Pact Maker: A rough creation

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Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by virgil »

I was given an idea by someone awhile back, as to designing a class that has spells such as color spray that continue to scale, but only retain the ability to use them a number of times per day as a wizard, falling back to the ability of a fighter afterwards. Basically taking the mechanical difference between a 1st level wizard & fighter and maintaining that difference precisely rather than proportionally.

In that vein, I've designed this with the intent of being on-par with a rogue in power, while looking like a paladin/barbarian/duskblade. I can only hope I'm meeting this goal in having it be a contributing member to a party (unlike the fighter) without being overpowered (like the druid). Flavour-wise, I wanted to return to a more 'true' form of Vancian spellcasting than D&D currently uses; as the Dying Earth saga limited their actual spells per day to a handful, but were generally of such power that the mere threat of its could be sufficient.

Pact Maker
Flavour Text: There are creatures out there. Entities of immense power in the multiverse, whether they be a god, a vestige, a planar lord, or even an entity of the Far Realm. With the right mindset & knowledge of ancient rites that even they recognize & respect, they can be called, they can be flattered, and they can grant both favors & knowledge to those that please them.

Amongst the easiest of favors to ask for is knowledge of martial prowess. Mantras, runes, techniques, magical herbs of enhancement, & spells of might all work towards making the pact maker a warrior of some skill.

But this is nothing to the power of direct intervention, where the pact maker calls upon an entity directly for action to be taken. The confidence of its power and those who are aware of what the pact maker is capable of can mean the end of a fight with the mere threat of its use.

Hit Dice: d10
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion, arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha)
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4+Intelligence modifier) x 4
Skill Points at each additional level: 4+Intelligence modifier
Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Simple & Martial Weapons, all types of armor & shields (except tower)

Code: Select all

LV	BAB		Fort	Ref	Will	Special
01)	+1		+2	+0	+2	Spells, Mastery
02)	+2		+3	+0	+3	Patron's Blessing (1/day)
03)	+3		+3	+1	+3	Imbued Resilience (Intellect Fortress), Bonus Feat
04)	+4		+4	+1	+4	Mastery, Patron's Blessing (2/day), Trackless Step
05)	+5		+4	+1	+4	Imbued Resilience (Elemental Mastery)
06)	+6/+1		+5	+2	+5	Bonus Feat, Patron's Blessing (3/day)
07)	+7/+2		+5	+2	+5	Mastery, Forsaken Footsteps
08)	+8/+3		+6	+2	+6	Imbued Resilience (Mortal's Supremacy), Patron's Blessing (4/day)
09)	+9/+4		+6	+3	+6	Bonus Feat, Patron's Blessing (3/day)
10)	+10/+5		+7	+3	+7	Patron's Blessing (5/day), Mastery, Water Walking
11)	+11/+6/+1	+7	+3	+9	Imbued Resilience (Elemental Dominion), Patron's Boon
12)	+12/+7/+2	+8	+4	+8	Bonus Feat, Patron's Blessing (6/day)
13)	+13/+8/+3	+8	+4	+8	Arcanist's Bane, Mastery
14)	+14/+9/+4	+9	+4	+9	Patron's Blessing (7/day), Air Walk
15)	+15/+10/+5	+9	+5	+9	Bonus Feat
16)	+16/+11/+6/+1	+10	+5	+10	Patron's Blessing (8/day), Spell Mastery
17)	+17/+12/+7/+2	+10	+5	+10	Dimensional Stride
18)	+18/+13/+8/+3	+11	+6	+11	Bonus Feat, Patron's Blessing (9/day)
19)	+19/+14/+9/+4	+11	+6	+11	Mastery
20)	+20/+15/+10/+5	+12	+6	+12	Patron's Blessing (10/day)

