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Post by Josh_Kablack »

Omegonthesane wrote:Am I missing out on any meaningful memes by having built up seven goddamn net decks instead of trying to make a decent Neuteredcraft deck for unranked?
Not really.

Unranked is just a lot less focused than ranked (at least at the low A ranks where I am currently) - you hit people testing the very latest tweak of their netdeck before they take it into ranked or tournies, you also hit people playing one of their very first games against a live opponent, you also hit people fielding experimental off-meta decks, and you hit people trying to complete missions with crafts where they lack essential cards.

The idea for Neutralcraft is pretty simple: you throw a bunch of 1, 2, and 3 cost neutral followers plus Valkyrie's Spear, Goblin Princess and any decent gold/legendary neutrals you have into a pile. Then you add a couple copies of each craft's best basic cards and any of their good things you pulled, and you come out with somewhere between a 35% and 70% winrate in unranked, which is good enough to let you complete "win 4 matches as X craft" in crafts where you liquidated all your golds and legendaries a lot sooner than waiting to reroll multiple missions.
Last edited by Josh_Kablack on Wed May 31, 2017 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Username17 »

I will say this for Vengeance Blood: there is actually nothing more fun in the whole game than bleeding yourself down to 1 and killing your opponent with a Succubus trigger.

Vengeance Blood is a weird metagame call. It's genuinely bad against the best deck in the format (Midrange Shadow) because it causes itself a lot of damage and the guys on the other end of the table are swarming you. But it's super effective against Aegis - which is the deck people play to beat the best deck. When you have a Vengeance Devil and a Soul Dealer in play, Priest of the Cudgel just looks impotent. Go ahead and spend that Evo point to trade the priest for the Soul Dealer. Go ahead and do it. I'm going to play an Airjammer and evolve-face my Vengeance devil next turn. Now we are both at 10 life but I have an army in play. You gonna turn five Ancient Lion? Good luck with that.

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Post by Josh_Kablack »

So, Draconic Lance --- do we have a precedent for how the cost reduction timing interacts with Wyvern Caviler ? Because if it's set to 4 and then reduced by 2 a 2-cost removal spell could potentially be useful for some dragon variant that has adequate extra draw. If however it works the other way where the cost is reduced by 2 and then set to 4, then I don't know why you wouldn't just hope to fetch Dance of Death with your Dragon Emissary.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Username17 »

Cost reduction doesn't work in a consistent way. Unless they fixed it, there's a Blood Moon glitch where if you're in Vengeance from the amulet and you're in Vengeance from actually having 10 or less HP then the Vengeance cost reduction kicks in twice and you can cast Revelation for free. On the other hand, Enhance cards still cost their full Enhance cost no matter what cost reductions you've nailed them on. So the cost of Albert after four Gawain attacks is 9/1 not 5/1.

Draconic Lance is a terrible card that you would never play. The nominal point is that you can play Forte and then Lance an enemy and swing in with Forte with a possible Evolution under her belt. And since we've been able to Serpent Wrath and Forte this whole time and no one does that and we can and do play Dragoon Scyther to be basically better than that on 9 mana instead of 10, I just don't see a place for this card.

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Post by Josh_Kablack »

The place seems to be Take 2, where overcosted removal is still precious, precious removal.

Honestly a 5 cost neutral removal spell that occasionally coat slightly less would be sometimes better / sometimes worse than dance of death, call of cocytus, and execution - right where that sort of card should be.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

So, some new leaks:

Apparently Valkyrie's Spear Neutralcraft in going to get support cards across many crafts. I should probably prioritize crafting Zeus, Bahamut and other neutral Legandaries.

by itself this is equivalent to a 3 mana 2/4. But it has interesting synergies in that evolves to get Bane and makes any buffs double-effective. Potentially replaces Ruthless Assassin in sword decks that want a bane effect on their 3-drop. But as it's competing against Blitz Lancer, Novice Trooper, Pompous Princess, Grimnar, Vagabond Frog and any other new followers for Sword's 3 drop, it's not going to be big without additional double-attack tricks to build a deck around.
Last edited by Josh_Kablack on Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Username17 »

I don't know what to think about Elf Twins Assault. In Forest Neutralcraft it's basically better than Dragonewt Fist. It can't hit the same target twice (I think), but sometimes it does 3 or 4 damage and in any case you don't have to discard. The big problem is that aggro Neutralcraft is going to be pretty sour on it - it's basically useless as a top deck even if your deck has 28+ Neutralcraft cards in it. Elf Twin Assault is thus at its best in a Neutralcraft deck with a pretty high curve - that way the Harpists and Bahamuts you haven't played yet can still be doing good work buffing your removal spells.

