Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

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Post by Koumei »

Blade of Entropy
While all elementals, to one degree or another, seek to create their element and destroy another, some focus entirely upon one aspect or the other. A water elemental, by its very nature, creates water and destroys fire. The Blade of Entropy is a class which assists in the destructive aspect. A Blade character harnesses the raw power of the Negative Energy Plane to destroy that which is distasteful to it. This allows an Elemental to become a martial warrior somewhat like a Soulborn or Paladin.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Climb, Craft (any), Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Survival, Swim
Proficiencies: the Blade of Entropy is proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons, Light, Medium and Heavy Armour, and all Shields
1+1+0+0+2Blade of Entropy, Sunder, Elemental Resiliency
2+2+0+0+3Bonus Feat
3+3+1+1+3Elemental Protection, Improved Sunder
4+4+1+1+4Bonus Feat
5+5+1+1+4Energy Shield, Size Increase
6+6+2+2+5Bonus Feat, Fighting Prowess
7+7+2+2+5Improved Elemental Protection, Elemental Smiting

Blade of Entropy (Su): the Blade of Entropy can ignite its weapon with an aura of destruction at will. This aura causes its weapon to inflict its Class Level in extra Darkness damage, though this bonus is not multiplied by Critical Hits and similar. This entropic energy originates in the Negative Energy Plane, but it damages Undead and similar as normal. The aura is extinguished one round after it leaves the Blade of Entropy’s “hands”.

Bonus Feats: the Blade of Entropy gains Sunder as a Bonus Feat. At levels two, four, and six, it gains a Bonus Feat from the Fighter list so long as it meets the requirements. At level three, it gains Improved Sunder as a Bonus Feat.

Elemental Resiliency: if the Blade of Entropy is an Earth or Water Elemental, it has a Good Fortitude Save (the same as its Will Save). If it is a Fire or Air Elemental, it has a Good Reflex Save (the same as its Will Save). If using a Para-Elemental or some other weird kind, then choose one that you feel is more appropriate, but you don't get to choose "both".

Elemental Protection (Ex): at level three, the Blade of Entropy becomes more resistant to elemental forces. It may select 5 different energy types, even obscure ones like Light, Unholy, Force or Poison (but not Ability Damage), and gains Energy Resistance 5 against those energy forms. At level seven, this increases to Energy Resistance 10.

Size Increase: at fifth level, the Blade of Entropy becomes a Medium-Sized creature. Its Strength and Constitution each increase by four points, and its Natural Armour increases by 2.

Energy Shield (Su): at fifth level, the Blade of Entropy can enhance its shield to protect it from an energy type – even an obscure one like Dehydration. The shield grants Energy Resistance 50 against the chosen energy type. The Blade of Entropy can only imbue one such shield at a time, and it can only grant resistance to one type of energy, but it only takes a Standard Action to change it to a different shield or energy type. The shield loses this property one round after leaving the Blade of Entropy’s “hand”.

Fighting Prowess (Ex): starting at level six, the Blade of Entropy is good at fighting in a variety of general ways. It is treated as having Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Combat Expertise and Dodge for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites for Feats. It may also treat its Fighter level as four for the purpose of meeting prerequisites. Finally, it gains a +4 Bonus on Grapple, Overrun, Trip, Bullrush and Disarm checks.

Elemental Smiting (Su): at level seven, the Blade of Entropy deals more damage with its attack of the same name: the bonus increases to ten, plus one per class level in any class that offers a full Base Attack Bonus increase (such as Fighter, Barbarian, or Demon Samurai). Additionally, against creatures with the opposite Elemental Subtype (Fire versus Water, Air versus Earth), the amount is doubled.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Eye of Fear and Flame
Book of Vile Darkness, page 177. CR 8, level 9.

Burning Terror
The Eye of Fear and Flame is notable for two specific forms of power it can utilise. The first is fear. The second is flame. It's rather convenient that it is named such. As a result of this, it makes sense for the Burning Terror to be better at both of these, focusing on being an offensive caster.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Climb, Concentration, Hide, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Spot
1+0+2+0+2Evil Eye at will, Dread Word 1/hour
2+1+3+0+3Scorching Ray at will, Dimension Door 2/day
3+2+3+1+3Wall of Fire 1/hour, Extended Fear
4+3+4+1+4Eyebite 1/three rounds, Blazing Horror
5+3+4+1+4Incendiary Cloud 1/hour, Air Walk 1/hour
6+4+5+2+5Blackfire 1/hour, Greater Deflection
7+5+5+2+5Phantasmal Killer 1/three rounds
8+6+6+2+6Weird 1/hour, Terrifying Flames
9+6+6+3+6Soul's Treasure Lost 2/day, Theft of Sight
10+7+7+3+7Utterdark 2/day, Empowered Fire
11+8+7+3+7Wail of the Banshee 1/hour, Quickened Deadly Lahar 1/three rounds

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Burning Terror learns a variety of Spell-Like Abilities as it gains levels. The Caster Level for all Spell-Like Abilities equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Should it ever be relevant, [Fear] effects use its black gem-eye, and [Fire] effects use its red gem-eye.

Extended Fear (Su): starting at third level, the Burning Terror doubles the duration of all of its [Fear] effects other than Permanent, Concentration and Instantaneous.

Blazing Horror (Su): whenever the fourth-level Burning Terror targets someone with a [Fear] effect, if they are already suffering from a [Fear] effect and it succeeds, they use the greater duration and effect of the two and also catch on fire, suffering 2d6 damage per round until the fear ends or the flames are put out. If they are already on fire, it instead deals Fire damage equal to its hit dice (as well as causing the greater duration and effect).

Greater Deflection (Su): starting at level six, the Burning Terror can reflect more effects back upon the original users. This applies to all Gaze Attacks, Eye Rays, and effects that are described as originating from the eyes (Evil Eye, Glare/Glance attacks and so on).

Terrifying Flames (Su): whenever the eighth-level Burning Terror targets someone with Fire damage, they become Shaken for three rounds (this does not in turn cause Blazing Horror to take effect). If they are already on fire or the effect causes them to catch fire (other than through Blazing Horror), they instead Panic for three rounds.

Theft of Sight (Su): starting at level nine, the Burning Terror is able to reach out to those afflicted by its powerful abilities and steal not only their sight but their actual eyes. This requires a Standard Action which can be performed once per hour on a creature within one hundred feet and currently on fire or suffering from a [Fear] effect. The creature is allowed a Reflex Save to avoid this (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), but if they fail, their eyes vanish from their head (or wherever else for creatures with bizarre anatomies) and appear in the hands of the Burning Terror. The target is rendered completely Blind until restored via Greater Restoration or Regeneration, and also loses access to any abilities relying on their eyes (such as Gaze Attacks or Eye Rays). Using this allows the Burning Terror to select a single Spell-Like Ability that is “on cool-down” and instantly refresh it – whether it is normally used once per three rounds, once per hour, twice per day or once per century.

Empowered Fire (Su): all Fire damage dealt by the tenth-level Burning Terror, even that caused by creatures catching fire from its effects, is Empowered. Any rolled damage is multiplied by one and a half (round down). Static damage remains unchanged, as normal for an Empowered effect.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Faerie Dragon
Draconomicon, page 158, CR 6, Level 8 - has no thumbs

Ancient Prankster
Faerie Dragons look (ostensibly) like dragons, but act more like the trickster fae that many people picture when talking about fairies. And that's fine, but it does mean that the Faerie Dragon isn't going to take the same kind of path as a Red or even Copper Dragon. Being a Small creature with a 100' Perfect Fly Speed, a Dazing ability and a number of illusions, stealth-based powers and so on is something a lot of people would love to have, assuming their life goals don't include greatswords and swallowing people.

The Ancient Prankster mostly gains Spell-Like Abilities, essentially advancing as a spellcaster. However even then, it has a number of other tricks available, as well as ways to utilise the Spell-Like Abilities to the detriment of other people. While many of the abilities could be used merely for playing (relatively) harmless tricks on people or guarding a location, in truth the Ancient Prankster is able to afflict evildoers with a variety of conditions that make them easy pickings.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, Geography, Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Magic Device
1+0+0+2+2Trickster Rune, Bothersome Babble at will, Resinous Tar 3/day, Grease 3/day
2+1+0+3+3Tasha's Hideous Laughter at will, Arcane Turmoil 3/day, Luminous Swarm 1/day
3+2+1+3+3Sneaky Tricks, Greater Mage Hand at will, Entice Gift at will
4+3+1+4+4Here and There, Faerie Call
5+3+1+4+4Fairy Mist, Retributive Image 1/day
6+4+2+5+5Steal Summoning at will, Endless Slumber 1/day
7+5+2+5+5Spell Theft 3/day, Telekinesis 3/day, Veil 1/day
8+6+2+6+6Sneakier Tricks, Mind of the Labyrinth 1/day
9+6+3+6+6Greater Faerie Call, Baleful Polymorph 3/day
10+7+3+7+7Tricky Magic, Otto's Irresistable Dance 3/day, Scry Location 1/day
11+8+3+7+7Reverse Gravity at will, Sympathy 1/day
12+9+4+8+8Time Stop 1/day, Etherealness 1/day, Shambler 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Ancient Prankster learns new Spell-Like Abilities as it gains levels. The Caster Level for all of its SLAs equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Similarly, when it gains Telekinesis, it uses its Charisma Bonus for maneuvers.

Trickster Rune (Sp): the Ancient Prankster is able to cast its Spell-Like Abilities normally, but it can also cast them as special runes, much like Symbol spells. A Rune occupies a 5’ square, and lasts for one minute per hit die or until discharged. If touched, the Rune will activate, as though the Spell-Like Ability had been cast on the one who touched it (for Targeted spells) or with the area centred on the Rune’s square (for spells with an Area of Effect). Spell Resistance and Saving Throws are allowed as normal. These runes are actually fairly visible, merely needing a DC 15 Spot check to notice in busy situations and being spotted automatically when people can take their time. They can be foiled by a Disable Device check equal to the Ancient Prankster’s hit dice + its Charisma Bonus + 10.

Sneaky Tricks (Ex): the third-level Ancient Prankster is able to mess with foes and hinder them even without using magic. With a Standard Action, it may make a melee touch attack (or at a range if using Telekinesis, as though this were a combat maneuver), and if that is successful may make a Sleight of Hand check, with a DC of 10 + the opponent’s Base Attack Bonus + their Dexterity Bonus. The Ancient Prankster also gets a +4 Bonus if it is smaller than its target and a -4 Penalty if it is larger. If successful, it may select one of the following penalties: Blinded, Deafened, Entangled, Shaken, Sickened. The target suffers from the condition for 1 round, +1 more for every 5 points by which the Sleight of Hand check exceeded the DC.

Here and There (Su): starting at level four, the Ancient Prankster benefits from a constant Dimension Jumper effect at all times.

Faerie Call (Sp): once per day, the fourth-level Ancient Prankster can use a Full Round Action to summon fae allies, as though by a Summon Nature’s Ally spell, for one round per hit die. It may summon 1 Pixie (without Otto’s Irresistable Dance but with 3 of each kind of Special Arrow) or Shimmerling Swarm or Displacer Beast, or 1d3 Nixies or Satyrs (with Pipes), or 1d4+1 Blink Dogs or Pegasi or Unicorns or Young Redcaps.

Fairy Mist (Sp): when it reaches fifth level, the Ancient Prankster can use a Standard Action to summon magical mists that carry the power of the fey. This is treated as a Mind Fog effect that also provides Concealment just like Obscuring Mist, and all Spell Resistance is reduced by 5 while in the area.

Sneakier Tricks (Ex): the eighth-level Ancient Prankster is better at messing with people. When it succeeds at a Sneaky Trick, the base duration is 1d4 rounds, increased for rolling higher as normal. Additionally, it can stack effects up, increasing the severity of an existing condition: a target that is already Blinded becomes Dazed, a Deafened target becomes Stunned, an Entangled opponent becomes Prone and Anchored in place, a Shaken opponent becomes Frightened, and a Sickened target becomes Nauseated. Furthermore, a Sneaky Trick can now be made just with an Attack Action, including Attacks of Opportunity.

Greater Faerie Call (Sp): at level nine, the Ancient Prankster’s Faerie Call is improved. It may instead summon 1 Bearhound or 3-Headed Leskylor or Elder Redcap, or 1d3 Lillends or Leskylor or Will-O-Wisps, or 1d4+1 Pixies (with 3 of each Special Arrow but no Dance) or Shimmerling Swarms or Displacer Beasts, or 1d6+2 Nixies or Satyrs (with Pipes), or 2d6+2 Blink Dogs or Pegasi or Unicorns or Young Redcaps.

Tricky Magic (Sp): the tenth-level Ancient Prankster becomes particularly adept at messing with people. When it targets another creature with a Spell-Like Ability (but doesn’t simply catch them in the Area of Effect), including via a Trickster Rune, it may make a Sneaky Trick attempt against them as a Swift Action.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Flame Snake: Lesser
Fiend Folio, page 74. CR 7, level 8, no thumbs.

Life Burner
Flame Snakes all tend to be evil (and fiery). Lesser ones tend to be the most aggressive and ill-mannered of the bunch (and also fiery). This class keeps to that theme of being fiery and bad-natured, while also strengthening its ties to the Negative Energy Plane rather like the Greater Flame Snakes.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot
1+1+2+2+0Fiery Aura, Basic Sphere Access (Fire)
2+2+3+3+0Magma Breath
3+3+3+3+1Improved Grab, Lesser Searing Trail
4+4+4+4+1Basic Sphere Access (Death)
5+5+4+4+1Negative Energy
6+6+5+5+2Corpsefire Creator
7+7+5+5+2Spite Domain
8+8+6+6+2Monstrous Growth, Greater Searing Trail
9+9+6+6+3Swallow Whole
10+10+7+7+3Hatred Domain
11+11+7+7+3Serpent's Glare
12+12+8+8+4Overwhelming Negative Energy

Fiery Aura (Su): the Life Burner is wreathed in flames, and any creature within 5 feet of it at the end of their turn suffers an amount of Fire damage equal to its Constitution Bonus plus 1d10.

Sphere Access: the Life Burner has Basic Access to the Fire Sphere. At level four, it gets Basic Access to the Death Sphere as well.

Magma Breath (Su): the second-level Life Burner can exhale a wave of magma out to a 50 foot Cone once per four rounds. All in the area suffer 1d6 Fire damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Creatures that fail their save take another 3d6 points of Fire damage on the Life Burner’s next turn. It may also use its Spittle at will, except for the three rounds following the use of its Breath Weapon.

Improved Grab (Ex): starting at level three, any time the Life Burner hits with a Bite attack it may attempt to grab its foe and establish a grapple as a Free Action, without provoking an Attack of Opportunity.

Lesser Searing Trail (Su): the third-level Life Burner constantly leaves a trail of flames behind itself. Any square through which it moves burns for one full round, dealing damage as a Wall of Fire to any who move through it. Additionally, it may Fly at a 30’ Speed with [Average] Manoeuvrability, and gains a 30’ Burrow Speed.

