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Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:38 am
by Ancient History
As I recall, the general consensus is that if a maneuver or strike is used in place of an attack, you can use it with Two-Weapon Fighting, but if a maneuver or strike requires a specific action, you can't.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:00 am
by RelentlessImp
maglag wrote:Sure, give a player an extra resource that is useless for the other players but will allow the first player to have psionic power armor with super poison attacks. Besides being a wizard and his other powers of course.

I decided to stop trying to cheese out my character more and just deciding which strikes/stances/prepared spells to go with (Domains will be Luck and Travel for re-roll and mini-Freedom of Movement). I have the feeling I'll still end horribly weaker than the rest of the party at this rate but I would like to see how long I'll last.
Oh jesus fucking christ, this is so goddamned disingenous and I am sick of seeing it in relation to D&D. Dressing up whining as a "reasonable concern" while disparaging your own character as being "weak" is the most passive aggressive bullshit meant to evoke an emotional response. It's also the favored tactic of twelve year olds when they see something they don't like.

On a less "grow the fuck up and say what you mean" note, I don't entirely disagree with it. *shrug* It's not a deal breaker either way, I'm just sick of seeing this dishonest bullshit.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:16 am
by radthemad4
Ancient History wrote:
So, no community made scaling feats allowed?
Nope. Also, remember that anything in any book or source y'all use is open game for NPCs, too.
Dominicius wrote:Some time ago I made a feat called Initiation.
Ancient History wrote:
Just wanted to make sure that this is okay with you. Beyond that I think I am done with my sheet:
If you could give me a list of the books/magazines/Tome links you used, that would be super.

My only qualm with your character sheet is that you seem to have missed the part where you have 2,700 gp to spend, whereas you seem to have spent closer to 10,000 gp.
So, non Tome scaling feats are allowed if we make them ourselves (Dominicus's sheet isn't opening for me right now, but last it did, he had his custom Initiator feat on it)?
Darth Rabbitt wrote:Mostly I just want a Sorcerer that casts off of Wisdom. I don't give a fuck about Pathfinder otherwise, and if I can do that without Pathfinder that's better. That being said, I won't complain if the answer is 'no.'
If you don't want to bring in Pathfinder stuff, there's Lost Tradition from Bastards and Bloodlines, but it also allows casting off of a physical stat by RAW, which makes it very nice for monsters.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:57 am
by maglag
Ancient History wrote:As I recall, the general consensus is that if a maneuver or strike is used in place of an attack, you can use it with Two-Weapon Fighting, but if a maneuver or strike requires a specific action, you can't.
That's a no then, since there's no Strikes that are used in place of an attack, instead requiring a specific action. Thanks for the clarification.

Another question, I'm a bit confused about what rules for gear we should use. You said 2700 GP but Kaelik's errata has its own item creation rules and then Races of War has a bunch of armors with no prices listed. I was interested in Adamantine Carapace, what would that cost me? If you say no to that, what would cost me a fullplate, and would it be a srd d20 fullplate or a Races of War fullplate? Dominicus pointed me to the base armor costs so I'm going with an Half-plate but that still leaves in the air if there are any "fixes" being used to the item costs or if we use core costs.

Sorry for the trouble.

Here's the rest of the character so far:

Lesser Aasimar(player's guide to Faerun) Revenant Crusader 3/Cloistered Cleric 3
Level 3 LN Undead (Augmented, Dark Minded)
Initiative -4
HP: 26 (3d12)
AC: 21 (10+2 Dex, +7 Half plate, +2 Elusive Target)
Move speed 30 feet.
Saves: Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +12
-Undead Immunities except for Dark Minded, Turn Resistance +2
-First 3 points of damage I take become non-lethal and thus ignored due to Half-plate.
-Darkvision 60 feet, Resistance to Acid 5, Cold 5 and Electricity 5
Stats: Str 18, Dex 14, Con – Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 22

Basic attack: Masterwork Spiked Chain +10 (+3 Bab +4 Str+2 Combat Style+1 Masterwork) deals 2d4+8

