Moar Pokeymans

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Moar Pokeymans

Post by Koumei »

This is just a filler - I've been playing PkMn White and some of them are awesome. I'll post them up here over time. All will have the CR = HD thing. Also I'm revising some of my existing ones on the DnD Wiki.

And on that note: I am actually SisterAcacia on there. Thank you Mr. Mod :)


Small Magical Beast
14 14 12 4 6 6
Hit Dice: 3d10+3 (19 HP)
Speed: 30'
Initiative: +2
BAB/Grab: +3/+1
Full Attack: 2 Slams +6 (1d8+2 plus 1d3 Fire)
Fort +4 Ref +5 Will -1
AC 16 (+1 size +2 dex +3 natural)
flat 14 touch 13
Skills: Intimidate +4
Feats: Improved Natural Attack: Slam, Two-Weapon Fighting
Special Attacks: Fire Punch
Special Qualities: Fire Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 4-5 HD (Small), 6-8 HD (Medium), Evolves to Darmanitan

Fire Punch (Su): Darumaka's Slam attacks deal +1d3 Fire damage each, and any target that takes Fire Damage from a Slam (after subtracting Resistance) must pass a Reflex Save (Strength-based) or catch fire. The sample Darumaka has a Save DC of 13. Fire Punch is a [Fire] effect, but the Slam is not.

Note: if using Tome Rules, keep the two feats but note that Darumaka gains the extra Attack of Opportunity due to Two Weapon Fighting. If not using the Pokemon Types, just give Darumaka the [Fire] Subtype and call it a day.


Medium Magical Beast
30 18 16 4 6 6
Hit Dice: 9d10+27 (76 HP)
Speed: 60'
Initiative: +4
BAB/Grab: +9/+19
Full Attack: 2 Slams +20 (2d6+10 plus 1d4 Fire)
Fort +9 Ref +12 Will +1
AC 23 (+4 dex +9 natural)
flat 19 touch 14
Skills: Intimidate +10
Feats: Improved Natural Attack: Slam, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Slam, Lightning Reflexes
Special Attacks: Fire Punch, Spell-Like Abilities (Zen Mode Only), Heatwave (Zen Mode Only)
Special Qualities: Fire Pokemon Traits, Zen Mode
Advancement: 10-12 HD (Medium), 13-20 HD (Large)

Fire Punch (Su): Darmanitan's Slam attacks deal +1d4 Fire damage each, and any target that takes Fire Damage from a Slam (after subtracting Resistance) must pass a Reflex Save (Strength-based) or catch fire. The sample Darmanitan has a DC of 24, or 11 in Zen Mode. Fire Punch is a [Fire] effect, but the basic Slam is not.

Zen Mode (Ex): when sufficiently injured, Darmanitan undergoes a bizarre change, entering a trance. When at or below half of its maximum hit points (counting Temporary Hit Points against this - if at 38/76 HP, it will only enter Zen Mode if it has no Temporary HP), it takes a -25 Penalty to Strength. It also decreases the size of its Slams by three categories (reducing them to +7 to hit for 1d4-3 plus 1d4 Fire and its Grapple bonus to +6). However, it gains a +25 Enhancement Bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, may add its (new) Charisma Bonus as a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class (+10, so AC 33, flat 29, touch 24) and Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws (+19 +22 +23), and may use its Spell-Like Abilities and Heatwave. Finally, it gains the Special Ability of Psychic Pokemon Traits. Zen Mode ends the instant its Hit Points return above half the maximum.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 1/day in Zen Mode only - Overwhelm, Mass Sunstroke; at will in Zen Mode only - Scorching Ray, Heat Metal. Overwhelm is a [Psychic] effect, the others are [Fire] effects.

Heatwave (Su): when in Zen Mode, Darmanitan can unleash a massive blast of heat once per two rounds. This is a fiery emanation radiating 30' from it, dealing 1d8 Fire damage per HD to all in the area with a Fortitude Save for half (Charisma-based). Those who fail the save also become Fatigued. The sample Darmanitan (in Zen Mode) deals 9d8 damage with a Save DC of 24. This is a [Fire] effect.

Note: if using Tome Rules, Two Weapon Fighting and Lightning Reflexes use the upgraded forms and thus offer additional abilities. Replace Weapon Focus with Combat School or Juggernaut in this instance. If you are not using the Pokemon Type rules, just give Darmanitan the [Fire] Subtype and, when in Zen Mode, the [Psionic] Subtype, and call it a day.

Additional Hit Dice:
Darmanitan gains an extra point of Natural Armour per Hit Die. Every 3 Hit Dice, its Strength increases by +2, however in Zen Mode the Penalty increases by 2 and the Bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma increases by 2.
At 12 HD, Darmanitan can cast Mass Sunstroke and Overwhelm twice each per day in Zen Mode, and gains Powerful Build when not in Zen Mode.
At 14 HD, it may cast them three times per day in Zen Mode.
At 16 HD, it may cast Parboil and Firestorm three times each per day in Zen Mode. These are [Fire] abilities.
At 18 HD, it may cast all of the above at will in Zen Mode.


Pokemon Traits by Type:
Ghost Pokemon Traits:
Ghost Type Pokemon are all Incorporeal, however their own attacks are all made as though with Ghost Touch Weapons. Their Natural Weapons are, however, of the [Ghost] Type, so Normal Type Pokemon are completely immune. Using the Pokemon Type rules, many things can actually affect them that could not in normal D&D, but you should probably apply a 50% Miss Chance so as to make Ghost Touch Weapons useful. Basically if it isn't specifically Dark or Ghost (or from an Incorporeal source) then it needs the Ghost Touch property (or similar) to not get the miss chance, but shit like "waving a torch" still has the capacity to hit at all. Unless their description states something specific regarding this, Ghosts can be Turned or Rebuked as though Undead, but they may treat their Charisma modifier (if positive) as Turn Resistance.
The following deal Double Damage: Dark, Ghost
Immune to: Normal, Fighting
The following deal Half Damage: Poison, Bug

Fire Pokemon Traits:
All Fire Pokemon radiate greater heat than normal for most creatures. They are effectively immune to mundane environmental heat and cold, and radiate sufficient heat that other creatures within 10' are also unaffected by environmental cold.
Immune to: Fatigue from heat, damage from being set on fire, the Burned condition.
The following deal Half Damage: Bug, Steel, Fire, Ice
The following deal Double Damage: Ground, Rock, Water

Electric Pokemon Traits:
All Electric Pokemon can generate usable electric power. Fine sized Pokemon generate sufficient power to run small hand held devices essentially perpetually. Diminutive Pokemon can power a number of light bulbs equal to their HD. Tiny Pokemon can power electronic and electrical devices of roughly equal size for a number of hours equal to their HD. Small Pokemon can run computers and televisions at the same rate, and medium and larger pokemon can power truly ridiculous sized electronics. This is assuming proper energy harnessing equipment, though handing your pikachu a power cord will basically work.
The following deal Half Damage: Flying, Steel, Electric
The following deal Double Damage: Ground

Bug Pokemon Traits:
All Bug Pokemon have a basic mundane utility depending on the bug they resemble. Spider-like pokemon can produce 1 lb of silk per HD per day, serviceable as rope or for making cloth items. Bee-, Moth-, or Butterfly-like pokemon can pollinate plants and collect nectar, producing 1 gallon per HD per day if allowed to roam and do so for 8 hours. Figure your own shit out for others if it isn't stated outright.
The following deal Half Damage: Fighting, Ground, Grass
The following deal Double Damage: Flying, Rock, Fire

Ice Pokemon Traits:
Ice Type Pokemon are immune to damage or fatigue from cold weather - including hail and blizzards. They can also see through hail, snow and mist (but not steam) just fine. They cannot be frozen solid and are immune to Dexterity damage. They also don't suffer Frostburn damage.
The following deal Double Damage: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel
The following deal Half Damage: Ice

Normal Pokemon Traits:
Normal Type Pokemon are just that: Normal. Not that they lack Supernatural abilities or anything, they're just creatures of the Prime.
The following deal Double Damage: Fighting
Immune to: Ghost

Fighting Pokemon Traits:
Fighting Type Pokemon are typically martial artists. Because of this, if they take levels in Monk, they can add their racial hit dice to their Monk Level for the purpose of figuring out what types of Fighting Styles they may take. Also, their natural weapons can score critical hits against Constructs, Objects, Fortified foes and Corporeal Undead. Their natural weapons are all [Fighting] effects.
The following deal Double Damage: Flying, Psychic
The following deal Half Damage: Bug, Rock, Dark

Rock Pokemon Traits:
Rock Type Pokemon are pretty much made of stone. They all have Tremorsense out to 30 feet, and are Immune to Critical Hits from anything that does not deal double damage. Their natural weapons are all [Rock] effects.
The following deal Double Damage: Ground, Steel, Fighting, Water, Grass
The following deal Half Damage: Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying

Flying Pokemon Traits:
All Flying Type Pokemon have a Fly Speed - if not included in the profile, it is 20' (Good) for Tiny or smaller Pokemon, 30' (Good) for Small to Large Pokemon, 40' (Average) for Huge or Gargantuan Pokemon or 60' (Clumsy) for anything bigger. Flying Type Pokemon usually fly, which puts them out of range for many attacks, but if they stand on the ground, an earthquake can still hurt them, and if you can throw mud into their face, it still has an actual effect. Their natural weapons are all [Flying] effects when they are actually flying.
The following deal Double Damage: Electric, Ice, Rock
The following deal Half Damage: Ground, Grass, Fighting, Bug

Water Pokemon Traits:
All Water Type Pokemon have a Swim Speed - if it isn't included in their profile, it's equal to their Land Speed. Water Type Pokemon also don't drown in water. They can't be set on fire or Burned, and their touch can douse any flame at least two size categories smaller than they are.
The following deal Double Damage: Electric, Grass
The following deal Half Damage: Fire, Water, Ice, Steel

Grass Pokemon Traits:
All Plant Type Pokemon are more-or-less plants. They are treated as Plant creatures by spells that specially effect Plant creatures, and they are never hindered by natural plants.
The following deal Double Damage: Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, Bug
The following deal Half Damage: Water, Electric, Grass, Ground

Dark Pokemon Traits:
Dark Pokemon are attuned to the Plane of Shadow, the Negative Energy Plane, or the Lower Planes. It sort of depends. They are innately anti-magical and anti-psychic by nature, and almost all of them tend towards the sneaky, mean and evil. They are all immune to [Mind Affecting] effects, and can see through any darkness, even magical.
The following deal Double Damage: Bug, Fighting
The following deal Half Damage: Dark, Ghost
Immune to: Psychic

Steel Pokemon Traits:
Steel Type Pokemon are made of metal and are magnetic. They do not suffer Critical Hits from anything that doesn't deal Double Damage, due to being massive lumps of metal that is hard to find weaknesses in. Rust effects deal 1d6 Acid damage per hit die to them and leave them Slowed for one minute. Their natural weapons are all [Steel] effects.
The following deal Double Damage: Fire, Fighting, Ground
The following deal Half Damage: Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel
Immune to: Poison, Disease

Psychic Pokemon Traits:
Psychic Type Pokemon are... psychic. They have the [Psionic] Subtype, can hold a Psionic Focus, and can take [Psionic] Feats if they want.
The following deal Double Damage: Dark, Ghost, Bug
The following deal Half Damage: Psychic, Fighting

Dragon Pokemon Traits:
Dragon Type Pokemon are - get this - dragons! Woah, holy shit! Yeah. They count as creatures of the Dragon Type (even if they're actually Magical Beasts or something) for the purpose of being affected by things that target Dragons in special ways.
The following deal Double Damage: Ice, Dragon
The following deal Half Damage: Fire, Water, Electric, Grass

Ground Pokemon traits:
Ground Type Pokemon all have a Burrow Speed. If not listed in the specific entry, it is equal to half their base Movement Speed. They also have Darkvision 60', Low Light Vision and 30' Tremorsense.
The following deal Double Damage: Water, Grass, Ice
The following deal Half Damage: Rock, Poison
Immune to: Electric

Fire Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Fire] deal double damage to Bug, Steel, Grass and Ice Pokemon. They deal half damage to Rock, Fire, Water and Dragon Pokemon. There is a chance that flammable objects in the area of a fire attack will catch flame and burn - unless noted, unattended objects will catch fire. Many [Fire] attacks will cause creatures to catch fire on a failed Reflex Save or suffer from a Burn on a failed Fortitude Save.

