Domain Spell) that has a Spell Level no higher than that of the highest Magic Domain Spell you have available. You then gain the effects of all Dispelled effects (assuming you would be a valid target and want the spell effect) for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level (of your Magic Domain Spell) or until the effect would normally end, whichever is first.

Magical Beast Shape
Some animals are magical but still basically animals so go ahead and turn into them.
Requirements: Wild Shape
You can use Wild Shape to turn into a Magical Beast. This does not grant you any actual spellcasting ability the creature might have, and cannot turn you into creatures with templates added on.

Medical Heal
Enough morphine cures all ailments.
Requirements: Divine Energy class feature
When you use Divine Energy to restore hit points to someone, you can also remove afflictions that ail them.
If you use at least 5 points from your pool, you also remove the Shaken, Sickened, Dazzled and Deafened conditions.
At fifth level, if you use at least 25 points, you also remove the Frightened, Fatigued, Mute, Confused and Rage conditions.
At tenth level, if you use at least 50 points, you also remove the Cowering, Panicked, Exhausted, Dazed and Blind conditions.

Monk of the Dark Moon [Order]
You studied shadow arts at the Monastaries of Shar.
Requirements: Fighting Style class feature, no other [Order] Feats
Three times per day you may cast Disguise Self. Additionally, you can choose the following options for Fighting Style abilities:
-Any foe you hit with your Slam must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or be Confused for 3 rounds
-You gain a single Mirror Image until your next turn, or until it is destroyed
-When you enter the Style, all foes within 25 feet must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or be Fascinated for one round
When you gain access to Master Fighting Styles, you may choose from the following Master Fighting Style abilities:
-Any foe you hit with your Slam attack must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or be Blind for 1 minute
-When you enter the Style, you create a Pall of Twilight effect that lasts for one round
-Any foe who misses you with an attack must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or become Confused for 1 minute
When you gain access to Grand Master Fighting Styles, you may select from the following Grand Master Fighting Style abilities:
-Any foe you hit with your Slam, or who misses you with an attack, must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or suffer a Fever Dream effect
-Any foe you hit with your Slam, even objects, must pass a Will Save (Wisdom-based) or be forcefully sent to the Plane of Shadow
-Until the start of your next turn, you transform into a Nightwalker - you maintain the fighting style, and any damage suffered in one form carries over to the other

Monk of the Long Death [Order]
Your monastic order is one of death and repose.
Requirements: Fighting Style class feature, no other [Order] feats
Whenever you are in a Fighting Style, performing a Coup de Grace is a Free Action for you, to a limit of once per target per round. Doing so prevents the target from being raised as an Undead, nor brought back to life with a simple Raise Dead - they require a Resurrection or better.
Additionally, if you ever multiclass as an Assassin, your Assassin levels count as Monk levels for the purpose of determining your Armoured in Life Bonus, and your Monk levels count as Assassin levels for determining your Caster Level (but not Spells per Day/Spells Known) and number of Death Attack dice.

Monk of the Shining Hand [Order]
You trained with monks who venerate the sun and its cleansing light.
Requirements: Fighting Style class feature, no other [Order] feats
Whenever you are in a Fighting Style, you may elect to radiate light as per a Daylight effect.
You may select the ability to cast Searing Light as a Fighting Style ability.
You may select the ability to benefit from a Death Ward until your next turn as a Master Fighting Style ability.
You may select the ability to instantly centre a Sunburst effect on yourself the moment you enter the style as a Grand Master Fighting Style ability. This effect does not affect you.
Any Save DC from this is 10 + half your character level + your Wisdom Bonus.

Offensive Auras
It's not enough to have blessings and protections from your auras. You impose your auras upon enemies.
Requirements: Aura of Courage class feature
You may elect to have your Aura of Courage burn with righteous bravery. Enemies within the area suffer Fire damage at the end of each of your turns equal to your Charisma Bonus. If they attempt to subject you to a [Fear] effect, they instantly catch fire.
If you have an Aura of Defiance, you may elect to have it radiate unmoving icy resolve. Enemies within the area suffer Cold damage at the end of each of your turns equal to your Charisma Bonus. If they attempt to subject you to a [Charm] effect, they are Slowed until the end of their next turn.
If you have an Aura of Resolve, you may elect to force it into foes. At the end of your turn, you make a single Bullrush attempt, using your Charisma instead of Strength, against all enemies in the area. You do not move with them, but can shove them any distance. A foe who tries to subject you to a [Compulsion] is instantly knocked to the ground.

Ooze Shape
Nature provides globs of ooze, and you can turn into that, sort of.
Requirements: Wild Shape
You can use Wild Shape to transform into any Ooze that isn't created by magic (such as Living Spells, Summoning Oozes or Bloodfire Oozes). This cannot turn you into a creature with a template added on.

Plant Domain Focus
You are tied to the Plant domain especially well.
Requirements: Plant Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Plant Domain spell, you may use a Swift Action at will to become plant-like in form. For a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level plus one, you gain Fast Healing 1, as well as Low-Light Vision and Immunity to Sleep, Paralysis and Stunning. You also look rather plant-like for the duration, and can be treated as a Plant as well as your own type for the purpose of spells and effects.

Protection Domain Focus
You are tied to the Protection domain especially well.
Requirements: Protection Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Protection Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action to create a protective ward in a bubble centred on you, out to a 20' radius (or less if you so desire). For a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level, everyone within the area gains a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class against attacks originating from out of the area. The Bonus is equal to the Spell Level. Additionally, everyone in the area receives twice this number in Temporary Hit Points for the duration. If they leave the area, they instantly lose the effects.

Savvy Rogue
You're such a rad ninja, you're better than normal at rogue tricks.
Requirements: at least one Rogue/Ninja Special Ability
Select one of the special tricks you gain from being a Rogue/Ninja. It becomes better than normal.
-Crippling Strike: you can elect to deal Dexterity damage instead of Strength damage.
-Defensive Roll: you may use this three times per day, and the attack does not have to be potentially lethal in order to use this.
-Improved Evasion: you have Perfect Evasion: you are just immune to effects that require or allow a Reflex Save for reduced effect. This still doesn't work on things that specifically don't allow Evasion, like Defensive Roll.
-Opportunist: there is no longer a limit of once per round. You can just keep doing this until they stop getting hit or you run out of Attacks of Opportunity. The same attack won't trigger all of your Opportunities all at once still.
-Slippery Mind: if the second save fails, you may choose to not suffer the effect but be Dazed for one round.
-Shadow Walk: you may cast Shadow Walk and Dimension Door (only between areas not in direct sunlight) three times each per day.
-Transferred Sight: you may also cast Greater Prying Eyes and Enduring Scrutiny once each per day.
Special: you may select this feat multiple times, each time selecting a different benefit.

Strength Domain Focus
You are tied to the Strength domain especially well.
Requirements: Strength Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Strength Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action at will to gain great size and power, lasting for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level plus 1. You grow one Size Category larger, along with your equipment, but without the size-based changes to Ability Scores or Natural Armour. Your Reach and movement speed are increased by this. This also grants you an Enhancement Bonus to Strength equal to the Spell Level for the duration, and double this amount as a bonus to force or break objects.

Sun Domain Focus
You are tied to the Sun domain especially well.
Requirements: Sun Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Sun Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action at will to unleash a blast of light out to Close Range. This radiates true daylight, and attempts to Dispel all [Darkness] effects in the area. There is no maximum bonus for the check. The light then persists for one round per Spell Level and, when it is first activated, all Undead in the area suffer 2d6 Light damage per Spell Level. They are allowed a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus).

Super Shinobi
Like a traditional ninja, you wear painfully visible colours and conjure the powers of elements in extremely obvious ways.
Requirements: Jutsu Points
You may allocate Jutsu Points into a number of different Elemental Auras.
-Fire: your weapons deal +1d6 points of Fire damage, and you may end this effect, "spending" the Jutsu Point, to cast Flamestrike (DC 10 + half your character level + your Intelligence Bonus)
-Lightning: you emit light like a blue torch, gain Electricity Resistance equal to double your level, and anybody who hits you with a melee weapon (including natural weapons, unarmed strikes and touch attacks) suffers Electricity damage equal to 1d6 + your Intelligence Bonus.
-Stone: you have Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine and are Immune to Critical Hits, but you sink like an actual rock.
-Wind: you have a constant Wind Walk effect, which can be swapped to a Wind Wall and back with a Standard Action at will.

Travel Domain Focus
You are tied to the Travel domain especially well.
Requirements: Travel Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Travel Domain spell, you may use a Swift Action to Teleport a number of five foot squares equal to the Spell Level. If the Spell Level is four or more, you then benefit from Freedom of Movement for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom Bonus.

Trickery Domain Focus
You are tied to the Trickery domain especially well.
Requirements: Trickery Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Trickery Domain spell, you may use a Swift or Immediate Action to turn Invisible until the start of your next turn (or until ended by attacking). If used in response to an attack, the opponent does need to guess which square you occupy, but suffers a 50% Miss Chance as normal for an Invisible foe. If the Spell Level is four or more, any attack that targets you but misses you in this time (including through Miss Chance or guessing the wrong square), the attacker has to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or be Confused for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level. If the Spell level is eight or more, the Invisibility lasts for three rounds.

Vengeful Blade
Your ancestral weapon will protect you and kill those who hurt you.
Requirements: Ancestral Weapon class feature
Whenever an enemy deals damage to your hit points (ie that is not entirely negated by DR or Energy Resistance/Immunity), your Ancestral Weapon glows with fury. Until either you or the enemy are defeated (including surrender or fleeing), the weapon ignores all Miss Chances against that enemy and is treated as a Bane weapon against them specifically (+2 to Enhancement Bonus, +2d6 damage). Only one enemy can be marked for vengeance at a time.

Vermin Shape
Creepy crawly bugs are still basically animals.
Requirements: Wild Shape
You can use Wild Shape to transform into a Vermin, though not a creature with a template added on.

War Domain Focus
You are tied to the War domain especially well.
Requirements: War Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a War Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action to unleash a fortifying aura out to Long Range at will. All allies in the area remove all [Morale] Penalties, and may make a second saving throw against any ongoing [Fear] effects, with a Morale Bonus equal to the Spell Level. Additionally, for three rounds per Spell Level, allies in the area ignore Fatigue and Exhaustion, and can penetrate Damage Reduction as though wielding Magic Weapons. If the Spell Level is four or more, they also gain Damage Reduction 3/- for the duration, and if it is six or more they penetrate Damage Reduction and Hardness as though wielding Adamantium weapons.

Water Domain Focus
You are tied to the Water domain especially well.
Requirements: Water Domain
As long as you have prepared and not yet cast a Water Domain spell, you may use a Standard Action to surround yourself with a swirling vortex of water. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level plus 1, reaching out to all adjacent squares, and automatically douses all non-magical flames in the area and attempts to Dispel all magical ones with no limit to the Caster Level bonus. The watery aura is treated as Difficult Terrain, and living creatures who enter the area or begin their turn in it must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + the Spell Level + your Wisdom Bonus) or be Fatigued from inhaling water. If already Fatigued, they become Exhausted, and if already Exhausted they start Drowning.
Monster Feats not strictly ruled out for normal people, but ask first because it can be weird

Ablative Armour
As you take damage, your armoured hide ceases to slow you down with its pesky existence.
Requirements: natural armour
Any time you are below half your maximum hit points, you take a penalty to your Natural Armour equal to half its normal value (your choice whether to round up or down). That same number is then added as a Bonus to your Initiative, Climb, Jump, Swim and Tumble checks, and that number times five is added to your base movement speed. As soon as you heal above half your maximum, your natural armour grows back and you no longer have the bonuses or penalties.

