Kaelik Fighter

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Kaelik Fighter

Post by Kaelik »

Kaelik Fighter
"I'm feeling lucky."

The Kaelik Fighter does Fighter things, but I get to decide what Fighter things are, so they get super powers, but the super powers are all conditional on rolling well and they can't always do all of them and I get to invent a new resource management system.

Hit Die: d10
Base Attack Bonus: Full
Good Saving Throws: Good Fort saves
Skill Points: 4+Int
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Local, Geography), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex)
1:Time To Get Serious, Big Whammy, Survival
2:Stay in the Fight
4:Disabling Strike
5:Get There in Time
6:Danger Sense, Inevitable Victory
7:The River
8:Double Down
9:Projectile Sword Strikes
11:Kind of Need This
12:Improved Disabling Strike
13:Improved Get There in Time
14:Improved Danger Sense
15:Improved Survival
16:Improved Parry
17:Improved Big Whammy
18:Improved Projectile Sword Strikes
19:Improved Double Down
20:Improved Yahtzee

Proficiencies: A Fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light medium and heavy armor, and shields of all kinds.

Time To Get Serious (Ex): Mostly whenever they want a Fighter can Get Serious which means they roll 1d6 for each level of Kaelik Fighter and also a 1d20 and an additional 1d20 for every 5 levels of Kaelik Fighter. Then they can assign a d6 die result to each of the powers they have access to, but they always have to discard 1/3rd of the dice they rolled before doing this starting at level 2. They can also, after the roll, replace any d20 result with a d20 result from what they rolled.

This lasts until the Fighter no longer feels like they need to Be Serious. When they are no longer Serious they lose access to all the placed die rolls and stored d20 results. That's an RP thing. If your players want to be paranoid they can hold one roll forever, that's probably not even much better then just rerolling. (Though even still if they go to sleep you should probably still make them reroll when they wake up.)

Also, any time they Get Serious, they can't Get Serious again for at least another hour unless they stop being Serious, like by taking a 5 minute break.

If they Get Serious while already Serious, then first throw away all the other dice results, placed or otherwise, and then roll again.

Big Whammy (Ex): A Fighter can place a d6 into this ability, at which point it adds the dice result into damage and attack rolls on all attacks.

At level 17 a Fighter can place a second die in this adding the two to get the result, and they get 10 times the result to attack rolls and damage rolls on all attacks instead.

Survival (Ex): A Fighter can place a d6 and then they gain DR equal to the placed die result /-, Energy Resistance equal to the die result (all energies) and Temp HP equal to twice the die result.

At level 15 a Fighter can place a second die in this adding the two to get a result, they now get DR and Energy Resistances equal to 10 times the result /- and Fast Healing equal to the die result instead.

Stay in the Fight (Ex): At Level 2 a Fighter can place a d6 in this ability and gain a bonus to all saves equal to that amount and if they do fail a save, a condition (in the Condition Summary) caused by failing that save can't last longer then a number of rounds equal to three times the die result.

Parry (Ex): At level 3 a Fighter can place a d6 in this ability. Then at any time they can as an immediate action attempt to parry an attack roll aimed at them (including ranged touch attacks). When they Parry they roll a d6 and if they get a lower result then the placed die result the attack is deflected and misses.

This immediate action can be declared after the attack roll and damage roll and saving throw and everything is rolled for the attack. It's supposed to let you figure out the result if you don't Parry, then let you decide to Parry.

At level 16 a Fighter can place two dice in this ability and add them to get the die result (yes this means the result can be 7+ and Parry works every time), and the Parry can now Parry targeted spells or abilities and it can target attacks or targeted abilities targeted at anyone else within 60ft of the Fighter.

