[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 38 - Vault of the Vampire

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Which of the below should be the official name of our hero?

Blade Belmont von Alucard
Blade Bellend von Alucard
Blade Bellendmont von Alucard
Blade Bellerophont von Alucard
Total votes: 7

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[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 38 - Vault of the Vampire

Post by SGamerz »

From the back cover:
"YOU are a hardy adventurer and have journeyed to the icy mountains of Mauristatia in search of great wealth and fortune... but what you find there makes your blood run cold. You discover by chance the terrible secret of the local villagers. Can YOU free them from the evil tyranny of the bloodthirsty Count, or will you too succumb to a horrifying fate?"
From the Introduction:
"You have traveled lo the distant mountains of Mauristatia in search of legendary wealth and fortune. Halting over night at a lonely coaching inn, you wonder at the unfriendliness of the locals. Then an old woman breaks the silence€ and you learn of their terrible secret. They live in constant fed for their lives . . and their souls.

The whole village lives under the tyranny of the evil Count Heydrich. People vanish, never to be seen again, but everyone knows they have been taken to the castle where they die a terrible death at the hands of the bloodthirsty Count and his evil minions.

The old woman's granddaughter has just been taken and YOU must answer her pleas for help. You know it is a dangerous and awesome task, but you have to destroy the evil that haunts this place or meet a terrible end."
So, as stated in the poll thread, a pretty standard "kill the evil undead/magical/powerful overlord and rescue the damsel" quest.

Standard FF Boilerplate rules:

Skill, Stamina, & Luck
SKILL score: Roll one die. Add 6 to the result. We roll a 4 and get 10 (Nice score)

STAMINA score: Roll two dice. Add 12 points to the result. We roll a 4+5 and get 21 (Not bad so far.....)

LUCK score: Roll one die. Add 6 to the result. We roll a 2 and get 8 (Yikes!)

SKILL score reflects your expertise in combat, your ability with weapons, and your dexterity. STAMINA is your general constitution and "Life points" . LUCK score shows how lucky you are. None of them may exceed their Initial score unless specifically stated.

Eating a meal restores up to 4 points of STAMINA; you may only eat one meal at a time.

Testing your Luck: When instructed by the book to test Test your Luck, roll two dice. If the result is equal to or less than your current LUCK score, you are Lucky. If the result exceeds your current LUCK score, you are Unlucky. Whatever the outcome, you must deduct one point from your current LUCK score every time you Test your Luck. The more you use your LUCK, the less likely you are to be Lucky.
SKILL and STAMINA scores are given in the text for each adversary that you face.

The combat sequence is then:
1. Roll two dice for your opponent. Add the total rolled to its SKILL score. This is the Attack Strength of your enemy.
2. Roll two dice and add the total to your own current SKILL score. This is your Attack Strength.
3. If your Attack Strength is the higher, you have wounded your opponent: deduct 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA..
If your opponent's Attack Strength is higher, it has wounded you: deduct 2 points from your own STAMINA.
If both Attack Strengths are equal, you have avoided each other's blows.
4. Begin the next Combat Round, starting again at step 1. This procedure continues until either you or your opponent has a STAMINA score of zero. If your opponent's STAMINA score reaches zero, you have killed it and can continue with your adventure. If your own STAMINA score reaches zero, you are dead.

Often you will have to fight more than one opponent at a time. Sometimes you will treat them as a single opponent; at others, you will be able to fight them one at a time; and sometimes all of them will be able to attack you, while you defend yourself and may attack only one of them. Specific instructions will be given whenever you meet more than one opponent.

Using Luck in Combat

You can use your LUCK in combat to inflict a particularly serious wound, or to minimize a wound that has been inflicted on you.

Whenever you wound an opponent, you may Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound: deduct an extra 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA. If you are Unlucky, you have merely grazed it, and you deduct 1 point less than normal from its STAMINA.

