Pokemon Mystery Dungeon D20

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon D20

Post by Wiseman »

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon D20
This is a system built for roleplaying within the world of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Here you can choose your party and adventuring gear and set out for a world of exploration and adventure!

Note: This is meant to be an expansion to the Pokemon D20 rules already in place, which can be found here with some supplements here. Credit and thanks goes to the authors of those projects.

Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Aug 11, 2019 5:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Wiseman »

Character Creation
While there hundreds of type of Pokemon all across the world (898 at the most recent count) some are more likely to take up the role of adventurer than others. Many adventurers form together into teams, where they use their diverse skills to aid and assist each other, becoming more than the sum of their parts. Many teams have a name. Sometimes it's named after the members of the team, the region their from, a role that they play, some skill or situation they specialize in, or perhaps no reason other than that the name sounded nice. A team is typically compose of anywhere from 2-6 members, though a team may have additional allies that they can call upon in times of need.
Extended Party
Though most work is done in teams of 2-6 a team may actually have more members than that. Some teams are part of larger organizations and have more members that they can call upon. Typically these Pokemon aren't as strong as the "Core" members of a team. These extra members are typically Pokemon that have been helped by a team, or inspired by their actions and want to join. This may function as a reward of sorts for completing a mission. Functionally, these extra members can't have a CR higher than -2 less than the lowest leveled member of the core team.
Mega Evolution
At 12th level, a pokemon gains the ability to mega evolve.
Mega-Evolution: 1/day, the pokemon can mega evolve, entering a powerful new form. This lasts for 1 minute per 3 levels. While in this state, the pokemon's racial bonuses and move speeds are doubled. It also gains new abilities listed in it's individual entry.
Fighting Type
Small Size
Ability Scores: +2 Str, +2 Wis
Speed: 30'
Special Attacks: Slam (Primary Natural Weapon, 1d8, may make iterative attacks)
Special Qualities: Scent

Relations: Though Lucario socialize little they tend to get along with others fairly well when they need to. They find themselves able to empathize with others more easily due to their aura senses. Lucario value self-improvement and tend to look at situations in ways that can help them grow stronger and wiser.

Lands: Lucario and Riolu are not concentrated anywhere in particular. There are rarely any communities, and in fact, many are solitary wanderers. When the do form communities, it's always in a remote, usually difficult to reach location, like a peak hidden in the Hazy Mountains or an oasis in the Glittering Desert.

Adventurers: Members of the Lucario family are famed for their skills with martial arts, and their ability to manipulate the Aura, the energy of life. Lucario primarily adventure as a way to hone their skills and senses, strengthening their connection to the Aura. They tend to be fairly individualistic, even in groups and teams staying distant.

Hit Dice: d10
BAB: Good
Saves: All Good
Skills: 4+Int

Fighting Styles: At every odd level a Riolu gains a fighting style as a tome monk. At levels one, three, and five, Riolu gains basic fighting styles, while levels seven and nine are master fighting styles. Any damage dealt by these is treated as a [Fighting] type (generally, use discretion).

Armored in Life (Ex): A Riolu channels it's aura to defend itself, gaining an armor bonus. This Armor Bonus applies against Touch Attacks and Incorporeal Touch Attacks, and has a value of +4. Every even numbered level, the Armored in Life bonus increases by 1.

Inner Focus/Steadfast (Ex): Riolu is immune to stunning and dazing. If it is subjected to an effect that would cause these effects, it is instead hasted for 1 round per 2 levels (minimum 1).

Martial Artist: Riolu is constantly working to improve it's techniques. It gains a +3 racial bonus to Balance, Climb, Concentration, Jump, Listen, Search, Spot and Swim.

Scent (Ex): Riolu possesses scent out to 30ft. or 10ft. per level, whichever is greater.

Zen Style: Anywhere Riolu could apply it's dexterity score, it may apply it's wisdom score instead.

Speed of Life (Ex): At level 2 a Riolu gains a +10 bonus to it's land speed.

Evasion (Ex): As the rogue.

Mind Reader (Su): Once per encounter, Riolu may use True Strike as a swift action. This causes all damage dealt by it's attacks this round to be [Psychic] type.

Super Jump (Ex): At level 3, a Riolu becomes better at moving around, it's jump DC's are halved, it's always treated as if it has a running start, and it's distance is not bounded by it's height. Also it becomes immune to falling damage.

Bulk Up (Su): Once per hour, Riolu can gain the benefits of Bull's Strength and Bear's Endurance as a standard action.

Heal Pulse (Su): At fourth level, as a standard action, a Riolu may heal a touched creature (and in d20 you can always touch yourself) of 2d6+wis modifier damage.

Aura Senses (Ex): At fourth level, a Riolu becomes more in tune with the Aura, expanding it's sensory range. It gains blindsense out to 30ft. Additionally, it gains a +4 bonus on Sense Motive checks against any creature it can detect with this sense. This also helps Riolu get a general sense of the targets emotions (though this is not always accurate).

Force Palm (Ex): At 4th level, Riolu may make a single slam attack as a full round action at a -2 penalty. If it hits, the opponent must make a fort save (Strength Based) or be Numbed for 3 rounds.

Bullet Punch (Ex): At fifth level a Riolu may make an extra attack with it's slam but it suffers a -2 penalty to hit. This is a [Steel] effect.

Bonus Feat: Also at 5th level, Riolu gains one bonus feat. This may be any feat it meets the prerequisites for.

Evolution: At sixth level a Riolu evolves into Lucario becoming [Fighting, Steel]. It's size becomes medium, it's Racial abilities become +6 Strength +2 Con +4 Wis, It's slam attack deals 2d6 base damage, it gains DR5/-, it gains another +10 to speed, a +3 to natural armor, and it's blindsense becomes blindsight out to 60ft.

Me First!: At sixth level, Lucario gains a +4 bonus to it's initiative.

Aura Reach: Lucario gains an additional 5ft. to it's reach.

Aura Sphere: Also at sixth level, Lucario gains the ability to focus it's aura into a sphere, and then fire it at it's enemy as a ranged touch that provokes an attack of opportunity (it may use it's Wis in place of Dex on this if it wishes). This deals 1d6 damage per level of the Lucario and is a [Fighting] type attack.

Bone Club: Again at sixth level, Lucario may conjure a pair of bone clubs or a bone quarterstaff, and fight with both clubs or both sides without penalty (though it only adds half it's strength to damage with the secondary attack). It may not use any of it's fighting styles with these weapons. Any attack with these weapons is [Ground] type.

Dark Pulse (Su): At seventh level, As a standard action, Lucario may release all it's negative emotions in a 10ft. burst centered on it as a [Dark] effect. All creatures in this area take 1d6 per 2 levels of the Lucario and must make a will save (10+1/2HD+Wis) or be shaken for 1 minute. This effect may only be used every 1d4 rounds.

Counter (Ex): If an opponent misses an attack against Lucario within it's threatened range, it provokes an attack of opportunity.

Detect (Ex): When lucario takes the total defense option, it adds it's level to AC and gains +3 bonus to all saving throws.

Aura Meditation (Su): 2/day, by meditating for 10 minutes, Lucario may gain the effects of Commune with Nature, at a caster level equal to Lucario's level, save that it works underground and within cities.

Element Punch: At eighth level a Lucario may add 2d6 extra damage of either [Fire] [Ice] or [Electricity] to it's slam attacks, changing the attacks type as such.

Poison Jab (Ex): Also at eighth level, Lucario may make a melee attack as a standard action. It's [Poison] type, and a foe struck must make a fort save (Wis based) or be poisoned, taking 1d6/1d6 to a physical ability score of Lucario's choice.

Extremespeed (Su): At ninth level, a lucario may enter a state known as Extremespeed as a swift action. It's move speed triples, it gains a +3 dodge bonus to AC, attacks against it suffer a 50% miss chance and it may make an extra attack whenever it attacks at it's full BAB. This state lasts for 1 round per 2 levels of the Lucario after which it is fatigued. After it is used, this ability cannot be used again for 1 hour.

Aura Awareness: Lucario's Aura senses increase again. It gains Blindsight and Tremorsense out to 60ft.

Aura Storm (Su): At tenth level, Lucario has mastered the ultimate of Aura arts. 1/day as a full round action, it may fire a beam of pure Aura anywhere in a from 100ft. to 300 ft long and 5-15 foot wide line. Creatures in this area take 2d6/level damage and are stunned for 3 rounds. Creatures immune to stunning are dazed instead. A successful fort save (10+1/2HD+Wis) reduces this damage by half and negates the stunning.

+12 Str, +4 Con, +8 Wis
Speed: 80ft.

Adaptability: Whenever Mega-Lucario deals damage with an attack that is [Fighting] or [Steel], increase that damage by Mega-Lucario's level.

Justified (Ex): Whenever Mega-Lucario damages, or takes damage from a [Dark] type creature or effect, it gains a cumulative +2 bonus to it's strength or wisdom score for 1 minute and the bonus can only be obtained 1/round. Obtaining the bonus again also resets the duration.
Electric Type
Small Size
+2 Dex +2 Cha
Speed: 40ft.
Special Attacks: Slam 1d8+Str

Relations: Though most families are know for their evolved form Pikachu is an exception. Pikachu are generally friendly, fun-loving and approachable. Pikachu get along with just about everyone. They are sociable and often very chatty. They tend to look for the best in people, and are always willing to look on the bright side of things.

Lands: Pikachu seem to be found everywhere. They have no specific preferred environment, living in bustling cities, quiet farming villages, and even wilderness tribes. Many like to move about, not wanting to be confined to one location their entire lives.

Adventurers: Pikachu care deeply about their friends, and often adventure to gain the strength to better protect them. In groups they tend to be one of the more upbeat members of the party, encouraging others and lifting their moods.

Hit Dice: D8
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Reflex and Will
Skills: 4+int

Thundershock (Su): Pikachu may release a bolt of electricity at an oppenent within 20ft. as a ranged touch attack. This deals 1d6+cha damage and may be used to make iterative attacks.

Finesse (Ex): Pikachu uses the higher of it's Dex or Str scores on melee attack and damage.

Pika! (Ex): Pikachu are bright and friendly, and are typically well-liked by all. They gain a +3 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information.

Taser (Ex): Creatures who take non-lethal damage from pikachu take a -1 penalty to attack and AC for 3 rounds. Pikachu can deal non-lethal damage with any attack without penalty.

Dodgy (Ex): Pikachu gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC at every level.

Quick Attack (Ex): At second level, a Pikachu becomes even faster. It gains a +4 bonus to it's initiative.

Evasion (Ex): As the rogue.

Thunder Wave (Su): At third level, Pikachu may create bolts of electricity that immobilize it's opponent. As a standard action, a pikachu may fire a bolt of electricity out to close range. That opponent must make a fort save (DC10+1/2HD+Cha) or be Numbed for 1d4-1 rounds, (minimum 1). Once used this can't be used again for 1 hour.

Double Team (Su): A pikachu may create false duplicates of it's self as per Mirror Image as a standard action.

Thunderbolt (Su): At Fourth Level, once every 1d4 rounds, Pikachu may let lose a blast of lightning out to close range, this deals 1d8 damage per level in a 5 foot burst with a reflex save for half damage (cha based).

Quick as Lightning (Ex): Pikachu gains a +10 bonus to it's land speed.

Agility (Ex):At fifth level, as a swift action, Pikachu may enact a haste effect upon itself at a caster level equal to it's level. Once used, this may not be used again for 1 hour.

Iron Tail (Ex): Pikachu may harden it's tail and strike an opponent in melee. This deals 1d8+Str damage, ignores damage reduction and is a [Steel] effect. opponents hit by this ability must make a fort save DC10+1/2HD+Str) or be stunned for 1 round.

Evolution: At sixth level Pikachu evolves into Raichu*. It's racial abilities become +2 Str +4 Dex +4 Cha. It's speed increases by another 10 feet and it's slam, and iron tail attacks increase by one die size. It's slam attack also adds 2d6 electricity damage. It's thunder shock now deals 4d6 extra damage.
Dragonexx wrote:As Pikachi is quite iconic, some players may want to remain a Pikachu (or play as Pichu). This is merely a cosmetic effect, all stat changes still happen.
Hindering Shock (Su): Anytime Raichu deals electricity damage to an opponent, that opponent must make a fort save (DC10+1/2HD+Cha) or be entangled for 1 minute.

Discharge (Su): At sixth level Raichu may unleash a burst of electricity all around it, dealing 1d8/2 levels electricity in a 30ft. burst with a fort save for half damage. Once used, this may not be used again for 1d4 rounds.

Zap Cannon (Su): At seventh Raichu may fire a ball of electricity as a ranged touch attack out to medium range. This deals 1d6 per level damage.

Flash (Su): At level eight, Raichu may release a blinding burst of light. All creatures within 40ft must make a fort save (cha based) or be blinded for 5 rounds. Success leaves them dazzled for one minute.

Thunder Field (Sp): Also at eighth level once per hour Raichu may use Wall of Thunderbolts as a standard action.

Charge Beam (Sp): At ninth level, Raichu may use Ur Lightning Bolt at will.

Volt Tackle (Su): At tenth level, Raichu may use it's ultimate attack. 1/day, raichu may as a full round action move up to triple it's move speed, transforming into electricity as it does so. It does not provoke attacks of opportunity for it's movement and may pass through opponents squares, dealing 2d6 damage per level to them, with a fort save for half damage (cha based). Opponents do not take extra damage if Raichu moves through their squares a second time. This movement may take raichu through the air, though if it does not end on something it can stand on, it falls.

+4 Str, +8 Dex, +8 Cha
Speed: 100ft.

Static (Ex): Whenever a creature succeeds on a melee attack against Mega-Raichu, or in any way comes into contact with it, they must succeed on a fort save (Cha based) or become paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. If Mega-Raichu chooses, this doesn't occur.

Lightning Arc: Whenever Mega-Raichu deals electricity damage to a creature, it may cause that electricity to arc out to any number of creatures within 30ft. of the original target (make 1 ranged touch attack and apply it against every creature in range).
Psychic/Fairy Type
Small Size
-2 Str +2 Int +2 Cha
Speed: 20'

Relations: Gardevoir tend to get along with others easily, aided by their mind reading abilities. They are polite and form friendships easily. In towns, later evolutions often take advisory or teacher roles.

Lands: Gardevoir tend to prefer urban environments, the more crowded the better. There they can learn much from the minds of others. Gardevoir are rarely encountered outside of a city unless they're adventurers.

Adventurers: The Gardevoir family are known for their intellect. They are capable strategists, aided by their ability to see the future. Gardevoir adventure primarily to stimulate their minds. They most often become explorers, wanting to know everything they can about the world. They make friends easily, and form strong protective bonds. A Gardevoir typically values it's friends safety above it's own, and have even been known to sacrifice their lives to protect those they care about.

Hit Dice: d4
BAB: Poor
Saves: Good Reflex and Will
Skills: 4+int

Confusion (Su): At will, Ralts may make a ranged touch attack out to close range, dealing 1d6+int damage. Gardevoir may use it's highest mental ability modifier in place of dexterity on attack rolls. This can make iterative attacks. If a 19 or 20 is rolled the target suffers a headache for 1 minute.

Lady and Scholar (Ex): Ralts are charming and always hungry for knowledge. Ralts gains a +3 bonus to Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Knowledge, and Perform, and always counts as trained in a knowledge skill.

Future Sight: A Ralts is always gazing into the future. It gains a +4 insight bonus to armor class that applies against touch attacks. This increases by an additional +1 every even level. Also, occasionally Ralts will receive plot-relevant visions of the future.

Telepathy (Su): Ralts possesses telepathy out to medium range. This can't be use to communicate with [Dark] types.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): as the rogue.

Detect Thoughts (Su): A Ralts may at will activate a detect thoughts effect on any creature within range of it's telepathy as not-an-action (Will DC10+1/2HD+Int). It gains information as if it had spent 3 rounds focusing. Should a creature make it's save against this ability, it's mind cannot be read for 1 hour. It is not usually aware of this (regardless of save success or failure) unless it is a [Psychic] type. [Dark] type creatures are immune to this ability.

Fairy Wind (Su): At second level, Ralts may release a burst of wind. This has the same effect as a gust of wind save that all in it's area take 1d8/2 levels damage and it is a [Fairy] type attack.

Lesser Telekinesis (Su): A Ralts may create a Greater Mage Hand effect at will, at a caster level equal to it's HD.

Loremaster (Ex): Due to extensive reading both of the mundane and mental variety, Ralts are privy to many interesting facts. This functions as the Bardic Knowledge ability, with an effective Bard level equal to Ralts' level.

Calm Mind (Su): At third level, Ralts may mediate as a full-round action, to clear it's mind of distractions. It gains the effect of a Fox's Cunning and Eagles Splendor at a caster level equal to it's level. Once used, this cannot be used again for 1 hour.

Double Team (Su): A Ralts may create false duplicates of it's self as per Mirror Image as a standard action, at a caster level equal to it's level.

Evolution: At 4th level, Ralts evolves into Kirlia. It's racial modifiers become -2 Str +4 Int +2 Cha, and it's base speed becomes 30ft.

Psybeam (Su): Kirlia gains the ability to use psybeam at 4th level. This is a ranged touch attack out to medium range that deals 1d6/level+int damage. Any creature struck must make a will save (Int based) or become confused for 1d4 rounds. Gardevoir may use it's highest mental ability modifier in place of it's dexterity on the attack roll. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Seer (Sp): Kirlia may use Augury twice per day.

Barrier (Su): At fifth level, Kirlia may create a Shield of Faith effect on an ally within close range as a standard action. This lasts for 1 round per level of the Kirlia.

Reflect (Su): Kirlia may also grant an ally within close range DR5/-. This lasts for 1 round per level.

Heal Pulse/Recover (Su): At fifth level, as a standard action, a Kirlia may heal a touched creature of 3d6+Cha damage. If Kirlia uses this on itself the healing is doubled.

Imprison (Sp): At sixth level, a Kirlia may ensnare an opponent within close range, subjecting them to a Hold Monster effect (10+1/2HD+Int) at a caster level equal to their level. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Captivate (Sp): A Kirlia may attempt to create a Charm Monster effect on a creature within close range (DC is int or cha based). If the creature succeeds on it's save it cannot be affected again for 24 hours. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Evolution: At seventh level Kirlia evolves into Gardevoir. Their racial modifiers become -2 Str +6 Int +2 Wis +4 Cha. It grows to medium size (no ability changes). It's telepathy goes out to long range, and it gains improved uncanny dodge. At this point, Gardevoirs future sight is so strong that it is never flatfooted, and may act in any surprise round.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): As a standard action, Gardevoir may unleash a 40ft. burst of blinding light. Enemies take 1d6/level damage and are blinded for 5 rounds. A successful fort save (Int or Cha based) halves the damage reduces the blindness to merely dazzled for 1 minute. This is [Fairy] type.

Psychic (Su): Gardevoir's Confusion ability upgrades. It now deals 5d6+int damage, goes out to medium range, and anyone struck by it must make a will save (Int or Cha based) or be slowed for 1 minute.

Oracle (Sp): A Gardevoir may use Divination once per day.

Hypnosis (Su): At Eighth level Gardevoir may project a gaze attack out to sixty feet that forces a will save (int or cha based) or fall asleep for 5 minutes or until they take damage.

Dream Eater (Su): As a melee touch, Gardevoir may enter and observe a sleeping creature's dreams. While there, it may make any changes to the dreamscape it wishes, and can also deal 1d6 damage or drain to a mental ability score of it's choice to a sleeping creature. Technically there is a will save involved, but since an unconscious creature is considered willing, this won't normally be an issue. Gardevoir heals 5 HP per point of damage dealt. This does not wake up the creature. This is a [Psychic] type attack.

Moonblast (Sp): A 9th level Gardevoir may channel the power of the moon into an attack. As a ranged touch attack Gardevoir can deal 1d6/level damage to a target and deal 1d6 Strength damage. A successful will save halves both damages. This is a [Fairy] effect.

Telekinisis (Sp): As the spell, at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Midnight Messenger (Sp): Gardevoir may use Dream and Nightmare at will.

Dreamwalker (Sp): At ninth level, Gardevoir may project itself and it's allies into the Realm of Dreams. This works like Astral Projection save that they may only go the Realm of Dreams.

Dark Vortex (Su): At tenth level, Gardevoir may use it's ultimate attack. 1/day it may create a 10ft. black hole at a point within medium range. Enemies within close range of it are pulled towards it at a rate of 30ft. per round should they fail a reflex save (int or cha based). If they succeed, they may only move in a direction not towards it at half speed. Should an enemy come into contact with the black hole they take 1d6 damage per level and must make a fort save or lose 1d6 points of con. The black hole persists for 1 round per 2 levels of the Gardevoir.

Mega Gardevoir
+12 Int, +4 Wis, +8 Cha
Small Size
Fighting Type
+2 Str +2 Con -2 Cha
Speed: 30ft.
Special Attacks: Slam 2d6+(1.5*Str), Crit 19-20

Relations: Machamp are powerhouses and they know it. They tend to be arrogant and headstrong, confident that their superior strength will see them through. This can be fairly offsetting to others who would interact with them. In communities, they tend to serve as guards, though this can sometimes go to their heads causing them to become bullies.

Lands: Machamp, when not in cities, tend to gather in harsh rocky regions like the Badlands, where they believe the dangerous environment will help hone their skills.

Adventurers: Machamp often become adventurers, desiring to become strong above all else. They tend to be eager to fight, which can occasionally cause problems for other members of their party. In combat, they serve a tankish role, standing in the front lines bashing heads in.

Hit Dice: d12
BaB: Good
Saves: Good Fort
Skills: 2+int

Flexing (Ex): A Machop may use it's Strength modifier in place of it's Charisma modifier on intimidate checks.

Powerhouse (Ex): A Machop is treated as one size larger and a quadruped for all beneficial purposes (save reach). (this is already accounted for in it's slam damage.

Tough (Ex): Machop gains a bonus to ac equal to half it's level plus it's Con modifier.

Endurance: At second level Machop gains endurance as a bonus feat.

Tireless: At second level, a Machop is immune to the fatigued condition. Anything that would make them exhausted makes them become fatigued instead. It only needs to rest half the normal time to recover from this condition.

Low Kick (Ex): At third level Machop may strike at an opponents legs as a standard action, dealing normal damage slam damage and making a trip attempt. If it fails, the opponent may not try to trip Machop back.

Focus Energy (Ex): As a standard action, Machop may charge itself up, doubling it's critical threat range for 1 round per level. This may only be used 1/hour.

Violent Courage (Ex): At fourth level, Machop are immune to fear effects. If they are subjected to one, they instead gain a +2 bonus to Str for 1 minute.

Brick Breaker (Ex): At fifth level a standard action, Machop may make an attack that ignores all DR.

Evolution: At sixth level, Machop evolves into Machoke. It grows to medium size, and it's ability modifiers become +4 Str +4 Con -2 Cha. It gains DR5/-. It may make a fortitude save in place of it's reflex saves and it's base land speed increases by 10ft. Also, it's carry capacity doubles.

Rage: A Machoke may fly into a rage as an immediate action whenever it deals or takes damage. It gains a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage and fortitude saves and -2 to AC. It deals a number of extra d6 of damage equal to half it's level. While raging, a Machoke may not perform any action that requires concentration. It's rage lasts until it has neither dealt nor received damage for three rounds.

Awesome Blow (Ex): As a standard action, a machoke may make a melee attack that sends it's opponent flying 5 feet per point of Str modifier machoke possesses. The target must make a reflex save (Str based) or land prone. If it impacts with an object or creature it takes 1d6 damage per 2 levels of the Machoke. If this is enough to destroy the object it flies through it, it's flight unimpeded. If it would hit a creature, that creature takes impact damage and falls prone unless it succeeds on a reflex save (same DC) to dodge out of the way.

Great Blows (Ex): Any creature struck by Machoke's melee attacks must make a fort save (Str based) or be stunned for 1 round.

Throw Anything (Ex): Machoke can throw objects (whether they be rocks, wooden planks, or other pieces of debris) up to four sizes smaller than themselves in one hand. In this case, ‘size’ refers to the size of the projectile itself, not the creature by whom it is wielded (thus, a Fine object can be up to six inches in diameter). Such a projectile deals 1d6 points of damage per size category it possesses (beginning at 1d6 damage for a Fine-sized projectile and advancing accordingly) and has a range increment of 10 feet per size category of the Machoke throwing it. Machoke add their Strength modifier to both attack and damage rolls with these weapons.

Catch (Ex): When a Machoke is targeted with a ranged weapon that they would be capable of throwing (sticks, rocks, seeds, etc.) and is aware of the attack, it may attempt to catch the projectile as an immediate action by making an attack roll opposing that of the thrower. It must have at least one hand free in order to attempt to catch something. A Machoke who successfully catches a projectile may elect to throw it at another creature within its normal throwing range as part of the same immediate action.

Dizzy Punch (Ex): At seventh level, at the Machoke's option, it may cause an opponent struck by it's melee attacks to become confused instead of stunned (fort negates, Str based).

Scary Face (Ex): If Machoke succeeds on a demoralize attempt, the target cowers for one round and is staggered for 1d3 rounds afterwards.

Groundstrike (Ex): At eighth level Machoke may slam the ground as a full round action. All creatures within 40 feet take 1d6/level+Str damage and must make a reflex save or fall prone. Success halves the damage. This is a [Ground] effect.

Evolution (Ex): At ninth level, Machoke evolves into Machamp. It's racial modifiers become Str +8 Con +6 Cha -2 and it gains an extra pair of hands. When making a full attack, a Machamp may make two extra attacks at it's Full BAB, but all attacks suffer a -2 penalty to hit. Also, it may make two attacks with brick breaker. It's carry capacity is multiplied by 5.

Superpower (Ex): Once per day, Machamp may unleash a burst of full power with a Full Round Action. It gains a +8 Untyped Bonus to Strength and makes a Full Attack, with every hit dealing maximum damage. At the end of the attack, it loses the Enhancement Bonus and becomes Exhausted (normally transforming into fatugued) for three rounds. This is a [Fighting] effect. In a Contest, the user gains an extra point beyond what they normally would, but suffers a -4 Penalty on the following Round.
+2 Str +2 Cha
Small Size
Fire Type
Speed 30ft.
2 Claw Attacks (1d6+Str/19-20/x2)

Relations: Charizard are prideful, and known for their short tempers and impatience. They have fierce personalities, and are known to pick fights out of arrogance. Though difficult to approach, if befriended, a Charizard will make a steadfast ally.

Lands: Charizard tend to reside in mountainous areas, such as the Hazy Range or around Mt. Othrys.

Adventurers: Charizard typically join adventuring team out of curiosity. They seek to put their strength to the test, and wish to be challenged. In a party they can serve a variety of roles, from ranged attacker to melee brute.

Hit Dice: d10
Bab: Good
Saves: Good Fort and Reflex
Skills: 2+int

Ember (Su): As a standard action, Charmander may breathe fire in a 15ft. cone. This deals 1d10+cha damage, with a reflex save for half. Creatures who fail their saves are burned for 2 rounds.

Scaly Defense (Ex): A charmander gains a natural armor bonus to AC equal to 4+Con. This increases by +1 at 3rd level, and every 3 levels beyond that.

Smoke Screen (Su): At second level, Charmander may breathe smoke in a 20ft. cone. Creatures in this area must make a fort save (Cha based) or be nauseated for one round, and take a -4 penalty to attack rolls for 1 minute.

Hone Claws (Ex): As a standard action, Charmander can sharpen it's claws, increasing it's claw damage by one size for 1 minute.

Metal Claw (Ex): At third level, as a full round action, Charmander can make a claw attack with a doubled critical threat range. This ignores immunity to critical hits and damage reduction and hardness. At sixth level, this becomes a standard action. This is a [Steel] type attack.

Evolution: At fourth level, Chamander evolves into Charmeleon. It's size grows to medium and it's ability modifiers become +4 Str +4 Cha. It's claw attacks damage increases in size as appropriate and charmeleon gains a Bite attack for 2d6 base damage. Also, it gains +10 to it's move speed and +2 to natural armor.

Flamethrower (Su): Charmeleon may breath fire in a cone out to close range. This deals 1d8 damage per level with a reflex save (cha based) for half damage. This damage ignores hardness and is a [Fire] type attack. Once used, the Charmeleon must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again. Those who fail their saves are burned for 5 rounds.

Fire Fang (Su): At fifth level Charmeleon adds 1d6 fire damage onto any natural attack it makes.

Heater (Sp): Also at fifth level, Charmeleon may create a Control Temperature effect at a caster level equal to their level, although they may only increase the temperature.

Flame Burst (Su): At sixth level charmeleon gains the ability to shoot fireballs. This has a range of long, and explodes in a 20ft. radius burst, dealing 1d6/level damage with a reflex save for half. This is a [Fire] type attack.

Sunny Day (Ex): Also at 6th level, Charmeleon gains Drought as a bonus feat. It may activate or deactivate the effects as a standard action. If it already has the Drought feat (or takes it later), it's area is doubled.

Fire Spin (Su): At 7th level Charmeleon may create a tornado of fire. This has the same effect as a Whirlwind but all damage dealt is [Fire] and those who fail their saves are burned for as long as they remain within the whirlwind and for 3 rounds afterwards.

Evolution: At eighth level, Charmeleon evolves into Charizard. It's size increases to large, it's ability scores become +6 Str +2 Dex +2 Con and +6 Cha, and it's type becomes [Fire, Flying]. It's natural weapons increase in size appropriately and it gains an extra tail attack for 2d6+1.5*Str. It gains another +2 to natural armor and it gains a fly speed equal to twice it's base land speed with Good maneuverability. Charizard's Flamethrower increases to 1d10 damage per level and it may increase it's range to medium, at the cost of adding 1 round to it's recharge time.

Air Slash (Su): At 8th level, Charizard may flap it's wings creating a blast of air. This is a 120 foot line. Everything within this is subject to a Gust of Wind effect and takes 1d6/level damage. This is a [Flying] effect.

Dragonbreath (Su): At eighth level, Charizard may breath a blast of mystical energy in a cone out to close range. This deals 1d6/level damage, with a reflex save (cha based) for half damage. Creatures who take damage from this ability must make a fort save (same DC) or be paralyzed for 2 rounds. This is a [Dragon] type attack. Once used, this cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds.

Heat Wave (Su): At 9th level Charizard may create a Mass Searing Exposure effect once per minute, however all of the damage is real Fire damage, and instead of a sunburn, targets that fail their saves suffer a Burn. This is a [Fire] effect. In Contests, everyone acting after the user suffers a -3 penalty.

Blast Burn (Su): 1/day with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon unleashes a massive wave of flame, hitting everything within Medium Range. All in the area suffer 10 Fire damage per Hit Die with a Reflex Save for half (Charisma-based). This can only be used if the Pokemon is neither Fatigued nor Exhausted, and using it Fatigues the user. This is a [Fire] effect.
+2 Str +2 Con
Small Size
Dragon/Ground type
Speed 40ft. Burrow 10ft. (soft sand or dirt only)
Bite Attack 2d6+1.5 str

Relations: Garchomp tend to only associate with those of their own kind, running in packs. They are often hostile to strangers, and somewhat xenophobic. However, occasionally one will form a strong bond with those outside their own kind, usually the result of being saved by one of them.

Lands: Garchomp prefer rough environments, usually the Glittering Desert or more rarely the Desert of Dreams. They can also be found within the Badlands as well, occasionally around Mount Othrys or it's surrounding mountains.

Adventurers: Garchomp tend to tag along with those they have formed bonds with, and thus will join teams along with them. Other times a Garchomp will simply be curious of why lies beyond it's home.

Hit Dice: d12
BaB: Good
Saves: Good Fort and Reflex
Skills: 2+Int

Sand Attack (Ex): With a Move-Equivalent Action, Gible can throw sand as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 15 feet. If it hits, the target is Blinded for 1 round. This is a [Ground] effect.

Gobble (Ex): Gible's Bite is a [Dark] attack like basically all bites ever. Also, if it deals any damage with its Bite it regains 1 HP - or 2 on a Critical Hit. In a Contest, if this successfully gains any points and rolls higher than whoever went before, the points gained are instead stolen from the "target".

Scaly Defense (Ex): Gible gains a natural armor bonus equal to 1/2 it's level+Con mod.

Sand Veil: Gible gains Sand Veil as a bonus feat. Additionally, it suffers no penalties while in a sand or dust storm.

Sandstorm (Sp): At second level Gible can cast Sandstorm at will. This is a [Ground] effect. In a Contest, it has the same effect as the Sandstream feat.

Sand Stream (Su): Gible receives Sandstream as a bonus feat. It may activate or deactivate the effects as a standard action. If it already has Sandstream, then it's area is doubled.

Sand Blast (Su): At third level Gible may release a blast of sand out to 20ft. Creatures in this area take 1d6/level damage with a Reflex save (con based) for half damage. Those who fail the save are blinded for 1d3 rounds while those who succeed are dazzled for 5 rounds. Once used this can't be used again for 1d4 rounds. This is a [Ground] effect.

Evolution: At fourth level, Gible evolves into Gabite. It's size becomes medium, and it's ability modifiers become +4 Str +4 Con. It's natural weapons increase in size accordingly, it gains a +3 bonus to it's natural armor, it's land speed increases to 50ft, it's burrow speed increases to 30ft, and it's

Dragon Claw (Ex): Gabite gains two extra claw attacks These are Primary Natural Weapons, and deals 1d8+Str in damage (scaling with size). It is also a Magic Weapon, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). It is a [Dragon] effect, and powers Gabite up, granting a +2 Enhancement Bonus to Strength until the end of its next turn. In a Contest, using this grants a +2 Bonus on its next turn.

Sand Master (Su): Gabite may use Control Sand at will.

Sand Tomb (Su): At fifth level Once per hour, Gabite may summon a column of twisting sand with a Full Round Action. A 10' radius, 60' tall Column appears in Close Range, and all in the area must pass a Reflex Save (Con-based) or be Anchored for the duration, suffering 2d6 damage each round. Creatures in the area have Concealment against other creatures, but creatures out of the area have Concealment against creatures inside it. It remains for ten rounds, and is a [Ground] effect. Gabite is unaffected by any negative effects of it's own Sand Tomb.

