[Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, save the grenade.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes recognized; a grenade will not be used here.

The fight:
Round 1: Zombies Killed: 7
Zombies Remaining: 0

You hear the piercing wail of an old World War II air raid siren coming from above. You look up at the rooftops and see Gingrich Yurr, now fully transformed into a Zombie, standing inside a small observation tower above the south wing entrance gates. He is manically winding the handle of the air raid siren with both hands, screaming at the top of his voice. A second wave of undead pours into the courtyard from all sides, twenty-six Zombies in total. They swarm towards the ladder as you desperately scramble to feed another belt of cartridges into the ammunition chamber of the heavy machine gun. You release the safety catch, cock the handle and fire a deafening rat-a-tat-tat salvo of bullets at the oncoming Zombies. They begin to drop like flies, disappearing under the cloud of dust kicked up by the high-impact bullets hitting the gravel. The rapid-firing Browning causes 2d6+15 damage. If you kill all of the Zombies in the first Attack Round, turn to 168. If you fail to kill them all, turn to 22.

Rolling the dice and applying the appropriate modification reveals that the Browning machine gun deals 23 damage to the Zombies before the fight begins, which is not enough to kill all of the Zombies.

The Zombies who survive the first deadly round of bullets climb up the ladder and jump onto the balcony to attack. Reduce your STAMINA by the number of Zombies left alive. If you are still alive, you must fight them with your handgun. If you win, turn to 168.

No Name Nova takes 3 damage from the Zombies, but is still alive.

The fight:
Round 1: Zombies Killed: 3
Zombies Remaining: 0


Although there is carnage, that does not stop the next wave of Zombies from being drawn into the courtyard by the rallying call of the air raid siren. They clamber over the bodies of their fallen comrades, each one of them desperate to get to you first. You slide another belt of cartridges into the ammunition chamber of the heavy machine gun. You are about to fire, when you hear the balcony doors burst open behind you. Two scientists, one of them with a bald head and an eye patch, jump out onto the balcony wielding axes. They grey faces are covered with open wounds and weeping sores. They have both turned into Zombies! There is no time for you to grab your handgun and you will have to fight them bare-handed (1d6-3). The axe-wielding Zombies attack first, each causing 2 points of DAMAGE. Reduce your STAMINA by 4 points. If you win, turn to 360.

The fight:
Round 1: Zombies Killed: 2
Zombies Remaining: 0

You look over the edge of the balcony and see that the ladder is jammed with more Zombies climbing up it. Some fall off and other lose their footing, dangling by one hand from the ladder. Pushing and shoving each other, they are slow to climb up. You scramble back into position behind the heavy machine gun and breathe in deeply. You count twenty-seven Zombies in total trying to get onto the ladder. You grit your teeth, release the safety catch and fire continually at the Zombies until the belt is empty, causing 2d6+15 damage. If you kill all of the Zombies in the first Attack Round, turn to 110. If you fail to kill them all, turn to 325.


Rolling the dice and applying the appropriate modification reveals that the Browning machine gun deals 21 damage to the Zombies before the fight begins, which is not enough to kill all of the Zombies.

The Zombies who survive the deadly salvo of bullets reach the top of the ladder and climb onto the balcony to attack before you can reload the Browning. Reduce your STAMINA by the number of Zombies left. If you are still alive, you must fight them with your handgun. If you win, turn to 110.

No Name Nova takes 6 damage from the Zombies, which is unfortunately enough to kill our hero. A resurrection will be used to take our hero back to the point after No Name Nova read Amy’s diary, as our hero should have pressed buttons 2 and G to go to the ground floor.

