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Post by Giraffeking »

An hour? Maybe instead you should cap the number he can have? I was about to use this guy on a party, and I don't want him there an hour before all the time. Maybe either a day, or cap total number. My bbeg's new minion was weaving faerie fire in his little crawl spaces, and placing alarms on them. To royally fuck that bastard rogue.

It was going to be great.
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Post by Koumei »

Definitely no to any duration that can translate to "and then at the end of the day I spin spare spells, sleep 8 hours, get my spells back, and now I use yesterday's webs in the first fight".

So one hour means "You can prepare them for the fight before it happens, if you know when the fight is happening (ie you are the ambusher)". But it does not allow for stocking up.

I'm not much a fan of enemies that use their abilities to set traps, and then fuck off, never actually getting the screen time where the party meets them (and stabs them in the face).
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Post by Giraffeking »

What about enemies who set traps all over, wait for someone to trip one then go ambush them there?
You could have them last until dawn. Or they could expend the slot until triggered or your eat the web, regaining the spell.

Gah... I guess an hour is ok time. I just had mine covering an old formian hive, so there we're a number of places he has alarming.
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Post by downzorz »

Ooooooh... I want to do one.
I shall write the Strangler. A Choker what gets better at choking. Thinking improved constrict damage, ignoring size penalties to grappling, and Multigrab and Improved Multigrab as bonus feats.
Also, where are you getting the feats, and domain for the Winter Court Queen and Summer Court Queen? I can't find them.
Last edited by downzorz on Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sigil »

Chokers are actually totally awesome monsters to give straight up PC classes, I totally aprove of a PRC for chokers.

Also, cloakers. You should be able to wear them.
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Post by Koumei »

Doing the thing where it locks the spell slot out until used/reabsorbed is also feasible, and although I can't be fucked editing that in as an option, feel free to do so - and consider it "approved" if that counts for anything (it shouldn't).

downzorz: go for it, totally. And the stuff for Nymphs came from It's Hot Outside and It's Cold Outside.

Sigil: the Caper does specifically have "Use me as a cloak" abilities. Though one that works 100% as "I am an amazing cloak" could be pretty rad, whether used as a tag-team partner for the boss or as the actual boss with a hapless minion wearing him. I might do that.

It occurred to me that THE BEAR really can just "take levels in Barbarian" and everything works fine from there (the size, strength and rending make up for the reduced Rage). So that one is being put aside for now. In the near future, there shall be another Cloaker one, and a Sirine one that specialises in fucking around with people's mental stats and stuff. Yes I do tend to notice the monsters with boobs. I'd do one for the Movanic Deva if I weren't using a .pdf that had a scanning error and thus doesn't display half the text.

There needs to be an adventuring party of "the human, his cape (Cloaker), his steed (Nightmare), his hunting dog (Hellhound) and his loot chest (Mimic)". That'd be hilarious.
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Post by Sigil »

They also weigh 100lbs, which means it's hilarious when the wizard tries to wear one.
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Post by Koumei »

The Mind Changer

Race: Sirine

Hit Dice: d4
Base Attack Bonus: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform*, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spot, Swim, Survival, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope
*The Mind Changer always has maximum ranks in Perform, uses the 3.0 rules on Perform types, and the first rank is always Perform (Song).
1Restore Intellect, Charming Song, Fey Power
2Restore Mind, Fascinating Song, Solid Fog 2/day
3Restore Memories, Discordant Song
4Restore Soul, Amnesia, Fey Power
5Suppress Mind, Soothing Song, Harmonic Song
6Morality Selector, Freezing Fog 3/day
7Brain Leech, Resistance, Fey Power
8Suppress Soul, Dispelling Song
9Terrifying Song, Hallucinatory Terrain 4/day
10Personality Architect, Restore Essence, Fey Power

Restore Intellect (Su): with a single touch to the forehead, the Mind Changer can restore all Intelligence Damage or Intelligence Drain a target has suffered, no matter what the cause was.

Charming Song (Su): the Mind Changer's Charming Song is a Supernatural Ability, not a Spell-Like Ability. Additionally, it becomes a Charm Monster effect, however it becomes a [Sonic][Language-Dependent] effect, and it takes effect one round after she begins singing - her concentration can be disrupted in the meantime to stop it from working.

