[LP] The Riddling Reaver!

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Silent Wayfarer
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

Argh, I thought I'd replied to this.
Manstaff shakes his head as the Baron speaks. Clearly his mind must be addled... or perhaps he's been downing too much of the good stuff.

Drawing on the residual energy of the Levitate, he slings one arm over his shoulder and works to bring the Baron back to where the others (and the Baron's guards) are. The airship is ominous, but he only has one Levitate spell and he can't grow wings. Perhaps if the airship sent out a flying monster he could have uses a Creature Copy on it and had it carry them up, but so far that didn't seem to be the case.

Just too bad then; the other adventurers will have to deal with it.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

No harm done, this board has swallowed a few of my posts whole in its day.
Also, no real need for spoilers anymore, methinks.

The Baron's struggles make handling him difficult, but the guardsmen who were approaching help you with him, and in your combined grip he shortly exhausts himself and goes limp, a final 'what... am... I...?' drooling from his lips.

They escort you to the bottom floor of the tower, where a richly dressed and attractive woman also seems to be passed out. The floor is a mess of crushed tarantulas, but they arrange the furniture into makeshift beds, with bundled clothes for pillows and what look like curtains for blankets.

'A thousand thanks for your part in what has happened here,' says a guard who seems to have seniority. 'Although I don't understand quite what that might be. I'm sure the Baron and his lady will want to thank you as well when they wake. Your friends are still above, I think, but if you have any questions or counsel for us, my ears belong to you.'
Everyone Else
A very satisfying 'click,' with a tinny resonance from the bucket, is heard from the box.
Let me know who's going to examine the box, and how.
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

"Solve this riddle, drop me in it,
Wait for the click, then pull me from it.
I will be open, then you'll see
The reason for this riddle-me-ree"

The riddle still fresh in his mind, Sir Puppykicker stops splashing water over his wound and eager reaches into the bucket to scoop the box back as soon as he hears the click. Still, he's taking little chances. Placing the box on the floor, he moves back a few paces, gesturing for his companions to stand clear, before reaching out with his blade in an attempt to slide his blade under the lid and lever it open.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Dirk draws his weapon lest anything dangerous comes out of the box, or the body animates as an undead or something.
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Post by Dr_Noface »

Dirk watches excitedly.
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Post by Starmaker »

"A regular or a monstrous spider? Is it dead, or is there an infestation that needs to be cleaned up with fire? [quietly] I wonder if we can arrange for the baron to be cursed so he'll invest in researching a remedy."

Bajinga watches Sir Puppykicker open the box.
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Post by Sirocco »

"It was a horde of the small hairy buggers on the ground floor. I think they're dead now; ask Sir Puppykicker, he stayed a bit more than me."

Willie turns to watch the box opening.
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Post by SGamerz »

"We squished the buggers, me and 2 of the Baron's guards." Sir Puppykicker replies absently as he tries to focus his attention on lifting the box's lid with the tip of his sword. The itching doesn't help make his attempt easier. Scratching irritably with his free hand, he adds, "I see the Baron isn't with you. Did you leave him up there or is he now a smudge on the ground outside?"
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Post by Starmaker »

"Neither, apparently Manstaff levitated him down safely. Which reminds me, we have to ask the baron about the dude in the guardhouse, just in case he's really the guard captain or something."
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Sir Puppykicker draws forth the box, but as soon as it leaves the water, the interlocking sections begin to slide, and it comes apart in his hands. He is left with a pile of wood at his feet and a single section in his hands, upon which sit four parchments.
The First Parchment wrote:I always believe in giving people a chance. After all, without Chance there is no Luck, and without either where would I be? You can try to follow me, if you want to avenge Bluestone's death. And I won't stop you. In fact, I'll provide the transport. But to pay your fare, you'll have to gather three trinkets and feed them to Hydana at Brion's Bluff. What's more, the trinkets aren't even hidden. All you have to do is solve my riddles to find where in Kallamehr they are. I hope you're lucky. Then again, I hope you're unlucky. It's all the same to me.
The Riddling Reaver

The Second Parchment wrote:
What am I?
A white-winged fish that parts the waves,
I ply the sparkling waste.
I'm bound by ropes, and pulled by cloth,
Lest merchants lose their haste.

Where am I?
My first is in south, but not in north;
My second is in pcture, but not in play;
My third is in fourth, and also in worth;
My fourth is in book, and also in cook;
My fifth is in toe, but not in sew;
My sixth is in life, but not in death;
And together I'm found where children abound.

