Let's Play Fighting Fantasy: The Port of Peril

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Darth Rabbitt
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Location: In "In The Trenches," mostly.

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You warn the urchin that you will come back and find him if the information you are paying for is false. 'I saw them! Honestly I did. It was the funny old wizard who lives under the bridge who was being dragged though the square by two of Lord Azzur's Imperial Guards. They were Trolls! Nobody dared challenge them. They barged though the crowd and disappeared down Palace Street,' the boy says convincingly. You give the boy 1 Gold Piece and decide which way to go.

Believe the urchin and go down Palace Street?
Go down one of the other streets?

Adventure Sheet
Harry Balzac
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 13/20
LUCK: 10/11
Weapons: Sharp-Edged Sword, Bow (6 arrows), Loaded Flintlock Pistol (3 spare lead balls,) Pouch of Black Powder
Armor: Bronze Shield, Finely Crafted Chain-Mail Coat, Winged Helmet, Chaos Warrior Gauntlets
Magic Items: Bracelet of Power, Elven Boots, Cursed Copper Necklace, Tyche Ring, Dragonfly Pendant (worn around neck), Ring of Burning Snakes (in pocket)
Provisions: 5 Meals (restore 4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to Initial+1)
Money: 15 Gold Pieces, 14 Copper Pieces
Keys: Iron Key, 20 Brass Keys, Silver Key (in Silver Box)
Knives: Long Knife, Serrated Knife
Items: Map, Ball of Twine, Candle, Small Brass Bell, Oil Lantern, 2 Pieces of Chalk, Brass Owl, Rope, Bag of Copper Nails, Water Flask, Unicorn-Head Goblet, 4 Teeth, 3 Silver Buttons, Glass Eye, 3 Polished Stones, Dried Nettles, Cast-Iron Pig Trinket, Locket of Hag's Hair, Box of Fish Hooks, Glass Vial of Green Gas, Brass Compass, Lucky Bones, Large Ruby, Merchant's Pass
Jars: Rats' Tails, Small Bones, Worms, Dead Flies, Lotus Flower, Noop Powder, Siff-Saff Paste
Running Total of Game Overs: 1
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Hm, description checks out. Believe the urchin.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Even if he is making it up "one of the other streets" is a big vague, better believe him.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Palace Street is lined with the grand houses of rich merchants and city officials, and leads into Palace Square, a picturesque tree-lined open space with flower beds and iron benches which seems strangely out of place with the rest of Port Blacksand's grim and dangerous districts. But the square was built for the enjoyment of one man for whenever he looked out from his residence you see opposite - the Palace of Lord Azzur. The imposing main building has two wings with a tall tower on both, from which the flag of Azzur flies. There are guards everywhere, but there is no sign of the two guards who absconded with Nicodemus. Suddenly a trumpet sounds loudly, a shrill call for the guards for them to pay attention. The entrance gates open, and an opulent black-and-gold coach drawn by two black stallions drives out through the gates at speed, sliding sideways as it turns left in a cloud of dust, the coachman yelling at his steeds to go faster. You catch a glimpse of the passenger through the small window of the coach. It is somebody swathed in lavish navy blue robes with gold fastenings, his head completely wrapped in blue cloth held in place by jewelled brooches and his face totally hidden from view. It is the curse of Port Blacksand himself, Lord Azzur. The guards all stand frozen to the spot, not even daring to breathe as Lord Azzur drives by. With the entrance gates open, you realize you have the chance to enter the palace to find Nicodemus. The guard standing nearest to you on the corner of Palace Street is still standing to attention.

Knock him out and take his helmet and armour to enter the palace disguised as a guard?
Walk into the palace as you are?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Definitely try to KO a guy wearing a helmet, in a square full of his buddies.

The only part of this plan that doesn't suck is that the human guard helmets are full-face and will conceal our identity if the rest of the plan goes off. Although that art isn't in this book, so who knows if it's still in effect.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Agreed. Why start being sensible now.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

I'm really hoping "knock him out" means "lure him into an alley somehow first", but who knows. Anyway, knock him out.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Was Palace Square built by Azzur, or was that inherited from the guy he took Blacksand from?

