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New Classes

Post by Wiseman »

Scion of the Dying Embers

There are those who love a good fire, the bigger the better. And then there are those who adore what comes after. While some love to play with fire, others enjoy nothing more than the soft powdery ashes that remain afterwards. These people sometimes practice a specific fighting style evoking the powers inherent in soot and ashes to crush their enemies.

At least 5th level.
Special: Must be an Ash Genasi, Half-Ash Elemental, have lived on the Quasimental Plane of Ashes for at least one year, or have some other connection to the plane you can convince the DM of OR must have been reduced from Max HP to 1/4 HP purely by fire damage. This needn't all be from one source.

Hit Die: d8
BAB: Good Saves: Good Fort and Reflex
Skills: 4+int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Escape Artist, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Tumble


Soot Breath (Ex): At first level as a standard action, the Scion may exhale a cloud of soot, ashes and smoke in a 30ft. cone. All creatures in this cloud must succeed on a Fort save (10+1/2HD+Con) or be nauseated for 2 rounds and blinded until they take a full round action (provoking an attack of opportunity) to clear their vision. Success leaves the victim merely dazzled and sickened for 1 minute. This extinguishes all unprotected flames in it's area and has a 75% chance of extinguishing protected flames. Once used this cannot be use again for 2 rounds.

Heat Sight (Ex): The Scion gains infrared vision. This functions like Detect Heat.

Soot Cloud (Su): At second level The Scion gains the ability to transform into a cloud of ash and soot with a radius anywhere from 10 to 30 feet. All creatures in this area are blinded for as long as they remain in the area and must make a Fort save (con based) every round or be nauseated for 1 round. The blindness remains until they are out of the cloud and then take a full-round action (provoking an attack of opportunity) to clear their vision. Any non-magical fire in this area is automatically extinguished. The Scion is treated as if they were in gaseous form while like this. Also at this level, the Scion tends to leave a soot like residue on things they touch. They can suppress this, though it tends to activate on it's own in times of stress or anger. At 4th level, the clouds radius can increase to 40ft.

Soot Burst (Su): Also at second level, the Scion's fire abilities leave behind a remnant of soot and ashes. Whenever they use an ability to deal fire damage (even from a magic item like a wand or flaming sword) the affected area is also covered in a cloud of soot and ashes for 1 round (in the case of a single target, the 5-foot cube attacked becomes the area. All creatures in these areas are occluded for 1 round. Ranged attacks firing into or through these areas suffer a -4 penalty. The Scion, any other Scions of the Dying Embers and any creatures the Scion designates are unaffected by the ash clouds.

Fire Dampening (Ex): At third level, the Scion gains Fire and Cold resistance 30.

Ash Storm (Su): At will the Scion may create a storm of ashes and soot. This functions as the sleet storm spell, but is of course ashes and soot instead of snow.

Heat Drain (Su): At fourth level, the Scion gains the ability to draw heat out of things with a melee touch 3/day. The touched target must make a fort save or take 1d6 con damage. The Scion heals 5 HP per point drained in such a manner. Also, the Scion automatically attempts to dispel any magical fire or fire based weapon or armor they come in contact with as if through Greater Dispel Magic.

Heat Sink (Su): At fifth level, the Scion is a walking abomination against heat and warmth. They are healed on a point-for-point basis by fire, and gain immunity to cold. The temperature within 30 feet them is always 2 steps colder (to a minimum of cold) (this can be suppressed if the Scion wishes). The Scion also no longer needs to breathe.

Planar Travel (Su): At fifth level, the Scion may planeshift, with the only possible destinations being the Quasielemental Plane of Ash and whatever plane they were on before entering Ash. Additionally, they are immune to the harmful effects of any inner plane.
Last edited by Wiseman on Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Maxus »

I admit: I read this class title and immediately thought of Dark Souls.

This is some neat stuff, though. I like the heatsinky abilities and the Soot Cloud, quite a bit.

I'd play this.
He jumps like a damned dragoon, and charges into battle fighting rather insane monsters with little more than his bare hands and rather nasty spell effects conjured up solely through knowledge and the local plantlife. He unerringly knows where his goal lies, he breathes underwater and is untroubled by space travel, seems to have no limits to his actual endurance and favors killing his enemies by driving both boots square into their skull. His agility is unmatched, and his strength legendary, able to fling about a turtle shell big enough to contain a man with enough force to barrel down a near endless path of unfortunates.

--The horror of Mario

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath. He is a terrible person and a hack at writing and art. His cultural contributions are less than Justin Bieber's, and he's a shitmuffin. Go go gadget Googlebomb!
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Post by Wiseman »

"There is only one truth in the multiverse. The multiverse shall be sharpened upon the blade of justice. With justice as its whetstone, the multiverse shall achieve perfection."

The Mercykillers are an order of fanatical justice worshippers. Their belief is that there can be no justice without punishment, and no perfection without fear. To this end, they relentlessly pursue criminals, acting as judge, jury, and executioner. The Mercykillers are actually an organization that spans planes. Rarely are they well liked by the powers that be, and in fact, the Mercykillers consider most governments corrupt by default. Thus, in many area's they act as vigilantes.

"When the injustice is great enough, justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it. None may stand against it. It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence. Know this: There is nothing on all the Planes that can stay the hand of justice when it is brought against them. It may unmake armies. It may sunder the thrones of gods. Know that for all who betray justice, I am their fate. And fate carries an executioner's axe." - Vhailor

Executioners are the frontline soldiers in the Mercykillers war upon injustice. Like the rest of their organization, they consider mercy to be a shield used by the weak, and existing only to impede justice. Their sole goal is to punish the wicked, and stride after their opponent ceaselessly. Once given a target, they never abandon it until either they or their quarry are dead. They care nothing for any collateral damage that may occur, and to them any who get in their way or who stand by while the guilty walk among them are just as guilty as their quarry.

Prerequisites: At least 5th level
Alignment: Any Non-Chaotic

Hit Dice: d10
Saves: Good Fort and Will
BAB: Good
Skills: 4+Int

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Executioner is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, as well as all armors and shields, including tower shields.

Cow the Unjust (Ex): One of the first things an Executioner learns is how to instill the fear of justice into their foes. When they successfully deal melee damage to an opponent, that opponent must make a will save (DC10+1/2HD+Str) or become shaken for 1 minute. The save need only be made once per round. Success grants them immunity to this particular Executioner's effect for 24 hours.

Violent Courage (Ex): An Executioner becomes immune to fear. Instead, when subjected to an effect that would cause fear, they instead gain a +4 bonus to strength for 1 minute.

Pursuit: An Executioner gains Track as a bonus feat. If they already have Track, then they gain a +10 bonus to Survival for following tracks.

Satisfaction (Ex): At second level, an Executioner learns to draw satisfaction and excitement from killing the unjust. Whenever the Executioner kills a sapient creature, they gain the benefits of Heroism for 1 minute.

Marked Quarry (Ex): Also at second level, an Executioner may designate a up to two creatures as a swift action, these creatures need not be present, though the Executioner must be aware of their existence. They gain a +3 dodge bonus against this creatures attacks, and gain a +5 bonus to track them. They may designate an additional creature per additional class level.

Power of Justice: At third level, the executioner gains basic access to the Justice sphere and access to the Vengence domain as if it were a sphere with basic access.

Hunt Quarry (Su): Also at third level, if any of their quarries are within range, the Executioner gains the benefit of a Locate Creature keyed to them. This effect is not blocked by running water.

Fanatic (Ex): At fourth level, when an Executioner kills a sapient creature, they gain the benefits of Greater Heroism for 5 minutes.

Dauntless (Su): Nothing may impede the progress of justice. Also at fourth level, the Executioner is under a permanent Freedom of Movement effect.

No Escape (Su): At fifth level, as a standard action, once per day, an Executioner may gain the benefit of Discern Location towards one of their quarries. If successful, they may then immediately teleport to within close range of them. If they use Discern Location through some other means (like the Vengeance domain), they may also teleport then.

Execution (Su): Also at fifth level, once per day, the executioner may make a special melee attack. If it misses or the victim makes their save, this ability is not wasted. If it hit's the victim must make a will save (DC10+1/2HD+Str) or die. This is a [Death] effect.
Last edited by Wiseman on Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:48 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Orion »

It's probably cleaner to let them declare execute after hitting rather than declare it before rolling and then maybe or maybe not expending it. In my opinion, it also shouldn't be expended on the first hit, but only when the enemy actually fails their save.
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Post by RobbyPants »

Wiseman wrote: Cow the Unjust (Ex): One of the first things an Executioner learns is how to instill the fear of justice into their foes. When they successfully deal melee damage to an opponent, that opponent must make a will save (DC10+1/2HD+Str) or become shaken. The save need only be made once per round.
What's the duration on the shaken effect?
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Post by Wiseman »


As long as there has been civilization, there have been those who lead it. Some achieve their position through deed and strength. Some are chosen by the people. Some are born into their position.

Hit Die: d8
BAB: Average
Saves: Good Fort and Will
Skills: 6+int
Class Skills: Any


Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Noble is proficient in light and medium, as well as simple and martial weapons, as well as any weapon with "whip" in it's name. The base whip deals 1d6 damage for Medium, can damage an opponent regardless of armor or natural armor, threatens out to it's reach and does not provoke attacks of opportunity for using.

