[Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to go east.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Map Segment 414.PNG
Map Segment 414.PNG (14.9 KiB) Viewed 2506 times
You move into this large cavern mostly filled by a pool. Over it are carved many runes.
Inscription 19.PNG
Inscription 19.PNG (7.57 KiB) Viewed 2506 times
The air is warmer here than in the hallway. The walls are carved into the shape of pillars capped by five-starred crowns set with real gems. They are out of your reach. Numerous benches line the walls.

Drink from the pool?
Toss a spike into the pool?
Go back west and north?

Character Sheet: Goin Cleftfist
Level 7 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Dexterity 16 (-2 Armor Class bonus)
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 2 (chain and shield, Dexterity bonus)
Main weapon: Hammer of Vitroin. Will hit a -6 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 4
Hit Points: 35/35
Alignment: Neutral
Inventory: 1500-gold-piece platinum headband (worn), 1000-gold-piece silver helmet (worn over the headband), filthy bearclaw necklace (worn), wolf's head ring (worn), ring of regeneration (worn), +1 mithril dagger "Sting," shield, Backpack, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, 3 large sacks, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, four bags of assorted gems worth 2,100 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, cleaver, kitchen knife, 6000-gold-piece ruby heart, partially completed crown (500 gold), diamond bracelet (1000 gold), 2 turquoise gems (20 gold each), 3 gold ingots (400 gold each), beautiful gaming pieces (50 gold), 150-gold-piece silver mesh bag holding 1000-gold-piece ruby ring, potion of fire resistance, 2 nonmagical warhammers, locket, top, 2 500-gold-piece rings which detect secret doors, phial labeled "healing", silver key, smelling salts, Hammer of Vitroin: warhammer + 1, +3 vs. wyrms; Int 9; Ch 12; Alignment Chaotic; can heal 2-7 damage three times per day (three remaining); +2 to all saving throws while fighting wyrms
Coinage: 50 platinum, 605 gold, 85 electrum, 669 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Victory Boxes: 26
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

THE GREAT DEEP is the inscription.

I vote to speak Chalcidar's name, tossing an iron spike, and drinking the water in that order.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

Speaking Chalcidar's name does nothing.

You take a spike out of your pack and toss it into the pool. It vanishes into the depths. You wait a moment, but nothing happens.

However, before you can drink some of the water...

You wipe the sweat from your brow as you notice that the room is growing much hotter. The water at your feet begins to boil and glow red. Steam rises from it. The pool explodes in a geyser of steam, water, and fire. A huge mouth atop a long, bloated body shoots into the air, then lands half on rock, half in water. Its evil eyes turn and fasten on you. Its huge mouth opens. Heat pours out. The room wavers in the steam. A red-hot throat and heart lie behind those cruel teeth. The fyrsnaca lunges toward you, chewing through the rock at your feet, ready to swallow you in one bite.

You automatically drink the Potion of Fire Resistance, since you have no conceivable reason not to; even if you die, to retrieve your possessions, another dwarf would need to defeat the fyrsnaca. Then you have to make a decision quickly.

Chalcidar has given you advice on how to deal with the fyrsnaca. You do have the heart of Heir's Arm; it is too large for you to hold it while also holding the Hammer of Vitroin and your shield.

Follow Chalcidar's advice?
Prepare to battle the monster conventionally?

Character Sheet: Goin Cleftfist
Level 7 Dwarf
Gender: Male
Strength 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Dexterity 16 (-2 Armor Class bonus)
Constitution 13 (+1 to each hit die)
Charisma 9
Armor Class: 2 (chain and shield, Dexterity bonus)
Main weapon: Hammer of Vitroin. Will hit a -6 AC on a 20, will hit a 10 AC on a 4
Hit Points: 35/35
Alignment: Neutral
Inventory: 1500-gold-piece platinum headband (worn), 1000-gold-piece silver helmet (worn over the headband), filthy bearclaw necklace (worn), wolf's head ring (worn), ring of regeneration (worn), +1 mithril dagger "Sting," shield, Backpack, Large Sack, opal-studded dagger sheath worth 110 gold, dagger, dice, bell, Backpack, Tinderbox, Iron Spikes, 3 large sacks, phial of red liquid labeled "Poison for sword," three ~50-gold-piece figurines, four bags of assorted gems worth 2,100 gp total, 2500-gold-piece emerald necklace, 500-gp pearl, cleaver, kitchen knife, 6000-gold-piece ruby heart, partially completed crown (500 gold), diamond bracelet (1000 gold), 2 turquoise gems (20 gold each), 3 gold ingots (400 gold each), beautiful gaming pieces (50 gold), 150-gold-piece silver mesh bag holding 1000-gold-piece ruby ring, 2 nonmagical warhammers, locket, top, 2 500-gold-piece rings which detect secret doors, phial labeled "healing", silver key, smelling salts, Hammer of Vitroin: warhammer + 1, +3 vs. wyrms; Int 9; Ch 12; Alignment Chaotic; can heal 2-7 damage three times per day (three remaining); +2 to all saving throws while fighting wyrms
Coinage: 50 platinum, 605 gold, 85 electrum, 669 silver, 20 copper
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold
Detection of Traps and Stone Construction
Saving Throws:
Poison or Death Ray 4 (must roll a 4 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Magic Wands 5 (must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Paralysis or Petrification 6 (must roll a 6 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Dragon Breath 7 (must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
Rod, Staff, or Spell 8 (must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 to succeed)
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Thaluikhain »

