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[Dom3] UG: Academy of Flowing Magma [Late Game]

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:39 am
by Korwin
NationGen Game: Academy of Flowing Magma

Mod and Map download


Code: Select all

-- Generated with version OHH AHH UHH.
-- Nation 89: Gani generated with seed 1716515815

Code: Select all

-- Generated with version OHH AHH UHH.
-- Nation 74: Utwald generated with seed -1487825730

Code: Select all

-- Generated with version OHH AHH UHH.
-- Nation 76: Etfurt generated with seed 1883473302

Code: Select all

-- Nation 81: Nayo generated with seed -651238625
I wont be playing in this game, so I don’t get under suspicion of looking at the nations in details (and I don’t have the time for another game anyway).
So here is the deal, you choose an (randomly generated) nation with randomly generated units, based on the short description between the spoiler tags.

First come to claim an nations gets it. After enough players (minimum 6?) are in, I cut down the mod (or not) and upload it to llamaserver, etc.
Game starts and maybe some player takes over the admin spot from me (maybe not)…
No other mods (I'm pretty shure, it will work without CBM).

-- Generated with version CAVEMAN CAVALRY.
-- Nation seeds generated with seed -1718170494.

Nation 72: Uganmorium
Race: Humans.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers and crossbowmen. Light spider cavalry and heavy spider cavalry. Sacred heavy infantry and heavy serpent cavalry.
Magic: Air and Astral.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 73: Gaelipburg
Race: Humans, prefers Heat scale +1.
Military: Heavy infantry. Crossbowmen. Heavy cavalry. Chariots. Sacred oriental human heavy infantry.
Magic: Fire. Weak Earth and Death.
Priests: Weak, temples cost 600 gold.

Nation 74: Ocvia
Race: Humans.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Crossbowmen. Light amphiptere cavalry. Sacred light serpent cavalry.
Magic: Death and Blood. Weak Fire and Water.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 75: Gaon
Race: Caelians, prefers Cold scale +1.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers. Sacred light ranger.
Magic: Astral. Weak Fire and Nature.
Priests: Strong.

Nation 76: Aggyl
Race: Humans.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers. Light serpent cavalry. Sacred light ranger.
Magic: Astral. Weak Water, Death and Blood. Laboratories cost 400 gold.
Priests: Moderate.

Nation 77: Kitaia
Race: Oriental Humans.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers and longbowmen. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Earth, Astral and Death. Weak Nature.
Priests: Weak, can reanimate the dead.

Nation 78: Pi-rameem
Race: Abysians, Black Human auxillaries, prefers Heat scale +2.
Military: Heavy infantry. Heavy amphiptere cavalry. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Fire and Death. Weak Water and Earth. National mages are not affected by Drain scale.
Priests: Strong.

Nation 79: Akvidonis
Race: Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Crossbowmen. Heavy spider cavalry. Sacred oriental human heavy ranger.
Magic: Death. Weak Earth and Astral. National mages are not affected by Drain scale.
Priests: Strong, can reanimate the dead.

Nation 80: Umerphale
Race: Humans, prefers Cold scale +2.
Military: Heavy infantry. Crossbowmen. Heavy spider cavalry. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Water and Death. Weak Fire and Nature.
Priests: Strong.

Nation 81: Gaor
Race: Caelians, prefers Cold scale +1.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Earth, Astral and Nature. Weak Death.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 82: Timle
Race: Black Humans, prefers Heat scale +1.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers. Sacred heavy cave drake cavalry.
Magic: Air. Weak Earth, Death and Blood.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 83: Halwald
Race: Hoburgs, prefers Heat scale +2.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Crossbowmen and longbowmen. Light goat cavalry. Sacred light infantry.
Magic: Water, Earth and Nature. Weak Fire.
Priests: Strong.

Nation 84: Celberg
Race: Hoburgs.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Longbowmen. Light hawk cavalry and heavy hawk cavalry. Sacred light infantry.
Magic: Air, Water, Earth, Death and Blood.
Priests: Strong, can reanimate the dead.

Nation 85: Abystigthia
Race: Humans, Caelian auxillaries.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers. Heavy cavalry. Sacred heavy unicorn cavalry.
Magic: Death. Weak Water, Nature and Blood.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 86: Hashishima
Race: Oriental Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Blood. Weak Fire, Earth and Death.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 87: Waway
Race: Humans.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers. Heavy spider cavalry. Chariots. Sacred heavy spider cavalry.
Magic: Air and Astral. Weak Nature.
Priests: Strong.

Nation 88: Setoshi
Race: Oriental Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Air. Weak Earth and Blood.
Priests: Strong.

