Dark Antihero (Warlock, Hexblade, Witch, Binder)

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Dark Antihero (Warlock, Hexblade, Witch, Binder)

Post by JonSetanta »

Dark Antihero
An amalgamation of Warlock, Hexblade, Witch, and Binder, and all that other dark shit no one cares about.

HP: d8
BAB: 1/1
Good Saves: Fortitude, Will
Skill Points: 4

Weapons: Simple and Martial
Armor: Light
Class Skills: As D&D Warlock plus Hexblade

Code: Select all

Level       Class Ability
1           Invocations Rank 1, Hexes, Hexblade Curse, Shadow Armor
2           Arcane Resistance, Detect Magic
3           Mettle, Soul Binding 1, Pact Augmentation 1
4           Damage Reduction
5           Fiend Blood
6           Invocations Rank 2
7           Greater Hexblade Curse
8           Fiendish Guise, Pact Augmentation 2
9           Fast Healing 1
10          Dark Resistance, Major Hex
11          Invocations Rank 3
12          Greater Fiendish Guise
13          Fast Healing 2, Pact Augmentation 3
14          Outsider Teleport
15          Dire Fiendish Guise
16          Invocations Rank 4
17          Fast Healing 3
18          Dark Miracle, Grand Hex
19          Dire Hexblade’s Curse
20          Personal Dimension of Pure Darkness

Class Abilities

• Warlock Invocations may be cast as Supernatural powers at-will usually as a standard action.
• The Dark Antihero knows all Invocations of the Warlock class list, but may only ready 3 + Dark Antihero level number of Invocations each day.
• Readying new invocations takes an hour of fuming about how miserable the character’s life is and trying to ignore the rambling of dark gods. This allows them to swap a single Invocation they know for a new one. Choosing to swap out an active invocation ends the effect.
• Invocations use a save DC of 10 +1/2 level + Intelligence or Charisma bonus, or 14 + ½ level, whichever is higher.
• Count Eldritch Blast as a single invocation that deals 1d6 and 2 per level Force damage as a ranged attack action within Medium range, and it has an equivalent spell level equal to half your level. Blast shapes and Eldritch Essences (who thought up these names?) count as Invocations too, but may be each applied as a nonaction once each round.
• The invocation ranks of Least, Lesser, Greater, and Dark correspond to simple Rank notations of 1, 2, 3, and 4 in that order.

Hexes: You may use Witch hexes from the Pathfinder game. It’s free on the public Pathfinder SRD, go look at it. They may be readied as invocations and used at-will usually as a standard action once each round (unless specified as by the hex), lasting 24 hours each, but effects that harm others allow another save at the end of each of their turns to break free.

Hexblade Curse: Once per minute the Dark Antihero may target someone within Close range as a Swift action and force them to make a Will save. Failing the save means the target becomes Shaken for 1 minute with a new save at the end of each of their turns to break free.

Shadow Armor: The Dark Antihero is constantly protected by their own shadow, a black cloak, a strange familiar, or other shadow-themed object that blocks attacks. This grants them a +4 Shield bonus to AC. The Dark Antihero may even magically form their clothes out of shadow, usually in the shape of black belts and zippers or even ruffles and lace.

Arcane Resistance: Add Charisma bonus, if positive, to saves against magic.

Detect Magic: As the spell of the same name, but constant. It may be turned off or on as a free action once each round.

Mettle: The character takes no damage or additional effect with successful Will and Fortitude saves.

Soul Binding: As the Binder ability. Go read about it if you want, it’s literally whole pages of text for one ability. But, if you want to flood your body with alien powers, go for it. If you don’t want to use the Binder rules, give an attack bonus of +1d6 damage of a single type conditional to a single circumstance, and some kind of constant bonus that a spell would grant as if the Dark Antihero were a Cleric or Wizard of the same level. Make it dark and morally ambiguous.

