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ArchDemon of Rage
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Post by Kaelik »

Kaelik Psychic
"There is a spoon. Probably."

Psychics so magic powers shit. It's mostly got to do with brains, but like, there's a lot of stuff associated with Psychics. As a class, Psychics can wake up completely different tomorrow, and they got a lot of crazy shit they can do, but once committed, they are locked in.

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: 1/2
Good Saving Throws: Good Will
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Any and All.
Level:Abilities:Maximum Power Pool
1:Power Pool, Disciplines, Allocation3
5:Reinforce Discipline13
10:Psychic Reformation25
15:Of Two Minds38
20:Two Minds One Body50

Proficiencies: A Psychic is proficient in Light Armor, Shields, and Simple Weapons.

Power Pool (Ex): A Psychic starts each day with a Power Pool filled with Power Points to their maximum. A level 1 Psychic has a Power Pool maximum of 3. At every even level it increases by 2, at every odd level it increases by 3. To replenish the Power Pool, the Psychic must sleep for 8 hours then meditate for 1 hour. A Psychic is helpless when meditating. If a Psychic does not need to sleep, then they must meditate for 8 hours. This process empties the Psychic of any Allocations and fills their Power Poor to maximum. A brief interruption or series of interruptions to the meditation or sleep of a total less than 1 hour total interruption during the process does not prevent the Power Pool replenishment.

Disciplines (Ex): A Psychic has access to all Disciplines, at least at the beginning of the day. A Psychic can Manifest any ability it qualifies for with it's current Power Points Allocated in the Discipline. If a Psychic has not Allocated any points into the Discipline it can Manifest any ability it could Manifest if it Allocated Power Points from its Power Pool up to the Allocation cap.

Discipline abilities are marked with tags to indicate their type. If no action is specified, and the ability does require an action, it is a standard action.

Allocation (Ex): When Manifesting a Discipline not yet allocated a Psychic MUST as a non action as part of the Manifestation Allocate Power Points to the Discipline. The Allocation must be at least enough to allow the Psychic future access to the current manifestation. Once Allocated, Power Points stay Allocated until after a Psychic refreshes their Power Pool. A Psychic cannot Allocate to the same Discipline more than once between Power Pool replenishment unless using Reinforce Discipline. A Psychic cannot Allocate more than it's Psychic Level into any Discipline.

Reinforce Discipline (Ex): At level 5 a Psychic can reinforce an existing Allocation. A Psychic Allocates any number of Power Points a Discipline up to the cap, however, one additional Power Point must also be lost from the Power Pool above what is Allocated. This is a non action as part of manifesting the same as other Allocations.

Psychic Reformation (Ex): At level 10 a Psychic can set their mind on fire to cleanse it of mistakes. A Psychic loses all Allocations made so far today and their Power Pool fills to 2/3rds it's maximum value.

Of Two Minds (Ex): At level 15 a Psychic is not committed to a single state of affairs, but rather two. The Psychic has two separate minds, probably with two separate personalities, only one can be acting at any given time, but both have a full Power Pool and separate Allocations for the day. Changing which mind is in control of the body requires the Psychic to go completely helpless for 2 rounds as they meditate. During that time, neither is in control.

Two Minds One Body (Ex): At level 20 a Psychic is both minds at once, as such both minds get a separate set of actions that can be taken with the body each round. Both minds have separate Allocations as usual.


All Saving throws are 10+1/2 Character level+Int Modifier.

