[Let's Play] Blood Sword II - The Kingdom of Wyrd

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Post by SGamerz »

You strike a spark from the tinderbox, and immediately a shoot of sparks falls in a torrent about the bier, miraculously igniting the lanterns. The pallbearers (if you haven't slain them already) flee in terror.

To your surprise you see your friend suddenly sit up on the bier and throw aside the shroud covering him. Return his Character Sheet to him. Because he has faced death and triumphed, he is no longer afraid of it, and therefore has become fearless in combat. He increases permanently his Fighting Prowess score by one.
Ooooh! Can everyone (well, except Trickster who survived that fight) get a boost like that from getting killed by the Eislaken earlier, too?

....no? Ok, let's move one....
A deathly shriek echoes from the darkness ahead. Possibly something is angered by the delay of the funeral cortege. You decide to go the other way.
You pass between two soaring columns of grey-white marble into a series of labyrinthine chambers. The ceiling is shrouded in gloom a hundred metres above you. Bizarre gargoyles and bas-reliefs stare from the walls. Everything is overlain with centuries of dust that swirls in thick ripples, a dry pool through which you must wade.

After some searching you find a way into an upper courtyard of the Palace. Cracked flagstones tilt as you step on them, sending the grubs and insects that shelter there scurrying to a more secure hideaway.

You go up a flight of worn and moss-carpeted steps. The pitted stone has the look of leprous skin, and the once-ornate balustrade is wrapped with dead ivy. Moths sit with spread wings on the leaves, but when you brush against them they, too, crumble to dust ...
There is a bronze door at the top of the stairs. You push at it and it swings back, revealing a wide low-ceilinged room. The walls and floor are constructed of a dull grey marble, but the ceiling glows like a bed of coals: there are intermittent black patches shot through here and there by a deep red glow. Occasionally, lumps of black ash fall to the floor. These immediately transform into large black millipedes that wriggle off into the darkness.

You advance cautiously, approaching a large dais of black marble set into the centre of the room. A flame burns brightly on it. As you watch, tendrils protrude up out of the marble to twist and weave around the flame, casting capering shadows across the walls. A high-pitched whistling is just audible now.

If there is a Sage in the party, turn to 105. If not, turn to 380.
Yep, still with us, although that tentacle thing almost got him...
In the flickering movements of the tendrils you recognise the arcane ritual used to summon Umborus the Dark, a shadow-demon of incalculable power. The shadows that are now flitting about the room will soon coalesce and form his mortal body. You must somehow disrupt the ritual before he appears, but how?

If you want to use the orb of fire, turn to 495. If you wish to use a flask of milk, turn to 101. If you have neither, then there is nothing you can do to stop the ritual; turn to 380.
The way that option is worded is a little ambiguous. If says we can "wish to use" the milk, but then it doesn't say we can choose not to use it (it only says we turn to 380 if we have neither items), so I'm not sure if this should be an automatic decision for the party. I'm inclined to leave the choice to the players here, so....use the milk here or not?
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Post by Starmaker »

The option requires a specific character class and a specific item, it's so blue it's practically purple. Use the milk.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

This demon needs his daily glass of milk.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

You unstopper the flask of milk and use it to douse the flame. The room is cast into darkness, dispelling the hard shadows. Thwarted, the sinuous tendrils sink back into the stone of the dais.
Evil thing banished! Nothing can possibly go wrong, right?
Actually, stopping the ritual is not necessarily the good option here. You'd have had to fight whatever is being summoned, but defeating whatever that's summoned gives you a quest item that we now can't get.....
The outlines of the room fade away. You stand in nothingness for a moment, a vast infinity of mist. Gradually sounds drift to your ears - the clash of weapons, the screams of dying men. Then these sounds fade too, to be replaced by a steady incessant thud. It is like the beating of a huge heart, relentless and rhythmic, growing closer - louder - until you are almost deafened. Then, as a scene begins to form around you, you realise it is not the beating of a heart at all ...

