[LP] DestinyQuest: The Legion of Shadow

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

angelfromanotherpin wrote:I think the wand would be interesting if it wasn't 1/combat. You'd trade a little general effectiveness for a second combat mode that was good against highly-armored enemies. It could also be decent for mages who had made some bad choices and wound up with a low damage stat.
Yeah, there's definitely a pretty neat "charge shot" vibe to it. But the Book of Black Deeds' extra +1 to both stats is nicer than that, even factoring in the gold we'd get for alchemizing it.

As for our current situation, agreed on ignoring the trash gear in the fish belly. Keep the map though.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The treasure map:
Exhausted from your trek across the swamp, you are relieved when the mists finally beginning to recede – scattering at the head of a salty sea wind. Through the thinning haze, a dark mangrove of tall trees and straggly vegetation is now revealed.

As you get closer to the mangrove, the water becomes steadily deeper, until you are wading up to your waist through the stagnant murk. The stilt-like roots of the trees quickly form an infuriating maze, making your progress slow and tiring. Several times you are forced to sink beneath the water and swim, in order to navigate past the thicker winding roots.

Eventually you spy a solid island of reeds and grass. Several clumps of wrinkled tubular plants are growing along its banks, capped with small black flowers. You assume that these are the black mandrake that Bern spoke of. Quickly you clamber up onto the hilly mound and tug one of the plants free.

'I hope this was worth it,' you muse, as you place the plant, complete with its long trailing roots, into your pack. Hoisting the bundle back onto your shoulders, you gaze down at the cold wet murk of the swamp and release a heavy sigh. It will be a long and tiring journey back to the wreekin villlage.

Suddenly you are jolted out of your thoughts as the ground shakes violently from side to side. Unable to keep your balance, you fall backwards into the swamp, surfacing just in time to see the hilly mound that you were standing on, rise up into the air. Beneath it, sand and water drain in rivulets across a huge face chiselled into stone; a face that is alive and contorted with rage.

As the water swells and froths around you, two enormous shoulders and then two vast limbs tear themselves free of the swamp. Frantically, you grab onto the nearest branch and cling on for dear life, while boulder-sized rocks and giant clots of earth rain down from the sky.

When you finally dare to open your eyes again, you gasp in fear and disbelief at what you see. A gargantuan monster towers above you, its black eyes gleaming beneath a jutting forehead of stone. Your instincts are screaming at you to run, but snagged by weeds and buffeted by churning swamp water, you realize that your chances of escaping are slim. Resigned to your fate, you draw your weapons and valiantly prepare to defend yourself against this colossal foe.
The swamp giant lurches forward, knocking aside trees and roots in its efforts to reach you. Then, from out of the dark skies, you see a feathered body swoop down in front of the monster, forcing it to take a teetering step backwards. Your eyes strain to follow the rapidly-moving object as it darts and wheels around the confused giant – then, as one of its dives brings it closer towards you, you see that the creature is in fact a large golden eagle, and riding on its back is one of the dryads.

'Wasn't going to let you have all the fun now, was I?' she shouts, as the eagle blazes past in a flurry of grey feathers and claws. It is Solandris, and she is armed with a magical glowing bow. The dryad's arrows already pepper most of the giant's upper body, and her relentless attacks have succeeded in drawing its attention away from you. With the giant distracted, you now have a chance at defeating it:
Swamp giant1010770

Special Abilities
- Knockdown: If your hero takes health damage from the giant, you must reduce your speed by 1 for the next combat round.
- Body of rock: Your opponent is immune to piercing, impale, bleed, venom, thorns, barbs, and lightning.
Basically just a grind.
Round 1: Us 9+12+2, It 8+10; 2+11-7 damage, it's at 64.
Round 2: (haste'd) Us 10+12, It 6+10; 3+11-7 damage, it's at 57.
Round 3: Us 10+12, It 7+10; 5+11-7 damage, it's at 48.
Round 4: Us 7+12, It 11+10; (parried).
Round 5: Us 8+12, It 6+10; 1+11-7 damage, it's at 43.
Round 6: Us 3+12 (feint'd) 7+12, It 8+10; 3+11-7 damage, it's at 36.
Round 7: Us 5+12, It 2+10; 2+11-7 damage, it's at 30.
Round 8: Us 10+12, It 5+10; 3+11-7 damage, it's at 23.
Round 9: Us 6+12, It 9+10; 5+10-5 damage, we're at 30.
Round 10: Us 10+12, It 11+10; 4+11-7 damage (leech'd) it's at 15, we're at 32.
Round 11: Us 6+23, It 10+10; 5+10-5 damage, we're at 22.
Round 12: Us 10+12, It 8+10; 6+11-7 damage (leech'd), it's at 5, we're at 24.
Round 13: Us 6+12 (charm'd) 8+12, It 9+10; 6+11-7 damage (leech'd), swamp giant defeated!
While Solandris and the eagle hold the giant's attention, you slice, cut, and blast away at its enormous legs. After a tiring battle, the colossal creature finally gives a thunderous roar of pain and then begins to topple forwards. In horror, you realize that you are standing directly beneath it and, without any chance of moving aside quickly enough, you are going to be squashed!

Suddenly, you feel a rush of wind as something grabs your shoulders and lifts you up out of the water, just as the giant smashes down into the swamp, sending a tidal wave of mud and weed rushing out across the mangroves.