But it's weird to see a 2 cost removal spell that says "virtually useless for aggro decks" on it. That doesn't usually happen.

Old Man and Old Woman is an absolute beast if you get to untap with it. OMOW into White General gives you six damage to the face on turn 4 and the duo makes Frontlines look pretty scary. On defense it's pretty underwhelming - a 1/4 doesn't leave a big hole in any monster big enough to kill it. The Bane on Evo completely changes the card around, where it becomes a multi-killer. Very easy for that thing to trade with 3 enemy creatures and possibly get in for 2 damage while doing it. 2/5 double-attack rush bane is no fucking joke. But that second use sounds like a Control deck rather than a pressure deck. The front and back half of the card don't seem to be playing the same game. If you want to untap and attack face with the geezer duo, you'd really rather that they just got a normal +2/+2 evolution.

The double attack mechanic is of primary interest for its effects on buffing, and the Bane is of primary interest for board control.

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Post by OgreBattle »

I figure the idea of Elf Twin Assault is to play with Ancient Elf and other forestcraft cards that scoop your dudes

Old Couple also makes "no lolis" Swordcraft more doable.
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

Council of Card Knights is a 1-turn sooner, variant of of Alwidra's Command It goes in Banner Sword or with Sage Commander / Assault Commander / Wind God setups.However it seems likely a lot better in games where you went and the opponent has to wait a turn to answer with Themis / Death's Breath / Calamitous Curse / etc.

Archwitch of Oz is impossible to evaluate currently. Will she be like Daria where she's immediately key to a new type of top-meta deck or like Ginger, where you won't be able to pull off the big combo until future expansions add more support ? (Also, I know this is an early unofficial translation, but Oz is not Wonderland).

I don't know Blood well enough to guess if Wicked Fairy Carabosse is a turn 8+ drop for Control, or a turn 6 drop for aggro.

As a 2pp neutral cantrip, Through the Looking Glass is probably going in some D-shift and Daria variants regardless of whether the effect ens uo mattering. It also clearly part of the pushed deck archetype for Wonderland.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Username17 »

Looking Glass is hot garbage and won't be a thing except in a few D-Shift Variants who regard it as a very tiny upgrade to Trail of Light. The big problem with Looking Glass is that it doesn't affect anything in your deck, so it doesn't get you around the Stryx requirement of having 28+ Neutral cards in your deck, which in turn means that you only have 12 or less non-Neutrals in your whole Neutralcraft deck.

What 12 cards are in your deck where you'd be willing to spend 2PP worth of tempo to have no board effect at all just to have them trigger Neutral synergies if they are already in your hand or in play?

I could imagine circumstances where Sahaquiel decks might want to Neutralcraft paint some cards - but only just because it doesn't paint Genesis Dragon. And I can imagine there being some killer app where D-Shift would like to cast Looking Glass. But the regular Neutralcraft beat-down deck does not want to spend 2 PP on a do nothing card that makes cards that don't have Neutralcraft synergies have Neutralcraft synergies. It wants to run cards that have Neutralcraft synergies in the first place.

I want to see an official Haunted House translation. I've seen the claim that it gives you a ghost for every creature that dies on your turn and I've seen the claim that it gives you a ghost for every one of your creatures that dies. Thos aren't remotely the same. But either way it's real good. It's like a 1PP Prince Catacomb where the skeletons all get Storm It's going to be incredibly hard to come back when you go second and your opponent has Haunted House. They are going to trade all their guys up and if they have Ghost Hound they are also going to get bonus shadows for doing it.

Archwitch has two main uses, but both of them involve being played in a deck with almost no spells. The first is Daria, where you mostly have Followers who deal with spell boost shenanigans so she's a 4/5 for 5 where you draw three cards. The second is in Dirt Rune where again you have hardly any spells and she's just a super sized Avant Blader. Casting her on 6 and following up with DoD/Mutagenic Bolt/Calamitous Curse sounds real good.