Orders (Su): When a noble talks, others listen. When they give commands, others follow. A noble may use Command at will as a supernatural ability (Will Save DC 10+1/2HD+Cha).

Use Magic Device: When attempting to activate a magic item, a Noble counts as the appropriate race/class/ect equal to their level for the purpose of activating that item. A Noble who multiclasses loses this ability. A noble with 4 or more levels of Noble keeps this ability regardless.

Favor (Ex): A Noble is an influential individual and has access to connections, allies, and resources. By making a favor check, they can gain access to things that may help them on their quests. For example this could be loans or gifts of equipment or money, access to restricted areas, invites to exclusive events, the assistance of allies or reinforcement, or audiences with important figures.
To make a favor check, a noble rolls 1d20+class level+1/2 levels in other classes. At 10th level, this becomes 1d20+3+character level.
The DC's for such checks vary. For a simple favor, a DC of 10 is acceptable, for a more elaborate or larger favor DC20 and for a grand or unbelievable favor the DC is 30.
There is no limit to the number of Favor checks a noble can make save that making one in the same day as a previous check carries a cumulative -2 penalty. A favor check that has been failed cannot be retried. Even if a check is successful, they might not have the ability to comply with a request, even though they are willing (for example if there's nobody capable of casting spells of that level). Though considering they actually want to help you, they should provide some lesser form of assistance.
Examples: Here are some example favors to give a good context for how this ability can be used.
Simple: Gain an audience with an important figure on the fly, gain access to a mildly restricted area (like a library, fortress, or forest). Request minor aid in a battle that's not very costly (recieve encounter CR-2 in help). Request temporary lodgings (up to a week). Request assistance with transport to non-dangerous area. Request the casting a 0th-3rd level spell without a costly material component unless you supply the cost yourself. Borrow a non-consumable lesser magic item.
Elaborate: Request lodgings (up to a month). Request significant or extended aid for an adventure ("help defend our city from pirate attacks until the pirates are all defeated"). Request the casting of a spell of up to 6th level without costly material components unless covering the cost yourself, or a spell of 0th-3rd with a costly material component. Request transport to or through a moderately dangerous area ("help us pass through the valley of dragons"). Gain access to a highly restricted area ("May I enter the tomb only members of the royal family are allowed to enter?"). Borrow a non-consumable intermediate magic item. Receive a lesser magic item.
Grand: Request permanent lodgings. Request immense aid, like going to war with a kingdom they weren't originally intending to fight. Request transport to or through an extremely dangerous area ("come with us to the Plane of Fire"). Request the casting of any spell without costly material components unless supplying the costs yourself or 0th-6th level spells with costs. Borrow a greater magic item. Receive an intermediate magic item.
Requesting a Simple Favor takes a minimum of 1 minute. An Elaborate Favor takes at least 10 minutes, and requesting a Grand Favor takes a minimum of 1 hour.

Inspiration (Ex): A 2nd level noble is able to inspire their allies to greatness. As a standard action a noble can grant allies within close range a bonus equal to half their Charisma bonus (but no higher than their noble level) to attacks, damage, checks, saves, or armor class (to which the bonus applies can be changed at the beginning of that allies turn). This lasts for 1 round per character level.

Elegant Grace: A noble adds their charisma modifier as a grace bonus to their saving throws. Grace bonuses do not stack with similar abilities (like a paladin's divine grace), only the highest applies.

Force of Personality: A noble may use their charisma modifier in place of whatever other ability score they would use on melee and ranged attack and damage as well as combat maneuvers.

Attention Whore (Ex): As a standard action, a noble can cause any number of creatures within close range to be fascinated (will negates, cha-based). This lasts as long as noble keeps spending standard actions. Any hostile action or threat towards a fascinated subject breaks the effect.

Reputation: At 3rd level, a noble has attained quite a reputation. All non-hostile creatures who could plausibly know about the noble are treated as one step friendlier to the noble, to a maximum of fanatic. This is only an initial reaction, and any actions that would change their perception of the noble, do.

Defiance (Ex): A noble doesn't have do what other people tell them. That's simply not how things work. At 3rd level, a noble gains immunity to [Compulsion] effects.

Conscription (Su): A noble is nothing without servants to do their bidding for them on command. Also at 3rd level, a noble may use Unseen Servant as an at will ability, save that it summons 1d4 servants per use. The servants are treated as having Str 10, and may be visible, appearing however the noble wishes them to appear.

At will as a standard action, the Noble may use Summon Monster as a supernatural ability. It's spell level is equal to 1/2 your character level (round up).

Beginning at 5th level, the Servants can perform more complex tasks for the noble. They are capable of making Craft, Disable Device, Heal, Perform, Search, and Use Rope checks. They are treated as having a modifier of (character level +3) for these skills, or they may use the nobles modifier if it is higher. Likewise, the servants become stronger, more durable and able to survive hostile conditions. They gain Resist 30 to all energies, DR30/-, and their strength score is equal to the nobles charisma modifier if better. The servant may travel out to long range from the noble without vanishing.

At 9th level, the Noble may use Servant Horde with the same benefits as Unseen Servant. And the Noble may use Summon Horde, following the same pattern.

Assassination (Ex): Poison is subtle, difficult to notice, difficult to trace, and deadly. It's no wonder it's the nobles weapon of choice. At 4th level whenever using a poison of any type, the poison's DC is increased by 2, and any damage it deals is increased by 1 die size (1-d3-d4-d6-d8-d10-d12-d20) to a maximum of d20. Additionally, they never risk poisoning themselves when applying poison to a weapon. Finally they gain 2d6 sneak attack die, that stack with any other source of sneak attack.

Family Secrets: At fourth level, the Noble receives a bonus feat. This may be any feat they meet the prerequisites for, and they count as a monster, celestial, fiend, or elemental for the purpose of meeting prerequisites. They receive another such feat every fourth level after this.

Master: At fifth level, the noble gains a group of followers. They gain a leadership feat of their choice.

Bossy (Su): Also at fifth level, the Noble may use Greater Command at will.

Belittle (Ex): Again at fifth level, a noble can use scathing remarks and carefully tailored insults to crush a foe's esteem. As a standard action they can focus their mockery on one opponent, who must make a will save (10+1/2HD+Cha) or take a penalty to attacks, damage, checks, saves, or AC (chosen by the noble at the beginning of their turn) equal to half the nobles Cha bonus (maximum equal to nobles level) for a number of rounds equal to the nobles level.

Reflexive Command (Su): At 6th level whenever anyone attempts to use a [Compulsion] effect on the Noble, they may turn the effect back on the originator as if the Noble had cast it (at a caster level equal to their level).

Do As I Say (Sp): At seventh level, a noble may use Suggestion at will as a Spell-Like Ability. A creature who succeeds on their save cannot be affected again by the Noble for 1 hour.

Hammer of Your Betters (Su): Also at seventh level should one of the nobles [Mind-affecting] effects fail (whether due to a successful save or immunity) the noble may instead cause the victim to suffer 1d6 nonlethal damage per level.

Family Techniques: At 8th level, the noble gains basic access to a sphere of their choice, or upgrades access to a sphere they already had.

Recruitment (Su): At 9th level, the Noble may use Planar Binding/Ally and the Lesser versions thereof as supernatural abilities. Regardless of what additional classes they take after this point, at 14th level they may use Greater Planar Ally/Binding and at 18th level, they may use Gate (calling version only).

Legion: At 10th level, the number of followers the noble has by any means are multiplied by 10.

The Party Never Stops (Sp): Also at 10th level, the Noble may use Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, albeit with a 1 minute casting time. The mansion exists between castings. The layout of the manor is decided upon acquiring this ability (with all numbers multiplied by ten) and additional space may be added upon leveling up. 1/day, the banquet can duplicate the effects of a Feast of Champions. The only limit to the number of people it can feed is the number of people that can fit in the Mansion.

So I saw this in the Dragonlance sourcebook, and was unimpressed by it. So I made a better version.
Last edited by Wiseman on Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:47 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Bone Acolyte of Chemosh
"Shut up."
Bone Acolytes are the much feared and fearsome servants of the undead god Chemosh. While many of his followers are necromancers, fighting from behind waves of undead minions, the Bone Acolyte strikes head on, fighting with weapons and armor shaped purely from bone. These servants have near absolute control over bone, shaping it to their dark purposes.

At Least 5th level
Alignment: Any evil
Patron Deity: Chemosh
Special: Must perform a ritual involving the sacrifice of a Fey, a Humanoid and a Giant.

BAB: Good
Saves: Good Fort and Will
Skills: 2+int
Hit Die: d10

Hard Bone: The ritual used to gain the favor of Chemosh also transforms the bones of it's victims into a suit of bone armor, which is summarized here. It may be summoned or dismissed as a free action. The Acolyte suffers no ACP while wearing this armor. For every level of this class, the max dex of the armor increases by one.
Bone Armor [Lesser Magic Item]:
ArmorArmor BonusMax DexACPGold Cost
Bone Armor+4+4-35,450gp

Made from the bones of magical beasts, this armor makes you look the part of a necromancer.
You may choose to change Positive or Negative Energy into the opposite type when it affects you. This may change whether it heals or harms you.
Scaling bonus: Bone Armor has a +1/3 levels enhancement bonus to AC
Magic ability: Your caster level is increased by one for the purposes of casting Animate Dead & Create Undead (including Greater) and when counting how many HD of Undead you can control.

