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Anatomy of a disappointment: the Wing Commander CCG

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:59 pm
by DrPraetor
trigger warning: this post mentions wing commander, the movie version of which touched many 90s kids in their no-no zone (the eyes.)

It was 1995. Bill Clinton was President, and main-stream marketing companies had just discovered that they could make money by being "edgy". The Simpson's episode with Poochie the dog wouldn't come out for another 2 years. People born that year can now drink.

Origin was very aggressive about the Wing Commander brand. Why didn't we get an Ultima movie or CCG? Those might have actually been good... but, anyway, they decided to do a Wing Commander CCG.

I responded to a message on, asking if I was interested in playtesting it.

It only had two teams. The kzin expies in Wing Commander are called "kilrathi", if you've forgotten the 90s, or repressed memories of the wing commander movie.

It wasn't boring to actually *play* (at least the few times we played it) but the deck design completely lacked balance or depth. The game tended to be resolved in the first combat, and the game had no ramp except medals - medals came off of the biggest and most expensive stuff. But it took a couple turns to cross the board, so being faster in mustering your stuff didn't really give you a chance to bomb the enemy carrier before they could get their own stuff out.

You could read the rules but:
you get the idea.

The rules are here:

You can view all of the cards here:

It was profoundly unbalanced and a bit ugly (I think some of the card art were in-game images; the drawings of cat people are pretty uninspired), but you did fly stacks of fighters around on the table going "kew kew kew!". So, that was something.

NOW. Who is going to review Spellfire?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 1:39 pm
by OgreBattle
The movement mechanic with nav points is neat