'I would say that was good timing on two accounts,' grins Solandris as her eagle drops you beside the body of the defeated giant. To your surprise, you notice several items of treasure tangled up in the monster's vines and roots. You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:
Vigilant chestguard (chest) +1 speed, +3 armor, requirement: warrior
Blackout (left hand: mace) +2 speed, +2 brawn, Ability: stun (1/combat, your opponent rolls 1 less die for combat speed)
Sparkcraft mantle (cloak) +2 speed, +2 magic, Ability: life spark (Every time you roll a double in combat, you restore 4 health), requirement: mage
If you have Lorinwold's Field Guide to Roots, Herbs, and Leaves then you also find 1 thimble sage, 1 taponica bulb, and 1 black orchid growing on the giant's body.
The eagle veers around in a tight arce before swooping down to land next to you on the moss-covered rock. Solandris turns into thesaddle, eyeing you with a newfound respect.

'That was nice work back there – for a human. Now, did you get the mandrake root?'

You pat the side of your backpack, wary of the dryad's intent. After all, it wasn't that long ago that Solandris was holding a knife to your throat.

'Don't worry,' she says, reading your expression. 'I followed you to the wreekin village.' She glances back towards the corpse of the giant. 'Bern convinced me of the urgency of your quest. I suppose it's the ranger you have to thank for saving your life. Now, let's get back to the village. Their leader doesn't have long.'

You accept Solandris' hand, climbing onto the saddle behind her. Then, the giant eagle takes to the air, its enormous wings rising and falling as it ascends out of the murky swampland.
The author's crush on Bern is so hard that he's trying to have Solandris hand him the credit for this rescue.
Back at the village, the solemn crowd is still gathered around their leader's hut. On seeing your arrival, there is a sudden wave of excited chatter as the frog-like creatures push and jostle with each other to get a better view of what you are carrying.

With the mandrake root clutched tightly in your hands, you hurry through the crowd of wreekin and enter the hut. Inside, Bern is standing over the pallet bed, his face worn and tired. The toadish leader looks in a worse condition, his skin now dry and cracked, and his breath coming out in ragged gasps. Bern snaps to attention as you enter, his eyes coming to rest on the mandrake root.

'You got it! Excellent! Over here!' He gestures to a pot of white liquid that is bubbling in front of a fire. Taking the mandrake, he uses a knife from his belt to add shavings of the root to the liquid. It froths and hisses as each piece sinks into the mixture.

Solandris appears at your side, her own face etched with concern. However, her attention is focused solely on the unicorn's horn resting on the table, not the dying wreekin leader. 'Hurry,' she says, her voice strained. 'We must get the horn back to the glade. We don't have much time.'

Bern takes a clot and uses it to lift the pot from the flames. Then he pours out some of the bubbling mixture into a bowl. Carefully, he moves to the leader's side, gesturing for one of the wreekin to lift up the patient's head. Bern then forces a little of the mixture past the leader's dry parched lips.

'It is done,' he says. 'It will only take a few hours to run its course.' He turns and says something to one of the nearby wreekin in their strange warbling language. The creature hops up and down, looking happy and relieved. It then waddles out to the waiting crowd. A moment later, there is a loud cheer from the gathered villagers.

Solandris moves forward and snatches up the horn. 'If this is done then I am returning to the grove.'

Bern nods. 'The wreekin leader will let you leave. I have promised them I will stay here, until their leader is well again.' He looks to you and smiles. 'Thank you for your help, friend. Now, return with Solandris; I know you seek answers that only the queen can give. Farewell. I will join you when I can.'

You leave the hut and follow Solandris over to the waiting eagle. Within seconds you are airborne again, soaring high above the misty wetlands.
You sit alone in a lattice-walled gazebo, facing one of the dryads' quiet wooden glades. It has been an hour since you returned with Solandris and the unicorn's horn. Since then, you have received no news from the cave. You wonder if, perhaps, you were too late to save the queen and the unicorn after all.

Tired from your journey, you start to close your eyes, your head nodding forward onto your chest. As you shake yourself awake, you catch sight of a silver-gold radiance at the far side of the glade. In an instant, all your thoughts of sleep are gone as you gaze upon the captivating majesty of the dryad queen and her unicorn.

You rise hurriedly to your feet, suddenly feeling awkward and ungainly as you bow before them. The unicorn bows its head in answer – its spiral horn glittering in the sunlight.

Your attention shifts to the queen, who is walking gracefully towards you, her long gown of leaves sparkling in a dazzling radiance of hues. When she stops next to you, her face is impassive and unreadable.

'You have saved my life,' she whispers. 'You have protected my sisters and saved our grove. If you wish to become one of our own, then take my hand and the power of nature will be yours. Otherwise, ask of me what you will, shadow walker, and then be gone from our lands.'

• Learn the ranger career (requirement: warrior)?
• Ask about Jenlar Cornelius?
• Ask about the shadow gate?
• Ask about the mark on your arm?
• End your audience?
The ranger career (and the 'power of nature') is two powers. A 1/combat use of haste, and a 1/combat replacing your damage with 2d6 armor-ignoring and a 1 round speed penalty. It's not great. Anyway, pick a loot and a question.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +12, Brawn: +1, Magic: +10, Armor: +6
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakCloak of Shadows+1+2Feint
Main HandBlood Harvest+2+1Leech
Left HandBook of Black Deeds+2+2
ChestCinder's Gown+1+3Sear
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair

Rune Key
Money Pouch: 456 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Ask about Cornelius and the shadow gate; don't mention the mark.

