nWoD may be bad, but help me do character stuff...

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nWoD may be bad, but help me do character stuff...

Post by Koumei »

So, at Arcanacon, I was invited to join Camarilla - the group who do nWoD LARPs and is named after the group in Vampire, not the actual group in Vampire. I pointed out I reside in Adelaide normally, which is a problem. And not just for getting there, Adelaide in general is a shit-hole.

But I was told they have a branch there. Now, I hate WoD as much as more than the next person, and I prefer tabletop to LARPing, but essentially? It's better than nothing (and if it is actually worse than nothing, I can leave, there's no actual fee). I might meet some friends or something, I seriously have none here if you don't count the store guys at GW who I'm sort of friends with but who don't see eye-to-eye with me on issues suc as "Games Workshop as a company is a pile of shit and has no good game designers. I not only could make a better game, I have".

Anyway, I figured I'd join Changeling (less GRIM AND DARK than the others, less "being surrounded by the creepy variety of furry" than Werewolf, less "blah blah blah politics blah blah backstab betrayal blah blah" than Vampire). They give +50 XP at starting as well, so here is the basic character idea I have decided on:

Name: Lilah
Basic Concept: see the Alraune from Disgaea 2
Court: Spring
Seeming: Fairest (Kith: Flowering)
Virtue: Hope
Vice: either Lust or Gluttony

10 XP spent (Res 1 -> Res 2)

Investigation 1
Medicine 3

Athletics 3
Brawl 2
Larceny 1 (3 XP)
Stealth (Camouflage) 2
Survival 1 (3 XP)

Animal Ken 1 (3 XP)
Empathy 3
Expression 2
Persuasion (Motivational Speeches) 3
Socialise (+1) 2 (6 XP)
Streetwise (Black Market) 2

(3 spent on Wyrd)
Resources 2 (6 XP)
Fast Reflexes 1
Striking Looks 2
Mantle: Spring 3 (1st dot free)

Fleeting Spring 2 (12 XP)
Eternal Spring 3
Hearth 2

Wyrd: 2
Glamour: 6/11
Size: 5
Speed: 10
Init. Mod: 8
Defence: 3
Armour: 0
Health: 8
Willpower: 5
Clarity: 7

Remaining XP: 1


So if we have to fight stuff I am not particularly good. I can help out a bit, but it's not really my thing. I can help others outside of combat using Contracts, and I can sidestep my social ineptitude in social situations by, when all else fails, rolling it - the system used is 1d10+dice pool, 8 succeeds, every +3 on the result from there adds another success, 1 always fails still, the exploding 10 means you roll again and add, so you could roll a "natural" 24 or whatever.

Any suggestions on ways I could build this character better, must-have things that I'm sorely missing out on etc?

Secondly, I'm tempted to join Mage. Now, I hate old Mage, because Paradox is stupid: I don't want to pretend to be a magical person who pretends not to be lest the Universe rapes her face, I could just cut out the middleman and play "Real Life" for that. I WANTS MY MAGIC DAMN YOU.

That being said, it's possible that's less of a focus in the LARP. I have a very simple idea: Bayonetta. I'd need to pad my chest out a bit, sure (if I get a bit smaller I'll be illegal in Australia), but I'd like that. Could someone who knows this shit basically make a character sheet (50 XP, as above) for me that more or less represents her?
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Post by Username17 »

Ugh. Looking over nWoD MET rules, the only thing I can say is "Why aren't they using oWoD MET Rules?" Old WoD Live Action Vampire was complete in one two hundred page book, your character fit on an index card, and nothing (including action resolution) required any props (not even RNGs like dice or cards). Grrr. nWoD MET requires 2 four hundred page books, a table for your character, and a pile of cards to shuffle and deal for action resolution. Double Grrrr.

