[Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

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Which of the below are you most interested in playing?

Hand of Fate (Issue 10 adventure)
Dreams of Darkness (Issue 14 adventure)
No votes
Barbarian Warlord (Issue 17 adventure)
Total votes: 5

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

We rewind back to the point where we occupied Zengis (no reason not to choose to occupy it first, since the option to raze/sack it will be in that section too and we still get to collect a 1-time tax and some rest). But this time, we sack the city, which means we don't get the Luck Blessing. We lose the Code word Overlord and gain a new one:
Add the Code word Slayer to the Code words box on your Adventure Sheet (and cross off Zengis from its City slot on the Your Domain box if it was there).

Zengis burns tonight! Your horde cheerfully ransacks the city, taking torches to the buildings and forcing the populace to flee into the countryside. The temple to the Overpriest is destroyed, the old palace of Baron Kognoy comprehensively looted. Even the docks are in flames, with fiery barges and galleys sent floating down the Kok River to warn all of the consequences of tangling with your Barbarian horde.

Roll one die and add the result to the Gold box on your Adventure Sheet. This is the amount of loot you personally acquire from the sacking of Zengis. Turn to 141.
Die roll = 3. The loot we gain from sacking a city isn't as consistent as gaining them via taxes, but at least this time it's a decent amount similar to the amount of tax we would have gotten on a single visit.
You and your horde are leaving Zengis and the eastern Allansian province of Kaypong. Its willow-clad riverbanks and bamboo-shrouded foothills are picturesque, but perhaps too peaceful. Could greater glory lie elsewhere?

"Look lively, lads!’ says Nharog. "Heads high and axes low!"

Where will your horde venture next?

If you want to go east to the Flatlands, turn to 10.
If you want to go south into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go southwest to Firetop Mountain, turn to 30.
If you want to go west to the city of Fang, turn to 70.
Everyone agreed to return to our home base for recruitment, so we head for the Flatlands.
"As wide as the Flatlands!" is what an Allansian would say to denote a vast distance, and this certainly applies to these grassy steppes that stretch from the Moonstone Hills in the west all the way to the Sea of Pearls in the far east. Here in the western part of the Flatlands, the monotony of the savannah is broken only by the occasional T’annum Tree, rocky outcrop, or the tents of a camp of nomadic Barbarians, like the ones of your Tribe, which is where you are now.

"Chieftain," says Druzgar the Shaman, acknowledging your entrance with upraised palms. "You have returned."

"It is time for the Testing," says Nharog quietly by your side.

As always, when a horde returns to the Tribe, the honour of the horde and its chieftain must be measured to see if they are still worthy.

Druzgar squats on a bare patch of earth and scatters ancient rune-inscribed pieces of bone onto the dirt, stooping to discern their meaning. Collectively, the people of the Tribe draw in their breath and hold it for a moment.

Roll two dice and Test your Honour. If you are Honourable, you are welcomed back as heroes; turn to 5. If you are Dishonourable, Druzgar shakes his head sadly; turn to 16.
Dice roll = 10. Unfortunately, this time we're not Honourable enough!
"Worthless dog!" howls one of the warriors who has remained with the Tribe. "Call yourself a chieftain? You have fled from the feeble soldiers of civilised armies, you have cowered in fear at their pathetic sorceries, and you have dishonoured the Ancestors! You deserve to die!"

"By the fangs of Gurrang these are lies!" you retort. "I have slain demons and stormed the walls of ancient cities! I have brought glory to this Tribe! I deserve to live and lead!"

The rest of the Tribe quickly form a circle around you and the BARBARIAN warrior challenging your right as chieftain. Like all your folk, he is tall and broad-shouldered, with brown skin and a mane of black hair. In one hand he holds a razor-sharp battleaxe, and on his head is a horned helm. This
is a fight to the death!