Fey Power (Sp): at level one, and every three levels thereafter, all of the Mind Changer's Spell-Like Abilities that she currently has gain an additional daily use. This affects Spell-Like Abilities gained from her race, class, feats and anything else that might grant them.

Restore Mind (Su): starting at second level, the Mind Changer's touch can also restore any amount of Wisdom Damage, Wisdom Drain, Charisma Damage or Charisma Drain a target has suffered. If for whatever reason she wants to remove just Wisdom Drain but not Charisma Damage or whatever, she can do this.

Fascinating Song (Su): at level two, the Mind Changer gains another song, a [Sonic][Mind-Affecting] effect that is not [Language-Dependent] but that still takes effect the following round. All creatures within earshot must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or become Fascinated for one minute (or until something ends the Fascination, as normal). She may use a Full-Round Action to bestow a Suggestion upon a Fascinated target (same Save DC), and while they are Fascinated, every Suggestion gets the bonus of being totally reasonable.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as she gains levels, the Mind Changer gains additional Spell-Like Abilities. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, and the caster level equals her hit dice.

Restore Memories (Su): at level three, the Mind Changer can completely restore someone's memories - undoing the effects of naturally occurring amnesia, Programmed Amnesia, Mindrape and similar effects. It will even remove [Mind Affecting] effects that have changed their personality.

Discordant Song (Su): the third-level Mind Changer gains another song, a [Sonic][Mind-Affecting] effect that is not [Language-Dependent] but that still takes effect the following round. This causes a Song of Discord effect in all who fail the save, targeting a number of enemies equal to her ranks in Perform.

Restore Soul (Su): at level four, the touch of the Mind Changer can remove any amount of Negative Levels, even undoing actual permanent level loss (such as from failing to remove Negative Levels, or being Raised).

Amnesia (Su): when delivering her Intelligence-Damaging touch attack, the fourth-level Mind Changer deals 1d6 Intelligence Damage and forces the target to attempt a Will Save (Charisma-based). If they fail, they suffer from amnesia, forgetting her choice of "this encounter", "her existence", "the last day/week/month" or indeed "who they are". The memory loss is a [Mind Affecting] Enchantment effect.

Suppress Mind (Su): starting at level five, the Mind Changer can have her touch attack deal Wisdom Damage or Charisma Damage instead of Intelligence Damage (1d6 either way), or even deal 1d2 points of each.

Soothing Song (Su): the fifth-level Mind Changer gains another song, a [Sonic][Mind-Affecting] effect that is not [Language-Dependent] but that still takes effect the following round. All within earshot are subject to a Calm Emotions effect, except it also removes all Morale Penalties and non-lethal damage.

Harmonic Song (Su): at level five, the Mind Changer gains another song, one that is not [Mind-Affecting] but still takes effect the following round. Living creatures within earshot regain hit points equal to her ranks in Perform, and all Undead in the area must pass a Will Save (Charisma-Based) or Panic for one round per rank she has in Perform.

Morality Selector (Su): when using her Amnesia ability on a target, the sixth-level Mind Changer can permanently change the Alignment and basic allegiances of the target if they fail their save. This is still a [Mind-Affecting] Enchantment effect, and having your alignment forcibly changed doesn't count as a violation of Paladin Code or whatever, they're just denied their abilities while under the effect.

Brain Leech (Su): at level seven, the Ability Damage of the Mind Changer is truly terribleawesome. If dealing Ability Damage to one score, it becomes 2d6, or she can deal 1d4 to all three scores. Instead, she may deal 1d6 Ability Drain to one score, or 1d2 to all three.

Resistance (Su): starting at seventh level, the Mind Changer adds her Charisma Bonus as a Resistance Bonus to all Saving Throws.

Suppress Soul (Su): at level eight, instead of delivering her normal touch attack, the Mind Changer can deliver a touch attack that deals 1d4 Temporary Negative Levels. They last for an hour, and automatically cause the target to forget having ever encountered her. If she inflicts enough negative levels to kill the foe, they do not rise as a Wight or anything. They just die.

Dispelling Song (Su): the eighth-level Mind Changer gains another song, a [Sonic] effect that still takes effect the following round. This grants a Targeted Dispel attempt (with a Caster Level equal to her ranks in Perform) against every magical effect within 30 feet of her.

