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Let's Play Fighting Fantasy #3: The Forest of Doom

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:24 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Only the foolhardy or the very brave would willingly risk a journey into Darkwood Forest, where strange, twisting paths wind their way into the eerie depths. Who knows what monstrous creatures lurk in the threatening shadows, or what deadly adventures await the unwary traveler? Do YOU dare to enter?
In a desperate race against tine, deep within Darkwood, your quest is to find the missing pieces of the legendary Hammer of Stonebridge, which was fashioned by Dwarfs to protect peaceful Stonebridge against its ancient doom.
Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are all you need to embark on this thrilling adventure of sword and sorcery, complete with its elaborate combat system and a score sheet to record your gains and losses.
Many dangers lie ahead and your success is by no means certain. Powerful adversaries are ranged against you and often your only choice is to kill or be killed!
Two more Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks are published in Puffin: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain and The Citadel of Chaos.

There are just the original 3 ability scores, combat is like every FF book that is not Creature of Havoc or a sci-fi title, and Provisions and Equipment and all that other shit are like in Ian Livingstone's later solo books: City of Thieves, Deathtrap Dungeon, and Island of the Lizard King.
Which means we get one of three Potions (Skill, Strength, or Fortune) and 10 Provisions (they're still +4 STAMINA each, and now can be eaten at any time outside of combat--and there is no limit to how many we can eat at a time.) Skill Potion restores SKILL to full, Strength does the same to STAMINA, and Fortune does the same to LUCK but also adds 1 to your Initial score before restoring it (basically it restores LUCK to LUCK+1)
(Rolled SKILL 9, STAMINA 18, LUCK 12.)
You are an adventurer, a sword for hire, and have been roaming the northern borderlands of your kingdom. Having always spurned the dullness of village life, you now wander the lands in search of wealth and danger. Despite the long walks and rough outdoor life you are content with your unknown destiny. The world holds no fears for you as you are a skillful warrior, well practiced in the art of slaying evil men and beasts with your trusty sword. Not once during the last ten days since entering the northern borderlands have you set eyes upon another person. This does not worry you at all, as you are happy with your own company and enjoy the slow, sunny days hunting, eating and sleeping.

It is evening, and having feasted on a dinner of rabbit, spit-roasted on an open fire, you settle down to sleep beneath your sheepskin blanket. There's a full moon, and the light sparkles on the blade of your broadsword skewered into the ground by your side. You gaze at it, wondering when you will next have to wipe the blood of some vile creature from its sharp edge. These are strange lands, inhabited by weird and loathsome beasts—goblins, trolls and even dragons.

As the flame of your camp fire gently dies, you begin to drift asleep, and images of screaming, green-faced trolls flicker through your mind. Suddenly, in the bushes to your left, you hear the loud crack of a twig breaking under a clumsy foot. You leap up and grab your sword from the ground. You stand motionless but alert, ready to pounce on your unseen adversary. Then you hear a groan, followed by the dull thud of a body falling to the ground. Is it a trap? Slowly you walk over to the bush where the noise is coming from and carefully pull back the branches. You look down to see a little old man with a great bushy beard, his face contorted with pain. You crouch down to remove the iron helmet covering his balding head and notice two crossbow bolts protruding from the stomach of his plump, chainmail-clad torso. Picking him up, you carry him over to the fire and stir the dying embers into life. After covering him with the sheepskin blanket, you manage to get the old man to drink a little water He coughs and moans. He sits up rigid, eyes staring fixedly ahead, and starts to shout.

‘I'll get them! I’ll get them! Don’t you fear, Gillibran, Bigleg is coming to bring you the hammer. Oh yes, indeed I am. Oh yes. . .'

The dwarf, whose name you presume to be Bigleg, is obviously delirious from the poison-tipped bolts lodged in his stomach. You watch as he slumps down again to the ground, then whisper his name in his ear. His eves stare unblinkingly at you, as he again starts to shout.

