[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

Eating a meal wins 1-0. Then, rolling a die to break the tie decided it for the "buy him a drink" vote.

Although the man bumped into you, he shouts and curses until the three flasks are filled again. Yet another Gold Piece is spent in paying for his drinks, and you begin to wonder how long your money will last. Lose 1 Luck point. You finally manage to leave the bustling bar and lock yourself inside your room.

You wake at dawn after a restless night, scratching madly at inflamed bites from the bedbugs in your straw mattress. Wasting no more time in the Black Lobster, you make your way down the jetty to the Belladonna, which you see is flying the skull and crossbones--the flag of a pirate ship! Walking cautiously up the gangplank, you step aboard the ship.

You walk around the ship until you find Gargo. He tells you that one of his gunners was killed in a tavern brawl last night, and that you will have to take his place. Your job will be to load cannonballs during battle. You are taken below deck and shown your hammock. Soon the Belladonna sets sail and you are pleased that at last you are heading south. In mid-afternoon there is a sudden shout from the crow's nest, "Ship on the starboard bow!" The ship is suddenly bustling with the crew running about their duties. The captain shouts his orders and everybody runs to their battle-stations. Wondering who the enemy might be, you take your place at your cannon. You hear the bad news that the enemy is a man-of-war and not a merchant ship. Noise suddenly erupts all around as the man-of-war's cannonballs smash into the Belladonna. The order is given to fire, but you realize that the Belladonna is no match for the battleship. In the course of the fierce battle, the Belladonna starts to sink and you fear for your life. Roll two dice and compare to your Skill, trying to get lower (not equal); a 5 succeeds.

As the ship starts to sink, all the cannon crew run toward the wooden steps that lead to the upper deck. You are one of the first to reach the steps and manage to get on deck just as the ship goes underwater.

Grab a piece of the masthead and float away from the man-of-war?
Swim toward the man-of-war?

Adventure Sheet:
Indiana Jones
Skill 11/11
Stamina 14/18
Luck 9/10
Provisions 9
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
8 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Queen of Swords »

Swim towards the ship.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

You swim furiously toward the man-of-war and wave your arms to attract attention. A rope is thrown down to you and you haul yourself onto the victor's ship. Much to your surprise, the crew are made up entirely of Dwarfs. The captain questions you and other members of the sunken Belladonna's crew, who have also been brought aboard. You tell the captain that you are on an important mission which started at the Dwarf village of Stonebridge. The captain eyes you suspiciously, accusing you of being no more than a desperate pirate. "So you say you started your quest in Stonebridge," says the captain. "If that is the case, tell me who is their king."

I am prepared to assume you do not troll the dwarves. You can probably guess what happens if you do.

The captain laughs and says, "Stranger, you are telling the truth, but I fear you have a lot of explaining to do." That evening, over dinner, you tell the captain and his crew about your mission and its importance. Obviously concerned with the impending doom about to befall the good people of Allansia, the captain offers to sail south to the Desert of Skulls. Two days later the man-of-war drops anchor and you are rowed ashore to a white sandy beach. With your Provisions restored to provide for ten meals, courtesy of the ship's cook, you wave goodbye and set off on foot. All you can see is sand, and the desert landscape stretches as far as the horizon.

Walk east inland?
Walk south along the coast?

Adventure Sheet:
Indiana Jones
Skill 11/11
Stamina 14/18
Luck 9/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
8 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Eat a Provision and walk east inland.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote to eat a Provision and walk east inland.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

As you walk steadily east, you are suddenly aware of a buzzing sound overhead. You look up and see three giant wasp-like insects hovering above your head. Suddenly one of the Needle Flies dives down at you.

You do not know the Magic Arrow spell.

Thrusting your sword into the air, you attempt to cut down the giant insect, while it attempts to stab you with its long sting. Fight the Needle Flies one at a time.

Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 13, NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 8. First NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 4
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 18, NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 8. First NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 2
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 15, NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 10. First NEEDLE FLY is dead.
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 23, First NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 15. Second NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 4
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 14, First NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 17. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 16
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 21, First NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 10. Second NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 2
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 13, First NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 9. Second NEEDLE FLY is dead.
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 20, Second NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 10. NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 4
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 22, Second NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 14. NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 2
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 19, Second NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 18. NEEDLE FLY is dead.

You step over the grounded Needle Flies and continue your trek. After half an hour's steady walking, you stumble upon a robed man lying face down in the sand, clutching a leather pouch.

