[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by SGamerz »

Yeah, 1 STAMINA is loss so negligible that it's not worth using the Ironbane. Smash the lock (I'm surprised the book doesn't impose Attack Strength penalty for possibly damaging an edged weapon).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Belushi Jackson will break the lock using his Magic Sword and lose 1 Stamina. He will also switch to Aelfgar as his active weapon by returning to Firemane and getting it before he breaks the lock.


Making your way cautiously along the passage, it is not long before you step through an archway into a high-roofed chamber. The stone floor is littered with straw and bones of many creatures, some human. Set into the ceiling, some metres above your head, is a large grille through which you can see the deep blue of the night sky. A small wooden door in the wall opposite leads out of the chamber. However, as you step into the pit you disturb its occupant. With a roar a gigantic, Dragon-like creature emerges from a gloomy corner of the pit. It is wingless and its rough hide is scaly. Its enormous jaws are lined with razor-sharp teeth, but the monster’s eyes do not hold the glint of intelligence of dragonkind. Its great tail lashes around, blocking the way back. If you want to avoid having to fight the beast, you can make a run for the far door. If you do this, Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, you dash across the pit and, opening the door, run through it (turn to 329); if you are Unlucky, the monster strikes you with a great clawed foot (lose 2 STAMINA points) and you have to turn and fight.


If you slay this mighty beast, you step over its prone body and, opening the wooden door, leave the pit. Turn to 329.

Please make your votes on whether to make a run for the far door or fight the beast before 6:00 PM PST to ensure that they will be counted.

On another note, how much interest is there in running the first five books of the Lone Wolf series? I am considering placing an order for the Definitive Edition versions if enough of you would like me to run them. In this scenario, we would start with the extended 550-section version of Flight from the Dark, since fewer people know about that version, and I feel that the experience is far more powerful than the original 350-section version. Given that this copy is being reprinted and would not be available until March 6, I estimate that beginning this type of Let's Play would have a mid-March start date. I would also consider edits to plug in some of these books common issues and make the difficulty level appropriate.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Belushi Jackson
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 23 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 9 Initial Luck = 12
Battle Tactics
Arcane Lore
Banish Spirit
WEAPON: Aelfgar (can harm undead and Demons)
Chainmail Coat
Horse named Firemane
2 Purses
Helmet of Ventarc
Ironbane (Roll 1 die against armored opponent before combat, 1-2 destroys enemy armor, 3-4 reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon, 5-6 destroys enemy armor and reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon)
Great Boar’s Tusks
Cleric’s Talisman
Raven Charm
Twisted Staff
Encountered Banshee On Paragraph 175
Reduce the Skill of any undead creature in Myrton by 1 point
When at the Door of Skulls, convert Necromage’s name using the code A=1, B=2, C=3 … Z = 26, total the numbers, multiply the total by 5, and turn to that number
Necromage’s name is Cadaver
Shield Ring (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Bottle of Forest of Lein Sap
Elven Amulet
Flame Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Celastrix Feather (burn and call three times to receive Celastrix’s aid)
Magic Sword (weapon in Firemane’s saddle, can harm undead and Demons)
RESURRECTIONS: 2[/spoiler]
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Beroli »

Hrm. Fight.

I would be interested in you running the Lone Wolf books, JourneymanN00b.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

We have an effective SKILL of 3 points higher thanks to our shield; I think we can take this guy down. No need to bother spending luck (and risk getting stuck in the fight anyways).

Agreed on being interested in the Lone Wolf books.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Fight the reptilian.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Belushi Jackson will fight the reptilian. Since there is enough interest in the Lone Wolf books, I will see if I can place an order for the Definitive Edition versions of the first five books when they are available on March 6. While I will attempt to start the Let's Play in mid-March, I have heard that the Holmgard Press storefront has experienced international shipping delays of their products in the past. As we get closer to the end of this month, I will hopefully have an update on the Let's Play start date for you folks.

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Reptilian Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Reptilian Stamina: 13, Player Stamina: 23
Round 2: Reptilian Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 16;
Reptilian Stamina: 11, Player Stamina: 23
Round 3: Reptilian Attack Strength: 16, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Reptilian Stamina: 9, Player Stamina: 23
Round 4: Reptilian Attack Strength: 19, Player Attack Strength: 18;
Reptilian Stamina: 9, Player Stamina: 21
Round 5: Reptilian Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 20;
Reptilian Stamina: 7, Player Stamina: 21
Round 6: Reptilian Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 18;
Reptilian Stamina: 5, Player Stamina: 21
Round 7: Reptilian Attack Strength: 15, Player Attack Strength: 21;
Reptilian Stamina: 3, Player Stamina: 21
Round 8: Reptilian Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 21;
Reptilian Stamina: 1, Player Stamina: 21
Round 9: Reptilian Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 15;
Reptilian Stamina: -1, Player Stamina: 21[/spoiler]

The Reptilian gets a lucky blow of 2 Stamina damage before Belushi Jackson slays it.

