Looks like we restart project: 40K

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Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Except this time I'll take Frank's advice from the start.

Now, as we've established "Imperial Guard don't play the same game as Space Marines", I guess the first move is to decide what part of Grim and Dark the game is.

I have Codex: Marines, Codex: Witch Hunters, Codex: Dark Eldar, Inquisitor and Necromunda. Therefore, a game centred around Marines killing Chaos, Sisters and Inquisitors killing Chaos, Dark Eldar space pirates capturing slaves, Inquisitors doing their thing (see above) or gang warfare + Arbites would be best for me to start playing with.

It's actually a hard choice. But I'm going to go with Dark Eldar, because they get ignored a lot. Let's see if we can make them cool.

So, a group of these would be called a warband, or maybe a raiding party. Which means people will try to save syllables and call them a party. Or a raid. Oh well.

So let's see what roles we could have:

1. Lord: The leader and face. Good with "diplomacy" (see: Intimidation, blackmail and bribery), demoralising enemies and boosting the morale of the warband. Can have neat gear.

2. Wych: A gladiator by any other name. Very tough, strong and agile, and gets special weapons designed for the role. Little to no armour.

3. Beastmaster: the character him/herself isn't as powerful, mostly providing morale effects and possibly tripping and entangling foes with a whip. The best part is the ability to control/command warp beasts, and probably summon them too.

4. Hellion: This guy actually flies around on a hoverboard, and wields a very deadly weapon. Mostly melee and skirmishing.

5. Haemonculus: Tekken juggling all the way. Lots of disabling/stunning pain effects, and can produce combat drugs and provide emergency healing.

6. Scourge: Another flier, and this time with heavy ranged weapons. Well, I say heavy, but...

Now, if we're cutting it to 3 party members, we could have:
Someone who hits people in melee: Wych or Hellion
Someone who leads: Haemonculus, Beastmaster or Lord
Someone who shoots: Scourge or Lord

There's enough overlap that you could take a Beastmaster or Haemonculus for a melee character, for instance, and most have *some* kind of ranged weapon, but in general, those would be the characters. It works.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Now, the next thing to look at would be an adventure. Or in this case, a raid. Dark Eldar are supposed to always be the attackers, so this either calls for a proactive party ("We're going to go and ____!") or a DM to simply say "You know, there's a plot hook over ______".

So let's say they discover a small Imperial outpost. As they zoom in, their raider (transport vessel) gets blown up by an auto-cannon, so not only do they have to slaughter the base (after all, the Imp. Guard know they're in the area now) and capture slaves, but they'll also need to get back to their main ship on their own.

There is a lot of rubble and shrapnel, so they can take cover and possibly fool the guard into thinking they're dead. A few men will be sent out to investigate, and they can either sneak past them and into the base, or kill/subdue them. Whatever. It's a low threat - a few unprepared guys with lasguns.

Over the course of this assault, they find themselves attacked by the occasional team of guardsmen with lasguns, maybe the odd melta, flamer or plasma gun, while trying to find their way about the place. Let them raid a weapons cabinet perhaps, or the small infirmary for drugs and medical supplies, before eventually having a showdown against a Commissar and his loyal (too scared to flee) troops. After this, all they need to do is, for instance, steal a Chimera, loading captives in, then blow the place up with it and rumble back to the lander that got them there.

*When a door is locked, they can tear it down, pick the lock (or play with the electronics), or intimidate a soldier into opening it. Most characters have *some* way of solving it.
*Activating the tank will be a learning experience, but not that hard.
*Everyone can fight.
*No-one will completely suck at being stealthy, but none are Mandrake-level stealthy.
*No traps, because the Imperial Guard isn't going to lay land mines down in their own base. Usually.


After the mission, they might get rewarded with money (using the currency of Points, of course), new equipment and promotions. Actual direct power won't increase that much, because a Space Marine will still break a Sybarite in half and wear a Wych like a condom. So mostly, they'll be able to get a little faster, and more skilled - better dodging, accuracy, ability to hit vitals, non-combat skills etc. They'll get cool gear as they go along, sometimes riding through in Reaver jetbikes or the like.

This campaign likely involves them having to defend against a counter-attack - one that has an imperial assassin attack from behind, then make a counter-counter attack, this time with piracy in space. Next, they'll lead the Guard into a conflict with Craftworld Eldar in the region, before hitting one of the two while unawares, finally returning with their captured slaves and declaring victory.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Okay, this clearly won't work as a d20 thing. I basically covered that earlier. The Sisters of Battle or Space Marines, sure. They're d20 all the way. But Dark Eldar don't really gain levels and stuff.

So we know what kind of actions need doing. Let's try to make all of them work the same way: skill + die roll against a flat target of X for normal tasks, and opposed rolls for opposed tasks.

I was thinking of borrowing from SLA industries. 2d10+skill, and most things have a difficulty of 11. Unskilled? You roll 2d10-4. 21+ is a huge success. Likewise, the way attributes work with skills is this: The skill can't be higher than the attribute. The attributes do some other things, too.

So... Strength is something all games need. This is about ninjas, too, so clearly it needs Agility (or Dexterity or whatever). It also needs a stat for "not running away", such as Nerve, Leadership and Willpower. Intelligence/Intellect would also help. You know? We could probably get by with just four stats.

Strength - muscle type skills, hitting in melee, melee damage.
This also affects your hit points.
Leadership - people skills, keeping your nerve, scaring others, spur of the moment battle plans
Agility - moving type skills, Initiative, dodging, ranged attacks
Knowledge - rather than just "I'm smart!", this stat actually affects skills that you learn, and applying learned stuff.

So, on 2d10, you have a minimum of 2 (1% chance of rolling it), a maximum of 20 (1% chance of rolling it), and an average - an actual "You probably will roll this" average - of 11 (a whopping 10% chance). Let's look for modifiers ranging between +1 (basic training) and +10 (master), with -4 for untrained (if you know nothing about it, you basically get shafted from the start. Result? Don't just max out one skill, try getting a point in anything). So a novice is 9 points down from a master, and thus is going to have a hard time beating him, but isn't shoved off the RNG.

Certain conditions will add small bonuses and penalties, but we're still not talking "Through the five different factors, I gain another +12". We're talking "I'm fatigued and you demoralised me, I get -4."

So for attributes, they can range from 1 to 10, with 3 being considered "average human". Yeah, average people sort of suck. Luckily, you're not average. Player characters get 20 points to spend between their four stats to start with.

Now, some derived attributes:
Wounds: Or we call it Toughness. The funny thing is that I don't care. It's HP by any other name. This equals your Strength. That's it. At zero, you pass out and start to die. If the damage was enough to put you at a negative equal to your basic Toughness, then you just die outright.

