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Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 10:09 am
by Username17
OK, I hope all of you had a great Halloween, our nation's finest holiday. I don't know how they celebrate it where you are, but around here we do it by having a huge street party where thousands of people dress up into costumes and pack themselves into downtown so closely that they can scarcely move.

This is truly the night where we celebrate looking but not touching, because a whole lot of the people dressed up like slutty women are in fact only underaged girls, or men. Or underaged boys. Irregardless, you can get in big trouble for actually going to bed with them so it's best to just look and think happy thoughts. We should really get a bead system in place, but right now the flashing and ass grabbing is pretty sporadic and random.

I was dressed up as the Blue Power Ranger, which got me a lot of high fives from womens of indeterminate ages, and got my ass grabbed. I love this holiday above all others, even Thanksgiving.


Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 10:15 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
I worked until 11 o'clock on the 31st, then slept too late to do anything cool.

this holiday is about the same as every holiday for the past 3 years: I worked and didn't do anything cool. Yay me.

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:43 pm
by Joy_Division
Here we just have isolated parties and the kids do a bit of trick or treating. Mind you it is nearly freezing here right now and it's probably about to snow so hallowe'en isn't the biggest thing around here. I still managed to get out to a couple parties, I went as Herbert West: Reanimator. Which of course wasn't recognized by anyone. I saw some good costumes like a group of people in suprisingly convincing X-men costumes and a couple guys that had made Transformers costumes that actually transformed when they bent over and tucked in their arms , real top-notch.

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:54 pm
by Boulie_98
We had kids coming to the door one time, trick or treating. Incidentally, that was the first time ever. I doubt they got a whole lot of candy from the neighbourhood though.

I did have a Halloween party, and went as sleeping beaty.

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:06 am
by Draco_Argentum
We don't celebrate it here. Its becoming more popular though. Therefore telling kids to get lost is standard policy amongst my friends.

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:49 pm
by fbmf
I went drinking with some friends, mostly female. All of them were scantily clad. The naughty Girl Scout was my favorite, but you know me.

Game On,

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:28 am
by rapanui

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:25 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Sounds like Rapa's halloween was about the same as mine was. Am I correct with this assumption?

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:16 pm
by rapanui
yup. sigh

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:22 pm
by Count Arioch the 28th
Don't worry. After a few years of missing holidays for work, you'll start to get numb to joy, and the only thing that will keep you going is yelling at people you don't know and will most likely never meet on message boards.

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:31 pm
by User3
The whole weekend was a blast for me, which was nice because I've been burning out lately.

Friday started with a modest dinner with some friends that happened to be in a restraunt with belly dancing. Stuffing money down a woman's pants has never been so fun.

Saturday was the FF XI party here in SF, so that involved catgirls and female Red Mages, who share the intriguing trait that they wear very small pants. It brought a tear to my one good eye. It also gave me a chance to tell my "ninja and gil" joke to a load of new people. I dressed as a Yagudo At A Party, and had various adventurers taking pictures with me as they stole my necklace. Got a neat swag bag and saw a preview of the upcoming games/movies.

Sunday was tough, since I had work on Mon., but I pulled it off with my labor-intensive paper Fire costume. In SF, several people confused me with a Flamer, but a lot of people got the joke and several bought me drinks after I threatened to show them my "Great Balls of Fire." I met some random people, got drunk, and generally saw a lot of outright nudity (mostly female, too!). Best costume I saw was the guy who was a "Girls Gone Wild" video, though the guy dressed as "Blue Balls" was pretty good too.

All in all, the best weekend all year.

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:23 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
My mom had a funny story this halloween.

Whe is working as a manager at a local restaurant. They had a halloween party thing for the weekend. You know, music, booze, the whole thing. they had a band there.

One of the events was a costume judging contest. A member of the band was dressed in a bathrobe, and a pot on his head. When asked what he was, he simply said "Wait until the judging, it's a surprise."

Well, at the judging, he whips open his robe. He was wearing nothing but a three foot prostetic dick, and shouted "I'M PETER PAN!!!!!"

My mom said she thought "You know, I SHOULD get offended at this, but it's too random not to laugh" at that moment.

Re: Happy look but don't touch day!

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:21 am
by fbmf

Game On,