Physical Perfection (Ex): Special Immediate Action: A Psychic can spend an immediate action instead of a non action to roll a saving throw. This provides no benefit of any kind except that it qualifies as a Manifestation of the Physical Perfection Discipline.
1: +2 Enhancement bonus to Str, Dex, Con, Grow a claw attack that does 1d6+Str damage as a primary.
2: +2 Insight Bonus to Fort and Ref saves, +10ft enhancement to land speed.
3: +10 Max HP (Heal This Much on First Allocation)
4: +3 Insight Bonus to Fort and Ref saves
5: +4 Enhancement bonus to Str, Dex, Con, Grow a second claw, both can be used as primary attacks in the same round.
6: +20 Max HP (Heal This Much), +20ft enhancement to land speed.
7: Immune to Fatigue and Exhaustion
8: +4 Insight Bonus to Fort and Ref saves
9: +30 Max HP (Heal This Much)
10: +6 Enhancement bonus to Str, Dex, Con, Grow a tail that can be used as a Secondary weapon doing 1d6+1/2 Str.
11: Immune to Sicken and Nausea
12: +40 Max HP (Heal This Much), +30ft enhancement to land speed.
13: Freedom of Movement
14: +5 Insight Bonus to Fort and Ref saves
15: +50 Max HP (Heal This Much), Grow a second tail.
16: +8 Enhancement bonus to Str, Dex, Con, +40ft enhancement to land speed.
17: Does not Die from HP damage, but rendered unconscious at -10 regardless of ability to prevent this.
18: +60 Max HP (Heal This Much)
19: Immune to Stun and Daze, All natural weapons can be used as Primary weapons, including getting full Str bonus.
20: +6 Insight Bonus to Fort and Ref saves, +70 Max HP (Heal This Much), +10 Enhancement bonus to Str, Dex, Con, +50ft enhancement to land speed.

Soul of the Warrior (Ex): Making an attack roll with a Martial Weapon or Natural Weapon is a Manifestation of this Discipline.
1: Martial Weapon Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency
2: Feat Replacement (Ex): You can forget any number of feats you have taken, temporarily losing access to them, and replace them with Combat feats you could have taken with those slots.
3: Full BAB for a number of Psychic levels equal to Power Points invested.
4: +2 Natural Armor
5: Bonus Combat Feat
8: +4 Natural Armor
9: Bonus Combat Feat
12: Death Strike: As a standard action you can make a melee attack that has a save or die attached. The DC is 10+Int Mod+1/2 character level. This is a death effect.
13: +6 Natural Armor
14: Bonus Combat Feat
17: +8 Natural Armor
20: Bonus Combat Feat, +10 Natural Armor, Death Strike is no longer a Death Effect.

Master of the Mind (Ex):
1: Daze (Sp): One opponent within Medium Range makes a Will Save and is Dazed for one round on a failure. DC 10+Int Mod + ½ Character level. Mind Affecting.
2: Telepathy 100ft
3: Daze lasts 2 rounds.
4: Detect Thoughts (Sp)
5: Daze can be used as 30ft Cone.
6: Dominate (Sp): any enemy who has failed a save against Daze you can use Dominate Monster against as long as they are dazed. This is a Mind Affecting Compulsion. You can only have one Dominated character at a time, however Dominate lasts the normal several days duration even if you no longer have access to this ability.
7: Daze lasts for 3 rounds.
8: Chain of Eyes (Sp): As the spell, but if the target resists, the spell doesn’t end, your sensor just stays in the current body. You can only have one Chain active at a time.
9: Daze can be used as a 10ft Burst in Medium Range.
10: Possession (Sp): Your mind jumps into the body of another creature within Close range, you have all your mental abilities, including all class features, and all the physical ability scores and extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the possessed creature, but your body collapses unconscious and helpless to the ground. A Will save negates this effect. Mind Affecting. Lasts 2 Hours. You can end at any time, returning control of the body to its original owner and returning to your body. If the creature dies while you possess it, your mind must heal from the trauma before returning to your body, a process which takes 10 minutes.
11: Daze can be a 60ft Cone
12: You are immune to Mind Affecting effects.
15: Daze can be a 20ft Burst
20: Daze offers no Save.

