[Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Thaluikhain »

Omegonthesane wrote:
Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:44 am
(...totally didn't miss that the Futhark was meant to be describing a riddle instead of just literally being the letters that had to be added together to make 414...)
Huh, same.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by angelfromanotherpin »


“Dragon!” you say out loud, and immediately feel the blood quicken in your veins.

If you ever find yourself in battle against a dragon or a wyrm, you may add 1 point when calculating your Combat Rating.

Gain 1 Hero Point and turn to 228.


That bonus to combat rating neatly sidesteps the ceiling on Combat itself.

It is clear that the ogress isn’t lurking somewhere within this cave, and so, steeling yourself, you wade into the water. As you do so, you fancy you see the entrance to another tunnel, some way below the surface. But then, your motion through the pool sending ripples out across its mirror-smooth surface, your view of the tunnel is lost.

Seizing hold of the hope that you have found the secret entrance to the water-witch’s lair, you take a deep breath and dive down, into the chill depths, heading for where you believe the tunnel to be.

• If you are carrying the sword Hrunting, or you have Thor’s Favour recorded on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 153.
• If you have neither of these things, turn to 218.

Your sword-blade suddenly starts to glow, as if imbued with the power of the storm, the blazing white light picking out the runes and other decorations etched into the iron.

With the weapon held out before you like a torch, you make your way towards the clearly illuminated entrance to the underwater tunnel.

Entering the tunnel, you are surprised to see the scintillating light from your sword reflected from the bulbous white eyes of a shoal of hideous fish-things. They have distended jaws and spiny fish-like tails, but in place of fins they have spindly arms that end in raking talons. Each is no bigger than a pike, but there are a lot of them.

• If you have Njord’s Favour recorded on your Adventure Sheet, or you are wearing a Fish Talisman, turn to 16.
• If not, turn to 44.

The water is filled with squeaking shrieking noises as the nicors turn tail and disappear ahead of you along the tunnel. Taking this as a good sign, and making the most of the opportunity this provides, you follow, hoping that they might lead you to their dam.

Turn to 81.

You surface again, at long last, inside another cave, and this one is even larger than the last.

Turn to 110.


Able to breathe again, you take in your surroundings by the flickering light of a dozen dried moss oyster-shell lamps.

The high-domed chamber is greater even in size than Hrothgar’s famous golden-gabled mead-hall. Hanging, curtain-like formations of rock, like the ribs of some great whale, make you feel as if you are inside the belly of the beast.

In front of you, a flat-topped rock breaks the surface of the subterranean lake and beyond that, several strokes away, the floor of the cavern rises above the level of the water.

With your eyes only just above the surface of the water, you scan the far side of the vast cave and see capering shadows cast upon a water-smoothed wall. You can hear slapping footfalls and a cracked voice chanting to itself, although you cannot make out what it is saying.

It can only be Grendel’s Mother! You have cornered the mere-wolf in her lair at last!

• If you want to take a moment to examine the rocky island in front of you, as stealthily as you can, turn to 136.
• If you would rather take the fight to the sea-hag before she even knows you are there, turn to 169.

Character Sheet
Beowulf, son of Edgetheow

Agility: 12
Combat: 12
Endurance: 30

Hero Points: 13
Crew: 12

• Hrunting (+1 damage)
• Sword (not carrying)
• Spear (not carrying)
• Shirt of mail
• War-helm
• Meal x2 (not carrying)


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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Omegonthesane »

I vote for reconnaissance over going in blind. (So examine the rocky island.)

(Also, following through with a sneak attack is the less Dudes Rock option.)
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to examine the rocky island.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Examine the rocky island.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by angelfromanotherpin »


Moving slowly, wary of making even the slightest splash that might alert the ogress to your presence, you reach onto the rock and feel about with your fingers. They close around something hard and smooth, and drawing back your hand you see that you have found a broad-bladed axe.

Add the Axe to the Equipment Box on your Adventure Sheet, making a note that the blade is decorated with the etched heads of four wild boar, and then turn to 169.

You haul yourself out of the lake onto the silty floor of the cave, sword in hand. There is a sudden commotion of sound, like webbed feet scampering over stones, and then an abrupt silence.

Realising how exposed your position is, you warily peer around the cave. At the far end, within a space that is almost a secondary chamber off the main one, you catch the glint and glimmer of gold – no doubt treasure offered at the lake to appease the spirits that haunt its depths, and collected magpie-like by the ogress who has dwelt here for who knows how many ages.