Feats: Combat School (Black Chain of Destruction), Elusive Target, Lighting Reflexes, Divine Might (from Complete Warrior)
Flaws: Shaky (-2 to attack rolls), Unreactive (-6 Initiative)
Domains: Kobold (trapfinding as rogue),Travel (3 daily rounds of Freedom of Movement), Knowledge(free from Cloistered Cleric )
Rebuke Undead 9/day.
Background: Royalty of a Fallen Nation

Lore (Ex): Thanks to long hours of study, a cloistered cleric has a wide range of stray knowledge. This ability is identical to the bard's bardic knowledge class feature, using the cloistered cleric's class level in place of the bard level. Cloistered Cleric

Indomitable Soul(Ex):Adds Charisma mod to all saves (already added to the statblock) (Crusader)

Furious Counterstrike(Ex): Can take a swift and immediate action each round instead of either.(Crusader)

Steely Resolve (Ex): At 2nd level, a Crusader gains fast healing equal to half their character level when they are at less than half hit points.(Crusader)

Banner of Conviction (Ex): Allies within line of sight of a 2nd level Crusader gain a +2 Morale Bonus on saves versus Fear and to Morale tests. (Crusader)

Daylight 1/day (lesser Aasimar).

Skills (all 6 ranks):

-Concentration +14 (Undead use Charisma for Concentration by default)
-Diplomacy +16
-Disable Device +9
-Search +9
-Sense Motive +11
-Spot +11
-Survival +13

Stance: Light Stepping (Crusader)
Level: 3
The character does not exert noticeable pressure on the ground and does not leave tracks. They can also stand on and move across water without falling in. This stance lasts until the character activates a different stance.

Maneuvers (DC 17)(Crusader):

Ancient Righteous Dragon Stone Bones
Level: 1 Type: Boost
The Crusader gains DR 6/stone (DR X/Stone, where X is 3 + Level)

Ultimate Shadow Murdering Revengeance
Level: 2 Type: Counter
Use when the Crusader is damaged by an opponent. The Crusader immediately responds by making a melee attack against that opponent.

Golden Western Vision of Victory
Level: 2 Type: Boost
The Crusader gains a +10 Insight bonus to their first attack while this Boost is active, and that attack ignores concealment.

Neo Mouse Oldest Ploy
Level: 3 Type: Strike
All threatened enemies must make a Reflex Save or be blinded for one round. If at least one enemy is unable to see, the Crusader may make a melee attack against one of them.

Storm Killing Toppling Tower Touch
Level: 3 Type: Counter
Use when a threatened opponent moves (including 5' steps). The Crusader makes a melee attack against that target. If it inflicts damage, the Crusader may also make a free Trip attempt.

Apocalypse Flower Executioner
Level: 3 Type: Strike
The Crusader makes a melee attack. If it inflicts any damage, the target must make a Fortitude Save or die.

Spells Prepared:
0th level (4 base)
Cure Light Wounds x 2
Detect Magic

1st level (2 base+1 bonus+1 domain)
Divine Favor
Magic Weapon
Shield of Faith
Longstrider (Travel Domain)

2nd level (1 base+1 bonus+1 Domain)
Divine Insight
Eagle's Splendor
Gnome Blight (Kobold Domain)

-Half plate 800 GP
-Masterwork Spiked Chain 325 GP
-Masterwork Composite Longbow +4 700 GP
-40 arrows 2 GP
-Badass Eyepatch (Masterwork Tool of Concentration, Diplomacy, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival) 300 GP
-Backpack 1 gp
-Thieve's Tools, Masterwork 100 gp
-10 feet pole x 2 sp
-50 feet rope 1 gp
-Grappling hook 1 gp
-Torch x 5 5 CP
-Flint and Steel 1 gp
-Mirror, Steel 10 GP
-Shapesand (jug) 100 GP (Sandstorm)
-Marbles x5 1 GP (Arms and Equipment guide)
-4 x Eggshell grenade, Dust 40 GP (Oriental Adventures)
-2 x Defoliator, 40 GP (Arms and Equipment Guide)
-2 x Torchbug Paste 50 GP (Complete Scoundrel)
-Waterskin 1 gp
-Piton x 10 1 GP
-Net 20 GP
5 gold, 5 SP, 5 CP left

