Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

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Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by PseudoStupidity »

I'm fine to make this a general 2024 election thread if we'd prefer that.

Biden has announced he's going for a second term. This is bad news in my opinion, as the majority of people in the country, including the majority of Democrats, did not want Joe Biden to run for president again.

I think Biden is still probably going to pull off a win against Trump, because Trump is also an incredibly unpopular politician, but I wish the Democrats would have put virtually anyone else up. Biden doesn't have accomplishments to run on, with his highest profile move likely being BBB (a thing nobody cared about) or student loan forgiveness (which hasn't happened and seems it may not ever happen). His campaign promises of free college and free childcare were left unmet, and were pursued with very little vigor if they were pursued at all. He is still president and could pursue these things, but he doesn't have the House anymore and didn't seem to care in the first place.

Biden will be running purely on "the other guy is Trump" for a second time, making for a second farcical election between two of the most disliked politicians in the country (assuming Trump gets the Republican nomination, which he will so long as he doesn't get sick or die). Two presidents who had approval ratings in the thirties running against each other. This is more ridiculous than Hillary vs Trump, it's an unpopular sitting president whose own party doesn't want him to run for reelection running against a deeply unpopular former president who was just indicted.

Can Biden lose this with his unmotivated base that was crying out for anyone but the sitting president to run? Will Trump eat too many Big Macs and die, handing Biden a second term? Will both Trump and Biden die from being old as shit, giving us a faint glimmer of hope for a good candidate to emerge? All of these questions and more can be discussed in this very thread.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Thaluikhain »

If Trump dies, can't the GOP run someone just as evil, but pretend that he (it'd be a he) isn't so bad until the election?
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by PseudoStupidity »

Thaluikhain wrote:
Tue Apr 25, 2023 1:15 pm
If Trump dies, can't the GOP run someone just as evil, but pretend that he (it'd be a he) isn't so bad until the election?
I think the Trump base would start assuming someone assassinated him if he died, even if Trump's own doctors said there was no foul play. If there's no Trump I don't think the Republicans can win (unless Trump endorses someone and campaigns for them, but Trump would never do that). I suspect the Republicans would put up Pence or some other negative Cha loser in a suit if there's no Trump, and then lose badly as they lose a big chunk of the Trump base due to them only being loyal to Trump and Trump-adjacent people. Who's stepping up for them again, Pudding Ron and a girl? No fucking way a bunch of working class midwestern racists are voting for either of those people. Those people don't eat McDonalds and talk shit on social media, marking them as holier-than-thou elites. Trump is a disgusting piece of shit, much like his base, and the Republicans don't actually have many people who both look and act that fucked up (at least not in public).

I'm of the opinion that Trump had some level of appeal to working class bigots that other Republicans just don't have. They need Trump to win a presidential election and they seem to know it.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Neo Phonelobster Prime »

If Trump dies the Republicans lose.

Unless they run a candidate whose entire platform is blood vengeance. In which case as long as they get someone convincing to do it their numbers only go up.

But they would have to be convincing. Looking at the talent pool... they would need to recruit from outside the current pool yard.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by MGuy »

The Dems doing things that are unpopular and incompetent is par for the course. I take solace in that more Dems now aren't denying how bad a choice Joe is though I wish people had had this attitude before voting him in. That aside I don't think that running Joe again really matters that much even with the less than enthused voters.

I think that the Republicans are in a lose lose situation here. So Biden's unfortunate persistence might not be consequential. Given that the Reps have shown there hand at trying to make Ron Desantis a palatable candidate it is clear that they do not want another Trump term themselves. His rise to the top seems to have put the Reps in a situation where they are going to choke on their own success. "Success" in this case producing gains that they seem to truly want just for those to become hindrances as things go on. One being getting to implement a slew of laws that are deeply unpopular (the anti abortion stuff has been shown to be toxic to their party). There are the insane people that coasted into office on the heels of Trump's rise and who are actively proving to be nuisances and embarrassments. I'm not exactly sure how favored MTG is within her own district currently but nationally she is a household name and one of the faces of the Republican party. No matter how many 60 minute interviewers screw up I think it is pretty obvious that she represents incompetence within the party. Then there's Trump himself who is personally, intentionally, toxic to the party. No matter how much clout he still has among a fanatical base he has been actively attacking the rest of the party which, a good deal of the party (and not just those at the top) do not like. It is to a point that the swing voters are unlikely to back him in a general election even if the infighting wouldn't cost him votes within the party ultimately. Anyone that would rise to prominence against him, especially anyone that dares to win a primary against him, will be attacked relentlessly from their own side and no amount of pleading to the rabid and insane base they've cultivated would prevent it. Trump will never peacefully take an L.