Alchemise cloak for other cloak. Speed and HP shifts are nice.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Agreed on all counts. That new cloak kicks ass for us.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The queen smiles, though there is little warmth or comfort in the gesture. 'The man whom you seek is one of the Council of Nine – an order founded by a powerful human mage named Avian Dale.

'Cornelius has many gifts, but his most powerful is that of prophecy. He sees the future – all futures, which shift and change like the wind. Some paths are set, others can be altered. Cornelius sees them all. You will need his help if you wish to close the shadow gate. Yes, I know of what has befallen the city of Talanost. If the Legion of Shadow is not contained there, then all that we hold precious and dear will be lost... forever.'
'The gates were built long ago, as a means of traveling between worlds. The people who crafted them were a heathen race – elves, whose dark magic and infernal machines once tainted this land.' The queen is silent for a moment before continuing. 'The shadow gate was the last of their great works. When they created it, they had no idea what they would find on the other side. They dreamed of power and glory and knowledge... but what they awakened instead was a vast and deadly evil. When they stepped through the gate, they didn't find a land of splendor and riches... instead they found a vast army waiting for them; an army brutally fashioned to fulfill one single purpose – to destroy everything in its path.'

'The Legion of Shadow,' you interject nervously.

'Yes. Like a plague of locusts, it turned the land to ash and desert. It was an unstoppable force – for every shadowborn that fell in battle there were hundreds more to take their place, pouring through the shadow gate like a relentless tide.'

Your arm tingles as the mark beneath your clothing begins to grow hot 'You mentioned the shadowborn. Did they... did all the shadowborn fight for the Legion of Shadow?'

'The shadowborn are the legion. They take their name because they were born in that other place – that place of shadow and death, beyond the gate.'

You look down at your concealed mark, your mind suddenly racing with thoughts and questions.

'The legion was defeated,' continues the queen, regarding you impassively. 'A group of mages managed to close the gate by removing one of its keystones. This device, known as the Nexus, was separated into four pieces and entrusted to a group of guardians to safeguard with their lives. As for the gate itself, it was moved to Talanost – to the reliquary beneath the University of Magic – where it could be better protected. Since then, the survivors of the shadow have been searching for the pieces of the keystone, to create the Nexus anew and unlock the shadow gate.'

Your eyes widen in sudden realization. 'The Nexus,' you gasp. 'Avian Dale had the final piece and I... I...' You look away, the full weight of what you have done finally hitting home. 'I stole it... I was made to steal it! I am the one responsible for the legion returning to this world.'

The queen nods. 'A charm of submission. All shadowborn have it. It means they can be commanded by a superior – remotely if necessary.'

You find yourself leaning against the bench, suddenly feeling sick and nauseous. 'Then, if I am one of these... shadowborn... why does Avian trust me? Why would he ask me to do this task – to stop the legion's invasion?'

The queen raises a hand and lightly touches your brow. 'Perhaps destiny has granted you a second chance, shadow walker.'
Ending our audience...
You awake to find yourself lying in a patch of long grass, your pack and belongings resting beside you. As you stumble groggily to your feet, you try and remember what happened. You were talking to the queen in the dryad grove and then...

'I see you're awake at last.'

You spin round, readying your weapons – then relax, when you see it is Bern. The ranger is sat watchingg you, chewing on a stem of grass. 'The queen asked me to do her a little favor,' he grins, standing. 'To take you to Cornelius. Are you ready?'

Looking around, you see that you are both standing in a meadow, surrounded by the dark trees of Mistwood. There is no sign of the dryads or their peaceful idyllic grove.

'Was I dreaming?' you ask, scratching your head.

Bern gives a snort of laughter. 'Don't worry, the queen has that effect on most people. Now, do you want my help, or not?'

Still a little befuddled by what has happened, you find yourself agreeing to the ranger's kind offer.
You follow Bern back into the forest, following a narrow trail that takes you up into the black mountains. After an hour of trekking through the barren, rocky foothills you arrive at a small stone cabin, almost invisible against he dark cliffs that loom behind it.

'Cornelius likes his solitude,' grins the ranger. 'Can't say as I blame him. Nice vacation spot, I suppose.' He points to the breathtaking view, that takes in the whole of Mistwood and the misty fenlands to the south.

However, your attention doesn't waver from the cabin. Something is wrong. Your arm is tingling, where the mark is concealed beneath your clothing. It grows stronger, the closer you get to the small building. Bern appears to have sensed something also. He is sniffing the air, his eyes scanning the nearby rocks.

'Do you-?'

Bern puts a finger to his lips, stopping you in mid-sentence. Stealthily, he approaches the door of the cabin, which you notice is standing slightly ajar. Golden light flickers along his arms to pool in the palms of his hands. He is preparing a spell. You follow suit, readying your own weapons with an increasing feeling of unease.
The moment Bern puts a hand to the door, there is a deafening explosion of black light, sending him reeling through the air. The ranger slams into a rock, then crumples to the ground, his body flinching and jerking as black magic crackles about his body.

Paralyzed by shock, you watch as a dark shape begins to coalesce in the doorway. As the shadow grows and solidifies, it quickly becomes a writhing mass of black tentacles, each one ending in sharp snapping teeth.

'Shad... shadow magic,' croaks Bern, his voice weak with pain. 'Someone trapped the door...'