Code: Select all

.      0   1st  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th
1st    3    0    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    —
2nd    3    0    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    —
3rd    3    —    0    —    —    —    —    —    —    —
4th    4    —    0    —    —    —    —    —    —    —
5th    4    —    —    1    —    —    —    —    —    —
6th    4    —    —    1    —    —    —    —    —    —
7th    5    —    —    —    1    —    —    —    —    —
8th    5    —    —    —    1    —    —    —    —    —
9th    5    —    —    —    —    2    —    —    —    —
10th   6    —    —    —    —    2    —    —    —    —
11th   6    —    —    —    —    —    2    —    —    —
12th   6    —    —    —    —    —    2    —    —    —
13th   7    —    —    —    —    —    —    3    —    —
13th   7    —    —    —    —    —    —    3    —    —
15th   7    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    3    —
16th   8    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    3    —
17th   8    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    4
18th   8    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    4
19th   9    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    4
20th   9    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    —    4
Class Abilities
Spells: A pact maker casts divine spells, which are drawn from the pact maker spell list. A pact maker must choose and prepare his spells in advance (see below).

To prepare or case a spell, a pact maker must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a pact maker's spell is 10 + the spell level + the pact maker's Charisma modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a pact maker can only cast a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on the above table. In addition, he receives bonus bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score.

He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by getting a good night's sleep and spending 1 hour meditating and communing with extraplanar entities for spells. A pact maker may prepare and cast any spell on the pact maker spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation.

As a reminder, the spells per day chart is not cumulative. With the level increase, the pact maker will lose the ability to cast spells of the lower spell levels as he gains access to the new spell level. For example, a 10th level pact maker can only memorize one 5th level spell, and additional spells per day from a high Charisma modifier only apply for level 5 spells (2 5th level spells with a Cha of 20+, 3 with a Cha of 28+, etc).

Pact Maker Spell List
0 Level: arcane mark, detect magic, ghost sound, prestidigitation, read magic
1st Level: burning hands, color spray, power word (pain)*, shocking grasp, silent image, sleep
2nd Level: acid arrow, blindness/deafness, cloud of bewilderment*, scorching ray, shadowspray*, ghoul touch, glitterdust, web
3rd Level: deep slumber, fireball, ice storm, lightning bolt, major image, mesmerizing glare*, shadow binding*, stinking cloud
4th Level: charm monster, cone of cold, evard's black tentacles, finger of agony*, phantasmal killer, solid fog, wall of fire
5th Level: baleful polymorph, cloudkill, friend to foe*, host monster, magic jar, symbol of pain, wall of force, wrack*
6th Level: acid fog, circle of death, endless slumber*, eyebite, flesh to stone, heartfreeze*, incendiary cloud, programmed image
7th Level: control weather, forcecage, evil glare*, finger of death, insanity, mass hold person, prismatic spray
8th Level: flensing*, irresistable dance, mass charm, maze, power word (stun), trap the soul, wrathful castigation*
9th Level: dominate monster, imprisonment, mass hold monster, reality maelstrom*, wail of the banshee
* - Non-PHB spells

Patron's Blessing: At 2nd level, the character makes a pact with a specific outer-planar patron, pledging alleigance to it and serving as a one of his chosen. Available patron lords are enigmatic entities that hold little interest in the realm of mortals, so rarely demanding anything from their chosen, seeming satisfied with flattery and a simple vow to prove their pledge.

The vow associated with the patron is simply a show of loyalty, and rarely has anything specific to the patron's vested interests. It is a taboo of behavior that the character must adhere in order to access his patron's blessing ability. Failure to follow the vow results in the character's inability to gain their patron's blessing for minimum of 24 hours, followed by an hour of prayer and supplication to appease their patron lord. Available taboos include, but are not limited to...
* Cannot eat meat
* Cannot own more than he can carry
* Must make a daily offering (such as food, flowers, or incense)
* Cannot bathe
* Cannot cut her hair
* Cannot touch a dead body
* Cannot drink alcohol
* Cannot wear a certain color
* Cannot light a fire
* Cannot sit facing in a certain direction

The patron's blessing can be called upon once per encounter, as a swift action. The character can call for an additional blessing one time per day every two class levels (2/day at 4th level, 3/day at 6th level, etc).