Telekinesis (Sp):
1: Telekinesis (Sp): Combat Maneuver, Mage Hand
2: Telekinesis (Sp): Sustained Force 25lbs per Power Point Allocated
4: Blocking Shield (Sp): Immediate Action single attack roll with weapon misses you.
7: Telekinesis (Sp): Violent Thrust, CL 1 Per Power Point Allocated
10: Telekinetic Wall (Sp): Wall of Force, but creatures get a Will Save to move through it.
12: Telekinetic Sphere (Sp): As Resilient Sphere but creatures get a Will Save to move through it.
13: Blocking Shield (Sp): Immediate Action block line of effect for single instant, negates attack or AoE spell. Targeted spells you must declare the block before the target is identified, the opponent has no idea that you are blocking, then chooses a target. You can guess wrong on if spell is targeting you and waste immediate action.
15: Telekinetic Blast (Sp): 120ft Cone, Will save or thrust to end of the cone, take 2d6 bludgeoning damage for each 5ft not moved after hitting a blocking object.
18: Telekinetic Bullet (Sp): Any target you have line of effect to and can see, even if sight is through Scrying, is a target you can attack with this. You fire a single Bullet of Telekinetic Force directly at their brain. Make an attack roll, no range penalty. If you hit, the target must make a Will Save or die. Not a Death Effect.
20: Blocking Shield (Sp): Shield blocks line of effect in all directions, can be lowered or raised with an immediate or swift action.

Refined Senses (Ex):
1: Half Distance Penalty to Spot
2: Darkvision 60ft, Low Light Vision
3: Scent
4: Blindsense 5ft per Power Points, half that round down in Blindsight
5: Tremorsense 30ft
6: See Invisibility
7: Deathwatch spell effect always active
9: Darkvision 120ft
10: Tremorsense 60ft
11: True Seeing
14: See in Darkness (Su)
15: Tremorsense 90ft
16: Lifesight
20: Tremorsense 120ft

Energy (Ex):
1: Energy Ray (Su): Fire a touch attack out to 60ft that does 1d6 damage per class level of Fire, Cold, Electricity, or Acid, your choice.
2: Modifications (Su): All the attacks from this Discipline gain a modification based on energy type, you can also now use Sonic as an energy choice. Modifications are:
Sonic: d4s instead of d6s, d6s instead of d8s, ect.
Fire: +Character level in damage.
Cold: Fort save or Slowed for one round.
Electricity: Bounces to an additional target of your choice outside the effect/not targeted.
Acid: Fort save or Sickened.
3: Energy Line (Su): 100ft Line, Ref save half
5: Energy Burst (Su): 20ft Burst out to Medium Range, Ref half
7: Energy Cone (Su): 60ft Cone, Ref half
9: Long Range (Su): As a full round action, can fire a burst out to Long Range
11: Exclusion (Su): Can cause any number of squares in any effect to not do damage.
13: Spread (Su): All your Bursts can be Spreads
15: Energy Fog (Su): Medium Range, Does half damage, but no save is allowed, and repeat each round so long as they stay in the area. The area is a variable 20ft to 60ft Spread. Line of Sight is blocked within the effect. Lasts 2 minutes.
17: New Modifications:
Sonic: No modification
Fire: Does double damage instead of +Character Level
Cold: Immobilized on failed save.
Electricity: Stunned on failed save.
Acid: Nausea on failed save.
20: Double Damage (x3 for fire according to multiplication rules)

Seer (Sp):
1: Detect Magic at will, Comprehend Languages, Tongues
2: Clairaudience at will
3: Clairvoyance at will
4: Augury at will
5: Divination Once each Power Pool Refresh per every 3 Power Points Allocated
6: Circle Dance at will
7: Automatically Detect all Secret Doors within 60ft that you have line of effect to, Scrying at will.
8: Discern Lies at will
9: Find Traps at will
10: Commune Once each Power Pool Refresh per every 5 Power Points Allocated
11: Find the Path at will
12: Commune with Nature at will
13: Greater Scrying at will
15: +10 Insight Bonus to Init
17: Discern Location at will
20: You Always go First, even in Surprise Rounds against you, you are never flat footed, Also Foresight is always active on you.

Last edited by Kaelik on Wed May 02, 2018 3:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Whiysper »

This is pretty ballin. Is the idea that once you Allocate point to a Discipline, you can activate the power at that level, or at that level and all lower levels, or that you unlock all the powers up to your Allocation and can then spend further points to activate lessers..?

Not quite sure.