You are standing in the pit of an arena. The noise you thought was a huge heartbeat is the cacophonous chanting of the ghoulish crowds who have come to see you fight.
The arena is bathed in an eerie greenish light from several lanterns set on posts on the walls. The eager crowds that squat in the tiered seats look unpleasantly unhuman - more like giant insects wrapped in dark cloaks, rubbing their thin hands and calling in a droning chant for your blood.

As the chanting lulls to a sinister murmur, you turn to face the royal dais that overlooks the arena. An old man stands there, a person of sneering lip and baleful eye. He raises a glowing staff, the light of which throws him into stark relief while the rest of the scene seems cloudy and dim. You notice a crown of ice, or crystal, set on his wrinkled grey brow.

His brittle voice silences the last hushed murmurs of the crowd. 'This is the realm of Wyrd, where I have ruled for centuries,' he cries, pointing to you. 'You have presumed to invade my sovereign land. You have entered my Palace of Eternal Dusk, perhaps hoping to slay me ...!' He lowers his voice and stares straight at you. 'Such foolishness. Do you think others have not tried to assassinate me? A rightful ruler is never without enemies. And where are those would-be murderers now, those misbegotten churls who hoped to bury their blades in my royal heart? Why, they are here ... they come now to teach you the lesson they have learned ...!'

He frowns and spreads his hands. Something pokes up out of the ground some distance ahead of you. It is a bony white hand, twitching as it finds purchase for its grip. Small mounds erupt elsewhere, as things long buried claw their way up out of the dust. Then the dry earth of the arena cracks apart, and skeletons wearing rusty armour burst to the surface. More and more of them spill out into the open, until a numberless horde of the creatures surges grimly forwards to attack you.

If you have the battle-standard of the First Selentine Legion, turn to 25. If not, turn to 137.
The what again?
The Warlock-King has summoned an entire army of Undead warriors to destroy you. Against such overwhelming odds, you do not stand a chance. The skeletons advance with gruesome grins, forcing you back to the very wall of the arena. You look up behind you, desperately seeking an escape route, but find only the nightmarish faces of the spectators leering down at your plight.

The first ranks of the skeletal army reach you. You face their spears with grim resolution. It is time to die.
Poor Kiki, brought back from the dead only to be sent straight back there again. Didn't even get to say a single word or get to show off her new enhanced fighting prowess!


Okay, I'm going to reveal where we went wrong now, because there's only one way to get the vital plot coupon to win this book: we needed to follow that funeral procession a bit more before we try to revive Kiki (which means Starmaker's lone vote was the correct one). There's no other way. As you already saw, reviving the Warrior too early just gets us railroaded off the correct path (we hear some scary noise and decided to run the other way??? WTF??).

Out of all the 5 books in this series, this book probably contains the most arbitrary bullsh*t deaths than all the others.

Do you guys want to go straight back to the funeral procession and follow it, or would you prefer to rewind back further and try some different options? (don't worry, we won't miss the funeral procession unless we dget killed before that. It's a converging point in the book)
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Wait, seriously? This has the highest bullshit death quotient of any gamebook not written by UK Steve Jackson that we've LPed here.

Just get the book over with and follow the funeral railroad some more.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Starmaker »

Because, obviously, the guy keeps the only item which counters his invincible undead army right in the lobby. Hang your coat, wipe your shoes.
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Post by SGamerz »

Starmaker wrote:Because, obviously, the guy keeps the only item which counters his invincible undead army right in the lobby.
Ian Livingstone even wrote an entire theory about how evil wizards are required by some obscure rules to keep the instrument of their defeat somewhere within their lairs in Return to Firetop Mountain (FF 50), a rule which seems to bind majority of gamebook End Bosses.
Darth Rabbitt wrote:Wait, seriously? This has the highest bullshit death quotient of any gamebook not written by UK Steve Jackson that we've LPed here.