Aquatic Lifestyle
You were just born for the ocean. Or in it.
You have a Swim Speed equal to your Land Speed, along with the usual benefits for that. This also grants you the ability to breathe underwater, without taking away your ability to breathe air - so you are Amphibious. You can also speak underwater, even casting Spells and Spell-Like Abilities without problem.

Area Attack
You are good at walloping a bunch of people at once.
Requirements: Large or larger, at least two hands
Using your great size and strength, you can use heavy objects to attack entire areas. This is a Standard Action, and requires a weapon or object that would be considered Two-Handed or bigger for you. It hits a semi-circle with a radius equal to your reach, and you deal damage to all creatures in the area that are smaller than you. The damage is 1d8 + one and a half times your Strength Bonus for a Large creature (2d6 for Huge, 3d6 for Gargantuan, 4d6 for Colossal, and 6d6 for anything that manages to count as larger than that). All in the area are allowed a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Strength Bonus). After doing this, you have a -2 Penalty to Armour Class until the start of your next turn.

Consume Essence
When you chow down on the living, you absorb their life force.
Requirements: Swallow Whole special attack
Whenever your stomach deals damage to those it has swallowed (or, if it doesn't deal damage, at the end of their turn inside your stomach), they also suffer a Negative Level. This is just a temporary negative level that goes away at the next sunrise, but they have bigger things to worry about than that. Every time you deal a negative level in this manner, you gain 5 Temporary Hit Points. These stack with others gained from this feat, do not count for damage dealt for the purpose of cutting free, and last for up to ten minutes.
An undead creature suffers no ill effect from this, but also doesn't gain anything.

Requirements: Huge or larger
With a Standard Action, you can leap onto creatures significantly smaller than you. It renders you Prone and hits an area that begins adjacent to you. This only works on creatures at least three sizes smaller than you, or two sizes smaller if you leap from an altitude higher than the heights of the creatures (including making a successful Jump check to get enough altitude). This deals 2d8 plus one and a half times your Strength Bonus in Bludgeoning damage for a Huge creature (4d6 for a Gargantuan creature, 6d6 for a Colossal creature or 8d6 for a creature that is treated as bigger than that). This can hit as many creatures as can fit under your body within the area, and any of them that fails a Reflex Save (DC 10 + your Strength Bonus + your Size Bonus to grapple checks) is also knocked Prone, Pinned, and automatically takes damage each round.

Your limbs are dangerous even when they're not connected to you.
Requirements: Regeneration, one or more natural weapons not attached to your head
With an Attack Action, you can detach a portion of your body that is not part of your head or attached to your head, and throw it at someone as a thrown weapon with 20' range increments. If it hits, it deals damage as normal, plus your Strength Bonus (regardless of the multiplier it normally has when attached). It can also deal secondary damaging effects such as acid stingers, poison, disease or heat, but not things like Improved Grab or rending. This hurts you somewhat, dealing non-lethal damage equal to double your hit dice (ignoring Damage Reduction).
Furthermore, if someone adjacent to you lops a limb off and that limb has a natural weapon associated with it, the limb may attack them as an Immediate Action as though it were still attached. It cannot trigger Improved Grabs or Rending attacks in this manner.

Dust Cloud
You can whip up clouds of blinding dust and debris.
Prerequisites: Wings or Tail, size Large or larger
As a Standard Action, you can sweep your tail across the ground or flap your wings to create a dust cloud. You must be standing on the ground to do this, and there must be sufficient loose sand, dirt, dust, snow or similar. You create a semi-circular cloud with a radius equal to your natural reach, which remains for a number of rounds equal to your Strength Bonus (minimum 1). This obscures vision like a sandstorm normally does, and has a 50% chance to snuff out unprotected nonmagical flames. Creatures within the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + Spell Level + your Strength Bonus) in order to cast spells.

Exhaled Tempest
People call you a blowhard, but you huff and puff and blow their house down.
Requirements: Huge or larger, must actually breathe
You gain the ability to exhale powerful (albeit short-lived) windstorms. With a Standard Action, you unleash a cone with a length equal to your Constitution Bonus times 5' (minimum 10 feet). Each creature in the area is affected as though struck by a wind effect. The strength of the wind effect is Severe for a Huge creature, Windstorm for a Gargantuan creature, Hurricane for a Colossal creature, and Tornado for anything that is treated as larger than that. This cannot be used two turns in a row, nor the turn immediately before or after using a Breath Weapon or Shout.

Eyes Everywhere
Are you looking at me? No really I have no idea where you're looking.
Requirements: Gaze special attack
You can narrow your gaze so that you do not accidentally catch friends in the area. They are safe as long as you're aware of them.
You may also "widen" your gaze, actively looking about and catching attention such that anyone aware of you only has a 25% chance of safety when they avert their gaze.
You may also squint and look further ahead, adding thirty feet to the range of your gaze.
On any given round you have to choose which you are doing, only one at a given time, but changing this is not an action.

Fiery Death
Your fiery attacks actually set people ablaze.
Requirements: a special attack that deals Fire damage
Any time you use a special attack to deal Fire damage (as opposed to hitting someone with a lit torch or casting a [Fire] spell), the target catches fire if they can't avoid or negate the damage. This burns normally until put out, only doing 1d6 damage per round, however you can fan the flames to make them worse. If someone is already burning and you again use a special attack to deal Fire damage to them (other than the residual burning from this feat), the damage increases by 1d6. Anything that puts the flames out still quenches all of them at once, at no increased difficulty.

Greater Webs
You tie groups of people together. Why? Just 'Cause (3).
Requirements: Web special attack or ability to cast the Web spell (or similar)
The DC to break free or escape your webs is 2 higher than normal.
Additionally, you may use a Full Round Action to affect more than one person, object or anchor-point with your web, affecting all in an area up to 20 feet by 20 feet for a Medium creature, 30 by 30 for Large, 40 by 40 for Huge and so on. Once they are caught within it, they are unable to move away from each other without first escaping or breaking free. Doing this uses two daily uses of your web ability, if it is limited.
Special: if you can only create webs via spells, this still works with the webs created by your spell, changing the Casting Time to a Full Round Action and requiring two Spell Slots or Daily uses of the Web Spell-Like Ability.

Icy Chills
Your cold attacks slow people down and render them frozen.
Requirements: a special attack that deals Cold damage
Any time you use a special attack to deal Cold damage (as opposed to throwing a flask of Frostfire or casting a [Cold] spell), the target takes a cumulative -1 Penalty to Initiative, Reflex Saves and Dexterity-based Skill checks. If they perform a Double Move or Run Action, they negate the Penalty, no matter how high it has reached. If the Penalty ever equals their actual Dexterity score, they become frozen solid.

Mighty Roar
When you shout, people listen. They don't hear much after though.
Requirements: ability to breathe and make vocal noises
With a Standard Action, you may empty your lungs and roar, either generally out to a 30 foot radius, or more directed in a 60 foot long Cone. All in the area that can hear you must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Constitution Bonus), otherwise they are rendered Deaf for 1d6 minutes. This cannot be used two turns in a row, nor the turn immediately before or after using a Breath Weapon or Exhalation. This is a [Sonic] effect.

Prehensile Tail
You are like a monkey.
Requirements: Tail attack, Dex 13+
You can use your tail to actually wield a weapon or hold similar objects, like a hand that doesn't have a thumb and specific fingers but does just have a good grip.

With a solid stomp, you make the ground rattle.
Requirements: Huge size or larger, Trample or Crush special attack
You may use a Full Round Action to stomp the ground and create shockwaves. These radiate out to 30 feet if you are Huge, 60 if Gargantuan, 120 if Colossal, or 240 if larger than that. Make a single attack roll. You make a single roll as though making a Trip attempt, and everyone in the area who is touching the ground must beat that with a Balance check or Reflex Save. If they fail, they are knocked down. Structures and unattended objects within the area take 1d12 points of damage, ignoring Hardness, and any given tunnel has a chance of collapsing in a random location within the area. The chance is 10% if Huge, plus another 10% for each Size Category larger.

Shocking Reach
Your foes have just been... THUNDERSTRUCK!
Requirements: a special attack that deals Electricity damage
Any time you use a special attack to deal Electricity damage (as opposed to using a Lightning Sword or casting an [Electricity] spell), lightning arcs out to nearby foes. If another creature is adjacent to the target, including diagonally, you may elect for them to take 1d6 points of Electricity damage as well.

Supernatural Transformation
Sometimes abilities are less like spells and more generally supernatural.
Requirements: a Spell-Like Ability
Select one of your Spell-Like Abilities. It becomes a Supernatural Ability. This does not change the number of daily uses, and mostly exists just to ignore Spell Resistance.

Unnaturally Large
You are big
Requirement: Medium (before taking this)
You receive an extra growth spurt, increasing your Size to Large. This only affects the following:
*Movement Speed
*Hide checks
*Equipment wielded and the base damage for your weapons (including Natural ones)
*Size-based Manoeuvres such as Tripping and Grappling
*Size Penalty to Armour Class
*Size Penalty to Attack rolls
It does not affect Natural Armour or Ability Scores

You have wings.
You can fall slowly, like a constant Featherfall effect, and even glide.
At level seven, this upgrades to full-on flight, giving you a (Poor) Fly speed equal to double your land speed.
At level ten, the Fly speed becomes (Average).
Disgaea Evilties I made these for Disgaeagame mk II, so they're kind of weird
Beacon of Life
You are so full of positive energy that it bothers Undead.
Requirement: must not be healed by Negative Energy
Positive energy flows so strongly through you that you are Immune to Negative Levels and Energy Drain. Additionally, any time you are healed by a variable amount, the result is maximised for you. Any [Mindless] Undead within Long Range that has Line of Sight to you is unable to see any other living creature. Essentially, they just home in on all beacons before anything else, and in some places that can be awkward.

Elemental Force
Resistance to energy is simply a case of your innate elemental power, but you can learn to unleash it.
Any time you deal damage which is an energy type such as Fire or Electricity, you may increase the damage by an amount equal to your level, capped by your Resistance to the energy type in question. In the case of Immunity, you simply use your level.
If you deal more than one energy type of damage with the same attack, the total bonus cannot be higher than your level.

It's great when you are surrounded by fawning admirers.
Requirements: ability to Charm, Dominate or Fascinate others.
Whenever you are adjacent to one or more creatures that are Charmed, Dominated or Fascinated by you, you gain a Morale Bonus to Attack rolls, Skill Checks, Spell Penetration checks and Saving Throws. This Morale Bonus equals the number of such creatures adjacent to you, to a limit of the number of directly adjacent (non-diagonal) squares. So for a Medium creature that'd be a maximum of four.

Heroic Shield
You protect your friends.
You may cast Shield Other at will, though you may only protect one person at a time in this way. You also cannot shield someone who is already benefiting from a Shield Other effect from someone else, or who in turn is shielding another.

Light Protection
You heal people so well that even future injuries are pre-emptively healed or something.
Any time you restore hit points to somebody, you grant them universal Energy Resistance and Damage Reduction equal to your Wisdom Bonus until the end of your next turn. Things that bypass "all Damage Reduction" still bypass this as normal.

Light Salvation
Some dude taught us that we do good to others for our own benefit. Or something. Long story short, helping others helps you.
Once per turn when you restore hit points to somebody else, you also regain an equal amount of lost hit points. If you heal yourself, this does not double up, even if you heal yourself and also somebody else. If you heal multiple people at once, it still only heals you the once.

