Dungeon Crusade Game

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Dungeon Crusade Game

Post by Judging__Eagle »

Ok, right now I've had uhm, interest expressed by a few Denners to join the game that I'm going to run on Elliquiy (my referral link is here btw).

I know that getting approved takes some time, so you can post your characters here.

Right now Koumei is playing an Arbites 3/Judge 1 grapple-artist.... I think that she has a thing for characters that get the best of their enemies via wrestling. A +16 mod at lvl 4 is pretty close to busting the RNG.

I've got an other player who made a Penal Legionarre/Roguish Scoundrel; with a laspistol and chainsword... he missed the memo about plasma pistols. I'll ask him if he wants one.

The third player wants to make a Vetran/Commisar, but hasn't written his character up.

People from the Den that want to join the game, but want to write their characters ahead of time can do so in this thread. I'm going to copypasta the two already submitted characters from the thread I started on E.

Frederick Hartigan
Penal Legionaire 3/Roguish Scoundrel 1
Frederick Hartigan
Penal Legionaire 3/Roguish Scoundrel 1
Size: M Spd: 40

Str: 8 -1
Dex: 16 +3
Con: 16 +3
Int: 14 +2
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 10 +0

HP: 35

AC: 15
Fort: +7
Ref: +7
Will: +5

BAB: +4
Chainsword +8, 1D8-1+ 1CON + 2d6 Rend at end of round (+2d6 OR ignore DR/Regen) 17-20/x4
Laspistol +7 (+10 w/in 30) 1D8 (+4 w/in 50) 20/x2

Search: +8
Pick Pocket: +9
Spot: +7, +2 v. Orks & Goblins
Listen: +7
Hide: +11
Move Silently: +11
Repair: +8
Disable Device: +8
Gather Information: +10
Sense Motive: +2
Survival: +2
Diplomacy: +4
Bluff: +4

Weapon Finesse (Dex to hit, The Edge when dex is higher)
Two-Weapon Fighting (Extra Attack, Extra AoO, No Off-hand Penalty)
Point-Blank Shot (+3 w/in 30’, BAB to damage w/in 1 range increment)

Class Features:
Rapid Repair
Uncanny Dodge
Augmented Critical: Slashing
Melee Specialist: Fleet of Foot
Slippery Mind
Rending Cut
Toxin Eater
Sneak Attack: 2D6
Bonus Feat: Persuasive
Nimble Feet
Rapid Reload

Corpse Starch Rations
Chameleoline Cloak
Leather Armor
Coda Abigail Celeste
Name: Judge Ominous Sense of Foreboding Coda Abigail Celeste
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Background: Valhalla
Class/Level: Arbiter 3/Judge 1

STR 16 +3 20 +5
DEX 14 +2 -- --
CON 10 +0 -- --
INT 12 +1 -- --
WIS 8 -1 -- --
CHA 15 +2 -- --

Hit Points: 26/26
Speed: 30' (20')
Initiative: +2
Armour Class: 22 (10 + 2 + 10)
-Flat Footed: not applicable
-Vs Touch Attacks: 12

BAB/Grapple: +3/+16
-Melee: +8
-Ranged: +5

REF +7
+2 vs Enchantments, +4 vs [Cold]

Special Attacks:
Knockdown (+4, total +13)
Aura of Fear (15' radius, DC 15, Shaken)
Opportunist (1/round)
Terrifying Critical (50' radius, DC 15, Panic 1d4 rounds)
Chokehold (DC 17, KO 1 minute)
Death Sentence (Move EQ, +3/+3d6)

Special Qualities:
Frosty: +4 against [Cold] effects, Cold Resist 10
+2 to Spot and Hit [Cold] creatures
+2 to Balance and Climb
Improved Uncanny Dodge (never flat-footed, never flanked)
Sixth Sense (Blindsense 10')
Quick Draw
Dead 'Ard (25% immunity to Critical Hits)
Immune to Fear
Improved Mettle

Fear, Gas, Drowning, Dazzling, Blindness

Light and Medium Armour
Simple and Martial Weapons
Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms

Mechadendrites (15' reach, +4 Climb and Grapple, 1d6+3 Slashing, ranged Skills/Grapple)
Point-Blank Shot (+3 to hit and damage when shooting within 30')
Juggernaut (+4 to size-related checks, no provoking due to entering occupied squares)
Bonus: Detective (+3 to Gather Info, after succeeding on it, +2 on related checks)

Balance +12 (+6)
Climb +18 (+12)
Diplomacy +12
Disable Device +8
Escape Artist +4 (-2)
Gather Information +13
Intimidate +12
Sense Motive +6
Survival +6

Power Armour (+10 AC, Max Dex +3, -6 Penalty, 25% Fortification, DR 25%/Ad, Sealed, Visor, Comms)
Suppression Shield
Stun Baton (+8 to hit, 1d4+5 Bludgeoning +1d4 Electricity, 20/x3, Fort (DC = Damage) vs Stun)
Bolt Pistol +1 clip (50' range, +5 to hit, 3d6 Fire/Sonic damage, clip-20, crit 20/x3 )
Chainsword (+9 to hit, 18+5 damage, 19-20/x2, 1 Con per hit, Rend 2d6)
Shotgun +2 clips (100' range, +5 to hit, 2d6 Piercing damage, crit 19-20/x2, not affected by cover or any miss chance, clip-12, Executioner Rounds)
Stub Pistol +4 clips (50' range, +5 to hit, 2d6 Bludgeoning damage, clip-8, crit 20/x3)
Although a native of Mordia, that's barely where Coda's story begins. She had only spent a short while as an Enforcer there, trying (unsuccessfully) to keep the ganger activity down before a recruitment drive picked her up (without worrying about asking her first). She was transferred to the Adeptus Arbites, tasked with enforcing the Imperial law across the galaxy, and the first stop... was Valhalla.

Valhalla is a cold place, and that's not something she was used to. But after more than two years of keeping an eye on things, listening to earthshaker cannons and going over military crime scenes in temperatures cold enough to freeze a cup of recaff solid, she ended up growing used to it. What she didn't get used to, however, was how people could still be ready to kill one another when tyranids as big as a tractor were all too willing to do it for them.

For her efforts, Coda was eventually promoted, going all the way up the chain from Investigator to Judge, allowing her to skip things like trials when she knew she had the man. She also gained a pair of small robotic tendrils as a gift from a Mars delegate - after finding who was poisoning a tech-priest and why, they were very thankful, and provided the technology with their best wishes.

And now this fleet. Knowing how being cooped up on a small ship can have negative effects on the morale (and tempers) of crew, she was assigned the duty to keep a watch over them and help prevent things getting out of control. Luckily, landing seemed to go by without too much of a problem...

Despite what one might expect of an arbiter - a judge no less - Coda is not GRIM AND DARK. She's fairly friendly, and gets along with people, despite possessing some odd habits and mannerisms. Even so, she was trained to expect the worst in everyone, but is eager for them to take a chance and run with it, to prove that they are trustworthy.

Due to her years in places where the sun is blotted out by the smog, places that are inside space shuttles, and places that are really fucking cold, Coda is quite pale - borderline goth in appearance, although the fact that her hair is Nordic blonde doesn't fit that. She's filled out, with a decent layer of muscle and a small layer of fat to help keep her warm, also resulting in some swelling of the boobal region*. Usually, she ties her hair into a pair of ponytails to keep it out of the way, and covers more or less her entire body with a suit of shining black power armour. There are some small holes for her tendrils to poke out, and the helmet also has a pair of synthetic pony tails, to tell who she is when wearing it - just in case there's a "people wearing black power armour" conference. One shoulder has her name, rank and ID number engraved in gold.

She has an electoo (glowing tattoo) of an aquila, but it's not somewhere that anyone is going to see it.

Quote for the sole reason of pissing Dove off:
"Eldar Harlequin, Ma'am, shot four times in the upper torso with a bolter, practically sawn in half. By the mask, we're looking at a Death Jester."

"Well I guess..." *sunglasses* "...the joke is on him."