There is no Escape. If the Barbarian reduces your STAMINA to zero or less, turn to 13. If you defeat the Barbarian challenger, turn to 29.
Before he can even engage us in combat, we smite him with the flying Warhammer of King Gilibran's, and reduce his STAMINA to 10.

We're not in the best shape now because we haven't been to the Healer for a full heal before coming here, but we do have a sizeable advantage in SKILL.

Barbarian 19, Grom 18. Grom is at 9.
Barbarian 17, Grom 17. Tie.
Barbarian 17, Grom 24. Barbarian is at 8.
Barbarian 15, Grom 22. Barbarian is at 6.
Barbarian 16, Grom 22. Barbarian is at 4.
Barbarian 19, Grom 22. Barbarian is at 2.
Barbarian 16, Grom 20. Barbarian is killed.
Gain 1 point of HONOUR for defeating the Barbarian challenger to your leadership. His corpse is carried outside the perimeter of the camp and buried in a shallow grave. Having lost a direct dispute with the rightful chieftain, he is unworthy of a proper burial.

"Chief," says Druzgar. "You are worthy now. But will you be worthy in the future? You need to leave here soon and win more glory out there in the world, lest the Ancestors become displeased."

You ponder the Shaman’s words as your Tribe enters the camp.
HONOUR now at 10!
Unlike the nomadic horse-riders of the deep prairie, the camp of your Tribe is semi-permanent, consisting of large yurts that can be folded down and carried by horse or ox-cart, and stone barns that can house herd animals for months on end. It is bustling with the daily rhythm of tribal life. Hunters return from the wild with deer and antelope carcasses, older folk stitch skins together or craft clay pottery, and everywhere there are children playing in the dust.

"The Tribe is one," says Druzgar the Shaman, appearing suddenly by your side.

"And one is the Tribe!" you reply, in the time-honoured catechism.

What do you want to do now?

If you want to recruit more warriors for your horde, turn to 25.
If you want to visit the Shrines, turn to 18.
If you want to rest and perhaps train your warriors, turn to 32.
If you want to leave the Flatlands, turn to 1.
On to the recruitment:
You call a Tribal Moot, a grand feast for all, and during the festival you stand on the sacred Stone of Summoning in the middle of the camp and launch into a thundering speech on the glories of becoming warriors in your battle-horde.

"Join me, brothers and sisters, as we lay waste to the stinking corruption of the so-called civilised lands, and write our names in blood across the ledgers of history, as we make the very gods themselves tremble at our might and fury!"

To see who joins, roll two dice and Test your Honour.

If you are Dishonourable, no-one joins. Nharog pats you on the back in commiseration. ‘We best be getting back to sacking and pillaging, chief,’ he says. "Perhaps after that we will find more followers." Turn to 1.

If you are Honourable, volunteers wish to join your campaign. Roll one die. The result is the maximum number of points you can add to your HORDE STRENGTH, but for every point you add, you must equip your new recruits, which costs 1 Gold per point of HORDE STRENGTH. (So, if you roll a 3 you could add up to 3 points to your HORDE STRENGTH but, assuming you can afford it, you must deduct up to 3 talents from the Gold box on your Adventure Sheet.)

Whatever you decide, it is now time to go. Turn to 1.
Honour test roll = 10! We just made it thanks to the duel we just won!

Recruitment roll = 2. The results aren't anywhere as good this time, unfortunately. HORDE STRENGTH now at 14 (I'm assuming you're all willing to pay the gold, and we have more than enough).
With the Flatlands at your back, you and your horde head west, towards the teeming plains of Allansia. Days of glory lie ahead of you, days of plundering booty from the rich cities and carving a bloody swathe through cultures and territories that for too long have looked down upon you and your people as primitive savages. It is time for war and conquest!

"Where are we headed, chief?" says Nharog, breaking your reverie.