'Ambush! Look out! Ambush! Aagh! The hammer! Take the hammer to Gillibranl Save the dwarfs!'
His eyes half close and the pain seems to ease a little, and as the delirium subsides, he speaks to you again in a low whisper.

'Help us, friend . . . take the hammer to Gillibran—only the hammer will unite our people against the trolls . . . We were on our way to Darkwood in search of the hammer . . . ambushed by the little people . . . others fled . . . the map in my pouch will take you to the home of Yaztromo, the master mage of these parts . . . he has great magics for sale to protect you against the creatures of Darkwood . . . take my gold . . I beg you to find the hammer and take it to Gillibran, my Lord of Stonebridge . . . You will be well rewarded. . .'

Bigleg opens his mouth to start another sentence, but nothing comes out except his last dying breath. You sit down and ponder Bigleg's words. Who is Gillibran? Who is Yaztromo? What is all the fuss about the dwarfish hamrner? You reach over to the still body of Bigleg and remove the pouch from the leather belt around his waist. Inside you find 10 Gold Pieces and a map.

Jingling the coins in your hand you think of the possible rewards which may await you just for returning a hammer to a village of dwarfs. You decide to try to find the hammer in Darkwood Forest; it's been a few weeks since your last good battle, and, what is more, you are likely to be well paid for this one.

With your mind made up, you settle down to sleep, having taken back the sheepskin blanket from poor Bigleg. In the morning you bury the old dwarf and gather up your possessions. You examine the map, look up to the sun, and find your bearings. Whistling merrily, you head off south at a good pace, eager to meet this man Yaztromo and see what he has to offer.
Your walk to Yaztromo's takes a little over half a day, and you arrive at his stone tower home dirty and hungry. As the tower is set back on the edges of Darkwood some fifty meters away from the path you have been following, it is difficult to find. Finally you walk up to the huge oak door, somewhat relieved to find that it does exist and that Bigleg had not been speaking wildly in his delirium. A large brass bell and gong hang from the stone archway. As you ring the bell, a shiver runs down your spine and you realize that the loud 'bong' invades a deep silence, which you had not noticed before. There are no sounds of birds or animals to be heard. You wait anxiously at the door and hear slow footsteps descending stairs from the tower above. A small wooden slot in the door slides open, and two
eyes appear and examine you .
'Well, who are you?' demands a grumpy voice through the hole.

You answer that you are an adventurer in search of the master mage Yaztromo, intending to purchase magical items from him to combat the creatures of Darkwood Forest.

'Oh ! Well in that case, if you are interested in buying some of my merchandise, you had better come up. I am Yaztromo.'

He then turns and slowly climbs the stone stairs. Will you:

Follow him up the stairs?
Draw your sword and attack him?

Adventure Sheet
[Name TBD]
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Potions: One of Skill (restores SKILL to full), Strength (restores STAMINA to full), or Fortune (restores LUCK to full+1)
Gold Pieces: 30
Items: Map

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:36 pm
by Mr Shine
It's always a good idea to attack friendly powerful wizards so let's do that.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:55 pm
by MisterDee
Yeah, let's look at the "lol no autodeath" section first, then restart with the same character and follow him nicely.

(If for some reason it's not an autodeath, let's go off the One True Path and murder the fool.)

As to a name, we got the mission from our pal Bigleg, so in his honor I think we should be called Dick McBigThirdLeg.

And grab the Luck Potion - I think we'll be better off trusting our Luck for occasional double damage hits than trusting our average Skill.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:42 am
by Darth Rabbitt
As you draw your sword, Yaztromo turns round and casually advises you not to be foolish as his magic is great.

If you still wish to attack him
If you change your mind and decide to follow him up the stairs

(We have at least one preemptive vote to still attack him. but I'll wait for others' input.)