Follow advice.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote to follow Chalcidar's advice.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

The gaping throat and sharp teeth of the fyrsnaca loom over you. "Chalcidar!" you shout as you hurl the great ruby at the firesnake's maw.

Make a Dexterity check; an 18 fails.

To your horror, the great ruby misses the fyrsnaca's mouth, bounces off her horny head, and rolls into a corner. You must retrieve it, but have no time, for the foul serpent lunges at you. You must fight the fyrsnaca. Something special will happen if you hit; if you roll an 18-20; if the fyrsnaca rolls a 20; if her hit points fall below 25; if her hit points fall below 10; or if your hit points fall below 10. There is a 1/3 chance the fyrsnaca will breathe fire each round. You cannot retreat and she will not retreat.

Fyrsnaca: AC 5; HD 10*; hp 70; MV 60'(20'); #AT 1 bite or 1 breath; D 1-8 or 2-12; ML 12; AL C

Goin Cleftfist wins initiative and rolls a 20, hitting for 8 damage.

The foul serpent lunges at you. At the last second, you leap aside, striking at the huge eye beside you. The beast roars in pain, biting at the ceiling, raining rock down into the pool. You take advantage of its confusion and strike a hearty blow at her chest, causing an additional (1d8) 4 points of damage. The fyrsnaca breathes fire, filling the room with the red light of her agony. The fyrsnaca is confused, and you automatically gain the initiative in the following rounds.

You leap for the ruby, pick it up, and hurl it again. Make a Dexterity check; a 2 succeeds.

The ruby disappears down the fyrsnaca's gaping maw. Thousands of sharp teeth suddenly tear at you. You block with your shield but it is ripped from your arm. It too disappears down the fyrsnaca's hungry throat. Chalcidar lied! You retreat, trying to gain time to prepare your weapon and rest your numbed arm. Suddenly, the fyrsnaca bellows in pain. You see the beast enveloped in flames! Shining through the creature's throat, you see the ruby. Heir's Arm is burning the monster with its own fire! Suddenly, the great thrashing snake smashes into a wall supporting the roof of this cavern, crushing the wall into rubble. The fyrsnaca lunges at you one more time, narrowly missing, but smashing the stone at your feet into dust. The cavern begins to collapse.

Make a Dexterity check; an 8 succeeds.

You nearly slip into the newly-formed hole at your feet, but jump aside, falling to the floor. The fyrsnaca continues to thrash about, pummeling the cavern stone into dust. Enormous boulders crash down about you, and you flee.

With its last convulsions, the fyrsnaca tears down the remaining stone. The cavern collapses as you flee, rock and dust falling on your heels. Nothing remains of the cavern; the fyrsnaca is destroyed!

Slowly you return to the Great Hall where the Heir's stone shines brightly from its lofty perch. At the pillar's base, you lay the Hammer of Vitroin. You then pass through the front gates, mount your pony, and ride to Nimron's glen.

Nimron did send you to kill the fyrsnaca.

Nimron is in the glen with a great many dwarves. They all greet you as a great hero and help you down from your horse, bringing you food, drink, and fresh raiment. But you are tired and signal them away. You wish to speak privately with Grona and Nimron first.

From your pack, you take out the private mementos you brought back for Nimron and Grona. A tear runs down Nimron's cheek as he embraces you. "My friend," he says, "I would you were my child." Grona too, looks at you with deep gratitude.

"I have wandered long," you say. "I know I am not part of your Clan, but I would make Paradise my home. I long to see it in its former glory."

You have received the Heir's Dream.