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Post by DSMatticus »

Josh_Kablack wrote:I don't know Blood well enough to guess if Wicked Fairy Carabosse is a turn 8+ drop for Control, or a turn 6 drop for aggro.
I don't think it's anything.

Grimnir is aggro blood's current "oh shit, I didn't win the game outright, but maybe I can still cobble together a lategame lethal before my opponent finishes me off." Grimnir gets the privilege of filling that role because when he's not busy being your last desperate hurrah he's a 2/3 for 3 with ward. He's competing with cards like Angel of the Word and Succubus, which are stormless, wardless 2/2's that can deal some face damage (and usually aggro blood is so desperate for 3 drops that it'll run some combination of the bunch and more). Fairy Carabosse, meanwhile, costs you 6 more total mana to do as much face damage as Grimnir but with a side of four more cards and without the board clear. I won't say that's necessarily a bad deal, but unlike Grimnir she isn't moonlighting as a 2/3 for 3 with ward. She's a 6/6 for 6 without storm. She's competing with Imp Lancer, who (in the short term) will do 3 damage if your opponent has an answer and 6 if they don't - compared to Carabosse who (again, in the short term) does 1 damage if your opponent has an answer and 7 if they don't. Grimnir is an alternate pseudo-wincon that fits into what the deck is trying to do. Carabosse is a slightly better pseudo-wincon that doesn't.

The current control blood deck is a sneks deck that wants to untap on T7 with a pile of maelstrom serpents and win either that turn or the next depending on how much their opponent managed to thin out the pile. The problem is that as long as Haven continues to be the craft of "fuck interaction, I'm winning on turn X so race me motherfucker" the only thing you should be planning to do around turn X is win the game and Carabosse doesn't do that. Carabosse is an investment in the future, and then your opponent will play Aegis or Seraph and suddenly the future is even shorter than you were expecting.

EDIT: Just reread Carabosse, realized that her effect triggers at end of turn instead of at the start of turn (you know, like the play orbs she replaces). That one little difference changes how I feel about the card substantially. She catches up to Imp Lancer a turn faster than I thought, and that makes her pretty goddamn competitive.
Last edited by DSMatticus on Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Username17 »

Yeah, now that the full text of Wicked Fairy is out, I can see a no-vengeance deck with a low curve using her as their lone 6-drop. You're basically a 1-2-3 Bat Package deck and you expect to run out of cards in hand on turn 6 anyway so you'd like the card draw and then you're running on two cards a turn but have no particular need of having more than 6 PP.

The fact that Wicked Fairy does damage at end of turn and very importantly keeps doing the damage and drawing you the extra cards even if your opponent removes her means that she's a pretty good means of pushing the last damage through for Aggro blood. I don't know if she's going to completely replace Mastema in that deck as a thing to Baphomet, but it certainly seems possible.

It's kind of interesting, for a deck with a low enough curve to want her at all she's a massive upgrade on Furiae and she still seems kind of marginal.

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Post by Omegonthesane »

...I was going to object to the idea of using Baphomet to get the fairy before turn 6, then remembered that Baphomet's cost reduction effect happens on turn 5 and eats all your mana if you use it that turn.

And I am under the impression that people thought Sibyl would be marginal until they saw her in actual play, he says, knowing he'd be reluctant to switch to old-school aggro blood after crafting legendaries for Vengeance.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by DSMatticus »

Frank, what is it with you and Mastema? I am That Netdecking Asshole incarnate and Mastema is not a thing. It wasn't a thing back in RoB, and it's somehow even less of a thing in TotG. It is not a terrible card, don't get me wrong. There's definitely value there, but it doesn't really matter because it is super off-meta. You shouldn't replace Mastema with Carabosse because Mastema shouldn't be in your deck in the first place. There are four "big" bloodcraft decks right now, and not one of them considers Mastema. I think the best comparison for Carabosse is actually Imp Lancer, because Imp Lancer has the same cost and actually sees play. If your opponent doesn't have a response, Carabosse is the better card by T7 (8 damage instead of 6). If your opponent does have a response, Carabosse catches up by T8 (3 damage for both). The trade-off between the two is that you are risking giving the opponent two more turns in order to have a stronger T7. If your opponent is at 3 life, Imp Lancer wins you the game immediately. If your opponent is at 4 life, Imp Lancer can't do shit but Carabosse can draw you a razory claw which wins you the game next turn.