Negative Energy (Ex): starting at level five, any time the Life Burner deals any amount of Fire damage it also deals an equal amount of Negative Energy damage. This includes Spells, Spell-Like Abilities, activating magic items or even throwing flasks of alchemist fire at people.

Corpsefire Creator (Su): the Life Burner is a creature of both Fire and Negative Energy. Once it reaches sixth level, any creature it kills of at least eight hit dice rises as a Large Fire Necromental.

Domains: at level seven, the Life Burner gains the Spite Domain. It gains the Domain Power and can cast each of the Domain Spells as a Spell-Like Ability once per day, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. At level ten, it also gains the Hatred Domain in the same way.

Monstrous Growth: at level eight, the Life Burner grows to Large Size. Its Strength and Constitution each increase by four points, its Dexterity decreases by two, and its Natural Armour increases by two. Its Reach also increases by five feet, and its Movement Speed by ten feet.

Greater Searing Trail (Su): at level eight, the Life Burner burns even through reality. Its Burrow Speed is equal to its normal movement speed and it may tunnel through the ground, Disintegrating every space it moves through. Furthermore, with a Full Round Action it may tunnel between planes as though by casting Planeshift. It cannot use this to target another creature, though it may bring willing creatures with it.

Swallow Whole (Ex): the ninth-level Life Burner can swallow creatures whole. If it ever has a creature smaller than itself held in a Grapple, it may attempt to swallow them with a Standard Action. This requires an opposed Grapple check, and if successful it swallows them. Each turn they remain in its stomach they suffer 1d10 points of damage, plus 3d6 Fire damage. They may escape via Escape Artist checks or dealing at least 50 points of damage with a Slashing or Piercing weapon.

Serpent’s Glare (Su): starting at level eleven, the glare of the Life Burner can terrify people such that they stand rigidly still. With a Standard Action at will, it may glare out to a 60 foot Cone. All in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect.

Overwhelming Negative Energy (Su): whenever the twelfth-level Life Burner deals Fire damage to another creature, it also delivers a Negative Level to them. This Negative Level lasts until the sun next rises.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 133, CR 4, Level 4

Obsidian Gargoyle
The Obsidian Gargoyle isn't just "a gargoyle but more", it's specifically a Gargoyle that gets fiery powers added to its physical abilities. It also gains fiendish powers, and ends up rather like a Fire Mage or Warlock.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Craft (Stonework), Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, Nature, The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Spot
1+0+2+2+0Fiery Breath, Obsidian Body, Fire Affinity
2+1+3+3+0Slashing Shards
3+2+3+3+1Fiery Touch, Lava Pool
5+3+4+4+1Aura of Unearthly Heat
6+4+5+5+2Brimstone, Firestep
7+5+5+5+2Breath of Hellfire
8+6+6+6+2Molten Wave
9+6+6+6+3Shattering Burst, Greater Firestep
10+7+7+7+3Hellfire Engine
11+8+7+7+3Volcanic Earth
12+9+8+8+4Infernal Firestep, Massive Monster
13+9+8+8+4Clinging Breath, Aura of Sulfurus Fumes
14+10+9+9+4Explosive Magic
15+11+9+9+5Ashen Breath
16+12+10+10+5Volcanic Meteor Storms, Towering Monstrosity

Fiery Breath (Su): the Obsidian Gargoyle can breathe fire. This requires a Standard Action, and is unleashed in a Medium Range Cone. All in the area suffer 1d6 Fire damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half. After using this ability, it cannot use the ability again for the next 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus.

Obsidian Body (Ex): the Obsidian Gargoyle is, as the name suggests, made from obsidian. It adds its level to its amount of Damage Reduction, and this DR can only be overcome by attacks which are both Magic and Bludgeoning. It also enjoys Fire and Cold Resistance equal to double its hit dice.

Fire Affinity (Ex): all spells with the [Fire] descriptor are considered to be on the Obsidian Gargoyle’s class list for the purpose of activating magic items and such.

Slashing Shards (Ex): starting at level two, the Obsidian Gargoyle’s attacks cut like glass. Its Natural Weapons all increase one size in damage and have a natural Threat Range of 18-20. Additionally, every successful Bite attack deals 2 points of Constitution damage.

Fiery Touch (Su): starting at level three, the Obsidian Gargoyle emits enough heat to set fires. Holding dry timber, parchment etc. will ignite it after just one round and oil burns with a mere touch. All of its melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 Fire damage.

Lava Pool (Su): the third-level Obsidian Gargoyle can Scry through lava and magma, but only to see locations near Large flames or bodies of lava/magma.

Translucence (Ex): at level four, the Obsidian Gargoyle starts to shimmer, becoming hard to see. It is onstensibly pitch black, but highly reflective and slightly see-through in places. It enjoys a +4 Racial Bonus on Hide checks and a 20% Miss Chance against all attacks, caused by Concealment.

Aura of Unearthly Heat (Su): starting at level five, the Obsidian Gargoyle emits heats. All nonmagical projectiles hurled at it just burn and melt before they can hit. Additionally, at the end of each of its turns, all adjacent creatures simply take 3d6 Fire damage.

Brimstone (Ex): starting at level six, whenever the Obsidian Gargoyle breathes fire, it also breathes a horrible toxic smoke that chokes and blinds people. Those caught in the area must, in addition to saving against the flames, attempt a Fortitude Save. The Save DC is the same as the Reflex Save, and failure results in being both Blind and Nauseated for 1 round, caused by Poison.

Firestep (Su): the sixth-level Obsidian Gargoyle can Teleport through flames. By taking a Full Round Action and stepping into a fire or body of lava/magma at least as big as it is, it teleports. It exits through a fire or body of lava/magma big enough to hold it, anywhere in the same plane.

Breath of Hellfire (Su): at level seven, the Obsidian Gargoyle’s Fiery Breath becomes half Fire, half Untyped. Additionally, those who fail both Fort and Ref Saves additionally suffer a Doom effect for one minute from the sheer badness of it all.

Molten Wave (Su): with a Standard Action, the level eight Obsidian Gargoyle can unleash a horrible wave of molten stone. All creatures within ten feet suffer 1d6 Fire damage per two hit dice, with a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) for half. Those who fail the save continue to take the same damage again for a number of additional rounds equal to the Obsidian Gargoyle’s Constitution Bonus. This is treated as ongoing damage for the purpose of spellcasting and similar, because it is ongoing damage, and it can be ended prematurely by immersing oneself in water, being hit by a [Cold] effect, or spending a Full Round Action going Prone and scraping the lava off.

Shattering Burst (Ex): whenever the ninth-level Obsidian Gargoyle takes Bludgeoning damage, fragments break off. All adjacent enemies immediately suffer Magic Slashing damage equal to its Constitution Bonus, and 1 point of Constitution damage.

Greater Firestep (Su): at level nine, the Obsidian Gargoyle’s Firestep lets it move to the Elemental Plane of fire, as though by Planeshift.

Hellfire Engine (Su): at level ten, the Obsidian Gargoyle gains Basic access to the Fire and Carnage Spheres. This results in it gaining the [Fire] Subtype. It also gains the [Evil] Subtype.

Volcanic Earth (Su): at level eleven, the Obsidian Gargoyle’s heat becomes so immense that the ground around it starts to crack and melt. The ground out to 30 feet from it is always Difficult Terrain, and foes must pass DC 15 Balance checks in order to Charge through the area. Furthermore, its Aura of Unearthly Heat extends out to the full 30 feet. It may also cast Vitrify at will (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), targeting areas of sand within this radius.

Infernal Firestep (Su): upon reaching level twelve, the Obsidian Gargoyle can use its Firestep ability to travel to any fiery Plane or Demi-Plane or Layer, such as the first and second mounts of Gehenna, the second layer of Ysgard, the third layer of Carceri, the second and fourth layers of Baator and so on.

Massive Monster (Ex): at level twelve, the Obsidian Gargoyle grows to Large Size. Its Strength, Constitution, and Natural Armour each increase by 4 points, and its Dexterity decreases by 2 points.

Clinging Breath (Su): the burning breath of the thirteenth-level Obsidian Gargoyle sticks to foes and boils away at them. Those who fail their Reflex Save against its breath weapon suffer 8d6 Fire damage again on the next round, and a -2 Penalty to Dexterity. The round after that, they suffer another 4d6 Fire damage and the Penalty increases to -4. The next round, they suffer 2d6 Fire damage and the Penalty becomes -6. The next round, they just take 1d6 Fire damage and a -8 Dexterity Penalty. Finally, they must attempt a Strength check (DC 10 + the Gargoyle’s Constitution Bonus) or be encased in solid stone. If they succeed, the penalty goes away as the solidified stone breaks away.

Aura of Sulfurous Fumes (Su): starting at level thirteen, the Obsidian Gargoyle is perpetually surrounded by a Stinking Cloud effect, to which it is completely immune - it can even see through the cloud just fine. The Save DC is 13 + its Constitution Bonus, and the fumes extend out to ten feet away from it. If dispersed, the fumes resume one round later.

Explosive Magic (Su): at level fourteen, the Obsidian Gargoyle gains Basic Access to the Pyre Sphere, and improves its access to the Fire Sphere to Advanced.

Ashen Breath (Su): the breath of the fifteenth-level Obsidian Gargoyle is full of cinders and ash clouds that are full of negative energy. Anything that fails both the Ref and Fort Saves also suffers 1d6 points of Constitution Drain. Additionally, Undead within the area must pass a Will Save or be Rebuked as though by a Cleric with levels equal to its own hit dice. Even corpses can be Animated as the spell, with the regular limits.

Volcanic Meteor Storms (Su): each round, with a Move-Equivalent Action, the sixteenth-level Obsidian Gargoyle can conjure a burning meteor (as Meteor Swarm). On its following turn, the meteor finishes its descent and can be aimed with a Swift Action. Alternatively, before that time it may be used to intercept and destroy an incoming Ranged Attack or Ranged Touch Attack with an Immediate Action.

Towering Monstrosity (Ex): at level sixteen, the Obsidian Gargoyle grows to Huge Size. Its Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour increase by another 4 points each, and its Dexterity is reduced by another 2 points.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Continental Drifter
The Continental Drifter is "more of a Gargoyle than before". It becomes bigger, heavier, more resilient and more of a flying hard-hitter that likes to just charge in and smash things. This is rather a bit like a Knight, but more violent.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Craft (Stonework), Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering, Geography, Nature), Listen, Spot
Proficiencies: the Continental Drifter is proficient with Light and Medium Armour, all kinds of Shield, and Simple and Martial Weapons.
1+1+2+0+0Granite Body, Crushing Hammer Style (Proficiency and Bonus)
2+2+3+0+0Energy Resistance
3+3+3+1+1Fortified Might
4+4+4+1+1Crushing Hammer Style (Knock-Down)
5+5+4+1+1Inertial Collision
6+6+5+2+2Mettle, Adamantite Body
7+7+5+2+2Crushing Hammer Style (Armour-Crushing)
9+9+6+3+3Inevitable Movement
10+10+7+3+3Crushing Hammer Style (Knock Senseless)
11+11+7+3+3Improved Mettle
12+12+8+4+4Stone Juggernaut
13+13+8+4+4Crushing Hammer Style (Brain Breaker)
14+14+9+4+4Diamond Body
15+15+9+5+5Stone Titan
16+16+10+5+5Crushing Hammer Style (Ruinous Strikes)

Granite Body (Ex): the Continental Drifter is made of incredibly hard rock, and as such is difficult to damage. It adds its class level to its Damage Reduction. It also gains an Enhancement Bonus to its Natural Armour of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up).

Crushing Hammer Style (Ex): the Continental Drifter has a special fighting style. The weapons of this style are the Pick (Heavy, Light, Ice, Dire, whatever), Warhammer, Maul, Warmace, and Minotaur Great Hammer. Bonuses from this do not stack with those from feats like Combat School, Weapon Focus, Improved Critical, Insightful Strike and so on. At first level, the Continental Drifter becomes Proficient with the weapons of this style, and gains a +2 Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls with them.

At level four, any time it hits a foe with one of these weapons, it is allowed a free Trip attempt against them. If it fails the Trip attempt, this does not grant a counter-Trip attempt.

At level seven, the first time per round that it hits a given foe, it pulverises them enough to negate their Damage Reduction and Shield Bonuses to Armour Class until the target’s next turn.

At level ten, the Continental Drifter doubles the Critical Threat and Multiplier of these weapons. Additionally, if it successfully trips a foe with one of these weapons, the foe must pass a Fort Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be rendered Dazed and Blind for one round.

At level thirteen, each time it hits a foe with one of these weapons, it knocks them senseless, dealing two points of Intelligence damage.

At level sixteen, attacks with these weapons ignore all Damage Reduction, Hardness and Fortification (or other Resistance or Immunity to Critical Hits). Unattended objects that are struck must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be utterly destroyed.

Energy Resistance (Ex): starting at second level, the stonelike body of the Continental Drifter resists the most common of elemental sources. It gains Acid, Cold, Electricity and Fire Resistance equal to its hit dice plus its Constitution Bonus.

Fortified Might (Ex): the third-level Continental Drifter is less a creature and more just a bad-natured piece of terrain. It is Immune to extra damage from Critical Hits and Sneak Attack, unless the attacker has at least five ranks in Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) or Knowledge (Geology). It is also Immune to Stunning, Sickening, Nausea, Fatigue, Exhaustion and Poison.

Inertial Collision (Ex): when the fifth-level Continental Drifter charges at people, they notice. Providing it hits, it may move into their space in addition to dealing damage as normal. The target must then pass a Ref Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or fall Prone and have the Continental Drifter’s weight added to their own encumbrance. If they succeed on the save, they move to an adjacent unoccupied square – if none is available, they suffer as though having failed the save.

Mettle (Ex): starting at level six, any time the Continental Drifter succeeds at a Fort or Will Save for partial effect, it instead takes no effect.

Adamantite Body (Ex): at level six, the Continental Drifter’s body becomes even harder and heavier. Its Damage Reduction can only be overcome by both Magic and Adamantine.

Sword-Breaker (Ex): non-magical weapons simply shatter against the body of the eighth-level Continental Drifter, doing no damage to it. Magical weapons deal damage as normal, but the attacker must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or drop the weapon and suffer 1d10 points of Non-Lethal damage from the recoil. Unarmed Attacks and Natural Weapons that fail to do at least one point of damage result in the attacker taking the rolled damage instead.

Inevitable Movement (Ex): starting at level nine, the Continental Drifter cannot be stopped – it always reaches its destination. It cannot be Slowed, Entangled or Paralyzed. Additionally, it gains the Earth Glide ability, moving at its full regular speed.

Improved Mettle (Ex): at level eleven, any time the Continental Drifter fails a Fort or Will Save for a partial effect, it instead suffers partial effect as though it had passed the save without Mettle. This does not effect things that offer a Fort or Will Save to Negate.

Stone Juggernaut (Ex): upon reaching level twelve, the Continental Drifter grows to Large Size. Its Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour each increase by 2, but its Dexterity is reduced by 2. Additionally, it may charge through people, picking any target it wants in a straight line and barrelling through anyone in the way (attempting to Overrun them). It also gains the Rock-Throwing ability of a Mountain Giant.

