Page 14 of 29

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:41 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Agreed on the alchemizing; trading charm for heal and gold seems like a good idea.

And still go to 321 for no real reason.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:12 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Quest: The seared scar

The forest gives way to a plain of black scorched sand. A few shriveled charcoal stumps are all that remain of the once-verdant wilderness. Warily, you wander alone through this brooding landscape, past crevices that gout smoke and steam into the red-tinged sky.

The scar widens as you progress southwards, eventually bringing you to the lip of a vast bowl-shaped crater. Cutting across its center is a jagged rift, where the ground has violently buckled and split apart. The flickering red glow of lava and flame dance along its steep sides, presenting a stark contrast to the grey-black ash that covers the rest of this wasteland.

You descend into the crater, half running and half sliding through the ash and dust. When you reach the bottom, you see that the ground is hard and smooth - the soil having been heated to such a degree that it is now fragments of dark crystal. Each footstep you take forces the crystals to splinter like broken glass - the only sound to be heard in this grim silent place.

As you approach the rift, you spot a figure lying on their side in the dust. You hurry over, suspecting that they have been injured. As you near, you see that it is an elderly man; his narrow face encircled by a thick bush of wiry grey hair. He is dressed in simple leather clothing with a skullcap resting lopsidedly on his head.

'By Judah's light, a traveler,' he gasps. 'Don't suppose you could spare a little healing tonic. I appear to have taken a bit of a tumble.'

• Do you have a healing potion in your backpack and wish to offer it?
• Do you not have a potion or not wish to offer it?
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +10, Brawn: +1, Magic: +6, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceBeetle-shell Garland+1Charm
CloakDiaphanous Wings+1+1Haste
Main HandAncient Sword+1Bleed
Left HandStone Shield+1+2Slam
GlovesEmbroidered Gloves+1+1
ChestHellfire Robes+1+1Trickster
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1Pot of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Bees' Wax

Fine Silver Key
Money Pouch: 186 Crowns


Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:06 pm
by Omegonthesane
Deal pot. First sample's free.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 2:12 am
by SGamerz
Heal him.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:33 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
You offer a healing potion to the wounded stranger, who takes it and gulps it down in one go. After wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, the man gives a noisy belch of appreciation.

'Why, thank you,' he smiles. 'Hopefully that'll get to work on my injury.' With a groan, he pushes himself up into a sitting position.
'I was a fool and it's all my fault,' says the man, grimacing with pain. 'We were taking pictures of the scar - me and my companion, Belinda. It was her balloon, you see - she's an aeronaut. Poor lass never wanted to come, but I talked her round in the end. Like the clot I am, I never admitted that the real reason was so I could spend more time with her.' The man's cheeks redden beneath his grey beard. 'It was all going without a hitch, then there was this big gout of flame – came right up out of the scar like dragon's fire. And it hit us! Next thing I know I'm falling and I hear Belinda screaming. Oh, it was terrible!'

He tries to stand, but sags back to the ground with a grunt. 'Belinda fell right into the scar. Yes, right down into it. And our balloon went with her.' He shifts around, to look upon the jagged rift that cuts across the ashen wasteland. 'I don't suppose you would go down there and see if she is still alive? I can't do anything with this darned wound – but I'll join you as soon as I can.'

• Ask what 'taking pictures' means?
• Ask how the crater was made?
• Ask if you will get a reward?
• Agree to enter the scar and find his companion?
Getting the exposition...

What's 'taking pictures?'
'Ah, new little gadget of mine,' grins the explorer. 'Clever use of smoke and mirrors - creates an image onto parchment. Here, look at these...' He digs into his jerkin pocket and pulls out a handful of small square sheets of parchment. Each one has a picture on it, rendered in perfect detail. Most of the collection show sections of the crater, but a couple show a short stocky woman with long ginger hair and a beaming smile.