Anyhoo, yeah, him the guy wearing a helmet in the head and hope for the best.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You creep up behind the guard and hit him on the back of his head with the hilt of your sword. He falls backwards and you catch him in your arms, dragging him down Palace Street into Snake Alley. You put on the man's black chain-mail vest, studded shoulder pads, black cloak and his iron helmet which virtually covers your face. As you pick up his shield, you realize you are being watched by a gang of thieves who followed you into the alleyway. 'You better leave something for us or else!' their burly, scar-faced leader says threateningly. You tell him they can keep anything they want, pushing past him to walk into the street to go back to Palace Square to wait for the changing of the guard. You don't have to wait long before ten guards march out of the palace grounds to relieve the guards outside. You join the guards returning to the palace, marching along at the back of the line into the palace grounds past two heavily armed Trolls in the Imperial Guard on gate duty.

(Although it isn't specified, I assume we have to drop our old helmet, armor and shield here, but can keep our gauntlets and boots, in addition to all of our magic bling. I also assume we don't lose any SKILL from switching armor.)

The palace grounds are a vast area of gardens, trees and courtyards divided by a sweeping carriageway leading to the coach house, stables, servants' quarters and barracks for the household guards. A paved path leads from the carriageway up to a wide stone staircase to the imposing main doors of the house. Windowless at ground level, the house looks fortress-like and impossible to enter. You follow the guards to the barracks, where they take off their helmets and armour and sit down to relax. You do likewise, and start talking to the guard sitting next to you. You tell him that you are a new conscript, and are interested to know where prisoners should be taken after they have been arrested. 'Nobody is allowed to enter the house, so don't use the main door or you'll end up in the cells yourself,' the guard warns. 'There is a maze of dungeon corridors under the main building where the cells and a torture chamber are located. You'll find the entrance door to the cells on the north side of the palace.' You thank him for the information and stand up to help yourself to a mug of water left out for the guards. Add 1 STAMINA point. You put your helmet back on and, when nobody is watching, walk behind the barracks and on past the servants' quarters down a gravel path which leads to the north side of the house where there are stone steps leading down to a narrow entranceway. There is nobody about and you hurry down the steps to an iron door which is locked. (Harry owns a bunch of brass keys.)

You put the first of the twenty brass keys into the lock, but it fails to unlock the door. Your luck changes with the eighth key you try, and you hear a satisfying click as the lock turns in the door. You pull on the door, which creaks open on its rusty hinges. The stone steps lead down to a cold and gloomy corridor below, which is lit by oil lamps suspended from the ceiling. You walk slowly down the steps, trying not to make any noise, and soon arrive at a junction. You hear the sound of footsteps coming down the left side of the corridor, and decide to investigate.

You are confronted by an ugly green-skinned brute of a creature with tiny eyes and tusks protruding from its thick-lipped mouth. Blocking the corridor is a TROLL in black chain-mail armour, another of Lord Azzur's Imperial Guards. The Troll glares at you and says, gruffly, 'What are you doing here?' You can't think of a good answer, and draw your sword to attack the Troll.