Diamond Body (Ex): the body of the fourteenth-level Continental Drifter shows glimmers of raw diamond and emerald all throughout it, and it’s not just for cosmetic effect. Its Damage Reduction cannot be overcome by any material (ie DR X/-) and it gains Spell Resistance equal to its hit dice plus ten.

Stone Titan (Ex): at level fifteen, the Continental Drifter grows larger still, increasing to Huge Size. Its Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour each increase by another 4 points, and its Dexterity is reduced by another 2. Furthermore, it can cause localised Earthquakes (as the spell, centred on its own location) at will simply by stomping as a Standard Action.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Genie: Dao
Manual of the Planes, page 172. CR 7, level 8 - grants Limited Wishes.

Earthen Khan
The Dao is a Large, solid, strong Outsider that can disguise itself, turn invisible at will, make magical illusions and grant limited Wishes. So it has a mixed bag of abilities that include "being an Earth Genie" but also lean toward tricks that help it get in close for smashing people with a warhammer. As an Evil Outsider, it probably wants to be a Blackguard sort of thing, but it's also important that, as a Genie, it still makes use of Genie abilities. In this case, being a slaver of mining communities.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Forgery, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography, Nobility & Royalty, The Planes), Listen, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Proficiencies: the Earthen Khan is proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons, and Light and Medium Armour, but not with Shields.
1+0+2+0+2Dark Blessing, Detect Minerals, Smite Mortals
2+1+3+0+3Invisibility Sphere 3/day, Flaywind Burst at will
3+2+3+1+3Summon Steed, Haboob at will, Command Undead 3/day
4+3+4+1+4Scrying 1/day, Find the Path at will, Aura of Despair
5+3+4+1+4Self-Serving Wishes, Dominate Person 1/day
6+4+5+2+5Improved Invisibility 1/day, Suggestion at will
7+5+5+2+5Earthquake at will, Widened Auras
8+6+6+2+6Entombing Smite, Create Undead 1/day
9+6+6+3+6Flesh to Stone 1/day, Divine Splendour
10+7+7+3+7Limit Break, Overwhelming Aura
11+8+7+3+7Create Greater Undead 1/day
12+9+8+4+8Ocean of Earth, Minion of Soil and Stone

Dark Blessing (Su): the Earthen Khan is protected by profane forces. He adds his Charisma Bonus to all Saving Throws. Furthermore, if a foe within ten feet subjects him to an effect that allows a Saving Throw and he passes the save, the foe becomes Sickened for one minute. This is considered an Aura.

Detect Minerals (Sp): any time he is standing on unworked ground, the Earthen Khan may spend a Full Round Action to reach out and sense the minerals around him. He becomes aware of the presence of precious stones or metals or even oil and coal within one mile per class level, providing it has not already been dug up. After a minute of concentrating, he can locate specific minerals and pinpoint their locations. In the case of caves and mines, tunnels alone do not count as worked ground unless they are paved or similar effort has been put in to making the floor flat and even.

Smite Mortals (Su): once per minute, the Earthen Khan may deliver a deadly Smite attack against mortal creatures – Humanoids, Animals, Monstrous Humanoids, Giants, Magical Beasts, Plants, Fey and Oozes. This is declared before making an attack roll, but is considered part of the attack and not an action in its own right. He adds his Charisma Bonus to the attack roll and, if it hits, it deals additional damage equal to his hit dice total. Against a creature not of the types listed, he gains none of these bonuses and the attempt is wasted for the minute.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Earthen Khan learns a number of Spell-Like Abilities as he gains levels. The Caster Level equals his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus.

Summon Steed (Sp): starting at level three, the Earthen Khan can summon a Fiendish Bulette once per day. It lasts for one hour per hit die or until slain, and loyally follows the commands of the Khan as though through summoned by a Summon Monster spell. Every level he gains beyond third, it gains an additional hit die, and +1 to its Natural Armour and Strength. Furthermore, it has the Earth Glide ability, and bestows it upon its rider at all times.

Aura of Despair (Su): all enemies within fifteen feet of the fourth-level Earthen Khan suffer from a feeling of dread and despair. They suffer a -2 Penalty to all Saving Throws while they remain in the area, and if they attack the Khan but miss, they are overcome with despair, treated as Dazed for one round.

Self-Serving Wishes (Sp): starting at level five, the Earthen Khan has no need to be generous to mortals and may grant itself its Limited Wishes.

Widened Auras (Su): at level seven, all of the Earthen Khan’s Auras are doubled in radius – its Dark Blessing and Aura of Despair, along with any others it may have picked up through other abilities, feats, items or whatever.

Entombing Smite (Su): whenever the eighth-level Earthen Khan uses its Smite Mortals ability against a valid target and hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus). If failed, they sink into the ground beneath them and are entombed. Suffocation can follow from this, and how they escape is entirely their problem.

Divine Splendour (Su): anybody who wishes to attack the ninth-level Earthen Khan must first attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus). If they fail, they cannot attack him until the next sunrise. If they pass, they are immune until the next sunrise, so may continue attacking to their heart's content.

Limit Break (Sp): at level ten, the Earthen Khan’s Limited Wishes instead become regular Wishes, subject only to the limitations on actual Wishes according to the rulebook and the damage-control house rules of your table.

Overwhelming Aura (Su): the penalties caused by the tenth-level Khan’s Aura of Despair are doubled. Furthermore, the duration of its Dazed effect, and of Dark Blessing’s Sickened effect, are also doubled.

Ocean of Earth (Su): an Earthen Khan of level twelve may manipulate the very ground so that it swallows people like liquid: with a Full Round Action at will, he transforms all unworked earth and stone within up to one mile per hit die (less if he wants) such that it has the properties of water, and anybody inside must either sink, swim, or use Earth Glide. Creatures with the [Earth] Subtype can breathe just fine, others treat it the same as humans treat water: very poorly. Creatures with the [Air] Subtype can't even hold their breath, and start making Constitution checks to avoid suffocation instantly. This lasts for ten minutes.

Lord of Soil and Stone (Sp): at level twelve, the Earthen Khan may cast Summon Elemental Monolith once per day with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. It can only summon an Earth Monolith in this manner, but need not concentrate on the effect.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Genie: Djinni
Monster Manual, page 114. CR 5, level 7

Djinn Sultan
The Djinn Sultan is a Djinn who rules over others. They gain powers that let them boss others about and impose their will on reality. They also become good at giving gifts to mortals, only to then bring those favours up as debts. The Djinn Sultan largely works like a Wizard of sorts.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Perform (Oratory), Sense Motive, Spot
Proficiencies: the Djinn Sultan is proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons
1+0+2+2+2Wind Wall at will, Control Winds 1/day, Eyes of the Sultan
2+1+3+3+3Garb of the Sultan, Solid Fog at will, Quickened Command at will
3+2+3+3+3Greater Invisibility 1/day, Mortal Lure
4+3+4+4+4Hand of the Sultan
5+3+4+4+4Telekinesis 1/day, Mirage Arcana 1/day
6+4+5+5+5Control Weather 1/day, Voice of the Sultan
7+5+5+5+5Feast of the Sultan, Doomtide 1/day
8+6+6+6+6Whirlwind 1/day, Maze at will
9+6+6+6+6Wrath of the Sultan
10+7+7+7+7Air Hammer
11+8+7+7+7Planar Travel Pass
12+9+8+8+8Greater Whirlwind 1/day
13+9+8+8+8Storm of Vengeance 1/day, Will of the Sultan

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as he gains levels, the Djinn Sultan gains access to a variety of Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus.

Eyes of the Sultan (Ex): the Djinn Sultan can constantly see Invisible creatures – even Ethereal and Incorporeal ones. The only way to be hidden is to actually be hidden.

Garb of the Sultan (Su): starting at second level, the Djinn Sultan can change the appearance of his garb with a Swift Action at will – as though casting Disguise Self but affecting only his clothing and armour. With a Full Round Action, he may also cast Greater Luminous Armour upon himself, without needing to pay the Sacrifice cost, and may use an Immediate Action to end the effect and activate a Sonic Shield effect instead.

Mortal Lure (Sp): just like a Noble Djinn, the third-level Sultan can grant three Wishes per day to mortal creatures. However, he also permanently gains Immunity to the [Mind-Affecting] effects of such creatures and can never again be bound by them through means such as Planar Binding. Additionally, anybody who receives one or more of these Wishes suffers a -4 Penalty on all Saving Throws against his effects until the next New Moon.

Hand of the Sultan (Ex): starting at level four, the Djinn Sultan can interact with Incorporeal and Ethereal things as though they lacked those traits. He effectively has an innate Ghost Touch property, which he then bestows upon all things he touches. Furthermore, any time he hits somebody with a melee attack, he may make a free Bullrush attempt – he does not move forward with them, but can force them back further than 5 feet.

Voice of the Sultan (Su): the sixth-level Djinn Sultan gains the Fascinate ability of a PHB Bard, able to imbue Suggestions in the same manner. Additionally, once per minute he may cast any Power Word spell with a Spell Level of six or lower, however it becomes a [Language-Dependent] effect for him.

Feast of the Sultan (Su): starting at level seven, the Djinn Sultan may break bread with people and cast Heroes’ Feast for every single meal. Those who benefit from the effects will, for the next 12 hours, resist unpleasant weather (3 levels of Protection against Heat and Cold) and be suitably hydrated. However, for the same duration they suffer a -4 Penalty to save against the [Mind-Affecting] effects of the Sultan.

Wrath of the Sultan (Su): anybody who hits the ninth-level Djinn Sultan with an attack or spell instantly suffers a curse as Bestow Curse with a Save DC of 10 + half his level + his Charisma Bonus. With a Standard Action, he may then cast Rebuke or Greater Rebuke at such a cursed creature. This ends the Curse, but any penalties from the Curse (such as generic penalties) apply long enough to affect the Saving Throw.

Air Hammer (Su): once per minute, the tenth-level Djinn Sultan can unleash a Quickened Telekinesis, however only the Violent Thrust version.

Planar Travel Pass (Su): the eleventh-level Djinn Sultan is inherently allowed in any Plane he goes – whether it be Finality, a section of Baator, or anywhere else. This means he is free from normal pass-checking harassment of Amnizu, the deadly cold of Cania and similar. He may write out similar passes for others as well, providing they travel with him, and additionally he may cast Greater Planeshift at will.

Will of the Sultan (Ex): upon reaching level thirteen, the Djinn Sultan can grant Wishes to himself. The limit of three per day still applies.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Genie: Efreeti
Monster Manual, page 115. CR 8, level 10 - grants Wishes

Solar Overlord
The Solar Overlord is a natural progression for the Efreeti, gaining more fire and fear effects and the ability to spread a lot of fires around. They can also command and dominate plenty of people, so they're sort of a Wizard who trades some of the choice and variety for better fighting ability.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Proficiencies: the Solar Overlord is proficient with Light Armour, and all Simple and Martial Weapons
1+1+2+0+2Dominate Person 1/day, Eternal Debt
2+2+3+0+3Control Undead 1/day, Bully Foes
3+3+3+1+3Quickened Command at will, Fiery Terror
4+4+4+1+4Geas/Quest 1/day, Fiery Sphere Access
5+5+4+1+4Planar Binding 1/day, Touch of Brass
6+6+5+2+5Quickened Greater Command 3/day, Oath of Blood 1/day
7+7+5+2+5Dominate Monster 1/day, Shout of Spreading Flames
8+8+6+2+6Familial Geas 1/day, Greater Planar Binding 1/day
9+9+6+3+6Fiery Sphere Access, Greater Planeshift 2/day
10+10+7+3+7Gate 1/day, Planar Palace

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Solar Overlord gains a variety of Spell-Like Abilities over time. The Caster Level equals his hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus.

Eternal Debt (Su): any time the Solar Overlord grants somebody a Wish, they are forever in his debt and he can leverage this against them. His [Mind-Affecting] effects ignore any Immunities they might have against them, and deny Spell Resistance as well. Furthermore, they suffer a -4 Penalty to Save against them. This only applies when actually granting Wishes that are requested, not simply casting it on people.

Bully Foes (Ex): starting at second level, the Solar Overlord can bully people around the place when he Demoralises them. He can still choose to inflict the standard penalty if he wishes, but he may also choose to, if successful, force the target to retreat. As an Immediate Action, the target has to retreat five feet, plus another five feet for every point by which the check succeeds, up to their Movement Speed. If they have already spent their Immediate Action, then this movement consumes a Move-Equivalent Action on their following turn. This also extends the duration of any ongoing detrimental [Mind-Affecting] effects on the target for 3 rounds, and if they are on fire they instantly take damage again. Multiple uses of this ability in the same round on the same target do not stack – even if by different Overlords – however the extended duration will stack if used on multiple turns.

Fiery Terror (Su): whenever the third-level Solar Overlord deals Fire damage to a foe – even through Spells or magic items – there is a chance they will catch fire. If the attack allowed a saving throw, they catch fire on a failed save. Otherwise they catch fire as long as they suffer enough damage to bypass any Fire Resistance and reduce their Hit Points. If a character catches fire, he is allowed a free Demoralise attempt against them.

Fiery Sphere Access: at level four, the Solar Overlord gains Basic Access to his choice of either the Fire or Pyre Sphere. At level nine, he may gain Basic Access to the other, or improve his Basic Access to Advanced.

Touch of Brass (Su): at level five, the Solar Overlord can’t quite turn people to gold, but close enough: with a Standard Action it can make a Touch Attack against any creature or object, and if it hits, they must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus). If they fail the save and are also below half their maximum Hit Points, they are permanently transformed into a brass statue, as an Instantaneous effect.

Shout of Spreading Flames (Su): the seventh-level Solar Overlord can shout hard enough to make fire spread about. He spends a Standard Action yelling, and any open flame or burning creature within earshot suddenly finds the flames soaring out. Creatures adjacent to these sources of fire must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or instantly suffer 3d6 points of Fire damage and catch fire.