'That's Belinda,' he says, his voice breaking. 'Poor little lassie. It's all my fault!' He snatches the pictures from you and stuffs them back into his pocket. 'Don't know what I'll do if something has happened to her.'
How was the crater made?
'They say it was a sky rock,' says the explorer. 'Must have hit down here with quite a force. Caused that rift to appear and since then all kinds of things been spilling out of the earth.' He leans forward, grunting as he tries to reposition himself into a more comfortable position. 'Fool that I am, I thought I'd take a closer look - you know, see what was happening.' He shakes his head. 'Wasn't expecting to get blasted out of the sky.'
The man grumbles something beneath his beard. 'yes, yes, if saving the life of a poor lassie ain't enough for you then I'm sure I might have something about my person that'll interest you.' He twists his head and points to a pack laying some meters away in the dust. 'Managed to save most of my belongings but my prize invention - my magic clockwork camera - fell into the rift. If you happen to come across it...' He sighs wistfully, his eyes coming to rest on the jagged fissure. 'Suppose it sounds odd for me to be talking about something so trivial, especially at a time like this. But I got to tell you, twenty years of work went into that camera -found the plans in one of those elven pyramids. Could have made me rich.' He shakes his head. 'Humph! It's probably lying in some dragon's den now.'
I'll do it!
The weathered explorer appears to relax for the first time. 'Thank the saints of Judah,' he says. 'My name is Hal Arbuckle; an honor to make your acquaintance. If you find that poor lassie of mine, then tell her I sent you - and that I'm waiting for her.'

After reassuring Hal that you will do all you can, you head over to the scar's edge. Through the smoky haze, you see rivers of lava, hissing and steaming at the bottom of the ravine. To your relief, you also spot a number of rocky islands and ash-covered paths, that will provide a helpful route through this molten nightmare.
You walk along the sheer-sided ravine for several hundred meters, before finding a suitable route into the scar: an overhang of rock that slopes down onto a narrow ledge. Perspiring from the heat, you start to make your way carefully down the slope. The loose ash and gravel underfoot is treacherous, and within moments you are slipping and sliding through a choking black cloud.

You land in a heap on the ledge, your hair, skin, and clothing caed with ash. After scrubbing the stinging dirt from your eyes, you take stock of your new surroundings. To your left, the ledge snakes around the upper edge of the ravine, before dipping sown into a cave-like opening. To your right, the same ledge descends steeply towards the bottom of the ravine and the rivers of lava.

• Enter the cave?
• Follow the ledge down to the lava?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:57 pm
by Omegonthesane
Penetrate deep into the dark hole in the spirit of old Fighting Fantasy LPs.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:19 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Go down on that hole.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:58 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
You pass through the opening, to find yourself in a rectangular, stone-carved chamber. All its surfaces are perfectly smooth; its flor covered in a mosaic of tiles. You notice that several of the tiles have cracked and buckled, where straggly weeds have forced themselves up out of the earth. If you have Lorinwold's Guide to Roots, Herbs, and Leaves then you may pick 2 bramble thorn and 1 fire grass from this area.

Set into one of the walls is what appears to be a stone door. A number of strange markings and runes adorn its surface. At the opposite end of the chamber is an open doorway, leading through into another area.

• Examine the stone door?
• Pass through the open doorway?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:42 pm
by Omegonthesane
We're likely to need the Dwarfopedia to understand the runes, but examine the door anyway. Info is info.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:41 pm
by Darth Rabbitt

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:23 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Three columns of runes are set into the stone on the door. Above it, carved into a cross-section of rock, is a message in an angular script.

(We do not have The Compendium of Dwarven Lore.)

You cannot decipher the strange markings, so you decide to leave the chamber.
The next chamber is filled with stony rubble, where a section of the ceiling and one wall have toppled inwards. As you step foot into the room, some of the rocks and small boulders begin to tremble and shake. Then, all of a sudden, they lift up into the air and begin hurtling towards the center of the room, where they clash and scrape together, forming themselves into the body of a giant humanoid creature.