But anyway, my experience with oWoD live action leads me to suggest: do not ever do live action changeling. If anyone ever touches you who plays live action changeling, disinfect yourself before touching any objects, up to and especially your own face. OWoD had people who got mechanical benefits for talking in baby talk and wearing furry ears and had "sexy powers". That is in no way an exaggeration. I predict nWoD will be no better. There is a type called "Beast" who are every bit as messed up on furry sex as the Pooka ever were.
Changeling the Lost, page 100 wrote:In truth, the Beast has taken her away and left a fake to die in her place. The Beast treats the girl well, certainly, but she cannot leave. One day, having lost all hope of escape, she agrees to become the Beast’s wife. There is no ceremony, only an agreement, a veil and a wedding night. And on that wedding night, she lays with him, and she becomes like him, a Beast, forever, her memory and thought washed away in the lood of sensation, the tyranny of the now.

The fairy stories have it that love’s irst kiss redeems everything. The Beast becomes a man. The Frog becomes a handsome prince. It’s a lie. The changelings who think of themselves as Beasts know it all too well. To kiss the Beast is to surrender yourself to sensuality and instinct. To love the Beast is to become like the Beast, lost to memory, self-control and ultimately consciousness. The animal is amoral. The animal is incapable of true thought.
There is seriously a rant about furry sex in the god damned character creation section!


Anyway, in Live Action Role Playing you rarely have to or get to make social tests. For all the game goes on about social this and social that, the fact is that tests of any kind break the "flow" of whatever you're doing and you can accomplish much more socially (except against NPCs) by simply talking and using actual insinuation. Your stats, therefore, are mostly there for combat and to activate sorcery powers that do not function in real life.

As such, it makes a lot of sense to just make a berserk combat monster character and sit back and use your real world talking skills to do stuff in game. As you might expect, about half the people will be doing that. Since you're not coming in on the ground floor of he game, and characters advance pretty damn fast in MET (and advance faster when the game is smaller, back before you joined, because bonus XP are divided amongst the participants), there are just an ass tonne of combat monsters that can breathe on you to kill you. And there's fuck all you can do about it.

So I suggest putting everything into Mental Stats and then having magic powers that other people do not. That's pretty much the only way your actual character abilities are going to matter for some time to come. If you grab a remote viewing power first thing, you'll actually be able to do something others can't. In Vampire MET, this would be handled by going Mekhet and starting with Auspex cranked up to Spirit's Touch in chargen.

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Post by Nicklance »

Pad that chest or the cops will taser you or something.
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Post by Koumei »

Hrm. So what you're saying, Frank, is that I should avoid the whole thing and instead continue to use the Internet as a substitute for friends? I mean, it's halfway worked for the last three years, and I bet it'll work better if I increase my codeine dosage.

As for meeting other girls (which was totally half the plan), I suppose I could try abduction or something up the codeine even more so that doesn't bother me either.

Yeah, as soon as I'm getting real money again, my plan is totally to leave Adelaide and go back to where I have friends, then flat-out ask some of my better-connected ones to introduce me, while drunk and thus less socially retarded, to breasts and the people behind them. But in the meantime, it looks like my options might actually be drugs or WoD Larp.

But from what you say, it seems the codeine option might actually be safer/healthier and less socially ostracising.
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Post by Username17 »

I wouldn't say that. Live Acton Vampire is panty peeler. While NWoD does its damndest to remove everything the slightest bit sexy or interesting from Vampirism, the fact is that no one actually plays that way. Vampire players do not actually make predator's taint checks.
Check for Predator's Taint
The fact is that Vampire is populated by emotionally insecure women who fantasize about dangerous and forbidden love affairs. That is a good thing. At least, as long as you are willing to accept that you're going to end up sleeping with some chick who wants you to slap her.

It's the other LARP games I can't figure out. Werewolf and Changeling are both seemingly dominated by furries. So I don't understand how there can be enough interest to support both. And Mage seems to be for hippies who want to talk about their acid trips and armchair philosophers who want to talk about their "deep insights" - these two groups cannot be easily distinguished.

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Post by Koumei »

Ah, so I should go into Vampire then? Cool. See, I'm bad at political stuff (if standard Vampire Larp shit even counts as actual political). I take stuff way too personally and feel all the sniping and backstabbing is at me as a player, and I'm a terrible liar.

