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Random Magic Cards I Designed

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 9:47 pm
by Prak
I don't make any claims as to the competitiveness or quality of these, but I had the idea so I figured what the hell.

Cards made with

There's probably enough in Kill La Kill to actually make a set, though maybe just a stand alone, not sure. I'd want to introduce subtypes to Equipment so that there could be a Nudist Beach faction with "Unequippable- Garments" as their main thing. Of course, you would need to make equipment actually good for such a set, and given that I don't know why it's considered to not be, I'm not sure what needs to be done.

Edit: Yes, Senketsu should be a "Raiment" not a Golem, but I was just doing single cards when I made Senketsu, and I try to not add subtypes unless they matter to a set. Also Legendary, that I just fucking forgot. And it's Raiment not Garment because Garment takes up too much space on Ryuko's line. And she's a science experiment, which makes her a Mutant in MtG.
Edit: Ok, I downloaded MSE, and thought about cards some more, and have these-

Cards directly side by side transform, cards with space between are presented so simply to not create a super long thread.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 5:09 pm
by OgreBattle
Perhaps Nudist Beach cards can transform when your hand is empty, or some other mechanic that evokes nudity

Shining nipples should tap enemy creatures

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 5:54 pm
by Prak
That's actually a pretty good idea, and whatsisname the teacher could gain power as your hand empties (or rather, lose power as your hand fills).