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Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:56 pm
by Sigil
Not a rules rewrite, but me and radthemad4 did work together on a set of After Sundown icons for lokathor's gitbook that anyone is free to use if they want to put together an AS project.

Larger color logo

Smaller B&W logo for use as a browser favicon

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 9:32 pm
by Username17
Sigil wrote:Not a rules rewrite, but me and radthemad4 did work together on a set of After Sundown icons for lokathor's gitbook that anyone is free to use if they want to put together an AS project.
That's cool.
OgreBattle wrote:Are there places and artifacts of spiritual power in After Sundown 2e?

Like leylines, stonehenge, an old cathedral, spirit houses in Asia. Perhaps these are shallows or lead to deeps, or lead to a contained part of the other worlds that have been crafted by kin for centuries
Yes. The only real special locations in AS1 are bleeds - areas which allow transit from between Earth and a hell dimension. Ideally, AS2 includes the Mighty Rituals of Vast Power rules, which among other things would therefore include sites of ritual power that can be used for big stonks of magic.

Each one would be attuned to Maya, Limbo, or Mictlan, and provide a bonus towards using appropriate ritual magic.
