Lets Play - Falcon 5: The Dying Sun

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Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

What the hell? Thinkstrike. The way this book is going the medtech will probably pull out a laser cannon and blast us afterwards.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The black-suited Siriun falls to the floor and his laser pistol skims across the glasteel towards you. Fielding it you aim at the medtech. She looks completely surprised and scared by the sudden violence and when you probe her mind using your Psychic Awareness, you can tell that she is entirely innocent Anxious to begin your search for Yelov you force her to let you out of the sterilisation dome, swearing her to secrecy.

(If you were to POW the medtech, it's exactly as pointless as you expect and you die)

The view outside the sterilisation dome is spectacular. You are at the edge of a plateau, a sheer cliff begins fifty feet from you and below lies one of the largest cities on Sirius Secundus, Poikile. The distinctive Siriun architecture with its slanting rooftops of solar panels and sun umbrellas reminds you of a man-made mushroom forest. As soon as you appear outside the dome your clothes and weapons appear in a hatch behind you and you are soon ready for action once more. As you belt on your blaster there is a shrieking whirr and a hovcar sideslips towards you landing near the edge of the plateau.

A section of the reflecting airshield slides down into the body of the hovcar and a black-leather-clad arm beckons. The car bears the golden and blue markings, S.E.A., of the Siriun Enforcement Agency. The nearest wing tilts upwards sharply so that you can step beneath it into the cockpit. It is a luxury airlimo, probably used for ferrying important Siriuns from place to place in safety. The car accelerates out over the plateau edge even as you fasten the safety harness. It seems superfluous to identify yourself to the two Siriun Enforcers so you ask your destination and receive the reply: 'Central Enforcement Agency in Poikile, Sir.' You tell them you are expecting a message from Agent Sparrowhawk and they assure you that she is in control of everything. You ask them if they have heard anything of Yelov but are greeted with silence so you fall to contemplating the Enforcers' backs. They are clad from head to foot in the black skin of a crocodilian animal, which smells real. On their heads they wear flanged black helmets that turn their normally cat- like grace into a clumsy threat. They are armed with percussion rifles and laser pistols. You find yourself wondering why all Enforcers, no matter what their race, look so brutal? The passenger turns suddenly towards you and offers you a Siriun mindweed smoke, an exotic delicacy which heightens the senses, and a time-honoured gesture of esteem. You eye the blue velvet covered box that he offers and, feeling that it would be undiplomatic to refuse, take it from him. When you open it a horrible sight greets your eyes.

(There is a picture here)

Inside is an object nine inches across. The first thing that you notice is an eye surrounded by melted flesh, which looks unnervingly familiar. Underneath is melted circuitry and slightly scorched and floating in a sack of bloody fluid, is a raw human brain. Suddenly ecognition overwhelms you. The eye is a bionic eye, the eye of Agent Leopard. If you have a nerve gas grenade and wish to use it, turn to 281. Alternatively you can:
Go for your blaster,
Try to use your Power of Will on the Pilot
Ask the Enforcers exactly what is going on?
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Post by SGamerz »

Pretty sure we don't have the nerve gas anyway since we used it on the spider-reptile. At any rate I don't think it'd be a good idea. The fact that Leopard got stripped of his cyborg body strongly indicates that Sparrowhawk is the traitor here, so we wouldn't want to risk destroying Leopard's brain with an AoE.

Go for the blaster.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

PoW. If nothing else it's reasonably covert IIRC.

No idea why they think now is a good time to nerve gas.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

Go for the gun
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You drop the box and go for your blaster which seems to appear in your hand as if by magic, so quickly do you draw it. But the Enforcer who handed you the box is also drawing his laser pistol. Make an Attack Roll.

If you score 5-12,

You are too quick for the Siriun Enforcer and his head is splattered across the airscreen by a bolt from your blaster. But in his dying throes his finger clamps on the pistol trigger and the laser hits your leg. Lose 4 Endurance points. The pilot is still concentrating on the controls so you decide to disarm him.

You reach forward and take the pilot's laser pistol, then slip it inside your uniform. Note that you have a Siriun Enforcer's laser pistol on your agent profile. As you reach for his percussion rifle, you sense a mental presence behind you. You spin round but an anaesthetic needle buries itself in your arm and you seem to see a familiar cat-like face, a woman's, swimming before you as you sink into sleep. When you awake you are alone in the car except for the brain of Agent Leopard All of your weapons apart from the laser pistol have been taken. There is a loud report behind you.

The jetcar's airshield has been blown off and, standing up, you see Sparrowhawk squinting down the sights of a lightweight percussion rifle that could blow your head off at a thousand paces. She is dressed in a scarlet uniform similar to that of a hussar of Napoleonic times on Earth. Her long black hair is held up by a psionic damper circlet which you recognise as that given to Agidy Yelov by the Hivers when he conspired with the Renegade Lord to conquer the Federation. 'So you're in league with Yelov?' you ask.