If you have been wounded, you can Test your Luck in exactly the same way. If you are Lucky, the wound upon you was only a glancing blow and you can deduct 1 less point of STAMINA than usual. If you are Unlucky, the wound is serious: deduct 1 extra point from your STAMINA.
Some new stuff in this book:

Faith score:
Roll one die, add 3 to this number and enter the total as Your Faith score. We roll a 4 and get 7

Your Faith score indicates your purity of heart and the strength of your belief in the forces of good. A high score enables you to force certain evil creatures to flee from you when they sense and fear your valour; but it also means that they are more likely to notice you and be hostile towards you!

Your Faith may be shaken by certain perils during your adventure, but it may also bee increased when you are victorious in very dangerous battles and when you find certain objects or relics of Good.

Your Faith score CAN be increased above its Initial value.
"The adventure you will embark on is very hazardous: monsters and traps are not the only dangers you will face! You may find yourself beset by certain Afflictions at some stage-curses or other disadvantages of an even more sinister nature - We won't spoil your fun by telling YOU exactly what these are; suffice it to say that if you suffer one or more Afflictions, you will be instructed about their effects in the relevant paragraphs. Fortunately, it is possible to rid yourself of them - if you are brave, wise and lucky!"
And our Equipment:

We are armed with a sword and dressed in leather armour; we also carry a shield. We have a backpack to hold Provisions and any treasures we may find. You also carry a lantern to light our way. Our backpack starts with enough Provisions for 10 meals, as per usual.

Here's a map provided in the front covers:
And now, time to begin the story!

Rumours of great wealth and treasure have lured you west of Femphrey in the Old World, to the forbidding land of Mauristatia, horne of unscalable peaks clad in ice and snow, obscured by great swathes of freezing mist. The air is cold and damp, and you are dressed in furs to keep out the chill. Hunched in a swaying coach heading north towards Mortvania, you wonder whether any of the rumours you have heard have any truth in them; people hereabouts are poorly fed and clothed, and this hardly seems a place of great riches! Still, perhaps that means that the treasures are still hidden and that the local folk haven't found them . . .

You are aroused from your reverie as the coach creaks to a halt. The coachmen open the doors and begin lowering trunks and bags from the roof You step out into a murky twilight; a thick winter fog is drawing in round the little coaching village of Leverhelven where you will rest tonight. The tavern is small and hardly luxurious, but the food is hot and the mulled wine is spiced and refreshing. But the local people, wary of strangers, talk little; after you enter, the tavern door is barred and the windows are already shuttered. The place has a strange name: the Hart's Blood - but this doesn't look like hunting country, except for those seeking bears or wolves for their pelts. You ask the tavern-keeper how the inn got its name, and a deathly hush descends in the room. He turns away, refusing to speak to you; you wonder how a polite and innocent question can have made him react in such a way. What's more, a man sitting by the fire tums round
and spits at your feet!

An old woman swathed in shawls and a peasant smock looks over at you and says, 'Furriners don't know no better.' You take her over a drink and ask her to tell you more - at least she's talking to you, which is more friendly than anyone else in here is. She gulps greedily a[ the warm wine. "Tain't no "Hart's Blood", stranger. Were never called that 'til
they changed the sign outside. 'Tis the Heart's Blood, see, h-e-a-r-t. That's what too many folk round 'ere has given up, their 'eart's blood!'

The low murmur of voices that had begun once more is completely silenced. Many people are casting fierce looks at you and the old woman and the barman bellows at her to be silent. But her face is flushed with the warmth and the wine, and she says she will not be unheard. "Tis the Count, damn his black heart; folk vanish from the village, they do, and are never seen again. The Count takes them up to the castle, to be sure, and there they die a terrible death. Terrible! There's folk as have heard the screams from the place, screams as from the souls in hell itself.' Now tears run down her old, weathered face. 'Didn't he take my grand-daughter only yesterday? Didn't we see the coach and the headless horseman in the village? My poor little Nastassia, such a beautiful, gentle girl, taken by the fiend 'imself, and not a man in this godforsaken place brave enough to Bo to the castle and save her!'

