[3.X] Prak's D&D Material

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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Background: Nondescript
"So... there was a guy here who stole my shit, but... well, hell, I'm not even sure it was a guy. I can't really remember what they looked like...
Benefit: Ok, so you don't want to write a backstory. You just have a bunch of mechanical stuff and no narrative. As if there is nothing particularly distinct or memorable about you...
You don't know who you are. You have a name, because we gotta call your character something and "no one knows my character is a PC, even the other PCs!" characters are obnoxious as shit. You also cannot take anything that would create a memorable, always or usually visible, gross physical change in your character, such as most fiendish feats, without losing the benefits of this background.
On the plus side, you are completely unmemorable and unremarkable. You can walk up to the king and piss in his crown while grinning right at him, but while he will remember someone did so, he will not remember what they look like as soon as he can't see them. Anyone who sees you, and then looks away or otherwise stops viewing you forgets who you are. They will not forget your presence, and this unremarkableness only affects you, not pets, companions, party members, or even your spells. Your party remembers that they know you, and you are part of the party, but even if you learn something about your past and tell them, they will forget it.
For the sake of explicitness here is what this background does, simply:
- You don't know who you are, and while you have a history, you don't know it.
- If you take any character option that would make you physically distinctive, you lose the benefits of this background.
- Other people can only remember who you are while they are looking at you, and will forget what you look like as soon as they can no longer see you. They remember you exist, and what you've done, but could not pick you out of a lineup.
- Your pets, summoned creatures, followers, cohorts, party members, and so on are as recognizable and memorable as normal, only you are unremarkable and unmemorable.
- Your party doesn't know who you are, and will forget anything specific they learn, but they know you are a party member, and at least remember what they call you.
- THIS IS NOT INVISIBILITY OR FREE MOVE SILENTLY OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. People notice you, they just don't remember anything distinctive about you.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

I've been doodling with an idea to use Disco Elysium-style skills in D&D.


(Spoiler tags won't fucking work, so if you don't care about why, the sketch up is below)

I've had a couple people ask "why" when I talk about this on Discord, so I figure I might as well explain that here. One, the skills in D&D are fucking boring and rote. Take a moment and think about characters you've made. Does every character of a given archetype have roughly the same skill list, with maybe one or two fluff things that distinguish your "this guy makes shit" from "this guy is an annoying busker" characters? Because I sure as fuck feel that's the case with mine. The casters always have Kn.Arcana, Spellcraft, Concentration (if not using Pathfinder), and then whatever skills are needed for prestige classes I'm aiming for. The martials always have the basic athletic skills, probably some stealth and acrobatics skill, and intimidation. Skill monkeys always have acrobatics, stealth, athletics, and basically every other skill worth having. In short, the main thing that changes with my characters is how many skills they have, which is typically defined by their class type, with some minor deviations for a little bit of "this is what they do in their off time" or "this is what they study."

Two, the skills list in D&D is incredibly bloated for such a simple system. There is a reason that D&D hacks often combine skills, because there is no fucking reason for K.Arcana and Spellcraft to be separate skills (and even then, you should probably just have K.Magic and not tell people they need different skills to know about divine and arcane magic). You can make a case for Hide and Move Silently being separate skills, but D&D just isn't that fucking granular, just let people have Stealth and apply situational modifiers. Usually, people will be rolling them together anyway. And then, once Stealth is one skill, you might as well make Listen, Search and Spot just Perception.

Three, the Disco Elysium skill system, while mechanically working almost exactly the same as D&D's (RNG roll plus mods vs TN), there is rhetorical and narrative weight to the skills that DE characters have. Harrier Du Bois has the skill Electrochemistry because he's an alcoholic who uses hard drugs to go around super-copping. Kim Kitsuragi has Palo Do Mar, both to represent his ethnic heritage and background, and because it represents his more "go with the flow" nature. We only see Harrier's skill list in the game, but developers have said that Kim definitely has different skills, at least a few. They're both cops, so they probably both have Authority and Esprit du Corps, but in addition to not having Electrochemistry, Kim almost certainly doesn't have Shivers, and probably doesn't have Half Light, as he more realistic and grounded. Not only do the skills say more and differentiate the characters more, but they're also "squishier." They're broader, and more conceptual. Sure, Physical Instrument looks like it's just combining climb, jump and swim, but it's not about those specific things, it's about using your body effectively. Sure, it can be rolled for climbing, swimming and jumping, but it could also be used instead of a basic strength check to break down a door. Drama seems at first glance like it's about bluffing and performing, but it also tells you when someone else is doing that, and can let you see when someone is trying to present a story or see through a staged murder scene or the like. It's a skill system where, sure, there is some amount of "oh, ok, so I roll (thing) to do (that thing)," but it also encourages "hey, this sounds like a way that (skill) would be useful, can I roll that?" Sure, you roll Authority to be authoritarian and make people do what you tell them, but you could also roll it to understand systems of authority and when someone is using authority to compensate for something.

The system sketch up(s)
Nearly direct transfer of DE Skills

In this version, the characters' abilities are replaced by the Disco Elysium Attributes, but you don't worry about rewriting the entire D&D catalog to switch out words. Anything that references Strength or Constitution uses Physique. Anything that references Wisdom or Charisma uses Psyche. Dex stuff uses Motorics and Int uses Intellect (obviously).

Each attribute has three Standard skills linked to it--
- Physique: Endurance, Half Light, Physical Instrument
- Motorics: Hand-Eye Coordination, Perception, Contortion
- Intellect: Logic, Encyclopedia, Rhetoric
- Psyche: Volition, Awareness, Empathy

Players then define 3 Personal Skills for each attribute. Examples-- Electrochemistry, Shivers, Composure, Savoir Faire, Conceptualization, Drama, Authority, Esprit De Corps

All skills are treated as trained and class skills, and have a default modifier of attribute mod plus relevant bonuses and penalties. Skills are improved a bit differently-
  1. Generate ability scores in the normal way you would for a game. If you roll, roll a full set of six, the two unassigned rolls become a pool of points (or you can roll a set of four if you don't want your PCs to have weirdly high stats)
  2. At first and each subsequent level, for each category of skills (psyche, motorics, etc), you receive a number of points equal to the relevant attribute modifier to put into those skills, up to your character level in ranks per skill. Example-- a character has an 18 Physique. At first and each subsequent level, they have four skill points to put into Physique skills
  3. At first and each subsequent level, characters receive 6 free skill points that can be placed regardless of attribute, up to your character level in ranks per skill total. Humans receive +1 free skill point per level, and rogues (and probably any class that would normally get 8 skill points per level) get +2 free skill points per rogue level.
Less Changes From D&D Way
Basically as above, but you don't replace the abilities. Use the normal D&D abilities, with these Standard skills-
Strength: Physical Implement, Half-Light (instinctual/spatial awareness)
Dexterity: Hand-Eye Coordination, Contortion
Constitution: Endurance, Pain Threshold
Intelligence: Logic, Encyclopedia
Wisdom: Perception, Awareness (more supernatural kinda openness to the universe)
Charisma: Rhetoric, Empathy

And then you create two personal skills per category.

Currently thinking about- whether to multiply first level skill points or just do Pathfinder's +3 if you have ranks in something, but honestly, a character with an elite array is going to have up to 17ish skill points per level, and the skills explicitly are more open-ended, so I'm not entirely sure that's necessary.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Frog Cultist Feats
These feats represent the blessings of ranine deities such as Wastri and Blibdoolpoolp. In order to take these feats, you must worship such a deity. The Aberrant Blood requirement of these feats is restricted to the Bulging Eyes, Flexible Limbs, Slimy Skin, Sticky Fingers or Webbed Hands variations of Aberrant Blood.

Deep Lasher (Aberrant, Cultist)
You gain a lashing, extensible tongue which can serve as an attack.
Prereq- Aberrant Blood
Benefit- Your tongue thickens and develops an ever-present sticky mucous coating. You gain a tentacle attack which deals 1d4 damage (for a medium creature) plus your strength modifier. This tentacle attack is treated as a primary weapon. You can attack with weapons and your tongue, but your tongue is treated as a secondary weapon, receiving a -5 penalty on attack rolls, and adding only half your strength modifier to damage.
The tongue does not normally impair your speech, but you cannot effectively speak while using your tongue to attack. You can, however, make a frog-like croaking sound while your tongue is occupied, which is, fortunately, the preferred form of prayers to your froggy god.
You also gain a +2 racial bonus on grapple checks.

Frog Legs (Aberrant, Cultist)
Your legs become long and powerful, though they make your stance and posture a bit funny.
Prereq- Aberrant Blood, one other Aberrant feat,
Benefit- You gain a +2 racial bonus to Jump per Aberrant feat you possess, and your jumps are not bounded by your height.

Grappling Tongue (Aberrant, Cultist)
Your tongue becomes stronger, allowing you to grapple targets with it.
Prereq- Aberrant Blood, Deep Lasher, one other Aberrant feat
Benefit- Your tongue deals damage as if you were a size larger, has an extra 5’ of reach, and you gain Improved Grapple. If you hit with your tongue, you may immediately attempt to initiate a grapple as a free action.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Sphere: The Machine [Fiend]
Granted Ability: You may use Analyze Object at will, as if casting it as a cantrip, gaining only mundane information; at third level, you may use it as if it were a first level spell, gaining full information. Further, you may use a per day use of a spell-like ability granted by this sphere to cast Repair Damage of appropriate level.
1: Conjure Tools
3: Quick Crafting
5: Servant HordeSpC
7: Airtight Architecture
9: Metal shape and Airtight Architecture dur. 1 day/level (share per day uses)
11: Fabrication Machine and permanent Airtight Architecture (share per day uses)
13: Animate Object and instantaneous Airtight Architecture (share per day uses)
15: True CreationSpC
17: Greater Fantastic MachineSpC
19: Awaken ConstructSpC
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Sphere: Drill
Granted Ability: You may conjure a large drill around your fist at will (granting the benefits of Fist of Stone, save that the damage of your slam is piercing). Any attack you make against earth, stone or metal with a drill (or drill flavored effect from this sphere) ignores an amount of hardness equal to your character level (twice character level with Advanced, all hardness with Expert)
The most appropriate Fiendish trait to go with this sphere is either a compulsion to laugh in a haughty, refined way, or shout and yell a lot in battle. If you have long hair, it always forms a pair of ringlets that frame your face.

1: Overdrive Drill (as Corrosive GraspSpC)
3: Shatter (you conjure one or more drills that fly at the affected objects)
5: Drill of Pain and Fear (as Blade of Pain and FearSpC)
7: Force MissilesSpC (missiles appear as drills)
9: Passwall
11: Move Earth
13: Blazing Drill (as Brilliant BladeSpC)
15: Greater Shout
17: Drill of Ultimate Destruction (as Sphere of Ultimate DestructionSpC)
19: Gate
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Background: Return of the Living Dead
"There is a chemical..."
"Yeah, what fucking chemical!?"
"2-4-5 Trioxin..."

For some reason, you're dead, but also you're still moving around. Like you're alive. Like you're some kind of... living dead thing... Look, you're a zombie. But unlike the typical image of zombies, you've kept your mental faculties and most of your physical ability. Unfortunately, it really hurts being dead, and you didn't luck out and get cool vampire powers or anything...
Benefit: You are Undead, with the Unliving and Darkminded subtypes. Since you're already technically dead, you can't really be killed again, and in fact you're the kind of undead that is difficult to really destroy. In fact, even if someone lops your arm off, that arm is still going to move... and if they lop your head off, so will your body... Basically, the only way to actually destroy you is to reduce you to a fine powder, either through cremation, disintegration, or extreme physical violence. You gain the Remote Limbs feat, except you don't gain the ability to reattach your limbs... Better take a rank or two of Craft (Sewing), or buy some bandages (since you can control your limbs remotely, you don't actually have to worry about reconnecting muscle, sinew, nerves, etc).

The big downside of all this, however, is that it really sucks to be dead, especially living dead. You are constantly in pain, which is really distracting. Fortunately, you know exactly what will kill this pain--the brains of the actually living. You don't technically need to eat to continue moving around like other [Unliving] undead, but if you don't consume the brains of the living, you're going to have a bad time. After 24 hours of going without eating a brain with Intelligence 6 or more, and every 24 hours thereafter, make a Constitution roll as if you had not eaten for the past three days. However, taking nonlethal damage from starvation does not cause you to be fatigued, instead, you become Sickened, and if you have any non-lethal damage from starvation, it counts as damage suffered during action for the purposes of Concentration.

Finally, if you are actually destroyed, the powder or vapor you are reduced to basically becomes more 2-4-5 Trioxin, creating more living dead.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Feat: Goblin Soupsmith (Archetype)
Did you know goblins reproduce via soup? Think about that next time you're handed a bowl by a goblin.
Prerequisites: Goblin, Int, Wis or Cha 13, must have been trained by an existing Grand Soupsmith.
Benefits: Archetype feats scale based on HD.

1 HD: Soupsmith's Apprentice-- You gain the Goblinkind Sphere with a special access- Least. Least Sphere access gives you the sphere's Granted Ability, but only a single per day use which all spells in the sphere share (ie, with Least Access, once per day you may use one spell-like ability from the Goblinkind Sphere for which you have sufficient HD). You also gain Acid Splash, DawnSpC, Prestidigitation and Purify Food and Water as at will spell-like abilities.
--Note-- The spell-like abilities granted by the Goblinkind sphere in this way require material components and focuses, but the key ability for determining saves is whichever score you used to qualify for this feat. If more than one ability score meets the requirement, you may choose which score to base your saves on when you take this feat. This choice cannot be changed later, short of external abilities which allow such.
3 HD: Journeygob Soupsmith-- Before being trusted with brewing the next generation, you learn to support the current generation. You can now engineer various biological components--namely organs, limbs and diseases, using Soupery as your Crafting skill. This takes 8 hours to produce up to 50 lbs of organs/limbs, or one disease. Organs and Limbs are considered to have a market value of 100 gp, and diseases have a market value of their DCx100gp. The crafting DC for limbs and organs is 25, while the crafting DC for diseases is equal to their Infection DC plus 10. Diseases created this way may be used like poisons, and you may choose whether they are delivered via Contact, Inhalation, or Injury at time of creation.
Biological matter created this way persists for 24 hours before decaying normally, requiring magic, freezing or alchemy for long-term storage.
--Note-- This ability is written assuming the use of Lokathor's Crafting Rules re-write
Your access to the Goblinkind Sphere increases to Basic.
8 HD: Soupsmith-- You have earned the title of Soupsmith amongst goblinkind. You gain a Masterwork Soupsmith's Paddle (if you don't already have your own), proficiency in it as both a simple and martial weapon, and may be allowed to tend the soup of a goblin village in your own, as well as make your own brews. You also gain Brew Potion and may create potions as if you have the requisite spells, and Graft Flesh and may create any kind of graft. Both of these abilities require a "recipe" (ie, scrolls with appropriate prerequisite spells) and an appropriate catalyst ingredient (ie, steel for abjuration spells, frogs for transmutation, bat guano for evocation; undead flesh for undead grafts, illithid flesh for illithid grafts, a bit of the composing matter of an appropriate elemental for elemental grafts, etc).
Your access to the Goblinkind Sphere increases to Advanced.
15 HD: Grand Soupsmith-- You are among the most respected members of Goblin society and can order around other goblins in a village (in combat, they will typically yield to the most powerful goblin around, which might well be you). Your Soupsmith's Paddle becomes a Grand Soupsmith's Paddle.
Your access to the Goblinkind Sphere increases to Expert.

Spell: Create Goblin Life
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Goblinkind 3
Components: V, S, M, F

As the spell Create Life, save that you can only create creatures with the (Goblin) subtype and with HD equal to or less than your own HD-5.
Material Components: biomass equal to the weight of the creature to be created, of a roughly appropriate kind (goblins are mammals). If creating a specialized goblin, one pound of biomass must come from an appropriate creature, or you must provide one additional pound of inorganic matter appropriate to the the desired abilities (one pound of dragon meat to create half-dragon goblins, one of squirrel meat to create arboreal goblins, one pound of steel to create goblins with steel plates, etc).
Focus: A Soupsmith's Paddle.

Domain/Sphere: Goblinkind
Granted Power: You gain the skill "Soupery," which functions as Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Cooking), Knowledge (Nature) and Heal as well as keeping yourself and other creatures fed in the wilderness a la Survival. The Key Ability of this skill is the same as your Key Casting Ability for the source that gives you this domain. If you gain Goblinkind as a sphere, the Key Ability of Soupery is Charisma.
You gain automatic max ranks for your level in Soupery. If you had ranks in the composite skills, the points are refunded and you may respend them.
1/1: Shillelagh
2/3: Summon Swarm
3/5: Create Goblin Life See Above
4/7: Create Food and Water
5/9: Heroes' Feast
6/11: Mass Animal Affinity (as the Power Animal Affinity, but cast with Mass Bull's Strength et al's targets)
7/13: Aura of Vitality
8/15: Greater Bestow Curse SpC
9/17: Soup's On! (as Abyssal ArmySpC, but the demons are fluffed as various crazy kinds of goblins. They have the Goblinoid subtype, but nothing else changes)
19: Create Life DnD-Wiki (Note-- this is a transmutation spell, not a necromancy spell as the wiki says for some fucking reason)

Weapon: Soupsmith's Paddle
Exotic One Handed Weapon/Martial Two Handed Weapon
Goblins treat the Soupsmith's Paddle as a martial/simple weapon
A Soupsmith's Paddle is a large spoon used to stir the brew used to create new goblins. It is also serviceable as a weapon, because of course it is.
1d10(S)/1d12(M) damage, X2 critical, can be used as a two handed martial weapon (or two handed simple weapon for goblins), serves as a masterwork skill tool for Soupery (+2 circumstance bonus to Soupery checks).

Magic Item: Grand Soupsmith's Paddle
This Magical Soupsmith's Paddle is a valid target for Shillelagh, and is a staff which contains the following spells. The staff regains 10 charges at dawn of each day, to a maximum of 20 charges.
  • Shillelagh 1 charge
  • Summon Swarm 2 charges
  • Create Goblin Life 3 charges
  • Giant Vermin 4 charges
  • Create Life 5 charges
Strong varied; CL 17; Craft Staff, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Create Life, Giant Vermin, Create Goblin Life, Summon Swarm, Shillelagh, Prestidigitation, Soupery 17 ranks, Price TBDgp

[spoiler]Domain: Goblinkind
Granted Power: Once per day, you may cast a spell from this domain without expending a spell-slot by taking fifteen minutes to cast it, or doubling the casting time (Whichever is greater)
1: Wall of Miasma (WoSmoke) SpC
2: Wracking Touch SpC
3: Create Goblin Life See Above
4: Poison Vines SpC
5: Swamp Stride (whatever terrain is appropriate to the tribe) SpC
6: Crea SpC
7: Slime Wave SpC
8: Greater Bestow Curse SpC
9: Create Life DnD-Wiki (Note-- this is a transmutation spell, not a necromancy spell as the wiki says for some fucking reason)

Feat: Goblin Soupsmith (Archetype)
Did you know goblins reproduce via soup? Think about that next time you're handed a bowl by a goblin.
Prerequisites: Goblin, Wis 12, must have been trained by an existing Grand Soupsmith.
Benefits: Archetype feats scale based on HD.

1 HD: Soupsmith's Apprentice-- You have learned the basics of the craft of the Soupsmith. You treat Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Cooking), Knowledge (Nature) and Heal as a single skill and automatically have Max ranks for your HD in this skill (call it Soupery, it's Key Ability is Wis). This skill can also be used like Survival for keeping yourself and other creatures fed in the wilderness.
3 HD: Journeygob Soupsmith-- the at of the Soupsmith is more than just mundane knowhow, there is also a pinch of magic. You gain the granted ability of the Goblinkind domain and add it's spells to your spells known. If you have no spells known, you are treated as knowing these spells for the purpose of using magic items.
6 HD: Craft of the Soupsmith-- You have fully learned the core art of the Goblin Soupsmith- the creation of new goblins. You gain Create Goblin Life as a spell-like ability usable once per week.
8 HD: Soupsmith-- You have earned the title of Soupsmith amongst goblinkind. You gain a Soupsmith's Paddle (if you don't already have your own) and proficiency in it as both a simple and martial weapon, and may be allowed to tend the soup of a goblin village in your own, as well as make your own brews. You also gain Brew Potion and may create potions as if you have requisite spells prepared, provided you have a recipe (ie, a scroll if the necessary spell) and an appropriate power ingredient.
15 HD: Grand Soupsmith-- You are among the most respected members of Goblin society and can order around other goblins in a village (in combat, they will typically yield to the most powerful goblin around, which might well be you). Your Soupsmith's Paddle becomes a Grand Soupsmith's Paddle and you gain the domain spells per day of a cleric of your level (ie, 1 spell slot if each level up to the highest appropriate to your level). You're now a spellcaster, however, so you gain bonus spells per day based on a high spellcasting ability score, which for these spells is Wisdom.
The spell slots from this feat can only be used to prepare and cast the spells from the Goblinkind domain or the spells from another domain granted by a goblin deity, provided you have such a domain.

Magic Item: Grand Soupsmith's Paddle
This Magical Soupsmith's Paddle is a staff which contains the following spells. The staff regains 10 charges at dawn of each day, to a maximum of 20 charges.
  • Prestidigitation 0 charges
  • Shillelagh 1 charge
  • Summon Swarm 2 charges
  • Create Goblin Life 6 charges
  • Giant Vermin 4 charges
  • Create Life 10 charges

Strong varied; CL 17; Craft Staff, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Create Life, Giant Vermin, Create Goblin Life, Summon Swarm, Shillelagh, Prestidigitation, Soupery 20 ranks, Price 22,550gp
Last edited by Prak on Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:45 am, edited 4 times in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Serious Badass
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Cerulian Trainer (ACF)
Requirements: Must possess Chakra Binds
Level 1: You gain a Pokemon. The maximum level is the same as for a Pokemaster, but the Maximum Total Level is linear, equal to your class level. You also gain Train Pokemon. You also gain a special soulmeld/totem, Gloves of the Pokemaster. When you bind this soulmeld, you gain the benefits of Subtype Specialization (that's the basic bonus) and can control a pokemon as normal for the Monster Tamer/Pokemaster class. If you do not have this bound, then any pokemon you bring out is uncontrolled, and will act as normal for its nature and whatever mundane training you might have given them.
For the purposes of Call Soulmeld and such in the Tome rewrites of Incarnum classes, Control Pokemon is not a Totem or special power. The intent is simply that you have to devote a chakra to being able to control your pokemon, and you can do so for as long as the soulmeld is active.
(Better Soulmelds): When you gain Better Soulmelds/Totems, Gloves of the Pokemaster gains the Cerulean Double Team ability. When this soulmeld/totem is bound to a chakra, you gain effects of the Double Team ability of the Pokemaster/Monster Tamer class, on top of the benefits of Gloves of the Pokemaster.
(Advanced Souldmelds): Gloves of the Pokemaster now gains the Scintillating Control ability, which grants the effects of the Transfer Control ability of the Pokemaster/Monster Tamer class, and the Subtype Specialization basic bonus becomes Type Specialization.
(Astounding Soulmelds: You gain the Store Monster and Recall Monster abilities of the Pokemaster/Monster Tamer. Also, the Type Specialization basic bonus of Gloves of the Pokemaster becomes Poketype Specialization.
Poketype Specialization: Choose a pokemon type (Bug, Dark, Rock, etc). The bonuses from Subtype Specialization now applies to this pokemon type, regardless of a pokemon's subtypes or creature type.
(Giant-sized Soulmelds): You gain the Craft Master Prison and Fast Recall abilities of the Monster Tamer.