Nation 89: Hungtanstan
Race: Humans.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Longbowmen. Light boar cavalry. Sacred heavy chariot.
Magic: Earth. Weak Astral, Nature and Blood.
Priests: Strong.

Nation 90: Kyomiken
Race: Oriental Humans.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Longbowmen. Sacred light ranger.
Magic: Fire, Earth, Nature and Blood.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 91: Tsihsith
Race: Lizards, prefers Heat scale +1.
Military: Heavy infantry. Crossbowmen. Chariots. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Astral and Nature. Weak Water and Death.
Priests: Weak.


Edit: Had to cut the last 10 nations...

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 8:18 am
by Korwin
No interest because of the above nations or generally no interest?

If the former (and since there is an new version out):

-- Generated with version Boobs are awesome.
Nation 72: Abaleola
Race: Black Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers. Sacred caelian heavy infantry.
Magic: Fire, Air, Water and Nature. Some caelian mages.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 73: Murgor
Race: Caelians, prefers Cold scale +1.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Earth, Death and Blood. Weak Astral and Nature.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 74: Tsihsaas'tis
Race: Lizards, prefers Heat scale +1.
Military: Heavy infantry. Crossbowmen. Chariots. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Air, Water and Earth. Weak Blood.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 75: Raqshoedj
Race: Abysians, prefers Heat scale +3.
Military: Heavy infantry. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Fire. Weak Air, Nature and Blood.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 76: Zenon
Race: Oriental Humans.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers. Sacred light infantry.
Magic: Death. Weak Air, Water and Nature.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 77: Csisith
Race: Lizards, prefers Heat scale +1.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Crossbowmen and archers. Chariots. Sacred light infantry.
Magic: Fire, Nature and Blood. Weak Astral.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 78: Cirdoux
Race: Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers. Heavy boar cavalry. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Air and Astral. Weak Death and Blood.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 79: Naia
Race: Humans.
Military: Light infantry. Archers. Light cavalry and heavy cavalry. Sacred light infantry.
Magic: Astral and Death. Weak Air and Earth.
Priests: Strong.

Nation 80: Naiea
Race: Black Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Heavy cavalry. Sacred heavy unicorn cavalry.
Magic: Astral. Weak Fire and Earth.
Priests: Strong, temples cost 300 gold.

Nation 81: Marina
Race: Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Crossbowmen. Heavy cavalry. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Earth and Blood. Weak Fire.
Priests: Moderate.

Nation 82: Per-wadjote
Race: Abysians, some Hoburgs, some Humans, Hoburg auxillaries, prefers Heat scale +2.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Fire and Nature. Weak Air and Water.
Priests: Moderate.

Nation 83: Mariton
Race: Humans, some Abysians.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers and crossbowmen. Light spider cavalry and heavy spider cavalry. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Fire, Astral, Death and Nature.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 84: Sakigun
Race: Oriental Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Air and Nature. Weak Fire and Astral.
Priests: Strong.

Nation 85: Neiles
Race: Humans, some Caelians.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers. Heavy serpent cavalry. Sacred heavy spider cavalry.
Magic: Death and Nature. Weak Earth.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 86: Seqisasa
Race: Lizards, prefers Heat scale +1.
Military: Heavy infantry. Crossbowmen. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Water and Blood. Weak Astral.
Priests: Moderate.

Nation 87: Napsinmia
Race: Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Longbowmen and archers. Heavy cavalry. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Air. Weak Fire and Blood.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 88: Narmia
Race: Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Crossbowmen. Heavy cavalry. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Air. Weak Earth and Blood.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 89: Tisossor
Race: Lizards, prefers Heat scale +1.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers and crossbowmen. Chariots. Sacred caelian heavy ranger.
Magic: Air, Astral, Death and Nature. Weak Earth.
Priests: Weak.

Nation 90: Lishikos
Race: Lizards, some Humans, Human auxillaries, prefers Heat scale +1.
Military: Light infantry and heavy infantry. Archers. Chariots. Sacred heavy infantry.
Magic: Astral and Death.
Priests: Moderate.

Nation 91: Elenen
Race: Humans.
Military: Heavy infantry. Archers. Heavy cavalry. Sacred heavy moose cavalry.
Magic: Fire, Air, Water and Blood.
Priests: Moderate, can perform blood sacrifices.

Alternatly we could do a "generate nations yourself until you find one you like"...

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 3:05 am
by Avoraciopoctules
I might be willing to try a UnitGen game in a week or so, but in this particular instance, I think the fact that you said you weren't going to play in the game may have discouraged interest.