When a dangerous situation ends, you start regaining Wounds at the rate of one per minute, however as long as you still have Wounds, you are worn out, and thus will gain some kind of penalty.

Initiative: Agility. Next!

Nerve: This is equal to your Leadership. When it hits zero, you piss-bolt for a full minute. After that, you get to look around. If the source of fear is still there, you're still scared. If not, you get 1 Nerve back. This usually regenerates at the rate of one per minute.

How I see combat working, at this point:
Guardsman Gary and Sybarite Sam see each other and draw their weapons. Sybarite Sam has a higher Agility, thus goes first by default. Sybarite Sam has 10 metres of free movement in a turn, so moves up and attacks, rolling 2d10 and adding his Weapon Skill (5) for a total of 17. Guardsman Gary only has a Parry of 2, so adds it to his 2d10 roll and gets 9. Ouch. Sybarite Sam clearly hits him, dealing base weapon damage (We'll call it 3 for blades), plus 1 for beating his result by 5. Guardsman Gary has Flak Armour, reducing all damage by 2 points. He takes 2 Wounds, out of six.

Guardsman Gary, in his turn, darts back 10 metres and fires his lasgun. So he rolls Ballistic Skill (4) and gets 18, against Sam's Dodge (4) roll of 17. He barely hits, but it's still enough. No accuracy damage, but that doesn't matter, a lasgun does 4 points on its own. The mesh armour reduces that by 3, and so Sybarite Sam takes only one point.

They continue until someone dies.

That's the end goal of the basic combat, before special abilities come into play. Next, I'll actually start going through skills, I suppose. At the end, I'll put it all in a neat order and see if it's playable.

And yes, every 5 points you beat them by adds another 1 damage. So if someone is fatigued, untrained and demoralised, and rolls a 2 for a total of -6, and a master shoots them while under a morale boost and with assistance, rolling 20 for a total of 34, that's +7 damage.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Strength Skills:
-Weapon Skill: Used for making melee attacks
-Restrain: Used to tie someone up, or for offensive grappling
-Climb: Climbing quickly and without tiring
-Force: Forcing mechanical devices, doors etc.
-Parry: Blocking melee attacks

Agility Skills:
-Dodge: Dodging ranged attacks
-Ballistic Skill: Making ranged attacks
-Jump: Leaping all over the place
-Roll: Recovering from a fall, sliding, tumbling etc.
-Escape: Used to escape bonds or a grapple

Leadership Skills:
-Lie: Telling falsehoods and making people believe them
-Intimidate: Scaring people for the moment
-Bribe: Sweetening a deal and not getting in trouble for it
-Blackmail: A cross between Bribe and Intimidate, really
-Rally: Improving morale, stopping people from breaking
-Interrogation: Long and drawn out, unlike Intimidate

Knowledge Skills:
-Medicine: Setting bones, using the right drugs etc.
-Piloting: Making vehicles move
-Mechanics: Fixing tanks, un-jamming guns etc.
-Psychology: Knowing how minds work, detecting lies.
-Poisons: Effective use of poison.
-Electronics: Hacking, rapidly accessing computer files etc.

Now, there are two ways we can make buying skills work. One is 1-for-1, where you have, say, 30 points to spend amongst the 22 skills, allowing for 6 skills half-way mastered or one skill almost mastered and the rest at novice level or whatever.

The other way is diminishing returns. First rank is 1 point. The second is 2 (total of 3). All the way up to the tenth rank being 10 points, for a total of 55 points. For this, I'd give more starting points, say, 75 - you can halfway master five points if you want, or master one, fail at one, and be a novice at the other 20.

We might want to toy with the actual numbers once it's decided which system to use. But this means the main part of a character is finished: Attributes, Wounds, Nerve, Initiative, Skills.

What do we have left? Equipment and Special Abilities, for the most part. Everyone should probably have a training kit that provides them with basic equipment (for most people, that's seriously "mesh armour, helmet, close combat weapon and splinter pistol with 3 reloads") and a couple of skill bonuses.

People also get starting money to spend on equipment, and perhaps can spend Special points on raising their wealth - to keep it relevant all the time, people re-spend their money before each mission. So if you use all your ammo in the first mission, you get more in the second. When the group earns money, they split it up and each adds their share to their own total to spend before any given mission.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Know what? I'm folding Jump into Roll and calling it Acrobatics. I'm then adding "Stealth" as an Agility skill. "Alertness" is now a derived attribute equal to Knowledge-1, to oppose Stealth.

Starting Wealth: 30 Points

Starting Kits:
"You have been trained in the very basics of combat in all forms, and as such are a versatile fighter."
-Skills: Weapon Skill 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Dodge 1
-Equipment: Mesh Armour, Splinter Pistol +2 clips, Dagger

"As a born leader, you know how to fight, and how to issue commands."
-Skills: Intimidate 1, Rally 1, Weapon Skill 1
-Equipment: Mesh Armour, Armour Spikes, 2 Daggers

"You are a torturer and experimenter, yet at the same time can use your fearsome presence to make a good leader."
-Skills: Blackmail 1, Psychology 1, Interrogate 1
-Equipment: Agoniser, Torture kit

"You are so stealthy, people don't even know you exist."
-Skills: Stealth 1, Parry 1, Lie 1
-Equipment: Shadow-Skin suit, dagger

"Your specialty lies in piloting Reaver Jetbikes, but you can still handle yourself in a firefight."
-Skills: Pilot 1, Mechanics 1, Ballistic Skill 1
-Equipment: Mesh armour, Splinter Pistol plus 2 reloads, plasma grenade

"A melee warrior, you fight better with minimal armour and with vicious close combat weapons, while up to your eyes in combat drugs."
-Skills: Parry 1, Weapon Skill 1, Acrobatics 1
-Equipment: Gladiator Armour, Razor Net and either Falchion or Trident

"Although your fighting skills are nothing to sneer at, you do best when leading dreaded warp beasts into battle."
-Skills: Rally 1, Parry 1, Dodge 1
-Equipment: Gladiator Armour, Agoniser

"You are at your best when riding atop a skyboard, hacking foes apart in hand to hand combat."
-Skills: Pilot 1, Acrobatics 1, Weapon Skill 1
-Equipment: Mesh Armour, Hell Glaive

"Flying into battle with large, metal wings, you can hover in the air and repeatedly fire at your enemies from safety."
-Skills: Dodge 1, Ballistic Skill 1, Acrobatics 1
-Equipment: Wings, Splinter Pistol + 3 reloads


So, what extra gear can money be spent on?

