Review: Shadowverse (Japanese Hearthstone)

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Post by GreatGreyShrike »

Vampiric Fortress I most often see as part of something on Turn 4, with a summon bloodkin or Vania + Evo Vania, or Turn 6 with a Night Horde.

For example, you have one other creature alive on the board of any sort, and you put down a Summon Bloodkin and a Vamp Fortress. You press the end turn button at 4 things on the board, and then Vamp Fortress makes a bat and then destroys itself and does 3 damage to the enemy face, ending with you having 4 things on the board. For a 2-drop card to make a 1/1 and do 3 damage is pretty much Razory Claw but better, in this situation. If it's a Vania + Evo Vania instead with it, it's pretty much the same amount of total damage added by the Fortress (1 less from Vamp Fortress directly, but Vania triggers an additional time over what you'd get for just Vania + evo Vania). It's 1 more face damage than Vania + Evo Vania + Summon Bloodkin as a turn 4 play, but you get 1 less 1/1 bat - and Vania + Summon Bloodkin is a quite strong Turn 4 for an Aggro Blood deck, so being pretty much in line with that isn't bad.

Of course, it's far more conditional than Razory Claw, and if you DON'T have the combo pieces or you happen mulligan into 2x or more Vampiric Fortress you'll feel pretty sad. It's a piece of a combo that is not independently a good card on it's own, and if you're forced to play it without the other pieces you'll just feel super sad.
Last edited by GreatGreyShrike on Thu Feb 02, 2017 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Whipstitch »

FrankTrollman wrote:
The Nephthys deckbuilding constraints are pretty weird, and it definitely rewards you for figuring out how to make certain cost slots in your deck empty - or at least empty of Follower cards. I should probably remove all the 1-drop creatures from the deck even though they are useful just so that Nepthys gives out more murder stabbings and incidental liches. It's weird to be bending the deck this much around a card that I only have one copy of.

I hear ya. I don't currently use any 1 drops. I pulled a pair of Balors with my free Bahamut packs and crafted Khawy and Mordecai but with only one Nep I've resigned myself to playing some Spartoi Soldiers and Necroassassins. They help keep me alive, build shadows and crack open my liches but it kinda sucks when I drop my legendary and they show up and make a bunch of fart noises instead of doing something awesome. I'd kill for a Last Word 5 drop better than Gravewaker.
Last edited by Whipstitch on Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Creighton »

I've just started a Shadowcraft deck myself. Here is my decklist:

1 Drops
3x Soul Conversion

2 Drops
1x Bellringer Angel
2x Unicorn Dancer Unica
3x Spartoi Sergent
3x Lurching Corpse
3x Undying Resentment

3 Drops
3x Attendant of Night
3x Foul Tempest
1x Pact with the Nethergod

4 Drops
2x Urd
3x Hells Unleasher
2x Necroassassin

6 Drops
1x Balor
3x Death's Breath

7 Drops
3x Underworld Watchman Khawy

8 Drops
2x Mordecai
2x Nephthys

It's not 100% where I want it, but it has been doing great work for me (I am only in the C ranks though). Building this deck did finally make me spend some actual money on the game. I purchased one of the Shadowcraft precons, as it contained a number of useful cards for the deck (and enough extra to disenchant to craft as second Neph).

So far I don't think it is as powerful as the Havencraft Seraph deck I have previously been using, but it sure is fun to drop a Neph on turn 8.
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Post by Username17 »

Whipstitch wrote:
I hear ya. I don't currently use any 1 drops. I pulled a pair of Balors with my free Bahamut packs and crafted Khawy and Mordecai but with only one Nep I've resigned myself to playing some Spartoi Soldiers and Necroassassins. They help keep me alive, build shadows and crack open my liches but it kinda sucks when I drop my legendary and they show up and make a bunch of fart noises instead of doing something awesome. I'd kill for a Last Word 5 drop better than Gravewaker.
There is nothing to be done about having your 4 drop slot have non-Last Word units in it. You are not cutting Urd from the list because she combos too well with the other Last Word units you're packing. Necroassassin is also a really good combo with any of those units. Not as crazy as Urd when you're goldfishing, but killing a dude and getting your last word effect is pretty nice. Lurching Corpse plus Assassin kills two dudes and leaves you with a 3/3.

