[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by SGamerz »

Goblin 14, Waluigi 16. Goblin is at 4.
Goblin 9, Waluigi 18. Goblin is at 2.
Goblin 14, Waluigi 13. Luck test roll = 4 (Lucky). Waluigi is at 1.
Goblin 10, Waluigi 17. Goblin is killed.

Waluigi is right at death's doorstep, but somehow manages to continue.

You are walking through the land of the Flintskins, a primitive tribe which has survived for many centuries in these parts. A party of about twenty of these sturdy, pale-skinned hunters ambushes you. They are well-armed with spears and bows. Will you fight or not?
Do we want to fight with our STAMINA of 1?

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Waluigi
LUCK 8/11
Equipment: Sword, leather armour, King Jonthane's letter (number '88'), large phial of sallow-seed oil, a needle and some thread, tinderbox and flint, lodestone, lamp, Crescent Moon Key (number '112')
Provisions: 0 (only restores 3 STAMINA per meal for rest of the adventure)
Gold: 8
Boons: Magic Mushroom (x1)
Notes: Visit the City Guard station at room 56 next morning to check if the murderer has been arrested. 2 of the 3 half-giants (not named Otus) working for 'A' loathe each other, and their love of money and their hostility towards each other make them less loyal to 'A' personally (reference from section 312).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by Thaluikhain »

Half vote for not fighting.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Fight off twenty enemies with our Stamina of 1? I wish I knew what the alternative was, but regardless, I'm voting for it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Twenty hunters? My vote will be a hell no, as Waluigi will get slaughtered with only 1 Stamina.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by SGamerz »

They approach cautiously, glancing warily at your sheathed sword. You think to yourself that there must come a time when the odds will be in your favour, so you let them blindfold you, truss you up and haul you off to their village, some kilometres away. This cluster of about thirty huts occupies the end of a ravine which is accessible only through a narrow pass and so is easy to defend. As soon as you enter the village, your blindfold is removed and you are surrounded by a crowd of curious women and children. They chatter away in a nasal language you haven ever heard before. The men drag you to a stout pole in the middle of the village square and tie you to it. Although you are still fully equipped, you are very securely tied up. As day gives way to night, a large bonfire is lit near you. People disperse to their evening meals, leaving only two men to stand guard over you, and you see the elders of the village go off into a large hut near by. Will you take this opportunity to try lo escape or will you wait?
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Wait. We're securely tied up, our Stamina is still low and there are two of them.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to wait.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by Thaluikhain »

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by SGamerz »

An hour or more passes. Then a message comes from the elders' hut for you to be brought before them. The guards untie you. Your hands are numb from the tight ropes, so you decide not to try to fight your way free just yet.
Thankfully, we don't have lose any STAMINA for the numb hands. Death by sore hands would be an embarrassing if novel death for a hero.
You are taken into the elders' hut. The guards pin your hands roughly behind your back and hold a dagger to your throat while your belongings are searched. If they find an A-medallion among your possessions, turn to 400; otherwise, turn lo 105.
Yes, that was a reference to turn to section 400. As you can probably guess, no, this is not the good ending section in this book.
If you have among your possessions either a moon symbol or a sun symbol or both, turn to 180; otherwise, turn to 45.
We only have the moon, but fortunately for this occasion, 1 of the 2 is sufficient (although the fact that we clearly missed at least one quest token may not bode well).
This causes considerable consternation. The elders murmur and talk among themselves for a long Lime. If you were brought here affer trying to escape, turn to 46; if you stayed tied to the post, turn to 322.
Being patient or too injured to even consider trying to escape paid off!
The Flintskins don't quite know what to make of you; they are not servants of Evil and they sense that you aren't either. Luckily for you, the opinion prevails among the elders thal you must be on a mission against their arch-enemy, Arachnos. They solemnly present you with one of the tribe's most precious totems: it is a branch from an ancient ebony tree, about thirty centimetres long, with a silver hexagram protruding slightly from one end. The branch also has the number 158 inscribed on it (make a note of this). The Flintskins then escort you out of their safe gorge and see you on your way Add 1 LUCK point, then turn to 16.
While I don't doubt the totem is likely to come in useful at some point, right now I think Waluigi might have been happier to to receive some extra food from the Flintskins instead.
When there is no certainty about which way you should turn, how do you decide? Some crows are wheeling in the air in the distance to the east, so you head in that direction because at least something is happening there. It turns out that the crows are circling in anticipation of a feast - a feast of human flesh, which is the kind Khulian crows prefer. Standing at the rise of a low hill, you look down on a man slumped against a solitary, lightning-blasted tree. He is terribly wounded but is still alive. Where are his assailants? This could be a trap. Will you look for his attacker or go down straight away to see if you can help?
Once again, we're told that the PC goes in a certain direction because he doesn't have any better ideas for where to go or what to do next...