Gladiator Armour (protection 2), for 2 Points
Mesh Armour (protection 3), for 5 Points
Carapace Armour (protection 5), for 15 Points
Shadow Skin Armour (protection 1, +2 Stealth) for 10 Points

Melee Weapons:
Bladed Armour (damage 2) for 3 Points

Dagger (damage 3) for 5 Points

Hydra Knife (damage 3*) for 10 Points
-Hydra Knives that don't deal accuracy damage. Instead, each 5 points over the difficulty causes Bleeding 1

Falchion (damage 6*) for 15 Points
-Falchions that deal at least 1 damage cause Bleeding 1. Two-handed weapon.

Razor Net (damage 1*) for 10 Points
-Make a Restrain attack, dealing damage if it succeeds. Restrained characters take a -2 penalty to all skills except for Escape until released.

Trident (damage 5*) for 10 Points
-Two-handed weapon. Pulls armour apart, reducing protection by 1 after the damage is resolved.

Power Weapon (damage 4*) for 25 Points
-No Protection is available from armour.

Agoniser (damage 2*) for 25 Points
Gain a +1 bonus to Restrain with Agonisers. Additionally, this weapon deals accuracy damage to Nerve instead of Wounds. If a target is reduced to 0 Nerve by this weapon, they pass out for one minute.

Hell Glaive (damage 6*) for 20 Points
-Built-in Splinter Rifle. Can only be wielded in HtH on a Skyboard. Two-handed weapon.

Punisher (damage 6*) for 25 Points
-Two-handed Power weapon.

Scissorhand (damage 4*) for 20 Points
-Accuracy damage is doubled with the Scissorhand, and if both blades are poisoned, they are affected by poison twice.

Ranged Weapons:
Splinter Pistol (2 damage) for 3 Points
-10 shots per clip, 1 Point per clip, 5m range
-Soulseeker Ammunition (+2 to hit) for 10 Points per shot

Splinter Rifle (4 damage) for 10 Points
-10 shots per clip, 2 Points per clip, 10m range
-Soulseeker Ammunition (+2 to hit) for 15 Points per shot

Splinter Cannon (8 damage) for 30 Points
-5 shots per clip, 2 Points per clip, 20m range
-Causes Bleeding 2
-Soulseeker Ammunition (+2 to hit) for 20 Points per shot

Blaster (3 damage) for 6 Points
-1 round recharge time between shots, 5m range

Dark Lance (5 damage) for 15 Points
-1 round recharge time after 3 shots, 15m range

Disintegrator (10 damage) for 35 Points
-1 round recharge time between shots, 15m range

Destructor (5 damage*) for 30 Points
-3 shots per canister, 3 Points per canister, 5m range
-Deals half damage (round up) again the next turn

Stinger (1 damage*) for 40 Points
-4 shots per clip, 2 Points per clip, 5m range
-Target must make a Wounds check against a target of 11 + all accuracy damage, or die instantly.

Terrorfex (special) for 25 Points
-Fires grenades, takes 1 round to reload a grenade
-20m range

Shredder (5 damage*) for 40 Points
-6 shots per drum, 3 Points per drum, 5m range
-Targets who are hit are also entangled in a razor net. Although the difficulty to escape is only 11 + accuracy, they take 2 points of damage if they succeed, and Bleeding 1 if they fail.

Haywire Grenade for 5 Points
(shorts out all unprotected machinery within 5m)

Plasma Grenade for 8 Points
(deals 5 damage to all within 5m, Dodge DC 11 reduces by 1, 1 more per 5 points of success, no armour reduction)

Shadow Field for 40 Points
(Adds Protection 10 on top of all existing Protection. +2 to Dodge. As soon as damage is taken, it deactivates for 1 hour.)

Medipack for 5 Points
(Adds +2 to a Medical roll. DC 11+Wounds dealt to restore 1 Wound, +1 for every 5)

Narthecium for 15 Points
(As Medipack, instantly restores 2 Wounds as well)

Combat Drugs A for 10 Points
(+2 to Weapon Skill and Parry, +5m movement. Lasts for 1 hour. Make a DC 11 Wounds check or take 2 Wounds. Increase difficulty by 5 for each extra drug taken.)

Combat Drugs B for 10 Points
(+2 to Ballistic Skill, Dodge and Pilot. Lasts for 1 hour. Make a DC 11 Wounds check or take 2 Wounds. Increase difficulty by 5 for each extra drug taken.)

Combat Drugs C for 10 Points
(+2 to Initiative, Nerve and Notice. Lasts for 1 hour. Make a DC 11 Wounds check or take 2 Wounds. Increase difficulty by 5 for each extra drug taken.)

De-tox Kit for 10 Points
(Instantly clears out all effects of combat drugs, and if administered one minute within the drugs kicking in, undoes the result of a failed Wounds check against the overdose.)

Skyboard for 25 Points
(Grants the ability to fly at a speed of 15m. Any hit requires a Pilot check (DC 16) to prevent falling. A -2 penalty on Ballistics Skill is taken.)

Scourge Wings for 30 Points
(Grants the ability to fly at a speed of 10m, and the ability to hover in place, though doing so grants a -2 penalty on Ballistics Skill.)

Reaver Jetbike for 15 Points
(When piloted, flies at a speed of 30m but needs 2m to turn. Can have a Splinter Rifle, Shredder or Blaster (purchase separately). One hand must always be used to pilot it. Turbo booster can be added for 10 Points, allowing the speed to be switched to 60m, needing 5m to turn. Both hands are needed to pilot in this instance, and a DC 11 Pilot check is needed for any change of direction.)

Raider for 100 Points
(A raider is a large hover-tank that can comfortably hold 10, as well as uncomfortably storing about 10 slaves, with an extra 5 able to be precariously stowed, although Pilot checks must be made every round (DC 11) or they are dropped. It moves at 15m per round, is well-armoured, and can be equipped with a Dark Lance or Disintegrator (must purchase separately). Additionally, webbing, spines and barbed chains can be added. See below.)

Poison for 15 Points
(Can be added to any melee weapon aside from power weapons. When in a rush, requires a DC 11 Poison check to not cut yourself and poison yourself. A Poisoned foe gains Bleeding 1 and a -1 penalty to all skills.)

Trophy Rack for 5 Points
(This does nothing until an enemy is impaled on it. If a dead foe is placed across your shoulders on this, you gain a +2 bonus to Intimidation. If you just impale a head upon it, you gain a +1 to Intimidation. Up to three heads can be placed on (instead of 1 body), and three heads awards +2. If you have a live foe placed on it, you radiate fear, and Nerve tests must be made against your Intimidation tests in order to attack you or lie to you. Failure also causes 1 Nerve damage.)

Crucible of Malediction for 20 points
(Crushing this releases a tortured spirit out to 30m where it instantly homes in on the nearest psyker. They instantly take 2 Nerve damage, and must then make a DC 11 Nerve test or pass out.)

Webbing for 3 Points
(Added to a Raider, this gains a +2 bonus to Climb on and off rapidly. Additionally, it can hold up to 4 extra slaves.)