You find yourself walking along the stone-faced corridor. With a sucking sound, something drops on to the ground behind you and you recognize the jelly-like creature as an Iron-Eater. These amoeboid animals are not carnivores but instead, as their name suggests, feed on metal. Moving carefully forward, you hear another creature detach itself from the ceiling of the passage above you.


Roll as usual for the first Attack Round. If the Iron-Eater loses the Attack Round, it misses you, hitting the floor, and can easily be dispatched with one blow. If the creature wins, it lands on top of you and starts to feed: cross off one piece of armour from your Adventure Sheet, and lose any bonuses that go with it. Then fight the battle in the usual way. If you win an Attack Round, you manage to knock the Iron-Eater off; if not, it destroys another item of armour. Once you have defeated the giant amoeba, turn to 47.

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Iron-Eater Attack Strength: 11, Player Attack Strength: 15;
Iron-Eater Stamina: 3, Player Stamina: 21
Player has won the first Attack Round[/spoiler]

As expected, Belushi Jackson has won the first Attack Round, and proceeds to dispatch it in one blow.

You hurry along the tunnel and, reaching another wooden door, fling it open and run through. You are standing inside a vast, pillared chamber. A flight of steps leads up the side of one wall to an iron-bound door. The room is full of macabre torture instruments. In the middle of the room is a rack, an iron maiden stands against one wall and small confining cages hang from chains in the ceiling; and there are various braziers, branding irons and other devices used to inflict pain lying about the place, all thick with dust and cobwebs. Several skeletons are still hanging from the lichen-covered walls by chains and manacles, and a number of grilled doors lead away from here to cells and deeper dungeons. However, you are convinced that what you seek lies beyond that door at the top of the steps. On one side of the torture chamber is a large chair with metal clasps attached to its arms and legs. Your head is suddenly filled with whispering voices seductively telling you to sit down and rest for a while. You are sure that the voices mean no good, but their suggestion sounds so tempting. Test your Skill, adding 2 to the dice roll if you have the Commune Special Skill. If you succeed, turn to 240. If you fail, turn to 155.

Belushi Jackson does not have the Commune Special Skill. Rolling the dice yielded a 3, which is obviously less than Belushi’s Jackson’s Skill.

Shouting aloud the battle-cry of the Templars, you hear the voices in your head turn to screams, then they are gone. Relieved, you start to leave the macabre torture-chamber. With a clang, a branding-iron strikes a pillar just in front of your face. You spin around as a length of chain rises from the floor into the air. This can mean only one thing: you are being attacked by a Poltergeist. Spiteful and malevolent spirits, Poltergeists are invisible and immaterial and so cannot be hit by weapons. If you have the Banish Spirit Special Skill, you can use your talent to send the Poltergeist to the Ethereal Plane (turn to 198). If you do not, you will have to defend yourself against the ghost as it hurls torture implements at you.


It will take you five Attack Rounds to reach the door exiting the torture-chamber, during which time you will have to fend off the Poltergeist’s attack. When the five Attack Rounds are up, and if you are still alive, turn to 198.

Belushi Jackson has the Banish Spirit Special Skill, so he will use it to send the Poltergeist to the Ethereal Plane.

The door is unlocked and, once through, you slam it shut behind you. You walk along a short passageway until you come upon a T-junction. To the left, after a few metres, the corridor ends abruptly. To the right you can see a heavy iron portcullis, beyond which a flight of stone steps leads upwards. Do you want to turn left and make a thorough investigation of the dead-end (turn to 335), or will you turn right and inspect the portcullis (turn to 212)?

