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Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:16 pm
by Bigode
The original author isn't taken, but bkdubs.

The Same Game Test, as promised (the delay was because my computer went poof again). I'll post it at WotC when I get some feedback here, to check if I did it right.

ECL 5:
Schrifts Reiter

LN Human Runic Knight 5

Str 13 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 17 Wis 10 Cha 08

Concentration +9
Listen +8
Search +11
Sense Motive +8
Spellcraft +11
Spot +8
Tumble +10

Improved Initiative
Combat Reflexes
Combat Expertise

Armored in Runes +6
Auras 35 ft.
Defense +4
Resilience 4
Designate Opponent +2d6
Runic 140 ft.
Runic Burst 140 ft., std, Xd6
Nauseating Strike DC 15

HP 43
AC 19/2/1
Fort +9
Refl +7
Will +8

Init +6
Melee +7, 1d10+2 (x3) - glaive
Ranged +8, 1d8+1 (x3) - longbow
Grapple +6

+1 glaive (2)
Masterwork longbow
Flour sack
Headband of intellect +2 (4)
Amulet of natural armor +1 (2)


A huge Animated iron statue: assuming I see it first, I can cast entropic shield and shield while maintaining distance. Then, my average damage per round will be kicked enough up by it seldom hitting me while I designate it that it should be a probable win.

A Basilisk: it might even ambush me, but there's only 15% of petrification and its bite might as well not show up. After that, go kiting! Can I call that "sure win"?

A Large Fire Elemental: a resist energy will pay in the first round. Even then, still a probable loss: can't kite, only a bit larger damage with designate opponent, which won't kick in all that often.

A Manticore on the wing: even getting initiative and casting protection from arrows, it's still a probable loss if it closes on the second round.

A Mummy: slow and partly reliant on saves? I can kite, buff and designate, whatever. Sure win.

A Phase Spider: I get ambushed, but could see that one going either way if I ready to counter its attacks. If I lose, it's due to Con damage, since that DC's pretty high. Even match.

A Troll: even assuming I keep distance while casting entropic shield and shield, still a sure loss (to grappling).

A chasm: I've to admit I don't even know why this is here. "Sure win" until someone explains whatever I'm missing.

A moat filled with acid: am I right in thinking 1 round of immersion wouldn't be enough? If yes, probable loss, even with resist energy.

A locked door behind a number of pit traps: fvck the fvcking retard who fvcking decided you've to be a fvcking rogue to fvcking find a fvcking pit trap (not because I lose, but because it's stupid)! Sure loss (even after a flour sack throw).

A couple of Centaur Archers in the woods: I have more chance of getting them surprised than the other way around, should gain initiative, and can buff AC almost off the RNG (while theirs isn't impressive) and cast protection from arrows. Sure win.

A Howler/Allip tag team: I get ambushed. Then Combat Expertise and designating give me a shot at winning by pushing them off the RNG. Still probable loss, I think.

A pit filled with medium monstrous scorpions (4): nothing they do has a decent chance of working, even with the 4 put together. Sure win.

A Grimlock assault team (4): I have a fair chance of getting surprised, but I'm still with light on and can Expertise it up to kill each with one blow. Sure win.

A Cleric of Hextor (with his zombies): Combat Expertise + runic + high saves should let me grind them, slowly ... probable win.

Sure wins: 6.
Probable wins: 2.
Even matches: 1.
Probable losses: 4.
Sure losses: 2.

Maybe a bit too tilted towards winning, especially given the character's worse than what taken would've made. Still, there's some things to clarify here.
ECL 10:
Schrifts Reiter

LN Human Runic Knight 10

Str 13 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 20 Wis 10 Cha 08

Concentration +14
Decipher Script +18
Listen +13
Search +18
Sense Motive +13
Spellcraft +18
Spot +13
Tumble +15

Improved Initiative
Combat Reflexes
Combat Expertise
Power Attack

Armored in Runes +9
Auras 200 ft.
Defense +5
Resilience 7
Resistance 20
Bannwiderstand 25
Designate Opponent +5d6
Runic 200 ft.
Runic Flow
Runic Burst 200 ft., std, Xd6
Runic Bliss 50 ft., mov, Xd6
Runic Breach 200 ft., DC 20, 6, 3X
Fast Casting
Draw Fire DC 16, 1 min
Nauseating/dazing Strike DC 20

HP 80
AC 23/2/1
Fort +14
Refl +11
Will +13

Init +6
Melee +12/7, 1d10+2 (x3) - glaive
Ranged +14/9, 1d8+2 (x3) - longbow
Grapple +11

Ghost touch +1 glaive (8)
+1 longbow (2)
Flour sack
Headband of intellect +4 (16)
Amulet of natural armor +1 (2)
Ring of protection +1 (2)
Cloak of resistance +1 (1)
Winged boots (16)


A hallway filled with magical runes: Decipher Script, high saves - and dispel magic. 14 of them in 7 rounds if needed. Sure win.