Bone Thrust (Su): As a free action, the Bone Acoyte may create any weapon they are proficient with out of their own bone. This has all the normal stats of the weapon, and counts as being made of steel. This weapon crumbles to dust if it leaves their hand, or after impact if thrown. Yes, this means you can make iterative attacks with thrown weapons. The weapon has a +1/3 character levels enhancement bonus and deals an extra 1d6/3 levels negative energy damage. This can be activated or deactivated as a free action.

Bone Magic: At each level, the Bone Acolyte gains new caster level, spells per day, and spells known as if they gain a level in another spellcasting class they have. However, each spell slot gained from bone acolyte levels can only be used for spells of the Necromancy school. If they do not have a spellcasting class, then they gain the spellcasting ability of a cleric for these levels, with the above restrictions.

Bone Spike (Su): As a swift action, a 2nd bone acolyte may treat their bone armor as having Armor Spikes. Likewise they can retract them as the same action. Alternatively, they can create the spikes out of their own body, without the armor.

Bone Handler (Su): A bone acolyte can create various objects and tools out of bone. This takes a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.. The object has one size category per 2 character levels (so a 6th level character could create a tiny sized object). Once created, the objects are nonmagical. By default, the Bone Acolyte can automatically create basic objects. By making an appropriate craft check, they can create masterwork objects or complex objects. Bone has hardness 4 and 8 HP per inch of thickness.

Bone Raiser (Sp): At 2nd level, the Bone Acolyte gains Animate Dead as an at will spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their level. However, they may only create skeletons with this ability.

Bone Mastery (Su): The Bone Acolyte's control over bones grows, and they can even exert control over the bones of others. As a standard action, the Bone Acolyte may attempt to seize control of the movements of another creatures bones, controlling them like a grim puppetmaster. This duplicates the effects of Puppet Dance with a caster level equal to the Bone Acolyte's character level.

Bone Sphere: At 3rd level. The Acolyte gains basic access to the Bone sphere or advances it's access to that sphere if it already has it. This cannot be used to advance access to another sphere.

Bone Breaker (Su): Also at third level, the bone acolyte may exert even greater control over the bones of others. As a standard action, they can target one creature with a skeletal system within medium range and break one of it's limbs (Fort negates DC10+1/2HD+Wis). A broken leg causes the creature to move at half-speed (quarter speed for quadrupeds) and take 1d6 dex damage. If all their legs are broken, they are prone and may only crawl about at 5 feet as a full round action. A broken arm cannot be used to hold objects, wield weapons, or perform somatic components. They also take 1d6 Str damage. Probably have to figure something special out for creatures with weird limbs. Other bones like ribs, pelvises, or skulls can be cracked or broken, dealing 1d4 Con damage.

Bone Warrior (Su): At 4th level, by means of a 1 hour ritual and expending arbitrary magical components with a value of 100gp, the Bone Acolyte can transform a Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid, Giant or Partial Spirit based on the former creatures, with a CR at least 2 levels lower than the Acolyte's into a Bone Warrior. The creature gains the Bone Warrior template (described below). At any time an Acolyte can have a number up to their unmodified charisma modifier of Bone Warriors under their control. If they create a new one that exceeds this limit they must free another from their service. While a Bone Warrior is under the control of a Bone Acolyte, it is immune to turning and rebuking except by a Bone Acolyte.

Boner: At 5th level, the Acolyte basic access to the death sphere, or upgrades access they already have by one step. This cannot be used to advance access to another sphere.

Bone Enhancer: Also at 5th level, any objects the Bone Acolyte makes can be made out of Vilebone or Wildbone if they wish.

Bone Shatter (Su): The ultimate expression of a Bone Acolytes power, and their true mastery of bones 1/minute, as a standard action the Bone Acolyte may perform a melee touch attack on a creature with a skeletal system, and attempt to destroy it's bones entirely. If the creature fails a fort save (DC10+1/2HD+Wis) it dies horrifically as it's bones liquefy. If it succeeds on the save, it still takes 2d6 Str, Dex and Con damage and is exhausted as it's bones crack and weaken. On undead creatures who succeed, they instead suffer 2d6 Dex Damage and are staggered for 8 hours.

*The word bone has lost all meaning...
Last edited by Wiseman on Mon Dec 24, 2018 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Bone Warrior
Created by a Bone Acolyte, these creatures are their formidable servants. In an extremely painful process, the subjects bones are moved from inside the body to outside, molding into an exoskeleton. While dangerous under the control of a Bone Acolyte or other necromancer, when uncontrolled they tend not to last long. The constant excruciating pain drives most insane and they are prone to going on killing sprees, usually drawing the attention of those that would destroy or subjugate them.

Size and Type: Size is unchanged. Type becomes Undead with the [Dark-Minded] subtype. All current and future Hit Dice become d12.
Armor Class: The Bone Warrior gains a +1/3 levels (round up) enhancement bonus to natural armor.
Speed: +10 feet to land speed.
Attacks: The Bone Warrior gains a slam attack (that may deal slashing piercing or bludgeoning damage at it's option) as a primary natural weapon (1d8 for med). If it uses other weapons, it becomes secondary.
Special Attacks:
Bone Fury: When attacking, being attacked, or viewing living creatures, the Bone Warrior may enter into a berserker state. It gains a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, intimidate checks and Will Saves, -2 to AC, deals an extra 1d6/2 levels (round up) damage on all melee attacks from BAB. While in this state, a Bone Warrior may not cast spells, activate magic items, use spell-like abilities, or drop it's weapons or shield. The berserking lasts until it has neither been attacked or seen an enemy for 1 minute. It cannot voluntarily end it's berserking beforehand.
Special Qualities:
Rigid Bone: A Bone Warrior treated constantly wearing a suit of Bone Armor that cannot be removed. It suffers no max dex or ACP for this armor.

Immunity to Pain and Fear effects. DR10/Adamantine.
Abilities: +4 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Int
Environment: Any
Alignment: Usually Chaotic Evil
Cost: -
Last edited by Wiseman on Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Knight of the Crown
The Knights of Solamnia are divided into 3 different orders, each serving a different role in the fight against evil. The Knights of the Crown are those Knights who serve Habakkuk, the Fisher King and Blue Phoenix, God of Nature and Persistance. They are the guardians of nature, protecting the natural world from the depredations of evil forces. As a result, the Knights of the Crown are among the most mobile of knights, moving from place to place as the need take them. Many Solamnic outposts were originally built to support Knights of the Crown as places to rest, meeting places to share information and knowledge, and supply houses to support their missions in a region.

The vast majority of Knights of the Crown are formerly Rangers or Druids of Habakkuk. However, Fighters, Clerics, Barbarians, or even Paladins are not unheard of.

Level: At least 5th level
Patron Deity: Habakkuk
Alignment: Any Good

Class Features
Hit Die: d8
Saves: Good Fort and either Good Reflex or Good Will
BAB: Good
Skills: 4+int

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Knight of the Crown is proficient in all simple, martial, and natural weapons, as well as all armors and shields. A druid may freely wear metal armor and shields they are proficient in.

Spellcasting: Every level, the Knight casts spells (including gaining any new spell slots and spell knowledge) as if they had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class they had previous to gaining that level. If they did not possess any diving spellcasting, they gain the spellcasting of a 1st level druid.

Persistance: With the power of Habakkuk, the Knight can endure things that would make others break. 1/day/class level the Knight may gain the benefits of Indomitibility at any moment, but not more than 1/round. This is not an action, and can be used even if an effect would deny the Knight actions, or dictate their actions for them.

Holy Shape (Su): The knight gains the ability to channel the powers of the Guardinals, Holy Spirits of Nature. Entering a form is a standard action, and they may remain in this for 1 hour per class level. They may use this ability 3+class level times per day. Any limited use abilities do not refresh no matter how many times they exit and reenter the form. They only refresh when spells are restored. The save DC for any abilities are 10+1/2character level+wis). Like Wild Shape, they may not cast spells in these forms without the benefit of natural spell.

Cervidal Shape
Traits: Gains horns and hooves. Might have a tail, or larger than normal hands.
Skills: +1/class level to Jump, Climb, and Balance
Movement: +20 speed
Abilities: +4 Strength
Horns: The Knight gains the Lay on Hands ability, with a pool of hit points equal to their character level times their wisdom modifier. By touching a creature with their horns they can spend any amount from this pool to heal the same amount. Additionally, by touching a creature with their horns they may cause that creature to be affected by one of the following abilities 3/day each: Remove Fatigue, Remove Paralysis, Remove Curse, Remove Fear, Neutralize Poison
Hoof (Ex): The Knight gains a slam attack (1d8 for medium) and may make iterative attacks with it. A creature struck must succeed on a fort save or be stunned for 1 round. They need only make one save per round no matter how many times they are struck.

