[LP] LKG: Middle-Earth Quest 5? – A Spy in Isengard

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[LP] LKG: Middle-Earth Quest 5? – A Spy in Isengard

Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Middle-Earth Quest was just one of a number of fanfic-style gamebook series based on put out by the now-defunct Iron Crown Enterprises. They also had one called Narnia Solo Games, and another called Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries. I brought up Sherlock Holmes once before, because it was pretty different as far as gamebooks go: all about mystery-solving, with extra clues based on your character's various mystery-solving stats. Middle-Earth Quest books sometimes had a mystery-solving aspect as well, but that's not why I'm interested in this one.

I.C.E. produced the hilariously over-elaborate Rolemaster, and its Lord of the Rings spin-off, Middle-Earth Role Playing. The designer of MERP was Coleman Charlton, and he was also the 'system editor' on Middle-Earth Quest, which uses a lot of MERP terms, and also suggests running the book using MERP, including conversions for all the enemy stats and so on. While that's a cruel and unusual suggestion, the book itself contains two complexity levels of play: basic Questgame™, with a pregenerated character; and advanced Questgame™, with chargen and both more system and more elaboration on existing systems. The advanced version includes the optional spellcasting rules, rather like the Sorcery! series that came out a few years before.

There's also a numbering problem with the series, for which I quote gamebooks.org.
The publication of the series was plagued by legal problems. Iron Crown Enterprises, the publisher of Middle-earth Role Playing, had a license with Tolkien Enterprises to produce games based on Tolkien's work. They then forged a partnership with Berkley to publish these gamebooks. Two volumes came out in 1985 under the Tolkien Quest label, and an additional two were planned for 1986 under the new series title of Middle-earth Quest. Unfortunately, around the time that the fourth book was to be released, Tolkien Enterprises deemed the books in violation of the game license, which didn't include permission to print books. The first four books were recalled and destroyed, with the fourth book never even making it to market (though it was pictured in an advertisement published in Dragon #103). Some copies of the first three books do still exist, but they are quite rare. Several years after this incident, legal issues were resolved and publication began anew. Books five through eight were actually numbered one through four in denial of the existence of the earlier volumes. The series came to an end, however, before all of the volumes announced in the original 1985 and 1986 releases could see the light of day.
Anyway, enough rambling. The reasons this book got my attention were:
• The supposed free exploration system, with region-labeled maps.
• The relatively system-heavy setup.
• The situation.

The book puts you in the role of Saruman's apprentice, before the White Wizard openly switches sides. That's a remarkably interesting and vulnerable place to be.

Let's get to the meat.

The first choice is: go with the pregen character, or make your own? If you're going with make your own, go ahead and write-up your proposed version.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'd vote on making our own if I had the time. I might be able to do so at some point tomorrow.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

No hurry. I'll roll up a stat array:

11 (+2)
6 (0)
7 (0)

Pretty good. Probably the best reason to go with Rána is his +2 stat, so covering that is fortunate.
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Post by SGamerz »

I vote we use the new stats but distribute them with the same priority as the pre-created characters (Int, Str, Agty). I don't think there's much need to change the Skill bonus distribution, too.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

I agree that the skill bonuses are probably well-placed for your 'spying-on-a-wizard' needs, but the real question is: do you want to trade any of your skill adds for spells known? (See the last two Advanced Rules spoilers.)
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'm personally digging Healing and Item Analysis.
Also Luck and Clairvoyance, although they are very costly.
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Post by SGamerz »

I'm disinclined to spend too much skill points on spells. The fact that they're part of "Advanced Rules" indicates that the book can probably be solved without much issues without spells (for those playing under Basic rules).

If we're taking any, I agree that Luck and Clairvoyance seem the most useful. I'd rather not take more than 2 spells. And I think we should use the extra skill bonus that the default character distributes to Magic, because I don't really relish having any other stat start off with negative bonus besides Missile OB.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Well, it turns out both views can be accommodated, as there was a part of the chargen section (that got snipped somehow) which handed out racial benefits. These are pretty lame and not especially true to the source material (ffs, elves get penalties while underground as though the Woodland Realm didn't exist) but Humans do get an extra skill add in General. So that can convert into the two other spells Darth wanted, while keeping almost all skill modifiers at least neutral. It's just weird that the pregen character doesn't seem to have his own race's bonus.