Money is Life
People say you can't eat money, but they're just not trying hard enough.
Requirements: Orc, or any creature with the [Earth] Subtype or "Earth" in the name of the race (such as Earth Genasi)
If you spend a Full Round Action literally eating a pile of money or raw precious metals, you gain the benefits of a potion of up to equal value, from the following list: Cure Light Wounds (50 GP), Cure Moderate Wounds (300 GP), Cure Serious Wounds (750 GP), Neutralise Poison (1400 GP), Remove Curse (750 GP), Remove Disease (750 GP), Remove Blindness/Deafness (750 GP), Lesser Restoration (300 GP), Restoration (1500 GP).

Mudhole Stomping
You stomp guys flat.
Whenever a foe falls Prone in a square adjacent to you, you may make a special Slam Attack against them as an Attack of Opportunity.
The base damage for a Medium creature is 1d4 + Strength Bonus, or 1d8 + Strength Bonus if wearing hard boots.
The Critical Value is 18-20/x3 when wearing hard boots, or 19-20/x2 otherwise.
If you start your turn adjacent to a Prone opponent, you may repeatedly stomp them as a Full Round Action. This is a Full Attack of these stomps according to your Base Attack Bonus, plus one additional attack at your highest attack bonus.

Muscle Force
Your muscles protect you.
If you are completely uninjured (at maximum hit points), you cannot be outright killed. If an effect would reduce you to zero or fewer hit points, or simply kill you, you are instead reduced to one hit point. Once this happens, it will not happen again until the next quarter of the day (Dawn, Midday, Dusk, Midnight).

No-Miss Accomplished Striker
When people provoke you, they can't escape.
You gain a +3 Bonus on attack rolls with Attacks of Opportunity. Furthermore, the only way you can miss on such attacks is through a failed attack roll - you ignore any Miss Chance, chance to hit the wrong target via Mirror Image and such, or abilities that cause attackers to automatically miss. This does not affect their ability to negate the damage from a successful hit, however.

When you need to, you can overdo it.
As long as you are not Fatigued or Exhausted, you can overcharge a spell you cast. Doing so increases its Casting Time to a Full Round Action if less than that - it does not work on spells that take longer. You also need to spend twice as many spell slots of the level (needing to prepare an additional spell slot in the case of prepared spells) or spend two uses for Spell-Like Abilities (those that can be used at-will can ignore this limit).
For the purpose of Range, Duration, damage per level and bypassing Spell Resistance, your Caster Level is treated as four higher. Additionally, you can treat your maximum Spell Level as two higher, thus allowing more Meta-magic options.
After you finish casting, you become Exhausted (bypassing any immunity to this condition), suffer non-lethal damage equal to your level, and instantly fall Prone.
After half an hour's rest, the Exhaustion downgrades to Fatigue.

Rapid Defence
You move so fast people can't hit you.
Any turn in which you Charge, Run or make a Double Move, you gain a 20% Miss Chance against enemy attacks until the start of your next turn. In the case of charging, this does not include the target of your charge - they do not suffer this miss chance.

Spirit Protection
You're like a magical older sister, so protective of those around you.
If you are Resistant or Immune to any energy type, you reflect this, to an upper limit equal to your level, onto adjacent allies. This does not apply to you, even if you are considered to be adjacent to yourself through some means.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:04 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

More. The first post is kind of big.

General Feats:
Mounted Mobility
Your steed benefits from your own training.
When riding another creature, that creature benefits from any of the following PHB feats that you also have: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Combat Expertise, Whirlwind Attack, Improved Overrun, Improved Bullrush, Lightning Reflexes. It also benefits from any of the following abilities that you have: Evasion, Improved Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge. It also benefits from any of the following advanced feats that you have: Unnatural Speed, Battlefield Controller, Bulette Charge, Spring Attack, Lightning Reflexes.

You are good at finding things, even if they don't want to be found.
You may cast Swift See Invisibility, Locate Creature and Find the Path as Spell-Like Abilities. The combined daily usage of these equals your Wisdom Bonus plus three.

Touched by the Far Realm
You saw the sign, and it opened up your mind, you saw the sign~
The madness of the Far Realm does not affect you - instead, you're just a little bit weird all the time. You do not suffer penalties from Cerebrotic Blots (Dragon #330) or whatever other rules for "this area is breached by the Far Realm" your game uses. You also do not suffer the effects of anything with "Madness", "Maddening" or "Insanity" in the name (such as the Insanity spell).
If you are a spellcaster, you add the Cerebrosis spells (Dragon #330) to your Spells Known and your Class List.
Finally, certain creatures are added to some of your Summon Monster spells: Summon Monster III - Opabinia (Dragon #348); Summon Monster IV - Dolgrue (Dragon #348); Summon Monster VI - Wyste (Monster Manual 2); Summon Monster VII - Xorbeast (Dragon #348); Summon Monster VIII - Akleu (Dragon #348), Rukanyr (Fiend Folio), Dharculus (Planar Handbook); Summon Monster IX - Mooncalf (Monster Manual 2), 5-headed Shrieking Terror (Monster Manual 3), Kyra (Dragon #348).

Unnatural Speed
You are faster than many would expect.
You gain a +3 Bonus to your Initiative, and a +10' Bonus to your base Move Speed. Additionally, you gain a +4 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class against Attacks of Opportunity taken due to your movement. At levels 5, 10, 15 and 20 you gain another +5' to your Move Speed.
Combat Feats:
Disarm Into Death
You use peoples' weapons against them almost straight away.
Any time you successfully Disarm a foe, you may elect to hold the weapon - in which case you may make a single attack with it as a Free action - or drop it at their feet or your own feet, or grab it and throw it away. In the latter case, if it is a weapon that can be thrown, you may specifically throw it at someone, making a single attack as a Free Action.

Foe Wielder
You'll beat a chump with another chump.
If you successfully Lift or Pin a foe, you may wield them as a weapon for as long as they remain in this state. A Small creature is considered a two-handed weapon for a Medium creature to wield and deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage - this scales normally, so a Medium creature is too big for a Medium creature to wield (absent other Feats or abilities) but could be wielded two-handed by a Large creature to deal 2d6 damage. The creature has a 20/x2 Critical value, and does not have special qualities like Tripping or Reach. Any time you deal damage with the creature, they suffer half as much as they deal (before applying Damage Reduction, but their own Damage Reduction may apply to this). Once slain, they can still be used as a weapon until they suffer additional damage equal to what used to be their hit dice + Constitution score, at which point they break apart.

Nonlethal Force
When beating someone to within an inch of their life, you can measure very precisely.
You may make any of your attacks - even Spells and so on - deal non-lethal damage. Alternatively, if one of your attacks would reduce a target below -1 HP, you may instead let them remain at -1 HP.

Sand Skirmisher
You fight particularly well when up to you knees in sand.
You gain the following feats from It's Hot Outside: Sand Camouflage, Sand Dancer, Sand Spinner, Sand Snare, Sand Skimmer
Item Crafting Feats:
Alchemical Piecraft
You long studied the secrets of alchemy, and how to weave spells into food.
By increasing the casting time to one minute per Spell Level, and providing material components that are basically the ingredients to a pie recipe, you may cast the spell as a physical pie. It will then keep until at least half the pie is eaten by one person, at which point they are instantly targeted by it, or the sun next sets, whichever is first. In the case of a Touch Attack or Ranged Touch Attack, the consumer is automatically hit. For spells that allow one or more targets, they are chosen as the only target (assuming they are a viable target). For an area of effect, the area is centred upon them (or, for a Line or Cone, starts at them and extends behind them). If they are an invalid target (a Troll eats a Pie of Enlarge Person or anybody eats a Pie of Summon Monster), there is no effect. By adding the casting times together, you may cast multiple spells into the same pie, to a maximum combined Spell Level equal to your unmodified Caster Level.

Create Ooze
By boiling weird stuff down to the bottom of your cauldron, you can scrape out a living ooze.
You can create creatures of the Ooze type that have an Intelligence score less than three, and a Challenge Rating no higher than your own level minus two. They are not innately loyal to you, but also won't particularly pick a fight with you unless it is in the creature type's nature to do so - many oozes will sit there or go wandering in search of something edible. Creating an Ooze requires the cauldron bubble away for a number of days equal to the Challenge Rating (though you need only stop by to stir or heat it once per twelve hours), with ingredients that work out to the cost of the Challenge Rating times 1,000 GP.

Crystal Magic
You spend too much time near hippies.
You may create and bond with a Psi-Crystal, as the "Psi-Crystal Affinity" Feat in the Psionics Book. You may also craft and activate all gem-like magic items without needing to know or cast the spells involved, and treating all of your character levels as "the class level needed to activate them" if need be. You also need not spend experience, merely time and money - though you must meet the minimum caster level (remembering you use your character level in place of this). This includes Dorjes, Power Stones, Crystal Anchors, Crystal Masks, Pearls, Psionatrices, Shards, Third Eyes, Beads of Force, Chaos Diamonds, Crystal Balls, Gems, Ioun Stones, Lenses, Necklaces of Fireballs, Orbs, Strands of Prayer Beads, Augment Crystals, the Monocle of Perusal, Soulstones, Surge Crystals, Aberrant Spheres, Blast Globes, Cognizance Crystals, Essentia Jewels, Glitter Stones, Globes of Sunlight, Spheres. If using Tome Items, you should probably just go with Rings, Brooches and Amulets.

Instrumentality Project
You like magic and music, so you use magic to make musical items, as long as they create music that makes magic.
You may craft and use musical instrument based magic items without spending XP or knowing the spells - you just spend time and money and need to meet the caster level requirements, using your character level for this. When using them, you may treat all of your character levels as Bard levels, and are treated as having a number of ranks in the relevant Perform skill equal to your character level plus three. This also covers things that are a bit of a stretch to call magic items, like cowbells.
Examples included in the DMG and MIC are: Chimes, Drums, Harps, Horns, Lyres, Pipes, Citherns, Bandores, Lutes and Mandolins.
Magic Feats:
Contagious Curses
There is a dangerous risk associated with removing your spells.
Any time somebody uses Remove Curse, Break Enchantment or a similar effect to remove a baleful Spell or Spell-Like Ability you place upon somebody, they must attempt to save against the effect themselves (at the same DC). On a failed save, the curse spreads to them regardless of whether or not they successfully remove the curse from the original victim. People who remove curses upon themselves do not suffer this risk, and you do not suffer this risk should you elect to remove your own curses from others.

Extra Effort
You squeeze out a bit more oomph for your loomph.
This Feat allows you to improve a spell that grants a static bonus or has level-dependent effects with a limit, and has a variable Meta Level adjustment. For each Meta Level added, you may increase the maximum level by 4 (such as increasing a Fireball's maximum damage by 4d6 or a Scorching Ray's maximum number of rays by 1), or increase a static bonus (such as the Enhancement Bonus from Bull's Strength or the Armour Bonus of Mage Armour) by 2.

Forceful Magic
Your physical spells are a bit more physical than normal.
This Feat alters a spell that creates an area of effect. When casting, make a single Trip, Disarm, Bullrush or Overrun attempt, using your Caster Level in place of your Base Attack Bonus and your spellcasting Ability Score Bonus in place of your Strength Bonus, but with no bonuses from equipment or size. You may still benefit from feats that grant bonuses to these, and the spell's actual level (not the adjusted Meta Level) is added as a bonus. Alternatively, you may make a Sleight of Hand check (using your spellcasting Ability Score instead of Dexterity) to attempt to pick their pockets or steal a held item, though if the spell is Instantaneous the items are just pulled free and dropped. The chosen manoeuvre check is resolved against every creature within the area of effect, however any creature completely unaffected by the spell is likewise unaffected by the manoeuvre. This has a Meta Level Adjustment of 2.
Special: if the spell has a duration other than Instantaneous, stolen items can be carried towards you for the duration at a rate of 50 feet per round, and you may add Grapple checks to the list of options allowed - things that rely on your own body such as Swallow Whole and Constrict will not function. If you have the Devious Trickster feat, you may also attempt this as one of the options.