If you want to go west into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go northwest to the city of Zengis, turn to 150.
If you want to go southwest to Trolltooth Pass, turn to 50.
I know you'd already decided to go back to attack Dire without looking for those Code words, but are we taking the same path this time?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Grom the Dark
Tribe: Fire Axe
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 8/11
Equipment: Sword, King Gilibran's Warhammer (+1 Attack Strength, can be thrown before combat for 2 STAMINA damage if SKILL test is passed), Diamond
Gold: 11 talents
Codewords: Trollslayer, Dwarfslayer, Ravager, Slayer
1) City: Stonebridge / Garrison Strength: 5
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Sure, I vote to take the same path.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

May as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

I stopped to ask because I thought you might want to make another stop at the Moonstone Hills first to visit the Healer first, since our rewind undid that, but alright, off to the Pass!
Trolltooth Pass is the true gateway to Allansia, connecting the Windward Plain to the Flatlands, and bordered by the Moonstone Hills to the north and the Craggen Heights to the south. It is a dangerous place, only three leagues across at its narrowest point, and dotted with the ghost-haunted ruins of watchtowers, fortresses, walls and gatehouses. Scavengers such as bandits, Goblins, jackals and hyenas scrabble among the rubble.

"Eyes open and axes ready!" bawls Nharog, clouting a Barbarian with the flat of his blade. "We shall not be surprised by
the weak and cowardly!"

Roll one die to see what you and your horde encounter:

1-2 Turn to 68.
3-4 Turn to 37.
5-6 Turn to 23.
Die roll = 3. Somehow, we keep getting the merchant caravan encounter here, although that's not necessarily a bad thing...
Your horde comes to the heavily guarded encampment of a merchant caravan, where Strongarms with gleaming weapons watchfully patrol the perimeter. The merchant leader is a Dwarf and a warrior too, clad in black chainmail and pointing a repeating crossbow casually in your direction as he rides out atop a sturdy mule to parley with you.

"Chief of the Flatlanders!" shouts the Dwarf. "I am Ganga of Mirewater. I profit from danger, but not stupidity. You, chief, are welcome to enter our compound and trade, but your men must remain outside."

If you wish to trade with the merchant Ganga, turn to 53. If you wish to leave him alone, turn to 41.

Again, I'm going to stop and look at the wares, since there's no harm from just checking what they have.
You enter the merchant’s compound, watched warily by his Strongarm guards. Ganga of Mirewater is renowned as one of Allansia’s greatest traders, and he is always on the lookout to both buy and sell.

You can sell any of the following items to Ganga; cross them off your Adventure Sheet and add the selling price to your Gold box:

Item - Talents of Gold
Gillibran’s Hammer - 4
Enchanted Broadsword - 3
Golden Hauberk - 3
Eyepatch of Throm - 3
Sword of Kull - 2
Crystal Club - 2
Diamond Shield - 2
Eye of the Cyclops - 2
Eye of the Dragon - 2
Yellowstone Ore - 1
Green Metal Ore - 1
A Diamond - 1

You can buy any of the following items from Ganga if you have enough Gold. Subtract the price from the Gold box on your Adventure Sheet and tick the box for the item you have bought. Once the box is ticked the item has been sold and you cannot buy it again. Turn to the number indicated to find out more about your purchase, but note the paragraph number you are on at the time, as the item’s paragraph number will not direct you back there.

Item - Talents of Gold
The Axe of Souls - 3 (tick the box and turn to 119)
Horned Helmet - 2 (tick the box and turn to 69)
Dragonscale Shield - 2 (tick the box and turn to 145)
Potion of Skill - 2 (tick the box, and turn to 44 if you want to drink it now; otherwise just note the number ‘44’)
Potion of Strength - 1 (tick the box, and turn to 193 if you want to drink it now; otherwise just note the number ‘193’)
Potion of Fortune - 1 (tick the box, and turn to 97 if you want to drink it now; otherwise just note the number ‘97’)
Deathtrap Dungeon Map - 1 (tick the box and turn to 15)

When you have finished trading with Ganga, you return to your horde and leave Trolltooth Pass. Turn to 41.
Do we buy anything this time?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Ok, the Helmet and Shield are probably nice, don't think we need the axe as we have a magic hammer which seems more expensive anyway.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to buy the helmet, shield, and map.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

I will proceed with buying the helmet and the shield, which both received 2 votes.