Dual Chop (Ex): With a Standard Action, Gabite can make two Slam attacks (2d6 + Strength, modified by size). They both have a critical value of 18-20/x4, and if both hit the same foe, the opponent takes 1d10 Dexterity damage. This is a [Dragon] effect. In a Contest, Gabite rolls twice and picks the higher result for its Skill Check when using this.

Emerging Strike (Ex): At sixth level Gabite is able to charge while still burrowing, and can finish the charge in open terrain - tearing forward through the earth and slamming into a foe out of nowhere. The foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus against Armour Class for this. All attacks made are [Ground] effects when using this. In a Contest, Gabite automatically goes first on the Round after it uses this.

Earth Power (Su): At 7th level Once per minute, the Garchomp may cast Scalding Mud. Additionally, the area detonates, unleashing a Haze of Smoldering Stone from the centre point of the area. It may also cast Rock to Lava once per day. These are [Ground] save Rock to Lava which is a [Fire] effect. Also Garchomp can utilise Craft (Pottery/Sculpting) in any Contest regardless of type.

Evolution: At 8th level, Gabite evolves into garchomp. It grows to large size, and it's ability modifiers become +6 Str +6 Con +2 Wis. It's natural weapons increase in size accordingly, and it gains another +2 to it's natural armor. It's Sand Blast increases to d8/level damage, it's land speed becomes 70ft. and it's burrow speed becomes 50ft.

Dragon Tail (Ex): Garchomp has a Tail attack that is also a Primary attack like its Bite. This is a [Dragon] effect, and deals (1d8+1.5x Strength Bonus). If Garchomp wishes, anyone hit must pass a Fortitude Save (Strength-based) or be hurled 30' back and Prone. In a Contest, whoever acts immediately after Garchomp has to roll higher, or they lose their turn completely.

Mach Pokemon (Su): Once per hour, Garchomp may activate a haste effect on it's self at a caster level equal to it's level.

Fire Fang (Su): With a Standard Action, Garchomp may make a Bite attack that is a [Fire] effect. It deals +2d6 Fire damage, and if the foe fails a Reflex Save (Strength-based), they are burned.

Earthquake (Sp): At 9th level, Garchomp can cast Earthquake 1/hour. This is a [Ground] effect, and the Save DC is con based.

Draco Meteor (Su): At 10th level, once per day, Garchomp can use a Full Round Action to call down a massive meteor anywhere within Long Range. A 50' radius area is hit, with all in the area suffering 10 damage/level with a Ref Save for half (Con-based). Those who fail the save are knocked Prone and Pinned under a very real meteor. After using this, Garchomp becomes fatigued. This is a [Dragon] effect. In a contest, after all points are awarded, the Contest ends due to obliteration of the stadium.
+2 Dex +2 Cha
Small Size
Dark Type
Speed 40ft.
Bite Attack (1d8+Str or Dex/19-20/x2)

Relations: Zoroark are not very well liked by other pokemon, as they are widely regarded (often rightly) as thieves, tricksters and troublemakers. They're ability to create illusions doesn't help with this. Often, while among others, Zoroark are constantly disguised, preventing others from knowing their true nature. However, other times, Zoroark have been known to use their abilities to more helpful ends, like using illusions to create "special effects" during performances and plays. Personality wise, Zoroark tend to be charming or snarky, perhaps a shell created against all the prejudices.

Lands: Though Zoroark occasionally form packs for protection, many are solitary wanderers. In a pack they prefer densely wooded areas (like Tall Forest, The Howling Jungle, or the Border Woods, where they can use their illusions to mislead intruders away from them.

Adventurers: Zoroark primarily adventure out of a desire to find treasure and valuables, or to prove themselves to others. In parties they tend to serve roles as scouts or ambushers.

Hit Dice d6
BAB: Average
Saves: Good Reflex and Will
Skills: 8+int

Tricks of the Trade (Ex): A Zorua gains a +3 racial bonus to the following skills: Balance, Bluff, Disable Device, Hide, and Move Silently.

Night Slash (Ex): A Zorua gains sneak attack as a rogue equal to it's level. All damage dealt by this is [Dark] type. Against creatures immune to critical hits, or who are resistant to [Dark] type attacks this extra damage is halved.

Dodgy (Ex): Zoroark gains a +1 dodge bonus to ac every level.

Finesse (Ex): A Zorua may use either it's Strength or Dexterity on melee attack and damage.

Illusionist (Sp): A Zorua may use Silent Image and Disguise Self at will. At Third level, it gains Minor Image, Blur, and Invisibility at will. At fifth level, it gains Deeper Darkness, Major Image, and Displacement at will. At seventh level, it gains Persistent Image, Persistent Invisibility and Hallucinatory Terrain, and Illusory Wall at will. At 9th level it gains Mirage Arcana.

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level. As the rogue.

Pursuit (Ex): At 2nd level Zorua deals double damage on an attack of opportunity (sneak attack damage is not doubled). This makes the attack [Dark] type.

Taunt (Ex): Also at second level, Zorua gains a +3 bonus to bluff checks used to taunt. A taunt is like intimidate's demoralize option, save that the penalties are morale and it works on any single target within hearing range.

Feint Attack (Ex): At 3rd level Zorua gains a +4 bonus to feint attempts and can feint as a swift action.

Me First! (Ex): Zorua gains +4 to it's initiative.

Double Team (Su): Also at third level, Zorua can create an effect like a Mirror Image at will.

Quick as Lightning (Ex): At fourth level, Zorua gains a +10 bonus to it's move speed.

Agility (Su): 1/hour Zorua may grant itself a Haste and Cat's Grace effect at a caster level equal to it's level.

Thief (Ex): As a full round action Zorua may make a melee touch attack against an opponent. If it hit's they deal their normal attack damage, and then may attempt to steal one item from them. Zorua gains a +5 bonus on it's Sleight of Hand check to do so. Any damage by this is [Dark] type.

Foul Play (Ex): At 5th level, as a standard action, Zorua can make a melee touch attack against a target. If successful, Zorua deals damage equal to one of that targets natural weapons. Any effects that would occur on a hit of that natural weapon happen to the victim. All damage by this is [Dark] type.

Evolution: At 6th level, Zorua evolves into Zoroark. It's size increases to medium, and it's ability scores become +6 Dex +2 Int +4 Cha. It gains two additional claw attacks as primary natural weapons for (1d8+str or dex,/18-20/x3). It does not lose it's +4 to hide checks.

Night Daze (Su): At sixth level, 1/hour Zoroark may create an area of malevolent darkness out to 50ft. as a full round action. All light and flames are extinguished within this area, creatures other than Zoroark or those it designates within it are dealt 1d6/2 levels damage per round and must make a will save (cha based) or become confused for 1 round. This is a [Dark] effect.

Dark Pulse (Su): At 6th level, as a standard action, Zoroark may release all it's negative emotions in a 15ft. burst centered on it as a [Dark] effect. All creatures in this area take 1d6 per 2 levels of the Zoroark and must make a will save (10+1/2HD+Wis) or be shaken for 1 minute. This effect may only be used every 1d4 rounds.

Dirty Fighting (Ex): At seventh level Zoroark betters itself at hitting where it hurts most, anyone dealt damage by Zoroark's sneak attack is sickened for one round.

Shadow Ball (Su): Also at seventh level, Zoroark may fire a ball of otherworldy energy as a standard action. This deals 1d6/level damage and is a [Ghost] type attack. Creatures hit by this also gain a negative level.

Warp Between the Worlds (Su): At eighth level, Zoroark may Shadow Walk at will, at a caster level equal to it's level.

Shadow Grasp (Su): In addition to entering the realm of shadows, Zoroark may call... something... through it. It may use Black Tentacles 1/hour, at a caster level equal to it's level. Zoroark and any creatures it designates, are immune to the effects of this.

Negation Wave (Su): 1/day, Zoroark may create an Antimagic Field, at a caster level equal to it's level.

Night Daze (Su): At 10th level, 1/day Zoroark may create an area of malevolent darkness out to 60ft. as a full round action. All light and flames are extinguished within this area (not even darkvision may see through it), creatures other than Zoroark and those it designates within it are dealt 1d6/level and 1d4 Wis and must make a will save (cha based) or become confused for 1 round. This is a [Dark] effect.
+2 Dex +2 Cha
Fire Type
Speed 40ft.
Bite Attack (1d8+Str or Dex, may make iterative attacks)

Relations: Ninetales are renowned for their beauty and as a result are typically prideful and vain. Within communities, they are known for forming elite cliques with other Pokemon like Persian, Delcatty, and Lopunny. Should someone offend them, they are not afraid to get retribution, and the vengeance of a Ninetales is something spoken of in hushed whispers.

Lands: Ninetales typically prefer areas with others that they can show off to. They love to be the center of attention, and often reside in cities like the Ancient City or Lily City. Also, sometimes Ninetales lack the typical vanity of their kind. Some of these live like hermits in out of the way places like Obscured Forest or Maiden Glacier.

Adventurers: Ninetales typically adventure to satisfy their own ego. They like to be considered the best at anything, and will typically prefer missions that could make them well known. In any group, they will typically consider themselves the leader, whether or not this is actually the case.

Hit Dice: D6
BAB: Average
Saves: Good Reflex and Will
Skills: 4+Int

Ember (Su): As a standard action, Vulpix may breathe fire in a 15ft. cone. This deals 1d10+cha damage, with a reflex save for half. Creatures who fail their saves are burned for 2 rounds. [Fire] type.

Finesse (Ex): Vulpix may use the higher of it's Str or Dex on melee attack and damage.

Cuteness (Ex): Vulpix gain a +3 racial bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Perform.

Cantrips (Sp): Vulpix may use Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, and Arcane Mark at will as spell-like abilities.

Beauty Shield (Ex): Vulpix gains an armor bonus to AC equal to it's Cha modifier. This increases by +1 at third level, and every third level beyond that.

Baby-Doll Eyes (Ex): Vulpix are known for being amazingly cute, and can even cause foes to second guess attacking them. At second level, as an immediate action, Vulpix can force a creature attacking it to make a will save (cha based). If they fail, any damage they deal is halved, and any save DC's are reduced by 2. This is a [Normal] type attack.

Wrath (Sp): Hell hath no fury like a Vulpix scored. At second level, Vulpix may use Doom and Bane (no save) at will, if it matters, these are [Ghost] type attacks.

Smoke Screen (Su): At second level, Vulpix may breathe smoke in a 20ft. cone. Creatures in this area must make a fort save (Cha based) or be nauseated for one round, and take a -4 penalty to attack rolls for 1 minute. This is a [Fire] type attack.

Confuse Ray (Su): At third level, Vulpix gains the ability to fire a multicolored ray at an enemy as a ranged touch attack. If it hits, the target must make a will save (Cha based) or become confused for 3 rounds, this is a [Ghost] type attack.

Double Team (Su): Also at third level, Vulpix may create false duplicates of it's self as per Mirror Image as a standard action, at a caster level equal to it's level.

Magical Tools (Ex): Again at third level, Vulpix may now use Orbs without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Calm Mind (Ex): At fourth level , Vulpix may mediate as a standard action, to clear it's mind of distractions. It gains the effect of a Fox's Cunning and Eagles Splendor at a caster level equal to it's level. Once used, this cannot be used again for 1 hour.

Sunny Day: At fourth level, Vulpix gains Drought as a bonus feat. It may activate and deactivate the effects as a standard action. If it already has Drought then it's area is doubled.

Flare Blitz (Su): At fifth level, on a charge, Vulpix may instead of the usual effect cloak itself in flame. It moves up to three times it's speed, and gains a +4 bonus to attack and -2 AC. On impact, it deals an extra 1d8/level [Fire] damage and takes 2d6 backlash damage. Backlash damage cannot be resisted or negated by any means short of plot (DM fiat).

Greater Wrath (Sp): Vulpix may use Slow at will.

Evolution: At sixth level, Vulpix evolves into Ninetales. It grows to medium size and it's ability scores become +4 Dex +2 Int +6 Cha. It's base speed becomes 50ft.

Attract (Su): At will, Ninetales may use Charm Monster. If a creature succeeds on it's save, it can't be affected again for 24 hours.

Greater Magical Tools (Su): All orbs used by Ninetales gain +2 to the save DC.

Curse (Su): Ninetales may use Bestow Curse at will. This is a [Ghost] effect. If a creature makes it's save against this ability, it may not be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.

Flamethrower: Ninetales may breath fire in a cone out to close range. This deals 1d8 damage per level with a reflex save (cha based) for half damage. This damage ignores hardness and is a [Fire] type attack. Once used, the Ninetales must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again. Those who fail their saves are burned for 5 rounds.

Shadow Ball (Su): At 7th level, Ninetales may fire a ball of otherworldy energy as a standard action ranged touch. This deals 1d6/level damage and is a [Ghost] type attack. Creatures hit by this also gain a negative level.

Mystic Ability (Sp): Also at seventh level, Ninetales may create powerful magical effects 1/hour. This has the effect of a Minor Wish.

Retribution (Su): At 8th level Ninetales may now use Bestow curse an immediate action.

Roar (Su): As a standard action usable 1/encounter Ninetales may roar in a 60ft. cone, all creatures in this area must make a will save or become frightened, success leaves them shaken instead.

Midnight Messenger (Sp): At 9th level, Ninetales may use Dream and Nightmare at will.

Magical Tool Mastery (Ex): All range categories on orbs are increased if Ninetales wishes. (Close becomes medium, medium becomes long, long remains long.) For orbs with other ranges, those ranges can be doubled.

Aura of Grief (Su): At 10th level, 1/day Ninetales may use it's ultimate attack as a full round action. Any number of targets within close range are subject to a Greater Bestow Curse at a caster level equal to Ninetales level.
+2 Con +2 Cha
Rock/Fairy Type
Small Size
Speed: Hover 30ft. (See below)
Slam (1d6+str)

Relations: Diancie are rare and special, and they know it. Form by an incredibly rare mutation in a Carbink, they gain far greater powers over earth and rock. Rock and Ground type pokemon often look towards Diancie as leaders. This often makes them arrogant, stubborn, and headstrong. When among others, they tend to assume that they are in charge, and will become frustrated when others don't appear to be following their leads. Even among groups of friends, they tend to be bossy and demanding (though lessened slightly).

Lands: Diancie reside primarily in the Underground. Though rare, when they appear, they often lead communities of subterranean Pokemon. Diancie are rarely seen on the surface, but when there, they prefer rocky or rough environments like the Glittering Desert or the Badlands.

Adventurers: Diancie tend to adventure out of curiosity. They spend a lot of their time beneath the surface, and often never leave the small community they lead. Thus they occasionally want to know more about the rest of the world, and will leave to go explore.

Hit Dice: D8
BAB: Average
Saves: Good Fort and Will
Skills: 6+int

Rock Armor (Ex): Despite it's looks, Diancie is rock solid. They gain a base natural armor of 4. Every even level, this increases by +1. Also, Diancie may add it's Con modifier to AC in place of Dex. This still applies against touch attacks.

Diamond Hard (Ex): Diancie gains DR3/-. This increases to 5/- at fourth level, and 10/- at eighth level. This does not apply against super-effective hits.

Crystal Shot (Ex): Diancie may fire a shard of sharpened crystal from it's hand as a ranged touch attack. This deals 1d6 bludgeoning/piercing damage with a 19-20/x3 critical threat range. This is a [Rock] type attack.

Hover (Ex): Diancie has a special form of movement. This functions like flight with perfect maneverability, but it may not move more than 5 feet from a solid object or it will fall. Fortunately this ability makes it effectively immune to falling damage (provided it is conscious). At fourth level, this increases to 20 feet from an object and at 6th level, 30ft. This speed can be increased by anything that increases movement speed.

Rock Spirit (Ex): Diancie has no need to eat, sleep, or breath (though she can if she wishes), and has low-light vision and darkvision out to 60ft. Diancie can also intuit how deep underground she is.

Wealth of the Earth (Ex): Diancie has a +3 racial bonus to Craft (Gems, Metal, Orbs, Stone), Diplomacy, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering, Dungeoneering) and Perform. A Diancie posseses Stonecunning like a dwarf save the bonuses are +3. Also Diancie automatically knows the market value of any item (buying, selling, bartering or otherwise) they can see and what price it would fetch at any shop they are aware of (in effect, automatically succeeding on their appraise check). They can also automatically know the function of any magic item they can see (other than artifacts). It is also under a permanant Detect Minerals able to detect all minerals at once, and gives information as if she had spent three rounds concentrating.

Rock Puppet (Su): At second level, Diancie can create a small rock puppet as a 1 round action. This has the same statistics as a Small Earth Elemental. Diancie can only control one of these at a time. If a new one is created, the old one crumbles.

Dig (Ex): Diancie gains a burrow speed of 15 feet, though it may only burrow through soft sand or dirt.

Dirt Shot (Su): Diancie may create an effect like Dust Bomb at will.

Stone Edge (Sp): At 3rd level. Diancie may cause the earth to rupture and explode beneath it's opponents. This has the same effects as a Tremors spell.

Geokinisis (Su): Diancie can move up to 2 contigious five foot cubes/level of dirt, stone, or crystal, within close range up to 5 feet per level.

Gem Shot (Ex): Crystal shot now does 3d6+Cha damage and may be used to make iterative attacks.

Improved Rock Puppet (Su): At fourth level, Diancie may now have a medium sized rock puppet (same stats as a medium earth elemental) or two small rock puppets.

Iron Defense (Su): Once per hour, Diancie may increase it's defenses as a standard action. It gains the effect of a Bears Endurance, Barkskin (but stone), and it's DR doubles. This lasts for 1 minute per level.

Rock Polish (Su): At fifth level, once per hour, Diancie may grant itself a Haste effect, at a caster level equal to it's level.

Power Gem (Su): At will, as an attack action Diancie may fire a blast of diamond like light as a ranged touch attack. Any creature struck takes 5d6+Cha damage and must make a fort save (Cha based) or be blinded for 3 rounds. This is a [Rock] type attack.

Draining Kiss (Su): At will, Diancie may plant a kiss on a target as a standard action melee touch, stealing life energies. This deals 5d6+cha damage and diancie heals the same amount. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the target, though it does provoke one from any adjacent enemies. This is a [Fairy] type attack.

Clear Body (Ex): Diancie gains immunity to disease and the poisoned condition (but not [Poison Damage]. Stunning (but not dazing), and Fatigue and Exhaustion.

Empowerment: At sixth level, Diancie grows stronger and tougher. It's ability modifiers become +4 Con, +2 Int, +6 Cha. It finally gains the ability to fly at 60ft. with perfect maneuverability.

Large Rock Puppet (Su): Now, Diancie may create a large Rock Puppet (Same stats as a Large Earth Elemental) two medium Rock Puppets, or four small rock puppets.

Earth Magic (Sp): Diancie gains the following spell-like abilities: Stoneskin, Move Earth, Earth Lock (SpC), Stony Grasp (SpC), Earthfast (SpC), Shape Stone, Meld into Stone, Soften Earth and Stone, Spike Stones, Giant's Wrath (SpC).

Diamond Storm (Su): Diancie may use it's signature move, letting lose a barrage of sharp diamond shards in a 60ft. cone dealing 1d8/level bludgeoning/piercing damage. All creatures in this area are entitled to a reflex save for half damage. Those who fail are slowed for 5 rounds. Once used, this ability can't be used again for 1d4 rounds. This is a [Rock] type attack.

Fey Lore (Su): At Seventh level, 2/day, by meditating for 10 minutes, Diancie may gain the effects of a Commune with Nature, save that it works underground and within cities as well.

Heal Pulse (Su): As a standard action, a Diancie may heal a touched creature (and in d20 you can always touch yourself) of 4d6+Cha modifier damage.

Perfect Body (Ex): Diancie gains immunity to the burned condition, paralysis, compulsion effects and charm effects.

Attract (Su): As a standard action Diancie may use Charm Monster at a caster level equal to it's level. Creatures who succeed on their saves cannot be affected again for 24 hours.

Moon Blast (Su): At level eight, Diancie may channel the power of the moon into an attack. As a ranged touch attack Diancie can deal 1d6/level damage to a target and deal 1d6 Strength damage. A successful will save negates the strength damage. This is a [Fairy] effect.

Huge Rock Puppet (Su): Diancie may now create a Huge Rock Puppet (Same stats as a Huge Earth Elemental) or two Large Rock Puppets or four medium or small rock puppets.

Earth Glide (Ex): At 9th level, Diancie may move freely through the earth, like a fish moves through water, at it's fly speed.

Earthquake (Sp): Diancie may create an Earthquake (as the spell) 1/hour. This is a [Ground] effect.

Warp (Sp): At will, Diancie may Plane Shift, with the only possible destinations being the Planes of Earth, Mineral, and Dust. Diancie is immune to any of the detrimental effects of these planes.

Awesome Rock Puppet (Su): At 10th level, Diancie may create an even more powerful Rock Puppet. (This has the same stats as a Greater Earth Elemental). It may instead create 2 Huge Rock Puppets, or four Large or smaller Rock Puppets.

Diamond Body (Ex): At tenth level, 1/day, Diancie may use it's ultimate technique as a swift action to become nigh invulnerable. Diancie becomes immune to all forms of damage and drain, and automatically succeeds on any Fort and Will saves. This lasts for 3 rounds.
Dragonexx wrote:At 12th level, regardless of what Prestige Class Diancie takes, she gains the ability to create Grand Rock Puppets (Same stats as elder earth elementals), or 2 Awesome Rock Puppets or four Huge or smaller Rock Puppets.
+2 Con +2 Cha
Water Type
Speed 30ft. Swim: 60ft.
Slam Attack (1d8+Str)

Relations: Blastoise get along with others fairly easy. They tend to be laid back and calm. However, they are very protective of those they care about, and will do near anything to keep them out of harm. Some are different however. They wear large sunglasses and gather around into nasty gangs painting graffiti and eating all of the berries. Jerks.

Lands: Blastoise prefer watery environments. They can be found within area's like the cities of Rivertop or Seagaze, or living beneath the Royal Ocean.

Adventurers: Blastoise adventure primarily to see the world. Many are brought into the lifestyle because of friends who introduced them to it.

Hit Dice: d12
BAB: Average
Saves: Good Fort and Will
Skills: 4+Int

Thick Shell (Ex): Squirtle receives a natural armor bonus to AC equal to 1/2 it's level plus it's Con.

Water Gun (Su): As a standard action, Squirtle may fire a stream of high pressure water in a 20ft line. All creatures in this area take 1d10+Con damage with a reflex save (cha based) for half damage. This is a [Water] attack.

Withdraw (Ex): When squirtle takes the total defense option, it gains an additional bonus to AC equal to it's level, and DR5/-

Bubble (Su): At second level, Squirtle may breathe out a 15ft. cone of bubbles dealing 1d6/2levels damage. Creatures in this area must make a reflex save or be slowed for 2 rounds.

Rapid Spin (Ex): At third level, Squirtle may enter a state known as rapid spin. While in this state it retreats into it's shell (gaining DR/5). It may move at double it's speed and strike any opponents whose space it enters (it doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity for movement in this form) deal damage like a charge attack. Any opponent struck must make a reflex save (Str based) or be knocked prone. It may stay in this form as long as it wishes, however it cannot use any of it's other moves in this state.

Scald (Su): Also at third level, Squirtle may fire a blast of superheated steam. This deals 1d6/level damage in a 25foot cone with a reflex save for half damage. This attack counts as either [Fire] or [Water] whichever is more beneficial at the time.

Evolution: At fourth level, Squirtle evolves into Wartortle. It ability modifiers become +2 Str +4 Con +4 Cha and it grows to medium size. It's slam attack now deals 2d6 damage.

Aqua Tail (Su): Also at fourth level, Wartortle may add 2d6 damage to any of it's melee attacks. This makes all damage dealt by them [Water] type.

Mist (Su): As a standard action, Wartortle may create a Fog Cloud anywhere in medium range with up to double the area.

Water Pulse (Su): At Fifth level, Wartortle gains the ability to fire a pulse of water out to 120 feet as a ranged touch attack. This deals 1d6/level damage and any creature struck by this must make a will save (Cha based) or become confused for 3 rounds. This is a [Water] effect.

Rain Dance (Su): Also at fifth level, Wartortle gains Drizzle as a bonus feat. It may activate or deactivate the benefits of this feat as a standard action. If it already has Drizzle (or takes it later) feat, then it's area is doubled.

Surf (Su): At sixth level, Wartortle may unleash a massive wave of water. This is a 60ft. cone and all creatures in this area take 1d6/level damage with a fort save (cha based) for half. Creatures in this area are also bullrushed as if by a gargantuan creature with a Str equal to Wartortle's Cha. Additionally, Wartortle may move anywhere within the area of this effect as a free action. This is a [Water] effect. Once used, this cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds.

Bubble Beam (Su): Also at sixth level, Wartortle may fire a constant stream of bubbles. This is a 80ft. line dealing 1d6/level. All creatures in this area must make a Reflex save or be slowed for 3 rounds.

Evolution: At seventh level, Wartortle evolves into Blastiose. It grows to large size, and it's ability modifiers become +4 Str +8 Con +4 Cha. It's slam attack now deals 3d6 base damage, it's land speed increases to 40 feet, and it's swim speed to 80 feet. It gains a +3 bonus to natural armor.

Hydro Pump (Su): Also at seventh level, Blastoise learns hydro pump. With a Full-Round Action, Blastoise unleashes a Medium length Line of water. All in the area are hit for 1d6/level damage with a Fortitude Save for half (Charisma-based). Those who take any damage are also Bullrushed as though by a Colossal creature, using Blastoise's Charisma bonus in place of a Strength bonus. Once used, this cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds.

Aqua Ring (Su): Again at seventh level, Blastoise may surround itself with a ring of healing water. As a standard action, it may activate this effect, gaining fast healing 5 for 2 rounds per level, after which it cannot be used again for 1 hour.

Ice Beam (Su): At eighth level, Blastoise may fire out a beam of pure cold as a standard action. This has the same effect as a polar ray save that any creature struck must make a fort save or become entangled. An entangled creature who fails their save becomes helpless.

Master of the Seven Seas: At ninth level, Blastoise may use Control Water at will.

Hydro Cannon (Su): With a Standard Action 1/day, Blastoise may unleash a powerful surge of water out to anywhere in Long Range. It explodes in a 50' radius Blast, dealing 10 damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half (Constitution-based). This attack deals full damage to objects, typically creating a massive crater in the terrain.
-2 Str -2 Con +2 Int +2 Wis +2 Cha
Psychic Type
Small Size
Speed: 15ft. Hover 30ft. (See below)

Relations: The Alakazam family is know for their wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge acquisition comes naturally to them. They are very strong mentally, though their physical strength is significantly lacking. Many disdain contact with others, as they are capable of crafting fantastic dreamscapes for themselves, thus spending a lot of their time asleep or meditating. Others spend their time seeking knowledge, from other pokemon or from other sources like books.

Lands: Alakazam aren't found anywhere in particular, and they rarely form communities of their own. They often live in populated areas, and some serve as sages or leaders in their own communities. Others live as hermits, secluding themselves away in hard to reach locations.

Adventurers: Alakazam, like Gardevoir, adventure to stimulate their minds. They love knowledge, and it is one of their primary goals when adventuring. In parties, they serve as a tacticians, much like Gardevoir, though they focus more on controlling the battlefield, tossing objects and enemies around like ragdolls, while linking their allies telepathically.

Hit Die: d4
Bab: Poor
Saves: Good Will
Skills: 4+Int

Psychic Armor (Su): Abra has a deflection bonus to AC equal to 4+1/2 it's level.

Confusion (Su): At will, Abra may make a ranged touch attack out to close range, dealing 1d6+int damage. Abra may use it's highest mental ability modifier in place of dexterity on attack rolls. This can make iterative attacks. If the attack roll is a 19 or 20 then the target suffers a headache for 1 minute.

Gentleman and Scholar (Ex): Abra gains a +3 bonus to Appraise, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy and Knowledge and always counts as trained in a knowledge skill.

Hover (Ex): Abra has a special form of movement. This functions like flight with perfect maneverability, but it may not move more than 5 feet from a solid object or it will fall. Fortunately this ability makes it effectively immune to falling damage (provided it is conscious). At fourth level, this increases to 20 feet from an object and at 6th level, 30ft. This speed can be increased by anything that increases movement speed.

Telekinitic Lift (Su): Abra is capable of lifting and manipulating objects with it's mind. It may telekinetically lift any number of objects within close range provided they do not exceed it's carry capacity. It's carry capacity for this works like normal, save that it uses it's highest mental ability modifier instead of strength to calculate it and it counts as a creature one size larger and a quadruped for this. It may activate any orbs it has lifted (though no more than one per standard action). If Abra attempts to lift an object in the possession of a creature, that creature gets a will save to negate this effect.

Telepathy (Su): Abra possesses telepathy out to medium range. This can't be use to communicate with [Dark] types.

Detect Thoughts (Su): Abra may at will activate a detect thoughts effect on any creature within range of it's telepathy as not-an-action (Will DC10+1/2HD+Int). It gains information as if it had spent 3 rounds focusing. Should a creature make it's save against this ability, it's mind cannot be read for 1 hour. It is not usually aware of this (regardless of save success or failure) unless it is a [Psychic] type. [Dark] type creatures are immune to this ability.

Telekinitic Throw (Su): At second level, Abra may throw objects it has lifted with a ranged touch attack (it may use it's highest mental ability score in place of dexterity on this roll). It may throw a number of objects equal to the number of attacks it has in a round. Any thrown seed activates it's effect. Any other objects deal damage based on the objects size, starting at 1d6 for fine (the size of a throwing stone), and have a range increment of 50ft. Abra adds it's highest mental ability score to the total damage of this. The type of damage is based on the thrown objects composition ([Rock] for stone, [Grass] for wood, [Steel] for metal, ect.).

Telekinetic Catch (Su): Also at second level, as an immediate action, Abra may catch one physical projectile directed towards it. It may redirect the projectile to a new target as part of the same immediate action (using it's own attack roll or the original roll, whichever is better).

Warp (Sp): At third level, Abra gains the ability to teleport to a line of sight location within close range as a standard action.

Calm Mind (Sp): Also at third level, Abra may meditate as a standard action to clear it's mind of distractions. It gains the benefits of Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom, and Eagle's Splendor at a caster level equal to it's level. This can only be used 1/hour.

Evolution: At fourth level, Abra evolves into Kadabra. It grows to medium size, and it's ability modifiers become -2 Str -2 Con +4 Int +4 Wis +4 Cha. It's hover speed becomes 50ft.

Psybeam (Su): Kadabra gains the ability to use psybeam at 4th level. This is a ranged touch attack out to medium range that deals 1d6/level+int damage. Any creature struck must make a will save (highest mental ability score modifies) or become confused for 1d4 rounds. Kadabra may use it's highest mental ability modifier in place of it's dexterity on the attack roll. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Disable (Su): Also at fourth level, Kadabra learns Disable. It may designate a creature within close range, who then must make a will save. Should that save fail, it loses the ability to use one extraordinary, supernatural or spell-like ability of Kadabra's choice for 1d6 rounds. This is a [Normal] effect.

Telekinetic Might (Su): At fifth level, Kadabra's telekinetic carry capacity is doubled. Also, if it hit's a creature with an object at least one size category smaller than it or bigger, that creature must make a reflex save or fall prone. Also, it may activate any orb it has lifted, using the orb's location as the origin of the effect. It may also now lift and throw creatures (will negates and reflex negates landing prone). If that creature collides with an object, it takes 1d6/level+int damage, if it is thrown towards a creature, that creature may make a reflex save to dodge out of the way, if it fails, both creatures take the damage as if colliding with an object and fall prone. It's range increments increase to 60ft.

Ally Switch (Sp): Also at fifth level, Kadabra may teleport, trading spaces with a willing creature within medium range as a standard action.

Imprison (Su): At fifth level, Kadabra may ensnare an opponent within close range, subjecting them to a Hold Monster effect (10+1/2HD+Int/Wis/Cha) at a caster level equal to their level. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Recover (Sp): As a standard action, Kadabra may heal itself of 5d6 hitpoints.

Teleport (Sp): At sixth level, Kadabra may now teleport out to medium range line of sight as a standard action.

Shadow Ball (Su): Also at sixth level, Kadabra may fire a ball of otherworldy energy as a standard action. This deals 1d6/level damage and is a [Ghost] type attack. Creatures hit by this also gain a negative level.

Embargo (Su): Again at sixth level, Kadabra may designate one creature within Close Range. That creature can no longer activate orbs, gain benefits from eating seeds or berries, and loses the use of one of it's equipped items (of Kadabra's choice) for 1d6 rounds, a will save negates this. This is a [Dark] effect.

Mind Insuniate (Sp): Kadabra may exert a limited amount of control over a creature's mind. It may use suggestion 1/day per level. If a creature succeeds on it's saving throw, it becomes immune to this ability for 24 hours. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Evolution (Su): At 7th level, Kadabra evolves into Alakazam. It's ability scores become -2 Str -2 Con +6 Int +6 Wis +6 Cha. It's telekinetic carry capacity is increased by 5 and it counts as a huge creature. It also gains a Fly speed of 60ft. with perfect maneuverability.

Psychic (Su): Also at seventh level, Alakazam's Confusion upgrades to Psychic. It now deals 5d6+int/wis/cha damage and forces a will save or become slowed for 1 minute.

Heal Block (Su): Again at seventh level, Alakazam gains the ability to prevent a creature within close range from recovering. Should that creature fail a will save, any effects that would cause it to recover hit points or remove negative conditions fail. This lasts for 1d6 rounds. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Telekinitic Slam (Su): When Alakazam strikes a creature with a telekinitically thrown object, if it wishes, that creature is bull rushed with by a creature of the same size as the object and with a Strength score equal to Alakazam's highest mental ability score.