The monster's arms start to revolve around its body, until they are a spinning blur of grey stone. With a rumbling howl, it starts towards you, throwing up dirt and rubble as it speeds across the ground:

Special Abilities
- Knockdown: If you take damage from Rumbler, you have -1 Speed in the next combat round.
- Body of Rock: Your opponent is immune to piercing, impale, bleed, venom, thorns, barbs, and lightning.
Ahh! Our DOTs, our precious DOTs are useless.
Round 1: Us 9+10+2, It 7+8; 3+6-5 damage, it's at 36.
Round 2: Us (haste) 8+10, It 6+8; 2+6-5 damage, it's at 33.
Round 3: Us 8+10, It 6+8; 1+6-5 damage, it's at 31.
Round 4: Us 4+10, It 9+8 (trickster'd) Us 7+10, It 6+8; 2+6-5 damage, it's at 28.
Round 5: Us 11+10, It 11+8; 1+6-5 damage, it's at 26.
Round 6: Us 9+10, It 5+8; 6+6-5 damage, it's at 19.
Round 7: Us 3+10, It 9+8 (slam'd)
Round 8: Us 11+10, It 8+8-1; 1+6-5 damage, it's at 17.
Round 9: Us 8+10, It 5+8; 6+6-5 damage, it's at 10.
Round 10: Us 7+10 (charm'd) 8+10, It 10+8; draw.
Round 11: Us 11+10, It 6+8; 5+6-5 damage, it's at 4.
Round 12: Us 8+10, It 10+8; draw.
Round 13: Us 5+10, It 6+8; 1+6-5 damage, it's at 2.
Round 14: Us 6+10, It 11+8; 4+8-4 damage, we're at 32.
Round 15: Us 7+10, It 9+8; draw.
Round 16: Us 4+10 (charm'd) 6+10, It 7+8; 5+6-5 damage, Rumbler defeated!
What a slog.
The stone elemental breaks apart in a shower of stone and dust. You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:
Diamond gauntlets (gloves) +2 brawn, Ability: piercing (1/combat, ignore enemy armor)
The rock (main hand: club) +4 brawn, Ability: slam, Requirement: warrior
Elemental dust (talisman) +1 magic, Ability: might of stone (1/combat, +3 armor)
Where the stones and rocks has originally lain, you spot the skeleton of an adventurer. Evidently they were crushed when the ceiling caved in. Kneeling down beside the corpse, you notice that they are gripping a small steel box to their chest. You peel their bony fingers away from it and lift it free. Trying the lid, you realize that the box is locked.

(We have a fine silver key.)
The key fits the lock perfectly. You twist it and unlock the box, eagerly flipping open the lid as your mind races with images of all the possible treasures you might find inside. Your face drops, however, when you discover that he box is empty – except for another small key, resting within a velvet-lines cavity. This one is made from gold, inlaid with silver runes. If you wish to take the rune key, make a note of it on your hero sheet (it does not take up backpack space). After shaking the chest repeatedly in the hope that something more interesting might fall out, you give up on it and throw it aside, turning your attention back to the chamber.
Behind a mound of rubble, there is a wide vertical crack in one of the walls. It leads through into a tunnel, which slopes downwards, deeper into the earth. Across the other side of the chamber is a rectangular doorway leading out into daylight.

• Investigate the tunnel?
• Leave the chamber by the open doorway?
Don't forget to pick a loot as well.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +10, Brawn: +1, Magic: +6, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceBeetle-shell Garland+1Charm
CloakDiaphanous Wings+1+1Haste
Main HandAncient Sword+1Bleed
Left HandStone Shield+1+2Slam
GlovesEmbroidered Gloves+1+1
ChestHellfire Robes+1+1Trickster
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Bees' Wax

Rune Key
Money Pouch: 186 Crowns


Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:34 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
I don't think any of those abilities are worth giving up sweet, sweet Speed for, even keeping in mind the 30 gold we get for doing so. Certainly take the key though.

Keep on investigating, and hope that the message we couldn't translate doesn't read "don't investigate that tunnel, dumbass."

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:17 pm
by Omegonthesane
Pretty sure might of stone is strictly worse than heal, so yeah, neither of the two items we can actually take are worth shit.