Point Buy
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 8 Int 9 Wis 12 Cha 17

Racial modifiers: +2 Wis, +2 Cha (lesser Aasimar)
Revenant modifier: Con becomes - (Revenant from tome of necromancy)
Old Age Modifiers: +3 Int, +3 Wis, +3 Cha

Final stats:
Str 18, Dex 14, Con – Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 22
Battle Script:
-Roll maneuvers
-IF I can get close enough to an enemy to hit them in melee, do so with Strike+boost. If I rolled two strikes or two boosts, use the first one. If there's multiple enemies I could attack, go after the most vulnerable looking ones first (use Lore to help identify more vulnerable enemies).
-IF there's water between me and my enemy or another obstacle that could be bypassed by my stance, activate the stance instead of using a boost.
-Always Power Attack for -1 to hit/+2 damage. If I'm flanking or get some other bonus to my +hit roll, spend it in power attack as well.
-IF it's not possible to reach an enemy in 3 turns with a move action per turn, pull out bow and fire arrows (+7 to hit 1d8+4 damage)
-IF I roll a counter/and or Strike that would potentially allow me to hit more than one target this round, activate Divine Power to add Cha mod (+6) to damage rolls as a free action.
-IF I'm under an effect that could be ignored by Freedom of Movement, spend one turn worth of use from Travel domain.
-IF I can't reach an enemy in melee but could hit 2+ of them with Gnome Blight, cast Gnome Blight.
-IF I can't move close enough to an enemy in melee to hit them in melee, spend a move action to approach and buff myself (priority from highest to lowest: Longstrider, Shielf of Faith, Divine Favor, Magic weapon, Eagle's Splendor)
-If enemy has concealment, throw Bug paste at their area.
-If I can't hit enemy after two rounds, throw eggshell grenade, dust.
-IF I drop below 10 HP, 5-step away from enemies as possible and convert a spell to Inflict Wounds to heal myself (priority: Divine Insight, Eagle's Splendor, Gnome Blight, then 1st level lower priority spells as above), using Concentration if I can't get away.
-IF it's the 3rd turn of Combat OR I'm out of spells use Divine Might to add Cha mod (+6) to damage rolls as a free action.
Clara was once the 2nd princess heir of the Kylatra Kingdom that existed in the Fire Swamp area in a distant past. She served as a warrior-priestess with distinction, vowing to protect her realm and supporting her older sister that would one day rule it. However some unknown disaster struck and not only reduced the kingdom to ruins but also progressively changed the previously fertile landscape into the nightmare swamp that it is now. Clara's last memory is being struck in the back and falling into a river where she drowned.

For long she lay buried under the earth and water, unable to pass on the afterlife due to her shameful death, turning into a revenant, trapped under layers of mud and water by the weight of her armor, until some stroke of luck has finally broken her free. And an even greater fortune, as she arose from the waters, Clara found a group of relatively friendly adventurers ready to brave the dangerous swamp with her.

The Kylatra Kingdom may've been forgotten by pretty much everybody, even Clara's memories on her heritage are fragmented shadows at best. But the warrior princess has vowed to restore her kingdom by whatever means necessary. She already died trying once. Clearly that wasn't enough to make her give up. Those living companions, they'll help her remap the region and deal with whatever monsters and bandits are surely nesting here. The land will be made safe again. The relics of the kingdom will be recovered. Then if Clara cannot find her older sister nor any descendant of her family, she'll take the burden of leadership upon herself.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:26 am
by Dominicius
Okay I made a few final changes to my character sheet.

First, I swapped out Blitz for Diehard if that is okay. Second, I adjusted my items to keep them in line with our allotted wealth. Third, is it okay to use Rob's Simplified Armor? I know Races of War is already in but I like this version more. Lastly, adjusted my stats for the 40 PB.