To your left you can see a large iron pot hanging over a crackling fire; it is this that cast the capering shadows on the wall – only there are no capering shadows anymore. To your right you can make out a body lying on a rocky ledge, but before you can investigate, to see whether it is all that remains of Hrothgar’s trusted counsellor Aeshere, your attention is drawn by something moving on the other side of the cave.

You stare, in disbelief, as your eyes alight upon a slender figure approaching you from the flickering darkness. The figure is that of a young woman, lithe, firm of flesh, with a cascade of golden hair tumbling down about her shoulders, and she is clothed only in shadows.

“What is this?” she says in a voice that is all milk and honey. “A brave warrior come seeking me in my lair at the bottom of the lake of woe?” The air about you is suddenly heady with the sweet scent of honeysuckle.

• If you have the kenning True-Sight or Freya’s Favour recorded on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 219.
• If not, turn to 196.

While your eyes and other senses are telling you one thing, a small voice at the back of your mind is trying to tell you another. It is telling you that there is something wrong here, and that what you are seeing cannot be trusted.

Casting your eyes away from the beautiful vision before you, it is only then that you see the skeletal remains of the monsters’ feasting: the ribcage of a bear; the skulls of both wolves and sheep; and the half-eaten remains of Hrothgar’s advisor Aeshere, the stones still wet with his blood.

The shock of the sight shakes you from your stupor. Looking up again you see the creature before you for what she really is – not a divine beauty to rival the goddess Freya, but a hideous harridan, with crooked fangs for teeth, long claw-like fingernails, and sparse strands of wiry white hair on her head. Her skin is the colour of swamp-water and she has the aroma to match. She would be taller than you, if she was not bent almost double.

With a scream of rage that resounds from the walls of the cave she attacks.

Turn to 288.

Whipping out your weapon, you prepare to meet the monster in combat. (In this battle, Grendel’s Mother has the initiative.)


• If you want to ensure you lay the first strike against the monster, you may deduct 1 Hero Point and turn to 338.
• If not, then conduct the battle as normal, and as soon as you win a Combat Round – if you win a Combat Round – turn to 338.
I assume we're fine relying on our maxed-out stats.
Round 1: Us [2d6:4]+12=16 vs Her [2d6:5]+9+1 = 15, not so hard.

Not stinting the stroke, with such strength and violence behind it, the circling sword lands her such a blow upon the head as to scream out a strident battle-song of its own.

But to your horror, despite laying what you would have thought a killing blow against the hag, your blade – flashing like a bright battle-flame in the light of the shell-lamps – refuses to bite or hurt her at all!

• If you are wielding the sword Hrunting, turn to 387.
• If not, turn to 413.

In your hour of need, the sword’s-edge had failed its lord! The blade has seen many a battle, and has carved through the helmets of many fated men, but this is the first time it has betrayed its master, and its name. Is your enterprise doomed?

Lose 1 Hero Point and record the kenning Wound-Serpent on your Adventure Sheet.

Now turn to 413.

Determined not to let your sword’s failure stop you from defeating the mother of monsters, you renew your courage. After all, you defeated Grendel by tearing off his arm with your bare hands, in your bear-possessed berserker rage!

Still intent on killing the monster’s mother, in your fury you fling the weapon to the ground – spiral-patterned, precious in its clasps, stiff and steel-edged. Your own strength will suffice – the might of your hands!

Leaping at her, you seize the hideous hag by the shoulder, intending to do to her what you did to her son.

• Take a Combat test. If you pass the test, turn to 443, but if you fail the test, turn to 461.
• If you want to spend 1 Hero Point, rather than have to take the test, do so and turn to 443.
Once again, not a failable test for us.

Your mounting anger lending your muscles strength, you hurl Grendel’s mother to the ground. But as she scrambles to her feet again, she draws a knife, broad and burnished.

Turn to 359.

For the first time you begin to wonder whether you are capable of defeating the monster’s mother.

It is then that among the treasures stacked at the back of the cave, you catch sight of a sword that might just be up to the job of killing the witch – if any weapon can!

It is a formidable double-edged Giant-sword, a creation of the jotunn-kin forged so long ago that the saga of the sword has become lost to the mists of time.

• If you want to break off from your struggle with the ogress and attempt to recover the sword, turn to 301.
• If you would rather continue to battle the witch with your bare hands, turn to 332.