Spines for 3 Points
(Added to a Raider, it can ram people with a Pilot check for 3 damage, plus accuracy. Those wounded must make Escape checks equal to the Pilot check in order to work themselves off the spines and escape.)

Barbed Hooks for 5 Points
(Added to a Raider, these trail behind. If you fly over people, you can make a Pilot check against their Dodge, and if you succeed, deal 2 points of damage, plus Bleeding 1, as well as capturing them inside the barbs as slaves. They can oppose your Pilot check with an Escape check, however they take a -4 penalty, and suffer another Wound every time they fail.)

*Bleeding: You lose 1 Wound every round on a failed Strength check, DC 11 + Bleeding level. Roll each round. Beating it by 5 or more reduces the Bleeding by 1 level.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Username17 »

I woud delve more into the old Eldar Pirates plot lines, because it was originally created to be a role playing game. Having a pirate band whose job is to run around in webways, fallen craftworlds, and spacehulks to swashbuckle and run away with santa sacks full of valuables and archetech makes for a way better game than "slaving" - where lets face it you just sit around and talk about gruesomely torturing human beings all day.

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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by angelfromanotherpin »

I'll second the pirate thing, and mention that the rough-and-tumble codified democracy of pirates is much easier on the intra-player social dynamic than the 'everyone does what the Archon says' method employed by the Kabal of the Flayed Ass.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

I'd focus more on the capturing and less on the torturing. This isn't CS Goto, after all. But yeah, leaping through webways to steal awesome stuff from Space Hulks, fighting off the inhabitants does sound a lot cooler.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Another skill change I'm making. We don't need Intimidate, Blackmail AND Interrogate. Intimidate can do the job for Interrogate. It can probably do the job for Blackmail too, but I like the name. It's fitting. So Interrogate is changed to "Command", as in "Bossing your minions about".

Okay, so players can assign attributes.
Then they get their skills.
Then equipment.
Now we work on "special stuff". Merits, backgrounds, all of those things. So, on with the show:

"Wealthier Than Most"
It doesn't bother you if people think you're funny. Because you're a big rock star and you make lots of MONEY!
Note: This money is gained at creation, to spend on more stuff, and each mission you can either give back the stuff and get the money again, or you can have all purchases replenished.
Benefit: You gain 15 Points per level of this, to a maximum of 75 Points for level 5.

*Note that this means someone could spend all of their starting cash on getting a raider with barbed hooks. I intend on this being possible but expensive*

"Intensive Training"
You have had a lot of additional training and, as such, are a little more skilled than others.
Benefit: You gain 3 extra skill points per level of this, to a maximum of 15 skill points for level 5.

*This equates to one skill being bought at level 5, as an example. If we decide on a 1:1 system, then I'll bump this down a little. Perhaps just 2-3 per level*

"Tinkerer/Rare Tech"
Either you have some kind of old, experimental device that is better than most, or you are good at altering existing things and have a pet project:
Benefit: Select one item you have already purchased. You may make alterations to it.
1 level: Add a minor enhancement
2nd level: Also add a moderate enhancement. A moderate can be traded down for two minors.
3rd level: Also add a major enhancement. A major can be traded down for two moderates.

*I'll list the enhancements later. Yes, if you really wanted, you could have 7 minor enhancements on the one device*

You may take this multiple times for different items.

You have a fascination with weaponry used by other races and cultures, and have acquired some of their stuff.
Benefit: You purchase this multiple times, each time gaining a different item. Items will have required levels. For instance, a bolt pistol might be a level 1 or level 2 item. Reloads and replacements are still scrounged between missions, as normal.

*Again, the list comes later*

"Master Pilot"
You can make vehicles move in ways that are absolutely amazing. Assuming you also actually put ranks in the skill. Here's a hint: do it.
Benefit: For each level, you can select one special piloting manoeuvre to know. You still need to actually make Pilot checks for these to work, though.

"Can't Touch This"
When it comes to dodging and parrying, you can do some really cool stuff, assuming you buy ranks in the skills. Here's a hint: do it.
Benefit: For each level, you can select one special defensive move to know. You still need to actually make relevant checks for these to work, though.

"Fighting Style"
You can really mess people up with your special fighting style in hand to hand combat. Once again, you actually need to have a decent Weapon Skill.
Benefit: For each level, you can select one special HtH move to know. You still need to actually make relevant check for these to work, though.

You are pretty nifty when it comes to shooting. High ranks in the skill means you can shoot people. Combine it with this for new ways to shoot people.
Benefit: For each level, you can select one special firearms move to know. You still need to actually make relevant checks for these to work, though.

You have a number of Warp Beasts that follow you around and help you out. On your turn, instead of acting, you can give specific orders, requiring a Command check. Otherwise, they follow you and defend themselves.
Benefit: For each level in this, you gain one Warp Beast, to a maximum of three. These will be standard Warp Beasts, except that their Dodge, Parry and Weapon Skill totals will be equal to your Rally total.

*Look! They scale base on your own training!*

Yes, just about all lists and stuff come later. More might be added to this. I'll be keeping in mind that this is all piratey.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Username17 »

In a game based on running around stealing shit, equipment based advantages aren't a good idea. People should jst have starting equipment, and if someone for some reason wants a bolt pistol rather than a shuriken pistol or a shredder pistol, then whatever.

Also remember that the costs for things in GW points are not correlated terribly well with their absolute value in a RPG. A shredder Cannon or Dark Lance is quite frankly ridiculous compared to a power weapon or even an agonizer.

You're probably going to want to write your own point system for equipment based on the perceived value for the pirates, rather than trying to figure it out based on the value to a WH40k army. For one thing, characters won't be unable to fire their dark lances just because one of their compatriots moved up to get a better shot with a shredder pistol.

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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

I suppose that's a good point.

"Hey, I just spent X advantage points on getting a plasma gun! Neat, huh?"
"That's pretty cool. Me? I just stole one. For free."

I always dread reading a reply from you when making a system, because I just know it's to tell me of a mistake.

On the other hand, I also look forward to it, because it tells me what that mistake is.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

So, Wealthy, Xeno-Tech and Tinkerer are out. You can just buy or steal things in-game. I mean, people generally start with enough to actually be the character they have in mind.

And let's say they get somewhere from 5-10 Advantage points. For now, I'll call it 5, so they can start with mastery of something if they want.

Now, one of the lists of cool abilities:
Master Pilot:
*Razor Sharp Turns:
By making a Pilot check, you can turn on the spot, without drifting to the side at all. For every 10m per round you are travelling, you take a -1 penalty to your roll. Failure causes you to turn normally, possibly crashing. Failure by 5 or more causes you to keep going ahead and spin out of control for one round. Succeeding by 5 or more causes no loss in speed.