The Nephthys plan wants you to have as many cost slots as possible have no followers with no Last Word effects and as many Last Word effects that are worth 4+ mana as possible. So I cut all the 5 drop creatures from my deck. I use Dance of Death and Call of Cocytos as my 5 drop spells. In a perfect world you'd be able to get it down to having creatures in only 4 cost slots such that you would always pull a Khawy and a Mordekai on every Nephthys turn. In reality you're going to need followers at 2, 3, and 4 just so you don't get completely run over. So the new plan is just to make as many of those 2, 3, and 4 cost creatures as possible have sweet last words abilities or synergize well with creatures that do.

But at the limit of infinite cards, it seems both plausible and desirable to cut all the 1, 5, and 6 cost creatures. It does mean you never have a good play on turn 1, which is a shame.

In other news, I pulled a Fairy Princess, which fills your hand to 9 on turn 6 but is only a 4/4. Apparently no one uses her for anything, which seems weird because curving Fairy Princess into Forest Gigas seems quite good even though it involves being forced to discard your top deck draw. Being able to play 10/7 Ward with Forest Gigas or 10/10 Master of Canopies on Turn 7 seems decent, and it's weird that there seem to be no meta decks that use these "full hands" scenarios to any effect.

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Post by OgreBattle »

I've read that Shadowverse is getting big in Korea and bumping out hearthstone.
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Post by Mistborn »

No one plays fairy princess because, a) she competes with Elf Knight Cynthia a 5/6 for 6 who gives your creatures a permanent +1/+0 every time they attack b) the most common meta forestcraft deck plans on wining on turn 7 or earlier with Rinoceroach. This basically means that in most forest decks the curve tops out at Cynthia.
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Post by momothefiddler »

FrankTrollman wrote:It does mean you never have a good play on turn 1, which is a shame.
How does Shadowverse's general tempo compare to Hearthstone's? Because from what I've seen of the latter, decks that have good plays on turn 1 are rarer than ones that don't, much less individual games. But I haven't really gotten a feel for the pacing of the former, so I don't know how that relates.
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Post by Username17 »

momothefiddler wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote:It does mean you never have a good play on turn 1, which is a shame.
How does Shadowverse's general tempo compare to Hearthstone's? Because from what I've seen of the latter, decks that have good plays on turn 1 are rarer than ones that don't, much less individual games. But I haven't really gotten a feel for the pacing of the former, so I don't know how that relates.
Aggro decks generally have six 1 drops that they can play on turn one (not to be confused with shit like Shadowcraft's 1-drop "sac a creature for 2 cards" card that you obviously won't be playing on turn 1). If you play a 1 drop on turn 1 and your opponent does not answer it, you will probably do 2-3 face damage and 1 damage to an enemy creature.

Players start with 4 cards on the play and 5 cards on the draw, and they get to mulligan up to three of them before seeing the 4th card. So if you're looking for a turn 1 play on the play, you essentially have 7 cards out of a 40 card deck to find one. So an aggro deck sees a Quickblader or an Ambling Wraith or something 71.1% of the time when they go first. Really backfoots your opponent.

The disadvantage of course is that drawing a Vanguard on turn 6 is bad.

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Post by Whipstitch »

FrankTrollman wrote: I use Dance of Death and Call of Cocytos as my 5 drop spells.
I've been using Call of the Void for the extra bodies and a single Voices of Resentment instead of Cocytos. The latter obviously isn't a 5 drop but it can help trade in a pinch and I kinda like it better than Cocytos as an 8 or 9 drop since it clears an extra dude so much faster.

EDIT: Fuck yes, pulled an animated Albert, Levin Saber.

Second Edit!: I'm now pretty convinced that Call of the Void>Call of Cocytos/Dance of Death in a deck with this sorta tempo. A free zombie to go along with your hard removal would be pretty vanilla in Hearthstone but the evolving the little fucker and crashing it into the nastiest thing left on the board can be a pretty clutch turn 5 in Shadowverse.
Last edited by Whipstitch on Sun Feb 05, 2017 8:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Username17 »

I cut the Call of the Void from my Nephthys deck. The tempo isn't a lot different from Dance of Death and the necromancy cost isn't free. That and I'm honestly not always happy to have an extra space fill up with a dork on turn 5 or 7 since I want those spaces clear for Nephthys. There are certainly times when Call of the Void is super sweet, but lots of other times it's just a bad card.

I'm not sure what I should be pumping shadows into. But after playing with them a bit, I'm pretty sure the answer is not Call of the Void or Apprentice Necromancers to get extra Zombies for 4 shadows a pop. I think the correct answer is supposed to be to liquefy stuff until you can make the gold cards that eat shadows because what you get for that is insane.