However I could just go in as outright "I'm not here to make enemies" (using the 6-month "white lanyard" thing for PvP immunity), try to make friends OOC with my openness and non-aggression, and then effectively have people willing to cover me in that respect. And reap the OOC benefits while also having a possibly-enjoyable game.

And due to the law of vampires having to prey on women, Vampire probably is the best place to find fellow lesbites.

So... you suggest Mekhet -> Auspex -> Spirit's Touch, then? I can't remember who the Meercats Mekhet are, but I'm guessing they can all easily be sexy.
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Post by Username17 »

Vampire is the place to go for weird sex that is merely straight and/or gay. The other WoD branches devolve into sex which is to one way or another approved of by Pedobear (either because it is totally pedo or because people dress up in bear suits - or both).

OWoD has about a score of vampire types that can belong to about 7 major organizations and are expected to be part of one of about 10 clan organizations on top of that. It's really fucking complicated and horrendously redundant considering that both the Giovanni and the Church of Set are both "unaligned criminal organizations that keep to the shadows" and both the Gangrel and the Ravnos are "outdoorsy animalistic dudes." But you are playing nWoD, where everything got simplified before they complicated it up with about twenty million bloodlines and a space virus vampire cult.

In nWoD there are five vampire clans. They are:
  • Daeva: "I R SEXY!" They are "decadent" and "sexy" which basically means that in live action the clan is filled with people who are either total skanks or desperately unattractive. You will probably have meaningless sex with at least one member of Clan Daeva. The oWoD equivalent was Toreador (now a Daeva bloodline to confuse things), and I don't think I ever knew anyone who didn't have meaningless sex with at least one member of Clan Toreador. Do not be a member of this clan, because you will be surrounded by vapid and jealous skanks and all the meaningless sex will actually impact your character's advancement scheme.
  • Ventrue: "I R IN CHARGE!" They are "imperious" and "domineering" which means that the clan is full of people who want to be involved with some kind of power trip. Being a Ventrue is a great way to get involved in an S&M relationship whether you want to be a sub or a dom. Also, it's a good way to shoot to the top of any covenant, because you'll be hanging with people who made shooting to the top of a covenant an important part of chargen. Also you get Dominate, which is possibly the most ricockulous discipline printed in nWoD (it works like oWoD Dominate expect that the things more powerful than it - including the defenses against it - have been removed). Unfortunately, you will - as advertised - be asked to hang with power tripping assholes and be targeted for elimination by other power tripping assholes that think it is somehow rebellious or clever to attack Ventrue players.
  • Gangrel: "I R BEASTIAL!" They are "feral" and "animalistic." And I know what you're thinking: "Oh gawds: furries." But really, not so much. Actual Garou and Changelings have been around for a long time, so furries rarely settle for being feral Gangrel. The clan fills up with a weird mix of hippies, combat munchkins, and neo-pagans. Gangrel players just plain bathe less than members of other clans. Also, their disciplines suck. Like, super hard.
  • Nosferatu: "I R UGLY!" They are "secretive" and "antisocial." The Nosferatu disadvantage is that they are hideous and lose social challenges. So the clan fills up with people who don't want to make social challenges: information brokers, shy girls, and combat munchkins. Nosferatu players include women who will put out and be grateful, but may also be weirdly desperate and clingy. More importantly, their disciplines kind of blow, and their disadvantage comes with a lot of baggage and is one of the only drawbacks that actually comes up on a regular basis.
  • Mekhet: "I R MYSTERIOUS!" They are "secretive" and "insightful." The Mekhets have have the super secret power of "Auspex" that doesn't really do anything to anyone, but gives you a fuck tonne more information. Up to and including allowing you to see int he dark and spot people who have engaged in PVP. The nWoD equivalent of "send this to the lab" is "have a Mekhet look at this." This allows Mekhet to rise quickly to the rank of "trusted advisor" in basically any faction. Which is essentially the best rank, because it's the only one you can plausibly keep for more than a year without getting deposed or killed.
Now, nWoD mixes it up by having five covenants (actually more if you count bloodline organizations and crazy crap like the VII), and as a player character you will a member of one of them. And each of them actually only do one thing game mechanically, which is to provide a cost reduction when purchasing certain background merits (that may or may not do anything, depending on how the game is run) or allow access to one super secret discipline (that you may or may not even want, depending upon what bloodlines are available). Which one you want to join will by and large be based on social factors. That is, if more of your friends are Ordo Dracul, joining the Ordo Dracul is a good idea. I don't know the group and neither do you, so you're basically throwing darts in the dark here.
  • Invictus: It's based around Feudalism and the people higher in the organization pushing around people lower in the organization. You're going to be a new character, so you'll be at the bottom. Superficially, this seems like a bad covenant to join. However, if advancement is fast enough (as it is in games with a large amount of turnover), it can rapidly become a pretty sweet deal. Beyond that, if people are using the crazy shit out of the Invictus book, you can get access to some incredibly powerful feudal oathes. Declare allegiance to someone you were supposed to work for anyway and you get to have access to free stat raises and even discipline dots.
  • Carthians: It's based around social experimentation. They are actually supposed to have a different social organization in every city. So um... I can't help you.
  • Lancea: It's based around crazy Christianity. You can have a lot of fun with this by busting out really weird Christian heresies from around 300 AD and going nuts with them. But the general rule that Christians ruin everything usually holds. Most people in the Lancea are liable to be annoying godbots trying to compartmentalize the fact that they are playing a game about vampires fucking.
  • Circle: It's based around neo-paganism. Expect hippies to rant at you! Do not venture in!
  • Ordo Dracul: It's a philosophical organization where members are trying to attain the perfection of the Nietzschian Superman exemplified by Blade: having all of the strengths of a vampire and none of the weaknesses. Yes, really. There's some window dressing on it about Eastern European knightly orders and shit, but basically you're expounding upon powergaming as a philosophical ideal both in and out of game. It's very meta. And probably attracts exactly the kind of people you'd think it would.