That said, I basically agree with your assessment of where Carabosse belongs; non-vengeance aggro. Carabosse's shtick is that she gives low-curve aggro decks more oomph going into the midgame, but her disadvantage is that she's slower than slapping an Imp Lancer on the table and going face. That's great in something like aggro bat, which runs out of steam before it runs out of life. That's real fucking sketchy in aggro vengeance, which stabs itself in the face for value and has the exact opposite problem; running out of life before it runs out of steam.

I'm not sure what will become of Carabosse in the end. I fucked up a lot of my TotG predictions by thinking of things in terms of the current meta ("Is this card useful in this deck that I'm currently running?" "Who fucking cares, you're not going to be running that deck in TotG"). Will Carabosse bring back aggro bat? Maybe? "It's aggro bat, but it gets to draw two cards in the midgame" sounds fucking amazing. Will Carabosse make non-Soul Dealer vengeance-lite decks the new standard? Maybe? I predicted that Belphegor was trash because paying a bunch of life for value was insane. I was super wrong, and now Belphegor is in fucking everything. My instinct is to predict that Carabosse asking a deck which pays a bunch of life for value to slow down is insane. I don't think I'm wrong this time question mark? There has to be a limit to how far you can stretch "give your opponent a better chance to kill you in exchange for better cards and more of them," and I feel like vengeance Carabosse has to be over that limit. And Carabosse is real fucking awkward in a control deck when Aegis and Seraph are a thing. What, you're gonna play her on T6? How are you gonna play your finisher on 6 orbs? You're gonna play her on T8, T9? You're cutting things awful damn close to "get fucked" territory.
Last edited by DSMatticus on Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DSMatticus »

It seems like Take Two is increasingly RNG hell. Or maybe it always was, I dunno. Last time I went through, I went 1-4 and all the games I lost were decided by a single card - some super-legendary. But this time I have an Aegis and I'm 3-0 against people who don't seem to have anything. The games run long enough, it's just that the enemy never plays anything scary because they either don't have it at all or didn't draw it.

I feel like the hit-or-miss powercreep has made Take Two a complete toss up by this point. I'm not really sure I enjoy playing, and am wondering if I shouldn't just burn my remaining tickets with resigns to get the packs without any hassle.

Also I just opened an animated Forte. You can't make me put together a Dragoncraft deck, Cygames. I won't do it.
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Post by Username17 »

DSM wrote:Frank, what is it with you and Mastema?
If Blood Synergy Decks aren't working, you have to go to card quality decks. The default is to go Aggro Blood or Midrange Blood. Aggro Blood is uninterested in anything that costs more than Imp Lancer, while Midrange Blood goes up to Soul Dominator.

Vengeance Blood is a real weird deck that only wants all the cards in it because it has all the other cards in it. If you weren't planning on playing a Turn 4 Belphegor, then a Turn 2 Spiderweb Imp would be pretty bad and a Turn 3 Devil of Vengeance would be fucking awful and a Turn 5 Dark Airjammer would be like a mediocre Take Two kind of play. With the Turn 4 Belphegor in there, all those other plays become fucking frightening and often a cause for your opponent to just concede immediately.

Midrange Blood on the other hand just wants to play good cards on each turn. It's not interested in playing bad cards that voltron into game winning effects, it just wants to curve out playing good cards that can trade positively with the things the opponent is playing. So you don't want a Devil of Vengeance on Turn 3, you want a Veight. You don't want a Belphegor on Turn 4, you're playing a Wardrobe Raider, and so on. And when it comes to Turn 5 you sure as fuck aren't going to roll the dice on an Airjammer, you are going to play Mastema.

Big Knuckles is not a card that Vegeance Blood is interested in. It is running as many 4 cost followers as it wants and it can't replace Soul Dealer, Belphegor, or Dark General with anything else. But Midrange Blood is totes into a high quality stand alone card like Big Knuckles. And if there's enough stand alone quality cards, the crazy Vengeance package might want to go. And if it does go, it takes most of the deck with it and suddenly you're playing Vania instead of Blood Wolf and Mastema instead of Airjammer. And it's that deck that's interested in Dark Fairy. Vengeance Blood is completely uninterested. So if you're asking whether you should be playing Dark Fairy Carabosse, you're comparing it to Mastema, Queen Vampire, and Imp Lancer.