Imbued Summoning
When you summon friends, you sneak extra magic into them.
Requirements:Able to cast a Summon spell
Benefit: any time you cast a Summon spell (Monster, Nature's Ally, Ice Beast, Undead and so on), you may infuse it with magic. You may bestow the effects of a Touch range or Targeted spell upon the Summoned creature as part of the casting. This has a Meta-Level of +1, and also uses the imbued spell as though cast normally.

Smiting Spell
Sometimes spells work best when at the end of a pointy stick.
You may cast a Touch range spell onto a weapon or piece of ammunition, expending it normally and holding it within the weapon or ammunition. The first time it hits a target, the spell is discharged, as though you had cast it on the target. If not discharged within one minute, the magic fades and it is wasted.

Summoner of Chaos
The powers of Giant Frog were bestowed upon you.
Requirements: Chaotic alignment, ability to cast spells
Benefit: some Summon Monster spells can call forth additional creatures for you. Additionally, you may spontaneously cast the following spells by spending a prepared spell or available spell slot of the same or greater level: 4th - Summon Monster IV (Anarchic Ice Toad), 5th - Summon Monster V (Mud Slaad), 6th - Summon Monster VI (Red Slaad), 7th - Summon Monster VII (Blue Slaad), 8th - Summon Monster VIII (Green Slaad), 9th - Summon Monster IX (Grey Slaad)
Special: if you do not know the spells normally (or they are not even on your class list), you can only summon the above creatures with these spells.

Time Distortion
Your power over time can hasten or slow things around you.
Requirement: Time Domain, or Time Mage, or ability to cast Haste, Slow and Temporal Stasis
Benefit: when somebody begins their turn adjacent to you, and is under an effect with a duration measured in rounds, you may use an Immediate Action for the round to either count double (reducing the duration by an extra round) or not count at all - for a single such effect. This does not function on you, or your own effects. A Cleric with this feat must have a Time Domain spell prepared and not yet cast in order to use this ability. A Time Mage simply always has this ability. Other casters must be able to cast either Haste, Slow or Temporal Stasis (whether by memorising and not yet casting the spell, or having an empty spell slot of the right level).

Transferred Sensation
Even your illusions have eyes.
You are able to see and hear through your own lasting illusions. Doing so requires focusing, and cannot be attempted if you are suffering sufficient distractions that you cannot take 10 on skill checks or would have to attempt Concentration checks to cast spells. When doing this, you select a single Illusion spell of yours that takes the form of a created item or creature or affected area, and you can see and hear as though you were at its location rather than your own. For the duration, you are denied your Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, and any damage will snap you back to your own senses.

Transmuter's Alchemy
You can't quite turn lead to gold, but you can do practical things instead.
Requirements: able to cast Transmutation spells
Benefits: When holding an alchemical item, as long as you have a Transmutation spell available to be cast, you may make a Craft (Alchemy) check as a Full Round Action, with a DC equal to the base DC needed to make the item. If successful, you may transform it into another item of lower price or creation DC.
Additionally, by spending a minute holding two different metal items, as long as you have a Transmutation spell available to be cast, you may swap the metals. This happens at the rate of one minute per cubic foot, and requires equal amounts be swapped - so an iron longsword and a brick of silver of equal weight could be changed to a silver longsword and a brick of iron of equal weight.
Class Feature Based:
Angel Knight Initiate [Order]
You underwent the training of the holy knights who fight evil.
Requirements: Knightly Spirit
Benefit: any weapon you wield is treated as Good Aligned for the purpose of bypassing Damage Reduction, Regeneration and similar. It will also overcome Damage Reduction that is overcome by a material and Good, as though it were the right material. You are also Immune to Petrification.
Special: a character may only have one [Order] Feat. If they already have a Knightly Order, they can only take the [Order] Feat that matches their Knightly Order. If they later gain a Knightly Order, it must be the one that matches their [Order] Feat.

Angry Lyrics
You sing really angry songs.
Requirements: Rage Dice, Bardic Performances
Benefits: when you enter a Rage, you may activate a Bardic Performance as part of the same action, even if it is not currently your turn. Additionally, you may treat your Bard levels as Barbarian levels for the purpose of determining Rage Dice and the Damage Reduction gained in a Rage, and you may treat your Barbarian levels as Bard levels for the purpose of determining your Bard caster level and effective class level for anything that relies on that. This does not grant extra spellcasting ability or performances known, however.

Bane Knight Initiate [Order]
Unfortunately for everyone else, you were found and recruited by the Bane Knights.
Requirements: Knightly Spirit
Benefit: any weapon you wield automatically has the Flaming property in addition to other magical enhancements, and your vision is not obscured by smoke, dust or ash clouds.
Special: a character may only have one [Order] Feat. If they already have a Knightly Order, they can only take the [Order] Feat that matches their Knightly Order. If they later gain a Knightly Order, it must be the one that matches their [Order] Feat.

Celestial Druid
Your link to the upper planes means your idea of nature is different.
Requirements: Druid class; Aasimar or [Good] Outsider or other strong link to the upper planes
Requirements: when Wild Shaping, you may add the Celestial template to any Animal or Plant form you take. By spending a use of Elemental Shape you may instead take on an Animal or Plant form with the Half Celestial template, though all Spell-Like Abilities gained are shared between Wild Shape uses for the day. Furthermore, the following creatures are added to the list of "Animal Companions" you may take, despite not being animals:
-Any: Celestial version of the base creature (no modifier), Half Celestial version of the base creature (Druid Level -3 beyond base creature)
-Level 4 (-3): Lantern Archon
-Level 7 (-6): Bariaur, Hound Archon
-Level 10 (-9): Equinal
-Level 13 (-12): Warden Archon
-Level 19 (-18): Coatl
Finally, as long as you remain Good you need not maintain a Neutral component to your alignment.

Chaos Knight Initiate [Order]
You were brought into the order of disorder, recruited by Giant Frogs.
Requirements: Knightly Spirit
Benefit: any time you are subject to a Transmutation or [Mind-Affecting] effect with a set duration, that duration is halved (round down). If the effect is Permanent, you may attempt an additional save on the following round, with success endings the effect.
Special: a character may only have one [Order] Feat. If they already have a Knightly Order, they can only take the [Order] Feat that matches their Knightly Order. If they later gain a Knightly Order, it must be the one that matches their [Order] Feat.

Dragon Knight Initiate [Order]
The Platinum Dragon called, and you answered.
Requirements: Knightly Spirit
Benefit: you gain a +2 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class against attacks made by Dragons and a +2 Competence Bonus on Saving Throws against their Spells and Special Attacks. Similarly, you gain a +2 Competence Bonus on opposed checks made against Dragons. Additionally, any time you successfully make a saving throw against a Dragon's Breath Weapon, you suffer no effects from it.
Special: a character may only have one [Order] Feat. If they already have a Knightly Order, they can only take the [Order] Feat that matches their Knightly Order. If they later gain a Knightly Order, it must be the one that matches their [Order] Feat.

Elemental Focus [Elementalist]
Of all the elements, you like one of them the most.
Requirements: Elementalist (Tome)
Benefit: select one of the five elements - Fire, Wood, Water, Air or Earth. This is your focused element. You gain an extra spell slot of each Spell Level beyond 0, which can only be used for your chosen element (including summon spells cast as that element), as well as extra spells added as spells known and added to your class list - see below. If the Familiar is the chosen Elemental type, you double the bonus, and it grows to Medium when you reach level 8, Large at level 11, Huge at level 13, Greater at level 15 and Elder at level 17. When you gain Elemental Traits, you must choose the specific type.
You must choose one of the other elements to be banned. You cannot cast spells of that type, nor summon spells cast as that type. You cannot take a Familiar of that type, and do not gain the Create Element ability for that type.
-Air Spells: Air Breathing (1), Gust of Wind (1), Wall of Smoke (1), Binding Winds (2), Creeping Cold (2), Fly (3), Wind Wall (3), Cyclonic Burst (5), Storm of Elemental Fury (7), Lightning Ring (8), Storm of Vengeance (9), Greater Whirlwind (9), any spell used to summon an Air Elemental
-Earth Spells: Caltrops (0), Stone Shatter (1), Earth Bind (2), Earthen Grace (2), Soften Earth and Stones (2), Wall of Sand (2), Stone Shape (3), Stone Skin (3), Greater Stone Shape (4), Stone Sphere (4), Wall of Stone (4), Earth Reaver (4), Move Earth (5), Stone Tell (5), Xorn Movement (5), Flesh to Stone (6), Stone to Flesh (6), Stone Body (6), Excavate (8), Heart of Stone (8), Bombardment (8), any spell used to summon an Earth Elemental
-Fire Spells: Light (0), Produce Flame (1), Wall of Smoke (1), Heat Metal (2), Fire Shield (3), Wall of Fire (3), Blast of Flame (4), Blistering Radiance (4), Explosive Cascade (4), Anticold Sphere (5), Shroud of Flame (5), Inferno (5), Fire Spiders (6), Transmute Rock to Lava (7), Meteor Swarm (8), Bombardment (8), any spell used to summon a Fire Elemental
-Water Spells: Obscuring Mist (1), Water Breathing (1), Creeping Cold (2), Fog Cloud (2), Control Water (3), Wall of Water (3), Swamp Stride (5), Cloak of the Sea (6), Freezing Fog (6), Drown (6), Animate Snow (6), Waterspout (7), Field of Icy Razors (8), Maelstrom (8), Obedient Avalanche (9), Tsunami (9), any spell used to summon a Water Elemental
-Wood spells: Entangle (1), Pass Without Trace (1), Speak With Plants (1), Command Plants (2), Warp Wood (2), Wood Shape (2), Blight (3), Plant Growth (3), Briar Web (4), Animate Plants (5), Wall of Thorns (5), Control Plants (6), any spell used to summon a Plant or a Wood Elemental
Special: a character may only have a single [Elementalist] feat.

Elemental Ice [Elementalist]
You fuse air and water to create freezing ice.
Requirement: Elementalist (Tome)
Select one element - either Earth, Fire or Wood. It is banned to you, as with Elemental Focus. In exchange, you gain access to Ice magic. You can have an Ice Para-Elemental for a familiar, which grants +2 to Survival checks, and to any check made to resist [Fear] effects or the Intimidate skill (whether a Will Save, modified level check or Sense Motive check). It grows as you gain levels, as with Elemental Focus.
When you gain Elemental Traits, you instead gain Ice Para-Elemental Traits: you are Immune to Cold, and radiate a constant Chill Metal effect to ten feet (Supernatural effect: Save DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus, CL equals hit dice). Additionally, all of your melee attacks deal +2d6 Cold damage.
The following spells are added to your personal Elementalist spell list, as spells known: Zone of Glacial Cold (2), Numbing Sphere (2), Sleet Storm (3), Winter's Embrace (3), Ice Storm (4), Wall of Ice (4), Blizzard (5), Entomb (6), Greater Aura of Cold (7), Whiteout (7), Frostfell (8), Fimbulwinter (8), Cometstrike (9), Iceberg (9).
Special: a character may only have a single [Elementalist] feat.

