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Chekov's Anime Reviews

Post by AndreiChekov »

I don't know if anyone actually wants to read this, but following the tradition of "My Immortal" I'm doing it anyway.

I'm going to start with Rosario + Vampire, and as I finish animes I will add them as new posts.

Rosario + Vampire
The show starts with a boring average guy who didn't make it into highschool, because he failed the test, but thankfully, his parents found a paper on the streets to get him into a highschool.
It's full of monsters. Oh, and there are panty shots within about 8 minutes.

The show has practically now plot. There is no reason for the 4 girls that like him to do so, and it doesn't go anywhere.

On the other hand, the fan service is frequent, and decent.

In season 2, they probably realized that people only watch it for the fan service, because they multiplied it by about 7. As in, in season 1, there was atleast 1 panty shot per episode, and in season 2 there are at least 4, and some reference to boobs and sex.

The thing that really turned me off from the show was when the main shitbag said that it was dangerously close to kiddy porn, but the whole show has an 11 year old with fan service of her....
tht went bit too far for me.

overall. 3/10. if you like fan service 7/10
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Post by MGuy »

Never really made it out of the first few episodes of that one.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

MGuy wrote:Never really made it out of the first few episodes of that one.
I was a horny teenager when I watched it, so it was great. Looking back at it now, I kind of regret it.
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Post by Koumei »

I'm quite the fan of the show, setting aside the youngest two characters. Mainly because, other than all the panty shots, it's just... very cheerful. It's a happy, silly show.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Koumei wrote:I'm quite the fan of the show, setting aside the youngest two characters. Mainly because, other than all the panty shots, it's just... very cheerful. It's a happy, silly show.
youngest 2?
there is the witch girl who is 11, I don't remember any other particularly under age characters

I did decide to be nicer after watching it. I just decided to be nice to everyone for a while, and it sort of stuck around, so the show did have some positive effect on me.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Next up for review is Macross Frontier.
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Post by Koumei »

In Rosario + Vampire Kapu-Chuu, they introduce Kokoa, Moka's younger sister. She's not a complete lacking-girl shortass character, but still.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Koumei wrote:In Rosario + Vampire Kapu-Chuu, they introduce Kokoa, Moka's younger sister. She's not a complete lacking-girl shortass character, but still.
Oh right, I remember her, but she wasn't 11, so I didn't feel bad about the strawberry.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Macross Frontier
Out of all the shows that I have ever seen, this one has to be the best. It is a love triangle, drama, action, alien, space adventure. The voice acting in it has to be the best I've ever heard, because I could actually feel the emotions of the characters. The story is truly epic, I watched episodes 1 to 6 just because, and then after that I couldn't stop. I pulled an all nighter to finish it.

The artwork is a little odd. It took a bit to get used to, because the main character isn't pretty, and that is weird, but the main character has subconsciously prehensile hair, which is completely awesome.
Artwork 7/10

Character development is pretty solid. You get an introduction to each character as they turn up, and they have enough depth as the show goes on to seem like real people. Nothing particularly spectacular, but it is all good quality.
Characters 6/10

The music was all custom written for the show, and it is pretty decent. Often, J-pop will be really silly or retarded, but they managed to make music that isn't offensive to my ears, and it has expanded my genre of listening. If you want a sample of it, search for "Lion Macross" on youtube. It is amazing. Everytime I hear that song I want to fight aliens or something.
Musix 9/10

The story doesn't rely on plot twists or mystery, it is just events happening in a specific order. It is sort of like a documentary in that regard, but the events develop the personality of each character and really help to be a study of the human mind, and emotions. Also, fighting aliens is awesome.
Story 9/10

Anyway, this is the best anime ever.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Shiki is a mystery, suspense, study of the human fear of death, with vampires anime.
The story is basically about a village that is being gradually turned into vampires. It does this without most of the lame vampire tropes. As in, they aren't gothic nightclub venturing assholes who will only suck the blood of dark girls that never smile.
These vampires are better than that.

Artwork is odd. Nobody has knees, and they also have really really long legs. Basically every part of their body is too long. This bothered me for about the first half of the first episode, then I got used to it.
Art 5/10

Character development is basically what the whole show is about. And the characters are shallow one sided people, they all have layers, and as the show goes on, there were people that I actually genuinely liked, characters that I felt sorry for and couldn't hate, and characters that I could actually hate.

The music was completely background. I never even noticed it, which means that it fit. The intro and outro songs are boring.