Embarrassed voices murmur round the room as sparks fly from the fire; the crackling of the burning wood seems to emphasize the old woman's desperate plea: 'I beg you, sir, to rescue her. She is only seventeen and she 'as done no harm to anyone. . .' she bursts into tears again.

A tall, red-haired man gets up from a table opposite and approaches you; you see he has only one arm, the right sleeve of his tunic being pinned up to his chest. 'Stranger, I take you for a wanderer, a seeker after adventure. What old Svetlana says is true: the Count is a terrible and evil soul, and Castle Heydrich is a place of horror. I would have tried to slay him myself, but for one obvious reason -' You nod as he glances down at his empty sleeve. 'Will you help us? From my own days as a warrior I have some gold put by, and it's yours gladly if you will help.' The eyes of all present turn to you, imploring your assistance

You are about to nod your agreement to this proposal when the door of the tavern bursts open. The people inside cry out in fear as an icy blast whips through the room. Outside in the mist you can male out a black coach with four jet-black steeds prancing and whinnying, and in the doorway stands a spectral figure. Bony fingers extend from black sleeves, and he beckons- you! But he says nothing - how could he? He has no head. . .
I always thought that's a pretty rare awesome start to a gamebook. How often does an adventure starts with the big bad that the hero that's planning to kill actually sending transport and chauffeur to the hero offering to bring the hero to his doorsteps? And a Headless one at that! We don't even have to worry about being bugged by the cabbie's relentless chatter!

Now turn to paragraph 1.:
You follow the beckoning figure outside into the swiping mists. It leaps up to the drive/s seat of the black coach and the carriage door swings open. The steeds prance expectantly, their breath steaming in
the cold air.

Will you:

Attack the Headless Horseman?
Get in the coach?
Ignore the coach, and ask a local peron how to get [o the Castle?
So, accept the free taxi, find our own way, or stab the driver in the fac...well, just stab him?

Also suggestions for a name for our soon-to-be heroic vampire-slayer are welcome!

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Blade Belmont von Alucard (still pending final decision)
SKILL 10/10
LUCK 8/8
Faith: 7/7
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Shield, Lantern
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Last edited by SGamerz on Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Silent Wayfarer
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

Get in the coach. We are expected, so might as well cut straight to the chase.

Also we should call ourselves Blade Belmont von Alucard.
Last edited by Silent Wayfarer on Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Laertes »

There's something icky about having damsel-rescuing fantasies about a seventeen year old girl. Still, maybe that's what they're into in Mortvania.

Blade Belmont von Alucard is a good name. A classy name. Someone that classy shouldn't be expected to walk. I'm glad the locals recognised this and sent a chaffeur.
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Post by Sirocco »

Well, to be fair, the concept of adolescence is relatively new, I think, and could well be absent from medieval (and pseudo-medieval) times...

And I don't think walking straight into the wolf's mouth (is that an expression in english?) is very wise. I think we should ignore the coach, ask for directions and strike out on our own.

Also, kick-ass name. I like.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Sirocco wrote:Well, to be fair, the concept of adolescence is relatively new, I think, and could well be absent from medieval (and pseudo-medieval) times...
Nope. Hippocrates' seven divisions of a man's life includes 'adolescence' from fourteen to twenty-one, and dates back to ~400 BC.

I think our name is insufficently penile. I propose Belmont be amended to Bellend. Or at least Bellendmont.

Ignore the coach. No need to voluntarily put ourselves in the vampire's power just yet.
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Post by Sirocco »

Man, I've had that notion since forever. Thanks for setting things straight.
Although I do recall some arranged marriages from medieval times between adolescents.