So if Joe gets selected again, if he doesn't keel over beforehand, then I could see him coasting into another victory just because the Republicans are proving to be more incompetent than the seriously lacking Dems right now. In fact considering that no one else has exactly been a promising alternative candidate to Joe at present, letting him sleep into getting reelected is probably seen as the safe choice right now just because, once again, the competition is just that bad. Continuing to take the vote blue no matter who pill probably isn't going to be that difficult considering that there are, so far, no other palatable choices on the horizon.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Kaelik »

South carlolina gerrymander that Clyburn has been hugely instrental in designing and supporting dropped. Basically there will be exactly one democratic house member from south Carolina for the next 10 years even if dems get 60% of the vote.

But good thing democrats have decided this fucking guy should be the person who decides the presidential nominee for the democratic party as long as he lives. The guy who guts the democratic party to ensure his personal control over the state party.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

Can I be ageist and talk about how fucking old these crones are? Biden will be 82 by 2024. Trump will be 78. Jesus fucking christ, man. Pelosi is 83. Dianne Feinstein is what, 89 years old? What the hell could she POSSIBLY be doing at her "job"? For god's sake, get these people some milk, cookies, and a blanket. This shit is depressing.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Kaelik »

"Ageism" is a real thing, but the problem of the democratic party is just reflected by their age, not caused by it. Certainly Dianne Feinstien literally does not remember that she was six and took a couple months off very recently, and cannot actually do any job, but the problem of the democratic party isn't that.

The problem is that these people all came to power at a specific time period, and because the democratic party is a patronage organization with no political goals of any kind, partly because they all choose for it to be that, they've all been in power forever. They have no idea what politics is like in the current day and what would be good and bad, and they also don't care, because they get to be in power as either leaders of the minority power or leaders of the majority party no matter how badly they do politics.

So yeah, the problems in play are mostly that the democratic party believes keeping the leaders in power is more important then making the world better, and secondarily that they are also very bad at doing politics and constantly get owned by the GOP in elections and in basic political conflicts, like where they just ended student debt, agreed to not raise taxes, and cut social spending and the IRS spending and approved pipelines as part of a deal where they were negotiating against themselves and could have given the GOP nothing and just kept going about their day because they think bipartisanship is more important then good policy.

Them all being Reagan democrats who don't know how to do literally anything but right wing shit is a consequence of turning the Dem party into a jobs program, but not specifically a fact of people being 80, and it will be nearly as bad when they all die and the Democratic party becomes a jobs program for 50 year olds think George W Bush was our greatest president because he was so nice, and remember after 9/11 when everything was bipartisan, wasn't that great? (no muslim opinions need to be heard.)
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

Yes, thank you for elaborating on that, Kaelik. You're totally right. Biden was a senator back in 1973 and somehow failed his way to the top of the party despite his increasing inability to speak basic sentences, and the weirdest part to me is how they refuse to even entertain another candidate simply because he's the incumbent and they've always pushed the incumbent. Nobody is excited for a Joe Biden re-election, they're just more afraid of a Trump re-election. There's this complete disconnect between the democrats' actions and what most of their voters actually want - they've practiced the rhetoric that will get them votes, but rarely do their words turn into deeds.

Due to that and the fact that they don't have any other candidates with enough 'name recognition' as Biden, they feel obligated to shove this ghoul out the door after jabbing him with speed and botox and telling the rest of us that he's "the most progressive president in US history". I've seen 80 year old men who can actually hold a conversation, and Biden ain't one of them. Maybe if he was playing with a full bag of marbles this wouldn't be as much of a concern, but the bag's got a hole in it, man.