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PST or a 4-vote majority is reached to ensure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Belushi Jackson
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 21 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 9 Initial Luck = 12
Battle Tactics
Arcane Lore
Banish Spirit
WEAPON: Aelfgar (can harm undead and Demons)
Chainmail Coat
Horse named Firemane
2 Purses
Helmet of Ventarc
Ironbane (Roll 1 die against armored opponent before combat, 1-2 destroys enemy armor, 3-4 reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon, 5-6 destroys enemy armor and reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon)
Great Boar’s Tusks
Cleric’s Talisman
Raven Charm
Twisted Staff
Encountered Banshee On Paragraph 175
Reduce the Skill of any undead creature in Myrton by 1 point
When at the Door of Skulls, convert Necromage’s name using the code A=1, B=2, C=3 … Z = 26, total the numbers, multiply the total by 5, and turn to that number
Necromage’s name is Cadaver
Shield Ring (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Bottle of Forest of Lein Sap
Elven Amulet
Flame Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Celastrix Feather (burn and call three times to receive Celastrix’s aid)
Magic Sword (weapon in Firemane’s saddle, can harm undead and Demons)
RESURRECTIONS: 2[/spoiler]
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Queen of Swords »

Inspect the portcullis.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by SGamerz »

I think the portcullis is the way forward, but if we go there first we may miss the chance to explore the dead end. Explore dead end first.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, investigate dead end first.

(Also, the Iron Eater has 5 Stamina, but we kill it in one go? I like that having the Commune skill makes the seductive ghost whispers more effective)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Dead end might have something good. Check it out.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes counted; Belushi Jackson will turn left and make a through investigation of the dead-end, as that won over turning right and inspecting the portcullis by a 3-1 vote.

Test your Skill, subtracting 2 from the dice roll if you have the Tracking Special Skill. If you succeed, turn to 313. If you fail, you find nothing, so you double back to the portcullis; turn to 212.

Belushi Jackson has the Tracking Special Skill. Rolling the dice and applying the appropriate modification yielded a 5, which is obviously less than Belushi Jackson’s Skill.

You find a crack between one section of wall and the floor, and a loose brick. When you push the brick, the wall swings open to reveal a short passageway, which ends in an ornately carved oak door; inscribed on it is a strange magical symbol, but there is no lock or handle. You have heard of such spell-locks and you know that you will be unable to force entry here. The only way through is to decode the number hidden in the symbol.


If you can work out what the number is, turn to the paragraph with that number. If you are unable to break the spell-lock, you will have to return to the portcullis; turn to 212.

You may also choose to use a resurrection to obtain the number. Please make your votes on what to do next by 6:00 PM PST to be sure that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Beroli »

Each number on the upper/right side is six times the number opposite it. Is the hidden number six?
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Oh, good idea. I'll go with six as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by SGamerz »

Yes, 6 should be right.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; we will turn to paragraph 6.

The spell-locked door opens and you gaze into what was obviously once a wizard’s laboratory. You are at the top of a staircase that winds round the wall of the circular chamber to floor level. The room is full of tables and benches laden with bizarre pieces of equipment and scientific apparatus. Around the top of the circular wall have been painted pictures of strange mythological creatures, and the domed ceiling is a deep blue, inset with sparkling gems to form a map of the heavens. Slumped over a book on a desk is a skeleton, wearing a blue robe embroidered with stars and moons. As you descend the staircase, the skeleton remains motionless so you decide to take a closer look at the book. The skeleton is that of Savant, a good wizard in the service of Belgaroth before the Dread Lord was corrupted by his own jealousy to the service of Chaos. When his master turned from the path of goodness and truth, Savant hid himself away and began work on finding a way to stop Belgaroth. What he discovered lies here before you. However, it is written in a strange magical short-hand. If you have the Arcane Lore Special Skill, turn to 70. If you haven’t, you must Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 70; if you are Unlucky, turn to 189.


Belushi Jackson has the Arcane Lore Special Skill.

You are able to decipher the wizard’s jottings and realize that his findings are truly incredible. Savant discovered five Words of Power which, when spoken backwards in front of something tainted with Chaos, would counteract its power and bring back order and harmony; anything driven by the power of Chaos would be destroyed. However, the use of such magic could prove to be equally hazardous to whoever spoke the words. You can only guess why Savant was unable to use his discovery against Belgaroth. Perhaps he tried but did not have the strength to complete the utterance. The Words are written on the page in front of you: ‘Xi Syte Nind Naderd Nuheno.’ You commit them to memory and hope that you never have to put yourself into the position of having to use them. You decide not to waste any more time searching Savant’s laboratory, so you leave, following the tunnel back in the direction of the portcullis. Turn to 212.

The portcullis, although very heavy-looking, does not appear to be locked in position. You could use Ironbane on it, if you have some (turn to 372), or try raising the portcullis with your bare hands (turn to 259).