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Post by Koumei »

Hahaha, thanks Frank. This is as funny as ever.
FrankTrollman wrote:But you are playing nWoD, where everything got simplified before they complicated it up with about twenty million bloodlines and a space virus vampire cult.
Yeah, I remember you mentioning that in aWoD thread. I especially remember the fucking space virus.
You will probably have meaningless sex with at least one member of Clan Daeva... and I don't think I ever knew anyone who didn't have meaningless sex with at least one member of Clan Toreador.
Haha, awesome.
Do not be a member of this clan, because you will be surrounded by vapid and jealous skanks and all the meaningless sex will actually impact your character's advancement scheme.
Noted. Wait... are you saying "You'll have so much meaningless sex it'll get in the way of the game"? I love the priorities there. "Goddamn sex, ruining my game."
Being a Ventrue is a great way to get involved in an S&M relationship whether you want to be a sub or a dom.
Also you get Dominate, which is possibly the most ricockulous discipline printed in nWoD (it works like oWoD Dominate expect that the things more powerful than it - including the defenses against it - have been removed).
Even more win. I liked using Dominate back in oWoD, and it's now better!
Unfortunately, you will - as advertised - be asked to hang with power tripping assholes and be targeted for elimination by other power tripping assholes that think it is somehow rebellious or clever to attack Ventrue players.
Significant drawbacks.
The clan fills up with a weird mix of hippies, combat munchkins, and neo-pagans.
Yeah, I know this was the case back in oWoD tabletop. Equal measures "Rawr! Animals are bears and shit, I'll be able to turn huge and rip people up!" and "Dude, I'm protecting nature and stuff, and, you know... hey, hand me the doritoes, I have the munchies". Along with the "We play too early. So I'm picking this. I can then be really fucking dumb and angry/violent." crowd.
This allows Mekhet to rise quickly to the rank of "trusted advisor" in basically any faction. Which is essentially the best rank, because it's the only one you can plausibly keep for more than a year without getting deposed or killed.
Duly noted. That does sound like a good idea. IIRC (and I probably don't), it covers the old Malkavians but tries to steer them away from "I'm going to act like a fucking retard! Because parodying serious mental illness with lolrandum is good roleplaying!"
I don't know the group and neither do you, so you're basically throwing darts in the dark here.
Yeah. Still, I'm sure I can swap a character out for a new one after the fact (or sit in on a session first and see what it's like).