After all, if the guy organizing the game isn't enthused enough to want to play, can it really be that compelling an experience?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 3:51 am
by Korwin
In the above setup I could look at the nations in detail and pick the best. Nobody would know. So if I picked a nation at random without looking but it was an good one, I would foresee much drama.

But with the generate an nation yourself until you find one you like, that problem wouldnt be there anymore. So I could/would play.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 6:19 am
by Avoraciopoctules
I just checked out the latest UnitGen build and darn, it's getting really versatile. It even generates new magical weapons for elite soldiers to use.

I know that I personally would like to play a faction with relatively low magical diversity and a few basic, functional tactics to play with. Probably a reanimator faction. If I were to pick from the nations Korwin generated, Akvidonis (79) looks good. Celberg (84) is probably a stronger faction, but I refuse to bother with a nation that has 5 flavors of magic I have to keep track of.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 6:49 pm
by Korwin
I changed my mind, no predetermined nations and I'm playing too.

Everyone creates his/her own nation using UnitGen:
Download UnitGen

Explanation, of how to create an (or more) nations with unitgen.
Download the zip, unzip it, run unitgen.exe.
First choice is important, I advise against creating more than 20 nations at once.
You wont be able to look at the mod in-game with more nations than 20 (might be 21, but not much more) mod nations at once.

press return at the next two questions, they dont matter. Wait until it tells you to press space to end the program.

Now look into the mod folder.
There will be an and an folder randomnamehere.
Look into the folder and you will see an description.txt. This are the short description of the nations. You might want to preselect here.

Now copy the folder and the dm-file into your dom3 mod folder and you can load the mod in the preferences menu in dom3.

Start a new game and look at the nations, if you dont see an nation you like. Start again.

If you see an nation you like open the and you will see at the beginning something like this:

Code: Select all

-- NationGen - Battleground of Demonic Magic
-- Generated with version OHH AHH UHH.
-- Nation seeds generated with seed -694009393.
-- Nation 72: Kafurt generated with seed -990430864
-- Nation 73: Gaelor generated with seed 2008929212
-- Nation 74: Engwick generated with seed -1982754154
-- Nation 75: Talum generated with seed 2031046411
-- Nation 76: Wumon generated with seed -5632074
If you wanted to play nation Talum you would copy into this thread:

Code: Select all

-- Generated with version OHH AHH UHH.
-- Nation 75: Talum generated with seed 2031046411
This is enough information to later create the mod.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 7:56 pm
by Avoraciopoctules
Current favorite:

-- Generated with version OHH AHH UHH.
-- Nation 108: Isikos generated with seed 873117121

Another one that looks nice and was made in a batch of 20 rather than 50:
-- Nation 89: Gani generated with seed 1716515815
Holy jaguar cavalry with poisoned swords and wizards who turn into ghosts in a brief attempt to avenge their deaths once killed.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 3:03 am
by Korwin
Bath of 50? Could you open the Mod to look at the nation in detail???

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:05 am
by Avoraciopoctules
Easily. Just look at the code. UnitGen actually outputs surprisingly readable mod files.

EDIT: Here's a preview for my current favorite nation.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:41 am
by Winnah
I'll download unitgen and play around with it.

I can't commit to a game at this stage. I have one coming up already, and my free time is kind of limited for the next few weeks. If there was a garuantee of a relaxed hosting schedule past turn 20 or so, I might be tempted to commit.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:49 am
by DSMatticus
I've got a game (or two, depending on luck) whose lifespan is coming to a close, but unitgen seems strange to me. I'll take a peek at it, could be fun.

Edit: Bwahahaha. Sacred hoburg heavy infantry with battleaxes. F9E9 for atk 17, 15 damage flaming weapons, protection 21, and a net of 2 encumbrance a turn after reinvig. I'm keeping that one, but I wouldn't want to play it because I hate bless rushes and they have to tank everything to get a handful of super powerful cap-only hoburg.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:41 am
by Korwin

Code: Select all

-- Generated with version OHH AHH UHH.
-- Nation 74: Utwald generated with seed -1487825730

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:55 am
by DSMatticus
If I tell UnitGen to generate a batch, and then I tell it to generate a nation using a seed from one of the nations of that batch, I get two different nations. And the same goes for your nations: I use those seeds and get different nations.

Is the nation number used as part of the seed? Edit: Same nation number doesn't fix it.

I cannot replicate a nation within a batch as an individual nation? Am I missing something?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:44 am
by Korwin
I had that problem too
kianduatha wrote: you have to change in settings.txt the option separateSeeds to '1'. I was able to successfully generate all those nations with it.
Soyweiser wrote: Yeah the initial seed is something different from the nations seed.