The exact benefits vary with the patron lord chosen, and all bonuses are sacred bonuses.
* Patron Alpha: +2 to save DCs of spells cast, +(Cha mod) to spell penetration, & gain alpha blast for (Cha mod) rounds
...Alpha Blast (Su): Close range, ranged touch attack, 1d6 force damage per caster level
* Patron Beta: +(Cha mod) to attack & damage for 3+(Cha mod) rounds
* Patron Gamma: +(Cha mod) to AC, saves, & 5*(Cha mod) temp HP for 5+2*(Cha mod) rounds
* Patron Delta: For (Cha mod) rounds, roll twice for any d20 roll and take the higher of the two.
* Patron Epsilon: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, Gain SR (8 + Caster Level + Cha mod) for 5+2*(Cha mod) rounds.
Editor's Note: I haven't come up with names or flavour for the patrons yet, and I need to come up with more.
Bonus Feat: Gained initially at 3rd level, and every 3rd level after that, a bonus feat for the character. These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats. A fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.
Mastery: At 1st level, and every three levels afterwards (4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, etc), the pact maker gains a bonus metamagic feat from the list below.

The pact maker must still meet all prerequisites for the bonus metamagic feat.
Trackless Step: Starting at 4th level, a pact maker leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. The pact maker has become something that the land no longer recognizes, and cannot deactivate this ability.
Imbued Resilience (Intellect Fortress): Available at 3rd level, and must be wearing a specially prepared set of masterwork (or better) armor, requiring 100gp of materials and an hour-long ritual to attune the character to the specific set of armor. At a later point in time, the character can choose to no longer be attuned to the armor and go through the ritual again with a different set.

Once attuned to the armor, the character can activate its ability as a full-round action while wearing the armor. Once activated, its protection lasts for 24 hours or taken off (whichever comes first). The effect must expire before it can be reactivated.

For as long as the ability is active, the character is protected from attempts at mental control as if under the effects of a protection from evil spell (with no other benefit as would be expected with the spell).

Imbued Resilience (Elemental Mastery): Gained at level 5, while under the effects of Imbued Resilience (Intellect Fortress), the character is bestowed energy resistance 10 against all energy types.
Forsaken Footsteps: Starting at 7th level, the pact maker is no longer impeded by natural terrain or undergrowth. The ground could be sandy, muddy, swampy, filled with natural thorns/briars and other overgrown elements; but the pact maker moves at normal speed and without other impairment. Areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion (including, but not limited to entangle, rock to mud, etc) still affect him.
Imbued Resilience (Mortal's Supremacy): Available at 8th level, while under the effects of Imbued Resilience (Intellect Fortress), the character is also warded against bodily contact from summoned creatures (as per protection from evil).
Water Walking: Starting at level 10, the character can cast water walk at will (as the spell) as a free action.
Imbued Resilience (Elemental Dominion): Gained at level 11, while under the effects of Imbued Resilience (Intellect Fortress), the the character is bestowed energy resistance 10 against all energy types. This replaces the Imbued Resilience (Elemental Mastery) ability.
Patron's Boon: Gained at level 11, the character's patron lord improves its blessing in order to maintain loyalty from the character. Choose one additional ability granted by another patron lord. When patron's blessing is activated, both benefits are imparted to the character.
Arcanist's Bane: Gained at 13th level, takes a full-round action to activate. Imbues a weapon with a single use of greater dispel magic (targetted version only), that is cast upon the first entity struck by the weapon. Caster level is equal to class level.
Air Walk: Gained at 14th level, the character can cast air walk at will (as the spell) as a free action.
Dimension Stride: Gained at 17th level, the character can cast dimension door at will (as the spell) as a move action.
Last edited by virgil on Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:26 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by Cynic »

Even though you seem to want to keep the spell list uber low, I think one use a day coupled with his "I am not that hitable plus I self-buff and have one to 4 spells I can cast a day" is underpowered.