Invictus does sound tempting, but I will admit the drawing factor was seeing that their sign is a big I with a skull in the middle. It reminds me of something, I just can't quite put my finger on it.

Dracul sounds hilarious as a concept though. But yeah, Mekhet Invictus could work. Now, to resist the temptation to get $5 cape and glow-in-the-dark fangs ("I vont to sock your blot!") or glitter so as to sparkle. I imagine they would actually try to kill me in a very serious way.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Put the glitter on, like warpaint. Football lines on your cheeks. Be all serious sam. It's also good makeup technique, since you're highlighting your cheeks, and prominent cheeks look good on humans. You get to make fun of shitty vampires, you get to wear warpaint/facepaint (so people know you're a serious rp'er, luls), and your using good makeup methods.

Wear as much dark as you can, and wear a very pale coloured article of clothing that's visible. A lavender vest, a sky blue scarf, a pink bandana, anything that is absolutely not emogoth black, leather or spikes.

Remember, you want to both fit in, and look like an individual. Dressing all in black is ok, but you're not going to have anyone ask you questions about your fancy, fancy, scarf, or your vest covered in random silver and gold 'symbols' you ripped off from M:tG cards.

I also highly reccomend leveraging OOC social ability to grant you IG power. Bribes work very well, as does flattery, and asking questions. People are dumb and like to talk at length about how awesome they are. Use that to your advantage, ask them how they got to be so awesome.

Seriously for bribes, I mean food. Bring some booze, snacks, drinks; whatever is appropriate, or you can afford. If you make it evil food, or 'appropriate' food, people tend to giggle on the inside and think you're clever. Shit, bring any food that you can explain as being something in game, and you're good to go. I brought a bag of fortune cookies to a 'medieval' larp and called them "Oracle Cookies", people love shit like that.
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Post by Username17 »

Koumei wrote: Wait... are you saying "You'll have so much meaningless sex it'll get in the way of the game"? I love the priorities there. "Goddamn sex, ruining my game."
It's way worse than that. If you're actually a member of clan Daeva, arguments about who slept with who will have legitimate political consequences. If you're a high ranking Ventrue, you're going to have some Daeva or another licking your twat from time to time and you'll be showering them with meaningless gifts such as hot coffee, public praise, or civic appointments. And the other Ventrue will roll their eyes, but they will understand. However, if you're actually a Daeva, you have to hear Megan's theory that Tara is a lying bitch because she said she was only going to be cheating on Steve with Mike. Drama Bomb. Don't go there.

But if you're outside that circle you can be all gentlemanly and shit. If any Daeva get all huffy with you about whether it constituted a betrayal for blah blah blah blah... you can just say "I don't engage in gossip about peoples' private lives. I suggest you don't either. Good evening maddam." And move along with your life.

In any case: Combat. Stay the fuck out of combat.

nWoD MET is basically based on the original Ars Magica system, which is amazing because that was writeen by Rein(Dot)Hagen before he became a Georgian scribe of state propaganda, or even made Vampire: The Masquerade. So seriously: interesting choice.

Here's how it works: You generate a number between 1 and 10. If you get a 1, you fail. If you get a 10 you get to draw again and add. If you get any other number, you add somewhere between one and three numbers that are normally between 1 and 5 to that number, and if you get a 10 or better, you succeed. Now, it's probably fairly obvious to you that anyone who gives a rat's ass about combat as a thing is going to have an attribute that is in the 4-5 range, a skill in the 4-5 range, a weapon in the 3-4 range, and a specialization in that weapon for another +2. So yes, you draw a card and 90% of the time you take a number that is 2-10 and add 15 and if you get a ten or more, you hit. So... you hit. Unless you "ace" in which case you automatically miss.