The initial seed is put into the random number generator. The random number generator then generates random numbers. Which are used to seed the random number generators of the individual nations.

So an initial seed of <bla> set to generate 20 nations will always generate the same 20 nations. (lets call them <bla>1 to <bla>20).

The seed of nation <bla>1 is <bla>1' This is listed in the mod file as:

-- Nation 72: Example generated with seed <bla>1'

If you change the settings like Kian described you can input the individual <bla>x' seeds in unitgen. Else you input the <bla> seed.

(It is actually quite elegant, as setting it up this way makes it way easier to generate the same nation if different versions of the unitgen are used (Compared to the uglier way of just seeding the random number generator once). Kudos Elmokki).


Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:49 pm
by Winnah
-- Generated with version OHH AHH UHH.
-- Nation 80: Porwald generated with seed -759792422


Now I could have taken the nation with glamered sacreds that turned into elementals when they died, but I like the visual of Hoburgs riding Cavemen.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 3:47 am
by DSMatticus
@Korwin, ahh. I see. Thanks.

I'll try to have a faction picked sometime tomorrow. Is it just the four of us right now? Seems a little small.
Winnah wrote: Now I could have taken the nation with glamered sacreds that turned into elementals when they died
My favorite so far has been recruit everywhere lizard infantry sacreds with awe, glamour, and frightening throwing axes, on top of decent base stats. The faction that had them wasn't very impressive, but those sacred seemed scary as hell.

My current favorite:

Code: Select all

-- Nation 81&#58; Nayo generated with seed -651238625

Race&#58; Abysians, prefers Heat scale +2.
Military&#58; Light infantry and heavy infantry. Sacred light infantry.
Magic&#58; Fire, Water, Death, Nature and Blood.
Priests&#58; Weak.

That guy with the long spear? He's supposably an assassin. I don't think he understands how his job is supposed to work.

Their infantry situation is weird. Their light infantry wears some of the heaviest armor UnitGen is willing to put on light infantry and their heavy infantry wears some of the lightest armor UnitGen is willing to put on heavy infantry. Which means the difference from light infantry to heavy infantry is +1 protection and -1 mapmove. And that is it. No other changes.

Their sacred is recruit everywhere not recruit everywhere, I was totally mistaken, but there still aren't a lot of good reasons to care about massing him. He's basically just the same as their shielded light infantry with slightly better attack and damage. They also permashift into a ghoul when they die, but the ghoul is not fire resistant so he catches fire pretty much immediately on top of being a useless unit to begin with.

Their magic diversity situation is insane, and it comes on two sacred recruit anywhere chassis with a 3-pick of four different paths, one with FWDB and one with WDNB. Their cap-only mage is also sacred, but he has a hard F3 and two 1-picks instead.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:25 am
by Korwin
DSMatticus wrote:@Korwin, ahh. I see. Thanks.

I'll try to have a faction picked sometime tomorrow. Is it just the four of us right now? Seems a little small.
I would prefer one ot two additional players. So I plan to wait a few days and then if we are not getting new ones, to start anyway.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 9:13 am
by DSMatticus
An interesting Caelian faction I generated, but probably won't be playing (gonna test each, see how I like them):

Code: Select all

-- Nation 73&#58; Hrazya generated with seed -1305411097
Race&#58; Caelians, prefers Cold scale +1.
Military&#58; Light infantry and heavy infantry. Longbowmen and archers. Sacred light infantry.
Magic&#58; Fire, Air and Water. Weak Death.
Priests&#58; Strong.
Like Nayo, they also have an assassin whose weapon of choice is a long spear. They enjoy breaking assassin norms.

But more importantly, they have light infantry with shields for a defense of 13, so their flying warriors can, while not particularly good at their job, actually do some non-zero amount of work before exploding. And instead of archers with Caelum short bows backing them up, they have archers with long bows. And even better; everything is gold and resource cheap (even cheaper than MA Caelum) because it is naked, so you can make up for Caelian soldiers relative shittiness by massing it and moving it around very quickly. They have heavy infantry, but it has encumbrance 8-10 so why would you bother?

They have a recruit everywhere sacred, and they are practically naked. No helmet and a leather cuirass. But they've got great base stats and a shield for a total defense of 16, and a glamour on top of that. And relatively cheap for a sacred.

Nothing this faction has is cap-only, which is good because there's only one mage that you would ever bother recruiting, and he is sacred with H3. The only downside is that, as a mage with F1A1W1 and two unlinked picks of FAWD, the odds of getting an F3, A3, or W3 mage are sort of low. There won't be hordes of A3 mages casting thunderstrike.