(And also because, after buying it the last time, we already got the important information from it, so it's not really necessary to buy it again.)

We already know what the shield does:
The Dragonscale Shield is a large circular shield over whose wooden frame has been stretched the leathery, armoured hide of a Green Dragon. If you are wounded in a battle, the Dragonscale Shield may help minimise the damage. Roll 1 die after each wound. If you roll a 5 or 6, the Shield will absorb most of the blow (deduct 1 STAMINA point only instead of the normal 2). If you roll a 1 to 4, the damage will be as normal. Remember to record the Dragonscale Shield and its abilities on your Adventure Sheet. Now return to the paragraph number you were on before.
For the helmet:
The Horned Helmet is a magnificent iron helm adorned with the horns and spikes of various Allansian beasts. When you wear it in battle you may add 1 to your Attack Strength for the duration of the individual combat. Remember to record the Horned Helmet and its abilities on your Adventure Sheet. Now return to the paragraph number you were on before.
It's another Attack Strength booster, which is always welcome, even though we're already pretty stacked in that area.
You and your horde have braved Trolltooth Pass and its potentially menacing distractions. The canyons echo eerily with your fading footfalls as you leave its claustrophobic confines far behind. Nearby, disturbed by your presence, a flock of crows and other carrion birds take flight into the sky, abandoning the corpse of some unfortunate creature upon which they were feeding. An omen perhaps, you think. But for good or ill?

"Where next, chief?" asks Nharog, shading his eyes with his hand to scan the horizon.

Indeed, where are you going?

If you want to go east to the Flatlands, turn to 10.
If you want to go south into the Craggen Heights, turn to 80.
If you want to go west to the great city of Salamonis, turn to 140.
If you want to go north into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go northwest to the Forest of Spiders, turn to 170.
Onwards to Craggen Heights:
The Craggen Heights are a highland plateau in the hinterland of central Allansia; a wilderness of dark rocks and shadowy canyons, where evil lurks in abundance with gruesome surprises for the unwary. If you have the Code word Raider, turn to 94. If not, read on below.

Dominating the landscape is the mountain known as Craggen Rock, and atop it, like the tooth of a dragon, the Black Tower, a citadel of Chaos and home to the irredeemably evil Balthus Dire.

"They call this Dire scum a warlord,"’ says Nharog. "But if you ask me, he’s naught but a stinking, impudent demi-sorcerer!"

If you want to attack Balthus Dire and his army, turn to 113. If you want to leave this area, turn to 71.
Balthus Dire is not the sort of tyrannical despot to quake in fear behind the walls of his fortress while an unruly mob of savages beats at his front door. Instead, following the approach of your horde, the iron gates swing open and a disciplined army of Hill Goblins, Rhino Men, Craggeracks, Kobolds, Eyeless Archers and further unidentifiable mutants pour forth like a flood of Chaos across the hills. Balthus Dire himself appears to be reclining in a dark-draped battle-palanquin, held aloft by Gark bearers.

"Barbarians, you will truly suffer for your stupidity here today!" thunders the voice of Balthus Dire from behind the
black curtains of his monster-borne litter.

"Warriors, to battle!" you scream. You are up against it here!

If you have the Code word Dust, turn to 105.
If you have the Code word Storm, turn to 84.
If you have neither of these Code words, turn to 63.
Still no Code words, but we came knowing that.
Your horde of Barbarian warriors smashes into the organised battle-lines of Balthus Dire’s Black Tower army. With Eyeless Archers shooting a steady rain of arrows across the sky, Rhino Men and Hill Goblin infantry go toe to toe with your best fighters. Balthus Dire provides magical and logistical support from his palanquin, yelling directions at his standard-bearers and champions, and casting spells that summon forth Clawbeasts and other dungeon creatures to reinforce his troops as needed.