However, if your result exceeds 10 by enough, you do extra damage. You inflict 1 damage at 10+, 2 damage at 15+, 3 damage at 20+, and so on. Since everyone even modestly interested in killing people is going to be hitting literally 90% of the time, the only real question is how many damage will be done. For most combat interested people, the minimum is 2, and the maximum is 3 or 4 (barring a natural 10 that could theoretically go as high as 6, but never will because there is an otherwise superfluous rule that caps damage from an attack at the highest of your three bonuses, which is normally 4 or 5). All enemies have between 6 and 15 hit points, with the "over 10" crowd being limited to morons who invested in the Resilience Discipline.

What this means is that it is virtually inconceivable that anyone would ever get dropped in one attack, just as it is virtually inconceivable for anyone to stand after being attacked four times. The ganging up rules restrict you to attacking no more than 4 on 1, so from a practical standpoint, larger groups simply ace smaller groups and don't even take any casualties doing it.

And that's pretty much it. Except that the combat chapter itself is fifty two pages long and is completely filled with useless trivia. Did you know that you can strike to knock someone out? All you have to do is make an unarmed attack (so your modifier is right there weapon-less, so it's like 12), and then take another -3 penalty on top of that, and then do a number of damage points equal to their size (which is 5), then you can drop them in one blow! So um... if you can roll a 33 on a d10 + 12, you can knock a dude out. Also, this special attack does not work on vampires or werewolves, just to rub in how completely fucking pointless it is.

There are lots of modifiers. Holy shit there are lots of modifiers. But none of them matter, because at the core you're one of four people rolling a d10 + 15 and trying to get a 15+ to do two wound levels.

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Post by Sunwitch »

Just a passing note: You are seriously making WoD sound fun to play right here. Like not mechanically, but otherwise. For reasons including but not limited to the sex.
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Post by Prak »

yeah, seriously, you've got me considering looking for a vampire larp in my area...
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Post by Surgo »

You might want to reconsider if that's your reasoning because a large number of larps (I can't claim the majority because I don't have that data) don't involve mixing your character and your real life.
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Post by Username17 »

Surgo wrote:You might want to reconsider if that's your reasoning because a large number of larps (I can't claim the majority because I don't have that data) don't involve mixing your character and your real life.

While I admit there is an element of truth to that statement - certainly it's a big no-no to try to coerce sexual favors in real life from any of your fellow players - that's also completely unrelated to getting sex out f a vampire LARP. It's kind of like the SCA: if you can't get laid in the SCA, you'll never get laid at all.

Basically it works like this: your fellow Vampire LARPers are women who, for whatever reason, like to dress up like demonic prostitutes from a Jack Chick comic and then talk to total strangers about their rape fantasies. While there is no specific "initiate sexy time" ability, it seriously does not matter. Women in black leather spend the whole night dropping sexual innuendo and then you all meet up out of character in the wee hours of the morning for pancakes. Ending up at someone else's house is in no way "part of the game" - but it's also in no way unexpected.

And it is because of this that I draw a line between advocating Vampire LARP and Werewolf or Changeling LARP. Because people in Werewolf LARP spend all evening telling you about murder fantasies and dog sex fantasies. Changeling players basically spend all evening telling you about their child abuse fantasies. I'm sure you can get laid after either one of those, but I sure as hell don't want to.

But basically: yes. Vampire LARP is fun even though the mechanics are bad. And what's weird to me is that Vampire LARP had a serviceable rules-light system for oWoD and I have no idea why they decided to change it to a more complex and less functional system. Even grasping the argument that the nWoD LARP rules allow you to use the same character sheet as the table-top rules, I still don't get it. Using a simpler character sheet for Live Action Roleplay was a good thing.

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Post by violence in the media »

One of the compaints I recall hearing fairly frequently about the LARP system was that the actual mechanics relied too much on player ability. Now, that could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your perspective, but that would lead to situations where no one could beat Betty in an RPS challenge, whereas Billy would lose all the time.

I remember playing with one guy that, in years of playing, never realized that he almost always opened with Rock. Literally, nearly every time. In the rare occassion that he remembered that people have pointed this out and he decided to throw something else (which was an obvious process, if you were familiar with the guy), he would throw Paper. His character persisited on the basis that there was no point in killing him, because you were almost guaranteed to win any conflict he opposed you in. Letting his character gain more power just gave him the ability to occassionally win against new people, in the event that they actually had to compare numbers.