Miracle Eye: Alakazam's psychic powers are so strong that they can shatter previous barriers. It's [Psychic] effects now function against [Dark] types, though they now are only resistant to them instead of immune. Also, creatures immune to mind affecting effects now instead recieve a +3 bonus on their saves.

Light Screen (Su): At eighth level 1/hour, Alakazam may cover itself with a powerful barrier. For the next 5 rounds, it is treated as resistant against every type.

Psych Up (Su): As a standard action, Alakazam may copy any beneficial conditions on a target within close range. This lasts for 5 rounds and can only be used 1/day.

Mind Control (Su): At ninth level, Alakazam may attempt to sieze control of another creature's mind 1/day. This functions like a dominate monster, at a caster level equal to Alakazam's level.

Mind Travel (Su): Also at ninth level, Alakazam may project it's mind from it's body. This functions like Astral Projection, though it may not leave the Astral Plane.

Psychic Storm (Su): At 10th level, Alakazam is capable of creating a powerful whirlwind of psychic energy 1/day. This manifests as a gigantic glowing tornado 30 feet wide and 100 feet tall and can be created out to medium range. Creatures within this area take 5d6 damage per round and must make a reflex save or be swept up into the twister, moving randomly about through the area and becoming helpless. Each round they may attempt a new save to escape at which point they are ejected from the twister (falling damage may apply). Alakazam is immune to the effects of the storm and may concentrate to move the tornado up to 50ft. as a move-equivalent action. This twister lasts for 1 round per level and is a [Psychic] type attack.
+2 Str +2 Con -2 Wis +2 Cha
Steel/Fairy type
Small Size
Speed: 30ft.
Bite Attack (2d6+1.5xStrength) [Dark] OR Slam (1d8+str) [Steel]

Relations: They lurk in the dark recesses of the world, plotting and scheming. Should you encounter one, beware! They will appear peaceful and harmless, and shall lull you into a false security. Then they shall strike, tearing flesh from bone and shattering the body in a single bite. Beware the deceivers! Beware the Mawile! - Old scripture from the tome of Riversong (Mienshao)

Lands: Mawile can be found anywhere, though they most prefer underground locations. There are in fact several communities of them located in the underground. Other locations tend to be places like the Hazy Range and the Badlands.

Adventurers: Mawile adventure for many of the same reasons others do. To protect their friends and family, for the thrill of seeing new lands, or sometime simply for the profit. In combat, they are masters of deception, misleading enemies and then striking.

Hit Die: d8
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Fort and Reflex
Skills: 4+int

Metal Skin (Ex): Mawile gains a base natural armor of 4. Every even level, this increases by +1. Also, Mawile may add it's Con modifier to AC in place of Dex. This still applies against touch attacks.

Deciever (Ex): A Mawile is an expert at deception. It gains a +3 racial bonus to bluff, diplomacy, disguise, hide, move silently and sense motive.

Feint Attack (Ex): A Mawile is an expert at diverting it's opponent's attention. It gains a +3 bonus to any feinting checks.

Vice Grip (Ex): Should Mawile hit with it's bite, it may start a grapple as a free action that doesn't provoke an opportunity. It is treated as a creature one size category larger for this check. Should it succeed it then clamps down, dealing it's bite damage once per round to an opponent. It may maintain this grapple as a free action and can even take other actions against other opponents.

Gobble (Ex): Mawile's Bite is a [Dark] attack like basically all bites ever. Also, if it deals any damage with its Bite it regains 1 HP - or 2 on a Critical Hit. In a Contest, if this successfully gains any points and rolls higher than whoever went before, the points gained are instead stolen from the "target".

Iron Head (Ex): At second level When Mawile makes a charge it adds double it's strength to the damage and forces the opponent to make a Fort save or be dazed for 1 round. This is a [Steel] effect.

Astonish (Ex): As a standard action, Mawile may make a quick, shocking, melee attack. This deals 1d10+str damage and the target must make a will save or become shaken for one round. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Fairy Wind (Su): Also at second level, Mawile may release a burst of wind. This has the same effect as a gust of wind save that all in it's area take 1d8/2 levels damage and it is a [Fairy] type attack. Mawile cannot use this ability if it's currently grappling.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Mawile gains sneak attack dice starting at second level, and then increasing every third level after that.

Sweet Scent (Su): At third level, Mawile may release sweet-smelling vapors in a 30ft cone. All creatures in this area must make a will save (DC is cha based) or become flatfooted for 1d4 rounds.

Double Team (Su): Also at third level, Mawile may create duplicates of it's self, as per Mirror Image, as a standard action.

Iron Defense (Su): Once per hour, Diancie may increase it's defenses as a standard action. It gains the effect of a Bears Endurance, and Barkskin (but metal). This lasts for 1 minute per level.

Swords Dance (Su): Once per hour, Mawile may perform a dance as a standard action to focus it's strength. It's natural weapons all deal damage one size category larger, and it gains the effect of a Bull's Strength. This lasts for 1 minute per level.

Attract (Su): Mawile may attempt to create a Charm Monster effect on a creature within close range (DC is cha based). If the creature succeeds on it's save it cannot be affected again for 24 hours.

Sucker Punch (Ex): If Mawile hit's a flatfooted opponent with it's slam attack, that opponent must make a Fort save (Str based) or be sickened for 1 minute.

Empowerment: At sixth level, Mawile grow's more powerful. It's ability modifiers become +4 Str +2 Dex +4 Con -2 Wis +2 Cha. It's natural weapons increase in damage by one size. It also gains DR5/-.

Crunch (Ex): Also at sixth level, Mawile's bite attack ignores hardness and DR. It's still a [Dark] type move.

Flash Cannon (Su): Again at sixth level, Mawile may fire a ranged touch attack out to close range. Any creature struck by this takes 1d6/level damage and must make a fort save or be blinded for one round. Success leaves them dazzled instead. This is a [Steel] effect.

Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang (Su): At seventh level Mawile may add 2d6 damage of either fire, ice or electricity to it's bite attack. This makes the attacks type the same as the extra damage. Mawile may also deal this damage in a grapple.

Poison Fang (Su): At Eighth level, Mawile may make it's bite poisonous instead of elemental. If it hit's it poison's it's opponent for 1d6/1d6 to a physical ability score of mawiles choice. A fort save (con based) negates this.

Bonus Feat: At 9th level, Mawile gains a bonus feat. This may be any feat it meets the prerequisites for.

Guillotine (Ex): At tenth level, 1/day, Mawile may unleash the true power of it's jaws. If it hit's with a melee touch attack that opponent must make a fort save (Str based) or either die or be knocked out (Mawile's option).
+2 Dex -2 Con +2 Int +2 Cha
Fire type
Small Size
Bite (1d6+str)

Relations: Delphox are known as seers, much like Gardevoir. Their future sight abilities aren't as powerful as a Gardevoir's but they make up for that in their powerful control over flames. In towns and communities, they can function as fortunetellers and sages, though they rarely take leadership positions.

Lands: Delphox, when not in towns, tend to prefer secluded areas like Maiden Glacier or Obscured Forest, where they live as hermits. Others are solitary wanders, moving about the world seeking knowledge and wisdom.

Adventurers: Delphox are capable of seeing the future, and often adventure to better understand their visions.

Hit Dice: d6
BAB: Average
Saves: Good Will
Skills: 4+int

Ember (Su): As a standard action, Fennekin may breathe fire in a 15ft. cone. This deals 1d10+int/cha damage, with a reflex save for half. Creatures who fail their saves are burned for 2 rounds. [Fire] type.

Firefox: Fennekin gains a +3 racial bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Hide, Knowledge, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot.

Finesse (Ex): Fennekin may use the higher of it's Str or Dex on melee attack and damage.

Bonus Feat: Fennekin recieves Pyrokinisis as a bonus feat. It doesn't take any damage from maintaining concentration on it.

Mystic Shield (Su): Fennekin has a +4 deflection bonus to AC. This increases by +1 every even level.

Cantrips (Sp): Fennekin may use Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, and Ghost Sound at will as spell-like abilities.

Smoke Screen (Su): At second level, Fennekin may breathe smoke in a 20ft. cone. Creatures in this area must make a fort save (Int/Cha based) or be nauseated for one round, and take a -4 penalty to attack rolls for 1 minute. This is a [Fire] type attack.

Flame Charge (Su): Also at second level, on a Charge, Fennekin may deal an extra 2d6 [Fire] damage, makeing the entire attack [Fire] type. If this charge strikes a critical hit, then Fennikin gains the benefit of haste for 1 minute.

Double Team (Sp): At third level, Fennekin may create false duplicates of it's self as per Mirror Image as a standard action, at a caster level equal to it's level.

Calm Mind (Sp): As a standard action, 1/hour, Fennekin may meditate to clear it's mind of distractions. It gains the benefit of Fox's Cunning and Eagle's Splendor at a caster level equal to it's level.

Incinerate: If a creature is holding a berry in it's mouth and it fails a save against one of Fennekin's [Fire] attacks, the berry it's holding is burned to ashes and becomes useless.

Evolution: At fourth level, Fennekin evolves into Braixen. It's ability scores become +2 Dex, -2 Con +4 Int +2 Cha.

Psybeam (Su): At fourth level, Braixen may use Psybeam. This is a ranged touch attack out to close range that deals 1d6/level+int damage. Any creature struck must make a will save (Int based) or become confused for 1d4 rounds. Gardevoir may use it's highest mental ability modifier in place of it's dexterity on the attack roll. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Seer (Sp): Braixen may use Augury twice per day.

Burning Stick: Braixen obtains a stick imbued with magic and heat. This functions as a Flaming Club with an enhancement bonus equal to 1/3 Braixen's level (round up). It may call or dismiss this weapon as a swift action.

Mystic Fire (Sp): At fifth level, Braixen can project a bolt of magical fire as a ranged touch attack out to medium range. This deals 1d6/level+int damage, and any creature struck must make a will save or suffer a Headache. A creature who has a headache and fails a save again suffers a Migrane. This is a [Fire] type attack.

Lucky Chant (Su): As a standard action, Braixen may perform a special chant that grant's itself any any allies adjacent to it Heavy Fortification for 1 minute per level. Once used, this cannot be used again for 1 hour.

Flame Burst (Su): At sixth level Braixen gains the ability to shoot fireballs. This has a range of long, and explodes in a 20ft. radius burst, dealing 1d6/level damage with a reflex save for half. This is a [Fire] type attack.

Evolution: At 7th level, Braixen evolves into Delphox. It grows to medium size, and it's ability scores become +4 Dex -2 Con +6 Int +4 Cha. It gains the [Psychic] type.

Fire Spin: At seventh level, Delphox may create a tornado out of fire. This has the same effect as a Whirlwind save that all damage is [Fire] and creatures are Burned for as long as they are within it and for 3 rounds afterwards.

Extrasensory (Sp): Also at seventh level, Delphox may let lose a distorting wave of psychic energy at a target within close range as a ranged touch attack. The target takes 1d6/level damage and must make a will save (int based) or be stunned for 1 round. If the creature succeeds on it's save it gains immunity to any further stunning attempts from this ability (but not damage) for 1 hour.

Flamethrower (Su): Delphox may fire in a cone out to close range. This deals 1d8 damage per level with a reflex save (Int based) for half damage. This damage ignores hardness and is a [Fire] type attack. Once used, the Delphox must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again. Those who fail their saves are burned for 5 rounds.

Oracle (Sp): At eighth level Delphox may use Divination once per day.

Heat Wave (Su): At 9th level Charizard may create a Mass Searing Exposure effect once per minute, however all of the damage is real Fire damage, and instead of a sunburn, targets that fail their saves suffer a Burn. This is a [Fire] effect. In Contests, everyone acting after the user suffers a -3 penalty.

Wish (Sp): As a full round action, Delphox may heal all allies within close range of 1d6/level hit points, as well as grant them a second save against any negative effects they may be suffering from.

Burning Cloud (Su): At tenth level, 1/day, Delphox may create a truly massive cloud of fire. This cloud has a 50 foot radius and 20 of height, and all creatures in this area suffer 5d6 damage per round with a Fort save (int based) or be burned for as long as they remain in the cloud and for 1 minute afterwards. Visibility within the cloud is limited. everything within 5 feet has concealment, and everything beyond that has total concealment. As a move-equivilent action, Delphox may move the cloud up to 50 feet in any direction. This cloud persists for 1 round/level. Delphox is immune to the negative effects of this cloud, and may even see through it. This is a [Fire] effect.
+2 Dex, +2 Wis
Grass Type
Small Size
Slam (1d6+str or dex)

Relations: Sceptile are known as guardians of the forests. They are well-liked among grass types, for they place great importance on maintaining and protecting the forests and jungles of the world. They tend to be calm, and collected, though often they are slow to act as well.

Lands: Sceptile almost exclusively reside in forests and jungles, where they often build treehouses. There are rarely any purely Sceptile communities, they are instead often found living among other groups of grass and bug types.

Adventurers: Many Sceptile adventure to gain the strength to better keep order in their woodland homes. Others become curious about the rest of the world, and simply wish to see it for themselves.

Hit Dice: d8
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Reflex and Will
Skills: 4+int

Forrester: Treecko are natural inhabitants of the forest. They gain a +3 bonus to Heal, Hide, Knowledge (geography), Move Silently, Survival, Spot, and Search.

Wall-Crawler: Treecko has a climb speed equal to it's land speed, and can climb sheer surfaces and ceilings.

Absorb: As a standard action, treecko may make a melee attack. If this hits, treecko heals half of the damage dealt. This makes the attack [Grass] type.

Finesse: Treecko may use either it's strength or dexterity on melee attack and damage.

Trackless Step: As a druid.

Pursuit (Ex): At 2nd level Treecko deals double damage on an attack of opportunity (sneak attack damage is not doubled). This makes the attack [Dark] type.

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level. As the rogue.

Grass Knot (Su): At third level, as a standard action, Treecko may make a ranged touch attack out to close range. If successful, the target takes 1d6 damage, and is subject to a trip attempt (treecko may use it's strength or dexterity on this). If the trip fails, the opponent may not attempt to trip treecko back. This is a [Grass] type attack.

Entangle (Su): 1/hour Treecko may use entangle, as the druid spell. (Save DC 10+1/2HD+Wis). This is a [Grass] effect.

Evolution: At fourth level, Treecko evolves into Grovyle. It's size grows to medium, it's ability scores becomes Dex +4 Wis +4 and it's land speed increases to 50 ft.

Agility (Su): At 4th level, 1/Hour, Grovyle may create a haste effect upon itself.

Leaf Blade (Ex): At fourth level, Grovyle may use the leaves on it's arms as weapons. It gains two leaf blades (with which it may make iterative attacks) for 2d6+str/dex damage with a critical rating of 17-20/x3. Attacks with these weapons are [Grass] type.

Mega Drain (Su): At fifth level, whenever Grovyle makes a melee attack, it may heal half the damage inflicted. This makes the attack [Grass] type.

Energy Ball (Su): As a standard action, Grovyle may fire a sphere of energy out to close range. This deals 1d6/level damage and forces a foe struck to make a Fort Save (DC10+1/2HD+Wis) or take a -1 penalty to it's saving throws for 10 minutes. This is a [Grass] type attack.

Bullet Seed (Su): At 5th level, Grovlye may shoot a spray of seeds out in a 40ft cone, dealing 1d6/2 levels damage, with a reflex save (wis based) for half damage. This is a [Grass] type attack.

Fury Cutter (Ex): At 6th level, Grovyle may make a melee attack. This deals 1d8+str/dex damage with a 19-20/x2 crit range. Every consecutive time this ability is used, it increases in size (2d6-3d6-4d6-6d6-8d6-12d6 ect). This attack is [Bug] type.

Aerial Ace (Ex): At 6th level, as a standard action, Grovyle may make a melee touch attack on an opponent within close range, dealing 1d6/2 levels damage. This is a [Flying] type attack.

Evolution: At 7th level, Grovyle Evolves into Sceptile. It's ability scores become +6 Dex, +2 Con, +2 Int +4 Wis. It's move speed increses to 60 ft.

Plant Control (Su): At 7th level, Sceptile may manipulate plants in it's area, or (using the pods on it's back), cause plants to grow in areas there were none before. Sceptile may use Plant Growth, Diminish Plants, and Welcome to the Jungle at will.

Protector of the Forests (Su): Also at 7th level, Sceptile may use Commune with Nature 1/day.

Solarbeam (Sp): At 8th level, 1/day Sceptile may gather solar energy into it's body, to unleash in a massive beam. This is a 1 round action, which, when completed fires a beam out to medium range that deals 2d6/level damage with a reflex save (10+1/2HD+Wis) for half damage. Should this attack be interrupted, it's use is not expended. Should Sceptile be in the area of a Drought effect, Solarbeam may be activated as a standard action. This is a [Grass] type attack. In a contest, whoever goes next suffers a -2 penalty.

Dragonbreath (Su): At 9th level, Sceptile may breath a blast of mystical energy in a cone out to close range. This deals 1d6/level damage, with a reflex save (wis based) for half damage. Creatures who take damage from this ability must make a fort save (same DC) or be paralyzed for 2 rounds. This is a [Dragon] type attack. Once used, sceptile must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Leaf Storm (Su): At 9th level, 1/day Sceptile may create a storm of leaves in a 120 foot cone dealing 1d6 damage per level with a reflex save (wis based) for half damage. Creatures in this area are also subject to tornado force winds for 1 round. This is a [Grass] effect.

Frenzy Plant (Ex): At 10th levels long as it is not Fatigued or Exhausted, the Pokemon may unleash a number of melee attacks equal to its Hit Dice, each attack has a reach out to close range. Add the damage together before applying Damage Reduction and so on. It then becomes Fatigued. This is a [Grass] effect and can only be used 1/day.
+2 Str +2 Con
Rock Type
Small Size
Bite (1d8+str)
Speed: 40ft.

Relations: Lycanroc are known as solitary pokemon. They possess a dual nature, slipping inbetween two modes as they draw power from both the sun and moon. In their sun mode, they tend to be calmer and more focused, while in their moon mode they become vicious and combative. Regardless of form they are fiercely loyal to those they care for.

Lands: Lycanroc reside in a variety of environments. They can be found all across the world, though it's exremely rare for them to form communities. Unlike many other canine pokemon, Lycanroc tend to have a "lone wolf" attitude about them, staying solitary. Some even just roam from places to place.

Adventurers: Lycanroc adventure for the same reasons most others adventure, to protect those they care about, to attain riches and fame, or simple curiosity.

Hit Die: D12
BAB: Good
Saves: Good Fort and Reflex
Skills: 4+int

Gobble (Ex): Rockruff's Bite is a [Dark] attack like basically all bites ever. Also, if it deals any damage with its Bite it regains 1 HP - or 2 on a Critical Hit. In a Contest, if this successfully gains any points and rolls higher than whoever went before, the points gained are instead stolen from the "target".

Sand Attack (Ex): With a Move-Equivalent Action, Gible can throw sand as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 15 feet. If it hits, the target is Blinded for 1 round. This is a [Ground] effect and provokes an attack of opportunity.

Rock Armor (Ex): Despite it's looks, Rockruff is rock solid. They gain a base natural armor of 4. Every even level, this increases by +1.

Scent (Ex): A Rockruff has scent out to 10 feet per level (min 30).

Hunter (Ex): Rockruff gains Track as a bonus feat, and has low light vision and darkvision out to 120 feet.

Rock Throw (Ex): At second level, Rockruff may throw rocks at an opponent as a ranged attack with 80ft increments. This deals 1d6+str damage and is obviously a [Rock] type attack.

Tackle (Ex): At third level, when Rockruff makes a successful bite attack it may make a free trip attempt against the target. If it succeeds it may make an additional attack against them, if it fails, the opponent may not trip them back.

Sand Stream: At 4th level Rockruff gains Sand Stream as a bonus feat. It may activate or deactivate it's effects as a standard action. It's vision and movement are not impaired by sand.

Howl (Su): Also at fourth level, Rockruff may howl 1/hour, pumping up all allies within close range. All allies in this range gain the benefits of heroism at a caster level equal to Rockruff's level.

Rock Tomb: At 5th level, any creature Rockruff deals [Rock] damage to looses 5 feet of move speed per 5 points of damage dealt. Treat this as ability damage with 5 feet of move speed equating to 1 point of ability damage.

Ancient Power (Sp): Also at 5th level, Rockruff may channel the powers of ancient energy into an attack. It makes a ranged touch attack against a creature within close range and if it succeeds, it deals 1d6/level damage that is [Rock] type. If a 19 or 20 is rolled on the attack roll and it hits a creature, then Rockruff gains a +2 sacred bonus to all ability scores for 1 minute.

Sand Mastery: Again at 5th level, when touching sand, or within a sand storm, Rockruff gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage, opponents suffer a -3 penalty to damage against it, and it has the Edge.

Evolution: At 6th level, Rockruff evolves into Lycanroc. It's base stats in this form are +4 Str and +4 Con, with a 50ft move speed. It grows to medium size and gains two claw attacks (1d8 for medium). It gains Endurance as a bonus feat and gains a burrow speed of 20feet. It does not leave a tunnel behind.

Stealth Rock (Su): As a standard action, Lycanroc may place stealth rocks into a single 5 foot cube. The stealth rocks threaten an area out to 10 feet and may make an unlimited number of attacks of opportunity out to this area, dealing 3d6+Str damage. For every two levels past 6th the Stealth Rocks threatened area increases by 5ft. The Stealth Rocks are dimunitive objects have an AC of 14+1level past 6th. Lycanroc may have a maximum number of stealth rocks equal to 1/3 levels rounded up. This is a [Rock] type attack.

Sun and Moon Form: Lycanroc has two forms and may shift between them as a full round action. In it's sun form it's abilites are +4 Str, +4 Dex, +4 Con. It's move speed doubles. In moon form it's +6 Str, +6 Con, and it's natural weapons increase in damage by one size category (base 3d6 for bite, 2d6 for claws). It's ability set varies in these forms.

Accelerock (Ex, Sun): When charging, Lycanroc's distance is doubled, it deals double damage, and it's opponent is flatfooted against the attack. This makes the charge [Rock] type.

Crush Claw (Ex, Moon): A creature struck by Lycanroc's claw attacks suffers a -3 penalty to AC for 1 minute. This is cumulative. Lycanroc's claws also ignore hardness and damage reduction other than DR/Epic.

Sand Rush (Ex, Sun): At 7th level, while in a sandstorm, Lycanroc's move speed doubles again, and if an attack misses it, it may move 30 feet as not-an-action. This is treated as a 5 foot step.

Sand Force (Ex, Moon): At 7th level, While in a sandstorm, Lycanroc adds an extra 2d6 damage to all it's [Rock] type attacks.

Sand Veil (Ex): Regardless of form, at 7th level Lycanroc gains Sand Veil as a bonus feat. If it already has this feat, then it may instead gain any feat it meets the prerequisites for.

Element Fang (Su): At 8th level Lycanroc may add 2d6 damage to it's bite and add an add an additional effect and possibly new type.
Crunch: It remains [Dark] type. A creature who is bitten loses any DR they may possess and all melee attacks against them deal maximized damage until the end of Lycanroc's next turn.
Fire Fang: [Fire] type obviously. A creature who is bitten becomes burned until the end of Lycanroc's next turn.
Thunder Fang: [Electric] type. A creature bitten becomes numbed until the end of Lycanroc's next turn.
Ice Fang: [Ice] as you know. A creature bitten becomes entangled until the end of Lycanroc's next turn.
Poison Fang: [Poison]... Creature bitten becomes sickened until the end of Lycanroc's next turn.
Psychic Fang: [Psychic] oddly. Creature bitten loses any enhancement or deflection bonuses to AC until the end of Lycanroc's next turn.

Rock Move (Sp): At 9th level, Lycanroc may create a Wall of Stone 1/minute.

Avalanche Claw (Ex): At 10th level 1/day Lycanroc may perform a nightmarishly brutal attack with it's claws. Make a single attack roll which may be rerolled once. For every point by which it exceeds the target's AC it is treated as hitting the target one time with it's claws (for example, if it's attack roll was 5 higher than the AC it hit's with it's claws 5 times). Lycanroc cannot make critical hits or precision damage with this attack. This is a [Rock] type attack.
+2 Dex +2 Cha
Medium Size
Bug/Flying Type
Speed 20ft.
Claw 1d6

Relations: Vespiquen are the queens of the bug realm. They command swarms of combee, beedril, as well as other bug pokemon, and even mundane insects and arachnids. They tend to conduct themselves with grace and elegance, though their status can go to their heads, causing them to become haughty, condescending and arrogant.

Lands: Vespiquen almost exclusively prefer forested environments like the Ariados Woods, Tall Forest, or the Howling Jungle.

Adventurers: Vespiquen adventure for many of the same reasons others do. Curiosity, treasure hunting, displacement due to disasters or a desire to help others.

Hit Dice: d8
BAB: Average
Saves: Good Reflex and Will
Skills: 4+int

Summon Swarm (Su): All Vespiquen have the basic ability to summon swarms of bugs to their beck and call. As a 1 round action that provokes an Attack of Opportunity, a Vespiquen may create a single Queen's Swarm anywhere adjacent to it. The swarm lasts for 1 minute per level or until Vespiquen dismisses it. The stats for the swarm are summarized below. At every odd level, Vespiquen may have an extra swarm to summon with an additional action. The swarms damage is [Bug] type and considered magical. Giving orders to a swarm is a move action.

Flight: As a Full Round Action, Vespiquen may fly at twice her land speed with average maneuverability.

Swarm Adaption: Vespiquen suffers no penalties for being in the area of a swarm save those of another Vespiquen, nor does she suffer any swarm damage.

ELEGANCE!: Vespiquen gains a +3 bonus to Spot, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Listen, Bluff and Perform.

Gust (Su): At 2nd level, as a Standard Action, Vespiquen may duplicate the effects of Gust of Wind, also dealing an additional 1d6/2 levels damage. This is a [Flying] type attack.

Spiderweb (Su): 1/day/level, Vespiquen may create a web as the spell, this is a [Bug] type effect.

It may also throw a web like a net 8/day.

Also, By spending 5 minutes working, a Vespiquen can create a web as a trap. Creatures must succeed on a spot check of 20 or Vespiquen's craft check, whichever's higher to notice the web, or else become entangled and anchored. Each 5ft section has hit points equal to half Vespiquens, and a Break or Escape Artist DC equal to the spot check DC.

Also, Vespiquen is immune to the effects of webs.

Defend Order (Ex): At Third level, while within the area of a swarm she controls, Vespiquen gains Cover (+4 AC, +2 reflex saves, doesn't provoke AoO), Concealment and Evasion.

Calm Mind (Sp): As a standard action, 1/hour, Vespiquen may meditate to clear it's mind of distractions. It gains the benefit of Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom and Eagle's Splendor at a caster level equal to it's level.

Queen of the Swarm (Su): Also at third level, Vespiquen gains wild empathy that is only usable against Vermin. She may also rebuke, command and bolster bug types as an evil cleric does undead, though [Bug] types with an intelligence of 6 or higher cannot be commanded.

Heal Order (Su): At 4th level, while within the area of a swarm it controls, Vespiquen gains Fast Healing equal to her level.

Confuse Ray (Sp): At third level, Vespiquen gains the ability to fire a multicolored ray at an enemy as a ranged touch attack to medium range. If it hits, the target must make a will save (Cha based) or become confused for 3 rounds, this is a [Ghost] type attack.

Coronation: At fifth level, Vespiquen becomes the true queen of bugs. Her ability scores become +4 Dex, +2 Wis, +4 Cha. She gains her level as a bonus to Bluff, Intimidate, and Diplomacy checks against [Bug] types. Her flight maneuverability improves by one step, and it becomes a move action as normal for her.

Sludge Bomb (Su): At will, Vespiquen may hurl a blob of slime and toxins that explodes in a 20ft. burst out to medium range. All creatures in this area take 1d6/level damage with a fort save for half. Should they fail the save, they are also sickened for 1 round per level of Vespiquen. This is a [Poison] type attack.

Power Gem (Su): At will, as an attack action Vespiquen may fire a blast of diamond like light as a ranged touch attack. Any creature struck takes 5d6+Cha damage and must make a fort save (Cha based) or be blinded for 3 rounds. This is a [Rock] type attack.

Bug Bite (Ex): As a standard action, a Queen's Swarm can focus it's attacks on a single creature within it's area. Should it do so, the Swarm's Damage is doubled, but it cannot harm any other creature in it's area until the start of it's next turn. Also, if that creature is holding a berry in it's mouth, the swarm consumes that berry, gaining it's effects. If Vespiquen is in the swarms area, the effects can be transferred to her.

Fly Spy (Su): As a fullround action, a 5th level Vespiquen may link an insect to her consciousness, allowing her to perceive anything it perceives, similar to clairaudience and clairvoyance simultaneously. The spy is fine sized and has 1 hit point and a total of 25 AC. It has the same fly speed as the queen swarm. It automatically fails any saving throw. Should the spy be killed, Vespiquen is sickened for 1 round. Every 2 levels after 5th, Vespiquen may make an additional fly spy.

U-Turn (Su): At 6th level, as a standard action, Vespiquen may make a melee attack, it then trades places with one willing allied creature within medium range (regardless of whether the attack hits). This is a [Bug] type attack.

Poison Sting (Ex): Also at sixth level, the Queen Swarm becomes poisonous. If a creature suffers swarm damage from it, it must also make a fort save (swarms DC) or take 2 points of con damage and be sickened for 1 minute. The poison is of course [Poison] type.

Attack Order (Sp): At 7th level, Vespiquen can augment the power of one of her swarms as a standard action. Said swarm's damage is doubled and automatically dealt to any creature in it's area, and it gains the ability to make ranged attacks for 1 minute, dealing it's normal swarm damage out to close range of it as a standard action.

Bug Barrier (Sp): 1/hour, a 7th level Vespiquen can call forth a powerful wall of stinging, pinching and biting insects. This has the effects of Wall of Crabs. Any damage inflicted is [Bug] tyoe.

Signal Beam
(Sp): As a standard action, a 7th level Vespiquen can project a multicolored beam in a 120 foot line, dealing 1d6/level bug damage, with a reflex save for half damage. Creatures who fail their saves are fascinated for 3 rounds. This is a [Bug] type effect.

Infestation (Ex): At 8th level, when the Queen Swarm deals damage to a creature, some of the bugs cling to them unless they make a reflex save (10+1/2HD+swarms con). For 1 round per point of failure, they take 1 damage per HD of the swarm and are slowed for the same duration. This damage is also [Bug] type.

Venoshock (Sp): Also at 8th level, Vespiquen can project a single toxic bolt as a standard action. This deals 1d6/level damage, but does double damage to creatures who are nauseated, sickened, poisoned, confused, slowed, dazed, stunned, fatigued, exhausted, or blinded. This is [Poison] type.

Voice of the Wild (Su): 2/day Vespiquen may cast Commune with Nature as a spell-like Ability, gaining information from all the scattered bugs. This ability also functions the same underground ir within cities.

Bug Buzz (Su): At 9th level, as a standard action, a Queen Swarm can create a resonant effect with it's buzzing. All creatures within the swarms area must make a Will save (10+1/2HD+swarms Con) or become confused for as long as it is in the area of a Queen swarm and for 1 round/level afterwards. This is [Bug] type.

The Unending Swarm: At 10th level, there is no longer a time limit on Vespiquen's swarms. They last until she dismisses them.

Fell Stinger (Su): At 10th level, 1/day, Vespiquen may make a melee touch attack. If this attack misses, it's use is not expended. If successful, it deals normal claw damage (that ignores DR and Hardness other than DR/Epic. The creature struck must make a fort save (DC10+1/2level+Cha) or either die, be destroyed, or be knocked unconscious (Vespiquens choice). If this is successful, all current swarms add 2d6 to their swarm damage and Vespiquen gains +10 to a stat of her choice for 10 minutes. This is a [Bug] type attack.

Image+8 Dex +4 Wis +8 Cha

Pressure (Su): Any time a creature attempts to attack Mega-Vespiquen they become fatigued for 3 rounds. If already fatigued, they become exhaused for the normal duration.

Unnerve (Ex): Any enemies with line of sight to Mega-Vespiquen cannot eat berries or seeds, nor consume any potions, drinks, food or anything of the like.

Queen Swarm
Size/Type: Fine Vermin (Swarm) [Bug]
Hit Dice: 1d8+Con/level
Initiative: +3
Speed: 10ft. Fly: 30ft. (+10/3 levels) (Perfect)
Armor Class: 21 (+3 dex, +8 size)
Base Attack/Grapple:
Attack: Swarm (1d6+1d6 every odd level)
Space/Reach: 10ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: See Vespiquen
Special Qualities: See Vespiquen
Saves: Fort +5 Reflex +2 Will +2
Abilities: Str 1 Dex 15(+1/level) Con 15(+1/level) Int 1 Wis 14 Cha 10
Skills: -
Feats: -

Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that begins its turn with a queen swarm in its space must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC10+1/2HD+Con) or be nauseated for 1 round
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Dec 19, 2021 4:53 am, edited 56 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Adventurers use a wide variety of items to complete their missions. Items typically fall into two categories, Equipable and Consumable. A character may have a maximum of eight equipped items providing a bonus of some sort at any one time.

Escape, One-Shot, Slumber, Foe-Hold, and Foe-Seal orbs
Orbs are mystical items that when used can create a variety of different effects. It takes a standard action to use an orb, provoking an attack of opportunity, unless told otherwise. Each orb's power depends on the level of the user, and any save DC's are 10+1/2HD+highest mental ability score). An orb may only be used once after which it fades away. The effects of orbs are Supernatural unless stated otherwise.

Align Orb
Within this orb can be seen swirling strands that form together into orderly lines.
The user of this orb may target any ally within close range. All other allies have their HP set to that allies HP, although this may not bring them higher than their maximum HP.

All-Dodge Orb
You can see a vague outline of a creature in this orb, as it dodges attacks.
All allies within close range gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC for 1 minute per 3 levels of the user (round up).

