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[5e] [ClockWorks] Class: The Templar

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:41 am
by GnomeWorks
To give folks some greater context and see what I mean when I say that I want classes that are the same role but from different beams to feel different, I figured I'd throw the time tank out here.

This one has the quanta (time's spell-equivalents) list at the end, but as no one is currently playing a time class, I don't have any written up.

The templar's casting progression is currently messed up, I wrote this before I had the progressions finalized, so it will need some adjusting in that regard.

...also, looks like the Copenhagen Manifold's 15th level ability is redundant with the core 10th level midstone. That's unfortunate, I'll need to adjust that, as well.