Combat Log:
(This unnamed guard's noticeably stronger than a named villain. I didn't think trolls or guards were this strong in Fighting Fantasy.)
Troll 19, Harry 17. Harry is at 12.
Troll 18, Harry 23. Troll is at 9.
Troll 18, Harry 23. Troll is at 7.
Troll 22, Harry 22. Tie.
Troll 20, Harry 17. Harry is at 10.
Troll 16, Harry 16. Tie.
Troll 21, Harry 19. Harry is at 8.
Troll 14, Harry 21. Troll is at 5.
Troll 16, Harry 23. Troll is at 3.
(Going to Luck test on the next attack round we win because this guy has a really close SKILL to ours, we still have a potion and a good LUCK score, and even in the small chance we fail it will only take just as many rounds to win as it would if we didn't test it.)
Troll 17, Harry 21. Luck test: 3,5=8; Lucky! Troll is dead.
A search of the Troll's clothing yields 22 Gold Pieces stolen from prisoners, a silver earring and a bunch of iron keys hanging on his belt. You grab the items and hurry down the corridor, entering a large chamber which has been converted into a jail. The jail has four cells in it, each with floor-to-ceiling iron bars. The first cell on your left holds four rough-looking ship's crew, all of them with cuts, bruises and black eyes from fighting. The second cell holds two older, unshaven sea dogs in ragged uniforms who look like they have been in jail for years. In the first cell opposite, there is a sad-looking woman in a long dress holding the iron bars and watching your every move, and in the cell next to her is the man you have been looking for, who is sound asleep on his bed, snoring loudly. You take off your helmet and tell the prisoners that you are not a guard, but an adventurer who has come to rescue Nicodemus, pointing to the old man asleep in his cell. 'Why?' the woman asks in a whisper. She has a kind face, and you decide to tell her that you are going to take him to see his old friend Yaztromo. At the mention of the wizard's name, her face lights up. 'Yaztromo?' she says excitedly. 'Is he alive? I feared he might be dead. Has anything happened to his tower? Perhaps I should explain. My name is Luannah Wolff. Months ago the evil tyrant Lord Azzur sent Spirit Stalkers to kidnap me and force my husband, Horace, to help him bring back Zanbar Bone from the Plain of the Undead. Did you know he is going to rule Allansia from Yaztromo's Tower?' Before replying, you unlock her cell door with one of the iron keys and tell her to sit down on the bed. You explain that Yaztromo is alive and well, but that you have some terrible news for her concerning her husband. A look of dread covers her pale face, and she bursts into tears as you relate the tragic tale that led to her husband's untimely death on the day you met him. You leave her to grieve alone whilst you unlock Nicodemus's cell door. The old wizard is still in a deep sleep as a result of being drugged by his kidnappers. 'Set us free and I'll give you some special smelling salts that will wake him up,' the seaman opposite says. You reply, saying that you will only unlock his door if he gives you the smelling salts first. He agrees, and passes a small vial to you through the bars. You uncork the vial and place the sharp-smelling salts under Nicodemus's nose. He immediately starts to cough and splutter, and sits bolt upright. He looks at you with a face like thunder. 'Who are you?' he demands. You tell him your story and why you are here to rescue him. Luannah enters his cell and tells you that she wants to come with you to help avenge her husband's death. 'Let us out and we'll come too!' shouts the seaman. "These are dark days indeed,' Nicodemus says soberly. 'We need to leave immediately. Unlock the cell doors. We'll need all the help we can get to escape from the palace.' You release the six men and make your way back along the corridor and up the stone steps. You push the door open and walk outside. The seamen arm themselves with picks and shovels left behind by the palace gardeners. 'As soon as we see anybody, I'll cast a Time Freeze spell. That will give us one minute to escape through the entrance gates, but not a second longer,' says Nicodemus, who is still a bit unsteady on his feet walking along. Ahead you see some guards milling around the barracks. Two of them spot you and shout the alarm. More guards spill out of the barracks, some armed with crossbows. Nicodemus stops to raise his arms in the air with the palms of his hands pointing towards the oncoming guards. He murmurs arcane words which you do not understand, and suddenly the guards stop moving, standing mid-step as though frozen in time. 'Hurry!' shouts Nicodemus, half shuffling, half walking as fast as he is able. You pass through the entrance gates with seconds to spare, deciding which way to go. 'Let's head for Herring Wharf and board a ship,' shouts one of the seamen. They all shout 'Aye!' and run across Palace Square.

Follow them?
Turn right towards Palace Bridge?

(After the fight with the Troll and a wall of text, our STAMINA's back in the single digits. Is it meal time for Harry again?)