New Feat: Poketrainer (Archetype)
You have a side hustle of catching monsters and forcing them to fight for you.
1 HD: You gain a Pokemon. The maximum level is the same as for a Pokemaster, but the Maximum Total Level is linear, equal to your class level. You also gain Train Pokemon.
3 HD: You gain Poketype Specialization (as Subtype Specialization of a Pokemaster of your level-2)
8 HD: You can craft Pokeballs as a Pokemaster of your level-2
15 HD: You gain Type Mastery (as Subtype Mastery)
Last edited by Prak on Sun May 12, 2024 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »


Sparanea Line
Tiny Magical Beast (Bug, Fighting)
Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft., Climb 40 ft
AC: 19 (+2 size, +2 dex, +1 Natural, +4 Armor), touch 21, flat-footed 17
BAB/Grap: +1/-5
Slam +4/4/ melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Binding Strike
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft, Silken Armor
Saves Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +7
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 15, Cha 8
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +13, Hide +15, Move Silently +7, Perception +9
Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Feats: Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse (B)

Silken Armor (Ext): Sparanea has a special Armor bonus whenever they are not using armor or shields they are not proficient in. This Armor Bonus applies against Touch Attacks and Incorporeal Touch Attacks, and has a value of +4. Every even numbered HD, this bonus increases by 1. This is a pokeability.

Binding Strike (Ext., Fighting): As a swift action, Sparanea may assume a stance that causes their slam attacks to become piercing weapons for the remainder of that round. During this time, the strikes deal 2 Constitution Damage, and force targets to Fort14 vs being Stunned for one round. [Stance] [Fighting]

Willow Stride (Ext): Sparanea may use their Wisdom in place of Dexterity for Armor Class and Reflex Saves.

Bug Traits: [Bug] Pokemon can be affected as though Vermin, even if they lack the Vermin Type. They do not, however, have the usual Vermin traits. They are weak against [Fire], [Flying] and [Rock] attacks, and resist [Fighting], [Grass] and [Ground] attacks. The natural weapons of Vermin creatures are treated as [Bug] attacks unless they deliver poison - in that case they're [Poison] type.

Fighting Traits: [Fighting] Pokemon are weak against [Fairy], [Flying] and [Psychic] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Dark] and [Rock] attacks. Attacks made with manufactured weapons (but not improvised ones) and the unarmed attacks of Monks are considered to be [Fighting] attacks.

At 2 HD, Sparanea learns Agility and String Shot:
Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, Sparanea can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.
String Shot (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Sparanea can spit a stream of silk string out as a Ranged Touch Attack to 15 feet. If it hits, the target becomes Entangled for three rounds. If already Entangled, they become Slowed for the same duration, which is reset to three rounds again. Future uses against a Slowed opponent reset the duration. This is a [Bug] attack.

At 3 HD, Sparanea learns Mach Punch and Skittersmack:
Mach Punch (Ex): once per two rounds, Sparanea may make a Slam attack, dealing 1d6 damage plus its Strength Bonus, as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses. This is a [Fighting] [Punch] attack.
Skitter Smack (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may charge a foe, ignoring the usual movement and targeting restrictions and denying the foe their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. It only ever makes a single attack at the end of the charge even if it has the Pounce ability, but if this attack hits, it deals an extra 1d6 damage per 5 hit dice (round up), and the target is sufficiently startled and battered about as to suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Charisma for 3 rounds. This is a [Bug] attack.

Tutor Moves
Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Medium Magical Beast (Bug, Fighting)
Hit Dice: 4d10+8 (30 hp)
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 50 ft., Climb 30 ft
AC: 21 (+4 dex, +1 Natural, +6 Armor), touch 21, flat-footed 17
BAB/Grap: +4/+6
Slam +6/6/6/6 melee (1d8+4)
Bite +7 melee (1d6+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Binding Strike, Silken Fist
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft, Silken Armor, SR 9, Unfurling Form
Saves Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +9
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 14
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +13, Hide +15, Move Silently +7, Perception +9
Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Feats: Multi-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse (B),
Advancement: 4-9 HD Medium, 10-16 HD Large, 17+ HD Huge

Silken Fist (Ext):
A Pankrachnid may freely elect to deal lethal or non-lethal damage, regardless of weapon or attack.

Great Leap (Ext):
A Pankrachnid’s ability to jump is not bounded by its size, and the DC for any jump check they make is divided by two.

Unfurling Form (Ext):
As a swift action, a Pankrachnid may unfold its spindly limbs for a round. During this time, it is treated as a creature one size larger for the purposes of reach, trips, grapple attempts, disarms, and bull rush attempts. Additionally, during this time, the pankrachnid is treated as having the Whirlwind Attack feat. [Stance] [Bug]

At 5 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Gooey Thread and Pounce:
Gooey Thread (Ex): once per hour, Spinarak can weave and throw a web that functions as the spell Web. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus. This is a [Bug] effect. A DC 20 Survival check may be made to harvest enough of this glue-like substance (expending an hourly use) to then render it into a dose of Sovereign Glue with a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check.
Pounce: When Pankrachnid makes a charge, it can make a full attack.

At 6 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Circle Throw and Electroweb:
Circle Throw: not yet written
Electroweb (Su): once per hour, a Spinarak with this may create a Web effect, as the spell, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Additionally, every turn in which a creature is in the area of the web, they suffer 2d6 Electricity damage. This is an [Electric] effect.

At 7 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Dynamic Punch, and its Wisdom increases by 2.
Dynamic Punch (Ex): once per five rounds, Golett may wind up and throw an impressive punch loaded with explosive force. If this hits it deals 1d6 damage per hit die (which is not adjusted by Size changes, but is affected by Iron Fist), plus its Strength Bonus, however the target is allowed a Reflex Save to halve the damage (DC 5 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus). A failed save results in them being rocked so hard by the full force, they become Confused for three rounds. The confusion is [Mind-Effecting], but the rest is very much not. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.

At 8 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Shadow Punch and Infestation:
Shadow Punch (Ex): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, Golett may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon as a Melee Touch Attack that deals 1d4 Bludgeoning damage for a Small creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 extra damage per 3 hit dice (round up). This ignores any kind of Miss Chance, and is a [Punch] [Ghost] attack.
Infestation (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may deliver a horrifying infestation of something when it succeeds on a melee attack. For the next 5 rounds, the target is afflicted with a Swarm attack, dealing 2d6 damage, with a Distraction Save DC of 10 + half the attacker's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. After the 5 rounds, the swarm disippates. This is a [Bug] attack.

At 9 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Drain Punch and Psychic Fangs:
Drain Punch (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 bonus damage per 3 hit dice (round up). The Pokemon then restores lost hit points equal to half the total damage (round up), though any in excess is lost, it does not translate to gaining Temporary Hit Points. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.
Psychic Fangs (Su): Pankrachnid may use its Bite attack at normal damage for its Size, and without the Poison, but out to Close Range (with no Reach, but still using its choice of Strength or Dexterity for the attack roll), dealing an extra 1d6 points of damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This also destroys (and is unaffected by) Light Screen, Reflect and Aurora Veil. This is a [Bite] [Psychic] attack.

At 10 HD, Pannkrachnid can learn Triple Kick:
Triple Kick: Not yet written

At 11 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Submission and X-Scissor:
Submission: not yet written
X-Scissor (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may make two Primary Bite attacks against the same target, without carrying its venom. These have a doubled Critical Threat range (17-20), and if either of the attacks is a Critical Hit, both of them are (providing they both actually hit). This is a [Blade] [Bug] attack.

At 12 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Sticky Web, and its Dexterity increases by 2:
Sticky Web (Ex): when Pankrachnid creates webs as traps (rather than throwing them at creatures), including via the Gooey Thread ability, they are completely invisible, and the DC to escape them (whether by Strength or Escape Artist) increases by 4. This is a [Bug] effect.

At 13 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Close Combat and Axe Kick:
Close Combat (Ex): once per minute, Pankrachnid may step in close and unleash a strong-style combo that foregoes defence in favour of sheer offence. This uses a Full Round Action, and is resolved as single Slam that deals 2d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This provokes an Attack of Opportunity before the attack, and after the attack, it foregoes its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class (allowing Sneak Attacks) until the start of its next turn. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.
Axe Kick: Not yet written

At 14 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Bullet Punch and Ghost Hunter Style:
Bullet Punch: Not yet written
Ghost Hunter Style (Ext): Swift action, 1 round duration. Slam attacks are [Dark] attacks and [Force] effects. Targets struck by one of Pankrachnid’s slams are subject to Banishment. [Stance] [Dark]

At 15 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Maximum Spider Kick:
Maximum Spider Kick (Ext): Mega-Evolution, Full Round Action. Make 8 slams at highest attack bonus, applying a bonus Stance in addition to any taken by Swift action.

Mega-Evolution: +4 Str, Dex, Con, Wis, Natural Armor. Pankrachnid’s pokeability remains Silken Armor.

At 18 HD, Pankrachnid can learn Phase Spider Style:
Phase Spider Style: Swift Action, 1 round duration. Slams are incorporeal touch attacks and gain the [Ghost] type for one round. Creatures within a 1 mile radius of Pankrachnid during this time cannot teleport. [Stance] [Ghost]

Tutor Moves
Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.
Last edited by Prak on Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

ACF: Eldritch Poketrainer
This ACF is for warlocks other than the Spherelock. It can also be used by any class with Eldritch Blast or similar
Proficiencies: Eldritch Poketrainers are proficient with all simple weapons, nets, bolas, Orcish Shotputs, Halfling Skiprocks, harpoons, shuriken, and whips. Eldritch Poketrainers have proficiency only with light armor. Eldritch Poketrainers are considered proficient with using any bludgeoning weapon they are normally proficient with for inflicting subdual damage (thus, they do not duffer a -4 to-hit penalty when attempting to inflict subdual damage with any bludgeoning weapon they are proficient with).
Reduced Eldritch Blast: Your Eldritch Blast damage die type is reduced by one (d6 to d4, for example), but it also counts as being an appropriate pokemon type effect based on its damage type or Descriptor (see below).
Pokemon: You gain a Pokemon. The maximum level is equal to your class. You also gain Train Pokemon.
Eldritch Pokeball Smith: You do not gain Imbue Item. Instead, you gain the ability to make Poke Balls as a Pokemaster/Monster Tamer of your class level. You can make special poke balls, as well.
Double Team: When you gain Lesser Invocations, you also gain the Double Team ability of the Pokemaster/Monster Tamer.

Eldritch Blast to PokeType equivalency
Acid [Poison]
Cold [Ice]
Electricity [Electric]
Fire [Fire]
Force/Bludgeoning/Ki Volley [Fighting]
Holy/Light [Fairy]
Magical [Psychic]
Negative [Ghost]
Sonic/Untyped [Normal]
Unholy [Dark]
If your Eldritch Blast-like effect has a specific flavor rather than special damage type:
[Air] Descriptor [Flying]
Bugs/Swarms/Vampiric [Bug]
Dragon themed (Dragonfire Adept, etc) [Dragon]
Dust or Sand [Ground]
Rocks [Rock]
Shards of Metal [Steel]
Vine Lash [Grass]
Water [Water]

New Pokemon Flavored Invocations
Eldritch Ball
Warlock Least; 2nd; Blast Shape
You channel your Eldritch Blast into a pokeball, causing it to deal subdual damage equal to your Eldritch Blast damage, and being considered the same type of effect as your Eldritch Blast. (ie, if your Eldritch Blast is a [Fire] effect, then your Eldritch Ball deals Subdual Damage, but is super effective against Grass types.)

Ghost Lamps
Warlock Least; 2nd; Eldritch Essence
This invocation confers several abilities- first, it allows the Warlock to use the cantrips Dancing Lights, Dark Shadows, Flare, Light and No Light as spell-like abilities at will. The warlock is explicitly able to cause the lights to manifest on or within their own bodies, allowing them to glow with the light of anywhere from a single candle to four torches.

Alternatively, the warlock can use the invocation to turn their Eldritch Blast into a Ghostly Light Blast. Any target directly struck by a Ghostly Light Blast catches fire, and the blast explodes in lambent energy in a 5' burst when it strikes a surface, or at a point your designate. All creatures within the burst are subject to a Faerie Fire effect that lasts for 1 minute per Caster Level, and inflicts on either all Living or all Undead creatures within that space (your choice when you use the blast) a penalty to Attack and Damage rolls and Saving Throws equal to 1/3 your class level for the duration of the Faerie Fire effect.

Edit--Darklight is a shittily written spell. Found something on the wiki that is closer to doing what I want, and is actually clear in what it does.

Poison Sting Blast
Warlock Least; 2nd; Eldritch Essence
Your eldritch blast replicates the dangerous stingers of Poison type pokemon, becoming a flurry of small quills and needles and dealing piercing damage. Any target hit by this attack must Fort vs Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of (Class Level) Dex and Con. This is a [Poison] effect.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Pokeballs are very specialized, quasi-magical items, but they are not Magical Items. They can be considered similar to Alchemical items, in that they are definitely something special, and require special knowledge, but they're not themselves magical once made. To create a pokeball, one must have the appropriate class ability or Feat (Craft Pokeball).

Seems like the typical crafting time for a pokeball is 1 day. This is how long Kurt takes to make a pokeball for you in G/S, and the minimum amount of time it takes to craft a magic item in D&D, which [USER REDACTED] seemed to have treated them as when writing the Monster Tamer. That's maybe probably fine for a normal D&D game where one player is playing a Pokemaster, though I think maybe you should be able to craft, like, 1000 gp Base Price worth of the same kind of ball in one day.

In a game that is more full-on Pokemon, however, where everyone, or at least most people, in the party are using pokemon, the 200 gp price of pokeballs, obviously based on the games, where they cost 200 pokedollars, should probably treat the P$200 price as 200 cp, or 2 gp. That's a reasonable price for a commonly used consumable adventuring item that a merchant family could save up over a month or so and gift their kid who wants to be a trainer a few pokeballs. This means that the cost for creating a standard pokeball is 1 gp. And they probably shouldn't cost any XP.

You could treat Pokeballs as their own mundane crafting specialty, like Alchemy. You could also assign a specialty based on the material. Which brings us to another question-

What are Pokeballs!?
In the (majority of) video games and anime, Pokeballs seem to be a post industrial product, made of high end electronics and plastic or metal shells. In (H)G/(S)S and Legends: Arceus, however, we see pokeballs made from Apricorns. Apricorns seem to be berries with a woody outer shell. Like a coconut or something, I guess. Legends: Arceus, however, also shows that making a pokeball requires a tumblestone and maybe a bit of iron.

So, in the majority of D&D games, we're probably looking primarily at pokeballs being made from three materials- wood (or similar plant material), special stones, and, for Great, Ultra and similar balls, a bit of iron. In this case, normal pokeballs can probably be made with either a Woodworking or Pokeball crafting specialty, if they're getting the tumble stones from somewhere else.

Tumblestones seem to be just... tumbled stones. But they probably have something special going on. But it's probably fine to say they're made with just a Jewelrymaking craft specialty. They're probably tumbled or otherwise treated like any stone would be for jewelry, but the stones themselves are special. Similarly, the iron chunks involved in Great and similar pokeballs is probably on roughly the same par. Small bits of metalworking, like smelting and casting, are not particularly outside the realm of Jewelrymaking. It's not like you're pulling out an anvil and forge to make a pokeball.

A person who makes their pokeballs from scratch entirely should probably just use the Pokeball craft specialty, which should represent them knowing enough about woodworking, jewelrymaking, metalworking, geology and herbalism to take raw materials and turn them into pokeballs.

Apricorns should be pretty damned cheap. I mean, if the books have decided that clubs and quarterstaves are so simple and made from such ubiquitous materials that they literally cost nothing (ignoring the value of the craftsman's skill and time in, at least, the case of quarterstaves...) then it should be totally fine to say "I go wander around in the nearest bit of trees and grab some apricorns." In L:A, a normal Apricorn costs P$40, so, 4 sp for our purposes.

Tumblestones aren't gemstones. I don't think they're even semiprecious stones. If we take the "P$200=200cp" idea above, then normal tumblestones cost 6 sp (P$60 in L:A).

This means that, nicely enough, the materials used in making a normal pokeball cost just P$100 in L:A, or 1 gp for our purposes. It does raise the question of the metal fittings, though.

A blacksmith can probably easily enough create the metal parts used in making normal pokeballs, to the extent that it's totally reasonable that these parts, ready made, cost maybe a silver or so. Maybe the 4 sp for an apricorn is "an apricorn and the metal fittings needed to make it a pokeball." In L:A, apricorns are solely used for making different kinds of pokeballs, and all pokeballs use normal apricorns rather than the various colors of G/S. So, yeah, it can probably be assumed that when you plop down 4 sp for an apricorn, you're getting the metal fittings to make it a pokeball too.

While it's not clear what or how, Great Balls, Ultra Balls, Leaden, Wing, Gigaton and Jet balls require one or two "Iron Chunks," which cost P$200 in L:A. So Great Balls end up being loss leaders sold for cost (Apricorn and metal fittings: 4 sp, Tumblestone: 6 sp, Iron Chunk: 2 gp. Great Ball: 3 gp). Ultra balls actually cost more to make than to buy. Because TPC has no economists, I guess.

However, if we look at the costs of pokeballs outside of L:A, we see-
Pokeballs P$200
Great Balls P$600 (300 in Let's Go)
Ultra Balls P$1200 ...er, mostly. Let's Go and SM/SwSh/SV have lower costs, 500 and 800 respectively.

So.... eh, fuck it. Here are the material costs, if you care about it:
Material Costs for Pokeballs
  • Apricorn, plus metal fittings: 4 SP
  • Normal Tumblestones: 6 SP
  • Black Tumblestones: 8 SP
  • Sky Tumblestones: 1 GP
  • Iron Chunks: 2 GP
Pokeball Market Prices are:
  • Pokeball: 2 GP
  • Great Ball: 6 GP
  • Ultra Ball: 12 GP
  • FeatherH, Friend, Heal, Heavy Ball: 3 GP
  • LeadenH, Wing BallH: 7 GP
  • Dive, Dusk, Love, Moon, Nest, Net, Repeat, Quick, or Timer Ball: 10 GP
  • GigatonH, JetH Ball: 13 GP
  • Luxury Ball: 30 GP
  • Master Ball: 100 GP (see below)
Base Prices are, of course, half Market Price (sure, in D&D, mundane crafting is, like, a third, but, fuck it, just use half.

Special Balls
Generally speaking, specialty balls are basically "ultra ball, but better" under certain conditions, and about as good as a normal pokeball outside of them. So, if the special conditions are met for a special ball, they deal 1d10 subdual per caster level, and if the conditions aren't met, they do 1 subdual per caster level. Hisuian Special Balls are different, of course. Basically, they act as a Great or Ultra ball under certain circumstances, and in the below table, they'll be presented as a single entry that can be read as "normal/Great/Ultra"

Special Balls and Conditions:
  • Dive: Pokemon that are on or in the water.
  • Dusk: Night time, Cave, and other times and places where natural sunlight is blocked from the battle (such as a darkness effect)
  • Feather/Wing/Jet: Pokemon that "fly high in the air." (ie, pokemon you encounter while flying)
  • Heavy/Leaden/Gigaton: Pokemon that "haven't noticed the trainer yet" (ie, pokemon you've surprised)
  • Love: Pokemon is opposite sex of yours
  • Moon: Pokemon evolves using a Moonstone
  • Nest: Pokemon of CR 4 or less
  • Net: Water and Bug pokemon
  • Repeat: Pokemon you've caught before
  • Quick: The first turn of combat
  • Timer: After four turns of combat
Pokeballs That Don't Have Increased Catching Ability
A few pokeballs have special effects that aren't anything to do with them catching pokemon better:
  • Friend Ball: The pokemon's attitude towards you is set to Friendly upon catching.
  • Heal: The pokemon is fully healed after catching, and heals twice as quickly while within the pokeball
  • Luxury Ball: The pokemon's attitude towards you improves at a faster rate (needs rules for this kind of thing)
Alternative for Condition Balls
Instead of special condition pokeballs being better than ultra balls in a certain circumstance, you could instead say that conditional balls have the effects of a pokeball one tier greater than you could normally make, but only in that circumstance. Ie, a person who can make pokeballs but not great balls could make a "dusk pokeball," which acts as a great ball when not under natural sunlight. Once they can make great balls, they could make a "dusk great ball" which acts as an ultra ball under these conditions. Once they can make ultra balls, they could make "dusk ultra ball" which has the above effects for a dusk ball.

For this option, condition balls should probably cost 50% more than a normal ball.

Master Balls
In the video games, master balls are basically artifacts. You get one in the normal course of play, and sometimes you have a chance to get another (and in the most recent games, the DLCs tend to give you another). In the Monster Tamer, they're less impressive, not being an auto-capture unless the pokemon has HD less than your CL*2, and dealing 1d12 subdual per CL to pokemon that are stronger than that. The master ball of the Poketrainer/Monster Tamer class should probably cost about 100 GP. This is in keeping with the cost deflation of the other pokeballs they can make.

An actual Auto Catch No Limits poke ball should probably be a lesser artifact or something.

Crafting Time
Crafting times for, well, anything in D&D are a dumpster fire. Let's just say that making a pokeball takes 30 minutes in a quiet, undisturbed workshop. If you have a workshop, but people are coming in and out, it takes an hour, assuming you have someone else addressing the people who come in and are only interrupted when actually necessary.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

New Pokemon: Rattakonig
Medium Animal, CR 11
22 12 24 8 14 10
7d6+52 (100 HP), Init +5, Speed 20', Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +7/+13
3 Bites +13 (1d8+7)
Hyper Fang +13 (4d6+7
AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +6 Natural), Flat 14, Touch 11
Fort +9 Ref +6 Will +4
Feats: Combat Reflexes (B), Improved Initiative (B), Improved Multiattack (B), Weapon Finesse (B), Anger Point, Many Eyes, Toughness
Skills: Listen +10, Search +13, Spot +13
Special Attacks: Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Scary Face, Assurance, Bite, Pursuit, Hyper Fang, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Super Fang, Poison
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Focus Energy, Run Away or Guts, Normal and Poison Pokemon Traits, Noblesse Oblige
Rare Traits: Hustle, Screech, Reversal, Snatch, Switcheroo
Tutor Moves: Zen Headbutt, Uproar, Iron Tail, Snore, Swagger, Confide, Flame Wheel, Wild Charge
Advancement: 8-15 HD Medium, 16+ HD Large
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

Even larger than a raticate, this rat has two limbless raticates attached to it by their knotted tails, and a purple crown of fangs

Normal and Poison Traits: Rattakonig is weak against [Fighting], [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. [Normal] Pokemon can be affected as though Animals, even if they lack the Animal Type. They do not get the usual traits of Animal. [Poison] Type Pokemon cannot be Poisoned, and thus are immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. If a natural weapon inflicts Poison, it is treated as a [Poison] attack unless the specific creature or natural weapon states otherwise. This takes precedence over things like Vermin and Animals being [Bug] and [Normal] attacks respectively. [Poison] Type Pokemon harmlessly absorb toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, they don't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1. [Normal] Type Pokemon are completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same Plane as they are - Ethereal creatures must manifest in order to target them with [Ghost] attacks. They are also immune specifically to possession (but not simple mind control and domination). The natural weapons of Animals and Magical Beasts are, unless specified otherwise, treated as [Normal] attacks.