Pact Augmentation: As the Binder ability of the same name. You get more abilities from your pact as you gain levels and they stack. They’re generally just +1 bonuses to various combat rolls, defenses, or +2 to skills, or Energy Resistance 5 to a single type, or +5 HP. You may reselect your Pact Augmentation bonus(es) as a 1 minute ritual.

Damage Reduction: You gain a Damage Reduction value equal to your Dark Antihero level bypassed by silver.

Fiend Blood: Choose a Fiend race. You gain the immunities and resistances of that race, and count as it when regarded by certain Outsiders and detection. Unfortunately you are also subject to harmful effects as if you were that race. You also may create or retract fiendish wings as a Swift action that grant a Fly speed of 40 with Average maneuverability.

Greater Hexblade Curse: As Hexblade Curse but the target becomes Frightened rather than Shaken as the initial effect.

Fiendish Guise: You assume the appearance of a fiend with CR no higher than your level, or maybe just a generic scaley person with horns, but only get +4 to either Strength or Dexterity, and +4 Natural Armor. This ability is a Move action to activate or dispel and lasts as long as you are conscious.

Fast Healing: You heal the amount listed each round.

Dark Resistance: You are immune to spells that have the Death descriptor or cause negative levels, and if living you are immune to negative energy.

Major Hex: Your Witch Hex selection is upgraded to Major Hexes.

Greater Fiendish Guise: As Fiendish Guise but the bonuses become +6 each. You look scarier too.

Outsider Teleport: You may use the spell Greater Teleport as a Supernatural ability once each round, and Planeshift as a 1 minute ritual.

Dire Fiendish Guise: As Fiendish Guise but the bonuses become +8 each. You look downright ridiculous but still scary.

Dark Miracle: Once per day you may invoke a Miracle effect to save your friends that never completely understand you without actually making it look like you’re saving your friends. Actually, it looks downright evil and scary the whole time, right up until you get results.

Grand Hex: Your Witch Hex selection is upgraded to Grand Hexes.

Dire Hexblade Curse: As Hexblade Curse but the target becomes Panicked rather than Shaken as the initial effect.

Personal Dimension of Pure Darkness: You get your own miniplane of darkness and despair that is a 100 foot radius sphere of complete black. You and allies don’t need to eat, sleep, or breathe in this plane.

No, you don’t get any Spell Resistance. Boo hoo.
Last edited by JonSetanta on Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:50 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Bon appetit!

For your ease of use, Witch Hexes are here http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch

EDIT: Note that this time Eldritch Blast is not a ranged touch attack, but a normal one. I know certain blast shapes make it an area attack, but that's an exception; the original one will observe armor.
Last edited by JonSetanta on Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Rearranged some things, altered some abilities, cleaned up wording, and grouped the invocation rules all in one spot.
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Post by Midnight_v »

I harbor the secret belief that you prolific creators will eventually make something really, really worth playing.
That being said this likely isn't it.

The premise of "all those dark classes no one cares about" is A: going to offend all the assholes who really DO care about them. (there are lots of people who love those classes)
B: Be barely glanced at by people who could really care less about the hexblade.

Finally, can it get some of these abilites in a simpler way.
I think I remeber just making hexblade curse a tome stlye scaling feat. . . and over all I'm not sure what this class is supposed to be doing that a binder/koss isn't doing already.
Last edited by Midnight_v on Sat May 05, 2012 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Don't hate the world you see, create the world you want....
Dear Midnight, you have actually made me sad. I took a day off of posting yesterday because of actual sadness you made me feel in my heart for you.
...If only you'd have stopped forever...
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Post by Sunwitch »

Yeah, the meshing together of a bunch of class features from different books that are overcomplicated ON THEIR OWN and that I only have glazed over in all my years of play definitely detracts from this class. I've lurked for a long time, but intently, and I feel like a lot of the time, sigma, you are working with good groundwork but the finished product is off, somehow.
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