All-Hit Orb
You can see an image of a target within this orb.
All allies within close range have their critical threat range doubled for 1 minute per 3 levels of the user (round up).

All-Mach Orb
You can see a swirling whirlwind within this orb.
All allies within close range gain the benefits of Haste for 1 round per level of the user.

All-Protect Orb
Within this orb appears to be a solid wall.
All allies within close range gain DR5/- for 1 minute per 3 levels of the user (round up).

All-Power-Up Orb
You get a feeling of strength as you look at the pulsing energy within this orb.
All allies within close range gain a +4 enhancement bonus to a physical and mental attribute of their choice for 1 minute per 3 levels of the user (round up).

Beat-up Orb
A large amount of fists converging on a single target can be seen within this orb.
This orb creates a Mass Snakes Swiftness effect.

Blowback Orb
The energy within this orb seems violent, as it constantly strikes against the orb's side.
The user may create the violent thrust option of Telekinisis on any one target within medium range.

Cleanse Orb
This orb seems to be reflective like a clean dish, and it smells minty fresh.
The user may cure all allies within close range of any sickness or nausea. Additionally, they and their possessions cleaned of any grime, dirt or dust and are left with a pleasant mint scent.

Decoy Orb
Within this orb can be seen an image of a log.
The user of this orb designates an opponent within medium range. All other enemies within range must make a will save or immediately prioritize that enemy as a target, and focus their attacks on them. However should one of the ememies be attacked by someone other than the decoy, they may immediately make another will save to shake off the effect. This effect lasts for one round per level of the user.

Devolution Orb
Within this orb, you can see a black vortex that seems to draw you into it.
All enemies within close range gain 1d4 negative levels, with a fortitude save to remove them 24 hours later.

Drought Orb
Looking into this orb makes you feel dry and thirsty.
The user of this orb may use the lower water option of the Control Water spell at a caster level equal to their level.

Escape Orb
Within this orb appears a shining light that you know will lead you to freedom.
Each of these orbs is attuned to a specific location, usually a city, a DC18 Knowledge (Geography) check may tell one where it is attuned to. Some rare orbs have been tampered with, providing misleading information as to where the user will be warped to. When used, all willing allies within close range are teleported to that location.

Foe-Fear Orb
Pleasantly swirling energy within this orb lulls you into a false sense of security before a terrifying face suddenly appears, shocking you.
Creates the effects of a Fear spell on any number of targets within medium range

Foe-Hold Orb
As you watch, a sphere in the center of the orb is surrounded and encased in swirling bands of energy.
All enemies within medium range must make a will save or suffer the effects of Hold Monster.

Foe-Seal Orb
Spheres with something trapped inside them can be seen within this orb.
All foes within medium range must make a fort save or be dazed for 1 round per 3 levels of the user.

Hail Orb
A fierce blizzard can be seen within this orb, and it feels cold to the touch.
A fierce storm of snow and hail extends out to medium range, centered on the location where the orb was used. The temperature is becomes two steps colder (to a minimum of cold). Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] attacks, and at the users option all except [Ice] and [Steel] Type Pokemon suffer 1d12 Bludgeoning or Cold damage per round (users choice - hail or snow) if they lack adequate protection. In a Contest, [Ice] attacks gain +2. This lasts for 1 minute per level of the user or until another weather effect is used.

Invisify Orb
Nothing can be seen within this clear orb.
The user of this orb gains the benefit of Greater Invisibility at a caster level equal to the users level.

Lob Orb
An image of a thrown rock can be seen within this orb.
The user may make a ranged touch attack on an enemy within close range, dealing 1d6 untyped damage per level.

Longtoss Orb
An image of a flying arrow can be seen within this orb.
The ranges and range increments of the users ranged and thrown attacks double for 1 round per level.

Luminous Orb
This orb is so bright that it is difficult to look at.
This orb shines as brightly as a torch (no use required). As a standard action, the user may create a Solar Flare effect, using up the orb. Afterwards, the area radiates light as bright as a daylight spell for 1 minute per level of the user. [Dark] type pokemon take a -3 penalty on this save.

Mug Orb
An image of a ski mask can be seen within this orb.
Using this orb does not provoke an opportunity. As part of the action to use it, the user makes a single melee attack against an opponent within it's reach, and if successful may make a Sleight of Hand check to steal one item from them. They gain a +5 bonus to both the attack roll and the check.

Notice Orb
The image of a magnifying glass appears within this orb.
The user of this orb gains a +5 bonus to their Spot, Listen, and Search checks, and gains Trapfinding as a rogue for 1 minute per level.

Nullify Orb
When looking through this orb, everything appears drained of color.
The user of this orb may create an Antimagic Field out to 30 feet, for 1 round per level.

One-Shot Orb
An image of a spike striking directly through a foe can be seen within this orb.
Use of this orb does not provoke an attack of opportunity. As part of the action to use this orb, the user makes one melee or ranged attack. If it hits, the target must make a fort or will save (targets choice) or be slain or knocked unconscious (users choice). Orbs of this kind are incredibly rare.

Pounce Orb
An image of outstretched claws can be seen within this orb.
Use of this orb doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity and is a full round action. As part of the action to use this orb, the target charges up to quadruple their move speed in a straight line towards a target and make a single melee attack with a +4 bonus to hit. They deal an extra 1d6/2 levels damage and the foe must make a fort save or be stunned for one round.

Radar Orb
Within this orb a pulse of energy can be seen outlining spheres.
The user of this orb gains blindsight out to 60 feet for 1 minute/three levels.

Rainy Orb
A rainstorm can be seen raging within this orb.
The area within medium range of this orb is subjected to a rainstorm. Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] attacks, and all [Water] attacks in the area deal an additional 1d6 damage. It is impossible to be set on fire in this rain, and [Electric] attacks don't gain a damage increase, but they do gain an accuracy boost of +2 to the Attack roll or Save DC. In Contests, [Water] and [Electric] moves gain +2, and [Fire] effects are at -2. This lasts for one minute per level of the user, or until another weather effect is used.

Rebound Orb
Two fists meeting can be seen inside.
The user of this orb gains the ability to make attacks of opportunity against those that attack them in melee, gaining 1/10 of the damage (minimum +1) dealt to their attacks damage. This lasts for 1 round per level of the user.

Reviver Orb
The image of a falling feather can be seen within this orb.
If slain the holder is revived as per revifify but at 1/4 hp.

Sandy Orb
A flensing sandstorm can be seen within this orb.
When used, this orb creates a sandstorm out to medium range. This has the usual effects, and also deals 1d6 damage per round to all creatures except for [Steel], [Rock] and [Ground] Pokemon. Any amount of Damage Reduction negates it, however. All [Electric] effects suffer a -3 Penalty to the Attack Roll or Save DC in this weather. In a Contest, [Ground] and [Rock] moves gain +2, and [Flying] and [Electric] moves take -2. This lasts for one minute per level of the user, or until another weather effect is used.

Slow Orb
The image of a slow moving clock can be seen within.
All opponents within close range must make a will save or be slowed as the spell, at a caster level equal to the users level.

Slumber Orb
Within this orb can be seen soft pleasant clouds and a gently fading light. You feel drowsy just looking at it.
All creatures within close range must succeed on a will save or be subjected to a Sleep effect with no HD limit, at a caster level equal to the users level.

Spurn Orb
Energy can be seen bursting out in all directions, smashing against the side of the orb.
All enemies within close range must make a will save or be subjected to the violent thrust option of Telekinisis, at a caster level equal to the users level.

Stayaway Orb
A solid ring of energy can be seen within this orb. Additionally it feels as if it wants to leap out of your hands.
The user of this orb emanates a repulsion effect with a caster level equal to your level, save that the range is halved.

Sunny Orb
An image of a sun shining in a blue sky can be seen within this orb. It feels warm to the touch.
A sharp heat radiates out to medium range, causing the weather to become two steps hotter and drier, to a minimum of hot. Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Water] and [Ice] attacks, and all [Fire] attacks in the area deal an additional 1d6 damage (as do Burns and being on fire). It is also actually brighter during the day, being incredibly well lit even in caves and such. In a Pokemon Contest, all [Fire] moves gain a +2 and all [Water] and [Ice] moves have a -2, but if the [Ice] or [Water] move gains a Point, it's so refreshing that another Point is gained. This lasts for 1 minute per level of the user, or until another weather effect is used.

Switcher Orb
A line of energy connecting two spheres can be seen.
The user of this orb designates a target within medium range. That target must make a will save or they and the user switch locations.

Totter Orb
Energy pulses, swirls and blasts around within this orb in no clear pattern. You feel more and more dizzy the longer you stare into it.
All creature within close range of the user must make a will save or be confused for 1 round per level of the user.

Trapbust Orb
An image of gears being smashed with a hammer can be seen within this orb.
The user of this orb gains +5 to their disable device check for 1 minute per level.
The Pokemon berries are sort of magical, but they grow naturally. Well, supernaturally but whatever - you don't need a special Druid spell to make them appear. They can be scrounged in the right kind of terrain using the Survival skill. Any given area can only have 3 successful scroungings per day. Note that while environments are listed, they are not exclusive to these environments. Indeed many berries are grown in farms, and are easy to purchase at markets.
Eating a held berry requires a Move-Equivalent Action normally, but Pokemon that have been reduced below 1/2 their maximum HP are hungry enough to gobble it down with a Swift Action. Those with the "Gluttony" ability eat them with a Swift Action normally, and with an Immediate or Free Action when under 1/2 HP.

Eating this will remove Paralysis and the Stunned condition, along with Entangled if caused by electricity/mind-affecting effects rather than actual entangling terrain. Someone who is completely paralysed must be force-fed, unless they were holding it in their mouth, in which case an Immediate Action can be used to swallow it and avoid the condition in the first place.
Scavenge DC: 15 (Dry, Cool terrain)

Eating this removes Sleep, Fatigue and Exhaustion, although in the case of sleep, someone must be force-fed, be able to act while asleep, or have been holding it in their mouth, in which case an Immediate Action can be used to swallow it and avoid the condition in the first place.
Scavenge DC: 18 (Dense forests)

Eating this instantly removes any Poison or Disease, including magical ones. Yes, even Lycanthropy can be cured, whatever. It also restores one point of Ability Damage or Drain from each ability score.
Scavenge DC: 18 (Warm, dry terrain)

Eating this instantly puts out any fires the creature is suffering from, and cures Burns and Heat-based Fatigue/Exhaustion.
Scavenge DC: 15 (Cool, wet terrain)

Eating this thaws someone out, removing all Frostburn damage and the Slow condition, and restoring 1d6 Dex damage/drain. If held in the mouth, it can be swallowed with an Immediate Action to negate being Frozen Solid.
Scavenge DC: 15 (Tropical terrain)

Eating this grants a Cure Light Wounds effect (CL = HD)
Scavenge DC: 12 (Most terrain)

Eating this grants a Cure Moderate Wounds effect (CL = HD)
Scavenge DC: 16 (Dense forests/scrubland)

Eating this grants a Cure Critical Wounds effect (CL = HD)
Scavenge DC: 20 (Tropical terrain)

Eating this grants a Greater Restoration effect and cures any ailment that is not actually caused by terrain and such.
Scavenge DC: 30 (Most places)

This is treated as a Goodberry, but it is also very spicy - eating it before a Cool Contest grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to all skill checks.
Scavenge DC: 20 (Wet soil)

This is treated as a Goodberry, but it is also very dry - eating it before a Beauty Contest grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to all skill checks.
Scavenge DC: 20 (Deserts)

This is treated as a Goodberry, but it is also very sweet - eating it before a Cute Contest grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to all skill checks.
Scavenge DC: 20 (Tropical terrain)

This is treated as a Goodberry, but it is also very bitter - eating it before a Smart Contest grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to all skill checks.
Scavenge DC: 20 (Deep forests)

This is treated as a Goodberry, but it is also very sour - eating it before a Tough Contest grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to all skill checks.
Scavenge DC: 20 (Swamps/wetlands)

Enigma Cure Critical Wounds if hit by a Super Effective move
Eaten normally, this has no immediate effect. However, if hit by a Super Effective move within the next minute, it instantly bestows a Cure Critical Wounds effect (CL = HD). If eaten as an Immediate Action (by a Glutton with low HP), it triggers instantly - so they needn't predict when they'll be hit by such an effect.
Scavenge DC: ??? (Not found in normal ground)

When eaten, this grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to Strength for 3 rounds.
Scavenge DC: 25 (Dry, rocky terrain)

When eaten, this grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to Dexterity for 3 rounds.
Scavenge DC: 25 (Arctic terrain)

When eaten, this grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to Constitution for 3 rounds.
Scavenge DC: 25 (Soft, wet soil)

When eaten, this grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to Intelligence for 3 rounds.
Scavenge DC: 25 (Grasslands where many flowers bloom)

When eaten, this grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to Wisdom for 3 rounds.
Scavenge DC: 25 (Jungles)

When eaten, this grants a +4 Alchemical Bonus to Charisma for 3 rounds.
Scavenge DC: 25 (Dense forests)

When eaten, this causes a growth of spines, as though wearing Armour Spikes - and deals this damage to any who hit with a Natural Weapon or Unarmed Attack. These effects last for one hour.
Scavenge DC: ??? (Not naturally found)

When eaten, this grants Psychic Poison (Charisma-based) for one hour.
Scavenge DC: ??? (Not naturally found)

When eaten, this grants a True Stroke effect.
Scavenge DC: 22 (Anywhere with sufficient corpses used for fertiliser)

The round after this is eaten, the consumer jumps to the head of the Initiative, going first. This lasts until Initiative ends.
Scavenge DC: 30 (Deep in forests)

Eating this doubles the consumer's Critical Threat Range on all attacks for the next minute.
Scavenge DC: 30 (Swamps and marshes)
Credit to Koumei
Reviver, Blast, Vile, Violent, Reviser, and Via seeds.
Seeds are a special form of consumable item, in that they can be eaten by the user or thrown as a ranged touch attack against a target, friend or foe. A seed can be eaten in all the same ways as a Berry. While able to be found in the wild, seeds can also be planted in the ground and grown, creating plants that can be harvested for more seeds.

Blast Seed
This seed is a bright orange and is spiky. It feels warm to the touch.
Blasts seeds are volatile, explosive plants. When thrown, they deal 4d6 damage in a 10ft. radius, with a reflex save (DC16) for half damage. The initial target doesn't get a save. If the seed misses, it still explodes, but the initial target gets a save. If eaten, the seed explodes, and the eater takes double damage with no save. You probably shouldn't try to do that.

Blinker Seed
This seed is gray, and feels slightly sticky.
This seed blinds for 3 rounds any target or eater who fails a fort save (DC17).

Doom Seed
This seed resembles a black skull, and gives off an unpleasant odor.
The target or eater of this seed suffers one negative level. This vanishes after 1 hour with no save needed. A level 1 target instead takes a -4 alchemical penalty to con (minimum 1), lasting for the same duration.

Encourage Seed
This seed resembles a claw and has a spicy taste to it.
The eater or target of this seed has their critical threat range increased by 1 for 5 rounds.

Eyedrop Seed
This seed eerily resembles an eye. It has no taste to it.
The eater of this seed gains a +4 alchemical bonus to spot and search checks.

Heal Seed
This seed resembles a flower, and has a sweet aftertaste.
The eater of this seed gains the benefit of a Restoration, spell.

Joy Seed
This seed resembles a sun, and has a delicious flavor.
The eater of this seed gains a Good Hope effect for 1 minute.

Plain Seed
This seed looks plain and uninteresting. It's flavor is nothing to talk about either.
This seed has no special effects.

Quick Seed
This seed is bright green and very smooth.
The eater or target of this seed gains the benefit of Haste for 5 rounds.

Reviver Seed
This seed is round, and a green sprout emerges from a small crack.
If held in the mouth like a Berry, were the user of this seed to have their HP drop below zero their HP instead becomes 1/4 their maximum.

Sleep Seed
This seed is fluffy and soft.
The eater or target of this seed falls asleep for 3 minutes or until damaged or woken, unless they succeed on a fort save (DC15).

Slip Seed
This seed is fluffy and moist.
The eater or target of this seed gains the effects of Water Walk for 1 minute.

Stun Seed
This seed is round, blue, and fairly heavy.
The eater or target of this seed is dazed for 2 rounds unless they succeed on a fort save (DC16).

Totter Seed
This seed has a random, unorganized shape, with pointy, fluffy, smooth, and rough parts everywhere.
The target or eater of this seed is confused for 5 rounds unless they succeed on a will save (DC16).

Vanish Seed
This seed is small, and has no taste to it.
The user of this seed gains the effect of Invisibility for 3 minutes.

Vile Seed
This seed truly deserves it's name. It's sharp, ugly, and foul smelling.
The eater or target of this seed must succeed on a fort save (DC16) or be sickened for 5 rounds.

Violent Seed
This dark red seed is smoothe, with sharp edges.
The eater of this seed gains a +2 alchemical bonus to strength and a -2 alchemical penalty to intelligence. This lasts for 1 minute.
Equippable Items
Grip Claw (Minor)
This peculiar claw latches onto things. Just about everything, in fact. It attaches to the claw/paw/face of a Pokemon, at which point it enhances their abilities: all attacks and effects with a duration that is not Permanent or Instantaneous have their duration increased by 1 round. It also grants a +2 bonus to Grapple checks, as long as that check is not to avoid/escape a Grapple. A Pokemon who equips this in a Contest takes no penalty for repeatedly spamming the same move, but must still change skills.

Griseous Orb (Major)
This orb is filled with eeriness, and feels cold to the touch. It adds an Enhancement Bonus to Charisma, and grants all Immunities of the Undead Type. Furthermore, the holder interacts with both the material and ethereal planes equally - although this means Ghosts can land all their attacks without fail (and so can Normals), the reverse is also true.
If held by Giratina, it also Empowers all [Dragon] and [Ghost] effects and gives its Enhancement Bonus to all skills used in Contests.

Lustrous Orb (Major)
This incredibly shiny orb glistens as though covered with water, and sparkles like sunlight on the ocean. It grants a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class, and Tremorsense out to ten miles within water. The bearer can also breathe in air and in water, and gains a Swim Speed equal to their land speed if they don't already have one. When held by Palkia, it also Empowers all [Dragon] and [Water] effects and grants an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up) to all skills used in Contests.

Adamant Orb (Major)
This orb is heavier than it looks - it's as big as a tennis bowl, but heavier than a bowling ball. It has a dull gleam to it, like a very strong metal. It grants an Enhancement Bonus to Constitution and all immunities that are bestowed by the Construct Type. When held by Dialga, it also Empowers all [Dragon] and [Steel] effects and grants its bonus to all skills used in Contests as well.

Lucky Punch (Moderate)
This applies an Enhancement Bonus to all punches and Slams - including things like Mega Punch, Fire Punch, Dizzy Punch and so on. It also doubles the Critical Threat Range of all such attacks and increases the size of the attack. This makes it awesome for Kangaskhan and Hitmonchan, but it actually has a special added effect for Chansey and Blissey: the Enhancement Bonus also applies to Strength and the Critical Multiplier is doubled as well.

Deep Sea Scale (Moderate)
This special scale enhances the scales of the bearer: they gain an Enhancement Bonus to their Natural Armour. Clamperl benefits especially from this, by gaining Immunity to Critical Hits.
Additionally, the wearer learns Shell Smash (Su) if they actually have a physical shell: with a Standard Action, they cause the shell to burst out into spines. They lose the Enhancement Bonus, and whatever that bonus is, they also take that as a Penalty to Saving Throws. This lasts for one minute, and in the meantime, the Enhancement Bonus applies to Strength, Dexterity and Charisma, and all attacks made deal +2d6 damage. This is a [Normal] effect. In a Contest, using this results in all points gained for the rest of the Contest being doubled - however any point loss or point theft is also doubled.

Deep Sea Tooth (Minor)
Carrying this magical tooth grants a Greater Magic Fang effect. Additionally, all Bite attacks (including things like Crunch and Ice Fang) cause a point of Constitution damage every time they hit. If equipped by Clamperl, the Enhancement Bonus is also added to Charisma and to the Save DC for all attacks.

Light Ball (Moderate)
This orb glows brightly with electricity, giving off a constant Daylight effect. It also grants the bearer an Enhancement Bonus to Charisma and can be used to Dispel ongoing [Dark] effects. Likewise, Ghost Type Pokemon in the area are rendered vulnerable to [Normal] and [Fighting] effects, the light making them able to be struck without a miss chance.
When held by a Pikachu, it is even greater in strength: the Enhancement Bonus is also added to Strength, and to the Caster Level and Save DC of all [Electric] and [Light] effects.

Metal Powder (Moderate)
Rubbing this powder all over armour grants it an Enhancement Bonus, and causes any ranged attack that misses to bounce off, letting the wearer redirect it with an Immediate Action. When absorbed by an Ooze, as long as the Ooze hasn't transformed into something else it gains the Armour Bonus as though it was wearing Full Plate the powder had been applied to, and also adds the Enhancement Bonus to Constitution and the Armour Bonus as Damage Reduction X/Adamantine. It also gains all resistances of [Steel] Type Pokemon.

Quick Powder (Moderate)
Rubbing this powder all over armour removes its Armour Check Penalty and any Speed Penalties. It also grants an Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity. When absorbed by an Ooze, as long as the Ooze hasn't transformed into something else it is Hasted and also grants the Enhancement Bonus to Initiative checks.

Soul Dew (Major)
This orb of magical liquid is immensely powerful, and empowers the soul. It gives an Enhancement Bonus to Charisma, and provides Immunity to Disease, Morale Penalties, Fatigue, Exhaustion and magical Sleep and Paralysis effects. It also grants Detect Thoughts out to 1,000 feet and Blindsight out to 100 feet.
When wielded by Latias, it boosts her defensive powers immensely: she may add her Charisma Bonus as a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class and as a Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws, and gains a 50% Miss Chance against all [Dragon] effects.
When wielded by Latios, it boosts his offensive powers immensely: he may add his Charisma Bonus as an Enhancement Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls and Caster Level, and his [Dragon] effects are all Empowered and Widened.

Gold/Silver Bell (Major)
These bells don't actually have an ordinary effect. They only have one use: once per week, a bearer of 10 or more Hit Dice may ring a Gold Bell to summon Ho-Oh, or a Silver Bell to summon Lugia. What happens then is up to them - the summoned Pokemon are not under their control, and might be annoyed at the situation. They are also not summoned as though by Summon Monster, so won't just disappear in a minute or so, and can actually be captured. Or they might ruin your shit.

Big Root (Minor)
This large clump of undergrowth is probably from some ancient, mystic tree, because just grabbing any old plant doesn't do the trick. Any time the wielder drains HP from another (such as with Vampiric Touch, gaining HP for dealing negative levels or whatever), they regain additional HP (or gain additional Temporary HP) equal to half their level. On the downside, Bug Type Pokemon gain a +4 Bonus to steal or sunder the item, because it's good eating. Bidoof enjoys the same bonus.

Bone Helm (Moderate)
This is the skull of a Marowak or Kangaskhan or something, and in general is good protection - any armour worn with it gains an Enhancement Bonus to its Armour Bonus equal to +1 per 3 HD (round up). If no armour is worn, the Enhancement Bonus still applies, even if it's added to +0 and basically becomes its own Armour Bonus. It also allows the wearer to see Incorporeal Undead, to Detect Undead constantly, and see and communicate with the spirits of the dead. When worn by Cubone or Marowak, it also makes them immune to [Mind Affecting] effects and provides a Natural Headbutt attack - a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, is [Normal] type, has no Miss Chance against Ghost Type Pokemon, and also has the Enhancement Bonus added to Attack and Damage rolls and is a Wounding Weapon.

Thick Club (Moderate)
To most, this massive club of bone is treated as a Heavy Club, albeit a Magic Berserking one, and one that is treated as living material/a natural weapon for the purpose of DR and Regeneration. To a Cubone or Marowak, however, it is much greater, treated as a Magic Ghost Touch Warhammer with a 19-20/x4 Critical, and its Enhancement Bonus is also an Enhancement Bonus to Strength. It is still treated as living matter/a natural weapon for DR and Regen in their hands/paws.
Finally, anyone can use this to "dowse" for other buried bones. It requires a DC 25 Survival check to discover any buried bones in the area, but this will in fact detect any ancient fossils that happen to be nearby (MC discretion).

Power Leek (Minor)
This is a Magic Club that can be used to dowse for water (DC 15 Survival check) at will, and for hidden items (as "Pick Up" for a Zigzagoon) once per day. In the hands (wings?) of Farfetch'd, it is a Magic Wounding Bastard Sword that also applies its Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Farfetch'd can still use it for dowsing.

Black Sludge (Minor)
This sludge appears to be Grimer residue. It's rather unpleasant. Indeed, anyone who is not a Poison Type Pokemon (or Immune to Poison, such as Steel Type Pokemon) is Sickened while holding it. Poison Type Pokemon, on the other hand, gain Fast Healing 1 while holding it.

Expert Belt (Minor)
It looks like an ordinary martial arts belt, but it is in fact imbued with mystical energy. The wearer of this deals an additional +1 damage per 2 HD with any Super Effective hits they land. The wearer is also such an expert that they can gain Proficiency with any weapon or armour by practicing with it for an hour (weapons) or wearing it for a day (armour) and making a DC 10 Intelligence check.

Life Orb (Minor)
This sphere glows with an awesome power, and draws upon the lifeforce of the holder to empower their attacks, helping them kill foes even at the cost of their own life force. All attacks made by the holder, even through Spells and such, have the Vicious quality.

Red Card (Minor)
This red card, from football, has actually been imbued with special power, designed to send people off for fouling. In combat, it's pretty handy. The first time in any day that someone hits the holder with a melee attack, the attacker is subject to a Shadow Well effect (Charisma-based) as they are temporarily banished to another dimension. In Contests, if someone attacks or interferes with the holder, ruining their attempt in some way, the attacker is banished and skips their next turn. This uses up the daily use of the card.

Quick Claw (Moderate)
This highly-prized item seems to come from one of the faster Pokemon, but still carries a fragment of the energy. When equipped, the Pokemon gains an Enhancement Bonus to Speed of +5' per 3 HD and an Enhancement Bonus to Initiative of +1 per 3 HD. Additionally, moving out of a threatened square never provokes Attacks of Opportunity for them, and whenever they make a Run action, they are so fast they have a Blur effect until their next turn. In Contests, the bonus to Initiative still applies.

Air Balloon (Minor)
The holder of this magically powered balloon happily floats along, unaffected by the rough, painful ground: they can Levitate at will. If the balloon bursts (Hardness 0, 1 HP), they fall, and not in the Featherfall kind of way. The balloon will regenerate within an hour, though! Be careful, as there is always a chance that an "air balloon" is actually a Drifloon, waiting to strike (Spot DC 30).

Destiny Knot (Minor)
This is a length of rope with a special impossible knot. If the holder is affected by a [Charm] or [Fascinate] effect, the creature that caused the effect is also affected as though the holder exposed them to the effect - there is no saving throw, if one is affected, the other also is. This also grants an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 2 HD to Knowledge: History and Knowledge: The Planes, due to their ability to examine destiny and fate.

Rocky Helmet (Moderate)
This helmet is made of rock, and protects the wearer, mostly by damaging everything that hits it. Any time anyone hits the wearer with a Natural Weapon or Unarmed Attack, they suffer damage equal to the wearer's Hit Dice. The wearer also gains DR 5/- and any attacks they have that are described as a Headbutt gain an Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls of +1 per 3 Hit Dice, becoming a [Rock] effect.
This adds +2 to skill checks in Tough Contests.

King's Rock (Moderate)
This is the rock of kings, something that anyone should be proud to own. It is worn like a crown, and people who see it have the urge to hail the king - the king of kings. When struck, they'll get on their knees, dogs that they are. In all seriousness, any time the wearer damages someone with a melee attack that has no other effect requiring a Saving Throw, the target must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or Cower for 1 round. In Cool Contests, the wearer just flat out gets one extra point right at the start.

Metal Coat (Moderate)
This is a highly adjustable metal jacket that can be worn by any creature of any shape or size, granting an Armour Bonus of 3 with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 Hit Dice and Light Fortification. It also treats all [Steel] effects as though the wearer had 2 HD more than they actually do (such as increasing damage, the Save DC and so on). Rhydon, Rhyhorn and Rhyperior fucking love these, and treat their HD as 3 more for the purpose of [Steel] effects. They also gain +5 to their DR (or gain DR 5/- if they somehow lack any) when wearing these.

Razor Claw (Minor)
These incredibly sharp claws can just about cut time. They're lucky they don't slice through the earth and head towards the core! A Pokemon that equips one enjoys an Enhancement Bonus to their Critical Threat Range of +1 per 4 HD, which happens after any doubling or whatever from other effects. This doesn't only apply to their natural weapons, for the record. It's magic like that. This is highly prized by Sneazel and Weavile, who treat the bonus as 1 higher.

Rose Incense (Minor)
This is an incense burner that never runs out, constantly wafting a sweet rose scent out to relax people. And also to power up plants. The wielder treats their HD as 2 higher for the purpose of any [Grass] moves they use, unless they're a Budew, Roselia or Roserade, in which case they treat it as 3 higher. It also grants a +2 bonus on Beauty skills, or +3 for the aforementioned Pokemon. It also has the tendency to attract Combee and Beedrill swarms, which can be bad.

Sea Incense (Minor)
This is an incense burner that never runs out, constantly wafting a fresh ocean scent out to keep people alert and salty. And mostly to make the water stronger. The wielder treats their HD as 2 higher for the purpose of any [Water] moves they use, and increases their Swim Speed by 15 feet.

Odd Incense (Minor)
This is an incense burner that never runs out, constantly wafting an eerie maguical scent out to open the mind and boost psychic energy. The wielder treats their HD as 2 higher for the purpose of any [Psychic] moves they use, and gains a +2 Bonus to all Smart Skills. Any Pokemon with the Meditate ability treats the above bonuses as +3 instead.

Spell Tag (Minor)
This eerie ofuda helps channel otherworldly energies, making magic and spirits more powerful. The wearer treats their HD as 2 higher for [Ghost] moves, and their Caster Level as 2 higher (and Save DC as 1 higher) for all Spells they cast. If their Spells are [Ghost] effects, these do not stack.

Mystic Plates (Minor)
Each Type except Normal has a plate associated with it. These ancient things predate time itself, apparently, and have great power. Whoever holds a Mystic Plate treats their HD as 2 higher for the purposes of abilities with that Type. Some creatures also change type based on the Plate held.

Blackbelt (Minor)
This isn't just a martial arts blackbelt, it's actually charged with kung fu power to make fighting moves even better. The wearer treats their HD as 2 higher for [Fighting] moves, and gains a +2 Bonus to Tough skills. Fighting Pokemon typically duel each other over these, the winner taking the belt, so don't be surprised to find some turned into pro wrestling title belts.

Charcoal (Minor)
This is not just the remnant of a burnt thing. It's the remnant of a burnt magical thing. The holder treats their HD as 2 higher for [Fire] moves, and any [Fire] move that has a duration other than Instantaneous or Permanent sees a 1 round increase in its duration. This actually gives a -1 Penalty in Beauty Contests because of how messy it is.

Hard Stone (Minor)
This is a hard stone. A really, really hard stone. So hard it's unnatural. This can be used as an Orcish Shotput or Halfling Skiprock, in which case it's treated as though made of Adamantine. More importantly, the wielder treats their HD as 2 higher for [Rock] moves, and gains a +2 bonus to all Tough Skills. Golems love these, and gain +5 to their DR when equipping them.

Dragon Fang (Minor)
This is not a cheap knock-off, it's actually the tooth taken from a living dragon, still loaded with power. These are usually worn on necklaces, and the wearer treats their HD as 2 higher for [Dragon] moves, as well as adding 10' to any Fly or Swim speeds. They also gain a +4 Bonus to Intimidate Dragons and Dragon Type Pokemon.

Magnet (Minor)
This magnet does everything you'd expect a basic handheld magnet to do, but also generates an awesome electric field. The wielder treats its HD as 2 higher for [Electric] moves, and gains a Spiderclimb effect but only for metal walls. Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone share a special affinity with these: they instead treat their HD as 3 higher, and also gain a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to +1 per 4 HD due to their electromagnetic aura.

Pink Bow (Minor)
This is a very pretty bow. Note that there are also black bow ties and polka dot bows and silk scarves that do the same thing as this, but usually it's a bow. The wearer treats its HD as 2 higher for [Normal] moves, and gains a +2 Bonus to Cute Skills.

Nevermelt Ice (Minor)
This ice never melts - even if hurled into a volcano. The bearer treats its HD as 2 higher for the purpose of [Ice] moves, and gains a +2 Bonus to Cool Skills, because that's a pun. Furthermore, any enemy that hits with a Lick attack instantly takes Cold damage equal to the HD of the bearer, and must make a Ref Save (DC 15, +1 per 2 HD of the bearer) or actually "steal" it, stuck to their tongue: nobody gains any use of it, and it can't use its Lick and takes 1d6 Cold damage per round until pried off with either a DC 20 Heal check or a DC 20 Strength check (the latter dealing another 1d6 damage).

Poison Barb (Minor)
This is a special ninja creation, designed to jab people with toxic death. The wielder treats their HD as two higher for all [Poison] moves, and if Grappled or hit with a Natural Weapon or Unarmed Attack, can make a special Immediate Action jab with it, treating it as a dagger. If it hits, it lodges into the foe and deals 1d6 Poison damage and 1 Con damage per round until removed - a DC 25 Heal check, or a DC 20 Strength check that also deals 1d10 damage.

Sharp Beak (Moderate)
This is a discarded beak that is incredibly sharp, magically so. The wearer treats their HD as two higher for all [Flying] moves, and if they have a Peck attack, it becomes a Magic Weapon with a +1 Enhancement Bonus per 3 Hit Dice. Additionally, their Fly Speed improves in Maneuverability by 1 category.