The Third Parchment wrote:
What am I?
My belly is round
And bound with iron bonds;
What I carry always raises a cheer.
Murder I have not done;
Stolen not; cheated not;
Yet a peg is beaten into my head.

Where am I?
My coat is green and I can speak
Of several things, but mostly cheek.
In such a prison am I set
That has more loopholes than a net.

The Fourth Parchment wrote:
What am I?
I've neither top nor bottom,
Yet I hold bone and skin;
I hardly ever make a noise;
And yet my name's a din.

Where am I?
Ill-matched is my visage to my frame –
Horns are on my head, the rest a hideous man;
By fame well known through all the Allansian lands;
From man and beast together is my name.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »


It is a few hours later, and you are all on the comfortable second floor of the beacon tower, although the body that had been here is now removed. The Lady Carolina is with you, but the person by her side is not her husband the Baron; it is a youth of perhaps fourteen summers, with a somewhat rodent-like cast to his features. Lady Carolina has clearly been crying, but at the moment she holds herself with dignity.

'A thousand thanks,' she says, 'not just from the barony, but from a wife who feared she might lose her husband. You have the friendship of Bluestone until the stars go out. Alas, that friendship today is not so sweet as it would have been even a week ago. Let me tell you the tale of it.

'Some months ago, our court was visited by a wandering soothsayer, a fortune-teller from the barbarous north – no offense meant. He said his name was Conan Drum, and he was so droll and exotic that he quickly found favor with my husband – and even with me for a time, I'll not deny. Only our counselor and wizard, Hammet, never trusted him. He was wise, as usual.

'As time passed, Conan ceased to entertain my husband, instead obsessing him. All his predictions came in the form of riddles, and as they generally came true, my lord spent more and more time struggling to unravel them. It left him exhausted and desperate, and finally unhinged, as you may have seen. I offer a thousand thousand prayers for his recovery, but there is no knowing.

'In the meantime, Conan was covertly ransacking our treasury, under the guise of buying ingredients for his fortune-tellings. The Baron gave him free reign, against all advice. I have just learned that his plundering is complete; the Baronial coffers are empty as the void before creation.

'These mere tokens are all the pittance I can offer for your valiant deeds.' Lady Carolina gestures, and servants bring forth for each of you:

A suit of fine silk clothing
A sturdy round shield
A corselet of mail
A long curved bow
A quiver with a dozen arrows

'The fruits of our armory, at least, were untouched by the scoundrel,' Lady Carolina says. The youth by her side steps forward. 'This,' she continues, 'is Dappa, the apprentice of our... late counselor Hammet.'

'I have studied the parchments you found in the box,' says Dappa, 'and they trouble me. This Riddling Reaver (for Conan Drum was only an obvious pseudonym) speaks of Luck and Chance as might a follower of Logaan the Trickster. And yet the Logaan-worshipers, annoying as they might be, are mere pranksters. I have never heard of them being a threat to more than one's dignity or private purse, yet this one has engaged in grand larceny, in torment, in murder both attempted and...' he grinds his teeth, '... accomplished.'

'Dappa tells me,' says Lady Carolina, 'that this – this Reaver has left you something like a trail to follow him by. I have no right to ask more of you, and yet in conscience I must. Who knows what other mischief this rogue might do, who else he might harm? And if he still possesses any of Bluestone's fortune, you would be welcome to it, for we would rather see it in the hands of friends than lost to this devil. A thousand pleas, will you do it?'
The shields offer protection from missiles. The mail offers some protection from battle-wounds (for each wound, roll a die: 5+ means 1 less STAMINA lost).

If you have any questions for the Lady or Dappa, spring 'em.
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Post by SGamerz »

"I knew it!" Sir Puppykicker grumbles under his breath. "I should never taken the trouble. All these hassle and no real reward!" Raising his voice, he inquires, "Do you have a good healer in this tower, or anywhere in this goddamned city, who can do anything about these bites?" he gesture towards the unnatural hair that has sprouted from Willie's and his own body.

With a glance at one of the parchments he'd retrieved from the Reaver's box, he adds, "Oh, and if you happen to know where in this city we can find a bloody Minotaur, pray tell, because apparently we're supposed to find one in this bloody city and retrieve some trinket from it."
Last edited by SGamerz on Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'Lamentably, no. Hammet was our healer, and the city's only academy is for naval matters.' Lady Carolina pauses in thought. 'It is said that the waters of the city's bath-house have miraculous properties.'