Just get the book over with and follow the funeral railroad some more.
I consider this book to be the lowest point in this series in terms of design, and not just because of the harshness of the classic make-one-wrong-turn-and-fail-from-lack-of-plot-coupon, but also because quite a number of the "right" options seem to be counter-intuitive, including not reviving the Warrior at the first opportunity, using the milk to interrupt the summoning ritual not actually being the beneficial option, winning the chequers game without the Seer's advice, and also another puzzle that we didn't come across because we didn't pick that path. The demon's riddle, too, is another well-known controversial point, and quite an important one, because the demon would tell you that the Orb of Fire is probably the most useful item to take, which in turn would have helped us survive that tough-as-nails encounter with the Eislaken. Without the demon's advice our chance of picking the right item was reduced to a random 20%.

So an alternative-world party deiced to follow the procession....
You follow your comrade's bier at a short distance. Soon the procession comes to a huge cathedral-like structure, its steeples soaring into the night air. With a gasp you realise that it is made entirely of bone. The steeples are cones of human skulls, the buttresses human thigh-bones and the walls are pulverised fragments of rib-cages and arms. As you enter the darkness, you smell a pungent incense mingling with the powerful scent of decay. In front of you the pallbearers' trailing robes disturb layers of dust as they advance towards the altar at the end of the nave and set down the bier. Apart from the sickly starlight that filters through the high windows above the nave, the only other source of illumination is the blue light of the processional candles and a dull glow from up in the rafters of human bones. Peering up, you see a glimmering Faltyn attached to a cross of bone hanging upside-down inside an iron cage.

When your eyes return to the altar, you see one of the pallbearers fetch a tarnished silver falchion from a recess by the altar and place it across the breast of your motionless comrade.

What do you want to do now? If you want to attack the pallbearers, turn to 202. If you wish to leave and return the way you have come, turn to 152. If you would like to use an item, turn to 448. If you want to wait and see what happens, turn to 567.
Now is the right time....
Waiting further means that Kiki gets raised as a Zombie.
It occurs to you with a sudden conviction that you must light the lanterns on your comrade's bier in order to save him. There are two items whose flame might accomplish this.

If you would like to use the orb of fire, turn to 461. If you would like to use an amber tinderbox, turn to 195. If you have neither of these items (or do not want to use them) return to 45 and make another choice.
Let's just get this over with....
You strike the tinderbox and immediately sparks fly like well-directed missiles from it towards the bier. The lanterns blossom with the light and the cowled figures seem blinded by the sudden illumination. They flee in terror.
Suddenly you see your 'dead' comrade stir then rise to his feet, casting off his winding sheet! You rush to him and find that although he has no memory of anything after the scythe cut him down he is unharmed.

As he has triumphed over death, he now has no concept of fear, and his Fighting Prowess is increased by one. He is still holding the tarnished silver falchion that was placed over his chest. Engravings on its blade identify it as Shadowcleaver. The pallbearers also dropped a skull-amulet by the altar; take it if you wish.
And the Warrior gets the same boost in the alternative dimension. Also, someone needs to drop an item each for both Shadowcleaver and the skull amulet, unless you prefer to leave them behind.
You are about to leave this horrible cathedral of bone when you notice an archway leading off the side of the nave where one would normally expect the transept to lie in a godly place of worship. If you want to investigate this, turn to 411. If you want to leave the cathedral and go back the way you came, turn to 547.
We're not turning back until we find that plot coupon.....
You step towards the archway. Just then a feeble, high-pitched voice calls out, disturbing the utter silence of the Cathedral of Death. You look up at the stricken Faltyn hanging in its cage from a rafter. 'Wait,' it cries weakly. 'Free me and I may be able to assist you.'

If you agree to try to help it, turn to 314. If you ignore it and go through the archway, turn to 40.
Do we trust it enough to free it?
Last edited by SGamerz on Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'll drop my gloves for the skull amulet. I assume a fighty person wants the magic sword but if not I'll drink the healing potion and take Shadowcleaver too.

I doubt the Faityn will screw us over, since we fucked up the ritual of the assholes who put it in the cage, who I can't imagine it liked very much. At worst it'll do nothing, and there's a very likely chance it'll help us. So let's release it.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

^Actually, you used the potion just before following the procession, so you can pick up both items after dropping the gloves.