Disabling Strike (Ex): At level 4 a Fighter can place a die in this ability. Then as a Standard Action they can use their weapon to try to inflict a condition on an enemy with their weapon. They can choose any option equal to their die result that uses the damage type of their weapon as outlined below:
Die Result:Bludgeoning:Piercing:Slashing:With an Open Handed Unarmed Strike Only:
1:Checked for one roundDazzled for Die Result times 5 rounds5ft reduction in speed times die result for die result roundsGrapple Initiated and then enemy automatically fails to resist this round and takes a penalty equal to die result to all escape artist checks, attacks while grappled, or grapple checks until they escape.
2:Blown AwayDeafened for 1 minute per die resultSickened for die result roundsTripped, and then you get an extra attack as if you had Improved Trip, even if you didn't.
3:Knocked ProneFatigued until they take a 1 minute break10ft reduction in speed times die result until they take a 1 minute break or receive 20HP in healingBull Rushed with a successful result 20 points higher then their Strength
4:Confused for one roundExhausted for die result roundsPinned for 2 roundsGrappled and Pinned
5:Stunned for one roundBlinded for die result roundsStaggered for one roundYou can count as succeeding on a Disarm attack on anything you want.
6:Dazed for one roundExhausted until they take a one minute rest and Pinned for one roundNauseated for one roundHelpless and Grappled and Pinned for one round, and then they still have to escape the grapple and pin if you stay there once they are no longer helpless.

None of these stack with anything or can be stacked with where that's a thing that could otherwise happens.

Each of these has a Save Negates, that is Fort for Bludgeoning and Slashing and Ref for Piercing and Open Hand that in all cases is equal to DC 15+1/2 Kaelik Fighter Level + Die Result.

At level 12 you can put a second die into this ability adding the to to get the Die Result, and if a condition says 1 round, it can now last two rounds.

Get There in Time (Ex): At level 5 you can put a d6 in this and you get a bonus to movement speed 10ft per die result. You also get the die result bonus to initiative.

Also you can use any other kind of movement speed you need with the same speed, flight, swim, climb, wall run, whatever, for a number of rounds equal to the die result each time you Get Serious until you next Get Serious. You can spread that out how you like.

At level 13 you can put an additional die in this and add them together to get a die result. Additionally you can just kind of know how to get where you need to go if it's far away in a number of rounds equal to 3 times the die result. This is for long range travel, and it very often involves knowing a guy who can teleport, finding a portal, or whatever. But it lets you get to where you need to go in for example, 3 rounds if you put one die in this ability and it's a 1.

Danger Sense (Ex): At level 6 you can put a d6 in this ability to get a die result. You get a bonus equal to 3 times that result in Spot, Listen, Move Silently, Hide, and Search checks. Also you can, when you know someone is around, just have the ability to know what square they are in. Can't sneak up on ME evil invisible assassin.

At level 14 you can put a second d6 in this and add them to get the die result. You can also at that point invoke True Seeing, See Invisibility, Tremorsense 120ft, Blindsense 60ft, Blindsight 30ft, each once until you Get Serious again and it lasts for die result rounds.

Inevitable Victory (Ex): At level 6 you can put a d6 in this ability to get a die result and then whenever you kill an enemy, all the other enemies that can see you have to make a will save against becoming Shaken with a DC equal to 10+3 TIMES the die result. This stacks to Frightened and Panic/Cowering as normal and with itself. This is obviously a fear effect, but is not mind affecting.

The River (Ex): At level 7 once for each time you Get Serious you can roll 2d6 and replace any die currently placed with either of those or alternatively add them somewhere you don't have a die. This is an immediate action. You don't have to do it when you Get Serious, you can do it later when you decide you need something. If you put a die in Parry, you can also Parry with the same immediate action you use to invoke this ability.

Double Down (Ex): At level 8 once per day, you can just roll the same number of dice you roll for Get Serious and replace or add any dice like if you Got Serious including discarding 1/3rd first. But importantly, this does not require discarding all your currently placed dice first. This is an immediate action like The River including the part about Parrying.

At level 19 you can do this once for each time you Get Serious.

Projectile Sword Strikes (Ex): At level 9 you can put a d6 in this ability to get a die result then you can make melee attacks out to 10ft per die result including extending your threatened space for attacks of opportunity.

At level 18 you can add a second die to this ability the range extends to 100ft per die result, and you can attack as a 90 degree cone huge areas of people. Just fucking wipe em out. As a Cone it goes through people and hits everyone too. Make one attack roll and apply it to everyone. Your AoOs do not become cones though even though you threaten everywhere.

Yahtzee (Ex): At level 10 you can turn any die into whatever number you want, usually a 6, as a free action you can even do when it's not your turn in response to stuff other people do or even after seeing a die result on a saving throw or attack roll or whatever. This lasts one round, and then the die is used up and you no longer have the die placed at all. Your 2 can be a 6, but then you have nothing.

