[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 64(?)-Night of the Necromancer

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Anvus Ravalan, Nightsbane & Remorseless Hunter
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Evrain Peredur, the Zombie Killer
Isolde Laodegan, Shield Maiden of Libra
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Face the hunters. They might not actually be chasing us, and even if they are we can probably kick their asses.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Isolde don't shiv.
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Post by SGamerz »

Remaining exactly where you are, you take your phantasmal blade in hand and wait for the riders to reach you. The ghostly hounds, steeds and their riders descend through the skeletal branches of the trees and alight on the forest floor, barely disturbing the dead leaves that smother the ground at your feet.

'You are bold, spirit, but foolish,' the leader of the hunt tells you, as he reins in before you. 'Do you not know who I am?' He is dressed in the garb of a nobleman and a ghostly, but nonetheless lethal-looking crossbow hangs from his saddle.

Another legend of these parts speaks of a ghostly hunt led by the spectre of one Baron Blood who, when the moon shines bright, seeks out lost souls trapped on the Earthly Plane, to carry them back to the Realm of the Damned. You have heard superstitious peasant folk speak of Baron Blood many times, but you have never thought to meet him face to face.

'You are Baron Blood,' you tell him, 'Lord of the Wild Hunt.'

'Then you know why I am here.'

'I do indeed, but this is one lost soul you won't be carrying away to the Realm of the Damned.'

'A challenge!' the huntsman says, delighted.

'A challenge,' you reply, never once taking your eyes from the ghost.

'Very well, what's it to be?' Baron Blood asks. 'Will you face me in single combat or will you prefer to try your luck against my hounds?'

If you choose to face the Baron in single combat, turn to 79. If you would rather pit yourself against the spectral hounds of his Wild Hunt, turn to 220.
Deal with the guy or the dogs?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Baron Blood?
He's not a nice guy.
A larger number of lower-skill enemies sounds easier, but the duel is more dramatic. Also, I think it's likely he'd try to step in and finish the job if we offed his dogs, while the dogs are more likely to flee if we fillet the baron.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Baron Blood could also be this guy.

Regardless of what pop-culture character(s) he may or may not resemble, duel him.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
Silent Wayfarer
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

Obviously we should be fighting him rather than his dogs. *cue mortal kombat music*
If your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourself.
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Post by SGamerz »

Baron Blood jumps down from the back of his horse, leaving his steed pawing at he ground impatiently. 'To the death!' he cries as he draws his own spectral blade and the two of you join in combat.


You will soon discover that the Baron's own ethereal blade can harm you just as readily as your ghostly blade cuts down your enemies. If the Lord of the Wild Hunt kills you, write the number 290 on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 100. If it is you who wins the duel, turn to 129.
Baron Blood 17, Isolde 21. BB is at 8.
BB 20, Isolde 17. Isolde is at 15.
BB 16, Isolde 18. BB is at 6.
BB 17, Isolde 16. Isolde is at 13.
BB 14, Isolde 19. BB is at 4.
BB 17, Isolde 20. BB is at 2.
BB 19, Isolde 19. Tie.
BB 13, Isolde 20. BB is defeated.
With your 'killing blow', you pierce the huntsman's ghostly heart with the tip of your ethereal blade. With a shrill, blood-curdling scream, the Baron's spectral form appears to evaporate before your very eyes. But even as his body dissolves like mist on the wind you feel yourself become imbued with phantasmal strength. Regain up to 5 STAMINA points and add 1 to your WILL score.

You suddenly find yourself at the heart of a whirling maelstrom as with whinnying cries, unearthly howls and desperate cries, the rest of the Wild Hunt is forcibly returned to the Realms of the Damned once more. (Regain 1 LUCK point.) Alone again, you set off once more for the wisewoman's hovel. Turn to 290.
We regained the WILL and LUCK we lost in the barrows earlier for destroying a local legend! And as mentioned at the beginning, we usually get the chance to regain a few STAMINA points after difficult fights, which makes up somewhat for the lack of Provisions.
And then, between the tangle of trees, the wisewoman's cottage comes into view. You can see the light of a roaring fire flickering behind the grimy windows of the tumbledown hovel, but you also notice that a dead magpie has been nailed to the door.