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Post by DSMatticus »

Sure, that all sounds very reasonable, except that midrange blood also isn't a thing. We're talking about off-meta cards having places in off-meta decks. We're deep in the fuckin' wilderness here, is what I'm getting at. When you strip the vengeance out of a vengeance deck, what you usually end up with is just the standard aggro bat deck.
FrankTrollman wrote:It is running as many 4 cost followers as it wants and it can't replace Soul Dealer, Belphegor, or Dark General with anything else.
An aside you might find interesting; the last batch of tournaments had a couple Soul Dealer-less vengeance decks whose owners made it pretty far. And I don't mean control vengeance (sneks), though there were also those, I mean the typical aggro vengeance decklist but with the Soul Dealers stripped out. No Blood Moons to replace them, either, obviously. Only reliable vengeance trigger is Belphegor, and then you've got some limited self-damage from the usual suspects (Razory Claw, Blood Wolf, Spiderweb Imp). I thought it was very fucking weird and am interested to see if it becomes a thing.

If it does end up a thing, I will have been wrong about Soul Dealer in every way it was possible to be wrong about Soul Dealer, even the ways that you would normally think are incompatible with one another because they are contradictions. Amazing!
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Post by Username17 »

DSM wrote:Sure, that all sounds very reasonable, except that midrange blood also isn't a thing.
Midrange Blood is a positive winrate deck. Less popular than Aggro Blood or Vengeance Blood at the moment, but any deck that wins more than it loses in a meta where 14% of players are turning up with the Midrange Shadow behemoth is a deck you have to take seriously.

Vengeance Blood is real fragile. It posts monstrously high winrates against Aegis because so much of the deck is immune to Blackened Scripture and Ancient Lion. But it also gets its ass handed to it by most aggro decks because it is literally doing half its opponent's work for it. If Dragon gets its Storm finishers back or Sword stops sucking wind or people can make viable Roach decks again, then Vengeance Blood vanishes from the meta instantly.

But Midrange Blood doesn't. Because Midrange Blood is just a pile of good cards. It doesn't get hated out by Novice Troopers. And the fact that Midrange Blood is getting Big Knuckles to replace Wardrobe Raider is big news. It means that if the curtain falls on Vengeance Blood that Midrange Blood will smoothly step into its place.

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Post by DSMatticus »

You absolutely should not trust Shadowlog to tell you what kind of decks people are playing in anything except the most unambiguous cases. That sort of categorization in Shadowverse is a complete shit show and nobody does it consistently or informatively.

I have a bloodcraft deck which is basically the RoB control skeleton, except I've taken out Temptress Vampire and Bahamut and all the other shit that's too slow for the new meta and slotted in Blood Moon, Baphomet, and Maelstrom Serpent. There are variations of that deck on the Shadowverse gamepress right now labelled as both "vengeance bloodcraft" and "control bloodcraft." If you call it vengeance bloodcraft, it shares a name with the Soul Dealer deck. It is absolutely fuck-all like that deck. If you call it control bloodcraft, it shares a name with people still trying to run Temptress Vampire as their finisher. It is absolutely fuck-all like that deck. No matter what you choose to call it, you are wrong. At least, someone else out there thinks you're wrong, and the two of you are going to have a hell of a time trying to communicate with another through labels instead of decklists.

And midrange bloodcraft is a really goddamn small slice of the bloodcraft analytical pie that has no actual representation in the tournie scene and barely any in the user-generated portion of the site and also it supposably posts better win rates than vengeance blood? No, that's not actually happening. I mean, sure, it's technically possible - tournie meta isn't ranked meta and all that. But in truth, that's just people continuing to suck at categorizing Shadowverse decks and until you see the decklists you should take their labels with a grain of salt.
FrankTrollman wrote:If Dragon gets its Storm finishers back or Sword stops sucking wind or people can make viable Roach decks again, then Vengeance Blood vanishes from the meta instantly.
Another minor aside: Soul Dealer vengeance showed up in the tournie meta back in mid April, about a month before the nerfs. It wasn't T1 like it is now, obviously, but it was among the occasional non-Shadow/non-Dragon decks that would place in the top 8. I think it's in a similar position to bat; it may not always be T1, but it's an incredibly stubborn T2. It's just too goddamn lethal to not be able to prey on at least a decent number of decks in any given meta.
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Post by OgreBattle »

There anything good for Earthrite Runecraft?
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

Tiliting at Windmills gives neutral ramp dragon Storm finishers back.