*technical term
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

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Post by Quantumboost »

Tirel "Fixer" Montrain, Storm Trooper/Deep Strike Assaulter
Name: Tirel Montrain
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Background: Armageddon
Class/Level: Storm Trooper 3/Deep Strike Assaulter 1

STR 14 +2 -- --
DEX 16 +3 -- --
CON 12 +1 -- --
INT 15 +2 -- --
WIS 8 -1 -- --
CHA 10 +0 -- --

Hit Points: 25/25
Speed: 30'
Initiative: +6
Armour Class: 18
-Flat Footed: 15
-Vs Touch Attacks: 13

BAB/Grapple: +4/+6
-Melee: +8
-Ranged: +7

REF +9
+2 vs Enchantments

Special Attacks:
Deep Strike (Arrival)
Deep Strike (Charging Disembark)
Deep Strike (Pinning Fire)
Firearm Specialist (Hell Pistol)
Sneak Attack +1d6
Wounding Slice

Special Qualities:
Deep Strike (Glide)
Deep Strike (Surprise)
Low-Light Vision
Rapid Escape
Rapid Repair (all repairs take half as much time)
Sieze the Initiative
Uncanny Dodge

Gas, Drowning, Dazzling, Blindness

Light and Medium Armour
Simple and Martial Weapons
Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms

Tinker (Upgrade weapons and armor)
Two Weapon Fighting (no penalty for using off-hand, number of off-hand attacks equal to primary weapon attacks, extra AoOs with offhand equal to number of BAB-derived AoOs)
Danger Sense (+3 on Initiative checks, Search/Spot/Listen are always considered to be "actively searching", Uncanny Dodge)
Bonus: Combat School

Disable Device +9
Escape Artist +14 (+12)
Hide +12 (+10)
Jump +11 (+9)
Listen +6
Move Silently +12 (+10)
Pilot +10
Repair +9
Search +9
Spot +6 (+8 vs Orks and Goblins)
Survival -1 (+1 to follow tracks)
Tumble +12 (+10)
Use Rope +3 (+5 binding)

Carapace Armour (+5 AC, Max Dex +4, -2 Penalty, DR 10/magic, Sealed, Visor)
Grav Chute (permanent feather fall)
Hell Pistol (100' range, +7 to hit, 1d8 Light damage, pack-100, crit 18-20/x2, not affected by cover or concealment)
Chainsword (+9 to hit, 1d8+4 damage, 19-20/x2, 2 Con per hit, Rend 2d6)
Power Sword (+13 to hit, 1d8+9 Slashing damage, 1d6 Electricity damage, 1 Con per hit, 19-20/x2, Brilliant Energy)
Shotgun +2 clips (100' range, +5 to hit, 2d6 Piercing damage, crit 19-20/x2, not affected by cover or any miss chance, clip-12, Executioner Rounds)
Medikit (+5 Heal, many drugs)
Krak Grenades (30' range, 5' radius, 8d6 Fire/Bludgeoning, Ref Half (DC 17))
Short Backstory
Tirel was born and spent most of his life on a small, nondescript Forge World, which ended up right in the path of a large Ork infestation a few days after he was drafted into the Imperial Guard at 16. Due to prior experience constructing and repairing machines (and the administration not being completely incompetent for a short time), he was assigned to a task force dedicated to locating Ork vehicle facilities (and making them explode). Of course, this actually exposed him to different technologies, so he started tinkering around with his unit's equipment (secretly, and usually claiming the improvements were due to "the favor of the Machine Spirits").

His homeworld was eventually lost to the Orks, then virus-bombed, so the rest of the campaign was spent on various other worlds, until eventually conflicting orders from the top randomly reassigned him (and several other troops) to other places in Imperial space - which is where he is now, assigned to the landing team to scout and take down any enemy machinery.

Tirel is extremely focused when he's working on something, whether it's scouting terrain or fixing a damaged Valkyrie, and dislikes distractions - including other people, if they aren't related to what he's doing. If he isn't busy with something, though, he's vaguely polite if overly excitable.

Under his armor, Tirel is pale due to wearing full, sealed body armor everywhere planetside - mostly due to a fear of "Orks growing on him AAAAGH". He has black hair, none of it facial, and pronounced bangs. He's slender but wiry, with very little fat due to stints of forgetting to eat when working. His Carapace Armor is a deep forest green color, with name and rank posted on each shoulder in pale blue.
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Post by cthulhu »

Still working on this, there is a notable lack of feats for guns.