If someone else wants either of the item he can swap items with the Sage later.
It is dangling in its cage some metres above you. Which character class will try to get it down first? A Sage, a Trickster, an Enchanter? If none of these is in your party, turn to 221.
Once again, the lone Warrior is helpless in this situation....

Who wants to try rescuing it first?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

So long gloves, hello Shadowcleaver. Does anyone want my vanilla enchanted sword?
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Post by Starmaker »

I'll take the enchanted sword, and I'm up for trying to release the Faltyn.
Last edited by Starmaker on Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

angelfromanotherpin wrote:So long gloves, hello Shadowcleaver. Does anyone want my vanilla enchanted sword?
You dropped the gloves for the hydra teeth earlier, we didn't rewind that far so you till have the teeth.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

So long cloak!
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Post by SGamerz »

Also, just a reminder that the text hasn't mentioned any combat bonus for Shadowcleaver, so the Warrior will lose the +1 bonus from enchanted sword if he passes it to Trickster.

But if the Warrior wants Shadowcleaver and give his own sword to the Trickster, I assume Benedict wants to drop his normal sword? If not he has to drop something else (or pass it to the Warrior or Sage).

Here's the current Adventure Sheet, let me know if you want any changes.

I've restored the Warrior's END back to full, since he just got restored to life, so that makes sense.

Adventure Sheets:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 12 (+1 from Enchanted Sword)
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 17/17
Damage: 1 Die+2

1 Shadowcleaver
2 Chainmail armour (Armour Rating three)
3 Money pouch (98 gold pieces)
4 Gloves
5 Blood Sword Scabbard
6 Bedroll
7 Shielding Charm (+1 AR)
8 Silver crucifix (with finger-bone of St Ashanax)
9 Enchanted Sword (+1 FP)
10 Iron Bell
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 7
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 18/19
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Sword
2 Ringmail armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Golden Snuffbox
4 Jug of Milk
5 Gloves
6 Bedroll
7 Harp
8 Silver Wolf's head clasp
9 Fur Cloak
10 Gilt-edged scroll
*11 Screebo the Raven
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 7
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 11/16
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Breastplate (Armour Rating one)
3 Fur Cloak
4 Bedroll
5 Magic Bow (Damage 1 Die+1)
6 Quiver (3 arrows)
7 Chequers board and pieces (Enchanted by an Elf-Lord)
8 Blue Crystal Eyes
9 Skull Amulet
10 Empty slot
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 0
Psychic Ability: 15 (+1 from Ring of Sorcery)
Awareness: 7
Endurance: 11/16
Damage: 1 Die

1 Brazier
2 Silver armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Bedroll
4 Magical Crust of Bread of Infinity
5 Fur Cloak
6 Money pouch (88 gold pieces)
7 Ring of Sorcery (+1 PA)
8 Gloves
9 Amber Tinderbox
10 Iron rations (7 days)
And.....let me know which one of you (besides Kiki, who gets no special character option) wants to try saving the Faltyn (or was that Starmaker volunterring? I'm not certain since it may have been his vote for the prior section).
Last edited by SGamerz on Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Starmaker »

Of course I'll drop my crappy sword, and yes, I was volunteering to try to save the Faltyn.
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Post by SGamerz »

Trickster drops his non-agical sword and picks up the Warrior's enchanted on before climbing up to save the Faltyn:

You quickly scale the wall of the cathedral, there being plenty of foot and handholds in the protruding bones. When you are level with the Faltyn's cage, you brace your legs and leap out. Roll Awareness or less on two Dice.

If you make the roll, you have succeeded in grabbing the cage. Eventually you manage to disengage the Faltyn from the pins that hold it to its crucifix. Once you have done so it lowers you to the ground. Turn to 568.