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Waluigi
LUCK 9/11
Equipment: Sword, leather armour, King Jonthane's letter (number '88'), large phial of sallow-seed oil, a needle and some thread, tinderbox and flint, lodestone, lamp, Crescent Moon Key (number '112'), Ebony Tree Branch with silver hexagram tip (number '158')
Provisions: 0 (only restores 3 STAMINA per meal for rest of the adventure)
Gold: 8
Boons: Magic Mushroom (x1)
Notes: Visit the City Guard station at room 56 next morning to check if the murderer has been arrested. 2 of the 3 half-giants (not named Otus) working for 'A' loathe each other, and their love of money and their hostility towards each other make them less loyal to 'A' personally (reference from section 312).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to see if Waluigi can help, as our hero is still in no shape to fight his attacker at all.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, try helping, and die right away anyway, I daresay.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, try helping him.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by SGamerz »

Unfortunately, the option wasn't so much about whether to help him, but whether to go to his help immediately before checking for possible ambush from whomever attacked him, so that we can be the ambusher instead of the ambushed...
You are about halfway down the slope when a savage Troll-Orc sprints out from cover and races down the hill towards you, a spear tucked under his arm, ready to impale you. If you have some sallow seed oil, turn to 328; otherwise, turn to 223.
...but fortunately, we do have an item that can foil the ambush!
Thinking quickly, you smash the phial of slippery oil on the ground in the Troll-Orc's path. He loses his footing and crashes heavily to the ground, where you dispatch him easily. Cross the oil off your Adventure Sheet, then turn to 181.
I'm not even sure what a Troll-Orc is supposed to be, especially since crossbreeds of Trolls and Orcs in Titan are called Doragars and were introduced by Robin Waterfield himself in Masks of Mayhem. Maybe it's an Orc who spends its time trolling others on the internet?

Either way, I'm sure we're all glad that we got to 1-shot this guy without a fight.

The man is still alive when you reach him. "It's you," he gasps. "King Jonthane sent me...new information...find...north of here..." He breathes his last. You leave his body for the crows: it is as clean a way to dispose of it as any other. You head north with your incomplete new information.
He didn't even bring any provisions for us to convenient loot off his corpse, so I guess it serves him right that we leave him to the crows! We can sympathize with hungry creatures more.

In the livid glow of a Deathmoor sunset, you come to an ancient door set in the hillside. Although it clearly originates in the lost civilization which once populated this land, you are certain that it is now the entrance to Arachnos' hide-out. You study in particular the three depressions in the door. If you have the three keys necessary to get in through the door, you can work out where to turn to next. Otherwise, you leave to look for another way in.
We only have 2 of the 3 keys, though so entry is denied to us...
You struggle on as best you can as deep night falls and the mists come down, but to no avail. Half-seen, half-recognized shapes loom, eerily glowing, out of the darkness, while fine moisture soaks you to the skin. The ghosts of Deathmoor lure you to your death over a cliff.
It's actually possible to find an alternate entry into Arachnos' lair without the 3 keys, but unfortunately, we did not come by that path.

Well, that puts poor starving Waluigi out of his misery, surprisingly not via STAMINA loss but via sudden death section. We do not have sufficient gold for another resurrection (and even if we do, finding the third key or an alternate entry point requires further rewind anyway, so we're essentially doomed anyway), so this is the end of this LP. I can't recall the last time one of mine had a premature end (but then I usually didn't set limits on the number of rewinds when I first started). This book doesn't feel interesting enough to warrant that many repeated replays, so maybe it's just as well...

This book turns out to have more lethal traps than I remember, even though there aren't many high-stats enemies. Thank you to everyone who played, and for your patience in persevering till this point. Since we didn't finish this one, I won't be doing the usual summary on missed content, just in case someone else wants to run a second take on this, although if you have any particular questions, I'd still answer them in "spoiler" text.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Mostly curious as to what questioning the baron would have gotten us, and if there was any more interesting things in his house.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by Thaluikhain »

Thanks for running this.

But yeah, this one didn't really grip me, wasn't even memorably weird.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

I can't think of any questions, since the book didn't really hold my attention. Thanks for hosting this.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by SGamerz »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:
Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:30 pm
Mostly curious as to what questioning the baron would have gotten us, and if there was any more interesting things in his house.
Questioning him doesn't reveal anything important that we won't learn later. It basically means that we learn the name of the villain earlier and get the exposition about Arachnos before we left Arion. We'd have gotten all that after meeting Otus anyway.

The only really useful thing to get out of the visit to the Baron's house is the info about the 3 half-giants. It gives us a chance to turn the other 2 on each other later instead of having to fight all 3.

The clue that we only have a 1 in 6 chance of finding is a diagram. It seems like some key to a code (according to the book), although the picture may also be interpreted as some sort of map. I admit I actually never solved it, but it's not essential to winning the book (would have been too damn unfair if it were considering how hard it is to find).

You can take a look yourself (I won't embed the pic since I can't hide it in spoiler tag):

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 55 - Deathmoor

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Thank you for running this, SGamerz. It's a pity that this was the end result for our hero.
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