Terrifying Song (Su): the ninth-level Mind Changer gains another song, a [Sonic][Mind-Affecting][Fear] effect that is not [Language-Dependent] but that still takes effect the following round. One target per rank in Perform must make a Will Save (Charisma-based) or Panic for 3d6 rounds.

Personality Architect (Su): at level ten, whenever the Mind Changer either reduces an opponent's Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma to zero, or bestows enough Negative Levels to normally kill them, she can elect for them to just pass out, and when they wake up the next day, their mind has been completely altered as though by a Mind Rape effect. She can of course elect to make no changes, or just to kill them in their sleep.

Restore Essence (Su): at level ten, the restoring touch of the Mind Changer removes all Ability Damage and Drain to all ability scores ever, and can also remove afflictions such as Lycanthropy and remove possession. She can even restore the recently deceased (no more than 1 round per hit die she has) to life with a touch.
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Post by Koumei »

The Shroud

Race: Cloaker

Hit Dice: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Fort, Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device
Level:Special:Shadowspell Level:Reality:
1Dominate, Resistant Cloak, Shadowspell120%
2Cloak of Mist and Shadows220%
3Superior Flight230%
4Dimension Door330%
5Charismatic Cloak340%
6Dark and Spooky Cloak340%
7Damning Darkness450%
8Shadowy Tendrils450%
9Energy Ebb460%
10Cloak of the Gloom560%

Dominate (Su): the Shroud can cast Dominate Monster on any creature that it successfully grapples, or that attempts to wear it. The Save DC is Charisma-based. The effects last for as long as it remains worn by the target or engaged in a grapple with them.

Resistant Cloak (Su): the Shroud has a Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws equal to one third of its hit dice (round up). Any Dominated wearer of it gains the same benefit.

Shadowspell (Sp): at will, the Shroud can cast Shadow Evocations. Every level, select three Evocation spells with a maximum Sorcerer/Wizard Spell Level of the one listed. It now knows these (in addition to any existing ones), and can cast it at will, with a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) to disbelieve. If disbelieved, it is still partially real, according to the table above.

Cloak of Mist and Shadows (Su): starting at second level, as long as the Shroud is being worn, every time there is an incoming attack that hits, it can decide who is hit: it, or the wearer.

Superior Flight (Ex): at level three, anything wearing or grappling with the Shroud is not counted against its weight for flying.

Dimension Door (Sp): while being worn, the fourth-level Shroud can cast Dimension Door at will.

Charismatic Cloak (Su): starting at level five, the Shroud has an Enhancement Bonus to Charisma equal to its hit dice divided by three (round up). Any wearer gets the same bonus.

Dark and Spooky Cloak (Su): starting at level six, anyone who attacks the Shroud or its wearer, including ranged attacks and directing spells at them, must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or instead spend the round Cowering.

Damning Darkness (Sp): the seventh-level Shroud can cast Damning Darkness at will.

Shadowy Tendrils (Sp): at level eight, the Shroud can cast Evard's Black Tentacles at will, but only one instance can be in effect at a time. It may use itself as the surface, causing the tentacles to extend outwards from it and its wearer.

Energy Ebb (Su): at level nine, when the Shroud is worn, all creatures within 30 feet of them (themselves both excluded) suffer one temporary negative level per round, on the Shroud's Initiative. They are allowed a Fortitude Save against it (Charisma-based), and the negative levels only last an hour. For every negative level delivered, the Shroud gains 3 Temporary hit points (to a limit of its hit dice times three), and the wearer gains 2 Temporary hit points (to a limit of their hit dice times two).

Cloak of the Gloom (Su): at level ten, the Shroud can enter the Plane of Shadow, the Ethereal Plane and the Material Plane at will, using a Standard Action to go from one to the other. The wearer is always carried along with it in such cases.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Is it too late to suggest a Beholder class?
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Post by Koumei »

I'm not sure how well it'd work. Beholders are problems from the word go, because either you keep all their Save DCs low (so they more or less work okay because they unleash a barrage and enemies fail one of their "pass on a 7+" saves) or you let them scale to be good and then they unleash a barrage of "Roll high or I win" attacks all at once.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

True dat.