Fighting Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Fighting] deal double damage to Rock, Steel, Ice, Normal and Dark Pokemon. They deal half damage to Flying and Psychic Pokemon. Ghost Pokemon are completely immune. [Fighting] attacks deal full damage to all objects and Constructs, and ignore their Hardness and Damage Reduction - they can also score critical hits against such things (and indeed, every attack against an unattended object is a critical hit).

Psychic Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Psychic] deal double damage to Poison and Fighting Pokemon. They deal half damage to Psychic and Steel Pokemon. Dark Pokemon are completely immune. [Psychic] attacks typically use invisible psychic energy, though when they pick objects up with telekinesis it starts to become obvious, and the eyes glow bright blue when activating (but not sustaining) [Psychic] effects.

Ghost Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Ghost] deal double damage to Ghost and Psychic Pokemon. They deal half damage to Steel and Dark Pokemon. Normal Pokemon are completely immune. [Ghost] attacks utilise eerie darkness, and if used within an area of darkness of shadowy illumination, the attacks are effectively invisible even to those who can see in darkness - there is no visible difference between normal darkness and the shadowy [Ghost] effects.

Ice Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Ice] deal double damage to Plant, Ground, Flying and Dragon Pokemon. They deal half damage to Water, Fire, Ice and Steel Pokemon. [Ice] attacks typically deal Cold damage and often cause Dexterity Damage, Fatigue, Slow or even freeze enemies solid, rendering them Paralysed/Helpless.

Normal Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Normal] deal half damage to Rock and Steel Pokemon, and are ignored completely by Ghost Pokemon.

A Burned Pokemon has received horrible burns from a fire attack and takes 1d6 points of fire damage per turn, and its Damage rolls receive a penalty equal to the HD of the Pokemon that inflicted the burn.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:57 am, edited 11 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Diminutive Elemental [Incorporeal]
- 14 10 6 10 12
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 HP)
Initiative +6
Speed: Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +3/-9 (N/A)
Attack: Scorching Touch +9 touch attack (1d6+4 Fire and 1 Positive)
Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +3
AC: 17 (+4 Size +2 Dex +1 Deflection)
flat 15, touch 17
Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Spot +7
Special Attacks: Scorching Touch, Will-O-Wisp, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Flame of Life, Ghostly Deflection, Ghostly Light, Fire Pokemon Traits, Ghost Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Diminutive), Evolves into Lampent at 8 HD

Flame of Life (Ex): if splashed with water, the Litwick instantly suffers 1d4 damage per hit die. If submerged in water, it must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 20) or instantly die. Any weapon doused in water can, until the water evaporates/is wiped off, hit the Litwick with no Miss Chance. However, if exposed to any burnable fuel (coal, dry wood, oil or similar), it instantly regains 1d4 hit points per hit die. If exposed to a source of Fire damage, it also gains this healing, and all of its [Fire] abilities deal double damage on its next turn (including ongoing fire damage from previous uses of Will-O-Wisp). Finally, the Litwick is Bolstered by Turn Undead (as though Rebuked by a friendly Cleric) and Turned or Destroyed by Rebuke Undead.

Scorching Touch (Ex): the touch attacks of the Litwick deal Fire damage equal to 1d6 plus its Hit Dice, and Positive energy damage equal to its Charisma bonus. This is a [Fire] effect.

Ghostly Deflection (Ex): the Litwick enjoys a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class equal to 1/3 of its level (round up) or its Charisma bonus, whichever is lower.

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action, the Litwick can fire a ball of ghostly fire out to 30' away with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the foe catches fire, and is affected by Faerie Fire until the fire is extinguished. This is a [Fire] effect, though in Contests it may be used as a [Ghost] effect if Litwick prefers.

Ghostly Light (Ex): the Litwick constantly emits light equal to a Candle. Any [Incorporeal] Undead or Ghost Type Pokemon within 30 feet suffers a -2 penalty to all attack and damage rolls and saving throws. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): once per hour - Confusion, Sunstroke; at will - Dancing Lights. Confusion and Dancing Lights are [Psychic] effects and Sunstroke is a [Fire] effect. Dancing Lights gains a +2 bonus when used in an area of darkness in Contests.

Note: if using Tome Rules, replace Improved Initiative with Danger Sense. Iron Will and Weapon Finesse are both the improved versions in this case. If not using the Pokemon Types, then give Litwick the [Fire] Subtype.


Tiny Elemental [Incorporeal]
- 16 12 8 12 16
HD: 8d8+8 (44 HP)
Initiative +7
Speed: Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +6/-2 (N/A)
Attack: Scorching Touch +11 touch attack (2d6+8 Fire and 3 Positive)
Fort +8 Ref +12 Will +8
AC: 18 (+2 Size +3 Dex +3 Deflection)
flat 15, touch 18
Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Spot +12
Special Attacks: Scorching Touch, Spell-Like Abilities, Will-O-Wisp, Hex
Special Qualities: Flame of Life, Ghostly Deflection, Ghostly Light, Fire Pokemon Traits, Ghost Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 9-13 HD (Tiny), 14-15 HD (Small), Evolves to Chandelure at 16 HD

Flame of Life (Ex): if splashed with water, the Lampent instantly suffers 1d4 damage per hit die. If submerged in water, it must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 20) or instantly die. Any weapon doused in water can, until the water evaporates/is wiped off, hit the Lampent with no Miss Chance. However, if exposed to any burnable fuel (coal, dry wood, oil or similar), it instantly regains 1d4 hit points per hit die. If exposed to a source of Fire damage, it also gains this healing, and all of its [Fire] abilities deal double damage on its next turn (including ongoing fire damage from previous uses of Will-O-Wisp). Finally, the Lampent is Bolstered by Turn Undead (as though Rebuked by a friendly Cleric) and Turned or Destroyed by Rebuke Undead.

Scorching Touch (Ex): the touch attacks of the Lampent deal Fire damage equal to 2d6 plus its Hit Dice, and Positive energy damage equal to its Charisma bonus. This is a [Fire] effect.

Ghostly Deflection (Ex): the Lampent enjoys a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class and Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws equal to 1/3 of its level (round up) or its Charisma bonus, whichever is lower.

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action, the Lampent can fire a ball of ghostly fire out to 30' away with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the foe catches fire, and is affected by Faerie Fire until the fire is extinguished. This is a [Fire] effect, though in Contests it may be used as a [Ghost] effect if Lampent prefers.

Hex (Sp): with a Standard Action, the Lampent can level a Hex upon a foe it can see. The foe must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based, with a +2 racial bonus) or suffer 4 nonlethal damage per hit die of the Lampent. If the foe is suffering from any affliction, such as being on fire, they suffer a -3 penalty on the Saving Throw and suffer double damage on a failed Save. This can be used once per minute. For the sample Lampent, the DC is 19 and it deals 32 or 64 damage. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Ghostly Light (Ex): the Lampent constantly emits light equal to a Candlabra. Any [Incorporeal] Undead or Ghost Type Pokemon within 30 feet suffers a -4 penalty to all attack and damage rolls and saving throws. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights, Confusion, Sunstroke; 1/hour - Balor Nimbus, Fireball, Shadowball. Confusion and Dancing Lights are [Psychic] effects, Sunstroke, Balor Nimbus and Fireball are [Fire] effects, and Shadowball (Negative Energy Substituted Fireball) is a [Ghost] effect. In Contests, if in an area of darkness, Fireball and Dancing Lights gain a +3 bonus and Shadowball takes a -3 penalty.

Note: if using Tome Rules, replace Improved Initiative with Danger Sense. Iron Will, Great Fortitude and Weapon Finesse are both the improved versions in this case. If not using the Pokemon Type rules, then give Lampent the [Fire] Subtype.


Small Elemental [Incorporeal]
- 16 16 12 16 24
Hit Dice: 16d8+64 (136 HP)
Initiative +7
Speed: Fly 30' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +12/+8 (N/A)
Attack: Scorching Touch +16 touch attack (3d6+16 Fire and 7 Positive)
Fort +16 Ref +19 Will +16
AC: 20 (+1 Size +3 Dex +6 Deflection)
flat 17, touch 20
Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Ability Focus (Hex), Improved Toughness, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Spot +22, Search +20, Intimidate +26
Special Attacks: Scorching Touch, Will-O-Wisp, Hex, Spell-Like Abilities,
Special Qualities: Flame of Life, Ghostly Deflection, Ghostly Light, Ghost Pokemon Traits, Fire Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 17-29 HD (Small), 20-24 HD (Medium), 25+ HD (Large)

Flame of Life (Ex): if splashed with water, the Chandelure instantly suffers 1d4 damage per hit die. If submerged in water, it must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 20) or instantly die. Any weapon doused in water can, until the water evaporates/is wiped off, hit the Chandelure with no Miss Chance. However, if exposed to any burnable fuel (coal, dry wood, oil or similar), it instantly regains 1d4 hit points per hit die. If exposed to a source of Fire damage, it also gains this healing, and all of its [Fire] abilities deal double damage on its next turn (including ongoing fire damage from previous uses of Will-O-Wisp). Finally, the Chandelure is Bolstered by Turn Undead (as though Rebuked by a friendly Cleric) and Turned or Destroyed by Rebuke Undead, but has Turn Resistance equal to its Charisma Bonus (+7).

Scorching Touch (Ex): the touch attacks of the Chandelure deal Fire damage equal to 3d6 plus its Hit Dice, and Positive energy damage equal to its Charisma bonus. This is a [Fire] effect.

Ghostly Deflection (Ex): the Chandelure enjoys a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class and Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws equal to 1/3 of its level (round up) or its Charisma bonus, whichever is lower.

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action, the Chandelure can fire a ball of ghostly fire out to 30' away with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the foe catches fire, and is affected by Faerie Fire until the fire is extinguished. This is a [Fire] effect, though in Contests it may be used as a [Ghost] effect if Chandelure prefers.