Didn't people give Reagan shit for having dementia? That was before my time, though.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by PseudoStupidity »

You can definitely be 80+ and still have a brain that works well. We have a few of them in government right now! If you take good care of yourself and get lucky (maybe mostly get lucky?) you don't have to be Dianne Feinstien, you don't even have to be Joe Biden, you can be Bernie Sanders instead. Not that I'd be very excited about Bernie Sanders becoming president at this point, he should be able to retire instead, but I don't think anyone would question Bernie's ability to do basic things like "speak for 20 minutes without forgetting what you're talking about." I would absolutely force Dianne out of politics if I could, and I'd maybe force Biden out depending on if it really is a cocktail of drugs that give him his lucid moments or if he's merely in decline, but I don't think there is anything wrong with 80-year-olds working, even in really important jobs like being the fucking President. They just need to be able to do the job, and several of our 80-year-olds are clearly not capable of doing their jobs.

Reagan did have dementia, but as a fellow not-being-alive-at-that-time person I do not know how widely known it was to the public while he was in office. Our current president and our previous president have had a lot of people openly speculating about their ability to think and speak, though. During my lifetime no other presidents have had their ability to think questioned so publicly. People did joke about Bush the second, but they thought he was stupid rather than thinking he had a degenerative brain disease.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Kaelik »

I actually think it's good and fine to kick everyone out of government on their 80th birthday. Or 70th!

Functionally, older people are already insanely overrepresented in power because very often the way you get power Y is by leveraging having power X, so at the end of a very long leverage chain is usually someone with more age then the average living person.

But specifically older people are far more likely to develop dementia and we all kind of agree you shouldn't be a powerful servant of the people if you can't think enough to do it. A mandatory retirement age as at least theoretically practiced in various state judiciaries means way fewer actual times a year, decade, ect. we have to figure out what to do when someone becomes brain rotted.

Unlike (almost) every other job in the country where you do the job to get money, any congress person over 65 gets paid the same amount to go away forever as to keep working and the only reasons people want the job are: 1) because they love power. 2) because they use the job for insider trading. 3) to make the world better.

1 and 2 should be discouraged and there's almost no argument ever that an 80 year old has to have the job to do 3. They can pass the job to another person with the same desires and comparable skills who won't be hitting 80.

And if the oldest possible age someone can run for president is 76, amd run for senate is 74 then there will be a lot more qualified younger people ready to step in to take their place then under the current system.

But also, I do want to stress, this will not fix the democratic party, because Hakeem Jeffries is an even more evil right wing shitbag then Pelosi, and Kamala Harris will be differently but not less terrible then Joe Biden, and the great progressive hope against Dianne Fienstien (racist SF mayor in the 80s who flew the confederate flag) in the last election was Kevin DeLeon (caught on tape being racist in 2021 in a meeting either other LA city council members).
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by PseudoStupidity »

That all makes sense, there is just something about dictating that age alone disqualifies people from a position that puts me off. We do that to young people (I still can't run for president yet!) already, and since it extends to 35 I can't even pretend it's because of brain development or anything, so eh nevermind that doesn't fly. Perhaps I should not be so put off by the idea of age limits for Congress as it's not the same as age limits for jobs in general (which are bad, but only because everyone can't retire with dignity in our shitty country).

In other news, Biden has a new opponent! Cornel West has announced his candidacy for president, replacing Kanye as the best candidate named West. I now have a candidate to throw away my pointless general election vote for. I think having West in the race will be interesting and could potentially help highlight some issues and bolster the movement towards socialism. He will not stand a chance at all in the election, but hey at least there's a prominent non-evil candidate to vote for!
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Kaelik »

West is (unfortunately) running for the People's Party in the general, not for the democratic party primary. So you still have uhhhhh Marianne Williamson? as the best democratic primary candidate, and then while West might be the best third party candidate in the general, his party actually kind of sucks!

I wish he was running in the primary since that would give me something to vote for sooner then November 2024 to care about, and then I wish he ran in the general for a party that didn't suck as much, like the Green's or the Communists or something. Not that he could get the Communist Party nomination.

People's party is pretty Jimmy Dore type org and I wouldn't be comfortable donating to them, even though I have no problem voting for West, even if he's joined a shitty party.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by PseudoStupidity »

I specifically said I have a candidate to throw away my pointless general election vote for. I'm throwing away my presidential primary vote for Williamson, barring some other, better late entry into the primary.