At level 20 all your dice can be whatever result you want at any time and you don't have to lose them. They can even be a quantumly 1 and 6 at the same time for different parts of the ability if that's important to you.

Kind of Need This (Ex): At level 11 you can put a d6 in this ability. Die result number of times until you next Get Serious you can invoke this ability to obtain some important result similar in power to any of these effects:

1) You automatically hit on the next attack past any miss chances less then 100%. This also mean ignoring AC and stuff too. You just hit!
2) You or an ally makes the next save. Or the next attack against you or an ally misses.
3) You have Mettle or Evasion for one round.
4) You get to take your action Right Now instead of whenever you would normally act next.
5) A Deus Ex Machina person walks up and casts Heal or Revivify on you or an ally after the fight is over if someone would die or if you really need to keep pressing on. Also applies to curing poison or disease or casting Stone to Flesh or whatever. Does not extend to Freedom the 9th level spell.
6) Any status effect you have on you, you can ignore for one round. This doesn't apply to “Dead” but does apply to everything else.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Kaelik Fighter

Post by deaddmwalking »

I feel like the break between getting +6 to damage (level 1 to 16) and getting +120 to damage is very extreme (level 17).

Stay in the Fight is weird before you get Improved Yahtzee (level 20); if you give yourself a +6 bonus to saves you can be affected for 18 rounds; but if you put a +1 bonus in saves you can be affected for 3 rounds - is that intentional? With Yahtzee at 10th level it looks like you could change it retroactively to a 1 if you failed a save so decreasing how long you are affected, or does that not work if you had a 6 when you were originally targeted? Since 'the die goes away' if you Yahtzee it from a 6 to a 1 what does that mean for 'Stay in the Fight'? Not having a die would be a zero, so you can't actually be affected by anything at all???

As for rolling at all - I'm guessing that's a deliberate step at obfuscation where people don't realize that the Fighter has powers? I mean, since they are variable and he rolls for them then some people will think that he doesn't have those powers???

Unless a player really likes assigning d6s to various things, it seems like choosing a value based on Class Level and scaling makes sense. For example, Survival includes DR, Energy Resistance, and Temporary Hit Points. Getting DR only at 1st level of 5 (scaling) would be alright; at 3rd level getting Energy Resistance 10 (scaling) could be a different ability; and having an ability to give yourself Temporary Hit Points could be a 3rd ability. We often use the 'as if you had rested 1 hour' and give it an action cost (swift) and let it be real healing.
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Re: Kaelik Fighter

Post by Kaelik »

deaddmwalking wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:05 pm
I feel like the break between getting +6 to damage (level 1 to 16) and getting +120 to damage is very extreme (level 17).
The break point between casting Burning Hands and Meteor Swarm is also pretty big. It's a 17th level ability to do RNG breaking amounts of damage and hit on every attack roll that doesn't have a miss chance.
deaddmwalking wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:05 pm
Stay in the Fight is weird before you get Improved Yahtzee (level 20); if you give yourself a +6 bonus to saves you can be affected for 18 rounds; but if you put a +1 bonus in saves you can be affected for 3 rounds - is that intentional?
Yes, it is intentional that sometimes having lower dice is better and sometimes having higher dice is better, and it's not entirely clear which it will be until the situation develops.
deaddmwalking wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:05 pm
With Yahtzee at 10th level it looks like you could change it retroactively to a 1 if you failed a save so decreasing how long you are affected, or does that not work if you had a 6 when you were originally targeted? Since 'the die goes away' if you Yahtzee it from a 6 to a 1 what does that mean for 'Stay in the Fight'? Not having a die would be a zero, so you can't actually be affected by anything at all???
Not having a die does not give a result of zero, because it means you don't have a die result, not a die result of zero. Abilities don't work when you don't put points in them, which is extremely relevant to how the class works because in fact most of the time you can't put a die or the maximum amount of dice you have slots for into each ability.
deaddmwalking wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:05 pm
As for rolling at all - I'm guessing that's a deliberate step at obfuscation where people don't realize that the Fighter has powers? I mean, since they are variable and he rolls for them then some people will think that he doesn't have those powers???