The story is complicated, and in good way. It has plot twists, and suspense, and it makes a very good mystery. The overall mystery is for the characters, not the viewer, though. So it will be fairly obvious, to you what is going on, but the characters have no idea.
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Post by rampaging-poet »

Shiki's great. The UVic anime club watched it a few years ago, and I really enjoyed it. I actually liked both opening songs, but I can't even remember the ending ones. Your assessment of the story is pretty much spot-on.
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Post by AndreiChekov »

So, I'm in a Low priority matches in DOTA right now, so that leaves a lot of time between games to write these things.

Chunnibyo and other delusions
This show is a moe, drama, suspense of disbelief anime. The main character is a guy who once believed that he had super powers interacting with a girl who still believes that she has super powers. There isn't much that goes on, but she is quite adorable in how she acts, and he is a bit of a douche, but it makes the whole thing worthwhile with the contrast.

Artwork: the artwork is pretty much generic modern anime. And I like that style, so. 9/10

Character development: You'd think that I'd already told you everything from my first overview of the show, but I haven't. I have left secret things for the show to reveal. It made me cry. 8/10

Music: The music was terrible and distracted me from the show several times. 2/10

Story: The story is not really a thing. This show is about character development and moe situations. 5/10
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Post by AndreiChekov »

Okay. This show. THIS SHOW. This show. It is amazing. It is the ultimate blend of moe and comedy. I laughed, I cried and I squeed. (that is not a real word.) The show is about a girl who wants to learn guitar, and does so with her new club. the light music club. Basically, it is a slice of life anime with moe and jokes. And. DAYUM. It really does that just wow.

Artwork: Everybody bounces. That is just how they move. And everyonce in a while they have stars for eyes. It just fits the story and style so very well. No fanservice. (I hate fanservice) so, 9/10 (only 9/10 because I have seen better. If I hadn't seen Noragami, this would be 10/10)

Character Development: There is a bit of this. Mostly the show isn't about that. It is more about moe stuff. 4/10

Music: The music is great. And not in that it is good, but rather in that it is hilarious. I laughed for a good 2 minutes everytime they played song. 7/10

Story: There isn't really a story. The show is basically a sitcom. But it really works well as this. I would really suggest watching this show. MINAI! watch K-on! 5/10
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Post by AndreiChekov »

So, It's that time of the month again, where I play DOTA 2 and have to wait for matches.

This time I'm reviewing Shikabane Hime

Shikabane Hime
Shikabane Hime (Literally "Corpse Princess") is about zombies that look like high school girls fighting super powered zombie monster things. There is a deep story, lots of character, and tons of action.

Artwork: Generic goodish quality modern style. 7/10

Character Development: The characters start of being really weird, because they all have complex characteristics already, and there is no reason why. Oddly enough, the main characters are the most shallow. Still, it is really interesting how their earlier actions are explained by the development, rather than having them take new actions to explain their character. 9/10

Music: The opening and outro songs are a bit odd, but they fit the style of the anime. The music during the show doesn't distract from or add anything to the show. 6/10

Story: The story is really gripping. I've watched the show twice. At the end of season 1, they have a huge twist, and it sets up season 2 without getting ridiculous. It doesn't really end, I mean the story does, but it does it in an open ended way, sort of like saying "that is the end of this particular story about them." It doesn't leave you expecting a season 3. And the OVAs really make everything even more interesting without being necessary to understand the show. 10/10

I've watched this show more than once, and it is one of the first shows that I give to anyone to introduce them to anime. It is readily available with subs or dubs, as you prefer.

And this isn't a spoiler; Hokuto is awesome.

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Last edited by AndreiChekov on Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AndreiChekov »


This anime. bleh.
Yuyushiki is an anime about 2 children (who are supposed to be 14) and their mother (who is supposed to be their friend)

This anime is shit on a number of levels. Basically, it is K-On!, but they forgot to have character build up. It throws you into an already built relationship with no explanation, and expects you to like the most annoying characters this side of the mississippi.

Artwork: 3/10 The artwork is shit. It isn't chibby, it isn't cute, it just looks lazy.

Character Development: I don't know. I was sick of the show before the end of the first episode, because they showed "fully developed" characters, and had no explanation as to why they acted that way.

Music: 5/10 The intro song sounds like standard modern J-pop. The background stuff didn't grab my attention, and I wish it had, because the show itself was terrible.

Story: 1/10 I don't think there is one.

So, basically this show is about the two most annoying creatures in the universe, and their totally-not-mother friend. And it was really annoying, and not "cute" or "moe" or whatever. Absolute shit.

I give it a shit/shit. wouldn't watch again.
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Post by Mistborn »

Sorry for the slowpoke but

It's a slice of life show that was adapted form a 4koma strip. It's not weird for those sorts of shows to be more like a series of short sketches instead of an overarching narrative.
Last edited by Mistborn on Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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