To your surprise, the tentacles horror glides past you, heading straight towards Bern – its black body growing larger by the second. As a creature of shadow, the beast has not attacked you. However, in order to save Bern you will have to fight it. Issuing a battle cry, you charge in with your weapons blazing:
Shadow terror109650

Special Abilities
- Fed from fear: The shadow terror feeds off fear, growing larger all the time. At the end of each combat round, the shadow terror's armor is increased by 1.
That kind of ability gives me anxiety out of all proportion to actual effectiveness.
Round 1: Us 4+13+2, It 4+10; 4+13-6 damage, it's at 39. *Thorns* It's at 38, armor 7.
Round 2: Us 12+13, It 7+10; 3+13-7 damage, it's at 29. *Thorns* It's at 28, armor 8.
Round 3: Us 9+13, It 10+10; 5+13-8 damage, it's at 18. *Thorns* It's at 17, armor 9.
Round 4: Us 3+13, It 10+10; parry'd. *Thorns* It's at 16, armor 10.
Round 5: Us 12+13, It 9+10; 1 (charm'd) 6+13-10 damage, it's at 7. *Thorns* It's at 6, armor 11.
Round 6: Us 4+13, It 6+10; 4+13-11, it's defeated!
The strange creature explodes, releasing whirling tendrils of shadow magic into the air. Without thinking, you raise your arm and pull back your sleeve, revealing your branded mark. The three snakes writhe and twist beneath your skin, as if suddenly alive. Mesmerized, you watch as the floating shadow magic starts to spiral towards them, like a moth to a flame.

• Absorb the shadow magic?
• Quickly conceal your mark?
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +13, Brawn: +1, Magic: +12, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakSparkcraft Mantle+2+2Life Spark
Main HandBlood Harvest+2+1Leech
Left HandBook of Black Deeds+2+2
ChestCinder's Gown+1+3Sear
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair

Rune Key
Money Pouch: 486 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ikeren »

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Post by Omegonthesane »

Nomming evil power is totally a remotely good idea. Although I don't know how we can get any more compromised than "can be remotely commanded by the villains".
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

This is either going to be a Game Over or it's going to be a golden opportunity to get some sort of dark magic career. Either way let's check it out.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You allow your mark to absorb the shadow magic. The moment the magic comes in contact with the squirming snakes, your feel a rush of powerful energy flowing through your body. You may raise your brawn and magic by 2 for the next two combats that you fight.
Darth's guesses were both far too dramatic.
You hurry to Bern's side and help the ranger to sit up. Although you can see no physical wounds, the magic has clearly caused serious injury to the warrior.

'Don't worry,' he wheezes, his face ashen. 'I paid for my mistake, but it won't happen again. Help me up.'

Bern leans on you for support as he struggles back to his feet. You ask him what that thing was, and why it attacked him when the door was touched.

'Someone or something put a magical trap on the door,' explains Bern, eyeing the cabin warily. 'It was activated the moment that I tried to enter. If it hadn't been for you, I would have been a goner. Thank you, friend.'

'So, will it be safe now?' you ask.

Perhaps it's best you go on ahead,' says the ranger, settling down on a rock to catch his breath. 'You won't set off any more traps, if there are any. You are shadowborn; the traps will simply think you are a friend, not a foe.'

You grimace - finding little comfort in the man's words. Leaving Bern to rest, you carefully approach the cabin door and pull it open.
Inside the cabin, you are met by an unsettling scene. Furniture lies in broken ruins, papers and scrolls litter the floor, and blood covers one of the walls. As you wander through the debris, it becomes obvious that a fight took place here. There are areas of the walls where the stone has been nocked by sword blades or burnt away by fire. One cupboard, still left standing, is sliced entirely in half, from top to bottom

Searching through the papers and scrolls you find little that provides any insight into what happened. Then you notice a loose floorboard, raised slightly above the other panels. You kneel down and pull it loose, revealing a small cavity underneath. A roll of parchment and a bag lie inside. You take the parchment and unroll it. To your surprise, you find that it is written to you.

I knew you would find this. Call it a little gift of mine, for seeing things that have yet to happen. You are looking for me, as are many others. The vision doesn't tell me your motives, although I see Avian Dale's destiny entwined in your own. He is a good friend and as such, I will put some trust in you.

I must hurry and leave this place. One of the stalkers is headed here as I write and I cannot afford to battle such a foe. I must head south if I can. Something of great import has been made clear to me. I have seen a most dark future, if the events that I have witnessed come to pass. The greatest threat to us is not the Legion of Shadow -no, the attack will come from elsewhere. I can't say more in case this paper falls into the wrong hands. There is a back with some of my possessions. When we meet again, show me the ring and I will know it is you.


You open the bag and discover a plain gold ring inside (make a note of this on your hero sheet). You pocket the ring before turning your attention to the other objects, which you may take.
Pendant of foresight (necklace) +1 speed, Ability: evade
Tome of deep thought (left hand: spell book) +2 speed, +3 magic, Requirement: mage
Prophet's handwraps (gloves) +1 brawn, +1 armor, Ability: trickster.
Looking around at the chaotic ruin, it is clear that Cornelius failed to make it out of the cabin before the stalker arrived. However, there is no sign of a corpse - unless it was buried or taken. Confused, you exit the cabin.
Outside the cabin, you are shocked to see that Bern has gone. Worried that something might have happened, you ready your weapons and scan the nearby rocks, fearing that whoever laid the trap has returned.

You are relieved when the ranger finally reappears, rounding the side of a large boulder. He looks to have recovered from his ordeal, although he still walks with a slight limp.

'I was checking for tracks,' he explains. 'What did you find inside?'

You tell him that it appears a fight has taken place, but there was no clear victor. The blood on the wall suggests someone was wounded.

The ranger nods. 'Yes, that would seem to make sense. I found two sets of tracks. The first are about a day old. The second are fresher and are following the first, although I found no traces of blood. Both were headed south.'