Adventure Sheet
Harry Balzac
SKILL: 12/12
LUCK: 9/11
Weapons: Sharp-Edged Sword, Bow (6 arrows), Loaded Flintlock Pistol (3 spare lead balls,) Pouch of Black Powder
Armor: Shield, Black Chain-Mail Vest, Black Cloak, Iron Helmet, Chaos Warrior Gauntlets
Magic Items: Bracelet of Power, Elven Boots, Cursed Copper Necklace, Tyche Ring, Dragonfly Pendant (worn around neck), Ring of Burning Snakes (in pocket)
Provisions: 5 Meals (restore 4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to Initial+1)
Money: 37 Gold Pieces, 14 Copper Pieces
Keys: Iron Key, 20 Brass Keys, Silver Key (in Silver Box), Bunch of Iron Keys
Knives: Long Knife, Serrated Knife
Items: Map, Ball of Twine, Candle, Small Brass Bell, Oil Lantern, 2 Pieces of Chalk, Brass Owl, Rope, Bag of Copper Nails, Water Flask, Unicorn-Head Goblet, 4 Teeth, 3 Silver Buttons, Glass Eye, 3 Polished Stones, Dried Nettles, Cast-Iron Pig Trinket, Locket of Hag's Hair, Box of Fish Hooks, Glass Vial of Green Gas, Brass Compass, Lucky Bones, Large Ruby, Merchant's Pass, Silver Earring
Jars: Rats' Tails, Small Bones, Worms, Dead Flies, Lotus Flower, Noop Powder, Siff-Saff Paste
Running Total of Game Overs: 1
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Pound jerky, then follow the crowd for the maximum chance of either being caught or being press-ganged out of the story. Definitely do not ditch the loud crowd to use them as decoys while we slip away.
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Post by SGamerz »

Follow the crowd. We probably need to get some more exposition from the NPCs before we ditch them.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Eat a meal and follow the crowd.

Also...it's Lord Azzur, not Emperor Azzur, right? Why does he have Imperial Guards?
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Food and follow.
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Post by SGamerz »

Thaluikhain wrote:Also...it's Lord Azzur, not Emperor Azzur, right? Why does he have Imperial Guards?
It's his city, he can call them whatever he wants.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Food eaten!
You are not even halfway across the square when the guards snap out of their frozen state and pour out through the palace gates to give chase. You hear the twanging sound of crossbows being fired, and one of the bolts finds its mark in the middle of your back. Your adventure is over.
(Alright, let's see what happens if we don't follow the crowd.)

You are metres away from Palace Bridge when the guards snap out of their paralysed state and pour out through the palace gates to give chase. They first catch sight of the seamen running across the square and take aim at them with their crossbows. You hear cries for help from two of the seamen who are shot in the leg and stumble to the ground. You do not stop to find out what happens to them, and run over the bridge, turning right into Axeman's Street. You see a rowing boat tied to the steps below, and tell Nicodemus and Luannah to jump on board. You untie the boat, grab the oars and push off, rowing as hard as you can upriver to escape under the arch of the city wall. Guards appear on the bridge, with a Troll Imperial Guard shouting the order for the crossbowmen to fire at you. Test Your Luck. (3,4=7; Lucky.)

Your rowing boat is met by hail of crossbow bolts, some bolts lodging into the hull and others flying overhead, but none hit you. Nicodemus mutters more arcane words, creating an invisible shield which is only noticeable when you see crossbow bolts deflecting off it to land harmlessly in the river. You pass under the arch of the city wall, rowing away from Port Blacksand as fast as you can. With nobody in pursuit, you settle down to row steadily upriver, discussing the threat of Zanbar Bone.

The mention of Zanbar Bone turns Luannah's sadness into anger, and she starts cursing his name, blaming him for her husband's death before falling silent again. You row on in silence, with everybody lost in their own thoughts. Suddenly a large crow swoops down and lands on the bow of the boat, cawing loudly. 'Hello, Vermithrax. How are you?' Nicodemus says calmly. 'Fine, thanks,' the crow squawks in reply. You are surprised to hear the crow speaking perfect Allansian. Nicodemus explains that Vermithrax is Yaztromo's companion, named after his mentor, the archmage Vermithrax Moonchaser. 'And how is Yaztromo?' continues Nicodemus. 'Not so good,' the crow replies with its head tilted to one side. 'Yaztromo sent me here to tell you that the outside walls of his tower are now black from the ground all the way up to the fourth floor, and he predicts his tower will be completely black by tomorrow. A Warhawk landed on the top of the tower this morning carrying the black keystone which it put in place on the edge of the parapet. Yaztromo is distraught that he was unable to move it. The final piece of bad news is that Skeletons have been gathering in Darkwood Forest, and are now moving slowly towards the Tower.' Nicodemus tells Vermithrax to tell Yaztromo that help is on its way. The crow squawks and flies off east. 'In the morning when the tower turns black, Zanbar Bone will return. The sorcery that destroyed him when he was a Night Prince would fail if he returns as a Demon Prince. How are we going to defeat him?' Nicodemus says, as though talking to himself, ruefully tapping his fingers on the side of the boat. 'If only I still had my special ring.' (Harry has the Ring of Burning Snakes in his possession.)