Firstly, by making a Pilot check, you can briefly accelerate a flying or hovering vehicle for one round. You can make this check every round if you wish. Doing so places a penalty on the roll equal to -1 per 10m per round you wish to boost above the normal top-end speed. If you fail, you keep going at the normal speed. If you fail by 5 or more, you slow down to half speed. If you succeed by 5 or more, the speed boost lasts for three rounds.
Secondly, when piloting vehicles on wheels or treads, you can hit bumps with enough speed to get air-time. Doing so requires a Pilot check, and regardless of success or failure, the vehicle takes a point of damage from the impact. You have to be going at the maximum speed, and success allows you to essentially "fly" at regular speed for one round, staying 1m off the ground for every 10m of speed. You cannot do this two rounds in a row. Landing on enemies counts as a ram attack.

*Aggressive Driving
With a successful Pilot check, when giving chase, you can either gain 5 metres on top of your regular movement as you cause a short extra burst of speed, or put pressure on them, bumping their vehicle and directing their movement. This option forces opposed checks, with the winner either slowing the loser down by 10m per round for three rounds, or forcing the loser to move 10m in a given direction.
When being chased, a successful Pilot check can allow you to weave about, distracting and confusing the chaser as well as leading them over bumps and potholes. This deals 1 point of damage to their vehicle, plus accuracy damage. For every point of damage, they lose one metre of speed on their next turn.

*Casual Steering
With a successful Pilot check, you can continue to act normally as though you were not focusing on not crashing and exploding. If you wish to make a simple, non-attack action, the check is without penalty. If you wish to make a complicated or attack action, the check takes a -3 penalty. If you wish to actually move about inside or on top of the vehicle, the check takes a massive -8 penalty but can still be done.

*Keep it Together
You can continue to pilot damaged vehicles. If the vehicle is overheating, a successful Pilot check ignores this - success by 5 or more actually cools it down. If it is on fire, the check is made with a -2 penalty. If the vehicle is at half Wounds or worse, you can make a Pilot check with a penalty equal to -1 for every 5 Wounds it has lost, to keep going at full speed.

More later *yawn*

Note to self: Work out the point costs again, this time more relevant to what they do. Also add stuff that belongs to other people.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by cthulhu »

You could leave tinker in, but just let them apply it to whatever gun they picked up in the last session. So they are constantly modifying whatever new toy they have this week, which might even fight the 'image' well.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Good idea.

You like to play around with equipment and see how you can improve it. This doesn't explode in your face, and even works in your favour sometimes. Unfortunately, frequent maintenance is required, so you can only have three tinkered things at a time. If you simply stop caring about one, and start work on another, the tinkered effects stop working on the old piece.

Rank 1:
A ranged weapon has its clip size doubled or range increased by half.
A melee weapon can ignore basic cover and attack foes hiding behind others.
A piece of armour can have its protection value increase by 2 when dealing with one of the following: energy, impact, sharp
A vehicle can go 5m faster per round.

Rank 2:
A ranged weapon gains a +1 to hit, or can ignore basic cover penalties.
A melee weapon can be thrown 1m per point of Strength, or gains +1 to hit.
A piece of armour can grant +5m of movement speed or improve its protection by +1.
A vehicle can ignore 3 points of damage from collisions, per collision.

Rank 3:
A ranged weapon can do +1 damage whenever it successfully damages, or be twin-linked so as to shoot twice per turn (but may only hit once. This simply grants two attack rolls).
A melee weapon can do +1 damage whenever it successfully damages, or can carry an electrical current, forcing a Wounds check (difficulty modified by Wounds dealt) against being fatigued.
Armour can reduce damage by an additional point (to a minimum of zero damage), or can grant an additional Wound.
A vehicle can grant a +2 bonus on all Pilot checks with it, or can gain +1 protection and to hit with its weapons.

Rank 4:
A ranged weapon may gain another +1 to hit, or can have an additional ranged weapon attached, gaining all other benefits, though you must select which to use.
A melee weapon may gain another +1 to hit, or can be modified to make two attacks per turn - although only one can actually hit any given target, if both do "hit", then +1 damage is dealt.
Armour can gain another +1 protection, or improve Strength (and Strength skills) by 1. This results in another Wound.
Vehicles can gain an additional 2 Wounds, or double their speed.

Rank 5:
A ranged weapon can either ignore all cover, shoot twice at the same target, or cause a 2m "explosion", attacking everyone in the area of effect.
A melee weapon can either ignore armour, attack the same target twice (and if both hit and the previous 2-attack ability was chosen, both gain +1 damage) or be rapidly powered to attack all in melee range.
Armour can either be "Invulnerable" (thus, armour is not ignored by specific weapons), grant another +2 Wounds or increase Agility (and all Agility skills) by 1.
A vehicle can either hover (if it previously could not), fly (if it could previously only hover), be immune to ramming damage or see both protection and attack rolls improve by +1.

So, the idea is that they go "Hmm, I might twin-link this splinter rifle, add a spoiler to the stolen Rhino, and make my armour more solid." before a mission. It's assumed they tweak and take care of the gear during, then afterwards, they either perform a proper maintenance to keep it together, or one or more break while they start work on new stuff.

This isn't so much to prevent them from making all their gear awesome and selling stuff for extra money, but rather so that there's a reason why only the person who takes it gets the special bonuses, rather than the whole team having stuff.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »


The ability list for Marksman:
Note: I'll make reference to Rate of Fire. When I redo the equipment lists, I'll include that. This is only going to be used for special abilities and ammo usage - just because the assault cannon goes through a hundred bullets per round, that doesn't mean you make a hundred attack rolls or whatever. The number of bullets is already going to be taken into account with damage and special rules.

However, people *can* make 1/2 shots, gaining +1 to hit and halving ammo usage, but halving the base damage of the gun. Unless it's a single-shot weapon, of course.

On your turn, in addition to making a move action, you may elect to go into Overwatch. Doing this means any foe within your line of sight and not benefiting from cover who moves closer to you or an ally you can see, or who attacks, automatically provokes you into shooting. Make the attack as normal. In your Overwatch turn, you can make a number of ranged attacks equal to the weapon's rate of fire (limited by your remaining ammo), although if your foes do not perform the trigger actions, you have effectively wasted your turn.

*Suppressive Fire:
As a full-round action, you may fire a spray towards an enemy or a group of enemies, forcing them to keep their heads down. You must have at least enough ammunition to keep up the full rate of fire for one turn. Doing so uses this much ammunition. Make an attack roll, opposed by a rally check. If you succeed, they are pinned for one round, taking a +2 bonus to dodge and parry, but a -3 penalty to ballistic skill and are unable to attack in hand-to-hand, being prone. They also may not move at more than 1/4 speed. For every 5 points you beat them by, they all lose a point of Nerve.