Stop and look inside the pouch held by the dead man?
Keep walking?

Also, since you just took damage, I am highlighting the option to eat here.

(Not proceeding because you don't actually have any reason to be confident having the golden key won't kill you. Feel free to vote as many steps ahead as you've already seen the content.)

Adventure Sheet:
Indiana Jones
Skill 11/11
Stamina 16/18
Luck 9/10
Provisions 9
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
8 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Look inside the pouch and take the golden key. Then talk to the rider, but don't trade anything for a water canister because we have the Create Water spell. Make contact with the nomad and then do some shopping.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I like Queen of Swords’ plan.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

The pouch contains nothing except a small golden key. You slip it into your pocket and continue your trek.
In the shimmering haze of the desert heat, you suddenly see a shape moving towards you. As it grows nearer, you see that it is somebody riding a camel.

You speak to the desert rider.

On seeing you, the desert rider draws his sword and brings his camel to a halt. You call out, saying that you do not wish to fight him. You learn that he is on his way to join a merchant's caravan. You (apparently forget which spells you learned and) ask him if he has any water to spare and he offers to sell you a canister, but not for money. He will trade you a canister of water for a silver button or a pearl if you wish; you have a silver button if you wish to trade but you do not. After bidding farewell to the desert rider, you set off east once again.

Quite unexpectedly, the wind starts to blow and the sky grows dark. The wind becomes a howling gale and whisks up the sand, making it almost impossible to see. You are stranded in the middle of a sandstorm. Lose 2 Stamina points and Test your Luck; an 8 succeeds.

When the sand-storm finally dies down, you see a shining object protruding from the sand. You reach down, tug on the object and discover that it is a brass handbell. You place it in your backpack and press on east.

As the day draws on, your thirst becomes almost unbearable.

You know Create Water and wish to use it.

You cup your hands together and chant the Create Water spell. Water suddenly fills your hands and you gulp it down in long, delicious mouthfuls. The afternoon sun continues to beat relentlessly down, its intensity causing shimmering waves of heat to rise from the parched sand. You separate your hands to halt the flow of water, and you press on across the desert.

Half an hour later, you see a low brown tent which you recognize as the type used by desert nomads. A horse is tethered to one of the tent-pegs.

You make contact with the nomad.
You are no more than ten metres from the tent, when suddenly the flap is thrown back by a fat bearded man in yellow robes, his fingers adorned with ornate gold rings. He does not attempt to threaten you, but beckons you inside his tent, saying, ‘Stranger, you look in need of a rest. Please accept my hospitality. I may even tempt you to buy some of my exotic wares.’ Sensing no apparent danger, you step inside his tent and squat down on top of a rug. The nomad, whose name, you learn, is Abjul, gives you food and water which makes you feel much stronger. Add 4 STAMINA points. Abjul then smiles and says, ‘Now, what will you buy, my friend?’ He goes into great raptures about all the goods he has to sell, which you finally learn are as follows:

Sealing-wax 2 Gold Pieces
Onyx Egg 3 Gold Pieces
Ivory Beetle Charm 2 Gold Pieces
Bracelet of Mermaid Scales 3 Gold Pieces
Silver Mirror 4 Gold Pieces
Crystal Key 3 Gold Pieces
Ebony Facemask 3 Gold Pieces
Bone Flute 2 Gold Pieces

Abjul tells you that he thinks Vatos lies in the southern part of the Desert of Skulls, and you decide to take his advice. Thanking him for his help, you set off south.
Not long after the tent is out of sight, you begin to feel a slight tremor in the ground beneath your feet. Suddenly the sand starts to shift before you. It rises into the air and then falls down in a great cascade to expose the long body of a huge worm. You realize with horror that a Giant Sandworm is about to engulf you with its spiked oval mouth. It is at least twenty metres long and you must fight it.

Vote on what to purchase, whether to eat a Meal before encountering the Sandworm, and how to use Luck here.

