Let's Play Fighting Fantasy 41: Master of Chaos

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Let's Play Fighting Fantasy 41: Master of Chaos

Post by SlyJohnny »

Here's hoping we haven't yet reached critical mass on these things.

This is one of the easier ones, very few insta-death paragraphs. There's an interesting mechanic where due to a contrived plot reason, you start off without the leather armor, sword and backpack that are standard issue for all other FF adventurers, and the initial challenge is in acquiring this stuff without getting murdered first.

Here's what the book has to say about equipment:
This adventure is an unusual one, for you will start with absolutely nothing beyond the clothing you stand up in! You have no food, no equipment, no weapon- only your native wit and Skills (see below) to help you- You will have to get hold of the equipment you need by cunning and ingenuity during the adventure. Finding the money to get properly equipped is an essential part of this adventure, and you must keep careful track on your Adventure Sheet of Treasure spent to buy the items you need so badly - and record these in your Possessions Box.

If you enter into combat without armour and a weapon, you will be penalized. If you lack armour and a shield, you must deduct 2 points from your SKILL when fighting, as you are an easy target to hit! Of course, as soon as you obtain a suit of leather armour and a shield, this penalty no longer applies. Likewise, without a sword you can only use your fists to fight with; if you land a punch on an opponent, you will do only I point of damage, as opposed to the 2 points you can inflict with a sword; if you use Luck to increase the effectiveness of a punch and you are Lucky, the damage is doubled to 2 points (not to 4, as it would be if you were using a sword). If you are Unlucky when you Test your Luck fighting without a weapon, your blow will glance off and do no damage at all!


A backpack can hold enough Provisions for up to twelve meals - you cannot carry more than this. When you begin your adventure, you will not own a backpack, and you will have to find the money to buy one, otherwise you will not be able to carry food for more than four meals with you! You may rest and eat at any time except when fighting, but you may eat only one meal at a time.
You can also pick from several skills to start off with, although these seem a lot less awesome now than when I was 14; they're nothing that a first level D&D rogue isn't capable of.
You are a seasoned and accomplished adventurer and you possess advantages over most warriors - one of the reasons why you have been asked to undertake the desperately perilous adventure ahead of you! Therefore you have certain Skills which reflect this experience and ability. Do not confuse Skills with SKILL. SKILL is a measure of your fighting prowess, as explained earlier. Skills are the more limited - but still very useful! Abilities and talents which you have learnt over the years. You may choose the three Skills you would like your character to have, out of the six listed below. This is a totally free choice; pick any three you want but no more than that! The Skills are explained briefly below- (In certain situations you will be asked whether you have a particular Skill, and you will soon learn how different Skills affect your chances of success. However, each description below is adequate for you to choose which Skills you wish to select.) Each time you play the adventure, you are, of course, free to choose any Skills you like, so you can play heroes with different Skills if you want to!

Now read through the descriptions of the Skills available and make your choice: when you have decided on the three you want for your character, record them in the Skills Box on your Adventure Sheet.

ACUTE HEARING; If you have this Skill, you are able to pick up faint sounds much more easily than most people can. You may be able to overhear fragments of whispered conversation and hear those sounds behind doors which can give you valuable clues about what may be lurking behind

ANIMAL WISDOM: This Skill gives you a natural feeling for, and understanding of animals. If you possess it, you will be able to ride common beasts like horses and camels better than most, and you maybe able to understand why the animals you see on your travels are behaving in the way they do - which at times may give you important clues!

BLINDSIGHT: This Skill allows you to fight effectively in darkness (at night, for example), and you have superior night vision. Usually, if you cannot see, you will have to fight at a major disadvantage; but with this Skill you are able to sense your enemy moving around and can strike at him more effectively than most warriors could!

CLIMBING; With this Skill, you are adept at climbing rock faces and scaling walls and heights. You have a greater chance of completing such climbs successfully and you may be grateful for having this Skill, should a fast escape across the rooftops become necessary!

MOVE SILENTLY: If you have this Skill, you are a veteran at sneaking past people or monsters that you might prefer to avoid! This Skill gives you a better chance of getting past guards, of avoiding alerting distracted or sleeping creatures, and so on. Of course, it doesn't always work; for example, moving silently across sand is not at all tricky, but moving silently across a glade strewn with thin dry twigs would be extremely hazardous!

