Juton wrote:Rasmus is kind of correct, if you ignore the noise of GC/Mistborn, this board has been kind of quite for the last little while. Maybe that's because the gaming world seems a bit quite right now, other than shitting on D&D Next their doesn't seem like much going on.
Now that I actually noticed and totally agree with. But less signal and less noise doesn't mean a worse signal/noise ratio, it just means a boring lack of anything.
Anyway, someone correct me if I'm wrong (no, seriously, please, I didn't actually read the thread), but I was under the impression PL proposed a system that shifted downtime preparation to midgame preparation, and people had problems with that, and it got discussed in the typical TGD fashion ("that's really terrible, here's some reasons why" "no, that's stupid, you're being stupid, it's fine, here's why," "NO, YOU'RE WRONG, HERE'S WHY. LET ME HATEFUCK YOU WITH WORDS." "YOU AND EVERYONE YOU HAVE EVER LOVED ARE TERRIBLE PEOPLE AND ALSO YOU ARE VERY WRONG, HERE'S WHY.")
If you make the general statement "character preparation should be fast, simple, user-friendly, and not have trap options," I think everyone will agree with that up to the point of the system losing functionality they desire. If you make the statement, "character preparation should be made into a midgame process," people can legitimately have problems with that because downtime preparation is flexible while game time itself is limited to the block of time everyone has free and is willing to spend gaming. I don't know why Koumei is letting herself become a parody of a fairly reasonable position, and why she is having a tangential side rant about how how she believes strongly in her self-interest (not the Randian "HAHAHA I'M BURNING THE WORLD DOWN AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME! RATIONAL SELF-INTEREST!" type of self-interest, but actual honest self-interest).
Now, at the risk of being almost on topic, if I had one complaint about the Gaming Den's attitude... can we not take our animosity of eachother so seriously? Yes, we engage in a lot of angry rhetoric during our arguments. I have said mean, hateful things to a number of people and I apologize for nothing you insufferable fuckwits, but I don't actually hate any of you and I don't actually think you are insufferable fuckwits despite having just said so. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of you are significantly easier and more pleasant to socialize with outside the environment TGD lends itself toward (which is a fine environment really, I'm not complaining). And despite fbmf's insistence that it's suicidal madness (exaggeration) to game with anyone here, I actually disagree, and I'd probably give a game with any of you a shot. (There are some of you I would not want as my DM, can't lie there.) Hell, I'd even play with Mistborn, and there is absolutely no force on heaven or earth that would stop me from taking skill focus (basketweaving). Preferably as a rogue with basket bombs of alchemist's fire the core character concept, but I'm flexible.
Anyway, the point is: yeah. We have arguments and get fucking angry at eachother all the fucking time. We vent. That's cool. Can we remember that ultimately our disagreements are usually about TTRPG game design and not shit like whether or not it's okay to sleep with your best friend's wife and that most of us can probably pass as pretty decent human beings to eachother outside of the narrow context that is TGD? I'm going to continue insulting people in heated debates for being wrong (and by being wrong, I mean disagreeing with me, because
even if those aren't the same thing what am I saying, that doesn't make any sense), but based on my incredibly limited knowledge most of you seem like likeable enough and interesting people.