Hex (Sp): with a Standard Action, the Chandelure can level a Hex upon a foe it can see. The foe must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based, with a +2 racial bonus) or suffer 4 nonlethal damage per hit die of the Chandelure. If the foe is suffering from any affliction, such as being on fire, they suffer a -3 penalty on the Saving Throw and suffer double damage on a failed Save. This can be used once per minute. For the sample Chandelure, the DC is 29 and it deals 64 or 128 damage. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Ghostly Light (Ex): the Chandelure constantly emits light equal to a Chandelier. Any [Incorporeal] Undead or Ghost Type Pokemon within 30 feet suffers a -6 penalty to all attack and damage rolls and saving throws. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights, Confusion, Sunstroke, Balor Nimbus, Fireball, Shadowball, Wall of Fire; 1/hour - Bestow Curse, Evard's Black Tentacles, Shroud of Flame, Radiant Assault. Confusion, Dancing Lights and Radiant Assault are [Psychic] effects, Sunstroke, Balor Nimbus, Fireball, Wall of Fire and Shroud of Flame are all [Fire] effects, and Shadowball, Bestow Curse and Evard's Black Tentacles are [Ghost] effects. In a Contest, in an area of darkness, Dancing Lights, Fireball and Radiant Assault gain a +3 bonus but Evard's Black Tentacles and Shadowball take a -3 penalty.

Note: if using Tome Rules, replace Improved Initiative with Danger Sense and Improved Toughness with Elusive Target. Iron Will, Great Fortitude and Weapon Finesse are the improved versions in this case. Keep Quicken Spell-Like Ability and Ability Focus. If not using the Pokemon Type rules, give Chandelure the [Fire] Subtype.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every 2 Hit Dice after 18, increase Charisma by +2.
At 20 HD, Chandelure can also cast Wail of the Banshee and Energy Drain once each per hour. These are both [Ghost] effects.


Ghost Type Pokemon:
Ghost Type Pokemon are all Incorporeal, however their own attacks are all made as though with Ghost Touch Weapons. Their Natural Weapons are, however, of the [Ghost] Type, so Normal Type Pokemon are completely immune. Using the Pokemon Type rules, many things can actually affect them that could not in normal D&D, but you should probably apply a 50% Miss Chance so as to make Ghost Touch Weapons useful. Basically if it isn't specifically Dark or Ghost (or from an Incorporeal source) then it needs the Ghost Touch property (or similar) to not get the miss chance, but shit like "waving a torch" still has the capacity to hit at all. Unless their description states something specific regarding this, Ghosts can be Turned or Rebuked as though Undead, but they may treat their Charisma modifier (if positive) as Turn Resistance.
The following deal Double Damage: Dark, Ghost
Immune to: Normal, Fighting
The following deal Half Damage: Poison, Bug
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Prak »

For type unity, what about just saying "Some pokemon are Fire Pokemon, some are Ice Pokemon, Some are Fighting Pokemon the same way that some fiends are Baatezu, some are Tanarri, some are 'loths" and giving them each an entry in Special Qualities [Type] Pokemon Traits. You'd also want to tag attacks, like you did with Will-O-Wisp, just so that a charmander's claws aren't affected as if they were fire attacks, but his breath still is, and the same with Scyther and his blades (but bug).

So for example:
Fire Pokemon Traits:
  • All Fire Pokemon radiate greater heat than normal for most creatures. They are effectively immune to mundane environmental cold, and radiate sufficient heat that other creatures within 10' are also unaffected.
  • Fire Immunity: Fire Pokemon are immune to the [Burn] condition.
  • Fire strengths: Fire Pokemon receive half damage [Bug], [Steel], [Fire] and [Ice] attacks.
  • Fire Weaknesses: Fire Pokemon receive double damage from [Ground], [Rock] and [Water] attacks.
Attacks tagged Fire deal double damage to Bug, Steel, Grass and Ice Pokemon. They deal half damage to Rock, Fire, Water and Dragon Pokemon. There is a chance that flammable objects in the area of a fire attack will catch flame and burn, unless otherwise noted, all flammable objects and creatures must make a reflex save or be set on fire, receiving the [Burn] condition.

A Burned Pokemon has received horrible burns from a fire attack and takes an 1d6 points of fire damage per turn, and it's Attack rolls receive a penalty equal to 1/2 the HD of the Pokemon that inflicted the burn.

It's a good bit more work on the front end, but seems like it should save a bit of work later, since basically you're creating a bunch of keywords.

Also: you're fucking awesome for statting up Litwick et al.
Last edited by Prak on Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
...You Lost Me
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Post by ...You Lost Me »

Agreed with Prak.
DSMatticus wrote:Again, look at this fucking map you moron. Take your finger and trace each country's coast, then trace its claim line. Even you - and I say that as someone who could not think less of your intelligence - should be able to tell that one of these things is not like the other.
Kaelik wrote:I invented saying mean things about Tussock.
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Post by Prak »

Electric Pokemon Traits: Electric Pokemon have the following traits:
  • All Electric Pokemon can generate usable electric power. Fine sized Pokemon generate sufficient power to run small hand held devices essentially perpetually. Diminutive Pokemon can power a number of light bulbs equal to their HD. Tiny Pokemon can power electronic and electrical devices of roughly equal size for a number of hours equal to their HD. Small Pokemon can run computers and televisions at the same rate, and medium and larger pokemon can power truly ridiculous sized electronics. This is assuming proper energy harnessing equipment, though handing your pikachu a power cord will basically work.
  • Electric strengths: Electric Pokemon receive half damage from [Flying], [Steel], and [Electric] attacks.
  • Electric Weaknesses: Electric Pokemon receive double damage from [Ground] attacks.
Bug Pokemon Traits: Pokemon have the following traits:
  • All Bug Pokemon have a basic mundane utility depending on the bug they resemble. Spider-like pokemon can produce 1 lb of silk per HD per day, serviceable as rope or for making cloth items. Bee-, Moth-, or Butterfly-like pokemon can pollinate plants and collect nectar, producing 1 gallon per HD per day if allowed to roam and do so for 8 hours. Figure your own shit out for others.
  • Bug strengths: Bug Pokemon receive half damage from [Fighting], [Ground] and [Grass] attacks.
  • Bug Weaknesses: Bug Pokemon receive double damage from [Flying], [Rock] and [Fire] attacks.
Fine Magical Beast
1 18 10 4 10 12
Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 HP)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 5', Climb 5'
BAB/Grapple: +1/-20
Attack: Shocking Bite +13m (1 plus 1d6 electric damage)
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +0
AC: 23 (+8 Size +4 Dex, +1 natural)
flat 19, touch 22
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Climb +11, Hide +22
Special Attacks: String Shot, Thunderwave, Webs, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Electric Pokemon Traits, Bug Pokemon Traits, Diet Dependent (Electricity)
Advancement: 2-8 HD (Fine), Evolves into Galvantula at 9 HD

Shocking Bite (Ex): [Electric] The bite of a Joltik unleashes it's stored electric energy, dealing 1d6 electric damage per Hit Die.

String Shot (Ex): [Bug] As a standard action, Joltik can fire a strand of silk at it's opponent, forcing the creature to make a reflex save against Entangle (DC is Con based)

Thunderwave (Su): [Electric] As a standard action that requires a melee touch attack, Joltik can force a creature to make a Fort save vrs. a type of paralysis which lasts 1 day. While paralyzed in this manner, the creature can attempt to take actions, but has a 25% chance to be unable to take any particular action. The creature also takes a -5 penalty to Dex while they are paralyzed in this way.

Webs: [Bug] A Joltik can throw a web as a Tiny Monstrous Spider.

Diet Dependent: Joltiks feed on electrical energy. They typically latch on to larger creatures and absorb static electricity, but can also feed directly from electrical outlets. If they latch on to an electric pokemon, they can use their Vampiric Touch ability to feed themselves as well.

Spell Like Abilities: At will: Vampiric Touch [Bug]

Skills: Joltiks use Dexterity for Climb and Jump checks instead of strength. Their climb speed gives them a +8 racial bonus to Climb.

Attacks Gained through HD Advancement
  • 3 HD+: Fury Cutter (Ex): [Bug] As a full round action, the joltik can make use of a special attack which grows more powerful each time it hits. The first time a joltik uses Fury Cutter, it deals 1d2 damage. The second time 1d4, the third 1d8, the fourth 2d8, the fifth 4d8. If Fury Cutter misses, the damage is reset to 1d2. After five consecutive hits, Fury Cutter deals 4d8 damage each time it hits, until it misses.
  • 4 HD+: Electroweb (Su): [Electric] 3/day, as a standard action, a joltik can throw a web of electric energy out to close range. This web covers a 40' diameter area, and deals 1d4 electric damage per two hit die of the joltik. Creatures in the area must also make a fortitude save (DC is con based), or take 1d4 dex damage.
  • 5 HD+: Bug Bite (Ex.): [Bug] A joltik with 5 or more HD can, at will, as a full round action, assault a creature with many fast bites. The attack deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit die, and will steal any held, edible items, such as berries.
  • 7 HD+: Slash (Ex.): A joltik with 7 or more HD gains a vicious claw attack that deals 1d6 damage, and crits on an 18-20.
  • 8 HD+: Electroball (Sp): [Electric] A joltik with 8 or more HD gains the spell like ability Electricity Orb, usable 3 times per hour. If the joltik's dexterity is higher than its target's, the orb is empowered. If the joltike's dexterity is more than twice as high as its target's, the orb is empowered and maximized.
Small Magical Beast
7 24 12 7 10 16
Hit Dice: 9d10+9 (59 HP)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 40', Climb 30'
BAB/Grapple: +9/+1
Attack: Shocking Bite +17m (1d3-2 plus 9d6 electric damage) or Slash +12m (1d6-2, 18-20/x2) or Fury Cutter +12m (1d6*)
Fort +7 Ref +13 Will +3
AC: 23 (+1 Size +7 Dex, +5 natural)
flat 16, touch 18
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Climb +21, Jump +13
Special Attacks: String Shot, Thunderwave, Webs, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Electric Pokemon Traits, Bug Pokemon Traits,
Advancement: 2-8 HD (Fine), Evolves into Galvantula at 9 HD

Shocking Bite (Ex): [Electric] The bite of a galvantula is charged with powerful electric energy, dealing 1d6 electric damage per Hit Die.

String Shot (Ex): [Bug] As a standard action, a galvantula can fire a strand of silk at it's opponent, forcing the creature to make a reflex save against being Entangled (DC is Con based).

Thunderwave (Su): [Electric] As a standard action that requires a melee touch attack, a galvantula can force a creature to make a Fort save vrs. a type of paralysis which lasts 1 day. While paralyzed in this manner, the creature can attempt to take actions, but has a 25% chance to be unable to take any particular action. The creature also takes a -5 penalty to Dex while they are paralyzed in this way.

Webs: [Bug] A galvantula can throw a web as a Large Monstrous Spider.