TRACKING: This Skill endows you with the ability to track creatures and people by following their footprints (or hoofprints, or whatever), a spoor, subtle clues, and gives you a dash of some 'sixth sense' which just lets you know where sorneone or something has gone. Again, it will not always be possible for you to track even with this Skill - tracking a large creature across sand is easy, but tracking someone in a bustling city is almost impossible- With this Skill, however, you will almost always have a better chance of pursuing a quarry!
The bulk of the book is going to be spent bumming around a Port Blacksand-esque hellhole of a city, trying to prepare for long desert trek to where the BBEG is hanging out. The time you can spend gearing up is limited by:

In order to lay your hands on the equipment you so badly need for the later stages of your adventure, you will find yourself getting involved in certain activities that may alert the militia of the unpleasant city you will soon be visiting. Since this city, Ashkyos, is a vile place where the militia don't bother themselves much about minor infringements, you may get away with this - up to a point. Your Notoriety starts at zero; you are anonymous in the town you are visiting. However, if you are caught infringing the law of the land, you will soon gain Notoriety points (you will be instructed about this in the relevant paragraphs). The authorities in Ashkyos take an unpleasant interest in foreigners who make themselves conspicuous, so actions which draw the attention of the public to you will also increase your Notoriety and may get you into trouble sooner or later!

When your Notoriety score totals 8 points or more, you must leave town and set out on the dangerous trek ahead of you in pursuit of your quest; you not not stay in Ashkyos any longer. This will be a pity: the longer you can stay in the town, the more money you may be able to make, and the more valuable the equipment you can amass. So think twice before doing illegal things - but, above all, don't get caught! You will be kept fully informed about Notoriety as the story develops, so don't worry about the details for now; just bear in mind that you will need to be careful about the ways you try to make money in the disreputable place you will shortly be visiting!
And here is the prologue:

A conclave of wizards is a rare event for a warrior - even one of your talents - to be invited to; but here you are, intrigued by their summons. Finding them gathered round the deathbed of a venerable Great Wizard suggests that matters of great moment must be afoot!

'It was an Astral Slayer. The spell to ward it away takes so long to cast, and we had not expected it…' The old wizard's chest convulses with a hacking cough, and he weakly spits blood into the bowl held out to him by the healers. 'We have failed...' and his voice fades away into another spasm of
coughing. The younger wizard puts his hand on the fevered brow lined with age, and murmurs words of consolation. 'It could not have been foreseen. Such a thing has not been known for scores of years.'

'Yet the Staff has been taken! If only we had possessed the power to destroy the infernal thing. Now it is surely in the hands of someone of great power and evil - who else could want such a thing?'

The grey-robed healer holds the old man's hand and bids him rest. The effort of talking seems to have drained the sorcerer for, with a few inaudible words, his head slumps back on to the pillow and his eyes slowly close.

You leave the sickroom with the younger wizard, both silent for a few moments. “That man was the foremost of our fellowship, my greatest teacher', he confides, 'and his power was as a candle in a strong wind, pitted against the evil that opposes us. That staff has to be regained. It is a Staff of Rulership, one of the old staffs of power; in the wrong hands, it can be used to unify the forces of chaos and evil that are usually divided against each other. Any power strong enough to send an Astral Slayer is also strong enough to use the Staff to that end. The havoc such a mage could wreak is unimaginable.' The wizard's manner, and the urgency with which you have been summoned to the inner council of the wizards, tells you that he is not exaggerating. 'But if this is an affair of great magic, why have you sent tor me? I'm only a warrior.'

'Only? Are there not giants who speak of you with fear?”

“Well... possibly,” you agree, taken aback by this outburst. 'And then, there was also the matter of that fire-breathing Great Wyrm a few years back, was there not?' Amberon the wizard adds tartly. You plead that you had enjoyed some good fortune in that triumph, but Arnberon has made his point. 'We cannot send a wizatd to recover the Staff. The man who now has it would sense the approach of a magician long before he could ever get near it. It has to be a warrior.'