Also a quick question, how do we roll for hit points? I assumed maximum for first level and then half for each level afterwards (rounded up)?
I was interested in Adamantine Carapace, what would that cost me?
Here is a link. Adamantine Carapace costs 9000 gp.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:20 am
by Ancient History
Dominicius wrote: First, I swapped out Blitz for Diehard if that is okay.
Second, I adjusted my items to keep them in line with our allotted wealth. Third, is it okay to use Rob's Simplified Armor? I know Races of War is already in but I like this version more. Lastly, adjusted my stats for the 40 PB.
Does anyone have a problem with Rob's Simplified Tome Armor? If not, you're fine.
Also a quick question, how do we roll for hit points? I assumed maximum for first level and then half for each level afterwards (rounded up)?
I trust you to roll your own.
maglag wrote:If you say no to that, what would cost me a fullplate, and would it be a srd d20 fullplate or a Races of War fullplate?
Unless someone knows better, I say that fullplate costs the same in both the srd and RoW. Just specify which you're buying.
maglag wrote:Clara
Please add a list of sources, with links to Tome stuff.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:54 pm
by Darth Rabbitt
radthemad4 wrote:
Darth Rabbitt wrote:Mostly I just want a Sorcerer that casts off of Wisdom. I don't give a fuck about Pathfinder otherwise, and if I can do that without Pathfinder that's better. That being said, I won't complain if the answer is 'no.'
If you don't want to bring in Pathfinder stuff, there's Lost Tradition from Bastards and Bloodlines, but it also allows casting off of a physical stat by RAW, which makes it very nice for monsters.
Wow, that feat is pretty awesome. Fuck Wisdom, I might take that and play a Str-caster.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:08 pm
by Dominicius
Anyway, doing a quick write-up of battle script
Against multiple enemies:
*Spend first turn using Vigor for maximum PP + Wild Surge, for a total of 25 extra hp. Activate of Hand of Fire.
*Pull out sword and charge into melee, use Wind Stride for a bit of extra speed if necessary. Using Hatching Flames or Fire Burst if enough of them get in range. Will try to avoid hitting allies obviously.
*Should enemies prove too dangerous to fight up close move back and rely on whip or fire bolts. Use whip if it seems like it would be more useful to trip or disarm enemies than to pile on fire damage.

Against a single enemy:
Option A: Use Ignite and spam firebolts from a distance.
Option B: Spam Ego Whip. Use my actual whip for trip/disarm attempts if needed.
Option C: Manifest Vigor with maximum surge and step into melee, use Flashing Sun and Fire Ripost when necessary.
Depending on the situation, pick one of the above options and go with it.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:47 pm
by vagrant
So since everyone else is doing tome, I'm wondering if positive-energy flavoured Hicks Dread Necro would be better than HoH Dread Necro?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:03 pm
by radthemad4

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:17 am
by maglag
Would it be possible to have a Feat version of Unholy Toughness? Aka Charisma to HP instead of Con? I looked around but there doesn't seem to be anything like that done yet.

Meanwhile working on making a new char sheet with links.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:56 am
by Darth Rabbitt
My character so far. He's basically turning out to be Pantyhose Taro, Muscle Wizard. With some dragon cock powers for good measure.

I still need to pick out his spells (he casts as a 4th-level sorcerer because of his template. Which means he basically casts as a 3rd-level focused specialist wizard, only spontaneously.) As an aside, I can probably carry the entire party as a light load. Which means I can fly us places.

Sourcebooks used so far, work in progress:
Bastards and Bloodlines (Lost Tradition feat)
Player's Guide to Faerun (Spellcasting Prodigy feat)
Tome of Fiends (Product of Infernal Dalliance feat)
Races of War (Experimental Stock background)
Unearthed Arcana (Water Orc, flaws)
Monster Manual IV (Lolth-touched template)
Dragon Magazine (half-minotaur template)
Dragonlance Campaign Setting (white dragonspawn template)

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:22 am
by Avoraciopoctules
Sounds like an interesting game, but I don't think I have time to relearn how to build a gestalt character and also make something that contributes in a party of optimized Tome characters. Hope you have fun!