You reach into your pocket and unfold the yellow handkerchief. Nicodemus's jaw drops in disbelief as he picks up the large gold ring on display in the palm of your hand. 'The Ring of Burning Snakes!' he says ecstatically. 'Where did you find it?' You tell him that it's a long story, but he insists on hearing every bit of it, from the moment you picked up Murgat Shurr's map in Chalice to rescuing him from the cells. You finish the tale just as you reach the jetty in Flax. You wave to Dod, who is standing nearby, tying up piles of reeds into bundles, ready to carry them home. He walks over to help you tie up the boat, saying, 'Welcome back. I hope you found what you looking [sic] for in that cesspit of a town. Thank you for bringing my boat back. It looks quite a bit bigger than I remember! It's changed colour too.' You apologize and explain what happened, and introduce him to Nicodemus and Luannah. Dod is very happy with his new boat and invites you into his house, where Cris is frying fish. She invites you to stay for supper, and suggests you stay the night too since it's getting late. You accept her offer and wake early in the morning to find Cris and Luannah deep in conversation. Luannah announces that she has decided to stay in Flax to start a new life, and you wish her all the best. Dod brings Stormheart round to the front of the house, and you help Nicodemus mount the horse before climbing on yourself. A light flick of the reins, and Stormheart gallops off at high speed. You look round briefly to see the three of them waving, but you kick on knowing there is no time to lose. Galloping towards Largo, you see a man in a scruffy brown jacket and ragged britches trudging slowly along with the aid of a long walking stick, weighed down by an enormous bulging sack. On hearing the sound of the galloping hooves behind him, he turns around and waves at you with his woolen hat, signaling for you to stop.

Stop to talk to him?
Not waste any time, and ride on to Darkwood Forest?

Adventure Sheet
Harry Balzac
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 12/20
LUCK: 8/11
Weapons: Sharp-Edged Sword, Bow (6 arrows), Loaded Flintlock Pistol (3 spare lead balls,) Pouch of Black Powder
Armor: Shield, Black Chain-Mail Vest, Black Cloak, Iron Helmet, Chaos Warrior Gauntlets
Magic Items: Bracelet of Power, Elven Boots, Cursed Copper Necklace, Tyche Ring, Dragonfly Pendant (worn around neck)
Provisions: 4 Meals (restore 4 STAMINA each)
Potions: Potion of Fortune (restores LUCK to Initial+1)
Money: 37 Gold Pieces, 14 Copper Pieces
Keys: Iron Key, 20 Brass Keys, Silver Key (in Silver Box), Bunch of Iron Keys
Knives: Long Knife, Serrated Knife
Items: Map, Ball of Twine, Candle, Small Brass Bell, Oil Lantern, 2 Pieces of Chalk, Brass Owl, Rope, Bag of Copper Nails, Water Flask, Unicorn-Head Goblet, 4 Teeth, 3 Silver Buttons, Glass Eye, 3 Polished Stones, Dried Nettles, Cast-Iron Pig Trinket, Locket of Hag's Hair, Box of Fish Hooks, Glass Vial of Green Gas, Brass Compass, Lucky Bones, Large Ruby, Merchant's Pass, Silver Earring
Jars: Rats' Tails, Small Bones, Worms, Dead Flies, Lotus Flower, Noop Powder, Siff-Saff Paste
Running Total of Game Overs: 2
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Stop to talk to him.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

We're on an urgent mission so of course we stop to talk to him.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
Mr Shine
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Post by Mr Shine »