You don't have a reply ready for that comment, but at least you do have a query for this wizard who seems to have everything arranged for you. 'So you must know who has it?'

Amberon nods. 'We know where it is, too.'

'Well, that's something,' you agree.

'That depends on how you look at it. Its in Khul.'

The land of Chaos; the Dark Continent, home to grim-faced men of evil nature, sorcererous horrors, monstrosities of warped Chaos. This is hardly reassuring. 'ln Kabesh, to be exact. A ruined city swarming with monsters and the Undead.'

'Oh, wonderful,' you reply drily, 'l think I've heard enough.'

But Amberon grabs you by the arm and won't let you make for the archway which leads to the outside. 'Two scryers nearly died to find out that much. They aren't going to have taken that risk for nothing. And anyway, while the Staff is in Khul, don't think for a moment that you or anyone else will be safe from its power anywhere on Titan.'

His look tells you with complete certainty that he is not deceiving you You will not be able to ignore this problem.

'Your passage has been arranged. You'll travel on the Diablo, a nasty little vessel under the command of Captain Shagrot. He is a criminal, a liar, and a sadistic bully... about the only sort of man who would set sail for Khul nowadays. Of course, you won't be able to travel as a warrior; that would arouse suspicions at once. You are going to be press-ganged tonight and shipped out as a galley slave on the night tide. We have arranged for this.'

You cannot believe your ears. 'I absolutely refuse,' you blurt out.

'I don't think so,' Amberon says coolly. 'Take it as a tribute to your resourcefulness and reputation that we consider that only you will have a fighting chance under these circumstances. Surely I have already made the importance of this task obvious.' Ambion grips your arm with a greater strength than you would have believed this slim young man possessed. 'The Staff has to be retrieved. If you refuse, a weaker man will have to go in your place; and, before long, Shanzikuul will overrun this land. Then you will be dead in any event.'

The wizard's remorseless logic and powerful persuasion win you over; Grimly you agree to accept this quest. It is going to be the most challenging one of your eventful life!

'When you get to Ashkyos, you’ll have to slip away from the ship. That shouldn't be too difficult - by then the crew will be as drunk as lords. But you'll have to find a way lo equip yourself with armour, enough food and a weapon, and either have some gold for a passage by riverboat up The Ashen River, or make your way to Kabesh some other way. How you get that money is up to you but we can give you a headstart.' One of the other wizards hands you over a pair of dilapidated boots. These are going to help? you think. But Amberon takes them and deftly twists the bootheels. Inside each is a small depression containing a single gold piece. He shows you how to twist the heel to reveal the secret cavity, and how to seal the bootheel again. 'These will buy you enough food to keep you alive, for a few days at any rate,' he says. 'One more thing I can tell you: about the man if, he is a man who has the Staff. We have found out that he is a wizard, as we feared; his name is Shanzikuul. Oddly enough, at one time long ago there was a very powerful and evil wizard of the very same name who allied himself with the Dark Elves. He and his warped Elven followers were captured and slain by a huge band of wildmen who flayed and quartered the wizard and then watched as the vultures picked his bones clean. All that happened some three hundred years ago... and our magical scrying leaves us in no doubt that this is the same man who now has the Staff of Rulership. A wizard, of such powers, and with this terrible relic to wield! You must overcome him and return the Staff to us. This will give you some idea of the gravity of the problem.'

After further feeble protestations, you are forced to fall in with the plans. Hoping desperately that the meagre amount of money you have in your bootheels will be enough to keep you alive when you land in Khul - if you manage to get that far – you walk out into the night, down to the docks where, feigning drunkenness, you await the blackjack blow on the back of your head, and waking up, a galleyslave, aboard the Diablo...
So we're a total badass... except for the fact we apparently let ourselves get bullied around by pasty, skinny wizard types.

Taking the liberty of rerolling ones, I rolled up Skill 11, Stamina 17, and Luck 12. We start out with nothing except the boots containing 2gp.

So! If there's interest, take a vote on what Skills we should pick, and what dick-related name this hero bears proudly into battle, and we'll begin.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I nominate that this guy be named Huge Nuge. 3 guesses as to what's the most huge part of him.

