Portal Mage [Tome of Planes]

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Portal Mage [Tome of Planes]

Post by Kaelik »

Portal Mage
"Sometimes you want things that are in one place to be in another place. I’m pretty good at that."

The Portal Mage just makes portals. Everything they do is a portal and they can do all the things that portals do. Since portal puzzles test your intellect and physics knowledge, this means their casting is Int based. Having a superiority complex where you think you are better then everyone else is optional.

Hit Die: d4
Base Attack Bonus: 1/2
Good Saving Throws: Good Will and Ref saves
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana, Planes, Geography, Dungeoneering), Listen (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Int), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
1:Person Sized Portals, Small Portals, Big Portals
2:Reactive Portals, Portal Sense
3:Portal to the Elemental Planes
4:Fast Big Portals
5:Portals to non Elemental Planes
6:Portal Physics
7:Previous Portals
8:Portal Shields
9:Improved Portal to Elemental Planes
10:Long Range Portals
11:Improved Portals to non Elemental Planes
13:Mega Portals
15:Separating Portals
16:Improved Portal Shields
18:Infinite Portals
20:Made of Portals

Proficiencies: A Portal Mage is proficient with all ranged weapons and also any object they try to attack someone with through a portal. They are also proficient with light armor and shields.

Person Sized Portals (Sp): A Portal Mage can have one person sized portal up at any time. The portal is defined as two locations that are now connected by the portal. Person sized portals are 5ft Radius circles. Once created, the portals stay up. If cast on a location they remain at that location, if affixed to a surface they follow the surface. At level 1 a Portal Mage can designate any two locations within Medium Range that they have line of sight and line of effect to represent the Portal. If this is created under someone they get a Ref save DC 10+1/2 level+Int Mod to quickly move out of the way so they don’t fall through if they don’t want to. Creatures too big to fall through instead must make a Ref save or be entangled by the Portal and have to take a move action to remove the entanglement before leaving the square.

If you attempt to redirect an attack with a Portal into a new target instead of just making it miss, you have to make an attack roll using your Portal Mage level instead of BAB, your Int Mod in place of any ability scores, and the magical bonuses of the striking surface.

An already existing portal that is placed on a surface that moves can move with the surface. It is suppressed by Antimagic field, but not dispelled and will still function if moved INTO an area that blocks extradimensional travel. Portals theoretically operate through the Astral like Teleport, so stuff that would block Teleport blocks Portals, except if you use the 40ft Rule it doesn’t because of the way Portal targeting works.

At level 10 this extends to Long Range.

Small Portals (Sp): A Portal Mage can create up to 5 small portals up at any time. These follow all the rules for Person Sized Portals except with the exceptions here. Small sized portals are 1ft Radius circles. A Portal Mage can make a Small Portal as a move action. Any creature adjacent to a Small Portal can make ranged or melee attacks as if they are located at the other end of the Portal.

At level 2 Small Portals can be done as Swift or Immediate Action as well as a Move Action.

Big Portals (Sp): A Portal Mage can have one Big Portal which is defined as a plane that is 10ft Tall and up to 5ft wide per Portal Mage Level. These follow the same rules as the Person Sized Portals except as specified here. This portal is a rectangle, and creating it takes 1 minute as it slowly opens. A Portal Mage can sacrifice 20ft of Width to make the Portal 5ft taller.

At level 4 these become a Standard Action to activate.

At level 13 these can instead be 60ft Tall and 20ft Wide per Portal Mage Level.

Portal Sense (Sp): At level 2 a Portal Mage can sense the distance and direction of any portal within 1 mile. This applies to all their portals, but also the Gate Spell, Teleport Circle Spell, and any portal to another plane.

Additionally, if a Portal Mage touches a portal then they know what plane it goes to and where on the plane including if a material to material plane.

Portal to the Elemental Planes (Sp): At level 3 a Portal Mage can choose as one of the locations of any of their portals any of the four elemental planes. This can be used to just generally go to a random location on those planes, or the Portal Mage can intuitively sense an over pressured area on that plane causing a blast of that element when created. Used in this second way it has an effect coming out of the portal as defined below.

Air: a 30ft line of Windstorm level winds as wide as the Portal for one round.

Earth: A rockslide comes out of the portal creating difficult terrain with a radius of 15ft + the portal’s radius or width in front of or below the portal. Any creatures in the area take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. The difficult terrain is permanent.

Fire: A blast of fire comes out in a cone with a length equal to the width or radius of the portal that does 1d6 fire damage per Portal Mage level, Ref for half.

Water: A high pressure water burst comes out as a cone with a length equal to the width or radius of the portal that forces a Fort Save. If failed it pushes the creature back and knocks them prone at the end of the movement.

This does not allow a Portal Mage who goes to those planes to make a plane back to the Material from there though, so you know, be careful.

At level 9 the Portal Mage can start doing Portal Physics Bullshit to portals to the Elemental Planes

Functionally this means they get four new things they can do:

Air: They can make Tornado Force winds come out for one round out to 60ft.