Character Sheet
Beowulf, son of Edgetheow

Agility: 12
Combat: 12
Endurance: 30

Hero Points: 12
Crew: 12

• Hrunting (+1 damage)
• Sword (not carrying)
• Spear (not carrying)
• Axe (decorated with the etched heads of four wild boar)
• Shirt of mail
• War-helm
• Meal x2 (not carrying)


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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by JourneymanN00b »

My vote is to get the sword. Giant weapons can surely kill giant creatures right?
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Thaluikhain »

We've got a bunch of different weapons already we should be able to use, but ok, get another one.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, this seems like a "we need a better sword" to kill her. Preemptively loot her cave.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by angelfromanotherpin »


Not knowing what other choice you have, you sprint for the far end of the cavern. But as you do so, the hag makes another lunge for you.

• If you have Loki’s Favour recorded on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 263.
• If not, Take an Agility test; if you pass the test, turn to 263, but if you fail the test, turn to 283.
• Alternatively, you may spend 1 Hero Point to avoid having to take the test at all, and turn to 263 straightaway.

Twisting your body, you avoid the monster’s grasping claws and cover the distance to the treasure-hoard before Grendel’s mother can stop you.

The Giant-sword is a formidable weapon. Famed in former days, the edges of the mighty sword are worthy of a warrior’s admiration. The weapon is a wonder of its kind, and yet it is longer than you are tall, having been hefted by giants in ages past. It is so enormous, will you even be able to wield it?

• If you have Tyr’s Favour or Thor’s Favour, turn to 220. Alternatively, you can spend 1 Hero Point, if you wish, and turn to 220.
• If not, Take an Endurance test; if you pass the test, turn to 220, but if you fail the test, turn to 247.
A favour we don't have, but not a failable test.

The double-edged blade is so enormous that no other man would be equal to the task of lifting it and bearing it in battle-play. But you are no other man; you are Beowulf, champion of the Geats, and saviour of the Scyldings.

Shaking with war-rage, you catch it up by its rich hilt and, careless of your own life, brandish it about your head, as you face the sea-hag once more, a battle-cry on your lips and the oath you swore to Hrothgar burning in your heart.

Now that you are wielding a weapon capable of breaking the witch’s life-preserving enchantments as well as her body, continue your battle with Grendel’s mother – in which you now have the initiative – and, if you win, turn to 173.
Alternatively, you may spend 2 Hero Points and turn to 173 straightaway.
No need for any spending here.
Round 1: Us: [2d6:8]+12+1=21 vs Her: [2d6:8]+9=17; she's at 8
Round 2: Us: [2d6:6]+12+1=19 vs Her: [2d6:9]+9=18; she's at 6
Round 3: Us: [2d6:3]+12+1=16 vs Her: [2d6:10]+9=19; we're at 28
Round 4: Us: [2d6:4]+12=16 vs Her: [2d6:9]+9+1=19; we're at 26
Round 5: Us: [2d6:5]+12=17 vs Her: [2d6:6]+9+1=16; she's at 4
Round 6: Us: [2d6:9]+12+1=22 vs Her: [2d6:8]+9=17; she's at 2
Round 7: Us: [2d6:4]+12+1=17 vs Her: [2d6:4]+9=13; she's defeated!


Bringing the blade down in a furious executioner’s arc, you take the ogress fully across the neck, breaking the bones therein, as the steel shears through the monster’s death-doomed flesh. She falls to the ground, the Giant-sword gory with her blood.

The hag’s head rolls across the ground, stopping at your feet. The ogress’s eyes look up into yours, and, along with a bloody gruel, the thin hiss of a curse escapes her spluttering lips.
“Fȳres and flōdes fēounge ola,
mid īnum blōde brimrād rēadie!”

With her final breath Grendel’s Mother has cursed you. (Record the Sea-hag’s Curse on your Adventure Sheet.)

At the same time, the lamps positioned around the cave flame brighter, and the chamber is illumined with a clearness such as the candle of heaven sheds in the sky. By the flaring light, you begin to scour the sea-hag’s dwelling.

• Do you want to examine the cooking pot (turn to 135),
• or do you want to take a closer look at the body you can see lying on a plinth-like ledge against the right-hand wall of the cave (turn to 76)?