Fury Cutter (Ex): [Bug] As a full round action, galvantula can make use of a special attack which grows more powerful each time it hits. The first time a galvantula uses Fury Cutter, it deals 1d6 damage. The second time 1d8, the third 2d8, the fourth 4d8, the fifth 8d8. If Fury Cutter misses, the damage is reset to 1d2. After five consecutive hits, Fury Cutter deals 4d8 damage each time it hits, until it misses.

Electroweb (Su): [Electric] As a standard action, a galvantula can throw a web of electric energy out to close range. This web covers a 40' diameter area, and deals 1d4 electric damage per two hit die of the galvantula. Creatures in the area must also make a fortitude save (DC is con based), or take 1d4 dex damage.

Bug Bite (Ex.): [Bug] At will, as a full round action, a galvantula can assault a creature with many fast bites. The attack deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit die, and will steal any held, edible items, such as berries.

Spell Like Abilities: At Will: Signal Beam (Confusion, deals 1d10 damage, whether target saves or not) [Bug]
3/hour: Electroball [Electricity] (Electricity Orb- Empowered if enemy has less Dex, MaxEmp if enemy Dex is <1/2 Galvantula's)

Skills: Joltiks use Dexterity for Climb and Jump checks instead of strength. Their climb speed gives them a +8 racial bonus to Climb.

Attacks Gained through HD Advancement
  • 10+ HD: Agility (sp): The Galvantula can use Cat's Grace at will.
  • 12+ HD: Sucker Punch (Su.): [Dark] A Galvantula with 12 or more HD can take a round to study an opponent. The next round, they move before that opponent, regardless of initiative order, and can make one automatic attack which deals 1d4 damage per two HD. If the chosen opponent uses this, or a similar move, the creatures move in their normal initiative order.
  • 14+ HD: Discharge (Sp.): [Electricity] A Galvantula with 14 or more HD gains Empowered Electric Ball (as fireball, but electric damage) as a spell like ability usable 1/hour. It's damage is not capped, and all creatures that take damage must make a Fort save or be Paralyzed for 1d6 minutes. Creatures who are paralyzed can attempt to take normal actions, with a 25% chance of failure.
  • 15+ HD: Bug Buzz (Sp.): [Bug] A Galvantula with 15 or more HD gains Bestow Curse as an at will spell like ability, usable once every 5 rounds. When used by a Galvantula, this is a Sonic effect which deals 1d8 Sonic damage/3 HD of the Galvantula, to all who can hear it. It can only bestow the -6 to an ability score (Dex, Con or Wis only) or -4 to Saves only curses.
These seem more complex than Koumeis....
Last edited by Prak on Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:39 am, edited 6 times in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

I like the idea of including full Pokemon Type rules (with some added functionality like the Electric "can power a TV" and such), yeah. For mine, I'll include basic "Look, if you're just using Pikachu in normal D&D, then just do ___". But others can do this or not as they please.

And honestly, some just end up being more complex than others. Some of my previous ones had masses of abilities (that I'll try to trim down and simplify a bit).
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Prak »

I wasn't sure how you decided when to have them evolve, I basically just divided all the level dependent stuff by 4.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

I went by "whenever it seems about right, I guess."


Diminutive Elemental
4 14 14 6 10 12
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 HP)
Initiative +6
Speed: Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +2/-13
Attack: Frost Touch +9 (1d6+2 Cold)
Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +1
AC: 17 (+4 Size +2 Dex, +1 Natural Armour)
flat 15, touch 16
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Frost Touch, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Hide +20 (+24 in Snowy environments)
Special Attacks: Frost Touch, Icy Breath
Special Qualities: Ice Body, Ice Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 4-5 HD (Diminutive)

Frost Touch (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Vanillite can make a Touch Attack against a foe that, if successful, deals Cold damage equal to 1d6 plus its Constitution bonus and forces the foe to attempt a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based). If failed, the foe becomes Fatigued. This will not make an already-Fatigued foe Exhausted, however. For the sample Vanillite, the DC is 13 and the damage is 1d6+2. This is an [Ice] effect.

Icy Breath (Su): once per minute, the Vanillite may unleash a Breath Weapon as a 15' Cone. All in the area take Cold damage equal to 1d10 plus the Icecream's Hit Dice, with a Fortitude Save for half (Charisma-based). All who fail the save suffer 2 Dexterity damage. The sample Vanillite has a DC of 12 and deals 1d10+3 damage. This is an [Ice] effect.

Ice Body (Ex): the Vanillite gains a +4 racial bonus to Hide in snowy environments. Furthermore, in Very Cold environments, or when the weather is snowing or hailing, it has Fast Healing 3. In the case of Snow or Hail, it has Total Concealment.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School and Improved Initiative with Danger Sense. Use the improved Weapon Finesse. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, just give it the [Cold] Subtype and all [Ice] effects are [Cold] effects.


Diminutive Elemental
6 14 16 8 12 16
Hit Dice: 6d8+24 (51 HP)
Initiative +6
Speed: Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +4/-10
Attack: Frost Touch +10 (2d6+3 Cold)
Fort +8 Ref +7 Will +3
AC: 18 (+4 Size +2 Dex, +2 Natural Armour)
flat 16, touch 16
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Frost Touch, Improved Toughness, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Hide +23 (+27 in Snowy environments)
Special Attacks: Frost Touch, Icy Breath, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Icy Body, Ice Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Diminutive)

Frost Touch (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Vanillish can make a Touch Attack against a foe that, if successful, deals Cold damage equal to 2d6 plus its Constitution bonus and forces the foe to attempt a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based). If failed, the foe becomes Fatigued. This will not make an already-Fatigued foe Exhausted, however. For the sample Vanillish, the DC is 16 and the damage is 2d6+3. This is an [Ice] effect.

Icy Breath (Su): once per minute, the Vanillish may unleash a Breath Weapon as a 30' Cone. All in the area take Cold damage equal to 2d10 plus the Vanillishes' Hit Dice, with a Fortitude Save for half (Charisma-based). All who fail the save suffer 4 Dexterity damage. The sample Vanillish has a DC of 16 and deals 2d10+6 damage. This is an [Ice] effect.

Ice Body (Ex): the Vanillish gains a +4 racial bonus to Hide in snowy environments. Furthermore, in Very Cold environments, or when the weather is snowing or hailing, it has Fast Healing 5. In the case of Snow or Hail, it has Total Concealment.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 1/hour - Chill Metal, Numbing Sphere, Frostburn, Ice Storm, Shivering Touch. These are all [Ice] effects.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School, Improved Toughness with Great Fortitude and Improved Initiative with Danger Sense. Use the improved Weapon Finesse. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, just give it the [Cold] Subtype and grant all [Ice] effects the [Cold] Descriptor.


Tiny Elemental
8 14 20 10 12 20
Hit Dice: 10d8+60 (105 HP)
Initiative +6
Speed: Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +7/-2
Attack: Frost Touch +12 (3d6+5 Cold)
Fort +12 Ref +9 Will +4
AC: 19 (+2 Size +2 Dex, +5 Natural Armour)
flat 17, touch 14
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus: Frost Touch, Improved Toughness, Ability Focus: Icy Breath, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Hide +23 (+27 in Snowy environments), Bluff +18
Special Attacks: Frost Touch
Special Qualities: Ice Body, Snowstorm, Ice Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 11-14 HD (Tiny), 15+ HD (Small)

Frost Touch (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Vanilluxe can make a Touch Attack against a foe that, if successful, deals Cold damage equal to 3d6 plus its Constitution bonus and forces the foe to attempt a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based). If failed, the foe becomes Fatigued. This will not make an already-Fatigued foe Exhausted, however. For the sample Vanilluxe, the DC is 20 and the damage is 3d6+5. This is an [Ice] effect.

Icy Breath (Su): once per minute, the Vanilluxe may unleash a Breath Weapon as a 60' Cone. All in the area take Cold damage equal to 6d10 plus the Vanilluxe's Hit Dice, with a Fortitude Save for half (Charisma-based). All who fail the save suffer 6 Dexterity damage. The sample Vanilluxe has a DC of 20 and deals 6d10+10 damage. This is an [Ice] effect.

Ice Body (Ex): the Vanilluxe gains a +4 racial bonus to Hide in snowy environments. Furthermore, in Very Cold environments, or when the weather is snowing or hailing, it has Fast Healing 10. In the case of Snow or Hail, it has Total Concealment.

Snowstorm (Sp): once per day, the Vanilluxe may call down chilling weather. It causes snow or hail, and the weather to become one level colder, within a 10-mile radius, for the following 12 hours. This causes all [Ice] and [Cold] effects to be Empowered and Extended (where appropriate). In a Contest, after Snowstorm is used, all [Ice] effects gain a +3 bonus for the rest of the Contest.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Chill Metal, Numbing Sphere, Frostburn, Ice Storm, 1/hour - Shivering Touch, Polar Ray, Cold Ball, Entomb in Ice. These are all [Ice] effects.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every 2 Hit Dice, increase Natural Armour by +1. Every 5 Hit Dice, increase Constitution or Charisma by +2.
At 14 HD, Polar Ray and Cold Ball can be used at will.
At 16 HD, all Spell-Like Abilities can be used at will.
At 18 HD, it may cast Field of Icy Razors at will. This is an [Ice] effect.
At 20 HD, the Snowstorm becomes Permanent.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Weapon Focus with Combat School, Improved Toughness with Great Fortitude and Improved Initiative with Danger Sense. Use the improved Weapon Finesse. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, just give it the [Cold] Subtype and grant all [Ice] effects the [Cold] Descriptor.


Ice Pokemon Traits:
Ice Type Pokemon are immune to damage or fatigue from cold weather - including hail and blizzards. They can also see through hail, snow and mist (but not steam) just fine. They cannot be frozen solid and are immune to Dexterity damage. They also don't suffer Frostburn damage.
The following deal Double Damage: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel
The following deal Half Damage: Ice
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Korgan0 »

I'm very disappointed that Vanilluxe doesn't throw ice cream at people. Otherwise, as someone who's never played pokemon, this is really impressive.
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Post by Koumei »

The Vanilla trio look like ice cream cones. Seriously. Soft serve, to be precise. Vanilluxe is a double-cone.


Medium Magical Beast
16 14 20 8 12 10
Hit Dice: 6d10+30 (63 HP)
Initiative +6
Speed: 30' Burrow 20'
BAB/Grapple: +6/+9
Attack: 2 Claws +12/+12 (1d6+5, 19-20/x3)
Fort +10 Ref +7 Will +3
AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 Natural)
flat 15, touch 12
Feats: Weapon Focus: Claw, Improved Natural Attack: Claw, Improved Initiative, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting (B)
Skills: Spot +10
Special Attacks: Superior Claws, Rapid Spin
Special Qualities: Hone Claws, Ground Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Medium), 10-11 HD (Large)

Superior Claws (Ex): the Claws of the Drilbur are +2 weapons, and double the Threat Range and Critical Multiplier. They are also considered to be made of Adamantine. They can inflict critical hits against Corporeal Undead, Constructs and Objects just fine. The claws are treated as [Steel] effects.