Belushi Jackson has some Ironbane. Please make your votes on whether to use it or not by 9:00 AM PST or a 4-vote majority is reached to be sure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Belushi Jackson
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 21 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 9 Initial Luck = 12
Battle Tactics
Arcane Lore
Banish Spirit
WEAPON: Aelfgar (can harm undead and Demons)
Chainmail Coat
Horse named Firemane
2 Purses
Helmet of Ventarc
Ironbane (Roll 1 die against armored opponent before combat, 1-2 destroys enemy armor, 3-4 reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon, 5-6 destroys enemy armor and reduces enemy SKILL by 3 if enemy has an iron weapon)
Great Boar’s Tusks
Cleric’s Talisman
Raven Charm
Twisted Staff
Encountered Banshee On Paragraph 175
Reduce the Skill of any undead creature in Myrton by 1 point
When at the Door of Skulls, convert Necromage’s name using the code A=1, B=2, C=3 … Z = 26, total the numbers, multiply the total by 5, and turn to that number
Necromage’s name is Cadaver
Shield Ring (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Bottle of Forest of Lein Sap
Elven Amulet
Flame Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Celastrix Feather (burn and call three times to receive Celastrix’s aid)
Magic Sword (weapon in Firemane’s saddle, can harm undead and Demons)
Words of Power: ‘Xi Syte Nind Naderd Nuheno’
RESURRECTIONS: 2[/spoiler]
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Beroli »

The phrasing makes me think touching the portcullis with our bare hands might be a very bad idea. Use the ironbane.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Darth Rabbitt »


"Xi Syte Nind Naderd Nuheno" = "One Hundred And Ninety Six" backwards so I assume we'll need to remember that number.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Thaluikhain »

Second both those.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, use the Ironbane.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Using the Ironbane received 4 votes, so Belushi Jackson will do that.

The spores of the fungus start to corrode the metal bars of the portcullis as soon as they come into contact with them and in moments all that is left is a heap of red powder. Climbing the steps, you find yourself inside what you conclude must be the keep of the fortress. The sound of warriors preparing for battle echoes down the dark passageways. Belgaroth must be intending to mobilize his forces tonight! You must move quickly if you are to stop him. Test your Luck twice. If you are Lucky both times, turn to 100. If you are Unlucky at all, turn to 271.

Rolling the dice twice yielded a 5 and a 7, meaning that Belushi Jackson was Lucky both times. :D :D

Keeping to the main corridors and staircases, you manage to infiltrate the tower without attracting the attention of Belgaroth’s guards. You soon find yourself in a huge feast-hall with a high vaulted ceiling. In the centre of the room is a long wooden table with chairs all round it, one, larger than the others, bearing morbid carvings. Dark banners carrying the motifs of a metal gauntlet holding a black sword and a skull above a black tower hang from the walls of the chamber – the arms of Belgaroth’s Chaos Knights and the Fortress of the Skull. The place is deserted and an eerie whine fills the feast-hall as a draught blows in through cracks in the mortar holding the stones of the walls together. A broad flight of steps leads up out of the room, and you make for this. If you have the word ‘Ronnoc’ written on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 54; otherwise, turn to 14.

Belushi Jackson has the word ‘Ronnoc’ written on his Adventure Sheet.

If you have the Commune Special Skill, turn to 122. If you haven’t, Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 122; if you are Unlucky, turn to 14.

Belushi Jackson does not have the Commune Special Skill. Rolling the dice yielded a 4, which means that Belushi Jackson was Lucky. :D

As you cross the hall, you hear a terrible moan; fearfully, you spin around to discover its source. Sitting in the larger chair, slumped over the table in a pool of blood, is a semi-transparent figure that glows with a faint phosphorescence. The figure raises its head and sits upright. Horrified, you recognize your dead friend and fellow Templar, Sir Connor of Achenbury. The terrible injuries he suffered at the hands of the Orc Wolf-Riders are all too apparent and several arrows still protrude from his blood-soaked tunic. Connor’s ghost turns to face you and his dead eyes give you a piercing stare. ‘I bring you a warning,’ he intones. You stand frozen to the spot and listen to what your dead friend has to say. ‘There is a traitor, known only as the Raven, among those who claim fealty to the king. The Raven will betray you. Speak the traitor’s true name to reveal the truth …’ Connor’s ghost fades away, his message passed on. Regain 1 LUCK point for receiving this warning and write down the word ‘Rotiart’ on your Adventure Sheet, then turn to 14.