You thank Bern for his help.

'Good luck finding Cornelius,' he says. 'He is a good man and I would hate for him to come to harm. As for me, I must return to the grove. The queen has other assignments for me.' He walks over and takes your hand, shaking it firmly. 'I think I misjudged you,' he says, smiling. 'It was an honor to have fought by your side.'

With that, he turns and heads back towards the dark forest, leaving you alone on the cliffside, deep in thought. Return to the quest map to continue your journey.
Let me know if you want any of the loots, then...
• Hardest quest, by the water?
• Go bother the dragon while we're dark magic buffed?
• Go back to the tournament while we're dark magic buffed?
• Other?
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +13, Brawn: +1, Magic: +12, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakSparkcraft Mantle+2+2Life Spark
Main HandBlood Harvest+2+1Leech
Left HandBook of Black Deeds+2+2
ChestCinder's Gown+1+3Sear
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Money Pouch: 486 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Tome of boring stat increase is strictly better than Book of Black Deeds, so take.

Half a vote to take the pendant as well; evade being arguably better than heal plus 20 gold to sweeten the deal.

Leave the gloves to rot.

Tournament while we're buffed.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Ikeren »

Tome of pure thought agreed; vote against pendant, since it costs us a point of magic. I thought it was 30 gold for alchemy though?

I was going to say Dragon while buffed; I have to imagine it's more difficult than tournament?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Evade is better than Heal but it's not better than Heal and +1 damage. So alchemize our book for the higher level palette swap book and 30 gold; ignore pendant and gloves. Then go troll the dragon.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Dragon it is.
You stride up to the dragon and issue your challenge. Lazily, the beast opens one eyelid and examines you with interest. A reptilian hiss escapes from its mouth as it lifts up its enormous head.

'You challenge me?' it booms. The power of its voice dislodges stones from the ceiling and sends more branch-like cracks snaking across the ground. The beast rises onto its clawed feet, its immense black wings snaking across the ground. 'Puny human,' it hisses. 'It is time for you to discover the true might of dragonkind.' Opening its jaws wide, the dragon breathes a roaring column of flame in your direction:

Special Abilities
- Dragon breath: At the end of every combat round, the dragon breathes fire. To avoid being hit, roll 3 dice. If the result is equal to or less than your speed, then you have avoided it. If the result is higher, you have been hit and must take 5 armor-ignoring damage.
- Dragon hide: Kindle is immune to piercing, impale, thorns, and barbs.
That's pretty hardcore, but I think we've got this.
Round 1: Us 7+13+2, It 5+12; 6+16-9 damage, it's at 77. *Breath* 8, avoided.
Round 2: Us 10+13, It 8+12; 5+16-9 damage, it's at 65. *Breath* 12, avoided.
Round 3: Us 7+13, It 10+12; (parry'd). *Breath* 13, avoided.
Round 4: Us 11+13, It 5+12; 6+16-9 damage, it's at 52. *Breath* 6, avoided.
Round 5: Us 10+13, It 12+12; 4+11-4 damage, we're at 29 (heal'd) 33. *Breath* 13, avoided.
Round 6: Us 11+13, It 5+12; 4+16-9 damage, it's at 41 (leech'd) we're at 35. *Breath* 17 (life spark, we're at 39), hit, we're at 34.
Round 7: Us 6+13 (life spark, we're at 38), It 7+12; draw. *Breath* 9, avoided.
Round 8: Us 5+13, It 10+12; 3+11-4 damage, we're at 28 (heal'd) 32. *Breath* 11, avoided.
Round 9: Us 3+13 (charm'd) 4+13 (life spark, we're at 36), It 6+12; 6+11-4 damage, we're at 23. *Breath* 5, avoided.
Round 10: Us 10+13, It 4+12; 1+16-9 damage, it's at 33 (leech'd) we're at 25. *Breath* 11, avoided.
Round 11: Us 3+13, It 6+12; 6+11-4 damage, we're at 12. *Breath* 9, avoided.
Round 12: Us 10+13, It 9+12; 5+16-9 damage, it's at 21 (leech'd) we're at 14. *Breath* 13, avoided.
Round 13: Us 6+13, It 7+12; draw. *Breath* 13, avoided.
Round 14: Us 8+13 (life spark, we're at 18) It 4+12; 6+16-9 damage, it's at 8 (leech'd) we're at 20. *Breath* 15, we're at 15.
Round 15: Us 4+13 (life spark,we're at 19) It 7+12; 6+11-4 damage, we're at 6. *Breath* 8, avoided.
Round 16: Us 6+13 (life spark, we're at 10), It 11+12; (gourd'd, we're at 16) 3+11-4 damage, we're at 6. *Breath* 10, avoided.
Round 17: Us 10+13 (life spark, we're at 10), It 9+12; 4+16-9 damage, epic foe defeated!
I think that's by far the most epic fight of the book so far, and a desperately close one, too. Life spark proc'd seven times and I still had to down our gourd of healing to stay in it.
The mighty dragon crashes to the ground at your feet, sending a shockwave around the cavern. There is a deafening, splintering sound from above, then stones and rock start to rain down from the darkness. In horror, you realize that the cavern is collapsing.