Our dude looks like:
Name: ???

Strength: 7
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 11

Endurance: 34
XP: 0

Melee OB: +1
Missile OB: -3
DB: 0
Running: 0
General: +1
Trickery: +3
Perception: +3
Magical: +3

Spells Known: Clairvoyance (5), Healing (0), Item Analysis (3), Luck (5).
What about starting gear? You get two of the following:
- Dagger
- Pouch w/3x Healing Herbs (restores 2d6 End)
- Leather Armor
- Shortsword
- Back Pack

Now taking name suggestions. I'm not going to insist on a setting-appropriate name, but I will suggest one: Spedwine, meaning luck-friend.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'm down with Spedwine.

Ironically, t's actually pretty damn funny to have a not-at-all-bizarre-for-the-setting name for once.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

I dunno, man, most of the crazy names were in Fighting Fantasy, and in-universe examples include Sukumvit, Azurr, and Chadda. Manstaff actually seems more plausible because at least it's constructed from recognizable parts.
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Post by SGamerz »

I think we should take the shortsword since fighting barehanded seem to carry a pretty heavy penalty in bonus.

I can't decide between healing herbs or backpack for the second slot.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The choice between healz (especially for a drain caster) and carrying capacity is truly a difficult one. If it were me, I might take both and forgo any weapon, reasoning that one could be found in the armory or something, and that the spy scenario might not involve much fighting anyway. If you were going that route, you'd probably take the Calm spell as a failsafe. But I wouldn't blame anyone for betting that a gamebook would have numerous combat encounters.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'm personally in favor of angel's suggestion: take the herbs and the backpack, and switch out something for the Calm spell. Chances are we'll end up finding a dagger or something anyways.
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Post by SGamerz »

If we're dropping a spell or Calm, and taking the healing herbs....maybe we should drop the Heal spell? I don't feel particularly strongly about this though, willing to be overruled by any other suggestion.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

We're a drain caster, I think we're going to need all the healing we can get.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Healing's utility can be enormous, but it is kind of dependent on having downtime, and it's difficult to predict how much of that will be available. So it looks like we're ditching Item Analysis for Calm, ditching the Shortsword, and starting with a pacifist build.

That's kinda different. I hope it works out.

Anyway, as you may have noticed, this is one of those books where you don't start at entry 1. Instead, we are starting at Z19, which is a location entry - the summit of Orthanc.

High above the plain of Isengard looms the Seventh Level of Orthanc: the rooftop observatory. Although it is called the Seventh Level, you know that there are actually many other floors in between the main 'levels', all with locked chambers and secret vaults. Saruman admits that even he might not have found all of them yet. As one of the White Wizard's apprentices, you are allowed access only to the main levels; Saruman reserves access to the 'inner chambers' (as he is fond of calling them) to himself.

This narrow space, open to the sky, lies cradled between the tips of the four mighty piers of black stone, 500 feet above the ground. A wall (which you must stand on your toes to look over) joins the horns, and beyond, far below, stretches the plain of Isengard. You strain to see across the plain, but all is wreathed in thick fog. Far off, you fancy that you can see a few towers of the rim wall jutting above the mists. This must be what it would be like to be resting on a cloud, you think, peering into the gloom. A cool breeze ruffles your hair as you turn from the wall. Before you, etched upon the floor, lie many astrological signs. Within a hollowed niche of one of the piers is the roost for several messenger birds.