Anyway, he was constantly campaigning for some sort of RNG method, so I understand where the sentiment comes from.
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Post by Grek »

Question: Is being flat-chested illegal in Australia or something?
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Post by Koumei »

Yes, small breasts are now against the law.

And I don't like using RPS. With a simple RNG thing, it falls to numbers and chance, as opposed to reading your opponent and psychoanalysis. That strays too far into "use your real-world abilities" for me, and I feel if you're doing that you should go whole-hog and resolve combat with actual MMA pit-fighting. In this system, firearms would not exist, otherwise the final step in any in-game gunfight would invariably be "serve 20-life".

Well, I'll start looking through books and deciding whether I want to be an Auspex focused really useful person to have around, or a Dominate focused S&M queen, before getting a sheet together.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Koumei wrote:That strays too far into "use your real-world abilities" for me, and I feel if you're doing that you should go whole-hog and resolve combat with actual MMA pit-fighting. In this system, firearms would not exist, otherwise the final step in any in-game gunfight would invariably be "serve 20-life".
Paint ball guns might really improve Vampire LARPs. The paint would have to be red, of course.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Mount Flamethrower on rear
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Post by Username17 »

How small do breasts have to be before they count as pedophilia in Australia? I want to know if I count as a pedophile for dating a woman 7 years older than me.

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Post by Draco_Argentum »

Grek wrote:Question: Is being flat-chested illegal in Australia or something?
The news thread has the details a few pages back.

While we're at it, what fetish is Mage about?
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Post by Username17 »

Draco_Argentum wrote:
While we're at it, what fetish is Mage about?
The flippant answer is that Mage is about masturbation. Truly, I don't know of anyone who has ever parlayed Mage into foreplay. But that is because while all the other games are about pretending to be something primal that you are not, Mage is about solipsism. The basic premise is that you don't have to get held down by rules, man. And by rules I don't just mean that you can be a rebel and not go to class but also really stupid shit like you don't have to be constrained by volume being inversely proportional to pressure.

Mage is about making your ignorance and personal incredulity about science and rationalism into a virtue. In short: it is a power fantasy for people with a religious bent. No science, no problem. Now you'd think this would get you chicks in precisely the same way that Jesus Mickey from Something Positive gets chicks: by pretending to be a great philosopher and saying shit that sounds profound you can impress the gullible and maybe put your dick in someone's mouth. But I've never seen that paying off for anyone. Everyone is trying to be Manson or Koresh, with no one in the game lining up to be groupies.

Mage would probably work better as a way to get laid in a mixed WoD game. Being a guy who is a Rebel with Big Ideas would be more likely to land you in a sack if someone else in the room was a vapid skank who liked to watch other people make art.

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Post by Koumei »

FrankTrollman wrote:How small do breasts have to be before they count as pedophilia in Australia? I want to know if I count as a pedophile for dating a woman 7 years older than me.
Apparently A-cups are illegal, but B-cups are okay. So presumably it's a "less than a handful" rule.
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Post by Prak »

Koumei wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote:How small do breasts have to be before they count as pedophilia in Australia? I want to know if I count as a pedophile for dating a woman 7 years older than me.
Apparently A-cups are illegal, but B-cups are okay. So presumably it's a "less than a handful" rule.
Whose handful?
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Post by Username17 »

Mage is basically supposed to be like This.

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Post by Heath Robinson »

Prak_Anima wrote:
Koumei wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote:How small do breasts have to be before they count as pedophilia in Australia? I want to know if I count as a pedophile for dating a woman 7 years older than me.
Apparently A-cups are illegal, but B-cups are okay. So presumably it's a "less than a handful" rule.
Whose handful?
It seems to be precedented by some 2005 Act that bans apparent depictations of children instead of actual depictations, so to probably amounts to "whatever the classification board feels is appropriate that day". If the act had specified some kind of hard-and-fast limit there would've been a furore earlier, so that would imply that this is an internal policy change.
Face it. Today will be as bad a day as any other.
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