The old lift descends slowly, juddering and noisy, until it grinds to a halt at the ground floor where the doors slide slowly open. You are not expecting the reception that is waiting for you. Standing behind a shield of four screaming Zombies, you see the madman himself, Gingrich Yurr, who is laughing manically and shaking his fist at you. One of the Zombies is holding a grenade in its hand. You try to shut the lift door by pressing buttons 2 and B repeatedly, at the same time firing at the Zombies. All four are hit by the hail of bullets, but Yurr crouches down behind the Zombies and is left unscathed. He shoves the Zombie holding the grenade in the back as it falls, pushing it into the lift just as the doors are closing. It drops onto the lift floor, letting go of the grenade just as the lift starts its rumbling slow descent to the basement. There is a massive explosion from which there is no escape. If you are wearing a flak jacket, turn to 50. If you are not wearing a flak jacket, turn to 241.

No Name Nova is wearing a flak jacket.

Despite being the close confines in the lift, the flak jacket takes the brunt of the explosion. You are hit by just two pieces of shrapnel. Lose 4 STAMINA points. If you are still alive, turn to 234.

No Name Nova is still alive here.

The doors have been blown out, wedging the lift tight against the wall of the lift shaft, and preventing it from moving. You can hear the lift’s motor humming loudly, straining to lower it. A hole has also been blown through the floor of the lift, which looks just about big enough for you to squeeze through. You peer into the gloom and estimate that it is about a five metre drop to the basement floor. If you want to slide down the lift cable, turn to 80. If you want to jump down to the floor, turn to 343.

Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PST to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
DOLLARS $: 142
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
13 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Rope and Grappling Hook
Gold Locket With Gold Chain
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Magnifying Glass
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
1 Med Kit (+8 STAMINA)
2 Small Med Kits (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
GRENADES: 3 (2d6+1)
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Queen of Swords »

Slide down the cable.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by SGamerz »

Slide down cable.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes acknowledged; sliding down the lift cable.

The wire cable is covered in black grease, and it is difficult to stop yourself from sliding down it more quickly than you would like. You land on the floor with a bump but luckily do not injure yourself. The diamond-grilled sliding doors at the bottom of the lifts are shut and you are unable to pull them apart to enter the basement. If you possess a crowbar, turn to 185. If you do not possess a crowbar, turn to 300.


No Name Nova possesses a crowbar.

It doesn’t take much effort to prise the doors open. You slide them apart and find yourself standing in a cold corridor lit by ceiling lights that have square-shaped frosted glass shades. The ceiling is painted a cheerless mustard colour. The walls are the same colour above a waist-high strip of dark green tiles, many of which are missing. The paint on the walls is old and cracked and smeared with blood in several places. You sniff the air and notice a very unpleasant chemical smell. Suddenly you hear the sound of footsteps coming down the corridor to your left. To your right some twenty metres away, there are swing doors across the corridor made of vulcanized rubber. If you want to find out who is coming down the corridor, turn to 45. If you want to walk through the swing doors, turn to 31.


Please make your votes on what to do next and which choices to make out of the remaining decisions that No Name Nova encountered in our hero’s previous life before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by SGamerz »

Wait for the zombies coming down the corridor, kill them.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Thaluikhain »

Makes sense.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Finding out who is coming down the corridor received 3 votes, so No Name Nova will do this.

On section 45, No Name Nova encounters 20 Zombies, with Boris among them. Please make your votes on whether to use any grenades for this fight and which choices to make out of the remaining decisions that No Name Nova encountered in our hero’s previous life before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by SGamerz »

Use a grenade
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Thaluikhain »

Use grenade
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; using a grenade.

Rolling the dice and applying the appropriate modification reveals that the grenade deals 8 damage to the Zombies before the fight begins.

The fight:
Round 1: Zombies Killed: 11
Zombies Remaining: 1, Player Stamina: 12
Round 2: Zombies Killed: 13
Zombies Remaining: 0

On section 149, No Name Nova has the option to open a polished steel door on the right-hand wall, search through Boris’s pockets, or walk past the steel door. Searching through Boris’s pockets in section 118 yields a small torch that has no use in this adventure. Since it is already known that opening the steel door leads to fighting a Zombie, our hero will open the steel door. On section 294, No Name Nova sees lots of animal carcasses hanging on butcher’s hooks. Taking a look inside the room by going to section 5 causes our hero to run into a young female Zombie armed with a chainsaw.