If you miss your roll you fall and take one Die damage (from which armour does not protect you). You feel disinclined to try again, so return to 314 if another player wishes to have a go at rescuing the Faltyn or to 221 if everyone who wants to has tried and failed.
Dice roll: 9! Trickster falls.

Damage = 1. Trickster has 17 END left. But apparently even the minor bruise is enough to discourage him from trying one more time....

We need another volunteer (Sage or Enchanter).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

I say Sage. Levitation was made for this.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'll levitate.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Levitate it is, then:

Levitation is obviously the power you have to use in this case. Focus your thoughts, then see if you succeed in your attempt by turning to either 325 or 30.
We went from pseudo-philosophical questions back to pure random chance.

Sage needs to randomly pick his number...
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

30 for no reason
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

It's no good, you cannot get in the right frame of mind to Levitate. Your ability to concentrate seems to have gone for the moment, so you cannot try again. Turn to 314 if someone else wants to try to rescue the Faltyn. Turn to 221 if everyone who wants to has now tried and failed.
Bad luck....I guess the Enchanter takes his turn now.

You can think of two ways in which to rescue the Faltyn. One way would be to teleport up and free the Faltyn yourself. The only problem that you see in this way is if you misjudge the teleport and fall. The other way is to summon another Faltyn to fly up and free the first.

If you want to cast Immediate Deliverance, turn to 150. If you want to summon a Faltyn, turn to 114.
Does the Enchanter want to risk teleport or risk being out-bargained by his own Faltyn?
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Post by Shiritai »

Two Faltyns in one place does not sound like a good idea; try teleporting.
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Post by SGamerz »

You are now an expert at teleportation and have no problem materialising inside the cage. You quickly free the Faltyn from the pins binding it to the bone crucifix, and the fay creature lowers you to the floor.
And yes, doubling the number of problems by summoning another Faltyn would be a bad decision.
'You've helped me,' says the Faltyn, 'so I will help you.' It gestures over to the archway that leads to the transept. 'The transept holds a series of ordeals culled from the dreams of myth. Strong sorcery, such as that contained in ancient items, may be needed. Certainly you should avail yourself of a skull amulet. A handful of silver dust is also advisable. First, however, I would recommend that you tear strips from the winding sheet by the bier over there and soak them in water from the font, then wind them across your lips ...' So saying, the Faltyn vanishes. You may do as it suggested: the shroud still lies by the bier and the font is full of water.

Each player must decide whether the Faltyn gave good advice here and act accordingly. If you didn't take the skull amulet before, go back to where you saw it and pick it up. (If you didn't see it before, you won't be able to find it, no matter how hard you look!)

If you now want to enter the transept, turn to 40. If you would prefer to leave the cathedral and return the way you came, turn to 547.
We did take the amulet.....but we didn't take the silver dust! And it doesn't say we can go back for that....

Obviously, we need to go on in, since we still don't have that plot coupon. And since we went through all that trouble to get that Faltyn down there's no reason not to follow his advice....
You enter the transept. The walls here are fashioned from skeletal hands that reach out into the room as though in a frozen gesture of supplication. A sense of foreboding almost overwhelms you.

If an Enchanter wishes to cast Prediction before the party proceeds, turn to 305. If you wish to advance regardless of your foreboding, turn to 160. If you wish to leave the transept, turn to 547.
Why not?
The curtain of time, opaque to mortal eyes, flutters aside and allows you a glimpse into possible futures.
[You see a series of ordeals. First you will be subjected to ordeal by disease, then by terror, then by destruction and then forgetfulness. Lastly, you go to confront the greatest challenge of all - but no, the vision clouds.]
You step back, beads of sweat soaking your face, too shaken to cast the spell again for the moment. If you still wish to go on, turn to 160. If you wish to leave the cathedral of death and go the other way, turn to 547.

Whatever the Enchanter just saw, we're still not turning back, it doesn't really change much.
Darkness settles all around. You seem to hear a morbid chattering from the walls, and then a wheezing chuckle, but when you thrust your torch forwards you see no sign of motion. A howling wind whistles past, bringing on it a hundred plagues and ailments. It is the Wind of Decay, and you must weather it or suffer the consequences ...