That sucks about the People's Party, and I'm surprised he would run for a crappy party rather than the Greens given he endorsed the Greens in 2016. Not that any third party stands a chance of winning a national election.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

Kaelik wrote:
Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:42 pm
West is (unfortunately) running for the People's Party in the general, not for the democratic party primary. So you still have uhhhhh Marianne Williamson? as the best democratic primary candidate, and then while West might be the best third party candidate in the general, his party actually kind of sucks!

I wish he was running in the primary since that would give me something to vote for sooner then November 2024 to care about, and then I wish he ran in the general for a party that didn't suck as much, like the Green's or the Communists or something. Not that he could get the Communist Party nomination.

People's party is pretty Jimmy Dore type org and I wouldn't be comfortable donating to them, even though I have no problem voting for West, even if he's joined a shitty party.
Nooo, not my favorite boomer James Dore! :rofl:
The People's Party always seemed like a joke to me anyway. What's been going on with them? Am I gonna have to vote Green again in 2024? Which third party should I waste my Texan vote on?
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Kaelik »

I mean the people's party are larouchian, but cornel west is probably ignorant of that not in line with it. He probably choose the people's party because they offered him the spot without a primary, where the green party has a primary.

Personally, I'll probably vote for the Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate unless the greens have a really good candidate or maybe if cornel west actually gets on the ballot (unlikely) because their are coordination benefits to a specific large third party vote.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by MGuy »

I'm not sure that banning these dementia addled people would matter much. The fact that they are there and the parties just continue on as usual just goes to show that who we are forced to pick to go to Congress doesn't matter much. Your brain can just be mush and you'll serve as a perfectly fine person for the ring leaders of the Dem party and their ardent defenders. If the people in charge cared it wouldn't happen.

I really don't know why West would go for the People's Party. He can't think he's going to win and going through the Dem party would make for a bigger stage to influence the political landscape. Even if the P Party opens the field for a direct run I don't see that as being much of a benefit if you're relegated to nigh obscurity by the fact that that party probably isn't going anywhere.

Also I thought Dore just went straight "Robins have a point/are stronger/etc". Didn't know he was even associated with a third party.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Kaelik »

Update: Chris Lynn Hedges sat down with Cornell West and talked to him about why people were upset about him running for the People's Party, so now he's running for the Green Party (Presumably will have to win their primary, but should be able to.)
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by PseudoStupidity »

Hell yeah on West moving over to the Greens, it just makes sense given he's supported them in the past. I think it would be better if he entered the Democrat primary to challenge Biden, but I'm still happy to just have him in the race if he's sticking with the Greens (and wins their primary). I think he'd stand a chance against Biden, because nobody likes Biden and West is both a more entertaining/capable speaker and has significantly better policy positions. Democrats probably wouldn't like his "become head of empire to help dismantle it" position, but it would be interesting to see how people respond to it. We all know empires are bad, right?

Either way, hurray for West moving to the Greens. I hope he becomes president.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Kaelik »

I mean I think I would still prefer him to run in the dem primary and green primary and then as green candidate or whatever but I am 100% certain west would not beat Joe biden.

If having strictly better policy positions and being a more charismatic and entertaining speaker determined who won the democratic primary Joe biden wouldn't be president.

I think the vast majority of all democratic primary voters are motivated first and foremost in their votes by a slavish allegiance to power that requires them to vote however they are told to using whatever post hoc justifications are necessary to get there. The media has already united in its decree that marinanne Williamson and rfk are joke candidates who must be ignored and will be despite Williamson being a better candidate and rfk being basically equivalent to biden on net.

They would do the same to West and that's all voters need to know. People in power said to vote for biden, time to do as told. Whatever the particular silly justification ends up being, "electability" or "unity" or whatever doesn't really matter.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by PseudoStupidity »

I don't think West would be likely to win, I just think he'd be around Bernie strength (and the Bernie coalition has gotten bigger) and be immune to a few of the attacks people used against Bernie. Though who knows, I wouldn't be that shocked if the Democrats called Cornel West a racist because of the things he said about Obama. Even if he started winning he'd just get some bullshit where the Democrats trot out every high profile member of the party to tell people to vote for Biden.