Rolling the die yields a 4, so we will head to section 98 next, where our hero’s arm gets caught on the chainsaw’s teeth and loses 3 STAMINA points. Our hero proceeds to section 70, where No Name Nova kills the Zombie with one shot and has the option to take the chainsaw at the cost of 1 STAMINA point. On section 341, No Name Nova encounters a young blonde girl chased by a pack of 17 Zombies.

Please make your votes on whether to take the chainsaw, whether to use a grenade before facing the 17 Zombies, and which choices to make out of the remaining decisions that No Name Nova encountered in our hero’s previous life before 7:00 PM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
DOLLARS $: 142
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
13 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Rope and Grappling Hook
Gold Locket With Gold Chain
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Magnifying Glass
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
1 Med Kit (+8 STAMINA)
2 Small Med Kits (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
GRENADES: 2 (2d6+1)
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Queen of Swords »

Use a grenade, take chainsaw, use a smaller medkit.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Thaluikhain »

I'd second that
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; taking the chainsaw, using a grenade, and using a small Med Kit.

Rolling the dice and applying the appropriate modification reveals that the grenade deals 12 damage to the Zombies before the fight begins.

The fight:
Round 1: Zombies Killed: 12
Zombies Remaining: 0

On section 245, No Name Nova attempts to talk to the girl, but she screams hysterically and tells our hero to go away. Our hero has the choice of either calling out her name or going out into the courtyard.

Please make your votes on what to do next and which choices to make out of the remaining decisions that No Name Nova encountered in our hero’s previous life before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
DOLLARS $: 142
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
13 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Rope and Grappling Hook
Gold Locket With Gold Chain
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Magnifying Glass
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
1 Med Kit (+8 STAMINA)
1 Small Med Kit (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
Chainsaw: 2d6+3
GRENADES: 1 (2d6+1)
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Queen of Swords »

Call out the name Amy, tell her about the diary, look in the drawers, use the laptop to find out about the emergency exit, use machine gun against the zombie Kong, go right, enter Stock room, and get Amy to safety.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by SGamerz »

Queen of Swords wrote:
Sun Jan 07, 2024 3:52 am
Call out the name Amy, tell her about the diary, look in the drawers, use the laptop to find out about the emergency exit, use machine gun against the zombie Kong, go right, enter Stock room, and get Amy to safety.
All of these.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Calling out the name Amy, telling her about the diary, looking in the drawers, using the laptop to find out about the emergency exit, going right after killing the Zombie Kong, and entering the stock room all received 2 votes, so No Name Nova will do this.

On section 212, No Name Nova calls out the name Amy, which takes our hero to section 312. The young girl lets our hero in and asks how No Name Nova knows her name. On section 192, Amy is relieved while No Name Nova tells her that our hero will get her out of the castle alive. As requested, our hero looks inside the drawers in the desk by going to section 296. It is there that No Name Nova discovers a notebook with the words ‘Important Information’ written in the cover. Our hero discovers two enters that could be useful: ‘Username is White Rabbit,’ and ‘Roznik is owed $100 for blood.’ Going over to section 238, our hero enters Gingrich Yurr’s study and turns on the laptop on top of the huge walnut desk by proceeding to section 201, as voted upon. Once the laptop is on, No Name Nova knows Gingrich Yurr’s username and heads to section 358. Our hero types in the words ‘White Rabbit’, as that was what was written inside the ‘Important Information’ notebook, and proceeds to section 328. With a notebook page written with ‘Password reminder: my car’ No Name Nova reaches section 264 next, where Amy suggests Austin Healey as the password. No Name Nova then decides to open a document labeled ‘Emergency Exit’ by heading to section 77. It is there that our hero learns that the display panel at the back of the stockroom will open a secret door if the code number 161 is keyed in.