Name: Unit 5072-6f62-6162-6c79-2047-6176-696e "Gavin"
Age: 5.. or late 25. He's been mindscrubbed. More than once.
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Background: Mars

Quote: "Be polite, be efficient, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet"

Class: Veteran 3 / Sniper 1

STR 10 +2 -- --
DEX 16 +3 -- --
CON 16 +3 -- --
INT 14 +2 -- --
WIS 12 +1 -- --
CHA 8 -1 -- --

Hit Points: 32/32
Speed: 30'
Initiative: +3
Armour Class: 20
-Flat Footed: 14
-Vs Touch Attacks: 13

Ranged Attack Bonus: +6
Melee Attack Bonus: +3

Ranged attack bonus with needler

+9 to hit / 2d4 + 1d6 damage w/Posion

Lascannon +9 (+6/ to hit


Reflex: +7
Fort: +7
Will: +5

Special Attacks:

Special Qualities:
Dr 6/Adamantium
Darkvision 120'
Blindsight 30'

Marksman: the Sniper doubles the range of all Rapid Fire and Heavy Firearms used.

Mark the Target: as a Move-equivalent action, a Sniper may “mark” a target. Until the beginning of their next turn, all shots they make against the marked target deal an additional 1d6 of damage per character level.

Blend Into the Shadows: the Sniper gains Skill Mastery with the Hide skill, and a +4 bonus to all Hide checks.


Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms Needle Rifles, Lascannons, Auto Cannons

Feats: (1+1+1+3 bonus)

Combat School "Australian Rules" - Weapon Group - Heavy weapons (I assume this now applies to ranged weapons because one of the classes gives it to vehcile mounted weapons.)
+2 to hit
+2 Damage


(+2 AC or +25% range or speed) AND (+1 to hit or +2 damage) w/ 8 hours.

Your range increments are 50% longer than they would ordinarily be. Any benefit of being within 30' of an opponent is retained out to 60'.

Precise Shot - You do not suffer a -4 penalty when firing a ranged weapon into melee and never hit an unintended target in close combats or grapples.

Ghost Step
You gain +3 to your Move Silently checks.
Anyone attempting to use Survival to track you must beat you in an opposed check against Move Silently.

Dreadful Demeanor
You gain +3 to your Intimidate checks.
You can demoralize an opponent as a move action.

Hidden Blades: any foe grappling with you takes 4d6 Slashing damage per round.

6 skills at 7, 4 skills at 4

Hide 16 (7 Ranks +3 stats +4 Equipment +4 Cloak -2 from Mesh)
Move Silently 11 (7 +3 stats +3 Feats -2 Mesh)
Use Magical Device 9 (7 ranks +2 stat)
Spot +8 (7 ranks +1 stat)
Listen +8 (7 ranks +1 stat)
Disable Device +9 (7 ranks +2 stat)

2 skills undecided

Intimidate 7 (4 +3)
Search 6 (4 Ranks +2 Stat)
Survival 5 (4 ranks + 1 stat)
Knowledge: Engineering or some shit 10 (4 Ranks +4 Class +2 stat (weaponsmithing? Whatever)
Knowledge: Engineering or some shit 10 (4 Ranks +4 Class +2 stat (weaponsmithing? Whatever)
Craft Weaponsmithing

Mesh Armour (counts as Mithril Chainmail),
Bolt Pistol,
two Masterwork Daggers.
Masterwork Needle Rifle,
Short Backstory
If what most people don't know is that Mars is really colonised by people from valleys in California and people who really want to be James Watt, the people who have got the hereditary job of protecting them are from even weirder places. In absence of snakes, spiders and drop bears, the Tech Guard has to deal with renegade mechdendrites, rogue security spiders and insane servitors the size of a bus.

In response to their appalling conditions they preserve bizarre customs, have frothing rivalries over games that no-one else in the entire galaxy plays and pick fights over synthol.

Gavin is one of hundreds of billions of Tech Guard across the galaxy. He's protected tech priests on worlds corrupted by Tech Heresies, he's tracked down Rogue Servitors across trackless nuclear wastelands, he's fought his way past hundreds of thousands of Orks to find something that may be been rumors about a map that could possibly point the way to a book that might have some information about what could have been an STC.