Quickly, you dive onto the dragon's hoard and begin filling your pockets. (You have gained 100 gold crowns.) You may also help yourself to one of the following items before you are forced out of the cavern by the raining debris:
Dragonslayer (left hand: sword) +2 speed, +4 brawn, Ability: deep wound (1/combat, roll an extra die for damage)
Dragonscale mail (chest) +2 speed, +3 armor, Ability: second skin (immune to pierce), requirement: warrior.
Dragonscale cloak (cloak) +2 speed, +2 armor, Ability: second skin
We have the option to go back into the seared scar and the quest we already completed, but I think that would be bad continuity, so it's pick a reject all loot and back to the main map, where:

• Hardest quest?
• Gladiate while buffed?
• Other? (specify)
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +13, Brawn: +1, Magic: +13, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakSparkcraft Mantle+2+2Life Spark
Main HandBlood Harvest+2+1Leech
Left HandTome of Deep Thought+2+3
ChestCinder's Gown+1+3Sear
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Money Pouch: 616 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'd gladiate while buffed. The first fight in the hardest quest probably isn't nearly as bad as the later ones in it, so the buff would most likely be wasted.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

That is some amazingly disappointing loot for such a hard fight. We used a permanent resource! Even the just under 20% currency increase seems a bit weak for that.

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

If you're not a magic build you probably jizz in your pants over a +2/+4 off-hand weapon with an ability. It's just us mages who get the shaft there.
The crowds are chanting your name as you stride out into the arena, ready to face your next opponent. 'Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our quarer-final match-up!' The announcer zooms overhead like a bright trailing comet. 'Facing our challenger today, is one of the deadliest fighters ever to set foot in the arena. From across the scorching sands of the dune sea, I bring you Nasareim!'

The stadium shakes with the roar of applause as a tall figure steps out of the tunnel. He is dressed in a loose-fitting poncho and flared silk leggings decorated with embroidered suns. Most of the man's face is hidden behind wraps of cloth, leaving only his dark eyes and curved nose visible. You notice that he moves with a quick-footed grace, his sandaled feet barely making an impression in the wet earth. Drawing a black-bladed scimitar from his belt, the silent assassin stalks towards you. It is time to fight!

Special Abilities
- Dervish: This fighter's deadly attacks ignore your armor.
- Whirlwind: Each time Nasareim rolls a 6 for damage, he may roll an extra die for damage. If he rolls another 6 he may roll another die, and so on.
Augh, I rather prefer the dragon.
Round 1: Us 10+13+2, Him 8+12; 5+16-12 damage, he's at 51. *Thorns* He's at 50.
Round 2: Us 4+13 (charm'd) 7+13, Him 6+12; 4+16-12 damage, he's at 42. *Thorns* He's at 41.
Round 3: Us 9+13, Him 3+12; 2+16-12 damage, he's at 35. *Thorns* He's at 34.
Round 4: Us 8+13, Him 4+12; 4+16-12 damage, he's at 26. *Thorns* He's at 25.
Round 5: Us 7+13, Him 10+12; parry'd. *Thorns* He's at 24.
Round 6: Us 9+13, Him 7+12; 2+16-12 damage, he's at 18. *Thorns* He's at 17.
Round 7: Us 6+13, Him 6+12; 6+16-12 damage, he's at 7. *Thorns* He's at 6.
Round 8: Us 9+13, Him 12+12; 6+3+10 damage, we're at 21. Heal, we're at 25. *Thorns* He's at 5.
Round 9: Us 9+13, Him 9+12; 1+16-12 damage, Nasareim defeated!
Huh, not as bad as I thought it would be. Although his one hit nearly halved our health, so I'm glad he didn't get more.
There is wild applause as the speedy agile dervish is finally brought down. You may take one of the following items as a reward:
Desert keffiyeh (head) +1 speed, +2 brawn.
Ebony (main hand: sword) +2 speed, +3 brawn, Ability: ebony and ivory (special if you have both weapons)
Agal of shifting sands (head) +2 magic, +2 armor
As you exit the tunnel, you find a jostling crowd of people waiting for you, all eager to meet the great warrior of the arena. Some are begging for autographs (the quill and parchment already in their hands), whilst others pester you to show off your best moves. Soon, you are surrounded on all sides by a deafening crescendo of voices, all asking or demanding something from you. (If you have a photograph in your possession you can sign this and hand it over to an eager fan for 50 gold crowns.)

You are relieved when Bart and Knuckles finally put in an appearance. The burly ogre pushes the crowds aside as Bart ushers you into a private room.

'Well, well. Getting quite a reputation around here.' He smiles, handing over your latest winnings. (You have gained 80 gold crowns.) 'We;re through to the semi-finals. Just two more fights and you'll be crowned the champion!'
Pick a loot, then back to the map:
• Hardest quest?
• Gladiate in the semi-finals?
• Other? (specify)
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +13, Brawn: +1, Magic: +13, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakSparkcraft Mantle+2+2Life Spark
Main HandBlood Harvest+2+1Leech
Left HandTome of Deep Thought+2+3
ChestCinder's Gown+1+3Sear
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Money Pouch: 616 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ikeren »

Again, no loot that seems inspiring. Let's finish the gladiator fights and be crowned champion.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

If only the helmet gave speed.

Gladiate some more so that one option has two votes.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'Good luck,' says Bart. 'This time you're going to need it.'

As you walk out into the arena, you are met by a roar of applause and cheers. The stadium is full to bursting point, and to your relief most of the crowd are chanting your name, waving their blue-colored tickets in the air.

'Welcome one and all, to the first of our semi-final match-ups,' announces the wizard, zipping around the stadium on his flying carpet. 'In the red corner today, we are honored to have the self-proclaimed king of the frozen tundra – King Louis the Sixteenth!'