(We shouldn't still have the pot of healing, the hobo used it. Unless we picked up another one since then and I didn't notice.)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:45 am
by angelfromanotherpin
You follow the tunnel as it slopes downwards into the under-earth. Someone or something must still use this passage, as the walls are lined with torches - their magical blue flames casting eerie shadows against the smooth stone walls.

Eventually, the tunnel opens out into a vast cavern, the size of which is truly breathtaking. The ceiling, if indeed there is one, is lost to sight in the smoky darkness high above you. Similarly, the two nearest walls sweep away into the distance, with no sign of meeting an adjoining wall. Ahead of you, the ground is cracked and broken - revealing veins of molten lava that crisscross this vast space with heat and flame.

There, reclining on a mound of gold and jewels, is a huge black dragon. From its snout to the tip of its long spiked tail, the creature is over a hundred meters long. Thick black smoke spirals out of its nostrils and flames lick along its forked tongue, dangling from the side of its mouth.

This would be a mighty opponent to battle, but one that is likely to be far beyond your powers to defeat. If you do not wish to battle this foe yet, make a note of the entry number and return here at any time during Act 2 when you feel up to the challenge.

• Fight the dragon?
• Head back up the tunnel?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:42 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
Make like Sir Robin and bravely run away for now. Then go to 326.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:17 pm
by Omegonthesane
Seconded, if it's giving us a chance to pick another thing on the to-do list we probably wanna take it.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:17 am
by angelfromanotherpin
I appreciate your eagerness to get to spoopy castle, Darth, but we aren't done here yet. We head back to the previous juncture and take the other path.
You find yourself back in the rift, facing a pathway of stone that winds down the side of the crevice. Following it, you soon find yourself outside another cave opening.
You pass through the opening, to find yourself in a large square chamber chiselled from black rock. A circular pit, filled with smoldering coals, dominates the center of the chamber. Beyond it, a set of stairs leads up to a rune-bordered doorway.

You start towards the pit, but come to a halt when you see three sparkling balls of light zoom out of a crack in the floor. They spin around the edge of the pit before throwing themselves against the glowing coals. There is a sudden whoosh of heat as the coals ignite, sending a swirling torrent of flame high into the air.

As the flames die down, you see a woman standing barefoot on the coals. She is clad in a black gown that hangs in scorched tatters over her shimmering yellow skin.

'You may not pass,' she commands, her voice deep and sonorous. 'This is the domain of Inferno - the master of the eternal flame.' The woman summons fire into her hands and advances towards you. 'Prepare to have your ashes scattered to the wind!'

Special Abilities
- Vortex of fire: At the end of each combat round, Cinders transforms into a spinning vortex of fire. To avoid her spinning flames you must roll 2 dice and get equal to or less than your speed; otherwise you take 4 armor-ignoring damage.
- Body of flame: Your opponent is immune to sear, bleed, fire aura, burn, and ignite.
Round 1: Us 7+10+2, Her 6+9; 2+6-6 damage, she's at 43. (Vortex) 4≤10, dodged. *DOTs* She's at 41.
Round 2: Us 11+10, Her 5+9; 1+6-6 damage, she's at 40. (Vortex) 7≤10, dodged. *DOTs* She's at 37.
Round 3: Us 4+10, Her 10+9 (trickster'd) Us 8+10, Her 6+9; 5+6-6 damage, she's at 32. (Vortex) 4≤10, dodged. *DOTs* She's at 28.
Round 4: Us 10+10, Her 11+9; draw. (Vortex) 7≤10, dodged. *DOTs* She's at 24.
Round 5: Us 6+10, Her 9+9 (slam'd). (Vortex) 3≤10, dodged. *DOTs* She's at 20.
Round 6: Us 9+10, Her 6+9; 4+6-6 damage, she's at 16. (Vortex) 10≤10, dodged. *DOTs* She's at 11.
Round 7: Us 9+10, Her 6+9; 2+6-6 damage, she's at 9. (Vortex) 7≤10, dodged. *DOTs* She's at 3.
Round 8: Us 7+10, Her 8+9; draw. (Vortex) 10≤10, dodged. *DOTs* Cinders defeated!
With a shriek, Cinders explodes. From the billowing cloud of soot, three sparks of light appear, crackling and hissing angrily. Then they speed back into the floor, leaving thin trails of smoke in their wake.