Out of nowhere, an Eyeless Archer fires a sudden shot in your direction and a barbed arrow hurtles towards you. Test your Luck; if you are Unlucky, the arrow embeds itself painfully in your shoulder; deduct 3 STAMINA points. If you are Lucky, the arrow just grazes you; deduct 1 STAMINA point. If this reduces your STAMINA to zero or less, turn immediately to 13.

"Attack! Leave no survivors!" you scream, pulling the arrow out from the wound and snapping it in two with your bare hands.

Who will win the battle of Craggen Rock?


If you wish to Escape, you order the retreat and flee from the Black Tower’s army; deduct 1 point of HONOUR and turn to 71. If the army of the Black Tower reduces your HORDE STRENGTH to zero or less, turn to 13. If you defeat Balthus Dire and his army, turn to 117.
Luck test roll = 8 (Lucky). STAMINA is at 8. LUCK is at 7.

Black Tower Army 20, Fire Axe 19. FA is at 12.
BTA 18, FA 24. BTA is at 10.
BTA 16, FA 19. BTA is at 8.
BTA 19, FA 23. BTA is at 6.
BTA 15, FA 18. BTA is at 4.
BTA 19, FA 15. FA is at 10.
BTA 20, FA 21. BTA is at 2.
BTA 15, FA 19. BTA is defeated.

Much better luck on the dice this time!
Your horde has defeated Balthus Dire, lord of Craggen Rock, and his army of Chaotics! Add 1 point to your HONOUR score for your victory and write the Code word Raider in the Code words box on your Adventure Sheet.

Balthus perished when the curtains of his war-palanquin were finally torn aside, exposing him to fatal sunlight, and he is now little more than a charred corpse atop a velvet cushion. His surviving soldiers have fled into the gullies and canyons of the Craggen Heights, nursing their wounds. The Black Tower lies empty and unguarded; this citadel of chaos is yours for the taking! Roll one die and add the result to the Gold box on your Adventure Sheet. This is the amount of loot you personally acquire ransacking the treasure vaults of the Black Tower.

"A truly epic battle, chief!" says Nharog, bandaging his wounds. "If that Dire scum concentrated more on warfare and less on sorcery, he might have amounted to something."

You and your horde leave the Craggen Heights. Turn to 71.
Oh, right, Balthus Dire's weakness was the sunlight, wasn't it? Should have known better than to lead his army personally in broad daylight, even with a palanquin. The one in the novel never went to the fields personally.

Again, for some reason we're not allowed to set up a garrison here, even though the Black Tower was supposed to be built on a good defensible militarily strategic position.

Die roll = 4. Not bad, we just gained back the amount we spent at Trolltooth Pass.
You are leaving the rocky wastes of the Craggen Heights behind. This is probably a good thing, given their Chaos-cursed predilection for warping the forms of those who dwell here too long, or so the legends say.

"All roads lead north," says Nharog, sweeping his arms open to encompass the horizon. "South lies only the Desert of Skulls, and a lingering death by thirst."

Where will you go?

If you want to go northeast to Trolltooth Pass, turn to 50.
If you want to go north to the great city of Salamonis, turn to 140.
If you want to go northwest to the Forest of Yore, turn to 20.
2 new areas and 1 old one (but remember, there are 2 more possible encounters we haven't yet had even at Trolltooth Pass). Where next?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Grom the Dark
Tribe: Fire Axe
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 7/11
Equipment: Sword, King Gilibran's Warhammer (+1 Attack Strength, can be thrown before combat for 2 STAMINA damage if SKILL test is passed), Diamond, Horned Helmet (+1 Attack Strength), Dragonscale Shield (reduce damage taken by 1 if we roll 5 o or 6 on 1D6 when taking a blow in battle)
Gold: 11 talents
Codewords: Trollslayer, Dwarfslayer, Ravager, Slayer, Raider
1) City: Stonebridge / Garrison Strength: 5
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Salamonis sounds like it'll be well defended, check out Forest of Yore first.