Which is a shame, really, as Beholders are totally awesome.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by downzorz »

Draft of the Strangler. Choker's choking taken to an extreme. Used RoW grappling rules cuz I like them and you should too.

The Strangler

Race: Choker

Hit Dice: d10
Base Attack Bonus: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Ref, Bad Will
Skill Points: 4+int mod per level
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Craft, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Move Silently, Profession, Tumble
Level:Special:Constriction Damage:
1Improved Choking1d6
2Giant Strangler, Suffocate1d8
3Submission Hold2d8
5More Improved Choking, Size Matters Not3d8
6Arm Lock, Figure-Four3d8
7Defensive Stance4d8
8Tear Apart, Pressure Points4d8

All of the abilities are Extraordinary.

Improved Choking: A Strangler is better at grabbing stuff. His Constrict damage increases as he levels up according to the chart, and his Tentacles become better. They are treated as magic weapons with an enhancement bonus equal to 1/3 his hit dice. This bonus also applies to his Constrict attack. Also, the Strangler gains Multigrab as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Giant Strangler: A 2nd-level Strangler ignores size-based bonuses or penalties to Grapple checks when they would be disadvantageous to him, and his Improved Grab ability works on any sized creature.

Suffocate: When a 2nd-level Strangler grapples a creature, it immediately begins to suffocate if it breathes through the mouth.

Submission Hold: When a 3rd-level Strangler maintains a grapple for three or more rounds on a single target, it must make a Fortitude check (DC 10+1/2 level+Strength bonus) or fall unconscious. The creature being grappled must check each subsequent round if it fails the first. This lasts for 1 minute or until they suffer damage, whichever comes first.

Chokeslam: When a 4th-level Strangler is grappling a target, it can choose to make a Smash attack as a standard action. This requires a wall, floor, or other hard surface. The target automatically takes 4d6+Strength damage.

More Improved Choking: A 5th-level Strangler gains Greater Multigrab as a bonus feat. He can also throw grappled creatures of Medium size or smaller as thrown weapons with a range increment of 20’. If a creature is thrown vertically, it takes falling damage as normal. If thrown horizontally, it takes damage as if it fell half the distance it is thrown. A Strangler can throw a creature at a target with a -4 penalty to hit, and if it hits both creatures take horizontal throwing damage. Finally, the Strangler is always treated as having the edge when grappling.

Size Matters Not: A 5th-level Strangler has a doubled carrying capacity for the purposes of creatures grappled with the Lift option.

Arm Lock: A 6th-level Strangler can wrench people’s arms around and force them to drop stuff. This is like a Disarm attempt, but can be attempted as a free action once per round for each grappled target, and it never provokes attacks of opportunity.

Figure-Four: When using the Grab On option, a 6th-level Strangler can use both hands to full effect, including grappling (but only the Lift option), and still deals Constriction damage. The Strangler cannot use its Submission Hold ability with the creature it has grabbed onto, however.

Defensive Stance: If a 7th-level Strangler ever uses the Expertise option, fights defensively, or uses total defense, any creature attacking it provokes an attack of opportunity. These attacks of opportunity must be tentacle attacks.

Tear Apart:An 8th-level Stranger gains Rending Constriction as a bonus feat.

Pressure Points: An 8th-level Strangler’s Submission Hold ability takes effect after one round of grappling, instead of three.
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Post by Koumei »


Hmm, short, and an expert at submission holds. Were Owen Hart* and Chris Benoit** both Chokers with levels in Strangler?

*May he rest in peace
**May he rest in peace
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Post by Sigil »

Koumei wrote:The Shroud

As an aside, are you keeping these in some sort of single document? And, if so, would you consider putting it up when you're finished with your monster PRC run?
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Post by Koumei »

Sorry, I've been typing them up in a notepad file (well, vaguely), then copy-pasting into here later. At the moment, the file just has the basic template I use.
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Post by Giraffeking »

Koumei, you make life so much easier as both a player and as a DM. Any chance at a gnoll? They are my favorite lower end encounters.
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Post by Koumei »

They're... CR 1 encounters. You can seriously just put normal class levels on them. Even a Cleric or Druid loses all of 1 level (not even that if you use the nonassociated levels rule, because a CR 2 has 2 racial hit dice and also 2 levels of Cleric or Druid), and gets a Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour bonus.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Giraffeking »

Bah that's no fun. But that's alright. What about a mimic? They are fun enough to merit one, I'd think. And you don't want to just slap cleric levels on a mimic.
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Post by Koumei »

That's doable, yeah.
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Post by Sigil »

Koumei wrote:Sorry, I've been typing them up in a notepad file (well, vaguely), then copy-pasting into here later. At the moment, the file just has the basic template I use.
No problem, if I find the time (stop being lazy) I may do something with these akin to the tome pdf.
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Post by Koumei »

The Facsimile
"No, I am a treasure chest, honest."