Mustival Shape
Traits: Might gain whiskers, a ferret tail, or fur.
Skills: +1/class level to Hide, Move Silently and Bluff
Movement: 20ft. climb speed
Abilities: +4 Dex
Darkstalker: The Knight cannot be detected by Blindsense, Blindsight, Tremorsense or any other "you autofail stealth" ability. Creatures with these abilities must attempt to find the Knight normally.
Focused Movement (Ex): The Knight may move before and after taking a standard action, though it may not move more than it's normal distance.
Sneak Attack (Ex): The Knight has 1d6/3 levels (round down) sneak attack die in this form.

Lupinal Shape
3rd level and above
Traits: Wolf ears and tails, or maybe just looks like a Hybrid Form Werewolf.
Skills: +1/class level to Survival and Sense Motive
Movement: +20ft speed
Abilities: +2 Dex, +2 Str
Scent (Ex): The Knight gains Scent out to 10 feet per character level. If they already have scent, add the ranges together.
Wolfpack (Ex): The Knight gains twice the usual benefit from flanking and aid another.
Natural Weapons: The Knight gains a Bite attack (2d6+1.5str for med) as a primary natural weapon and 2 claws (1d6+str for med) as secondary natural weapons.
Howl: As a standard action 1/day/class level the Knight may howl, granting all allies within long range who can hear the howl the benefit of greater heroism for 1 round/character level. This also allows the knight to communicate with their allies, duplicating the effect of a Sending for all allies in range. The message can be different for each ally.
Rend (Ex): If the Knight strikes with both of it's claws on one opponent, it rends them for additional claw damage.

Avoral Shape
3rd level and above
Traits: Gain feathered wings. Might also gained taloned feet or a beak or feathers.
Skills: +1/class level to Spot
Movement: Fly: 60ft. (Good)
Abilities: +4 dex
Eagle Eye (Ex): The Knights Spot checks suffer a -1 penalty per 2000 feet instead of 10 feet.
True Sight (Ex): The Knight benefits from a True Seeing effect that goes out to line of sight while in this form.

Ursinal Shape
5th level and above
Traits: Gains bear ears and tail. Might become bulkier or just look like a wearbear in hybrid form.
Skills: +1/class level to whatever skill or skills you have identifying spells.
Movement: -
Abilities: +2 Str, +2 Con
Library of Heaven (Su): The Knight gains a limited access to the knowledge of the celestials while in this form. They gain bardic knowledge as a Bard equal to their character level.
Magic: 1/day/class level the Knight may use Minor Wish as a spell-like ability.

Leonal Shape
7th level and above
Traits: Probably looks like Lion-O.
Skills: +1/class level to Intimidate and Diplomacy
Movement: +50 speed
Abilities: +4 Str, +2 Con
Noble Roar (Su): As a standard action, the Knight can roar in a 60ft. cone. All creatures in the area are subject to a Holy Word effect and take 1d6/character level sonic damage (Fort Half). Once used, the Knight must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.
Natural Weapons: The Knight gains a Bite attack (2d6+1.5str for med) as a primary natural weapon and 2 claws (1d6+str for med) as secondary natural weapons.
Rend (Ex): If the Knight strikes with both of it's claws on one opponent, it rends them for additional claw damage.

Captain Planet: At 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th levels, the Knight gains access to one of the following spheres as elementals: Air, Water, Earth, Fire. Once they gain (or improve) access to one of these spheres, they must pick one they didn't pick with this ability at later levels.

Eternal Guardian of Nature: At 9th level, the Knight ascends, becoming a Guardinal, a holy spirit protecting nature. They gain the [Guardinal] and [Good] subtypes.
Darkvision out to 60ft. and low-light vision
Immunity to Fire, Cold, and Petrification
Resistance to Electricity and Acid 10.
Possesses scent out to 30ft. or 10ft./CR, whichever is larger.
Feral Combat (Su): All Guardinals natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus per 3 CR (rounded up).
Master of the Wild (Su): All Guardinals are aware of every creature of the Animal, Magical Beast, and Vermin type within 100ft per CR and may communicate telepathically with them. They may enact a Charm Monster effect against any such creature they can sense as a swift action, once per round (ignoring vermins immunity to mind-affecting). Magical Beasts who make their saves are immune for 24 hours.
Tongues (Su): All Guardinals can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level equal to Hit Dice). This ability is always active.

Heart (Ex): At 10th level, the true persistence of Habakkuk makes itself known within the knight. They become immune to [Fear] effects. As a standard action, they may remove any one of the following effects from themselves: Blinded, Dazed, Confused, Stunned, Paralyzed, Slowed, Ability Damaged, Ability Drained, Negative Levels, Sickened, Nauseated, Numbed, Headached, Migrained, Fatigued, Exhausted, Charmed, Dominated, Suggested, Fascinated, Poisoned, Diseased, Petrification. This ability can be activated even if they couldn't normally, if under an effect that would deny them actions or dictate their actions for them.
Additionally, their Indomitability ability now automatically refreshes itself every round.
Last edited by Wiseman on Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Tribal Shaman

Hit Dice: d8
Saves: Good Fort and Will
Skills: 4+int
BAB: Average

Prerequisites: Must have racial HD that don't grant spellcasting abilities. Must be at least 3rd level.

The tribal shaman is generally the spellcaster for many wilder species, like ogres, trolls, centaurs, and other dudes with racial HD that would prevent them from effectively using normal casting classes. These shamans serve as the source of magic for their tribes or civilizations, and are often also leaders of their people.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: If they don't already have it, they gain proficiency in simple and martial weapons, as well as light and medium armor. No shields however.

Spheres: The tribal shaman gains access to a sphere of their choice. For every two character levels a Tribal Shaman possesses, they gain basic access to a sphere, or can upgrade one sphere to higher access. Any save DC's for this or other class abilities are (10+1/2HD+Highest mental ability score).

Turn/Rebuke Undead: A Tribal Shaman can turn or rebuke undead (their choice when they gain this ability, cannot be changed later) as a cleric equal to their character level. They may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3+highest mental ability modifier and they may use that ability in place of charisma for all aspects of the turning/rebuking.

Use Magic Device: A Tribal shaman counts as any class, race, type ect. up to their level for the purpose of activating and making magic items. Their caster level is equal to their character level.

Spirit Caller (Su): At 2nd level a tribal shaman gains the ability to commune with spirits. They may use the commune spell 3 times a day, as well as Summon Monster at will. The spells level is equal to the shaman's (character level+1)/2. A tribal shaman with at least 7 character levels may use Lesser Planar Ally 1/day. With 11 character levels they may use Planar Ally 1/day, with 15 character levels they may use Greater Planar Ally 1/day.

Healer (Su): The tribal shaman also serves as the source of healing magic for their tribe. A 2nd level tribal shaman may expend a turning/rebuking attempt to deal 1d8/character level damage of either positive or negative energy damage to any targets of their choice within close range, healing or harming them depending on what heals or harms them. Unwilling targets may make a will save for half damage.

Panacea (Su): At 3rd level, by spending a turning attempt, the tribal shaman may duplicate the effects of Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Disease, Remove Curse, Remove Fatigue, or Neutralize Poison on any creatures of their choice within close range. If they possess at least 10 character levels, they may duplicate the effects of Heal 1/hour, with the same range and area of effect.

Bolster (Su): Also at 3rd level, by spending a turning attempt, the Tribal Shaman may duplicate the effects of Greater Heroism, Haste, Resist Energy, Protection from Energy, Shield, or Aid on any creatures of their choice within close range. If they have at least 11 character levels, they may use Energy Immunity 1/hour with the same range and area of effect.

Mo' Magic (Su): At 4th level, the Tribal shaman's number of turning/rebuking attempts per day is doubled.

Hinder (Su): Also at 4th level, by spending a turn attempt, the Shaman may duplicate the effects of Bestow Curse, Slow, Confusion, Blindness/Deafness, Crushing Despair, Ray of Exhaustion, or Poison on a number of creatures equal to their class level within close range. If they have at least 12 character levels they may use Greater Bestow Curse with the same range and targets.

Spirit Apotheosis: At 5th level, the Tribal shaman gains one of the following subtypes: Modron, Rilmani, Slaad, Eladrin, Archon, Guardinal, Baatezu, Yugoloth, Tanar'ri, Genie.
Last edited by Wiseman on Tue Aug 27, 2019 5:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Fun fact. In dragonlance, giants are basically mutant ogres. Let's make a class out of that!

Fire Ogre Paragon
Prerequisite: Must have the Giant Type or be a Minotaur
Must be at least level 3.

Hit Die: D10
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Fort
Skills: 4+int

Mantle of Flames: The Fire Ogre gains the [Fire] subtype.

Inferno (Su): A Fire ogre deals 1d6/3 character levels extra fire damage (round up) with any melee or thrown attack. This damage is also dealt to any creature it grapples or that strikes it with unarmed strikes or natural weapons.

Magic of Fire: Starting at level 1 and every odd level afterwards Fire Ogre gains access to one of the following spheres, or may improve one of these spheres' access by one step: Fire, Metal, Pyre, Radiance, Smoke.

Piercing Flame: The Fire Ogre ignores fire resistance and deals half damage to creatures with immunity.

Blazing Aura: At 2nd level, the Fire Ogre can engulf themselves in an aura of flame. This deals 4d6 per round to all creatures within 10 feet of them. This can be activated or deactivated as a standard action.

Project Flames (Su): Also at second level, the Ogre can project firebolts as a standard action. These have a range of 100 feet (no range increments), require a ranged touch attack to land, and deal 1d6/levels fire damage.