Sky Dragon Goddess lets next turn's Genesis Dragon hit for 14.

Dark Alice is a 1-turn earlier Mordecai for Shadow Neutralcraft with a splash of Shadow. If the new expansion doesn't hand out some more neutral banish / transform that's going to tilt the meta towards even faster win condition decks.

Cinderella looks to be another combo-piece for Sword. Remains to be seen if there are new cards worth comboing it with, or if she's just high stat-to-cost with a weird drawback. (so far not looking like Sword is likely to get anything on my wishlist)

Storm Haven may replace Mainyu with Snow White, and Lion of the Golden City may make things like Dual Flames playable. But the important lesson here is that crafts are again getting (at least) TWO legendaries each this time out, so whatever new deck you want to make is going to be expensive.
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Zaranthan »

DSMatticus wrote:No matter what you choose to call it, you are wrong. At least, someone else out there thinks you're wrong, and the two of you are going to have a hell of a time trying to communicate with another through labels instead of decklists.
So basically, we've rammed CCGs into the New Media problem of things changing too fast for the community to have meaningful conversations with a shared vocabulary? Hell, I still have problems with my D&D group using the phrase "death effect" like it's a mechanical category.
Koumei the dead guy posthumously at fault for his own death and, due to the felony murder law, his own murderer?
hyzmarca wrote:A palace made out of poop is much more impressive than one made out of gold. Stinkier, but more impressive. One is an ostentatious display of wealth. The other is a miraculous engineering feat.
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Post by Username17 »

OgreBattle wrote:There anything good for Earthrite Runecraft?

There are some interesting things that might make Ginger Rune or Daria Rune pop, but Dirt Rune gets nothing from the revealed cards so far. The fundamental issue is that the sigils just aren't good enough. They should be cheaper by a whole mana across the board and even then many of them would be hot garbage. There's a bunch of things that draw you cards and then make you discard spells, which is almost like supporting Dirt Rune but mostly it's just stuff for Daria or Ginger when it isn't "extremely awful."

Snow White is interesting design. It's basically a 3/3 for 2 but it is of primary use attacking enemy followers.

Cinderella is exactly what Commander Sword needed. The problem with the Gawain Support Cannon plan is that Gawain's cost reduction is only good if you plan on playing 2 creatures a turn. But card draw in Swordcraft is made out of ass, so you empty your hand really fast if you play multiple followers per turn. With Cinderella you can play two cards per turn and never run out of cards. Also in Magical Christmas land you can do a Support Cannon OTK on turn 7. But it's pretty realistic to blast for 7 or more damage every turn from turn 6 onwards, which is basically insane.

I have a suspicion that Dark Alice is terrible. The entire point of Mordecai in a neutralcraft deck is that you can Urd yourself a doubled Mordecai. But Dark Alice banishes her double, so it's pointless. Not sure what all else you could put in the Neutralcraft Shadow deck, and there might be some arcane advantage to deck thinning all the Shadowcraft followers from your deck on turn 7. But I can't think of what that would be. If they all became Shadows it would be a wincon by itself, but they don't.

Caterpillar of Riddles is a pretty great support card for Ledger. Pops Attendant and boosts Unica. What more do you want from a 4/3 for 4?

Red Ragewyrm is weird as fuck, and appears to be some sort of attempt to get us to play with Ace Dragoons. But it also means that if your opponent stumbles at all and you play it on turn 3, you can evolves plus face smash it in for ten on turn 4. Drop an Ace Dragoon after and then just flip your opponent off.

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Post by Josh_Kablack »

FrankTrollman wrote: Cinderella is exactly what Commander Sword needed. The problem with the Gawain Support Cannon plan is that Gawain's cost reduction is only good if you plan on playing 2 creatures a turn.
Strongly disagree with this.