ALso the skill list has no range of movement within it. For someone who relies on bits of magic and some decent fighting styles, it seems weird for the class not to have more skills.

I can see that a person with a decent int bonus will probably pick all the skills worth picking and leave out the craft, profession, heal, etc.. But I think there needs to be a few other skills in there. Otherwise, he's really a very meh character.
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by Koumei »

It does seem a bit weak, and the spell list really limited, as well as having so few daily uses of... anything, really, but on the other hand, it sounds quite cool.

Naturally, if you post it on WotC there'll be a shitstorm about it being broken.
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by Cynic »

You know, I've had a night to sleep on it and the more I think about it, the concept grows on me but the conceptualization is weak.

I don't think it's even necessary to have the character built past level 15.

That's the weird end game that's never done well or even needed. If that is the case, we have a guy with 3 spells a day at the high end.

If you really need to keep with the low spell list, I think his offensive capability as a melee character needs to be emphasized. Otherwise he's a really weak gish with low emphasis on the spellcasting and fighting power that is only there as a BAB. I'd suggest emphasizing that area of the class as well. Something simple as a bonus fighter feat as one of the intelligence fortress abilities?
Ancient History wrote:We were working on Street Magic, and Frank asked me if a houngan had run over my dog.
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by virgil »

How does the status of something that uses spells and fighting mean it needs a broad skill list? Besides, its skill list is about two longer than a paladin (and a really good skill is included, UMD), which was my decision to increase its skill points per level by two. I never heard of any complaints about how a paladin's skill list left no wiggle room in selection.

If the conceptualization grows on you despite being weak, consider this class like a cancer that spreads its power with time.

I've expanded the power of the patron's blessing ability, and I've made the imp servant equal to a wizard's familiar. For those in the know of the little tricks, it has been ruled that the share spells ability of a familiar works both ways, which means that the Pact Maker can benefit from the imp's invisibility ability.

I was using the paladin as a baseline for the character here, and all of the offensive capability the pact maker has is equal to or superior to any other offensive capability the paladin dishes out. I'd equate the patron's blessing to be on par with that of a barbarian's rage, if I had to guess.

Come to think of it, I should probably design a feat that gives additional patron's blessings per day, much like the feat that grants additional rages.

Edit: What exactly is the weak aspect of this class? I'm not wanting him to be as powerful as what a wizard/cleric can be, but something closer to a rogue.
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by virgil »

Altered some of the sample spells. I promise I'll get around to the patron lord details someday.
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by virgil »

Gave more blessings per day, gave shield proficieny, finalized a rough ability list for the spirit minion, added a little flavour text, and am still finding myself at a loss for what to abilities to give at 17th & 20th level.
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by virgil »

Added bonus fighter feats, one every third.

Oh, and I did post it on the WotC forum. All I really got were people saying they're going to get attacked by a mob because their class name sounds like Pact Magic, the name of the ability that binders get (from Tome of Magic).
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by Bigode »

I swear I had posted here already ...

What I'd say: "Gnome, it'll still suck in the rounds it's not casting. I like the idea a lot, but if it's intended to cast 1 spell/fight or even less, it needs to be A LOT better in spell-less combat."
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
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LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by virgil »

Ever so slight of a revamp...:D

Yes, you are fully expected to take the Sudden Metamagic feats and use them to their fullest.
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Re: Pact Maker: A rough creation

Post by Cynic »

Wow -- some huge changes.

I like it. Although I think you might be reaching a Tome style character now. Nothing wrong with that unless you are trying to sell the character to non-Tome players. I personally believe he really doesn't need high-level spells. But, I'd definitely play this guy. He's pretty damn nice.

My vote is we playtest this sometime. I'll play him (cough).
Ancient History wrote:We were working on Street Magic, and Frank asked me if a houngan had run over my dog.
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Post by virgil »

I'm going to be playtesting the Pact Maker tonight with a one-shot game (still need to come up with some decent encounters for the party). So keep an eye out for results on the morrow or really late tonight.