Pyrokinisis: At 2nd level the Fire Ogre gains Pyrokinisis as a bonus feat.

Ignite: Any creature a 3rd level Fire Ogre deals fire damage to catches on fire, taking the ogres Inferno damage at the beginning of each of their turns. At the end of their turns they can attempt a reflex save (DC10+1/2HD+highest mental ability modifer) to extinguish the flames.

Meteor Throw: When the Fire Ogre throws an object, it becomes filled with destructive energies. On impact it explodes, dealing the ogres thrown object damage in a 5 foot radius burst. There is a reflex save for half damage, although the initial target doesn't get one. If the projectile misses, it still explodes, but the initial target also gets a save.

Blazing Fire Servant (SP): As a Full Round Action, a 4th level Fire Ogre may duplicate Summon Monster 1/Hour, but are limited to summoning [Fire] creatures only.
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Storm Ogre Paragon
Race:Must be a Giant or Minotaur
Level: At least 3rd level.

Class Features:
Hit Die: d10
Saves: Good Fort
BAB: Good
Skills: 4+Int

Note: Any save DC's are 10+1/2 Character Level+highest mental ability modifier.

Mantle of Storms: The Ogre gains the [Air] subtype. They are under a permanent featherfall effect. They are immune to Electricity damage, and gain Sonic Resistance 30.

Electric Aura (Su): A Storm Ogre deals 1d6/3 character levels extra electricity damage (round up) with any melee or thrown attack. This damage is also dealt to any creature it grapples or that strikes it with unarmed strikes or natural weapons, or comes into direct contact with it in any way.

Magic of Storms: At each odd level, the Storm Ogre gains access to one of the following spheres: Air, Dust, Electricity, Tempest, Weather.

Piercing Storm: The Storm Ogre ignores all electricity and sonic resistance and deals half damage to creatures with immunity.

Conductive (Su): The Storm Ogre can channel it's electricity through conductive materials. If the ogre beats the touch AC of a target plus any other sources of AC that don't come from metal, but fails to beat it's total AC it still deals any electrical damage it would have dealt.

Project Lightning: As a standard action, a 2nd level Storm Ogre can shoot lightning at people. These bolts can be fired out to medium range (no range increments), require a ranged touch attack to land, and deal 1d6/levels electricity damage.

Force of the Storm (Su): Any creature that suffers electricity damage from a Storm Ogre is automatically Entangled for 1 round.

Flying Nimbus: The Storm Ogre gains Cloud Rider as a bonus feat. They count as always having an Air spell prepared of a level equal to (character level+1)/2.

Thunderbolt: A 3rd level Storm Ogre may conjure a javelin in their hands as a free action. This javelin has a +1/3Char-level (round up) enhancement bonus, and have the Energy Forged (electricity), and Shock traits. These javelins vanish at the end if the Storm Ogre's turn, or after impact if thrown.

Great Thunderclap (Sp): Also at 3rd level, the Storm Ogre may use Great Thunderclap 1/minute. They are immune to the effects of this spell.

Storm Manipulation: Again at 3rd level, the Storm Ogre gains Electrocute, Lightning Rod and Electrical Torment as bonus feats.

Lord of Storms: At 4th level, a Storm Ogre is under a constant Call Lightning. There is no limit to the number of bolts they may call down, however and they may activate this ability 1/round as a free action.
Additionally, the Storm Ogre is under a constant Control Winds effect as well. Finally, they may use Control Weather at will with the area multiplied by 10.

Dynamic Entry: A true master of storms is nothing without a stylish entrance. A 4th level storm ogre may use Lightning Strikes Twice as a move action 1/minute. Storm Ogres often combine this with a Great Thunderclap as they land and if they do, the DC is increased by 3.

Storm Servant (Su): Again at 4th level, the Storm Ogre may use Summon Monster 1/hour, but may only summon creatures with the [Air] subtype.

Thundercloud (Su): At fifth level, the Storm Ogre may create a raging thundercloud. This duplicate the effects of Incendiary Cloud save that it deals 1d6/2 levels damage that is half electricity and half sonic damage. Each round that a creature is within this cloud they must make a fort save or be stunned for 1 round. The Storm Ogre is unaffected by their own cloud and may see through it perfectly.

Cloud Chariot (Su): Also at 5th level 1/hour the Storm Ogre may use Cloud Chariot as a supernatural ability.

Storm Attunement: Again at 5th level the Storm Ogre is healed by electricity damage on a point for point basis and gains immunity to Sonic damage and deafening. They never suffer penalties to their listen checks due to ambient noise.

Greater Storm Magic: At 6th level, the Storm Ogre may use Crashing Lightning 1/minute, it ignores hardness and deals full damage to objects. They may also use Hurricane Force at will.

Punishing Storm: Any creature who suffers electricity damage from the Storm Ogre must make a fort save or be Numbed for 1 minute. Any creature who suffers sonic damage from a Storm Ogre must make a fort save or be staggered for 1 minute.

Lightning Volley: At 6th level, a Storm Ogre may use it's Project Lightning ability as an attack action.

Master of Lightning: At 7th level, the Call Lightning upgrades to constant Call Lightning Storm. It may be used 1/round as a free action.

Bolt of Indra (Sp): Also at 7th level, 1/hour the Storm Ogre may use Bolt of Indra.

Overload (Su): If an 8th level Storm Ogre succeeds on a grapple check, it may unleash a vast amount of electricity into it's victim. The target takes 100 electricity damage, and must make a fort save or die. Immunity to electricity grants one a +5 bonus on this save.
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:53 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Knight of the Rose
Level: At least 5th level
Patron Deity: Paladine
Alignment: Lawful Good or Neutral Good

Class Features
Hit Die: d10
Saves: Good Fort and Will
BAB: Good
Skills: 4+int

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Knight of the Rose is proficient in all simple, martial, and natural weapons, as well as all armors and shields.

Spellcasting: Every level, the Knight casts spells (including gaining any new spell slots and spell knowledge) as if they had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class they had previous to gaining that level. If they did not possess any divine spellcasting, they gain the spellcasting of a 1st level cleric.

Majesty (Su): The might and awe of the King of Dragons flows through his knights. The Knight radiates an aura that enhances allies. All allies within close range gain a +2 morale bonus, this can be applied to attacks, checks, saves, damage or AC, chosen at the beginning of their turn.
At third level, all allies also gain either DR(level of the knight)/- or Energy Resistance (2x level of the knight) against the breath weapon of the Knights dragon cohort. While under this effect, any armor they are wearing gains a platinum sheen to it.
At Fifth level, the Knight's Majesty extends out to medium range. Additionally, all allies in this area gain a +4 bonus to all saves against fear effects.
At seventh level, the morale bonus the aura grants is increased to +3.
At ninth level, all allies in the area gain All allies within the Majesty Aura of the Knight may duplicate the effects of Knights dragon allies breath weapon on enemies struck by their melee or ranged attacks. In the case of damage, the opponent suffers 1d6/3 levels (round up) of the ally in damage. If multiple breath weapons are avaliable, then at the beginning of their turn they choose which to use. The allies also gain any immunities of the Knight's Dragon's type.

Dragon Rider: The Knight of the Rose gains the allegiance and friendship of a true dragon cohort. The Dragon cohort is a dragon with a CR equal to the Knights level -2. It levels up when they do, growing in size and power. Should the dragon be slain and not rezzed or it leaves, a new one will come to replace it after 24 hours. The Knight may telepathically communicate with their dragon regardless of distance provided they are on the same plane. Additionally, while mounted, whenever a Ride check would be called for, both Knight and Dragon may roll, and the better result is used.

Mounted Combat: The Knight of the Rose gains Mounted Combat (or some variant thereof) as a bonus feat. If they already have this feat (or equivilent) then they may gain any feat they meet the prerequisites for instead.

Leadership: The Knight gains a Leadership feat as a bonus feat.

Draconic Immunities: The Knight of the Rose gains the immunities of the type of dragon companion they have. If the companion gets additional immunites with age categories, the Knight gets those immunites when their character level equals the CR of that dragons age category.

Breath Weapon (Su): At second level, the Knight of the Rose gains the breath weapon ability of their dragon companion. If the dragon's breath weapons change or are added to with age, they acquire them in the same manner as immunities.

Unison of Technique (Ex): Also at second level, when their dragon mount charges, the Knight adds 1d6/Class level to the damage of their attack.

Dragon Attack (Ex): At fourth level, while mounted on their dragon, the Knight may make melee attacks out to their dragons reach and threatens to this area as well.

Unison of Senses (Su): While Knight is within the reach of their Dragon companion, they may share each others senses. While they both have sight, they gain the benefits All-Around Vision and a +3 bonus to spot checks. While they both have hearing they gain a +3 bonus to listen checks. While they both have the ability to smell, they may gain the benefits of Scent. When making Search or Survival checks, both Knight and Dragon roll and the better of the two results is taken. The Knight also gains the benefits of their dragons blindsense/blindsight/tremorsense/soulsight/whateversense as well as the benefits of their Master of Wealth ability. Whenever one of them gains the benefit of a Divination effect, the other may gain that same benefit.
This ability does have a downside in that while sharing senses, if one of them fails a save against an attack based on one of those senses, they are both affected by it. (For example a Gaze attack, or a Wail of the Banshee or Stinking Cloud).