Some know her as Mother Toadsfoot of Wraith Wood and call on her aid when they are in need of a mid-wife or a cure for toothache. Others name her 'witch'. Under normal circumstances you wouldn't have any truck with witches, but these are far from normal circumstances. Still, the thought of having anything to do with the crone, after your family has avoided having anything to do with her for three generations, fills you with trepidation.

If you want to approach the front door of her hovel, turn to 67. If you would rather spy on her through a smeary window first, turn to 336.
Do we want to announce our presence to the magpie-killing lady?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Isolde Laodegan
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 18/19
LUCK: 7/7
Equipment: Nightslayer
Abilities: Apparition
Silent Wayfarer
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

Hmm, normally I'd say we should spy, but in this case I'd say we should just knock on the front door.
If your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourself.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, the kind of person who nails dead magpies to doors probably won't take well to people spying.

So be polite and knock.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

The cottage door is suddenly flung open by a scrawny old woman wearing a plain black robe and with a shock of wild white hair streaming out from around her head.

'Who's that? Who's there?' she demands, peering into the night through eyes clouded with cataracts. 'Come on, speak up, I knows yer there. I can smell yer!' She is totally blind.

The expression on her face suddenly becomes one of startled fear and she raises her bony hands ready to defend herself. 'You're one of them, aintcha!' she snaps. 'So your master's sent you to do away with me at last, has he? Well, we'll se about that!'

The old crone weaves her hands through the air in front of her as if preparing to cast her spell. If you want to draw your phantasmal sword ready to defend yourself, turn to 356. If you would rather speak up and tell the wise-woman you mean her no harm, turn to 399.
Do we think we have time to convince her?
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Post by Silent Wayfarer »

She's probably expecting us to draw a sword, so if we don't, we might be able to convince her to stop.

I once encountered a situation like this in the War of the Wizards book for Grey Star; you were in disguise as an enemy soldier on the battlefield, and your Conan-like friend was killing people by the dozens and encountered you. Your choices were:

Raise your sword to parry: leads to Not_Conan expertly curving his blade around your guard and killing you.

Take off your helmet and reveal your face: Not_Conan halts his strike at the last moment and clasps you to his breast.
If your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourself.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

I don't think a sword would parry what she's doing in any case. Give peace a chance.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

She's expecting an attack, so drawing a weapon isn't going to help us. Talk to her.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

'Mistress,' you say, 'wait! I have not come here to harm you; I come only seeking your aid.'

The crone freeze, her hands still. 'You want my help?' She sniffs the air sharply three times. 'You mean he didn't send you?'

'Nobody sent me. I have come of my own accord,' you tell her.

'But you're a ghost, I can smell it!' the witch goes on. 'And what do you mean, you want my help?'

Yu hurriedly relate the events of the evening so far to Mother Toadsfoot, hoping against hope that she might be able to help you in some way. When you have finished your story she looks at you, a grimace on her face, even though you're certain she can't actually see you. 'You'd best come inside,' she says and you follow her over the threshold into the cottage.

'There's certainly something afoot,' she says when you are both standing before the fire. Being blind doesn't appear to hinder her and certainly not within her own home. 'There have been signs and portents, see? Bad dreams, they're always a good sign, and people have been having a lot of them lately, a right plague of nightmares. There's been a disturbance within the Spirit World, too. Something's coming; something bad.'

You press the old woman as to how she thinks she can help you.

'Well,' she says, scratching at a hairy wart on her hooked chin, 'I might have a charm in my book for bolstering your own powers on the Earthly Plane, but it'll cost you mind.' You wonder what the old woman means, It is obvious that you do not have the means to pay her for her services. 'Or I could conjure my familiar spirit to find out who's responsible for your present......condition.' Which will it be? Do you want Mother Tooadsfoot to try to strengthen your own spectral powers, summon her familiar spirit to provide you with answers, or would you rather leave her hovel and not have any more to do with her, as she is obviously a witch of some power?
Power for some unknown 'cost'?


