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Fire-breathing T-Rex's

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 1:36 pm
by Modesitt
From The Panda's Thumb, here are some young earth creationist placemats from a restaurant in Dunlap, Tennessee.


There is nothing I could possibly add to this to make it any funnier. If you want to see more classic YEC material like this, just google up Kent Hovind, aka Dr. Dino.

Re: Fire-breathing T-Rex's

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:59 pm
by Username17
You're right, there's nothing that could really make that any funnier or more frightening. What the hell is wrong with those people?

Of course, ironically the statement about some scientists theorizing that T.Rex could breathe fire is true. Just not actually relevent.

You can theorize anything you want, and then if it's incredibly stupid, like T.Rex breathing fire, you discard the theory as improbable. That's how science works. You think up all kinds of stupid crap, and then you check it against what you can observe and figure out what's the most likely.

But scientists have theorized that heavy objects fall faster than light ones because heaviness wants to fall. That doesn't mean that's actually true, it just means that people checked that crap.

Heck, T. Rex breathing fire isn't something like the existence of an omnipotent being, which actually is logically impossible and can't exist in any possible world - it's just really unlikely and we have no reason to believe that it is true.


Re: Fire-breathing T-Rex's

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:44 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
You know, this reminds me of a fight my mom started because I couldn't get it through her head that scientists do not in fact think humans evolved from Apes.

Her entire argument was Evolution was false because the idea that humans evolved from apes was idiotic. I told her that scientists agreed with her, and that apes were equally evolved as humans, just in a different fashion. For some reason, she kept interupting me with stuff that scientists beleived centuries ago that was rediculous, and using that as "proof".

I don't hate Jesus, but his fan club could use a good asskicking.

Re: Fire-breathing T-Rex's

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:52 pm
by User3
This reminds me a bit of Quicksilver, where "Newton," having theorized and tested a perfectly logical set of rules for the universe starts looking for inexplicable oddities, becaue only through a natural violation of logic could you have evidence of an omnipotent/omnicient being.

As fas as I know, he didn't find any...

Re: Fire-breathing T-Rex's

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:38 am
by Username17
That's a losing proposition of course. While a natural violation of logic would entail the possibility of an omnipotent/omniscient being, it would also be of equal help in allowing the possibility of "squareways" or any other illogical thing you felt like bringing in.

There are an unlimited number of potential illogical things that conventional wisdom holds cannot exist. If you found an actual violation of logic, you'd prove that at least one of them existed - but proving that one out of infinity is true actually brings you no closer to providing for actual existence for any particular one than you were before.

In short, while you would have just proved that such a thing was somehow possible, you still wouldn't get around the fact that any particular conception you happened to have was still infinitely unlikely - which still puts you in the position of having the best bet in Pascal's Wager be to put all your money on double zero.