Character Sheet
Beowulf, son of Edgetheow

Agility: 12
Combat: 12
Endurance: 26

Hero Points: 12
Crew: 12

• Hrunting (+1 damage)
• Sword (not carrying)
• Spear (not carrying)
• Axe (decorated with the etched heads of four wild boar)
• Shirt of mail
• War-helm
• Meal x2 (not carrying)


Njord's Favour
Slew seven sea-monsters
Wealhtheow’s Blessing
Odin's Favour
Slew five giants
Loki's Favour
+1 CR vs Dragons/Wyrms
Sea-hag's curse
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to examine the cooking pot, as I feel we will probably still have the opportunity to look at the body.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Omegonthesane »

Is there any indication that we're somehow on a deadline?

Look at the cooking pot.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Depends on whether or not the curse has a timer, I suppose. Still, look in the pot.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by angelfromanotherpin »


The contents of the cauldron are bubbling away furiously over the crackling fire raised beneath it. Through the clouds of steamy vapour, the broth appears to be a dark green colour – like boiling swamp water – with globules of fat collecting on the surface. You suspect that it was intended to be the monster’s supper.

• If you want to taste some of the broth, turn to 116.
• If you would rather leave well enough alone, turn to 97.

Character Sheet
Beowulf, son of Edgetheow

Agility: 12
Combat: 12
Endurance: 26

Hero Points: 12
Crew: 12

• Hrunting (+1 damage)
• Sword (not carrying)
• Spear (not carrying)
• Axe (decorated with the etched heads of four wild boar)
• Shirt of mail
• War-helm
• Meal x2 (not carrying)


Njord's Favour
Slew seven sea-monsters
Wealhtheow’s Blessing
Odin's Favour
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Loki's Favour
+1 CR vs Dragons/Wyrms
Sea-hag's curse
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I’m guessing this broth is poisonous to humans. Leave well enough alone.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Omegonthesane »

Leave it be. And hope we can still look at the body from 97.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, no eating the cannibal monster's food.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by angelfromanotherpin »


As you make a move to search elsewhere, you notice something glinting beside the piece of bark the ogress was using as a chopping board. It is a golden brooch.

If you want to take the Golden Brooch, add it to the Equipment Box on your Adventure Sheet, making a note that it is inset with twelve freshwater pearls.

Hearing a scraping sound – as of talons on stone – you spin around, sword in hand.

Turn to 55.

Before your eyes, Grendel’s body rises from the plinth upon which it had been laid. The monster’s eyes burn with hatred for the living, and a viscous slime oozes from the gaping wound in its shoulder.

To look upon the creature, from the pallid hue of its flesh to the life-ending wound you dealt it, you would think it a corpse, were it not for the fact that it is now stalking towards you, murderous intent twisting its horrifying face into a rictus of homicidal hatred.

Take a Hero test. If you pass the test, turn to 101. If you fail the test, turn to 26.
Not failable.

Sword held high, in single-minded anger you mean to settle with the monster for those stealthy raids it made against Hrothgar’s people, the Spear-Danes. (You have the initiative in this battle.)


• If you wish you may spend 1 Hero Point to automatically win your battle with the risen Grendel (turn to 191).
• If not, conduct the battle as normal and, if you win, turn to 191.
Round 1: Us: [2d6:11]+12+1=24 vs Him: [2d6:5]+8=13; he's at 7.
Round 2: Us: [2d6:4]+12+1=17 vs Him: [2d6:5]+8=13; he's at 5.
Round 3: Us: [2d6:6]+12+1=19 vs Him: [2d6:7]+8=15; he's at 3.
Round 4: Us: [2d6:8]+12+1=21 vs Him: [2d6:12]+8=20; he's at 1.
Round 5: Us: [2d6:10]+12+1=23 vs Him: [2d6:7]+8=15; he's defeated!

The monster’s corpse gapes open as it suffers the death-stroke from the hard-swung sword, and with your final blow you separate the head from the body.
Blood, as thick and black as tar, spurts from Grendel’s severed neck. Where it has touched the blade of the ancient Giant-sword, the blood hisses, melting the steel with its acid touch, until the sword has dwindled into deadly icicles and the war-tool has wasted away, all except for its hilt.

Now you understand the hag’s purpose in recovering her son’s arm. She was intending to raise Grendel to life again! But thanks to you the monster is dead once more, as is its mother.

Taking the monster’s head up by the hair, you take your prize and prepare to leave the lake-hag’s lair. But you cannot ignore the fact that there are all manner of wonderful treasures heaped all around.