Elemental Knight Initiate [Order]
Your elemental dedication is beyond compare, and the elements pay you in kind.
Requirements: Knightly Spirit
Benefit: select either one element or "all of them". If you select Air, you gain Air Mastery and a constant Feather Fall effect with the ability to glide twice as far as you fall, and do not need to breathe. If you select Earth, you gain Earth Mastery and 30' Tremorsense, and a Burrow Speed equal to half your Land Speed. If you select Fire, you do not take damage from mundane environmental fires and lava (spells, monster attacks and alchemy still work), can see through and breathe smoke, and any time you deal Designated Opponent damage your foe catches fire. If you select Water, you gain Water Mastery, water breathing and a Swim Speed equal to your normal walking speed. If you select "all of them", you gain Fire, Acid, Cold, Electricity and Sonic Resistance equal to your hit dice (which stacks with other kinds) and immunity to being Polymorphed against your will.
Special: a character may only have one [Order] Feat. If they already have a Knightly Order, they can only take the [Order] Feat that matches their Knightly Order. If they later gain a Knightly Order, it must be the one that matches their [Order] Feat.

Elemental Metal [Elementalist]
You modify the power of earth and stone with an application of fire to draw out metal.
Requirement: Elementalist (Tome)
Select one element - either Air, Water or Wood. It is banned to you, as with Elemental Focus. In exchange, you gain access to Metal magic. When you would gain an Elemental Familiar, you instead gain a Small Animated Iron Object. At level seven, it grows Medium and is Steel. At level nine it becomes Adamantium. At level 11 it can be Large, then Huge at 13, Gargantuan at 15 and Colossal at 17. The familiar bonus is +2 to Appraise and Craft checks when dealing with metal.
When you would gain Elemental Traits, you instead gain Metal Para-Elemental Traits: DR 10/Adamantium, a 10' Burrow Speed, and Immunity to Poison and Disease.
The following spells are added to your personal Elementalist spell list, as spells known: Iron Scarf (1), Rain of Needles (2), Magnetism (3), Metal Skin (5), Spirit Needle (6), Wall of Iron (6), Ironguard (7), Decapitating Scarf (7), Repel Metal/Stone (8), Iron Body (8)
Special: a character may only have a single [Elementalist] feat.

Elemental Ooze [Elementalist]
You blend the powers of earth and water to make horrifying elemental ooze.
Requirement: Elementalist (Tome)
Select one element - either Air or Fire. It is banned to you, as with Elemental Focus. In exchange, you gain access to Ooze magic. You can have an Ooze Para-Elemental for a familiar, which grants +2 to Swim and Escape Artist checks). It grows as you gain levels, as with Elemental Focus.
When you gain Elemental Traits, you instead gain Ooze Para-Elemental Traits: Freedom of Movement, +2d6 Acid damage on all of your melee attacks, and Fire Resistance 30.
The following spells are added to your personal Elementalist spell list, as spells known: Grease (1), Incendiary Slime (2), Acid Arrow (2), Babau Slime (3), Poison (3), Caustic Mire (4), Miasma of Entropy (6), Acid Fog (6), Oozepuppet (6), Slimewave (7), Great Worm of the Earth (7)
Special: a character may only have a single [Elementalist] feat.

Extra Performance
You like putting on a magical performance every now and then.
Requirement: Bardic Performance class feature
Benefit: you gain an additional Bardic Performance known.

Fey Knight Initiate [Order]
Despite the inherently chaotic nature of fairies, opposed to civilisation as they are, you nonetheless represent their societies.
Requirements: Knightly Spirit
Benefit: you are immune to the [Mind-Affecting] effects of Fae creatures, and never suffer from the Confused condition. Furthermore, once per round when you deal Designated Opponent damage to a foe, they must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus) or be Dazed for one round.
Special: a character may only have one [Order] Feat. If they already have a Knightly Order, they can only take the [Order] Feat that matches their Knightly Order. If they later gain a Knightly Order, it must be the one that matches their [Order] Feat.

Fey Shape
Your link to the supernatural elements of nature shows through the shapes you take.
Requirements: Wild Shape
Benefit: you may assume the form of Fey creatures when using Wild Shape. You do not gain any Spell-Like Abilities, nor Supernatural Abilities that require activation. With a use of Elemental Shape, you may assume the form of a Fey creature and gain all Supernatural and Spell-Like Abilities. You must still meet hit dice and size restrictions.

Fiendish Druid
Your link to the lower planes means your idea of nature is different.
Requirements: Druid class; Tiefling or [Evil] Outsider or other strong link to the lower planes
Requirements: when Wild Shaping, you may add the Fiendish template to any Animal or Plant form you take. By spending a use of Elemental Shape you may instead take on an Animal or Plant form with the Half Fiend template, though all Spell-Like Abilities gained are shared between Wild Shape uses for the day. Furthermore, the following creatures are added to the list of "Animal Companions" you may take, despite not being animals:
-Any: Fiendish version of the base creature (no modifier), Half Fiend version of the base creature (Druid Level -3 beyond base creature)
-Level 7 (-6): Hell Hound, Yeth Hound, Lesser Nightmare
-Level 10 (-9): Bar-Lgura, Nightmare, Rejkar, Achaierai, Canoloth
-Level 13 (-12): Hellcat, Armanite, Pack Fiend
-Level 16 (-15): Nessian Warhound
-Level 19 (-18): Bebilith, Gathra, Cauchemar Nightmare
Finally, as long as you remain Evil you need not maintain a Neutral component to your alignment.

Hell Knight Initiate [Order]
You represent the nine hells - or rather, one legion in particular - and gain all the rewards for doing so.
Requirements: Knightly Spirit
Benefit: select one of the Nine Hells and Devil leader to serve. You gain Brand of the Nine Hells and the associated "Mark of ___" as Bonus Feats (Fiendish Codex II), evne if you do not meet the Alignment or racial requirements.
Special: a character may only have one [Order] Feat. If they already have a Knightly Order, they can only take the [Order] Feat that matches their Knightly Order. If they later gain a Knightly Order, it must be the one that matches their [Order] Feat.

Magical Beast Companion
You have a bond with the magical creatures of supernatural nature.
Requirement: Animal Companion class feature
Benefit: certain Magical Beasts are added to the list of creatures you may choose for an Animal Companion. Aside from the Type, they are otherwise treated the same as Animal Companions, including the benefits for being a higher level.
-Level 1: Blood Hawk, Ash Rat, Shadow Asp, Minor Flame Snake
-Level 4 (-3): Terlen (aquatic only), Death Dog, Hippogriff, Branta, Giant Raven, Worg, Ash Worm, Blink Dog, Bloodsilk Spider, Hippocampus (aquatic only)
-Level 7 (-6): Ankheg, Ice Toad, Giant Eagle, Giant Owl, Unicorn, Pegasus, Sand Hunter, Asperi, Griffon, Sea Cat (aquatic only), Hammerclaw (aquatic only), Owlbear
-Level 10 (-9): Canisphinx, Saurosphinx, Urskan, Phase Spider, Winter Wolf, Avalancher, Disgester, Blood Ape
-Level 13 (-12): Ramfish (aquatic only), Bulette, Dragonne, Lesser Flame Snake, Swamplight Lynx, Remorhaz, Frost Salamander, Bearhound, Behir, Gravorg, Nethersight Mastiff, Tusk Terror, Criosphinx
-Level 16 (-15): Yrthak, Dunewinder, Thrym Hound, Gaspar, Threskisphinx, Gynosphinx
-Level 19 (-18): Tlalusk, Mivilorn, Frost Worm

Lord of Shadows [Invoker's Path]
Even if there are no shadows to hide in, you make your own.
Requirements: Darkness and Beshadowed Blast Warlock Invocations
Benefit: when you would have Concealment as a result of any of your magically created darkness, you instead have Full Concealment. The Save DC for your Beshadowed Blast increases to 10 + half your level + your Charisma Bonus and the blindness lasts for 3 rounds. If you cast Fell Flight, it grants you Perfect flight. If you cast Hungry Darkness, anyone damaged by the bats suffers 2 points of Constitution damage. If you know Enervating Shadow, you may travel freely to the Plane of Shadow from any place, and from the Plane of Shadow to any place you specifically prepare (an hour-long ritual requiring a mirror as a point of focus). If you know Dark Discorporation, you may instead transform into a Greater Shadow, Shadow Demon or Nightwalker.
Special: you may only have a single [Invoker's Path] feat.

Man's Best Friend
You have a really super awesome buddy.
Requirements: at least one of the following features: Special Mount, Fiendish Companion, Familiar, Animal Companion
Benefit: you may always use your full character level to determine the effects of any Special Mount, Fiendish Companion, Familiar or Animal Companion (ignoring bonuses to your effective level). Furthermore, you may grant the one creature the full extra benefits of all of the above. For instance a Ranger 4/Paladin 6 would have one creature that has the benefits of a 10th level Druid's animal companion (as the Ranger is treated as a reduced Druid) and a 10th level Paladin's mount. The creature need only be a valid choice for one of the features, so a Cat chosen as a Familiar (thus becoming a Magical Beast) still benefits as an Animal Companion and even a Special Mount despite obvious problems with this.

Morpheme Savant [Invoker's Path]
Your way with words is simply magical.
Requirements: Beguiling Influence and Charm Warlock Invocations
Benefit: whenever you benefit from Beguiling Influence, you may make Feint and Demoralise attempts with a Swift Action, and can cast Command at will. If you know Baleful Utterance, you may also cast Power Word: Fatigue at will. You may communicate telepathically with any target you successfully Charm. If you know Weighty Utterance, the range increases to Long, and affected creatures cannot fly again for 3 rounds. The Save DC for your Bewitching Blast increases to 10 + half your level + your Charisma Bonus and the confusion lasts for 3 rounds. If you know Warlock's Call, you may also cast Commune and Contact Other Plane at will. While you affect somebody with Devil's Whispers, you may use an Immediate Action at will to force them to save again. If this save is failed, they cease whatever action you interrupted to force the save, and their action is abandoned. If you cast Dark Foresight on yourself, you gain Telepathy and constant Detect Thoughts out to 100 feet.
Special: you may only have a single [Invoker's Path] feat.

Raging Fist
Everyone knows martial artists are supposed to be calm, but every now and then you just beat someone's face in.
Requirements: Rage Dice, Fighting Style
Benefits: any time you enter a Rage, whether on your turn or not, you may also activate a Fighting Style (or greater version). You may treat your Barbarian levels as Monk levels for the purpose of determining your Armoured in Life Bonus, any scaling effects from the Monk class, and the types of Fighting Style available (regular, Master, Grand Master), though not the actual number learned. You may also treat your Monk levels as Barbarian levels for the purpose of Rage Dice and Damage Reduction.

Swarmlord [Invoker's Path]
You are a friend to the beetle, the rat and the worm, but not most people.
Requirements: Summon Swarm and Hungry Darkness Warlock Invocations
Benefit: Any Swarm you summon with an Invocation has a Swarm attack that is considered Magic and Evil for the purpose of bypassing Damage Reduction, and any Save DC from the Swarm (such as Distraction or Poison) is 10 + half your level + your Charisma Bonus. A Tenacious Plague has an actual Enhancement Bonus of +3 (+4 if you can cast Dark Invocations) and can even affect the Incorporeal with a 50% Miss Chance. If you can cast Dark Invocations, all of the above additionally gain Blood Drain, dealing 2 points of Constitution Drain per round. If you cast Dark Discorporation, your Swarm attack deals damage as though you had hit the target with an Eldritch Blast - modified by Sudden Swarm if you know that Invocation/Essence.
Special: you may only have a single [Invoker's Path] feat.