Earth: They can do the spell Bombardment (Druid 8, SpC version) but with the Radius of their Portal instead of 15ft.

Fire: They can concentrate the effect to fire a 1000ft Line 5ft wide that does 1d8 Fire damage per Portal Mage level no save.

Water: They can find the shittiest part of the plane of water to effectively cast Red Tide but as a 15ft Cone from the portal.

Portals to non Elemental Planes (Sp): A Level 5 Portal Mage can create a portal to the coterminous location on the Ethereal, Astral, or Shadow plane when they are on the Material Plane. This can be used to transport to those planes, though a Portal Mage cannot yet return to the material plane if on another plane with no open portals.

At level 11 they can pick any place in those planes for their Portal like they are doing Greater Planeshift, they can also do this for the Positive Energy Plane and the Negative Energy Plane.

Portal Physics (Sp): A level 6 Portal Mage can when making a portal, instead make a complex collection of hundreds of portals nanometers apart that change velocity in a specific way. This means they can make a portal that causes anything entering it to immediately reach terminal velocity, or safely slow it to zero. Technically both ends of this portal are in the same place for the purpose of a D&D grid, so this doesn’t happen when they make portals between two locations.

Terminal Velocity for a medium human in earth physics is 55 meters per second, which can throw someone 1012ft at a 45 degree angle with a 253ft max height or can throw someone 506ft straight up. In D&D, it takes 1 round to “fall” 300ft once it reaches terminal velocity and it falls 150ft on the first turn while accelerating, so you probably just want to simply this to “450ft” and have them go up 300ft the first round and up 150ft the second, and then fall back down in the reverse. Or you can throw them 250ft forward and 100ft up for two rounds and then 250ft forward and 100ft down for two rounds ending at 1000ft.

You will have to do your own physics if you are throwing someone off the top of a building.

This can also be used to fire an object at something making an attack roll using Portal Mage level for BAB and Int Mod in place of Dex to hit for 1d6 damage per Portal Mage level with the damage type as appropriate for the object fired. You don’t get to do Hulking Hurler calculations, sorry.

A velocity changing portal array counts as a single portal of the relevant size even though it is technically composed of a bunch of portals for the purpose of portal limits.

Previous Portals (Sp): At level 7 a Portal Mage can choose any location they’ve ever opened a Portal to as one end of any Portal they open. This means they can get back to the Material Plane assuming they’ve ever been there, and they can go back to the city to shop really easily. Also it means they can find a volcano and drop people into or pour lava all over the battlefield. D&D lava isn’t very dangerous to higher level enemies, so this isn’t actually that big a deal compared to what they were already doing, but you will occasionally just get to melt something that doesn’t have fire resistance if you find a volcano, so happy searching.

This is also the level where a Portal Mage can designate a location they don’t have line of sight or line of effect to, using specific distances from themselves usually, though also if they can see the location through glass or whatever, by sight.

Portal Shields (Sp): At level 8 a Portal Mage can make a Small Portal that orbits a specific person trying to intercept attacks. This functions like the Shield spell in that it gives a +4 shield bonus and automatically catches all magic missiles, but is slightly different in that you have to choose a specific other end of the Portal. Somewhere there’s going to be a bunch of arrows.

Unlike the Shield spell, the portals provide their bonus to AC against any kind of touch attack, since attacks that are intercepted do not touch you.

Probably best to assume that if a melee attack is blocked by this, it works mostly by an enemy seeing their attack will be captured and then canceling the attack so you don’t have to start asking questions about cutting weapons and tails and heads at level 15.

At level 16 the interception abilities of these portals increases substantially. The boring part of this effect is that the AC bonus increases to +8. The interesting part of this effect is that you get a bonus to any saving throw against Burst and Emanation effects equal to +8, and that any targeted Spell or SLA which targets you now requires a Ranged Touch Attack even if it didn’t before. This should also apply to supernatural effects that make sense. A rough approximation:

Supernatural Finger of Death, Supernatural Charm Person, and Supernatural Lightning Shocks: Yes
Gaze attacks of any kind, any spread breath weapon: No.

Separating Portals (Sp): At level 15 Portals cut things in their way. You can open Portals in the Middle of people to cut them apart. This is a Ref save or Die that effects objects, but doesn’t kill anything that plausibly doesn’t die from getting bisected. Also you can use it to cut a wall or castle in half. The edge of the cutting surface is infinitely sharp bullshit, so it probably cuts most thing, but it is blocked by Force Effects.

Infinite Portals (Sp): At level 18 a Portal Mage no longer has any limit on the amount of Portals they can have open of any kind except Shield Portals which they can only have 200 of.

Made of Portals (Sp): At level 20 a Portal Mage is now made of Portals, which means any physical attack against them just goes though them and comes out the other side with no effect on the Portal Mage. But you can still attack them with magical death effects and mind control. Also a Portal Mage has a Caster Level equal to their Portal Mage level +10, but if you dispel them, they stop existing for a 1d10 days and then reappear at full health at a random location they have created a portal at before.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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