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Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 2:15 am
by DenizenKane
You are all full of shit. The coronavirus is 100% a media psyop hoax. They're just taking flu statistics and moving them over to "covid". They've got the whole world fooled. Trump knows, he just wont play into their hand, they want him to go to war with China over a fairy tale. They, just like most of you fools, can't stand that Trump is winning harder than ever. They'll do anything to get him out of office because they are ALL going to prison. You can think I'm a crazy right wing idiot, but I'm 100% correct.

See you in a year when this post ages like fine wine.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 2:26 am
by Whatever
In case anyone was wondering "how many dead bodies does it take before far right extremists give up their conspiracy theories?" we already know that the answer is more than six million.

Will COVID-19 give us a new high water mark? I certainly hope not, but like the corpses piling up in the streets of Guayaquil, remains to be seen.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 2:53 am
by Kaelik
I have now decided to believe that Denizen Kane is a secret Frank Trollman sock account that posted that just so I would hate someone who posts on this forum more than Frank.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 3:17 am
by Mord
DenizenKane wrote:You are all full of shit. The coronavirus is 100% a media psyop hoax. They're just taking flu statistics and moving them over to "covid". They've got the whole world fooled. Trump knows, he just wont play into their hand, they want him to go to war with China over a fairy tale. They, just like most of you fools, can't stand that Trump is winning harder than ever. They'll do anything to get him out of office because they are ALL going to prison. You can think I'm a crazy right wing idiot, but I'm 100% correct.

See you in a year when this post ages like fine wine.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 3:22 am
by Thaluikhain
Was considering posting that (Well, the "not sure if stupid or just trolling" one), but I'm leaning towards trolling.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:01 am
by The Adventurer's Almanac
The... entire media is going to prison?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:03 am
by Kaelik
Thaluikhain wrote:Was considering posting that (Well, the "not sure if stupid or just trolling" one), but I'm leaning towards trolling.
I think we've reached the part of the internet's life where if this was trolling it should still be recognized as deliberately causing harm to people for basically no gain and the person doing it should be condemned.

But also, I have absolutely no faith that anything will not be the worst possible thing anymore, so I think it is probably real.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:09 am
by Hicks
I have a better idea, DenizenKane can go fuck himself. Millions are afflicted, hundreds of thousands are dead. Even with all the underreporting America has 1/3 of all confirmed cases and 1/4 of all the death toll on the entire fucking planet, and it is going to get exponentially worse. If DenizenKane is a red hatted nazi? Fuck'em. If his post was some sort of jokey troll? Fuck'em. More than two hundred thousand people have died by drowning in their own melting lungs.


In the strongest possible sense: go to hell.


Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:33 am
by Whipstitch
DenizenKane wrote: Trump knows, he just wont play into their hand, they want him to go to war with China over a fairy tale.
I can't wait to hear how this is compatible with Trump publicly affirming he has a high degree of confidence in the "It came from a Chinese lab" theory.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:48 am
by Kaelik
Whipstitch wrote:
DenizenKane wrote: Trump knows, he just wont play into their hand, they want him to go to war with China over a fairy tale.
I can't wait to hear how this is compatible with Trump publicly affirming he has a high degree of confidence in the "It came from a Chinese lab" theory.
As someone who listens to knowledge fight which covers all of alex jones I can answer that.

"He just wont play into their hands" means that if he said there was no virus they would pin the flu deaths on him and call him a murderer and/or release the real virus they are keeping around to really kill people and blame it on him. So he has to pretend a virus exists while also saying we should stop social distancing and not get vaccines which are part of Bill Gates plan to use the virus to install tracking nano bots and/or make people compliant and unable to resist.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 8:50 pm
by Iduno
Maj wrote:I'm sorry. I wasn't clear. Americans are remarkably complacent when it comes to dealing with bad treatment. Paying $2.13 for a tipped wage. Lack of basic health care. Undermining unions and forcing people into the gig economy. That doesn't touch repealing EPA protections. Or the erosion of voting rights. Or... Or... Or...

We aren't outraged enough. COVID-19 is showing us all our weak spots. It's clearly shouting that we value profits over people. It's the revolution (proverbially speaking, not literally) that we won't actually throw for ourselves.
Yeah, we really do put up with too much, until it's too late, then we just say why it's okay that things have gotten this far.

OgreBattle wrote:it seems like a lot of the techniques used by slave owners to keep slaves pacified are the cornerstone of politics in the US today
We live in feudal times, so that makes sense. Hopefully the grace of the corporations we back will protect us from the outsiders. /s

Maj wrote:Wearing a mask at the store is now a fucking political statement. Someone actually said to me that it wasn't going to protect me, so I shouldn't bother wearing one. When I responded, "I don't wear it to protect me. I wear it to protect you," they just shut up.
A high enough percentage of people are asymptomatic to make wearing masks a good idea if you're anywhere near people. I know I've been around enough people that I've probably been exposed. Protection is good.

Thaluikhain wrote:Was considering posting that (Well, the "not sure if stupid or just trolling" one), but I'm leaning towards trolling.
Why not both?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 9:11 pm
by Username17
Whipstitch wrote:
DenizenKane wrote: Trump knows, he just wont play into their hand, they want him to go to war with China over a fairy tale.
I can't wait to hear how this is compatible with Trump publicly affirming he has a high degree of confidence in the "It came from a Chinese lab" theory.
The sheer incompatibility of the right wing talking points is something that has often been very puzzling to me. Like, obviously the virus can't be both no big deal and a bioweapon from China. But also, the logical impossibility of the claims individually. Like, did Italy shut down their entire society to make Trump's re-election bid more difficult?