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:12 am
by radthemad4
Sorry Darth, but I'm going to have to vote against using Lost Traditions with physical stats. It's way too easy to pump up STR and Con and Dex have too many other benefits. I'm sure you can still make a strong muscle wizard without casting off of a physical score.

AH, can Lost Tradition still be used in this game if it's edited so it can only be used with mental scores?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 9:11 am
by Ancient History
radthemad4 wrote: AH, can Lost Tradition still be used in this game if it's edited so it can only be used with mental scores?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:07 am
by Darth Rabbitt
Fair enough. That feat's plenty enough batshit without Strcasting.

ed: I'll fix/finish my character tonight.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:02 am
by maglag
Ancient History wrote:
radthemad4 wrote: AH, can Lost Tradition still be used in this game if it's edited so it can only be used with mental scores?
Just in case you missed my last question a few posts above, would you be ok with Unholy Toughness as a feat, aka Charisma to HP instead of Con?

Also added links to my character post.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:16 am
by radthemad4
maglag, Fey Soul in Bastards and Bloodlines does that, but doesn't also use it for Fort Saves and Concentration checks, and doesn't give you DR like Hicks' Dread Necro's Unholy Toughness.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:33 am
by Dominicius
The reason why that feat does not exists is because it would be absurdly good. If it were to exist, it would have a pretty high level requirement. If we go with the Tome feat route however, that kind of benefit would most likely come second to last.

I don't have a problem with the option in general but it is too strong for our current level. Also, Hick's dread necro is horribly overpowered.

Beyond that. I have a question for you all, are you guys okay with taking flaws? I am asking because there might be a real benefit to not taking flaws for our characters, since it would mean that monsters will not get that option either. I am actually perfectly fine with not getting extra feats but I will go with the majority vote.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:50 am
by maglag
Hmm, guys, undeads already use Charisma for concentration checks by default. You don't need any special ability for that.

Anyway I'll support that Hick's Dread Necro is OP, but I was referencing the 3.5 Unholy toughness that appears in a bunch of undead monsters. Since a lot of tome feats are basically "You now have that iconic monster power".

I'm not too worried about giving flaws to monsters because AH is most probably kinda overwhelmed by the amount of classes, races and feats we're throwing at him. Unless he spends multiple hours custom building each monster, we should be fine.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:40 pm
by vagrant
Which Dread Necro? Hicks?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:03 pm
by maglag
Yes, clarified.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:12 pm
by Dominicius
maglag wrote:Hmm, guys, undeads already use Charisma for concentration checks by default. You don't need any special ability for that.

Anyway I'll support that Hick's Dread Necro is OP, but I was referencing the 3.5 Unholy toughness that appears in a bunch of undead monsters. Since a lot of tome feats are basically "You now have that iconic monster power".

I'm not too worried about giving flaws to monsters because AH is most probably kinda overwhelmed by the amount of classes, races and feats we're throwing at him. Unless he spends multiple hours custom building each monster, we should be fine.
Oh I agree. However, some iconic abilities can't be gained at very low levels. Flight for instance is a good example. Having charisma act as con is something you can do eventually but I think it is too powerful to have right now.

Also I do not really like the idea of trying to "overwhelm" the DM. He is already doing the brunt of the work. Which is why I'm not a big fan of gestalt in the first place.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:59 pm
by Ancient History
maglag wrote:
Ancient History wrote:
radthemad4 wrote: AH, can Lost Tradition still be used in this game if it's edited so it can only be used with mental scores?
Just in case you missed my last question a few posts above, would you be ok with Unholy Toughness as a feat, aka Charisma to HP instead of Con?

Also added links to my character post.
If it isn't already published somewhere, I think you can live without it. Sometimes a few limitations make you more creative with what you've got.

In other news, I hope everybody is able to get their characters done tomorrow so that we can start the in-character thread on Saturday.

Also, with this many Tome-fueled gestalt characters, I've decided to set the Fire Swamp's difficulty level to "Australia." We'll see how it goes from there.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:29 pm
by radthemad4
Currently contemplating Elemental Siphon 3//Choker 3 (using the Races of War monster PCs method 2, -4 Int, -4 Cha, 2 standard actions each round)