At some point his emotional supressors may, or may not, have been removed or stopped working. If they have, the paperwork got lost long ago. Or burnt, after all records of a tech heresy were surpressed, including the records of all personnel involved. After he had been mindscrubbed and transfered to another unit.

Gavin is mentally unbalanced. The parts of his brain that give you a normal emotional response have been deliberately burnt out and replaced by cyberware. After 30ish combat zones, rogue hackers and half demon computer viruses, their status as functional units is highly debatable, and probably of more than academic intrest if someone thought to check. What with the way things are, no-one really can.

As a result of this he has a deeply fractured psyche. His genetic forefathers were all ruthlessly selected for ammoral ruthlessness and unswerving loyalty to the greather machine, and his situation hasn't improved.

Gavin has lost touch with his identity. Sometimes he is a happy go lucky man in his late teens, sometimes he is a ruthless and ammoral killer, sometimes the nightmares are so bad that it takes 4 orderlies to hold him down.

Appernance: Gavin is a very dark tan and covered is splotches and freckles caused byspot mutations and burn marks from exposure to radiation. Both his eyes have sectoral heterochromia, with weird patches of violet merging with the natural green colour.
Last edited by cthulhu on Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by cthulhu »

Actually some questions - will vehicles be useful, like at all?
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Post by cthulhu »

Secondly, why the fuck just not play the game here? fbmf is unlikely to care about chainsawing people in the face :D

That said, regoing on other site.
Last edited by cthulhu on Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Vehicles. Oh, DEFINITELY :D

If the PCs don't get a vehicle eventually, I'll probably assign them a Salamander; it's a weaponless, amphibious, scout-like vehicle with more engines and fuel-tanks than anything else.

Well, there's no dice-rolling app here. That's really the main obstacle; offline dicerollers work, but I've always been a bit ambivalent about them. They feel like an extra website to have to deal with when I use them. =/

I'm not sure how good the Elliquiy Dice-Roller is though. I've always loved the way that Myth-Weavers has embedded Dice Rolls, so that they show up in your posts; and RPoL has a 'checkable' dice-roller for the group as a whole to use; E has dice-rolls that can be sent to the GM or something.

I'll need Koumei to confirm and clarify how E's dice-system works.

On Feats

For a Gun-user:

Two Weapon Fighting, use assault-speed pistols for max attacks.

Point Blank Shot; +3 to hit within 30' (ie. when it's a big fucking deal if you miss or not, b/c that means you're in charge range of the enemy), add BAB to ranged damage

Sniper: you've got it; it increases the PBS benefit to 60' (meaning you're able to hit better outside of most people's charge range)

Hunter: Ride a vehicle, have no shooting penalties! You won't have an Ass-cannon, but a heavy bolter, stubber or Las-raper, i mean cannon that doesn't get jostled about works good.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

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Post by cthulhu »

I might do up a vehicle jockey then with that assurance :D
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Omg, yes, please do.

I want a very action heavy game. Vehicles would really help with that.

Having the supreme bulk of a vehicle allows me to throw dozens of completely weak monsters in waves and have them slaughtered with the PCs staying relatively safe while they ride on top and shoot.

Also, it would allow for more "strategic", rather than "tactical", types of battles. With the speed and defenses of a vehicle, the PCs are able to travel large amounts of distance, leap into combat against a specific target. With the target dealt with, they can then jump back into the vehicles when the PCs have attacked what they wanted to.

Personally, I like the idea of a very intelligent and challenging series of encounters that involve large groups of enemies, I might use the medium creature "swarm" template in order to create mobs of stuff like orks or goblins or w/e.

[I'll discuss this more later]
The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

While everyone's Philosophy is not in accord, that doesn't mean we're not on board.
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Post by cthulhu »

It's useful that the fluff states that a leman russ can run off chopped wood or anything else that you can shovel in the boilers- and so presumably can other imperial engines.

Hey other question - two weapon fighting for example specifies melee weapons in the feat. Are we relaxing the language on that?
Last edited by cthulhu on Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Quantumboost »

I approve of having vehicles, especially flying, because that plus Grav-chutes = DEATH FROM ABOVE!