Eat a couple of provisions and wash it down with a potion. Then since we've interrupted our urgent quest for a spot of lunch, waste some more time with this guy.
Last edited by Mr Shine on Sat Feb 17, 2018 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Obviously waste time.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The man puts his sack down on the ground and sits down with a sigh on his tripod stool, introducing himself by saying, 'Good morning. I'm Travis Traynor, the travelling trader! Would you be so kind as to look at my wares?' Without waiting for an answer, he empties the contents of the sack on the ground. There is a lot of junk on the ground, but three things catch your eye - an onyx orb, a sword made of dazzling steel and a copper hunting horn. 'You've got an eye for fine things, my friend,' says Travis. 'Allow me to tell you the price of these priceless items! The Orb of Obedience is on sale for 10 Gold Pieces, I'm asking 10 Gold Pieces for the Horn of Calling, and the Venom Sword will cost you 20 Gold Pieces, which, might I say, is a bargain. You won't find a sharper sword in Allansia. It's sharper than a One-Eye, and it is charged with magic energy that's so powerful it can even defeat the Demon Spawn of the Netherworld.' You buy the items you can afford, paying Travis before getting back into the saddle to ride to Darkwood Forest.

(Well, with 37 Gold Pieces we can afford any two, and the way the book words it makes it seem like we have to buy as many of them as we can. So I guess the question is, which two do we buy before moving on?)
Orb of Obedience and Horn of Calling? (20 GP)
Orb of Obedience and Venom Sword? (30 GP)
Horn of Calling and Venom Sword? (30 GP)
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Half a vote for venom sword and horn.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

*Looks in spoiler.*

Ahh, kill it with a crossbow bolt and a compound of hag's hair and lotus flower rubbed into the eyes!

Take the sword and horn from its body, leave the Orb of Obedience, because it's ambiguously named and might make us obedient to some rando.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Aagreed with sword and horn.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

I was going to pick the orb and the sword, but yeah...the orb could backfire on us. So, horn and sword.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

angelfromanotherpin wrote:*Looks in spoiler.*

Ahh, kill it with a crossbow bolt and a compound of hag's hair and lotus flower rubbed into the eyes!
Yeah, the illustrator in this book isn't too bad with drawing monsters (exception being the Blue Imps), but his humans are hideous (exceptions being Klash, who is wearing a helmet that covers his face, and Hakasan, whose face is covered in shadow in her illustration).

Also, since there's no objection to Mr. Shine's suggestion of two meals and our Potion of Fortune I'll have Harry down those.

You ride like the wind, leaving the plain to enter Darkwood Forest. Stormheart knows his way home, twisting and turning through the undergrowth, jumping over tree trunks and streams, and you have to keep your head down to avoid being hit by low branches. Without warning Stormheart comes to a sudden halt, rearing up on his hind legs, with Nicodemus clinging on to you to save himself from falling off. Ahead you see what has spooked your steed. A vast horde of SKELETONS armed with spears and swords is moving slowly through the forest, their old bones rattling as they march along. They are bumping into each other in the scramble to get to the front of the line of troops.

Ride through the Skeletons to reach Yaztromo's Tower?
Ride around the Skeletons?

Adventure Sheet
Harry Balzac
SKILL: 12/12
STAMINA: 20/20
LUCK: 12/12
Weapons: Venom Sword, Bow (6 arrows), Loaded Flintlock Pistol (3 spare lead balls,) Pouch of Black Powder
Armor: Shield, Black Chain-Mail Vest, Black Cloak, Iron Helmet, Chaos Warrior Gauntlets
Magic Items: Bracelet of Power, Elven Boots, Cursed Copper Necklace, Tyche Ring, Dragonfly Pendant (worn around neck), Horn of Calling
Provisions: 2 Meals (restore 4 STAMINA each)
Potions: None
Money: 7 Gold Pieces, 14 Copper Pieces
Keys: Iron Key, 20 Brass Keys, Silver Key (in Silver Box), Bunch of Iron Keys
Knives: Long Knife, Serrated Knife
Items: Map, Ball of Twine, Candle, Small Brass Bell, Oil Lantern, 2 Pieces of Chalk, Brass Owl, Rope, Bag of Copper Nails, Water Flask, Unicorn-Head Goblet, 4 Teeth, 3 Silver Buttons, Glass Eye, 3 Polished Stones, Dried Nettles, Cast-Iron Pig Trinket, Locket of Hag's Hair, Box of Fish Hooks, Glass Vial of Green Gas, Brass Compass, Lucky Bones, Large Ruby, Merchant's Pass, Silver Earring
Jars: Rats' Tails, Small Bones, Worms, Dead Flies, Lotus Flower, Noop Powder, Siff-Saff Paste
Running Total of Game Overs: 2
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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