Poison (Ex): Rattakonig has venomous fangs. Anything damaged by its Bite is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, so for the standard Nidoran is 22. Its Bite attacks are [Poison] attacks.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Rattakonig may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses. This makes it a [Normal] attack.

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Rattakonig may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

Scary Face (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, Rattakonig may activate a form of Gaze attack that works for one round - all creatures that can see it must pass a Will Save against a [Fear] effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Slowed with fear for three rounds. This is a [Normal] ability.

Assurance (Ex): once per round, Rattakonig may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that has been hit by somebody else. This is a [Dark] attack.

Noblesse Oblige (PokeAbility): At the end of each of Rattakonig’s turns, every adjacent rattata or raticate ally may make another saving throw against any affliction (providing the afflictions resulted from failed saving throws in the first place). Success causes the effect to end instantly, although damage already suffered still remains.

Bite (Ex): Rattakonig's primary Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger, and is a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus - the standard Raticate has a DC of 15) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Focus Energy (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Rattakonig can enter a focused state that makes its attacks more dangerous. It enjoys a doubled critical threat range for all attacks it makes for the next minute.

Pursuit (Ex): Rattakonig may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

Hyper Fang (Ex): once per five rounds, Rattakonig may make a Bite attack that deals damage as though three size categories larger than normal for its Size (not stacking with that of Bite) and made of Magic Adamantium. If this is resolved as a Readied Action or Attack of Opportunity and hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus, DC 15 for the standard Rattakonig) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Normal] attack.

Crunch (Ex): at will, Rattakonig may use a Standard Action to use its Bite attack, as a magic weapon, with an innate Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of its hit dice (round down). This does not gain the ability to interrupt actions in the same way as Bite, but instead leaves serious punctures in the target, causing 4 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Dark] attack.

Sucker Punch (Ex): Rattakonig gains a Primary Slam attack that can only be used as an Immediate Action, to interrupt an attack. This has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the target is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this. Instead of denying Rattakonig a Swift action on its next turn, it consumes next turn's Standard action. This is a [Dark] attack.

Super Fang (Su): with a Full Round Action once per minute, Rattakonig may make a special Bite Attack. If it hits and the target is not considered Immune to [Normal] attacks, it deals damage equal to half of the target's current hit points (round down). Otherwise it deals zero damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

Small Magical Beast, CR 4
12 18 16 6 16 6
4d6+16 (30 HP), Init +8, Speed 20', Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +4/+1
-Bite +8 (1d4+1)
-Slam +8 (1d8+1)
AC: 21 (+1 Size, +4 Dex, +6 Armor), Flat 17, Touch 15
Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes
Skills: Balance +8, Jump +8, Listen +5, Tumble +8
Special Attacks: Quick Attack, Tail Whip
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Run Away or Guts, Fighting Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Hustle, Screech, Reversal, Snatch, Switcheroo
Tutor Moves: Zen Headbutt, Uproar, Iron Tail, Snore, Swagger, Confide, Flame Wheel, Wild Charge
Advancement: 5+
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 4 + Int skill points

This child-sized rat stands on its hindlegs, has wrapped fists, and seems to want to punch you in the dick.

Fighting Traits: [Fighting] Pokemon are weak against [Fairy], [Flying] and [Psychic] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Dark] and [Rock] attacks. Attacks made with manufactured weapons (but not improvised ones) and the unarmed attacks of Monks are considered to be [Fighting] attacks.

Splintering Strike (Ex): As a swift action, Rattattattat may activate this fighting style. For the rest of the round, its natural attacks ignore hardness and DR.

Ninja Step (Ex): As a swift action, Rattattattat may activate this fighting style. For the rest of the round, its land speed increases by 30 ft and it can move through occupied spaces as if they were unoccupied and provokes no attacks of opportunity for its movement.

Bamboo Leap (Ex): Rattattattat’s jumps are unbounded by its height, and it is treated as always having a running start. Additionally, it may use Dex instead of Str for its jump checks.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Rattata may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses. This makes it a [Normal] attack.

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Rattata may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

Iron Fist (PokeAbility): Rattattattat’s punching moves deal damage as if it were one size larger (This is already figured into these stats)

Bite (Ex): Rattattattat's primary Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger, and is a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Focus Energy (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Rattattattat can enter a focused state that makes its attacks more dangerous. It enjoys a doubled critical threat range for all attacks it makes for the next minute.

Pursuit (Ex): Rattattattat may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

Hyper Fang (Ex): once per five rounds, Rattattattat may make a Bite attack that deals damage as though three size categories larger and made of Magic Adamantium. If this is resolved as a Readied Action or Attack of Opportunity and hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Normal] attack.

Bite (Ex): Rattattattat's primary Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger, and is a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Focus Energy (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Rattattattat can enter a focused state that makes its attacks more dangerous. It enjoys a doubled critical threat range for all attacks it makes for the next minute.

Pursuit (Ex): Rattattattat may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

Hyper Fang (Ex): once per five rounds, Rattattattat may make a Bite attack that deals damage as though three size categories larger and made of Magic Adamantium. If this is resolved as a Readied Action or Attack of Opportunity and hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 5 HD, Rattattattat learns Shadow Punch and Waving Bamboo Stance:
Shadow Punch (Ex): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, Rattattattat may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon as a Melee Touch Attack that deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d8 extra damage per 3 hit dice (round up). This ignores any kind of Miss Chance, and is a [Punch] [Ghost] attack.

Waving Bamboo Stance: As a swift action, Rattattattat may assume this stance, gaining a +4 Dodge bonus to AC and Saving Throws for the rest of the round.

At 7 HD, Rattattattat learns Double Iron Bash and The Stance of Buffeting Wind:
Double Iron Bash: once per minute, Rattattattat may unleash a rapid series of punches. This is made as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Rattattattat’s hit dice and the feat Stunning Fist, though uses its normal Slam damage, not the Unarmed Strike value. A defender struck by a hit must Fort 15 vs being Stunned for one round. This is a [Steel] [Punch] attack.

The Buffeting Wind: As a swift action, Rattattattat may assume this stance. For the rest of the round, it has concealment and may make an Attack of Opportunity against any opponent that attacks it, which must be a trip or disarm attempt.

Rare Traits:

Hustle (Ex): if Rattattattat has this [Pokebility], it doubles all of its Movement Speeds and any round in which it attacks with natural weapons that do not have a limit or cooldown for their uses, it automatically (without choosing) performs one extra attack of the same kind as one of the attacks made (such as a second Bite), however all attacks made that turn suffer a -2 Penalty to the attack roll and a 10% Miss Chance.

Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Rattattattat can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action. All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

Reversal (Ex): once per five rounds, Rattattattat may unleash a powerful all-out attack with a Standard Action. This is resolved as a Primary Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 for a Medium Creature, plus its Strength Bonus. However, if it is in any way damaged, the damage die increases by 1 and it treats its Strength score as 2 higher. If it is missing at least a quarter of its hit points, the damage increases by 2 die sizes and it treats its Strength as 4 higher. If it is under half its maximum hit points, it is three die sizes larger and treats its Strength as 6 higher. And if it is below one quarter of its maximum hit points, the damage is four die sizes larger and it treats its Strength as 8 higher. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Snatch (Su): once per minute, Rattattattat may ready an action to steal an effect. It chooses a target, and if before its next turn the target uses a [Harmless] effect or one that can only be used on itself, or would receive a [Harmless] effect from someone else, the readied action is spent and the effect is stolen - the target does not gain the effects, and Rattattattat does. This is a [Dark] attack.

Switcheroo (Ex): with a Standard Action, Rattattattat can attempt a Steal action (Pathfinder) without Provoking an Attack of Opportunity, or a Sleight of Hand check to attempt to steal an item, also without provoking. If successful, the item is no longer attuned to the target (if magical), and it may also elect to hand the target a held item - attuning it to them if it is magical. This is a [Dark] attack.

Tutor Moves
Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.
Last edited by Prak on Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

More Pokemon d20 Stuff

I just have one thing at the time I'm making this, but I'm gonna come back and edit more into this post when I've got it.

Feat: Multibattle [General]
You are adept in a particular form of battling where you control multiple pokemon at once.
Prerequisites: Control Pokemon, Caster level 6
Benefit: You can control multiple pokemon at once. Specifically, you can control n pokemon each of CR less than caster level minus n. This is straightforward enough, but, as an example, Nicole is a 9th level trainer. She could control a single CR 8 or less pokemon in combat, or two pokemon of CR 6 or less, or three pokemon of CR 5 or less, and so on.
Note: Pokemon are best handled as Summoned monsters when they are owned by a trainer. This means they can be left to their own cognizance in combat, where they will behave in a general accordance with your goals, or, you can specifically direct them. Specifically directing a pokemon is a free action, provided your direction is simple and straightforward ("Bulbathing, use Solar Violation!" or "Charmidget, Flaming Glomp that Shambling Mound!"). Complex direction, such as anything that involves conditions or contingencies ("Bulbathing, wait until the Draconyx lands and then Mushroom Stamp it!") is a move action. Even more complex direction requires more time (ie, a larger type of action).
Normal: A trainer can only control a single pokemon, or two pokemon if they have Double Team.

Gym Battles
The party-based nature of D&D necessitates some modifications to gym battles. But that’s easy.
Gym Leaders tend to have the feat Multibattle, allowing them to control multiple Pokémon at once. Gym leaders therefore are generally going to be high enough level that they can challenge a typical team of trainers with fourish pokemon of appropriate level.
League Gym Battle Rules
  • Challengers and Gym Leaders take positions in marked out spaces on either side of the arena. Strictly, neither is allowed to leave these boxes during the battle, but gym leaders will vary in how strict or lenient they are about this, provided that trainers otherwise obey the rules of a formal gym battle (only the hardest hearted leader would begrudge a trainer rushing to the side of their pokemon that has just taken a hit hard enough that they cannot continue, but not hard enough to immediately dismiss it).
  • Challengers can switch out pokemon, but gym leaders cannot
  • Gym Leaders will have a set number of Pokémon in their team for the battle. Challenging trainers can use a total of twice that number of Pokémon.
    • Eg, determine a number of Pokémon of a proper CR for a fittingly difficult battle for twice that many creatures of the CR players can control.
      Trainers may use their own abilities only to affect their own Pokemon. Using an ability that affects the opponent’s Pokemon, such as fireball, is grounds for immediate disqualification and official League sanction.
  • Trainers and gym leaders may use their own abilities that affect their own pokemon, such as Inspire Courage. Neither side, however, may use abilities that affect the pokemon of the opposing side, on pain of immediate disqualification and likely League sanction.
  • Trainers and gym leaders are allowed, sometimes even encouraged, to trash talk and intimidate their opponent. Non-magical (ie, extraordinary or entirely mundane) abilities such as demoralize are fully legal to use against the opposing person. Magical abilities, such as [fear] spells are barred by default, but may be allowed if both sides agree before the match.
  • At the most basic- trainers can affect trainers, and their own pokemon. Pokemon can affect pokemon.Trainers are not allowed to attack opposing pokemon or trainers, nor are they allowed to affect opposing pokemon with non-damaging effects. Cheaters will face punitive measures from the League.
  • Instead of entering a Pokemon into the battle, a trainer may opt to have a single Pokemon beside them in the trainers box, and use it's abilities as if they were abilities of the trainer (ie, a trailer with Pokemon that primarily heal or buff can participate by doing so from the box instead of their Pokemon being a part of the actual battle.)
  • Trusted Battle Judges can be appointed by the gym leader to observe matches and ensure both sides are following the league rules, as well as any mutually agreed upon modifications to those rules.
Tiny Magical Beast [Rock, Steel], CR 4
15 10 19 10 18 16
4d8+20 (38 HP), Init +0, Speed 20', Climb 20'
BAB/Grab: +3/-3
-Slam +7 melee (1d3+3)
AC: 17 (+2 Size, +5 Natural Armour), Flat 17, Touch 12
Fort +7 Ref +2 Will +8
Feats: Improved Toughness, Improved Bullrush
Skills: Climb +17, Survival +11
Special Attacks: Powerful Charge, Metal Sound
Special Qualities: Sturdy, Thick Headed, Protect
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves:
Advancement: 5-6 hit dice (Tiny), 7-8 hit dice (Small), 9-20 hit dice (Medium); it usually Evolves into Bastiodon at 8 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fortitude and Will, 2 + Int skill points

It's an almost disgustingly adorable baby ceratopsian whose horns haven't grown in yet. Watch your shins.

Rock and Steel Pokemon Traits: [Rock] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Earth] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. [Steel] Pokemon can be treated as Constructs even if they aren't - but they do not have the usual Construct traits regardless.
Shieldon are weak against [Fighting], [Ground] and [Water] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Dragon], [Fairy], [Flying], [Ice], [Normal], [Poison] and [Psychic] attacks. They are considered Immune to [Poison] attacks, always resisting them regardless of other Types and they can never be Poisoned or Diseased in any way (so tend to be immune to most forms of Poison attack in D&D). [Steel] Type Pokemon are not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms, hail, ice storms and similar, and are not harmed by rough stony terrain, nor do they risk slipping on gravel and loose stones.
[Steel] type pokemon are considered to be made of magnetic metal for the purposes of spells and effects (and actual magnets for that matter), but as living creatures they are not simply destroyed by rust effects: they are always allowed a Fortitude Save to resist, with failure resulting in them suffering 1d6 damage per Caster Level (for spells) or hit die (for creatures). The natural weapons of metal Constructs are considered to be [Steel] attacks.
All [Rock] Type Pokemon have a Climb Speed (and the benefits that go along with this: a +8 Racial Bonus to Climb checks and the ability to take 10 on Climb checks even when threatened or rushed). If none is listed in the creature entry, they gain one equal to their normal Speed. The natural weapons of Earth Elementals are considered to be [Rock] attacks.

Thick Headed (Ex): Shieldon heads are covered with a thick iron shield. Their slam deals damage as if they were a size larger, and strength and a half. This is a [Steel] effect.

Sturdy (Ex): Shieldon can withstand hits that would otherwise immediately kill or knock it out. If it is at full hp and an attack would reduce it to 0 hp or less, it instead is reduced to 1 hp. This is a [PokeAbility].

Protect (Su): once per hour, Shieldon may use the magic in its shell to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave Shieldon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Powerful Charge (Ex): When a Shieldon charges, its slam attack deals 1d6+6 points of damage. This is a [Rock] effect.

Metal Sound (Su): once per 3 rounds, Shieldon can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action. All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Will Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Steel] attack.

Take Down (Ex): whenever Shieldon uses its Slam attack at the end of a charge, it deals damage as though three Size Categories larger, and as though its Strength were 10 points higher (1d8+14 for the sample one). It may also attempt a free Trip Attack on the foe as part of this. At the same time as it deals damage to the target, it also suffers regular Slam damage against itself (1d3+3 for the sample one). This is a [Normal] attack.

Tutor Moves
Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Small Magical Beast [Water, Rock], CR 4
10 15 18 12 16 15
4d8+20 (38 HP), Init +2, Speed 20', Climb 20', Swim 40'
BAB/Grab: +3/-1
-Slam +6 (1d6) or Bite +6 (1d6)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +4 Natural Armour, +2 Dexterity), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +8 Ref +3 Will +7
Feats: Improved Toughness, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Survival +10, Diplomacy +9, Spot +10, *Swim +8
Special Attacks: Water Gun,
Special Qualities: Withdraw, Hold Breath, Protect
Rare Traits: Rain Dish, Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Life Dew, Water Spout
Tutor Moves: Ice Punch, Dig, Whirlpool, Dive, Muddy Water, Ice Beam, Waterfall, Gyro Ball
Advancement: 5+ hit dice (Small); it usually Evolves into Caracosta at 7 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This grey and blue sea turtle seems to have stone shell and beak.

Rock and Water Traits: Tirtouga is always treated as having the [Water] and [Earth] Subtypes, but does not have the usual traits of either, or the Elemental Type. It is weak against [Electric], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Ground] attacks, and resists [Fire], [Flying], [Ice], [Normal] and [Poison] attacks. [Rock] Type Pokemon are not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough stony terrain, nor do they risk slipping on gravel and loose stones. All [Rock] Type Pokemon have a Climb Speed (and the benefits that go along with this - a +8 Racial Bonus to Climb checks and the ability to take 10 on Climb checks even when threatened or rushed). If none is listed in the creature entry, they gain one equal to their normal Speed. The natural weapons of Earth Elementals are considered to be [Rock] attacks.

Water Gun (Su): with a Standard Action, Tirtouga can fire a high-pressure blast of water from its mouth, hitting like a fire hose. This reaches out to 25 feet and requires a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the target suffers 1d6 Bludgeoning damage. If the target is on fire, the fire is doused, and it also clears any fires out of that 5' cube, soaking it sufficiently to prevent most fires from starting there. This is a [Water] attack.

Withdraw (Ex): whenever Tirtouga takes a Total Defence, it gains a +6 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class instead of the usual +4. Additionally, it gains Damage Reduction 2/-, or its existing Damage Reduction increases by 2, whichever is better.

Hold Breath (Ex): Tirotuga can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 10*its Con score before it risks drowning. For the sample Tirtouga, this is 180 rounds, or 18 minutes.

Protect (Su): once per hour, Tirtouga may use the magic in its shell to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave Tirtouga vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Sturdy (Ex): Some Tirtouga can withstand hits that would otherwise immediately kill or knock it out. If a Tirtouga with this [PokeAbility] is at full hp and an attack would reduce it to 0 hp or less, it instead is reduced to 1 hp.

Solid Rock (Ex): Some Tirtouga are less vulnerable to their type weaknesses than others. A Tirtouga with this [PokeAbility] reduces any damage from an effect that it is weak against by its hit dice.

Tutor Moves
Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Tiny Magical Beast ([Flying], [Rock]), CR 4
14 16 14 6 14 14
4d10+8 (30 HP), Init +7, Speed 20', Fly 40' (Good), Climb 20'
BAB/Grab: +4/-7
-Bite +9 (1d3+3)
-2 Wings +7 (1d3+2)
-Rock Throw +9 (1d6+2)
AC: 17 (+2 Size, +3 Dex, +2 Natural), Flat 14, Touch 15
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Skills: Climb +10, Spot +5
Special Attacks: Pluck, Quick Attack, Rock Throw, Dragon Breath, Ancient Power
Special Qualities: Flying and Rock Pokemon Traits, Defeatist, Quick Guard,
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves:
Advancement: 5-6 HD (Tiny), 7-8 HD (Small) usually evolves into Archeops at 9 HD.
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This small weird bird has a featherless head and claws on its wings. Its bald head looks more lizard-like than bird like, with a toothy maw instead of a beak.

Rock and Flying Traits: Archen are weak to [Electric], [Ice], [Rock], [Steel] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fire], [Flying], [Normal] and [Poison] attacks. They are considered Immune to [Ground] attacks, meaning they always resist them regardless of other Types, and of course if they are actually flying, most ground-based attacks can't affect them.
[Rock] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Earth] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. [Rock] Type Pokemon are not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough stony terrain, nor do they risk slipping on gravel and loose stones.

Pluck (Ex): any time Archen delivers a successful Bite attack against a foe, it may also attempt a Sleight of Hand check or Steal action (PF) to try to steal an object the size of an apple or smaller from the target. If it is an edible item or a potion, it may swallow the item immediately, gaining the effects. This is a [Flying] attack.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Archen may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

Rock Throw (Ex): at will, Archen may throw a rock at someone. This is an Attack action, and a thrown weapon with 15' range increments. It deals 1d6 damage and is a [Rock] attack.

Dragon Breath (Su): Archen may loose a breath weapon of pure draconic energy, dealing 1d6 damage per 2 HD as a 30 ft line. Targets within the area may Ref (Cha based) for half damage, and must Fort (Cha based) vs being Paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Once used, the Archen must wait 1d4-1 rounds before using this again. This is a [Dragon] attack.

Ancient Power (Ex): Once per five rounds, Archen may invoke an ancient power, causing stones and boulders to rise from the ground and strike a single foe. This is a ranged touch attack which deals 1d6 damage per 2 HD, and has a special critical. On a critical (19-20), instead of dealing extra damage Archen gains a +2 bonus to all ability scores until the end of the encounter. This is a [Rock] attack

Quick Guard (Su): Once per five rounds as an Immediate Action, Archen may conjure a supernatural barrier. This can only be used to interrupt a Swift or Immediate Action, or an Attack of Opportunity, in which case it is protected by a Resilient Sphere until the start of its next turn. This is a [Fighting] [Force] effect.

Defeatist (Ex): When Archen's HP are reduced to half their max, they receive a -2 penalty on all damage rolls. This is a [PokeAbility].

At 5 HD, Archen gains +2 Dex and learns U-Turn-
U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Archen may charge a target and deliver one natural weapon attack (even if it can normally make multiple attacks on a charge), and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering the attack, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even if its natural weapon normally isn't.

At 6 HD, Archen learns Rock Slide
Rock Slide (Su): once per three rounds, Archen may unleash a cascade of rocks careening across the field. This uses a Standard Action, and creates a Line adjacent to Archen that is 10' wider than Archen (so it extends 5' either side past the user's width), and 30 feet long. Everything in the area suffers 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice and is knocked Prone, however a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) halves the damage and negates the prone status. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 7 HD, Archen gains +2 Cha and learns Scary Face-
Scary Face (Ex): Archen may pull a scary face at a foe to Demoralise them with a Swift Action, and if successful they are Frightened for 1 round before the normal effects take place. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 8 HD, Archen gains +2 Natural Armor and learns Crunch and Agility-
Crunch (Ex): at will, Archen may use a Standard Action to use a Bite attack (1d6 for a Medium creature), as a magic weapon, with an innate Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of its hit dice (round down). This leaves serious punctures in the target, causing 4 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Dark] [Bite] attack.

Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, Archen can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 9 HD, Archen learns Tailwind-
Tailwind (Su): with a Full Round Action, Archen may flap its wings extra hard and call upon the storms to grant a great tailwind. This sets the direction and strength of the wind (at the Pokemon's choice), without being able to create actual damaging storms, for the next minute. During that time, all movement speeds and projectile ranges moving in that direction are doubled, whereas those moving in the opposite direction are halved. This affects a five hundred foot radius, and can be performed once per hour. This is a [Flying], [Wind] effect.

Tutor Moves
Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Small Dragon ([Dragon], [Rock]), CR 4
18 12 16 10 15 14
4d12+12 (22 HP), Init +2, Speed 20', Climb 20'
BAB/Grab: +4/+4
-Bite +9 (1d8+7) or Slam +9 (1d8+4)
-Tail +9 (1d6+7)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +5 Natural Armour, +1 Dexterity), Flat 16, Touch 12
Fort +7 Ref +3 Will +3
Feats: B: Weapon Focus (All Natural Weapons), B: Weapon Spec (All Natural Weapons), Headbutt, Weapon Breakage
Special Attacks: Tail Whip, Roar, Ancient Power, Charm, Bite
Special Qualities: Strong Jaw, Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light Vision
Rare Traits: Sturdy
Tutor Moves: Rock Smash
Advancement: 5-10 hit dice (Small), 11-20 hit dice (Medium); it usually Evolves into Tyrantrum at 10 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d12 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort, 6 + Int skill points

Dragon and Rock Traits: Tyrunt is weak to [Dragon], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Ground], [Ice] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Electricity], [Fire], [Flying], [Normal] and [Poison] attacks.
[Dragon] Pokemon can be affected as though Dragons, even if they lack the Dragon Type. They do not, however, have the automatic Dragon traits, and don't innately age as true dragons and get access to [Epic] feats. The natural weapons of Dragons (the D&D Type) are treated as [Dragon] attacks.
[Rock] Type Pokemon are not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough stony terrain, nor do they risk slipping on gravel and loose stones.