Two enormous white fists shake and rattle the portcullis. There is the sound of grating squeaking metal, then to your surprise and alarm, you see the portcullis ripped free of the wall. You dodge aside as it goes careening past you in a ball of twisted metal. With a roar, a giant white ape bounds out of the tunnel. Rising up onto its hind legs, the creature beats its broad chest, its savage snarls revealing a mouth filled with inch-long teeth.

'Well, that's a grand entrance and no mistake,' laughs the wizard, his carpet lurching rapidly to a safe distance.

The white ape drops back onto all fours, and then charges towards you, the ground shaking and trembling underfoot. This will certainly be a fight to remember:
King Louis12121250

Special Abilities
- King of the Swingers: The white ape's swinging fists are hard to avoid. At the end of every combat round, you automatically take 15 damage. Armor can be used to absorb this damage.
Just like Nasareim seems to be there to weed out people who over-relied on soak, th'kang is here to weed out people like us, who have more-or-less ditched it. I don't think our DPS/Heal combo can win this, but let's see.
Round 1: Us 9+13+2, Him 5+12; 3+14-12 damage, he's at 45. *DOTs* He's at 44, we're at 29.
Round 2: Us 11+13, Him 8+12; 4+14-12 damage, he's at 38. (leech'd) We're at 31. *DOTs* He's at 37, we're at 20.
Round 3: Us 5+13 (charm'd) 9+13, Him 6+12; 3+14-12 damage, he's at 32. (leech'd, heal'd) We're at 26. *DOTs* He's at 31, we're at 15.
Round 4: Us 7+13, Him 10+12; (parry'd). *DOTs* He's at 30, we're at 4.
Round 5: Us 10+13 (life spark, we're at 8), Him 7+12; 5+14-12 damage, he's at 23. (leech'd, heal'd) We're at 14. *DOTs* He's at 22, we're at 3.
Round 6: Us 10+13 (life spark, we're at 7), Him 7+12; 6+14-12 damage, he's at 14. (leech'd) We're at 9. *DOTs* He's at 13, we're defeated!
Yeah, we needed to bring at least a couple of healpots to win through that. Unfortunately, I think washing out of the tournament is one of this book's few consequential defeats, in that we can't just try again. The championship is forever denied to Msu Trellis.

• Hardest quest?
• Other?
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +13, Brawn: +1, Magic: +13, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakSparkcraft Mantle+2+2Life Spark
Main HandBlood Harvest+2+1Leech
Left HandTome of Deep Thought+2+3
ChestCinder's Gown+1+3Sear
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Money Pouch: 616 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ikeren »

Pout. Harsh fight. Without the ability we might have won.

Hardest quest?
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Post by Omegonthesane »

I'd be inclined to go legendary monster hunting; IIRC those things are easier than Hardest quests, if only due to brevity.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

We'd definitely have beaten King Louis if he didn't have that ability. Remind me to ask you what we would fight if we reached the finals.

I think one of the legendaries (the satyr who dropped the ever-lovin' Circle of Thorns) was stronger than the changeling hardest quest boss? The other two were definitely weaker, though. So legendary hunting first is probably wise. Hopefully none of them have abilities like the white gorilla that specifically fuck our shit up.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Interlude: Msu. Trellis, the many looks of:
Now up-to-date, including the peak of her goth phase.

Also, stuff we missed by washing out of the tourney:
Louis' loot:
Winter pelt (cloak) +2 speed, +2 armor, Ability: savagery (+2 [damage stat] for 1 round/combat)
Diamond of the Tundra (necklace) +1 speed, Ability: piercing
Simian crown (head) +1 speed, +2 brawn, Ability: chill touch (opponent -2 speed for 1 round/combat)
The last opponent is another Jungle Book reference, Shara Khana, a tiger-headed woman of Speed 10, Brawn 12, Armor 12, and Health 60, whose special is rolling 3 dice for combat speed, all the time. I'm not sure averaging 1.5 speed over the two previous fights is enough to justify her championship position given their crazy powers, but there she is. Her loot:
Tiger's fury (talisman) +1 speed, Ability: berserker career (requirement: warrior)
Tiger's heart (talisman) +1 speed, Ability: cat's speed (roll +1d for attack speed, 1/combat)
The berserker career is weird: you have to keep the Tiger's fury equipped to stay a berserker. It gives you +2 speed while at <20 health, and your 6's for damage explode.

The actual champion's prizes are all class-specific:
The cage (chest) +2 speed, +3 armor, Ability: iron will (+3 armor for 1 round/combat), Requirement: warrior
Brawler's shiv (main hand: dagger) +2 speed, +4 brawn, Ability: venom, Requirement: rogue
Battlemage's fists (gloves) +3 magic, +3 armor, Ability: dominate (1/combat, change 1 die you roll to a 6), requirement: mage
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:22 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

There are five legendary monsters on the Act 2 map:
• Near the explorer's camp.
• Near the unwholesome crater.
• On the road, near the fork to vampire castle.
• Near the volcanic crack.
• Near the coastal cliff.

Ordinarily, since nobody specified, I'd go top-to-bottom, but I think we'd hit the one on the road first, since we've been up and down it quite a bit.
Legendary monster: Logan

You are unprepared for the ambush. Your first warning is a rustle of leaves off to the side of the track. Then you hear the twang of a bowstring. The arrow hurtles out of the undergrowth, slamming into your shoulder and sending you reeling back against a tree. As you try and move, a flash of agonizing pain draws you up short. In alarm, you realize that the arrow has gone straight through your shoulder and pinned you to the tree.