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Post by Omegonthesane »

Undying Resentment is a classic for eating Shadows in the early game, while there's a 3-drop bronze called Deathbrand which instakills anything with 3 or less defense and can be Necromancy'd up to instakill anything period (which still isn't as much oomph as Dance of Death, but you're not paying half your maximum mana for it).

Then again I am not a top tier anything player let alone top tier Shadowcraft, and neither of those is a game plan to throw double digit shadows at.
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Post by Whipstitch »

FrankTrollman wrote: I think the correct answer is supposed to be to liquefy stuff until you can make the gold cards that eat shadows because what you get for that is insane.

I'm not a fan of Phantom Howl in this deck since it's a 5 drop that doesn't do much for board control and asks for another turn in which you need to keep your own board clear to get value and the other necromancy fueled closers don't look like they'd fit well with Nep--the Midnight Haunt->Deathly Tyrant play in particular stands out as a neat trick that has no synergy whatsoever with the rest of my gameplan. Fundamentally I feel like if you're tailoring your critters to Nep then you're just better off using your shadows to goose your removal and have consistent control of the mid-game rather than trying to cobble them into an alternate win condition or something. I say this in large part because this game provides every player with a bunch of bread 'n' butter 4 drop 3/4s that evolve into 4/5s with a decent evolution effect. Basically, every time I go up against a swordcraft player and go first I immediately resign myself to the idea that my turn 5 will almost certainly be dedicated to cleaning up the mess created by their turn 4 evolved Floral Fencer before things get too out of hand.
Last edited by Whipstitch on Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Creighton »

Death's Breath is probably the most important shadows spender in a Neph deck (from my limited experience). You need to be able to drop those 3 wards to have any chance against Roach, and they do good work against Daria Rune too. Beyond that, Undying Resentment is a no-brainer and Foul Tempest gets work done against Blood and Sword aggro. I don't think that really leaves any room for further spenders, at least in a Neph deck.

If anyone has any ideas how to beat D-Shift Rune with Shadow I am all ears. So far that deck kicks the crap out of both my Shadow Neph and Haven Seraph decks.
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Post by OgreBattle »

I'm leaning towards sword and shadowcraft for the armies of dudes with swords and such, any advice on what packs to open for those two?

Got a Lord Atomy, among other things.

I wonder if I've read the doujinshi of some of these artists
Last edited by OgreBattle on Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Whipstitch »

I'm a bigger fan of standard packs and Rise of Bahamut for those two crafts than I am of Darkness Evolved. The choice was easy for me since I pulled a Nep early and spent a bunch of rupees on Rise of Bahamut since that expansion really went ham on Last Word effects, presumably in an effort to help make her viable since she's a new legendary from that expansion. Otherwise I'd say all the coolest shadowcraft aggro stuff is from the standard set.
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Post by Orion »

So I joined up, got most crafts to level 20 and have gotten 5 ranked wins on several. Closing in on the 40 or 50 take two wins. Run out of free tickets but I'm going about 3.75-1.25 so that's nice. Draft preference havencraft>dragoncraft>shadowcraft.

I haven't crafted anything, but from liquefying extras, manually liquefying extra non-animated copies, and melting a bunch of trash commons and legendaries (for some reason I'm too scared to melt silvers and golds), I've accumulated about 7300 vials, so I feel like it's about time I spent some.

I pulled a Daria in my free packs so
I slapped together a janky spellboost deck and started my ranked career with an 8-win streak, broken only when I decided to play something else instead and promptly lost to a Daria. I switched back to Daria and kept climbing (to the lofty heights of D3!). Literally half my games were mirror matches for a while but it seems to have died down. Also I finally seem to have blood, shadow, and maybe haven decks that sometimes beat Daria.

In addition to being my best deck, Daria is currently my most fun, so the obvious thing would be to would be to craft 2 more Darias. I'm a little hesitant though because I don't think I'm playing Daria correctly. I tend to use my actual Daria just as a closer or escape hatch. I don't like to throw away my boosted runeblade mages and fate's hands, but the fat's hands draw me more cards to boost. In the end, I wind up summoning Daria for a new hand once she reaches cost 0 or I play out my hand, which sometimes works beautifly and is sometimes too late. It may have to do with my original version being ludicrously top-heavy because I only had 1 Ogler and had to play multiple Flame Devourers and Lighting Shooters. Here's my current build:

Angelic Snipe X1 Insight X3
Scholarly Witch X1 Levi X1 Magic Missile X3 Conjure Golem X3 Wind Blast X3 Kaleidoscopic Glow X2 (probably first thing to cut).
Emmylou X2
Summon Snow X2 Rite of Exorcism X1
Rune-blade Summoner X2 Merlin X1 Fire Chain X1
2x Lightning Shooter X2 Fate's Hand X2 Ogler X3
Blade Mage X3
Fiery Embrace X3
Daria X1