By foregoing a move action, you can take special care to aim. Doing so lets you fire twice as far as normal, and lets you ignore basic cover, as well as up to 4 points of protection from armour. If you successfully hit, an extra point of damage is dealt. If the enemy can't see you, you also deal one point of Nerve damage, plus one for every 5 points you succeed by.

*Cover Fire:
You may forego a standard action and provide cover fire for an ally. Doing so requires you to use enough ammo for the full rate of fire, but negates the effects of Overwatch on yourself and one ally - you may both act normally without being shot for this one turn. Additionally, the ally gains a +2 bonus to Dodge.

*Trick Shot:
People don't expect your attacks. As such, as long as you know vaguely where a target is, you can shoot at them. You ignore basic cover, and can spend a full-round aiming so as to ignore all cover. If you know an enemy is around a corner but cannot be seen, likewise the location of an enemy in the dark, then you can attack with a -2 penalty to hit. If the enemy does not know where the attack came from (they cannot see you), they must make a Rally check equal to 11 + damage dealt, otherwise they loose one point of Nerve, plus 1 for every 5 full points they fail by.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

"Can't Touch This" abilities:
*You have mastered the art of the triangular-jump. You can jump up against a wall and spring away, increasing your speed and height. To do this normally requires an Acrobatics roll, improving your speed by 1m. Every 5 points you beat this by grants another 1m to your speed for the round.

When next to a wall, you can use this to avoid melee attacks. You may make a Dodge check instead of a Parry check, with the same difficulty, and success results in you landing behind the foe and the foe striking the wall.

*You can perform a springing leap, reacting to enemy shooting by pouncing at them, thus forcing them into melee combat with you. Any time you succeed at dodging a ranged attack that is made from within one move action from you, you may, as part of the dodge, leap over to be right in front of the enemy, who can make no other ranged attacks until the beginning of their next turn. Should you attack them in hand-to-hand on your next turn (or in this turn, if you dodged as a result of them firing in Overwatch), you count as having charged, thus deal an extra point of damage on a successful hit.

*You are adept at causing enemies to attack each other, causing the Doom effect. When an enemy is attacking you, and another enemy is within range and on the direct opposite side of you, you may choose to take a -2 penalty to the Dodge check. Success results in you ducking at the right moment and the attack being resolved against the dodge check of the other enemy.

*You are skilled at throwing those who dare attack you in hand to hand combat. Any time you successfully parry a melee attack, you can perform a throw, causing your opponent to land prone anywhere within your Strength in metres. You needn't be able to lift the enemy, as this is using their own weight against them.

*You can slide for cover with barely a moment's notice. When moving, or as long as you moved in your last turn, you may automatically gain the benefit of having simple cover as long as there is a source of cover within 3m of you. If you wish to render yourself prone, you may gain the benefit of having total cover, as long as there is a source of total cover within 3m. You move so that you are in fact taking cover, but the attack is still resolved, even if it would take you out of range.

"Weapon Master" abilities:
*Your melee attacks move people about - whether by shoving them through brute force, or by driving them back and causing them to trip. When you successfully strike a foe in hand-to-hand combat, you give them a -1 penalty to attack and place them anywhere within a number of metres equal to the amount you succeeded by.

Alternatively, you may make an attack designed to force them to move, rather than to damage them. You receive a +1 bonus to hit, and deal no damage. Instead, you may move them 2m for every 1 you succeed by, and force them to become prone if you succeed.

*Your attacks tend to cause injuries that bleed uncontrollably. When hitting in hand-to-hand combat, you may sacrifice 3 points of damage to deal an injury that bleeds at the rate of 1 Wound per round, and additionally causes them to take an extra Wound every time they are hurt (though not through bleeding) for the rest of the combat.

Performing this attack multiple times causes the bleeding to stack, but not the increased damage.

*In place of a regular attack, you may elect to hamstring your opponent in melee. If you successfully hit, you deal only half the base damage and no accuracy damage. However, your opponent's movement speed is reduced by X metres, where X is half the base damage, plus any accuracy damage. If they lose all of their speed, they fall prone, cannot stand or walk, and take a -4 penalty to Agility.

*You can rapidly fight multiple attackers - indeed, being surrounded works to your advantage. When fighting in hand-to-hand combat, make your attack or attacks as normal. However, every enemy must roll to parry these, and as such, every enemy can be hit and wounded. You also receive a +1 bonus to Parry as long as you are fighting at leas 3 people in melee.

*You are adept at making injuries that look worse or feel worse than they actually are. You can elect to make an attack that deals only half base damage, and no accuracy damage. The rest, however, is dealt as Nerve damage to all foes who can see the attack. Additionally, the target becomes fatigued until they rest for one minute.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Okay, so here we have some ranged weapons - note that I know very little about weapons used by non-Imperium, non-DE. That's why you don't see fusion weapons, railguns, gauss weapons and the Harlequinn's Kiss here.

Yes, I'm still using DE weaponry. It's just that these space pirates have their own special gear they found/stole then started to mass-produce.