Or follow the examples set by our elders and stay away from witchcraft?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Time for exposition dump.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

The witch sits down on one side of the table and invites you to take a seat opposite her. She the begins her conjuration, her eyes rolling up into her head as she calls her familiar spirit by name. 'Come, Pyewackit, come to mother.'

The temperature in the hovel suddenly drops, frost forming on the inside of the windows. As you watch aghast, something manifests in the air between you and the witch. It has a body like that of a monkey, only it is covered in the iridescent blue and green plumage of a parrot, it has the backward-jointed legs of a cockerel and the face of a demon. It hovers before you, a cruel sneer splitting its ugly visage.

'Pyewackit, answer me this, who is responsible for this one's murder?'

Her familiar spirit writhes as if in pain, mewling like a child.

'Why do you not answer me?' Mother Toadsfoot pushes.

'Another would command me,' Pyewackit snarls from between gritted teeth.

'Tell me!' the witch shrieks. 'Answer your mother!'

The demon utters something intelligible in some netherworld tongue, unable to resist its mistress any longer.

'Do not try to trick me, demon,' the witch roars at her familiar.

'Ask me no more!' the imp squeals, its unnatural form contorted in pain, its face a picture of agony. 'The Lord of Shadows comes.'

Before your very eyes, the demon's feathers darken to the colour of blood and its skin blackens.'

'Command me no more!' it growls in a much deper voice, suddenly lashing out at the witch with claws as sharp as blades.

Giving a weak cry of pain herself, the old woman slumps face first onto the table, blood pouring from a savage wound in her neck. Her familiar spirit then turns to you and snarls, 'Now you shall die a second death!'

Hastily unsheathing your phantasmal blade you prepare to defend yourself against the familiar's demonic talons.


If Mother Toadsfoot's familiar does indeed grant you a second death, write the number 9 on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 100. If you defeat the unbound demon, turn to 9.
Puny stats and no special abilities.....Isolde should make short work of this one.

Pyewackit 15, Isolde 22. Pyewackit is at 4.
Pyewackit 15, Isolde 19. Pyewackit is at 2.
Pyewackit 11, Isolde 21. Pyewackit is killed.
You flee from Mother Toadsfoot's cottage as fast as you can, and don't once look back. You are soon deep in the night-shrouded woods again. Eerie cries echo between the night-black trees. An owl hoots and you hear the croaking of toads coming from a reedy pool somewhere nearby.

And then, at last, the forest starts to thin and you emerge on the other side of the Wraith Wood. Trees give way to tumbled headstones and you find yourself passing between the overgrown graves of a cemetery. Ahead of you lies the village of Sleath, but before you can reach it, or the castle beyond, you must first cross the neglected graveyard.
Yeah, the visit to the witch isn't all that rewarding. If we'd asked for power, she could have helped us unlock another power.....but like she said it comes at a price, and it's a fairly steep one.

The hermit at the seaside would have been the more enlightening option, and could have given us more information, although the information is by no means essential to finishing the game.
The graveyard looks like it has been neglected for some time. Headstones lie tumbled amidst briars and thick tussocks of grass while a number of free-standing tombs look like they have been broken into - or perhaps the bodies interred within have broken out.

You are halfway across the cemetery when the first of the ghosts appears. It is that of a young woman, her face emaciated. The ghost rises from the turfed mound of a grave. 'Help us, stranger, the young woman pleads.

Another figure steps out of a crumbling mausoleum. This time it is the spectre of a severe-looking old man dressed in the clothes of a notary. 'Yes, help us,' he begs, 'for we are slaves to a foul fiend that will not let us depart this world.'

'Free us,' says the ghost of a bearded woodsman who sits up through the turf of an unmarked grave, 'that we might go to our eternal rest.'