One of the biggest problems I've had with my Daria deck is lack of sweepers. I've tried Spurned Witch, Disaster Witch, flame witch, and Demonflame, but none of them really worked for me. Anyway, because I'm wondering is a control runecraft based on more conventional card draw and stalling, I'm wondering if I should craft Merlin is. I'm close to having viabvle eathright but have only 1 professor of taboos, 1 petrify, and 1-2 of the 2-drop amulets.
Havencraft has been my go-to backup color.
I was running a ridiculous amont of amulets early on, basically every 1-3 drop. I eventually stripped down (cutting my beoved dragons and tigers. I have 1x Eidolon, Jeanne D'Arc, Luxhorn, Valhallan, and Incandescent, so I've switched to try t use some ward and healing followers and cheap removal amulets just to stall and wait for big drops. One problem is that I'm having trouble finding enough ward creatures that I actually like. I do have 3X Golden Sun, which I tried running with countdown amulets, but it turns out I can't spare the creature slot.

0X Elana's Prayer, Seraph, Themis, Garuda, Tribunal, and Dark Offering, sadly.
I have some nostalgia for Forestcraf
t between the tutorials, thinking the idea was cool, and stomping some people early in my career with "fill hand with fairies, durdle a few turns, drop master of canopies / forest gigas / forest giant and stomp face. This abruptly stopped working one I got out of Beginner and now I'm not sure I can actually build a viable forestcraft at all without crafting. I have 2x of the legendary wold but not idea what to do with him, and 1x rose queen. I have no rhinoceroach, no ancient elf, no crystalia tia, no cynthia, no selwyn, no fencer, no tam lin, only 1x mana elk... I have a ton of removal, a ton of fairy generators, and a ton of bounce, but it's all combo enablers and no payload.
Any thoughts?

EDIT: Looking for things to melt. Any reason not to trash rise of the dead, dragon emissary, ironwrought fortress, Holy Mage, draconification, radiance angel, dual flames, fairy beast?
Last edited by Orion on Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by GreatGreyShrike »


People usually don't run Rune Blade Summoner in Daria decks. It's too expensive and only a single body on the board - so it tends to just get hit by removal before it can do much. It's a workable replacement or addition to the Flame Destroyers in D-shift decks though.

Big clear is usually your Levi x 3 and Piercing Rune x3 - you want a full set of these, Levi is arguably the best single card in the entire game. Turn 4/5 or later, you Evo a Levi and then drop a Piercing Rune and swing with the levi and maybe play the Crimson Sorcery face or maybe on a creature, and overall clears boards extremely effectively while doing face damage. Piercing Runes are silver and you want them in your Daria deck badly.

You may want to look into Demonic Strike for your Daria deck - it's good face damage that spellboosts and can be used as removal in a pinch, and a lot of Daria decks are running it. Probably as a replacement for the Lightning Shooters.

Havencraft - sadly you seem to be missing the entire suite of rare cards you want for most of the really strong Haven archetypes. Eidolon, Jeanne, Luxhorn, Vallhalan, and Incandescent are less useful. That said, if you like alternate win conditions Seraph Haven is overall probably the cheapest Havencraft to go for starting from nothing, I play Seraph Haven with a high winrate in Ranked A2 with only 2 Seraphs and 3 Themis as my only Gold+ cards in the whole deck. You can also put together a Haven based on stalling into Neutral finishers if you happen to have a few Prince of Darkness or Bahamut, maybe some Dark Angel Olivia, or similar neutral Legendaries - basically your win condition becomes stall+defense until you can play extremely high value neutral cards.

Forestcraft - Rhinoceroach is fairly viable as a poverty list. It's mostly Goblin Mage and Fortunehunter Feena to tutor for Roaches, Elven Princess Mages to get additional 0-cost followers in hand for when you get to the kill turn, a bunch of 1 & 3 drops that give you fairies and give you bounce and give you removal, and some medium-big removal (Ideally Dance of Death) to break down bigger wards. The loss of Tia isn't a huge deal; the loss of Ancient Elf hurts more but is bearable and you can still make a quite good Roach deck.
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Post by GreatGreyShrike »