Enhanced Jaw: Tyrunt's [Bite] attacks deal damage as if it were a size larger and are treated as Adamantine (overcoming DR and Hardness as appropriate). This is a [PokeAbility].

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Tyrunt may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

Roar (Ex): once per hour, Tyrunt may inhale deeply and then unleash a mighty roar to terrify a foe. This takes one round to inhale and focus, with the effect being resolved as a Swift Action at the start of its next turn. This allows it to make a Demoralise attempt, as though it had maximum ranks in Intimidate and Skill Focus: Intimidate, against a single creature that can both see and hear it. A demoralised foe is Frightened instead of Shaken. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] effect.

Ancient Power (Ex): Once per five rounds, Tyrunt may invoke an ancient power, causing stones and boulders to rise from the ground and strike a single foe. This is a ranged touch attack which deals 1d6 damage per 2 HD, and has a special critical. On a critical (19-20), instead of dealing extra damage Tyrunt gains a +2 bonus to all ability scores until the end of the encounter. This is a [Rock] attack

Charm (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Bite (Ex): Tyrunt's primary Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger (stacking with Strong Jaw), and may be made as a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Headbutt (Ex): Tyrunt have a thick, bony head which gives them something like a natural Horn attack that deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage for a medium creature, double on a critical hit. It does double damage when Tyrunt charges, like a lance. Tyrunt cannot use this attack on a pounce. For each iterative attack Tyrunt would be allowed, this attack does an extra 1x damage on a charge (3x at +6 BAB, 4x at +11, 5x at +16) This is actually Tyrunt's Slam

Weapon Breakage (Ex): Whenever Tyrunt is the target of a melee attack (excluding natural weapons) with a weapon whose hardness is less than the creature's natural armor bonus to AC, the weapon must make a Fortitude check (DC = 10 + 1/2 the creature's HD + natural armor bonus to AC). In case of failure, the weapon breaks.

At 5 HD, Tyrunt learns Dragon Tail-
Dragon Tail (Ex): Tyrunt has a Secondary Tail natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Small creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is a [Dragon] attack. If used to attack on its own as a Standard Action, this also allows a free Bullrush attempt, without provoking an Attack of Opportunity and without needing to move in order to move the target more than 5 feet. The Bullrush attempt gets a bonus equal to the amount of damage rolled. This is also a [Dragon] attack.

At 6 HD, Tyrunt learns Stomp-
Stomp: Once per three rounds, as a Full-Round Action, Tyrunt may stomp on an opponent, automatically hitting and dealing its normal Slam damage.

At 7 HD, Tyrunt learns Rock Slide-
Rock Slide (Su): once per three rounds, Archen may unleash a cascade of rocks careening across the field. This uses a Standard Action, and creates a Line adjacent to Archen that is 10' wider than Archen (so it extends 5' either side past the user's width), and 30 feet long. Everything in the area suffers 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice and is knocked Prone, however a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) halves the damage and negates the prone status. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 8 HD, Tyrunt learns Crunch-
Crunch (Ex): at will, Tyrunt may use a Standard Action to use a Bite attack (1d6 for a Medium creature), as a magic weapon, with an innate Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of its hit dice (round down). This leaves serious punctures in the target, causing 4 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Dark] [Bite] attack.

At 9 HD, Tyrunt learns Dragon Claw-
Dragon Claw (Ex): Tyrunt may elect to treat its claws as a [Dragon] attack when it wants to. In this case, it deals maximum damage, including any sources of bonus damage, and ignores all Damage Reduction other than that caused by Pokemon Type Resistances. At 10 and 20 hit dice, the damage die is increased by one size (and is still maximised).

At 10 HD, Tyrunt learns Thrash-
Thrash (Ex): At will as a Full Round Action, Tyrunt may use Thrash. For the next 1d2+1 rounds, Tyrunt attacks an adjacent foe with its Slam attack, chosen at random, additionally dealing 1d10 damage per 2 HD. During the duration of this move, Tyrunt can make no other attacks, and cannot be withdrawn, though it can move up to its speed to get to an opponent if there are none adjacent to it. At the end of the duration, Tyrunt becomes Confused, and Tyrunt cannot use Thrash for another 3 rounds. This is a [Normal] attack.
If Tyrunt is paralyzed or Confused while in a Thrash, Thrash is interrupted and ends without confusing the Tyrunt. If Tyrunt is put asleep, frozen, bound or flinches during a Thrash, the effect is paused, and its duration resumes after the pausing status ends.

At 11 HD, Tyrunt learns Earthquake-
Earthquake (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

Rare Traits
Sturdy: A Tyrunt with this ability can withstand hits that would otherwise immediately kill or knock it out. If it is at full hp and an attack would reduce it to 0 hp or less, it instead is reduced to 1 hp. This is a [PokeAbility].

Rock Throw (Ex): at will, a Tyrunt with this ability may throw a rock at someone. This is an Attack action, and a thrown weapon with 15' range increments. It deals 1d6 damage and is a [Rock] attack.

Tutor Moves
Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Medium Magical Beast ([Ice], [Rock]), CR 4
15 12 18 10 16 14
4d8+16 (34 HP), Init +1, Speed 20', Climb 20'
BAB/Grab: +3/+5
-Slam +5 melee (1d4+2)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +4 Natural Armour, +1 Dexterity), Flat 15, Touch 12
Fort +8 Ref +2 Will +7
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves: Rock Smash
Advancement: 5-20 hit dice (Medium); it usually Evolves into Aurorus at 10 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fortitude and Will, 2 + Int skill points

Ice and Rock Traits: Amaura is weak against [Fighting], [Grass], [Ground], [Rock], [Steel] and [Water] attacks and resist [Flying], [Ice], [Normal] and [Poison] attacks.
[Ice] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Cold] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. They cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and they are also immune to Dexterity damage (but not drain). They suffer no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoy DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. They can move through slush at their normal speed without penalty, and do not slip over on ice. Indeed, they can move at double their normal movement speed when moving across ice. Anything that deals Cold damage is considered to be an [Ice] attack unless specified otherwise.
[Rock] Type Pokemon are not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough stony terrain, nor do they risk slipping on gravel and loose stones.

Refrigerate (Ex): Any [Normal] move used by an Amaura becomes an [Ice] effect, and adds the Amaura's Hit Dice as a bonus to damage. This is a [PokeAbility].

Powder Snow (Su): with a Standard Action, Amaura can exhale a puff of soft, powdery (but still very cold) snow from its mouth. This requires a Standard Action, and reaches out to 25 feet. If it succeeds on a Ranged Touch Attack, the target suffers 1d8 points of Cold damage, and must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer a -4 Dexterity Penalty for one minute. This is an [Ice] attack.

Growl (Ex): Amaura gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is an [Ice] [Sonic] effect.

Encore (Su):
with a Standard Action once per five rounds, Amaura may applaud a creature within 30 feet and goad them into an encore. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), then for three turns they cannot perform any actions other than the ones taken in their turn prior to receiving the encore. This does not let them bypass restrictions on the usage of their abilities. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Normal] effect that completely overrides and replaces a Torment effect.

Ancient Power (Ex): Once per five rounds, Amaura may invoke an ancient power, causing stones and boulders to rise from the ground and strike a single foe. This is a ranged touch attack which deals 1d6 damage per 2 HD, and has a special critical. On a critical (19-20), instead of dealing extra damage Tyrunt gains a +2 bonus to all ability scores until the end of the encounter. This is a [Rock] attack

Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Round (Su): if another creature within 100 feet of Amaura uses Echoed Voice, Disarming Voice, Hyper Voice or Sing and Amaura also knows that attack, it may then use the same ability with an Immediate Action - even if the ability is normally on "cooldown". Likewise, if Amaura uses any of these, any ally within 100' that knows the same attack may also use it with an Immediate Action, even if it is on cooldown. This is the same type attack as the ability in question.

Mist (Ex): with a Standard Action, Amaura can replicate an Obscuring Mist effect. This can be used once per five rounds, and is an [Ice] effect.

At 6 HD, Amaura learns Aurora Beam-
Aurora Beam (Su): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Amaura may release an amazing ray of spectacular chilling light. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range, and on a successful hit it deals 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer 2 points of Strength Damage. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 7 HD, Amaura learns Thunder Wave-
Thunder Wave (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Pikachu may unleash electromagnetic waves in a Cone that is 15' long (and therefore 15' wide at the furthest point). All in the area must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for one round, plus 1 more round for every 5 points by which they fail the save. This is an [Electric] effect.

At 8 HD, Amaura learns Nature Power-
Nature Power (Su): As a Full-Round Action, Amaura may us Nature Power. Nature Power becomes a different move based on the environment:
Building, urban, Gym, battlefield, similar: Tri Attack [Ice]
Cave: Power Gem
Sand, rock, pokemon den: Earth Power
Water: Hydro Pump
Snow, ice: Ice Beam
Bridge: Air Slash
Grass, woods, field, flowers, Grassy Terrain: Energy Ball
Misty Terrain: Moonblast
Electric Terrain: Tunderbolt
Psychic Terrain: Psychic

At 9 HD, Amaura learns Freeze Dry-
Freeze Dry (Su): As a Full-Round Action, Amaura may blast its foe with a super cold wind, possibly freezing them. This is a ranged touch attack which deals 1d6 cold damage per 2 HD. The affected target must make a Fort save or be Frozen. This is an [Ice] attack, but is always super effective against [Water] pokemon.

At 10 HD, Amaura learns Ice Beam-
Ice Beam (Su): once per three rounds, Amaura may use a Standard Action to unleash a beam of super-cold frosted air at a target in Long Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be encased in ice, as per the Icy Prison spell. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 11 HD, Amaura learns Light Screen-
Light Screen (Su): once per hour, Pikachu may emit powerful light that forms an actual protective shield. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it treats all targets as having half Cover. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 12 HD, Amaura learns Hail-
Hail (Su): As a Full-Round Action once per three rounds, Amaura may change the weather to a Hail Storm for the following 5 rounds. This is an [Ice] [Weather] effect.

At 13 HD, Amaura learns Blizzard-
Blizzard (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon can spend a Standard Action weaving a massive collection of ice and snow, and crush a 60' radius Blast within Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail their saving throw are Frostburned. In snow or hail, a Reflex Save merely halves the damage, and creatures that fail the save are frozen solid, as an Icy Prison effect. In any other kind of weather that isn't clear skies, creatures get a +4 Bonus on the saving throw. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 14 HD, Amaura learns Hyper Beam-
Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is an [Ice] attack.

Rare Traits
Snowstorm: An Amaura with this [PokeAbility] changes the weather to a Hail Storm when it enters battle. This weather lasts until the end of battle, or another [Weather] effect changes it.

Rock Throw (Ex): at will, an Amaura with this ability may throw a rock at someone. This is an Attack action, and a thrown weapon with 15' range increments. It deals 1d6 damage and is a [Rock] attack.

Tutor Moves
Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Fakemon: Smibble
Art by Lordecoxhina. I'm sorry, I'm not in a mood to draw rn.
Tiny Magical Beast ([Ice], [Rock]), CR 4
13 17 11 6 12 8
4d8 (18 HP), Init +2, Speed 30’, Climb 30’
BAB/Grab: +4/-3
Bite +7 (1d6+1 plus Grab plus Bleed), 2 Claws +5 (1d3+1 plus Grab)
AC: 15 (+3 Dex, +2 Natural), Flat 12, Touch 13
Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +2
Feats: Multiattack, Anger Point
Skills: Balance +8, Jump +6, Hide +8 Listen +2, Move Silently +8, Spot +2, Tumble +8
+4 racial on Balance, Jump and Tumble, +4 Hide and Move Silently (+8 Hide in heavy undergrowth or tall grass)
Special Attacks: Pounce, Powder Snow, Icy Wind, Ancient Power, Rock Throw, Stone Edge
Special Qualities: Rock and Ice Traits, Strong Jaw
Rare Traits: Refrigerate
Tutor Moves: Rock Smash
Advancement: 5-6 HD (Tiny), 7-20 HD (Small), usually evolves into Smitcidon at 10 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This kitten is kinda buff, for being so small. Oh, and it has big stony fangs frosted over with ice.

Fossil Pokemon: Smibble is a Fossil pokemon, revived from the Saber Fossil.

Ice and Rock Traits: Smibble is weak against [Fighting], [Grass], [Ground], [Rock], [Steel] and [Water] attacks and resist [Flying], [Ice], [Normal] and [Poison] attacks.
[Ice] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Cold] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. They cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and they are also immune to Dexterity damage (but not drain). They suffer no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoy DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. They can move through slush at their normal speed without penalty, and do not slip over on ice. Indeed, they can move at double their normal movement speed when moving across ice. Anything that deals Cold damage is considered to be an [Ice] attack unless specified otherwise.
[Rock] Type Pokemon are not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough stony terrain, nor do they risk slipping on gravel and loose stones.

Strong Jaw (Ex): Smibble’s [Bite] attacks deal damage as if it were a size larger. This is a [PokeAbility].

Powder Snow (Su): with a Standard Action, Smibble can exhale a puff of soft, powdery (but still very cold) snow from its mouth. This requires a Standard Action, and reaches out to 25 feet. If it succeeds on a Ranged Touch Attack, the target suffers 1d8 points of Cold damage, and must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer a -4 Dexterity Penalty for one minute. This is an [Ice] attack.

Ancient Power (Ex): Once per five rounds, Smibble may invoke an ancient power, causing stones and boulders to rise from the ground and strike a single foe. This is a ranged touch attack which deals 1d6 damage per 2 HD, and has a special critical. On a critical (19-20), instead of dealing extra damage Tyrunt gains a +2 bonus to all ability scores until the end of the encounter. This is a [Rock] attack

Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Rock Throw (Ex): at will, Smibble may throw a rock at someone. This is an Attack action, and a thrown weapon with 15' range increments. It deals 1d6 damage and is a [Rock] attack.

Stone Edge (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to target a creature within Close Range, and cause jagged shards of rock to explode from underneath it. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack (not a Touch Attack), and a successful hit deals 1d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This has a Critical Threat of 18-20, and is a [Blade] [Rock] attack.

Anger Point (Ex): Any time Smibble is damaged, it benefits from a rage effect (as the spell) for one minute. If it suffers a Critical Hit, its next attack deals an additional 1d6 damage if made in its next turn. Multiple Critical Hits won't stack - a single attack gains just 1d6 bonus damage, no matter what.

At 5 HD, Smibble learns Accelerock-
Accelerock (Ex): Once per three rounds Smibble may charge an opponent and make a single Bite attack (despite its pounce ability) as a Swift or Immediate action, whichever it chooses. This is a [Rock] [Bite] attack.

At 6 HD, Smibble learns Rock Tomb-
Rock Tomb (Ex): the Pokemon gains the Rock Throwing ability of a Hill Giant (except with its own Strength, Base Attack Bonus etc, and adjusting the damage die downwards if smaller than Large), or a Stone Giant if it has Rock Pokemon Traits. If the Pokemon is Huge or larger, it instead uses the Rock Throwing ability of a Cloud Giant, scaling the damage up if necessary. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 7 HD, Smibble learns Rock Polish-
Rock Polish (Su): Once per three rounds as a Full-Round Action, the pokemon polishes its stony body, reducing drag and allowing it to move faster. It gains the effects of Haste for 1 round per HD. This is a [Rock] effect.

At 8 HD, Smibble learns Ice Fang-
Ice Fang (Su): Smibble's Bite attack deals an additional 1d6 points of Ice damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will freeze and shatter a lot of meals, making them even easier to digest. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Frostburned. A target will always suffer 2 Dexterity damage on a Critical Hit. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 9 HD, Smibble learns Icicle Crash-
Icicle Crash (Su): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to leap upon a foe and smash a supernaturally cold icicle upon their head. This doesn't require a Jump check despite that leap, but it fails if a condition prevents jumping at all. It makes a single attack, which is treated as being with an equipped melee weapon, with a base damage of 4d6 Bludgeoning (for a Medium creature), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. The target must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be knocked Prone. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 10 HD, Smibble learns Sheer Cold-
Sheer Cold (Su): once per day, Smibble glares at a target within Close Range, and wills them to be frozen completely. If they are not Ice Type Pokemon or considered Immune to [Ice] attacks, they must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or frozen solid, as though failing their save against a Heartfreeze and Entomb effect. This is an [Ice] attack.

Fakemon: Kwartzeed
Small Plant ([Grass], [Rock]), CR 4
10 17 17 10 18 16
4d8+16 (34 HP), Init +3, Speed 20', Climb 20'
BAB/Grab: +3/-1
-Slam +6 melee (1d4+2)
-Vine Whips +6/+6 melee (1d2+2)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +3 Natural Armour, +3 Dexterity), Flat 14, Touch 14
Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Dry Skin, Binding Growth
Special Attacks: Vine Whip, Ingrain, Ancient Power, Rock Throw, Stone Edge, Mega Drain
Special Qualities: Plant's Diet, Growth, Piezoelectricity
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves: Rock Smash
Advancement: 5-20 hit dice (Small); it usually Evolves into Kwarzatree at 10 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fortitude and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

Fossil Pokemon: Kwartzeed is a Fossil pokemon, revived from the Seed Fossil

Rock and Grass Traits: Kwartzeed are weak against [Bug], [Fighting], [Ice] and [Steel] attacks, and resist [Electric] and [Normal] attacks.
[Rock] Type Pokemon are not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough stony terrain, nor do they risk slipping on gravel and loose stones.
[Grass] Pokemon can be affected as though Plants, even if they lack the [Plant] Type. They do not have any of the usual traits of Plants such as Immunity to Poison. [Grass] Pokemon cannot be affected by the special attacks Cotton Spore, Leech Seed, Magic Powder, Poison Powder, Pollen Puff (apart from the healing application), Powder, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Spore, and Stun Spore. They also cannot be affected by Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores - such as Gnome Blight.

Plant's Diet: Kwartzeed's diet consists 10% of sunlight and air, 80% of soil, plant feed, etc, and 10% Electricity (which can be satisfied by letting them get zapped by Electric attacks, spells that do Electric damage, or simply letting them play with a piezoelectric mineral for a while.)

Piezoelectricity (Ex): When Kwartzeed is struck by an attack, it becomes charged with electricity. It's attacks deal an extra 1d4 electric damage for a number of rounds equal to its HD, and are considered [Electric] attacks if it would be more beneficial than the attacks' actual typing. This is a [PokeAbility].

Vine Whip (Ex): Kwartzeed is able to use its vines to attack as a Whip, as though proficient with it and using the higher of its Strength or Dexterity for attack rolls. This deals non-lethal damage and has the same restrictions on dealing damage as a regular whip. This reaches to 15 feet, but can still make attacks to 5 and 10 feet. With training, it can learn to use this as a 15' rope, granting a +4 Racial Bonus to Use Rope checks with it. It can choose to deal lethal damage and can damage foes regardless of Armour or Natural Armour. It can make two such attacks with a Standard Action and can use them to count its Strength as 6 points higher for the purpose of pulling things closer, lifting them above its head, or pulling itself up with encumbrance. This is a [Grass] attack.

Ingrain (Ex): with a Full Round Action, a Kwartzeed with this ability may set roots into the ground beneath it - providing it is standing on something softer than solid stone. This prevents it from being lifted, tripped or moved about without also lifting or moving the entire ground beneath it, down to five feet. Additionally, it is unable to move into another space on its own, and gains Fast Healing 3. It may end this effect as a Move-Equivalent Action. This is a [Grass] effect.

Ancient Power (Ex): Once per five rounds, Kwartzeed may invoke an ancient power, causing stones and boulders to rise from the ground and strike a single foe. This is a ranged touch attack which deals 1d6 damage per 2 HD, and has a special critical. On a critical (19-20), instead of dealing extra damage Tyrunt gains a +2 bonus to all ability scores until the end of the encounter. This is a [Rock] attack

Rock Throw (Ex): at will, Kwartzeed may throw a rock at someone. This is an Attack action, and a thrown weapon with 15' range increments. It deals 1d6 damage and is a [Rock] attack.

Stone Edge (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to target a creature within Close Range, and cause jagged shards of rock to explode from underneath it. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack (not a Touch Attack), and a successful hit deals 1d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This has a Critical Threat of 18-20, and is a [Blade] [Rock] attack.

Mega Drain (Su): once per minute, Kwartzeed may use a Standard Action to pull nutrients and life force from another creature within 20 feet. This causes 1d6 damage per hit die (maximum 5d6) to a creature, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Kwartzeed's hit points are then restored by an amount equal to half the damage dealt - though this cannot raise it above the maximum. This is a [Grass] effect.

Dry Skin (Ex): When in constant very hot conditions (above 90° F) or above, you lose hp per round equal to 1/2 your HD (minimum 1), bypassing any resistant or immunities. You cannot benefit from endure elements in respect to heat. On the other hand, whenever it's raining or you're at least up to your waist in water, you gain Fast Healing equal to 1/2 your HD (minimum 1). This stacks with pre-existing fast healing. Additionally, if you were immune to damage from [Water] effects you now recover half the damage it would have healed.

Binding Growth (Ex): After pinning or lifting a creature for a round, you may attempt to grow a Binding Growth on them with another grapple check against a DC of 10 + their Grapple modifier. Once you do so, they are bound, losing their Dexterity bonus to AC and their ability to take physical actions other than trying to escape, until they break the bonds. The bonds can be broken by others with a slashing melee weapon capable of doing 5 + your hit dice points of damage against AC 5 + your Constitution modifier, but a miss hurts the bound creature. The bonds may also be broken by a Strength check (DC 15 + your Constitution modifier) or by an Escape Artist check (DC 10 + your hit dice + your Constitution modifier). Even once broken, they remain on for 1d4 rounds, entangling the bound creature.

At 5 HD, Kwartzeed learns Thunder Shock-
Thunder Shock (Su): with a Standard Action, Kwartzeed can electrify a nearby foe, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage to a target within 15 feet. This damage is halved on a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, DC 15 for the standard Kwartzeed). This is an [Electricity] effect.

At 6 HD, Kwartzeed learns Giga Drain-
Giga Drain (Su): once per hour, Kwartzeed may use a Standard Action to pull nutrients and life force from another creature within 50 feet. This causes 1d6 damage per hit die to a creature, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Kwartzeed 's hit points are then restored by an amount equal to half the damage dealt - though this cannot raise it above the maximum. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 7 HD, Kwartzeed learns Rock Tomb-
Rock Tomb (Ex): the Pokemon gains the Rock Throwing ability of a Hill Giant (except with its own Strength, Base Attack Bonus etc, and adjusting the damage die downwards if smaller than Large), or a Stone Giant if it has Rock Pokemon Traits. If the Pokemon is Huge or larger, it instead uses the Rock Throwing ability of a Cloud Giant, scaling the damage up if necessary. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 8 HD, Kwartzeed learns Bullet Seed-
Bullet Seed (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may unleash a flurry of hard, bullet-like seeds or nuts at targets within 30 feet. It makes the same number of attacks, at the same penalties, as a PHB Monk of equal level performing a Flurry of Blows. Each one deals 1d6 damage (for a Medium creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and has a 20/x2 Critical value. This is a [Ballistic] [Grass] attack.