At the top of the steps you enter a long antechamber, at the end of which is a set of double doors made from a dark wood, inscribed with mystical runes. However, at this moment, the spectre of a woman is materializing in the room. Her ragged robes and hair stream out behind her as she files towards you across the room, her claw-like hands raised, screaming insanely. Upon her head is a crown of Dragon’s teeth and the manic look in her eyes tells you that the ghost has been driven completely mad. The spectre is in fact that of Belgaroth’s fiend-like queen, Morgwyn of the Dark Tower. A servant of Shekka, goddess of witchcraft, it was she who, during the siege of Caer Skaal, conjured terrible creatures from the Spirit World to assail the crusader’s camp at night and deprive the warriors of precious sleep. Upon hearing the news of her husband’s death on the field of battle, Morgwyn took her own life, throwing herself from the highest turret of the fortress. If you have the Banish Spirit Special Skill and want to use it to dispel the spectre, turn to 204. Otherwise, you will have to fight Belgaroth’s queen; turn to 29.

Belushi Jackson has the Banish Spirit Special Skill. Please make your votes on whether to use it or not by 9:00 AM PST or a 4-vote majority is reached to be sure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Belushi Jackson
SKILL: 12 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 21 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 7 Initial Luck = 12
Battle Tactics
Arcane Lore
Banish Spirit
WEAPON: Aelfgar (can harm undead and Demons)
Chainmail Coat
Horse named Firemane
2 Purses
Helmet of Ventarc
Great Boar’s Tusks
Cleric’s Talisman
Raven Charm
Twisted Staff
Encountered Banshee On Paragraph 175
Reduce the Skill of any undead creature in Myrton by 1 point
When at the Door of Skulls, convert Necromage’s name using the code A=1, B=2, C=3 … Z = 26, total the numbers, multiply the total by 5, and turn to that number
Necromage’s name is Cadaver
Shield Ring (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Bottle of Forest of Lein Sap
Elven Amulet
Flame Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Celastrix Feather (burn and call three times to receive Celastrix’s aid)
Magic Sword (weapon in Firemane’s saddle, can harm undead and Demons)
Words of Power: ‘Xi Syte Nind Naderd Nuheno’
RESURRECTIONS: 2[/spoiler]
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Thaluikhain »

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Beroli »

Banish her.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by SGamerz »

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; Belushi Jackson will use the Banish Spirit Special Skill.

Swiftly you make the proper arcane holy signs and utter the words of banishment. The spectre stops, a miasma of dark energy playing about her insubstantial form, then she starts to laugh cruelly. Morgwyn is using the power of dark sorcery to protect herself. A jagged bolt of black lightning streaks from one taloned hand and slams into your body (lose 4 STAMINA points). If you are still alive, you draw your weapon and prepare for combat. Turn to 29.

Belushi Jackson is still alive, so he draws Aelfgar and prepares for combat.

If you are not fighting with a magical weapon, it will be impossible to defeat the spectre and Morgwyn will drain the life-force from your body. If you do have a magical weapon, you may fight on as normal. For the first two Attack Rounds, Morgwyn will use her black arts against you. If she wins the first Attack Round, she will strike you with a bolt of black lightning, causing you to lose 4 STAMINA points. If she has the higher Attack Strength in the second Attack Round, she conjures phantasmal fiends to rend your flesh with vicious teeth and claws (lose 6 STAMINA points). After that, she will fight on with her clawed hands. If you have the Holy Strike Special Skill you may use this against the spectre, causing her to lose 2 STAMINA points and 1 SKILL point.


If you win, the apparition of the fiend-like sorceress vanishes with a scream in a swirl of vapour. If the spectre hit you at least once, roll one dice. Unless you roll a 6, you will have to deduct 1 point from your SKILL due to Morgwyn’s life-draining touch. Turn to 290.

Belushi Jackson is fighting with a magical weapon in the form of Aelfgar, but does not have the Holy Strike Special Skill.