As the soot above the pit clears, you discover a number of charred items resting on the sill-glowing coals. You may now choose one of them as a reward:
Finger of fire (ring) +1 brawn, Ability: sear (+1 to the result of each damage die you roll, doesn't stack)
Cinder's gown (chest) +1 speed, +3 magic, Ability: sear, requirement: Mage
Flame-bathed cowl (head) +2 brawn, +1 armor, Ability: sear
With the room's guardian defeated, you are now able to pass around the pit and take the stairs to the exit.
Beyond the doorway, a short passageway leads out onto an open plateau of rock, jutting out from the wall of the ravine. The area nearest the wall is covered in a high mound of broken stone and rock. South of it, along the edge of the plateau, are a number of cone-shaped protrusions, belching steam into the air.

'Oh, what am I going to do?' says a dispirited voice, from somewhere behind the haze of steam. A moment later, a woman steps into sight - her ginger hair pushed back behind a pair of smog-stained goggles. She notices you and gives a gasp of surprise.

'Belinda?' you ask.

She nods her head. 'How... how did you know?'

Suddenly, there is a deafening explosion. You are thrown to the ground, your ears ringing, as fragments of rock and dust rain down about you. Turning towards the source of the blast, you see that the pile of rock and stone has gone and in its place is a giant throne fashioned from black marble. Seated on it is an armored knight. Smoke and flames billow from the holes in his visor and between the dark plates of his armor.

'What is it?' cries Belinda, running over to you. 'I didn't do anything - I promise!'

The giant knight gets to his feet, flames flickering beneath his helm. 'I awaken!' he booms. 'The long sleep is over. Your power calls to me!' Raising his gauntleted hands, the knight summons a sword of blazing fire into each palm, then starts towards you, as more flames ripple across the surface of his armor to coat it in fire.
You should pick a loot before I continue.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +10, Brawn: +1, Magic: +6, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceBeetle-shell Garland+1Charm
CloakDiaphanous Wings+1+1Haste
Main HandAncient Sword+1Bleed
Left HandStone Shield+1+2Slam
GlovesEmbroidered Gloves+1+1
ChestHellfire Robes+1+1Trickster
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Bees' Wax

Rune Key
Money Pouch: 186 Crowns


Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:21 am
by Omegonthesane
Cinder's gown. Magic buff, damage buff, it's Mage exclusive, 20 gold.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:43 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
angelfromanotherpin wrote:I appreciate your eagerness to get to spoopy castle, Darth, but we aren't done here yet.
Ah, my bad.
Omegonthesane wrote:Cinder's gown. Magic buff, damage buff, it's Mage exclusive, 20 gold.
I think it's 30 gold, but otherwise agreed.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:39 am
by angelfromanotherpin
(We gave Hal a healing potion.)
A defiant battle cry echoes around the ridge. 'Behold my wrath, you fiend!" There is a blur of grey hair and leather, as Hal charges past you, a pen knife held in each hand. 'No one threatens my lassie!'

Belinda goes to grab him, but it is too late. 'Wait! Don't Hal, it's too dangerous!'