A Fire Giant: at this point, I have so many ways of detecting people that I should be able to get an ambush after buffing (which now requires half the time via fast casting). Start by slow (and, if it fails, likely cast another in the first round), then go kiting (since its ranged attack will suck hard, I should get extra damage often). Probable win.

A Young Blue Dragon: who ambushes who looks a bit like a coin toss. Grappling doesn't work all that well (though it's decent); with electricity resistance 20, high reflexes, decent AC even unbuffed, and DR 7/-, it should be a probable win (as kiting, which'd be ideal against most, will work real bad against me).

A Bebilith: this probably involves getting grappled by surprise. If not, go kiting. Probable loss.

A Vrock: we both have problems to hit and damage each other, but I have true strike to tell its DR to GTFO and Combat Expertise to make it have even more problems. Probable win.

A tag team of Mind Flayers: who attacks first's a coin toss, but their physical stuff's useless and the psionic seldom works. Probable win.

A pair of Remorhazes: probable loss, as per bebilith.

6 Trolls: with the winged boots, kiting should be automatic. Sure win.

A horde of Shadows (12): kiting actually works (however slowly), since I fly faster (despite the sure ambush). Sure win.

Sure wins: 3.
Probable wins: 4.
Even matches: 0.
Probable losses: 2.
Sure losses: 0.

Hm, I might've been too optimistic. If not, well ...
ECL 15:
Schrifts Reiter

LN Human Runic Knight 15

Str 13 Dex 20 Con 18 Int 23 Wis 10 Cha 08

Concentration +22
Decipher Script +24
Listen +18
Search +24
Sense Motive +18
Spellcraft +24
Spot +18
Tumble +23

Improved Initiative
Combat Reflexes
Combat Expertise
Power Attack
Ability Focus (runic sealstrike)
Ability Focus (helpless strike)

Armored in Runes +11
Auras 240 ft.
Defense +6
Resilience 9
Resistance 30
Bannwiderstand 30
Designate Opponent +7d6
Runic 240 ft.
Runic Twist
Runic Burst 240 ft., std, Xd6
Runic Bliss 60 ft., mov, Xd6
Runic Breach 240 ft., 23, 7, 3X
Runic Restoration X
Runic Shift 10(X+1)
Runic Sealstrike 240 ft., 25, 1d4
Draw Fire DC 21, 1.5 min
Runic Retort
Proactive Defense
Nauseating/dazing/helpless Strike DC 25

HP 153
AC 29/5/2
Fort +20
Refl +17
Will +16

Init +9
Melee +17/12/7, 1d10+2 (x3) - glaive
Ranged +22/17/12, 1d8+2 (x3) - longbow
Grapple +16

Ghost touch +1 glaive (8)
+1 longbow (2)
Flour sack
Gloves of dexterity +6 (36)
Periapt of health +6 (36)
Headband of intellect +6 (36)
Amulet of natural armor +2 (8)
Ring of protection +1 (2)
Cloak of resistance +1 (1)
Winged boots (16)
Cloak of etherealness (55)


A Marut: nothing it does works often, and I can just burst away through its few hp. Sure win.

A Hullathoin (with its army of skeletons and bloodfiend locusts): auto-win above ground; under, the army still doesn't count, and I can deal using runic burst. Sure win.

A Nightmare Beast deep in a hedge maze: I can move faster and laugh off its DCs. If the maze looks like it actually matters, the fight should start with me ethereal. Sure win.

A Windghost in the sky: yay for kiting a flyer! Even if it uses antimagic field, it should still be doable with arrows. It has a good chance of suppressing the boots, but at this point I can pretty much suck maximum flying damage, heal and fly again (if that was even needed in the first place). Probable win.

A Yakfolk cleric with a party of Dao: hard to say much not knowing the level of the cleric and the amount of daos, but I think my true seeing and etherealness will nulify most of their structural advantages, and their numbers shouldn't be impressive (even though the yakfolk's likely a cleric archer, it's just until a not-hard greater dispel). Probable win.