Edit: It turns out this is a nation which depends on its recruit everywhere sacreds, regardless of my optimism about lower encumbrance, higher def caelians. That isn't really enough to stop them from exploding in a stiff breeze.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:19 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Oh wow, I got a nation with recruit-anywhere wyvern cavalry. That is awesome.

However, I think I also genned a nation of foulspawn which I might have no choice but to use.

This program is amazing.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:45 pm
by Username17
Edit: It turns out this is a nation which depends on its recruit everywhere sacreds, regardless of my optimism about lower encumbrance, higher def caelians. That isn't really enough to stop them from exploding in a stiff breeze.
Caelian soldiers are size three and basically normal humans (if that). While they are relatively resistant to evocations because of their enforced loose formations, they get overwhelmed by normal troops. Defense is basically no defense, because they are taking extra shots at all your guys (and getting gang-up bonuses for doing it).

Conversely, because Caelians fly, they don't spend very much time in melee when they inevitably get their butts kicked. So racking up high fatigue is pretty much not a problem. They'll just leave.

What you want out of Caelians is exactly the opposite of the melee troops you thought would be good for anything: high armor, high encumbrance units. Then you put them into small groups and stagger them so that some are on attack and some are on hold/attack so that you can delay enemies while you continue to hammer them with the fucking longbows that you have.

The big problem with high encumbrance heavy infantry is that it fatigues out and then it gets stabbed a few times and then it routes, and then it's fatigued and routing and gets cut to ribbons. But Caelians don't do that, because the instant they get bruised up to the point of running, they teleport away and you get them back later.


Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 10:02 pm
by DSMatticus
FrankTrollman wrote:Defense is basically no defense, because they are taking extra shots at all your guys (and getting gang-up bonuses for doing it).
Well, I thought "hey, the per-attack def penalty is 2, so having a few higher points of def than average infantry will make up for that extra attack against them." What I neglected is that sure, 2 higher def counteracts the extra attack penalty, and that leaves you with units that have the survivability of militia against the next two attacks. Needless to say, they still die in droves. I got a little over-excited to see Caelians with only slightly better base stats.

I don't plan to play the faction here (so far, it's still Nayo), but I'm very interested to see how a W9 bless would go on their recruit anywhere sacred; 20 final def and two attacks with a glamour. But their low protection sacred does not seem to synergize well with their longbowman. Lots of friendly fire. I also just don't like that their best mage has two unlinked 1-picks. I'd rather have 3/1/1 instead of 2/2/1.

Either way, this faction has protection 19 heavy infantry, so they're probably in a good position to do the staggered line-holding you suggest. Resource-expensive, though; ~30 compared to a 5 resource longbowman and 7 resource sacred.
angelfromanotherpin wrote:However, I think I also genned a nation of foulspawn which I might have no choice but to use.
How? I have yet to see a single foulspawn faction and I have generated a lot of these things. I don't even know how Avoraciopostalulysses (I still refuse to check how your name is actually spelt before I post) got reanimating factions; I've generated a batch of a 100 without a single reanimating faction before, with 4 being the highest I've seen at a time in such a batch. Finding one that didn't suck must have taken forever.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:05 am
by angelfromanotherpin
DSMatticus wrote:
angelfromanotherpin wrote:However, I think I also genned a nation of foulspawn which I might have no choice but to use.
How? I have yet to see a single foulspawn faction and I have generated a lot of these things.

Alas, I didn't actually get one, I was misinterpreting an output. I'm gonna try a few more batches just in case though.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:14 am
by Winnah
Foulspawn have been disabled, at least in this version. The notes said there were issues with the random generation of extra appendages and variable body parts.

I might find another nation to use. From testing Porwald, my best option is to send my caveman cavalry into melee backed by archers. The hoburg rider gets killed and I end up with a significantly tougher Caveman/Horite unit, with far lower upkeep and Fear...Once I have 5 or so of those guys, forcing an enemy rout becomes pretty trivial.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:19 am
by angelfromanotherpin
Winnah wrote:Foulspawn have been disabled, at least in this version.
I might find another nation to use.
What, no! Caveman cav is the best! If you don't use that faction, I will (definitely put it on my short list).

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 3:18 am
by DSMatticus
angelfromanotherpin wrote:
I might find another nation to use.
What, no! Caveman cav is the best! If you don't use that faction, I will (definitely put it on my short list).
I saw a faction with sacred hoburg caveman cavalry. The faction was otherwise human. Yes, that's right; a faction of normal-sized people who revered midgets riding tall people. I was debating putting the seed up here, but I ended up not doing it. Maybe I should have. They were fire and blood with weak earth but I really can't remember much about them.