Although I wonder if there's actually a benefit from having multiple Tinkers...
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Post by cthulhu »

(+2 AC or +25% range or speed) AND (+1 to hit or +2 damage) w/ 8 hours.

is how I read tinker - so either it could straight up stack, OR you could stake a second tinker with the first and choose the other options OR it wouldn't stack.

either way I might ditch it.

Edit: Obvious Vehicle choices are a Valkyrie with Rocket pods and a lascannon or a chimera.

Given the cool factor, the Valkyrie is probably the better choice. Can I bling it out with some vehicle mods?
Last edited by cthulhu on Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Elliquiy dice roller: you can send the results to the GM or you can just link to the results (I'd usually put "X + Y = [linky]Z[/linky]" at the bottom of a post).

Although lately people have just said "meh, roll real dice, we'll use the honour system".
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by cthulhu »

Incidently, yeah, that site is blocked from work wholesale
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Post by cthulhu »

New Character: Shock Trooper 3 / Shock Pilot 1

Name: Staff Sergeant Lafayette G. Pool

A description of this Character in less words than are in this sentence: A lanky veteran of the Armageddon wars, Pool is tanker and all-star hardarse.

(Yeah, I know, I'm cheating on 'all-star')

Look and feel: Physically Lafayette is a tall, wiry twenty something with sandy hair who has troubles fitting in tank hatches. He's tough from his service in the Guard, but never really overcame his physical weakness - but he makes up for that by endurance, grit and determination.

Lafayette thinks that if you're lax with your uniform you're probably lax with changing the oil and frankly both of those things are completely unacceptable. As a result he is always well turned out despite the incredibly greasy profession that is being a tanker. People get used to washing uniforms.

Personal History: After being refused entry into the Imperial Navy, Pool was drafted into the PDF during the Armageddon campaign.

Pool was quickly pormoted after he took control of his dated PDF lemon Russ after the commander was killed and single-handedly turned back a major ork attack, being transferred into the imperial guard and establishing a hard won reputation for himself as a crack tank commander, accounting for over 180 kills of Ork vehicles.

The loss of Pool's first tank "In The Mood," (all succeeding tanks have been called "In The Mood!") was to a Ork Rokkit from some tankbusta Boyz at the Adeptus Mechanisus Factory complexof Les Forges not far from the Orc Rokk's landing ground. Pool's crew survived and got a new Leman Russ, and pushed on undauntedly against the Orks.

Personality: Pool is a hard drinking, hard fighting veteran who always wants things done right and will not tolerate slipshod methods, whether in maintenance, gunnery, or driving. He demands the best out of his men and he usually gets it. He firmly believes that the quickest way out of whatever shithole the imperium has dumped in this time is to smash to pieces whoever stands in his way and crush the rest under his treads, and he believes that he is the guy with the crew and the tank that can do it.

He makes friends easily and also makes enemies even faster. He has a quick temper and is not above ignoring orders when they didn't suit him - and record of exemplary service and strong tactical nous keeps him shielded from the Commissariat.
Quote: "Watch those bastards run - give it to 'em boys!"

Class: Shock Trooper 3 / Shock Pilot 1

STR 8 -1 -- --
DEX 16 +3 -- --
CON 14 +2 -- --
INT 12 +3 -- --
WIS 10 - -- --
CHA 16 +3 -- --

Hit Points: 30/30
Speed: 30'
Initiative: +3
Armour Class: 20
-Flat Footed: 14
-Vs Touch Attacks: 13

Attack Bonuses:

Melee: +4
Ranged: +7

Hellgun +9
Melta: +9

Chin Mounted Lascannon: +7


Reflex: +6
Fort: +6
Will: +4

Special Attacks:

Firearm Specialist (Assault Weapons): Storm Troopers must select one Firearm type. When using this, they always ignore cover and concealment, and may double the effective range.

Grenadier: Storm Troopers may throw grenades as a Swift action.