The ragged explorer and the knight collide – sparks and flame flying in all directions. Quickly, you draw your own weapons and charge into the fray:

Special Abilities
- Crazy Hal: When you roll for damage, Hal adds one to your damage score.
- Blazing armor: Your opponent is immune to piercing, sear, bleed, fire aura, burn, and ignite.
Our new power is useless.
Round 1: Us 9+10+2, It 5+9; 1+8+1-7 damage, it's at 47. *Thorns* It's at 46.
Round 2: Us 12+10, It 10+9; 5+8+1-7 damage, it's at 39. *Thorns* It's at 38.
Round 3: Us 8+10, It 6+9; 5+8+1-7 damage, it's at 31. *Thorns* It's at 30.
Round 4: Us 8+10, It 10+9 (slam'd). *Thorns* It's at 29.
Round 5: Us 5+10, It 11+9-1; 6+8-4 damage, we're at 30. *Thorns* It's at 28.
Round 6: Us 7+10, It 12+9; 4+8-4 damage, we're at 22. *Thorns* It's at 27.
Round 7: (haste) Us 10+10, It 5+9; 1+8+1-7 damage, it's at 24. *Thorns* It's at 23.
Round 8: Us 7+10, It 8+9; draw. *Thorns* It's at 22.
Round 9: Us 7+10, It 4+9; 5+8+1-7 damage, it's at 15. *Thorns* It's at 14.
Round 10: Us 4+10, It 7+9; 4+8-4 damage, we're at 14. *Thorns* It's at 13.
Round 11: Us 7+10, It 8+9; draw. *Thorns* It's at 12.
Round 12: Us 10+10, It 4+9; 6+8+1-7 damage, it's at 4. *Thorns* It's at 3.
Round 13: Us 7+10, It 7+9; 4+8+1-7 damage, Inferno defeated!
Actually got some serious hits on us, due to rolls where Charm was too unlikely to help to waste. I miss Trickster already.
Gouts of whistling steam billow out from between the knight's armor. Then, the giant topples to the ground, his armor falling into disparate pieces as they hit the stone floor. There is no sign of a body. Instead there is just a cloud of ash hanging in the air.

You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:
Scorched tunic (chest) +1 speed, +2 armor, Ability: charm
Vambraces of might (gloves) +1 speed, +2 armor, Ability: parry
Destroyer's drape (cloak) +2 speed, +1 armor, Ability: backfire (1/combat, instead of rolling for damage, deal 3d6 damage to your enemy and take 2d6 damage yourself, all ignoring armor)
(Hal is with us.)
'Good to do battle with you,' grins Hal. 'That healing tonic sure set my leg to rights.' He hops up and down, beaming through his beard. All of a sudden there is a shriek, followed by a rush of feet. 'Oh, my hero!' Belinda throws her arms around a surprised Hal, lifting his feet as she squeezes him tightly.

'Why... er, thank you,' he grins meekly. his cheeks glowing red. 'It was really nothing. This one did all the hard work,' he nods in your direction. 'All I had to do was follow the smoking trail of destruction.

(We do not have Hal's Clockwork Camera.)

Hal rewards you with a purse of 30 gold from his pack. Together, you head out of the seared scar.

'It was an honor,' says Hal, as you prepare to part company. He rubs his teary eyes, sniffling into his beard. 'Bah! Look at me, blubbering like a fool!'

Belinda kisses you on the cheek. 'Yes, I owe you my life, stranger. I'll certainly be more careful where I fly in the future. And don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on this one.' She pinches Hal, giggling.

You wish both explorers the best of luck, before heading back into Mistwood. Return to the quest map.
Pick a loot! Spoopy castle is the next obvious destination, but maybe you want to go pick up the Dwarfopedia first, or buy another item from the big city, or take on another gladiator?
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +10, Brawn: +1, Magic: +8, Armor: +4
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceBeetle-shell Garland+1Charm
CloakDiaphanous Wings+1+1Haste
Main HandAncient Sword+1Bleed
Left HandStone Shield+1+2Slam
GlovesEmbroidered Gloves+1+1
ChestCinder's Gown+1+3Sear
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Bees' Wax

Rune Key
Money Pouch: 246 Crowns


Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:41 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Take the vambraces. We trade 1 point of damage for +2 armor and a decent ability.

Buy Dwarfopedia and then take another shot at the gladiatorial games.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:14 pm
by Omegonthesane
Agreed on all counts. Shame about Sear not working in the first combat we saw after getting it.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:10 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Transmuting your old gloves more than pays for the book. Now, about that tournament...
You enter the arena to face your third opponent. 'Ladies and gentlemen,' booms the announcer. 'It's time to welcome the pride of the western plains – the one and only, Nalsa the black lion!'