Planar Palace (Ex): at level ten, the Solar Overlord is granted his own planar palace. This can be hidden away somewhere in the Plane of Fire or a similarly pro-fire plane, or it can be within the Prime Material Plane, inside the actual Sun. It is immune to all the fire that is happening, it is fully furnished (with fire-Immune furniture), and he probably uses his Greater Planeshift to move to and from it – or simply uses Gates. At any given time, this palace typically houses a great many Fire Elementals, Efreeti, Salamanders, Fire/Steam/Magma Mephits, and possibly even a Fire Weird, who all more-or-less call the place home, or are at least guests willing to do business or provide information.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Genie: Janni
Monster Manual, page 116. CR 4, level 5

Harmonic Manifestation
The Janni is only level five, so has a lot of potential. The Harmonic Manifestation is one form of that potential, becoming more genielike but also better at adventuring in various planes. They also tend to get elemental power in general, becoming spellcasters based on all the elements.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Climb, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Dance), Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble
Proficiencies: the Harmonic Manifestation gains proficiency with all Simple and Martial Weapons
1+1+0+2+2Enhanced Elemental Endurance, Sanctuary at will, Calm Emotions at will
2+2+0+3+3Lesser Elemental Power
3+3+1+3+3Vital Energy Protection 10, Instant Forge
4+4+1+4+4Improved Elemental Power
5+5+1+4+4Planar Tolerance, Peacebond at will
6+6+2+5+5Greater Elemental Power
7+7+2+5+5Commune With Nature 1/day, Energy Immunity 1/ay
8+8+2+6+6Superior Elemental Power
9+9+3+6+6Ethereal Jaunt 1/day, Planar Travel Pass
10+10+3+7+7Mighty Elemental Power, Planar Bubble at will
11+11+3+7+7Aura of Contentment
12+12+4+8+8Overwhelming Elemental Power
13+13+4+8+8Vital Energy Protection 20, Summon Elemental Monolith 1/day
14+14+4+9+9Perfect Elemental Power
15+15+5+9+9Wish 1/day, Precipitate Planar Breach 1/day, Planar Perinarch 1/day

Enhanced Elemental Endurance (Ex): the Harmonic Manifestation can last longer in the Inner Planes. She can last for an entire week before harm starts.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as she gains levels, the Harmonic Manifestation gains additional Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals her hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Lesser Elemental Power (Sp): starting at level two, the Harmonic Manifestation is able to draw upon a variety of elemental effects. She can cast any one of each of the following categories per day, with a Caster Level equal to her hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus:
-Air: Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt, Cone of Cold, Expeditious Retreat
-Earth: Soften Earth and Stone, Earth Glide
-Fire: Fireball, Heat Metal, Pyrotechnics
-Water: Chill Metal, Grease, Obscuring Mist
-Wood: Entangle, Pass Without Trace
Whenever she has either expended none of her elements or all of them, she is considered Balanced: she gains the Slippery Mind ability when Balanced.

Vital Energy Protection (Ex): at level three, the Harmonic Manifestation gains 10 points of Energy Resistance against damage from Positive or Negative Energy. At level thirteen this increases to 20.

Instant Forge (Su): as long as the third-level Harmonic Manifestation is Balanced, she can cast Fabricate and Major Creation at will.

Improved Elemental Power (Sp): the fourth-level Harmonic Manifestation has a second tier of elemental powers. These work the same as the first, however it is an entirely separate pool. As such, she can use one Spell-Like Ability of each elemental type from the initial list, and one of each elemental type from the second. She must still expend either no powers at all, or all of them from all tiers, in order to be Balanced. From this point on, when Balanced she also gains the ability to walk across any solid or liquid surface without falling - even along walls - providing she ends her movement standing on solid ground.
-Air: Glitterdust, Shocking Ray (Scorching Ray that deals Electricity), Gaseous Form
-Earth: Earthen Grasp, Spike Stones, Haboob
-Fire: Scorching Ray, Flamestrike, Fire Shield
-Water: Icy Sphere, Creeping Cold, Quench, Sleet Storm
-Wood: Wood Shape, Warp Wood, Barkskin

Planar Tolerance (Ex): the fifth-level Harmonic Manifestation can exist happily on any plane at all, and ignores harmful planar traits such “always on fire” or “trapping”.

Greater Elemental Power (Sp): at level six, the Harmonic Manifestation has a third tier of elemental powers.
-Air: Orb of Electricity, Call Lightning Storm, Wind Wall
-Earth: Stone Shape, Stoneskin, Flaywind Burst
-Fire: Firetrap, Orb of Fire, Wall of Fire
-Water: Water Walk, Control Water, Ice Storm
-Wood: Plant Growth, Poison
When Balanced (again, requiring either no expenditures or all tiers of all elements), she benefits from Evasion.

Planar Travel Pass (Su): the ninth-level Harmonic Manifestation is inherently allowed in any Plane she goes – whether it be Finality, a section of Baator, or anywhere else. This means she is free from normal pass-checking harassment of Amnizu, the deadly cold of Cania and similar. She may write out similar passes for others as well, valid while they travel with her, and additionally she may cast Greater Planeshift at will.

Superior Elemental Power (Sp): at level eight, the Harmonic Manifestation has a fourth tier of elemental powers.
-Air: Chain Lightning, Control Winds, Freedom of Movement, Solid Fog
-Earth: Disintegrate, Stone Grasp, Stone Tell
-Fire: Charnal Fire, Fire Storm
-Water: Polar Ray, Wall of Water, Wall of Ice
-Wood: Command Plants, Antiplant Shell, Poison Vines
When Balanced, she is now immune to [Death] effects.

Mighty Elemental Power (Sp): at level ten, the Harmonic Manifestation has a fifth tier of elemental powers.
-Air: Sonic Shield, Overland Flight
-Earth: Transmute Rock to Mud, Wall of Stone
-Fire: Sunburst, Parboil
-Water: Freezing Sphere, Flashflood
-Wood: Transport via Plants, Wall of Thorns, Changestaff
Now when Balanced, she is also immune to Negative Levels/Energy Drain, and Ability Drain.

Aura of Contentment (Su): starting at level eleven, the Harmonic Manifestation radiates a Spread of Contentment effect out to 25 feet. She can suppress or resume this with a Standard Action at will.

Overwhelming Elemental Power (Sp): at level twelve, the Harmonic Manifestation has a sixth tier of elemental powers.
-Air: Control Weather, Thunder Field
-Earth: Move Earth, Transmute Mud to Rock
-Fire: Incendiary Cloud, Ashen Union
-Water: Acid Fog, Red Tide, Depthsurge
-Wood: Liveoak, Ironwood
When Balanced, she is now Immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Perfect Elemental Power (Sp): the fourteenth-level Harmonic Manifestation unlocks the seventh and final tier of elemental powers.
-Air: Telekinetic Sphere, Whirlwind
-Earth: Flesh to Stone, Earthquake
-Fire: Fire Seeds, Blackfire, Quickened Fireball
-Water: Freezing Fog, Heat Drain
-Wood: Transmute Metal to Wood, Animate Plants
At this point, when Balanced she benefits from Freedom of Movement and has Improved Evasion.
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Post by Koumei »

Full Genie Hero
Despite being the most worldly (or “least elemental” perhaps) and weakest of the genies, the Janni is still a full genie. If you wondered what sort of genie could create a half genie hero with the ability to turn into animals and things by shaking dem hips, then the answer is this: the Full Genie Hero. This class works primarily as a shapeshifter, like a Druid who doesn’t cast spells. She still has access, however, to a variety of other powers that look a lot like Bard abilities (because for the most part, they are), to help out when “turning into an elephant” isn’t the ideal answer to a problem, even though I can’t think of many problems where that isn’t a good answer.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (any), Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device
Proficiency: the Full Genie Hero is proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons, as well as the Great Scimitar and Great Falchion
1+0+0+2+2Transformation Dances (Animals and Vermin)
2+1+0+3+3Seer Dance
3+2+1+3+3Transformation Dances (Humanoids and Similar)
4+3+1+4+4Refresh Dance
5+3+1+4+4Transformation Dance (Tree Creatures)
6+4+2+5+5Bewildering Dance
7+5+2+5+5Transformation Dance (Scaled Beasts)
8+6+2+6+6Spark Dance
9+6+3+6+6Transformation Dance (Giant Beasts)
10+7+3+7+7Sword Dance
11+8+3+7+7Transformation Dance (Mystical Creatures)
12+9+4+8+8Quake Dance
13+9+4+8+8Transformation Dance (Weirds)
14+10+4+9+9Irresistable Dance
15+11+5+9+9Transformation Dance (Outsiders), Wish Dance

Transformation Dances (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Full Genie Hero may dance such that she magically transforms into another creature. This lasts for a number of minutes equal to her ranks in Perform, or until her form is reduced to zero hit points, or until she spends a Swift Action ending the effect – whichever happens first. Damage carries over between forms, so if she becomes a 5 HP animal and takes 10 damage, she is shifted back to normal form with 10 damage suffered, and if she becomes a mammoth and takes a lot of damage, then changing back might be lethal. There is no limit to the number of times per day this may be used.

At first level, she may transform into any Animal or Vermin with no more hit dice than her ranks in Perform. Her character sheet is replaced entirely by that of the creature, other than the ability to transform back, and she retains her own memories and personality but no other special abilities.

At level three, she may take on the forms of certain creatures that are considered people, even if they are not subject to Hold Person. In this instance, she merely gains the appearance, movement speeds, natural weapons, and any non-spellcasting Special Attacks and Qualities that are available, but essentially retains her own character sheet – her hit points, Ability Scores, Base Attack Bonus, Saving Throws and so on remain unchanged. She may become a Harpy, Merfolk, Asherati, Scorpionfolk, Drider or Ettercap.

At level five, she may become a tree creature – much like with animals, this replaces her entire character sheet with that of the creature, other than the ability to turn back, keeping her Alignment and personality, and damage carrying over between forms. She may become any of the following, provided the hit dice is no more than her ranks in Perform: Ironmaw, Ironthorn, Night Twist, Octopus Tree, Saguaro Sentinel, Treant

At level seven, she may become a variety of Scaled Beasts, with the same replacements and limitations as with Animals, Vermin and Tree Creatures: she may beome a Basilisk, Wyvern, Dragonne, or Spawn of Tiamat. In the latter case, she does not gain spellcasting ability from them. She still cannot become a creature with more hit dice than her ranks in Perform.

At level nine, she may turn into a Giant Beast, using the same restrictions and character sheet replacement as before. She may now also become a Dragon Turtle, Gathra, Kraken, Kuldurath, Leviathan, Roc, Sea Drake or Tlalusk.

At level eleven, she may take on the forms of certain Mystical Creatures, in the same manner as the other forms other than “People”. She may become any Sphinx, Genie or Naga, or a Chimera or Thunderbird, still subject to the usual limits.

At level thirteen, she may transform into a Weird. Instead of gaining Sorcerer spellcasting, she can simply cast all of the Domain Spells as Spell-Like Abilities, once each per transformation.

At level fifteen, she may simply become any Outsider, using the usual limitations and replacements. She does not gain any spellcasting ability in this instance.

Seer Dance (Sp): starting at second level, the Full Genie Hero may spend a minute of uninterrupted dance of the seers and oracles, creating a magical effect: she may duplicate any of the following: Scrying, Locate Creature, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Locate Object, Divination. The Caster Level equals her hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus.

Refresh Dance (Sp): starting at level four, the Full Genie Hero may perform a magical dance as a Full Round Action to replicate a Mass Cure Light Wounds effect. This increases to Mass Cure Moderate Wounds at level eight, and Mass Cure Serious Wounds at level twelve. The Caster Level equals her ranks in Perform, and for Undead, the Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus. Despite being a Spell-Like Ability, this has Somatic Components which means she risks Spell Failure if Entangled and can’t cast in a Grapple.

Bewildering Dance (Su): from level six onwards, the Full Genie Hero may use a Full Round Action to may a dance so avant-garde and surprising, or simply so delightful to watch, that onlookers are left unsure of what to do next, or in some cases forget they’re in a fight altogether. Anyone within Close Range must make a Will Save or become Dazed for one round, with a successful save rendering them immune until the next sunrise. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Spark Dance (Su): starting at level eight, the Full Genie Hero is able to move up to ten feet when making a 5’ step, and may even do so with an Immediate Action. Any opponent adjacent to a space she enters with this ability takes 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus).

Sword Dance (Su): as long as the tenth-level Full Genie Hero spends a Move-Equivalent Action dancing every turn, she is considered to have a Base Attack Bonus equal to her hit dice, and she may make a Perform (Dance) check at the start of each of her turns. For every 10 points the result exceeds 10, she may make one extra Attack of Opportunity before her next turn, and for every 20 full points it exceeds 10, she gains a +1 Bonus to attack rolls and +1d6 to the damage.

Quake Dance (Sp): at level twelve, the Full Genie Hero may use a minute-long magical dance at will to create an Earthquake, as the spell, with a Caster Level equal to ranks in Perform and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus. Despite being a Spell-Like Ability, this has Somatic Components which means she risks Spell Failure if Entangled and can’t cast in a Grapple.

Irresistable Dance (Sp): at level fourteen, the Full Genie Hero may cast Otto’s Irresistable Dance with a Full Round Action, with a Caster Level equal to her ranks in Perform. Despite being a Spell-Like Ability, this has Somatic Components which means she risks Spell Failure if Entangled and can’t cast in a Grapple.

Wish Dance (Sp): at level fifteen, the Full Genie Hero may once per day dance for a full hour, uninterrupted, and in doing so grant three Wishes – to herself or anybody else.
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Post by Koumei »

Genie: Khayal
Tome of Magic, page 162. CR 6, level 7 - requires (and allows) constant trips to Plane of Shadow

The Khayal has to make regular trips to the Plane of Shadow, and has the ability to do just that - this has the potential to be a problem, so check beforehand. It's not the kind of thing the class needs to address, however.

Not just an Emir, the Malik is a king and ruler over Khayal, and great at doing what they do: casting shadow magic, fighting in a light Rogue sort of way, and deceiving others. So basically it plays mostly like a Shadow Dancer, but with a bit of Shadow Magic on the side. If I remembered who Malik was in Yu-Gi-Oh! we'd have references to him, too.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble
Proficiency: the Malik is proficient with Light Armour, and Simple and Martial Weapons
1+0+0+2+2Uncanny Dodge, Veil of Shadows
2+1+0+3+3Umbral Mind
3+2+1+3+3Evasion, Sneak Attack +1d6
4+3+1+4+4Dark Reflections
5+3+1+4+4Ebon Whispers
6+4+2+5+5Improved Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack +2d6
7+5+2+5+5Dark Metamorphosis
8+6+2+6+6Heart and Soul
9+6+3+6+6Improved Evasion, Sneak Attack +3d6
10+7+3+7+7Shadow Calling
11+8+3+7+7Ebon Walls
12+9+4+8+8Defensive Roll, Sneak Attack +4d6
13+9+4+8+8Master of Wishes

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): the Malik always retains his Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Paths and Mysteries (Sp): the Malik gains access to a lot of Paths, and each Path grants him the ability to cast the Mysteries as Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus. He cannot cast a Mystery with a Level of more than half his Caster Level (round up). If the Level is 1-3 it can be cast three times per day, and as a Supernatural Ability. If the Level is 4-6 it can be cast two times per day. If the Level is 7-9 it can be cast only once per day.

Evasion (Ex): at level three, the Malik gains Evasion – any time he succeeds on a Reflex Save for half damage, he instead suffers no damage.

Sneak Attack (Ex): at every third level, the Malik’s Sneak Attack ability improves by 1d6.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): at level six, the Malik’s Uncanny Dodge improves. He can no longer be Flanked.

Improved Evasion (Ex): the Evasion of the ninth-level Malik improves such that any time he fails a Reflex Save for half damage, he only takes half damage.

Defensive Roll (Ex): at level twelve, the Malik can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than it otherwise would. Once per day, when it would be reduced to zero or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the Malik can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, it must attempt a Reflex Save (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, it takes only half damage (ignoring Evasion); if it fails, it takes full damage (ignoring Improved Evasion). It must be aware of the attack to execute its Defensive Roll – but with Uncanny Dodge, that’s fairly likely.