"You have not told all," Nimron says. "You have seen far more than you speak. You have touched the Heart of the Stone."

"Yes," you say. You climbed the pillar and touched the Heir's Stone in the Great Hall of Thunderdelve. There you fell and dreamed a dream of fire, of cleansing, of Paradise purged and redeemed.

"You have received the Heir's Dream. All you have done has been by right," Nimron says. "It was your right to wield the hammer, to confront the fyrsnaca, for Thunderdelve is yours and all within it, too."

"How think you Heir's Stone came by its name?" he asks. "Its purpose it to choose the heir of Thunderdelve should a Clanmaster be childless. And I was childless, heirless, until you received the Heir's Dream. Now you are my child. You are the chosen heir of Paradise. All is yours."

You stand dumb-founded while Nimron calls to the other dwarves. "Friends, greet more than a brave warrior when you greet this, my child. Greet here the Heir of Thunderdelve, receiver of the Dream!"

And there it is, what would, if this was a JRPG, be called the True Ending. I'll post the other two possible endings, as well as your final score, shortly. In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Beroli »

The end-section of the game, with transparency:
Slowly you return to the Great Hall where the Heir's stone shines brightly from its lofty perch. At the pillar's base, you lay the Hammer of Vitroin (if you have it). You then pass through the front gates, mount your pony, and ride to Nimron's glen.
Check: Did Nimron ask you to kill the fyrsnaca? If not:
Nimron stands in the glen with many dwarves, his hand raised in the air. All is silent. Something is wrong. Nimron lets his arm fall and a net falls over you, sweeping you off your pony and onto the ground. You struggle to stand but cannot. Many dwarves surround you, disarm you, and help you struggle to your feet. "What have I done?" you shout. "I have slain the Fyrsnaca."

Nimron speaks, "By so doing you have betrayed us. You were sent to aid Grona Marblefist, not to usurp her place of honor, but to succor her in her hour of need."

Quickly you recount all that has befallen you. You tell of your struggles and of your victories. And you tell of your triumph over the fyrsnaca.

Nimron approaches and stares deeply into your eyes, searching for an answer.
Check: Did you receive the Heir's Dream? If yes, you go from here to the True Ending, the line beginning with "You have not told all." If no, you get the Bad Ending:
"I warned you not to attempt more than you were asked. And I warned you that much, including your own life, depended on your obedience. Now," says Nimron, "let your fate be on your own head." He spins and walks away. Many dwarves fall on you, stripping you of your treasure, armor, and weapons. They leave you standing in your shirt, chill in the evening air.

"Do not hasten to return," says Nimron. "Paradise will not hold a welcome for you."

You turn and ride off, pausing only long enough to pick up a cache of half of your treasure you had been smart enough to hide when you first came out of Thunderdelve. You ride on, ready to spend your new wealth at first chance.
If you killed the fyrsnaca when asked but did not receive the Heir's Dream, all is as it was in the True Ending (the paragraph about giving Nimron and Grona private mementos is only there if you did bring out private mementos for them) up until you ask to stay, then Nimron's response is:
"I accept your devotion," says Nimron, "but I must reject your offer. We are a Clan, not a family. It is to shame we return, not glory. For it is ever to our shame that by your glory alone has Paradise been redeemed. We are grateful for all you have done, but we must labor in privacy in order to redeem our own past."

"I think it best if I leave now and let you hasten to your work. The sooner you do, the sooner your shame will be redeemed. You forget I have seen Paradise, and you have far to go before you attain it." You spur your pony to the edge of the glen. "I will return," you call back, then dig in your heels and ride away, an unwanted saviour in a thankless land.
Final score:
13766 from treasure
2600 from victory record boxes
-1500 for Delfi's poisoning
-2500 for Nanli's death at Redface's hands
-2500 for Darow's death at the vapor ghouls' extremities
Final total: 9866, for a rank of Amateur.

As you may have noticed, each character did have a distinct weakness: Delfi would have had a much harder time throwing the heart of Heir's Arm down the fyrsnaca's throat than Goin did, and while none of the pregenerated characters was theoretically unable to resist the Hammer of Vitroin's control, Darow needed to be completely uninjured to do so.

The "Poison for sword" bottle was actually a potion of heroism. If you put it on an edged weapon, the module tells you to mark this on your Event Record, then never checks for it.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by Thaluikhain »

Thanks for running this.

I soon lost track of what we were doing and why, and the end seemed to come out of nowhere. That could just be me, though.
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Re: [Let's Play] D&D Solo Module XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Thank you for running this, Beroli.
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