Dragon Call (Su): At 6th level, 1/day, as a full round action, the Knight may call their dragon to them. The dragon appears anywhere within long range line of sight. If they wish, they may call their dragon to their own space, and be instantly mounted atop them.

Unison of Power: Also at 6th level, the Knight gains access to the type of their dragons spell-like abilities in the same manner as with immunities. When the Knight or the Dragon casts a single spell with themself as the target, if they are within the reach of each other, they may share the effect with their companion in a manner similar to the familiars Share Spells ability. Finally, when saving throws are rolled, both the Knight and the Dragon may roll, and both use the better of the two results.

Unison of Body: Even when separate from their dragon, the Knight may call upon their power. 3/day, as a swift action the knight may invoke the power of their dragon. For 1 round/class level, they gain their dragons spell resistance, frightful presence, auras and natural weapon attacks, with the same reach and size as their dragon. Any effects that would activate with the dragons natural weapon attacks are applied as well. Any save DC's may use the higher of the Knights or Dragons. They also gain any movement modes their dragon possesses. While in this state, all attacks against them have a 20% miss chance. Also a giant glowing (as a daylight spell) dragon shaped aura surrounds the knight while they're like this. It looks badass.

Unison of Soul: At 10th level, the Knight and Dragon are as one being. They pool their hit points together, using this new total for all effects. They gain each other subtypes. They are also immune to [Death] effects that only target one of them. Additionally, their ability to share senses now functions regardless of distance, though if they are outside of reach then one must spend a full round concentrating to sense what the other senses. Finally, their share spells ability functions regardless of distance provided they are on the same plane.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Sorry I'm late to the party, but I'd play the Noble. I love all about it.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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Post by Wiseman »

Currently a WIP, but might as well put what I have up here...

Knight of the Thorn
One who follows the heart finds it will bleed. Feel nothing but victory.

Some take it a bit too literally...
Prerequisites: At least 5th level
Alignment: Must be Evil

Class Features:
Hit Dice: d8
Saves: Good Reflex and Will
Skills: 4+Int
BAB: Good

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Knight of the Thorn is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, as well as all armors also shields, but not tower shields.

Spellcasting: Every level, the Knight casts spells (including gaining any new spell slots and spell knowledge) as if they had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class they had previous to gaining that level. If they did not possess any arcane spellcasting, they gain the spellcasting of a 1st level sorcerer.

Dark Magic: A knight counts as having every spell with the [Evil] descriptor on their spell list for the purpose of activating magic items.

Armored Casting: When casting Arcane spells, a Knight of the Thorn suffers no arcane spell failure with armor or shields they are proficient with.

Boost Weapon (Su): As a standard action, 1/day/class level the Knight of the Thorn may enhance a weapon. It gains a +1/3 levels (round up) enhancement bonus if better and may be imbued with a single non-epic weapon enchantment. This lasts for one hour but only functions while the Knight is wielding it. The knight may enhance a natural weapon or even an unarmed strike (in which case it is treated as armed) in this manner.

Divining of the Vision: The Knights of the Thorn place great emphasis on Divination magic, with which to gather information to aid the great conquest. At each spell level of the class they chose to advance, the Knight gains an extra spell slot or spell known for a divination spell.

War Magic: At 2nd level, the Knight's war magic becomes stronger. Any spell that deals hit point damage has that damage Empowered.

Combat Casting: At 2nd level, the Knight does not provoke attacks of opportunity for casting spells.

Knowledge of the Vision (Su): The Vision benefits the Knights of the Thorn as well. At 3rd level, the knight may gain the effects of a Scan on a creature they can see out to line of sight as a swift action.

Boost Armor (Su): 1/day/Class level, the Knight may enhance any armor their wearing. It gains a +1/3 levels (round up) enhancement bonus if better, and may be imbued with a single non-epic armor enchantment. This lasts for 1 hour but only functions while the Knight is wearing it. The knight may enhance ordinary clothes, or even bare skin in the same manner (non-magical clothes are treated as having an armor bonus of +0. Likewise with bare skin).

Bringer of Fear (Su): Again at 3rd level, the Knights inner darkness radiates outwards. They gain an aura out to close range that causes all enemies in the area to become Shaken if they fail a will save (DC10+1/2HD+casting modifier) for as long as they remain in the area and then 1 round/level afterwards. On a successful save, a creatures is unaffected by this ability for 24 hours.

Channel: At 4th level, the Knight gains the ability to channel touch spells through melee weapon attacks. Delivering the spell requires a normal melee attack, and may add the melee attacks damage to the spells effect. If the attack fails to hit the targets full AC but still hits their touch AC the effects of the spell are delivered as normal. As with a normal touch spell, the Knight may cast the spell and make the attack in the same round.

Greater War Magic: At 5th level, any time the Knight casts a spell that does HP damage, that damage is both Maximized and Empowered.

Combo Finisher: At 6th level, once per round when the Knight strikes a target in melee at least twice in 1 round, they may then perform one of the following actions once as a free action.
Cast a spell with a casting time of one standard action or less.
Use a spell-like ability with the parameters.
Activate a maneuver with the same parameters.
Perform a combat maneuver on that foe or another target within the keyblade masters reach.
Make an attack that deals maximized damage. This is at their full BAB and has an additional +3 bonus to hit.

Deceptive Gift: Also at 6th level, whenever the Knight casts an Abjuration spell on themself, they may also have it also effects all allies within 100ft, for as long as they are conscious. They may also dismiss the effect on any number of their allies, as a free action usable outside of turn.
Last edited by Wiseman on Fri Nov 02, 2018 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Keyblade Master

The keyblade is a mystical weapon, capable of bringing about both good and evil. It's wielders are legendary warriors, traveling from world to world, fighting against dark threats. The possess a broad range of magical and martial abilities.

Abilities: A Keyblade Master benefits best from focusing on both a mental stat and a physical stat. Con is also beneficial for almost all charactes.

Races: Anyone can become a Keyblade Master. The flexible abilities used make it adaptable to anyone.

Alignment: Most Keyblade Masters are good, though nothing requires them to be.

Hit Die: d8
Saves: All Good
BAB: Good
Skills: 4+int

Weapons and Armor: A Keyblade Master is proficient in simple and martial weapons, as well as all armor. They are not proficient with shields. They are also automatically proficient with any keyblade they wield.

Spells: A Keyblade Master casts Arcane spells. They have the same spells per day as a Bard plus 2 additional spells of each level they can cast, and know every spell on their list. Their Spell DC's and Bonus spells are determined by the highest of their Int, Wis, or Cha. At each level, they may add one spell from the cleric, wizard, or druid spell list of a level they can cast. Alternatively, they may learn maneuvers from any discipline of an equal level. They may only learn these spells if they're level is equal to (2xspell level)-1.

The levels learnable from and the Keyblade Master level they apply to are as follows:
2nd =2nd

Armored Casting: A Keyblade Master suffers no penalty to casting in armor when casting Keyblade Master spells.

Keyblade: Each Keyblade Master is in possession of a mystical weapon called a Keyblade. This is an exotic 1-handed weapon that deals 2d6 base damage that is either slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning at the wielders option. The wielder may use the higher of their Str or Dex for attack and damage.

Though a keyblade can possess a wide variety of abilities, there are some that they all share. A Keyblade has a +1 enhancement bonus per 3 levels of the wielder (round up). It may be summoned or dismissed as a free action. The keyblade may also open or close any lock or seal within close range as a standard action, no matter the DC or magical enchantments placed upon it, the only exception being the doorway to Kingdom Hearts. It may also duplicate the effects of Open/Close at will. It can likewise seal portals and locks, duplicating the effects of Arcane Lock. However, the break DC is increased by 20, and the DC to Dispel it is increased by 10.
Finally, the keyblade can serve as a conduit for magic. When casting a spell, the wielder may ignore any material, focus or divine focus component that costs 50gp or less. Finally, a keyblade ignores any DR, Hardness, or Regeneration that a Heartless may possess.

At third level, the Keyblade gains an enchantment of the wielders choice, every four levels after that, it gains another enchantment, to a maximum of 4. With an hour of downtime, these enchantments may be changed.

Reaction Command (Ex): At 2nd level, a Keyblade Master deals double damage on an attack of opportunity. If they choose to use a combat maneuver, they gain a +2 bonus to rolls with it.

Grace: At 2nd level, Keyblade Master adds their highest mental ability score as a bonus to saving throws. This does not stack with similar abilities (like a paladin's divine grace).

Detect (Su): Again at 2nd level, Keyblade Master can use any detect alignment spell at will.

Dodge Roll (Ex): At 4th level, a Keyblade Master may take a 5 foot step as an immediate action.

Bonus Feat: Also at 4th level, a Keyblade Master recieves a bonus feat. This may be any feat they meet the prerequisites for. Every three levels after 4th they gain another bonus feat.