Rapid Spin (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Drilbur may spin rapidly. Doing so ends the Entangled condition and escapes any Grapple, as well as making a single attack against every adjacent creature. It also clears annoyances like caltrops, vines, Spike Stones and similar from the ground in adjacent squares (and its own). This is a [Normal] effect.

Hone Claws (Su): with a Move-Equivalent Action, the Drilbur may focus, enhancing its claws supernaturally. The Enhancement Bonus improves to +5, the damage shifts up one size (from 1d6 to 1d8) and it ignores any Miss Chances. These effects last for the rest of the round. This is a [Steel] effect. In a Contest, if ever Drilbur uses Hone Claws, the following round it gets a +3 bonus to use Rapid Spin.

Note: if using Tome Feats, then replace Weapon Focus with Combat School, Improved Initiative with Danger Sense, and Perfect Two Weapon Fighting with Two Weapon Fighting. If not using Pokemon Types, give Drilbur the [Earth] Subtype and Electricity Resistance equal to ten plus double its hit dice.


Large Magical Beast
22 14 20 8 14 10
Hit Dice: 12d10+72 (138 HP)
Initiative +6
Speed: 40' Burrow 30'
BAB/Grapple: +12/+22
Attack: 2 Claws +22/+22 (1d8+10, 17-20/x3)
Fort +13 Ref +10 Will +6
AC: 27 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +8 Natural, +8 Armour)
flat 25, touch 11
Feats: Weapon Focus: Claw, Improved Natural Attack: Claw, Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Improved Critical: Claw, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting (B)
Skills: Spot +17
Special Attacks: Superior Claws, Rapid Spin, Drill Rush, Earthquake
Special Qualities: Hone Claws, Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine, Armoured Body, Earth Pokemon Traits, Steel Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 13-16 HD (Large), 17+ HD (Huge)

Superior Claws (Ex): the Claws of the Excadrill are +4 weapons, and double the Threat Range and Critical Multiplier. They are also considered to be made of Adamantine. They can inflict critical hits against Corporeal Undead, Constructs and Objects, as well as Elementals with the [Earth] subtype - and are resolved as Touch Attacks against such creatures and objects.

Rapid Spin (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Excadrill may spin rapidly. Doing so ends the Entangled condition and escapes any Grapple, as well as making a single attack against every adjacent creature. It also clears annoyances like caltrops, vines, Spike Stones and similar from the ground in adjacent squares (and its own). This is a [Normal] effect.

Armoured Body (Ex): the Excadrill actually has a +8 Armour Bonus to Armour Class along with its Natural Armour Bonus. This doesn't mean too much, though if it wants to undergo the pain of having runes carved in or whatever it can have this armour Enhanced.

Hone Claws (Su): with a Move-Equivalent Action, the Excadrill may focus, enhancing its claws supernaturally. The Enhancement Bonus improves to +7, the damage shifts up one size (from 1d8 to 2d6) and it ignores any Miss Chances. These effects last for the rest of the round. This is a [Steel] effect. In a Contest, if ever Drilbur uses Hone Claws, the following round it gets a +3 bonus to use Rapid Spin.

Drill Rush (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Excadrill may make a special Charge attack: it can Burrow for the Charge, and may attack multiple creatures in the straight line, making two attacks against each foe. It ignores all Damage Reduction and Hardness when doing this. This is a [Steel] effect.

Earthquake (Sp): once per day. This is a [Ground] effect.

Additional Hit Dice:
At 13 HD, and every 2 thereafter, improve Natural Armour by +1. At 15 HD, and every 4 thereafter, increase Constitution by +2. At 17 HD, and every 4 thereafter, increase Strength by +4.
At 14 HD, the Enhancement Bonus on the claws improves by +1 (including when Honed, so Honed Claws become +8)
At 16 HD, Earthquake can be used once per hour
At 18 HD, Damage Reduction and the Armour Bonus each increase by +5
At 20 HD, the Enhancement Bonus improves by another +1, the Armour Bonus improves by another +1 and Earthquake can be used at will.

Note: if using Tome Feats, then replace Weapon Focus with Combat School, Improved Initiative with Danger Sense, Improved Toughness with Great Fortitude, Improved Critical with Insightful Strike and Perfect Two Weapon Fighting with Two Weapon Fighting. If not using Pokemon Types, give Drilbur the [Earth] Subtype, Vulnerability to [Fire] and Immunity to Electricity.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »


You see a creature that looks like an asshole. I don't mean Piers Morgan, I mean an anal sphincter. Made of stone.

Small Elemental
16 6 20 6 10 8
Hit Dice: 4d8+20 (38 HP)
Initiative -2
Speed: 20'
BAB/Grapple: +3/+2
Attack: Slam +7 (2d6+4)
or Smackdown +2 (1d6+8)
Fort +11 Ref -1 Will +1
AC: 15 (+1 Size, -2 Dex, +6 Natural)
flat 15, touch 9
Feats: Improved Natural Attack: Slam, Great Fortitude
Skills: Survival +7
Special Attacks: Smackdown
Special Qualities: Hard Rock, Sturdy, Rock Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Small), 8-11 HD (Medium), Evolves into Boldore at 12 HD

Hard Rock (Ex): the Roggenrola has Damage Reduction 5/Adamantine and its Slam attack starts at 1d8 for a Small creature.

Sturdy (Ex): whenever at maximum Hit Points, the Roggenrola's Damage Reduction is doubled and it is immune to Critical Hits and [Death] effects and treats any "Fortitude Partial" effect as "Fortitude Negates". Unlike most Elementals, it is susceptible to Critical Hits at all other times.

Smackdown (Ex): a number of times per day equal to its Constitution bonus, the Roggenrola can fire a lump of stone out as an Attack Action. It reaches out to just 30 feet and deals an amount of Bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 plus its Strength and Constitution bonuses. Anything hit by this that is flying must pass a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or lose access to Flight for one round and begin falling. The sample Roggenrola's DC is 17. This is a [Rock] effect. In a Contest, all [Flying] moves take a -4 penalty in the same Round that Smackdown is used.

Note: if using Tome Feats, note that Great Fortitude is better. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, just give Roggenrola the [Earth] Subtype and Smackdown the [Earth] Descriptor.


Large Elemental
22 6 26 6 14 8
Hit Dice: 12d8+108 (162 HP)
Initiative -2
Speed: 30'
BAB/Grapple: +9/+19
Attack: Slam +14 (4d6+12, 19-20/x3)
or Smackdown +6/+6 (2d6+14, 19-20/x3)
Fort +18 Ref +2 Will +8
AC: 22 (-1 Size, -2 Dex, +15 Natural)
flat 22, touch 7
Feats: Improved Natural Attack: Slam, Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Improved Toughness, Iron Will
Skills: Survival +17
Special Attacks: Smackdown, Rockslide, Stone Edge
Special Qualities: Sturdy, Hard Rock, Rock Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 13-16 HD (Large), 17-19 HD (Huge), Evolves into Gigalith at 20 HD

Hard Rock (Ex): the Boldore has Damage Reduction 15/Adamantine, and its Slam attack starts at 3d6 for a Large creature.

Sturdy (Ex): whenever at maximum Hit Points, the Boldore's Damage Reduction is doubled and it is immune to Critical Hits and [Death] effects and treats any "Fortitude Partial" effect as "Fortitude Negates". Unlike most Elementals, it is susceptible to Critical Hits at all other times.

Smackdown (Ex): a number of times per day equal to its Constitution bonus, the Boldore can fire a lump of stone out as an Attack Action, or two with a Full Attack. It reaches out to just 30 feet and deals an amount of Bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 plus its Strength and Constitution bonuses. Anything hit by this that is flying must pass a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or lose access to Flight for one round and begin falling. The sample Boldore's DC is 24. This is a [Rock] effect. In a Contest, all [Flying] moves take a -4 penalty in the same Round that Smackdown is used.

Rockslide (Ex): whenever the Boldore makes a Charge attack, it deals twice as much damage and allows a free Trip attempt with a +4 racial bonus. This makes the Slam a [Rock] effect. In a Contest, if Boldore would normally act first, it may instead choose to go last, using Rockslide. Everyone else takes a -3 penalty if this is the case.

Stone Edge (Su): Boldore's attacks all have a doubled Threat Range and Critical Multiplier.

Note: if using Tome Feats, note that Great Fortitude and Iron Will are better. Replace Power Attack and Improved Toughness with Juggernaut and Phalanx Fighter. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, just give Boldore the [Earth] Subtype and Smackdown the [Earth] Descriptor.


Gargantuan Elemental
32 6 36 6 18 8
Hit Dice: 20d8+280 (370 HP)
Initiative -2
Speed: 40'
BAB/Grapple: +15/+38
Attack: Slam +22 (8d6+16, 18-20/x4)
or Smackdown +9/+9/+9/+9 (4d6+24, 18-20/x4)
Fort +27 Ref +4 Will +12
AC: 32 (-4 Size, -2 Dex, +30 Natural)
flat 32, touch 4
Feats: Improved Natural Attack: Slam, Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Ability Focus: Earthquake, Ability Focus: Spike Stones
Skills: Survival +17
Special Attacks: Smackdown, Rockslide, Stone Edge, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Hard Rock, Sturdy, Rock Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 21-25 HD (Gargantuan), 26-31 HD (Colossal), 32+ HD (BigLargeMcFuckenHuge)

Hard Rock (Ex): the Gigalith has Damage Reduction 50/Adamantine, and its Slam attack starts at 6d6 for a Gargantuan creature.

Sturdy (Ex): whenever at maximum Hit Points, the Gigalith's Damage Reduction is doubled and it is immune to Critical Hits and [Death] effects and treats any "Fortitude Partial" effect as "Fortitude Negates". Unlike most Elementals, it is susceptible to Critical Hits at all other times.

Smackdown (Ex): a number of times per day equal to its Constitution bonus, the Gigalith can fire a lump of stone out as an Attack Action, or four with a Full Attack. It reaches out to just 60 feet and deals an amount of Bludgeoning damage equal to 4d6 plus its Strength and Constitution bonuses. Anything hit by this that is flying must pass a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or lose access to Flight for one round and begin falling. The sample Gigalith's DC is 33. This is a [Rock] effect. In a Contest, all [Flying] moves take a -4 penalty in the same Round that Smackdown is used.

Rockslide (Ex): whenever the Gigalith makes a Charge attack, it deals twice as much damage and allows a free Trip attempt with a +4 racial bonus. In a Contest, if Boldore would normally act first, it may instead choose to go last, using Rockslide. Everyone else takes a -3 penalty if this is the case.

Stone Edge (Su): Gigalith's attacks all have a tripled Threat Range and Critical Multiplier.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Spike Stones, Earthquake, Meteor Swarm. These are all [Rock] effects.