A Drow Priestess with an army of ghouls (30): I'll assume a necromantic build (so she doesn't double as cleric archer so easily). In an open space, flying to her should be easy enough, while she should be basically unable to affect me with spells. Then it'd be a matter of turtling and waiting for helplessness. In a closed space, I'd shift to above somewhere (or past if possible, of course) amid the ghouls. Probable win.

A warparty of Cloud Giants (4): flight. Sure win.

A Mature Adult White Dragon: the best thing I can do is spamming prismatic spray and runic burst if the former fails; but that shouldn't get me that far. Probable loss.

A Death Slaad riding a Titanic Toad: the toad might as well not show up. The frog, meanwhile, is too dependant on saves to do much. Probable win.

A Cornugon: it has high saves and a good stun DC. The best I could do would be to keep distance and wait for helplessness, but that's unlikely - probable loss.

A Gelugon and his Iron Golem bodyguard: a summoning will be met with greater dispel magic; I can "kite" them with runic burst if in open space and have a decent chance of getting rid of them with prismatic spray otherwise. Probable win.

A Rube Goldberg series of contingent weirds triggered to a set of symbols of pain surrounding the artifact: antimagic field - sure win.

A pair of Glabrezus: they might grapple me in the surprise round (if any); otherwise, I can "kite" them with runic burst + designate if in an open space. Even if grappled (the best thing they could do), I can runic shift away. Their spell-likes won't do much of anything - probable win.

A harem of Succubi (16): considering they get killed, possibly more than one at once, by even prismatic spray's second-weakest effect (as well as attacks with designate opponent, and they'd fail miserably at damaging me) and their mainstays are useless, I think that can be called a sure win (even the vrocks, if any, wouldn't take much work).

Twenty Dire Bears: flight. Sure win.

A dozen Medusa mounted archers on Hellcats: flight. Sure win.

A forest made out of lava and infested with hostile fire-element dire badgers: flight. Sure win.

A pair of Beholders: I should see them coming and fly a lot faster. Probable win.

Sure wins: 9.
Probable wins: 7.
Even matches: 0.
Probable losses: 2.
Sure losses: 0.

I'm sorta skeptical about those results, to be honest. Much of those wins comes from cheesing equipment, and there's few stuff here that could be considered versatile. But I might still be doing stuff wrong - or, well, people might be right.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:17 am
by Leress
Thanks for the test, Bigode. There are two different versions of this class so posting these results won't really be valid with the WOTC version.

I will see what adjustments that can be made to make it more reasonable.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:35 pm
by Bigode
My intent at WotC was to tweak the version here until it produced welcome results, and post there to show what would be better than their stupid opinions.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:50 am
by Leress
Bigode wrote:My intent at WotC was to tweak the version here until it produced welcome results, and post there to show what would be better than their stupid opinions.
Okay, so far it is just a nerf beaten shell of its former self.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:55 pm
by Bigode
Note of the day: I swapped nauseating and dazing because with both being 1 round, dazing is better.

Also, nobody up to contest some result?

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:08 pm
by Leress
Bigode wrote:Note of the day: I swapped nauseating and dazing because with both being 1 round, dazing is better.
I switch them
Also, nobody up to contest some result?
The only thing I saw in that was off was the number of spells the Runic Knight gets (it can only have up to 4 per level per day)

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:39 pm
by Bigode
Is it capped at 4 after applying Int?

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:57 pm
by Orion
I think you're too quick to assume you can kite. First of all, wins by kiting don't really translate to party play, so I'm hesitant to claim mroe than a couple on any one challenge.

More importantly, it's not always possible. A Horde of Shadows, for instance, traditionally jumps you form all directions in a cramped crypt, not swooping in from one side in an open field. Superior speed won't necessarily get you out unscathed.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:27 pm
by Leress
Bigode wrote:Is it capped at 4 after applying Int?
Sorry my mistake on that. It was correct. It's capped at 4 before Int.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:03 am
by Bigode
Boolean wrote:I think you're too quick to assume you can kite. First of all, wins by kiting don't really translate to party play, so I'm hesitant to claim mroe than a couple on any one challenge.

More importantly, it's not always possible. A Horde of Shadows, for instance, traditionally jumps you form all directions in a cramped crypt, not swooping in from one side in an open field. Superior speed won't necessarily get you out unscathed.
Not necessarily unscathed, but with high touch AC, the chance of losing all Str should be very low. And, given how many other PCs can kite (namely, most of those who bought winged boots, and others), the ability of a tested class tom do so might still count for a lot. Still, I'd be thankful if you redid some part of my analysis with which you disagree. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:41 am
by Leress
Did some slight adjustments to the class.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:05 pm
by Leress
Change some wording to lower the damage output of the class.