Unless a player really likes assigning d6s to various things, it seems like choosing a value based on Class Level and scaling makes sense. For example, Survival includes DR, Energy Resistance, and Temporary Hit Points. Getting DR only at 1st level of 5 (scaling) would be alright; at 3rd level getting Energy Resistance 10 (scaling) could be a different ability; and having an ability to give yourself Temporary Hit Points could be a 3rd ability. We often use the 'as if you had rested 1 hour' and give it an action cost (swift) and let it be real healing.
Well for starters, you should probably do some basic math about how many dice you are going to be placing after a roll at various levels. The point is that you have to choose where you place the dice when you place them. You aren't always going to have all abilities, and you also have to make decisions about which ability your are prioritizing for this fight, a decision you can make in the fight.

The class is made for a [player] who really likes assigning d6s to various things, in that Foxwarrior suggested/asked that I write a Kaelik Fighter using a Dicey Dungeon type mechanic.

But it also appears you missed a key aspect of the class in how you choose what abilities to prioritize mostly during combat in response to the opposition you are facing.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Kaelik Fighter

Post by Kaelik »

Here is amount of dice had and then placed for each level ignoring the once per day ability and assuming you hold your River for a reason to change, though you obviously should be pretty liberal with the River:
Level:Dice after rolling and discarding:Dice that can be placed

DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Kaelik Fighter

Post by deaddmwalking »

I don't think 120 damage is RNG breaking at 17th level. +6 damage is not level appropriate at 16th level.

I mean, if you compare this to a 3.5 Fighter at 17th level it's clearly better. But to a Cleric Archer?

Edit - Still not understanding whether changing froma 6 to a 1 has an impact on a save you already failed, or if you're allowed to do it after you've rolled but before the effect (so you have a +6 if that would allow you to make a save, bit if you would still fail with a +6 it becomes a 1 so you fail harder, but are impacted less).
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Re: Kaelik Fighter

Post by Kaelik »

deaddmwalking wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:41 pm
I don't think 120 damage is RNG breaking at 17th level. +6 damage is not level appropriate at 16th level.
+0 Damage is level appropriate at 16th level and every other level. +120 damage on every attack at 17th level is RNG breaking. It's also added onto being a 17th level class with full BAB and some ungodly number of Combat Feats. Just like the +0 would be.

If you don't want to put points in the level 1 ability at level 16 then don't put points in it and put them in something else. Just like how Wizards very commonly stop casting Burning Hands or Color Spray during combat.

You have 14 other places to put your 10 dice.
deaddmwalking wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:41 pm
I mean, if you compare this to a 3.5 Fighter at 17th level it's clearly better. But to a Cleric Archer?
I am extremely comfortable with a level 1 Kaelik Fighter losing out to a level 16 Cleric Archer. Now if you showed me that using all the OTHER ABILITIES THEY GET AFTER LEVEL 1, they were still getting owned by extremely fucked up DMM persist cleric archers I would also be okay with that. This class is almost certainly less powerful then the Kaelik Klerik, which was overtuned, and that's okay. It's also almost certainly extremely overpowered at level 16 relative to monsters, because it will have 10 Combat Feats and also a bunch of abilities that let it automake saves or parry attacks or whatever to still be in the fight swinging it's 8+ attacks that all do Tomie Fighter amounts of damage and stun people at range.
deaddmwalking wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:41 pm
Edit - Still not understanding whether changing froma 6 to a 1 has an impact on a save you already failed, or if you're allowed to do it after you've rolled but before the effect (so you have a +6 if that would allow you to make a save, bit if you would still fail with a +6 it becomes a 1 so you fail harder, but are impacted less).
Changing the dice has no effect on a save rolled before you changed the dice. The bonus to saving throws applies when you roll the saving throw. Three rounds after you failed the save, four rounds after you failed the saving throw, if you want to turn the die into a 1 in order end your 5 minute nausea, you can do so, because the effect is that Conditions can't last longer than [math]. So if you change your die on the FIRST turn then the condition can't last longer then 3 rounds that round, which means you still have nausea, and then next round you lose the die, so now the conditions can last as long as they last.

But if you change the die result on the 4th round, then the fact that conditions can't last longer then the die result means that the condition can't continue to last, so it gets removed, and then your die goes away, but you also get to take standard actions.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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