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:56 am
by Korgan0

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:51 am
by Mr Shine
I thought I'd be overruled on my comment earlier, but OK, let's see what he does to us. Attack FF's strongest recurring character with our non-magical sword.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:41 am
by Starmaker

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:15 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
You charge at Yaztromo but only reach the first stair when he lifts his right arm and nonchalantly mumbles a few words. Time seems to stand still amid bright flashes, and your body feels like a bubbling liquid inside. When the turmoil subsides, you know something terrible has happened. The stone stair feels cold on your body and you realize the problems of life as a frog! Yaztromo bends down and picks you up, saying with a booming voice:

'Well, foolish warrior, enjoy your new life!' With that, he lets out a deafening laugh and nearly drops you. Then he shuffles to the oak door and, opening it, throws you into the tall grasses outside. Your adventure ends here.

(Not too bad a bad end, since some warriors get turned into badass frogs. I'm not sure I can add this to "running total of deaths" because everyone was aware it was suicide, and were just curious to see what happens.)

You follow the huffing and puffing old man in his tattered robes up the spiral staircase to a large room at the top of the tower. Shelves, cupboards and cabinets line the walls, all filled with bottles, jars, weapons, armor and all manner of strange artefacts. Yaztomo shuffles past the general clutter and slumps down in an old oak chair. He reaches into his top pocket and pulls out a fragile pair of gold-rimmed spectacles. Placing these on his nose, he picks up a piece of slate and chalk from a table next to his chair and begins to write frantically. He then hands you the slate.
He tells you that all the instructions for use are written clearly on the labels attached to the items, together with their suggested use. He sighs and tells you that unfortunately the magic in the items only works once, but they are the best you can buy for the money.

lf you decide to buy any of the items, pay for them by reducing the amount of Gold on your Adventure Sheet and add the items to the relevant sections on it. Yaztromo then asks you the reason for the purchase of the items, and you tell him your story and your decision to continue the quest of the luckless Bigleg. ‘Ah yes,’ Yaztromo says slowly, rubbing his chin, ‘I heard that the good dwarfs of Stonebridge had lost their fabled war-hammer. Without it, their king is unable to arouse his people, despite the fact that the hill trolls threaten their village. Rumor has it that an envious king of another village of dwarfs sent an eagle to Stonebridge to steal the hammer' which it managed to do. But as it flew back over Darkwood, it was attacked by death hawks and the hammer dropped into the forest and was lost.
Apparently, two forest goblins found the hammer but could not decide who was to keep it. They wrestled for hours but gave up. Then they discovered that the handle unscrewed from the head, and the argument was settled. One kept the head, the other kept the handle. Then they parted, each happy with his new treasure. Who knows if they still have them. So I’m afraid your problems are doubled. I can tell you that the head is made of bronze and the handle is made of polished ebony. Both head and handle have the letter G inscribed on them. Your task is not easy. Good luck.'
You thank Yaztromo and leave the room by the spiral staircase.

Outside in the bright light you notice the dead quietness again. A narrow path leads northwards from the tall grass surrounding Yaztromo's tower into the dense undergrowth of Darkwood Forest. In a few strides you are surrounded by the dark and tangled forest; stones and knotted roots seem to hide in the shadows and you can almost believe that they are trying to trip you up. The light fades quickly and the air becomes moist and unpleasant. Deeper and deeper you go, into the gloom. Eventually the path forks on either side of a huge old tree.

To go west
To go east

(OK, so do we want to buy any of Yaztromo's shit in the spoiler? Post what you think we should buy, in addition to which direction we should head off in. It's not clear if you can buy multiples of the same item.)

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:39 pm
by MisterDee
For the record, I'm saying this wasn't a legit death.

Shopping list:

Nose Filters (because seriously?)

Garlic Buds (because vampires)
Boots of Leaping (and Striding)
Rod of Water Finding
Potion of Plant Control
Potion of Insect Control
Potion of Anti-poison

Headband of Concentration
Armband of Strength
Ring of Light

(EDIT: Cut two items because math is hard)

Finally, Go West!