The problem with the Support Cannon plan is that you are running a deck which wants to turn things around on turns 6+ in a craft that no healing, lousy sweep and no banish. In order to make Support Cannon a thing, the deck necessarily needs to have strong drops on turns 6,7, and 8. And in order to do that either your deck runs a bunch of 6,7, and 8 drops or you have held back on playing cards in the earlygame in order to play multiples on the post-cannon turns. So the deck has to play a bit soft in the earlygame -- and then it has to spend turn 5 playing a set-up drop instead of dropping and evolving to trade for board. That is currently a game-losingly bad plan. Now I agree that Cinderella being a repeatable source of 4 immediate random (maybe face) damage so long as you have additional curve-minus-3 orb followers in hand could change that plan to something worthwhile.

But that plan is NOT going to want Gawain. Because cost reductions go away after a cost-reduced follower is dropped, So Cinderella is going to cost 3. More importantly the deck absolutely has to turn things around on turn 6, so it's going to want to drop Cinderella and another 3-cost Commander on that turn. The ideal is 2 rotating Cinderellas, but White Paladin is a key part of surviving into cannonade turns. But it you spend turn 5 playing Cannon and turn 6 dropping Commanders, you only got to attack with Gawain if you were player 2 and got the first evolve -- so the deck has to be built to allow a double commander drop without any cost reductions. If Turn 7 doesn't need to be a Roland / Frontguard for defense, then it's a Cinderella + 4 drop where you might play unenhanced Gawain and evolve him in order to set up for the turn 8 discount Cinderella + Discount Roland / Frontguard pairing. But you'd likely be better off just playing an Amelia for extra cannon damage right now and a ward dude in your hand.

And while Gawain's cost reduction is good for turning 2-cost commanders into 1-cost commanders to get a multi-drop on turn 5 or 7, Gawain's cost reduction is ALSO good for letting you play 6-cost or 8 cost commanders one turn early. Right now that means either trying to drop Charlotte into an active Luminous Standard on turn 7 or trying to combo a turn 5 Otohime into a turn 6 Sage Commander (or the variant where Otohime is turn 6, but Walfrid is turn 7). What Gawain-based Commander Sword *needs* is something to make any of those plans more reliable and/or better packages at those cost points.

I have a suspicion that Dark Alice is terrible. The entire point of Mordecai in a neutralcraft deck is that you can Urd yourself a doubled Mordecai. But Dark Alice banishes her double, so it's pointless. Not sure what all else you could put in the Neutralcraft Shadow deck, and there might be some arcane advantage to deck thinning all the Shadowcraft followers from your deck on turn 7. But I can't think of what that would be.
I'm scratching my head wondering if Through The Looking Glass has combo potential here. In theory you end up with a deck that's like just Alice: Wonderland Explorer, Urd, Looking Glass and discount Mordecai in play - but you have to have painted at least one of your Dark Alices with a Looking Glass to make it work seems unlikely without more setup cards in the set
Red Ragewyrm is weird as fuck, and appears to be some sort of attempt to get us to play with Ace Dragoons. But it also means that if your opponent stumbles at all and you play it on turn 3, you can evolves plus face smash it in for ten on turn 4. Drop an Ace Dragoon after and then just flip your opponent off.

Rahab showed that a 5 toughness drop on turn 3 usually requires multiple cards for an opponent to kill and couldn't always be killed immediately. But at least a turn 3 Rahab required dragon to ramp on turn 2. Ragewyrm pretty much just requires you to go 2nd so as to get the turn 4 evolve.
Last edited by Josh_Kablack on Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Username17 »

Commander Sword should not be looked at like a control deck. It should be looked at as an aggro deck. The comparison is not Draconic Fervor, the comparison for Support Cannon is Cerberus. Support Cannon isn't something that turns things around, it's something that keeps you from running out of juice.

You don't defend yourself for five turns and then start dropping super fatties on turn 6. That strategy is dumb for a craft whose weakness is poor healing. The plan is you attack for 4 turns, let up for a turn while you play your enabler. And then you play more early game aggressive creatures because that is your whole fucking deck. Only now those creatures come with cannon shots and you can push through face damage just by playing dudes.

You're Aggro Shadow and Support Cannon is your Cerberus and your Phantom Howl.
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