Moonlight Bandit [Tome of Tombs]

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Moonlight Bandit [Tome of Tombs]

Post by Kaelik »

Moonlight Bandit
"I'm sure the moon was here a moment ago."

The Moonlight Bandit steals the spells right from between your fingers or your ears and then casts those spells. This theft is tied thematically to the moon and it's phases, so they progress through the phases of the moons in this theft and can cast the spells stolen. Funtionally this means if no one in your party can cast spells, and none of your enemies can, you are defaulting to a very limited skill set. Be warned. Also you are charismatic and you charm people when you aren't taking everything they have, and also sometimes while you are.

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Full
Good Saving Throws: All Good Saves
Skill Points: 8+Int
Class Skills: Appriaise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str). Knowledge (Arcana, Local, Nobility), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Cha), Sleight of Hand (Cha), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha)
1:Phases of the Moon, Stealing and Casting Spells
2:Reactive Theft
4:Surprising Night
6:Moons Light
8:Setting Moon
10:Waxing and Waning
12:All Under the Moon
14:Lunar Freedom
16:Light Theft
18:Life Theft

Proficiencies: A Moonlight Bandit is proficient with simple weapons, any kind of spell, and any kind of spell created weapon. Also they are proficient with the Kukri, Sap, Short Sword, Rapier, Scimitar, Ranseur, Whip, Bolas, and Net. A Moonlight Bandit is also proficient with Light Armors.

Phases of the Moon (Ex): A Moonlight Bandit is always in one phase of the moon. That determines how they can steal magic and what magical effects they can use. Stealing a Spell or Casting a Spell moves them to the next Phase. New->Crescent->Quarter->Gibbous->Full->Gibbous->Quarter->Crescent->New.

New: A Bandit in the New Moon can with a touch attack steal a Spell with a distinctive activation right out of the head of a creature (all spells and SLAs have this, Supernatural effects need an action to active and a discrete duration, including instantaneous or permanent). The New Moon stores the last two stolen effects for later use. In the New Moon, they can cast either New Moon Spell. To Facilitate this theft, when the touch attack hits, they can know any valid spell theft target, though this doesn't tell them whether someone is a Wizard or a Sorcerer, or any other information. They only gain this knowledge during the act of theft, so they have to take something to gain this knowledge.

New Moon theft is entirely covert in the stealing from their head part so much so they won't even remember they had that Spell to miss it. The theft from the head CAN be detected though with a Will Save, though the DC is equal to 10+the Bandit's Sleight of Hand modifier. Touching them to trigger the theft is as noticeable as it always would be and has to be on the "head" or approximation there of, so people might have some questions to ask.

Crescent: A Bandit in the Crescent Moon can as an Immediate action counterspell any Spell within medium range by making a Caster Level Check (Moonlight Bandit Class level as Caster level) against the Caster Level of the caster to Steal it. The Crescent Moon stores the last stolen Spell when in the Crescent Phase for later use. While in the Crescent Moon they can Cast the stored Crescent Moon Spell.

Quarter: A Bandit in the Quarter Moon can see all active magical effects in their line of sight as if under the effects of Greater Arcane Sight but with infinite range. They can Steal and Spell they can see with this effect as a Standard Action. The Quarter Moon stores the last stolen Spell when in the Quarter Phase for later use. In the Quarter Moon they can cast the Quarter Moon's Spell.

Gibbous: A Bandit in the Gibbous Moon can detect the activation of any supernatural ability or casting of any SLA or Spell within line of sight and identify it with an appropriate spellcraft check. They can counterspell any identified effect to Steal it as an Immediate action. The Gibbous Moon stores the last stolen Spell when in the Gibbous Phase and when in the Gibbous Moon the Bandit can Cast the Gibbous Spell.

Full: A Bandit in the Full Moon gains the detection abilities of the Quarter and Gibbous Moon and can steal a Spell using any of the methods of any other Phase. In the Full Moon, the Bandit can cast any Spell stored in any Phase. Spells stolen in the Full Moon are always stored in the Full Moon and can only be cast in the Full Moon. The Full Moon only stores the last stolen Spell while in the Full Moon Phase.