Vile Shaper [Invoker's Path]
People call you two-faced. You have more than two faces, but they're all scary.
Requirements: Swimming the Styx and Spider Shape Warlock Invocations
Benefit: while under the effects of Swimming the Styx, Spiderwalk or Serpent's Tongue, you may treat your type as Monstrous Humanoid (if normally Humanoid or Giant) or Magical Beast (otherwise) with the [Shapechanger] Subtype, thus being affected by different spells and effects, and being able to end things like Baleful Polymorph at will. When casting Spider Shape, you gain extra forms as options: Fiendish Adamantine Spider (CL 8+), Fiendish Spitting Spider (CL 10+), Fiendish Tangle Terror (CL 15+), Fiendish Widowmaker (CL 18+), Bebilith (CL 20). When casting Hellspawned Grace, you may alternatively transform into a Cauchemar Nightmare or Nessian Warhound. If you are able to cast Dark Invocations, you may use Hellspawned Grace to take on the form of a Glabrezu, Cornugon, Marilith, Osyluth or Gelugon. You do not gain the Spell-Like Abilities of the form you take, however.
Special: you may only have a single [Invoker's Path] feat.
Monster Feats:
Clear Sky
Everyday is an ordinary day~
Prerequisites: Knowledge Nature 6 ranks, no elemental sub-types
Benefit: The weather is always clear and mild within a 100' radius of you. This over-rules any other weather-altering effect. This doubles at 10 HD, and extends to 500 feet at 20 HD. If in the area of a control weather spell, the spellcaster must make an opposed caster level check against your character level to breach your area of calm weather.

I'm siiiiiiinging in the rain...
Prerequisites: [Water] subtype or Knowledge Nature 6 ranks and Aquan language known
Benefit: The weather is always raining within a 100' radius of you (doubled at 10 HD, and increased to 500' at 20 HD). Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] attacks, and all [Water] attacks in the area deal an additional 1d6 damage. It is impossible to be set on fire in this rain, and [Electric] attacks don't gain a damage increase, but they do gain an accuracy boost of +2 to the Attack roll or Save DC.
Special: if multiple weather-altering effectgs "collide", use the one belonging to the creature with more hit dice. If equal, they cancel each other out. The exception is Clear Sky, which always overrules the others.

It's always shirtless weather when you're around.
Prerequisites: [Earth] or [Fire] subtype, or Knowledge Nature 6 ranks and Ignan or Terran language known
Benefit: The weather is always two stages hotter and drier within a 100' radius of you (doubled at 10 HD and increased to 500' at 20 HD). Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Water] and [Cold] attacks, and all [Fire] damage in the area deal an additional 1d6 damage. It is also actually brighter during the day, increasing the local light level by one step.
Special: if multiple weather-altering effects "collide", use the one belonging to the creature with more hit dice. If equal, they cancel each other out. The exception is Clear Sky, which always overrules the others.

Dungeon Keeper
A man's home is his castle. A liches' actual castle is his castle.
Requirements: own a dungeon-like domain and rule the creatures within
Benefits: you gain a +8 Competence Bonus to Survival checks made to track creatures within your dungeon. You also notice any disturbance or change to your dungeon with a glance, can open and close doors (including secret doors) in your dungeon with a Free Action, and can move through your traps without setting them off (unless you want to). Additionally, all of your minions, followers and cohorts, but not equal allies, gain a +2 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls when in your dungeon.

Liquid Ooze
Your blood is actually toxic goo.
Prerequisites: Poison special attack.
Benefit: Any effect that would drain hp from you, such as vampiric touch, still deals damage to you, but deals an equal amount of damage to the target instead of healing them or giving them Temporary hp. Similarly, if a creature would normally heal damage or gain temporary hit points for bestowing Ability Damage/Drain or Negative Levels upon you, they instead take that amount in damage. They also suffer from your Poison as though you had hit them with the relevant attack to deliver it, but are allowed any saving throws as normal.

Magma Blood
Some have blood, you have lava.
Prerequisites: [Fire] subtype.
Benefit: You are immune to secondary effects from [Cold] effects (such as taking ability damage, being slowed, or dazed). Additionally, any time someone damages you with a melee attack they must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Con) or catch on fire.

When you're around, the sand gets everywhere. Everywhere.
Prerequisites: [Earth] or [Air] subtype, or Knowledge Nature 9 ranks and Auran or Terran language known
Benefit: There is always a sandstorm within a 100' radius of you (doubled at 10 HD, increased to 500' at 20 HD). This provides the effects of a duststorm with severe winds and choking does not begin until after (10 × her Constitution score) rounds. Those with mouth and nose protection are immune to the choking effect. In addition it provides 20% concealment for all creatures farther than 5 ft from each other. All [Electric] effects suffer a -3 Penalty to the attack roll or save DC in this weather.
Special: if multiple weather-altering effects "collide", use the one belonging to the creature with more hit dice. If equal, they cancel each other out. The exception is Clear Sky, which always overrules the others.

Savage Fangs
Your fangs and claws are more terrible than normal when they rip people up.
Requirements: one or more natural weapons
Benefit: select one of the following effects: 2 Strength damage, Staggered for one round, Blood Loss (1d6 HP per round). Any time any of your natural weapons hits and threatens a critical hit (whether confirmed or not - and this does not trigger as the result of an ability that converts a hit into a critical), the target suffers the chosen effect in addition to the damage.

Any encounter with you is... shocking.
Prerequisites: racial ability to deal Electricity damage
Benefit: Any time you are hit by a melee attack, your opponent takes 1 point of electric damage per HD. If they took damage from this they must make succeed on a Fortitude save, DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Con modifier or become entangled for 1 minute and take 1 point of Dexerity damage, though they only need to make one saving throw a round. Effects which remove paralysis, immunity to paralysis, or immunity to electricity acts as immunity to the entanglement and ability damage from this feat.

Tactical Vulnerability
Not all immunities are equally universally good.
Requirements: immunity to something
Benefit: with a Swift Action at will, you may focus to suppress one of your immunities, whether that be to a damage type or a descriptor for effects such as a Lich Jester's immunity to its own Morale effects. This lasts until you use a Free Action (on your turn) to regain it or you lose concentration. This still does not get around targeting/Typing restrictions (such as an Outsider wanting to benefit from Enlarge Person).

Vital Spirit
You never sleep. Like an elf.
You never need to sleep (though still need to sit and rest 8 hours before preparing spells and so on), and are immune to Sleep effects.

Walking Winter
You constantly bring hail, snow and cold winds. You don't get invited to beach parties.
Prerequisites: [Cold] subtype, or Knowledge Nature 6 ranks and Aquan or Auran language known
Benefit: The weather is always two stages colder within a 100' radius of you (doubled at 10 HD and increased to 500' at 20 HD). Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] attacks, and all [Cold] damage in the area deal an additional 1d6 damage. Hail or snow falls from the sky, functioning the same as in the Weather section of the DMG.
Special: if multiple weather-altering effects "collide", use the one belonging to the creature with more hit dice. If equal, they cancel each other out. The exception is Clear Sky, which always overrules the others.
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Post by erik »

So the idea is make feats something handy but not mechanically required, and you get a good number of them? I can get behind that.

Unsolicited suggested edits: (feel free to tell me to bugger off)
General Feats:
Aquatic Lifestyle - maybe give it Water Breathing instead of doubling duration for holding breath? Ain't nobody gonna use it otherwise. Heck, even then.

Elemental Immunity... Immunities are bad. Resistances good.
change to Elemental Resistance
For whatever reason, one type of damage just doesn't bother you.
Select one energy type. You gain 5 Energy Resistance per character level to damage of that type. This can even be obscure stuff like Dehydration or Light, but not Untyped.
You may not select an energy type that bypasses any Regeneration you have, nor against which you are Vulnerable.

Combat Feats:
Weapon Focus- I dunno if it's even worth making the requirement that the 3 weapons be vaguely related. Sometimes people will want their themed weapons which may be 3 fairly different weapons (ex: Samurai: katana, wakizashi, longbow... or Achilles: short sword, spear, shield bash… or Indiana Jones: pistol, whip, unarmed).

Armor Focus
Well, some lead-in before getting to the feat because armors could merit an overhaul. The feat doesn't really fix the main problem of armor diversity that everyone just picks the one that gives the best number (usually chain shirt, breastplate, or full plate). Instead armors from the same classes (clothing, light, medium, heavy) should probably give the same AC bonus +2 / 4 / 6 / 8 (with Max Dex +8 / 6 / 4 / 2) and then have their own positive quirk and a weakness vs. certain attacks like Chain Shirt/Chain mail give DR 2/ vs. Slashing and have -2 penalty to Reflex saves vs Electricity attacks.

Yes, I snuck in a 4th armor family for padded and leather.

Anywho, then Armor Focus could do something like double the bonus of the armor’s positive quirk.

Spellcaster Feats:
Diviner's Elusiveness
Change to minutes per level from rounds per level to make up for that there are precious few combat divination spells (true strike? Or the sneak attack ones for undead/golems/plants?… but they’d all only last 1 round which is annoying), but conceivable to cast one as a pre-combat buff like See Invisibility or True Seeing. Still pretty niche.

I’d be more tempted by something to speed up divinations. you could quickly throw down things that normally take 10 min like just about all the useful divinations. Even just making them a full round action would give you someone who can get answers on the fly.

Lasting Concentration
You can maintain concentration on your spells as a swift action and are able to cast additional spells with a casting time of a standard action.

This lets you actually have multiple ongoing illusions under your control, which is fun, but not a game killer. Just extending durations is meh book-keeping.

Powerful Spell
Probably not a good idea to mix this with SLAs, it gives a pretty big boost to random critters with SLAs. A barbed devil CR11 gets Scorching Ray (2nd) at will along with Greater Teleport (7th), so they get 2x 24 damage fire touch attacks. Pit Fiend’s Fireball becomes 60+5d6 at will, kinda making it more deadly than their meteor storm and at will instead of 1/day. I’m sure there’s more compelling examples of unintended power-ups. If spheres are allowed then yeah, do they really need that boost?
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Post by Koumei »

I'll take your suggestions there under advisement, but I'll change Aquatic Lifestyle to Monstrous because calling it a monstrous feat lets it be weird.

I will also add a bunch more. I'm not including the ones which were really super keyed to Disgaeagame (things related to the Dark Senate, things related to being a Felon, Angels having access to Bardic Music style things).
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Post by Koumei »

Okay there we go. I just flat-out said Powerful Spell won't work on SLAs, at-will or otherwise. I kept Armour Focus as-is for now, because it's hard to put a foot down on how armour should work when there are already what, two variants of Tome armour as it is?

I added Rapid Divination to fill that part of your suggestion, but there is also the minute-per-level thing. I feel that "See Invisibility" and "True Seeing" actually are in-combat spells when they need to be, but w/e. Now even True Strike gives you one minute of being a bit harder to hurt.

Other new ones added:
Arrow in the Knee (Combat), Aura of Menace (General), Battlefield Controller (Combat), Brutal Crush (Combat), Bullying Supremacy (Combat), Cleanse Evil (Combat), Combat Insight (Combat), Combat Looting (Combat), Concussive Spell (Spellcasting), Dreadful Demeanour (Combat), Euthanasia (Combat), Expanded Aura (General), Harem (General), Lord of the Uttercold (Spellcasting), Major of Minions (Spellcasting), Master of Poisons (General), Might and Magic (Spellcasting), Money is Life (Disgaea), On Point (Combat), Net and Trident (Combat), Spider Rider (Combat), Underdark Warrior (Combat), Wand Specialist (Spellcaster).

I have yet to look through Tome Skill Feats, Savage Species and a few other things for ideas. So it isn't done. But there's over 100 so that's good.
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Post by OgreBattle »

Karmic Strike is neat
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Post by maglag »

Wand Mastery looks even stronger than the original tome feats, with doubling the spells a mage can throw around every turn with no significant penalty besides needing to have them in wand/rod form (a triviality in a tome game).
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Post by Whiysper »

These all look excellent, and I love the project :).

One question/quibble (questionibble?)

Does Hog Tie require a successful pin, or just a grapple check? 'cos while I would love to render someone helpless with a single grapple check, I can't help but feel that might be an oversight. If intended, cool, just wanted to clarify :D.