At 9 HD, Kwartzeed learns Earthquake-
Earthquake (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 10 HD, Kwartzeed learns Power Whip-
Power Whip (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can use a vine, tail or tendril to make a powerful attack infused with energy. This allows it to attack at three times its natural reach, using the higher of its Strength or Dexterity, has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 4 hit dice (round up), and has the Ghost Touch property (but is not automatically Super-Effective against [Ghost] Pokemon). The damage is 1d8 for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus and the Enhancement Bonus as normal. If the Pokemon has abilities that normally apply to its vine or tendril attacks, such as Trip or Improved Grab, they also apply to this, even against Incorporeal foes, and the Enhancement Bonus is added to the opposed check. Any bonus damage from Power Attack is also added to the opposed check, and is added a second time to damage. This is a [Grass] attack.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Pokemon Update: Yamask
Tiny Undead (Air, [Ghost]), CR 4
3 17 10 13 10 16
4d6 (14 HP), Init +7, Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grab: +3/-9
- Slam +8 Touch (1d2+3)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +3 Dexterity, +2 Natural), Flat 13, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +4
Feats: Spiritual Weapon (B), Unliving Hide, Improved Initiative
Skills: Intimidate +7, Hide +11, Move Silently +7
Special Attacks: Astonish, Night Shade, Disable, Will-o-Wisp
Special Qualities: Ghost Pokemon Traits, Spell-Like Abilities, Protect, Haze,
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves:
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Small); evolves into Cofagrigus at 8 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

This pokemon looks sort of like a small black caricature of a bird, except that in place of legs, it has a long tail that holds a golden face mask

Mummy Curse (Su): any foe that attacks, or is attacked by, Yamask must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or have their PokeAbility changed to Mummy Curse until the pokemon faints, is switched out, or the battle ends. This happens as soon as contact is made, before damage. If they save, they are immune to the Mummy Curse until the next time the sun sets. The sample Yamask has a Save DC of 15. This is a [PokeAbility]

Create Spawn (Su): anybody actually killed by Yamask transforms into a Yamask of equal hit dice the next time the sun sets. If they have 13 or more hit dice they instead transform into a Cofagrigus. This can be prevented by burying the body. This is a [Ghost] effect and the Yamask has no control over its spawn, though they are not aggressive towards it.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights; 3/day - Darkness; 1/day - Mad Hallucination. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Astonish (Ex): If Yamask hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by it, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Yamask may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Haunter may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Ekans may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effec

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action, a Yamask can fire a ball of ghostly fire out to 30' away with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the foe catches fire, and is affected by Faerie Fire until the fire is extinguished. This is a [Fire] effect.

Spiritual Weapon (Ex): Yamask uses its Charisma bonus on all attack and damage rolls with Natural Weapons instead of Strength.

At 5 HD, Yamask learns Crafty Shield-
Crafty Shield (Ex): Once per hour, Yamask may make a Swift or Immediate action to construct a shield of glittering light, protecting it and its allies from non-damaging moves used by enemies for a number of rounds equal to its Charisma modifier.

At 6 HD, Yamask learns Hex-
Hex (Sp): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a baleful curse at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] effect.

At 7 HD, Yamask learns Mean Look-
Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Yamask can fix its spooky little eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Yamask unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

At 8 HD, Yamask learns Grudge-
Grudge (Sp): once per day, a Yamask with this trait can unleash a hateful curse on a foe within 60' by using a Standard Action. The opponent suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, the target suffers a reduction in abilities: every ability they have with limited uses per day or per hour has one such daily or hourly use expended. If they have Spell Slots or Prepared Spells, they lose one of the highest level Slots/Spells available, and if they have Power Points, they lose an amount equal to their Manifester Level. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 9 HD, Yamask learns Curse-
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Yamask may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

At 10 HD, Yamask learns Shadow Ball-
Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Yamask may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 11 HD, Yamask learns Dark Pulse-
Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Yamask may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Ballistic] [Dark] effect.

At 12 HD, Yamask learns Power Split and Guard Split-
Power Split (Su): Once per minute as a Full-Round Action, Yamask may lay a curse on a target. This curse sets the Strength and Charisma scores of the Yamask and one target to the average of the respective scores. This is a [Psychic] [Curse] effect.
Alternatively, just give Yamask a bonus and the target a penalty on the relevant rolls equal to the average of their HD.

Guard Split (Su): Once per minute as a Full-Round Action, Yamask may lay a curse on a target. This curse sets the Constitution and Wisdom scores of the Yamask and one target to the average of the respective scores. This is a [Psychic] [Curse] effect.
Alternatively, just give Yamask a bonus and the target a penalty on the relevant rolls equal to the average of their HD.

At 13 HD, Yamask learns Destiny Bond-
Destiny Bond (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, Yamask may gaze upon its attacker if they are within 30 feet. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die. Yamask then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Pokemon Update: Cofagrigus
Medium Undead (Air, [Ghost]), CR 4
13 17 14 13 16 18
8d6+16 (44 HP), Init +3, Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grab: +6/+7
- Slam +10 Touch (1d4+4)
AC: 21 (+3 Dexterity, +4 Natural, Deflection +4), Flat 18, Touch 17
Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +9
Feats: Spiritual Weapon (B), Just a Corpse (B), Unliving Hide, Ghastly Hide, Ghostly Reach
Skills: Intimidate +7, Hide +11, Move Silently +7, Disguise +15 (+25 to pretend to just be a normal sarcophagus)
Special Attacks: Astonish, Night Shade, Disable, Will-o-Wisp, Hex, Mean Look
Special Qualities: Ghost Pokemon Traits, Spell-Like Abilities, Protect, Haze, Crafty Shield, Grudge
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves:
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Medium), 17+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

Did that ornate sarcophagus just move?

Mummy Curse (Su): any foe that attacks, or is attacked by, Cofagrigus must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or have their PokeAbility changed to Mummy Curse until the pokemon faints, is switched out, or the battle ends. This happens as soon as contact is made, before damage. If they save, they are immune to the Mummy Curse until the next time the sun sets. The sample Yamask has a Save DC of 15. This is a [PokeAbility]

Create Spawn (Su): anybody actually killed by Cofagrigus transforms into a Yamask of equal hit dice the next time the sun sets. If they have 13 or more hit dice they instead transform into a Cofagrigus. This can be prevented by burying the body. This is a [Ghost] effect and the Cofagrigus has no control over its spawn, though they are not aggressive towards it.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights; 3/day - Darkness; 1/day - Mad Hallucination. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Astonish (Ex): If Cofagrigus hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by it, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Yamask may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Haunter may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Ekans may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effec

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action, a Yamask can fire a ball of ghostly fire out to 30' away with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the foe catches fire, and is affected by Faerie Fire until the fire is extinguished. This is a [Fire] effect.

Spiritual Weapon (Ex): Yamask uses its Charisma bonus on all attack and damage rolls with Natural Weapons instead of Strength.

Ghastly Hide (Su): Whenever a creature strikes you with a touch attack, unarmed strike or natural attack it is affected by one inherent undead touch you possess (such as a Lich's Paralyzing Touch). This ability only affect a particular creature once per round, no matter how many attacks they make. You may toggle this ability on and off as a free action.

Crafty Shield (Ex): Once per hour, Cofagrigus may make a Swift or Immediate action to construct a shield of glittering light, protecting it and its allies from non-damaging moves used by enemies for a number of rounds equal to its Charisma modifier.

Hex (Sp): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a baleful curse at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Cofagrigus can fix its spooky little eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Zubat unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

Grudge (Sp): once per day, a Cofagrigus with this trait can unleash a hateful curse on a foe within 60' by using a Standard Action. The opponent suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, the target suffers a reduction in abilities: every ability they have with limited uses per day or per hour has one such daily or hourly use expended. If they have Spell Slots or Prepared Spells, they lose one of the highest level Slots/Spells available, and if they have Power Points, they lose an amount equal to their Manifester Level. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Just a Corpse (Ex): Cofagrigus is a ghost possessing an ornate sarcophagus. It gains +10 on disguise checks to appear to be a non-animate corpse-containing sarcophagus and not an undead whenever it's not moving. Creatures using KnArchitecture or Spot checks on it to see if it's a normal sarcophagus, or Heal or Spot checks to see if it's undead are opposed by its Disguise check. Magic which detects undead must succeed on a caster level check against 10 + HD, or it won't detect the Cofagrigus.

Ghostly Reach (Su): You can duplicate the effect of spectral hand at will, except in addition to delivering any touch spells or spell-like abilities, you may also use the hand to make incorporeal touch attacks with the same +2 bonus. The spectral hand does not provide any increase to your threatened area.

At 9 HD, Cofagrigus learns Curse-
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Cofagrigus may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

At 11 HD, Cofagrigus learns Shadow Ball-
Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Cofagrigus may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 12 HD, Cofagrigus learns Dark Pulse-
Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Cofagrigus may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Ballistic] [Dark] effect.

At 14 HD, Cofagrigus learns Power Split and Guard Split-
Power Split (Su): Once per minute as a Full-Round Action, Cofagrigus may lay a curse on a target. This curse sets the Strength and Charisma scores of the Yamask and one target to the average of the respective scores. This is a [Psychic] [Curse] effect.
Alternatively, just give Cofagrigus a bonus and the target a penalty on the relevant rolls equal to the average of their HD.

Guard Split (Su): Once per minute as a Full-Round Action, Cofagrigus may lay a curse on a target. This curse sets the Constitution and Wisdom scores of the Yamask and one target to the average of the respective scores. This is a [Psychic] [Curse] effect.
Alternatively, just give Cofagrigus a bonus and the target a penalty on the relevant rolls equal to the average of their HD.

At 15 HD, Cofagrigus learns Destiny Bond-
Destiny Bond (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, Cofagrigus may gaze upon its attacker if they are within 30 feet. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die. Cofagrigus then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Galarian Yamask
Tiny Undead (Earth, [Ghost], [Ground]), CR 4
16 14 13 10 12 10
4d6+8 (22 HP), Init +6, Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grab: +3/-2
- Slam +8 Touch (1d2+3)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +2 Dexterity, +3 Natural), Flat 14, Touch 13
Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +4
Feats: Corpse Toughness (B), Unliving Hide, Improved Initiative
Skills: Intimidate +7, Hide +11, Move Silently +7
Special Attacks: Astonish, Night Shade, Disable, Brutal Swing
Special Qualities: Ghost Pokemon Traits, Spell-Like Abilities, DR 5/Bludgeoning
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves:
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Small); evolves into Runerigus at 8 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

Instead of the typical golden mask, this yamask's tail seems to be embedded in a petroglyph that vaguely resembles the curled end of a tail

Wandering Spirit (Su): any foe that attacks, or is attacked by, Galarian Yamask must pass a Will Save (Strength-based) or swap PokeAbilities with the Galarian Yamask until the pokemon faints, is switched out, or the battle ends. This happens as soon as contact is made, before damage. If they save, they are immune to the Wandering Spirit until the next time the sun sets. The sample Yamask has a Save DC of 15. This is a [PokeAbility]

Create Spawn (Su): anybody actually killed by Yamask transforms into a Yamask of equal hit dice the next time the sun sets. If they have 13 or more hit dice they instead transform into a Cofagrigus. This can be prevented by burying the body. This is a [Ghost] effect and the Yamask has no control over its spawn, though they are not aggressive towards it.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights; 3/day - Darkness; 1/day - Mad Hallucination. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Wisdom Bonus.

Astonish (Ex): If Yamask hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by it, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Yamask may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Haunter may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Ekans may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effec

Brutal Swing (Ex): Once per minute, Galarian Yamask may make a single Slam attack against all adjacent creatures as if it possessed the Whirlwind Attack feat. This is a [Dark] Attack.

At 5 HD, Yamask learns Crafty Shield-
Crafty Shield (Ex): Once per hour, Yamask may make a Swift or Immediate action to construct a shield of glittering light, protecting it and its allies from non-damaging moves used by enemies for a number of rounds equal to its Charisma modifier.

At 6 HD, Yamask learns Hex-
Hex (Sp): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a baleful curse at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] effect.

At 7 HD, Yamask learns Mean Look-
Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Zubat can fix its spooky little eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Zubat unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

At 8 HD, Yamask learns Body Slam-
Body Slam (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may either use a Standard Action to deliver a Slam, or Charge an opponent and use a Slam instead of any other attacks. This increases the damage by two steps. This adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and if the target takes any damage (after Resistance), they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the end of the Pokemon's next turn (during which time it cannot be stunned again). This is a [Normal] attack.

At 9 HD, Yamask learns Curse-
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Yamask may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

At 10 HD, Yamask learns Shadow Ball-
Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Polteageist may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 11 HD, Yamask learns Earthquake-
Earthquake (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 12 HD, Yamask learns Power Split and Guard Split-
Power Split (Su): Once per minute as a Full-Round Action, Yamask may lay a curse on a target. This curse sets the Strength and Charisma scores of the Yamask and one target to the average of the respective scores. This is a [Psychic] [Curse] effect.
Alternatively, just give Yamask a bonus and the target a penalty on the relevant rolls equal to the average of their HD.

Guard Split (Su): Once per minute as a Full-Round Action, Yamask may lay a curse on a target. This curse sets the Constitution and Wisdom scores of the Yamask and one target to the average of the respective scores. This is a [Psychic] [Curse] effect.
Alternatively, just give Yamask a bonus and the target a penalty on the relevant rolls equal to the average of their HD.

At 13 HD, Yamask learns Destiny Bond-
Destiny Bond (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, Yamask may gaze upon its attacker if they are within 30 feet. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die. Yamask then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Pokemon Update: Runerigus
Medium Undead (Air, [Ghost]), CR 4
18 17 14 13 16 13
8d6+24 (52 HP), Init +3, Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grab: +8/+7
- Slam +12 Touch (1d4+4)
AC: 21 (+3 Dexterity, +4 Natural, Deflection +4), Flat 18, Touch 17
Fort +7 Ref +5 Will +5
Feats: Corpse Toughness (B), Just a Corpse (B), Unliving Hide, Ghastly Hide, Ghostly Reach
Skills: Intimidate +7, Hide +11, Move Silently +7
Special Attacks: Astonish, Night Shade, Disable, Will-o-Wisp, Hex, Mean Look
Special Qualities: Ghost Pokemon Traits, Spell-Like Abilities, Protect, Haze, Crafty Shield, Grudge, DR 5/Bludgeoning
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves:
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Medium), 17+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort, 2 + Int skill points

Did that ornate sarcophagus just move?

Mummy Curse (Su): any foe that attacks, or is attacked by, Runerigus must pass a Will Save (Charisma-based) or have their PokeAbility changed to Mummy Curse until the pokemon faints, is switched out, or the battle ends. This happens as soon as contact is made, before damage. If they save, they are immune to the Mummy Curse until the next time the sun sets. The sample Yamask has a Save DC of 15. This is a [PokeAbility]

Create Spawn (Su): anybody actually killed by Runerigus transforms into a Yamask of equal hit dice the next time the sun sets. If they have 13 or more hit dice they instead transform into a Runerigus. This can be prevented by burying the body. This is a [Ghost] effect and the Runerigus has no control over its spawn, though they are not aggressive towards it.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights; 3/day - Darkness; 1/day - Mad Hallucination. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Astonish (Ex): If Runerigus hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by it, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Runerigus may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Runerigus may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Runerigus may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effec

Brutal Swing (Ex): Once per minute, Runerigus may make a single Slam attack against all adjacent creatures as if it possessed the Whirlwind Attack feat. This is a [Dark] Attack.

Just a Corpse (Ex): Runerigus is a ghost possessing an ornate sarcophagus. It gains +10 on disguise checks to appear to be a non-animate corpse-containing sarcophagus and not an undead whenever it's not moving. Creatures using KnArchitecture or Spot checks on it to see if it's a normal sarcophagus, or Heal or Spot checks to see if it's undead are opposed by its Disguise check. Magic which detects undead must succeed on a caster level check against 10 + HD, or it won't detect the Runerigus.

Ghastly Hide (Su): Whenever a creature strikes you with a touch attack, unarmed strike or natural attack it is affected by one inherent undead touch you possess (such as a Lich's Paralyzing Touch). This ability only affect a particular creature once per round, no matter how many attacks they make. You may toggle this ability on and off as a free action.

Crafty Shield (Ex): Once per hour, Runerigus may make a Swift or Immediate action to construct a shield of glittering light, protecting it and its allies from non-damaging moves used by enemies for a number of rounds equal to its Charisma modifier.

Hex (Sp): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a baleful curse at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Runerigus can fix its spooky little eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Runerigus unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

Body Slam (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may either use a Standard Action to deliver a Slam, or Charge an opponent and use a Slam instead of any other attacks. This increases the damage by two steps. This adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and if the target takes any damage (after Resistance), they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the end of the Pokemon's next turn (during which time it cannot be stunned again). This is a [Normal] attack.

Ghostly Reach (Su): You can duplicate the effect of spectral hand at will, except in addition to delivering any touch spells or spell-like abilities, you may also use the hand to make incorporeal touch attacks with the same +2 bonus. The spectral hand does not provide any increase to your threatened area.

At 9 HD, Runerigus learns Curse-
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Runerigus may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

At 11 HD, Runerigus learns Shadow Ball-
Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Runerigus may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 12 HD, Runerigus learns Earthquake-
Earthquake (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 14 HD, Runerigus learns Power Split and Guard Split-
Power Split (Su): Once per minute as a Full-Round Action, Runerigus may lay a curse on a target. This curse sets the Strength and Charisma scores of the Runerigus and one target to the average of the respective scores. This is a [Psychic] [Curse] effect.
Alternatively, just give Runerigus a bonus and the target a penalty on the relevant rolls equal to the average of their HD.

Guard Split (Su): Once per minute as a Full-Round Action, Runerigus may lay a curse on a target. This curse sets the Constitution and Wisdom scores of the Runerigus and one target to the average of the respective scores. This is a [Psychic] [Curse] effect.
Alternatively, just give Runerigus a bonus and the target a penalty on the relevant rolls equal to the average of their HD.

At 15 HD, Runerigus learns Destiny Bond-
Destiny Bond (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, Runerigus may gaze upon its attacker if they are within 30 feet. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die. Runerigus then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Fakemon: Fossil Yamask
Tiny Undead (Air, [Ghost], [Rock]), CR 4
3 20 10 13 10 14
4d6 (14 HP), Init +7, Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grab: +4/-8
- Claw +11 Touch (1d4+3)
AC: 19 (+2 Size, +5 Dexterity, +2 Natural), Flat 14, Touch 17
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +1
Feats: Scaling Weapon Finesse (B), Unliving Hide, Improved Initiative
Skills: Intimidate +7, Hide +11, Move Silently +7
Special Attacks: Astonish, Night Shade, Disable, Ancient Power
Special Qualities: Ghost and Rock Pokemon Traits, Spell-Like Abilities, Protect, Haze,
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves:
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Small); evolves into Deinorygus at 8 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

Instead of the typical mask, this Yamask grips the talon of some prehistoric predator in its tail. Its face has taken on a more beak-like shape, its arms bear feather-like spines and its hands are sharp spectral claws.

Ghost and Rock Traits: Fossil Yamask are weak against [Dark], [Ghost], [Grass], [Ground], [Steel] and [Water] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Fire], [Flying], [Normal] and [Poison] attacks.
[Ghost] Pokemon can be affected as though [Incorporeal] Undead, even if they lack the Undead Type. They are also considered Spirits. They do not gain any of the usual traits of Undead such as Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects, Poisons and Sneak Attack. [Ghost] Type Pokemon all have the ability to manifest into the corporeal world, in which case they always resist [Normal] and [Fighting] attacks regardless of other Types, but can essentially interact with the world normally. They can also fade back into the Ethereal Plane, in which case the usual rules for [Incorporeal] Ethereal creatures apply. Negative Energy effects are treated as [Ghost] attacks and thus are actually Super Effective against [Ghost] Pokemon rather than healing them (but in return, [Ghost] Pokemon heal normally from Positive Energy), and Ghost Touch weapons are always treated as the better of [Ghost] or their normal type (almost always [Fighting]) for the purpose of damaging targets.
[Rock] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Earth] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. [Rock] Type Pokemon are not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough stony terrain, nor do they risk slipping on gravel and loose stones.

Stone Talon (Ex): Yamask uses the stony talon clutched in its tail to make its slashing and claw based moves, dealing damage as if it were a one size larger, and turning all [Blade], claw, and attacks which deal Slashing damage into [Rock] effects. This is a [PokeAbility]

Tail Claw (Ex): Yamask’s Claw attacks count as Tail Slap, Sting, Gore, and Claw attacks for the purposes of prerequisites and anything else that cares about what kind of tail-based or sharp pointy natural weapon it has, including damage based on size.

Create Spawn (Su): anybody actually killed by Yamask transforms into a Yamask of equal hit dice the next time the sun sets. If they have 13 or more hit dice they instead transform into a Cofagrigus. This can be prevented by burying the body. This is a [Ghost] effect and the Yamask has no control over its spawn, though they are not aggressive towards it.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights; 3/day - Darkness; 1/day - Mad Hallucination. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Astonish (Ex): If Yamask hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by it, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Yamask may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Haunter may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Ekans may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effec

Ancient Power (Ex): Once per five rounds, Fossil Yamask may invoke an ancient power, causing stones and boulders to rise from the ground and strike a single foe. This is a ranged touch attack which deals 1d6 damage per 2 HD, and has a special critical. On a critical (19-20), instead of dealing extra damage Fossil Yamask gains a +2 bonus to all ability scores until the end of the encounter. This is a [Rock] attack

At 5 HD, Fossil Yamask learns Crafty Shield-
Crafty Shield (Ex): Once per hour, Yamask may make a Swift or Immediate action to construct a shield of glittering light, protecting it and its allies from non-damaging moves used by enemies for a number of rounds equal to its Charisma modifier.

At 6 HD, Fossil Yamask learns Rock Smash, and its Charisma increases by 1-
Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 7 HD, Yamask learns Mean Look-
Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Yamask can fix its spooky little eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Yamask unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

At 8 HD, Yamask learns Grudge and its Charisma increases by 1-
Grudge (Sp): once per day, a Yamask with this trait can unleash a hateful curse on a foe within 60' by using a Standard Action. The opponent suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, the target suffers a reduction in abilities: every ability they have with limited uses per day or per hour has one such daily or hourly use expended. If they have Spell Slots or Prepared Spells, they lose one of the highest level Slots/Spells available, and if they have Power Points, they lose an amount equal to their Manifester Level. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 9 HD, Yamask learns Curse-
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Yamask may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

At 10 HD, Yamask learns Shadow Ball and its Charisma increases by 1-
Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Yamask may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 11 HD, Yamask learns Dark Pulse-
Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Yamask may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Ballistic] [Dark] effect.

At 12 HD, Yamask learns Phantom Force and its Charisma increases by 1-
Phantom Force (Su): Fossil Yamask may use a full round action to vanish, becoming ethereal. On the next round, it may, as an immediate action reappear in a blast of necrotic energy which deals 1d6 damage per HD it has to all creatures within 10 ft of it. This damage bypasses and removes any protection effects currently in place on affected enemies. Minimized enemies take double this damage. A Cha-based Fort save (DC 20 for the sample Fossil Yamask) reduces the damage by half. This is a [Ghost] type move.