Race: Mimic

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering, Dungeoneering), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device
1Mimicry (Small), Speech, Traps, Sneak Attack +1d6
2Mimicry (Monstrous), Evasion, Greater Crush
3Mimicry (Vaguely Humanoid), Sneak Attack +2d6
4Mimicry (Sharp Objects), Improved Evasion
5Mimicry (Humanoid), Sneak Attack +3d6
6Mimicry (Thick Skin), Holding
7Mimicry (Large), Sneak Attack +4d6
8Mimicry (Metal), Swallow Whole
9Mimicry (Huge), Sneak Attack +5d6
10Mimicry (Perfect), Dimensional Maw

Mimicry (Ex): as the Facsimile gains levels, it improves its ability to turn into "stuff". At first level, it can become Small, halving its base speed, and gaining the +1 to AC and attack rolls, -4 to Grapple checks and +4 to Hide checks. At level two, it can look like a monstrous living creature, but not any specific monster - it always looks like a monstrosity.

At level three it can look just about humanoid, more or less - Uncanny Valley kicks in, and it appears more like a wax figure, but it's enough to not frighten villagers. At level four, it can have up to four extra natural weapons - treated as Claws that deal 1d6 damage for a Medium creature and have Improved Grab. It can also form Masterwork Tools. At level five, it still can't resemble specific people without using the Disguise skill, but it can easily look like actual generic Humanoids.

At level six, it can grant its Natural Armour an Enhancement Bonus equal to its class level. At level seven it can become Large, as though a monster advancing by hit dice. Note that turning Medium or Small again undoes the ability score and natural armour changes.

At level eight, it can change its body to metal, granting itself Hardness of that metal and treating its natural weapons as that metal for the purposes of damage reduction and so on. At level nine, it can become Huge, again gaining all the changes (and again, the changes are undone when it changes back).

At level ten, the changing is perfect. It effectively has the effects of Polymorph Any Object, without changing its ability scores, and hopefully the group is using some form of "Let's make Polymorph not terrible for the game" rule.

Speech (Ex): the Facsimile can speak like a human. It knows Common, even if it didn't before. Wow!

Traps (Ex): the Facsimile can find and disable traps like a Rogue.

Sneak Attack (Ex): at every odd level, the Facsimile gains 1d6 Sneak Attack, which works like the Rogue class feature.

Evasion (Ex): at level two, the Facsimile gains Evasion.

Greater Crush (Ex): starting at level two, the Facsimile's Crush attack always adds Sneak Attack damage - even to creatures that are normally immune to Sneak Attack, It just gets better at crunching things up.

Improved Evasion (Ex): at level four, the Facsimile gains Improved Evasion.

Holding (Su): at level six, the Facsimile is effectively a Bag of Holding, or rather, it effectively always has one.

Swallow Whole (Ex): starting at level eight, the Facsimile can Swallow enemies Whole. Swallowed enemies risk suffocation, but more importantly, they take Crush damage every turn. The Escape Artist DC or Slashing Damage that must be dealt equals its hit dice + 15.

Dimensional Maw (Su): at level ten, the Facsimile can create any of the following effects with its dimensional mouth: Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Rope Trick, Shadow Well, Abyssal Maw, Gate (travel version). It can even pull itself into its own portals, which is best not dwelt on.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The Mimic prestige class should totally be called the Pandora's Box, although otherwise I wholeheartedly approve (assuming that matters.)
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Post by Koumei »

You are of course right, but I put it to you that Pandora's Box is for a summoner type caster Mimic. Which is totally going to happen, meaning Mimics will have two prestige classes. Something about that amuses me.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

More Mimics = more fun.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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