Special Qualities:

Special Abilities:

Seize the Initiative: at the beginning of any combat, the Storm Trooper may declare that they are seizing the initiative. If they do this, then they may gain one of the following benefits (selected before Initiative is rolled):
-They act first, even in surprise rounds
-In the first round, they gain the benefits of Pounce and Leap Attack
-They may move at double speed in the first round, and do not provoke by moving

Deep Strike: Storm Troopers gain a number of Deep Strike abilities as they advance.
-Arrival: they are proficient in the use of Grav-chutes, and all allies in the same vehicle count as proficient until they hit the ground. The Storm Trooper may perfectly time the dropping of a frag grenade to detonate just before they land, just out of range so that everyone gains a surprise round.
-Surprise: as soon as combat starts, the Storm Trooper may make a move action for free, after Initiative is rolled. They may also move at full speed without taking a penalty to Hide or Move Silently checks.
-Pinning Fire: if a Storm Trooper spends a standard action shooting a target, the target must make a Will save (DC is Intelligence-based) or Cower for one round.

Scout: Storm Troopers may make one additional 5’ step of adjustment each turn.

Rapid Escape: If ever caught in an explosion, if moving 10’ would take them out of the area of effect the Storm Trooper may do so as an Immediate Action, avoiding the explosion entirely. Additionally, Escape Artist checks gain a +4 bonus and only ever take a maximum of 1 minute.

Shock Pilot Abilities:

Combat Driving: Shock Pilots are experts at driving in combat – it’s actually their job. Their vehicles do not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving, and treat their Armour Class against all attacks as 10 + the driver’s Pilot bonus.

Turbo Boost: every round as a Swift action, the Shock Pilot may make a DC 30 Pilot check to add 30’ to the base speed of their vehicle for the round.

Mastery of Piloting: Shock Pilots gain a +8 bonus on Pilot checks with all vehicles they are familiar with, and take no penalty on checks with vehicles they are unfamiliar with. Additionally, they may always take 10 on Pilot checks, even when threatened.


Light and Medium Armour, Simple and Martial Weapons, Pistol, Rapid Fire and Assault Firearms

Free Feats:

Combat School "Australian Rules" - Weapon Group - Assault Weapons?
+2 to hit/+2 Damage

Picked Feats: (1+1+1) - I need to re-write mounted combat to actually be 'hot shot pilot' or something.

3 Feats Free

Leadership (might replace it with command, either way it is a 'lead tiny men' feat:
You convince people that obeying you is a good career move.
This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Diplomacy.
0) You can awe even strangers and enemies into following your orders. With a DC 20 Diplomacy check, you can use command as a spell-like ability, with save DC equal to 10 + 0.5 ½ your character level + your Cha modifier.
4) Your natural talent for leaderships attracts followers. Your leadership score is equal to your ranks in Diplomacy plus your Charisma modifier.

8 skills at 7, 2 skills at 4

Move Silently
Disable Device
Piloting 7 (7 +3 Stat

Escape Artist(4)
Search (4)


Carapace Armour, Grav Chute, Hell Pistol, Frag Grenades, Hellgun

Valkyrie with Door Mounted Heavy Bolters, Chin Lascannon and rocket pods.

Requisition: Krak Grenades, Medikit, Flamer or Plasma Gun or Melta.
Last edited by cthulhu on Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:42 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Cynic »

Hmm... I haven't read Dungeon Crusade and the more I look at this the more I get the urge to join the game even though the term "adult" is attached to it which I've come to attach the term " Pron" which isn't bad but I just don't need to role play. I've never 40ked but I've got an amalgam of all of the violently loud bad-mouthed Sam L Jackson characters as a prototype in my mind.

Edit: Adult of course does mean more than pron, I just focus on the sexuality more than anything else and don't mind it in my role playing that is why I am going to give this a shot is what I am saying. Why the fvck am I elaborating? Hey, look :bolt:
Last edited by Cynic on Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ancient History wrote:We were working on Street Magic, and Frank asked me if a houngan had run over my dog.
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Post by cthulhu »

Yeah, I agree, hence my constant pestering to run somewhere else - if dice rollers are good at mythweavers..

anyway, get on board. The rules are decent.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

I'd prefer a tank of some kind. I want you guys crushing trees (and other stuff) at first.

With a plane, there's no point in creating forest terrain encounters. Instead you'd just fly from objective to objective. Also, I'd have to just make aerial encounters, and after a while you're probably going to get sick of Wyverns and shit.

The Leman Russ thing is that Imperial engines come in like a dozen flavours. From steam to fission. So wood works, but sometimes your engine is basically a "typical" Rifts vehicle engine: "X years of lifespan" (or until destroyed).