Adventure Sheet:
Indiana Jones
Skill 11/11
Stamina 14/18
Luck 8/10
Provisions 9
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
Brass handbell
8 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Queen of Swords »

Let's buy the onyx egg and the crystal key. Also, eat a meal before the Sandworm encounter and use luck to reduce damage if our Stamina falls to 4.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I’ll agree to all that.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 15, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 20. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 16
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 19, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 18. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 18
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 14, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 18. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 14
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 23, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 12. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 16
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 14, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 21. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 12
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 21, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 19. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 14
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 16, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 16.
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 17, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 12. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 12
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 18, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 20. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 10
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 20, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 19. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 10
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 22, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 13. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 8
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 19, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 13. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 6
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 14, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 12. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 4
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 13, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 20. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 8
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 23, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 19. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 2
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 13, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 14. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 6
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 13, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 19. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 4
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 16, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 17. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 2
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 15, Second GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 19. Luck Test Failed. Indiana Jones is dead. Rewinding...
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

In the Black Lobster, you tell the pirate with the ale flasks not to be so clumsy and he smashes you in the face, so you attack him.

Your burly opponent is a PIRATE, well practiced in swordsmanship. He quickly draws his sword from its scabbard as the eager crowd forms a circle around you.

PIRATE Skill 9 Stamina 8

Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 22, Second PIRATE Attack Strength: 18. PIRATE's Stamina is 6
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 17, Second PIRATE Attack Strength: 14. PIRATE's Stamina is 4
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 23, Second PIRATE Attack Strength: 12. PIRATE's Stamina is 2
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 23, Second PIRATE Attack Strength: 13. PIRATE is dead.

The crowd does not stop you from untying the leather pouch which is hanging from the dead Pirate's neck. You leave the murmuring onlookers and climb the steps to your room, where you lock yourself in. You open the pouch and find 2 Gold Pieces and a large pearl.

You wake at dawn after a restless night, scratching madly at inflamed bites from the bedbugs in your straw mattress. Wasting no more time in the Black Lobster, you make your way down the jetty to the Belladonna, which you see is flying the skull and crossbones--the flag of a pirate ship! Walking cautiously up the gangplank, you step aboard the ship.

You walk around the ship until you find Gargo. He tells you that one of his gunners was killed in a tavern brawl last night, and that you will have to take his place. Your job will be to load cannonballs during battle. You are taken below deck and shown your hammock. Soon the Belladonna sets sail and you are pleased that at last you are heading south. In mid-afternoon there is a sudden shout from the crow's nest, "Ship on the starboard bow!" The ship is suddenly bustling with the crew running about their duties. The captain shouts his orders and everybody runs to their battle-stations. Wondering who the enemy might be, you take your place at your cannon. You hear the bad news that the enemy is a man-of-war and not a merchant ship. Noise suddenly erupts all around as the man-of-war's cannonballs smash into the Belladonna. The order is given to fire, but you realize that the Belladonna is no match for the battleship. In the course of the fierce battle, the Belladonna starts to sink and you fear for your life. Roll two dice and compare to your Skill, trying to get lower (not equal); a 7 succeeds.

As the ship starts to sink, all the cannon crew run toward the wooden steps that lead to the upper deck. You are one of the first to reach the steps and manage to get on deck just as the ship goes underwater.

Grab a piece of the masthead and float away from the man-of-war?
Swim toward the man-of-war?

Also vote on whether to eat one or two Meals before your ship sinks.

Adventure Sheet:
Indiana Jones
Skill 11/11
Stamina 13/18
Luck 10/10
Provisions 9
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
Large pearl
11 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
Deaths: Eaten by giant sandworm, twice
Last edited by Beroli on Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Queen of Swords »

WTF, the Giant Sandworm encounter screws us every time.

Eat a meal before the ship sinks, swim towards the man of war, say the king is Gillibran, go east inland.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

Using Luck earlier or offensively might have helped...but no way to know for sure.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

You swim furiously toward the man-of-war and wave your arms to attract attention. A rope is thrown down to you and you haul yourself onto the victor's ship. Much to your surprise, the crew are made up entirely of Dwarfs. The captain questions you and other members of the sunken Belladonna's crew, who have also been brought aboard. You tell the captain that you are on an important mission which started at the Dwarf village of Stonebridge. The captain eyes you suspiciously, accusing you of being no more than a desperate pirate. "So you say you started your quest in Stonebridge," says the captain. "If that is the case, tell me who is their king."


The captain laughs and says, "Stranger, you are telling the truth, but I fear you have a lot of explaining to do." That evening, over dinner, you tell the captain and his crew about your mission and its importance. Obviously concerned with the impending doom about to befall the good people of Allansia, the captain offers to sail south to the Desert of Skulls. Two days later the man-of-war drops anchor and you are rowed ashore to a white sandy beach. With your Provisions restored to provide for ten meals, courtesy of the ship's cook, you wave goodbye and set off on foot. All you can see is sand, and the desert landscape stretches as far as the horizon.