At 13 HD, Yamask learns Destiny Bond-
Destiny Bond (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, Yamask may gaze upon its attacker if they are within 30 feet. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die. Yamask then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Fakemon: Deinorygus
image by darksilvania on tumblr
Medium Undead (Air, [Ghost], [Rock]), CR 8
15 18 14 10 16 18
8d6+16 (44 HP), Init +4, Fly 60' (Perfect)
BAB/Grab: +8/+10
- Claw +12 Touch (1d6+4)
AC: 22 (+4 Dexterity, +4 Natural, Deflection +4), Flat 18, Touch 18
Fort +4 Ref +10 Will +5
Feats: Spiritual Weapon (B), False Swipe, Just a Corpse (B), Unliving Hide, Ghastly Hide, Ghostly Reach
Skills: Intimidate +7, Hide +11, Move Silently +7, Disguise +15 (+25 to pretend to just be a normal fossil)
Special Attacks: Astonish, Night Shade, Disable, Ancient Power, Rock Smash, Mean Look
Special Qualities: Ghost and Rock Pokemon Traits, Stone Talon, Spell-Like Abilities, Protect, Haze, Crafty Shield, Grudge
Rare Traits:
Tutor Moves:
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Medium), 17+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

What you thought was just a fossil of a strange saurian predator seems to seep black oil, which quickly solidifies into feather-like spines as it rises, two stony talons at the ready to attack

Stone Talon (Ex): Deinorygus uses the stony talon clutched in its tail to make its slashing and claw based moves, dealing damage as if it were a one size larger, and turning all [Blade], claw, and attacks which deal Slashing damage into [Rock] effects. This is a [PokeAbility]

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights; 3/day - Darkness; 1/day - Mad Hallucination. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Astonish (Ex): If Deinorygus hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by it, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, Deinorygus may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Deinorygus may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Deinorygus may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Deinorygus may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effec

Spiritual Weapon (Ex): Deinorygus uses its Charisma bonus on all attack and damage rolls with Natural Weapons instead of Strength.

Ghastly Hide (Su): Whenever a creature strikes you with a touch attack, unarmed strike or natural attack it is affected by one inherent undead touch you possess (such as a Lich's Paralyzing Touch). This ability only affect a particular creature once per round, no matter how many attacks they make. You may toggle this ability on and off as a free action.

Crafty Shield (Ex): Once per hour, Deinorygus may make a Swift or Immediate action to construct a shield of glittering light, protecting it and its allies from non-damaging moves used by enemies for a number of rounds equal to its Charisma modifier.

Hex (Sp): once per minute, Deinorygus may use a Standard Action to unleash a baleful curse at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Deinorygus can fix its spooky little eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Zubat unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

Grudge (Sp): once per day, a Deinorygus with this trait can unleash a hateful curse on a foe within 60' by using a Standard Action. The opponent suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, the target suffers a reduction in abilities: every ability they have with limited uses per day or per hour has one such daily or hourly use expended. If they have Spell Slots or Prepared Spells, they lose one of the highest level Slots/Spells available, and if they have Power Points, they lose an amount equal to their Manifester Level. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Just a Corpse (Ex): Deinorygus is a ghost possessing an fossilized saurian. It gains +10 on disguise checks to appear to be a non-animate fossil and not an undead whenever it's not moving. Creatures using KnArchitecture or Spot checks on it to see if it's a normal fossil, or Heal or Spot checks to see if it's undead are opposed by its Disguise check. Magic which detects undead must succeed on a caster level check against 10 + HD, or it won't detect the Cofagrigus.

Ghostly Reach (Su): You can duplicate the effect of spectral hand at will, except in addition to delivering any touch spells or spell-like abilities, you may also use the hand to make incorporeal touch attacks with the same +2 bonus. The spectral hand does not provide any increase to your threatened area.

Rock Tomb (Ex): Deinorygus gains the Rock Throwing ability of a Hill Giant (except with its own Strength, Base Attack Bonus etc, and adjusting the damage die downwards if smaller than Large), or a Stone Giant if it has Rock Pokemon Traits. If the Pokemon is Huge or larger, it instead uses the Rock Throwing ability of a Cloud Giant, scaling the damage up if necessary. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 9 HD, Deinorygus learns Curse-
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Cofagrigus may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

At 10 HD, Deinorygus' Charisma and Dexterity increase by 1 each.

At 11 HD, Deinorygus learns Shadow Ball-
Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Cofagrigus may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 12 HD, Deinorygus learns Scorching Sands-
Scorching Sands (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash a burst of superheated sands that burn and abrade the skin. This functions as a Scalding Mud effect, except instead of the ongoing damage, creatures that fail the Reflex Save must succeed at a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Burned. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 13 HD, Deinorygus' Charisma and Dexterity increase by 1 each.

At 14 HD, Deinorygus learns Phantom Force

At 15 HD, Deinorygus learns Stone Edge-
Stone Edge (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to target a creature within Close Range, and cause jagged shards of rock to explode from underneath it. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack (not a Touch Attack), and a successful hit deals 1d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This has a Critical Threat of 18-20, and is a [Blade] [Rock] attack.
Last edited by Prak on Thu Aug 08, 2024 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Regional Form: Flanaessian Meowth
Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/2
9 15 10 7 10 10
1d6 (3 HP), Init +2, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-9
-2 Claws +4 (1d2-1)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dexterity), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +0 Ref +4 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Multi Attack
Skills: Survival +4, Bluff +4
Special Attacks: Fake Out, Growl
Special Qualities: Dark and Fairy Pokemon Traits, Pick Up or Technician, Profit
Rare Traits: Unnerve, Flail, Hypnosis, Tail Whip
Tutor Moves: Agility, Amnesia, Body Slam, Charm, Fake Tears, Foul Play, Hyper Voice, Protect, Return, Sleep Talk, Take Down, Thief
Advancement: 2-5 HD (Tiny); 6-7 HD (Small), usually evolves into Displeast at 6 HD or Bezekir at 8 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This bipedal creature is clearly a cat of some variety, with black fur that, weirdly, seems to almost disappear at the tips. It looks fairly clever and cunning, as animals go, and it has an infernal coin seemingly grafted to its forehead.

Flanaessian Meowth is a regional form of Meowth exclusive to the Flanaess. It uses the same statistics with the following changes-

Dark and Fairy Traits: Fl.Meowths are weak against [Fairy], [Poison] and [Steel] attacks, and resist [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks. They are considered Immune to [Psychic] and [Dragon] attacks, meaning they always resist them regardless of other Types, and furthermore their minds cannot be read or influenced as though they had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled. However they can still be moved by Telekinesis for instance.
They can be affected as though [Fey], even if they lack the Fey Type. This also means they are considered Spirits. They also have Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, and immunity to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons.

Psuedo-Fiend: Flanaessian Meowths are considered to be Evil Aligned Outsiders with the (Chaotic), (Evil), (Fire), and (Lawful) subtypes for the purposes of taking [Elemental] and [Fiend] feats, as well as levels in fiendish and elemental classes if that’s something they want to do.

Hidden Nature: As the immature forms of the ba’atorian hunters known as Hellcats, Flanaessian Meowths share their ability to hide their nature from others, particularly Devils. Regardless of their actual alignment, regardless of whether they gain alignment subtypes, they are always treated as the most favorable alignment when they would be affected by an effect from an evil outsider.
Note– as dark type pokemon, their actual alignment cannot be discerned through reading their mind or other divination effects.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Dazzling Gleam instead of Taunt
Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, Fl.Meowth may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Miraculous Comeback (Su): once per minute, Meowth can defy the odds and turn the tide in its favour. It fires a ray of reflected light from the coin on its head as a Standard Action, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and this deals 1d8 damage for every opponent within 60 feet. If Meowth's hit dice total exceeds that of a given foe by 6 or more, the foe does not contribute to this damage. This is a [Light] [Normal] attack.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Play Rough instead of Assurance-
Play Rough (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, the pokemon can play, very enthusiastically, with an adjacent creature. This allows a Bite attack sized normally for the creature (1d6 + Strength Bonus for a Medium creature), with Improved Grab and the Trip ability, and for each of the following maneuvers that succeeds, the target takes another 2d6 points of damage plus its Strength Bonus. This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 6 HD, Flanaessian Meowth learns Spirit Break, and the feat Fiendish Invisibility, specifically as below-
Spirit Break (Ex): At will as a standard action, Fl. Meowth may make a single claw attack with such force it may break the target’s spirit. This attack deal 1d6 slashing damage per 2 HD, and inflicts a -2 penalty on the DCs of the target’s abilities. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Fiendish Invisibility: You are naturally invisible, as with the spell greater invisibility. If you are ever in shadowy illumination or less, however, you are visible.

At 7 HD, Flanaessian Meowth learns Fury Swipes and Burning Jealousy-
Fury Swipes (Ex): Fl. Meowth may use a Full Round Action at will to swipe and claw at a target repeatedly. This functions as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Meowth’s hit dice, using its normal Claw for the damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

Burning Jealousy (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash deep feelings of resentment towards a foe with a Standard Action. This targets a creature within 60 feet, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target gained a Bonus of any kind between the end of the Pokemon's previous turn and the start of its current one, and takes any damage from this, it is Burned. This is a [Fire] attack.

New Fakemon: Bezekir
Bezekir is essentially a pokemon-ified Hellcat
Large Magical Beast ([Dark], [Fairy]), CR 8
23 21 17 10 14 10
8d10+24 (68 HP), Init +9, Speed 40'
BAB/Grab: +8/+18
- 2 Claws +13 (1d8+6)
- Bite +8 (2d8+3)
AC: 21 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +7 natural), Flat 16, Touch 14
Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +4
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Track
Skills: Balance +16, Climb +17, Hide +13, Jump +21, Listen +17, Move Silently +20, Spot +13, Swim +17
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Pounce, Fake Out, Feint, Sudden Swipe, Sneak Attack +1d6 Pay Day, Bite, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Fury Swipes, Spirit Break, Burning Jealousy
Special Qualities: Dark and Fairy Pokemon Traits, Illuminate or Prism Body, Miraculous Comeback, Caturday, Profit, Invisible in Light
Rare Traits: Unnerve, Flail, Hypnosis, Tail Whip
Tutor Moves: Agility, Amnesia, Body Slam, Charm, Fake Tears, Foul Play, Hyper Voice, Protect, Return, Sleep Talk, Take Down, Thief
Advancement: 9-10 HD (Large); 11-24 HD (Huge)
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

A large cat, something like a lion, lounges in the darkness, glowing like a wraith. When you turn on the lights, it disappears...

Dark and Fairy Traits: Bezekir are weak against [Fairy], [Poison] and [Steel] attacks, and resist [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks. They are considered Immune to [Psychic] and [Dragon] attacks, meaning they always resist them regardless of other Types, and furthermore their minds cannot be read or influenced as though they had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled. However they can still be moved by Telekinesis for instance.
They can be affected as though [Fey], even if they lack the Fey Type. This also means they are considered Spirits. They also have Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, and immunity to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons.

Hidden Nature: Bezekir have the ability to hide their nature from others, particularly Devils. Regardless of their actual alignment, regardless of whether they gain alignment subtypes, they are always treated as the most favorable alignment when they would be affected by an effect from an evil outsider.
Note– as dark type pokemon, their actual alignment cannot be discerned through reading their mind or other divination effects.

Profit (Ex): just having a Bezekir around and ostensibly helping grants a +4 Bonus to any skill check made to determine income, such as a Profession check, or a Perform check made purely to earn money.

Illuminate (Ex): A Bezekir with this [PokeAbility] illuminates its environment, raising the ambient lighting conditions by one stage. It also ignores all penalties to its attack rolls inflicted by enemies, and any bonus to AC enemies gain from an ability with a duration (such as morale or deflection bonuses. Abilities which grant an armor bonus or similar are not negated).

Prism Body (Ex): A Bezekir with this [PokeAbility] reduces the power of super effective moves which hit it. Enemies which hit the Bezekir are considered to have ¾ their HD (a quick way to figure this is to determine what their BAB would be if they had a Medium BAB).

Fake Out (Ex): in the first round of combat after Initiative is rolled or when it joins an existing combat, Bezekir may use this to cut ahead, slapping an adjacent foe with a Free Action. This happens before any other actions anybody else takes, and it may make a normal Move Action as part of this in order to get up to a target. It resolves a Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature (so 1d6 for Bezekir), and the target flinches if hit, even if it deals no damage: they are treated as Dazed on the round they are hit. This is a [Normal] attack.

Feint (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Bezekir may perform a Feint and then, if successful, a melee attack, all with the same Standard Action. This is a [Normal] attack.

Sudden Swipe (Ex): any time Bezekir makes a Claw attack as an Attack of Opportunity, the foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against it.

Pay Day (Ex): as long as it has a handful of coins available to throw (at least ten coins of any denomination), Bezekir may do so with an Attack Action. This is resolved as a Thrown Attack with 10' Range Increments, it denies the foe the benefits of partial Cover or Concealment, and deals 1d6 damage. The coins also remain in the target's square: until the money is gathered up, anyone entering or leaving the square must pass a DC 10 Balance check or slip and lose the action. This is a [Normal] attack that, if using mostly silver or mithril coins, bypasses DR/Silver.

Bite (Ex): Bezekir gains a Primary Bite natural weapon that deals damage as though one size larger than it is (typically dealing 1d4 plus its Strength Bonus, or 1d6 if it has Technician). Anything bitten with an Attack of Opportunity must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Dark] attack.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, Bezekir may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Miraculous Comeback (Su): once per minute, Bezekir can defy the odds and turn the tide in its favour. It fires a ray of reflected light from the coin on its head as a Standard Action, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and this deals 1d8 damage for every opponent within 60 feet. If Meowth's hit dice total exceeds that of a given foe by 6 or more, the foe does not contribute to this damage. This is a [Light] [Normal] attack.

Caturday (Ex): once per hour, Bezekir may have a brief catnap with a Full Round Action, gaining a surprising burst of power. Providing it does fall asleep in this manner, and is not woken up before its next turn, it wakes up at the end of its next turn with a +2 Enhancement Bonus to all Ability Scores and Immunity to the Sickened, Shaken and Drowsy conditions, both lasting for 5 minutes.

Play Rough (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Bezekir can play, very enthusiastically, with an adjacent creature. This allows a Bite attack sized normally for the creature (1d6 + Strength Bonus for a Medium creature), with Improved Grab and the Trip ability, and for each of the following maneuvers that succeeds, the target takes another 2d6 points of damage plus its Strength Bonus. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Spirit Break (Ex): At will as a standard action, Bezekir may make a single claw attack with such force it may break the target’s spirit. This attack deal 1d6 slashing damage per 2 HD, and inflicts a -2 penalty on the DCs of the target’s abilities. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Fiendish Invisibility: You are naturally invisible, as with the spell greater invisibility. If you are ever in shadowy illumination or less, however, you are visible.

Fury Swipes (Ex): Bezekir may use a Full Round Action at will to swipe and claw at a target repeatedly. This functions as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Meowth’s hit dice, using its normal Claw for the damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

Burning Jealousy (Su): once per minute, Bezekir may unleash deep feelings of resentment towards a foe with a Standard Action. This targets a creature within 60 feet, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target gained a Bonus of any kind between the end of the Pokemon's previous turn and the start of its current one, and takes any damage from this, it is Burned. This is a [Fire] attack.

Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Bezekir may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Normal] attack.

Deceive (Ex): any time an adjacent enemy misses Bezekir with an attack, Persian may elect to swap places with the enemy, who is then denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against Bezekir’s attacks until their next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 9 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Shining Claws
Shining Claws (Ex): once per minute, Bezekir may reflect bright light off its Claws with a Swift Action. For the rest of its turn, any target hit by either of its Claw attacks must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be rendered Blind for one round. If it has any Sneak Attack damage, this will apply as well on a failed save. This is a [Light] [Dark] effect. Don't think too hard about that.

At 10 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6, and it learns Nasty Plot
Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, Bezekir can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns and Captivate
Fiery Wrath (Ex): The Bezekir turns its wrath into a fiery aura that lashes out at all opponents. Once per three rounds, it can cast a form of Fireball (caster level equal to HD) centered on itself which does not harm itself or its allies. Enemies that take any damage from the fireball must also make a Will save or Flinch.

Captivate (Su): once per hour, Bezekir can use a Standard Action to captivate other creatures within 90 feet - everything within the area that can see it must make a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), with failure resulting in them being Fascinated until the end of Bezekir’s next turn. On consecutive turns, Bezekir can continue to captivate those who are already affected, extending the duration by another round for each Standard Action taken in this manner. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] ability.

At 12 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch (Ex): Bezek gains a Primary Slam attack that can only be used as an Immediate Action, to interrupt an attack. This has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the target is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this. Instead of denying Bezek a Swift action on its next turn, it consumes next turn's Standard action. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Mocking Shout and Knock Off
Mocking Shout (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Bezekir may say bad things to a foe, disheartening them. It makes its choice of a Bluff or Intimidate check against the opponent, with a DC of 10 + the opponent's hit dice + their Wisdom Bonus, and if this succeeds, the foe is subject to Slow and Crushing Despair effects for 3 rounds. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

Knock Off (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Bezekir may make a Primary Slam attack that, if it hits, it may make a Disarm or Sunder check for free. The base damage is 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, however this is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Night Slash
Night Slash (Ex): at will, Bezekir may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d8, 17-20/x2 for a Small creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6 and it learns Maximum Gold Rush
Mammon Rush (Su): once per minute, Mega Bezekir may cause money to erupt from the netherworld. This uses a Full Round Action, but subjects everything within Medium Range to the rocketing money, dealing 1d4 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and subjecting all in the area to a Glitter Dust effect (same DC). Furthermore, this very real money covers the ground in the area: until the money is gathered up (at the rate of about 100 coins per square), anyone entering or leaving an affected square must pass a DC 20 Balance check (once per action) or slip and lose their action. This is a [Normal] attack, and it's up to you to figure out how much unnecessary extra wealth you get by doing this.

At 20 hit dice, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6

Mega-Evolution: when Bezekir Mega-Evolves, it becomes only a little bigger, but a lot more lithe, graceful and majestic. You can really see the resemblance to panthers. Its Strength, Constitution and Wisdom each increase by 4, its Dexterity increases by 6, its Charisma increases by 2, and its Pokebility becomes Purrfectionist.

Purrfectionist (Ex): Mega Bezekir may upgrade any successful hit to a confirmed critical hit whenever it wants to, and if the attack in question deals less than 1d8 damage (plus bonuses), the damage die is increased by one and the Critical Multiplier is doubled. This is a [Pokebility]

New Fakemon: Displeast
Displeast is essentially a pokemon-ified Displacer Beast
Large Magical Beast ([Dark], [Fairy]), CR 6
18 15 16 10 12 14
6d10+24 (68 HP), Init +2, Speed 40'
BAB/Grab: +6/+14
- 2 Tentacles +9 (1d6+4)
- Bite +8 (1d8+2)
AC: 46 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural), Flat 11, Touch 14
Fort +8 Ref +7 Will +3
Feats: Improved Initiative, ,
Skills: Hide +10, Listen +5, Move Silently +7, Spot +5
Special Attacks: Fake Out, Feint, Sudden Swipe, Sneak Attack +1d6, Pay Day, Bite, Taunt, Play Rough, Wrap (Improved Grab?)
Special Qualities: Dark and Ghost Pokemon Traits, Darkvision 60 ft, Displace, Low-light vision, Miraculous Comeback, Caturday, Profit, Invisible in Light
Rare Traits: Unnerve, Flail, Hypnosis, Tail Whip
Tutor Moves: Agility, Amnesia, Body Slam, Charm, Fake Tears, Foul Play, Hyper Voice, Protect, Return, Sleep Talk, Take Down, Thief
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

A large, lithe cat, like a panther, with two twitching tentacles rising from its back. That's weird... it looks like it's over there, but you just heard it purr right behind you...

Dark and Ghost Pokemon Traits: Displeast are weak to [Fairy] attacks, and resist [Poison] attacks. They are considered Immune to [Psychic] attacks, meaning they always resist them regardless of other Types, and furthermore their minds cannot be read or influenced as though they had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled. However they can still be moved by Telekinesis for instance.
They have the ability to manifest into the corporeal world, in which case they always resist [Normal] and [Fighting] attacks regardless of other Types, but can essentially interact with the world normally. They can also fade back into the Ethereal Plane, in which case the usual rules for [Incorporeal] Ethereal creatures apply. Negative Energy effects are treated as [Ghost] attacks and thus are actually Super Effective against [Ghost] Pokemon rather than healing them (but in return, [Ghost] Pokemon heal normally from Positive Energy), and Ghost Touch weapons are always treated as the better of [Ghost] or their normal type (almost always [Fighting]) for the purpose of damaging targets.

Psuedo-Aberration: A Displeast is a Fl.Meowth that has grown impatient and discarded the infernal energies that allow it to evolve into a Bezek, taking on the promises of eldritch, otherworldly beings instead. It cannot take [Fiend] or [Elemental] feats, and loses any which it already has. Instead, it may take Aberrant feats as if it possessed the feat Aberrant Blood, and qualifies for other feats and so on as if it were an Aberration.

Profit (Ex): just having a Displeast around and ostensibly helping grants a +4 Bonus to any skill check made to determine income, such as a Profession check, or a Perform check made purely to earn money.

Displace (Su): Displeast constantly surrounds its body with a light-bending glamour. Any melee or ranged attack directed at it has a 50% miss chance, unless the attacker can locate it by some means other than sight, or is under the effect of true seeing. Also, it gains a Deflection bonus equal to its Charisma on AC and Reflex saves against ranged magical effects. This is a [PokeAbility].

Fake Out (Ex): in the first round of combat after Initiative is rolled or when it joins an existing combat, Displeast may use this to cut ahead, slapping an adjacent foe with a Free Action. This happens before any other actions anybody else takes, and it may make a normal Move Action as part of this in order to get up to a target. It resolves a Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature (so 1d6 for Displeast ), and the target flinches if hit, even if it deals no damage: they are treated as Dazed on the round they are hit. This is a [Normal] attack.

Feint (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Displeast may perform a Feint and then, if successful, a melee attack, all with the same Standard Action. This is a [Normal] attack.

Sudden Swipe (Ex): any time Displeast makes a Claw attack as an Attack of Opportunity, the foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against it.

Pay Day (Ex): as long as it has a handful of coins available to throw (at least ten coins of any denomination), Displeast may do so with an Attack Action. This is resolved as a Thrown Attack with 10' Range Increments, it denies the foe the benefits of partial Cover or Concealment, and deals 1d6 damage. The coins also remain in the target's square: until the money is gathered up, anyone entering or leaving the square must pass a DC 10 Balance check or slip and lose the action. This is a [Normal] attack that, if using mostly silver or mithril coins, bypasses DR/Silver.

Bite (Ex): Displeast gains a Primary Bite natural weapon that deals damage as though one size larger than it is (typically dealing 1d4 plus its Strength Bonus, or 1d6 if it has Technician). Anything bitten with an Attack of Opportunity must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Dark] attack.

Miraculous Comeback (Su): once per minute, Displeast can defy the odds and turn the tide in its favour. It fires a ray of reflected light from the coin on its head as a Standard Action, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and this deals 1d8 damage for every opponent within 60 feet. If Meowth's hit dice total exceeds that of a given foe by 6 or more, the foe does not contribute to this damage. This is a [Light] [Normal] attack.

Caturday (Ex): once per hour, Displeast may have a brief catnap with a Full Round Action, gaining a surprising burst of power. Providing it does fall asleep in this manner, and is not woken up before its next turn, it wakes up at the end of its next turn with a +2 Enhancement Bonus to all Ability Scores and Immunity to the Sickened, Shaken and Drowsy conditions, both lasting for 5 minutes.