Note: if using Tome Feats, note that Great Fortitude and Iron Will are better. Replace Power Attack and Improved Toughness with Juggernaut and Phalanx Fighter. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, just give Gigalith the [Earth] Subtype and Smackdown the [Earth] Descriptor.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:22 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Small Elemental [Incorporeal]
- 18 14 4 10 14
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45)
Initiative +4
Speed: Fly 30' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +4/+8
Attack: 4 Tentacles +9 touch (1d2 and 2 nonlethal)
Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +4
AC: 17 (+1 Size +4 Dex +2 Deflection)
flat 13 touch 17
Feats: Multiattack, Improved Toughness, Iron Will
Skills: Listen +9
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Pseudocorporeal Tendrils, Drench, Brine, Wring-Out
Special Qualities: Incorporeal
Advancement: 7-8 HD (Small), 9-11 HD (Medium), Evolves into Jellicent at 12 HD

Pseudocorporeal Tendrils (Su): Jellicle is able to make touch attacks into the Material Plane, and even grapple other creatures. When doing so, it uses its Dexterity Bonus instead of its Strength Bonus, and gains a +4 racial bonus. Additionally, it adds its Charisma Bonus as nonlethal damage to its Tentacle attacks.

Drench (Su): this Breath Weapon can be used once per three rounds, exhaling a blast of water in a 30' cone. All in the area must pass a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or be Dazed for one round, and soaked with water, taking double damage from Electricity but half damage from Fire for one minute. The sample Jellicle has a DC of 15. This is a [Water] effect. [Fire] moves used after this in the same Round of a Contest take a -4 penalty.

Brine (Su): once per five rounds, Jellicle can launch salty, acidic water out to 50' with a Ranged Touch Attack (+9). If it hits, the target suffers 1d3 Acid damage per hit die (6d3 for the sample Jellicle), and they must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be Sickened for one round. If the target is already below half their maximum HP, it instead deals 1d4 Acid damage per hit die and they are Nauseated on a failed save. The Save DC for the sample Jellicle is 15. This is a [Water] effect.

Wring-Out (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Jellicle may attempt to constrict and squeeze the life out of a grappled foe. It automatically hits with 4 Tentacle attacks, each having an Enhancement Bonus to damage of 1 per 3 Hit Dice (round up - so +2 for the sample Jellicle). If the target has more than half their HP remaining, each Tentacle deals 1d6 additional non-lethal damage.

Note: if using the Tome Rules, replace Improved Toughness with Elusive Target and note that Iron Will is the improved version. If not using Pokemon Types, give Jellicent the [Water] Subtype.


Large Elemental [Incorporeal]
- 18 14 8 12 16
HD: 12d8+36 (90)
Initiative +8
Speed: Fly 50' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +9/+21
Attack: 4 Tentacles +12 touch (1d4 and 3 nonlethal)
Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +7
AC: 16 (-1 Size +4 Dex +3 Deflection)
flat 12 touch 16
Feats: Multiattack, Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Ability Focus: Breath Weapons
Skills: Listen +16
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Pseudocorporeal Tendrils, Drench, Brine, Wring-Out, Scald, Hex, Rebuke Undead
Special Qualities: Incorporeal
Advancement: 13-16 HD (Large), 17+ (Huge)

Pseudocorporeal Tendrils (Su): Jellicent is able to make touch attacks into the Material Plane, and even grapple other creatures. When doing so, it uses its Dexterity Bonus instead of its Strength Bonus, and gains a +4 racial bonus. Additionally, it adds its Charisma Bonus as nonlethal damage to its Tentacle attacks.

Drench (Su): this Breath Weapon can be used once per three rounds, exhaling a blast of water in a 75' cone. All in the area must pass a Fortitude Save (Constitution-based) or be Dazed for one round, and soaked with water, taking double damage from Electricity but half damage from Fire for one minute. The sample Jellicent has a DC of 20. This is a [Water] effect. [Fire] moves used after this in the same Round of a Contest take a -4 penalty.

Brine (Su): once per five rounds, Jellicent can launch salty, acidic water out to 50' with a Ranged Touch Attack (+12). If it hits, the target suffers 1d4 Acid damage per hit die (12d4 for the sample Jellicent), and they must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be Sickened for one minute. If the target is already below half their maximum HP, it instead deals 1d6 Acid damage per hit die and they are Nauseated on a failed save. The Save DC for the sample Jellicent is 19. This is a [Water] effect.

Wring-Out (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Jellicent may attempt to constrict and squeeze the life out of a grappled foe. It automatically hits with 4 Tentacle attacks, each having an Enhancement Bonus to damage of 1 per 3 Hit Dice (round up - so +4 for the sample Jellicent). If the target has more than half their HP remaining, each Tentacle deals 2d6 additional non-lethal damage.

Scald (Su): this Breath Weapon can be unleashed out to a 60' cone once per five rounds. It deals 1d6 Fire damage per hit die to all creatures in the area, with a Fortitude Save for half (Constitution-based). Creatures with the [Fire] Subtype still suffer damage (treating it as Untyped) due to the boiling water extinguishing their flames. Creatures that fail the Saving Throw suffer a -4 Penalty to AC and a -2 Penalty to Saving Throws for the next minute. The Sample Jellicent deals 12d6 damage and has a Save DC of 20. This is a [Water] effect. In a Contest, this may be treated as a [Water] or a [Fire] effect.

Rebuke Undead (Su): three times per day, Jellicent may Rebuke Undead as though an Evil Cleric with a level equal to its Hit Dice.

Hex (Su): with a Standard Action, the Frillish can level a Hex upon a foe it can see. The foe must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based, with a +2 racial bonus) or suffer 4 nonlethal damage per hit die of the Frillish. If the foe is suffering from any affliction, such as being on fire, they suffer a -3 penalty on the Saving Throw and suffer double damage on a failed Save. This can be used once per minute. For the sample Frillish, the DC is 21 and it deals 48 or 96 damage. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Additional Hit Dice:
At level 15, and every four levels thereafter, the Frillish increases any one Ability Score by +2.
At 16 HD, Jellicent can cast Acid Fog as a Spell-Like Ability once per hour. This is a [Water] effect.
At 18 HD, Wring-Out increases the bonus damage to +4d6 for a target with more than half their maximum HP, and it also gains Red Tide, Waterspout and Depthsurge as Spell-Like Abilities once each per day. These are [Water] effects.
At 20 HD, both Scald and Brine increase the size of the damage dice (d8 per level for Scald, d6 or d8 for Brine) and it can Rebuke Undead at will and may use Hydro Pump once per hour.

Hydro Pump (Su): the creature fires a massive blast of water in a Line of Medium Range. All in the area suffer 5 damage per hit die of the attacker, with a Fortitude Save for half (Charisma-based). Those who pass the save may step aside into an adjacent square that is not in the area of effect, whereas those that fail are launched backwards to the end of the Line. This is a [Water] effect.

Note: if using the Tome Rules, replace Improved Toughness with Elusive Target and Improved Initiative with Danger Sense, and note that Iron Will is the improved version.


Small Aberration
5 12 12 15 14 17
Hit Dice: 5d8+3 (16 HP)
Initiative +1
Speed: Fly 10' (Perfect)
BAB/Grapple: +3/-4
Attack: Slam +6 (1d6+3)
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +8
AC: 15 (+1 Size +1 Dex +2 Int, +1 Natural)
flat N/A, touch 14
Feats: Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Skills: Listen +10, Concentrate +9, Sense Motive +10, Knowledge: the Planes +10
Special Attacks: Zen Headbutt, Spell-Like Abilities, Dream Mist, Yawn
Special Qualities: Psychic Pokemon Traits, Telepathy, Forewarned, Sleeper
Advancement: 6+ HD (Small)

Zen Headbutt (Ex): the Munna's Slam attack uses its Wisdom modifier for attack and damage rolls instead of its Strength modifier. Its Slam is a [Psychic] effect and is treated as a Magic Weapon for the purpose of Damage Reduction, hitting Incorporeal creatures and such.

Yawn (Su): when a Munna yawns, requiring a Standard Action, all creatures within 20 feet must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or "catch" the yawn, becoming Fatigued. On the next round, they must pass another Will Save (same DC) or fall asleep for one minute. When they wake up or pass the second save, the Fatigue ends. This is a [Psychic] effect. If this is used in a Contest, Munna automatically goes first on the following Round (rolling off for multiple "automatically first" pokemon).

Dream Mist (Su): the Munna can release Dream Mist more or less at will. It is treated as mist, slowly extending 5' out from the Munna per round to a maximum of 30 feet. The Mist conjures up strange images, distracting foes and granting the Munna Concealment. If any creature other than a Munna or Musharna inhales the Mist, they must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or fall into a deep Sleep for 1 hour per Hit Die. Any sleeping creature under the influence of Dream Mist has quite vivid and bizarre dreams.

Telepathy (Su): the Munna has Telepathy out to 50 feet. It may use this to look into or even inhabit the dreams of those that are in range. While doing so, it may protect them from Nightmare spells (and regular bad dreams), Possession, and any harmful effects that require a sleeping target. Doing this provides it with all the nourishment it needs. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Forewarned (Ex): the Munna is never denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. Additionally, it may add its Intelligence Bonus as an Insight Bonus to Armour Class and Reflex Saves.

Sleeper (Ex): the Munna is asleep as often as it is awake. This doesn't really matter, because it is so psychic that it can think and act normally when asleep.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Sleep, Dancing Lights; 1/hour - Silent Image. These are all [Psychic] effects.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every 4 HD after 4, increase Natural Armour by +1 and either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma by +2
At 6 HD, it gains Confusion as a Spell-Like Ability at will, and Silent Image is also usable at will. These are [Psychic] effects.
At 8 HD, it gains Owl's Wisdom, Manifest Desire and Manifest Nightmare as Spell-Like Abilities at will. These are [Psychic] effects.
At 10 HD, it gains the Dream Eater ability:

Dream Eater (Ex): a Munna can make a special Coup de Gras against a Sleeping Foe with a Standard Action. The base weapon damage is 3d6 regardless of size, plus one and a half times its Wisdom Bonus, plus one third its hit dice (round up) as an Enhancement Bonus, and it also deals 1d4 points of Wisdom and Charisma damage. This Ability Damage is not multiplied by the Coup de Gras. Dream Eater is a [Psychic] effect. In a Smart Contest, if this is used after a [Sleep] effect in the same Round, it automatically gains one more point than normal.

At 12 HD, it gains Foxes' Cunning, Eagle's Splendour and Dream Puppet as Spell-Like Abilities at will. These are [Psychic] effects.
At 14 HD, it gains Delayed (3 rounds) Overwhelm and Eternal Slumber Spell-Like Abilities once each per hour. These are [Psychic] effects.
At 16 HD, it gains Forcecage as a Spell-Like Ability once per hour and Nightmare as a Spell-Like Ability at will. These are [Psychic] effects.
At 18 HD, it gains Telekinesis as a Spell-Like Ability at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.
At 20 HD, any creature in its Dream Mist must also pass a Will Save (same DC) or be Fascinated, and any creature that fails to save against its Nightmare ability suffers 1 Negative Level.

Note: if you are not using Pokemon Types, give it the [Psionic] Subtype and apply the [Psionic] Descriptor to all of its Spell-Like Abilities.