(Also, some of Dire's minions escaped? Might have included that leprechaun. Grrr)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Also vote for the Forest of Yore.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

The Forest of Yore is an ancient woodland at the northern border of the Vale of Willow and traditionally home to all manner of reclusive folk. If you have the Code word Reaver, turn to 48. If not, read on below.

The Whitewater River flows through the middle of the woods, and on its banks lies the School of Magic, run by the Grand Wizard of Yore, Vermithrax Moonchaser. Many are the wizards who have passed through its doors, including Yaztromo of Darkwood, Port Blacksand’s Nicodemus, and the Healer. Also living under the moss-laden branches of this extensive woodland are savage Half-Elf tribes known collectively as Yorefolk, and a kingdom of the Wood Elves themselves.

"This whole forest stinks of foul sorcery, chief," says Nharog, spitting on the ground. "I say we burn it all the ground!"

If you want to attack the School of Magic, turn to 34. If you want to leave the Forest of Yore, turn to 11.
Actually somewhat less famous (to most FF fans) compared to his 3 star pupils mentioned above, simply because he was never actually featured in any of the gamebooks and only mentioned in FF2 (he was also the PC's mentor there), he's still the guy who trained all the most well-known good wizards of Allansia. Do we think we can take down his home base?

(Also note that the Code word that is checked here is one of the 2 that will cause the Healer to avoid us...)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Hmmm, maybe not. Now, if we can find the place that taught Zagor, Dire, and...that other guy, we should be ale to take it.

Leave Forest.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

The Healer is too valuable for our hero at this point. I vote to leave the Forest as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

You lead your horde from the enchanted Forest of Yore. Many of your warriors make the protective sign of the Ancestors upon exiting the woods, pleased to be leaving such a place of fell wizardry behind. Not once does anyone look back.

"I hate magic!" curses Nharog with feeling. "Weird words and strange spells are no match for a cold iron axe at your side."

Where are you going now?

If you want to go east to the city of Salamonis, turn to 140.
If you want to go north to the town of Chalice, turn to 120.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I say we check out Chalice next.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, to Chalice!
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Chalice is a small walled city that lies amidst green and golden fields on the upper reaches of the Silver River. It serves as a trading entrepôt for prospectors, Strongarms, merchants and others. If you have the Code word Chieftain, turn to 114. If you have the Code word Looter, turn to

The city is ruled by King Pindar, an elderly monarch who dreams of an alliance with Salamonis to the south. Under his rule the city has grown rapidly from its origins as a market town, but the king seeks further protection to safeguard his enduring legacy.

"Chalice is the weakest of the Allansian kingdoms," says Nharog, his eyes gleaming. "The walls are low and poorly guarded, and the docks are not fortified. Truly, these people know nothing of war!"

If you want to attack the city of Chalice, turn to 82. If you want to leave instead, turn to 111.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Sounds good, let's attack.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote to attack.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Your horde easily storms the walls of Chalice and faces off with King Pindar’s militia in numerous skirmishes across the city’s streets. The militia mainly consists of humans, Man-Orcs and the scrawny race known as Striders, all clad in leather armour and bearing swords. They are led by the grizzled Captain Morval, who has them organised and well drilled.

"By this blade we rule!" you scream, waving your weapon in circles above your head. "or the glory of the Tribe!"

The battle is joined!


If you wish to Escape, you order the retreat nd flee from the militia; deduct 1 point of HONOUR and turn to 111. If the militia reduces your HORDE STRENGTH to zero or less, turn to 13. If you defeat the militia, turn to 181.
It is indeed our weakest opponent thus far. FF regulars who read/played Dungeoneer would probably already know that Chalice is a small kingdom that needed allies and therefore looking for protection from the much bigger Salamonis (and hence the political marriage between Pindar's son and Salamonis' daughter, which led to the kidnap of the latter in the AFF adventure, which centers around her rescue), which would make it an attractive early target.