I am interpreting the words “use machine gun against the zombie kong” to mean that No Name Nova should not make a call on the telephone here, so our hero goes to section 158. It is there that Zombie Kong attacks No Name Nova and Amy, and the two of them attempt to fend it off.

Attempt 1:
Player Weapon Roll: 10, Amy Roll: 3, Total: 13
Player Stamina: 7
Attempt 2:
Player Weapon Roll: 14, Amy Roll: 8, Total: 22

On section 19, No Name Nova walks out of the office into the hallway with Amy and goes right by heading to searching 207 next. It is there that No Name Nova arrives at the stock room, and decides to go into it as requested by proceeding to section 283. Once there, our hero gets the Main Gate Key and enters the code number on the room’s electronic panel, which sends our hero to section 161. Before Amy leaves to the outside world, No Name Nova gives her the locket by going to section 372. No Name Nova then heads to the staircase at the junction with the north wing by moving to section 230. It is there that our hero witnesses Gingrich Yurr transforming into a Zombie. No Name Nova rushes back along the hallway to escape down the staircase and to section 57. Our hero reaches the basement corridor and spies the four men wearing laboratory coats in a heated argument. No Name Nova has a laboratory coat, so our hero has the option of trying to arrest the men and lock them in the cells or talk to them whilst pretending our hero is a new assistant scientist recently hired by Yurr.

Please make your votes on what to do next and which choices to make out of the remaining decisions that No Name Nova encountered in our hero’s previous life before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
Username is White Rabbit
Roznik is owed $100 for blood
Secret door code is 161
DOLLARS $: 142
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
13 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Rope and Grappling Hook
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Magnifying Glass
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
Main Gate Key
1 Med Kit (+8 STAMINA)
1 Small Med Kit (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
Chainsaw: 2d6+3
GRENADES: 1 (2d6+1)
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Queen of Swords »

Pretend to be a scientist, pay them.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote registered; pretending that No Name Nova is a new assistant scientist recently hired by Yurr.

On section 380, No Name Nova talks to the scientists. Professor Roznik asks whether our hero has the $100 to pay him for the last batch of contaminated blood. No Name Nova has the money to do so, and pays him by going to section 138. Roznik orders our hero to wash all of the laboratory equipment before leaving for lunch with his fellow scientists. With revenge in our hero’s heart, No Name Nova heads to section 251 and sees glass cabinets, one of which has three large glass jars containing contaminated Zombie virus blood. Our hero also sees another iron door at the back of the laboratory that is padlocked and bolted. Since it is now known that valuable items can be obtained by smashing the jars, No Name Nova picks up the brass weights from the scales and smashes the jars with them. Checking the cupboard, reveals two grenades (2d6+1), a box of bullets and a Med Kit, all of which I assume No Name Nova takes. On section 320, No Name Nova finds that the large padlock on the door is made of toughened steel. Our hero has a bunch of keys numbered 1 to 8.

Please make your votes on whether to use the keys and which choices to make out of the remaining decisions that No Name Nova encountered in our hero’s previous life before 7:00 PM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
Username is White Rabbit
Roznik is owed $100 for blood
Secret door code is 161
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
14 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Rope and Grappling Hook
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Magnifying Glass
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
Main Gate Key
2 Med Kits (+8 STAMINA)
1 Small Med Kit (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
Chainsaw: 2d6+3
GRENADES: 3 (2d6+1)
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Queen of Swords »

Use one of the medkits, use the keys to open the door, reach for the light switch, use a grenade, go through the fire door, see if anyone comes to investigate, use a grenade, and use the pulley to slide across to the east wing.
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Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote registered; using one of the Med Kits, using the keys to open the door, reaching for the light switch, using a grenade against the Zombies there, staying to see if anyone comes to investigate after going through the fire door, using a grenade against the arriving Zombies, and using the pulley to slide across to the east wing.