Also, I recommend Acute Hearing, Climbing, and Tracking, since those seem like they'd be the best at getting us through and past things safely.
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Post by SGamerz »

I'm fine with the name, but for Skills I'd prefer

1) Blindsight (Skill penalties are like the worse things in FF and you just know we're going to be in situations where we fight in the dark).

2) Tracking (should give us access to new paths when we spot some tracks/routes that we wouldn't have spotted otherwise, thus possibly extra loot or exposition)

3) Animal Wisdom or Acute Hearing (see #2, should give us certain exclusive access to clues or plot)

I'm generally against pickiing Climbing or Move Silently because they sound like things that we might still be able to do via successful Skill/Luck tests.
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Post by Sirocco »

Fine with the name (1st guess: the nose? :p), as for skills:

Acute hearing, Blindsight, Tracking.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Three votes for Acute Hearing, two for Blindsight and Tracking, then. Let's go with that.

It starts off a little rail-roady and depressing (we're a slave chained to an oar), but gets a lot more free-roaming once we get off the ship. Or, you know. If.

You have spent untold days as a galley-slave on the infernal Diablo. You are given only watery slops to eat, not enough to maintain your strength; deduct 3 points from your STAMINA score. You are kept chained to the benches of the galleys, and you cannot move far. The smell of bad food and sweat is overpowering on the cramped slaver. This morning, the Second Mate, a repulsively ugly, warty Orc, is in a filthy temper and is taking it out on the slave sitting next to you. The Orc is lashing out with his whip at poor defenceless Ramon, with whom you have formed a friendship. Will you stay quiet and ignore this or try to stop the Orc's brutal flogging?
Adventure Sheet
Huge Nuge

SKILL 11/11
LUCK 12/12

Skills: Blindsight, Acute Hearing, Tracking

Equipment: Boots with hidden coin compartments
2gp (hidden)
Last edited by SlyJohnny on Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

We're chained to the bench, we're not exactly in a position to challenge anyone. Keep silent.
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Post by Sirocco »

Sad but true.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Fighting this Orc will probably get us a STAMINA or Notoriety hit (or both), if not an instadeath. So let's ignore our friend's screams for now, and hope we get to rip the Orc in half later.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

After the Orc with his bloodied whip has gone, you hear the sound of muttering coming from the deck above you. If you have the Acute Hearing Skill: (we do!). Otherwise, you can't make out what's being said.
You catch only fragments of a conversation, but you do hear one of the crew curse and say that having a Dark Elf on board is bad luck. 'But he seems honest and decent enough,' comes the reply. You also think you hear the name Kabesh mentioned, which makes you wonder...
A bit of free exposition, but nothing we wouldn't have found out soon anyway.
Another week of this nightmare voyage has passed; deduct 2 more points from your STAMINA, caused by the inadequate food. Today a squall is up, and now the ship runs before the wind, so you don't have to row. The Second Mate is lashing out again, drunk on rum, and he picks on you. You can either passively suffer his beating or try knocking him down with your chains – he is close enough for you to attempt this.
Adventure Sheet
Huge Nuge

SKILL 11/11
LUCK 12/12

Skills: Blindsight, Acute Hearing, Tracking

Equipment: Boots with hidden coin compartments
2gp (hidden)
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Post by SGamerz »

Knock him down and then do what? Break the chain and jump into the sea? We're not leaving this ship anytime soon. Aggravating our captors and drawing attention to ourselves can't lead to anything good.

Take the beating like a man!
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Post by Sirocco »

^ This.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

You must deduct 3 points from your STAMINA because of the brute's flogging, but finally he lurches away and picks on someone else.
The First Mate comes staggering down below decks again and looks around, his bloodshot eyes staring wildly from beneath his mane of matted, greasy black hair. He grins wildly and mutters something inaudible; then he screams out, 'You scum! Two men for deck cleaning, now! I'll have you, and -' pointing at you, '-you, you worthless vermin!' Your chains are removed, but then your leg is fettered with a ball and chain when you are hauled up on deck.

You are occupied scrubbing the decks with a hard bristle brush and sea water when suddenly pandemonium breaks loose as huge suckered tentacles rise into the air out of the sea and lash out at the men on the decks! Close by you, the despicable Captain Shagrot draws his scimitar as a vast limb of the Kraken attacking the Diablo lunges at him!