Play Rough (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Displeast can play, very enthusiastically, with an adjacent creature. This allows a Bite attack sized normally for the creature (1d6 + Strength Bonus for a Medium creature), with Improved Grab and the Trip ability, and for each of the following maneuvers that succeeds, the target takes another 2d6 points of damage plus its Strength Bonus. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Having forsaken its Infernal nature, Displeast loses Dazzling Gleam, and instead learns Taunt-
Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Meowth can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

At 7 HD, Displeast learns Torment and Mean Look-
Torment (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, Displeast may torment and frustrate a creature within 30 feet. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), then for three rounds they cannot perform the same actions, two turns in a row - for instance, if a Move Action and Gore were taken prior to receiving the effect, then on the first turn of it they could not take a Move Action or use their Gore attack. If they make a Full Attack on that first turn of this (minus the Gore), then on the next turn they could not make a Full Attack, nor attack with any of the natural weapons used in it, but could Gore and Move again. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Normal] effect, and completely overrides and replaces an Encore effect.

Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Displeast can fix its spooky eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Displeast unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

At 8 HD, Displeast learns Fury Swipes and Deceive-
Fury Swipes (Ex): Displeast may use a Full Round Action at will to swipe and claw at a target repeatedly. This functions as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Displeast’s hit dice, using its normal Claw for the damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

Deceive (Ex): any time an adjacent enemy misses Persian with an attack, Persian may elect to swap places with the enemy, who is then denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against Persian's attacks until their next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 9 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Curse-
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Displeast may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

At 10 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6, and it learns Nasty Plot
Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, Persian can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 11 HD, it learns Shadow Claw and -
Shadow Claw (Su): the Pokemon may elect to treat its claws as a [Blade] [Ghost] attack when it wants to. When doing so, the attack has an innate Threat Range of 18-20, bypasses non-magical armour and shields, and at 10 and 20 hit dice it deals damage as though one Size larger.

Spite (Su): once per minute Displeast may level a curse against an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), any ability that has a cooldown after use is instantly put on cooldown as though used (without providing the effects of usage), and any ability with limited Daily (or Weekly or Hourly) uses has one of those uses expended. This [Ghost] attack is a [Curse] effect.

At 12 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Blame Projection-
Blame Projection (Sp): once per hour, Displeast can use a Full-Round Action to duplicate the effects of Knight's Move, Greater Invisibility, and Major Image, creating an illusion of itself in the square it leaves. If a creature disbelieves the illusion, they are also able to see the Displeast despite its invisibility. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Mocking Shout and Knock Off
Mocking Shout (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Displeast may say bad things to a foe, disheartening them. It makes its choice of a Bluff or Intimidate check against the opponent, with a DC of 10 + the opponent's hit dice + their Wisdom Bonus, and if this succeeds, the foe is subject to Slow and Crushing Despair effects for 3 rounds. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

Knock Off (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Displeast may make a Primary Slam attack that, if it hits, it may make a Disarm or Sunder check for free. The base damage is 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, however this is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Bitter Malice-
Bitter Malice (Ex): The Displeast attacks its target with spine-chilling resentment. As a standard action, it makes a ranged touch attack which deals 1d8 damage per 2 HD. A target struck by this attack must make a Fort save vs Frostbite, and a Will Save or suffer a -2 penalty on Attack rolls until the end of the encounter or its mood is raised (such as by Calm Emotions). This is a [Curse] [Ghost] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6 and it learns R'lyehan Tithe
R'lyehan Tithe (Su): Once per minute, Displeast may curse the surrounding area, creating a 40' radius area of Difficult Cursed Terrain, centered on itself. In addition to the effects of Cursed Terrain, the area's lighting is reduced to Shadowy Illumination if it is not otherwise darker than that, and filled with a Widened black tentacles effect, though instead of crushing creatures they grapple, the tentacles are lined with suckers and spines, tearing at the flesh of those they grapple to feed the abyss they sprout from. All non-[Ghost] creatures within the area take 1d4 Acid damage each round. This is a [Ghost] [Dark] effect.

At 20 hit dice, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Small Magical Beast ([Fighting]), CR 3
18 15 12 5 10 14
3d8+3 HD (16 HP), Init +2, Speed 40’
BAB/Grab: +3/+3
- 2 Drumsticks +8/+8 (1d4+4) Stomtyke's drumsticks are treated as clubs
AC: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 shield), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +1
Feats: Motivational Performer (Drums, Calls) (B), Two-Weapon Fighting, MS Two-Weapon Defense
Skills: Perform (Drums and Calls) +11
Stomtyke always puts enough points into Perform (Drums and Calls) to maintain maximum ranks. If it has skill points left over, it generally favors Intimidate and Listen.
Special Attacks: Supersonic, Low Kick, Uproar
Special Qualities: Fighting Pokemon Traits, Drumline, Marching Cadence, Growl,
Rare Traits: Perish Song, Rollout, Helping Hand
Tutor Moves: Brick Break, Rock Smash, Taunt
Advancement: 4-7 (Medium), usually evolves into Stomtaiko at 8 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

It kinda looks like a kid with a bucket slung around its body like a drum, with a pair of small branches clutched in its hands... It's scowling at you and drumming, now...

Fighting Pokemon Traits: Stomtyke are weak to [Fairy], [Flying], and [Psychic] type attacks, and resist [Bug], [Dark] and [Rock] type attacks.

Drumline (Ex): All [Sonic] and [Sound-based] moves that Stomtyke uses are changed to [Fighting] type effects, instead of their usual typing. Also, anything that would refer to some particular kind of Performance style, singing, songs, oration, etc, is instead based on drumming, shouting calls and Perform (Drums and Calls), and Stomtykes gain an enhancement bonus equal to their HD on all Performance checks. This is a [PokeAbility].

Marching Cadence (Ex): Stomtykes have a habit of drumming out a cadence while moving, or, really, doing anything. On the downside, this means that they take a -4 penalty on all Move Silently checks, and even when it's not trying to move silently, the DC for hearing a Stomtyke or a group with a Stomtyke in it is 4 lower than normal (this is cumulative for all Stomtykes in a group). Also, anyone familiar with Stomtyke (5 or more ranks in KnArcana or KnNature, and have spent time in an area where Stomtyke occur) gains a +2 bonus on tracking them (again, cumulative for all Stomtykes in the group).
On the upside, however, a Stomtyke can use Bardic Music as a bard (SRD, class level equals HD), with no use per day limit. A Stomtyke's Inspire Competence affects all allies that can hear it, and provides its bonus to raw ability checks, not just skill checks (frex- a Stomtyke's Marching Cadence provides a bonus on the Constitution checks required by Forced Marching). This makes Stomtykes rather popular on ships, in military companies, and other places where work songs, shanties, and other cadences are already a valuable tool.

Growl (Ex): Stomtyke gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Supersonic (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, Stomtyke can produce a supersonic drumroll that impairs the functionality of those within 15 feet of it. All in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Confused for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Low Kick (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may attempt to kick a foe's legs out with a Standard Action. This is resolved as a Slam attack that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature (so, 1d4 for Stomtyke), and on a successful hit allows a free Trip attempt to be made, inverting Size modifiers. This is a [Fighting] [Kick] effect.

Uproar (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Stomtyke can create a clamor of noise, preventing anyone from getting any sleep. This deals 1d6 Sonic damage per hit die to all within 15 feet, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and furthermore, out to a radius of 60 feet it cures the Drowsy condition, wakes up any Sleeping creatures, and prevents anything from becoming drowsy or falling asleep. The loud noise, but not the damage, continues until the end of the user's next turn, although using this attack again will extend it one round further. This is a [Sound] [Normal] attack.

At 4 HD, Stomtyke's charisma increases by 1 (it still receives another increase for 4 HD), and it learns Sing and Round-
Sing (Su): with a Full Round Action once per five rounds, Stomtyke may drum a song, and direct the song against a single target within 15 feet. If the target has 4 hit dice or fewer, they must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or fall Asleep for 1d4 rounds. It also makes a Perform (Drum) check, with a DC of 15, and success allows it to add 1 round to the duration, increase the maximum range by 10 feet, or increase the maximum hit dice of an affected creature by 3. For every 5 by which it exceeds the DC (ie 20, 25 etc) it may improve the effects again. The same enhancement may be chosen multiple times, stacking. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Round (Su): if another creature within 100 feet of Stomtyke uses a [Sound-Based] move listed below, and Stomtyke also knows that attack, it may then use the same ability with an Immediate Action - even if the ability is normally on "cooldown". Likewise, if Stomtyke uses any of these, any ally within 100' that knows the same attack may also use it with an Immediate Action, even if it is on cooldown. This is the same type attack as the ability in question.
Roundable Moves for Stomtyke: Echoed Voice, Disarming Voice, Hyper Voice, Sing or Uproar

At 5 HD, Stomtyke's Charisma increases by 1, and it learns Heartfelt Song and Double Kick-
Heartfelt Song (Su): with a Full Round Action once per five rounds, Stomtyke may sing a beautiful song straight from the heart. Creatures within 30 feet of it must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be rendered unable to use [Dark] abilities and attacks for three rounds. Even on a successful save, [Dark] attacks suffer a -2 Morale Penalty on Save DC and attack and damage rolls for three rounds. This is a [Sound] [Fairy] effect.

Double Kick (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Nidorina may unleash a pair of kicks at a given foe. This is resolved as two primary Slams (1d4 + Strength Bonus for a Small creature) at its highest attack bonus, both against the same target. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 6 HD, Stomtyke's Charisma increases by 1, and it learns Double Slap and the Bardic Music ability Suggestion-
Double Slap (Ex): Stomtyke may use a Full Round Action at will to slap a target repeatedly. This functions as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Stomtyke's hit dice, using the Monk's unarmed strike damage based on Stomtyke's size. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 7 HD, Stomtyke's Charisma increases by 1, and it learns Echoed Voice and Hyper Voice-
Echoed Voice (Ex): whenever Stomtyke uses a damaging [Sonic] attack, it may do so again on the following round regardless of normal usage limits, increasing the damage die one step each time (d3 -> d4 -> d6 -> d8 -> d10 -> d12), and this can be repeated (with further increases) turn after turn. If an attack already deals (or has been increases to) d12 damage but deals fewer than one die per hit die, then it increases to 1d12 per hit die, with no limit. If an attack already deals this, or an amount not based on dice, it can still be repeated but does not deal more damage. This is the same type as the attack repeated.

Hyper Voice (Ex): at will, Stomtyke may shout extremely loudly. This is a 50' Cone, and deals 1d10 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and a Fortitude Save (same DC) to resist being rendered Deaf for one minute. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

Rare Traits
Perish Song (Su): once per hour, Stomtyke may sing a deadly song, consisting of discordant sounds that work towards the natural frequency of all life. Or something. It uses a Full Round Action, and everything within 60 feet (itself included) takes a single point of Sonic damage. On the same Initiative Count next turn (even if Stomtyke has fainted or disappeared), all creatures and objects that were affected suffer another point of Sonic damage if they are within 150 feet of the original location. One turn after that, all creatures and objects that were affected and are still within 150 feet suffer Sonic damage equal to their maximum hit points, plus any temporary hit points they have. This is a [Sound] [Normal] effect.

Rollout (Ex): Stomtyke may use a Full Round Action at will to move up to its movement speed in a straight Line, making a Trample attack against all in the area. The damage for this is 1d4 (for a Tiny creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus. If used in successive turns, each time it increases the damage die by one size, to a maximum of three increases (2d6 for a Tiny creature). If it uses Defence Curl on the turn immediately preceding this attack, the damage is increased by one size further (so 1d6 on the first turn, up to a maximum of 2d8 on the fourth turn). This is a [Rock] attack.

Helping Hand (Su): when Stomtyke uses the Aid Other action, it grants a +4 Bonus, and this applies to Attack rolls, opposed checks, Save DC and Caster Level for the first ability used by the recipient on their next turn, as well as Empowering any damage rolled. This is a [Normal] effect.

Tutor Moves:
Brick Break (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may focus its anger into smashing a solid object with a precise martial arts strike. This is resolved as a Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 plus its Strength Bonus (for a Medium Creature), ignoring Damage Reduction and Hardness, dealing full damage to objects, even able to shatter [Force] effects if it deals at least 10 points of damage. This bypasses (and indeed destroys) Light Screen and Reflect, and if it destroys an intervening object behind which someone is hiding, it may continue the attack against the creature. This is a [Fighting] effect.

Rock Smash (Ex): With a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe suffers a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

Medium Magical Beast ([Fighting], [Poison]), CR 8
22 14 16 10 14 20
8d8+24 HD (60 HP), Init +2, Speed 40’
BAB/Grab: +8/+14
- 2 Drumsticks +14/+14 (1d8+6) Stomtaiko's drumsticks are treated as heavy maces
AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +2 shield), Flat 16, Touch 12
Fort +9 Ref +8 Will +4
Feats: Motivational Performer (Drums, Sing) (B), Two-Weapon Fighting, MS Two-Weapon Defense, Purple Dragon Knight
Skills: Perform (Drums) +24, Intimidate +10, Listen +8
Stomtaiko always puts enough points into Perform (Drums) to maintain maximum ranks. If it has skill points left over, it generally favors Intimidate and Listen.
Special Attacks: Supersonic, Low Kick, Uproar, Sing, Round, Double Kick, Double Slap, Hyper Voice
Special Qualities: Fighting and Poison Pokemon Traits, Toxic Drum, Marching Cadence, Growl, Heartfelt Song, Echoed Voice
Rare Traits: Perish Song, Rollout, Helping Hand
Tutor Moves: Brick Break, Rock Smash, Taunt, Defense Curl
Advancement: 9-16 (Medium), 17+ (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

As Stomtyke evolves, it trades its bucket out for a pair of dented and industrial drums with the stains of toxic chemicals previously being held in them, and its sticks for rusty pipes. Its jinbei has become a sleeveless kimono, bleached and stained in spots from the chemicals its drums once held.

Though a Stomtaiko has a pair of battered steel drums in front of it while stationary, while walking they carry a single steel drum and the other disappears.

Fighting and Poison Pokemon Traits: Stomtaikos are weak to [Flying], [Ground] and [Psychic] type attacks, and resist [Bug], [Dark], [Fighting], [Grass], [Poison] and [Rock] type attacks.
[Poison] Type Pokemon cannot be Poisoned, and thus are immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. If a natural weapon inflicts Poison, it is treated as a [Poison] attack unless the specific creature or natural weapon states otherwise. This takes precedence over things like Vermin and Animals being [Bug] and [Normal] attacks respectively. [Poison] Type Pokemon harmlessly absorb toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, they don't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Toxic Drum (Ex): All [Sonic] and [Sound-based] moves that Stomtaikos uses are changed to [Poison] type effects, instead of their usual typing. Also, anything that would refer to some particular kind of Performance style, singing, songs, oration, etc, is instead based on drumming, shouting calls and Perform (Drums and Calls), and Stomtaikos gain an enhancement bonus equal to their HD on all Performance checks. This is a [PokeAbility].

Marching Cadence (Ex): Stomtaikos have a habit of drumming out a cadence while moving, or, really, doing anything. On the downside, this means that they take a -4 penalty on all Move Silently checks, and even when it's not trying to move silently, the DC for hearing a Stomtaikos or a group with a Stomtaikos in it is 4 lower than normal (this is cumulative for all Stomtaikos in a group). Also, anyone familiar with Stomtaikos (5 or more ranks in KnArcana or KnNature, and have spent time in an area where Stomtaikos occur) gains a +2 bonus on tracking them (again, cumulative for all Stomtaikos in the group).
On the upside, however, a Stomtaikos can use Bardic Music as a bard (SRD, class level equals HD), with no use per day limit. A Stomtaikos's Inspire Competence affects all allies that can hear it, and provides its bonus to raw ability checks, not just skill checks (frex- a Stomtaikos 's Marching Cadence provides a bonus on the Constitution checks required by Forced Marching). This makes Stomtaikos rather popular on ships, in military companies, and other places where work songs, shanties, and other cadences are already a valuable tool.

Drum Roll (Su): Stomtaiko may use a Full Round Action at will to kick one of its industrial drums up to its movement speed in a straight Line, making a Trample attack against all in the area. The damage for this is 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus (20 for the example Stomtaiko. If used in successive turns, each time it increases the damage die by one size, to a maximum of three increases (4d6 for a Medium creature). If it uses Defence Curl on the turn immediately preceding this attack, the damage is increased by one size further (so 2d6 on the first turn, up to a maximum of 4d8 on the fourth turn). This is a [Sound-Based] [Poison] AND [FIGHTING] attack.

At 9 HD, Stomtaiko learns Relic Song and gains the Inspire Greatness Bardic Music effect-
Relic Song (Ex): at will, Stomtaiko may play an ancient song that tugs at the hearts of those who hear it. This is a 50' Cone, and deals 1d6 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and a Will Save (same DC) or become Drowsy. If the saving throw is failed by more than 4, they instead fall Asleep for one minute (or until any damage is suffered). This is a [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

At 10 HD, Stomtaiko learns Parting Shot-
Parting Shot (Su): As a full-round action once per minute, Stomtaiko may play a snare roll and force one target to make a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod). If the target fails its save, it takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls, and save DCs until the end of the encounter, it faints, or is switched out, and the Stomtaiko switches out. If the target makes the save, or is otherwise unaffected, Stomtaiko does not switch out. This is a [Ballistic] [Sound Based] [Dark] attack.

At 11 HD, Stomtaiko learns Acid and Acid Spray-
Acid (Ex): once per two rounds, Stomtaiko can cough up a splash of acid that functions as though it had thrown an acid flask. This is a [Poison] attack.

Acid Spray (Ex): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may spray deadly acid out in a Breath weapon, albeit only in a 25' Cone. All in the area suffer 1d4 points of Acid damage per 3 hit dice it has (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, this acid softens various protections for those who fail the saving throw, granting them a penalty to Armour Class, Damage Reduction and Saving Throws equal to the number of damage dice rolled, for 1 minute. This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] attack.

At 12 HD, Stomtaiko learns Focus Punch and Superpower, and gains the Song of Freedom Bardic Music effect-
Focus Punch (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may tighten its focus with a Move-Equivalent Action. On its next turn, it then may use a Standard Action to unleash a powerful Slam that deals 1d8 damage (for a Medium creature), plus two times its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 damage per hit die. However, this can be interrupted as though casting a spell with a one turn casting time - it must pass a Concentration check if damaged or in rough weather etc. otherwise the attempt is ruined. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Superpower (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Stomtaiko may slam into a foe at full force, putting all of its fighting spirit into one big attack. This is resolved as a Slam attack that deals 3d6 damage plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus (for a Medium creature), and grants a free Bullrush attempt on a successful hit. Stomtaiko does not move with the target when doing this, but may still knock the target further away than 5 feet. Upon performing this, Stomtaiko becomes Fatigued, or upgrades fatigue to Exhaustion until it rests for an hour. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 13 HD, Stomtaiko learns Hammer In-
Hammer In (Ex): once per minute when Stomtaiko hits the same foe with both drumsticks attacks, it can attempt to entomb its foe. The foe must make a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be hammered partially into the ground. This ability doesn’t work in locations with a basement or open level immediately below (instead destroying that square and causing them to fall), nor can Stomtaiko hammer victims into magical, living, or animate materials, or materials with a Hardness higher than 8. A creature affected by this is considered Anchored in place. Every turn, they may use a Standard Action to attempt to pull themselves free, making either a Strength check or an Escape Artist check (same DC as the Reflex Save). This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 14 HD, Stomtaiko learns Power Lariat-
Power Lariat (Ex): once per hour with a Standard Action, or the attack at the end of a Charge, Stomtaiko may deliver a clothesline that would make Stan Hansen proud. This is a Slam attack that does not depend on Size but instead deals a variable number of d10 of damage to the target, plus its Strength Bonus. The number of d10 is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. When within 30' of an allied Stomtaiko, add a +3 Morale Bonus to the attack and damage roll (which in turn likely increases the "base damage"). Any target hit, unless larger than Stomtaiko, is automatically knocked Prone. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 15 HD, Stomtaiko learns Boom Burst and Acid Storm, which may only be used while Mega Evolved, and gains the Inspire Heroics Bardic Music effect-
Boom Burst (Su): As a full-round action, Stomtaiko plays a loud, booming beat on its drums that emanates out in a 50' radius burst from the Stomtaiko. This deals 1d10 per 2 HD Sonic damage to all creatures other than Stomtaiko in that area, though a successful Ref (DC 10+1/2 HD + Cha mod) halves this damage. All creatures in the area must also make a Fort save (same DC) or be deafened for 1d4+Cha mod rounds. This is a Sonic [Sound Based] [Normal] attack.

Toxic Deluge (Su): Once per 10 minutes as a Full-Round Action, Mega Stomtaiko may conjure dark purple clouds heavy with lightning and rain, duplicating the effects of the spell Toxic Deluge (see below).

Mega Evolution: When Stomtaiko mega evolves (often known as Stormtaiko), the pokemon itself hardly changes, though its form does become a little taller and buffer, and its stained black kimono becomes a tattered dark blue with accents of bright yellow. Instead, its two steel drums are replaced by one massive steel cask standing on its side behind the Stomtaiko and its pipe drumsticks grow thicker and heavier. In this form, its Strength and Charisma both increase by 6, its Constitution increases by 4, and its Intelligence and Wisdom each increase by 2. If an effect used by Mega Stomtaiko requires maintaining concentration (such as Toxic Deluge), Mega Stomtaiko may maintain concentration as a move action by playing its drum. If, for whatever reason, Mega Stomtaiko cannot play its drum, it must use a standard action to maintain concentration as normal. Its PokeAbility becomes Drums of Thunder.

Drums of Thunder (Ex): The constant pounding an rolling of Mega Stomtaiko's drumming is akin to thunder. All [Sound Based] area of effect attacks Stomtaiko makes in this form are Widened and Empowered, and linger for one round (as if a Lingering Breath Weapon). All [Sound Based] attacks made by Mega Stomtaiko are treated as their usual typing, or [Electric] attacks, whichever is more advantageous.

New Spell: Toxic Deluge
Conjuration (Creation, [Poison])
Level: Clr 8, Drd 7, Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S, F/DF
Casting Time: One Full Round, during which you take no Swift actions
Range: 20 ft
Area: Cylinder (40-ft. radius, 40 ft. high)
Duration: Concentration (up to 1 round/level)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You conjure evil-looking purple clouds, laden with rain and lightning. The rain that pours out of these clouds is not water, but slick, toxic acid.

A driving acidic rain falls around you. It falls in a fixed area once created. The storm reduces hearing and visibility, resulting in a -4 penalty on Listen, Spot, and Search checks. It also applies a -4 penalty on ranged attacks made into, out of, or through the storm. Finally, it automatically extinguishes any unprotected flames and has a 50% chance to extinguish protected flames (such as those of lanterns). The rain deals 2d6 points of Acid damage per round at the beginning of your turn. Creatures within the rain which are not immune to Acid and poison, or who do not have the [Poison] type must succeed on a Will save or take a -1 morale penalty on attack and damage rolls, checks and saves for the duration of the spell plus a number of rounds thereafter equal to half your caster level. Creatures immune to Acid and poison, or which have the [Poison] type gain a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, checks and saves for the same duration.

The acid rain which falls during this spell causes the ground to be incredibly slippery, like ice. Movement into or through these squares is halved (each square costs 2 squares of movement to enter), and the DC of Balance and Tumble checks increases by 5. A DC 15 Balance check is required to run or charge through these squares, with failure indicating the creature falls prone. A creature which touches the acid-slicked ground with their bare skin, or which falls prone takes 1d6 acid damage. Creatures of the [Poison] type or which are immune to Acid and poison are not affected by this slippery, acidic terrain.