You head east inland.

As you walk steadily east, you are suddenly aware of a buzzing sound overhead. You look up and see three giant wasp-like insects hovering above your head. Suddenly one of the Needle Flies dives down at you.

You do not know the Magic Arrow spell.

Thrusting your sword into the air, you attempt to cut down the giant insect, while it attempts to stab you with its long sting. Fight the Needle Flies one at a time.

First NEEDLE FLY: Skill 5 Stamina 6
Second NEEDLE FLY: Skill 6 Stamina 7
Third NEEDLE FLY: Skill 7 Stamina 6

Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 20, First NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 17. First NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 4
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 19, First NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 17. First NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 2
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 20, First NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 8. First NEEDLE FLY is dead.
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 13, Second NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 10. Second NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 5
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 19, Second NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 8. Second NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 3
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 23, Second NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 11. Second NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 1
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 16, Second NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 12. Second NEEDLE FLY is dead.
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 20, NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 18. NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 4
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 13, NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 17. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 15
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 18, NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 12. NEEDLE FLY's Stamina is 2
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 19, NEEDLE FLY Attack Strength: 14. NEEDLE FLY is dead.

You step over the grounded Needle Flies and continue your trek. After half an hour's steady walking, you stumble upon a robed man lying face down in the sand, clutching a leather pouch.

Stop and look inside the pouch held by the dead man?
Keep walking?

Also, since you just took damage, I am highlighting the option to eat here. Feel free to vote up to the Giant Sandworm encounter, to specify if you wish to eat after the (inevitable as far as you currently know; want to check if the sandstorm is in fact drawn to you by the presence of a golden key?) 2 damage from the sandstorm, and to specify if you wish to change your Luck strategy for that fight.

Adventure Sheet:
Indiana Jones
Skill 11/11
Stamina 15/18
Luck 10/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
Large pearl
11 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
Deaths: Eaten by giant sandworm, twice
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Eat a meal, get the golden key. Speak to the rider, don't trade anything, make contact with the nomad. With 11 GP we can afford the Onyx Egg, Bracelet of Mermaid Scales, Crystal Key and Bone Flute.

I also looked over the last Giant Sandworm encounter, and we got the Sandworm down to 2 Stamina! Maybe use Luck offensively? What does everyone else think?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, that sounds good to me.

That sand worm is a meat grinder even by Livingstone’s standards.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Thaluikhain »

Don't see what else we can do, so give it a go, yeah.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

Okay, three votes to use Luck offensively against the sandworm, none giving specifics, so you're going to use it immediately and until it's no longer useful or your Luck reaches 6.

The pouch contains nothing except a small golden key. You slip it into your pocket and continue your trek.
In the shimmering haze of the desert heat, you suddenly see a shape moving towards you. As it grows nearer, you see that it is somebody riding a camel.

You speak to the desert rider.

On seeing you, the desert rider draws his sword and brings his camel to a halt. You call out, saying that you do not wish to fight him. You learn that he is on his way to join a merchant's caravan. You (apparently forget which spells you learned and) ask him if he has any water to spare and he offers to sell you a canister, but not for money. He will trade you a canister of water for a silver button or a pearl if you wish; you have either one if you wish to trade but you do not. After bidding farewell to the desert rider, you set off east once again.

Quite unexpectedly, the wind starts to blow and the sky grows dark. The wind becomes a howling gale and whisks up the sand, making it almost impossible to see. You are stranded in the middle of a sandstorm. Lose 2 Stamina points and Test your Luck; a 5 succeeds.

When the sand-storm finally dies down, you see a shining object protruding from the sand. You reach down, tug on the object and discover that it is a brass handbell. You place it in your backpack and press on east.

As the day draws on, your thirst becomes almost unbearable.

You know Create Water and wish to use it.

You cup your hands together and chant the Create Water spell. Water suddenly fills your hands and you gulp it down in long, delicious mouthfuls. The afternoon sun continues to beat relentlessly down, its intensity causing shimmering waves of heat to rise from the parched sand. You separate your hands to halt the flow of water, and you press on across the desert.

Half an hour later, you see a low brown tent which you recognize as the type used by desert nomads. A horse is tethered to one of the tent-pegs.