• If you are just starting the game, pick a number:
- If 2-5, turn to 346.
- If 6-12, turn to 452.
• Otherwise, move on.
Note: After you leave here you may spend as much time as you wish in your bedroom (W14).
The roll was 3, so we get the less likely opening. The letter/number combos are location entries, but the book also has at least 452 entries for events and encounters. That promises a lot of content, especially since the simple navigation entries are on a separate count.
346 (Time: 10)

You begin carefully lettering a note to the Elf-Queen Galadriel, for her realm is closest and the Lady of the Golden Wood would surely help you. You wish you could contact Gandalf the Grey, for he is wise, and also one of the Istari, but the Grey Wizard is always traveling, and difficult to locate. Just as you are finishing the note, a scraping sound announces footsteps on the stairs. Turn to 260.
260 (Time: 5)

Deftly you slip the half-written note into your pocket. An instant later, through the open door the white-hooded head of none other than Saruman appears around the twisting stair. He smiles crookedly when he sees you.

"Well, hello, my young friend," he says in his soft, soothing voice. "I am surprised to see you on the roof at this hour. Studying your stars, no doubt! Very good." He stands for a moment and looks at the sky.

You manage to control your trembling, but cannot help noticing that Saruman's robes do not look white in the moonlight. In fact, as they ripple in the cool breese, they seem to shift and change through every colour imaginable.

The Wizard speaks again, at first almost to himself: "The viewing is less than ideal with the waxing moon, but one can still see most of the Patterns." He turns to you suddenly, his piercing gaze seeming to stab right through you to your pounding heart.

"I believe I will retire for the evening. Good-night!" He turns and with a swirl of robes is gone. You exhale, realizing that you have been holding your breath. After waiting a minute to compose yourself, you pull out the note to finish it. Turn to 452.
And that's the other result of the die-roll, so it was just a little extra content. Probably.
452 (Time: 15, Exp Pt: 20)

You finish the note and survey your work:

To the Lady of Lorien,
I, an apprentice to Saruman the White in Isengard, write this urgent message. I must convey a special communication from Orthanc to the White Council, a message too sensitive to be sent by carrier bird. Do not reply to this letter; instead, send a messenger to meet me at midnight ten days hence (the night of the full moon). I will await your servant at --

(You may choose to meet the messenger from Lorien at one of three places: the entrance to the Wizard's Vale (3F), the far side of the Isen river bridge (6A), or at a ruined farmhouse near the river (4C). Note this choice for future reference.)

The note finished, you place it in one of the tiny bone carry-tubes, and strap it to the leg of Elramar ('Star-Wings'). With a flutter of slate feathers, the reliable bird swoops away, circling the tower before streaking off to the north-east, where lies the Golden wood of Lorien. [/i]Turn to 320[/i].
Woohoo, 20 XP for writing a letter! Not that it's any use.
452 (Time: Nine days)

After having sent the message, you elect to wait as long as possible before attempting to gather clues and leave Isengard. That will leave Saruman little time to discover your treachery.

The days pass with infinite slowness, despite the fact that you are busy with chores and studies. Whenever you are near Saruman you grow nervous, but he does not seem to notice your discomfort. He is obviously focused on other things.

You awaken on the morning of the tenth day. While finishing your breakfast in your room (W14), you begin to plan ways to get more specific proof of Saruman's misdeeds. You must find examples of the Wizard's treachery. It is ten o'clock in the morning. You should leave the tower in twelve hours to be certain to have time enough to reach the meeting-place by midnight (840 minutes from now). It would be wise to spend this time gathering information about your master's dealings.

Note: It is now Time 0 minutes of Day 10. Enter this on your Character Record. You may spend more time here if you wish, then you must move on.

I don't see any reason to stick around at the moment, but due to the lack of doors, there's not actually any choice: the only exit from your room is the S14 stairway.

S14 (Time: 5)

At the fourth level of this stairwell the steps spiral to an end facing the door to your bedroom. Although not as grand as some of the doors on the lower levels, this one is of solid hardwood; elaborately carved with runes and delicate designs.

A brass and crystal lamp hangs next to the door in the small portico, casting a warm light on the landing as you ponder what to do next. From here you can either climb down (to S10) or enter your bedroom (W14). Move on.

And then the only exit from that isn't your bedroom is S10.

You arrive at the landing on the third level. A large door of dark glossy wood, with a pointed arch, is set far into a niche in the inner wall. This massive door leads into the extraordinary Library of Orthanc. From here you can climb up (to S14), down (to S6) or enter the Library (V12). Move on.