You now have a choice. You can either ignore what's happening and retreat to safety or you can attack the tentacle which is lunging at the Captain, using your ball and chain as a weapon!

I like the attention to detail in that picture of having our abandoned scrubbing brush just off to the side.

So, do we keep on keeping our head down (it's been working up until now, after all) or is it time to Go Active all over this suckered tentacle sucker?

Adventure Sheet
Huge Nuge

SKILL 11/11
LUCK 12/12

Skills: Blindsight, Acute Hearing, Tracking

Equipment: Boots with hidden coin compartments
2gp (hidden)
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Post by Sirocco »

I think now would be a good time to SHOW WHAT WE'RE MADE OF! RAAAGH!

(Attack, in case it wasn't clear. :p)
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Post by SGamerz »

Huge Nuge will go all out and show the captain the strength of his balls (and chain).
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

It's time to show the Kraken that Nuge is more Huge than any appendage it dare stick out.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Attacking as ordered!
Using the ball and chain as a weapon, you inflict damage as if you had a sword in your hand, scoring 2 points for a successful hit. But you must deduct 1 point from your SKILL for the duration of this fight because of having to fight with such an unwieldy weapon.


If your STAMINA is reduced to 3 or less, turn to 357.
If you win, turn to 130.
So with the unwieldy weapon penalty, and the additional -2 for being unarmored, our effective SKILL is 8. And what with the previous starvation and beatings his STAMINA has endured, Huge Nuge's first fight is surprisingly, distressingly even. There is a flag for what happens if this tentacle should start to whup us: we can only hope that it isn't a cutaway for a hentai scene. Let's see how we do!

Combat Log
Huge 16, Tentacle 16. Draw, Huge is at 9, Tentacle at 6.
Huge 15, Tentacle 16. Huge is at 7, Tentacle at 6.
Huge 15, Tentacle 13. Huge is at 7, Tentacle at 4.
Huge 12, Tentacle 14. Huge is at 5, Tentacle at 4.
Huge 15, Tentacle 18. Huge is at 3, Tentacle at 4.
Our stamina is reduced to 3 or less, we turn to page 357.
Suddenly a lithe figure clad in a dark cloak stands beside you, severing the tentacle with a black-bladed, razor-edged longsword! You look up at your helper - a Dark Elf! Sheathing his sword, he squints up at the light then turns on his heel but not before staring pointedly at you! Does he suspect something? However, he says curtly to the Captain, 'Most of your slaves would not have tried to help you. I didn't see too many of your crewmen in evidence either. You should reward this man,' and then he clambers down the forecastle steps to his cabin.
Drizzt Do'urden over here deciding to bro it up. Now we go to the same passage that we would've if we'd won by ourselves:
Breathing heavily with fatigue, you gaze down at the thick, severed tentacle. Shagrot stares at you out of his one baleful black eye and mutters his grudging thanks. He turns around and knocks a seal off one of the kegs on the deck; thick, treacly grog begins to run from it. Needing no second invitation, you cup your hands to gulp some down. Regain 4 STAMINA points.
Aiding the Captain was a smart move. Now you are a 'trusty' slave, kept on better rations and allowed to scrub the decks without your hampering chains!

After a few more days, you learn from the crew that you are approaching land. As dusk descends, another trusty slave sidles up to you and whispers, 'l have a plan to escape. Tonight the crew will be as drunk as judges - they've made land, near enough, and will be celebrating. We can take one of the lifeboats and row away.' His eyes move to a small tarpaulin-covered rowing boat on the starboard side. 'It'll only be a mile or so to shore. Will you come with me?'

Do we agree to this plan or decline to join in with this escape plan?
Adventure Sheet
Huge Nuge

SKILL 11/11
LUCK 12/12

Skills: Blindsight, Acute Hearing, Tracking

Equipment: Boots with hidden coin compartments
2gp (hidden)
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Post by SGamerz »

Let's get off the ship at the first opportunity. We're right near the beginning of the book and have been through 1 fight, and we already had a near-death experience. The constant STAMINA draining is brutal.