• You will not be able to carry much, but if you want to take something from the ogress’s treasure-hoard, turn to 211.
• If not, turn to 231.


Character Sheet
Beowulf, son of Edgetheow

Agility: 12
Combat: 12
Endurance: 26

Hero Points: 12
Crew: 12

• Hrunting (+1 damage)
• Sword (not carrying)
• Spear (not carrying)
• Axe (decorated with the etched heads of four wild boar)
• Shirt of mail
• War-helm
• Golden Brooch (decorated with twelve freshwater pearls)
• Meal x2 (not carrying)


Njord's Favour
Slew seven sea-monsters
Wealhtheow’s Blessing
Odin's Favour
Slew five giants
Loki's Favour
+1 CR vs Dragons/Wyrms
Sea-hag's curse
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Thaluikhain »

Normally I'd say leg it, but we still need to find the ghost's axe, so look.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I thought the axe with 4 boar heads on it was the ghosts axe? Regardless, look at the treasure.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Thaluikhain »

Ah, thought I might have missed that, so I checked...and missed it again, but checking again it seems we have an axe. Changing vote to leave right away.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I will vote to get something from the treasure hoard.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by angelfromanotherpin »


Although there must be a king’s ransom in gold and jewels here, lying at the back of the cave, you choose an arm-ring of twisted gold as a reward for yourself for slaying the monster and his mother.

Add the Golden Arm-Ring to your Equipment List, record the kenning Desire’s-Slave on your Adventure Sheet, and then turn to 231.

Although the engraved blade of the Giant-sword is gone, eaten away to nothing by the un-dead monster’s wound-sweat, you take the richly ornamented hilt, along with Grendel’s head, from the monster’s hall. Having survived the onslaught of your enemies, you also take up your own discarded weapon once more, before diving back into the lake, intending to return to the surface with all haste.

You set to swimming, striking up through the water, both the deep reaches and the rough wave-swirl thoroughly cleansed now the creature from the otherworld no longer draws breath.

• If you have the kenning Hero’s-Promise written on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 270.
• If not, turn to 395.

The oath you swore to the dead warrior weighs heavy upon you. During your time in the domain of the fen-witch, did you find what he asked you to look for?

• If so, you will have a number associated with each item; multiply those numbers together now and turn to the section with the same number as the total.
• If not, turn to 395.
Four wild boar * twelve freshwater pearls = 48.

Making your way back through the network of caves you come to the chamber that has become the warrior’s ill-deserved tomb.

At once, the same glow that greeted you before fills the narrow cave and the warrior’s spirit-form appears before you. As you present the axe and the brooch, laying them on the ground beside his mortal remains, a smile forms on the phantom’s lips.

“Thank you,” comes the ghost’s echoing voice. “You are truly a noble warrior. There is little I can give you in return for reuniting me with my possessions, other than to share the knowledge and experience I gained in life.

“While dining upon the meat of the deer will bestow a measure of the animal’s agility upon a noble soul, and the flesh of the boar will impart a portion of the truffle-hunter’s ferocity, the humble salmon offers the greatest reward, for eating of it can grant a man knowledge. And now I bid you farewell, brave Beowulf.”

With that, the ghost fades into the shadows and is gone.

Turn to 395.

Finally making it out of the monsters’ lair, you return to the lakeshore only to find that the keen-hearted Scyldings and the kindly gold-giver their king have departed the cliff-head. Only your men remain, staring at the pool and sick at heart, until they clap their eyes upon their beloved captain once more.

Your company rushes to meet you, giving thanks to the gods to see you safe and sound. They quickly help you out of your armour whilst telling you that the wise men who watched with Hrothgar descried the blood in the broken water marbling the surface. Seasoned warriors, grey-headed and experienced, they counselled the King, saying that it seemed unlikely they would see the Geatish prince return triumphant, convincing him that the she-wolf had already done away with you.

Then, reunited, you and your warrior-band turn away from the lake, its waters sullied with the blood of monsters, and retrace your steps through the unforgiving fells, pacing the familiar paths back again, as bold as kings, carefree at heart now that your foes are dead.

Carrying Grendel’s head from the mere is no easy task, and it takes four of your men to do so, bearing it upon a spear, and in this manner your storm-warriors transport your prize to the gold-gabled hall.

Turn to 412.

And so, at last, your bold Geats march back into King Hrothgar’s hall, curse-free Heorot, while his thanes are supping, with you, their lord, standing tall with your head held high. For you are one who has dared to attempt incredible deeds and, having accomplished them, is now adorned with their glory.