Thanks for putting these up :).[/i]
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Post by erik »

I feel like the Hog Tie language needs refining and maybe a change to require the initial rope check beat an escape/grapple check (rolled immediately following a successful grapple check by the character with the Hog Tie feat) before the character is considered bound. The refining of language would be to what extent spellcasting is compromised (like “a bound character may not cast spells with somatic components”) since as written you cannot cast a stilled or otherwise non-somatic spell despite it being intuitively apparent that you ought be able to. And maybe include rules for gagging someone who is bound?
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Post by Hicks »

It's great when you are surrounded by fawning admirers.
Requirements: ability to Charm, Dominate or Fascinate others.
Whenever you are adjacent to one or more creatures that are Charmed, Dominated or Fascinated by you, you gain a Morale Bonus to Attack rolls, Skill Checks, Spell Penetration checks and Saving Throws. This Morale Bonus equals the number of such creatures adjacent to you.
This is a bad feat. Charm effects lasts for days/level, and you can just share a space with fine or diminutive creatures riding around in your backpack getting a +UNCAPPED bonus to everything you care about. Like this is trivially broken.

Mind of combat is cool, but it weirdly incentivises unarmored combat which means *wizards* will be walking on walls. I recommend taking the unarmored restriction off or limiting it to medium/full bab or *something*. Tbh, I'm fine with havel bros bouncing off the walls.
Might and Magic
Magic sticks and magic swords are basically the same.
Requirements: ability to apply the Enhancement Bonus of a type of equipped weapon to your Caster Level, spell damage or Save DC
You can apply the Enhancement Bonus of any single weapon you wield to your spells - the same benefits that the class feature applies, whether that be to the Save DC for effects, your Caster Level, or just damage rolls.
Please do not increase caster levels. Please never do that. The game breaks explosively when people stack caster levels, so please remove the +CL part. Please.
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Post by Koumei »

Okay, changes made:
Hog-Tie now specifies Pinning and the initial check has to beat their grapple check. It also has options for gagging, and now they're basically "helpless for the purpose of a Coup de Gras or dragging them around, pinned for the purpose of their own actions like casting Stilled spells".

Wand Mastery specifies it only works with shitty normal Wands and Rods using the rules in the PHB, not whatever rules they have in Tome. I didn't think Tome did add rules for wands, and they were just in that area of "we'd like to tackle them somehow, I dunno, but for now you probably don't care about them for the most part". Then again how many different amendments to Tome are there these days?

Harem specifies a maximum of one per adjacent (non-diagonal square) but also if you Charm peasants to stand next to you all the time, that will absolutely last until the first violent encounter where suddenly you don't have a harem, you just have loads of salsa. Also I moved it to Disgaeagame where it was originally meant to be. It's basically an existing Evilty from one of the later games.

Mind of Combat removed the bit about unarmoured speed, and added a "fuck you, this doesn't apply to spell attacks" to a couple of the effects.

Might and Magic: the wording is changed just to make it clear that if you take this as a Wizard, you gain fucking nothing, because it's not granting you a new bonus. If you play, for instance, a Wind Mage from Disgaea, then it means whatever the bonuses you would have for holding a staff, you now have them for holding a sword or a carbine guisarme-voulge in mushroom sauce. And they don't get to cast Bad Language, which is basically "the group of spells that people worry about when it comes to Caster Level increases".

New Class Feature Feats: Savvy Rogue (assumes you are using the Kaelik Ninja/Rogue, but basically works fine for the PHB Rogue)

New Monster Feats: Area Attack, Crush, Detach, Dust Cloud, Exhaled Tempest, Eyes Everywhere, Greater Webs, Mighty Roar, Prehensile Tail, Quake, Supernatural Transformation
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

New feats have been added.
General Feats: Acquirer's Eye, Animal Affinity, Battlefield Surgeon, Hidden Hand, Master of Devices, Nimble Scoundrel, Social Adept, Upwards Mobility

Combat Feats: Art of War, Blood-Soaked Charger, Bulette Style, Crashing Wave Style, Devious Trickster, Exotic Weapon Master, Guardian Angel, Kyton Style, Legendary Wrestler, Power Throw, Submission Master, Whip It Good

Magic Feats: Gift of the Spider Queen, Gnomish Deep Magic

Class Feature Feats: Anger of the Frostfell, Burning Rage, Extra Style, Monk of the Dark Moon, Offensive Auras

Monster Feats: Ablative Armour, Fiery Death, Icy Chills, Shocking Reach

Yes, I've started looking at Pathfinder fighting style things because if you dig through a dumpster long enough, you can sometimes find something good.
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Post by Koumei »

More new feats added.
General: Construct Manipulation, Storyteller

Combat: Double Weapon Specialist, Slingmaster

Magic: Apprentice of Shadow, Arachnomancy, Chosen of the Water's Blessing, Heavenly Radiance, Infernal Terror, Scaled Summoner

Class Feature Based: Air Domain Focus, Animal Domain Focus, Cold Domain Focus, Death Domain Focus, Destruction Domain Focus, Earth Domain Focus, Fire Domain Focus, From the Shadows, Healing Domain Focus, Knowledge Domain Focus, Luck Domain Focus, Magic Domain Focus, Magical Beast Shape, Ooze Shape, Plant Domain Focus, Protection Domain Focus, Strength Domain Focus, Sun Domain Focus, Travel Domain Focus, Trickery Domain Focus, Vengeful Blade, Vermin Shape, War Domain Focus, Water Domain Focus

Monster: Consume Essence
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Post by Koumei »

Fixed a few little errors and added some more:

Crafting: Beyond the Pale, Body Assembly, Create Grafts, Dragon Crafter, Feast of Flesh, Killed With Care

Class Feature Based: Greater Trapmaking, Hellscarred Ninja, Medical Heal, Monk of the Long Death, Monk of the Shining Hand, Super Shinobi

Disgaea: Elemental Force, Heroic Shield, Light Protection, Light Salvation, Muscle Force, No-Miss Accomplished Striker, Rapid Defence, Spirit Protection

I kind of want there to be a few class-specific options for each class, give or take, without them being too awesome. But I am pretty happy with what we have there.
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Post by RobbyPants »

I'll have to read through these more later. I'm liking what I see. I've done similar things in the past both with heartbreakers and various houserules to 3.5.

That being said, the thing I did where you address in your caveats is that I only give out a feat per level for every PC class level. NPC levels and monster hit dice still only grant a feat for every 3 levels. I've used that hack for other things such as surviving at more HP below zero, which is kind of like differentiating the PCs and major named NPCs from everyone else.
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Post by OgreBattle »

I feel the Skill related feats should just be part of the skill, as if you're putting ranks into heal or doggo patting you'll likely be taking those feats or feel the skill is only useful by having those feats.

Even Hog Tie can be part of Use Rope and meeting a condition like sneak attack or BAB+X or grappling +X

Hidden Hand, perhaps applying poison and reloading could be lumped into that as a general "fast and nimble hands" category. Toxin immunity already feels like a "I am a master of poison who ate ALL the poisons and am immune" feat.

Should scaling level unlocking be avoided? Like with stonelord and combat focus gaining stuff at lvl 5 10.

I feel the Combat list could be pruned somewhat, like a general Weapon Focus feat instead of a bunch of different style feats for specific exotic weapons, but I haven't given it much thought.

I'm thinking it in terms of an E6 game where you have 2-3 feats at level 1, then gain 1 every level so a final lvl 6 character has 8-10 feats plus their class features.
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Post by Koumei »

RobbyPants: that could also work, yeah.
OgreBattle wrote:I feel the Skill related feats should just be part of the skill, as if you're putting ranks into heal or doggo patting you'll likely be taking those feats or feel the skill is only useful by having those feats.
That's an issue of the Skills system, potentially for a whole game overhaul, so until that happens in a way that everyone agrees on I'll keep this here. I'm also not worried about various characters having a couple of "really necessary" feats for their thing, as long as they're getting one per level and don't need half a dozen.
Should scaling level unlocking be avoided? Like with stonelord and combat focus gaining stuff at lvl 5 10.
Eh, maybe? I did want to make it completely non-scaling at first, but then I felt some things it'd be okay to do sparingly. Besides, some things already scale (extra HP per level) and then Metamagic feats basically scale even though they don't say they do: Extend Spell starts off only affecting spells of a certain level, then roughly every 2 levels this increases by 1 Spell Level.
I feel the Combat list could be pruned somewhat, like a general Weapon Focus feat instead of a bunch of different style feats for specific exotic weapons, but I haven't given it much thought.
There is a general Weapon Focus one there, but the others are for a few reasons:
A) It's okay to have all of two or three feats for your special thing when you get 1/level.
B) Exotic weapons need something extra, as half the time they're not even competing with Martial weapons that well. And doing it via rewriting the weapons or something is someone else's job (I'd consider removing these if someone DID do that however).
C) In some cases they need it just to function at all - just like crossbows require something that does Rapid Reload, whips need something that lets you actually damage things.
I'm thinking it in terms of an E6 game where you have 2-3 feats at level 1, then gain 1 every level so a final lvl 6 character has 8-10 feats plus their class features.
Okay, go ahead and think in those terms. I don't play games that start below level 3, and preferably start at 5 or so, so I don't really care how my ideas port across to E6.
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Post by Sunwitch »

Are there any current thoughts on how to handle bonus feats? Should they continue being distributed as they are, or should the expectation of more feats due to getting one per level apply to bonus feats from classes as well (e.g. instead of gaining one bonus combat feat, you gain two)?
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Post by Koumei »

Overall I'd suggest letting them take the big scaling Tome Feats if they just get a couple of them, or replacing the Bonus Feats with actual class features.
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Re: A Feat Per Level List

Post by Kaelik »

Koumei wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 11:18 am
Devious Trickster
Like a lot of fey creatures, you harass and confound your foes in combat.
As an Attack Action, including a Charge or an Attack of Opportunity, you may attempt a dirty trick much like in Pathfinder.
This requires a melee Touch Attack that does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, and you then roll 1d20 + your Base Attack Bonus plus your choice of either Strength or Dexterity Bonus. This is opposed by your target rolling the same, though they have to use the same Ability Score you used. If you choose Strength, it is modified by Size the same way Grapple checks are. If you choose Dexterity, it is inversely modified by Size, as with Hide checks.
If successful, you may bestow one of the following conditions for 1d4 rounds: Blinded, Dazzled, Deafened, Entangled, Shaken, Sickened. If they are already Dazzled you may upgrade this to Dazed. If they are already Entangled you may upgrade this to Pinned. If they are already Shaken you may upgrade this to Frightened. If they are already Sickened you may upgrade this to Nauseated.
For every five points by which you beat their roll, the condition lasts for another round, though they may use a Standard Action to negate the effects.
This is overpowered in the worst way.

You give enough conditions and stacking conditions, to bypass almost all immunities. The only thing in the game that could ever be immune to this tacking away all their action in one turn is a FireSouled character who took Adamant Pauldrons, and they'd still end up blind and pinned.

It's all no save, so no one gets to interact with the most common defense they might build against action denail, instead it's a BAB +stat check, but it can be different stats, and one of them applies penalties to the victim if the target is smaller and the other applies penalties to the victim if the target is larger.

So right off the bat, if you can make two touch attacks in a single round like many first level characters, the only thing that even gets anything like a chance to ever have actions in combat are swarms and things that can prevent you from every closing.

Most Wizards, Sorcerers, caster of any kind are just instantly hosed, every large or larger creature is instantly hosed, Rogues hosed, though they can hopefully just avoid being touched until after they blow you up, basically the only thing that even has kind of an even chance is a Races of War class, since monsters rarely have high str and high dex and are medium sized.