The Chinese lab story is one which I definitely find puzzling though. If the virus was in a bat and that bat's virus jumped to a human in a lab or a wet market or just while someone was walking down the street, it doesn't actually matter. The presumption would be that the virus has some bat reservoir somewhere in the wild, because wet markets and labs still capture bats from the wild. All that means is that without a vaccine we are very likely to get re-infected in the near future because the virus is just out there on bats that notoriously ignore curfew rules.

But back to DK's insane rant: I think the simple impossibility of his talking points is the point. The purpose isn't to make a logical argument compatible with observable data, the purpose is to make a set of beliefs that is illogical and incompatible with evidence. That way the true believers can simply reject any and all facts they come across as being incompatible with dogma.


Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 12:24 am
by DenizenKane
Is it so hard to believe that the same people who said the virus was harmless, then was going to kill 2 million americans, and then 60,000 americans could be lying about fucking ALL of it?

You think Trump doesn't understand propaganda and information warfare?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 12:52 am
by Grek
I think we should carefully consider the possibility that DenizenKane has had their account hacked. I see no other reason for someone to go from posting nothing but dumb questions about dicepool math to being a right wing parody account.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 1:14 am
by Kaelik
DenizenKane wrote:Is it so hard to believe that the same people who said the virus was harmless, then was going to kill 2 million americans, and then 60,000 americans could be lying about fucking ALL of it?

You think Trump doesn't understand propaganda and information warfare?
Every part of this is hilarious if you listen to knowledge fight because the only people saying all those numbers were Alex Jones and his variety of right wing fringe figures (And also Trump said two of the three numbers, but never said 2 million).

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 1:43 am
by Shiritai
Grek wrote:I think we should carefully consider the possibility that DenizenKane has had their account hacked. I see no other reason for someone to go from posting nothing but dumb questions about dicepool math to being a right wing parody account.
And you know who has both the resources and the dedication to logical consistency necessary to do such a thing? Mike Pompeo.


Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 2:18 am
by DenizenKane
Kaelik wrote:
DenizenKane wrote:Is it so hard to believe that the same people who said the virus was harmless, then was going to kill 2 million americans, and then 60,000 americans could be lying about fucking ALL of it?

You think Trump doesn't understand propaganda and information warfare?
Every part of this is hilarious if you listen to knowledge fight because the only people saying all those numbers were Alex Jones and his variety of right wing fringe figures (And also Trump said two of the three numbers, but never said 2 million).
You're completely wrong, Fauci and Birx advised to trump that 2.2 Mil would die.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 3:36 am
by Whipstitch
I like how he's off by a factor of 10 and it's still more accurate than his other claims.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 3:41 am
by Thaluikhain
Kaelik wrote:I think we've reached the part of the internet's life where if this was trolling it should still be recognized as deliberately causing harm to people for basically no gain and the person doing it should be condemned.
Good point.
Iduno wrote:
Thaluikhain wrote:Was considering posting that (Well, the "not sure if stupid or just trolling" one), but I'm leaning towards trolling.
Why not both?
Also a good point.
FrankTrollman wrote:The sheer incompatibility of the right wing talking points is something that has often been very puzzling to me. Like, obviously the virus can't be both no big deal and a bioweapon from China. But also, the logical impossibility of the claims individually. Like, did Italy shut down their entire society to make Trump's re-election bid more difficult?
Unemployed immigrants are taking all the jobs!

While it's a bit of a cliche to say that Orwell isn't fiction anymore, that bit about 2 and 2 making 5 if the party says it does and the mental gymnastics it requires rather resonates with me nowdays.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 4:53 am
by Orca
Y'know, it feels good to read stuff like DenizenKane's rant. It's reassuring. People that stupid can't be a serious threat.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 5:10 am
by saithorthepyro
Except they are? They've helped empower the right and created a feedback loop where they absorb all their crazy crap from far-right media, spit it back out, and become big on places like Youtube and other sites. People like Glen Beck, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Yiannopoulos, Shapiro, they have actual large audiences that eat this crap up and seriously believe it. And if anything the recent stay-at-home protests should bean indication of that, it was essentially Trump's cult marching into state capitals and waving their guns about for intimidation effect.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 5:11 am
by Dogbert
Orca wrote:Y'know, it feels good to read stuff like DenizenKane's rant. It's reassuring. People that stupid can't be a serious threat.
An Argentinian singer-philosopher once answered when asked about his fears:

"I fear dipshits. They're many, you can't cover such a large front, and because they're majority, they're dangerous. They can even elect a president."

If you ask me, there's no more terrifying force in the world right now than dipshits.

Still, it's been years since I last put anyone on ignore here.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 7:16 am
by Libertad
Grek wrote:I think we should carefully consider the possibility that DenizenKane has had their account hacked. I see no other reason for someone to go from posting nothing but dumb questions about dicepool math to being a right wing parody account.
Perhaps, but people can change fast in surprising ways. There's some people I know who went off the political deep end the past...3 to 5 years. Which is relatively short in the grand scheme of the average life expectancy. But a long enough time for someone to go through several major experiences in their life.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 7:32 am
by Chamomile
Plus, it's not like DenizenKane was demonstrating opposite political opinions earlier. A sudden change in allegiance would suggest a hack, but expressing extreme views while having previously been silent can just be indicative of having been dumb all along and only recently deciding that expressing that stupidity was a good idea.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 10:34 am
by OgreBattle
Do any other countries have gun militia-types arming themselves to demand an end to quarantine