Musharna (Template):
Any Munna may evolve into a Musharna by being exposed to Moon Stone. Apply the following changes:

At 12 Hit Dice, instead of Dream Puppet it learns Stored Power:

Stored Power (Su): with a Standard Action, the Musharna may end all beneficial effects upon it to unleash a wave of psychic power. All Enhancement Bonuses to Ability Scores are instantly dispelled, however all within 30' of the Musharna are hit for 10 points of damage per point of Enhancement Bonus it had, Negated with a successful Will Save (Charisma-based - without the Enhancement). So if it had Foxes' Cunning, Eagle's Splendour and Owl's Wisdom going at the same time, it would deal a total of 120 damage (4 + 4 + 4 = 12, 12 x 10 = 120). This may be used once per hour and is a [Psychic] effect.

At 16 Hit Dice, instead of Forcecage and Nightmare it learns Synchronoise:

Synchronoise (Su): at will, the Musharna may cause a buzzing of psionic noise that cripples other psychics. Everything within 5 feet per hit die must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or suffer 1d3 non-lethal damage per hit die. Against [Psychic] creatures, this is increased to 1d6 non-lethal damage per hit die. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 18 Hit Dice, instead of Telekinesis it learns Mind Blast:

Mind Blast (Su): at will, the Musharna may unleash a Mind Blast in a 30' Cone. All who fail to make a Will Save (Charisma-based) are Stunned for 2d4 rounds. This is a [Psychic] effect.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Prak »

I can't remember if the Gastly line has been statted up yet. If not, I know it's not Pokemerica, but they need statting.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Maxus »

Koumei wrote: Gigalith
Gargantuan Elemental
32 6 36 6 18 8
Hit Dice: 20d8+280 (370 HP)
Initiative -2
Speed: 40'
BAB/Grapple: +15/+38
Attack: Slam +22 (8d6+16, 18-20/x4)
or Smackdown +9/+9/+9/+9 (4d6+24, 18-20/x4)
Fort +27 Ref +4 Will +12
AC: 32 (-4 Size, -2 Dex, +30 Natural)
flat 32, touch 4
Feats: Improved Natural Attack: Slam, Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Ability Focus: Earthquake, Ability Focus: Spike Stones
Skills: Survival +17
Special Attacks: Smackdown, Rockslide, Stone Edge, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Hard Rock, Sturdy, Rock Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 21-25 HD (Gargantuan), 26-31 HD (Colossal), 32+ HD (BigLargeMcFuckenHuge)
This makes me happy. See my happy face? :biggrin:
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Quantumboost »

Prak_Anima wrote:I can't remember if the Gastly line has been statted up yet. If not, I know it's not Pokemerica, but they need statting.
Those were in the very first batch by Frank way back when.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I'm not going to go full-asshole, but I'm turning up the dial about 50 millikaeliks.
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, I'll ask and see if Frank has the time/care factor to update them to the Pokemon Types, HD = CR and more options (including Gen 4-5 moves, possible egg moves, commonly-used TMs, Abilities etc) for higher level Pokemon. I imagine it'll be left in our hands but he might be up for it. Probably depending on whether he's recently played a Pokemon game - that tends to be what motivates me to do Pokemon stuff.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Prak »

Yeah. Not that it'd be hard to do up the Gastly line.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

Tiny Aberration
4 16 8 10 12 16
Hit Dice: 4d8-4 (14 HP)
Initiative +7
Speed: Fly 60' (Clumsy)
BAB/Grapple: +3/-8
Attack: Bite +8 (1d3-3)
Fort +0 Ref +4 Will +5
AC: 15 (+3 Dex +2 Size)
flat 12 touch 15
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Listen +18, Concentrate +6
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Heart Stamp
Special Qualities: Klutz, Scent, Sonar, Flying Pokemon Traits, Psychic Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Tiny), Evolves into Swoobat at 8 HD

Klutz (Ex): the Woobat has trouble carrying items. It can only have two magic items attuned to it at a time and must use its Strength instead of Dexterity for handling any objects with precision (even firing bows).

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Calm Emotions, Gust of Wind; 1/hour - Charm Person, Confusion. Gust of Wind is a [Flying] effect, the rest are [Psychic] effects.

Sonar (Ex): Woobat gains a +10 Racial Bonus to Listen checks, as well as Blindsense out to 60 feet.

Heart Stamp (Su): with an Attack Action, Woobat may unleash a psionic beam of emotional energy at a foe. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet away and, if it hits, causes nonlethal damage equal to 1d12 + its Hit Dice + its Charisma Bonus. The foe must then pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Staggered for one round. The sample Woobat has a bonus of +8 to hit, deals 1d12+7 damage and has a Save DC of 15. This is a [Psychic] effect. In Contests, it grants a +2 bonus to Cute Skill checks.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Dodge and Improved Initiative with Elusive Target and Danger Sense. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, it has the [Psionic] Subtype.


Small Aberration
6 18 10 12 14 20
Hit Dice: 8d8 (36 HP)
Initiative +8
Speed: Fly 60' (Clumsy)
BAB/Grapple: +6/+0
Attack: Bite +11 (1d4-2)
Fort +2 Ref +8 Will +8
AC: 15 (+4 Dex +1 Size)
flat 11 touch 15
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Listen +23, Concentrate +11, Sense Motive +13
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Heart Stamp
Special Qualities: Klutz, Scent, Sonar, Flying Pokemon Traits, Psychic Pokemon Traits
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Tiny), Evolves into Swoobat at 8 HD

Klutz (Ex): the Swoobat has trouble carrying items. It can only have two magic items attuned to it at a time and must use its Strength instead of Dexterity for handling any objects with precision (even firing bows).

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Calm Emotions, Gust of Wind, Charm Monster, Confusion. Gust of Wind is a [Flying] effect, the rest are [Psychic] effects.

Sonar (Ex): Swoobat gains a +10 Racial Bonus to Listen checks, as well as Blindsense out to 60 feet.

Heart Stamp (Su): with an Attack Action, Swoobat may unleash a psionic beam of emotional energy at a foe. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet away and, if it hits, causes nonlethal damage equal to 1d12 + its Hit Dice + its Charisma Bonus. The foe must then pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Staggered for one round. The sample Swoobat has a bonus of +11 to hit, deals 1d12+13 damage and has a Save DC of 19. This is a [Psychic] effect. In Contests, it grants a +2 bonus to Cute Skill checks.

Sonic Screech (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Swoobat can release a screech in a 45' Cone. All in the area must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or Panic for 1d4 rounds. The sample Swoobat has a Save DC of 19. This is a [Bug] effect.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every 3 hit dice after 8, Swoobat's Dexterity and Charisma each increase by +1.
At 12 HD, it can cast Forcecage once per hour as a Spell-Like Ability. This is a [Psychic] effect.
At 15 HD, it can cast Overwhelm once per hour as a Spell-Like Ability. This is a [Psychic] effect.
At 18 HD, it can cast Greater Whirlwind at will as a Spell-Like Ability. This is a [Flying] effect.
At 20 HD, it can cast Programmed Amnesia once per day as a Spell-Like Ability. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Note: if using Tome Feats, replace Dodge and Improved Initiative with Elusive Target and Danger Sense. If not using Pokemon Type Rules, it has the [Psionic] Subtype.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Tiny Aberration
4 12 12 10 10 14
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 HP)
Initiative +1
Speed: 10' Fly 20' (Clumsy)
BAB/Grapple: +2/-9
Attack: Slam +5 (1d4-3)
Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +3
AC: 16 (+2 Size +1 Dex +1 Deflection +2 Natural)
flat 15 touch 14
Feats: Endurance, Great Fortitude, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Survival +6 Concentrate +7
Special Attacks: Rollout, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Psychic Pokemon Traits, Planar Tolerance, Adaptation, Deflection, Telepathy
Advancement: 4-7 HD (Tiny), Evolves into Duosion at 8 HD

Rollout (Ex): when making a Charge attack, a Solosis may roll along and slam into foes with greater strength than normal. This increases the attack by one die size (from 1d4 to 1d6) and adds one third the creature's Hit Dice (round up) as an Enhancement Bonus to the Attack and Damage roll. Each successive round that the Solosis charges, the Slam continues to increase in damage size (to d8, then 2d6, 3d6 etc.) The sample Solosis would Charge at +7 (+2 for Charging, +1 Enhancement), for 1d6-2 damage on the first round. This is a [Normal] effect.

Planar Tolerance (Ex): the Solosis is immune to the directly harmful traits of any plane it ends up on - but not things like "Falling damage because the Plane has Gravity".

Adaptation (Ex): Solosis has a constant Endure Elements effect in place, does not need to breathe, can float or sink as it desires, and has Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid and Sonic Resistance of 1. It also gains a +4 Racial Bonus on Fortitude Saves against Poison and Disease.

Deflection (Su): Solosis has a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to one third its Hit Dice (round up) or its Charisma Bonus, whichever is smaller.

Telepathy (Su): Solosis has Telepathy out to 50' as a constant [Psychic] effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Light, Lesser Confusion, Whelming Burst. These are all [Psychic] effects.

Note: if using Tome Feats, note that Great Fortitude and Weapon Finesse are a lot better than the PHB versions, and replace Endurance with Iron Will. If you are not using Pokemon Type Rules, then give Solosis (and its Spell-Like Abilities and Telepathy) the [Psionic] Subtype.


Small Aberration
8 16 18 12 10 16
Hit Dice: 8d8+40 (76 HP)
Initiative +3
Speed: 20' Fly 30' (Clumsy)
BAB/Grapple: +6/+1
Attack: Slam +10 (1d6-1)
Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +6
AC: 21 (+1 Size +3 Dex +3 Deflection +4 Natural)
flat 18 touch 17
Feats: Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Toughness, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Survival +11 Concentrate +15 Hide +18
Special Attacks: Rollout, Spell-Like Abilities, Heal Block
Special Qualities: Psychic Pokemon Traits, Planar Tolerance, Adaptation, Deflection, Telepathy
Advancement: 9-14 HD (Small), Evolves into Reuniclus at 15 HD

Rollout (Ex): when making a Charge attack, a Duosion may roll along and slam into foes with greater strength than normal. This increases the attack by one die size (from 1d6 to 1d8) and adds one third the creature's Hit Dice (round up) as an Enhancement Bonus to the Attack and Damage roll. Each successive round that the Duosion charges, the Slam continues to increase in damage size (to 2d6, then 3d6, 4d6 etc.) The sample Duosion would Charge at +15 (+2 for Charging, +3 Enhancement), for 1d8+2 damage on the first round. This is a [Normal] effect.

Planar Tolerance (Ex): the Duosion is immune to the directly harmful traits of any plane it ends up on - but not things like "Falling damage because the Plane has Gravity".

Adaptation (Ex): Duosion has a constant Endure Elements effect in place, does not need to breathe, can float or sink as it desires, and has Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid and Sonic Resistance of 5. It also gains a +4 Racial Bonus on Fortitude Saves against Poison and Disease.

Deflection (Su): Duosion has a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to one third its Hit Dice (round up) or its Charisma Bonus, whichever is smaller.

Telepathy (Su): Duosion has Telepathy out to 50' as a constant [Psychic] effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Light, Confusion, Whelming Burst, Orb of Force; 1/hour - Cure Moderate Wounds, Suggestion. These are all [Psychic] effects.