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:02 pm
by Starmaker
I suggest we spend all or nearly all of the money, the priority shopping list is as follows:

Ring of Light
Rope of Climbing
Holy Water
Garlic Buds
Potion of Anti-Poison
Nose Filters
16 gp

edit: and go West.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:08 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Holy balls, magic items for 2-3 gp each? I guess when it comes to ye olde magic mart, location really is everything. Yes, blow all the money.

My guess is that all the plot-relevant items are 3 gp, so focus on the expensive ones.

Potion of Healing
Potion of Stillness
Holy Water
Ring of Light
Rope of Climbing
Net of Entanglement
Armband of Strength
Headband of Concentration
Fire Capsules
Nose Filters

Hey, 30 gp buys all the expensive items. Coincidence? I think not. DO IT!

Then go west.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:53 pm
by Mr Shine
angelfromanotherpin wrote:Holy balls, magic items for 2-3 gp each? I guess when it comes to ye olde magic mart, location really is everything. Yes, blow all the money.

My guess is that all the plot-relevant items are 3 gp, so focus on the expensive ones.

Potion of Healing
Potion of Stillness
Holy Water
Ring of Light
Rope of Climbing
Net of Entanglement
Armband of Strength
Headband of Concentration
Fire Capsules
Nose Filters

Hey, 30 gp buys all the expensive items. Coincidence? I think not. DO IT!

Then go west.
I agree with this completely

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:02 am
by Darth Rabbitt
(I was tempted to just go with angel's plan because it has a majority of votes and is easy for me to implement, but like with the spells back in Scorpion Swamp I'm giving a quasi-parliamentary breakdown of what is wanted: 4 votes for Nose Filters; 3 each for Holy Water, Ring of Light, Rope of Climbing, Armband of Strength, and Headband of Concentration; 2 each for Net of Entanglement, Fire Capsules, Potion of Healing, Potion of Stillness, Garlic Buds and Potion of Anti-Poison; 1 each for Rod of Water-Finding, Boots of Leaping, Potion of Plant Control and Potion of Insect Control. I'm going to buy everything at 3 votes or higher, which would cost us 18 gp. I'm also axing the items that got 1 vote or less. So with our remaining 12 gp we can, if desired, buy any combination of the following)
Stuff We Can Buy wrote:Net of Entanglement (3 GP)
Fire Capsules (3 GP)
Potion of Healing (3 GP)
Potion of Stillness (3 GP)
Garlic Buds (2 GP)
Potion of Anti-Poison (2 GP)
(Of course, saving our Gold is also an option. Regardless, traveling west is both binary and unanimous, so we do that.)

The narrow, overgrown path continues to weave its way through the crowded forest. Strange animal cries echo through the trees. It's not long before you arrive at another junction in the path.

If you wish to continue westwards
If you wish to turn north

Adventure Sheet
Dick McBigThirdLeg
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to full+1)
Gold Pieces: 12 (possibly less, see above)
Items: Map
Magic Items: Nose Filters, Holy Water, Ring of Light, Rope of Climbing, Armband of Strength, Headband of Concentration (possibly more, see above)

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:43 am
by Starmaker
Buy everything at 3 gp from the updated list and go wherever.
Edit: actually, excellent point, switch out fire capsules for garlic.
edit edit: switch healing for poison cure, too, I don't want us to end up like Bigleg.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:11 am
by Mr Shine
Buy all the 3GP items an continue West.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:13 am
by Username17
Considering how unsatisfying the fire spell was in the Swamp, I would suggest taking the garlic buds instead of the fire capsules. Garlic buds sounds like a think that saves you from instant death later in the book.


Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:58 pm
by MisterDee
The one thing I'm against buying is the Potion of Healing, since we have loads of provisions.

Consider this a vote for everything else. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:36 pm
by Mr Shine
MisterDee wrote:The one thing I'm against buying is the Potion of Healing, since we have loads of provisions.

