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Custom MTG: Modality

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:34 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
I should really just delete Magic Set Editor, it eats way too much of my free time.

Anyway, my playgroup wants to try out some games where the cards are all playable at more than one mana cost (through Kickers and other mechanics) so that cards are more likely to be playable (or meaningful) at more times. And because it's an assumption of the environment, neither end of the card costs more for the privilege.

Half-baked example:

Any suggestions? I have a feeling that the lower the cost of the cheaper mode, the more expensive the other mode should be, but other than that I don't have a lot of guiding principles right now.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:51 pm
by Omegonthesane
Shadowverse already has the basic mechanic - many cards have Enhance effects which go off if you play them when you have the Enhance cost to spare.

You should be pricing the higher cost at the amount that the result of paying the higher cost - namely the unenhanced card plus the kicker effect all payable up-front - is worth. Which is slightly less than if they were two separate cards since the enhance can't be played separately.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 5:51 pm
by ...You Lost Me
I don't like the idea of making every card playable at a variety of mana costs. I think it will pull you towards a set design where all the strategies feel diluted. Fixed mana costs do good things for the game in terms of differentiating control from aggro. You also lock yourself out of staples for limited play like french vanillas and simple counterspells.

I recommend looking to the original Zendikar block for inspiration. Landfall, Kicker, Multikicker, Manlands, and Leveling can all help accomplish what you're looking for. Here's a [Zendikar Cube]( for making test packs and such.