As a preliminary, making this a level 6 game is already showing something (32 point-buy). The class practically requires primary caster dedication in the casting stat to even cast spells because of the way I designed the spellcasting system (Cha 16 to cast even one spell). I'm wondering if it will create a cascade effect.

As for the Pact Maker player, he's making a charge build (Spirited Charge, Combat Brute, Power Attack), using a wand of reduce person for if a dungeon crawl starts and riding a dog to keep it up.
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Post by virgil »

Well, I ran a playtest for the class created above. It was level 6, 32 point buy, many books allowed. We had the following...

Human Pact Maker, non-metamagic feats towards a charge build
Dwarven Fighter, power attack/throw anything/TWF with armor spikes and greataxe/great cleave
Human Sorcerer, specialized in haste (Arcane Thesis), enlarge, & snake's swiftness
Jermalaine Druid, used greenbound summoning that was apparently errata'd to be a metamagic feat with +2 spell level (according to the player)
Human Ranger, used a feat to make his wolf animal companion as if he were a full druid (that improved bond feat thing) and otherwise the archer

They fought a bunch of orcs, ogres, ogre magi, dire wolves, air elementals, a stone giant, and an efreet.

The fighter mowed through most of the opposition (killed three orcs and two ogres because of one AoO), the druid gave terrific crowd control with wind wall & entangle, the ranger solo'd an ogre magi, and the sorcerer made pretty much everyone awesome. As for the pact maker's own performance, he gave an excellent opening with his one spell for the day (sculpted glitterdust w/Sudden Widen), and otherwise performed like any other charge-build fighter with a bit more survivability due to saves and energy resistance.

All in all, it felt like a success.

The only possible concern is that I think Patron Beta might be too good compared to the rest of the blessings.
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Post by Bigode »

Good news, Gnome. What I've to say is: first, what do you think about having some non-combat spells in the list? Second: I'm not sure beta's really the best - gamma looks like it; why'd I choose delta to gain the bonus for 1 round if gamma gives the same, and more, for long? I even understand both together later might be a winning combination, but when you can have only one ...
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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Post by virgil »

I'd prefer to avoid non-combat magic for the Pact Maker. This is the type of magic intended to crush and intimidate, and use those sufficiently cowed to actually do all the utility work for you.

But yes, the patron's blessings are annoyingly designed outside beta & gamma. I've modified the blessings, with a summary below...

* Patron Alpha: +2 to save DCs of spells cast, +(Cha mod) to spell penetration, & gain alpha blast for (Cha mod) rounds
...Alpha Blast (Su): Close range, ranged touch attack, 1d6 force damage per caster level
* Patron Beta: +(Cha mod) to attack & damage for 3+(Cha mod) rounds
* Patron Gamma: +(Cha mod) to AC, saves, & 5*(Cha mod) temp HP for 5+2*(Cha mod) rounds
* Patron Delta: For (Cha mod) rounds, roll twice for any d20 roll and take the higher of the two.
* Patron Epsilon: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, Gain SR (8 + Caster Level + Cha mod) for 5+2*(Cha mod) rounds.
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Post by Bigode »

Fair enough on the combat magic only theme, but then I'd suggest expanding the skill list (I can imagine other stuff going into it rather easily). And I think the patron beta's now the distinctly bad one - it may be that all others are equally desirable.
Hans Freyer, s.b.u.h. wrote:A manly, a bold tone prevails in history. He who has the grip has the booty.
Huston Smith wrote:Life gives us no view of the whole. We see only snatches here and there, (...)
brotherfrancis75 wrote:Perhaps you imagine that Ayn Rand is our friend? And the Mont Pelerin Society? No, those are but the more subtle versions of the Bolshevik Communist Revolution you imagine you reject. (...) FOX NEWS IS ALSO COMMUNIST!
LDSChristian wrote:True. I do wonder which is worse: killing so many people like Hitler did or denying Christ 3 times like Peter did.
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