Heal Block (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, Duosion may afflict an enemy in Close Range with a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect. If they fail a Will Save (Charisma-based), any time they regain Hit Points (Fast Healing, Cure spells etc.), gain Temporary Hit Points or remove nonlethal damage, reduce the amount healed/gained/removed by Duosion's Hit Dice + Charisma Bonus (minimum 0). This lasts for one minute. The sample Duosion has a Save DC of 17 and would reduce all healing by 11 points. In a Contest, all [Healing] moves used after Heal Block in the same Round automatically fail.

Note: if using Tome Feats, note that Great Fortitude and Weapon Finesse are a lot better than the PHB versions, and replace Endurance with Iron Will and Improved Toughness with Elusive Target. If you are not using Pokemon Type Rules, then give Duosion (and its Spell-Like Abilities and Telepathy) the [Psionic] Subtype.


Small Aberration
11 20 20 23 13 18
Hit Dice: 15d8+90 (157 HP)
Initiative +9
Speed: 20' Fly 30' (Clumsy)
BAB/Grapple: +11/+7
Attack: 2 Slams +17/+17 (1d6)
Fort +12 Ref +10 Will +10
AC: 26 (+1 Size +5 Dex +4 Deflection +6 Natural)
flat 21 touch 20
Feats: Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Toughness, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Survival +19 Concentrate +23 Hide +27 Listen +19 Move Silently +23 Spot +19 Search +24 Sense Motive +19
Special Attacks: Dizzy Punch, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Psychic Pokemon Traits, Planar Tolerance, Adaptation, Deflection, Telepathy, Regeneration 5/[Bug], [Ghost] or [Dark] effects,
Advancement: 16+ HD (Small)

Dizzy Punch (Ex): whenever Reuniclus makes a Full Attack with its Slam attacks and hits the same target with both Slams, the opponent must pass a Fortitude Save (Dexterity-based) or be Dazed for 1 round and then Confused for 1 minute. Note that if Reuniclus ever uses an ability score other than Dexterity to make the attack roll, that other ability score is also used for the Save DC. This is a [Normal] effect, and the sample Reuniclus would have a Save DC of 22.

Planar Tolerance (Ex): the Reuniclus is immune to the directly harmful traits of any plane it ends up on - but not things like "Falling damage because the Plane has Gravity".

Adaptation (Ex): Reuniclus has a constant Endure Elements effect in place, does not need to breathe, can float or sink as it desires, and has Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid and Sonic Resistance of 15. It also gains a +4 Racial Bonus on Fortitude Saves against Poison and Disease.

Deflection (Su): Reuniclus has a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to one third its Hit Dice (round up) or its Charisma Bonus, whichever is smaller.

Telepathy (Su): Reuniclus has Telepathy out to 50' as a constant [Psychic] effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Light, Insanity, Whelming Burst, Orb of Force; 1/hour - Cure Critical Wounds, Vampiric Touch, Empathic Healing, Suggestion. These are all [Psychic] effects.

Heal Block (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, Reuniclus may afflict an enemy in Close Range with a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect. If they fail a Will Save (Charisma-based), any time they regain Hit Points (Fast Healing, Cure spells etc.), gain Temporary Hit Points or remove nonlethal damage, reduce the amount healed/gained/removed by Reuniclus' Hit Dice + Charisma Bonus (minimum 0). This lasts for one minute. The sample Reuniclus has a Save DC of 21 and would reduce all healing by 19 points. In a Contest, all [Healing] moves used after Heal Block in the same Round automatically fail.

Additional Hit Dice:
Every 3 Hit Dice, increase Reuniclus' Natural Armour, Constitution and Charisma by +1 each.
At 16 HD, it may cast Spell Reflection as a Spell-Like Ability once per hour. This is a [Psychic] effect, however the reflected spells only have whatever Descriptors they originally had.
At 17 HD, it may cast Overwhelm as a Spell-Like Ability at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.
At 20 HD, it may cast Weird as a Spell-Like Ability once per hour. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Note: if using Tome Feats, note that Great Fortitude and Weapon Finesse are a lot better than the PHB versions, and replace Endurance with Iron Will, Improved Initiative with Lightning Reflexes and Improved Toughness with Elusive Target. If you are not using Pokemon Type Rules, then give Reuniclus (and its Spell-Like Abilities and Telepathy) the [Psionic] Subtype.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Well, we might have significant work to do.
Frank Trollman wrote: If you're going to abandon the 3e "monsters are a pile of totally arbitrary hit dice" thing and go to class levels for monsters (a more sensible system that unfortunately requires redesigning all the monsters from scratch), I suggest adopting one of the few ideas in 4e that really made sense: Role Based Monster Classes. That is, in 4e the monster classes were things like "Lurker", "Artillery", "Bruiser", and "Skirmisher", and "Controller". This makes way more sense than trying to make Scizor and Wurmple be the same class on account of both being bugs.

Between the fact that the type rules for the different monster classes in 3e are all completely fucked (Undead immune to crits so that Vampires can't be staked and you can't chop off zombie heads, Vermin getting darkvision and immune to mind affecting effects so that you can't confuse giant crabs), and the fact that of the entire list only Giant and Dragon can even be argued to be a coherent monster type you'd want a "class" to describe, dumping the 3e monster classes is something you'd want to do as soon as you committed yourself to writing a new monster manual.

And while I can't actually tell you what the difference between a Lurker and a Skirmisher are, the 4e monster class list is at least a coherent and reasonable place to start.
So possibly we should do that. And as funny as "Physical Sweeper", "Special Wall" and "Baton-Passer" might be (using competitive Pokebattle terms), it might be best to stick to shit like Lurker (many of the Ghosts for instance), Brute (see: Gyarados), Controller (various (usually Psychic) ones that throw people around/deny actions/Charm people), Defender (see: Blissey, the Metal Bird, the levitating Metal Psychic thing) and such.
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Post by Prak »

Well, that sounds like several bitches worth of work...

Ugh. So we're looking at:
  • Artillery- Specializes in in ranged combat. Octillery, Cubone
  • Brute- Big, slow, heavy hitting tanks. Rhy-family, Gigalith
  • Controller- Action denial, field control. Drowzee, Musharna
  • Lurker- Hit occasionally, defending between, have some way of avoiding attacks. Ghosts in a limited way, fliers, diggers.
  • Minion- Come in droves, weak. Plusle/Minun, Magikarp
  • Skirmisher- High mobility, hit and move. Scyther, Scolipede, Sneasel
  • Soldier- Classic aggro drawing tanks. Clefable, Togekiss
  • Elite Monster- Mini-bosses. Basically normal monsters with advanced hp.
  • Solo Monster- Single monsters that take the place of several lesser monsters. Legendaries.
  • Leader- Grants buffs to other monsters. More of a monster Prestige Role. Fulfilled by pokemon with weather controlling moves/abilities.
(edit: that awkward moment when 4e pdfs come in handy)
Last edited by Prak on Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Koumei »

Prak_Anima wrote:
  • Artillery- Specializes in in ranged combat. Octillery, Cubone
  • Brute- Big, slow, heavy hitting tanks. Rhy-family, Gigalith
  • Controller- Action denial, field control. Drowzee, Musharna
  • Lurker- Hit occasionally, defending between, have some way of avoiding attacks. Ghosts in a limited way, fliers, diggers.
  • Minion- Come in droves, weak. Plusle/Minun, Magikarp
  • Skirmisher- High mobility, hit and move. Scyther, Scolipede, Sneasel
  • Soldier- Classic aggro drawing tanks. Clefable, Togekiss
  • Elite Monster- Mini-bosses. Basically normal monsters with advanced hp.
  • Solo Monster- Single monsters that take the place of several lesser monsters. Legendaries.
  • Leader- Grants buffs to other monsters. More of a monster Prestige Role. Fulfilled by pokemon with weather controlling moves/abilities.
Yeah, I'd suggest:
[*]Artillery: d6 or d8 HD, 2+Int skills, Medium BAB, Good Ref
[*]Brute: d10 HD, 2+Int skills, Good BAB, Good Fort
[*]Controller: d6 HD, 4+Int skills, Poor BAB, Good Will
[*]Lurker: d10 HD, 4+Int skills, Medium BAB, Good Fort
[*]Puny: d4 HD, 2+Int skills, Poor BAB, No Good Saves - basically limited only to shit like Magikarp and the ugly thing that's like Magikarp but evolves when beautiful enough, and maybe some of the baby things (Pichu, Happiny etc.).
[*]Skirmisher: d6 HD, 4+Int skills, Good BAB, Good Ref
[*]Soldier: d12 HD, 2+Int skills, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will
[*]Uber: d8 HD, 8+Int skills, Good BAB, All Good Saves
[*]Legendary: d12, 4+Int skills, Good BAB, All Good Saves
[*]Leader: d4 or d6 HD, 8+Int skills, Poor BAB, Good Will

Note that Uber could also be called "Outsider" and Legendary could be called "Dragon". We could potentially just build the "X increases by Y per hit die" right into the types (so Brutes, Soldiers, Ubers and Legendaries get +1 Natural Armour per Hit Die, all Leaders and Controllers get +1 Charisma per 2 HD or whatever).
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Post by RadiantPhoenix »

Prak_Anima wrote:Well, that sounds like several bitches worth of work...

Ugh. So we're looking at:
  • Artillery- Specializes in in ranged combat. Octillery, Cubone
  • Brute- Big, slow, heavy hitting tanks. Rhy-family, Gigalith
  • Controller- Action denial, field control. Drowzee, Musharna
  • Lurker- Hit occasionally, defending between, have some way of avoiding attacks. Ghosts in a limited way, fliers, diggers.
  • Minion- Come in droves, weak. Plusle/Minun, Magikarp
  • Skirmisher- High mobility, hit and move. Scyther, Scolipede, Sneasel
  • Soldier- Classic aggro drawing tanks. Clefable, Togekiss
  • Elite Monster- Mini-bosses. Basically normal monsters with advanced hp.
  • Solo Monster- Single monsters that take the place of several lesser monsters. Legendaries.
  • Leader- Grants buffs to other monsters. More of a monster Prestige Role. Fulfilled by pokemon with weather controlling moves/abilities.
(edit: that awkward moment when 4e pdfs come in handy)
What's the difference between brute and soldier? Brute is slow?
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Post by Prak »

Brute is slow, soldiers are supposed to draw attacks to them.

That looks like some pretty decent preliminary stuff, Koumei.

I think we need to do some reworking the other direction as well, just to fit pokemon into 20 levels, at least in most cases. I mean, I'm ok with stuff like Roggenrola and Salamence being stuff you wait till epic level to get, but in general, you shouldn't wait longer than 16th level to get Venusaur, or the like.

Of course at the same time, D&D's higher levels need to be fixed as well.

We could probably use some more character classes, too, like pokebreeder and such.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Post by Maxus »

I disagree. If you divided by 5, you could be pretty close to right. I mean, Pokemon level 50 would be CR 10 under that model. And Pokemon does sort of follow a D&D ratio. There's innumerable fledgeling trainers, a few that have been at it a while. But only a handful that have level 50 or above pokemon, and each game has exactly one Epic-level area, with level 60+ pokemon.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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