'You always were quick off the mark, Falcon,' Sparrowhawk replies. '

'But why? He's insane!' you say.

'Because I love him and I can cure him.' You can tell that she is in deadly earnest and you cannot assail her with your psychic powers for the damper circlet protects her. As a Special Agent of TIME she is unlikely to be bested by a weaponless attacker while armed with a percussion rifle.

What are you going to do with me?' you ask.

Walk up that ramp behind you, Falcon,' she orders. You turn to do as she bids.

The ramp leads up a dark tunnel into a covered bay near the starport. At the top of the tunnel is a silver solar racer, one of the special racing ships due to take part in the Solar Racer Grand Prix around the dying sun, Sirius, tomorrow. Sparrowhawk orders you to climb in. There is room inside the cramped cockpit for only one. Will you:

Climb in?
Jump off the ramp to the floor of the bay ten feet below and try to hide beneath the spaceship?
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

Given that we have 1 Endurance Point left and the name of the book is also "The Dying Sun" I'm better we're supposed to race.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Agreed with a series of expletives expressing frustration at us being unstoppably punk'd even on a successful blaster roll.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Get in.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Once you are crammed inside the cockpit of the solar racer, Sparrowhawk begins to explain. The authorities are just beginning to worry about you, Falcon. I controlled the mind of the Enforcers sent to collect you from the sterilisation dome and brought you here. Agent Leopard tried to stop me, he had a nasty accident.' She pauses to look around, then continues: 'As you can see, you are in a solar racer. You're going to take part in the Grand Prix tomorrow, Falcon, and so is Agidy Yelov. If you are skilful enough to survive the race Agidy will make sure you die. I'd kill you myself, but Agidy wants the pleasure. Your racer has as good a chance as any. Oh, yes .. . I nearly forgot. The lascom unit doesn't work. You will be just another casualty of the most dangerous sport in the galaxy, burnt up in the dying sun, nobody will ever know what happened to Falcon, the saviour of Earth.' She activates the airlock and you are entombed in darkness.

As you wait in your dark tomb you turn over in your mind all you know about the sport of solar racing. The small vessel you are in will be towed to the start near the red giant, of a sun, Sirius,and set free with those of the other competitors at one tenth of light speed. Then you will have to jockey for position using the small amount of fissionable fuel carried in your solar racerand fly into the middle of a huge lightsail. When you have docked, with the enormous span of silver panels like a great spider's web in space, you will have turned your small ship into an immensesailinggalleon,curvingaroundterrifyinglycloseto thesun and then accelerating away towards Sirius Secundus once more, blown by the solar wind of photons or particles of light from the sun. If you sail too close to Sirius you will risk being enveloped in a solar flare, a tongue of burning hydrogen flung up from the surface of the sun thousands of miles into space which would reduce you to atoms. If you sail too faraway from the sun, it will take too long to make the orbit, the racer's neutron shields will overload and you will suffer a painful radiation death. If you fail to dock with a lightsail you will hurtle or to die in deep space for the racer does not carry enough fissionable fuel for a return to Sirius Secundus.

Like you the other competitors will have been sealed into their racers and are now waiting in darkness. You rack your brains to find a way out, but the airlock switch seems to have been disconnected. You begin to reconnect the circuit, but the air is filled with a gas which sends you to sleep. Sparrowhawk has prepared well for your surprise trip to the sun. A loud buzzing like a swarm of bees enters your dreams and slowly you reawaken to find that the racer's computer is unscrambling a lascom broadcast. With a start you strain upward against a pull of several G which soon presses you back into the crash couch. Outside all is in darkness, relieved only by the pin pricks of the stars. You are being towed towards the sun. The broadcast is being made by one of the Intelfax sports commentators.

'... for this, the climactic race in this year's four race series. Strong favourite to win the title again is the reigning champion from Lastlanding, Lord Pilota of the Time Executive. Her closest rivals are Remo Benedetti, the Farther from Romopolis in the "Scarlet Bird" and the Insectoid Clyss in the "Indigo Swarm". Her other adversaries include Skyseeker, the Rigellian; the veteran solar racer, Singleship Sly from Acension, and a newcomer to the sport, Greta Erikson, until recently a pilot in the Federation navy. The Phocian Goldwing will race in his magnificent golden craft as usual, and the local hero, the young Siriun, Vladislow Petrov, racing in the "Silver Dart". A surprise second entry from Sirius Secundus has been received, number
1. The pilot's identity is a closely kept secret but he flies in a black craft with painted flames licking backward from its nose.'

The name of your craft is inlaid in silver above your head. The Silver Dart'. You have been imprisoned in the ship which should have been raced by the young Siriun, Vladislow Petrov. The commentator's voice whines on.

'... and now the freighter is about to set the racers free, the race is about to begin ...'