We could also go for Bellerophont for the name.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Sirocco wrote:Although I do recall some arranged marriages from medieval times between adolescents.
Sure, life was terrible. This is a brutally reductive statement to which there were probably more exceptions than adherents, but in general you could be formally promised in marriage as young as seven (when Hippocrates said Infancy ended), and expected to consummate at about fourteen.
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Post by Laertes »

angelfromanotherpin wrote:
Sirocco wrote:Although I do recall some arranged marriages from medieval times between adolescents.
Sure, life was terrible. This is a brutally reductive statement to which there were probably more exceptions than adherents, but in general you could be formally promised in marriage as young as seven (when Hippocrates said Infancy ended), and expected to consummate at about fourteen.
Apparently the bit about consummation at fourteen is a common misconception. It's a friday night and I'm too lazy to go to my books right now, but recently scholarship has pointed out that it's largely a Victorian myth to do with *their* sexual hangups. Most medieval commoners didn't consummate until they were much older; although I personally doubt that they actually kept chaste any more than modern teenagers did.

Edit: Except among the upper aristocracy, for whom it was apparently a thing to consummate on first menstruation. One can speculate why but ultimately we're just guessing and it's a generally icky subject.

The bit about life being terrible in the middle ages, however, is I feel an entirely fair statement.
Last edited by Laertes on Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Well, I have 2 guys agreeing to Blade Belmont von Alucard as our name, so I'll tentatively add that to our Adventure Sheet, but feel free to continue debates on whether more of you might prefer to substitute Belmont with Bellend, Bellendmont or Bellerophont.

.....actually, I think I'll just put it on a poll. :biggrin:

And that's 2 votes to ignore the coach....

People are eager to tell you how to get to the Castle! They warn you that the road the carriage travels on is very unsafe; only that ghostly vehicle can traverse it safely. They point out that there is a trail heading
north-east through the forest and that this leads to the Castle. If you are lucky you may avoid the forest's wild animals; there is a forester's cottage along the way where you could rest and sleep. You'Il have to cross the river, though; the one-armed man in the tavern gives you 2 Gold Pieces for the fee the ferryman will ask of you.

You set off along the hail and soon you find yourself enveloped in the forest. The branches of the trees seem to be twisted and contorted into grotesque shapes, and in the distance owls hoot and wolves howl. The forest floor is bare of plant cover, and your boots crunch on the gravelly earth. It grows lighter, perhaps dawn is approaching - and then an arrow whistles past your ear and embeds itself in a tree trunk! In the gloom to your left you see a large bear lumbering towards you, and to one side a slim figure is nocking another arrow to a longbow, ready to fire at you!

Will you:

Attack the archer?
Attack the bear?
Try to parley with the figure, whoever it is?
Make a run for it and try to get away?
Oooooh, cute fluffy bear! Well, too bad we can't keep it.

And one of the few things I don't like about this part is that the book makes no further mention of the Coach or the Horseman once you choose to ignore it. Presumably they just left, but the lack of mention is annoying.

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Blade Belmont von Alucard (pending final decision)
SKILL 10/10
LUCK 8/8
Faith: 7/7
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Shield, Lantern
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Gold Pieces: 2
Silent Wayfarer
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

Let's go with Blade Bellendmont. And I'll bet this guy is a ranger and the bear his animal companion, so maybe we should attempt to parley...
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Post by Laertes »

Let's try talking to him. It's not as if we can outrun a bear and an archer in the woods at night.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Talk to Yogi and the Ranger.
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Post by SGamerz »

We are chatty in the face of a possible incoming arrow....
You cry out that you mean them no harm, but the woman has already loosed off an arrow which strikes you; lose 2 STAMTNA points. Lowering her bow, she gestures to the bear, which growls but doesn't attack you. She walks over, apologizing, and explains that she is a Forest Ranger whose job it is to protect the woods - and she did not expect anyone going about alone at night to be up to any good! She binds the flesh wound the arrow made.