Possible effect for one of the blank energy lines would be Missiles - hit up to half your character level withing 30ft of each other (or similar), like the power of the same name.

no, you're totally right, it's completely clear. Failed my 'read text' check again. Dammit. Moar sleep.
Last edited by Whiysper on Fri May 04, 2018 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zaranthan »

The daily power pool gives you 2-3 disciplines if you allocate them to full power, so I read it as if you allocate 5 points to Soul of the Warrior, you get a combat feat, +5 BAB, martial weapons, medium armor, +2 natural armor, and you get to swap your feats once: at the moment you spend the points. Said bonuses last until you rest.
Koumei the dead guy posthumously at fault for his own death and, due to the felony murder law, his own murderer?
hyzmarca wrote:A palace made out of poop is much more impressive than one made out of gold. Stinkier, but more impressive. One is an ostentatious display of wealth. The other is a miraculous engineering feat.
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ArchDemon of Rage
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Post by Kaelik »

Yeah, I thought it was clear that you get everything under whatever amount you allocate to.

Though there are problems, like you aren't supposed to get +210 HP from Physical Perfection, but I wrote HP as if it were a bonus in my head, and they overlap, so that's something that goes on the list of edits I need to make, but haven't yet.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by RobbyPants »

I like that you don't have to worry about memorizing spells at the beginning of the day.

My hesitation is the amount of choice the player has during their first encounter of the day. It looks like there are seven disciplines, so a 5th level character would have 35 options available to them. As the day goes on, they have fewer choices to make as they allocate their points.

Given a lot of abilities are improvements of earlier ones from the same discipline, I don't think it would be the same has having 35 distinct spells available. It would probably be more like figuring out which of the seven themes/tactics you want to use, and then narrowing it down to if you want to throw in all five points or hold back for some reason. I'd have to see what it looks like at an actual table in terms of how quickly players are able to declare actions playing the class.

I'm sure, like any D&D class, players more familiar with it would decide quicker. I do like the idea of allocating as you go rather than at the beginning of the day, or when you gain a level.
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Post by Kaelik »

The premise is at least partially that you walk into a fight and decide which kind of fight it is and whether it will be common for the day, and then act based on that.

IE: "Oh we ran into a Necromancers castle with hordes of undead, FUCK MIND THEN, TIME FOR ENERGY DAMAGE AOES"

or "today is investigation day, break out the investigation!"

or "oh look, outsiders with energy resist, time to mindblast"

or whatever, with a throw away for allowing people to be kinda fightery if they want, though I would never use that one, just using the Telekinesis instead.

Then you have your generic pile of sense and piles of defenses, for people who do or don't want to prioritize those, or dip into them, especially for senses, where you can just have darkvision at a high level for a really small investment instead of like, an item slot or a race choice.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Mask_De_H »

The throwaway fighter manifestation could get generic keeping up with the Joneses things like Spider Climb/wuxia balance, short range teleports, flight, a mind weapon or the ability to add magic weapon abilities to weapons they hold, shit like Mettle, increased reach, energy resistance (could also fill out Energy), Fast Healing/Regeneration, and anything else you feel like lifting from the D-con Monk or Frank's Soulborn.
FrankTrollman wrote: Halfling women, as I'm sure you are aware, combine all the "fun" parts of pedophilia without any of the disturbing, illegal, or immoral parts.
K wrote:That being said, the usefulness of airships for society is still transporting cargo because it's an option that doesn't require a powerful wizard to show up for work on time instead of blowing the day in his harem of extraplanar sex demons/angels.
Chamomile wrote: See, it's because K's belief in leaving generation of individual monsters to GMs makes him Chaotic, whereas Frank's belief in the easier usability of monsters pre-generated by game designers makes him Lawful, and clearly these philosophies are so irreconcilable as to be best represented as fundamentally opposed metaphysical forces.
Whipstitch wrote:You're on a mad quest, dude. I'd sooner bet on Zeus getting bored and letting Sisyphus put down the fucking rock.
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Post by Kaelik »

Mask_De_H wrote:The throwaway fighter manifestation could get generic keeping up with the Joneses things like Spider Climb/wuxia balance, short range teleports, flight, a mind weapon or the ability to add magic weapon abilities to weapons they hold, shit like Mettle, increased reach, energy resistance (could also fill out Energy), Fast Healing/Regeneration, and anything else you feel like lifting from the D-con Monk or Frank's Soulborn.
The throw away fighter one could probably use a little more, but it's supposed to be less than 2/5ths of a class, not a class itself.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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