Roll one Die for each in turn of the five ailments listed below. Each player must do this. The player contracts the ailment on a score of 1 or 2. Add 1 to the Die rolls if your previously wound a wet strip of shroud over your face; add 2 to the rolls if you are holding the orb of plague, which sucks the disease spirits into itself.

Disease: Effect

Malaria: -1 from Awareness
Typhiod: -1 from Fighting Prowess
Soulbite: -1 from Psychic Ability
Haemophilia: lose one extra Endurance point whenever you take a wound
Wasting Rot: you can carry a maximum of only eight items, owing to weakness

These effects last for the rest of the adventure.

Once all players have rolled for each of the five diseases, you must decide whether to proceed (turn to 557) or to retrace your steps and leave the cathedral (turn to 547.
....+2 for Orb of Plague? Why would we need to roll any dice if we have the orb? We only contract a disease if we roll 1 or 2, so +2 would be an automatic pass!

Anyway, thanks to the Faltyn's advice we only contract a disease if we roll a 1.....but each player needs to roll 5 times, so that's still really harsh. At least the effect only last till the end of this book....

Warrior: -
Malaria: Roll = 4 + 1. Unaffected.
Typhiod: Roll = 2 + 1. Unaffected.
Soulbite: Roll = 4 + 1. Unaffected.
Haemophilia: Roll = 3 + 1. Unaffected.
Wasting Rot: Roll = 4 + 1. Unaffected.

Trickster: -
Malaria: Roll = 4 + 1. Unaffected.
Typhiod: Roll = 4 + 1. Unaffected.
Soulbite: Roll = 5 + 1. Unaffected.
Haemophilia: Roll = 2 + 1. Unaffected.
Wasting Rot: Roll = 5 + 1. Unaffected.

Sage: -
Malaria: Roll = 5 + 1. Unaffected.
Typhiod: Roll = 4 + 1. Unaffected.
Soulbite: Roll = 1 + 1. -1 Psychic Ability.
Haemophilia: Roll = 3 + 1. Unaffected.
Wasting Rot: Roll = 6 + 1. Unaffected.

Enchanter: -
Malaria: Roll = 1 + 1. -1 Awareness.
Typhiod: Roll = 1 + 1. But the Enchanter has no Fighting Prowess anyway. :tongue:
Soulbite: Roll = 5 + 1. Unaffected.
Haemophilia: Roll = 4 + 1. Unaffected.
Wasting Rot: Roll = 2 + 1. Unaffected.

All things considered, that wasn't too bad. The Faltyn's advice saved us 3 times from the diseases.
In this part of the transept the walls are formed of damp clay. Cavernous mouths gape at you from the shadows, making a macabre sound: the Groan of Doom.

If you have an iron bell, it rings loudly now of its own accord and drowns out the terrible groaning.

If you do not have the bell, you are demoralised by the noise and each player must halve his or her Fighting Prowess (rounding fractions up) for the rest of the adventure.

To go further into the transept, turn to 188. To return through the Wind of Decay to the cathedral, turn to 160.
....this book is trying really hard to stop us reaching the one necessary plot coupon. :/
You step into a zone of utter blankness. Lights appear and slowly weave towards - the glowing, enticing eyes of the Handmaidens of Oblivion. You can see them now in the soft glow, dimly, their thin lips ready to administer the kiss of death.

If you have any silver dust, you can fling it now into their hypnotic eyes, causing them to flee. Remember to cross the dust off your Character Sheet.

If you do not have the dust, they reach out to embrace you. Each player must roll Psychic Ability or less on two dice or else vanish from this world forever. (If a player vanishes, so does any equipment he or she is carrying.)

Surviving players can go deeper into the transept or go back through the Groan of Doom.
Damn, no dust. The Enchanter's massive PA makes him automatically immune, the rest would need luck (and Sage just lost a PA due to disease!)