Valderesse the Ranger is a friendly and helpful person; you tell her of your quest to rescue Nastassia from the clutches of Count Heydrich. At this she looks very serious. 'The Count is a very evil man. Fierce wolves and flocks of bats infest the land around his castle, and the local folk say he steals away young women to be his slaves - or worse. But it wasn't always like that. His brother, Siegfried, who was Count before him - now he was a decent and good man -' but she breaks off at the sound of a peal of thunder as heavy rain begins to splatter down through the bare tree branches overhead. 'Come on, let's get you to the ferry! 'You set off with her towards the river, and on the way she gives you some food to help you on your journey; add 2 meals to your Provisions.
Ouch. At least she gives us back 4 times the Stamina via food for the 2 she took off us, so I guess it's cool. Although I'd hesitate to describe someone who decides to shoot first and ask questions later just because we opened our mouth (and didn't actually make a move towards her) as friendly.

In some of the FF books it is explicitly stated that the amount of Provisions we start with is the maximum our backpacks can carry (10 or 12, depending on the book), but that rule isn't mentioned in this book, and since we get free food this early I'd assume that rule doesn't apply here.
As you approach, a small wizened Gnome scuttles out of his hut into the grey light of dawn and sidles up to you, grinning rather maliciously. He demands 2 Gold Pieces for ferrying you across in his boat, but he adds that you can slay and sleep in his hut if you wish - and you are very tired!

If Valderesse the Ranger is with you.

If she isn't, will you:
Attack the Gnome?
Accept his offer of a place to sleep and rest?
Pay him and cross the river?
I think the illustrator (Martin McKenna) does a good job of making this guy look scummy:
Valderesse lifts up the Gnome by his jerkin and holds him up to speak to him face to face. 'Get my friend across the river, Snivel, free of charge. You owe me a favour for keeping those wolves away from you last week!' Turing to you, she murmurs that Snivel is not the kind of Gnome whose offer of hospitality you should accept. There is a forester's hut further along the trail and you will be able to find rest there in safety. She puts the Gnome down, and h e fawns and toadies to you. You clamber into his boat and he mutters some words which you don't make out. The boat moves straight out, against the current into the middle of the river! Valderesse waves goodbye to you as you step out safely on the opposite bank.
Free food plus a free ride on a magical boat! Ok, I think she's pretty cool to have for a friend. Not to mention the sheer awesomeness of having a bear walk around with us when we hang out together. Despite the arrow.
You set off alone the trail on the far bank of the river, and walk on through the slight mist. There is no birdsong and little sign of life; this silence is almost unnerving. After some hours you come upon a small stone cottage nestling in a clearing; a thin stream of blue woodsmoke drifts lazily upwards from the chimney. Looking cautiously through the half-open door, you see a man inside, sitting dozing before a stove. He is dressed in brown and grey leathers, and there is a long curved knife in his hands. You see little else from where you are, although you can smell something good cooking in there!

If you did not sleep at the Gnome's hut, you are getting very tired now, and you must sleep here.

Attack the man, hoping to achieve surprise?
Go in and talk with him
If we did sleep at the Gnome's hut, we'd have the extra option of ignoring the man and just continuing on our way. Another minor game mechanism that I rather like.

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Blade Belmont von Alucard (pending final decision)
SKILL 10/10
LUCK 8/8
Faith: 7/7
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Shield, Lantern
Provisions: 12 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Gold Pieces: 2
Last edited by SGamerz on Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:04 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, let's talk. If he turns out to be crazy/evil/whatever we can shank him in the face bone.
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Post by SGamerz »

Talking has served us well so far....at least this guy doesn't have an arrow pointed at us.
You cough and the man, having woken, looks up nervously at you. He offers you bread and some hot soup from a pan by the fire (this will restore 4 lost STAMINA points), and tells you who he is and what he is doing here.