On section 396, No Name Nova sees two keyholes in the lock with a number 8 scratched above the large keyhole and a number 2 scratched above the smaller keyhole. Our hero tries to open the padlock with the keys numbered 8 and 2 and succeeds. No Name Nova proceeds to section 82 and encounters a room full of Zombies. As voted upon, our hero decides to feel around for a light switch on the wall by going to section 310. No Name Nova locates the and the resulting light disorients the 28 Zombies, giving our hero the chance to use a grenade by going to section 209.

Rolling the dice and applying the appropriate modification reveals that the grenade deals 9 damage to the Zombies before the fight begins.

The fight:
Round 1: Zombies Killed: 15
Zombies Remaining: 4, Player Stamina: 11
Round 2: Zombies Killed: 11
Zombies Remaining: 0

On section 298, No Name Nova opens another iron door on the left-hand wall and goes through it to return to the gloomy corridor. No Name Nova continues along the corridor to reach a fire door and goes through it by going to section 172. Our hero sets off an alarm and stays to see if anybody comes to investigate by turning to section 8. On section 8, a large pack of 24 Zombies runs towards our hero at full speed. No Name Nova decides to use a grenade to reduce Zombie numbers.

Rolling the dice and applying the appropriate modification reveals that the grenade deals 8 damage to the Zombies before the fight begins.

The fight:
Round 1: Zombies Killed: 8
Zombies Remaining: 8, Player Stamina: 3
Round 2: Zombies Killed: 13
Zombies Remaining: 0

On section 382, No Name Nova runs up the fire escape and goes through the fire door to the roof of the west wing. On section 40, No Name Nova spots a large number of enraged Zombies in the courtyard. Having a steel pulley, our hero decides to clip it onto the zip wire to slide across to the east wing by going to section 199. No Name Nova reaches the roof of the east wing and head to the first floor balcony, where 10 Zombies are present to attack our hero.

This is a fight that could kill our hero if bad dice rolls occur. Should No Name Nova’s last grenade be used to even the odds before facing the 10 Zombies? Please make your votes on whether to do so before 9:00 AM PST or a choice receives 2 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
No Name Nova
Username is White Rabbit
Roznik is owed $100 for blood
Secret door code is 161
‘Hendrix’ Bag
Small Key Stamped With ‘9’
Hack Saw
Sports Clothes
14 Boxes of Bullets
Blacksmith’s Tongs
Rope and Grappling Hook
Yellow Notepaper Printed With ‘combination lock number: 181’
13 Boxes of Shotgun Cartridges
Steel Pulley
Brass Key Stamped With ‘111’
Tape Measure
Pair of Reading Glasses
Pocket Romanian-English Dictionary
Car Keys
Empty Plastic Bottle
Empty Flask
Pair of Silver Frog-shaped Cufflinks
Notebook Page Written With ‘Password reminder: my car’
3 Cases of Machine Gun Bullets
Flak Jacket
Set of Keys Each Stamped With No. 1 Through No. 8
Change of Clothing
Laboratory Coat
Magnifying Glass
Clown Outfit
Cowboy Hat
Policeman’s Helmet
Fairy Princess Costume
Space Helmet
Sailor’s Uniform
False Beards
Main Gate Key
1 Med Kit (+8 STAMINA)
1 Small Med Kit (+4 STAMINA)
Barehanded: 1d6-3
Small Penknife: 1d6-2
Baseball Bat: 1d6
Crowbar: 1d6
Pistol: 1d6+2
Axe: 1d6
Machine Gun: 2d6+5
Loaded Handgun: 1d6+2
Chainsaw: 2d6+3
GRENADES: 1 (2d6+1)
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
Queen of Swords
Posts: 2844
Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:13 pm

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by Queen of Swords »

Use both medkits and the grenade.
Posts: 6319
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:45 am

Re: [Let’s Play] Fighting Fantasy 65 – Blood of the Zombies

Post by SGamerz »

I remember there's a bigger batch of zombies behind this one, so half a vote to save the grenade? Definitely use the medkits.
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