So there's the first real navigation choice, but don't forget to also indicate which meeting-place you wanted to set in the letter.

Name: Spedwine

Strength: 7
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 11

Endurance: 34
XP: 20
Time: 10

Melee OB: +1
Missile OB: -3
DB: 0
Running: 0
General: +1
Trickery: +3
Perception: +3
Magical: +3

Spells Known: Calm (5), Clairvoyance (5), Healing (0), Luck (5).

Gear: Backpack, Pouch of Healing Herbs (3).
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Choose the farmhouse as the meeting point, and go to the library.
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Post by SGamerz »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:Choose the farmhouse as the meeting point, and go to the library.
Sounds good, library is the usual place for intelligence/information.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

V12 (Time: 5)

The vastness of the library engulfs you. No matter how many times you come here, you are awed by the immense domed chamber one hundred feet across and nearly seventy-five feet at the apex. Five levels of iron walkways circle the perimeter, joined by spiral stairways. These seven narrow open-mesh helices are spaced evenly about the hall, rising sixty feet up to the base of the iron-trussed dome. The complexity and ornamentation of the twisting black ironwork in this room is a treasure to be appreciated, and that is merely the structure which surrounds the priceless volumes and documents held here.

Indeed, the entire circumference of the great chamber is covered with carved wooden shelves and racks, holding thousands upon thousands of scrolls, bound manuscripts, and books. Most of the documents are of course loose manuscripts bound together; a few are actually books, filled with Saruman's flowing script. Much of the upper wall area is consumed with myriad pigeon-holes, each holding a parchment scroll, numbered and labeled.

To the east, a small, narrow door of black stone breaks the pattern of racks and shelves. Past that door is a short hallway, and beyond stands a small iron-railed balcony, directly above the front door. The huge room is lighted primarily by seven tall windows, running from floor to dome, set next to each of the stairwells. At night, the domed ceiling gives off a warm yellow illumination. You once asked the Wizard how the magic of the ceiling was accomplished, but he just shook his head and said: "Some trickery of the Númenoreans, I suppose; they wasted their skills on foolish trifles like that." You secretly find the ceiling fascinating and often come to the library just as the natural light dims to watch the dome come to life.

Many curving desks occupy the floor of the chamber, reminders of a time when this was a citadel occupied by not only soldiers of Gondor, but by Mystics, Historians, and Astrologers. In the centre, on a raised pedestal, is the main librarian's desk and the catalogue, holding references to every manuscript, book, and scroll in the room. Since only you, the other apprentices, and Saruman use the library now, there is no need for a librarian; the desk has been untended for hundreds of years. Pick a number:
• If 2-5, turn to 475.
• If 6-12, turn to 322.
I keep hearing about these other apprentices, but they don't seem to have names or their own rooms or anything. Anyway, the number is 7.
322 (Time: 5)

The Library is empty, the tall pillars stretching upwards to the dim roof. It is so quiet as to be almost oppressive.

• If you look for a book, turn to 187.
• If you search the Library for anything unusual, turn to 125.
• If you leave (by any door), move on.

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Search for anything unusual.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

"Anything unusual" sounds really vague. This game is on time limits, so I suspect some time-wasting sections. I vote to look for a book, which hopefully will allow us to look for specific subjects.
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Post by SGamerz »

If you're stuck by the tie, then go ahead and search for unusual stuff. I think this should be a minor issue, and not really worth dragging out.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Sorry, I was mostly not around because Mon/Tue is my weekend.
125 (Time: 30)

An exhaustive search of the chamber walls, floor and ceiling yields no concrete results. Apparently the Library has no secrets to reveal.

• If you look for a book, turn to 187.
• If you leave (by any door), move on.
Ordinarily, I'd go right into 'looking for a book,' but the time constraint makes that less of a no-brainer.

edit: tags!
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Post by Starmaker »

What are we looking for, anyway? There are currently two outstanding research topics: Saruman's technicolor dreamcoat and the amazingly fascinating ceiling.

Half a vote for leaving.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You have suspicions that little S is up to something, and are looking for specific proofs of his nogoodnikness.
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