Agree to the plan.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Let's agree, and hope this guy isn't a snitch trying to test our loyalty or something.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Soon the crew are drinking and singing; you and your fellow conspirator quietly sidle over to the lifeboat. Gently you push the tarpaulin off and prepare to lower the small boat into the water. If you have the Blindsight Skill (we do!), turn to 368.
In the darkness you make out the form of a sleeping crewman in the boat! He's probably dead drunk but you take no chances, hitting him hard to keep him unconscious. You quietly lower the boat into the water and start rowing away from the ship.
Morning comes. You beach the rowing boat on the estuary of the river which leads to Ashkyos. Searching the boat in daylight, you make some lucky finds: sharing the good fortune with your friend, you each get 2 Gold Pieces that you found in a leather pouch, and a small parcel of hard tack, enough for 2 meals. You can eat this at once, or save one or both meals for later (adding them to your Provisions). After a short rest, you row down into Ashkyos itself and make fast at a jetty in the docks area. Your friend has the excellent idea of selling the boat and dividing the proceeds! You don't get rich from the transaction, but your share is 4 Gold Pieces, and that's a fair start! 'May the gods go with you,' says your companion, 'wherever you may head. I'm going to find a good ship with a berth for an honest sailor,' and he clasps your hand in farewell! You are in Ashkyos, and now you have at least some of the money you need!
Ashkyos is divided into districts; these are shown on the map on the inside front cover of this book.


You are now free to go where you wish. You can visit:

The shops
The warehouses
Entertainer's Square
The markets
The docks
The infamous Old Quarter

When you are ready to leave the city, turn to 243 (make a note of this paragraph number now). If your Notoriety total reaches 8 or higher, you must leave the city at once to avoid being arrested by the militia (keep careful track of your Notoriety score, using the box for this on your Adventure Sheet) so when it reaches 8 or more, turn to 243 immediately!
Where to, folks? And is Nuge chowing down on one or both portions of the hard tack, or saving them?

Adventure Sheet
Huge Nuge

SKILL 11/11 (-2 when fighting unarmored)
LUCK 12/12

Notoriety: 0/8

Skills: Blindsight, Acute Hearing, Tracking

Equipment: 2/4 Provisions
Boots with hidden coin compartments
8 gp (including 2 hidden)
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Post by SGamerz »

There's not much point in going to the shops or the market yet until we have money to spend (or something to sell?). I think the warehouse or the Entertainment Square sound like places where we can find work to earn some gold. Maybe the docks too, but we might run into those slavers, who are supposedly going to make land soon, and while I'd love to get some revenge on them, we're not really equipped to face them yet. Not sure about the Old Quarters, but it's being described as "infamous", which implies some danger, so let's leave that until we find some weapon and armour.

I vote warehouse, first.
Last edited by SGamerz on Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sirocco »

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SlyJohnny »

We do have eight gold now from looting and then selling the boat, but if you guys are aware of that and are after more easy money before you go shopping, that's sensible. What's the verdict on the hard tack provisions? Do we eat them both now, eat one, or save both?

To the warehouse district!
If you've met Vesper before, turn to:
If you've been in the warehouse district before, but haven't met Vesper, turn to:
If you havn't been in this district before:
Strolling into the Warehouse district, you see coming towards you a young lad carrying a small sack; he is running, flat out, away from a red-faced merchant and two heavily-built labourers who are pursuing him. 'Stop, thief!' screams the perspiring merchant. The boy certainly looks nimble and quick enough to elude his pursuers, but you could stop him. Will you apprehend the thief or ignore what is going on as the boy runs right in front of you?
Adventure Sheet
Huge Nuge

SKILL 11/11 (-2 to fighting while unarmored)
LUCK 12/12

Notoriety: 0/8

Skills: Blindsight, Acute Hearing, Tracking

Equipment: 2/4 Provisions
Boots with hidden coin compartments
8gp (including 2 hidden)
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Post by Sirocco »

Grab the little scallywag.

Also, let's not eat the meals right away. We can always gulp one down in a time of need.
Last edited by Sirocco on Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 6317
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:45 am

Post by SGamerz »

We came here to make some money.

Either the merchant will reward us for catching the thief, or we steal the purse from the thief and keep it ourselves.

Either way, there should be something to gain from grabbing the thief who has the Loot.
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