Drive (Su): At 5th level, a Keyblade Master gains access to the Drive ability, allowing them to assume more powerful forms temporarily as a free action. At first, they only have access to two forms. A form lasts for 1 round/level, after which another Drive form cannot be assumed for 1 hour.
Valor Form: While in this form, the Keyblade Master gains a +4 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con, and may make one extra attack at full BAB as part of a standard or full attack. Their move speed doubles. While in this form, the Keyblade Master cannot perform any action that requires concentration.
Wisdom Form: While in this form the Keyblade Master gains a +4 bonus to Int, Wis, and Cha. In place of melee attacks, they may make a ranged touch attacks out to close range as an attack action. These deal their base weapon damage minus any ability or enhancement bonuses. When casting a spell, the Keyblade Master may apply any metamagic feat they know to the spell spontaneously, to a maximum of 1 metamagic level per four class levels with no increase in level.

Combo Master (Ex): At 6th level a Keyblade Master may make a full attack as a standard action.

Combo Finisher: At 8th level, should the Keyblade Master strike a foe at least twice in a round, they may perform one of the following actions once as a free action.
Cast a spell with a casting time of one standard action or less that targets the foe or include them in it's area of effect.
Manifest a power with the same parameters.
Activate a psi-like ability with the same parameters.
Use a spell-like ability with the same parameters.
Initiate a maneuver with the same parameters.
Begin a maneuver-like ability with same parameters.
Perform a combat maneuver on that foe or another target within the keyblade masters reach.
Make an attack that deals maximized damage. This is at their full BAB and has an additional +3 bonus to hit.

The combo finisher may only be used 1/round. If the opponent is dropped with the two attacks required to activate this ability, the Keyblade Master may shift their target to another within their reach.

Reaction Commands 2: Reaction Command Harder (Ex): At 9th level, an opponent missing a melee attack against a Keyblade Master provokes an attack of opportunity.

Master Form: At 10th level, a Keyblade Master may assume a variety of forms with their Drive Ability, mixing martial and magical combat. They gain a +4 bonus to both a physical and mental ability score of their choice, and gain additional abilities depending on what style they choose. All save DC's are 10+1/2level+casting modifier. Any ability with a duration other than instantaneous ends when the form ends.
Firestorm: The Keyblade masters weapon attacks add 1d6/3 levels (round up) fire damage. Gain Scorching Column, Scorching Ray, and Burning Hands as at will spell-like abilities. As a combo finisher, the Keyblade Master may cause everything within their threatened area to take 1d6/level fire damage (reflex half). As a standard action they may throw fire in a 20ft sphere out to long range. This deals 1d6/level fire damage, reflex half, and all creatures in the area who fail their saves catch fire, taking 1d6/3levels fire damage (round up) each round for 10 rounds. Doing this ends the form.
Thunderbolt: The keyblade masters weapon attacks add 1d6/3 levels (round up) electricity damage. The keyblade master gains Lightning Bolt, Scintilating Sphere and Orb of Electricity as at will spell-like abilities. As a combo finisher, the keyblade master may make a melee touch attack, dealing their normal keyblade damage +1d6/2 levels electricity damage. The creature struck must make a fort save or be numbed for 1 round per level of the keyblade master. As a standard action, the Keyblade Master may release a blast of lightning affecting all enemies within their reach, dealing 1d6/level damage, Fort half. Creatures who fail their saves are stunned for 1d4 rounds. Doing this ends the form.
Diamond Dust: The Keyblade Masters weapon attacks add 1d6/3 levels (round up) cold damge. The Keyblade Master gains Sleet Storm, Wall of Ice and Ice Storm as at will spell like abilities. As a combo finisher, the keyblade master make fire a ranged attack out to close range. The target struck takes 1d6/level cold damage and must make a fort save or become entangled. As a standard action, the Keyblade Master may unlease a wave of freezing cold in a cone burst out to 30ft, dealing 1d6/2 levels. All creatures in this area must make a fort save or become frozen solid, being considered helpless. At the beginnings of their turns they may make a Strength or Escape Artist check at the same DC to break free. Activating this ability ends the form.
Cyclone: Everytime the Keyblade Master hits with a melee attack, they may make a free trip attempt. If they fail, their opponent may not attempt to trip them back. They gain Gale Force, Control Winds, and Whirlwind as at will spell-like abilities. As a combo finisher, the Keyblade master may blast all opponents within their melee reach back with a huge burst of wind. A fort save negates this. If they fail, they go flying back 5 feet per point by which they failed the save and land prone. (Insert finishing move)
Rock Breaker: Whenever the Keyblade master hits with a melee attack, the victim has their armor class and any DR they possess reduced by 2 for 1 minute from the last time they were affected by this ability. The Keyblade Master gains Tremors and Spike Stone as at will spell like abilities. They gain Earth Power as a spell like ability usable 2/form. As a combo finisher, they may encase their blade in stone and make a melee attack at their full bab with an additiona +3 bonus. This ignores any DR or Hardness the target may possess, bypasses any regeneration and deals full damage to objects, as well as dealing 1d6/2 levels additional damage. As a standard action, they may duplicate the effects of Earthquake at a caster level equal to their level. Doing this ends the form.
Ghost Drive: Whenever the keyblade master moves at least 5 feet, they may turn invisible and leave an after image in their place (treat as persistant image lasting for the duration of the form). As a free action, the Keyblade master may gain or loose the [Incorporeal] subtype. All their attacks are made as if having the Ghost Touch property. As a standard action, the Keyblade Master may designate one opponent within close range. That creature must make a will save or be planeshifted to the astral plane, right in the middle of an psychic storm (MoP 51). The effects of the storm bypass any immunities they might possess. Doing this ends the form.

0- Cure Wounds, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Produce Flame, Light, Dancing Lights, Magic Missile, Protection from (Alignment), Bless, Greater Dispel Magic
1- Polar Ray, Call Lightning, Shield, Lesser Orb of Fire, Lesser Orb of Cold, Lesser Orb of Acid, Lesser Orb of Electricity, Gust of Wind, Searing Light, Bless Weapon, Darkness, Nightshield, Produce Flame, Chill Touch,
2- Resist Energy, Magic Circle, Call Lightning Storm, Planar Tolerance, Aid, Daylight, Deeper Darkness, Consecrate, Desecrate, Summon Monster (level of the spell equals the highest spell level the keyblade master may add to their list, Analyze Portal, Slow, Blindness/Deafness, Confusion, Poison, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Bear's Endurance, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom, Eagle's Splendor, Wind Wall, Deep Slumber, Haste,
3: Orb of Fire, Orb of Cold, Orb of Electricity, Orb of Acid, Heroism, Whirlwind, Planeshift (Willing targets only), Protection From Energy, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Cone of Cold, Celestial Brilliance, Death Ward, Telekinesis, Holy Smite, Unholy Blight, Order's Wrath, Chaos Hammer, Dimension Door, Espoir,
4: Freedom of Movement, Heal, Holy Sword, Magnetic Pulse, Reverse Gravity, Lightning Strike, Control Winds, Chain Lightning,
5: Sunbeam, Sunburst, True Seeing, Holy Word, Dictum, Blasphemy, Word of Chaos, Word of Balance, Meteor Swarm
6: Disjunction?

Feats and Stuff

Synch Blade [General]
Because of some plot-related BS, you can wield two keyblades. There, you can stop bothering me about this.
Prerequisites: Keyblade Class Feature
Benefits: You can wield a second keyblade. You are afforded as many BAB related attacks with your secondary keyblade as with your primary. You don't suffer any penalties to attacks when wielding two keyblades.

Keyblade Armor
Will Sora ever get keyblade armor?
Prerequisites: Keyblade Class Feature
Benefits: Choose a set of heavy armor. You may summon that armor equipped to yourself as an immediate action and dismiss it as a free action. Keyblade armor has several benefits.
Protection from Darkness: Keyblade armor is always treated as if having the Sanctified enhancement and additionally granting resistance 10 to divine, hellfire, unholy and vile damage.
The armor has a +1 enhancement bonus per 3 character levels (round up). Starting at level 3, the armor may be given any one non-epic armor property of the owners choice, every four levels after that, it gains another enchantment, to a maximum of 4. With 24 hours of downtime, these enchantments may be changed.

Formchange [General]
Prerequisites: Keyblade Class Feature
Benefits: Choose any man-portable Simple, Martial, or Exotic weapon. As a move equivilent action, you may transform your keyblade into that weapon. It retains all applicable weapon enhancements the keyblade has and you are proficient with that weapon if you weren't already. If the weapon is a ranged weapon or otherwise requires ammunition, then it is automagically created for it when needed.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, choosing a different weapon each time.

Sliding Dash [Fighter]
When performing a charge attack, you do not suffer a -2 penalty to AC and may Charge as a swift action.

Leaf Bracer [Spellcasting]
Benefits: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for casting spells of the [Healing] subschool. You automatically succeed on concentration checks to cast such spells.
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:58 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Knight of the Lily
"Independence breeds chaos. Submit and be strong."
In stark contrast to the Knights of Solamnia, the Knights of Neraka are known for their villainous actions, cruelty, and fanaticsm. They serve the forces of darkness in an effort to bring total dominion over the world.

Level: At least 5th level
Alignment: Any Nongood

Class Features:
Hit Dice: d10
Saves: Good Fort and Reflex
Skills: 4+int
BAB: Good

Note: All saves are 10+1/2HD+highest mental ability score

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: The Knight of the Lily is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, as well as all armor and shields, including tower shields.