Warrior: roll = 5. Pass.
Trickster: roll = 6 (Pass....just!)
Sage: roll = 6 (Pass....just!)

You are walking on flagstones carpeted with dead leaves. A faint dry breeze rustles them eerily. Slowly, to your horror, they rise up and clump together to form a vaguely recognisable shape, something like a tall hunched man in a long cloak. This ordeal is the leaves of remembrance, which snatch away the mind's memories ...

If you have an amber tinderbox or the orb of fire, you can quickly produce a magical flame. The dry leaves catch alight in seconds, emitting a hollow wail as they burn, and you may pass in safety. If you used the tinderbox then you retain it; but if you used the orb then you must cross it off your Character Sheet, as it is now too hot to pick up.

Without either the tinderbox or the orb, you cannot stop the leaves rolling over you. Each player loses all recollection of his or her past life and skills, becoming a second-rank character in all respects.

You can go still deeper into the transept, on to the fifth and final ordeals or you can go again past the Handmaidens of Oblivion.
If we go back now, Pepito and Reed would have contracted all that disease for nothing!
You are at the end of the transept. An archway lies ahead, but the way is blocked by a giant warrior. Strange armour of violet jewels and ebony plaques hangs about his huge fram. From the depths of his necroid helm, you glimpse a bony smile.

He stands with his hands, enclosed in gauntlets of black metal, resting on the hilt of his jagged-edged sword. The blade's point rests on the cracked flagstones by his feet, where you see a gathering of dust accumulated through the centuries he has stood guard here before the arch.

'I am Thanatos,' he declares in rumbling tones suggesting the approach of thunder. 'I am ready to meet in battle any who would pass beyond this point - in single combat, or massed attack from any too craven to duel equally.'

If you wish to retreat through the Leaves of Remembrance, turn to 367. If one player steps forward to fight Thanatos, turn to 477. If two or more players wish to attack at once, turn to 71.
It goes without saying that we can't turn back.....but how will we fight him?

Adventure Sheets:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 11
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 17/17
Damage: 1 Die+2

1 Shadowcleaver
2 Chainmail armour (Armour Rating three)
3 Money pouch (98 gold pieces)
4 Gloves
5 Blood Sword Scabbard
6 Bedroll
7 Shielding Charm (+1 AR)
8 Silver crucifix (with finger-bone of St Ashanax)
9 Iron Bell
10 Empty slot
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 8 (+1 from Enchanted Sword)
Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 17/19
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Enchanted Sword (+1 FP)
2 Ringmail armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Golden Snuffbox
4 Jug of Milk
5 Gloves
6 Bedroll
7 Harp
8 Silver Wolf's head clasp
9 Fur Cloak
10 Gilt-edged scroll
*11 Screebo the Raven
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 7
Psychic Ability: 6 (-1 from Soulbite until end of this book)
Awareness: 6
Endurance: 11/16
Damage: 1 Die+1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Breastplate (Armour Rating one)
3 Fur Cloak
4 Bedroll
5 Magic Bow (Damage 1 Die+1)
6 Quiver (3 arrows)
7 Chequers board and pieces (Enchanted by an Elf-Lord)
8 Blue Crystal Eyes
9 Skull Amulet
10 Empty slot
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 3rd

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 0
Psychic Ability: 15 (+1 from Ring of Sorcery)
Awareness: 6 (-1 from Malaria till end of this book)
Endurance: 11/16
Damage: 1 Die

1 Brazier
2 Silver armour (Armour Rating two)
3 Bedroll
4 Magical Crust of Bread of Infinity
5 Fur Cloak
6 Money pouch (88 gold pieces)
7 Ring of Sorcery (+1 PA)
8 Gloves
9 Amber Tinderbox
10 Iron rations (7 days)
Last edited by SGamerz on Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Ugh, I can't read this situation at all. Is the single combat thing a cynical taunt, or an actual test of character? I guess I'll go with the RP decision: Kiki will accept single combat, unless she's voted down.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Kiki has fought death and won. A guy named death is probably going to shit himself if she duels him.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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