A man steps out from the forest, his body and face wrapped in bindings of black cloth. In his left hand he carries a curved long bow, its dark wood pulsing with a spectral light. As you watch through your pain, the assassin slowly unravels the cloth that hides his face. You give sharp gasp of surprise. The man's skin is a clear translucent white – completely devoid of pigment – and his eyes are a crimson red, like droplets of blood.

The albino tilts his head to one side, examining you closely. 'I though I had killed you once. Perhaps I should be calling you the cat, for it is evident you have more than just the one life.'

You glance down at the shaft protruding from your shoulder. The black-feathered flight and smooth dark wood are identical to the arrow that killed the young academy knight.

'You! You killed the boy,' you spit angrily.

'And you killed my men,' snaps the assassin, dropping his bow to the ground and drawing two daggers from his belt. 'You killed all of them. An impressive display of power, I have to say.'

You grit your teeth, placing your free hand on the shaft of the arrow. In one swift movement, you snap it in two. Your screams echo through the forest... screams that fast become sobs of agony.

'You have strength,' says the assassin, his eyebrows raised. 'You are not at all what you seem, are you?'

Tears of pain stream down your face as you teeter forwards, slowly sliding your shoulder along the broken length of the shaft. At last, you tear yourself free, the force of the pain driving you to your knees.

'I promised the knight... I would.. avenge him.'

'How gallant of you,' the assassin sneers, twirling his daggers deftly in his hands. 'Honor, chivalry... do you take me for a fool? The only code we live by is death! Do you know who I am?'

You wipe the blood from your lips. 'A killer. Nothing more.'

'I am Logan. Some call me the Reaper.' The albino starts towards you, his red eyes boring into your own. 'I'm now going to finish what I started. I hate loose ends – sloppy work. This time, I will make sure to do the job properly.'

You stumble back to your feet, blood coursing from your shoulder wound. Biting back the pain, you ready your weapon and prepare to fight. (You must begin this fight having already lost 4 health.)

Special Abilities
- Poisoned arrow: At the end of each combat round you automatically lose 2 health.
That was a lot of drama about 4 damage, Trellis. Also, this guy is so dead it's a wonder he bothered being born.
Round 1: Us 8+13+2, Him 10+10; 3+14-9 damage, he's at 42 (leech'd, we're at 38). *DOTs* We're at 36, he's at 41.
Round 2: Us 5+13, Him 5+10; 5+14-9 damage, he's at 31 (leech'd, we're at 38). *DOTs* We're at 36, he's at 30.
Round 3: Us 9+13, Him 8+10; 4+14-9 damage, he's at 21 (leech'd, we're at 38). *DOTs* We're at 36, he's at 20.
Round 4: Us 2+13 (life spark, we're at 40), Him 8+10; parry'd. *DOTs* We're at 38, he's at 19.
Round 5: Us 6+13, Him 8+10; 2+14-9 damage, he's at 12 (leech'd, we're at 40). *DOTs* We're at 38, he's at 11.
Round 6: Us 4+13, Him 6+10; 4+14-9 damage, he's at 2 (leech'd, we're at 40). *DOTs* We're at 38, he's at 1.
Round 7: Us 11+13, Him 5+10; 1+14-9 damage, Logan defeated!
Despite your wound, you are able to expertly weave between the assassin's flashing blades. At last you strike him down. In his final moments, the albino grabs your arm and pulls you close.

'You are shadow born,' he rasps. 'I was hired to kill you... to stop you... you were following the knight... to kill him.' His grip tightens, his gloved fingers digging into the branded flesh. 'His death... the arrow... it was meant for you. The fool died trying to protect you!' With a final gasp, the assassin's eyes close and his body becomes limp.

You drop to your knees, exhausted and sick from pain. For what seems like an eternity, you sit hunched in silence, dwelling on the assassin's words. Were you really intending to kill the knight? Was it your plan all along to steal his documents so you could enter Avian Dale's castle? You peel back your sleeve and gaze down at the purple brand. You wonder if it is the mark of a killer. An assassin, perhaps?

You struggle to your feet, more determined than ever to find the truth about who you are – what you are. Perhaps Jenlar Cornelius will be able to provide the answers you seek.

For defeating Logan, you may now take one of the following as your reward:
Death strike (left hand: bow) +1 speed, +3 brawn, Ability: bull's eye (before combat, deal 1d6 armor-ignoring damage to enemy, inflicting status conditons such as bleed or venom)
Logan's runners (feet) +2 speed, +1 brawn, Ability: sidestep (1/combat, take no damage from losing a combat round)
Magpie's mischief (ring) +1 armor, Ability: steal (1/combat, raise one of your stats to match your enemy's for one round)

• If you are a Rogue...

otherwise, after you have rested and bandaged your wounds, you resume your journey. Return to the quest map.
The Rogue option is to take the Assassin profession, which grants First Strike, identical to the bow's 'bull's eye' ability, and also Deadly Poisons, which increases Venom damage from 2 to 3. It's pretty badass, but also focused on a particular build which might go out of fashion later on.

Anyway, pick a loot, then:
• Hardest quest?
• Another legendary?
• Other?
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +13, Brawn: +1, Magic: +13, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceSilver Cross+1+1Heal
CloakSparkcraft Mantle+2+2Life Spark
Main HandBlood Harvest+2+1Leech
Left HandTome of Deep Thought+2+3
ChestCinder's Gown+1+3Sear
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair

Rune Key
Plain Gold Ring
Money Pouch: 616 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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