Arcane Focus: A drum painted with runes of poison, venom, and elemental acid
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm

Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Tiny Undead ([Fire], [Ghost], Fire), CR 1
3 17 10 13 12 16
1d8 (4 HP), Init +3, 15'
BAB/Grab: +0/-12
- Slam +5m (1)
- Ember (std act) +5rt (1d8 fire and might catch fire)
AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +2 Size, +1 Defl), Flat 13, Touch 16
Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Eerie Emanation (Black Hole)
Skills: Bluff +7, Hide +7, Move Silently +7
Special Attacks: Astonish, Ember, Smog
Special Qualities: Fire and Ghost Pokemon Traits, Flash Fire, Lifeforce Flame
Rare Traits: Flame Body, Acid Armor, Clear Smog, Haze, Power Split
Tutor Moves: Protect, Thief, Facade, Flame Charge, Endure, Sunny Day, Sleep Talk, Rest, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Substitute, Trick, Heat Wave, Energy Ball, Psychic, Flamethrower, Calm Mind, Fire Blast, Trick Room, Flare Blitz, Solar Beam, Haze, Spite, Burning Jealousy, Poltergeist, Psych Up, Temper Flare, Skitter Smack
Advancement: 2-4 (Tiny), usually evolves into Lampent at 4 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

Aw, it's a cute little candle-thing! That's weird, why does the air feel so cold around it...

Ghost and Fire Traits: Litwicks are weak against [Dark], [Ghost], [Ground], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Fairy], [Fire], [Grass], [Ice], [Poison] and [Steel] attacks.
[Fire] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Fire] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. They suffer no damage from being set on fire, suffer no harm from naturally occurring hot weather (such as nonlethal damage, sunburn and heatstroke), and cannot be Burned. Anything that deals Fire damage is considered a [Fire] attack unless specified otherwise.
[Ghost] Pokemon can be affected as though [Incorporeal] Undead, even if they lack the Undead Type. They are also considered Spirits. They do not gain any of the usual traits of Undead such as Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects, Poisons and Sneak Attack. [Ghost] Type Pokemon all have the ability to manifest into the corporeal world, in which case they always resist [Normal] and [Fighting] attacks regardless of other Types, but can essentially interact with the world normally. They can also fade back into the Ethereal Plane, in which case the usual rules for [Incorporeal] Ethereal creatures apply. Negative Energy effects are treated as [Ghost] attacks and thus are actually Super Effective against [Ghost] Pokemon rather than healing them (but in return, [Ghost] Pokemon heal normally from Positive Energy), and Ghost Touch weapons are always treated as the better of [Ghost] or their normal type (almost always [Fighting]) for the purpose of damaging targets.

Flash Fire (Su): if a Litwick with this ability is hit by a [Fire] attack, whether or not the attack normally does damage, it deals the minimum possible damage to Litwick (before Resistance) and has no other effects on it, and additionally amplifies its own heat. If it unleashes a [Fire] attack on its own following turn, the attack deals an extra 2 points of damage per die rolled. This is a [Pokebility].

Flame Body (Ex): A Litwick with this [Pokeability] has the Burn trait of a Fire Elemental of one size category larger than it is (1d4 for the sample Litwick).

Lifeforce Flame (Su): Litwicks subsist on the life force of other creatures, using it to fuel their flames. A litwick sheds light as a torch, and any creature which spends at least a minute in the illumination it provides is susceptible to having its life force stolen. This deals 1 negative level unless the creature succeeds at a Will save (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha). After the first minute, they must make another Will save for each hour spent in the illumination or suffer another negative level, and the DC increases by 1 for each previous save they were forced to make (if they leave the radius and return, the DC resets).

Astonish (Ex): If Litwick hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by it, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Ember (Su): with a Standard Action, Litwick can exhale a spray of embers and sparks from its mouth. This requires a Standard Action, and reaches out to 25 feet. If it succeeds on a Ranged Touch Attack, the target suffers 1d8 points of Fire damage, and must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or catch fire. This is a [Fire] attack, and causes objects and terrain to ignite.

Smog (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Litwick may unleash exhaust fumes at a target in Close Range. This deals 1d12 damage, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save the target is also poisoned, with Primary and Secondary damage of 3d6 additional hit point damage, as well as being Sickened for one minute. This is a [Poison] attack and a gas.

Eerie Emanation (Su): Litwick's lambent aura emanates from it out to a 10 foot radius. It can suppress it as a free action for 1 round, but it does not determine against friend or foe.
- Black Hole (Su): All creatures which pass through your aura must pass a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + highest mental ability modifier) or be reduced to half speed for as long as they remain in range. Anyone who fails the save and ends their turn directly adjacent to you is rendered entangled and immobile, and must make the save again as a move action to try the saving throw again.

Rare Traits
Infiltrator (Ex): if Litwick has this rare [Pokebility], it doesn't provoke Attacks of Opportunity, sees through Substitute, and can ignore the effects of Reflect, Light Screen and Aurora Veil.

At 2 HD, Litwick learns Minimize
Minimize (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to shrink itself magically. For the next minute, it shrinks down two Size Categories, and has a +4 Size Bonus to Dexterity, and a -4 Size Penalty to Strength (minimum 1). This is a [Normal] effect.

At 3 HD, Litwick learns Confuse Ray
Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Litwick may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half Litwick's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 4 HD, Litwick learns Hex, and its Charisma increases by 1
Hex (Sp): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a baleful curse at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Small Undead ([Fire], [Ghost], Fire), CR 4
7 17 12 15 16 20
4d8+4 (23 HP), Init +3, 15'
BAB/Grab: +3/-3
- Slam +6m (1d3)
- Ember (std act) +6rt (1d8 fire and might catch fire)
AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +5 Defl), Flat 16, Touch 19
Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +7
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Eerie Emanation (Black Hole), Enervating Touch
Skills: Bluff +12, Disguise +12 (+22 to disguise self as a lamp), Hide +10, Move Silently +10
Special Attacks: Astonish, Ember, Smog, Minimize, Confuse Ray, Hex
Special Qualities: Fire and Ghost Pokemon Traits, Flash Fire or Flame Body, Lifeforce Flame
Rare Traits: Infiltrator
Tutor Moves: Protect, Thief, Facade, Flame Charge, Endure, Sunny Day, Sleep Talk, Rest, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Substitute, Trick, Heat Wave, Energy Ball, Psychic, Flamethrower, Calm Mind, Fire Blast, Trick Room, Flare Blitz, Solar Beam, Haze, Spite, Burning Jealousy, Poltergeist, Psych Up, Temper Flare, Skitter Smack
Advancement: 5-8 (Small), 9-18 (Medium), usually evolves into Chandelure at 8 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points


Ghost and Fire Traits: Lampents are weak against [Dark], [Ghost], [Ground], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Fairy], [Fire], [Grass], [Ice], [Poison] and [Steel] attacks.
[Fire] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Fire] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. They suffer no damage from being set on fire, suffer no harm from naturally occurring hot weather (such as nonlethal damage, sunburn and heatstroke), and cannot be Burned. Anything that deals Fire damage is considered a [Fire] attack unless specified otherwise.
[Ghost] Pokemon can be affected as though [Incorporeal] Undead, even if they lack the Undead Type. They are also considered Spirits. They do not gain any of the usual traits of Undead such as Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects, Poisons and Sneak Attack. [Ghost] Type Pokemon all have the ability to manifest into the corporeal world, in which case they always resist [Normal] and [Fighting] attacks regardless of other Types, but can essentially interact with the world normally. They can also fade back into the Ethereal Plane, in which case the usual rules for [Incorporeal] Ethereal creatures apply. Negative Energy effects are treated as [Ghost] attacks and thus are actually Super Effective against [Ghost] Pokemon rather than healing them (but in return, [Ghost] Pokemon heal normally from Positive Energy), and Ghost Touch weapons are always treated as the better of [Ghost] or their normal type (almost always [Fighting]) for the purpose of damaging targets.

At 5 HD, Lampent learns Will-O-Wisp
Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a floating sphere of brilliant (and spooky) blue fire. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is Burned. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 6 HD, Lampent learns Fire Spin, Lampent's Int increases by 1
Fire Spin (Su): once per hour, Lampentcan use a Full Round Action to whirl up and unleash a fire tornado. This creates a blaze adjacent to Lampent that is the same Size, except twice as tall with a minimum of 10' (so 10' tall and filling a 5' square normally and up to Medium, but a Large Lampent would create a 10x10' square that is 20' tall, and a theoretical Colossal Lampent would create a 40x40' square that is 80' tall). This then travels 20' directly away from Lampent , and will continue to do so every round for 1d4 rounds, plus one per 3 hit dice (round up) before petering out. If exposed to water, it ceases instantly. Anything that touches the flames suffers 1d8 Fire damage per 4 hit dice of Lampent (round up) and, if the same size as Lampent or smaller, must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be pulled in. Those that are pulled into the fire remain trapped until rescued by some stronger effect or the tornado ends. Flying creatures are allowed an additional Reflex Save each round to escape into an adjacent space (same DC) as a Move Action. Every round something remains trapped in the tornado, they suffer the Fire damage again, and while they can act normally (save for being unable to leave, carried with the flaming winds), they suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity, a -2 Penalty on attack rolls, and must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + Lampent's hit dice + Spell Level) to cast a spell. A fire tornado can only hold as many creatures as actually fit in its area. This is a [Fire] attack, and pretty much incinerates plant-based terrain and melts snow and ice.

At 7 HD, Lampent learns Night Shade
Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Lampent may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

At 8 HD, Lampent learns Curse and its Charisma increases by 1
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Lampent may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

Small Undead ([Fire], [Ghost], Fire), CR 8
10 18 14 16 20 26
8d8+4 (23 HP), Init +3, 15'
BAB/Grab: +6/+2
- Slam +10m (1d3)
- Ember (std act) +10rt (1d8 fire and might catch fire)
- Pale Touch +10mt (4d6 cold and Shaken)
AC: 23 (+4 Dex, +1 size, +8 Defl), Flat 19, Touch 23
Fort +4 Ref +10 Will +11
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Eerie Emanation (Black Hole), Enervating Touch, Pale Touch
Skills: Bluff +12, Disguise +12 (+22 to disguise self as a lamp), Hide +10, Move Silently +10
Special Attacks: Astonish, Ember, Smog, Minimize, Confuse Ray, Hex, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Spin, Night Shade, Curse
Special Qualities: Fire and Ghost Pokemon Traits, Flash Fire or Flame Body, Lifeforce Flame
Rare Traits: Infiltrator
Tutor Moves: Protect, Thief, Facade, Flame Charge, Endure, Sunny Day, Sleep Talk, Rest, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Substitute, Trick, Heat Wave, Energy Ball, Psychic, Flamethrower, Calm Mind, Fire Blast, Trick Room, Flare Blitz, Solar Beam, Haze, Spite, Burning Jealousy, Poltergeist, Psych Up, Temper Flare, Skitter Smack
Advancement: 9-16 (Small), 17+ (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

At 9 HD, Chandelure learns Shadow Ball
Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Chandelure may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 10 HD, Chandelure learns Inferno
Inferno (Su): once per hour, providing it is not Fatigued or Exhausted, Chandelure may use a Standard Action to create a horrifying creamatorium of purgatory flames. A 30' radius 90' tall column is designated within Long Range, and starts to heat up, becoming Hotter by two levels (minimum of Hot). At the start of Chandelure's next turn, the area erupts into a pillar of fire, dealing 2d6 damage per hit die and leaving the target with a Burn. There is no saving throw against this. Additionally, the entire area is incinerated, leaving very little in the way of terrain. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 11 HD, Chandelure learns Imprison
Imprison (Su): once per hour, Chandelure may glare at a foe within Medium Range as a Standard Action, and seal away any shared attacks. The foe must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), otherwise for the next minute, they are unable to utilise any Special Attacks shared by Litwick. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 12 HD, Chandelure learns Pain Split and its Int and Con increase by 1 each
Pain Split (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may attempt to even its life force out with that of another creature within 30 feet. This uses a Standard Action, and if the target has more current hit points than the Pokemon, the Pokemon steals 1d10 hit points from the target. If the target has more than twice as many hit points than the Pokemon, it instead steals 3d10 hit points. If the Pokemon has more hit points than the target, the target instead steals 1d10 hit points from the user (or 3d10 if the user has more than double the target's hit points). Resistance and Weakness do not apply to this, because it is not damage, it is "stealing hit points". This also means it does not count as a damaging attack. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 13 HD, Chandelure learns Overheat
Overheat (Su): three times per day, when not Fatigued or Exhausted, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to overwork the fires within itself, and direct it at a 10' radius Spread within Close Range. All in the area suffer 10 damage per hit die (12 per hit die in Harsh Sunlight), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Targets with Heat Protection (It's Hot Outside) gain a +4 Bonus on the Saving Throw, however a creature wearing heavy clothing or armour, or any kind of armour mostly made of metal, suffers a -4 Penalty on the Saving Throw. Failure also causes a target to suffer from heatstroke and dehydration, becoming Fatigued until the damage is healed. Upon using this, the Pokemon becomes Exhausted until it rests. This destroys most objects and terrain in the area, and is a [Fire] attack.

At 14 HD, Chandelure learns Memento
Memento (Sp): once per day, Chandelure may hex an enemy at the cost of its own life, providing it has more than zero hit points. It uses a Standard Action, and instantly falls to -1 hit points (but stable), and loses all temporary hit points. When it makes this sacrifice, it designates one target in 50 feet, and that creature suffers the effects of a Greater Bestow Curse, with no saving throw. This is a [Ghost] effect that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Serious Badass
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Sphere: Vespa
Granted Power: You can speak to all forms of bees, wasps, and similar, both natural and monstrous, and monsters that resemble them, such as phase wasps and spider eaters, as if you shared a language, and they had an Int equal to your caster level. You're also weirdly proficient in weaponized guitars and basses
1st– Goodhoney (as Goodberry, but it uses bits of honeycomb); Special Bonus- mount at will (appears to be an odd, vaguely wasp-like steampunk vehicle)
3rd– Summon Swarm (summons wasps, bees, etc)
5th– Insect Plague (summons wasps, bees, or the like); Special Bonus- phantom steed at will (appears to be an odd, vaguely wasp-like steampunk vehicle)
7th– Lesser Vespid Transformation (as Lesser Infernal Transformation, but take on the appearance of an advespa. Become large, replace the beard and devil chills with the advespa's sting and poison, gain Fly 40 ft [good])
9th– Sting of the Hive (as Poison Thorns but bee stingers instead of thorns)
11th– Find the Path (conjures a magical giant bee that tells you the path through motions)
13th– Infernal Vespid Transformation (as Infernal Transformation but become a Wasp Fiend (as normal, plus Fly 40 ft [Good])
15th– Vespa’s Crackle (as storm rage but wasp themed)
17th– Bee of Power (as eye of power, but it creates a glowing blue bee)
19th– Hellish Swarm (as Hellish Horde, but replace the bearded devils with Half-fiend Giant Wasps, the chain devils with Hawkwasp devils (see below), and the bone devil with a Greater Advespa [see below])

Monster: Half-Fiend Wasp
Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (37 hp)
Init: +3
Speed: 20 ft., Fly 60 ft (good)
AC: 15 (-1 size, +1 dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
BAB/Grap: +5/+15
- Sting +10m (1d3+6 plus poison)
- Bite +10m (1d8+9, 19-20/x2)
- 2 Claws +10m (1d6+6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft, vermin traits, Immune to Poison, Acid, Cold, Electricity and Fire Resist 10, DR 5/magic, SR 15
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5
Str 22, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Climb +14, Hide +7, Listen +9, Move Silent +11, Search +7, Spot +17, Survival +1 (+5 to orient self)
Feats: Flyby Attack, Hover, Multiattack

Poison (Ex.): Sting, Fort 15, 1d6 Dex/1d6 Dex

Smite Good (Su): Once per day, the half-fiend giant wasp can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD against a Good foe.

Spell-likes: CL 10, Charisma based DCs
- 3/day---darkness
- 1/day---desecrate, unholy blight

Monster: Hawkwasp Devil
half-fiend adult kython
Medium Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 10d8+40 (85 hp)
Init: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft., Fly 80 ft (perfect)
AC: 27 (+4 dex, +13 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 23
BAB/Grap: +10/+11
- Boneblade Stinger +16 (1d10+5)
- Bite +10m (3d6+7, 19-20/x2)
- 4 Claws +10m (1d8+5)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft, Immune to Acid and Cold, Immune to Poison, Fire and Electricity resist 30, SR 20
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +9
Str 21, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13
Skills: Climb +18, Craft (Alchemy) +15, Escape Artist +17, Handle Animal +14 (+18 with Vermin), Hide +17, Jump +18, Listen +15, Move Silent +17, Perform (Dance) +14, Tumble +17
Feats: MultiattackB, Improved InitiativeB, Toxic Corrosion, Stinging Charge, Wing Block, Adept Flyer

This fiend looks like a man-sized wasp, with a terrifying stinger dripping florescent green fluid that sizzles when it hits the ground. A keen intelligence glints in its compound eyes.

Poison (Ex.): Boneblade Stinger, Fort 19, 1d6 Str/1d6 Str

Smite Good (Su): Once per day, the hawkwasp devil can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD against a Good foe.

Spell-likes: CL 10, Charisma based DCs
- 3/day---darkness, poison
- 1/day---desecrate, unholy blight, contagion

Toxic Corrosion (Su): You are able to enhance any poisons you apply to your weapon, natural poison you possess, or the poison spell to be supernaturally corrosive. The poison eats away materials just as easily as flesh, allowing the poison to affect creatures normally immune to poison. A corrosive poison affects creatures with immunity to poison as if they did not have such immunities, it can even affect creatures without a Constitution score and is treated as being able to affect objects for the purpose of affecting creatures. Any ability damage it deals to a creature on an ability score the creatures does not possess it deals as acid damage to it instead.
A corrosive poison ignores the effect of the delay poison spell and Ability Damage Reduction of all types. A creature immune to acid damage treats a corrosive poison just as if it was a normal poison, applying it immunities and Ability Damage Reduction as normal.
This effects of this feat are supernatural abilities. You may suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Stinging Charge (Ex): While charging or making a diving attack, you may make an additional sting attack in addition to any other attacks you could make. This sting attack deal double damage if it hit on a charge, or triple damage on a diving attack.

Wing Block (Ex): Once per round, a creature with this feat may use its wings to deflect a physical attack. The creature must not be using its wings for flight when attempting a wing block, and the creature must be aware of the attack.
When subject to a melee or ranged attack, the creature makes an opposed attack roll at it's highest attack bonus as an immediate action. If the opposed roll equals or exceeds the original attack roll, the creature deflects the blow and takes no damage. For every size category larger than its attacker, the creature gains a +2 on the opposed attack roll.
Wing Block cannot be used to block touch attacks from spells and spell like abilities, nor can it deflect siege attacks.

Monster: Greater Advespa
Advespa Ba'atorian Swarmlord7 (trades an outsider HD for a level)
Large Outsider (Ba'atezu, Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 10d8+60 (105 hp)
Init: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
AC: 19 (-2 size, +1 dex, +10 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 18
BAB/Grap: +10/+27
- 2 Boneblades +21m (2d6+9, 19-20/x2)
- 2 Claws +17m (1d8+9)
- Sting +17m (1d6+4)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Poison, Spell-like Abilities
Special Qualities: Ba'atezu Traits [immune to fire and poison, resist acid and cold 10, see in darkness, telepathy), DR 5/magic, regeneration 2, SR 15
Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +7
Str 28, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +4, Listen +5, Move Silent +5, Search +4, Spot +7
Feats: Supernatural VirulenceB, Huge SizeB, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Hive Mind

Improved Grab (Ex): If an advespa hits an opponent that is at least one size category smaller than itself with both claws, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an AoO. If it gets a hold, it automatically hits with its sting. Thereafter, the advespa has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its claws to hold the opponent (-20 grapple, but the advespa is not considered grappled). In either case, each successful grapple check it makes during consecutive rounds automatically deals damage from both claws and the sting.

Poison (Ex): The advespa injects a dose of poison (Fort 15) with each successful sting attack. The initial and secondary damage is the same (1d10 Str and Dex). Additionally, the Primary damage also reduces the target’s Movement Speed by 10’ (until all the Ability Damage is removed) and bestows a 20% Spell Failure chance for all Spells with Somatic Components (similar to Arcane Spell Failure of Armour), again until the damage is healed. These can stack up over multiple stings.

Venom Sphere (Sp): Basic, Granted Power--Immunity to PoisonYou gain wild empathy as a druid of your character level that applies to creatures of the vermin type and insectoid magical beasts.

Spell-like Abilities: Caster level 10, DC 15
- at will---darkness
- 3/day---change self, command, early twilight, produce flame, pyrotechnics, summon wasp swarm, summon fiendish wasp swarm
- 1/day---animate legion, deeper darkness, desecrateVenSp, poisonVenSp, bestow curseVenSp, mind poisonVenSp, cloudkillVenSp

Regeneration (Ex): An advespa takes normal damage from acid and holy/blessed magic weapons.

Summon Ba'atezu (Sp): Once per day, an advespa can attempt to summon 3d10 additional advespas with a 50% chance of success.

Boneswords (Ex): at level two, one of the Swarmlord’s Claw attacks is replaced with a Bone Sword – its chitin growing out in a long deadly blade that channels its power. It is treated as a Shortsword (sized for a Large creature) made from Boneblade, with an innate Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). These traits last even if hacked off and wielded by another. Additionally, when wielded by the Swarmlord (ie in its normal state) it has the Defending property. At levels five, eight and eleven, another Claw is replaced by another Bone Sword. If the Defending property is used for any of the Bone Swords, they all suffer the reduced bonus however the total bonus to Armour Class improves by +1 for each additional Bone Sword – ie if 2 points of Weapon Bonus are transferred to Armour Class, at level five the AC Bonus would be +3, at level eight it would be +4, and at level eleven it would be +5. Note that these are Natural Weapons, so they cannot make Iterative Attacks for a high Base Attack Bonus, but they do benefit from anything that affects Natural Weapons and if it grows larger, so do they.

Hive Mind: Constant Telepathy out to 250 feet, but only with willing creatures. Additionally, any time any of your followers or summoned creatures within this range, or anyone accepting the Telepathic link, is required to attempt a Will Save or Knowledge check, they may use your Save/Skill Bonus if it is higher. Finally, if any of the above interact with (and thus are given the chance to Disbelieve) an Illusion, all such creatures (and you) may attempt to Disbelieve.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: [3.X] Prak's D&D Material

Post by Prak »

Sphere: Hive
Granted Ability: You can traverse slippery and sticky surfaces (such as grease, ice, or webbing) with no difficulty, and gain a Climb speed equal to your land speed. You are treated as a vermin by effects when beneficial, and gain the feat Aspect of the Vermin.
1: Summon Swarm (the swarm always has the appearance, at least vaguely, of some kind of eusocial, insect-like creature.)
3: Paralyzing Sting (Ghoul Touch)
5: Ectoplasmic Cocoon (a psionic power)
7: Create Resin (as Minor Creation, but creates resin that quickly hardens and disintegrates at the end of the duration. As Major Creation at 10 HD. You can create different strengths of resin, mimicing any material you could create with Major Creation, but it is resin)
9: Wall of Resin (as Wall of Stone)
11: Labyrinthian Hive (as Guards and Wards)
13: Mass Ectoplasmic Cocoon (psionic power)
15: Enwrap the Soul (as Trap the Soul, Spell-Completion only. You wrap the target in resin, webbing, or similar matter which crystalizes)
17: Unleash the Hive (as Abyssal Army, but fluffed appropriately. Or actually replace them, I don't care)
19: Stasis Cocoon (as Temporal Stasis, but Range: Personal. You seal yourself in a resinous cocoon and are in suspended animation until that cocoon is broken, or some other condition is met).
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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