You present yourself before Hrothgar, and there is much rejoicing as the monster’s head, held up by its lank locks, is manhandled into the mead-hall where the Danes are quaffing their master’s mead. It is an ugly thing for Hrothgar’s karls and his Queen to behold, but an awesome sight nonetheless.

“Behold!” you say, casting the hilt of the Giant-sword at the foot of the King’s dais. “What you see here, O son of Healfdane, prince of the Scyldings, it was a pleasure to bring to your hall. For these tokens – this head and this hilt – are trophies, taken from the lake, as proof of the victory I have won over the monsters that festered there.”

The King and his thanes applaud your efforts.

“Nor did I easily survive the fight under the dark mere,” you go on. “I performed this deed not without a struggle, I assure you.”

• If you have the kenning Wound-Serpent recorded on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 361.
• If not, turn to 275.

“And what of Hrunting?” Unferth asks, jostling his way to the front of the crowd gathered to ogle the monster’s head. “Did it serve you well?”

“Hrunting could not harm the hag-witch,” you reply and see Unferth’s face fall at your revelation, “as fine a weapon as it is. I accounted it formidable in the fight, a good friend in war, and thank you for the loan of it. But now I return to you what is yours.”

Unferth accepts again the ancient heirloom.

Remove Hrunting from the Equipment List on your Adventure Sheet, but gain 1 Hero Point, and then turn to 275.

“But, the gods be praised, I found a huge Giant-sword there, among her treasure-hoard, ancient and shining, and I snatched up the weapon,” you tell Hrothgar and the assembled company. “And so I slew the keepers of the hall – first the mother, and then the son, risen again from his cold stone bed. The wave-patterned blade burnt away as Grendel’s blood sprang forth, the hottest ever shed. But the hilt I took from the cave” – you indicate the hilt now lying on the boards before Hrothgar – “and thus I avenged the vile slaughter of your people. Now you may sleep in Heorot free from the fear that creatures of the otherworld might attack again – your company of warriors and every man, woman and child of your tribe, O Shield of the Scyldings.”
With the demons’ fall the golden hilt has passed into the possession of the white-haired warrior-chieftain, the Lord of the Danes, this wonder worked by Giant-smiths.
Hrothgar gazes long upon that relic before he speaks, for there, upon the gold, marked out in ancient runes, is the name of the sword, that finest of war-tools, with spiral hilt and serpent-bladed.


And when the King speaks, the hall is silent.

“This man was born to be the best of men!” Hrothgar declares, addressing everyone within the Hall of the Hart. “Friend Beowulf, your name shall resound in all the distant nations of the earth! And I shall make good my promises and reward you richly. But then I must let you return to your own people, across the whale-road, to the lands beyond the sea, where you will be a long-standing comfort and bulwark to those heroes.

“If only our former king Heremod had borne his great strength so peaceably! No, you are more akin to Sigmund, who, since the hand and heart of Heremod grew slack in battle, had of all heroes the highest renown among the races of men, in this refuge-of-warriors, for deeds of daring that bedecked his name.”

(Gain 3 Hero Points.)

“But come, Beowulf,” the King says, “take your place at the bench and rejoice in the feast, and in the morning we shall divide between us many treasures!”

Will you:
• Ask Hrothgar to tell you the story of King Heremod? Turn to 145.
• Ask to hear more about Sigmund’s heroic deeds? Turn to 165.
• Join the feast with your men? Turn to 89.
Character Sheet
Beowulf, son of Edgetheow

Agility: 12
Combat: 12
Endurance: 26

Hero Points: 16
Crew: 12

• Sword
• Spear
• Axe (decorated with the etched heads of four wild boar)
• Shirt of mail
• War-helm
• Golden Brooch (decorated with twelve freshwater pearls)
• Golden Arm-Ring
• Meal x2 (not carrying)


Njord's Favour
Slew seven sea-monsters
Wealhtheow’s Blessing
Odin's Favour
Slew five giants
Loki's Favour
+1 CR vs Dragons/Wyrms
Sea-hag's curse
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Darth Rabbitt
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Sigmund was clearly the cooler guy, so ask to hear more about him.
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Re: [Let's Play] ACE Gamebook 04 - Beowulf Beastslayer

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote to ask to hear more about Sigmund.

FYI: the rune translation is Battleserpent in case we need this information later.
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