Master of Wishes (Sp): the thirteenth-level Malik unlocks the greatest power of genies, and can grant three Wishes per day, even to himself. The Caster Level is 20, he cannot create anything with a value of more than 15,000 GP, and any Save DC is 20 + his Intelligence Bonus. Note that if he grants someone else a Wish, they don’t define the parameters and just use his casting power – they make a request and he then casts Wish and chooses to do as he pleases unless they actually have control over him, so he can (and likely will) be a dick about it and interpret “I wish for money” as “I wish to be attacked by elementals”.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Genie: Marid
Manual of the Planes, page 173. CR 9, level 10 - grants Limited Wishes.

The Rainmaker is a direct reference to "Rainmaker" Kazuchika Okada. However, Okada is leader of the Chaos faction, and all Genies aspire to be factional leaders (and indeed royalty), and the Marid is, by virtue of its watery nature, Chaotic, so it just stands to reason for a Marid to truly advance to a Rainmaker. It has a variety of powerful attacks in close combat, but also brings watery Chaos across the world to destroy things for it and spread its wet influence.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Concentration, Craft (any), Escape Artist, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope
1+1+2+2+0Storm Warning, Rain Maker, Transformation of the Deeps 3/day
2+2+3+3+0Strength of Chaotic Water, Jig of the Waves at will
3+3+3+3+1Aura of Influence, Siren's Call at will
4+4+4+4+1RAIN MAKER!, Waterspout 3/day
5+5+4+4+1Ocean Strider, Acid Fog 1/hour
6+6+5+5+2Raining Money, Heavy Rain, Depthsurge 3/day
7+7+5+5+2RRRRRAINMAKER!!!, Red Tide 2/day
8+8+6+6+2Chaos Captain, Flowsight at will, Flashflood 1/hour
9+9+6+6+3Crashing Waves of Chaos, Maelstrom 2/day
10+10+7+7+3Ocean of Chaos, Doom of the Seas 1/day

Storm Warning (Su): wherever the Rainmaker goes, he brings the rain. He is treated as the central casting point of Control Weather, always in effect, but only to create more rain than was otherwise going to fall. This still won’t make weather occur indoors.

Rain Maker (Ex): the Rainmaker’s signature attack is a mighty clothesline that knocks people over and potentially concusses them. Any time he flanks an opponent or is grappling them, he may use a Standard Action to make a Slam attack. This has a base damage of 6d6 (this is not increased or decreased by changes in size) plus one and a half times his Strength Bonus, and is considered a Magic Weapon with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per three levels (round up). The target, if hit, is knocked Prone and must pass a Fort Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or be Dazed for one round. If he wishes, he may maintain the Grapple by going prone as well, treated as Pinning the target.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as he gains levels, the Rainmaker gains access to a variety of Spell-Like Abilities. These have a Caster Level equal to his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus.

Strength of Chaotic Water (Su): starting at level two, the Rainmaker is hard to predict, injure and impede, his body flowing like actual water. He gains Immunity to Critical Hits and Sneak Attack as though he were an Elemental (this can be bypassed in the same way as for Elementals), and can move as though he has Freedom of Movement, ignoring hindering terrain and weather, though he can still be Grappled by foes.

Aura of Influence (Su): Chaotic allies of the third-level Rainmaker are enhanced by his charisma, wealth and kingly might. All allies within thirty feet of him, providing they have a Chaotic alignment or the [Chaotic] Subtype, are blessed with great evasiveness: they gain Evasion, and may use an Immediate Action to take a 5’ step or a Move Action. The Rainmaker himself benefits from this.

RAIN MAKER! (Ex): at level four, the Rainmaker’s signature attack becomes even better. Its Critical value becomes 18-20/x4, and a target that fails the Saving Throw is Stunned for 3 rounds and Dazed for one round (which only applies if the target is immune to the former but not the latter). On a Critical Hit, a failed Saving Throw results in them being knocked out for one minute.

Ocean Strider (Su): starting at level five, the Rainmaker can teleport through the ocean. Both the starting point and destination must be some part of the sea, but otherwise it functions as Teleport Without Error, the water not counting as an object for the purpose of “teleporting into an object”.

Raining Money (Su): a sixth-level Rainmaker can summon wealth at will. With a Standard Action, he may conjure gold from the sky, depositing 15,000 gold pieces across a thirty foot radius area. All other creatures in the area are affected as though by Glitterdust until the end of his next turn and instantly suffer 3d6 points of Piercing/Bludgeoning damage. Furthermore, the ground becomes Difficult Terrain until the money is scooped up.

Heavy Rain (Ex): starting at level six, if the Rainmaker Lifts a foe in a grapple, he may make a Trip attempt as a Swift Action. If successful, he hurls them onto their back and neck, dealing 20d6 damage and leaving them Fatigued. If they are already Fatigued, they become Exhausted until they rest.

RRRRRAINMAKER!!! (Su): at level seven, the Rainmaker’s signature move becomes supernaturally powerful. Creatures with the [Lawful], [Earth] or [Fire] Subtype that fail their saving throw are, if [Extraplanar], subject to a Banishment effect, and if not [Extraplanar] they are reduced to -1 Hit Points.

Chaos Captain (Su): creatures with the [Chaotic] Subtype do not attack the eighth-level Rainmaker unless he attacks them first – they just innately acknowledge his superiority. Additionally, once per day he may Summon four Anarchic Greater Water Elementals or two Anarchic Elder Water Elementals or one Waterveiled Assassin (MMV). This works as the standard Summon ability of Fiends and other Outsiders.

Crashing Waves of Chaos (Su): starting at level nine, when the Rainmaker charges someone, he smashes into them like a wave of water. He may deliver his Charge attack to all creatures in a 15x15 foot square, providing one of the squares is in the normal reach for his weapon. He makes one attack roll and applies it against all in the area. Furthermore, those struck are knocked Prone.

All allies that benefit from the Rainmaker’s Aura of Influence may also use this ability, and may do so even if he uses this ability and doing so moves the Aura away from them – providing they were within the Aura before he charged.

Ocean of Chaos (Su): once per hour, the tenth-level Rainmaker can flood his surroundings with water directly from the Ocean of Chaos that predates creation – or possibly from Pandemonium. It is treated as a Wall of Water effect, except it covers two hundred 5’ cubes that do not have to be in a straight line, merely one contiguous mass. Furthermore, all in the area that lack the [Chaotic] Subtype must pass both a Fortitude Save and a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) every round. Failing the Fort Save results in being Blinded until the creature leaves the water, failing the Will Save results in them being Confused until they leave the water.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Genie: Qorrashi
It's Cold Outside, page 131. CR 6, level 7.

Blessing of the Blizzards
The Qorrashi has a number of good qualities - a Large creature with Perfect Flight and extra cold damage (plus a penalty) on its melee attacks, Invisibility at will, elemental Plane Shifting,Telepathy, and a few Spell-Like Abilities (with multiple daily uses for the attacking ones). Its Natural Armour and Ability Scores are also all pretty good. Advancing, it wants to grant Wishes because it's a Genie, but it also wants to advance as a melee combatant with just a side of spellcasting. It probably also wants to apply coldness and freeze things because that's one of the key things that sets a Qorrashi aside from an Efreeti or Djinn or whatever.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Proficiencies: the Blessing of the Blizzards is proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons
1+1+2+2+0Permafrost, Cold and Collected
2+2+3+3+0Boreal Wind 3/day, Hypothermia
3+3+3+3+1Fabricate 3/day, Voice of Reason
4+4+4+4+1Chilling Effect, Pass Through Ice at will
5+5+4+4+1Freezing Form, Mass Frostburn 1/day
6+6+5+5+2Greater Aura of Cold 3/day, Frozen Strike
7+7+5+5+2Bestow Limited Wishes, Polar Ray at will
8+8+6+6+2Wall of Ice 3/day, Voice of Command
9+9+6+6+3Gaseous Form 3/day
10+10+7+7+3Glacier 3/day, Blizzard Form
11+11+7+7+3Bestow Wishes, Obedient Avalanche 1/day
12+12+8+8+4Entombing Smite, Fimbulwinter 1/week
13+13+8+8+4Avenging Iceberg, Obliterating Blizzard

Permafrost (Su): the Blessing of the Blizzards is colder than cold, and the added Cold damage from his melee attacks is Frostburn damage. Additionally, any of his Spell-Like Abilities that deals Cold damage in an Area of Effect leaves a thin layer of actual ice in the area. This is treated as a Grease spell that won’t go away until smashed with a bludgeoning weapon or exposed to any amount of magical or alchemical fire.

Cold and Collected (Ex): the Blessing of the Blizzards benefits from a constant Calm Emotions effect. He also enjoys a Competence Bonus on Sense Motive checks equal to half his hit dice.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Blessing of the Blizzards gains additional Spell-Like Abilities over time. The Caster Level equals his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 plus half his hit dice plus his Charisma Bonus.

Hypothermia (Ex): starting at second level, the Blessing of the Blizzards leaves people even less physically able after suffering from his attacks. If somebody is already Fatigued when he subjects them to Frostbite (including if they have already been rendered Fatigued by Frostbite on a previous turn), a failed saving throw leaves them Exhausted until the Cold damage is healed.

Voice of Reason (Su): when your mind is cold, it is easier to see sense, and talk that sense into others. By speaking as a Full Round Action, the third level Blessing of the Blizzards may create a Calm Emotions or Sanctuary effect, as a [Language-Dependent] effect, with a Save DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. In both cases, the effect lasts as long as he spends a Move-Equivalent Action speaking each turn. If combat has not yet started and hostilities are not active, he may instead use this to Fascinate like the Bardic performance.

Chilling Effect (Su): starting at level four, the melee attacks of the Blessing of the Blizzards also deal two points of Dexterity damage, multiplied on critical hits like normal. Creatures that do not suffer any Cold damage from the attack (whether by Immunity or just sufficient Resistance) do not suffer the Dexterity damage.

Freezing Form (Sp): upon reaching level five, the Blessing of the Blizzards is able to utilise his Gaseous Form Spell-Like Ability in a different way. He may cast it normally, or with a duration of 1 round per level, where his form isn’t just gas, but acts as a Freezing Fog spell with a size of Huge, with any creature sharing his space being considered in the Area of Effect.

Frozen Strike (Su): the sixth-level Blessing of the Blizzards gains the ability to channel icy magic through attacks. With a Standard Action at will, he may make a single melee attack and, if it hits, cast one of his available Spell-Like Abilities with the [Cold] Descriptor. The ability must target the struck opponent or, for an Area of Effect, include them in the area. They are still entitled to any Saving Throws and Spell Resistance.

Bestow Limited Wishes (Sp): upon reaching seventh level, the Blessing of the Blizzards gains a small amount of the power mistakenly attributed to all geniefolk. He can cast Limited Wish three times per day on behalf of mortal creatures - they must request the wish for him to use this power, but he is given reasonable leeway in being a dick about it.

Voice of Command (Su): the eighth-level Blessing of the Blizzards has a greater power of words. When he uses his Voice of Reason to Fascinate a creature, he may then cast Suggestion or Charm Monster upon them (Save DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus). If the attempt fails, they are no longer Fascinated and he cannot Fascinate them again until the sun next rises.

Blizzard Form (Sp): starting at level ten, when the Blessing of the Blizzards enters his Gaseous Form, he can choose the normal form, or a Freezing Fog, or may simply turn into a Blizzard. This still functions as a Gaseous Form, affecting an area as though he were Huge Size, and only lasting one round per level. Any creature sharing his space is subject to a Blizzard, with Hurricane-strength wind speed and Whiteout levels of snow. He may also choose for it to carry Razor Sleet.

Bestow Wishes (Sp): at level eleven, the Blessing of the Blizzards no longer grants Limited Wishes. Instead, he can grant up to three Wishes per day to non-genies, still requiring they be requested, and still providing a little leeway - if someone wants money, nothing stops it from raining on the person's head from the sky, if a Wizard wants "more power", it's perfectly reasonable to duplicate Bull's Strength for them and leave it at that.

Entombing Smite (Su): those who defy the level twelve Blessing of the Blizzards incur his wrath: if a creature damages him, then on his next turn he may use his Frozen Strike to channel Entomb despite not actually having that Spell-Like Ability. He can do this as often as others provoke it.

Avenging Iceberg (Sp): the thirteenth-level Blessing of the Blizzards can call the ice itself to rain down and crush his attackers. Once per day, with an Immediate Action he may counter an attack from an enemy – whether it is successful or not – with an Iceberg effect. Aside from how it is cast, this works the same as his other Spell-Like Abilities.

Obliterating Blizzard (Sp): upon reaching level thirteen, the Blessing of the Blizzards may become an even more powerful storm. When turning into a Blizzard Form, he may carry the power of the Howl of the North within the area, and generates an ongoing Cometstrike effect.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Ghoul: Ghast
Monster Manual, page 119. CR 3, level 4. [Unliving] Subtype.
Also possible as a level 3 Paragon Ghoul (Tome of Necromancy) with 4 character levels.

Ghastly Ravager
The Ghastly Ravager is basically the Blackguard of Ghasts. They run about killing people horribly, typically in close-ish combat. In this instance, they are Necrocarnum Soulborn, and an evil Soulborn is pretty much what a Blackguard wants to be so it's all good. After six levels of this, they are level ten and proceed to take actual Soulborn levels, skipping the first ten.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Spot
Proficiencies: the Ghastly Ravager is proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons, Light, Medium and Heavy Armour, and all Shields
1+1+2+0+2Soulblade, Soulmelds, Unholy Toughness2
2+2+3+0+3Dark Blessings, Soul Smite3
3+3+3+1+3Better Soulmelds, Arcane Sight3
4+4+4+1+4Pressing Assault3
5+5+4+1+4Advanced Soulmelds, Blood of Necrocarnum4
6+6+5+2+5Necrocarnum Master, Dead Soul4

Soulblade (Su): with a Swift Action, a Ghastly Ravager can call into existence a weapon of eerie black necrocarnum. This is a Light weapon that deals 1d10 damage (plus bonuses as normal) and has a threat range of 18-20. It has an Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of the Ravager’s hit dice (round up). The moment it ever leaves the Ravager’s hand it vanishes, though it can create another with a Swift Action. The damage dealt by this is Force damage (and as such is a [Force] effect that ignores Hardness and suffers no Miss Chance against Incorporeal opponents). At its discretion, it may elect to deal Negative Energy damage instead (healing Undead – even itself – as normal).

Soulmelds (Su): the Ghastly Ravager has the ability to call upon a number of eerie black intangible wardrobe accessories that are powered by its necrocarnum – the magic of its undead soul. At first level, it knows three of these. After this, it learns two new ones at each even level and one at each odd level. Each is unique and should be named – check the random table for the Soulborn class, but replace every entry on the first column with “Black”, “Dark”, “Grey” or similar. These work exactly the same as Soulborn Soulmelds, using its total hit dice for its level, however it cannot choose Nimbus of Light or Animal Summoning. It begins with two Chakra, then gains a third at level two, and a fourth at level five. For the Basic Bonus, the Ghastly Ravager also has the option of an Enhancement Bonus to its Turn Resistance (+1 per 3 hit dice, round up).