I think Democrat primary voters are split between motivation to do good things (which is a growing segment of Democrats thanks to young people mostly being in this camp) and a motivation to have and maintain power (which I think is shrinking, but also almost every elected Democrat falls under this). Marianne maybe believes some wacky stuff (idk, I don't follow her that close), but I'd say it's all personal and I really don't care much about people mocking her for it. So what if she believes in the power of love? Other people believe a big guy with a beard will send them to a mean red guy who will torture them forever if they kiss someone of the same gender. That Williamson may give an anime protagonist speech about the power of love and the goodness inside of all humans is downright wholesome and charming compared to what people like Biden believe.

No idea about RFK except oh my god a fucking Kennedy. I'm in MA so I just recoil at the sound of that name.

I'm planning on a Marianne vote for the primary because, based on my relatively limited exposure to her, she genuinely believes people should be nice to each other. On the policy front she believes in reparations for slavery, and because of that I think she would seriously try to stop the USA from being such a belligerent asshole of a country. Sweet lady who would definitely be a better president than Joe Biden, but she is still a member of the bourgeoise who believes in capitalism. Just uh...ethical capitalism? A thing that cannot possibly exist.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Kaelik »

Yeah obviously she's no better then most dems on economic issues (well she has some slightly better positions but also lacks a radicalism to implement them). Her main flaw is that she's extremely ableist kind of woo woo so you can expert her to be.... well as bad as biden on disability rights. But worse then other "left aligned" types like sanders or Warren.

But yes, I would expect her to do less mass murder and genocide then Joe Biden, which at least justifies a vote.

Rfk has dogshit medicine politics worse then Williamson, so he's fully antivax. He's also realized his only shot is courting right wingers who are anti Vax and getting them to vote in the dem primary so he is with very little sincerity adopting some more right wing positions. He is also taking the full isolationist stance at least sometimes, but other times not, hard to believe he would really go through with it which would be a net reduction in war and genocide if implemented, but also who knows if the military would even stand for it if he did somehow win and mean it.

Also he has a bunch of positions on criminal justice that he adopted because of his belief in rfk conspiracies that are mostly good and some bad. Like he hates the fbi and ss. Which is good. Doesn't have any real shot probably but also even if someone was happy to vote for him now I suspect that in a year he will be like 50% trump as he continues his drift toward his audience.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Kaelik »

Kaelik wrote:
Wed Jun 14, 2023 5:49 pm
Rfk has dogshit medicine politics worse then Williamson, so he's fully antivax. He's also realized his only shot is courting right wingers who are anti Vax and getting them to vote in the dem primary so he is with very little sincerity adopting some more right wing positions. He is also taking the full isolationist stance at least sometimes, but other times not, hard to believe he would really go through with it which would be a net reduction in war and genocide if implemented, but also who knows if the military would even stand for it if he did somehow win and mean it.

Also he has a bunch of positions on criminal justice that he adopted because of his belief in rfk conspiracies that are mostly good and some bad. Like he hates the fbi and ss. Which is good. Doesn't have any real shot probably but also even if someone was happy to vote for him now I suspect that in a year he will be like 50% trump as he continues his drift toward his audience.
Did not take a year, lmao. He did the "5G" and "Bill Gates is very invested in 5G" on Joe Rogan in response to questions about COVID and vaccines.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by PseudoStupidity »

I've never understood the 5G conspiracies, it all feels vaguely like Havanna Syndrome quackery. It's just fucking cell networks, there does not appear to be any reason to believe 5G is going to let satanic pedophiles mind control everyone. At least the "fluoride will make everyone sheep!" crowd can lean on "too much fluoride can make you sick, which includes headaches, and thus it's mind control!" to sorta-kinda sound like they have a legitimate concern. The 5G people don't even have that, afaik.

Glad to see Joe Rogan's program is still peddling conspiracies, though.
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Re: Biden Announces Reelection Campaign

Post by Stahlseele »

I do not understand the 5G conspiracies either.
Especially when it comes to the 5mm wave stuff.
That can be blocked pretty damn reliable by say
a shet of paper. Or a Window Pane. Or a bottle of
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