What is it that has bound these ghosts to this place and that fills them now with such dread, having made their afterlives a misery? Will you help them? Can you help them? If you want to try, turn to 42. If not, turn to 150.
Do we think we can help?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

As an ecto-Ruddlestonian, Isolde has a new appreciation for the plight of enslaved ghosts everywhere. Try!
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Post by SGamerz »

'Oh thank you, stranger, thank you,' the ghost of the young woman says in obvious relief.

'But tell me, what manner of creature is it that has you in its thrall?' you ask the restless dead of the graveyard.

The notary looks like he is about to answer when a tremor passes through the graves at your feet. What was that?

'It comes!' the young woman gasps, a terrified look in her eyes.

Abruptly all of the ghosts vanish, as if they have been sucked back into the ground. And then the tremor comes again as the ground in which the dead of Sleath lie rises up before you as a colossal mound of mouldering earth, studded with splintered coffin lids and the remains of those buried within.


This mound of grave dirt shudders once more and takes a lumbering towards you as arms and legs take shape from within the crumbling conglomeration that now stands before you. The looming humanoid figure exudes a palpable aura of death as it stalks towards you with bone-crunching steps, lumpen arms outstretched, while ghost voices cry from somewhere within it, 'Help us! Free us! Save us!' You have no choice but to draw your ghostly sword once moreand engage the Grave Golem in battle.


If the Grave Golem wins 2 consecutive Attack Rounds, turn to 155 at once. If the Grave Golem defeats you, write the number 61 on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 100. If you manage to destroy the grave-dirt monster, turn to 300.
That's something we haven't encountered before in FF....

Grave Golem 16, Isolde 18. GG is at 8.
GG 17, Isolde 18. GG is at 6.
GG 13, Isolde 22. GG is at 4.
GG 11, Isolde 17. GG is at 2.
GG 12, Isolde 18. GG is beaten.
....but it's not too tough, as Isolde gets another flawless.
With a bellow of frustrated rage you bring your scintillating ethereal blade down upon the monster and the necromantic spell animating it is savagely broken. The Golem's body bursts apart, showering you with grave-dirt, human remains and rotting coffin wood. At the same time, the souls of those bound to it fly free. As they ascend into the night's sky, they call their thanks and praises to you for freeing them from their undying nightmare.

And your good deeds does not go unrewarded. As they depart the Earthly Plane for good, the ghosts share a portion of their power with you. Roll one die and add 6, (giving you a total of 7-12) and regain this many STAMINA points. You may also add 1 to your WILL score and 1 to your LUCK.

The Ghosts of Sleath freed, you too are free to continue with your quest. Passing beyond the boundary wall of the cemetery at last, you find yourself on the road leading into the village.
I wont bother to roll, because we're missing only 1 STAMINA, so we'll be back to max score no matter what. WILL bonus is always nice.

Night lies over the sleeping village like a bejewelled cape, the wind chasing black clouds across the sky, like a wolf after a shepherd's flock. A head of you lie the stone-built buildings and thatched cottages of Sleath. There are few lights visible in the windows of the village although you see plenty within the windows of Castle Valsinore. Most of the villagers, who predominantly work on the land , have already retired for the night.

The tolling of the temple bell rings through the cold night air, the sound deadened by the capricious whipping wind. And then the soughing of the wind becomes what can only be a moaning voice. The voice is joined by others, all wailing in torment, and they are getting closer. You can see a phosphorescent mist moving towards you like a sentient cloud over the fields that lie between you and the village. This is no natural mist. As you watch, anguished faces, their eyes closed, surface from within.

The troubled dreams of the villagers have manifested as this nightmarish monster of the Spirit World. There is nothing you can do as the unearthly fog slithers towards you over the wind-ruffled grass. And then it is all around you, enveloping you, smothering you, threatening to overwhelm you with its insanity as the nightmares of the populace of Sleath become manifest reality to your own tortured mind.

Roll two dice. If the total rolled is less than or equal to your WILL score, turn to 17; if it is greater, turn to 105.
That recent WILL bonus we just got put our chances above 50/50, but only barely....