At level three it gains access to Better Soulmelds. At level five it gains access to Advanced Soulmelds but may not select Aura of Luck.

Unholy Toughness (Ex): the Ghastly Ravager may add its Charisma Bonus to Hit Points gained per level in place of its Constitution Bonus (remembering it is [Unliving] and thus has a Constitution Score) if it so wishes.

Dark Blessings (Su): starting at level two, the Ghastly Ravager may add its Charisma Bonus as a Profane Bonus to all of its Saving Throws.

Soul Smite (Su): a Ghastly Ravager of second level or higher can declare itself to be Soul Smiting with a Swift Action. For the rest of its turn, the attacks it makes add its Charisma Bonus to the attack roll and its hit dice total to the damage roll. After a Soul Smite is declared, it cannot be used again for ten rounds.

Arcane Sight (Su): starting at level three, the Ghastly Ravager benefits from an Arcane Sight effect at all times.

Pressing Assault (Ex): from fourth level onwards, whenever an opponent uses a 5’ step within the threatened area of the Ghastly Ravager, this provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Ravager.

Blood of Necrocarnum (Su): a fifth-level Ghastly Ravager regains blood... of sorts. Any time it suffers damage from a physical attack, all adjacent creatures suffer 1 point of Negative Energy damage as Necrocarnum splashes out. Adjacent Undead will instead regain a single hit point.

Dead Soul (Su): if a sixth-level Ghastly Ravager is ever destroyed and is not in Consecrated or Hallowed ground at the time of destruction, then at the next midnight it rises again, completely renewed. This can also be prevented by placing the remains within Consecrated or Hallowed ground.

Necrocarnum Master (Su): upon reaching level six, the Ghastly Ravager is basically a tenth-level Soulborn and can start taking Soulborn levels starting at eleven. It doesn't retroactively gain any other abilities that a normal tenth-level Soulborn would have had, however. Additionally, when it gains access to Giant-Size Soulmelds, it cannot choose Personal Sun.
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Post by Koumei »

Ghoul Lord
Ghoul Lords are actually Ghasts, but Ghasts are the masters of ghouls. It is said that corrupt officials often become Ghoul Lords in unlife. Whether that is true or it's merely a case of ghasts really wanting to bring their corrupt nature into public office, the fact is they like to maintain a retinue of undead servants, and bestow horrifying "gifts" on people.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Profession (Corrupt Official), Ride, Search, Spot
Proficiency: the Ghoul Lord is proficient with Simple Weapons and the Hand Crossbow, Net, Sickle and Sap
1+0+0+2+2Dread (Weariness), Darkness at will, Necrotic Awareness at will, Necrotic Cyst 3/day
2+1+0+3+3Morbid Curiosity, Cheat at will, Corrupt Weapon 1/day, Entice Gift 3/day
3+2+1+3+3Bonus Feat, Slow Consumption 1/day, Sorrow 1/day, Stupor 1/day, Knock 3/day
4+3+1+4+4Bestow Corruption, Addiction 1/day, Ghoul Glyph 1/day, Necrotic Scrying 3/day
5+3+1+4+4Sap Strength 1/day, Song of Festering Death 1/day, Wither Limb 1/day, Detect Taint at will
6+4+2+5+5Dread (Shock), Circle of Nausea 1/day, Clutch of Orcus 1/day, Ghoul Gesture 3/day
7+5+2+5+5Bestow Depravity, Morality Undone 3/day, Curse of the Putrid Husk 1/day
8+6+2+6+6Bonus Feat, Unliving Weapon 3/day, Necrotic Bloat at will, Confusion 3/day
9+6+3+6+6Eyes of Terror, Vampiric Touch at will, Damning Darkness 1/day, Bloodstar 1/day
10+7+3+7+7Corrupture, Revive Undead 1/day, Necrotic Domination 1/day, Cloak of Hate 1/day
11+8+3+7+7Dominance of Depravity, Bodak Birth 1/day, Fabricate 1/day, False Sending 1/day
12+9+4+8+8Insanity 1/day, Necrotic Burst 1/day, Guards and Wards 1/day
13+9+4+8+8Bonus Feat, Pestilence 1/day, Pox 1/day, Soul Shackles 1/day
14+10+4+9+9Undead Grafts, Necrotic Tumour 1/day, Wave of Pain 1/day, Avascular Mass 1/day
15+11+5+9+9Mass Harm 1/day, Whirlwind of Teeth 1/day, Wretched Blight 1/day
16+12+5+10+10Greater Harm 3/day, Necrotic Eruption 1/day, Mind Rape 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Ghoul Lord casts a lot of Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus.

Dread (Su): the Ghoul Lord causes Dread (Heroes of Horror). Any non-Evil creature who completes a task for it or faces it at the end of several encounters facing its minions or spends more than ten minutes in its presence suffers from Weariness. They must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Fatigued.

At level six, the first time a non-Evil creature encounters it in its Ghastly state (whether that be the initial meeting or it unveiling its true nature) must pass a Will Save (same DC) or be Dazed for one round.

Morbid Curiosity (Su): starting at level two, the Ghoul Lord can just speak endlessly, and somehow people stop and listen, drawn to it – perhaps in the hopes it will explain the details of its plans and allies, perhaps in the hopes of learning of a weakness, perhaps they just find it fascinating. At any rate, if it spends a Full Round Action speaking to one or more creatures, they must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be treated as Fascinated. They remain in this state until the turn after it does anything other than speak, or until broken by the usual things that break Fascination.

Bonus Feats: at level three, the Ghoul Lord gains a Bonus Feat. Every five levels thereafter, it gains another. The choices available are the Tome Feats Bureaucrrat, Con Artist, Cryptographer, Deft Fingers, Detective, Dreadful Demeanour, Expert Counterfeiter, Lord of Death, Many-Faced, Master of Terror and Tyrant. If multiple feats are gained that grant a Cohort, it is only allowed one (in games where players are not allowed Cohorts, it instead gains a loyal retainer who takes care of "the actual day job" and handles all the stuff the players don't want to do while they go about adventuring). If multiple feats are gained that grant Followers, it can just have a whole heap of followers.

Bestow Corruption (Su): with a successful Melee Touch Attack, the fourth-level Ghoul Lord can force a target to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, the target gains a point of Corruption and is Nauseated for one round as the grossness of it infects their body.

Bestow Depravity (Su): any time a victim is suffering from an ongoing Spell-Like Ability of the seventh-level Ghoul Lord, it may use a Standard Action to end that effect, warping it and infecting their mind instead – they gain a point of Depravity but the spell effects end.

Eyes of Terror (Su): the ninth-level Ghoul Lord gains a Gaze Attack. Creatures that fail to avert their eyes are subject to a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect, forcing them to make a Will Save or become Shaken for one minute. If they are already Shaken, this increases to a condition similar in severity to being Frightened, but without fleeing: they suffer a -4 Penalty to Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, Skill Checks and Ability Checks. If already Frightened (or suffering the previous similar effect), they instead Cower in fear. If Cowering or Panicked, they become Paralyzed. If already Paralyzed, failure results in them having to make a Fortitude Save or die instantly. Any Save DC (whether Reflex to avert their eyes, or the Will Save, or the final Fortitude Save) is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Corrupture (Su): the tenth-level Ghoul Lord is able to pull Corruption out of targets – violently. With a Standard Action, it removes all Physical Symptoms of all creatures within 30 feet, and reduces their Corruption to zero, but they suffer 1d10 points of Vile Damage (which bypasses Damage Reduction, Damage Immunities and Regeneration) per point of Corruption lost in this way, plus 10 more for each Physical Symptom, with no Saving Throw.

Dominance of Depravity (Su): the eleventh-level Ghoul Lord can cast Dominate Monster on any creature with any amount of Depravity, using the taint to seize their mind. After the effect ends, their Depravity is reduced to zero. If the target has Mild Depravity, the duration is one round per point. If the target has Moderate Depravity, the duration is one minute per point. If the target has Severe Depravity, the duration is one day per point. They suffer a -1 Penalty to the save for every Mental Symptom they have.

Undead Grafts (Su): at level fourteen, the Ghoul Lord gains the ability to create and bestow Undead Grafts upon willing subjects without using money, spells or XP, only time. Any given creature can only have one of these special Grafts, however, and it may rescind them at any time with a Free Action, causing it to tear free and deal 10d6 points of damage to the host with no saving throw.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Giant: Fire Giant
Monster Manual, page 121. CR 10, level 11

Magma King
A Fire Giant is already a strong opponent, but there's room for growth. Well, not much room for literal growth, perhaps, what with being a giant, but they can aspire to greater things than just throwing rocks. The Magma King is a partial spellcaster who is good at creating area effects and setting people on fire.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, History, Nobility & Royalty), Listen, Perform (Oratory), Sense Motive, Spot
Proficiencies: the Magma King is proficient with Light and Medium Armour, and Simple and Martial Weapons, but not with Shields
1+1+2+0+2Boiling Blood, Kingly Spells
2+2+3+0+3Fiery Minions
3+3+3+1+3Voice of Fire
4+4+4+1+4Wreath of Smoke and Ash
5+5+4+1+4Fiery Gaze
6+6+5+2+5Thunderous Bellow
7+7+5+2+5Volcanic Stomp
8+8+6+2+6Kingdom of Fire
9+9+6+3+6Rain of Fiery Death

Boiling Blood (Ex): the blood of the Magma King is not just high-pressure, but high-temperature. Indeed, were it not so thick it could be thought to be lava. Any time the Magma King suffers Piercing or Slashing damage from a Natural Weapon or an adjacent enemy with a manufactured weapon, the attacker suffers 1d10 points of Fire damage. If the attack is made by a ranged or reach weapon from beyond five feet but another creature is in the adjacent square from the same direction, the other creature takes the damage, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 15 + half his class level + his Constitution Bonus).

Kingly Spells: the Magma King can cast Divine Spells without drawing from a patron. He has the same Spells Known and Per Day as a PHB Bard with a level equal to his Class Level plus ten (and an equivalent Caster Level), including using his Charisma Bonus to determine Bonus Spells and the Save DC. Instead of the Bard spell list, he chooses spells from the Cleric spell list. He also gains the Trickery and War Domain spells for free.

Fiery Minions: starting at level 2, the Magma King has a pool of minions available at his base of operations. He has Followers (as the Leadership feat), using Dwarves, Hellhounds, Fire Genasi, Fire and Magma Mephits, Young (and younger) Red Dragons and so on – using their Challenge Rating as their level.

Additionally, there are unknown numbers of stronger creatures there – once per adventure he may call one such creature to join him on his quest, a creature with a CR three less than his total level.

Voice of Fire (Su): starting at level three, the Magma King can shout at people until they catch fire. At will, he can make a Demoralise attempt against all creatures within fifty feet. Those that are affected catch fire in addition to the usual effects. Against someone already demoralised and on fire, failure to oppose the attempt results in them being subject to a Command effect and taking an additional 3d6 Fire damage.

Wreath of Smoke and Ash (Su): the Magma King often has clouds of smoke, ash and cinders flying from him, but when he uses his powers this is particularly notable. Whenever the fourth-level Magma King Casts a [Fire] or [Sonic] spell or makes a Full Attack or uses his Voice of Fire, Thunderous Bellow, Volcanic Stomp or Rain of Fiery Death abilities, he is surrounded by enough thick smoke to surround him and all adjacent squares: any creature in the area has Concealment against adjacent creatures, and Full Concealment against creatures further away. Anyone who is not the Magma King is also Sickened while in the area. The smoke cloud lasts for 1 full round.

Fiery Gaze (Su): the fifth-level Magma King can see through smoke, fire, lava and similar. Additionally, he has a Gaze Attack that he can suppress or resume at will with a Swift Action. Anybody who fails to avert their eyes (DC 15 + half his class level + his Charisma Bonus) catches fire.

Thunderous Bellow (Su): starting at level six, the Magma King can cast Shout at will. Any who fail the Saving Throw (DC 15 + half his class level + his Charisma Bonus) are also hurled out to the edge of the area and ten feet further, and fall Prone. If the movement is stopped by solid objects, they just stop and fall Prone.

Volcanic Stomp (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the seventh-level Magma King can stomp the ground hard enough to create an Earthquake effect. Everyone in the area who fails the Reflex Save also suffers 3d6 Fire damage (twice as much if already on fire). The Save DC is the same as for Boiling Blood.

Kingdom of Fire (Su): although the Magma King’s kingdom is indeed largely on fire, he can also make his surroundings on fire to help make any place feel like home. Starting at level eight, he may use a Full Round Action at will to unleash clouds of smoke (as Wreath of Smoke and Ash) out to Medium Range for one minute. Every round, creatures in the area (aside from him) must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 15 + half his class level + his Charisma Bonus) or be Nauseated for that round and suffer 1d10 points of Fire damage (3d10 if already on fire). At the start of the effect, he may also place up to four Wall of Fire effects anywhere wholly within the area, even bisecting one another. They also last for one minute.

Rain of Fiery Death (Su): three times per day, the ninth-level Magma King can cast a Widened, Extended Incendiary Cloud and also a Widened, Extended Fire Storm effect. This is at Caster Level 20 with a Save DC of 20 + his Charisma Bonus. Anybody in the area already on fire suffers maximum damage.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Giant: Frost Giant
Monster Manual, page 122. CR 9, level 10

Frost Jarl
Frost Giants generally need people to lead them. Typically, it is the Jarl who will do that. Perhaps not boasting better intelligence (or rather, boasting it but not backing the boasts up with substance), they nonetheless rule through greater strength and magical power, acting rather like Blackguards with an extra serving of cold.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, History, Nature), Listen, Perform (Oratory, Sing), Ride, Sense Motive, Spot
Proficiencies: the Frost Jarl is proficient with Light Armour, and all Simple and Martial Weapons
1+1+2+0+2Spells of the Jarl, Icy Smite, Aura of Despair
2+2+3+0+3Rebuke Frozen, Dark Blessing
3+3+3+1+3Aura of Cold
4+4+4+1+4Freezing Smite
5+5+4+1+4Aura of Carnage
6+6+5+2+5Cold Commander
7+7+5+2+5Aura of Frozen Death
8+8+6+2+6Bellow of Jotun's Might
9+9+6+3+6Aura of Ruin
10+10+7+3+7Hail to the King

Spells of the Jarl: the Frost Jarl cast spells like a Paladin, regardless of Alignment, of a level equal to his Class Level plus ten (with an equal Caster Level, rather than half this). Instead of the Paladin Spell List, he uses the Blackguard Spell List, with entirely Wisdom-based Spellcasting. Additionally, the following spells are added:
1st Level: Chill Metal, Gust of Wind, Shatter, Snow Walk, Spiritual Weapon
2nd Level: Call Lightning, Inflict Critical Wounds, Magic Vestment, Winter’s Embrace
3rd Level: Blizzard, Divine Power, Harm, Sleet Storm, Wall of Ice
4th Level: Blade Barrier, Disintegrate, Ice Storm, Power Word: Blind

Icy Smite (Su): once per round, the Frost Jarl can declare an attack to be a Smite attack. This adds his Charisma Bonus to the attack roll and, if the target is vulnerable to Cold damage (typically through having the [Fire] Subtype), deals an extra 4d6 points of damage, plus 1d6 per class level.