The forester, Barandrun, says that he was once a warrior, but that he tired of battle and bloodshed. Now he prefers to live alone, at peace with the creatures of the forest. Now, however, they have mostly disappeared, and this saddens and worries him. He is sure that it is the evil from Castle Heydrich that is frightening them away. You feel confident that you can tell him about your quest. He commends you on your bravery and says that he may be able to help you a little. He knows that there is at least one good man in the Castle who might be helpful. Lothar, the Castellan of the Castle, used to be friendly with Barandrun. 'But I have not seen him in some months; I do not even know if he still lives. Perhaps he too has fallen under the Count's sway, or been done away with. But if you meet him, he maybe able to help you.'

Barandrun also gives you a gift: a string of cloves of garlic which he gets from a small herb-garden at the back of his cottage. At his urging you place this round your neck; add Garlic to your Possessions. Barandrun offers you a safe place to stay. lf you didn't sleep at the Gnome's hut, you must sleep here (recover 4 lost STAMINA points). Whether or not you sleep here, you resume your journey in the afternoon.
Finding Garlic in a book with "Vampire" in the title! How unexpected!

Back to full STAMINA.
You head on through the afternoon into the darkening evening, until finally you see a castle on top of a steep hill. Roll two dice. If the total is less than or equal to your SKILL, turn to 362. If it is greater than your SKILL, tum to 22.
We roll a 6 (5+1), which is lower than 10.
You walk along as fat as the base of a narrow trail which leads up a steep incline, and suddenly you walk out of the fog into a completely clear area. Starkly illuminated by the three-quarter moon stands the brooding Castle Heydrich!

Walk up and enter the half-open front gates?
Walk round the outside to see what you can make of the place?
Adventure Sheet
Name: Blade Belmont von Alucard (pending final decision)
SKILL 10/10
LUCK 8/8
Faith: 7/7
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Shield, Lantern, Garlic
Provisions: 12 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Gold Pieces: 2
Silent Wayfarer
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

Enter. If there's a hole, it's a man's job to plunge into it, and Blade Bellendmont von Alucard is the manliest of men.

Side note: Valderesse and Yogi are now The Bear and the Maiden Fair in my mind.
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Post by Sirocco »

^ Heheh.

I'm a bit for scouting first.
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Post by Mr Shine »

He's obviously expecting us. Let's enter on his tems and see what the exposition fairy brings us.
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Post by SGamerz »

We go for straight and direct penetration into the perimeters like a real man!
You put your shoulder to the heavy wooden gates, and they open with a creak which sets your nerves on edge. You walk through a small entrance area into a large courtyard. Facing you, you observe great brass decorated doors across the courtyard and past the entrance to what looks like a family Crypt. There are also two doors to the west of you, and a door just round the comer which opens into a southern part of the main building.

Will you:
Head for the brass doors to the north?
Open the door in the south?
Open the upper west door?
Open the lower west door?
Head for the Crypt?
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Post by Laertes »

Let's go for the southern door. The Von Alucards are well known for being so manly that they always take people in the rear tactical enveloping maneuvers.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Crypt, for being the only place with a name. Sure, it's night and the vamp won't be there, but maybe we can festoon his resting place with garlic or something.
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Post by Sirocco »

^ Sounds as good a plan as any.
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Post by SGamerz »

The Crypt has a stone entrance with steps leading down. Hideous gargoyle heads with fiendish grins stare balefully down at you, and the heavy, iron-railing gates are firmly locked. Behind you, you hear snarls somewhere behind the doors to the west, and decide not to investi8ate these. But will you:

Try to force the gates to the crypt?
Open the southern door in the courtyard, if you have not already done so?
Head for the brass doors to the north?
Hmmm....so 2 of the other 4 options (the 2 west doors) are now denied to us, because we hear something snarling behind one or possibly both of them? It seems like Blade isn't quite as heroic as some might think he is. :/
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

We're here to beat up some pansy-ass Edward Clone and get the girl back. Penetrate the sealed gates.
If your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourself.
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