Dappa surreptitiously shakes his head 'no' at these words, and adds: 'I haven't a tenth of a tenth of my teacher's lore in such things, but he did once say that a Potion of Strength rubbed into the skin would ameliorate any dermatological... er, help any skin problems. Such mighty potions are scarce, alas. That said, he did frequent an excellent barber I could direct you to.' This last is said with a not-quite-suppressed smirk.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Dirk O'Killitwithfire has been heavily pondering the riddles, ever since seeing the parchment. Typically he has relied on others for help with such matters, but has decided that he should learn to solve such puzzles on his own.
The item on the second parchment is a sailboat in a school, presumably a naval school. The item on the third parchment is a barrel, and the item on the fourth parchment is something that can be found on a minotaur (possibly blood)
At the mention of the naval academy, Dirk asks, "Can you give us directions (and clearance, if needed) to the academy? We will need access to it if we are to catch the Reaver; I believe that the answer to one of his accursed riddles can be found there."
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Post by Sirocco »

Willie addresses Lady Carolina: "We would be happy to help; and yes, as my colleague says, I believe the academy should be our next step."

Willie then turns to Deppa. "But first, I must ask, would there be any Potions of Strength in the possession of your late teacher? and if yes, could you spare some for us?"
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'Then you will find this villain?' asks Lady Carolina. 'A thousand blessings on your heads! The naval academy is not far from here, and I can offer you better than directions; Dappa here shall be your guide in the city and lead you anywhere you wish to go.'

'Yes,' says Dappa, 'I can take you to the academy, I know the way well. As for a minotaur, well, I've never known such a thing to be the city, but it is a busy port, and all sorts of creatures do come through. I know a merchant who might have heard if one was around.'

To Willie's questions, Dappa merely shakes his head sympathetically.
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

Manstaff has been availing himself of the vino of the province, but it seems the time to work has come at last. He's fairly certain that the whole thing's a trap, but there was a measure of safety in setting off a trap on your own terms and walking blithely into it.

Plus, the wargear was a nice plus. And it was good to work with professionals.

"I'll take your job," he says. "This Riddler character; he gorged himself on your wealth, but what else did he do?"
Last edited by Silent Wayfarer on Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'I know of no iniquitous acts beyond those already mentioned, but surely those are enough?'
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Post by Dr_Noface »

Dirk, his brow furrowed in thought, speaks, "I think the trinket held by the minotaur is a ring."
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Oh, I'm definitely in on this," Dirk O'Killitwithfire remarks. "And yes, that would make sense, von Facestabber."
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Dr_Noface »

"I ain't just a pretty face. And I'm in. This Reaver is a huge tool, and I can't abide a bigger dick than mine."
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Post by SGamerz »

"Oh, you can bet I'm going after this Reaver guy," Sir Puppykicker growls, "because if what you said is true, this bugger owes me money."

He glances over at O'Killitwithfire. "You sure about this barrel thing? ‘Cos I don't see how a barrel would be in possession of a bloody parrot, of all things, especially one that's apparently small enough to fit in a cage. But then I guess we've all seen stranger things. Hey, boy!" he addresses Dappa. "Would this merchant you mentioned know anything about some freak parrot who performs tricks with a barrel in some bloody circus? Or is there some kind of curios pet shop in this city?"

Under his breath, he adds, just barely loud enough for his companions, but hopefully not for the Baroness. "I sure hop we don't have to bloody buy any of these 'trinkets', considering we're all penniless. I get that the treasury is looted and all, but surely she can spare some silver for our travelling expenses and stuff!"
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

"That is the odd part about the second riddle," Dirk replies to Sir Puppykicker. "Something 'round and bound with iron bonds' that carries things that 'raise cheer' and has 'a peg beaten into [its] head' sounds quite a lot like a barrel. But how one could be located in a parrot is beyond me, and barrels are quite common anyways... Perhaps we should look for a parrot and see what we come across. Perhaps it'll be perched on a barrel. I swear, if that Reaver is feeding us false information, I'll feed his ass my spear."
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
Silent Wayfarer
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

"I'd assumed the reverse egestion process would be proceeding whether or not he was lying to us," Manstaff comments. "Perhaps the second riddle refers to a place and not an object; is there a tavern called the Parrot?"
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Post by SGamerz »

"Good point, wizard." Sir Puppykicker acknowledges. "Speaking of which, there's a Minotaur Inn in Port Blacksand, now that I think about it. Perhaps this city has locale with the name Minotaur in it, too?"
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