The fight:
[spoiler]Round 1: Morgwyn Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 20;
Morgwyn Stamina: 7, Player Stamina: 17
Round 2: Morgwyn Attack Strength: 18, Player Attack Strength: 18;
Morgwyn Stamina: 7, Player Stamina: 17
Round 3: Morgwyn Attack Strength: 18, Player Attack Strength: 16;
Morgwyn Stamina: 7, Player Stamina: 15
Round 4: Morgwyn Attack Strength: 10, Player Attack Strength: 17;
Morgwyn Stamina: 5, Player Stamina: 15
Round 5: Morgwyn Attack Strength: 16, Player Attack Strength: 20;
Morgwyn Stamina: 3, Player Stamina: 15
Round 6: Morgwyn Attack Strength: 16, Player Attack Strength: 19;
Morgwyn Stamina: 1, Player Stamina: 15
Round 7: Morgwyn Attack Strength: 14, Player Attack Strength: 16;
Morgwyn Stamina: -1, Player Stamina: 15[/spoiler]

Morgwyn unfortunately landed a single hit of 2 Stamina damage before getting dispatched by Belushi Jackson. Rolling the dice yielded a 1, so he loses 1 Skill point from Morgwyn’s life-draining touch.

Standing in front of the large double-doors, the aura of the enchantments binding them is tangible and fills you with dread. You are sure something of a magical nature will be required to open these doors and that without such an item you will be unable to pass through them. As you do not carry any Chaotic artefacts you will need something else. If you have some sap from the Forest of Lein, now may be the time to use it (turn to 129). If you haven’t any, turn to 388.

Belushi Jackson has some sap from the Forest of Lein.

Remembering your gift from the Guardian Elves, an idea forms in your mind. It is just a hunch but, as the doors are made of wood, maybe the sap from the mysterious ancient forest will have some effect. Uncorking the ornate bottle, with its glass reliefs of leafy stems, you pour the oozing milky-white liquid on to the doors. The sap slowly soaks into the old dead planks and, as it does so, something incredible happens. With a stretching sound, fresh green shoots burst from the doors as the dark wood remembers that it was once a living tree. Creaking loudly, the doors contort, individual planks forming into gnarled trunks as the raw elemental energy surging from the sap gives the ancient wood renewed life. The growing doors split apart as they break through the walls of the castle, leaving the way into Belgaroth’s throne room, and the inner sanctum of the Order of the Knights of Chaos, open.

The throne room is circular, lit by torches round the walls, with the Rune of Chaos laid into the floor of the chamber in polished black granite. Banners of the Fortress of the Skull and the Chaos Knights adorn the walls, and on the far side of the room is a high-backed throne of black wood. In the centre of the room stands a ring of black-armoured knights who are completely silent and motionless. At their head, standing before the throne, is a huge man clad in full, shining black, platemail armour. His horned helmet has been fashioned to look like a skull, while bands of metal across his breastplate resemble a ribcage. The armour is also covered with spikes and demonic sigils, picked out in red tracery, while a long cloak the colour of night is fastened round the knight’s shoulders. This can only be Belgaroth, the Dread Lord, himself. When you made your peculiar entrance, the warlord seemed to be talking to a large black bird perched next to his throne. However, he now turns and the burning coals of his eyes fix you with a stare full of hatred and fury. With a wordless command from their liege, the Elite Order of the Knights of Chaos, resurrected from the dead, turn as one and advance towards you across the throne room. If you know five Words of Power and dare to utter them here, speak them backwards now. If you do not know such an incantation, or if you do not want to use it, turn to 276.

Belushi Jackson knows five Words of Power. Please make your votes on whether to use them or not by 6:00 PM PST to be sure that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
[spoiler]Belushi Jackson
SKILL: 11 Initial Skill = 12
STAMINA: 15 Initial Stamina = 24
LUCK: 7 Initial Luck = 12
Battle Tactics
Arcane Lore
Banish Spirit
WEAPON: Aelfgar (can harm undead and Demons)
Chainmail Coat
Horse named Firemane
2 Purses
Helmet of Ventarc
Great Boar’s Tusks
Cleric’s Talisman
Raven Charm
Twisted Staff
Encountered Banshee On Paragraph 175
Reduce the Skill of any undead creature in Myrton by 1 point
When at the Door of Skulls, convert Necromage’s name using the code A=1, B=2, C=3 … Z = 26, total the numbers, multiply the total by 5, and turn to that number
Necromage’s name is Cadaver
Shield Ring (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Elven Amulet
Flame Shield (-1 to enemy Attack Strength)
Celastrix Feather (burn and call three times to receive Celastrix’s aid)
Magic Sword (weapon in Firemane’s saddle, can harm undead and Demons)
Words of Power: ‘Xi Syte Nind Naderd Nuheno’
RESURRECTIONS: 2[/spoiler]
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
Queen of Swords
Posts: 2844
Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:13 pm

Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 56 – Knights of Doom

Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, use the Words of Power.
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