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[br]Weapon:          Cost:   Damage:   Range:   RoF:   Clip Size/Cost:   Reload:   Special:[br]Splinter Pistol   5        +2        5m      2            10/1        free     Soulseeker Ammo available[br]Splinter Rifle    15       +4       20m      2            10/1        free     Soulseeker Ammo available[br]Splinter Cannon   50       +8       15m      1             5/2        small    Soulseeker Ammo available, Rending 1[br]Blaster           10       +3        5m      1             -           -       1 round recharge[br]Dark Lance        25       +5       20m      1             -           -       1 round recharge[br]Disintegrator     75       +10      20m      1             -           -       1 round recharge[br]Destructor        50       +5        5m      1             3/5        large    Deals half damage again next turn[br]Stinger          100       +1       10m      1             4/20       free     Wounds check vs 11 + Accuracy Damage or die[br]Grenade Launcher  60       -        15m      1             -          full     Fires grenades. Purchase individually.[br]Shredder          50       +5        5m      1             6/15       small    Entangles targets in razor net. See below[br][br]Auto Pistol       3        +1        5m      3            20/1        free     -[br]Autogun           10       +3       20m      4            20/1        free     -[br]Auto Cannon       80       +10      30m      1             1/5        large    High Impact[br]Laspistol         5        +2        5m      2            10/1        free     Battery clips recharge 1/min in heat/light[br]Lasgun            15       +4       20m      2            10/1        free     Battery clips recharge 1/min in heat/light[br]Hell Gun          25       +5       25m      1             -           -       Battery back-pack can power 10 shots/minute[br]Lascannon         75       +10      20m      1             5/2        small    Battery clips recharge 1/5 min in heat/light[br]Plasma Pistol     20       +5        5m      1             -           -       1 round recharge, gets hot[br]Plasma Gun        45       +7       15m      1             -           -       1 round recharge, gets hot[br]Plasma Cannon    100       +12      20m      1             -           -       1 round recharge, gets hot, 3m radius blast[br]Multilaser       100       +10      25m      6            60/6        2 full   Battery pack recharges 1/min in heat/light[br]Stub Gun          3        +2        5m      2             6/1        large    Splintering Ammo available[br]Heavy Stubber     25       +6       15m      3            12/4        small    Splintering Ammo available, High Impact[br][br]Bolt Pistol       15       +3        5m      2            10/2        small    Bolter ammo [br]Boltgun           45       +6       15m      2            20/5        small    Bolter ammo[br]Storm Bolter      60       +7       10m      4            40/10       small    Bolter ammo, Rapid Fire[br]Heavy Bolter      50       +8       20m      2            20/10       large    Bolter ammo, High Impact, Really Heavy[br]Rocket Launcher   80       -        30m      1             3/-        small    Fires rockets. Purchase individually.[br]Hurricane Bolter  80       +8       15m      12          240/50       2 full   Bolter ammo, Metal Storm, Really Heavy[br]Tornado Launcher 200       -        30m      2            18/-        full     Fires 2 rockets. Purchase individually.[br]Assault Cannon    75       +6       25m      20          100/10       large    Metal Storm, Rending 2, Bleeding 2, Jams[br][br]Inferno Pistol    25       +4        5m      1            10/5        small    Searing[br]Melta             60       +6       10m      1            10/10       small    Searing[br]Multi-melta      100       +8       10m      2            20/20       large    Searing, Really Heavy, Scorched Air[br]Thermal Lance     60       +7       15m      1            10/10       large    Searing[br]Hand Flamer       10       +3        3m      1             2/1        large    Burning, CC Option[br]Flamer            25       +5        5m      1             5/3        large    Burning[br]Heavy Flamer      75       +8       10m      2            10/5        full     Burning, Scorched Air, Really Heavy[br]

The difficulty to escape is 11 + Accuracy. A -2 penalty is taken on all checks other than Escape Artist. A razornet also deals 1 point of damage to someone who successfully escapes, and a point of Bleeding to someone who fails to escape.

Soulseeker Ammunition:
A clip of Soulseeker Ammunition costs ten times as much as usual. It grants a +2 bonus to hit living targets.

The listed amount of Rending damage is applied as a penalty to the target's protection until they can spend a minute repairing their armour. This doesn't stack, and it can't reduce protection below zero.

High Impact:
People hit by High Impact weapons are knocked to the ground, and must make a Wounds check (difficulty 11) or lose a small action as they struggle to get their breath back.

Gets Hot:
Plasma weapons have a bad habit of overheating. Every time a plasma pistol is fired, make a Mechanics check to represent your knowledge that this happens all the fucking time, and your skill in keeping them cool. The difficulty is only 11, but increases by +2 for every time you have fired it in the last six rounds. Failure causes you to be burned, taking one Wound, and an additional Wound for every 5 points you fail the check by. Protection is halved when reducing this damage. Also, you drop the gun, because it's so hot, and it cannot be picked up for another two rounds.

Splintering Ammo:
Splintering ammunition bursts into a number of shards inside the target. This deals an additional Wound to any target it successfully wounds, but costs three times as much.

Rapid Fire:
Due to the high flurry of rounds, a -1 penalty to Dodge is provided, and 1 Nerve damage is dealt on a successful hit.

Metal Storm:
Due to the insane rate of fire, a -2 penalty to Dodge is provided, and 2 Nerve damage is dealt on a successful hit.

Really Heavy:
These weapons are so goddamn heavy - even moreso than a lascannon, plasma cannon or auto cannon - that they are often wheeled about on a small wheeled platform (-3m speed, +5 points), or a hover platform (normal speed, +15 points). To carry it around and fire without penalty requires a Strength of at least 6.

Bolter Ammo:
Bolter weapons have extra options for their ammunition. A clip of special ammunition costs thrice as much.
Inferno: Anyone wounded by Inferno ammunition catches fire, and must spend a full action putting the flames out, or take one extra wound per round for three rounds, and a -2 penalty to all actions.
Hellfire: Hellfire ammunition deals an additional Wound to anyone it successfully wounds, and armour only counts half its value against the rounds.
Metal Storm: Armoured targets gain +2 protection, however if these still Wound after protection is deducted, an additional 3 Wounds are dealt, along with Bleeding 2.
Kraken Penetrator: These rounds completely ignore armour, however they deal one less Wound total.
Blessed: These gain a +1 to hit daemons and psykers, and ignores all protection from fields, daemon hide and psychic powers.

Assault Cannons are sometimes nicknamed Ass Cannons, because they have a tendency to jam at the wrong moment. Any round the Assault Cannon is fired, make a Mechanics check. The difficulty starts at 11 and increases by 1 for each time it has been fired in the last 10 rounds. Failure results in it jamming. It must be reloaded, and an additional full round spent making a Mechanics check in order to un-jam it.

Melta weapons work best at close ranges, before the intense heat can dissipate. At half range (round down) or less, they deal +2 Wounds, or +3 for Multi-Meltas, even if the rest of the damage was reduced to zero. Fired at point blank, they deal another +1 Wound (for a total of +3 or +4), and bestow a level of fatigue due to the incredible pain.

Flamer weapons send gouts of fire and thick smoke. Anyone Wounded by a burning weapon catches fire, and takes an extra Wound per round, along with one Nerve damage per round, for each round until they spend a full action puting the flames out. Anyone who sees an ally immolated by such a weapon has to make a Rally check (difficulty equal to 11 + Wounds dealt) or take 1 Nerve damage, plus one for every 5 points they fail by.

Scorched Air:
Certain weapons generate such intense heat that the air itself burns up. The area of effect, or path of the ammo, remains superheated for two rounds. Anyone who enters the area takes a level of Fatigue, and anyone who ends their turn there takes another level of Fatigue. Those who are hit by such weapons automatically count as having entered the area.

CC Option:
Hand Flamers can be used as HtH weapons just as effectively. Doing so uses up 1 ammo per round of combat, and it deals an extra point of damage due to the smaller, concentrated flame.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Grenades and things:

Code: Select all

[br]Weapon:        Cost:  Damage:  Special:[br]Frag Grenade     5      +4      5m area of effect, ignores cover[br]Krak Grenade     7      +5      1m area of effect, Rending 1[br]Plasma Grenade  10      +6      3m area of effect, ignores cover[br]EMP Grenade     10      -       Stops electronics for 1 hour in 5m AoE[br]Tangle Grenade  10      -       Entangles 3m AoE (11 + Accuracy)[br]Smoke Bomb      07      -       Fills 5m AoE with Smoke, blindness[br]Melta Bomb      15      +12     Placed on target, halves armour, 1m AoE[br][br]Frag Missile    10      +5      5m AoE, Bleeding 1, ignores cover[br]Krak Missile    15      +6      1m AoE, Rending 2, High Impact[br]

Grenades are all single-use, of course. They can be fired from Grenade Launchers or thrown. Melta Bombs have to be placed. Missiles have to be fired from launchers.