Consider this a vote for everything else. :)
I'm thinking it's not a straight STAMINA increasing potion, (like the potion of Strength), more likely to be used to heal someone else, or a specific disease or something like that.

I'd still go for 3GP an item.[/i]

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:44 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
(2 for Poison Cure, 2 against. Same regarding Healing. 2 for Garlic Buds, one indifferent, and one against. One for buying fire capsules, two against. Other two 3 GP items are unanimous. We take the Net, the Potion of Stillness, and the Garlic Buds for sure, and we ditch the Fire Capsules, costing us 8 GP total and leaving us at 4 GP. If anyone wants to spend 3 of our remaining Gold for Healing or 2 for Poison Cure tell me, otherwise we just save the last 4. And it seems that we go West again.)

The path turns suddenly to the right and proceeds northwards into the dense undergrowth. Suddenly off the path to your left you hear cries for help.

If you wish to go to the aid of the person in trouble
If you would rather ignore the cries and continue your journey north

Adventure Sheet
Dick McBigThirdLeg
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to full+1), Potion of Stillness (cross-posted under Magic Items)
Gold Pieces: 4 (possibly less, see above)
Items: Map
Magic Items: Nose Filters, Holy Water, Ring of Light, Rope of Climbing, Armband of Strength, Headband of Concentration, Net of Entanglement, Potion of Stillness (cross-posted under Potions) (possibly more, see above)

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:48 pm
by Mr Shine
Aid the person.

I vote Healing

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:51 pm
by Starmaker
Aid the person, and I vote whatever, but spend the money.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:14 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
(Healing and Aid it is. We have 1 GP)
Clambering over the gnarled roots of the old trees you head in the direction of the cries. After a few minutes you see a man dressed in long dark robes with his foot caught in a rusted rabbit snare. His face is masked by the robes and only his dark brown eyes are visible.

If you want to help the man free his foot from the snare
If you decide against helping him, return to the path and head north

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:47 pm
by Username17
Free all evil wizards.


Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:20 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Yeah, help the entangled man in the woods. Maybe we'll get to marry a bear.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:42 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
You wedge your sword between the jaws of the snare and pull on it like a lever. The robed stranger adds his strength and finally the snare springs open. He thanks you over and over again and explains that he is in the forest looking for his long lost brother, who he thinks is living the life of a hermit somewhere in its depths. Together you scramble back over the roots of the trees to the path. You ask him to accompany you north but he politely declines saying that he believes his brother lives to the south. You shake hands and bid each other farewell.

Thinking about the robed stranger you feel a little uncomfortable. There was something about his manner that you did not trust. You stop to take a
look in your backpack and are annoyed to find something is missing. The man was a thief! Deduct either all your remaining Gold Pieces or two of the magic items you may have purchased from Yaztromo from your Adventure Sheet. You are in two minds whether or not to run after the thief but you sense that he will not be where he said he was going. You curse and start off north again.

(Kind of bullshit that we have no LUCK test here; there typically are in these kinds of scenarios and we'd have totally owned it. So, do we let the Thief have 1 GP or two magic items?)

Walking along the twisting path you see a small, sinewy creature with brown, scaly skin sitting on a log on the right of the path. He has a sullen expression on his face as he slowly tosses a black shiny rod on a leather cord back and forth between his hands. He might be one of the Goblins you are looking for. Will you:

Draw your sword and attack the Goblin?
Try to start a conversation with the Goblin?
Ignore him and continue walking north?

Adventure Sheet
Dick McBigThirdLeg
LUCK 12/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor
Provisions: 10 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to full+1), Potion of Stillness, Potion of Healing (cross-posted under Magic Items)
Gold Pieces: 1 (possibly less, see above)
Items: Map
Magic Items: Nose Filters, Holy Water, Ring of Light, Rope of Climbing, Armband of Strength, Headband of Concentration, Garlic Buds, Net of Entanglement, Potion of Stillness, Potion of Healing (last two cross-posted under Potions) (possibly less, see above)