Silver Powder (Minor)
This fine powder actually isn't the crushed shell fragments that some bugs leave behind. It's actual magical silver, but it makes their own bug powder so much better (and grants a nice sheen). If it is rubbed into a Pokemon's shell/carapace/skin, it is attuned to them, and they treat their HD as two higher for all [Bug] moves. Additionally, they treat [Bug] moves as granting +2 in Beauty Contests, and their Natural Weapons count as Silvered for penetrating Damage Reduction/Regeneration.

Soft Sand (Minor)
This is really soft, lovely sand. It's so incredibly soft. I could go on all day about its softness. You just want to fill a balloon with it and squish it all day. The holder treats their HD as two higher for all [Ground] moves, and any [Ground] moves they have that have a Duration other than Permanent or Instantaneous gain +1 to the Duration. They also gain Tremorsense out to 30'.

Credit to Koumei for these.
Scarves and Glasses
Defense Scarf, Power Band, Pecha Scarf, Friend Bow and X-Ray Specs.

Pecha Scarf
This scarf is pink with white spots. It smells like the berry.
The wearer of this scarf gains immunity to the poisoned condition.

Persim Band
This band is light orange, with spirals.
The wearer of this band gains immunity to confusion.

Weather Band
This band is dark blue, and decorated with images of storm clouds, tornados, and lightning.
The wearer of this band gains immunity both the positive and negative effects of weather, as if it was in a Clear Sky effect.

Defense Scarf
This scarf is grey, with black spots.
The wearer of this scarf gains DR5/-. If they already had DR it increases by 1/3HD, (round up).

Detect Band
This band is decorated with images of eyes.
The wearer of this band gains all around vision, and evasion.

Power Band
This band has an image of a flexing muscle.
The wearer of this band gains an enhancement bonus to strength of +1/3HD rounded up.

Special Band
An image of a half-open eye can be seen on this band.
The wearer of this band gains an enhancement bonus to wisdom equal to +1/3HD, rounded up.

Twist Band
This dark green band has image's of spirals on it.
The wearer of this band gains immunity to damage or drain to their ability scores.

Zinc Band
This band possess images of rigid lines and angles.
The wearer of this band gains an resistance bonus to their saving throws equal to +1/3HD rounded up.

Beauty Scarf
These scarves come in a wide variety of appearances and styles, all gorgeous.
The wearer of this scarf gains a +1/3HD (round up) bonus to their charisma.

Bounce Band
This purple band bears the image of an arrow.
The wearer of this band gains a +1/3HD (rounded up) bonus to Dexterity.

Clever Scarf
This scarf bears the image of a star.
The wearer of this scarf gains a +1/3HD (round up) enhancement bonus to Intelligence.

Diet Ribbon
This ribbon looks plain and unadorned.
The wearer of this ribbon no longer needs to eat or drink.

Dodge Scarf
This scarf has an image of fog upon it.
When activated (a standard action), the wearer of this band gains the benefit of Blur.

Heal Ribbon
A red cross can be seen upon this gold ribbon.
The wearer of this ribbon gains fast healing 3.

Lucky Ribbon
This ribbon is a solid brown color.
The wearer of this ribbon gains medium fortification.

Mobile Scarf
Footprint images can be seen upon this scarf.
The wearer of this scarf gains the ability to walk upon any liquid, and walk on walls and cielings. This does not protect them from any damage that may result from this (like walking on lava!).

Stamina Band
This band shows the image of a solid diamond.
The wearer of this band gains a +1/3HD (rounded up) bonus to Constitution.

Warp Band
A spiraling portal can be seen on this band.
The wearer of this band gains the ability to teleport 60ft. once every 5 rounds.

Alert Specs
The wearer of these glasses gains a +5 enhancement bonus to their Spot, Listen, and Search skills.

Goggle Specs
The wearer of these glasses gains a See Invisibility effect, at a caster level equal to their level.

The wearer of these glasses gains immunity to sleep effects, and no longer requires sleep.

Scope Lens
All physical attacks the wearer makes are treated as if they had the Keen enhancement.

X-Ray Specs
These glasses the user to gain X-ray vision that can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or up to 3 feet of wood or dirt as a standard action. This lasts as long as the user continues Concentrating. Thicker substances than those listed or a thin sheet of lead blocks the vision.
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:50 am, edited 6 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Once a character reaches 10th level, their advancement in their normal progression stops, and they instead take on a number of different paths and abilities. These are represented by prestige classes of a sort. There are no prerequistes for the 11-15 classes. I see no reason to restrict character concepts unnecessarily.

Fearless Rescuer
Fearless Rescuer
Hit Dice: d8
Saves: All good
BAB: Good
Skills: 2+int

The hero, the champion, the savior. The one who gives their all to save those in need, never mind the cost to themselves. A Fearless Rescuer will accept any mission, no matter how dangerous or fearsome, for all that matters is the rescuing of innocents from harm.

Fearless (Ex): At first level, the fearless rescuer is immune to fear effects.

Rescuer (Su): A fearless rescuer may create a Heal effect 1/day per level of Fearless Rescuer with a caster level equal to their character level.

Eye for Danger (Ex): Also at first level, the Fearless Rescuer gains the benefit of a Status effect on any creature within line of sight medium range.

Interception (Su): At second level as a swift or immediate action, a Fearless Rescuer may exchange places with a willing creature within medium range. Once used, this cannot be used again for 1 hour.

Protector (Su): Also at second level, a Fearless Rescuer may touch a creature and grant grant them resistance to a type of their choice. This lasts for 1 round per level and may be used 3/day.

Revenge (Ex): At third level, Attacking one of the Fearless Rescuers allies provokes an attack of opportunity from the Rescuer. This attack deals an extra 5d6 damage and forces the target to make a fort save (DC10+1/2level+Str) or be stunned for 1 round, negating it's attack.

Reactive Healing: Also at third level, the Fearless Rescuer may use Heal as an immediate action.

Wide Guard: At fourth level, 3/day, the Fearless Rescuer may create a Wall of Force with a caster level equal to their level.

Endless Life: At fifth level, the Fearless Rescuer gains Fast Healing 10. All allies within 30 feet gain Fast Healing 5. This does not stack with other sources of fast healing.
Scholar of Ancient Lore
Scholar of Ancient Lore
Hit Dice: D4
BAB: Poor
Saves: Good Will
Skills: 6+Int

The hermit in the lonely tower, the headmaster of the adademy, the archeologist. All these and more could be the Scholar of Ancient Lore. A Scholar seeks and prizes knowledge above all else, though their motivations for seeking it can vary. Some believe knowledge to be the ultimate good in the world, defining right from wrong. Some seek knowledge as the path to riches or power. Others simply seek knowledge for it's own sake, out of curiosity. Whatever the motivation, the Scholar is privy to ancient secrets and powers of the like rarely seen in the world.

Loremaster (Ex): The Scholar gains a +5 bonus to all Knowledge checks, Decipher Script, and Gather Information. They also gain Bardic Knowledge if they didn't have it already. If they did, then they gain a +5 bonus to this check as well.

Time to Think (Ex): If the scholar fails a Knowledge check, with a minute of concentration, they can retry it once.

Scholar's Insight (Ex): If the scholar succeeds on a Knowledge check by 5 or more, they gain additional knowledge, insight, or revelation related to the situation at hand.

Mystical Ability: Strange secrets lie within the depths of old tombs and temples. Scholars may make use of these secrets to gain strange powers and abilities. The scholar gains basic access to a Sphere. At 3rd and fifth level each, they gain access to another Sphere or may upgrade a Sphere they already have.

Relevant Knowledge: At second level, the Scholar gains a bonus feat, this may be any feat they meet the prerequisites for. Also, they may count as any other Type for the purpose of taking this feat. All other prerequisites must be met though. They recieve another such feat at fourth level.

Expose Weakness (Ex): As a standard action, a second level Scholar may grant their allies tactical advice. All allies within hearing range of the Scholar gain +3 bonus to hit and +3d6 damage for the rest of the encounter. This may only be used once per encounter.

Reveal Protections (Ex): At fourth level, allies gain a +3 bonus to saving throws and a +2 bonus to AC as well when Expose weakness is used.

Dread Secret (Su): At fifth level, 1/day the Scholar may whisper a secret so terrible, no mortal soul can withstand it's comprehension. All enemies within close range must make a will save or be feebleminded, suffer dimentia and be driven insane for 24 hours. Success causes them to instead take 1d6 damage to intelligence and wisdom, and be confused for 1 round.
Explorer of the Deep
Explorer of the Deep
Hit Die: D8
BAB: Average
Saves: Good Fort and Reflex
Skills: 8+int

The adventurer who plumbs the depths of the world in search of wealth and treasure. The veteran who rescues lost Pokemon from Mystery Dungeons. The Explorer of the Deep is a seasoned adventurer, who understands the dungeon environment better than anyone.

Night-Sight (Ex): An Explorer gains the ability to see perfectly in any kind of darkness (even magical darkness). If they already had this ability, then they gain a +5 bonus to spot checks in pitch darkness.

Trap Sense (Ex): An Explorer gains a +5 bonus to detect and disable traps, and gains a +3 bonus to saves against them.

Depth Sense (Ex): An explorer can automatically intuit how far beneath the earth they are.

Evasion (Ex): A 2nd level Explorer gains Evasion. If they already had evasion, this stacks to improved evasion.

Resistance: Also at second level, an Explorer's may increase their resistance to a Type by one degree. A type that is super-effective against them is reduced to normally effective. A type that is normally effective is reduced to not very effective, and a type that is not very effective is reduced to immunity. They may apply this to another type at 4th level.

Relevant Technique: At 2nd level, the Explorer gains a bonus feat. This may be any feat they meet the prerequisites for.

Adaptable Technique: At 3rd level, the Explorer gains another bonus feat, with the same parameters as the other. This feat may however be changed with an hour of downtime.

Jack of All Trades: Also at 3rd level, an Explorer may use any skill untrained.

Destroyer of Fortifications (Ex): A third level explorer is a master of exploiting weak spots and destroying barriers. They ignore all DR and Hardness and deal double damage to objects. Additionally, if an attack of theirs would be reduced in damage due to typing, it's decreased by one stage. Immunity becomes not very effective, and not very effective becomes normally effective.

Crazy Prepared: Dungeons are dangerous places, and a fourth level Explorer must be ready for any threat that might burst out. 3/day, a Explorer of the Deep may produce any orb, seed, or berry, which is used immediately.

Master Technique (Ex): 1/day a 5th Explorer may choose to automatically succeed on any D20 roll they make. This roll is treated as a natural 20 in all aspects.
Agent of Shadows
Agent of Shadows
Hit Die: d6
BaB: Average
Saves: Good Reflex and Will
Skills: 8+Int

The thief who spirits away the treasure of kings. The assassin who strikes and leaves without his enemies ever knowing. The terror that flaps in the night. The Agent of Shadows is the perfect master of stealth and secrecy, melding with the very shadows they cling to, appearing and disappearing, leaving legends in their wake.

Night-Sight (Ex): An Agent of Shadows gains the ability to see perfectly in any kind of darkness (even magical darkness). If they already had this ability, then they gain a +5 bonus to spot checks in pitch darkness.

Sneak Attack (Ex): At first, third, and fifth level, the Agent of Shadows gain's +1d6 to their sneak attack. If they already had sneak attack, this stacks with that.

Shadow Mastery (Ex): If both the Agent of Shadows and it's opponent are in less than bright illumination, the Agent gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage, it's opponent takes a -3 penalty to attack and damage against it and the Agent also has the Edge.

Shadow Cloak (Su): In areas of shadowy or less illumination, the Agent of Shadows gains concealment.

Obscuring Strike (Su): At second level, If the Agent of Shadows successfully sneak attacks an opponent, that opponent has it's vision partially obscured. Everything has concealment relative to them. This last for 1 round per character level of the Agent.

Shadow Leap (Su): While not on the Plane of Shadow, a 2nd level Agent of Shadows may teleport out to long range as a move action. There must be shadows at the beginning and end point (not their own shadow) and the teleport is dependent on the Plane of Shadow, not the Astral.

Evasion (Ex): Again at second level, the Agent of Shadows gains Evasion. If they already had evasion, this stacks to improved evasion.

Shadow Form (Su): At will as a standard action, a 3rd level Agent of Shadows can transform into a living shadow and back. In this form the Agent appears completely black. It cannot speak and does not make sound, as if it was under a silence effect. It may compress it's body until it is 2D, allowing it to appear as a simple shadow. It may shape this shadow in any way it wishes, provided the dimensions are no greater than it's natural reach. It gains a +10 competance bonus to hide checks and may hide in plain sight (usually by pretending to be an actual shadow). While in this form, a Agent may not use any of it's abilities or attack, and it takes double damage from [Fairy] type attacks.

Shadow Magic: At 3rd level, the Agent of Shadows gains the following spell-like abilities: 3/day: Shadow Cojuration, Shadow Evocation, 1/day: Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation

Shadow Mirror: At fourth level, an Agent of Shadows may shift between the Plane of Shadows and the locations it corresponds to on other planes, ala Greater Plane Shift.

Deep Shadows: At fifth level, an Agent of Shadows may use Shades 1/day as a spell-like ability.
Great Healer
Great Healer

The saint who guides others to victory. The paragon who sacrifices themself for others. The savior who triumphs over death. All these and more are the Great Healer. A great healer focuses on restoring the strength of others. They are typically caring and compasionate, though there are others who take advantage of their powers, extorting favors from others in exchange for needed healing.

Hit Die: D6
Saves: Good Fort & Will
BAB: Average
Skills: 4+Int

Greater Heal Pulse (Su): The Great Healer may heal 1d6/level+Highest mental ability modifier in hit points to number of creatures within melee reach of them.

Healer (Su): A Great Healer may create a Heal effect 1/day per level of Fearless Rescuer with a caster level equal to their character level.

Life Tap (Su): A Great Healer is connected to the energy of all life, and understands how to manipulate that connection to better their allies, even at a cost to themselves. As a free action usable outside of their turn, the healer may reduce their hit points by any amount and heal a creature within close range by the same amount. It may also cure any fatigue or exhaustion they have, taking on the condition themselves.

Refresh (Su): As a standard action, a 2nd level Great Healer may create a Greater Restoration effect on a creature it touches.

Life Charge: A Great Healer may actually heal more hit points than a creature has. The creature gains any hit points healed in excess of it's maximum as temporary hit points (up to a maximum of 1/2 it's normal HP total, lasting 1 hour.

Enhancements (Su): A third level Great Healer can improve a creatures abilities. As a standard action, it can grant 1 of the following enhancements to a creature within close range. This lasts for 1 round/character level of the Healer unless stated otherwise.
Swords Dance: The target creatures natural weapons deal damage as if two sizes larger.
Iron Defense: The target creature gains DR15/-.
Bulk Up: The target creature grows 1 size category.
Tailwind: The target creature may take an extra move action on it's next turn.
Celebrate: The target creature gains fast healing 5.

Healing Wish (Su): As an immediate action 1/day, a Great Healer can reduce their hit points to -1. Any number of creatures within close range have their hit points restored to max, have any status conditions or penalties removed save for death and unconsciousness, and gain temporary hit points equal to their maximum hp total.

Triumph (Sp): 1/week a Great Healer may use True Resurrection as a spell-like ability.
Last edited by Wiseman on Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:07 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Type General Rules
Super-Effective hits deal an extra 50% damage and gain +3 to the save DC. If an attack is super effective against both the pokemon's types, it gains +5 to the DC.
Not Very Effective hits deal half damage and take a -3 penalty to the save DC. If an attack is not very effective against both of a pokemons types, it takes -5 to the DC.
Type Immunity (despite it's name) deals 1/4 damage and the pokemon automatically succeeds on saving throws.
If a pokemon has multiple types that affect it's natural weapon's typing, then it may choose which type they count as with each attack.

Ghost Pokemon Traits:
Ghost Type Pokemon are all Incorporeal, however their own attacks are all made as though with Ghost Touch Weapons. Their Natural Weapons are, however, of the [Ghost] Type, so Normal Type Pokemon are immune. Basically if it isn't specifically Dark or Ghost (or from an Incorporeal source) then it needs the Ghost Touch property (or similar) to not get the miss chance, but shit like "waving a torch" still has the capacity to hit at all.
The following are super effective: Dark, Ghost
Immune to: Normal, Fighting
The following deal Half Damage: Poison, Bug

Fire Pokemon Traits:
All Fire Pokemon radiate greater heat than normal for most creatures. They are effectively immune to mundane environmental heat and cold, and can radiate sufficient heat that other creatures within 10' are also unaffected by environmental cold. They possess Total Immunity (not affected at all) to Fatigue from heat, damage from being set on fire, the Burned condition, damage and fumes from mundane fire.
The following deal Half Damage: Bug, Steel, Fire, Ice, Fairy
The following are Super-Effective: Ground, Rock, Water

Electric Pokemon Traits:
All Electric Pokemon can generate usable electric power. Fine sized Pokemon generate sufficient power to run small hand held devices essentially perpetually. Diminutive Pokemon can power a number of light bulbs equal to their HD. Tiny Pokemon can power electronic and electrical devices of roughly equal size for a number of hours equal to their HD before needing to rest for an hour. Small Pokemon can run computers and televisions at the same rate, and medium and larger pokemon can power truly ridiculous sized electronics. This is assuming proper energy harnessing equipment, though handing your Pikachu a power cord will basically work.
The following deal Half Damage: Flying, Steel, Electric
The following are Super-Effective: Ground

Bug Pokemon Traits:
All Bug Pokemon have a basic mundane utility depending on the bug they resemble. Spider-like pokemon can produce 1 lb of silk per HD per day, serviceable as rope or for making cloth items. Bee-, Moth-, or Butterfly-like pokemon can pollinate plants and collect nectar, producing 1 gallon per HD per day if allowed to roam and do so for 8 hours. Figure your own shit out for others if it isn't stated outright.
The following deal Half Damage: Fighting, Ground, Grass
The following are Super-Effective: Flying, Rock, Fire

Ice Pokemon Traits:
Ice Type Pokemon are immune to damage or fatigue from cold weather and mundane cold - including hail and blizzards. They can also see through hail, snow and mist (but not steam) just fine. They cannot be frozen solid and are immune to Dexterity damage. They also don't suffer Frostburn damage. Their movement is not impeded by snow or ice in any way.
The following are Super-Effective: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel
The following deal half damage: Ice

Poison Pokemon Traits:
Poison Pokemon are poisonous (shocking right?). Their natural attacks typically are imbued with some sort of poison. Poison pokemon are immune to acidic attacks and the poisoned condition.
The following are Super-Effective: Psychic, Ground,
The following deal half damage: Fighting, Grass, Bug, Poison, Fairy

Normal Pokemon Traits:
Normal Type Pokemon are just that: Normal. Not that they lack Supernatural abilities or anything, they're just creatures of the Prime.
The following are Super-Effectivee: Fighting
Immune to: Ghost

Fighting Pokemon Traits:
Fighting Type Pokemon are typically martial artists. Also, their natural weapons can score critical hits against Constructs, Objects and Fortified foes. Their natural weapons are all [Fighting] effects.
The following are Super-Effective: Flying, Psychic, Fairy
The following deal Half Damage: Bug, Rock, Dark

Rock Pokemon Traits:
Rock Type Pokemon are pretty much made of stone. They all have Tremorsense out to 30 feet, and are Immune to Critical Hits from anything that is not Super-Effective. Their natural weapons are all [Rock] effects.
The following are Super-Effective: Ground, Steel, Fighting, Water, Grass
The following deal Half Damage: Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying

Flying Pokemon Traits:
All Flying Type Pokemon have a Fly Speed - if not included in the profile, it is 20' (Good) for Tiny or smaller Pokemon, 30' (Good) for Small to Large Pokemon, 40' (Average) for Huge or Gargantuan Pokemon or 60' (Clumsy) for anything bigger. Flying Type Pokemon usually fly, which puts them out of range for many attacks, but if they stand on the ground, an earthquake can still hurt them, and if you can throw mud into their face, it still has an actual effect. Their natural weapons are all [Flying] effects when they are actually flying.
The following are Super-Effective: Electric, Ice, Rock
The following deal Half Damage: Grass, Fighting, Bug
Immune to: Ground

Fairy Pokemon Traits:
Fairy pokemon are mystical creatures. They have Woodland Stride and Trackless Step as a Druid.
The following are Super-Effective: Steel, Poison
The following deal half-damage: Bug, Dark, Fighting
Immune to: Dragon

Water Pokemon Traits:
All Water Type Pokemon have a Swim Speed - if it isn't included in their profile, it's equal to their Land Speed. Water Type Pokemon also don't drown in water. They can't be set on fire or Burned, and their touch can douse any flame at least two size categories smaller than they are.
The following are Super-Effective: Electric, Grass
The following deal Half Damage: Fire, Water, Ice, Steel

Grass Pokemon Traits:
All Grass Type Pokemon are more-or-less plants. They are never hindered by natural plants in any way.
The following are Super-Effective: Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, Bug
The following deal Half Damage: Water, Electric, Grass, Ground

Dark Pokemon Traits:
Dark Pokemon are innately anti-magical and anti-psychic by nature, and almost all of them tend towards the sneaky, mean and evil. They are all immune to [Mind Affecting] effects, and can see through any darkness, even magical.
The following are Super-Effective: Bug, Fighting, Fairy
The following deal Half Damage: Dark, Ghost
Immune to: Psychic

Steel Pokemon Traits:
Steel Type Pokemon are made of metal and are magnetic. They do not suffer Critical Hits from anything that isn't Super-Effective, due to being massive lumps of metal that is hard to find weaknesses in. Rust effects deal 1d6 Acid damage per hit die to them and leave them Slowed for one minute. Their natural weapons are all [Steel] effects. They are unaffected by poisons or diseases.
The following are Super-Effective: Fire, Fighting, Ground
The following deal Half Damage: Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Dark, Steel, Fairy
Immune to: Poison

Psychic Pokemon Traits:
Psychic Type Pokemon are... psychic. They have the [Psionic] Subtype, can hold a Psionic Focus, and can take [Psionic] Feats if they want.
The following deal Double Damage: Dark, Ghost, Bug
The following deal Half Damage: Psychic, Fighting

Dragon Pokemon Traits:
Dragon Type Pokemon are - get this - dragons! Woah, holy shit! Yeah. They're natural weapons count as [Dragon] type.
The following deal Double Damage: Ice, Dragon, Fairy
The following deal Half Damage: Fire, Water, Electric, Grass

Ground Pokemon traits:
Ground Type Pokemon all have a Burrow Speed, though they may only burrow through soft earth by default, and do not leave a tunnel behind. If not listed in the specific entry, it is equal to half their base Movement Speed. They also have Darkvision 60', Low Light Vision and 30' Tremorsense.
The following deal Double Damage: Water, Grass, Ice
The following deal Half Damage: Rock, Poison
Immune to: Electric

Fire Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Fire] are Super-Effective to Bug, Steel, Grass and Ice Pokemon. They deal half damage to Rock, Fire, Water and Dragon Pokemon. There is a chance that flammable objects in the area of a fire attack will catch flame and burn - unless noted, unattended objects will catch fire. Many [Fire] attacks will cause creatures to catch fire on a failed Reflex Save or suffer from a Burn on a failed Fortitude Save.

Fighting Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Fighting] are Super-Effective to Rock, Steel, Ice, Normal and Dark Pokemon. They deal half damage to Flying and Psychic Pokemon. Ghost Pokemon are immune. [Fighting] attacks deal full damage to all objects and Constructs, and ignore their Hardness and Damage Reduction - they can also score critical hits against such things (and indeed, every attack against an unattended object is a critical hit).

Psychic Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Psychic] are Super-Effective to Poison and Fighting Pokemon. They deal half damage to Psychic and Steel Pokemon. Dark Pokemon are immune. [Psychic] attacks typically use invisible psychic energy, though when they pick objects up with telekinesis it starts to become obvious, and the eyes glow bright blue when activating (but not sustaining) [Psychic] effects.

Ghost Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Ghost] are Super-Effective to Ghost and Psychic Pokemon. They deal half damage to Dark Pokemon. Normal Pokemon are immune. [Ghost] attacks utilise eerie darkness, and if used within an area of darkness of shadowy illumination, the attacks are effectively invisible even to those who can see in darkness - there is no visible difference between normal darkness and the shadowy [Ghost] effects.

Ice Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Ice] are Super-Effective to damage to Plant, Ground, Flying and Dragon Pokemon. They deal half damage to Water, Fire, Ice and Steel Pokemon. [Ice] attacks typically deal Cold damage and often cause Dexterity Damage, Fatigue, Slow or even freeze enemies solid, rendering them Paralysed/Helpless. Water struck by ice attacks freezes solid in the area it's affected by, creatures in this area may make a reflex save (DC15 or the save DC of the ability if it has one) to move to the nearest safe square, or become helpless until they make a Strength or escape artist check (Same DC) on their turn to break free.

Normal Attacks:
Attacks tagged [Normal] deal half damage to Rock and Steel Pokemon, and are ignored completely by Ghost Pokemon.

A Burned Pokemon has received horrible burns from a fire attack and takes 1d6 points of fire damage per turn, and its Damage rolls receive a penalty equal to the HD of the Pokemon that inflicted the burn.

Types are based on Koumei's designs with some edits myself.
Characters gain two feats at first level, and 1 feat at every level beyond that. Some pokemon gain bonus feats. What these are will be listed in their entry.

Adept Flyer [Elemental]
Prerequisites: Flying Pokemon traits. Character level 5+
Benefit: Your Fly speed improves to twice your base land speed (minimum 60'), or increases by +10', whichever result is greater, and your maneuverability improves to Perfect. Your Fly speed improves by 20' for every five character levels you gain beyond 5th.

Agile Thrower [Fighter]
You are quite an agile shot with a sling or a javelin.
Prerequisites: BaB +1, Proficiency with a throwing weapon.
Benefit: You may use dexterity instead of your strength for damages with thrown weapons and slings. Triple the range of all thrown weapons and slings you wield to a minimum of 50 ft. for each increment. You may reroll any miss chance or concealment twice, taking the best result.

Anger Point [Monstrous, Fighter]
Getting punched in the face makes you angry. More than it pisses most people off, that is.
Benefit: Any time you are damaged, you benefit from a Rage effect (as the spell) for one minute. If you suffer a Critical Hit, your next attack deals an additional 1d6 damage if made in your next turn. Multiple Critical Hits won't stack - a single attack gains just 1d6 bonus damage, no matter what.
Normal: Getting injured is a purely bad thing.

Angry Glare [General]
Benefit: You can make an Intimidation check in place of a Will save against [Charm] & [Compulsion] effects, with a penalty equal to half the user’s CR (or CL if from an item).

Antennae [Monsterous]
Prerequisites: Bug Pokemon Traits
Benefit: A pair of sensitive antennae adorn whatever passes for your face, granting you blindsense out to 30 feet.

Arena Trap [Monstrous]
They can hide, but they can't run.
Prerequisites: Psychic, Ground or Dark Pokemon Traits
Benefit: You radiate a constant 100' radius Dimensional Anchor, making it hard for foes to escape by supernatural means.

Atlas Shrugged [General]
Prerequisites: Level 16+
As a full round action, you gain SR, DR X/Epic, AC, and bonus to your Saving throws, equal to your Melee Attack Bonus; the bonus lasts 5 rounds.

Backflip Evasion [General]
Prerequisite: Character level 9+
Benefit: On a successful Reflex save, you can move up to your base land speed as an immediate action. You still provoke AoOs as normal for this movement.

Bat Out of Hell [Fiend]
You scream across the world.
Prerequisites: Fly Speed, Flying-Type
Benefit: You may use an attack of opportunity to greatly accelerate your flight, provided you fly in a straight line. On the round that you use Bat Out of Hell, you double your fly speed (that is, add your fly speed to itself). Once you use this Bat Out of Hell, you cannot use it again for three rounds.
Special: If you have multiple attacks of opportunity in a round, such as from Combat Reflexes and a high Dexterity, you may spend an additional attack of opportunity to create an infernal shriek as you fly, dealing [1d6 damage per three character levels + your Constitution modifier] in sonic [Flying] damage to those within forty feet of the path you take. You can also spend attacks of opportunity to increase your flight speed further, adding your base fly speed again for each attack of opportunity used this way.

Battle Armour [Monstrous]
People are lucky to even dent you.
Prerequisites: Rock Pokémon Traits, Steel Pokémon Traits, or Bug Pokémon Traits
Benefit: You are 100% Immune to all Critical Hits, even Super Effective ones. However, you are not immune to other things that are typically negated by immunity to Critical Hits, such as Sneak Attack damage, many kinds of Stunning, and so on.
By: Sister Acacia

Binding Growth [Elemental]
You grow on people.
Prerequisites: Grass Type Pokemon
Benefit: After pinning or lifting a creature for a round, you may attempt to grow a Binding Growth on them with another grapple check against a DC of 10 + their Grapple modifier. Once you do so, they are bound, losing their Dexterity bonus to AC and their ability to take physical actions other than trying to escape, until they break the bonds. The bonds can be broken by others with a slashing melee weapon capable of doing 5 + your hit dice points of damage against AC 5 + your Constitution modifier, but a miss hurts the bound creature. The bonds may also be broken by a Strength check (DC 15 + your Constitution modifier) or by an Escape Artist check (DC 10 + your hit dice + your Constitution modifier). Even once broken, they remain on for 1d4 rounds, entangling the bound creature.

Blazing Speed [Elemental]
You streak across the battlefield like a flaming meteor.
Prerequisites: Burn, Fire Type Pokemon
Benefit: Your base land speed improves to 50', and your base Climb speed improves to 30'. You gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity provoked due to your movement through a threatened area. You may also take a full round action to transform into pure fire and move up to twice your speed in any movement mode in a straight line. When you do so, you may move through any number of enemies. You provoke no attacks of opportunity for this movement. Any enemies you pass through take 1d6 fire damage per character level (Burn applies to this as usual) and may make a reflex save based on your dexterity for half damage.

Blind-Fight [General]
Benefit: You may reroll your miss chance caused by concealment. You are not impaired in movement from obscured vision, nor are invisible attackers at any advantage when attacking you.

Blood of Stone [Fighter]
You can withstand even the most painful of attacks.
Prerequisites: BAB +3, Toughness
Benefit: As an immediate action, make a Fortitude save when hit by a non-touch attack with a DC equal to damage taken. On a successful save you take half damage from the attack or reduce the damage by a number equal to your BAB, whichever is less damage; on a failed save you reduce the damage taken by a number equal to your BAB. If you roll a natural 16 or higher on the Fortitude save, it automatically counts as a success.
Special: Damage taken on a successful or failed save is not affected by the Mettle ability or similar effects.

Born Thief [General]
You were born and raised as a thief and thus you have gained useful assorted skills.
Prerequisites: 1st level only.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on disable device, hide, move silently, open lock, sleight of hand checks and they are always class skill for you. Choose one of these skills, you automatically have the maximum number of rank in that skill for you level without needing to spend skill point. You can use cheatBoVD as extraordinary ability at will. You ignore difficult terrain when moving on rooftop, crowd, sewers, littered alleyway and other urban terrain.

Brutal Thrower [Fighter]
You are brutally efficient at throwing weapons.
Prerequisites: BaB +1, Proficiency with a throwing weapon.
Benefit: You may use strength instead of your dexterity for your attack rolls when attacking with thrown weapons and slings. Triple the range of all thrown weapons and slings you wield to a minimum of 50 ft. for each increment. You may also use power attacks when attacking with thrown weapons. Normal: Power Attack cannot be used with thrown weapons and slings, and Dexterity, not Strength, is used for attack rolls.

Burn [Elemental]
You're hot. You're on fire. You like to burn things.
Prerequisites: Fire Pokemon Traits
Benefit: Anything you hit with your natural weapons or unarmed strikes must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Constitution modifier) or gain the burned condition. Creatures hitting you with natural weapons suffer the same effect. Any creature grappling you, or that you grapple, is automatically burned and cannot be put out until it is no longer grappling you. Also your natural weapons add 1d6 fire damage with an extra d6 of fire damage at 5th level and every 5 levels after that. If you choose to do this, your natural attack becomes [Fire] type.

Burst of Speed [General]
Prerequisites: Character level 6th, Not a [Rock] type.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can gain the benefits of a haste spell for 1 round, except that it is considered an extraordinary ability. You cannot use this ability twice in a row (thus, you must leave one round between activations). Special: This feat counts as Run and any similar feat for prerequisite purposes. You cannot take this feat and any feats it counts as on the same character.

Careful Movement [Fighter]
Running is always an option.
Prerequisites: BAB +3
Benefit: When you use the Withdraw action, you do not provoke an Attack of Opportunity with any movement. Also, your first square of movement each turn does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Normal: Beyond your first square of movement, every square of movement provokes an Attack of Opportunity when using he Withdraw action. Furthermore, every square of normal movement provokes an Attack of Opportunity.
By: Ghostwheel

Prerequisite: Character level 3+
Benefit: You can use the demoralize opponent action as a move action to all enemies within 30’, and at no penalty for being smaller than the opponent. You can use your Strength modifier instead of Charisma on the check, and the effects of demoralization last for 1 minute. This is a language-dependent effect which cannot stack with itself.

Charge Through [General]
Prerequisites: Not a [Ghost] type.
Benefit: When charging, you can ignore allies in your path when determining whether or not you can charge your target. You can also attempt to overrun one creature in the path of the charge as a free action.
When you attempt to overrun an opponent, the target may not choose to avoid you. You also gain a +4 bonus on your Strength check to knock down your opponent.