And probably if there was one, the person with this feat would just use size changing magic to impose a -12 penalty to their roll.

This feat should do only the level one conditions, no stacking to action denial of any kind and you should have to choose if you are strength or dex based when you take the feat, so at least some monsters can compete on the roll, and you can't take it twice to get the other kind.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Re: A Feat Per Level List

Post by Koumei »

Sure. I'm over the idea of selecting feats as a whole, and if I run another game, the rules for feats will just be increasingly loud iterations of "Fuck you!", but seeing as I'm actually running one already, that uses FPL, I'll do that.

Mostly I threw a chain of PF feats together, imagined a character using it while both Medium and "in the 15-20 range for their stats" and said "Yeah that sounds fine", obviously.

Fuck, I can't edit the original post because the code for this forum is garbage and it will fuck all the spoilers. So here, consider this... AN ERATTA POST!
Devious Trickster
Like a lot of fey creatures, you harass and confound your foes in combat.
As an Attack Action, including a Charge or an Attack of Opportunity, you may attempt a dirty trick much like in Pathfinder.
This requires a melee Touch Attack that does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, and you then roll 1d20 + your Base Attack Bonus plus your choice of either Strength or Dexterity Bonus. The ability score is chosen when taking this feat and cannot be changed. This is opposed by your target rolling the same, though they have to use the same Ability Score you used. If you choose Strength, it is modified by Size the same way Grapple checks are. If you choose Dexterity, it is inversely modified by Size, as with Hide checks.
If successful, you may bestow one of the following conditions for 1d4 rounds: Blinded, Dazzled, Deafened, Entangled, Shaken, Sickened.
For every five points by which you beat their roll, the condition lasts for another round, though they may use a Standard Action to negate the effects entirely, regardless of how many rounds are remaining. Hey, you used an Attack action to force them to waste a Standard Action, that should be good enough.
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Re: A Feat Per Level List

Post by Koumei »

So it turns out quite a few people (more than zero, I'll take it) use my Feat Per Level system. I decided I should probably add a general statement of greenlighting things: loads of regular (3.0, 3.5 and Pathfinder) feats totally can be taken. Some of these work well, others are underpowered but whatever. But as an example, Extra Amplification/Arcana/Arcanist Exploit/Cantrips or Orisons/Discovery/Evolution/Hex/look you get the message. Yeah they're all fine. Then you can have these:

Extra Spell Knowledge: you gain a bonus Spell Known, of any level you are already able to cast. As you gain levels, and access to higher spell levels, you can upgrade this, forgetting the old one and learning another.

Eldritch Heritage: this is Eldritch Heritage (PF), except at level 10 it is also Improved Eldritch Heritage, and at level 16 it is also Greater Eldritch Heritage. You may take it a second time to get the Bloodline Arcana and, at level 10, to gain both of the Bloodline Powers offered.

Noble Drow: this is Drow Nobility, plus Improved, plus Greater. Enjoy. If you also take Gift of the Spider Queen as well, you gain one daily use of each of the combinational powers.

Super Skilled: you gain two Skill Tricks (Complete Scoundrel) or two Skill Unlocks (PF) for which you meet the prerequisites. You can take this multiple times, gaining more Tricks/Unlocks each time.

And here are some examples of Style/Stance/Whatever feats that work okay, crossing out feat requirements:
Awesome Smite (requires and works with any Smite), CChamp
Bestial Charge (requires Wild Shape), CChamp
Holy Potency (works with/requires any kind of Turn/Rebuke Undead or Channel Energy, and Healing Pool (Kaeleric) works in place of Cure Spells too), CChamp
Residual Magic (still requires 1 Metamagic feat), CMag
Cavalry Charger, CWar
Combat Brute, CWar
Elusive Target (grants you core PHB Dodge as well, enjoy!), CWar
Giantbane, CWar
Shock Trooper, CWar

Bear Fang, CWar
Crescent Moon, CWar
Hammer's Edge, CWar
High Sword Low Axe, CWar
Lightning Mace, CWar
Despana School, DotU
Eilservs School, DotU
Shi'Quos School, DotU
Steal And Strike, DotU
Tormtor School, DotU
Vae School, DotU
Xaniqos School, DotU
Hammer and Piton Style, Dungeon
Undermountain Tactics, Dungeon
Weapon and Torch, Dungeon
Spell Rehearsal, RotD

Pathfinder Styles:
Archon Style (+Diversion, +Justice)
Asura Style (+Sight, +Spellrend)
Azata Style (+Sprint, +Mischief)
Barracuda Style (+Slam, +Dash)
Beastmaster Style (+Salvation, +Ire)
Blinded Blade Style (+Competence, +Master)
Blood Frenzy Style (+Strike, +Assault)
Boar Style (+Ferocity, +Shred)
Brute Style (+Stomp, +Assault, +Vicious Stomp)
Bull-Catcher Style (+Toss, +Wrangler)
Cerberus Style (+Snare, +Crush)
Charging Stag Style (+Horns, +Submission)
Very notably not crane style
Cudgeler Style (+Sweep, +Takedown, +Bludgeoner)
Demonic Style (+Momentum, +Slaughter)
Diabolic Style (+Humiliation, +Judgment)
Diva Style (+Advance, +Strike)
Dolphin Style (+Circle, +Dart) definitely rename Dolphin Blow
Dragon Style (+Ferocity, +Roar)
...I'm already bored of looking through these, look, most of them are fine. Also you could probably say "all of Pathfinder's feats based on Improved Trip work just fine as one feat" and so on, except the bonus does not stack with Master of Manoeuvres, instead you just don't take that feat if you already have the specific feats for the specific manoeuvre types you want to do.


I'm playing a Kaelik Storm Lord and feel they could do with a bunch of feats that help them out, seeing as Meta-Magic does not apply to them.

Power of Electromagnetism
Electricity powers magnets or vice versa, I dunno I'm not a physicist
Requirements: ability to deal electricity damage at will
Benefit: with an Immediate Action at will, you can attract ferrous metals, giving metal projectiles a +4 bonus to hit you, redirecting them from adjacent allies to you (at no bonus or penalty), and giving them a -4 penalty to hit anyone not adjacent to you but within 20 feet. Alternatively you may repel them, giving a -4 penalty for such weapons to hit you.

Arcing Lightning
The best thing about electricity is that it hits everyone
Benefit: once per round, when you deal Electricity damage to someone, whether by a ranged attack, Area of Effect, targeted effect or even stabbing someone with a Shocking sword, you may select another target within 10 feet who was not included in the initial Area of Effect or number of targets. They are now targeted as well, with attack rolls and saving throws made normally, though they only suffer the Electricity side of things (damage and other effects), not Sonic damage from "thunder and lightning" effects or the stabbing part of a Shocking sword.

Listen to the Storm
The winds and clouds have things to say, if only people would listen
Requirements: Storm Hound class feature
Benefit: by concentrating firmly on your Storm Hound, you can see and hear through it, wherever it is, instead of using your own senses (although you use the actual types of sensory input you have available). It's like you existed in any or all squares your cloud covers instead of in your own squares, although people still stab you in your square just fine, actually even better because you're not paying attention through your own body.
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Re: A Feat Per Level List

Post by Koumei »

An Update for specific classes that gain a series of abilities that are spell-like/supernatural and if you squinted you could think that's kind of like a gradual spell level thing that metamagic should work with, while not actually being spellcasters where meta-magic works.

Fire Mage:
Fire Bolts is a first level spell if you limit the class such that it requires a Standard Action to fire them and you're not sending out (level)d6*3 (or more) every turn. It's considered "so good it's beyond meta-magic" if it is an Attack Action. If you use a half-way rule where it's an Attack Action but any given target can only be shot once per turn, then it goes back to being effectively level 1.
Fire Burst and Ignite are level 1.
Fireballs and Mind Fire are level 2.
Sculpt Flames and Conflagration are level 3, so now you can Empower your Fire Bolts if they're limited, or Widen Fireballs.
Bonds of Fire and Fire Clouds are level 4, so now you can Empower Fireballs.
Searing Light and Ray of Light are level 5, so you can Widen Fire Clouds, and Ray of Light goes back to the problem of every turn just being "I unleash 4 attacks that auto-hit and each deals level*d6 unresisted damage and the thing dies".
Rain of Fire is level 6, so you can Empower Fire Clouds.

For Electric Bolts, see everything I said about Fire Bolts.
Jolt and Disrupting Shock are level 1.
Perpetual Storm is level 2.
Lightning Bolt and Tunneling are level 3.
If a game reaches surprisingly high levels and you use the expanded class features I wrote up, then:
Puppet Play is level 5.
Heart Starter is level 6.
Synaptic Shock and Wall of Thunderbolts are level 7.
Singularity of Bones is level 8.
Negative Ion Disruption is level 9.

All Sphere Users:
These are basically spell levels, come on, you can see how it works there.

Storm Lord:
For Angry Hands, see what I wrote about Fire Bolts and Electric Bolts.
Storm Hound already advances into better forms so cannot be further enhanced.
Loud Noises and Blown Away are level 1.
Lightning Bolt and Wind Wall are level 2.
Sleet Storm and Dust Storm are level 3.
Lightning is My Middle Name is already upgraded and doesn't get meta-magic, and also means Lightning Bolt can no longer benefit from meta-magic. Or rather, you have to choose which benefit you apply each time you use it.
Control Weather, Wind Walk and the upgraded powers of Swift Winds are level 4.
Eye of the Storm is level 5.
Control Winds, Earthquake and Wall of Lightning are level 6.
Tornado and Tsunami are level 7. Tornado Accompaniment doesn't benefit from anything you normally apply to Tornado, however.
Let the World Weep is level 8.

Kaelik Elementalist:
Minor Pure Channels/Wards are level 1. Major Pure Channels/Wards are level 2. Great Pure Channels/Wards are level 3.
Combined is one level higher, Tri is two levels higher.

Some hundred odd monster prestige classes I wrote:
Sorry, I am not going through these individually, but discuss with Mister Cavern. It is reasonable to allow things like the Offering (Imp PrCl) to basically go "spell-like abilities gained at class levels 1-2 are one Spell Level below spell-like abilities gained at class levels 3-4 and so on, so at level 3+ I can Extend the level 1-2 ones". In exchange, you now have to note down what effective "level" they are for the purpose of this on top of daily usage numbers, so you now have more bookwork. If something already seems to improve in a way that could be considered meta-magic and not just "the way most level-based advancement works", it shouldn't then also get metamagic boosts. For things where using X ability can provide spells A, B or C depending on your level (Tsurara On-Na's Icy Hand ability), consider each advancement a separate spell level - so if you unlock the second ability, you can use that normally or you can Extend the first one or whatever.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Feat Per Level List

Post by Koumei »

TakingThe existence of Concussive spell permanently and irreversibly changes the way Lines are drawn. They no longer do corner-based stuff where you pick one corner of your cube and then have the spell launch off as though someone next to you had cast it. Now you start with an actual facing of your cube, and it projects directly in that way, and I don't even care that this means you can't fire diagonally any more. So if you want to launch someone into the sky with a Concussive Lightning Bolt, you'd have to be standing directly underneath them, which probably means they're flying (and thus don't care).

Okay, that was really funny, turning people into Chess Rooks, but here's how it actually now works:
If a character takes Concussive Spell (and maybe even if they don't, that's an argument for someone else to have), Lines now extend from you as though you were a sphere and they emanated in one unchanging direction from your central point. As such, you can fire them in any direction still, but if a line starts with one corner, then it's going in the direction of that corner, not starting in what is essentially a square right in front of you and firing straight up.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Feat Per Level List

Post by Mioor »

Is anger of frostfall not supposed to have constitution bonus to damage like burning rage does?
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