Chalice Militia 11, Fire Axe 17. CM is at 5.
CM 13, FA 23. CM is at 3.
CM 14, FA 19. CM is at 1.
CM 10, FA 24. CM is defeated.

Not just a wide disparity in stats, but they also have no luck on the dice at all. They never stood a chance.
You have defeated the forces of the Chalice militia! Add 1 point to your HONOUR score for your victory.

Their surviving soldiers retreat from the city in disarray, while King Pindar is slain defending his palace from your invading horde of warriors. However, there is no sign of either his son, Prince Barinjhar, or Captain Morval, both of whom seem to have disappeared.

"Never mind those cowardly scum, chief," says Nharog exultantly. "Chalice is here for the taking!"

If you have at least 2 points of HORDE STRENGTH and wish to occupy the city of Chalice, turn to 146. If you wish to raze it to the ground, turn to 198.
I'm actually going to proceed with occupying first, because from what we'd seen from our previous 2 garrisons, there's always the option to sack it anyway once we hit the garrison section, so we might as well take advantage of the chance to rest and collect the first batch of taxes (and also take a look at what the locations have to offer) before deciding what to do.
Your horde has taken control of Chalice! You will have to garrison it, however. Write the name ‘Chalice’ in an empty City slot on the Your Domain box of your Adventure Sheet. Next, deduct a minimum of 1 point and a maximum of 5 points from your HORDE STRENGTH score and add it to the city’s GARRISON STRENGTH box. Note that you cannot reduce your own HORDE STRENGTH to zero or less. Chalice is now garrisoned with your own troops. Also, write the Code word Chieftain in the Code words box on your Adventure Sheet. Turn to 134.
We can probably just input 1 GARRISON STRENGTH for now and change it in the next section...
You are the ruler of Chalice and your official dwelling is the old palace of the former King Pindar. You can rest and recuperate here: roll a die and restore this many points to your current STAMINA score. Remember, though, that you cannot exceed your Initial score.

You can also collect taxes on the merchant traffic that comes into the town on the way to Salamonis to the south and through Trolltooth Pass all the way to Warpstone in the east. Add 2 talents to the Gold box on your Adventure Sheet.

If you want to increase the size of your garrison, deduct a minimum of 1 point from your HORDE STRENGTH score and add it to the city’s GARRISON STRENGTH box. If you want to decrease the size of your garrison, deduct a minimum of 1 point from the city’s GARRISON STRENGTH score and add it to your HORDE STRENGTH box. Remember, the GARRISON STRENGTH and HORDE STRENGTH must both have a score of at least 1 point each, and that GARRISON STRENGTH can only have a maximum score of 5.

What do you wish to do now?

If you want to treat your warriors to a night on the town, deduct 1 talent of Gold from your Adventure Sheet and turn to 169.
If you wish to leave Chalice, turn to 111.
If you wish to sack the city, cross the Code word Chieftain off from the Code words box on your Adventure Sheet. Reduce the GARRISON STRENGTH to zero (and add these points to your HORDE STRENGTH), and turn to 198.
Die roll = 1. We only recover 1 STAMINA here, unfortunately. We do gain 2 talents of gold, however.