Clear Sky [Monstrous, Weather]
Everyday is an ordinary day~
Prerequisites: Must not have Fire, Water, Ground or Ice Pokemon Traits
Benefit: The weather is always clear and mild within a 100' radius of you. This over-rules any other weather-altering effect. This doubles at 10 HD, and extends to 500 feet at 20 HD. Special: No creature can have more than one [Weather] Feat at a time.
By: SisterAcacia

Cleave, Grimoire [General]
Benefit: If you deal enough damage to a creature to defeat it (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing it), you get an immediate, extra melee attack against another creature within reach as a non-action. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature. You can use this ability once per round.
You may choose to deal an amount of damage on this ability equal to the damage on the attack that triggered it. This choice must be declared before the attack roll.
Special: You may only repeat the damage you dealt once per round, even if you would get multiple cleaves in a single round.
By: Ghostwheel

Close Miss [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +3, Power Attack
Benefit: If you use the Power Attack feat at a penalty of -2 or more and would have hit the enemy had you not used Power Attack, you instead deal damage to your target equal to the damage you would have dealt from your strength modifier added to the damage you would have dealt that was derived from the Power Attack feat.
Example: Bob the fighter has +5 BAB, and a Strength modifier of +4 for an attack roll of +9. With his two-handed battle-axe, he attacks a foe with 18 AC taking a -5 penalty to Power Attack, and rolls a 12 for a total of 17. Since he would have hit had he not used Power Attack, instead of whiffing completely he deals 6 (his strength modifier multiplied by one and a half) + 10 (double his damage from Power Attack) damage instead since he's wielding a two-handed weapon.Special: Any feats and abilities that would normally modify the damage for Power Attack do not apply to the damage dealt by this feat.

Combat Reflexes [General]
Benefit: Choose either Dexterity or Wisdom bonus. You gain a number of additional AoOs each round equal to the bonus chosen. Additionally, you can make AoOs even while flat-footed.

Compensate for Size [Fighter]
"It's not how big it is, but how you use it that counts."
Prerequisites: BAB +3
Benefit: When it would be advantageous for you (that is, when targeting or being targeted by larger creatures), you may eliminate all bonuses and penalties based on size used in grapple rolls from grapple checks, effectively treating both yourself and your foe as being Medium size for the purposes of Bull Rush, Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Sunder, or Tripping. Special: Compensate for Size can be used in place of Clever Wrestling (CW) to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability.

Conductivity [Monstrous]
Prerequisites: Not weak to Electric.
Benefit: Your resistance to the Electric type increases by one stage (normally effective becomes not very effective, not very effective becomes immune). Whenever you take electricity damage, you may send a line of electricity arcing from your body at any single target within 30’. This bolt does half the damage you received; a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ level + Cha mod) halves this damage.

Controlled Immolation [Monstrous]
Prerequisites: Not weak to Fire.
Benefit: You're resistance to fire increases by one stage (normally effective becomes not very effective, not very effective becomes immune). If you gain the burned condition you take no damage from the flames nor is your equipment, and any creature striking you with a melee attack will take 1d6 fire damage.

Copy Technique [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +1, Intelligence 13
Benefit: Upon training with a friendly ally for 15 minutes, you gain the benefit of a single feat they possess for the next 24 hours. You must qualify for non-feat-based prerequisites; for example, if you chose Spring Attack, you would need to have a Dexterity of at least 13 and +4 BAB, but would not need to have Dodge or Mobility.
Special: Feats gained by copying others do not count towards prerequisites of other feats or prestige classes. This feat may be taken more than once, each time allowing the character to train for another 15 minutes to gain the use of one extra feat.
By: Ghostwheel

Cursed Body [Monstrous]
You're worse luck than a haunted video
Prerequisites: Ghost Pokemon Traits
Benefit: Any time a foe hits you with a Spell, Spell-Like Ability, Supernatural Special Attack or Extraordinary Special Attack, after the effects have been resolved, they must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based). If they fail, that ability is "locked" for the next hour - they are unable to use it for the duration. If someone knocks you out or kills you, they are afflicted with a Curse (as Bestow Curse) of your choice, with no saving throw allowed. The duration is Permanent until Dispelled/Removed.
By: SisterAcacia

Cute Charm [Monstrous]
"Wild Darkrai is immobilised with love!"
Benefit: Any creature that tries to attack you must first pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or be Charmed, falling in love with you for the rest of the day. If they pass the save, they are immune for the rest of the day.
By: SisterAcacia

Danger Intuition [General]
Benefit: As long as you are not helpless (such as when sleeping), you are never caught surprised and may always act during the first round of combat (even during a surprise round).

Benefit: When you hide, creatures with blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense must make a Notice check just as sighted creatures would to detect you. You cannot hide in plain sight unless you have that ability as a class feature. In addition, you can flank creatures that have the all-around vision special quality.

Dash [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Not a [Rock] type.
Benefit: You may move up to one-half your base speed as a swift action.
Special: Dash can be used in place of Mobility to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability.
The movement from dash is treated as normal movement for all intents and purposes; thus, you cannot dash in the same round that you take a 5' step and movement when dashing provokes attacks of opportunity. You cannot combine a dash with a Jump or Climb check of any kind, although you can combine it with Tumble checks.
By: Ghostwheel

Defensive Roll [General]
Prerequisites: Reflex +6, Dexterity 15
Benefit: Once per encounter when you would be reduced to under 1 HP, you can take an immediate action to instead be reduced to 1 HP and cannot be reduced to 0 HP or less until the end of your next turn. Enemies immediately realize the effects of this feat.
Special: You cannot activate this feat when flat-footed.

Deflect Blow [General]
Benefit: When taking the Total Defense action, add your level as a bonus to your AC.

Diehard, Grimoire [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +1
Benefit: Rather than falling unconscious when below 0 HP, you may tap into a deeper strength that allows you to fight on. Extend the number of negative hitpoints you have before you fall unconscious or die by a number equal to one-third your maximum health. When within that range, you may continue fighting as normal, though you are staggered during that time. Rising above 0 HP is the only way to remove the staggered condition.
Example: Narim the Fighter has 90 HP, would become staggered at 0 HP, falls unconscious at -1 HP, and would die at -10 HP. Upon taking this feat, he becomes staggered at 0 HP, falls unconscious at -30 HP, and dies at -40 HP.Normal: You fall unconscious at -1 HP and die at -10 HP.

Dimensional Hitchhiker [General]
Prerequisite: Character level 12+
Benefit: When a creature uses a [teleport] effect within medium range of yourself, you may choose to be transported as well. This is not an action

Directed Assault [General]
Benefit: If you successfully confirm a critical hit against an opponent, an ally within 30’ of the opponent automatically threatens on their next attack against that opponent.

Distracting Assault [General]
Prerequisite: Character level 7+
Benefit: If you successfully strike a foe in melee, you can spend a swift action to make all attacks against the foe have the benefit of flanking for an entire round, which is increased to +4.

Dodge [General]
Damn you Pavlov!
You gain a Dodge bonus to your AC equal to 1/3 of your CR, this bonus is doubled if you elect to have it apply to a single enemy.

Drizzle [Monstrous, Weather]
I'm siiiiiiinging in the rain...
Prerequisites: Water Pokemon Traits
Benefit: At your option (a free action) the weather is raining within a 100' radius of you (doubled at 10 HD, and increased to 500' at 20 HD). Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] attacks, and all [Water] attacks in the area deal an additional 1d6 damage. It is impossible to be set on fire in this rain, and [Electric] attacks don't gain a damage increase, but they do gain an accuracy boost of +2 to the Attack roll or Save DC. In Contests, [Water] and [Electric] moves gain +2, and [Fire] effects are at -2.
Special: No creature may have more than one [Weather] Feat at a time. If multiple [Weather] feats "collide", use the one belonging to the creature with more hit dice. If equal, they cancel each other out. The exception is Clear Sky, which always overrules the others.
By: SisterAcacia

Drought [Monstrous, Weather]
It's always shirtless weather when you're around.
Prerequisites: Ground or Fire Pokemon Traits
Benefit: At your option (a free action) two stages hotter and drier within a 100' radius of you (doubled at 10 HD and increased to 500' at 20 HD). Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Water] and [Ice] attacks, and all [Fire] attacks in the area deal an additional 1d6 damage (as do Burns and being on fire). It is also actually brighter during the day, being incredibly well lit even in caves and such. In a Pokemon Contest, all [Fire] moves gain a +2 and all [Water] and [Ice] moves have a -2, but if the [Ice] or [Water] move gains a Point, it's so refreshing that another Point is gained. Special: No creature may have more than one [Weather] Feat at a time. If multiple [Weather] feats "collide", use the one belonging to the creature with more hit dice. If equal, they cancel each other out. The exception is Clear Sky, which always overrules the others.

Drowning Grasp [Elemental]
You drown your enemies in your watery embrace.
Prerequisites: Water Type Pokemon, Character level 3+
Benefit: You gain the Vortex ability of a Water Elemental with a CR equal or lower than yours. You gain Improved Grab on one type of natural weapon that you have, such as Slam or Claw, which can only be used for the Hold Down grapple option; if you have no natural weapons, but gain them at a later level, this applies to the first natural weapon you gain and any alike to it. Also, any creature you have Held Down or Lifted, or any creature Grabbing On to you, is considered to be underwater, and must breathe or hold its breath appropriately.

Dry Skin [Monstrous]
No amount of L'Oreal can fix your problem.
Prerequisites: Ground, Grass or Poison Pokemon Traits
Benefit: When the weather is hot and dry (at least two stages hotter than average) or when "Sunny Day" is in effect, you lose 5 HP per round - this bypasses Damage Reduction, Immunities and so on. On the other hand, whenever it's raining or you're at least up to your waist in water, you gain Fast Healing 10. Additionally, you are immune to damage from [Water] effects, instead being healed an equal amount.
By: SisterAcacia

Eerie Emanation [Monstrous]
Your mere presence is really spooky
Prerequisites: Ghost Type Pokemon
Benefit: You have some weird aura that emanates from you out to a fifteen foot radius. You can suppress and resume it at will. Select one of the following - it doesn't change after your decision is made:
Black Hole: all in the area must pass a Fortitude Save (Charisma-based) or be Slowed for the duration. The area is treated as Difficult Terrain for everyone that is not you, and anyone adjacent to you is automatically Entangled and Anchored for as long as they remain adjacent.
Frighten: everyone in the area suffers the effects of Vision of Entropy (Charisma-based). The effects only continue to stack up while they area in the area, but they linger on for one minute thereafter. Leaving the area, then entering again before the effects finish, cause the duration to reset and the effects to continue stacking up.
Interference: you have Concealment against all attacks made from within the area. Everyone else in the area has a mere 5% Miss Chance against all attacks made from within the area - except for those made by you. Spellcasters need to Concentrate to cast spells in the area (DC 10 + your Hit Dice + your Charisma Bonus).
By: SisterAcacia

Electrical Torment [General]
Your lightning is extremely painful and can be used in excruciating but nonlethal burst.
Prerequisites: 3rd level or higher. Electric Type Pokemon. Benefit: Your [electricity] spell and powers are so painful that creatures not immune to pain-effect are taken by wracking pains that impose a penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks equal to one fourth your level (round up) A successful fortitude save (DC=10+1/2HD+Cha) negates this.. Also, you may make any electricity damage you deal nonlethal at no penalty.
Originally by: Leziad

Electrocute [General]
You deal more electricity damage than normal and cause jittering and paralysis in enemies.
Prerequisites: Electric Type Pokemon
Benefit: Whenever you deal electricity damage, you deal an extra point of electricity damage per die. In addition, creatures with less than 50% of their hit points remaining after they take at least one point of electricity damage from you start jittering until the end of their next turn. Whenever you would reduce a creature to −1 hit points or lower with electricity damage, you may instead paralyze that creature at 0 hit points; it remains paralyzed for 1 minute per character level you have.

Elemental Aura [Elemental]
Prerequisites: Character level 7, Fire, Ice, Electric or Poison types.
Benefit: Choose one of your elemental subtypes granting immunity to a form of elemental damage. You radiate a damaging aura that does 4d6 of your types damage of that type to any creature within 10’ of you at the beginning of your turn.

Elemental Whirlwind [Elemental]
You gain the signature ability of Air Elementals to transform into a Whirlwind.
Prerequisites: Flying Type Pokemon, Character Level 5+
Benefit: You gain the Air Elemental's Whirlwind ability. It is sized, and does damage, as an Air Elemental of equal or less CR than you.

Empty Hands [General]
Benefit: You can hide objects up to your size with Sleight of Hand, and it’s a free action to retrieve or put an item, even if it’s stored in a bag.

Endurance, Grimoire [General]
You can carry the heaviest of loads, run for days, and ignore even the tightest of armors.
Prerequisites: Con 13
Benefit: You gain the following benefits:
Treat medium and heavy armor as light for the purposes of movement and resting/sleeping.
Be able to run or hustle for four times as long without being fatigued (making a check due to using hustle overland every four hours instead of once per hour). Only make one check, which replaces your allies' check as well (effectively sharing this ability with them).
Ignore any movement penalties from being under a medium or heavy encumberance.
Gain a +4 bonus against effects that would include causing you to be fatigued or exhausted.
For the purpose of suffocation, you may hold your breath for 2 hours per point of Constitution, repeating the save once an hour rather than once a round. You can also easily breathe in a 10' cubed room for 3600 hours (rather than 6 hours) before depleting the air within, and needing to make checks every 150 hours (rather than 15 minutes) against taking nonlethal damage from slow suffocation.
You may hold your breath (as per the suffocation rules modified by this feat) against airborne poisons and inhaled effects. Some examples of this include ignoring the status effect of stinking cloud, the ability damage from cloudkill, or the damaging component (but not movement penalties) from acid fog.
While underwater, you can move and attack normally, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. Additionally, you may cast spells including verbal and somatic components normally.
Treat your Strength as though it were four higher for the purposes of encumbrance and lifting objects.
You are constantly under the effects of endure elements.
By: Ghostwheel

Evasion [General]
Benefit: If you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, you instead take no damage. Evasion can only be used if the character is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless character doesn't gain the benefit of evasion.
If the character already has Evasion from another source, then it becomes Improved Evasion. If they already have improved evasion, then it becomes Perfect Evasion, where they take no damage from an effect that has a reflex save for half damage (they are still treated as having passed their save).

Evil Eye [Fiend]
Prerequisites: Character Level 3,
Benefit: As a swift or immediate action, you may force an opponent within 30' to make a Will save or lose their move-equivalent action that turn. The save for this ability is Charisma based, and you may use once per day, plus one additional time per 3 character levels.

Expose Weakness [General]
Prerequisites: Sneak Attack +1d6, Dark Pokemon Traits
Benefit: If you damage an enemy with an attack while they are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC, they are considered flat-footed for the purpose of dealing precision-based damage (such as sneak attacks) for this round and the next two rounds.
Originally by: Ghostwheel

Fey Glare [Racial]
Prerequisites: Fairy pokemon traits
Benefit: As a standard action, a you can stun or blind (your choice) a creature within 30 feet with a look. The target must be able to see your eyes. The target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your HD + your Cha modifier) or be stunned or blinded (as though by the blindness spell) for 1 round.
Special: This is a supernatural gaze ability.

Fey Grace [Racial]
Prerequisites: Fairy Type Pokemon
Benefit: You add your Charisma bonus as a resistance bonus on all your saving throws and as a deflection bonus to your Armor Class. This bonus is capped at a number equal to 1/4 your ECL.

Fleet [General]
Benefit: Increase your base land speed by +10’. When running, you move five times your normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or four times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load). If you make a jump after a running start (see the Jump skill description), you gain a +4 bonus on your Jump check. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC, and can turn once per round.
Special: Your land speed grants a +4 to Jump, above and beyond the bonus from running.

Flyby Attack [General]
Prerequisites: Fly speed of course.
Benefit: When flying, the creature can take a move action (including a dive) and another standard action at any point during the move. The creature cannot take a second move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack.

Formation Fighting [General]
Benefit: You and an ally cannot be flanked while adjacent to each other. In addition, any Dodge bonus to AC you is also granted to an adjacent ally, for as long as they remain adjacent.

Frog’s Mind [General]
Benefit: You are immune to [phantasm] spells and the confusion condition.

Giant Slayer [General]
Prerequisite: Character level 6+
Benefit: You have The Edge against any creature that is larger than you. Also, an opponent using the Improved Grab ability on you provokes an attack of opportunity from you. You may take this attack even if you do not threaten a square occupied by your opponent.

Goad [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +1, Charisma 13
Benefit: As a move action, you may have a creature within 30' make a Will save (DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your HD + Charisma modifier) or take a -4 penalty to all attacks and DCs that don't target you (or include you in the area in the case of abilities with an area of effect) for one round. On a successful save, the penalties are halved. Increase the penalties by two (-6 on a failed save, -3 on a successful save) if you are in melee with your target. This is a language-dependent mind-affecting effect, and can only be used once per round.
Special: At +3 BAB, this ability is no longer language-dependent. At +6 BAB, this ability may be used as a swift action. At +9 BAB, this ability is no longer mind-affecting. If you use goad on one creature while it still affects a different one, the first goad ends. If more than one goad affects a single creature, only the latest one applies.

Great Fortitude [General]
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to Fortitude saves and 1 additional HP per level.

Hard Freeze [Fiend]
Your personality chills people to the bone.
Prerequisites: Ice-Type
Benefit: With a touch attack, you can freeze your opponents, causing an effect like the slow spell for 1d4 rounds if the target fails a Fortitude save of DC 10 + ½ HD + Charisma modifier.

Heedful Charge [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +3, Improved Charge
Benefit: Movement that results from charging does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Normal: Normally, movement (including the movement when charging) provokes attacks of opportunity.

HM Slave [Monstrous]
This Pokemon tends to be valued mostly for its ability to handle mundane crap.
Benefit: You can do all of the following
Smash rocks: by making a Slam attack against an inanimate, non-magical rock (including stone statues, bricks and walls made out of stone or brick), you deal 1d6 damage per hit die, ignoring all Hardness. This has no recoil and is a [Fighting] effect. The GM might allow you to find Fossils, Shards and gems by doing this.
Cut trees: with a Standard Action, you may hack any single nonmagical tree down as long as the diameter of the trunk is no greater than 5 feet. You can likewise hack through a 5' square of brambles and such, clearing the way. This is a [Normal] effect.
Surf: you gain a Swim Speed equal to your Land Speed, and all attendant bonuses. Even if too small to ride, up to 500lbs of creatures and gear can hang onto you and be pulled along without penalty. This is a [Water] effect.
Ignore Whirlpools: You, and all clinging to you, completely ignore whirlpools, treating them as gentle motionless water. This is a [Water] effect.
By: SisterAcacia

Hero [Monstrous]
You value your friends so much that them being hurt makes you angry with RIGHTEOUSNESS. And anger.
Prerequisites: Not a Dark or Ghost Type Pokemon
Benefit: Any time an ally within line of sight is incapacitated, you gain a +1 Morale Bonus to attack rolls and +1d6 damage. This lasts until you make an attack or the end of your next turn, whichever comes first. Multiple allies dropping in the same turn will actually increase the bonus by +1 and +1d6 respectively, but not extend the duration. The total number of allies granting the bonus at any time cannot exceed your hit dice, and any incapacitated ally will not add to the bonus if their own number of hit dice is smaller than the bonus. Example: If three allies drop to a Fireball and then one is Petrified, you would gain +4/+4d6 on your revenge attack.
By: SisterAcacia

Hordebreaker [General]
"One vs 1000. I like those odds..."
You gain a number of Bonus AoOs equal to your total physical score modifiers (if positive). If you hit an enemy, an other enemy you threaten provokes an AoO. An enemy can only be targeted this manner once per Iterative attack, and is modified appropriately if wielding more weapons.

Hydration [Monstrous]
Getting soaked is good for you.
Prerequisites: Water or Ice Type Pokemon
Benefit: As long as you're in the rain or at least up to your waist in water, at the end of each of your turns, any ongoing afflictions you suffer from - with the exception of death - end.
By: SisterAcacia

Icewalker [General]
You can not only walk on icy surfaces with no problems, you can leave ice in your wake.
Prerequisites: Ice Type Pokemon
Benefit: You can move on ice-covered surfaces at your full speed without making balance checks or Reflex saves to avoid falling. You gain the following supernatural ability.
Icewalking (Su): As a swift action, you can cover the square you are in and each adjacent square with ice. For the next 3 rounds, any square you move into is also covered in ice. At the end of the 3 rounds, all the ice created by this ability melts into nothingness.
Unlike normal ice, this ice requires any creature that begins its turn on it to make a Reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier, whichever is best, or else fall prone. The base DC to balance on the ice is 10 + your character level + your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier, whichever is best. The Reflex save is only for beginning a turn on icy ground. Otherwise, the balance skill is used.

Impair Terrain [General]
Prerequisite: Character level 6+
Benefit: As a move action, you can make any 5’ square within reach difficult ground. It requires a full-round action to remove this condition from the terrain.

Improved Critical [General]
Prerequisite: Character level 6+
Benefit: Your melee attacks have double critical threat range

Improved Initiative [General]
Benefit: Gain a +4 bonus to initiative.

Incinerate [General]
You deal more fire damage than normal and cause spontaneous combustion.
Prerequisites: Fire Type Pokemon
Benefit: Whenever you deal fire damage, you deal an extra point of fire damage per die. In addition, creatures with less than 50% of their hit points remaining after they take at least one point of fire damage from you start burning, and remain on fire until the end of their next turn. Whenever you kill a creature with fire damage, you may have it explode in a powerful conflagration, causing all creatures within the creature's natural reach to start burning for 1 round and reducing the corpse to ashes.

Insight [Monstrous, Psionic]
You always see it coming. You even saw the "That's what she said" comment coming.
Prerequisites: Psychic Pokemon Traits or the [Psionic] Subtype
Benefit: With an Immediate Action, you may add your Intelligence or Wisdom Bonus, whichever is higher, as an Insight Bonus to your Armour Class and Reflex Saves against a single effect. You always apply this bonus, without spending an action, against attacks from your allies. In this latter case you also benefit from Evasion.

Insightful Strike [General]
Benefit: Your attacks have the Edge against an opponent with a lower Wisdom and Dexterity than your Wisdom, regardless of relative BAB.

Intervene [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +1
Benefit: In response to an attack or ability declared against an adjacent ally by an enemy, as an immediate action you may switch places with that ally before the enemy has rolled any dice or our ally rolls a saving throw of any sort. This movement provokes no attack of opportunity for either you or your ally. You become the new target for the attack for all intents and purposes, as though they had targeted you from the start. Special: At +6 BAB, you may instead switch places with an ally within your reach (rather than one adjacent), and may spend an attack of opportunity in place of an immediate action to activate this feat.

Improved Charge [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +1
Benefit: Reduce the penalty to AC you take from charging by 2, up to the minimum penalty of −0. Normal: You take a −2 penalty to AC for one round upon charging.

Iron Will [General]
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to Will saves, and act as if dazed when stunned.

Jagged Edge [Monstrous]
It hurts them more than it hurts you.
Prerequisites: Rock or Steel Pokemon Traits, Constitution 15+
Benefit: Anyone who hits you with a natural weapon, unarmed attack or non-reach melee weapon suffers Slashing damage equal to your Constitution Bonus. This also applies every round they remain in a grapple with you, and every single time they Constrict you.

Knockout Punching [Fighter]
"Yo mama say knock you out!"
Prerequisites: Fighting Type Pokemon
Benefit: Whenever you hit with a normal unarmed attack, you may attempt to trip, disarm, or rush the target as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity or require an attack roll. If you fail to trip, your opponent does not get a chance to trip you back. If you bull rush, you do not have to enter the target's square or move with them.

Levitate [Monstrous]
You see the ground there? You're above that.
Prerequisites: Not a Ground Type Pokemon
Benefit: You can levitate at will, anywhere from an inch all the way up to 30 feet.

Lightning Fury [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Throwing Lightning, Electric Type Pokemon
Benefit: When you use your throwing lightning's ability your lightning spread to other targets like a chain lightning, dealing weapon damages to all secondary targets. Each secondary target (not the initial target) is allowed a reflex save for half damage (DC is based on the attacker's ability score she use for attack rolls). Once per round the fighter may supercharge her light, expending a charge for the encounter as normal, except her attack behave like a ur lightning bolt, each affected creature taking full damage from the attack (reflex for half).

Lightning Rod [Monstrous]
You draw electricity like Republicans draw criticism: all the time, and apparently with no ill effect.
Prerequisites: Electric, Steel or Ground Pokemon Traits
Benefit: Any [Electric] effect within 50 feet is redirected to you, regardless of the original target. Additionally, you suffer no damage from these redirected attacks (or ones actually targeted at you), but suffer from secondary effects normally.

Liquid Ooze [Monstrous]
Your blood is actually toxic goo.
Prerequisites: Poison Pokemon Traits
Benefit: Any effect that would drain HP from you, such as Vampiric Touch, still deals damage to you, but deals an equal amount of damage to the target instead of healing them or giving them Temporary HP. If you have a Poison Special Attack, they also suffer the Poison (but gain a Saving Throw as normal).

Magma Blood [Monstrous]
Some have blood, you have lava.
Prerequisites: Fire Pokemon Traits
Benefit: You are immune to being Slowed by [Ice] effects, suffering Dexterity Damage/Drain from [Ice] effects, and being frozen solid. Additionally, any time someone damages you with a melee attack, they must pass a Reflex Save (Constitution-based) or be Burned.

Master Plan [General]
Just according to keikaku!
If you have the opportunity to prepare for an encounter (at least 30 minutes), you may form a master plan. At any time during the encounter you may declare your master plan to be enacted. For a number of rounds equal to your Int mod your allies gain a +5 insight bonus to attacks, checks, damage, armor class, or saves (chosen at the beginning of each of their turns. What the bonus applies to may be changed each turn).
Even if you don't have the requisite prepare time, during an encounter you may make a knowledge check against the highest CR'd opponent. If successful, you and your allies gain a +1 insight bonus to the same things.
Note: By "being prepared" for an encounter, it means knowing exactly how many enemies you'll face, and their relative strength and abilities and the location of the fight. A knowledge check might be called for. A significant change in the conditions of the battle can upset the master plan. The arrival of an unexpected new enemy (excluding summons) with of your level -5 in CR or higher or a change in the location of the battle forces an intelligence check (DC equal to the new arrival's CR+15 or DC20 in the case of a location change [you can't use this feats bonus on this]) by the user of this feat or all benefits of this feat are lost for the rest of the encounter.
By: Dragonexx

Me First! [Monstrous]
You usually go first. Your partner complains about this.
Prerequisites: Race: any that is considered a Pokémon
Benefit: in the first round of combat, you may elect to automatically go first, but in this round may only utilise the Fake-Out move (Ex): make a Bluff check. All enemies must oppose this with a level check, and if they fail they are Staggered for the first round and suffer Non-Lethal Damage equal to your Charisma bonus. This is a [Dark] effect. On following turns, you use your skill check as your Initiative result.
Additionally, if someone adjacent to you is the target of a [Harmless] effect from someone else, you may try to intercept and steal the effect: make a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the caster's HD + their Wisdom bonus), and if you are successful, you steal the effect.
Finally, in all Pokemon Contests, whenever your skill check is the highest of the bunch, you automatically go first on the following turn.

Melee Opportunist [Monstrous]
Putting the boot in is fun
Prerequisites: Dark or Fighting Pokemon Traits
Benefit: whenever someone else damages an enemy that is adjacent to you, you may make an Attack of Opportunity against that enemy. This doesn't work if the enemy damages itself, nor if you hurt them, someone else actually has to deal the damage.

Mind Killer [General]
Prerequisite: Level 6+
Benefit: Creatures that have been given the shaken or frightened condition by you are treated as blinded and deafened to everything but you.

Mood Maker [Monstrous]
Everyone wakes up on the right side of bed when you're around.
Prerequisites: Ghost, Psychic or Normal Pokemon Traits
Benefit: Whenever you wake up, you ignore any effects of having had bad dreams or restless, difficult sleep, including the Nightmare spell and similar. This actually extends to anyone who wakes up within 30' of you. Furthermore, you can Inspire Courage at will like a Bard with a level equal to your hit dice - it requires no skill ranks, but you do have to spend the action still. Finally, when you or an ally within 30' use Return, any Morale Bonus is increased by +3 for that attack.

Moxie [Monstrous]
You just love punching people out.
Prerequisites: Dark Pokemon Traits
Benefit: every time you kill a foe or knock them out or otherwise render them helpless, you remove any Morale Penalties affecting you, and gain a +4 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to the CR of the creature you defeated (if the CR is less than 1, then there is no effect). If you take multiple foes out with one attack, just use the biggest one, don't add them or anything.

Oblivious [Monstrous]
You don't get subtle hints. Or direct come-ons.
Benefit: You are immune to [Charm] effects, and to Suggestions.

Opportunist [General]
Benefit: You can Feint as an immediate action.

Overwhelming Blow [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Power Attack, BAB +6
Benefit: As a full-round action make a single melee attack; this attack and all other melee attacks you make until the start of your next turn deal double their usual damage. This attack and all other attacks you make until the start of your next turn take a -2 penalty to hit. At +11 BAB the penalty is reduced to -1, and disappears once +16 BAB is reached.

Pain for Gain [General]
Benefit: If an opponent threatens a critical against you with a melee attack, they are considered flanked to all attacks for one round.

Poison Point [Monstrous]
You are dangerous and must be handled with care.
Prerequisites: Poison Pokemon Traits
Benefit: Any time somone hits you with an unarmed attack, natural weapon or non-reach melee weapon, they get jabbed for 1d4 Piercing damage and must save against Poison (Constitution-based). The Poison deals 1 Con damage per round for 1 minute.

Polar Chill [General]
Prerequisites: Not weak to Ice.
Benefit: Your resistance to the Ice type increases by one stage (normally effective becomes not very effective, not very effective becomes immune). & the icewalking ability. This functions as spider climb, but only on icy surfaces, and you can move across icy surfaces without penalty or need for any Balance checks. In addition, thrice per day, you can cast grease as a sorcerer equal to your character level, but the effect is ice rather than slippery grease.

Power Attack, Grimoire [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Strength 13
Benefit: You may voluntarily take a penalty to attack to gain a bonus to damage as you put more strength into your blows. If you take a -2 penalty to all melee or thrown attacks that round (including ones to AoOs and the like), you gain +1 base damage on all attacks made during that round. At BAB +3 and every 2 additional BAB afterwards the base damage from this feat increases by one (+2 at 3 BAB, +3 at 5 BAB, +4 at 7 BAB, and so on). If you have a BAB of at least 3, you may instead take a penalty to attack equal to your BAB to double the normal base damage added by this feat.
Special: This does not function with grenade or splash weapons.
Originally by: Ghostwheel

Power Charge [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +3, Power Attack, Improved Charge
Benefit: As long as you are charging and take at least a -2 penalty to attack when using the Power Attack feat, double the damage that would be added to your total damage from the Power Attack feat. This does not stack with any other abilities that specifically multiple Power Attack damage such as Leap AttackCAdv.
Special: If you would make multiple attacks as part of a charge, this feat only applies to the first one.

Pressure [Monstrous]
You exert pressure, wearing people down.
Prerequisites: 7th level or higher.
Benefit: You emit an aura of spiritual pressure out to 60 ft. When a creature in this area uses an attack that has a cooldown (such as a dragon's breath waiting 1d4 rounds), the cooldown time is doubled. Whenever using an ability with limited times use per day, then two uses are used each time it is employed. For spells, two spells of equal level must be used. If this is not possible, the ability cannot be used in this area. Abilities which are at will are unaffected.

Prone Combat
Benefit: You suffer no penalty to AC or attacks while prone, and can stand as a swift action without provoking an AoO.

Pyrokinesis [General]
Prerequisites: Fire or Psychic Type Pokemon
Benefit: You can manifest Control Flames with a manifester level equal to your ECL as a Psi-like ability at will. For each round after the first you spend concentrating, you take 1 point of nonlethal damage that bypasses all DR as the mental energy is released from your body rather painfully.

Additionally whenever you deal fire damage you deal an additional +1 damage per dic

Quick Reconnoiter [General]
Benefit: You may take stock as swift action once per encounter.
Special: This feat may only be used once per encounter, regardless of whether your ability to take stock recharges. This feat may only be used if your campaign incorporates the taking stock action.

Ravid's Hand [General]
Objects near you occasionally animate and do what you want
Prerequisites: Dark, Fairy, Ghost, or Psychic Type Pokemon, 3rd level or higher.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can animate an object to produce an animated object of a CR of up to your level - 2, or a group of smaller objects of the same total encounter CR as that animated object would have. These objects stay animated until they are destroyed, you dismiss the effect, or you animate something else. Attended and magical objects get a will save (DC 7+1/2 your level+your Charisma modifier) to not animate. Once an object succeeds on its save, you can't try again for 24 hours for that object, or, if it was attended, anything else attended by the same person.

Robilar's Gambit
Prerequisite: Character level 12+
Benefit: At the start of your turn, you can adopt a fighting stance that exposes you to harm but allows you to take advantage of your opponent's' exposed defenses as they reach in to attack you. Anyone who strikes at you gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against you. In return, they provoke attacks of opportunity from you each time they swing. Resolve your attack of opportunity after your foe's attack.

Rock Head [Monstrous]
Your head is very hard.
Prerequisites: Rock or Steel Pokemon Traits
Benefit: Your own attacks never harm you through recoil, using a Life Orb, or having a Vicious Weapon. If you attack yourself or your attack sends you into a wall of fire or something, tough luck. Additionally, you never suffer from Falling damage, and can use your Fortitude Save in place of your Will Save against [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Sand Veil [Monstrous]
You are the ninja of the dust storms.
Prerequisites: Rock, Ground or Steel Pokemon Traits
Benefit: When in a sandstorm, if you have Concealment against someone you instead have Full Concealment against them. Additionally, you gain Immunity to [Mind Affecting] effects in sandstorms, thanks to all of the interference.

Sandstream [Monstrous, Weather]
When you're around, the sand gets everywhere. Everywhere.
Prerequisites: Rock or Ground Pokemon Traits
Benefit: There is always a sandstorm within a 100' radius of you (doubled at 10 HD, increased to 500' at 20 HD). This has the usual effects, and also deals 1d6 damage per round to all creatures except for [Steel], [Rock] and [Ground] Pokemon. Any amount of Damage Reduction negates it, however. All [Electric] effects suffer a -3 Penalty to the Attack Roll or Save DC in this weather. In a Contest, [Ground] and [Rock] moves gain +2, and [Flying] and [Electric] moves take -2.
Special: No creature may have more than one [Weather] Feat at a time. If multiple [Weather] feats "collide", use the one belonging to the creature with more hit dice. If equal, they cancel each other out. The exception is Clear Sky, which always overrules the others.