There is a slight jolt as the drag line is pulled away from the Silver Dart. The race has begun. You are hurtling towards the great red sun at a tenth of the speed of light and you haven't enough fuel to 'turnover'. That is to stop the ship and return the way you have come. You will have to try to dock with one of the lightsails. You consult the deep radar display which shows the other eight racers clustered around you and only eight huge lightsails, each two miles across, a mere thousand miles ahead.
Beyond these are four more to be used by anyone failing to dock with one of the nearer lightsails, but anyone forced to do this will lose time.

The other racers are too far away for you to see them with the naked eye. You have only a few seconds to manoeuvre towards one of the lightsails, using the ship's rockets and you will be competing with the skilful pilots of the other ships. Will you try to dock with the lightsail at:


(There is a picture here)
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

Ummmm, B? Just guessing. If someone can explain a better reasoning I'll go with that.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Let's go with B.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Thaluikhain »

You line up on one of the lightsails at the end of the first line. Glittering silver mesh fills your vision as you hurtle towards the central hub of the sail. Two other racer's come into sight, one to your right-hand side and another below and slightly behind you. The latter ship, which boasts green and turquoise markings, turns away towards a sail that is not too hotly contested. The ship to your right is bright scarlet and shaped like a bullet, the craft belonging to Remo Benedetti of Romopolis. It comes ever closer as you converge on the hub of sail together. You are momentarily enraptured by the sail's fragile magnificence, a great arcing span of silver looking as if it must fall apart at any moment. You will have to slow down if you are not to damage the lightsail when you dock with it, but if Remo brakes later than you he will arrive at the sail first and claim it for his own. Will you:

Brake gently and allow him to take the sail, turning instead to one of the lightsails in the second line?
Hold on as long as you can and then brake when it is still safe?
Try to outbrake Remo and risk a collision with the lightsail?
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Post by SGamerz »

Go for the other lightsail in the second line.
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

Play Chicken (middle option) it leaves us a safety net to back out if need be.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Second option; presumably damaging the lightsails ends Badly.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Ahead of you is the glittering silver mesh of the lightsail filling your vision as the two ships converge on the central hub of the sail and you wait to see if Remo will concede defeat, but his ship hurtles on, ever closer to your own. Looking at the scarlet racer you can see his black hair and aquiline features as the danger increases. Your nerve fails first and you are forced to swerve suddenly aside to duck beneath the sail and head off towards the second line of lightsails as the Scarlet Bullet docks safely and then turns towards the great red orb of the sun.

The Silver Dart launches through space towards the second line of sails and the deep radar display shows that all of the other racers, with the exception of one, have docked with lightsails in the first row and have turned towards the sun, now bearing a two mile span of silver mesh with them, like space-faring Portuguese Men O'War. The exception is just ahead of you, the snub-nosed green racer of Greta Erikson, the navy pilot. You watch as she uses her retros to slow her down and docks with one of the sails. You manage to copy her and there is a grinding and a jolt as the nose of your ship slides into place in the hub of the sail, then you follow in Greta's wake, towards the great red orb of the sun.

Studying the deep radar display you realise that you are occupying last position in the race, not far behind Greta Erikson's green racer. The position of the others is shown on your display as arrows.

Now that you have a sail with which to fly around the sun, you must concentrate on orbiting it without being engulfed in a solar flare, at the same time staying close enough to the sun so that the orbit is completed before your neutron shields overload.

The Computer has projected three possible courses onto the radar display. Which course will you take:

(There is a picture here. EDIT: and the picture is labelled wrong :mad:)

Course A, within 5,000 miles of the sun's surface?
Course B, 12,000 miles from the sun's surface?
Course C, 25,000 miles from the surface of the red giant?
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

The picture seems to have got the routes the wrong way round - it labels A as the one furthest from the surface.

Risk it at 5000 miles.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

Sure, why not.
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Post by SGamerz »

I'd vote course B for safety. The middle option is the least likely to contain insta-fail and will likely have us chance dice roll to determine success.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

As the Silver Dart settles onto its course 5,000 miles above the sea of flame that is the surface of Sirius, your deep radar display shows that most of the other competitors are on orbits which take them between 10,000 and 15,000 miles above the surface of the sun so you decide to move out to the same altitude. You are lucky as a sudden solar flare, a great geyser of flame, erupts 10,000 miles into space just behind you. You begin to overhaul the leaders, flying quite close to one of those disputing the lead and you catch sight of the blue and white hull of Lord Pilota's craft. Will you:
Dive inside her and by flying closer to the sun take the lead?
Continue on your course?
Pariah Dog
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Post by Pariah Dog »

We're already taking a big risk flying so close to the sun anything more is suicide, continue on your course.
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by Omegonthesane »

Agreed. We're not in it to win.

Although, how dangerous can this really be if done right if a TIME Lord is allowed to participate without resigning her office?
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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