Aura of Despair (Su): the Frost Jarl has an Aura of Despair, just like a Blackguard – all enemies within 10 feet suffer a -2 Penalty to all Saving Throws. This is an Aura, only one of which may be active at a given time. Suppressing or activating an Aura, or changing from one to another, requires a Swift Action.

Rebuke Frozen (Su): the second-level Frost Jarl can Rebuke creatures with the [Cold] Subtype like an Evil Cleric can Rebuke Undead. He uses his total hit dice to determine his effective Cleric Level for this.

Dark Blessing (Su): starting at second level, the Frost Jarl may add his Charisma Bonus to all of his Saving Throws.

Aura of Cold (Su): at level three, the Frost Jarl gains another Aura, one that reaches out to 20 feet. All in the area suffer Cold damage each round equal to his hit dice, and those with fewer than half as many hit dice than himself are also Slowed while in the area.

Freezing Smite (Su): starting at level four, the Frost Jarl’s Icy Smite is even more powerful. A creature that takes the extra damage must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 15 + half his class level + his Charisma Bonus) or become encased in solid ice, as per the Entomb spell.

Aura of Carnage (Su): at level five, the Frost Jarl gains another Aura. Enemies within 10 feet are unable to regain lost Hit Points while within the area, and any wound they suffer deals an additional 2 Constitution damage in addition to the regular damage.

Cold Commander (Ex): at level six, the Frost Jarl commands a group of four Frost Giant minions, with another one gained every level beyond that. He also has ten times as many CR 1-2 minions that can be Dwarfs, Glacier Dwarfs, Branta, Frost Folk, 2 HD Ice Beasts, Neanderthals, Giant Ravens, and Uldra, and for every 5 such minions, 1 additional Yeti, Vodyanoi, Ice Mephit, Ice Toad or 4HD Ice Beast. Mostly these are useful for just keeping at his base of operations, however he does also have a useful steed that follows into combat: a Mature Adult White Dragon. At level nine, he may have an Old White Dragon steed instead. Similar Huge quadrupedal cold creatures may be substituted if need be.

Aura of Frozen Death (Su): at level seven, the Frost Jarl gains another Aura. Enemies within 20 feet must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 15 + half his class level + his Charisma Bonus) or be frozen solid.

Bellow of Jotun’s Might (Su): the eighth-level Frost Jarl can, once per hour, unleash a massive shout that rocks the landscape and makes him even more frightening. With a Standard Action, he bellows, forcing all creatures within 100 feet, other than flying ones, to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 15 + half his class level + his Charisma Bonus) or be knocked Prone, and clearing the 100’ radius area of all clutter on the ground – gravel, leaves, snow and so on. This also causes him to grow to Huge Size for ten minutes, increasing his Strength and Constitution and Natural Armour by 4 each but reducing his Dexterity by 2.

Aura of Ruin (Su): the final Aura is gained when the Frost Jarl reaches ninth level. At this point, any attack made against an enemy within 30 feet ignores Damage Reduction, Hardness, Regeneration, and any Resistances or Immunities to Critical Hits and similar forms of extra damage.

Hail to the King (Su): the tenth-level Frost Jarl can call the hail down to aid him. With a minute of concentration, he can cause it to start hailing (including Death Hail or Ebony Ice if he wants) at full force or snowing at blizzard strength (including Blood Snow if he wishes), centred on him and lasting until he wills it to stop, or ceases being conscious and aware (such as being Stunned, Dazed or Confused). Additionally, any Humanoid creature slain within the area of this weather will rise as an Entombed one minute later if still in the weather. A Remove Curse, Protection From Evil, Magic Circle Against Evil or Dispel Evil effect will prevent this.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual 3, page 75. CR 11, Level 12. The Grimweird has the [Dark-Minded] Subtype.

Withered Conjurer
The Grimweird is an undead summoner. As in, a summoner that is undead, not a summoner of the undead. The Withered Conjurer builds on this - not the undead part, the summoner part. It is already as undead as you can get. It becomes even better at calling more critters to its side, and empowering them even more, much like any other Summoner.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, The Planes, Religion), Sense Motive, Spellcraft
1+0+0+0+2Conjurer's Variety, Legion's Conviction 1/hour
2+1+0+0+3Summon Monster VII 1/10 minutes
3+1+1+1+3Planar Binding 1/hour, Legion's Aid 1/hour
4+2+1+1+4Summon Monster VIII 1/hour, Legion's Snake's Swiftness 1/10 minutes
5+2+1+1+4Legion's Shield of Faith 1/hour, Legion's Align Fang 1/10 minutes
6+3+2+2+5Summon Monster IX 1/hour, Mass Invisibility 1/day
7+3+2+2+5Greater Planar Binding 1/day, Legion's Fire Shield 1/hour
8+4+2+2+6Gate 1/day (Summoning only, generic creatures only)

Conjurer's Variety: whenever the Withered Conjurer casts a Summon Monster spell, it may choose creatures from variant lists introduced in other books without replacing existing options, as well as creatures from Summon Ice Beast or Summon Desert Ally lists. It cannot, however, draw from the Summon Nature's Ally or Summon Undead spells.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Withered Conjurer gains access to a lot of Spell-Like Abilities, all with a Caster Level equal to its Class Level plus twelve, and any Save DC is 8 + half its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus.

New Feat:

Regular Summons [Monstrous]
Sure, Summon Monster III is good and all, but have you considered 'Summon Barry'?
Requirement: Grimweird
Benefit: for every Summon Monster, Planar Binding (including variants) and Gate spell you have available as a Spell-Like Ability, select a single creature that could be summoned. You may customise this one creature as a specific individual you learned to call upon". This allows you to grant them the Elite Array for ability scores, and select any Feats, Skills and other selections (such as Spells Known/Prepared if you summon a caster). You must prepare these creatures on mini character sheets you can show the DM beforehand, and that you can use when you cast it, and they don't change over time. As you gain access to new summoning Spell-Like Abilities, you can add new creatures, one per Spell.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Guardinal: Avoral
Monster Manual, page 141. CR 9, level 10

Heavenly Sky Hunter
The Heavenly Sky Hunter is equal parts archer and storm mage, but is always focused on killing Evil creatures, and from the air. Most abilities gained improve either its flight, its ability to shoot people from afar or its ability to call down weather effects. Its archery is particularly useful against Fiends and Undead, but there are few things that can't be killed with enough magical arrows. This roughly fills the role of something between a Ranger and a weather/lightning-based caster.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Concentration, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, Nature, The Planes), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Proficiencies: the Heavenly Sky Hunter is proficient with Simple Weapons and the Longbow and Shortbow (including Composite versions).
1+1+0+2+2Sky Archer, Ranged Smite, Call Lightning
2+2+0+3+3Seeking Arrows, Control Weather 1/day
3+3+1+3+3Superior Flight, Storm Tower 1/day
4+4+1+4+4Call Lightning Storm
5+5+1+4+4Grip of Paralysis, Storm Tower 3/day
6+6+2+5+5Holy Arrow, Distant Shot
7+7+2+5+5Storm of Elemental Fury 3/day, Towering Thunderhead 2/day
8+8+2+6+6Adamantite Arrows, Mass Stormrage* 1/day
9+9+3+6+6Fiend Dread, Greater Whirlwind 1/day
10+10+3+7+7Arrows of Holy Power, Storm of Vengeance 1/day

*This functions the same as Stormrage, except it affects up to one creature per level.

Sky Archer (Ex): any time the Heavenly Sky Hunter makes a ranged attack (including a ranged touch attack) against a creature at a lower altitude, he becomes especially good at picking out weak points and ignores all material-based Damage Reduction. He also enjoys a doubled Threat Range when doing this.

Ranged Smite (Su): the Heavenly Sky Hunter gains a Smite attack, but only has the ability to bring it to bear when shooting fools in the face. Once per four rounds, he may declare a ranged attack to be a Smite attempt. Against an Evil-Aligned foe (or one with the [Evil] Subtype), he may add his Charisma Bonus (if positive) to the attack roll, and 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice to the damage roll.

Call Lightning (Sp): the Heavenly Sky Hunter has a constant Call Lightning effect that he can suppress or resume with a Swift Action at will, with a Caster Level equal to hit hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. His Caster Level does not limit the number of lightning bolts.

Seeking Arrows (Su): starting at second level, whenever the Heavenly Sky Hunter is at a higher altitude than his foe, he ignores all Cover and Concealment other than Full Cover and Total Concealment.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as he gains levels, the Heavenly Sky Hunter gains access to a variety of extra Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level for all of these equals his hit dice total, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. His existing racial Spell-Like Abilities change to also use these numbers.

Superior Flight (Ex): at third level, the flight of the Heavenly Sky Hunter improves to have a speed of 120’ (Perfect).

Call Lightning Storm (Sp): upon reaching level four, the Heavenly Sky Hunter’s constant Call Lightning effect upgrades to a constant Call Lightning Storm.

Grip of Paralysis (Ex): whenever the fifth-level Heavenly Sky Hunter hits with both Claws in the same turn, he may attempt to grab and lift his foe as a Free Action. If this is successful, the foe must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Strength Bonus) or be Paralyzed for three rounds.

Holy Arrow (Su): all attacks, whether ranged or melee, of the sixth-level Heavenly Sky Hunter are treated as being made with Holy weapons.

Distant Shot (Ex): starting at level six, the Heavenly Sky Hunter is able to fire ranged weapons out as far as he can see, completely ignoring Range Increments.

Adamantite Feathers (Ex): at level eight, the Heavenly Sky Hunter’s wings actually turn to Adamantine. His Natural Armour improves by 4 points, and his Damage Reduction can only be pierced by Evil and Adamantine. Additionally, his wings deal damage as though one size larger, and pierce DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantine.

Fiend Dread (Su): the ninth-level Heavenly Sky Hunter can unleash a terrible screech with a Full Round Action at will. All [Evil] Outsiders within Medium Range that are able to hear him must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or become Shaken for one minute. For the duration of this, all weapons are treated as having the Dread property against them. This is a [Sonic, Mind-Affecting, Fear] effect.

Arrows of Holy Power (Su): when the tenth-level Heavenly Sky Hunter makes a ranged attack upon a foe at a lower altitude, his weapons are treated as having the Holy Power property instead of the Holy property.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Guardinal: Cervidal
Monster Manual 2, page 42. CR 3, level 4.

Blessed of the Adamant Horn
The Blessed of the Adamant Horn are the greatest of Cervidals, enhancing their horns and hooves for great close combat prowess. At the same time, they have even more magical powers to channel through their horns, making them function similarly to Paladins.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography, The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot
Proficiencies: the Blessed of the Adamant Horn is Proficient with Light and Medium Armour, Shields (but not Tower Shields), and Simple and Martial Weapons
1+1+2+2+0Magic Iron Strike, Horn Powers (Remove Fear)
2+2+3+3+0Mountain Climber, Horn Powers (Remove Blindness/Deafness)
3+3+3+3+1Trample, Cure Moderate Wounds 3/day
4+4+4+4+1Horn Powers (Shout, Moment of Clarity)
5+5+4+4+1Holy Strike, Denounce 1/day
6+6+5+5+2Horn Powers (Lesser Restoration), Shattering Kick
7+7+5+5+2Horn Powers (Mark of Doom, Exorcism)
8+8+6+6+2Horn Powers (Holy Smite), Silverhair
9+9+6+6+3Silvered Strike, Horn Powers (Greater Shout)
10+10+7+7+3Stunning Headbutt, Cure Critical Wounds 3/day
11+11+7+7+3Horn Powers (Dispel Evil), Angelskin 1/day
12+12+8+8+4Horn Powers (Banishment), Healing Spirit 1/day
13+13+8+8+4Adamant Strike, Meteoric Strike 1/day
14+14+9+9+4Horn Powers (Restoration)
15+15+9+9+5Earthquake at will, Mass Cure Critical Wounds 1/day
16+16+10+10+5Horn Powers (Righteous Exile)

Magic Iron Strike (Su): the natural weapons of the Blessed are actual Magic Weapons, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and are considered to be Cold Iron for the purpose of things like Damage Reduction and Regeneration. Furthermore, the Butt attack’s base damage is increased to 1d6, and simply deals triple damage on a Charge.

Horn Powers (Su): as the Blessed of the Adamant Horn gains levels, he gains new abilities to “cast” through contact with his horns. The Save DC becomes 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. Any ability that would normally affect an area or a number of targets instead only affects the creature or object touched.

Mountain Climber (Ex): the second-level Blessed can climb like the greatest of goats. He has a 30’ Climb Speed and, if next to a vertical surface when falling, can choose to fall at full speed or a lesser, harmless speed that doesn’t involve crashing face-first into the ground.

Trample (Ex): upon reaching level three, the Blessed of the Adamant Horn gains a Trample attack. This deals double its Slam damage and the Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Strength Bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Blessed gains a variety of Spell-Like Abilities as he gains levels. The Caster Level equals his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus.

Holy Strike (Su): upon reaching fifth-level, the natural weapons of the Blessed of the Adamant Horn are Good aligned, and automatically confirm Critical Threat rolls against Evil-aligned creatures and creatures with the [Evil] Subtype. Finally, the Butt attack’s base damage is increased to 1d8.

Shattering Kick (Ex): at level six, the Blessed becomes especially good at kicking things apart with his diamond-hard hooves. With a Standard Action he may make a single Slam attack. If it hits, a target that is alive must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Strength Bonus) or be knocked Prone, in addition to taking an automatic Critical Hit. If a non-living target is hit (including Undead, Objects and Constructs), it must make a Fortitude Save (Same DC) or be reduced to zero hit points and completely destroyed.

Silverhair (Ex): at level eight, the hair coat of the Blessed of the Adamant Horn becomes thicker, more luxurious, and nigh-impossible to damage. His Natural Armour gains an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), his Cold Resistance gains a bonus equal to his hit dice, and he gains Damage Reduction 10/Evil.

Silvered Strike (Su): upon reaching level nine, the Blessed’s natural weapons can also pierce Damage Reduction, Regeneration and similar as though made of Silver. Furthermore, the base damage of his Butt attack increases to 2d6.

Stunning Headbutt (Ex): whenever the tenth-level Blessed of the Adamant Horn succesfully hits a foe with his Butt attack, the foe must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Strength Bonus). If failed, they are Stunned for 1d2 rounds.

Adamant Strike (Su): the natural weapons of the thirteenth-level Blessed bypass Damage Reduction, Regeneration and Hardness as though made of Adamantium. Additionally, the Butt attack increases its Critical Multiplier to x4 (when Charging, that would increase in the normal way for stacking multipliers, making it x6), and the Slam attacks increase to x3.
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Post by Koumei »

Guardinal: Leonal
Monster Manual, page 142. CR 12, level 13.