Scrappy [Monstrous]
So it turns out that ghosts aren't such a big deal to you, you'll still punch it's face in.
Benefit: All of your natural weapons and attacks have the Ghost Touch property, and [Ghost] Pokemon are not immune/resistant to your [Normal] and [Fighting] attacks, treating them as being normally effective. Yes, you can land Super Effective [Fighting] hits against Ghost/Dark Pokemon with this.

Shadowrunning [General]
Benefit: When you take a -5 penalty to Hide & Move Silently, all allies within 30’ and LoS use your result.

Shadow Step [General]
Prerequisite: Character level 9+
Benefit: When running or charging, you are considered invisible, but only during the movement. You may make a number of 90 degree (or less) turns equal to your Dex mod during said movement.

Shock Trooper [General]
Prerequisite: Character level 6th
Benefit: You do not provoke an AoO when making a bull rush attack. When you make a successful bull rush as part of a charge, for every square you push your foe back, you may also push that foe one square to the left or right. If that foe is forced into the same square as another foe, you make make a free trip attempt against both foes at the same time, and neither foe gets a chance to trip you if the attempt fails.
When you charge and use Power Attack with a penalty of -5 or worse, you may assign any portion of the attack penalty from Power Attack to Armor Class instead, up to a maximum equal to your BAB.

Slime Trail [Fiend]
Your body secretes a slick mucus that dries quickly in contact with air, but you've learned to use this to your advantage.
Prerequisites: Character level 2, Poison, Bug or Grass Types
Benefit: Your square and any ground squares you move through count as is the spell grease has been cast in them, and this effect ends at the beginning of your next turn. You are immune to this grease effect. You may supress or resume this ability as a free action.

Spring Attack
Prerequisite: Character level 4+
Benefit: When using the attack action with a melee attack, you can move both before and after the attack, provided that your total distance moved is not greater than your speed. Moving in this way does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender you attack, though it might provoke attacks of opportunity from other creatures, if appropriate. You can’t use this feat if you are wearing heavy armor.

Stab of Betrayal [General]
Benefit: You may attack a non-hostile creature you threaten as an AoO against their flat-footed AC. If their attitude was friendly or better toward you, then a successful attack is an automatically confirmed critical. A creature unaware of your presence doesn’t have an attitude toward you for purposes of this feat.

Stand Still, Grimoire [Fighter]
Benefit: Upon hitting a foe with an Attack of Opportunity provoked by movement, you may force them to make a Reflex save (DC 10 + Strength or Dexterity modifier + 1/2 your HD). Should they fail their save, they stop moving where you hit them and are unable to move further until the end of their turn. Your attack roll may be a touch attack, but if you choose to make it a touch attack you do not deal any damage.
Special: This version of Stand Still replaces the original version for all intents and purposes.

Startling Opportunist [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Balance 8 ranks, Jump 8 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks
Benefit: You may add any precision-based damage you have (such as Sneak Attack or Skirmish) to the damage you deal when making an attack of opportunity, even if you would not normally qualify for the damage. (For example, if you haven't moved at least 10' for skirmish, are not flanking for sneak attack, and so on.)

Static [Monstrous]
Any encounter with you is... shocking.
Prerequisites: Electric Pokemon Traits
Benefit: Any time you are hit by a melee attack, your opponent must pass a Reflex Save (Constitution-based) or be zapped by you. They become Entangled for one minute and suffer 1 point of Dexterity damage.

Stone Power, Grimoire [Fighter]
Prerequisites: BAB +1, Rock, Fighting or Steel pokemon traits.
Benefit: At the start of your turn you may choose to take a -2 to all attacks until the start of your next turn. If you do, the first time you make a melee attack during your turn, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your hit dice. These temporary hit points last until the start of your next turn and do not stack with temporary hit points from any other source.
Special: This feat counts as Power Attack for the purpose of prerequisites to classes, feats, and other abilities.

Strike of the Believer [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Charisma 13
Benefit: 1/minute you may strike a foe, placing all your faith and convictions into a single blow. Declare the use of this ability before making an attack as a free action. and for this attack you add your Charisma bonus to your attack roll and your character level to damage. Special: This feat counts as Smite Chaos/Evil/Good/Law for prerequisites such as for prestige classes and feats.

Sturdy Build [Monstrous]
It's never a One-Hit KO
Prerequisites: Rock or Steel Pokemon Traits
Benefit: You ignore [Death] effects and similar things that instantly kill someone or knock them unconscious regardless of HP. Sleep doesn't count, it has to be an actual KO like from Overwhelm. Likewise, you can still be killed or knocked out due to massive loads of damage.

Subtle Cut
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a melee attack that also reduces the victim’s movement rate. For every 5 full points of damage, reduce the target’s base movement speed by 5’. This penalty is treated like ability damage, resisted as such, and recovered as such.

Swift Swim [Monstrous]
You're the fastest of the fishies
Prerequisites: Water Pokemon Traits
Benefit: Your Swim speed doubles. Additionally, when it is raining, you gain a +2 Circumstance Bonus to Initiative, a +2 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class and Reflex Saves and your land speed is doubled.

Tactician [General]
Benefit: You can ready a standard action to use this feat when an opponent charges you or any other target. At any point during your opponent's charge, you can charge him. In place of the normal charge benefits, you gain +2 on your attack roll and +4 on your damage roll. Your foe loses the benefits of charging (but not the penalties) but can still attack you. if the target charged someone else, he can choose to instead attack you. You take the standard -2 penalty to AC for charging. If you cannot move at least 10 feet or cannot charge due to terrain or other factors, you do nor gain this feat's benefit. In either case, you use your readied action to move but do not gain an attack.
When a foe's movement out of a square you threaten grants you an AoO, you can give up that attack and instead attempt to stop your foe in their tracks. Make your AoO normally, and if you hit the foe, they must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 10 + damage roll, no actual damage is dealt), or immediately halt as if they had used up their move actions for the round.
If an opponent begins their action adjacent to you and does not move (including 5’ steps), they provoke an AoO at the end of their turn

Throwing Lightning [Fighter]
Prerequisites:Level 3 or higher. Electric Type Pokemon
Benefit: You can turn your thrown objects into bolts of lightning. As a free action 3 times per encounter you can grant the energy forged (electricity) or shock in addition to all other enhancement to any thrown weapons. Special: If you have weapon specialization with the feat you met the prerequisite of this feat with you gain an additional use. The same goes for greater weapon focus and greater weapon specialization.

Toughness, Grimoire [General]
Benefit: You gain a bonus to your Hit Points of 1/3 your CR per HD; or the equivalent of one racial HD; whichever is greater. This applies both retroactively to HD you already possess, and to all HD you gain in the future. Furthermore, whenever you are brought under 50% health, you gain Fast Healing 1 for every three character levels you possess (minimum one per round). This fast healing cannot increase your current HP above one-half your maximum HP.

Unstoppable Force [General]
Prerequisite: Level 6+
Benefit: You get a +4 to attack and damage rolls to destroy objects. If you deal 30+ damage in a single blow, you can shatter Force effects.

Verminfriend [General]
Benefit: You are ignored by vermin until you attack them. You are also undetectable by the scent ability of [Bug] type creatures.

Vital Spirit [Monstrous]
You never sleep. Like an elf.
Benefit: You never need to sleep (though still need to sit and rest 8 hours before preparing spells and so on), and are immune to Sleep effects.

Walking Winter [Monstrous, Weather]
You constantly bring hail, snow and cold winds. You don't get invited to beach parties.
Prerequisites: Ice Pokemon Traits
Benefit At your option (a free action) the weather can be two "levels" colder within a 100' radius of you (doubled at 10 HD, and increased to 500' at 20 HD), and snowing or hailing (although it will quickly melt if the weather is still too hot). Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] attacks, and all except [Ice] and [Steel] Type Pokemon suffer 1d12 Bludgeoning or Cold damage per round (your choice - hail or snow) if they lack adequate protection. In a Contest, [Ice] attacks gain +2.
Special: No creature may have more than one [Weather] Feat at a time. If multiple [Weather] feats "collide", use the one belonging to the creature with more hit dice. If equal, they cancel each other out. The exception is Clear Sky, which always overrules the others.

Wall of Steel [General]
Prerequisites: Level 6
If you make a defensive attack, at the end of your round, you may elect to count as benefiting from Cover along one of your occupied Spaces edges.

Webspinner [Fiend]
"Come into my parlor." Said the spider to the fly.
Prerequisites: Bug-Type
Benefit: You can spin a web as a Monstrous Spider of your size, and you can cast web as a spell-like ability, a number of times equal to ½ character level, with a DC of 10 + ½ HD + Constitution modifier. You can move your full speed while Spider-Climbing. Most drow (about 60% in a typical spider-oriented drow culture) find you strangely attractive, and therefore have a beginning attitude one step higher than what it would be normally.

Whirlwind [General]
Prerequisites: Level 6+
You may may damage rolls against any creatures that pass within your reach while making any form of movement. The to-hit used to calculate if damage is dealt is rolled at the begining of movement.
The skills used in standard D&D are for the most part unchanged. I'll list every skill here, and detail any changes that occur.

As normal, though really, does anyone actually put ranks in this?

As normal.

Taunt: Like intimidate, bluff can be used to demoralize an opponent within hearing distance. As a standard action, make a bluff check opposed by the targets modified level check (1d20+level+wisdom). If you succeed the target suffers a -2 morale penalty to attacks, checks and saves.

As normal.

As normal.

Use this revision. [Clothing] will cover creating scarves, bands, glasses and other such items. [Orbs] covers the obvious. [Culinary] will cover growing and preparing seeds and berries.

Decipher Script
As normal.

It needs a serious revision. However, that is beyond the scope of this project so sadly this will have to function as normal.

Disable Device
As normal, other than that opening locks is now part of this skill.

As normal, though note that each individual kind of pokemon counts as a different race, so this skill will probably not be used much in the mundane way.

Escape Artist
Restraint, DC
Tight space, 20
Manacles, 25
Masterwork manacles, 30
Extremely tight space, 35
By Iameki
Otherwise as normal

As normal, though seriously, has anyone ever used this skill?

Gather Information
As normal.

Handle Animal
There are normal animals in this world, mostly used as livestock. So this skill remains as normal.

As normal.

As normal.

Demoralize now works on any target within hearing range. Otherwise as normal.

Use this. (revision at bottom of first post.

Many of the knowledge skills available in D&D don't work here. The available knowledge skills are as follows and function as normal (Some of these overlap and that is intentional).
Architecture and Engineering: (buildings, aqueducts, bridges, fortifications, traps, constructs)
Dungeoneering: (navigating the underground, caves, traps, surviving Mystery Dungeons)
Geography: (lands, terrain, climate, people)
History: (ancient ruins, past wars, old relics, legends and myths)
Mystical: (legendary pokemon, moves and types, legends and myths)

As normal.

Move Silently
As normal.

Open Lock
See Disable Device.

You are trained in several types of artistic expression and know how to put on a show. Possible Perform types include (but are by no means limited to) ballad, buffoonery, chant, comedy, dance, drama, drums, epic, flute, harp, juggling, limericks, lute, mandolin, melody, mime, ode, pan pipes, puppetry, recorder, shalm, storytelling, trumpet, and tuba. You are trained in one form of performance per rank.
(Taken from the tome bard.)
Otherwise as normal.

As normal. Note that in addition to animals, many pokemon can serve as mounts (Rapidash, Tauros, Zebstrika ect.) When making a ride check, if both mount and rider have ranks, roll for each and take the better result.

As normal.

Sense Motive
As normal.

Sleight of Hand
The Sleight of Hand rules are—not well-thought out. The most egregious problems are the inappropriate use of a check penalty to handle making it a free action, the lack of integration with the rest of the combat system, and the unclear limits on what you can do with the skill. A literal interpretation of the rules results in absurdities like being able to strip someone naked in the middle of combat as a free action. This has to stop.
Drawing Weapons
Drawing an open weapon, like a sheathed sword, is normally a move action; if you have a BAB of +1 or more, you can combine it with another move action. If you have a BAB of +6 or more, you can draw an open weapon as a free action.
Drawing a weapon hidden with Sleight of Hand is a standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. With a successful check (see below), you can draw a hidden weapon as if it was openly displayed.
Sleight of Hand allows you to hide things on your person and take things from people without their noticing.
With a DC 10 Sleight of Hand check, you can palm an object at least two size categories smaller than yourself that you have in your possession: for instance, make a coin "disappear." If someone observes you while you do this, they may make a Spot check to notice you doing it, but this doesn't prevent you from performing the action.
You can hide on object at least two size categories smaller than yourself on your person. Anyone attempting to find the hidden object rolls Spot, if observing you, or Search, if frisking you. When using Search, the frisker gains a +4 bonus to their check because it's easier to find an object than to hide it. Daggers and similar weapons designed to be hidden give you a +2 bonus on the check, items three or more size categories smaller than you give you a +4 bonus, and wearing heavy or baggy clothing gives you a +2 bonus in any event.
With a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check, you can draw a hidden weapon as if it was openly displayed; the exact action depends on your BAB.
If you want to take something from another creature without their noticing it, you have to combine a Sleight of Hand check with a disarm attempt. You can only take an item that's two or small size categories smaller than you, and generally only an item that they aren't paying active attention to (i.e., not a wielded weapon or something similar). If your disarm check is successful, make a Sleight of Hand check opposed by their Spot check to see if they notice your removal of the item.
With -20 cumulative penalty for each size category, you can handle objects of larger size than normally allowed for Sleight of Hand.
You can use Sleight of Hand to entertain an audience as if using the Perform skill.
Palming or hiding an object on your person is normally a move action; if you had to disarm the object from someone else first, that takes an action as normal for the disarm check. With a -20 penalty to your check, you can perform either as a free action. The action it takes to draw a weapon depends on your BAB.
Try Again
Yes, but after an initial failure, a second Sleight of Hand attempt against the same target (or while you are being watched by the same observer who noticed your previous attempt) increases the DC for the task by 10.
(by Iameki)

Speak Language
Useless, as everyone speaks Pokemon.


From the wording of the Disguise rules, I think that the listed bonuses to Spot checks for knowing what you're looking for only apply against Disguise: If you are impersonating a particular individual, those who know what that person looks like get a bonus on their Spot checks according to the table below.
(By Iameki)
Otherwise as normal.

As long as you have the Track feat (see the Skill Feats section), you can track creatures on water or underwater with a DC 30 check, and through the air with a DC 40 check.
(By Iameki)
Otherwise as normal.

As normal.

Tumble, as written, doesn't scale, for no particularly good reason. The following change shouldn't take much longer to adjudicate in game, while making taking more ranks of Tumble matter.
You can tumble past an opponent at one-half speed as part of normal movement, provoking no attacks of opportunity while doing so, if you succeed on a Tumble check against a DC of 10 + the opponent's base attack bonus; you can tumble at one-half speed through an area occupied by an enemy (over, under, or around the opponent) as part of normal movement, provoking no attacks of opportunity while doing so, if you succeed on a Tumble check against a DC of 20 + the opponent's base attack bonus. Failure means you provoke attacks of opportunity normally. Check separately for each opponent you move past, in the order in which you pass them (player's choice of order in case of a tie). Each additional enemy after the first adds +2 to the Tumble DC.
(By Iameki)
Otherwise as normal.

Use Magic Device

Use Rope
As normal, though again, does anyone actually take ranks in this?
Other Rules
This section will cover various other rules that I couldn't find a place for anywhere else.

*There is no penalty for dealing non-lethal damage

*This game uses the Advanced Combat Maneuvers rules.

Taking Stock

On the battlefield, you always see people look around for a moment, take stock of the situation, and continue on slightly better than before. The creatures have time to get a better view of the battlefield, build up their aggression, or pinpoint a fatal flaw in an opponent's defense.
Activation: Taking Stock is a standard action. The user immediately gains one of the following benefits (which last until the end of their next round, unless otherwise noted):
Add +1 to the DC of spells cast or abilities used.
Gain a number of temporary HP equal to your HD. The use of this ability lasts for three rounds and doesn't stack with temporary HP from any other source or with itself.
Gain +2 to damage on all attacks. This amount increases by another two at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17.
Gain +1 to attack on all attack rolls.
Gain +1 Dodge bonus to AC.
If there is an unwanted effect upon you whose duration is measured in rounds, immediately make another saving throw against the effect to remove it if it originally granted a save.
Special: You may only use this ability once; further use (recharging it) requires either a short rest of one minute, or the death/defeat of an enemy or ally.

Character Backgrounds
Adventurers come from all walks of life, and this may affect their abilities, outlooks, and personalities. These backrounds function as tools to describe more about a character, and add mechanical benefits to their backstories.

Center Stage
Before adventuring, you were a performer or showman. Most major cities have actors and many pokemon use their abilities to contribute to the show's appeal, from illusions to fireworks.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to perform, diplomacy, and bluff checks, and can always take 10 on these skills. You also gain a 25% discount on the costs of scarves and glasses.

In the past you committed a crime serious enough to have a bounty placed on your head. Perhaps you've payed off your bounty and are remorseful. Perhaps you escaped capture and nobody knows you're guilty. Perhaps you're still wanted and are on the run.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to hide, move sliently, bluff, sense motive, and intimidate and can always take 10 on these skills.

Disasters are a frequent occurance in the current era, and those who have survived them have lost their friends, family, homes, and livelyhood. When given the message to come to the Hidden Lands, many took them up on the offer, making their way through dangerous lands, beset upon by monsters, bandits, and more disasters. Those who make it through the peril truly deserve the title of survivor.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to saves against weather effects and a +3 bonus to fortitude saves and a +3 bonus to survival checks (+5 when predicting the weather).

Even in the current era, many Adventurers simply roam the world, letting destiny take them where it will. Some are out to help those in trouble and guide them to a safe haven, others simply wander for their own amusement.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) and Survival. Also, you always know what direction is north.

Tradesmen are common, working to construct ships, buildings, and tools. Some adventuers come from this background as well.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to craft and appraise, and gain a +3 bonus to detect, disarm, and save against, traps.

Many exploration missions are taken up by the curious. While some are simply in it for the loot, others seek knowledge and information.
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to knowledge, and decipher script, and a +1 bonus to the save DC's of orbs you use, and probably have some old tome or scroll that could fill everyone in on plot relevant details if you actually find it.

There are plenty of farming communities in the world, and even these area's are still subject to the monster attacks and disasters. Many farmers have become refugees or simply banded together to fight off monsters that attack their homes.
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on survival checks to find berries, and may eat any seed or berry as an immediate action, without having to hold it in your mouth.
Last edited by Wiseman on Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:04 pm, edited 21 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:43 pm
Location: That one place

Post by Wiseman »

The world of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is full of adventure and opportunity. There are vast regions of the world that have yet to be mapped out, and dungeons and ruins that have yet to be looted explored. Additionally, the world is full of dangers. Bandits stalk the edges of civilization, monsters prey on victims, and disasters might strike, placing innocents in danger. These need to be rescued.

Much of this work is performed by groups of adventurers.

Teams and Missions
Many teams operate out of a specific hub, usually a large city, like the Ancient City within the Hidden Lands, and Storms End within Tallgrass Fields for example. Teams typically act in groups of 2-6, though the actual teams size might be much larger (some of the more famous teams have 100+ members and function more like guilds than actual teams).

Teams are typically composed a wide variety of Pokemon, so as to provide a wide selection of abilities and talents.

The world is not a peaceful place, no matter the era. In the Age of Chaos, disasters strike frequently, destroying cities and creating hordes of refugees, while bandits and outlaws exploit and attack them for their own gain. In other eras, disasters aren't as frequent, but outlaws and monsters are still a problem.

Other times, new dungeons and ruins are discovered, or expeditions set out to map mysterious locations. Vast portions of the world have yet to be explored, and their existence can only be theorized at.

Missions typically fall into one of two types. Rewards are as appropriate for the missions level.

Rescue missions involve assisting others, whether it's hunting down outlaws, or saving innocents from a disaster. The client is typically a friend or family member of the victim, posting a bill for their safe return. In the case of outlaws, public bounties are usually posted.

Exploration missions are less frequent, at least in the more populated areas. The Windswept Plains and the Hidden Lands have been mapped out extensively and most locations are known (though occasionally new ruins might be unearthed). The Badlands, Glittering Desert, and Shadowlands have been explored significantly less, and very little is know about the Desert of Dreams or the Howling Jungle. An Exploration mission does not often come with a reward in itself, however ruins tend to hold valuable treasures, and the rules are typically finders keepers.

Mystery Dungeons
In certain areas of the world reality is warped and folded in on itself, turning an area into a labyrinth. Trees and plants are shifted into impassable barriers, canyon walls become unclimbable, and caves warp and twist wildly making it easy to get lost. These are called mystery dungeons. In earlier eras there were only a few naturally created mystery dungeons (the Desert of Dreams, some of Molten Pass, Barrier Woods, Vortex of the Lost, Royal Deep) but in the current era, disasters have transformed many other areas into mystery dungeon.

While there is often treasure to be found in these locations, they are highly dangeorous as well. The layout of these locations is subject to change at a moments notice, and many a team has become lost, never to be seen again. Also, the warps in reality can also twist the minds of those trapped within them, rendering them feral and violent.

Other Creatures
Pokemon aren't the only creatures to inhabit this world, many other types of creatures exist in this world as well.
Aballin [Water] (MoF)
Abrian [Dark, Flying] (FF)
Abyssal Harvester [Dark] (ToH)
Aeons [Typeless] (PB2)
Amphisbaena [Poison] (ToH)
Anemone, Great Giant [Grass, Water] (ToH)
Animated Objects [Rock, Grass or Steel]
Ankheg [Bug]
Antlion [Ground, Bug] (ToH)
Aoa [Water, Psychic] (FF)
Aquatic Ooze [Water, Poison] (FF)
Afanc [Water] (ToH)
Arcane Ooze [Poison, Psychic] (MMIII)
Archer Bush [Grass] (ToH)
Ascomoid [Grass, Poison] (ToH)
Ash Worm [Ground] (SS)
Astral Dreadnaught [Psychic] (MoP)
Assassin Bug, Giant [Bug] (ToH)
Arumvorax [Normal] (ToH)
Avatars of Elemental Evil [Flying, Rock, Fire, or Water] (MMIV)
Assassin Vine [Grass]
Balhannoth [Normal] (MMIV)
Baric [Normal] (ToH)
Basdirond [Grass, Poison] (ToH)
Basilisk [Normal]
Baslisk, Crimson [Poison] (ToH)
Basilisk, Greater [Poison] (ToH)
Battlebriar [Grass, Fighting] (MMIII)
Beetles [Bug] (ToH)
Belker [Dark, Flying]
Blackstone Gigant [Rock, Dark] (FF)
Black Willow [Grass, Poison] (BoK)
Blindheim [Normal] (ToH)
Blood Ape [Fighting] (MMII)
Blood Bush [Grass] (ToH)
Bloodfire Ooze [Poison, Fire] (MMIV)
Blood Hawk [Flying, Dark] (FF)
Bloodsilk Spider [Bug, Poison] (MMIV)
Bloodsuckle [Grass, Poison] (ToH)
Bloodthorn [Grass, Poison] (FF)
Boalisk [Poison] (ToH)
Bog Creeper [Grass, Poison] (ToH)
Boneneedle [Dark, Bug] (ToH)
Bonespear [Bug] (FF)
Bonesnapper [Dragon] (ToH)
Bonnacon [Poison] (NRMT)
Branta [Normal, Ice] (FB)
Brine Ooze [Water, Poison] (SS)
Broodkeeper [Bug] (MMIII)
Bulette [Normal]
Bunyip [Water] (ToH)
Burrow Root [Grass, Ground] (MMV)
Cadaver Collector [Steel] (MMIII)
Carrion Moth [Bug, Flying] (ToH)
Carrion Wretch [Flying, Dark] (BoK)
Caterprism [Bug, Rock] (ToH)
Cedar Wretch [Grass, Dark] (BoK)
Century Worm [Normal] (FF)
Cerberus [Dark] (ToH)
Charnel Hound [Dark] (MMIII)
Chekryan [Bug, Psychic] (SS)
Chelicera [Bug, Dark] (MMIII)
Chain Worm [Bug, Steel]
Chilblain [Ice, Bug] (FB)
Chrystone [Rock] (ToH)
Chwidencha [Bug, Dark] (FF)
Cinder Swarm [Fire] (MMIII)
Clamor [Ghost] (ToH)
Clockroach [Steel] (MMIV)
Clockwork Creatures [Steel] (MMIV)
Clubnek [Flying, Normal] (ToH)
Cobra Flower [Grass, Poison] (ToH)
Colussus, Jade [Rock] (ToH)
Conflageration Ooze [Fire, Poison] (MMIII)
Coral Golem [Water, Grass] (SW)
Crawling Apocalypse [Ground, Dark] (SS)
Crawling Claw [Normal, Dark] (MoF)
Crypt Thing [Dark] (FF)
Daemonlord [Dark] (BoK)
Daemon Warrior [Dark, Fighting] (BoK)
Darkenbeast [Flying, Dark] (MoF)
Darkmantle [Normal, Dark]
Darktree [Grass, Dark] (MoF)
Darkweaver [Bug, Dark]
Deathdog [Normal, Dark]
Deathshrieker [Ghost] (MMIII)
Deepspawn [Normal] (MoF)
Dementor [Dark] (NRMT)
Destrachan [Normal]
Diger [Poison] (ToH)
Digester [Poison]
Dire Animal [Normal, Water, Poison, or Flying]
Dinosaur [Dragon]
Dunewinder [Ground] (SS)
Dragon Eel [Water, Dragon] (MMIII)
Dragonship [Water, Dragon] (ToH)
Dread Blossom [Grass, Poison] (MMIII)
Dream Spectre [Ghost, Dark] (ToH)
Dryad [Grass, Fairy]
Dusk Beast [Dark] (MoP)
Dust Digger [Ground] (ToH)
Dust Twister [Flying, Ground] (SS)
Dust Wight [Ground, Dark] (MMIII)
Ecalypse [Dark] (MoP)
Ectoplasm (Ghost) (ToH)
Elementals [Flying, Rock, Fire, or Water]
Elemental Construct [Flying, Rock, Fire, or Water] (ToH)
Elemental, Gravity [Dark] (ToH)
Elemental Minion [Flying, Rock, Fire, or Water] (BoK)
Elemental, Negative Energy [Dark] (ToH)
Elemental, Positive Energy [Fairy] (ToH)
Elemental, Psionic [Psychic] (ToH)
Elemental, Time [Psychic] (ToH)
Elemental Wierd [Varies] (MMII)
Elementite Swarm [Flying, Rock, Fire, or Water] (PH)
Elsewhale [Water] (PH)
Elysian Thrush [Flying, Fairy] (PH)
Ember Guard [Rock, Fire] (MMV)
Ethereal Defiler [Ghost] (MMV)
Ethereal Ooze [Ghost, Water] (FF)
Eyekiller [Normal] (ToH)
Eyewing [Flying, Dark] (BoK)
Fetid Fungus [Grass, Poison] (MMV)
Fhorge [Normal] (FF)
Fire Bat [Fire, Flying] (MMII)
Fire Crab [Fire] (ToH)
Fire Reaver [Fire, Dark] (NRMT)
Fire Nymph [Fairy, Fire] (ToH)
Fire Snake [Fire, Poison] (NRMT)
Fire Whale [Fire] (ToH)
Flail Snail [Poison] (ToH)
Flesh Render [Poison, Dark] (NRMT)
Floating Eye [Water] (ToH)
Forresters Bane [Grass] (ToH)
Froghemoth [Water] (ToH)
Frost Wight [Ice, Ghost] (BoK)
Frost Worm [Ice, Bug]
Shrieker [Grass]
Violet Fungus [Grass, Poison]
Gathra [Normal] (FF)
Garngrath [Rock, Dragon] (MMV)
Gaspar [Normal] (PH)
Gelid Beetle [Ice, Bug] (ToH)
Gem Scarab [Rock, Bug] (MMV)
Gholor [Dark, Ground] (BoK)
Ghost [Ghost]
Giant Banded Lizard [Dragon, Ground] (SS)
Giant Strider [Fire] (MoF)
Gibbering Mouther [Psychic]
Girallon [Fighting]
Gloom Crawler [Water] (ToH)
Gloomwing [Dark, Bug] (ToH)
Gohl [Dragon] (ToH)
Golden Cat [Fairy] (ToH)
Golems [Rock, Ground, or Steel]
Gorgimera [Dragon, Fire] (ToH)
Gorillabear [Fighting] (ToH)
Graveyard Sludge [Poison, Dark] (MMV)
Gray Render [Normal]
Gryph [Normal, Flying] (ToH)
Gulgulthydra [Dragon, Ground] (MoF)
Gutslug [Poison] (ToH)
Guulvorg [Fire] (MMV)
Hammerclaw [Water] (SW)
Harpoon Spider [Bug, Steel] (MMIII)
Haunts [Ghost, Ghost/Fairy, or Ghost, Dark] (MMV)
Helix Moth [Bug, Flying] (ToH)
Helmed Horror [Steel] (MoF)
Hoar Fox [Ice] (ToH)
Holy Dragon [Dragon, Ice] (NRMT)
Horax [Bug] (BoK)
Hordlings [Dark/Varies] (NRMT)
Hydra [Dragon (with Fire or Ice for Pyro or Cryo)]
Ibrandlin [Dragon, Fire] (MoF)
Ice Golem [Ice] (NRMT)
Ice Flenser [Ice, Dark] (NRMT)
Ice Serpent [Ice]
Ice Toad [Ice] (FB)
Illurien [Ghost, Water] (MMV)
Indricothere [Normal] (FF)
Inevitable [Steel]
Inferno Spider [Bug, Fire] (MMIV)
Invisible Stalker [Flying]
Iron Cobra [Steel, Poison] (FF)
Ironmaw [Grass] (FF)
Ironthorn [Grass]
Jaculi [Normal] (ToH)
Jupiter Bloodsucker [Grass, Poison] (ToH)
Kalothagh [Water, Poison] (BoK)
Kelp Angler [Grass, Water] (FF)
Knell Beetle [Bug]
Land Lamprey [Poison] (ToH)
Lava Ooze [Fire] (SS)
Limbo Stalker [Fighting] (PH)
Livestone [Rock, Water] (ToH)
Living LAke [Water] (ToH)
Living Spell [Varies] (MMIII)
Lizard, Fire [Dragon, Fire] (ToH)
Lodestone Marauder [Rock, Ground] (MMIV)
Lucent Worm [Ground, Normal] (FF)
Lurker Above [Dark, Flying] (ToH)
Lurking Strangler [Dark] (MMIII)
Magmoid [Rock, Fire] (ToH)
Malastor [Ground] (MMV)
Malrauthin [Dark, Poison] (BoK)
Mantari [Flying, Normal] (ToH)
Marble Snake [Normal] (ToH)
Maug [Rock, Fighting] (FF)
Megalodon [Water] (MMII)
Megatherium [Normal] (FF)
Mephit [Varies+Flying]
Mist Golem [Flying, Water] (NRMT
Mortai [Flying, Electric] (NRMT)
Mudbog [Ground, Water] (ToH)
Needletooth Swarm [Dragon] (MMIII)
Neried [Fairy, Water] (SW)
Night Twist [Grass, Psychic] (MMIII)
Nymph [Fairy]
Octopus Tree [Grass, Water] (FF)
Odopi [Psychic] (MMIII)
Oil Shark [Fire] (ToH)
Oozes [Water, Poison]
Ooze, Entropic [Dark, Poison] (ToH)
Ooze, Glacial [Ice, Poison] (ToH)
Oread [Fairy, Rock] (NRMT)
Otyugh [Poison]
Owlbear [Normal, Flying]
Paraelemental [Ice, Rock/Fire, Poison, or Fire, Flying]
Peryton [Normal, Flying] (MoF)
Petitioner [Varies]
Phantasm [Ghost] (ToH)
Phantom [Ghost] (MMV)
Phantom Fungus [Grass]
Phase Spider [Bug, Psychic]
Phoenix [Fire, Flying] (NRMT)
Plague Bush [Grass, Poison]
Plague Walker [Dark, Poison] (MMIV)
Porcupine Cactus [Grass] (SS)
Pudding, White [Ice, Poison] (FB)
Purple Worm [Ground]
Quanlos [Bug, Psychic] (MMIV)
Quasielemental, Ash [Fire, Ice] (...)
Quasielemental, Dust [Ground] (...)
Quasielemental, Radiance [Fairy] (...)
Quasielemental, Lightning [Electric] (...)
Quasielemental, Mineral, [Rock, Fairy] (...)
Quasielemental, Salt [Rock, Water] (...)
Quasielemental, Steam [Water, Fire] (...)
Quasielemental, Vacuum [Dark, Flying] (...)
Quori [Psychic] (Ebberon)
Ragewalker [Fairy, Fighting] (MMIII)
Ramfish [Water] (SW)
Rast [Bug]
Ravid [Psychic]
Rimefire Eidolon [Ice, Fairy] (FB)
Sacred Guardian [Varies] (BoK)
Sailsnake [Normal, Flying] (MMIV)
Salamander [Fire] (NRMT)
Sand Kraken [Ground] (ToH)
Sand Stalker [Ground, Bug] (ToH)
Sand Wretch [Ground] (BoK)
Saguaro Sentinal [Grass]
Sand Golem [Ground]
Sand Hunter [Psychic]
Sea Cat [Water]
Sea Drake [Water, Dragon] (FF)
Shadow Asp [Dark] (FF)
Shadow Jelly [Dark, Poison] (PH)
Shadow Mastiff [Dark]
Shadow Wight [Dark, Ghost] (BoK)
Shivhad [Ice, Dark] (FB)
Shocker Lizard [Electric]
Shredswarm [Steel, Ghost] (MMIII)
Shrieking Terror [Flying, Psychic] (MMIII)
Siege Beetle [Bug, Flying] (MMV)
Siege Crab [Water, Bug] (MMIII)
Skindancer [Fighting] (MMIII)
Skrit [Bug, Poison] (BoK)
Slaad [Random]
Slasrath [Flying, Poison]
Slaughterstone Behemoth [Rock] (MMIII)
Slaughterstone Eviscerator [Rock, Steel] (MMIII)
Snowflake Ooze [Ice, Poison] (MMIII)
Sorrowsworn Demon [Dark, Ghost] (MMIII)
Spectral Death [Dark, Ghost] (NRMT)
Spectral Lurker [Ghost] (FF)
Spectre [Ghost]
Spider Eater [Bug]
Spirrax [Psychic]
Sporebat [Flying, Grass] (FF)
Steel Predator [Steel] (FF)
Steel Wing [Steel, Flying] (MMV)
Sthank [Dark] (BoK)
Storm Elemental [Electric] (MMIII)
Stygian Leviathan [Dark, Water] (ToH)
Summoning Ooze [Poison, Psychic] (MMIII)
Swarm, Abyssal Ant [Dark, Bug] (FF)
Swarm, Bloodfiend Locust [Bug, Dark]
Swarm, Cranium Rat [Psychic] (FF)
Swarm, Plague Ant [Bug, Poison] (FF)
Swarm, Rapture Locust [Bug, Flying] (FF)
Swarm, Scarab Beetle [Bug, Ground] (FF)
Swarm, Scorpian [Bug] (SS)
Swarm, Turbidus Leech [Poison, Water] (BoK)
Swarm, Viper [Poison] (FF)
Swarm, Wasp [Bug, Flying] (FF)
Tarrasque [Dragon]
Tendriculos [Grass]
Terlen [Water, Flying] (FF)
Terror Bird [Flying, Normal]
Thoqqua [Fire, Rock]
Thrym Hound [Ice]
Thunderbird [Electric, Flying] (NRMT)
Thunder Worm [Electric, Flying]
Ti-Khana [Psychic, Dragon] (FF)
Time Flayer [Psychic] (ToH)
Tomb Spider [Bug, Poison] (MMIV)
Topiary Guardian [Grass] (MMIII)
Trapper [Ground] (ToH)
Treant [Grass]
Treant, Lightning [Grass, Electric] (ToH)
Trilloch [Ghost, Psychic] (MMIII)
T'Shann [Psychic, Ground] (ToH)
Tumbling Mound [Grass] (SS)
Tunnel Terror [Ground, Psychic] (FF)
Tunnel Worm [Ground] (ToH)
Turtle, Giant Bog [Water] (ToH)
Turtle Shark [Water] (ToH)
Ulgurstasta [Bug] (FF)
Umbral Banyan [Dark, Grass] (MoP)
Urkhan Worm [Normal] (BoK)
Vampire Rose [Grass, Poison] (ToH)
Vermin [Bug]
Visilight [Ghost, Psychic] (MMIII)
Void Ooze [Dark, Poison] (PH)
Volt [Electric] (ToH)
Vorin [Poison] (ToH)
Waste Crawler [Steel] (SS)
Whisper Spider [Bug, Poison] (BoK)
Wild Hunt [Fairy] (MMV)
Wyndlass [Normal, Poison] (BoK)
Xac-Yel [Ghost, Fire] (PH)
Xac-Yij [Ghost, Poison] (PH)
Xag-Ya [Ghost, Fairy] (MoP)
Xag-Yi [Ghost, Dark] (MoP)
Xap-Yaup [Ghost, Electric] (PH)
Xong-Yong [Ghost, Normal] (PH)
Xor-Yost [Ghost, Ice] (PH)

MM = Monster Manuals, PH = Planar Handbook, MoP = Manual of the Planes, FF = Fiend Folio, BoK = Bestiary of Krynn, MoF = Monsters of Faerun, NRMT = New/Redone Monsters Thread, FB = Frostburn, SS = Sandstorm, SW = Stormwrack, ToH = Tome of Horrors,

Yellow Musk Creeper [Grass, Poison] (FF)
Yellow Musk Zombie [Dark, Poison] (or previous type) (FF)
Pokemon Contests
For Pokemon Contests, after registration and everything, the contestants (usually around 4) all gather before the judges. The contest will be in one of the following categories: Beauty, Cool, Cute, Smart, Tough

There are four rounds in a Pokemon Contest. At the beginning of each round, the Turn Order is decided: everyone rolls 1d20 with no modifiers - tied results re-roll. This can then be affected by special abilities.