What do we do now? Note that if you want to treat your warriors to a night on the town, we'd probably be leaving right after that, so you'd probably want to increase the garrison strength before you do. If you sack the city now, the price is that we don't get whatever that we might gain from giving our warriors a treat.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Grom the Dark
Tribe: Fire Axe
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 7/11
Equipment: Sword, King Gilibran's Warhammer (+1 Attack Strength, can be thrown before combat for 2 STAMINA damage if SKILL test is passed), Diamond, Horned Helmet (+1 Attack Strength), Dragonscale Shield (reduce damage taken by 1 if we roll 5 o or 6 on 1D6 when taking a blow in battle)
Gold: 13 talents
Codewords: Trollslayer, Dwarfslayer, Ravager, Slayer, Raider
1) City: Stonebridge / Garrison Strength: 5
Last edited by SGamerz on Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to set the garrison strength to 5, and to get drunk on the town tonight.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »


(Also, we probably don't deserve an entire honour point for this one, the same as for taking better defended places, unless we are impressing people by telling them we took Chalice, and they don't know anything about the place.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Empty box

If the box above has been ticked, then there are no more rumours to be divulged among the taverns of Chalice. Still, add 1 point to your HONOUR score in the appropriate box on your Adventure Sheet for allowing your horde some fun, and turn to 111. If the box above is empty, tick it now and read on below.

You treat your men to a night out on the town among the more boisterous of Chalice’s many taverns and inns. Much ale is quaffed, furniture is broken, and vague slights both real and imagined provoke a lively series of brawls at most establishments you visit.

At one tavern, 'The Fat Frog Inn', you are accosted by a renegade Dwarf called Swinebeard, who hails originally from Salamonis. "You’ll never take that city," he slurs. "At least, not while the hero Chadda Darkmane guards it. Some claim he’s an avatar of Libra, the Goddess of Justice, and unbeatable in combat."

"There’s nothing that can defeat him?"

"They say only weapons forged from Green Metal can harm agents of the gods," ponders Swinebeard.

"And where would we find that?"

"Craggen Rock," says Swinebeard thoughtfully.

The rest of the night is a blur of drunken chaos. Still, it does wonders for your horde’s spirits and also their opinion of you. Add 1 point to your HONOUR score in the appropriate box on your Adventure Sheet.

"By the gods, that was a good session last night,’ says Nharog, quietly nursing an epic hangover the next afternoon. ‘I can’t remember much, but I do know I had a good time!"

Reflecting on the damage your horde caused in its drunken rampage, you decide it may be an excellent time to leave Chalice.
So, apparently, while we only get useful information on this first visit, we can actually farm it repeatedly for HONOUR, which seems rather cheap, and even less deserving than the one gained in our feat of conquering Chalice. It's basically trading gold for HONOUR.

HONOUR at 13, Gold at 12...and HORDE STRENGTH at 5 due to leaving a sizeable garrison force here.
You and your horde are leaving behind the pocket-sized kingdom of Chalice and its surrounding fields of corn and maize. The soil here is fertile and you marvel at the peasants’ devotion to their crops, whereas you and your warriors would much rather go out hunting saiga and steppes-bison.

"These people wallow in filth to make plants grow," says Nharog, shaking his head. "That is not what I would call a life!"

What is the direction of your horde’s next foray?

If you want to go southwest to the Forest of Yore, turn to 20.
If you want to go south to the city of Salamonis, turn to 140.
If you want to go east to the Forest of Spiders, turn to 170.
If you want to go northeast into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go north to Darkwood Forest, turn to 160.
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Grom the Dark
Tribe: Fire Axe
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 7/11
Equipment: Sword, King Gilibran's Warhammer (+1 Attack Strength, can be thrown before combat for 2 STAMINA damage if SKILL test is passed), Diamond, Horned Helmet (+1 Attack Strength), Dragonscale Shield (reduce damage taken by 1 if we roll 5 o or 6 on 1D6 when taking a blow in battle)
Gold: 12 talents
Codewords: Trollslayer, Dwarfslayer, Ravager, Slayer, Raider
1) City: Stonebridge / Garrison Strength: 5
2) City: Chalice / Garrison Strength: 5
1) Some claim that Chadda Darkmane, who guards Salamonis, is an avatar of Libra, the Goddess of Justice, and unbeatable in combat. Only weapons forged from Green Metal can harm agents of the gods. Green Metal can be found in Craggen Rock.
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