Stealing and Casting Spells (Sp): For the purpose of any Moonlight Bandit class features the term Spell means any Spell, Spell-Like-Ability, or Supernatural Ability with a discrete activation action and a clear duration, though that duration can be Permanent or Instantaneous. All such effects can be Stolen, Counterspelled, or otherwise affected by Moonlight Bandit class features as if they were Spells cast by a Wizard or whatever. When a Supernatural ability needs a spell level or caster level, the caster level is equal to the CR of the monster if it is a monster effect, or the class levels in the class that grants the effect. The Spell Level should be ½ the level of the class needed to create the effect (rounded down) or if a Monster, no higher then ½ the level of the Monster (rounded down), though it is reasonable to say certain supernatural abilities are not the highest level of the monster when it can be agreed.

Stolen: When a Spell is Stolen, it is stored for potential later use in the Bandit's Moon Phases, but additionally, it effects the spell or caster.

A spell stolen by the New Moon is taken from the knowledge of the caster until it is no longer stored in the Moon (which also happens when the Moonlight Bandit dies, in addition to other times it would), which means if it's an at will SLA it cannot be used as if the caster wasn't aware of that class feature or monster ability. For prepared casters they lose the prepared spell for that day. For Sorcerer's they lose the Spell Known until it returns. For Fixed List Casters it is no longer on their spell list until returned.

A Spell stolen by counterspelling is treated as cast and counterspelled, potentially using up a daily use, using up the action, and then not going off.

A Spell stolen by the Quarter Moon has it's ongoing effect ended as if the duration expired.

Casting: A Moonlight Bandit can only Cast spells with a spell level equal to half their Moonlight Bandit level, rounded up. They are cast with a Caster Level equal to the Moonlight Bandit's class level. The Moonlight Bandit's Charisma modifier is used as their casting stat for all effects and saving throws are always 10+1/2 Moonlight Bandit level+Cha mod.

All of these numbers can be modified by anything that could modify the numbers if the Moonlight Bandit was a Cleric. Moonlight bandit spells can be either Arcane or Divine chosen when the first level of Moonlight Bandit is taken, although if you have a crisis of faith you can change from Divine to Arcane later.

Reactive Theft (Su): If a spell hits a Bandit and it has a saving throw, and they make the saving throw, they can steal the spell as if counterspelled including preventing it from hitting any other targets. This stores in their current Phase and moves them to the next Phase as any other theft would.

Surprising Night (Su): Once per day, it can turn out that a Bandit is in a different Phase then they thought. As an immediate action they can change to whatever Phase they want. Note that because this is an immediate action, it may interfere with your ability to immediate action counterspell.

Moons Light (Su): A Moonlight Bandit controls the light of the Moon. This functionally gives them Darkvision 120ft, Low Light Vision, Blindsense 15ft, and they are treated as interacting with any visual illusion they can see.

Setting Moon (Su): Whenever the Moon Sets the Moonlight Bandit can appear anywhere they have ever been. This bypasses any teleport blocking effects or Dimensional Travel blocks, but can be blocked if there is no possible set of lines that can be drawn connecting the Moon to the location in question in which all of the lines do not have Line of Sight blocked. Note that if a Plane doesn't have a Moon, probably most places on that plane are protected, unless you have a very specific kind of portal open somewhere to a place with a Moon.

Waxing and Waning (Su): A Bandit can now designate any Spell stolen during a Crescent, Quarter, or Gibbous Moon as either “Waxing” or “Waning” and they can when appropriate Cast the last stolen Waxing or Waning Spell.

All Under the Moon (Su): A Moonlight Bandit can Steal a Spell with New Moon from anyone they ever have stolen from with New Moon before when in the New Moon. The victim is entitled to a Will Save DC 10+1/2 level+Cha Mod against the attempt and if they succeed they are immune to any theft using All Under the Moon for the next 24 hours.

Lunar Freedom (Su): A Bandit is always under the effects of Freedom of Movement. Additionally they can move in either direction along the Phases of the Moon, including potentially going Gibbous/Full/Gibbous/Full/Gibbous/Full as many times as they want.

Light Theft (Su): Any time a Bandit steals a Spell they can choose to cause a Fort Save DC 10+1/2 level+Cha Mod or else cause permanent blindness. This is healed by the second level spell Remove Blindness, like normal, but the Bandit specifically knows when it is healed by that or any other method.

Life Theft (Su): Any time a Bandit steals a Spell they can choose to cause a Fort Save DC 10+1/2 level+Cha Mod or else cause death. This is a [Death] effect.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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