I'm going to use RPTool's Map Generator thing, and


As the basis for some of the PC Tokens.

If you want me to use a token that better reflects your character, you can dig them up yourselves, link them to me, and I'll make a token out of the image. Try to send me a large an image as possible, but really small pics work perfectly.

Conversely, I might just use your character name, but that's boring and ugly.

Here are some places to look for token ideas:

Sprite Images: Warhammer stuff mostly, some 40k stuff


Cool Mini is probably a good place to look, put in some search parametres, use a high quality for the rating of the models that you're looking for, and you can get some good looking things to crop or link to me.


The Heresy Online forum has user submitted Galleries. There's about 100-ish IG things, go nuts.

http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/gal ... hp/cat/539

Here's what I'm going to use for monster tokens:

http://magist.com/vry/v/Freebies/Lowres ... ?g2_page=1

I'm just saving what I think that I'll be using.
The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

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Post by Cynic »

Errm - Penal legionnaire 3/ reformed officer 1 is the idea for now.

I'll stat it out as the day but I'll need help with the back story any takers to help I can be on most most messaging clients or what not or do it however you choose.
Ancient History wrote:We were working on Street Magic, and Frank asked me if a houngan had run over my dog.
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Post by cthulhu »

I just updated my character a bit, will need to research vehicle options, though it will almost certainly be a chimera.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Whoops, missed your post A Cynic.

Well... I saw a thread on the adult board where someone wanted a GM to run a Dark Heresy game, and I posted some of the Dungeon Crusade! material.

Then someone asked if I was going to run a game... and yeah, sort of snowballed from there.

The whole sexuality thing is probably going to come up as often as an Eldar is going to save an individual human's life; but the violence, genocide and wholesale murder to 'alien scum' (or... just the Skum monsters from the MM) that is the bread and butter of the setting will probably happen.

I have a feeling that simply creating tons of glass cannon monsters might be a good idea. Mostly to keep the 'action' level of the game high.
The Gaming Den; where Mathematics are rigorously applied to Mythology.

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Post by Cynic »

i'd like to join if possible. My mind was made up even before your post, J_E

I'm trying to find out more about ze setting :-)
Ancient History wrote:We were working on Street Magic, and Frank asked me if a houngan had run over my dog.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Ok, this needs the following:

1) A Proper Intro Post

2) Also, holy shit, this will synergize well with two other projects that I want to work on. I) A series of Modelling projects that I want to do, specifically of special terrain, and "Sci-Fi" interiors and II) Using said Modelling projects as the backdrop for a comic-style narration project

I need to get working on this more.

Ok.... Intro.... I'm thinking more Rogue Trader than Imperial Guard, Inquisitorial Agents or the like.

It gives the PCs a ton more laterality in terms of what they can do, as opposed to being IG with IG officers over their heads. So, the PCs can make trade agreements with Elves, and not be deemed instant traitors for doing so.

Date: 130 M42 M 10 D 23
Location: Eastern Fringes
Vessel: "The Emperor's Adamant Fist" , formerly "Derelict #1891, aka 'Steel Star'
Commander: Promethos Hiemrich D'Guy, Merchant Independent

Mission: To accompany Imperial trader, Promethos Hiemrich D'Guy on his Exploratory Crusade into the fringes of the galaxy.

Primary Objective: Gather resources for the Imperium of Man
Secondary Objective: Expand the knowledge of the fringes of the Imperium
Tertiary Objectives:
-Secure complete control of the Space Hulk "The Emperor's Adamant Fist"
-Explore planets that the "Adamant Fist" approaches
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by cthulhu »

Some imperial guard units actually hire Kroot mercenaries to fight alongside them and kill their commissars because they are not stealth enough, so there is lots of flexibility.
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Post by Cynic »

So can someone get in touch with me about a rogue trader codex book? nudge nudge wink wink know what I mean?
Ancient History wrote:We were working on Street Magic, and Frank asked me if a houngan had run over my dog.
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Post by cthulhu »

There isn't a rogue trader codex book since the 1980s.

Rogue traders are just the.. rogue traders who trade illegally with aliens and renegade worlds outside the normal boundaries of the imperial merchant marine.
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