Grenades can be thrown 2m per point of Strength.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Another big post: melee weapons. I'm not 100% sure the prices are accurate here. I suppose it'll depend on how big a role range is going to play here. In corridors with cables hanging down, big turbines providing cover and all, it's probably only a marginal advantage, but on an open battlefield...

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[br]Weapon:       Hands: Cost: Damage: Special:[br]Bladed Armour   -     10     +2     1 Free attack (with this weapon) in HtH[br]Knife           1      1     +2     -[br]Sword/Axe       1      3     +3     +1 damage if wielded in both hands[br]Power Weapon    1     15     +5     Power Weapon[br]Punisher        2     20     +7     Power Weapon[br]Agoniser        1     35     +2     Power Weapon, Shock Weapon[br]Hell Glaive     2     35     +7     Power Weapon, Built-in Splinter Rifle[br]Scissorhand     1     25     +6     Double all Accuracy Damage, viewers take 1 Nerve damage[br]Razor Net       1      5     +1     Entangles, can be used as a Small Action[br]Hydra Knife     1     10     +3     Accuracy Damage is Bleeding[br]Falchion        2     10     +4     Rending 1, 1 point of Fatigue[br]Trident         2     10     +5     Bleeding 1[br][br]Power Fist      1     40     +10    Power Weapon, -1 Agility, Grab Attack, Exterminator[br]Chainfist       1     50     +12    Power Weapon, -2 Agility, Grab Attack[br]Chain Weapon    1      5     +4     Rending 1, +1 damage if wielded in both hands, Exterminator[br]Eviscerator     2     20     +8     Rending 2, Bleeding 1, Exterminator, -1 Agility[br]Force Weapon    1     25     +5*    Power Weapon, If used by a Psyker, add +3 damage[br]Daemon Weapon  1-2    35     +7     Daemonic[br]Drill           2     50     +4     Rending 1, Bleeding 1, Accuracy damage is tripled[br]Lightning Claw  1     30     +6     Power Weapon, Accuracy damage is Bleeding[br]Thunder Hammer  2     30     +7     High Impact, Power Weapon[br]Stun Baton      1     20     +2     Shock Weapon[br]Neuro Whip      1     30     +3     1 point of Fatigue, Shock Weapon[br]Neuro Glove     1     25     +2     1 point of Fatigue, Shock Weapon[br]C'tan Sword     1     50     +7     Ignores all armour, living targets only[br][br]Storm Shield    -      5     +1     +2 Protection if not used to attack[br]Riot Shield     1     15     +2*    +3 Protection if not used to attack. Laser-Absorbant[br]

Power Weapon:
Power Weapons ignore half the protection value (round up to see how much is ignored) from Armour.

Shock Weapon:
Shock weapons force the target to make a Wounds check against a target of 11 + Accuracy damage, or pass out for one minute.

Grab Attack:
Power Fists can perform a slow Grab attack. The attacker must forsake all additional attacks - and their Small action, making this attack a Full action - as they focus on crushing the target. +1 Wound is dealt per attack given up in this way. For Chain Fists, +2 Wounds are dealt per sacrificed attack.

Weapons with this ability may have Exterminator cartridges attached to them. This works as a Flamer with only one use before the attachment needs to be replaced. For one round after the Exterminator has been used, flames linger on the weapon, adding +2 damage. Exterminator cartridges cost 10 Points each.

At the start of a combat, the wielder of a Daemonic weapon must make a Nerve test, Difficulty 16. Failure causes the weapon to take control for three rounds, followed by the wielder losing a point of Nerve. In general, a possessed wielder will sit still and take no action, or will blindly attack everything within reach, or charge and focus on a single enemy or ally.
There is a benefit to the weapon, however.
Unaligned: Deals 1 Fatigue, Bleeding 1
Khorne: Bleeding 2
Tzeench: Deals 1 Rending, 1 Nerve
Nurgle: Deals 2 Fatigue
Slaanesh: Deals 2 Nerve

The Riot Shield adds an additional +2 Protection against laser weaponry, and each shot that is absorbed (it need merely hit) adds +1 to the shield's damage, lasting for 1 minute.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Koumei »

Ok, how about some armour?

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[br]Armour/ Item:      Cost:  Protection:  Special:[br]Gang Leathers        5        2          -[br]Flak Jacket         10        3          -[br]Mesh Suit           15        4          -[br][br]Carapace Armour     20        6          -[br]Power Armour        40        9          +1 S, Enclosed[br]Terminator Armour  100       12          +2 S, Enclosed[br][br]Iron Halo           20       +1          -[br]Conversion Field    25       +2          1 use per 10 minutes[br]Shadow Field        30       +2          -1 BS and Dodge[br]Holo-Field          50       +2          +1 Dodge[br]Chameleoline        25       +0          +1 Dodge, +2 Stealth[br][br]Note: Fields do not stack.[br]

Also, some other Advantages:

True Grit:
Up to five points may be placed into True Grit. Every point grants an extra Wound. At level 3, this also allows you to make Wounds checks with your full, maximum Wounds value, regardless of current Wounds.
At level 5, you may reroll any failed Wounds check once (as in, one reroll per check) and select the best result.

Nerves of Steel:
Up to five points may be placed into Nerves of Steel. Every point grants an extra point of Nerve. At level 3, this also allows you to use your full, maximum Nerve value for Nerve checks, regardless of current Nerve.
At level 5, you gain an ability known as "And they shall know no fear". Whenever you break, are pinned or suffer any other morale penalty due to running out of Nerve or failing a Nerve check, you may instantly recover on your next turn (after suffering the effects for 1 turn). If you were reduced to 0 Nerve, you now have 1 Nerve again.

I'm also thinking of having some kind of "You're a Psyker!" advantage (IIRC, Dark Eldar don't have any psykers, but I'm not sure there's a reason for that. Besides, we're sort of blending them with regular Eldar here, and they DO have psykers. Not only xenos, but witches as well!), and one for "Look at me, I can jump through the Warp and stuff!" But I'll need to think them out carefully to make sure they're not too good or needlessly complicated.

Or someone else could throw in ideas, or outright create them. Hint hint.
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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Well, I know next to nothing about WH40k, but reading this sure is entertaining.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

-Josh Kablack

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Re: Looks like we restart project: 40K

Post by Prak »

definately. Plus from what I've read here and the summation that they're essentially reavers(from firefly) I think that when I finally get into WH40K I'll be running a Dark Eldar Army.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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