When it is your turn, you declare what you are doing - you have to utilise one of your abilities and make a Skill check. The ability is basically anything on your sheet that has a Descriptor and can be used - whether it's an attack, a spell-like ability, or curling up defensively. The Skill must be one that is being judged in the contest.

Beauty: Craft (any), Diplomacy, Perform, Ride, Spellcraft, Swim
Cool: Bluff, Escape Artist, Forgery, Jump, Sleight of Hand
Cute: Balance, Disguise, Handle Animal, Hide, Move Silently, Tumble
Smart: Appraise, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Knowledge (Any), Profession (Any), Search
Tough: Climb, Concentration, Disable Device, Intimidate, Survival, Use Rope

Different Abilities work better for different Contests:
Move TypeBeautyCoolCuteSmartTough

If you use the same ability that you used last turn, your Skill check takes a -3 penalty. If you use the same Skill as last turn, it takes a -3 penalty. These both stack.

The DC to meet depends on the "level" of contest and the Round number:
Contest LevelRound 1 DCRound 2 DCRound 3 DCRound 4 DC

If you reach or exceed the DC with your check, you gain one point. If you manage to beat it by 10 or more (so for a DC of 12, you roll 22 or more) you win a second point but you raise everyone's expectations: the DC (for everyone) increases by +3 for the rest of the Round, and for all of next Round.

This is the basic format - there are Feats and abilities that let people affect this in different ways.

At the end of Turn 4, tally up the scores. If there is a clear winner, the Contest ends and they win. If there is a tie for first place, eliminate the others and then have a fifth Round (same DC as Round 4). Keep going as necessary until there is a winner.

The prize for first place always depends on the location, level of the contest and what day of the week it is. Typically though, there's a cash prize as well as a special item - a held item that can boost stats, a TM, or who knows what? Indeed, as a way of encouraging people to climb up the ranks from one to the next, the ribbons actually make you better at what you just won an award for:

Normal Ribbon: +1 to the Skills of that Contest Type
Expert Ribbon: +2 to the Skills of that Contest Type
Super Ribbon: +4 to the Skills of that Contest Type
Perfect Ribbon: ??? (You'll need to find out!)

Credit and thanks to Koumei!
Last edited by Wiseman on Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:59 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:43 pm
Location: That one place

Post by Wiseman »

The World
There are normal animals in this world. Just clearin' that up for y'all so there ain't no confusion later.
Gridless version
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Last edited by Wiseman on Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

The Hidden Lands
History: For much of the worlds known history, the Hidden Lands have remained just that, hidden. Blocked by dangerously impassable mountains and violently stormy seas, the hidden lands were exceedingly difficult to get into. Very few outside it knew what it was like from within, and thus many rumors and legends formed about it. It was a paradise on earth, a blessed field where crops were many, and game was always plenty. It was a nightmare worse than the Shadowlands, where evil pokemon plotted against the world. It was a barren land, devoid of all life. It was a massive city, where the streets were paved with gold. It was the tomb where the Original One slept for eternity.

However, during the Time of Turmoil, when disasters struck all over the rest of the world, the borders of the Hidden Lands were thrown open, and refugee's were encouraged to seek safe haven within. The Hidden Lands were revealed to be not much different from the rest of the world, save that they were apparently free of the chaos.

Geography: The Hidden Lands are surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the fourth is the shores of the Royal Ocean. The Tall Forest occupies the hidden lands southwestern area, while it's center contains the mountains where in sits the capital, known simply as the Ancient City. On either side of the Ancient City are the Dash plains. To the east lies the beach and port town of Seagaze. Out to sea is the resort known as Rose Island. There are other islands, some inhabited, though there are many that have yet to be explored.

Winding through the northern part of the hidden lands is the River of Glass, named because of how reflective it is. Built upon stilts and bridges lies the city of Rivertop. At the entrance lies the difficult to navigate Border Woods, just south of the Remoraid River. The river actually marks the boundary of the Hidden Lands.

Character: In earlier era's the Hidden Lands were a calm, almost uneventful place. Trouble arose only occasionally, and that was usually restricted to Seagaze and the Royal Ocean. The current era sees much more action. With large numbers of refugees coming in, there is plenty of confusion as pokemon have to rapidly adapt to the sudden changes. The population as gone up as well, making the place feel somewhat crowded as well. Some of the natives welcome the changes, seeing it as a chance to learn about other lands, while others dislike them, seeing it as a disruption of their way of life.
The Ancient City
The Geography of the Ancient City
To the newcomer, the Ancient City is breathtaking. Built on both sides of a sloping valley, the sheer size of it is stunning. The vast majority of buildings are made of stone, and despite their apparent age, hold up very well.
The Ancient City is the capital of the Hidden Lands. It's situated in the middle of a mountain range located in the center of the region. The city itself is built on the sloping sides of a valley in the middle of the range. The main entrance is in the north, across a bridge over the River of Glass. There are other entrances and exits, though they are rarely traveled caves.
Beneath the city is a network of large caverns and tunnels.
Life & Society in the Ancient City
There is no prevailing type of Pokemon that inhabits the city, either before or during the Time of Turmoil. Before the Time of Turmoil, the ancient city was sparsely inhabited. Though it was the center of the Hidden Lands government, Rivertop was a much more accessible and populated city.

Once the disasters started happening, the Hidden Lands were open, and refugees poured in from other areas of the world, desperate for a safe haven. The Ancient City had plenty of space to spare, and took in these refugees.

In earlier ages, the Ancient City was a fairly quiet and uneventful place. The Rescue and Exploration headquarters was located within the city, though there wasn't much need for them.

During the Time of Turmoil, the Ancient city is a much more active place. New refugees arrive almost daily, and there is much work registering them and finding residences for them to live in. Numerous shops and businesses have opened up catering to Adventurers as their numbers have increased.

However, all is not well. With the increase in residents, there has been a corresponding increase in troublemakers as well. Numerous pokemon have taken to preying on the refugees, robbing and assaulting them for profit. In response, many of the refugees have formed together into gangs for protection. However, problems aren't solely caused by newcomers. Some of the Ancient City's original residents aren't happy about the presence of the refugees. They liked it better when the Hidden Lands were isolated and want to see the borders closed again.

Places & Organizations
Adventurers Headquarters
The most prominent organization is of course the Adventurers Headquarters, which manages the various teams that act across the world. While previously, each region had it's own Adventurers Headquarters, with the advent of the disasters and most major cities falling to ruin, the Hidden Lands Headquarters has stepped up and is managing the rescues and explorations in other lands.

Like all regions, the Adventures Headquarters is a facet of the government, with the teams answering to the regions leader. The leader of the Hidden Lands Adventurers and thus the leader of the Hidden Lands is Alakazam.

This Alakazam was the one who managed to foresee the coming of the disasters and psychically contact various teams in other lands to warn them, and tell them to come to the Hidden Lands, and safety.

Alakazam himself is a calm, reasonable figure. He tends to stay in his office at the headquarters for long periods of time, researching histories and legends.

The center of the Ancient Cities valley is where most of the town's shops and entertainments are. While there were few shops and shoppers in earlier times, in the Time of Turmoil the Ancient City is flooded with refugees. Many of them have taken up jobs or started businesses of their own, often bringing a craft they did from their former home.

Magmar's Flaming Steakhouse
Two torches stand at the side of the entrance to this establishment. This restaurant is known for adapting many dishes from various regions and cultures, but is particularly famous for it's fire-grilled steaks. The steakhouse is a popular hangout spot for adventures and civilians alike. Magmar himself is a refugee from the area around Mt. Othrys, where he used to run a similar restaurant. Head Chef Magmar is loud and boisterous, well-liked in the community. He hears a lot of the goings on around the area and can provide decent information to those who ask.

Magnetons Orbs
Magneton runs the orb shop. The inventory changes daily, though customers who know to (Magneton doesn't inform people of this) can request specific orbs to be held for them.
Magneton shop is run by it's Magnemite employees. Magneton itself speaks in a mechanical monotone and tends to answer questions like it's reading from a textbook.

Sweet Dreams
This shop is a confectionary, where candies, pastries and other sweets are made. It's run by a staff of of primarly fairy types, consisting of mostly Ralts, Swirlix and Clefairy, with a Slurpuff as the manager.

Farmers Market
The farmers market is where seeds, berries and other crops are sold. Various farmers travel from South Dash Plains, to sell their produce and livestock here.

The Community Hall
Run by a Jinx, this place isn't just famous for it's various actors and performances. There are numerous other events that go on here. Hosted here are Pokemon Contests, Festivals, and various other events.

Healing Center
This building is the main medical center for the Ancient City. By tradition, the head of this center is a Blissey. She has a motherly attitude towards her patients, and never turns away anyone in need. The healing services are free for everyone.

Kecleon Brothers
The Kecleon clan is known for it's merchants, and it's considered a time honored tradition for them to open shops in cities. Like most locations, this Kecleon shop is run by two kecleon who claim to be brothers. This particular shop deals in equipment.

The Cafe
This location is a popular hangout spot for adventurers. While similar to Magmar's Flaming Steakhouse, the prices are cheaper, and it's run by a diverse staff. Adventurers frequent this place more than the Steakhouse, and there's even a job board on the wall.

Residential Districts
The residential districts are built in a tiered style on the somewhat steep slopes of the valley, heading up the mountainside. The residential area is divided into the Eastern and Western Districts. Like the rest of the city, the buildings are made of stone and surprisingly spacious. The streets are fairly labyrinthine though, making it easy to get lost. During earlier eras, many of the houses were empty, as the Ancient City's population was fairly low. In the current era, many of the homes are now owned by refugees. The neighborhoods are much more lively looking as the refugees have brought elements of their homelands with them. However as before stated, all is not well. Local criminals have taken to preying on refugees, extorting money or valuables from them. In response, some of the refugees have formed together into gangs for protection, starting various turf wars.

Training Fields
Located in the Western Residential District, this large field is where rookie teams are trained. It's full of arenas where students duel each other to practice combat techniques, obstacle courses to train pokemon in how to avoid dangers, and even a few caves leading to practice dungeons. The Training Fields are run by Sawk and Throh.

Neighborhood Watch
The Neighborhood Watch is actually adventuring team. They are dedicated to patrolling the streets of the residential district and keeping the peace and order. They are well-intentioned and hope to make a difference but are tragically undermanned, limiting the amount of good they can do. The Neighborhood Watch operates out of the home of their leaders. The Watch is divided into two divisions, East and West, each dealing with their respective districts and having their own leaders. Strangely enough, the two sides are not on speaking terms.

The Underground
Beneath the Ancient City is a network of tunnels and caverns. Some lead deep beneath the earth into confusing and labyrinthine tunnels that form natural mystery dungeons while others are closer to the surface. These tunnels are large enough to build in, and indeed there are buildings and homes down here. The residents of this area are typically of the Dark, Ghost, Rock, or Ground types. The underground isn't particularly hard to reach, many houses built into the mountanside actually have backdoors leading into here.
This location is often seen as a shadier side of town, and it can be dangerous to walk the streets unaware.

The Mystery Shop
Run by a Misdreavus, this shady shop specializes in rare and hard to get items. The inventory changes daily, and the prices are seemingly randomly assigned, though they are negotiable. When questioned as to how Misdreavus gets her wares the answer is always "Don't be askin' questions you not a-wantin' the answers to."

Story Seeds

* Recently there have been a series of thefts from various shops located in the downtown. The thief always leaves a sleep seed as a calling card.

* A strange sickness is affecting the pokemon living in the underground. It's source seems to be coming from the deep caverns, one of which emanates a truly foul stench.

* A member of the Neighborhood Watch approaches the players and asks for their help in solving a crime. He also warns them not to trust the other division of the Watch. Midway through the investigation, a member of the other division of the watch approaches the PC's as well asking for help, and warns them not to trust the other division.

* Another adventuring team insults the PC's and challenges them to a duel at the training field.

* As the party turns around the corner of an alley, a group of thugs jump them. Strangely enough, they seem to be attempting to capture and abduct the party.
Dash Plains, North
Dash Plains, North
The Geography and History
The northern Dash Plains are a vast expanse of grasslands that form (as the name would suggest) the northern part of the hidden lands. The land is mostly flat, though there are a few hills in the eastern area. Cutting through the fields is the ever reflective River of Glass.

The majority of the inhabitants of this area are nomadic tribes, moving about the Plains as their whims and the seasons dictate. There are a few permanent settlements, though they tend to be away from the main path.

In the current era, the Northern Dash Plains sees an almost constant stream of traffic as refugees pass through here from other lands.
Life & Society
Most residents of this area are part of the nomadic tribes, and live traveling about the plains, mostly to follow prey. The various tribes are mostly self-sufficient, and rarely interact with outsiders for long unless it's to head into a city or village to trade things they can't gather normally (orbs mostly).

Due to this, most tribes develop a distrust of strangers. While they will be polite to travelers passing through their camp, they do not like them staying for long, and will often subtly encourage them to leave.

In the current era this has transformed into all-out xenophobia for some tribes, who strongly dislike the presence of refugees in the hidden lands. While most have no interest in the tribes and instead head straight for the Ancient City, that's still not acceptable for many of the tribes. Some tribes have retreated into seclusion, while others have decided to take a more active stance, attacking groups of refugees in hopes of scaring they away from the Hidden Lands.
Places and Organizations
Mistfall is a permanent settlement built ascending the escarpments leading up a cliff next to the waterfall that is the source of the River of Glass. The village's name comes from the mists that the waterfall often brings, covering the village. Mistfall is a mostly peaceful settlement, and being out of the way, it's way of life hasn't changed much. It's too far off the beaten path for most refugees to bother with, so the only visitors the town typically recieves are nomadic tribes looking to trade, or adventurers and travelers passing through the village on their way into and out of the Hazy Range.
The Old Fortress
Located in the northeastern area of the plains is the ruins of a large stone fortress. This fortress is extremely old, and none know of it's origins. The earliest records still indicate it's presence as a ruin.
The Old Fortress has been explored almost entirely, save for a large stone door beneath it that has resisted all forms of opening. Even though the fortress has been explored, it's still used as a place for "practice" explorations, sending inexperienced teams there to collect hidden targets for training.
Emerald Skull
While Cubone and Marowak are usually solitary creatures, this group has banded together into a tribe. The tribe is named for it's leader, Emerald, a Marowak with a emerald colored skull. This tribe is extremely xenophobic and distrustful of outsiders, and is perhaps the main group responsible for attacking refugees traveling through the dash plains.
Story Seeds
* The PCs are assigned to guard a new group of refugees as they make their way towards the city. As the refugees make their way down the road, suddenly a hostile tribe appears, intending to attack! The tribe says they hold off on their attack if the refugees leave the Hidden Lands.

* Rare berries can sometimes be found growing on the plains. A client in Rivertop is willing to pay well for a team to gather these. However, this is an open mission. Numerous teams have set out in search of this berry tree, will the PCs be the first to find it?

* Just what exactly is behind the sealed door at the Old Fortress? It's marked with several dots and appears to have no handle or grips with which to open it. The door and the surrounding area appears to be impenetrable, even blasting or burrowing has no effect.
Dash Plains, South
The Geography and History
Unlike the northern region, the Southern Dash Plains are more inhabited. Much of the area is farmland, and most settlements are farming villages. While the River of Glass doesn't flow through it, there are numerous minor tributaries and streams that do, proving the residents with an easy source of irrigation.

Unlike many other places in the Hidden Lands, the Southern Dash Plains have not changed much in the current era.
Life and Society
Most residents of this area are farmers, growing crops and running ranches. There are numerous farming villages in the area. Life for these residents is fairly simple, though they are content with it. Around harvest time, many of these villages have harvest festivals, which often attract tourists from other parts of the hidden lands.

In the current era, little has actually changed here. Refugees rarely head this far south, usually ending up in Seagaze, The Ancient City, or Rivertop.

Places and Organizations
Windmill Town
Named for it's iconic and numerous windmills, this town is one of the larger one's in the area. The namesake windmills each are artistically decorated, with unique designs given to them by their owners.

The bread in this town is also of a very high quality. Each year, this town's harvest festival includes a baking contest, with each mill owner presenting their bread to be judged before a panel. The winner receives a monetary prize.

Fey Lake
Located in the very southern point of the Hidden Lands, Fey Lake is a lake of pure, clear waters. Sweet smelling flowers surround it's shores and cover the islands that dot the lake. This area is a popular hangout for Fairy type pokemon, and occasionally a fey creature (nymph, dryad, satyr) will be seen. Rumor has it that there are caves located in the deeper parts of the lake that are home to more dangerous monsters.

Story Hooks

*Farms are occasionally attacked by monsters, who devour livestock or destroy crops. Many adventures are hired to protect farmers during harvest time, as monster attacks increase for some reason during this period.

*Just what exactly is at the bottom of Fey Lake?
Tall Forest
Geography and History
The Tall Forest encompasses the southwestern region of the Hidden lands. Named after the towering, almost impossibly tall trees that comprise it, it is by far one of the more mysterious parts of the Hidden Lands. The trees are truly massive, so massive in fact that many pokemon make their homes inside of the trees trunks. The further inn one travels, the taller the trees become, and the forest floor becomes swamplike. Monsters dwell in these swamps, so pokemon rarely live down here.

This region has also changed little since the advent of the Time of Troubles. Few refugees travel into this region, and for their part the residents are grateful. They aren't quite to the level of xenophobia of the tribes of the Northern Dash Plains, though many don't like strangers.

Life and Society
The primary dwellers in this region are Grass, Bug, and Flying types, though there is a growing population of Dark and Poison types here. The trees of this region can grow big enough to support entire cities, and many of the trees grow fruit, providing an easy source of food to the locals. Other sources of food include various dire birds, whose meat is considered a delicacy elsewhere in the Hidden Lands.

Places and Organizations
Autumn Town
Most trees in the Tall Forest stay green all year round, though this area is an exception. The trees in this area turn into amazing colors during the autumn. This brings in tourists from around the hidden lands, and there is a sort of harvest festival held every autumn during this area. The locals have some method of preserving the leaves, creating giant leaf souvenirs.

Hunters Outpost
An outpost located in the lower, swamp-like, area of the forest. Here, Adventurers work to keep the monster population in check, so they don't threaten those who live above. Since the disasters started happening, the monster population has swelled here, to the mystification of the hunters.

The Deadwood is a region of the forest where the trees have died. They sit barren and lifeless, and the ground beneath them is ashy and dry. Most residents avoid this area, as it's eerily quiet and unsettling here. It's rumored to be a popular hangout for Ghost type pokemon, as well as more unsavory creatures.

Story Hooks
*Forest Fire! Due to a lightning strike, now a large portion of the forest is in flames! Will the PCs fight the blaze or flee to safety?

*Giant Ants from the swamp below are advancing toward a city! Adventures from all over are called upon to fight off the invasion!
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun May 10, 2015 6:08 am, edited 8 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Wiseman »

Windswept Plains
History: The Windswept Plains has been the center of the continents civilization for as long as history has been recorded. The region is massive, and contains smaller provinces each with their own cities. This region was not without it's problems however. Monsters attacks were still a worry as well as bandits and outlaws along the roads. In the current era, disasters have swept through most of the Plains, destroying cities and uprooting livelyhoods. Many of this regions inhabitants have become refugees, heading towards a promise of safe haven within the hidden lands.
Geography: The Windswept Plains are a vast region, bordering the Badlands to the west, the Desert of Dreams to the east, the Hidden Lands and Sea of Serinity in the south, and the Frozen North to the obvious. Most of the region is grassy fields, and the weather is temperate, though it gets colder to the north and hotter and dryer to the west. The type of terrain varies, with Floral Fields being short grass and frequent flowers and Tall Grass fields being mostly tall grass. The Ariados Woods and Obscured Forest are nominally part of this region, though very little traffic comes and goes from these areas, and they are mostly unknown, even in the current era.
Character: The Windswept Plains has numerous provinces and residents. There are no prevailing types to be found in this region. There have always been problems from bandits to monster attacks. The Windswept Plains had a well-managed organization of adventurers, comprising of many teams, most who operate within a single province. The adventurers headquarters of this region is located within the regions capital of Storms End, a sprawling port town at the edge of the Sea of Serinity.
In the current era, very few cities remain standing. The capital is in ruins, with it's residents either dead or refugees. Other towns and cities remain standing. Some residents were unable or unwilling to leave their lives behind, and they intend to ride out the disasters. Though with the sharp rise in monster activity, many of these places are highly paranoid, even towards other Pokemon that wish to enter.
Obscured Forest
Geography and History
Located in it's northeast area, Obscured Forest is nominally part of the Windswept Plains region. It's almost completely enclosed by mountains, with narrow passes leading south to Misty Moor and north to the Frozen North. This area consists almost completely of heavy forest perpetually covered in thick fog. Rainstorms are frequent, though this does little to actually alleviate the constant fog.

In the current era, the storms have become more violent, and the fogs even more thick. Many residents have gone missing, and those that remain suffer frequent nightmares. Strange visions are appearing to those who wander the forest, and it's said that vengeful spirits walk the land.

Life and Society
While less dangerous then the Ariados woods, it still doesn't see too many travelers. Thus, the privacy of the area makes it an ideal home for Pokemon that don't want to be found. While there are several minor villages located in the forest, the area is primarily known as the dwelling place of hermits and outlaws who don't wish to be found. Most villages that exist here are distrustful of outsiders. Even in the current era, despite the dangers in the forest, many have refused to leave their homes.

Hermits come to this area for a variety of reasons. Some simply like seclusion, and take advantage of this out of the way location. Others perform research here, as occasionally one can see visions in the fog.

Places and Organizations
Druid's Grove
Called by a strange name, this place is guarded by a particularly agressive Sceptile called The Druid. Many speculate as to what's it's guarding. It could possbily be treasure, rare herbs and berries, or even a natural mystery dungeon.

This is one of the few villages located in the Obscured Forest. The city is actually fairly old, constructed of stone buildings that are beginning to crumble and covered in moss. On the night of the full moon, the moss glows, cycling through a variety of colors. The villagers are, like most in obscured mist, are distrustful of strangers, even more so in the Time of Turmoil.

Story Seeds
The Mysterious Connection
An archeologist recognizes a similar architecture style between the buildings of Mosstown and those of The Ancient City. What could the connection be?

The Old Shack
After traveling through the forest, a freak storm occurs. Fortunately, the adventurers happen on an abandoned shack. While within the shack, they discover there is a false bottom that leads into a deep cavern, lit by glowing shards of ice...
The Desert of Dreams
Geography and History
While the Desert of Dreams isn't technically part of the Windswept Plains, it's considered to be by most. Must of the history of this location is unknown, and it's geography is impossible to describe, considering this is one of the worlds few natural mystery dungeons.

The environment of this place is constantly in flux, making it almost impossible to navigate, and many explorers to this location have never returned. The dunes shift frequently, sometimes by natural forces, sometimes unnatural. Sandstorms are very frequent here, though the real danger comes from the desert's Dreamstorms.

The title Desert of Dreams is not just for drama. The boundary between the Prime Material and the Realm of Dreams is very very thin here, and things can cross over frequently. Typically, the first sign of a dreamstorm is a multicolored hue on the horizon. As it draws closer, a traveler witnesses a cloud of sand similar to a sandstorm, but glowing in multiple colors and interspersed with multicolored fog and lightning. These clouds can cling low to the ground like fog, or tower into the sky like a tornado, and their size can be no larger than a cart, to the size of a city or even larger. Some can even be the size of an entire storm system. Their speed often varies as well, from some that merely crawl across the desert and can be walked away from to storms that race like a twister.

Though Dreamstorms resemble a mixture between thunderstorms and sandstorms, their effects are much more insidious. A traveler caught in such a storm is not directly injured, but the longer they remain inside of one, the more likely they are to fall victim to the storms effects. The traveler will find themself becoming more and more drowsy. If they fall asleep, the full effects of the dreamstorm take hold, and they are forced into a dreaming state, their consciousness taken into the Realm of Dreams, in an effect similar to Astral Projection. However, unlike normal astral projection, the body is not placed in stasis, but instead falls into a coma. Thus, the victim faces the very real risk of their body dying of dehydration or exposure. Likewise, in the Realm of Dreams, their spirit is incapable of returning to their body without finding some form of exit from the plane, and that's if they survive the dangers of the Realm of Dreams. And then there are the Desert's residents to consider...

Life and Society
The primary residents of the Desert of Dreams are Quori, spirits of dreams. Normally, all but the most powerful of Quori are unable to enter the physical world under most circumstances, though with the lessened boundaries between the two worlds, they can enter in the Desert. They are however, unable to leave the desert, save by one means.

A Quori is able to possess a dreaming creature, taking over it's body. This unison of dream spirit and mortal body, called a Sleepwalker, is capable of leaving the Desert, and traveling anywhere in the world. Additinionally, the dreamer is incapable of returning to their body while a Quori occupies it, trapping them in the Realm of Dreams.

The only other resident spoken of in the desert is the mysterious Goddess of Dreams. Despite her title, what little is known about her is that she doesn't seem to align herself with the Quori.

Places and Organizations

This is a town built by Sleepwalkers, used as a base of operations for them, and is one of the few (mostly) stable points in the Desert. Prize host bodies are kept here, bodies of powerful or influential mortals. When not it use, they are kept behind wards that prevent their original owners from returning.

Various ruins are spotted in the Desert. Many have turned out to be hallucinations, though some have been confirmed to be real. Unfortunately, considering the desert's nature as a mystery dungeon, the locations of these structures changes. It's entirely possible that one of these is the dwelling place of the Goddess of Dreams.

Story Seeds
The Infiltration
The Sleepwalkers are at times used to infiltrate societies, gaining information and influence. What is the Quori's ultimate goal, and what does it mean to the rest of the Material?

Friend or Foe?
The Goddess of Dreams is known to be unaffiliated with the Quori, though is this the truth? Could she make an ally against the dream spirits, or are the rumors false?
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Dec 19, 2021 5:44 am, edited 3 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Shrapnel »

Are there more Pokemon available as starters than are shown here (like the Meowth or Shinx lines)? What about Pokemon that aren't traditionally starters, like, say, Misdreavus?
Is this wretched demi-bee
Half asleep upon my knee
Some freak from a menagerie?
No! It's Eric, the half a bee
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Post by Wiseman »

I'm planning to add more starters over time. I probably won't do any ghost types though because Incorporeal PC's at 1st level is a DM's nightmare.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Shrapnel »

Ah, there goes my favorite Gen II Pokemon. Oh well, there's plenty of other Magikarp in Waterfall Pond.

So at what level are Ghost types allowed?
Is this wretched demi-bee
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Some freak from a menagerie?
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Post by Wiseman »

Not really sure myself.

Also: Added Sceptile and the description of the Obscured Forest. I'll probably edit this post into something describing the badlands later.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Shrapnel »

I meant to ask, how would non-Pokemon entities like Bittercold and Dark Matter work?
Is this wretched demi-bee
Half asleep upon my knee
Some freak from a menagerie?
No! It's Eric, the half a bee
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Post by Wiseman »

I'd probably just stat them out as monsters, if I ever got around to doing such things. Also, the Adventuring section has an entire list of non-pokemon monsters that inhabit the world.

EDIT: New poll, asking about mega evolution. I've got a rough draft of the mechanics. And yes, this will be applied to pokemon that don't have canon mega evolutoons.

Mega-Evolution: 1/day, the pokemon can mega evolve, entering a powerful new form. This lasts for 1 minute per 3 levels. While in this state, the pokemon's racial bonuses and move speeds are doubled. It also gains new abilities listed in it's individual entry.
Last edited by Wiseman on Sun Apr 03, 2016 2:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Shrapnel »

Please tell me you won't be implementing the bullshit berserk status for megas...
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Post by RedstoneOrc »

Wiseman wrote:I'd probably just stat them out as monsters, if I ever got around to doing such things. Also, the Adventuring section has an entire list of non-pokemon monsters that inhabit the world.

EDIT: New poll, asking about mega evolution. I've got a rough draft of the mechanics. And yes, this will be applied to pokemon that don't have canon mega evolutoons.

Mega-Evolution: 1/day, the pokemon can mega evolve, entering a powerful new form. This lasts for 1 minute per 3 levels. While in this state, the pokemon's racial bonuses and move speeds are doubled. It also gains new abilities listed in it's individual entry.
Voted 12 cause its the lowest, but I feel it should be lowered. The reason is I have level 34-40 level pokemon and I mega them out almost ever battle I can stand to have the evolution screen up.

Really for more than half the levels available in pokemon you megavole now and I see the ttrpg not doing it that way is a problem.
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Post by Wiseman »

Shrapnel wrote:Please tell me you won't be implementing the bullshit berserk status for megas...
I would do no such thing.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by Shrapnel »

Wiseman wrote:
Shrapnel wrote:Please tell me you won't be implementing the bullshit berserk status for megas...
I would do no such thing.
THANK GOD. Whoever thought of this mechanic in the game needs a fish in the face
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Post by thelordmaple »

Hey are you still working on this?
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Post by Wiseman »

Yeah, actually. Almost finished with a Lycanroc class.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by thelordmaple »

Sounds cool, if you need help with any thing feel free to pm me. Also whats the defense vs. shadow ball?
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Post by Wiseman »

Vespiquen has been added. Cubchoo/Beartic is next. Maybe.
Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by thelordmaple »

Hey do Normal Pokemon have any special traits?
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Post by Shrapnel »

I was wondering... Will you be adding rules for Z-Moves?
Is this wretched demi-bee
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Some freak from a menagerie?
No! It's Eric, the half a bee
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