Dice roll = 6 (Success!)
Tendrils form within the fog, reaching for you, trying to force you to join the macabre dance of the Phantasmagoria. You slice at them with your shimmering blade as you start to fight back against the dream-monster and its hallucinatory nightmares.


If the nightmarish manifestation destroys you, reducing your STAMINA score to zero, write the number 99 on your Adventure Sheet and turn to 100. If you reduce the Phantasmagoria's STAMINA score to zero, turn to 142.
Another new monster we've never met....but with the exact same stats. What are the chances?

Phantasmagoria 11, Isolde 23. Phantasmagoria is at 8.
Phantasmagoria 14, Isolde 20. Phantasmagoria is at 6.
Phantasmagoria 10. Isolde 20. Phantasmagoria is at 4.
Phantasmagoria 15. Isolde 15. Tie.
Phantasmagoria 10. Isolde 21. Phantasmagoria is at 2.
Phantasmagoria 12, Isolde 21. Phantasmagoria is defeated.
The dice didn't even pretend to give the monster a chance, as it rolls horribly almost every round.
You have broken the dark enchantment holding the dream-monster together and freed the people of Sleath from the tortured dreams. With a lingering scream, like that of a child waking from a horrid dream, the Phantasmagoria breaks apart and dissolves like mist on the wind. At the same time, you feel your ghostly form absorb part of its unreal essence, (Regain up to 5 STAMINA points.)

Alone again on the road, you decide where to go next in your search for answers. If you want to enter Sleath, turn to 99. If you want to skirt past the village and make for Valsinore Castle instead, turn to 6.
Do we want to take a sidetrack to the village, or go straight home?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Isolde Laodegan
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 19/19
LUCK: 7/7
Equipment: Nightslayer
Abilities: Apparition
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Check out the village. No reason to skip content.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, check out the village.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Sleath is quiet, but there is once place that shows little sign of anyone going to bed just yet, and that's the Cockcrow Inn that stands on the northern edge of the village square. A warm orange glow exudes from its windows while sounds of carousing can be heard coming from within.

On the southern edge of the square stands the neglected shrine that was built up around the tomb of an ancient champion of Good, sadly now long forgotten. On the eastern side, where the dwellings are few and far between, a gaudy tent has been pitched on a patch of scrubby grass. The midnight-blue canvas has been embroidered with silver sequin stars, crescent moons and other more exotic astrological sigils. A banner hung outside reads, 'Madame Zelda - Mistress of Mystery'.

There is one other place in particular that draws your attention and that is the Burgomaster's grand house on the western side of the square. You cannot see any lights in any of its windows but you can feel the lure of the place deep down in your bones - at least you would if you had any! Perhaps Burgomaster Jurgen could help you make some progress in your search for answers.

What do you want to do now? Will you:

Visit the Cockcrow Inn?
Explore the shrine?
Investigate the tent of Madame Zelda, Mistress of Mystery?
Approach the Burgomaster's house?
Leave the village?
Where do we want to start our tour?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Mistress of Mystery!
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Zelda has the Triforce of Wisdom. We should see what she has to say.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Slipping between canvas folds you enter the tent. The first partitioned space you enter contains a table draped with a blue velvet cloth, a crystal ball nesting in its carved ebony cradle. Passing beyond this area into the back of the tent, you enter its owner's living quarters, or rather, at the moment, her bedroom. Tucked up in bed under a pile of knitted blankets, wearing several layers of coloured veils and shawls, is a middle-aged woman whose make-up is about as subtle as the rest of her get-up.

She suddenly sits up, eyes wide in shock, and clutches at a silver crescent moon charm hanging from her neck. 'Oh my born days,' she gasps, 'a ghost! An actual, real live spirit!

What is that charm she is holding in her hands? And what sort of mystic is this Madame Zelda anyway? She has a crystal ball of her own; could she be in league with the Death Acolyte who killed you? If you want to deal with Madame Zelda in a friendly manner, turn to 281. If you want to try intimidating her, turn to 398. I you would rather have nothing more to do with her and simply want to leave her tent, turn to 259.
How do we communicate?
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