You make contact with the nomad.
You are no more than ten metres from the tent, when suddenly the flap is thrown back by a fat bearded man in yellow robes, his fingers adorned with ornate gold rings. He does not attempt to threaten you, but beckons you inside his tent, saying, ‘Stranger, you look in need of a rest. Please accept my hospitality. I may even tempt you to buy some of my exotic wares.’ Sensing no apparent danger, you step inside his tent and squat down on top of a rug. The nomad, whose name, you learn, is Abjul, gives you food and water which makes you feel much stronger. Add 4 STAMINA points. Abjul then smiles and says, ‘Now, what will you buy, my friend?’ He goes into great raptures about all the goods he has to sell, which you finally learn are as follows:

Sealing-wax 2 Gold Pieces
Onyx Egg 3 Gold Pieces
Ivory Beetle Charm 2 Gold Pieces
Bracelet of Mermaid Scales 3 Gold Pieces
Silver Mirror 4 Gold Pieces
Crystal Key 3 Gold Pieces
Ebony Facemask 3 Gold Pieces
Bone Flute 2 Gold Pieces

You buy the Onyx Egg, Bracelet of Mermaid Scales, Crystal Key and Bone Flute.

Abjul tells you that he thinks Vatos lies in the southern part of the Desert of Skulls, and you decide to take his advice. Thanking him for his help, you set off south.
Not long after the tent is out of sight, you begin to feel a slight tremor in the ground beneath your feet. Suddenly the sand starts to shift before you. It rises into the air and then falls down in a great cascade to expose the long body of a huge worm. You realize with horror that a Giant Sandworm is about to engulf you with its spiked oval mouth. It is at least twenty metres long and you must fight it.

Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 17, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 20. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 16
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 18, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 20. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 14
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 23, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 14. Luck Test Succeeded with a 7. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 16
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 15, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 16. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 12
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 18, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 21. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 10
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 15, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 14. Luck Test Failed with a 10. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 15
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 23, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 22. Luck Test Succeeded with a 8. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 11
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 14, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 14.
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 16, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 19. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 8
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 18, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 13. Luck Test Succeeded with a 4. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 7
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 19, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 21. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 6
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 19, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 15. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 5
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 20, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 21. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 4
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 21, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 21.
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 19, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 20. Indiana Jones's Stamina is 2
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 14, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 12. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 3
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 13, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 13.
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 16, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 15. GIANT SANDWORM's Stamina is 1
Indiana Jones Attack Strength: 18, GIANT SANDWORM Attack Strength: 14. GIANT SANDWORM is dead.Indiana Jones's Luck is 6.

An epic battle indeed.

You chip off one of the Sandworm’s teeth, which may be useful as a weapon. You tuck it into your belt and continue south. You walk steadily on until the sun sinks below the western horizon. Under the cloudless sky, the desert quickly becomes very cold.

You do not know a Fire spell. In light of JourneymanN00b's previous playthrough, I'm assuming you eat a Meal before taking cold damage.
It is so cold that you are hardly able to sleep at all during the night. Lose 3 STAMINA points. You are wide awake and thankful when the dawn sun rises over the horizon to heat up the desert air. As soon as it is light enough to see where you are walking, you continue your trek to the south.

The desert quickly heats up and you are soon toiling under the white sun. Not far to the west, you see what looks like a cluster of trees with large birds circling above them.
Walk over to the trees?
Keep walking south?

Also highlighting the option to eat more; if you vote for this please specify how many Meals.

Adventure Sheet:
Indiana Jones
Skill 11/11
Stamina 3/18
Luck 6/10
Provisions 8
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
Large pearl
Brass handbell
Onyx Egg
Bracelet of Mermaid Scales
Crystal Key
Bone Flute
Sandworm tooth
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
Deaths: Eaten by giant sandworm, twice
Last edited by Beroli on Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Thaluikhain »

Eat 3 meals and investigate the trees.

(Also, cor blimey, that's a nasty fight)
Queen of Swords
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Whew. Finally made it past that encounter.

Circling large birds sound ominous. Eat two meals and keep going south.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Finally. Eat three meals and keep south.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to eat 3 Provisions and walk over to the trees.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

Eating three meals wins 3-1. Rolling to break the tie, walking over to the trees wins.

As you get close, you see that the trees surround a pool of water. You have found an oasis.

Drink the water?
Continue south without drinking?

Adventure Sheet:
Indiana Jones
Skill 11/11
Stamina 15/18
Luck 6/10
Provisions 5
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
Large pearl
Brass handbell
Onyx Egg
Bracelet of Mermaid Scales
Crystal Key
Bone Flute
Sandworm tooth
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
Deaths: Eaten by giant sandworm, twice
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