Celestial Lionheart
The Celestial Lionheart improves the Leonal's ability to be a fearsome combatant who helps sway the tide with morale effects - both nice ones on its own party, and scary ones on the enemies. It gains quite a few Spell-Like Abilities, and its other abilities are similar to what you might expect a Paladin to have, if that Paladin were also a lion. It mostly fills the role of a Paladin, but with the Spell-Like Abilities having a bit more use and being more like a Bard.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble
Proficiencies: the Celestial Lionheart is proficient with Light and Medium Armour
1+1+0+0+2Roar of Battle, Smite Evil, Silvermane, Adoration of the Frightful at will
2+2+0+0+3Shred Foes, Holy Fang, Invisibility Purge 3/day, War Cry 3/day
3+3+1+1+3Greater Restoration 1/day, Righteous Might 1/day
4+4+1+1+4Roar of Death, Regenerate 1/day, Righteous Burst 1/day
5+5+1+1+4Heal 3/day, Resurrection 1/day, Sacred Haven 1/day
6+6+2+2+5Roar of Repulsion, Mass Cure Critical Wounds 3/day
7+7+2+2+5Mass Heal 1/day, Fierce Pride of the Beastlands 1/day, Tenacity

Roar of Battle (Su): three times per day, the Celestial Lionheart may unleash a powerful roar out in a 60’ Cone. All allies in the area benefit from a Remove Fear effect, whereas all foes in the area suffer from a Heaven’s Trumpet effect and take 5d6 points of Sonic damage. The Fortitude Save to negate the spell effect also negates the damage, and has a DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus.

Smite Evil (Su): once per minute, the Celestial Lionheart may delcare an attack to be a Smite against Evil creatures. If the target is indeed Evil, he adds his Charisma Bonus to the attack roll and, on a successful hit, adds +1d6 damage per three hit dice (round up).

Silvermane (Ex): the Celestial Lionheart’s pelt shines like silver but deflects blows like steel. It can add its class level to its innate racial Damage Reduction and Natural Armour values.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as he gains levels, the Celestial Lionheart gains the ability to cast various Spell-Like Abilities with a Caster Level equal to his hit dice and any Save DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus.

Shred Foes (Ex): the claws and rake attacks of the second-level Celestial Lionheart tear through the flesh of foes and cause blood to leak out far too quickly – even one swipe can cause more than a 0.5 on the Muta Scale. Each time it deals damage with a Claw or Rake attack, it also deals 2 points of Constitution damage through blood loss.

Holy Fang (Su): starting at level two, the natural weapons of the Celestial Lionheart are magic weapons with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and the Holy property.

Roar of Death (Su): at level four, the Celestial Lionheart gains access to a new Roar that can be used three times per day, affecting a 60’ Cone. All enemies in the area suffer a Power Word: Kill effect.

Roar of Repulsion (Su): three times per day, the sixth-level Celestial Lionheart can release a roar that blasts out in a 60’ Cone to create a Repulsion effect and deal 10d6 Sonic damage to all in the area. Both can be negated with a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus).

Tenacity (Ex): at level seven, the Celestial Lionheart gains Fast Healing 20. Additionally, he is Immune to [Death] attacks and extra damage from Critical Hits (but not Sneak Attacks etc).
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Hag: Annis
Monster Manual, page 143. CR 6, Level 7

Dweller Within the Mere
Every Hag ends up as a Dweller of some kind. Annis Hags that wish to grow better become Dwellers Within the Mere: they gain more Necromancy spells of various kinds, but seeing as they're already the best fighters of the bunch, they become particularly adept at tearing people open and giving them rapid diseases. In a lot of ways they are dangerous close combat fighters, however the weird Spell-Like Abilities also add a Wizardly side of things.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography, Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival, Swim
1+1+0+0+2Animate Dead 3/day, Bestow Curse 3/day, Confusion 3/day
2+2+0+0+3Fengut at will, Dream 1/day, Mirage Arcana 1/day, Slow Consumption at will
3+3+1+1+3Absorb Mind 1/day, Absorb Strength 1/day, Power Leech 1/day, Festering Claws
4+4+1+1+4Veil 1/day, Yielding Flesh, Hasten Infection
5+5+1+1+4Luminous Swarm 3/day, Miasma 3/day, Suggestion 1/day
6+6+2+2+5Control Weather 1/day, Forcecage 1/day
7+7+2+2+5Dream 3/day, Mirage Arcana 3/day, Cackle Fever
8+8+2+2+6Blackfire 1/day, Mind Blank 1/day, Veil 3/day, Symbol of Persuasion 1/day
9+9+3+3+6Swamp Lung 3/day, Bestow Greater Curse 1/day, Blinding Horror
10+10+3+3+7Slimy Consumption, Control Weather 3/day, Forcecage 3/day
11+11+3+3+7Twisted Limbs, Insanity 3/day, Mass Invisibility 1/day
12+12+4+4+8Mind Blank 3/day, Summon Giants 1/day
13+13+4+4+8Vile Death 1/day, Shapechange 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as she gains levels, the Dweller Within the Mere gains additional Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals her hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Festering Claws (Ex): starting at level three, the filthy nails of the Dweller Within the Mere cause injuries that blister and burn and won’t heal without supernatural aid. Her Claw attacks deal Vile damage, and a character that takes damage must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus) or contract Red Ache. A character who is hit multiple times in one turn need only attempt one save during that turn. The Save DC for the Disease thereafter is the same as above.

Yielding Flesh (Ex): the flesh of the fourth-level Dweller Within the Mere is softer and more giving than normal, yet still highly resilient – almost rubbery. She may add half her class level (round up) to her Natural Armour and innate racial Damage Reduction.

Hasten Infection (Su): starting at fourth level, the Dweller Within the Mere can magically speed up the rate of infection in those suffering from disease. With a Standard Action she points at someone within Close Range, and then any diseases currently incubating in them skip ahead to the stage where they would first deal damage (allowing a save as normal). If they have a disease which is past the Incubation period, it progresses as though a day had gone by, requiring another save against damage.

Cackle Fever (Ex): the manic laughter and madness of the seventh-level Dweller Within the Mere spreads far too rapidly. Any time she damages someone with her Bite attack, they must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus) or contract Cackle Fever. The Save DC for the disease from then on is this increased number, not the baseline DC.

Blinding Horror (Ex): the Dweller Within the Mere likes to pluck eyes out, whether for food or for fun. At level nine, any time she deals maximum damage with her Rend attack, the target is rendered permanently Blind.

Slimy Consumption (Su): starting at level ten, the Dweller Within the Mere can seek out those afflicted with infections and turn their innards to ooze. If she uses her Hasten Infection ability on somebody suffering from two or more diseases and they fail all saving throws, they contract Slimy Doom. The Save DC for this disease becomes 10 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus.

Twisted Limbs (Ex): the arms of the eleventh-level Dweller Within the Mere stretch out, resembling lengths of rope more than anything else. Her Reach increases to 20 feet.

New Feats:

Coven Decorator [Monstrous]
You do your part for the Coven, putting in the effort to nicen the place up. By blighting and afflicting intruders.
Requirement: Hag
Benefits: once per week, you may make one of your Spell-Like Abilities permanent, as though via Permanency, providing it is one cast on a location, such as Wall of Fire or a Symbol. Additionally, once per day you may cast Guards and Wards with a Caster Level equal to your hit dice.

Curse Crafter [Monstrous]
You put love and care into the curses you hand-craft. Or hatred and spiteful glee, I forget which.
Requirements: Hag, ability to cast Bestow Curse (or the Greater version)
Benefits: whenever you cast Bestow Curse, you have additional options for the effects that can be bestowed upon the target, alongside the usual choices:
  • The subject lose 1 Language known, or the ability to speak of a certain topic
  • The target’s alignment only detects as a different one, chosen by the caster
  • The target shrinks awkwardly and clumsily, as though by Reduce Person but suffering a -2 Penalty to Strength and Dexterity instead of the normal changes
  • The subject automatically fails any attempt to improve attitudes of other creatures with Skill or Ability checks.
  • The target always suffers from Heavy Encumbrance regardless of their Strength or actual carried gear
  • The subject suffers from cowardice, becoming Shaken for 1d4 rounds every time they are required to roll Initiative
  • The subject gains Light Blindness or loses any special forms of vision (Low-Light, Dark Vision etc)
  • All other creatures within 30 feet can listen in on the target's thoughts if they choose – and are faintly aware of the thoughts to begin with, so know they can listen in properly.
  • Every new person they meet is Unfriendly to them on the roll of 3+ on 1d6, and Hostile on a 1-2
  • Everybody who knows the target forgets him, even the closest allies – and will forget anew every single day
If you can cast Bestow Greater Curse, then add the following options to the list of effects you may choose to afflict people with:
  • Any armour or shield worn by the target doubles all Armour Check Penalties, Armour Stealth Penalties and Arcane Spell Failure, and only offers half the Armour Bonus (round down, after applying Enhancement Bonuses)
  • One limb ceases to function completely
  • The target loses the ability to speak or understand any language, and loses all Weapon, Armour and Shield Proficiencies
  • A single Attuned magic item reverses its Bonus, turning it into a Penalty of the same Type (so a +4 Sword would have a -4 Enhancement Penalty). It also cannot be un-Attuned until the Curse is removed
  • The subject loses a single Immunity, form of Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance or Regeneration
  • All the subject can eat is the flesh of their own kind, and they must also drink at least one mouthful of blood of their own kind each day, or suffer from dehydration
  • The target is treated as having zero ranks in all skills, and has no feats of any kind
  • The target becomes Vulnerable to one Energy type of the caster’s choosing, taking 50% more damage than normal
  • The target is rendered unable to sleep, gradually suffering from sleep deprivation
  • Every six hours, the target must pass a Will Save or fall asleep until the next interval – potentially sleeping for the rest of their life if they continually fail saving throws.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Hag: Dune
It's Hot Outside, page 158. CR 4, level 5.

Dweller Within the Wastes
All Hags wish to gain more power, often within covens but also individually. For the Dune Hag, this means bringing forth more power of the deserts, to dehydrate and burn and choke people - but also more power over the undead, and general curses and consumption powers.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble
1+0+2+0+2Enthrall (Command), Animate Dead 1/day, Bestow Curse 1/day
2+1+3+0+3Sand Veil, Tormenting Thirst 3/day, Preserve Organ at will
3+2+3+1+3Prickling Torment at will, Slow Consumption at will, Absorb Mind 1/day
4+3+4+1+4Dream 1/day, Mirage Arcana 1/day, Absorb Strength 1/day
5+3+4+1+4Spawn Forlorn Husk, Searing Exposure at will, Power Leech 1/day
6+4+5+2+5Veil 1/day, Animate Dead 3/day, Bestow Curse 3/day
7+5+5+2+5Enthrall (Suggestion), Control Undead 1/day
8+6+6+2+6Control Weather 1/day, Forcecage 1/day
9+6+6+3+6Dream 3/day, Mirage Arcana 3/day, Sand Rush
10+7+7+3+7Mind Blank 1/day, Veil 3/day, Slay Living 1/day, Symbol of Thirst 1/day
11+8+7+3+7Bestow Greater Curse 3/day, Awaken Sand 1/day, Steal Life 1/day
12+9+8+4+8Control Weather 3/day, Forcecage 3/day
13+9+8+4+8Desert Binding 3/day, Insanity 3/day
14+10+9+4+9Mind Blank 3/day, Summon Giants 1/day
15+11+9+5+9Enthrall (Steal Soul), Dire Drought 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Dweller Within the Wastes gains access to many Spell-Like Abilities. For any of these, the Caster Level equals her hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Enthrall (Su): as she gains levels, the Dweller Within the Waste becomes better at using her Enthrall ability. To begin with, she may cast Command (Save DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) on the target at will – even after the Charm effect ends.

At level seven, she may instead cast Suggestion upon them at will (same Save DC), even after the initial effect ends.

At level fifteen, she may steal the very soul of the target, as though through casting Trap the Soul as the Spell Completion method, without the effects of knowing the target’s name nor requiring a gem – the soul is instead consumed by the Hag, but may be coughed up at a later date to release them.

Sand Veil (Su): starting at level two, whenever the Dweller Within the Wastes is inside a sandstorm or duststorm, she benefits from Improved Invisibility. If she makes herself visible, then full invisibility resumes at the start of her next turn if still in the storm.

Spawn Forlorn Husk (Su): any Humanoid creature slain by a fifth-level Dweller Within the Wastes rises as a Forlorn Husk – not innately under her control, but not hostile towards her either.

Sand Rush (Su): from level nine onwards, any time the Dweller Within the Wastes is inside a sandstorm or duststorm, she is Hasted. This doesn’t have a Caster Level, it merely lasts while she is in the area, then ends the moment she leaves the area.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Hag: Green
Monster Manual, page 143. CR 5, level 6.

Dweller Within the Fen
The Dweller Within the Fen exists as the advancement option for Green Hags, granting them even more Necromancy, weather effects, swamp-based spells, and spells designed for eating people. Additionally, she gains a better Weakness ability, so while being a caster akin to a Necromancer, she can still do surprisingly well in a fight.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography, Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim
1+0+2+0+2Animate Dead 1/day, Bestow Curse 1/day, Preserve Organ at will, Spore Field 1/day
2+1+3+0+3Fengut at will, Slow Consumption at will, Absorb Mind 1/day
3+2+3+1+3Dream 1/day, Mirage Arcana 1/day, Absorb Strength 1/day
4+3+4+1+4Weakness (Fatigue), Caustic Mire 3/day, Power Leech 1/day
5+3+4+1+4Veil 1/day, Animate Dead 3/day, Bestow Curse 3/day
6+4+5+2+5Fever Dream at will, Miasma 3/day, Jungle's Rapture 1/day
7+5+5+2+5Control Weather 1/day, Forcecage 1/day
8+6+6+2+6Dream 3/day, Mirage Arcana 3/day, Necrotic Curse 1/day
9+6+6+3+6Weakness (Exhaustion), Mind Blank 1/day, Veil 3/day, Symbol of Stunning 1/day
10+7+7+3+7Bestow Greater Curse 1/day, Steal Life 1/day, Swamp Lung 3/day
11+8+7+3+7Control Weather 3/day, Forcecage 3/day
12+9+8+4+8Weakness (Eternal Slumber), Insanity 3/day
13+9+8+4+8Mind Blank 3/day, Summon Giants 1/day
14+10+9+4+9Shadow Landscape 1/day, Slime Wave at will

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Dweller Within the Fen gains various Spell-Like Abilities as she gains levels, with a Caster Level equal to her hit dice and any Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Weakness (Su): the Weakness power of the Dweller Within the Fen grows stronger as she gains levels. At level four, a creature that fails its saving throw becomes Fatigued until the next time it rests. At level eight, a creature that fails its saving throw becomes Exhausted until the next time it rests. At level twelve, a creature that fails its saving throw falls Asleep until it receives a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment or Dispel Evil effect.
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