As the portcullis clatters open, you hear a thunderous roar from within the tunnel. You ready your weapons as the black lion steps into the arena. It is huge, at least a head taller than yourself, with a thick mane that hangs down over its thickly-muscled shoulders and fore-legs. The beats twists its head, snarling at the jeering crowds. Then, with a roar, the lion bounds towards you, covering the distance in a matter of seconds. You must now fight for your life!

Special Abilities
- Mighty roar: If Nalsa wins two consecutive combat rounds and causes health damage in both, at the start of the next round he issues his mighty roar. This increases his speed and brawn by 4 for the rest of the combat. Nalsa can only use this ability once.
Speed deficits are not our friend!
Round 1: Us 7+10+2, Him 4+11; 3+8-6 damage, he's at 45. *DOTs* He's at 43.
Round 2: Us (haste) 12+10, Him 4+11; 6+8-6 damage, he's at 35. *DOTs* He's at 32.
Round 3: Us 4+10, Him 9+11 (slam'd). *DOTs* He's at 29.
Round 4: Us 7+10 (charm'd) 10+10, Him 10+11-1; draw. *DOTs* He's at 26.
Round 5: Us 6+10, Him 7+11 (parry'd). *DOTs* He's at 23.
Round 6: Us 3+10 (charm'd) 8+10, Him 4+11; 5+8-6 damage, he's at 16. *DOTs* He's at 12.
Round 7: Us 9+10, Him 9+11; 5+10-6 damage, we're at 31. *DOTs* He's at 8.
Round 8: Us 8+10, Him 9+11; 5+10-6 damage, we're at 22. *DOTs* He's at 4.
Round 9: *ROAR* Us 8+10, Him 8+15; 3+14-6 damage, we're at 11. *DOTs* Nalsa defeated!
That was a serious fight! Started to get grim once we ran out of tricks, but by then the bleed was so bad it finished him off.
Your mighty blows silence the beast once and for all. The crowd go wild as you raise your arms in the air, in a victory salute. You may now claim one of the following as your reward:
Mane of the black lion (cloak) +1 speed, +3 brawn, Ability: fearless (1/combat, +2 speed for 1 round)
Nalsa's claws (main hand: fist weapon) +1 speed, +2 brawn, Ability: piercing (1/combat, bypass opponent's armor)
Hunter's hide (chest) +1 speed, +2 armor, Ability: immobilize (1/combat, opponent rolls -1 dice for combat speed for 1 round)
After the match, Bart hands over your winnings . (You have gained 60 gold crowns.) You can face your next match now, or return to the arena at a later date.
Pick a loot, then it's the next fight or off to spoopy castle, unless you want to do more shopping first.
Name: Trellis
Path: Mage
Career: Alchemist
Speed: +10, Brawn: +1, Magic: +7, Armor: +6
Health: 40
HeadHorns of the Bull+1+2Charge
NecklaceBeetle-shell Garland+1Charm
CloakDiaphanous Wings+1+1Haste
Main HandAncient Sword+1Bleed
Left HandStone Shield+1+2Slam
ChestCinder's Gown+1+3Sear
FeetRune-Forged Greaves+2+2
TalismanSap-filled Gland+1Heal
Ring 1Traveler's Ring+1+1Charm
Ring 2Circle of ThornsThorns

1The Compendium of Dwarven Lore
2Gourd of Healing (1 use) Use any time in combat to restore 6 health.
3Spider's Leg
4Ghoul Hair
5Bees' Wax

Rune Key
Money Pouch: 316 Crowns


Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:35 pm
by Omegonthesane
All that stuff is worse than what we already have.

Dark Crystal looks sufficiently good... that I want to ensure we've looted this chapter before settling with it. Onwards to Spoopy Castle!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:47 pm
by SGamerz
Off to Spoopy.