The Vision (Su): The Knights of the Lily are all blessed with a Vision, that tells them of their place within the grand plan of the dark gods. This gives each knight direction and meaning, as the Vision will direct them to where they will be needed to complete the grand plan.
The knight gains an insight bonus of +1. This can be applied to attack rolls, damage rolls, armor class, saving throws, or a skill check of the knights choice. At the beginning of their turn, the knight decides what receives the bonus. This bonus increases by 1 every odd level. Also, insight bonuses should apply to touch AC. It's weird that they don't. Finally 1/day/class level, the Knight may reroll one roll they have made and take the better result.
At first level, the knight may gain the benefits of Omen of Peril or Augury at will as a standard action with a caster level equal to their character level. The base chance for success with these abilities is increased by 15% to a maximum of 100%. The Knight may also use Precognition 1/hour as a psi-like ability. The benefits of this stack with the normal Vision bonus.
At 3rd level, the Knight's Precognition is replaced with Greater Precognition, with the same effects.
At 5th level, they gain the benefits of Divination. Additionally, 1/hour they may gain the benefits of True Seeing, the Vision showing things as they truly are. 1/day they may gain the effects of Vision. There is no XP cost and they gain a +5 bonus to their caster level check.
At 7th level, the Knight may 1/day gain the benefits of Hypercognition, drawing upon the raw power of the Vision to see the solution to even seemingly unsolvable problems.

Sneak Attack (Ex): The Knights of the Lily are trained to seize every advantage possible. They gain 1 sneak attack die at first level, and an additional die every 3 levels afterwards.

Purge the Unworthy (Su): The knight deals an extra point of damage per class level against good opponents. This is not multiplied on a critical hit.

Souleater (Su): 1/round the Knight may deal backlash damage equal to 10% of their max HP to themselves, and in exchange, all damage they deal until the start of their next turn is increased by their character level.

Dark Powers: At 1st level, 2nd level and every even class level beyond that, the Knight gains basic access to a fiendish sphere or may upgrade one sphere they possess to a higher access.

Resist Enemy Propaganda: At 2nd level, a Knight becomes immune to all [Compulsion] effects if they would force them to act against the wishes or interests Knights of Neraka.

Dark Armaments (Su): At 4th level, as a swift action, the Knight may channel their life force into a weapon or armor they are holding. By dealing on point of backlash damage to themselves per HD they possess, they may add any one non-epic weapon enhance or any 1 non-epic armor enhancement to a weapon or armor they are touching for 10 minutes. The enhancement only remains active while they are touching the weapon. If it is disarmed, or leaves their grip, it is deactivated, though it will reactivate if they recover it within the duration.

Dark Wave (Su): At 6th level, when an opponent is damage by their Souleater ability, the knight may force that target to make a fort save or suffer one of the following status conditions: Permanently Blinded, Permanantely Deafened, Confused for 1 minute, Slowed one minute, Nauseated 2 rounds, Silenced 1 minute, Exhausted or suffer the effects of Bestow Curse.

Brainwashing (Su): At 9th level, 1/day with a melee touch attack the knight may force the Vision upon another creature. They get a Will save to resist, and if they fail, they are driven permanently Insane.

Manifest Destiny (Su): At 10th level, 1/day, the Knight may fully immerse themselves in the Vision, seeing the world as the gods do. They gain the effects of Foresight for 1 minute per character level.

I thought I had posted this, but apparently, I didn't.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Re: New Classes

Post by Wiseman »

Forgot to consolidate this one.
While the majority of paladins fight head on, charging directly towards their opponent, some the paladin order does recognize that this isn't always the most optimal strategy. Sometimes the evil is too powerful or too well entrenched to attack directly. At this point, the best strategy becomes sabotage, subterfuge and sneak attacks. Enter the Nightstalker.

A Nightstalker operates in the darkness, striking fear in the hearts of evil-doers wherever they may operate. They tear down corrupt establishments, humiliate and sabotage armies, and inspire revolution in the masses from the shadows. Every time an evildoer thinks twice about acting in the dark, the Nightstalker knows they have done their job.

Alignment: Any Good
Sneak Attack +2d6
Lay on Hands
Ability to Smite Evil
Hit Die: d8
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Reflex and Will
Skills: 6+int


Spellcasting: At each level, the Shadow Champion gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if they had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which they belonged before adding the prestige class level. They do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained for advancing levels. If they had more than one divine spellcasting class then they must choose to which class' spellcasting is advanced.

Piercing Strike (Ex): Against creature's immune to precision damage, the Shadow Champion instead does half-damage. If they already have this ability, then they ignore immunity to precision damage entirely.

Sneak Attack (Ex): At every odd level, the Nightstalker gains +1d6 Sneak Attack. This stacks with any sneak attack damage they already have.

Smite Evil (Su): At first level, and every three levels afterwards, the Nightstalker gains an additional use of smite evil.

Sacred Assassin (Su): At 2nd level by expending a use of Smite Evil, the Nightstalker may transform a normal attack into a Sneak Attack, regardless of whether it would normally be one. This can only be used against an evil target.

Shadow Cloak (Su): While in less than bright illumination, a Nightstalker gains 50% Concealment (20% against creatures with darkvision or see in darkness)

Deeper Darkness (Sp): At 3rd level a Nightstalker gains Deeper Darkness as a spell like ability usable 3/day. All evil creatures within this radius must make a will save (cha based) or be shaken for as long as they remain in this area, and for 5 rounds afterwards.

Bane of Evil (Su): At 4th level, the Nightstalker deals extra holy damage equal to their level against creatures with the [Evil] subtype.

Trickster (Sp): The Nightstalker gains the following spell-like abilities. At Will: Persistent Image, Greater Mirror Image, Shadow Walk.

Shadow Leap (Su): At 5th level, at will, a Nightstalker may teleport out to long range as a move action. There must be shadows at the beginning and end points (not his own shadow). This is dependent on the Plane of Shadows, not the astral. They may take up to 1 willing creature per character level with them when they do this.

Shadow Strike (Su): If the Nightstalker makes a Shadow Leap before they attack an evil creature, that creature must make a will save (DC10+1/2HD+Wis or Cha) or be blinded for 1 minute.

Evasion (Ex): At 6th level, the Nightstalker gains evasion. If they already had evasion, this increases to Improved Evasion.

Shadow Weapon (Su): At this level, a Nightstalker is never unarmed. As a standard action, a Nightstalker may form as many weapons as they are capable of wielding or throwing out of shadows. These weapons have the Holy property and a +1/3 levels enhancement bonus (round up). They fade away as soon as they leave the Nightstalker's hands or on impact in the case of a projectile. Ranged weapons create their own ammunition.

Weight of Sin (Su): As a Full Round action 3/day, a Nightstalker may create a field of absolute darkness out to 120 feet that they and any others they designate can see through (darkvision does not allow one to see through this, though see in darkness does). All evil creatures in this area must make a will save (DC10+1/2HD+Wis or Cha) or be slowed and shaken until 5 rounds after they leave the area.

Cowardly and Superstitious (Ex): At this point, a Nightstalker (or the legend of them) has become so prevalent, that they can inspire fear in evildoers by their mere presence. When a Nightstalker attacks a creature or emerges from stealth, all evildoers of a lower CR within line of sight to them must make a will save (DC10+1/2HD+Wis or Cha) or become frightened for 1 minute. Success leaves them shaken instead. Regardless of save success or failure, they can only be affected by this ability 1/minute.

Shadow Form (Su): As a standard action, a 7th level Nightstalker can transform into a living shadow. In this form they appear completely black, make no sound, and compress their body until their 2-dimensional, appearing as a simple shadow. The Nightstalker can shape their shadow any way they wish, within the area of their reach. While as a shadow, they gain a +10 circumstance bonus to hide checks and may hide in plain sight (usually by pretending to be an actual shadow). While in this form the Nighstalker may not use any if their class abilities, or attack, though if they come into contact with another creatures shadow, they can read their minds like a Probe Thoughts spell (will negates). Most targets are not aware of this (whether or not the save succeeds) unless they're [Psionic].

Greater Trickster: At 7th level, a Nightstalker gains the following spell like abilities: At Will: Shadow Evocation, Shadow Conjuration, Blur, 3/day: Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Displacement, 1/day: Shades, Permanent Image
Also, True Seeing (and similar abilities) do not automatically pierce a Nightstalkers illusions. Instead, they are granted an immediate save to disbelieve. If they fail, they are stuck believing an illusion until a save would normally be called for.

Shadow Shift (Su/Sp): At will, an 8th level Nightstalker may Greater Plane Shift (willing targets only), with the only possible destinations being the corresponding locations on Plane of Shadows and whatever plane they were on before entering there. They also gain a regular Plane Shift as a spell-like ability at will.

Final Punishment (Su): At 9th level, when a Nightstalker uses Plane Shift on an evil target, they may instead forcibly transport their soul to the Lower Planes to face punishment, killing them or alternatively send their souls to imprisonment in the Upper Planes. A successful will save negates this and they then cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours. This is a [Death] effect.

"I am the Night": At 10th level, the Nightstalker becomes being of pure sacred darkness. Their type becomes Outsider [Good] and they gain a +2 bonus to their Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma scores. They can still be rezzed according to their previous type. They can see through any kind of darkness (even magical darkness) and benefit from a constant Mind Blank.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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