Dragon Emissary is good for a lot of Dragon decks. Radiance Angel is a 3-of in my pure Seraph deck and Elana Seraph decks like it EVEN MORE than that, so I wouldn't melt it - it's a legit good card for a lot of Havencraft. Fairy Beast shows up in a few Forestcraft decks that want to take it late, but if you figure on building a cheap Roach deck and not otherwise playing much Forest you won't see a use for it probably. The rest seem very viallable to me, I guess, though I personally only melt extras.
Last edited by GreatGreyShrike on Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Orion »

What would you try to fetch with emissary, how do you make it consistently useful, and how do you live long enough to use it? Why not use Aiela or the other mana accelrator creature instead?
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Post by GreatGreyShrike »

What you fetch:

Face dragon grabs a Forte and is happy. Ramp Dragon is usually hoping for a Prince of Darkness, Genesis Dragon, or Bahamut, but honestly doesn't much mind almost any expensive card in their deck - if it grabs a Forte or whatever you will manage to survive having one of your best cards come out one mana cheaper. I don't think that Discard dragon uses this very often, but I could be wrong.

Why don't you run other accelerators:

Ramp mostly runs Dragon Oracle / Aiela / etc AS WELL as this. Getting to the crucial turn where you start opening up with your 10-drop Genesis Dragon, Prince of Darkness, or whatever a turn faster is worth playing this card on turn 3 or 4. Usually you want to not be playing it on turn 2, you'd much prefer a Dragon Oracle, but it's an accelerator that lets you play a big card earlier and isn't a totally dead draw if it shows up later (functionally straight up better than Dragon Oracle if you topdeck it when you have 9 or more mana orbs already).

Face dragon likes being able to reliably tutor out the Dark Dragoon Fortes as a finisher.

How do you survive:

Dragoncraft has some really good removal. Blazing Breath is a 1-drop 2 damage spell that does a lot of good work at killing enemy creatures that cost more than it, while Breath of the Salamander is AMAZING for clearing out boards against aggro decks, and might be expensive except for the whole ramp thing, and Dragon Warrior is honestly a pretty decent evolve card for even more removal for certain decks.

(this website suggests Dragon Emissaries show up in Ramp and Face dragon variants pretty regularly.
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Post by Mistborn »

So I've manged to climb to A2 primarily through playing a whole lot of Daria. It sort of reminds me of old school affinity in that you get a whole lot of free wins due to drawing the god hand. Of course the deck get's a lot of hate because of that but the flip side is that sometimes you draw your cards in the wrong order and the deck doesn't work. 60% of the time though you don't get the god hand and thus have to think very carefully about how you sequence your plays. The nature of spellboost means that you need to thing 1-2 turns ahead in order to get the most value for your mana.
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Post by Archmage »

Why is Sun Oracle Pasquale considered to be outclassed now for Earth Rune decks? Is it the amount of setup and the need to have a board or something g else? It's a terrible card to drop on turn 5 if you're behind, but it seems like it might turn a small lead into a big one.
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Post by Mistborn »

Sun Oracle is what we in the business call a win more card. In order for her to be good you basically have to untap with more than one creature or she has to stick for multiple turns. The thing is that if either of those things happens you're probably going to win anyway. Playing any number of Sun Oracles means not playing some number of cards that actually control the board.

Most Earth Rune decks I've seen tend to use the Satan/Olivia package as their finisher. Those cards require much less setup and you're a control deck anyway getting to should by your goal from the start.
Last edited by Mistborn on Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Archmage »

Yeah, okay. I was debating whether or not it was truly win-more, but I think I agree that it isn't that great if you don't already have solid board control and that there are probably better finishers.

Unfortunately I didn't unpack two of those, I unpacked two Sun Oracles, so I guess I either get a bunch of vials out of them or accept that I have a totally playable Daria deck and just play that instead.

Is there any use at all for Eidolon of Madness? It seems like you could use it to accelerate a Seraph win condition...maybe?

Edit: Also, my user ID is 343262895.
Last edited by Archmage on Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mistborn »

Daria is a good deck definitely play it if you have the cards.

As for Eidolon I can't imagine it being good in Seraph. What Seraph want's to do is play control until turn 8 play Seraph and them play a bunch of healing prayers and hallowed dogmas to crack it open for the win. If you want to go off on turn nine with Eidolon you need it and two hallowed dogmas and an evo point exactly or to play a card that does literally nothing on turn 5. It just feels like a worse version of Sister Initiate.

Like I'm not feeling Eidolon in any archetype. Unless you burn an evo point for no board advantage it does nothing on turn you play it then only starts to pay off at the end of your next turn. The card is simply to damn slow in a meta where aggo decks kill on turn 6.
Last edited by Mistborn on Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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